Background Human papillomavirus (HPV) testing for cervical cancer prevention was introduced in Argentina through Lancet Glob Health 2019;
the Jujuy Demonstration Project (2011–14). The programme tested women aged 30 years and older attending the 7: e772–83
public health system with clinician-collected HPV tests. HPV self-collection was introduced as a programmatic See Comment page e688
strategy in 2014. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of programmatic HPV testing to detect cervical intraepithelial Centro de Estudios de Estado y
Sociedad, Buenos Aires,
neoplasia (CIN) of grade 2 or worse (CIN2+) in comparison with cytology-based screening.
Argentina (S Arrossi PhD,
M Paolino PhD, J Gago MD);
Methods We did a population-based, before-and-after retrospective cohort study using data from the National Cervical Consejo Nacional de
Cancer Prevention Program for the Jujuy province in northwest Argentina. We obtained data for the cytology-based Investigaciones Científicas y
Técnicas, Buenos Aires,
screening period from Jan 1, 2010, until Dec 31, 2011, and for the HPV-based screening period from Jan 1, 2012, until
Argentina (S Arrossi, M Paolino);
Dec 31, 2014. The primary outcome was detection of histologically diagnosed CIN2+ among women aged 30 years Hospital Ramos Mejía,
and older. To assess the outcomes in all individuals included in the study, we used multivariable logistic regression Buenos Aires, Argentina
and propensity score matching. The reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance (RE-AIM) (R Laudi, MD); Programa
Nacional de Prevención de
framework was used for the before-and-after analysis of programmatic dimensions.
Cáncer Cervicouterino,
Instituto Nacional del Cáncer,
Findings Of the 29 631 women who underwent cytology-based screening in 2010–11, CIN2+ was detected in Buenos Aires, Argentina
236 (0·8%) individuals. Of the 49 565 women HPV tested in 2012–14 (clinician-collected tests, n=44 700; self-collection (J Gago, L Thouyaret MSc);
Ministerio de Salud de la
tests, n=4865), 693 (1·4%; 658 clinician-collected tests; 35 self-collection tests) were found to have CIN2+ after the
Provincia de Jujuy,
first round of screening. Compared with cytology-based screening, the odds ratio of being diagnosed with a San Salvador de Jujuy,
CIN2+ lesion was 2·34 (95% CI 2·01–2·73; p<0·0010) with clinician-collected tests, and 1·08 (0·74–1·52; p=0·68) Argentina (A Campanera MD,
when screened with self-collection tests, after controlling for age and health insurance status. Screening coverage was V Serra MD); Hospital Pablo
Soria, San Salvador de Jujuy,
similar in both periods (52·7% vs 53·2%); improvements of programmatic indicators were observed in the HPV Argentina (O Marín MD,
testing period in relation to laboratory centralisation, lower overscreening (6·6% vs 0·0%), higher adherance to age C Falcón MD); and International
recommendations (79·3% vs 98·8%), and a decrease of inadequate samples (3·6% vs 0·2%). Agency for Research on Cancer,
Lyon, France (R Herrero PhD)
Interpretation HPV testing in middle-income settings increases detection of CIN2+ lesions and allows for Correspondence to:
Dr Silvina Arrossi, Centro de
improvement of programmatic indicators. Evidence suggests that the introduction of HPV testing will accelerate the
Estudios de Estado y Sociedad,
reduction of cervical cancer burden. Buenos Aires 1193, Argentina
[email protected]
Funding Argentinian National Cancer Institute and National Council of Scientific and Technologic Research.
Copyright © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
4.0 license.
Research in context
Evidence before this study Implications of all the available evidence
The initial search to define the study protocol covered PubMed Results from the Jujuy Demonstration Project study are very
between Jan 1, 2002, and Dec 31, 2010. The search was extended important for similar settings implementing or considering
to Jun 30, 2018, when writing the manuscript. Relevant implementing HPV testing. The study showed that, compared
publications with the key terms “cervical cancer”, “HPV testing”, with cytology, programmatic HPV testing doubled detection
“cervical cancer screening”, “clinical trials”, and “self-collection” of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 2 or worse (CIN2+)
were reviewed for quality and relevance. Only studies written in lesions, confirming available evidence from randomised
English or Spanish were considered. We found that much of the controlled trials. In addition, introduction of HPV testing can
evidence about the effect of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing facilitate the programme and health service reorganisation
comes from randomised controlled trials, and to our knowledge needed to improve programme indicators. Therefore,
no study has assessed how HPV testing has performed in real- although the positive predictive value was lower and the
world programmatic conditions of middle-income settings colposcopy referral frequency was higher in the HPV testing
compared with cytology-based screening. group compared with the cytology group, adherence to
colposcopy was similar in both groups. Further analysis
Added value of this study
should provide supportive evidence showing that the
This study analysed results from the Jujuy Demonstration
increased detection of CIN2+ lesions in this first round of
Project, which ran from 2012–14, and was one of the
screening represents early detection and not overdiagnosis,
first population-based HPV testing projects done in a
as shown by studies with longer follow-up.
middle-income setting.
vaccination, HPV testing could accelerate elimination evaluate the effect of HPV testing on detection of cervical
of cervical cancer.9 intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 2 or worse (CIN2+).
Cervical cancer prevention in Argentina has historically Non-randomised methods are increasingly used to
faced the same organisational problems as most evaluate population health interventions,12 and PSM
countries in Latin America.10 The National Program on ensures that the average characteristics of the intervention
Cervical Cancer Prevention (NPCCP) was relaunched in and comparison groups are similar, which is deemed
2008 and in 2010 a decision was made to introduce HPV sufficient to obtain an unbiased effect.13 Such methods are
testing for screening.11 Jujuy, a province with high cervical particularly suitable when randomisation is not feasible
cancer mortality (11∙8 per 100 000 in 2008–10) was chosen and to produce data for the effect of interventions in real-
for implementation of the Jujuy Demonstration Project world settings. Additionally, we analysed improvement of
(JDP),11 a 4-year population-based study led by the key indicators related to programme organisation.
Argentinian National Cancer Institute, done during The Jujuy setting has been extensively described else
2011–14 to evaluate large-scale programmatic introduction where.8,11 The province is located in northwest Argentina
of HPV testing. and has around 673 000 inhabitants; 85% of the
Descriptions of the JDP planning phase (2011), and the population live in urban areas and 32% are poor; its
first year of screening (2012) were previously published.11 public health system includes a tertiary referral hospital,
In this Article, we present the final results of the JDP. We 300 primary health-care centres, 18 diagnostic centres,
aimed to evaluate how effective HPV-based screening and five treatment services. Health services are free for
was in increasing detection of precancerous cervical the population not covered by the social security sector
lesions compared with cytology-based screening. (eg, informal workers and their families).
practice. Colposcopy, and biopsy if needed, was recom (protocol number 1186). De-identification of the data
mended for women with atypical squamous cells in bases protected the identity of participants. Verbal
whom high-grade or worse lesions could not be excluded informed consent was obtained according to the national
(atypical squamous cells for which high-grade squamous regulations for standard medical practices (Patient’s
intraepithelial lesions cannot be ruled out or worse Rights Act 26.529). Specific consent was not required for
[ASC-H+], high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, statistical analysis of aggregated de-identified data.
or cancer). Women with atypical squamous cells of We extracted data from SITAM for the purposes of this
undetermined significance (ASCUS) or low-grade squa analysis.16 Colposcopies, biopsies, and treatments not
mous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) were recommended registered in SITAM were considered lost to follow-up,
for re-screening in 6 or 12 months. including those done in private services without con
firmation by the provincial programme. Information on
HPV-based screening procedures health insurance was obtained from the National
In 2012, the JDP introduced HPV testing (Hybrid Database on Health Insurance.
Capture 2; Germantown, MD, USA) for primary
screening11 of women aged 30 years and older, irrespective Outcomes
of previous screening history. JDP protocols have been We compared key programmatic indicators using
described elsewhere.11 Briefly, women who were the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation,
HPV-positive were triaged with cytology-based screening. and maintenance (RE-AIM) framework,17 specifically
Individuals whose samples were classified as ASCUS or developed to expand assessment of interventions beyond
worse (ASCUS+) were referred to colposcopy and biopsy efficacy to multiple criteria. This analysis might better
if needed. Women with histologically confirmed CIN2+
were referred for treatment. Women who were HPV 25 000 Proportion of target population
negative were recommended re-screening in 5 years.
HPV testing and cytology triage were collected simul 20 000
Number of women screened
28 453 negative cytology samples 775 ASCUS or LSIL samples 403 ASC-H+ samples
Figure 2: Follow-up of women with ASC-H or worse lesions detected by cytology, Jujuy 2010–11
ASC-H+=atypical squamous cells for which high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions cannot be ruled out or worse. ASCUS=atypical squamous cells of
undetermined significance. CIN=cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. LSIL=low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions.
2509 women had a 423 women without 1240 women with coloscopy
secondary HPV test coloscopy because of loss
to follow-up
Figure 3: Follow-up of women who were HPV-positive who had clinician-collected tests, Jujuy 2012–14
CIN=cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. HPV=human papillomavirus. PHS=public health system.
who underwent HPV screening (including both clinician- 1000 screened women) through a descriptive before-and-
collected and self-collected tests) who had CIN2+ detected after analysis using two periods: (1) the 2-year cytology-
of the total number of women who underwent HPV based screening period preceding the introduction of
screening. CIN2+ lesions detected by HPV testing also HPV testing, 2010–11; and (2) the HPV period, 2012–14.
included those detected at 18-month follow-up in women Adoption refers to the intention to use an innovation or
who were HPV-positive but had normal cytology at the evidence-based practice.20 For each period we measured
original screening. The proportion of women who had the following: the proportion of primary health-care
CIN3+ lesions detected was also calculated. The positive centres that provided the screening method of the total
predictive value for HPV testing was calculated at both number of primary health-care centres; the proportion of
baseline and follow-up at 18 months. Histological women screened within the recommended age range
confirmation was considered the gold standard. We (aged 25 years or older for cytology-based screening, and
calculated odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs to assess the 30 years or older for HPV screening) of the total number
CIN2+ detection effectiveness of HPV compared of women who were screened; and the proportion of
with cytology, and calculated CIN2+ detection rate (per women who were over-screened of the total number of
45 women 89 women
without with
colposcopy colposcopy
Figure 4: Follow-up of women who were HPV-positive who did self-collected tests, Jujuy 2014
CIN=cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
women who were screened. Over-screening was defined samples of the total number of cytology samples
as screening done more than once per year for cytology- (2010–11); and the proportion of HPV samples discarded
based screening; and more than once in the 3-year period at the laboratory of the total number of HPV samples
for HPV screening. (2012–14). We additionally measured the proportion of
Implementation refers to the extent to which a inadequate cytology-based triage samples of the total
programme is delivered as intended.20 In each period, we number of cytology triage samples. The third was
measured four outcomes. The first was laboratory completion of follow-up, which was split into four parts:
organisation—ie, the number of laboratories processing (1) the proportion of women with a positive Pap test
the primary screening test. The second was changes in result who had a colposcopy of the total number of
sample quality—ie, the proportion of inadequate cytology women with a positive test result (ie, for the cytology
Statistical analysis [58·8%] of 29 631) and most HPV tested women were
Mean age as a continuous variable was compared screened in 2012 (22 515 [45·4%] of 49 565); figure 1).
between the cytology-based period and HPV-based period Among the 49 565 women who were tested for HPV,
using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Multivariable logistic 44 700 (90·2%) had clinician-collected tests and
regression was used to measure the magnitude of the 4865 (9·8%) used self-collection tests. In 2014, when self-
effect of HPV testing on CIN2+ detection compared with collection screening was introduced, the method
cytology-based screening, after adjusting for age and represented 38·1% (4865 of 12 779) of all screening tests
health insurance status. in the study sample.
To account for potential selection into the intervention Compared with women who underwent cytology-based
group and minimise bias, we developed a second model screening, a lower proportion of women who were HPV
using PSM. Included variables were age (in years) and tested (both clinician-collected and self-collection tests)
health insurance status. Functionality of PSM requires had public health insurance and were from the target
datasets with no missing values. To handle missing data, population (table 1). Although the mean age of the
we used average imputation for age (six missing cases) two groups was numerically similar, according to the
and random imputation for health insurance (13 missing Wilcoxon rank-sum test, individuals who underwent
cases). The matching algorithm chosen was the nearest cytology-based screening were significantly younger than
neighbour algorithm, using a caliper value of 0∙1 SD. those who underwent HPV screening (42·9 years vs
We used R statistical software (version 3.5.0) for all 43·1 years; p=0∙013). Among the 4865 women who used
analysis, and Matchit R Package (version 3.0.2) for the self-collection tests, 3520 (72·4%) had public health
PSM. insurance, and 3265 (67·1%) were from the target
Role of the funding source Figures 2–4 show the follow-up of screened women for
The funder had no role in study design, data collection, method of screening. Screening performance indicators
analysis, or writing of the report. The corresponding by type of test are shown in table 2. CIN2+ was detected
author had full access to all data in the study and had in 236 (0·8%) of 29 631 women who had undergone
final responsibility for the decision to submit for cytology-based screening, (figure 2) and the positive
publication. predictive value was 20·0%. CIN2+ was detected in
552 (1·23%) of 44 700 women who had undergone
Results clinician-collected tests in the first round of screening.
Between Jan 1, 2010, and Dec 31, 2014, 79 196 women 2509 (59·1%) of the 4247 women who were HPV-positive
aged 30 years and older were screened; 29 631 women with normal cytology were re-screened (figure 3); CIN2+
underwent cytology-based screening in 2010–11, and was detected in 106 (0·24%) individuals in this group.
49 565 women were tested for HPV in 2012–14. All Overall, 658 CIN2+ lesions were detected through
women were included in the analysis. Most cytology- clinician-collected tests, and the positive predictive value
based screened women were screened in 2011 (17 185 was 10·8%. 35 CIN2+ lesions were identified among
CIN2+=cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 2 or worse. NA=not applicable. ASCUS=atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. LSIL=low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions. HPV=human
papillomavirus. *Self-collected testing was introduced in 2014, so its contribution to reach is based on 1 year only. †In 2010; the number of cytology laboratories was reduced to three in 2012.
women using self-collection tests (figure 4), and the between method of screening and the variables of age and
positive predictive value was 5·5%. Of the 257 women health insurance status. In these models, the interaction
who used self-collection tests who were HPV-positive terms were not statistically significant, whereas all other
with normal cytology, 41 (16%) were re-screened, but no variables remained statistically significant—as in the
CIN2+ lesions were identified in this group. Overall, model without interaction.
693 (1·4%) of 49 565 women who underwent HPV testing Key programmatic indicators assessed by before-and-
(including both clinician-collected and self-collection after analysis using the RE-AIM framework are shown in
tests) had CIN2+ lesions detected. The proportion of table 4. Regarding reach, estimated coverage was
individuals who were referred for colposcopy was 52·7% for the cytology period (20 579 of 39 000), and
403 (1·4%) of 29 631 for cytology-based screening 47·5% for the HPV period (27 844 of 58 500) when only
(figure 2), 1663 (3·7%) of 44 700 for clinician-collected women who had clinician-collected tests were considered,
tests, and 150 (3·1%) of 4865 for self-collection tests. and 53·2% if both clinician-collected and self-collection
Results from the multivariate logistic regression and tested women are included (31 109 of 58 500).
PSM are shown in table 3. The odds of being diagnosed 100% of health-care centres adopted the screening
with a CIN2+ lesion were higher when using clinician- method in each period. The percentage of screened
collected testing than with cytology-based screening, women within the recommended age range was higher
after controlling for age and health insurance (OR 2·34; in the HPV period: 98·8% (aged 30 years and older)
95% CI 2·01–2·73; p<0·0001). After PSM, the odds of a versus 79·3% in the cytology period (aged 25 years and
CIN2+ result using HPV testing were similar to before older). Over-screening was 0·0% in the HPV period
PSM. The odds of being diagnosed with a CIN2+ lesion and 6·6% in the cytology period.
were similar for women who used self-collection tests The implementation of the programme involved
and those using cytology-based screening, both before six laboratories processing cytology-based screening
and after PSM (table 3). Analysis including only tests in 2009; this number was reduced to three by 2011.
individuals with CIN3+ lesions did not change results In 2012, a central HPV-cytohistology laboratory was
(clinician-collected HPV testing vs cytology, OR 2∙54, created. The percentage of inadequate samples of the
95% CI 2·14–3·03; p<0·0001; self-collection HPV testing primary screening test was reduced from 3·6% (cytology
vs cytology, OR 1·20, 95% CI 0·8–1·75; p=0∙34). We ran period) to 0·2%. The percentage of women with ASC-H+
additional models evaluating the possible inter action with colposcopy was similar among women screened
in the HPV period (clinician-collected 74·6% vs factor in explaining the lack of effectiveness of screening
self-collection 70·0%) to those screened in the cytology- in low-income and middle-income countries.4 Problems
based period (72·2%). In total, 491 (77·6%) women with are related to its low to moderate sensitivity, but also to
HPV-positive self-collection tests were triaged. The organisational problems faced by health systems due to
percentage of treated CIN2+ lesions was similar in all the complexity of cytology-based screening. An analysis of
three groups, around 80%. The percentage of re- the programmatic effect of introducing HPV testing
screening of women who were HPV-positive with normal showed that HPV testing is an opportunity to change
cytology at 18 months (46·6%) was similar to the inefficient components of screening programmes.26
percentage of re-screening of women with ASCUS or Therefore, HPV testing has been recommended as a
LSIL at 12 months in the cytology-based period (44·0%). strategy to simplify and improve screening organisation.27
Regarding effectiveness, CIN2+ detection rates were Some concerns exist about the increased CIN2+
12·3 per 1000 screened women for clinician-collected detection frequency representing overdiagnosis of
tests, 7·2 per 1000 screened women for self-collected tests, lesions that would not have progressed to invasive
and 8·0 per 1000 screened women for cytology tests. cancer.28 Although our study did not evaluate this issue,
When compared with cytology, clinician-collected testing evidence has shown that the increased sensitivity of HPV
detected more cases of CIN2+, whereas no significant testing for CIN2+ reflects earlier detection rather than
differences were observed between self-collected tests and overdiagnosis.28–29 Sasieni30 has pointed out that because
cytology tests. HPV testing prevents substantially more cancers than
For maintenance, during 2015–17, 30 975 women who cytology-based screening, even if some of the CIN2+
were new to the screening programme were HPV-tested: lesions will not progress, we should accept a small
19 795 (63·9%) with clinician-collected tests and increase in the numbers of women treated for CIN to
11 180 (36·1%) with self-collection tests. The number of achieve that benefit. In the JDP, only women with
women who were new to the screening programme who histologically confirmed CIN2+ lesions were treated.
were HPV-tested was similar in each year (data not Over-referral to colposcopy has been pointed out as a
shown). major problem in HPV testing, which is related to the
test’s low specificity.31 Over-referral also depends on the
Discussion screening protocol, and is higher when all women who
To our knowledge, these are the first systematic results of are HPV-positive are referred for colposcopy.32 In the
HPV testing introduced as a population-based public JDP, only women who were HPV-positive with abnormal
health policy for cervical cancer screening in a middle- cytology were referred for colposcopy. It has also been
income setting. Our findings advance the existing public shown that, with appropriate protocols, increased referral
health literature by showing that effective screening with is limited to the first round of screening with HPV
HPV testing in real-world programmes of middle- testing28 and that in successive rounds referral will be
income settings is feasible. This is particularly important lower than in cytology-based screening. In Argentina,
given the global call for cervical cancer elimination the reco mmendation of the main scientific societies33
launched by WHO.21 for cytology-based screening is referral to colposcopy
Clinician-collected HPV testing significantly increased after ASCUS+ diagnosis, a widespread practice among
detection of CIN2+ lesions when compared with cytology- gynaecologists from all over the country despite
based screening, supporting the results from the first year programmatic recommendations.34 Therefore, the HPV
of the JDP.11 Randomised controlled trials have also testing protocol probably resulted in a more efficient use
showed an increase in CIN2+ detection with HPV testing of colposcopy given that it was provided to women who
compared with cytology-based tests in trials done in high- were high risk (ie, individuals who were HPV-positive
income settings.22–24 In our study, detection of CIN2+ was and had abnormal cytology). However, close monitoring
based on pathological diagnoses done within the Jujuy of the implications for colposcopy services should be
public health system. Therefore, our results showed what done in each setting before introducing HPV testing.
can realistically be achieved by HPV testing in middle- The low specificity of HPV testing can also have a
income settings. The JDP implied improvements in negative psychosocial impact in women.31 To reduce this
programmatic organisation, which might be a possible effect, the JDP communication strategy emphasised the
explanation for the increased CIN2+ detection frequency. fact that HPV infection is a common and prevalent
A refresher course was provided to colposcopists in condition, and that HPV positivity did not mean cancer.35
provincial public health centres, probably increasing their Despite the increase in colposcopy referral, completion
diagnostic accuracy. Also, the fact that women referred for of colposcopy was higher in the clinician-collected testing
colposcopy were all HPV-positive might have increased group (75%) than in the cytology group (72%). Studies
the colposcopist’s alertness. Laboratory centralisation and done in Latin America and the Caribbean have reported
cytologists knowing that slides were from women who a wide range of adherence to colposcopy after abnormal
were HPV-positive might have improved cytological cytology (21–99%).36,37 In Jujuy, a patient navigation
diagnosis.25 Cytology-based screening has been a main programme provides support to women who are
HPV-positive and have abnormal cytology to facilitate The JDP was done over a 3-year period. Given that in
their access to follow-up or treatment.37 Also, the province Argentina the recommended screening frequency for
had capacity to respond to the increase in colposcopies women who are HPV-negative is every 5 years, coverage
resulting from the HPV testing strategy. However, targets might be attainable if the 5-year interval is used
adherence to colposcopy was lower in women who used instead. An estimation of coverage if women HPV-tested
self-collection tests. In addition, only 69% of those in 2015–16 were included supports this. We estimated
women had cytology triage compared with 98% of coverage including HPV tested women during 2015–16
women who underwent clinician-collected tests. This and results showed that 75% of the target population was
result was mainly because clinician-collected tests and screened in the 5-year period.
cytology-based tests were taken simultaneously, whereas HPV testing has introduced a subgroup of women who
women who used self-collection tests needed to undergo are HPV-positive but have normal cytology. In our study,
a subsequent visit to a health centre for triage. This 59% of these women were re-screened and, among them,
additional visit is a major drawback of self-collection less than half had persistent HPV infection at repeated
tests. Low compliance to follow-up among women with testing. Follow-up of these women contributed an
positive self-collection tests has been reported for other additional 15% of CIN2+ lesions detected overall, con
settings.38 Several studies are evaluating triage alter firming the importance of this step of the algorithm. Low
natives (eg, methylation, genotyping, among others) to compliance with repeated testing was common in several
reduce the number of steps in the diagnostic process.25 studies.40 Adherence to follow-up depends on several
Meanwhile, strategies that facilitate women’s access to factors, including type of recommended follow-up. A
triage need to be devised. review of studies showed that around 90% of women
Low coverage is a major problem in middle-income complied with follow-up if they were immediately
settings. Our results showed no effect in coverage after referred for colposcopy based on their screening tests
introduction of HPV testing, probably because health alone.40 Follow-up was considerably lower when women
authorities had already given high priority to increasing who were HPV-positive were recommended to first
coverage in the period preceding HPV testing. However, undergo repeated testing 6–18 months after initial
clinician-collected screening has coverage limitations screening than women who were immediately referred
due to socioeconomic, cultural, and institutional for colposcopy.40 However, colposcopy for women who are
barriers faced by women, and the high number of HPV-positive and have normal cytology is not recom
women who were screened in the first year of the JDP mended due to its complexity and cost, and the low
could not be replicated in following years. Self-collection sensitivity and specificity of the method.27,41 As most HPV
tests offered by community health workers during infections disappear in 12–24 months,42 re-screening of
home visits were introduced in 2014 to counteract this these women at 18 months seems a reasonable strategy to
coverage decrease.15 In 2014, self-collection represented reduce costs and avoid overtreatment. However, time
38% of total HPV testing and, if we consider the whole elapsed between screening and retesting can constitute a
JDP, 10% of screening in the target population was barrier to rescreening adherence.
achieved through self-collection. Among women who Our results showed that introduction of HPV testing
used self-collection tests, the CIN2+ detection frequency allowed for reorganisation of the laboratory network.
was 7·2 per 1000 screened women, lower than detection A key issue was the installation of the HPV-testing
by clinician-collected tests. This figure is lower than that laboratory as part of central cytology-pathology-HPV-
reported in studies in other countries39 and in the EMA testing. Cytology laboratories in middle-income settings
study in Argentina.8 This decreased detection seen with face problems linked to quality control, decentralisation
self-collection tests is probably due to loss to triage but in small laboratories, and lack of technical staff, among
also to the significantly lower sensitivity of Hybrid others.43 HPV testing not only changed the function of
Capture 2 on self-collection samples than with clinician- cytology from screening to triage, but also facilitated
collected samples.39 When compared with cytology- laboratory centralisation by prompting the political
based tests, self-collection tests did not show significant decisions needed for reorganisation of human resources
differences in CIN2+ detection, but this might be due to and the referral network. These changes would have
the low amount of self-collection tests included in the probably been more difficult to implement if HPV testing
analysis. A study of programmatic self-collection in had not been introduced.
Jujuy showed that self-collection testing allowed for the Low adherence to cytology screening guidelines has
increase in screening uptake among socially vulnerable been widely reported.9 In an HPV screening scenario,
women who were under-screened, a group with this low adherence to guidelines might result in
the highest risk of cervical cancer.15 Thus, the possibility ineffective use of resources, inappropriate screening of
of self-collection testing constituted a substantial young women, overtreating lesions that normally clear
advantage of HPV testing for the increase of coverage, within a few months,6 and potential harm such as adverse
despite CIN2+ detection being hampered by the loss pregnancy outcomes.44 Over-screening was eliminated
to triage. with HPV testing, and screening done on individuals
outside of the recommended age range was greatly the Ministry of Health, or Jujuy’s Ministry of Health. We thank the team
reduced. HPV protocols were established through a of the National Program of Cervical Cancer Prevention for its
participation during the project. We also would like to acknowledge
participatory process with the main scientific societies Mariana Curotto and Julieta Zalacain Colombo for their assistance
of Argentina.11 Also, samples not complying with the during the analysis, and Maria Antonia Rodriguez for her comments on
recommended age range or frequency for screening were the first version of the manuscript.
not processed, which has discouraged screening outside References
of national recommendations. 1 Bray F, Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Siegel RL, Torre LA, Jemal A.
Global cancer statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence
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health systems has been identified in the literature as an screening. Int J Cancer 1997; 71: 159–165.
important factor for successful scale-up.45 On the basis of 3 International Agency for Research on Cancer–WHO.
results from the JDP, a decision was made by the national IARC handbook on cervical cancer prevention. Volume 10. Cervix
Ministry of Health to expand HPV testing. At present, Cancer Screening. Lyon: IARC Press; 2005.
4 Sankaranarayanan R, Budukh A, Rajkumar R. Effective screening
eight of 24 provinces have primary HPV testing, and programmes for cervical cancer in low- and middle-income
six other provinces will introduce it by 2020. developing countries. Bull World Health Organ. 2001; 79: 954–62.
A key limitation of the study concerned cytology-based 5 Sankaranarayanan R, Nene BM, Shastri SS, et al. HPV screening
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screening data only being available for the 2 years before
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