مقالات مروری نانو PDF
مقالات مروری نانو PDF
مقالات مروری نانو PDF
Brian L. Cushing received his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Dr. Charles J. O’Connor is Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and the
West Florida (1994) and his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from the Director of the Advanced Materials Research Institute (AMRI) at the
University of New Orleans (1999). He previously held a postdoctoral University of New Orleans. He has been at the University of New Orleans
research position at the University of Texas at Austin and is currently a for 25 years following his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from the University
Research Specialist at the Advanced Materials Research Institute at the of Illinois in Chicago in 1976 and three years as an Instructor at the
University of New Orleans. His current research interests include interfacing University of Virginia. Dr. O’Connor has over 300 publications in refereed
magnetic nanoparticles with biologically active compounds. scientific journals and has active research programs in solid state
nanomaterials research, especially on magnetic nanomaterials.
Coprecipitation reactions involve the simultaneous can be induced by altering other parameters related
occurrence of nucleation, growth, coarsening, and/or to solubility, most notably temperature and concen-
agglomeration processes. Due to the difficulties in tration.
isolating each process for independent study, the When the product contains only one or two ele-
fundamental mechanisms of coprecipitation are still ments (e.g. a metal, binary oxide, etc.), precipitation
not thoroughly understood. The following discussion reactions are relatively straightforward. In more
provides an overview of current coprecipitation theory. complicated ternary and quarternary systems, the
process becomes more complex, as multiple species
2.1. Theory and Thermodynamics of must be precipitated simultaneously (hence, the term
Coprecipitation coprecipitation).
Merely inducing precipitation of a compound, how-
The theory of coprecipitation is not a trivial subject. ever, does not guarantee that the product will be
Numerous books13,14 and review articles15-19 cover the nanoparticulate and/or monodispersed. The processes
topic much more thoroughly than the discussion of nucleation and growth govern the particle size and
presented here. As a brief overview, coprecipitation morphology of products in precipitation reactions.
reactions tend to exhibit the following characteris- When precipitation begins, numerous small crystal-
tics: (i) The products of precipitation reactions are lites initially form (nucleation), but they tend to
generally sparingly soluble species formed under quickly aggregate together to form larger, more
conditions of high supersaturation. (ii) Such condi- thermodynamically stable particles (growth).
tions dictate that nucleation will be a key step of the
precipitation process and that a large number of 2.1.1. Nucleation
small particles will be formed. (iii) Secondary pro-
cesses, such as Ostwald ripening and aggregation, The key to any precipitation process is the degree
will dramatically affect the size, morphology, and of supersaturation, S, given by
properties of the products. (iv) The supersaturation aAaB
conditions necessary to induce precipitation are usu- S) (3)
ally the result of a chemical reaction. As such, any Ksp
reaction conditions influencing the mixing process,
such as rate of reactant addition and stirring rate, where aA and aB are the activities of solutes A and B
must be considered relevant to product size, mor- and Ksp is the solubility product constant, or alter-
phology, and particle size distribution. natively by S ) C/Ceq, where C and Ceq are the solute
Although precipitation can be induced in any concentrations at saturation and at equilibrium,
number of ways, chemical reactions are by far the respectively. Indeed, the literature frequently refers
most common method for the synthesis of nanopar- to the difference in C and Ceq, ∆C ) C - Ceq, as the
ticles. Generally, chemical reactions are chosen that “driving force” for precipitation.17
result in products with low solubilities, such that the As nucleation begins in a supersaturated solution,
solution quickly reaches a supersaturated condition. there exists an equilibrium critical radius, R*:
The chemical reactions used to induce coprecipi-
tation can take numerous forms. For illustrative R* ) (4)
purposes, we consider the case of a simple addition ∆C
reaction for the formation of an electrolyte, AxBy: The term R is given by
cipitation can be induced by numerous other meth- where N is the number of nuclei formed per unit time
ods, such as chemical reduction, photoreduction, per unit volume, V, and A is a pre-exponential factor
oxidation, and hydrolysis. Alternatively, precipitation typically ranging from 1025 to 1056 s-1 m-3.
3896 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 Cushing et al.
( )
of LSW theory, most notably the theory’s failure to
-16πσSL3ν2 adequately account for cooperative effects between
RN ) A exp (8) nuclei and the theory’s assumption of a steady change
3k3T3 ln2 S in solute concentration with time.30 Those authors’
revealing that RN is an exponential function of S. It criticisms are justified, insofar as the assumptions
follows that RN remains negligible until a certain in LSW theory have lead to frequent disagreements
critical supersaturation, S*, is reached. between theoretical and experimental results. None-
theless, most competing or expanded theories of
2.1.2. Growth Ostwald ripening are still based on the original LSW
model, and for the purposes of this discussion, the
The growth process of the precipitated particles is theory is adequate to make several important points
every bit as complicated as nucleation. The process concerning the precipitation of nanoparticles.
can be either diffusion-limited or reaction-limited. The mathematics involved in LSW theory are not
Experimental evidence suggests, however, that the rudimentary, and the reader is referred to the
overwhelming majority of precipitation reactions are literature for details of the derivations. The principles
diffusion-limited. As such, concentration gradients of LSW theory, however, are summarized as follows:
and temperature become the predominant factors (i) For a diffusion-controlled process, the average
determining growth rate as new material is supplied radius of the precipitate particles, rj, as a function of
to the particle surface via long-distance mass trans- time, t, is27
fer. The balance of that material, as a monomer,
crossing the surface of a spherical crystallite is given 3
by rj(t) ) xKt (12)
( )
1 + 2Ωγ during ripening.
Ce(r) = C∞ (10) (iii) The size distribution of particles is given by
Finally, the relationship between the rate of growth, where F(t) ≡ R/R h (t) and p0(F) is a time-independent
G, and the supersaturation ratio, S, can be expressed function of the absolute dimension of the grains, F.
as a power-law equation:17 Equations 1-14 provide several useful insights into
the precipitation of nanoparticles. To produce nano-
dL particles, the nucleation process must be relatively
G) ) kGSg (11) fast while the growth process remains relatively slow.
The formation of particles with a narrow size distri-
where kG is the growth rate constant and g is the bution further requires that the nuclei of all species
growth order. present form simultaneously and without subsequent
nucleation of smaller particles. Park et al. have
2.1.3. Ostwald Ripening recently published a study specifically addressing the
Ostwald ripening (also referred to as coarsening) coprecipitation of nanoparticles.31
is the phenomenon by which smaller particles are
essentially consumed by larger particles during the 2.1.4. Growth Termination and Nanoparticle Stabilization.
growth process and is itself a topic of considerable Due to the thermodynamics discussed in section 2.1
investigation and postulation.23-29 This behavior can, that favor the maximization of the surface/volume
to some extent, be predicted by eq 10, which estab- ratio, the agglomeration of small particles precipi-
lishes that the solubility of particles increases with tated from solutions is practically inevitable in the
decreasing particle size. A detailed mathematical absence of a stabilizer. For the purposes of this
description of Ostwald ripening was first developed discussion, we are primarily interested in nanopar-
by Lifshitz and Slyozov and also independently by ticles that can be prepared as stable colloids or
Wagner; their combined models are today referred isolated as powdered products. It should be pointed
to as LSW theory.20,21 Some authors have taken out, however, that agglomeration can occur at any
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3897
stage during synthesis; aggregation and agglomera- solution to the metallic state in the presence of
tion of particles during precipitation is itself a subject gaseous H2 with proper adjustment of pH. These
of investigation.32 reactions are reviewed extensively elsewhere.37,38
There are generally two approaches to nanoparticle The electrochemical half-reaction and E° for boro-
stabilization: (a) steric repulsion between particles hydride ion are given by
caused by surfactants, polymers, or other organic
species bound to the nanoparticles’ surfaces (generi- B(OH)3 + 7H+ + 8e- / BH4- + 3H2O
cally referred to as capping ligands) and (b) electro- E° ) -0.481 V (18)
static (van der Waals) repulsions resulting from the
chemisorption of charged species (usually, though not Borohydride ions, however, should be employed
necessarily, H+ or OH-) at the surfaces. STM and judiciously, as they are known to reduce some cations
TEM studies of Pd clusters capped with tetrabutyl- to metal borides, particularly in aqueous systems.39-42
ammonium bromide have shown that, at least in The use of borohydride specifically for the precipita-
some cases, capping ligands indeed form monolayers tion of metal nanoparticles has recently been re-
at the particles’ surfaces.33 viewed.43
The reader will find that steric stabilization is Hydrazine hydrate is freely soluble in water, but
somewhat more common, probably due to issues since N2H4 is basic, the chemically active free-ion is
concerning the chemical stability of the nanoparticles normally represented as N2H5+:
at very high or very low pH values, and the literature
contains a dizzying variety of stabilizing agents used N2H4‚H2O / N2H5+ + OH- (19)
in nanoparticle syntheses. Consequently, our discus-
sions of synthetic methods in section 2.2 include or, in the case of hydrazine dihydrochloride,
detailed accounts of the methods of nanoparticle
stabilization where appropriate. A more thorough N2H4‚2HCl / N2H5+ + H+ + 2Cl- (20)
account of colloid stabilization is presented in section
8. The standard reduction potential for the hydrazinium
ion, N2H5+, is
2.2. Coprecipitation Synthetic Methods
N2 + 5H+ + 4e- / N2H5+ E° ) -0.23 V (21)
2.2.1. Synthesis of Metals from Aqueous Solutions
In theory, the reduction of any metal with an E°
Due to their widespread application as catalysts,34
more positive than -0.481 V or -0.23 V, respectively,
metals precipitated from aqueous solutions continue
should be possible at room temperature, given a
to be a thoroughly investigated subject (the role of
sufficient excess of reducing agent and proper control
nanomaterials in catalysis is specifically discussed
of pH. With respect to precipitating metals from
elsewhere35,36). The precipitation of metals from
solution, this would obviously include many first-row
aqueous or nonaqueous solutions typically requires
transition metal ions, such as Fe2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Ni2+,
the chemical reduction of a metal cation. Reducing
and Cu2+, but also many second- and third-row
agents take many forms, the most common of which
transition metals, as well as most post-transition
are gaseous H2, solvated ABH4 (A ) alkali metal),
elements and a few nonmetals. A brief survey of
hydrazine hydrate (N2H4‚H2O), and hydrazine dihy-
nanoparticles prepared by reduction from aqueous
drochloride (N2H4‚2HCl).
solutions is provided in Table 1.
For a typical reduction reaction of a transition
As a practical matter, the reduction of some metal
metal cation,
ions with E° > -0.481 V is either not feasible or
exceedingly difficult, but this is usually due to the
Mn+ + ne- f M0 (15) instability of the cation in aqueous environments.
there must, of course, be a corresponding oxidation However, in some instances, transition metal cations,
process of some species X, such that such as Rh3+, form stable complexes with hydrazine,
thereby greatly limiting the available options for
Xm - ne- f Xm-n (16) carrying out a reduction.50 We should further em-
phasize that consideration of pH and relative redox
In order for the electron transfer to occur, the free potentials is, at best, only a guide for predicting
energy change, ∆G, must be favorable. As a matter which metals may or may not be prepared by this
of convention, the favorability of oxidation-reduction method.
processes is reflected in the standard electrode The reduction of gold cations to gold metal is easily
potential, E°, of the corresponding electrochemical the single most thoroughly studied metal precipita-
half-reaction. tion reaction. Gold cations, usually in the form of
Since the E° values of all reactions are stated AuCl4-, are easily reduced by gaseous H2
relative to that of H2, the half-reaction and E° for H2
are, by definition, 2AuCl4-(aq) + 3H2(g) /
2Au(s) + 6H+(aq) + 8Cl-(aq) (22)
2H+ + 2e- / H2 E° ) 0.00 V (17)
although AuCl4- is so strongly oxidizing (E° ) +1.002
at standard temperature and pressure (STP). Nu- V) that weaker reducing agents such as carboxylates
merous metal ions can be reduced from aqueous or alcohols are usually sufficient. Tan et al. have
3898 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 Cushing et al.
agents for the solvated metal cations and, in some ing such reagents must therefore be carried out at
cases, also serve as reducing and/or stabilizing agents low temperatures and under inert atmosphere.
once the metal nanoparticles are precipitated. Viau Dye et al. reported as early as 1991 the synthesis
et al., for example, prepared monodispersed 4 nm Ru of numerous metal nanoparticles from alkalide and
particles by reduction of RuCl3 in various polyols; the electride solutions, including Au, Pt, Cu, Te, Ni, Fe,
polyols served as the reducing agents, and the Zn, Ga, Si, Mo, W, In, Sn, Sb, and Ti, as well as Au-
products were stabilized with dodecanethiol.78 A Cu, Au-Zn, Cu-Te, and Zn-Te alloys.82,83 The
similar technique has been used to successfully reactions were typically carried out at -50 °C and
reduce Ni2+ to Ni0 with hydrazine hydrate (eq 19) in resulted in 3-15 nm products. With the exception of
ethylene glycol solution, resulting in monodispersed Au, Pt, Cu, and Te, however, all of the products
9 nm particles.79 By eq 21, hydrazinium ions do not exhibited strong tendencies to oxidize on washing
normally exhibit sufficient reducing ability to reduce with methanol, even under inert atmosphere. More
Ni2+ to Ni0. In this case, excess NaOH was added to recently, Kirkpatrick et al. used lithium metal dis-
the reaction mixture, such that solved in naphthalene for the synthesis of nanopar-
ticulate mixed-phase Mg-Co composites.84
2Ni2+ + N2H5+ + 5OH- / 2Ni0 + N2 + 5H2O The trialkylborohydride reducing agents, ABEt3H
(24) (A ) Li, Na, or K), and solvated magnesium, Mg*,
also act as powerful reducing agents. Bönnemann et
The elevated pH, along with the 60 °C reaction al. have demonstrated that these reagents reduce an
temperature, greatly enhanced the reducing ability impressive array of electropositive metals from their
of N2H5+. This underscores the point that standard various salts in nonpolar organic solvents such as
reduction potentials, which are, by definition, taken toluene, dioctyl ether, or THF:85-87
at room temperature and in aqueous solutions,
should only be used as guides.
Similarly, Hou and Gao recently reported the xMXy + yABEt3H f xM + yAX + yBEt3 + xy/2H2
synthesis of monodispersed 3.7 nm Ni particles by (28)
reducing a Ni(acac)2 (acac ) acetylacetonate) solution
with NaBH4 at 100 °C where hexadecylamine served where My+ ) Cr3+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+,
as both stabilizer and solvent.80 The particles could Zn2+, Ru3+, Rh3+, Pd2+, Ag+, Cd2+, In3+, Sn2+, Re3+,
be redispersed in nonpolar solvents and did not Os3+, Ir3+, Pt2+, or Au+; A ) Li or Na; and X
exhibit indications of oxidation upon air exposure. represents the counterion. Others later adapted the
In cases where the Mn+ + ne- / M0 reduction method to the reduction of Mo3+ and W4+.88 The
necessary to produce metallic nanoparticles exhibits reaction in eq 28 typically results in 1-5 nm metal
a substantially negative E°, the use of an aqueous colloids, though the products tend to exhibit poor
solvent is precluded because the reducing agents crystallinity due to the relatively low reaction tem-
capable of supplying electrons to the metal will peratures (T < 70 °C). Interestingly, the above
reduce water, given that reaction is sensitive to both the reducing agent and
the solvent: substituting LiBEt3H for NaBEt3H and
2H2O + 2e- / H2 + 2OH- E° ) -0.8277 V THF for toluene results in the formation of 1-5 nm
(25) colloidal metal carbides (M2C).88
Sun and Murray et al. developed an analogous,
In these cases, solvents that are more stable must convenient elevated-temperature method of synthe-
be employed. sizing nanocrystalline cobalt and nickel and their
Thermodynamically, the strongest reducing agent alloys with tight size distributions (σ ) 7-10%).89-91
possible in solution is the solvated electron (es-), Their method involved the reduction of metal salts,
followed closely by the alkali-metal anion (A-). Either typically chlorides or acetates, in the presence of two
species may be generated by the dissolution of an types of capping ligands: strongly bound (carboxylic
alkali metal in an aprotic solvent such as dimethyl acid) and weakly bound (trialkyl phosphine and
ether or tetrahydrofuran (THF) in the presence of an phosphine oxide). Injecting a solution of reducing
alkali-metal complexing agent such as 15-crown-5 agents, long-chain 1,2-diol or LiBEt3H, into a pre-
ether: heated solution of metal salts and capping agents in
a high-boiling solvent (dioctyl or diphenyl ether)
2A0 + (15-crown-5) / A+(15-crown-5)A- (26) resulted in fast nucleation followed by slower nano-
The active reducing agent produced by eq 26 is crystal growth. Changing the ratio of the two capping
commonly referred to as an alkalide. Given a suf- ligands, as well as their chain length, allowed tuning
ficient excess of complexing agent, of the nanocrystal sizes. The reaction products formed
stable dispersions in nonpolar solvents due to the
A0 + 2(15-crown-5) / A+(15-crown-5)2es- (27) presence of carboxylic (oleic) acid groups covalently
attached to the nanocrystal surfaces (Figure 3).
and such products are called electrides. The above According to a recent report by Bönnemann et al.,
equilibrium is forced to the right by the extremely the reduction of metal salts, as well as the stabiliza-
strong complex formed between the alkalis and tion of colloids, can be performed by organoaluminum
chelate ethers.81 Both electride and alkalide solu- compounds:92-96
tions, while powerful reducing agents, are not ther-
mally stable and decompose in air; reactions involv- MXn + nAlR3 f M + nR2AlX + nR2 (29)
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3901
Figure 3. (A) Low-magnification TEM image of 8 nm Co-Ni alloy nanoparticles. (B, inset) Electron diffraction pattern
from 8 nm Co-Ni nanoparticles confirming the predominantly fcc structure. (C) TEM image of an ensemble of 8 nm fcc
Co nanoparticles. (D, inset) HRTEM image highlighting the multitwinned internal structure of Co nanoparticles. (E) TEM
image of an ensemble of 6 nm Fe nanoparticles. (F, inset) TEM image at higher magnification, in which the surface oxide
layer is clearly visible. (G) Image of an ensemble of 6 nm fcc FePt nanoparticles. (H, inset) HRTEM image of FePt
nanocrystals after annealing and forming of the face-centered tetragonal (fct) phase. (Reprinted with permission from ref
91. Copyright 1999 Materials Research Society.)
Table 2. Survey of Nanoparticulate Metals and Alloys That Have Been Precipitated by Reduction from
Nonaqueous Solutions
compd starting material solventa reductantb stabilizerc conditions product sized (nm) ref
Fe Fe(OEt)2 THF NaBEt3H THF 16 h at 67 °C 10-100 85
Fe Fe(acac)3 THF Mg* THF ∼8e 87
Fe20Ni80 Fe(OAc)2 EG EG EG reflux (150-160 °C) 6 (A) 98
Co Co(OH)2 THF NaBEt3H THF 2 h at 23 °C 10-100 85
Co CoCl2 THF Mg* THF ∼12 87
Co20Ni80 Co(OAc)2 EG EG EG reflux (150-160 °C) 18-22 (A) 98
Ni Ni(acac)2 HDA NaBH4 HDA 160 °C 3.7 (C) 80
Ni NiCl2 THF Mg* THF ∼94e 87
Ni Ni(OAc)2 EG EG EG reflux (150-160 °C) 25 (A) 98
Ru RuCl3 1,2-PD 1,2-PD Na(OAc) and DT 170 °C 1-6 (C) 78
Ag AgNO3 methanol NaBH4 MSA room temp 1-6 (C) 75
Ag AgClO4 DMF DMF 3-APTMS 20-156 °C 7-20 (C) 77
Au AuCl3 THF K+(15C5)2K- THF -50 °C 6-11 (C) 83
Au HAuCl4 formamide formamide PVP 30 °C 30 (C) 76
EG ) ethylene glycol; DMF ) dimethylformamide; HAD ) hexadecylamine; THF ) tetrahydrofuran; 1,2-PD ) 1,2-propanediol.
See text for descriptions of reducing agents. c MSA ) mercaptosuccinic acid; 3-APTMS ) 3-(aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane; PVP
) poly(vinylpyrrolidone); DT ) dodecanethiol. d (A) ) agglomerated; (C) ) colloidal/monodispersed e Estimated from BET surface
area assuming spherical shape.
where M ) metals of groups 6-11 and X ) acetyl- aluminum-coated nanoparticles open new pathways
acetonate. Nanoparticles of metal remain surrounded to the design and synthesis of heterogeneous cata-
by organoaluminum species that enable control of lysts.
their growth. Slow oxidation and derivatization of The techniques involving organoaluminum re-
these core-shell species allows the tailoring of their agents have recently been extended by the same
solubility and colloidal stability in different media. authors to include the metal carbonyl decomposition
The specific chemical reactivities of the organo- route.97 This resulted in the synthesis of 10 nm Co
3902 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 Cushing et al.
nanoparticles with a narrow size distribution ((1.1 impurities were detected in their lattices resulting
nm) surrounded by organoaluminum species. Slow from the electrolysis.
air oxidation and peptization with suitable surfac-
tants lead to air-stable magnetic fluids. 2.2.4. Precipitation of Metals by Radiation-Assisted
Table 2 provides a summary of metals that have Reduction
been reported in the literature as being precipitated The most obvious example of radiation-assisted
from nonaqueous solutions. reduction is the photoreduction of aqueous AgNO3
solutions upon exposure to UV light. Huang et al.
2.2.3. Precipitation of Metals by Electrochemical adapted this method to the synthesis of Ag nanopar-
Reduction ticles by exposing a solution of AgNO3 to 243 nm
Although the method is not widely used, the radiation in the presence of poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)
synthesis of powdered metallic nanoparticles is pos- (PVP) as stabilizer.103 The average particle size could
sible by electrochemical reduction. The method de- be varied from 15 to 22 nm by adjusting the [PVP]/
veloped by Reetz et al. involves the anodic dissolution [Ag+] ratio.
of a metal and the reduction of the intermediate At the extreme end of radiation-assisted reduc-
metallic salt at the cathode (usually Pt foil).99 The tions, all of the noble metals, as well as many other
reaction must be carried out in the presence of a electronegative metals, can be reduced in aqueous
stabilizer, such as a tetraalkylammonium salt, to solutions by exposure to γ-radiation. γ-rays decom-
prevent all of the particles from simply depositing pose H2O to H2, H2O2, •OH and •H radicals, and
(plating) at the cathode’s surface. aqueous, solvated electrons:104
In Reetz’s initial experiments, Pd metal was de-
posited from a 0.1 M solution of tetraoctylammonium H2O 98 •OH (2.8), eaq- (2.7), H2O2 (0.71),
bromide dissolved in a 4:1 mixture of acetonitrile- •
THF by applying a 0.1 mA/cm2 current at 1 V using H (0.55), H2 (0.45) (30)
a potentiostat. The monodispersed 4.8 nm particles
were collected by decantation/drying and were redis- where the numbers in parentheses represent the
persable in THF or toluene (Figure 4). The authors radical chemical yields expressed as the number of
also noted that increasing the current density re- species per 100 eV of energy absorbed.
sulted in a substantial decrease in particle size, such The reactions are usually performed under a
that 1.4 nm particles were obtained at 5.0 mA/cm2. nitrous oxide atmosphere that acts as a scavenger
for the hydrated electrons (eaq-):
Rodrı́guez-Sánchez et al. adapted the method to the
precipitation of 2-7 nm silver nanoparticles by
cycling a Ag|0.1 M tetrabutylammonium bromide in
N2O + eaq- + H2O f N2 + OH- + •OH (31)
acetonitrile|Pt cell from 1.35 V to -0.15 V at 500
The •OH and •H radicals are subsequently scavenged
mV/s for 5 min.100 The authors noted a similar
by short-chain alcohols such as methanol:
relationship between current density and particle size
as reported by Reetz. In a variation of this method, •
OH + CH3OH f H2O + •CH2OH (32)
Mohamed et al. were able to deposit Au nanorods by
adding Ag+ to the supporting electrolyte.101 •
Asenjo et al. have recently developed an analogous H + CH3OH f H2 + •CH2OH (33)
method for the preparation of nanoparticulate stron-
tium ferrites by electrolyzing acidic aqueous solutions The •CH2OH radical then serves as a reducing agent
of Sr2+ and Fe2+ chlorides and nitrates in a 40-80 for the metal accompanied by oxidation of the radical
°C temperature range.102 The spherical products were to an aldehyde:
typically on the order of ∼50 nm, although trace
Mn+ + n•CH2OH f M0 + nCH2O + nH+ (34)
route such as the Turkevich (citrate) method dis- Figure 6. TEM image of 20 nm Au nanoparticles (left)
produced by the Turkevich method and (right) after coating
cussed in section 2.2.1. The metal colloids are then with Ag by a radiation-assisted reduction method. (Re-
essentially used as seed particles for subsequent printed with permission from ref 110. Copyright 2000
growth of the same or a different metal from aqueous American Chemical Society.)
solutions. For instance, starting from a solution of
15 nm Au prepared by the citrate method, Henglein tially very useful method of preparing bi- and tri-
et al. enlarged the Au particles sequentially up to metallic nanoparticles.
diameters of 120 nm by adding aqueous Au(CN)2-
and methanol to the colloidal solution and irradiating 2.2.5. Precipitation of Metals by Decomposition of
with a 60Co source.109 The size distribution and Metallorganic Precursors
monodispersity of the nanoparticles do not appear to The thermolysis of organometallic precursors in the
be adversely affected throughout the process. presence of a polymer is one of the older methods of
In Henglein’s method, rather than the organic preparing colloidal metals. Typically, a metal complex
radicals directly reducing the metal cations, they such as Co2(CO)8 is decomposed at 130-170 °C under
instead charge the colloidal Au particles that subse- inert atmosphere in Decalin or ethylene glycol sol-
quently act as reducing agents for the aqueous vents:
Au(CN)2- ions:110
Co2(CO)8 f 2Co(s) + 8COv (37)
CH2OH + Aunx- f Aun(x+1)- + CH2O + H+ (35)
45 nm Co particles capped with PVP have been
Aun(x+1)- + Au(CN)2-(aq) f Au(n+1)x- + 2 CN- prepared by this approach.119 Originally, the poly-
(36) mers were thought to function as simple stabilizing
agents.120 Later, in their study of the thermolysis of
This mechanism is demonstrated schematically in Fe(CO)5, Smith and Wychick observed catalytic ac-
Figure 5. There is, of course, no requirement that the tivity by copolymers such as copoly(styrene-4-vinyl-
nanoparticle seeds and aqueous metal ions consist pyridine) and copoly(styrene-N-vinylpyrolidone).121
of the same metals. A dissimilar metal cation dis- The nitrogen-containing polymer chains were found
solved in the aqueous solution would essentially coat to effectively serve as nucleophiles (Nu), leading to
the surfaces of the existing metal colloid particles, the formation of ligated metal-cluster macromol-
creating a core-shell type composite. Henglein et al. ecules:
have published extensively on this method, and their
successes include nanocomposites of AucorePtshell,111 (n+1)Fe(CO)5 + xNu f [Fe(Nu)x][Fen(CO)m] (38)
PtcoreAushell,111 AucoreHgshell,112 AucorePbshell,113 Pdcore-
AushellAgshell,114 and the AucoreAgshell material shown x ≡ 2-6
in Figure 6.110 n ) 2, m ) 8
Very recently, Lee et al. have reduced aqueous
solutions of Ni2+ and NaPH2O2‚H2O to 100-300 nm n ) 3, m ) 11
Ni-P nanocomposites with synchrotron X-rays.115 n ) 4, m ) 13
The particle sizes could be controlled by adjusting the
temperature of the solution, although considerable Polymers such as polystyrene, which do not contain
aggregation of the products was observed. Nonethe- nitrogen and therefore do not function as nucleo-
less, this appears to be the first report of nanopar- philes, react only with [Fe(CO)4] intermediates gen-
ticles prepared by irradiation with synchrotron X- erated by thermolysis. In either case, the polymers
rays. effectively serve as nucleation sites for Fe. Because
Yeh et al. have reported the synthesis of Au-Ag, the polymers serve as catalysts,121 the functionality
Au-Pd, Ag-Pd, and Au-Ag-Pd nanoparticles by of the polymers profoundly influences the kinetics of
irradiating the appropriate mixtures of metal colloids the carbonyl decomposition reactions. It follows that
with an Nd:YAG laser.116-118 Although this method particle size can be controlled by varying polymer
cannot be classified as a precipitation reaction, since functionality, as well as reactant concentration.
the metals were already in colloidal form prior to Smith and Wychick were able to selectively prepare
irradiation, it is nonetheless noted here as a poten- 5-15 nm colloidal Fe particles in this manner.121
3904 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 Cushing et al.
Table 3. Summary of Reactions for the Precipitation of Oxides from Aqueous Solutions
compd starting material ppt agent stabilizer conditions product size (nm) ref
VO2(B) NH4VO3 N2H4‚H2O none calcined 300 °C 35 44
Cr2O3 K2Cr2O7 N2H4‚H2O none calcined 500 °C 30 44
γ-Mn2O3 KMnO4 N2H4‚H2O none 8 44
MnFe2O4 MnCl2 NaOH none 100 °C 5-25 172
Fe3O4 FeCl2 NH4OH H+ N2 atm 8-50 173
NiO NiCl2 NH4OH CTAB annealed 500 °C 22-28 174
ZnO ZnCl2 NH4OH CTAB annealed 500 °C 40-60 174
SnO2 SnCl4 NH4OH CTAB annealed 500 °C 11-18 174
Sb2O3 SbCl3 NaOH PVA annealed 350 °C 10-80 175
ylenetetramine stabilizer to yield monodispersed 13 solution.177 The hydroxide mixture was then calcined
nm particles.167 In this case, the stabilizer indirectly at 400-700 °C in air to yield 12-41 nm LiCoO2.
serves as the precipitating agent by raising the pH Similar procedures have been adapted to the
high enough to induce precipitation of the metal hydroxide precipitation of other transition metals.
hydroxides. Amorphous RuO2-δ‚nH2O can be precipitated by
Chinnasamy et al. reported an extensive series of addition of tetramethylammonium hydroxide to
experiments for the spinel-structured CoFe2O4 de- RuNO(NO3)3 dissolved in alcohol at 90 °C.178 Subse-
signed to determine the influence of reaction tem- quent annealing of the product at 400 °C in air
perature, reactant concentration, and reactant addi- resulted in 14 nm crystalline RuO2. By contrast,
tion rate on the size of the products.168 In each case, precipitation of RuO2-δ‚nH2O from aqueous solution
aqueous solutions of Fe3+ and Co2+ were precipitated required over 2 weeks at 90 °C and ultimately
with dilute NaOH. The results were predominantly resulted in products containing about 5% metallic Ru.
in line with expectations based on the considerations There is at least one account of a nanoparticle oxide
outlined in section 2.1: Increasing the temperature synthesis in which the solvent also served as the
from 70 °C to 98 °C increased the average particle precipitating agent. Deb et al. prepared 5-20 nm
size from 14 to 18 nm. Increasing the NaOH concen- γ-Fe2O3 by melting a mixture of stearic acid (CH3-
tration from 0.73 to 1.13 M increased particle size (CH2)16COOH) and hydrated Fe(NO3)3 at 125 °C and
from 16 to 19 nm. NaOH concentrations of 1.5 M or calcining the product in air at 200 °C.179 The product
greater resulted in the formation of a secondary underwent the γ (maghemite) f R (hematite) phase
FeOOH phase, and slowing the NaOH addition rate transition on prolonged heating at 200 °C, well below
appeared to broaden the particle size distribution. the transition temperature of bulk γ-Fe2O3. The
Li et al. prepared 12 nm CoFe2O4 by a similar route results of Ennas et al., however, suggest that the
but stabilized the product by acidification with dilute phase transition temperature of γ-Fe2O3 is not strictly
nitric acid.169 The electrostatic repulsion of the par- a function of particle size, as they observed a transi-
ticles created by the adsorption of H+ at the particle tion starting at ∼250 °C for 5 nm γ-Fe2O3.180
surfaces resulted in an indefinitely stable colloid of In other cases, the use of aqueous solvents is
ferromagnetic particles (a ferrofluid). By contrast, avoided specifically to prevent the premature pre-
Fe3O4 ferrofluids, which tend to not be stable under cipitation of metal hydroxides/oxides. Premature
acidic solutions, have been sterically stabilized by precipitation tends to be problematic with high-
coating Fe3O4 nanoparticles with oleic acid, poly(vinyl valence, electropositive metals such as Ti4+, Zr4+, and
alcohol), or starch.170,171 so forth. This can, to some extent, be circumvented
A summary of oxides precipitated from aqueous by using metal chloride or metal alkoxide precursors
solutions, including the relevant reaction conditions, in nonaqueous solvents. The hydrolysis reactions can
is given in Table 3. consequently be controlled to limit particle growth
and prevent agglomeration. Ferroelectric BaTiO3, for
2.2.7. Precipitation of Oxides from Nonaqueous Solutions instance, has been prepared by precipitating a mixed-
metal alkoxide precursor, BaTi(O2C(CH3)6CH3)-
Simple precipitation reactions are sometimes car- [OCH(CH3)2]5 (that is highly susceptible to hydroly-
ried out in nonaqueous solvents. This method can be sis) with H2O2 in diphenyl ether solution with oleic
particularly advantageous when precipitating dis- acid as stabilizer.181 The addition of H2O2 effectively
similar metals that cannot be simultaneously pre- initiates an hydrolysis reaction. Condensation oc-
cipitated from aqueous solution due to large varia- curred as the solution was heated at 100 °C, resulting
tions in the pH values necessary to induce precipita- in Ba-O-Ti linkages, but with particle growth
tion of the constituent cations. Such is the case with constrained by the presence of the oleic acid stabi-
LiCoO2, a well-known cathode material for recharge- lizer. This method resulted in 6-12 nm monodis-
able lithium batteries.176 LiOH cannot be precipitated perse, crystalline particles that did not require cal-
from aqueous solution, but its solubility in alcohols cination. These reactions are similar in many re-
is greatly diminished. Hagenmuller et al. induced spects to the sol-gel reactions discussed in section 3.
nearly simultaneous coprecipitation of (LiOH + The method of Caruntu et al. for the synthesis of
Co(OH)2) by dripping a mixture of LiNO3 and Co(NO3)2 colloidal ferrites is similar in that a metal chelate
dissolved in ethanol into a stirred 3 M KOH ethanol precursor formed between a metal chloride and
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3907
diethylene glycol was subsequently subjected to position of metal-Cupferron complexes, M xCupx (Cup
controlled hydrolysis:182 ) C6H5N(NO)O-).184 The reactions involved injecting
a solution of FeCup3, MnCup2, or CuCup2 dissolved
in octylamine into a solution of trioctylamine under
inert atmosphere at 300 °C, well above the decom-
position temperatures of the Cupferron complexes.
The resulting precipitates were found to consist of
4-10 nm nanoparticles of either γ-Fe2O3, MnO, or
Cu and were easily dispersed in toluene.
Here, the diethylene glycol served as both solvent and 2.2.8. Coprecipitation of Metal Chalconides by Reactions
stabilizing agent, although the glycol was usually
of Molecular Precursors
exchanged for oleic or myristic acid to ensure growth Interest in chalcogenide nanoparticles has grown
termination. The authors have prepared a series of dramatically in recent years, primarily due to the
monodispersed MFe2O4 ferrites by this method, where potential applications of quantum dots (semiconduct-
M ) Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, or Zn, exhibiting sizes in the ing nanoparticles with band gaps that are particle-
3-7 nm range with the standard deviation of particle size dependent and therefore tunable).185-187 Because
sizes typically on the order of 15% (Figure 8). experimental and theoretical considerations for the
Using a somewhat more conventional route, Sun syntheses of nanoparticulate semiconductors have
et al. prepared 4 nm Fe3O4 by dissolving Fe(acac)3, recently been reviewed,188,189 we present only a brief
1,2-hexadecanediol, oleic acid, and oleylamine in overview here, with emphasis on the most recent
diphenyl ether and refluxing for 30 min.183 Precipita- developments.
tion was induced when ethanol was added under air Early studies on the physical and optical properties
atmosphere after the solution had cooled to room of quantum dots were severely hampered by a lack
temperature. It is uncertain in this method at what of synthetic routes to monodisperse products. De-
point or by what reagent Fe3+ is reduced to Fe2+. mand for nanocrystalline semiconductors with uni-
Rockenberger et al. developed a method for prepar- form size and shape stimulated research into syn-
ing surfactant-capped oxide nanoparticles by decom- thetic methods based on reactions with easily tunable
rates. Classic metathesis reactions between metal
and chalcogenide ions that occur instantaneously
upon mixing usually produce precipitates consisting
of agglomerated crystallites with widely disparate
sizes and shapes. A successful method of controlling
the precipitation process lies in performing the reac-
tions in heterogeneous media (reverse micelles, solid
templates, etc.; see section 4) where the rate is
controlled by diffusion restrictions.
Alternative methods may be based on nucleophilic
or other reactions between neutral molecules that are
readily kinetically controlled. The reaction between
metal- and chalcogen-containing covalent compounds
can have a significant potential energy barrier and
can be driven by thermal energy. Changing the
amount of supplied heat therefore allows tuning of
the reaction kinetics. This approach was systemati-
cally developed at AT&T Bell Labs by M. L. Steiger-
wald and L. E. Brus in the mid-1980s to mid-
1990s.190-196 Their novel strategy of using organic
chalcogenides, metal molecular carriers, and organic
coordinating solvents as the reaction media resulted
in the preparation and characterization of a variety
of nanoscale II-VI and III-V semiconductors.
The approach of temporal separation of nucleation
and crystal growth resulted in processable, highly
crystalline nanoparticles with unprecedentedly nar-
row size distributions. This method was developed
for cadmium chalcogenides,197-200 as well as for Ga
and In pnictides.201-203 For the synthesis of cadmium
chalcogenides, the Cd-precursor was Cd(CH3)2, and
the chalcogen source molecules were [(CH3)3Si]2S,
Figure 8. TEM images of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles pre-
[(CH3)3Si]2Se, R3PSe, and R3PTe (R ) C4-C8 n-alkyl).
pared by the hydrolysis and condensation of metal chelates Rapid injection of a room-temperature solution con-
in nonaqueous solutions. (Reprinted with permission from taining both precursors into the preheated (340-360
ref 182. Copyright 2002 American Chemical Society.) °C) solvents resulted in rapid nucleation, and ma-
3908 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 Cushing et al.
Figure 12. Schematic of a continuous-flow microwave reactor consisting of (a) a liquid column as a pressure regulator,
(b) a metal salt solution container, (c) a microwave oven cavity, (d) a metal cluster dispersion receiver, and (e) a spiral
tube reactor. (Reprinted with permission from ref 217. Copyright 2000 American Chemical Society.)
Many colloidal metals can be prepared by micro- collapse of bubbles) that creates localized “hot spots”
waving mixtures of metal salts and polyalcohols. This with effective temperatures of 5000 K and lifetimes
method, originally developed by Fiévet et al.,214 is on the order of a few nanoseconds or less.227-229 As
now referred to as the microwave-polyol process. such, the chemical reactions largely take place inside
Recently, Yu et al. prepared 2-4 nm colloidal Pt the bubbles.230 The extremely rapid cooling rates
particles by irradiating a mixture of poly(N-vinyl-2- encountered in this process, however, strongly favor
pyrrolidone), aqueous H2PtCl6, ethylene glycol, and the formation of amorphous products.
NaOH with 2450 MHz microwaves in an open beaker Many of the methods reported in the literature for
for 30 s.215 Tsuji et al. have prepared PVP-stabilized, sonochemical syntheses of nanoparticles involve the
nanoparticulate Ni in ethylene glycol by a similar decomposition of carbonyl precursors, as discussed
method; a TEM image and size distribution chart for in section 2.2.5. Suslick et al., who have published
their products are presented in Figure 11.216 Tu et extensively on the use of ultrasound in chemical
al. adapted the method to a continuous-flow reactor; syntheses, have prepared amorphous, nanoparticu-
their apparatus is depicted in Figure 12.217 This late Fe, Co, and several Fe-Co alloys.231-233 Typi-
method can reportedly produce colloidal ∼1.5 nm Pt cally, the corresponding metal carbonyls were dis-
at 0.8 L/h. solved in decane and irradiated at 20 kHz for ∼3 h
Microwave methods have similarly been used for under an inert atmosphere to produce well-dispersed
the synthesis of chalcogenides. Gedanken et al. ∼8 nm particles (Figure 13). Others have reported
prepared CdSe, PbSe, and Cu2-xSe nanoparticles by the synthesis of 40 nm particles of M50 steel by a
microwave-refluxing218 solutions containing aqueous similar process.234
Cd2+, Pb2+, or Cu2+ and Na2SeSO3 in the presence of Oxides can be prepared by similar methods if the
an amine-based stabilizer.219 In the case of CdSe, sonication is performed under an oxygen atmosphere.
increased irradiation time influenced the structure Shafi et al. prepared amorphous nanoparticles of
of the product. Interestingly, as-prepared CdSe NiFe2O4 by sonicating a solution of Fe(CO)5 and
samples consisted of well-dispersed 4-5 nm particles, Ni(CO)4 in Decalin under a 1-1.5 atm pressure of
whereas the PbSe and Cu2-xSe formed aggregates. O2, although the products were agglomerated.235
Gedanken’s group has published extensively on vari-
ous oxides and chalcogenides prepared by microwave- In some cases, the use of carbonyl precursors is not
assisted irradiation.220-223 necessary. ZrO2, for instance, has been precipitated
by ultrasonic irradiation of an aqueous solution
A brief survey of compounds prepared by micro-
containing Zr(NO3)4 and NH4OH, followed by calci-
wave-assisted coprecipitation is given in Table 4.
nation at 300-1200 °C to improve the crystallinity
or, for temperatures of 800 °C and above, to induce
2.2.10. Sonication-Assisted Coprecipitation a tetragonal f monoclinic phase transition.236 Nano-
Like microwave-induced heating, sonication of a particulate, perovskite-structured La1-xSrxMnO3 has
liquid also results in rapid heating, although the been similarly prepared.237
mechanism is fundamentally different. The sonica- Zheng et al. have developed an interesting varia-
tion of a liquid results in cavitation (the implosive tion of this method, in which 100-200 nm hollow
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3911
(iii) the first falling rate period, and (iv) the second
falling rate period. If isolated by thermal evaporation,
Figure 14. TEM image of CdSe nanoparticles synthesized the resulting monolith is termed a xerogel. If the
in supramolecular vesicle templates. (Reprinted with per- solvent is extracted under supercritical or near-
mission from ref 238. Copyright 2002 Elsevier.) supercritical conditions, the product is an aerogel.
Step 5: Dehydration, during which surface-bound
spheres of CdSe have been precipitated by ultrasonic M-OH groups are removed, thereby stabilizing the
irradiation of a solution of Na2SeO3 and CdCl2 in the gel against rehydration. This is normally achieved
presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), an anionic by calcining the monolith at temperatures up to 800
surfactant that serves as a vesicle template (Figure °C.
14).238 Step 6: Densification and decomposition of the gels
at high temperatures (T > 800 °C). The pores of the
3. Sol-Gel Processing gel network are collapsed, and remaining organic
species are volatilized. This step is normally reserved
3.1. Fundamentals of the Sol-Gel Process for the preparation of dense ceramics or glasses.
Traditionally, sol-gel processing refers to the hy-
3.1.1. Precursors and the Partial-Charge Model
drolysis and condensation of alkoxide-based precur-
sors such as Si(OEt)4 (tetraethyl orthosilicate, or While the above steps are common to most sol-gel
TEOS). The earliest examples of such reactions date processes, the natures of the specific reactions in-
to the work of Ebelmen in 1846.239 Sol-gel processing volved in hydrolysis and condensation differ substan-
did not garner wide attention until Geffcken and tially between the various types of possible precur-
Berger devised a method of preparing oxide films sors. The processing of metal alkoxides, solvated
from sol-gel precursors in the late 1930s, which metal cations, and organometallic precursors are
proved useful in the manufacturing of stained glass.240 discussed separately to avoid confusion.
3912 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 Cushing et al.
Understanding of the formation, stability, and the Si/H2O ratio, more than one alkoxy group may
reactivity of alkoxides and solvated metal cations is be substituted:
greatly enhanced by a cursory understanding of the
partial-charge model of Livage et al., in which the Si(OR)4 + nH2O f Si(OR)4-n(OH)n + nROH (48)
partial charge, δ, on an atom, i, is given by
Variation and control of n has profound consequences
(χj - χi ) for the morphology and structure of the resulting
δi ) (43) gel.251
kxχi0 The relatively high electronegativity of Si weakens
the O-H bonds to the extent that condensation can
where χi0 is the electronegativity of the atom, k is a occur. Like hydrolysis, condensation of Si(OR)1-n(OH)n
constant (1.36 in the Pauling scale of electronegativ- can be catalyzed by either acid or base. Under acidic
ity) and χj is the mean electronegativity of the system. conditions
χj is given by
∑pixχi + kz
χj ) (44)
∑(pi/xχi) or
When the cation of a metal-alkoxide complex is ration, capillary forces induce stresses on the gel that
coordinatively unsaturated (when the coordination increase the coordination numbers of the particles
number N is equal to the cation’s charge, z), conden- and induce collapse of the network. The increase in
sation occurs via an SN2 reaction: particle coordination numbers results in the forma-
tion of additional linkages that strengthen the struc-
ture against further collapse and eventually lead to
the formation of a rigid pore structure. The structure
When, however, the metal is coordinatively saturated of the resulting xerogel can therefore be considered
(N - z > 0), nucleophilic addition occurs: a collapsed, highly distorted form of the original gel
The supercritical extraction of solvent from a gel
does not induce capillary stresses due to the lack of
The three types of ligands that are possibly formed
solvent-vapor interfaces. As a result, the compres-
during hydrolysis differ significantly with respect to
sive forces exerted on the gel network are signifi-
their partial charges. As a consequence, the reactivity
of the metal cation will vary, as well. Because the cantly diminished relative to those created during
condensation of hydrolyzed metals occurs via nucleo- formation of a xerogel. Aerogels consequently retain
philic substitution and nucleophilic addition mech- a much stronger resemblance to their original gel
anisms, the most important characteristics of the network structure than do xerogels (Figure 19).
ligands are their nucleophilicity and leaving group Detailed investigations of the structural evolution of
behavior. As evident in eqs 58 and 59, the condensa- sol gels during aging and drying have been pub-
tion of hydrolyzed metals requires that the metal be lished.255
bound to at least one good nucleophile and one good
leaving group. High nucleophilicity requires that the 3.1.6. Gel Sintering
partial charge of the ligand be less than zero, and The sintering of gels, where the pore network is
the more negative the better. The partial charges of
collapsed and organic species are volatilized, is a
the ligands vary as δ(O2-) < δ(OH-) < δ(OH2),
critical factor in determining the size and morphology
irrespective of the metal they are bound to. Thus, in
of the sol-gel product. Due to the amorphous struc-
general, oxo ligands are good nucleophiles but poor
leaving groups, aquo ligands are good leaving groups ture of the gels, the sintering process is governed
but poor nucleophiles, and hydroxo ligands can serve primarily by viscous flow. The rate of contraction of
as either nucleophiles or leaving groups. Since at the gel networks, ∈, is given by256
least one hydroxo ligand is usually necessary for
condensation to occur, operation in the hydroxo γSVxN
region of Figure 18 becomes paramount. ∈) (60)
3.1.5. Xerogel and Aerogel Formation
where γSV is the gel’s surface energy, η is the
As a gel is evaporated to dryness, either by thermal viscosity, and N is the number of pores per unit
evaporation or supercritical solvent extraction, the volume. At least one topical review on the viscous
gel structure changessin some cases substantially. sintering of gels is available, although it pertains
During thermal drying or room-temperature evapo- primarily to the preparation of glasses.257
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3915
3.1.7. Controlling Particle Size and Morphology drying the product supercritically.263 Despite anneal-
ing at 500 °C, only slight agglomeration of the
As discussed in section 3.1.2, the gel network
nanoparticles was observed.
structure formed by acid- or base-catalyzed hydroly-
Neiderberger et al. have developed an interesting
sis of metal alkoxides can be tailored to favor the
variation of the sol-gel method that produces nano-
formation of polymeric chains with extensive cross-
crystalline products without a calcination step.264 The
linking and branching or the formation of discrete
method involves a nonhydrolytic sol-gel type reaction
spherical particles with minimal cross-linking. For
between a metal chloride and benzyl alcohol that
the purpose of preparing nanoparticles, base-cata-
presumably forms a MCl4-x(OCH2Ph)x or similar
lyzed hydrolysis is clearly preferred, though not
intermediate that undergoes acid-catalyzed hydroly-
always necessary. In any event, experimental evi-
sis by eqs 49 and 50. Particle size was controllable
dence suggests that precursor structure is at least
in the range 4-8 nm by variation of temperature and
as important as control of pH in directing the size
reactant concentrations. The process has since been
and morphology of sol-gel products.258
extended to vanadium and tungsten oxides.265
In the case of hydrolyzed cations, controlling the Other authors have demonstrated that titania
hydrolysis equilibrium can be particularly effective nanoparticles are easily prepared by controlled hy-
for directing the structure of the product. The sol- drolysis and condensation of Ti(OiPr) in an alcohol
gel processing of V2O5 is a vivid example. When solution acidified with HCl followed by supercritical
NaVO3 is solvated in water, cyclic [V4O13]4- results. drying.266,267 Recently, several groups have published
When passed through an ion exchange column, rather elaborate studies on the factors influencing
[V4O13]4- is converted to vanadic acid, H3VO4, which the particle sizes and particle size distributions
in aqueous solution coordinates two water molecules resulting from this reaction. Zhu et al. have detailed
to bring the coordination number of vanadium to the morphology of the products by electron micros-
six.259 Because the VdO and one of the V(OH2) groups copy and small-angle neutron scattering.268,269 Hsu
lie along the z-axis, condensation is restricted to two et al. studied the effects of varying the alkoxide/water
dimensions along the x-y direction. Condensation ratio, HCl concentration, reactant feed rate, and
(olation) along the y-axis, producing corner-sharing temperature.270 Their results indicate that the alkox-
octahedral chains, is fast due to the H2O ligand being ide/water (hydrolysis) ratio and HCl concentration
a good leaving group. Condensation along the x-axis are the most influential parameters governing both
(oxolation), resulting in edge-sharing octahedral mean size and size distribution. Liu et al. investi-
chains, is comparatively slow. Consequently, the gated the influence of UV radiation on the hydrolysis
resulting product consists of ribbonlike chains. and condensation of Ti(OiPr)4 in propyl alcohol.271
They found that UV radiation increased the oxygen
3.2. Sol-Gel Synthetic Methods defect concentration in the as-prepared amorphous
3.2.1. Sol-Gel Syntheses of Oxides TiO2, thereby allowing conversion to crystalline ana-
tase at temperatures as low as 100 °C.
Although the 1988 review by Livage et al. on the Oliveria et al. have adapted the sol-gel synthesis
sol-gel chemistry of transition metal oxides is some- route for titania nanoparticles described above to the
what dated and does not specifically address the synthesis of TixSn1-xO2 solid solutions.272 While rutile-
synthesis of nanoparticles, the paper still ranks as structured TixSn1-xO2 solid solutions are well docu-
one of the more comprehensive and authoritative mented, this appears to be the first report of an
articles written on sol-gel processing.260 The discus- anatase-structured TixSn1-xO2 solid solution.
sion here focuses on recent advances in the sol-gel In an excellent demonstration of the tailoring of
processing of nanoparticulate oxides. precursors to create a homogeneous network of
An important distinction should be made between mixed-metal cations, Yu et al. prepared 60 nm
processes in which a xerogel or aerogel is the end particles of phase-pure PbTiO3 by the hydrolysis and
product and those in which the xerogel or aerogel condensation of a precursor consisting of lead lactate
serves as a precursor that is subsequently calcined, (Pb(CH3CHOHCOO)2) and Ti(OBu)4 followed by cal-
sintered, and so forth. Despite supercritical drying, cinations of the product at 420 °C or higher.273
in the absence of a calcination step, many aerogel Similarly, Gun’ko et al. prepared precursors specif-
reactions will yield amorphous, although nanopar- ically tailored to the hydrolysis/condensation chem-
ticulate, products. Condensation and supercritical istry of the sol-gel process.274 The precursors, in this
drying of a Zr(NO3)4‚5H2O or ZrO(NO3)2‚2H2O pre- case, were substituted metal alkoxides, such as
cursor in alcohol, for instance, produced amorphous,
∼1 nm particles of ZrO2.261,262 Calcination of the FeBr2 + 2NaOtBu + THF (excess) f
product at 400 °C resulted in 2-3 nm agglomerated
particles with a mixed tetragonal/monoclinic phase Fe(OtBu)2(THF)2 (61)
Calcining an aerogel or xerogel will improve the The precursor formed in eq 61 was subsequently
crystallinity of the sample but normally leads to decomposed by ultrasonic irradiation, and the re-
agglomeration. This can be limited, however, if the sulting precipitate was dried at 300 °C to yield ∼15
calcination conditions are kept moderate. Hamdeh nm Fe3O4 (Figure 20). Starting from precursors of
et al. have prepared spinel-structured Ge0.5Fe2.5Oy Fe[NC(C6H4)C(NSiMe3)2]2Cl or Fe2(OSiPh2)3 resulted
nanoparticles by initiating hydrolysis of a mixture in nanoparticulate γ-Fe2O3 or Fe2O3-SiO2 compos-
containing Ge(OMe)4, Fe(OAc)2, and methanol and ites, respectively.
3916 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 Cushing et al.
Most sol-gel-based nanocomposite syntheses can be prior to addition to a TEOS solution at low pH. The
categorized as involving either (a) the mixing of a gels were aged and dried at room temperature to
preformed colloidal metal (or oxide) with a sol con- form xerogels. The photoluminescences of the com-
taining the matrix-forming species followed by gela- posites were found to vary significantly, depending
tion, (b) the direct precipitation of metal, metal oxide, primarily on the capping ligand.
and so forth nanoparticles within a prehydrolyzed With respect to the second approach, precipitation
silica sol, or (c) complexing the metal to a function- of metal or metal oxide particles from their precur-
alized silane and reducing the metal prior to hydroly- sors is carried out within the silica sol, usually by a
sis/condensation. Bronstein et al. have recently pub- low-temperature heat treatment. This in-situ nucle-
lished a comprehensive review of these techniques.301 ation/growth approach is generally used for the
With respect to the first approach described above, preparation of thin films,308 but solid monoliths may
the colloidal metal or metal oxide nanoparticles will also be prepared this way.
normally contain a stabilizing agent at the particles’ Liz-Marzán et al. developed a technique to apply
surfaces (see section 2.1.4). Consequently, the size SiO2 coatings to colloidal Au, forming an Au@SiO2
and size distribution of the individual colloidal par- core-shell arrangement.309 The Au sol was prepared
ticles are largely determined by their method of by the citrate method and a solution containing (3-
synthesis, before they are ever introduced into the aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (3-APTMS) was added
sol. If the resulting gel is heated to even moderately to it, followed by a solution of sodium silicate. The
high temperatures, however, the stabilizing agent amino functional groups of the 3-APTMS were ef-
may decompose, leaving the colloidal particles subject fectively bound to the Au surfaces. The Si-O-Si
to aggregation unless the colloid concentration within network was formed by addition of the silicate ions
the sol is very low. Nanocomposites consisting of gold under basic conditions:
imbedded in silica matrixes are a common target with
this approach, which is not surprising given the well-
developed methods of preparing Au colloids and the
potential applications of gold nanoparticles in het-
erogeneous catalysis. Anderson et al. prepared such
a composite by adding a sol of colloidal Au (prepared
by the citrate method) to a silica sol, casting the sol
into a mold, and drying the composite supercritically After deposition of the initial SiO2 shell, the thickness
to form an aerogel.302 They were able to demonstrate of the SiO2 layer could be increased by mixing the
the porosity of the silica matrix by adsorbing methyl product with TEOS dissolved in an ethanol solution;
orange on the surfaces of the Au nanoparticles after SiO2 shells as thick as 83 nm have been successfully
the composite had been cast and dried. Others have grown (Figure 21). Lu et al. were able to prepare Au-
prepared similar composites starting from Au nano- SiO2 with shells as thick as 80 nm by a similar meth-
particles passivated with dodecanethiol.303 Wallace od in which the shells were deposited on Au colloids
et al. have adapted such Au-SiO2 composites to allow from TEOS solutions and the thickness was con-
the Au nanoparticles to act as nucleating agents for trolled by adjusting the reaction time.310 Ag@SiO2,311
self-organized protein superstructures that are sub- Fe2O3@SiO2,312 Fe3O4@SiO2,313 and CdTe@SiO2314 nano-
sequently encapsulated in the silica matrix after particles have been prepared by similar schemes.
supercritical drying.304 Cheng et al. prepared Au-SiO2 by combining
colloidal gold with a prehydrolyzed TEOS solution in
Morris et al. developed an intriguing variation of the presence of a dibenzoyltartaric acid stabilizer.315
this technique in which the colloidal solid is added After aging and drying, the resulting aerogel was
to a silica sol just prior to gelation.305 By minimizing calcined at 550 °C to produce 2-8 nm Au particles
the time of interaction between the colloidal particles homogeneously distributed in amorphous silica with
and the silica network, the colloids were not fully 3-4 nm pores. Others have achieved similar results
encapsulated by the silica network, which may be with Au imbedded in borosilicate glass.316
significant in terms of preserving the properties of Fonseca et al. prepared Ni-SiO2 nanocomposites
the guest species (catalytic activity, optical proper- by adding a mixture of Ni(NO3)2 and TEOS to a
ties, etc.). Colloidal particles of Pt, Au, carbon black, solution of citric acid dissolved in ethanol.317 Poly-
titania, and FeII(bpy) imbedded in zeolite have been esterification was induced by addition of ethylene
successfully incorporated into SiO2 matrixes in this glycol to the reaction mixture, and pyrolysis was
manner. carried out at 500 °C under inert atmosphere. The
Richard-Plouet et al. modified this technique such nickel ions were reduced by CO generated from
that Co2+ ions were complexed to PVA-based poly- pyrolysis of the organic matrix. The resulting Ni-
meric “microcapsules” prior to addition to a silica SiO2 nanocomposite contained 1.5-5 wt % of ∼3 nm
sol.306 Thermal treatments of the resulting gels under Ni particles dispersed in amorphous SiO2. The em-
a reducing atmosphere resulted in the formation of bedded Ni particles exhibited no signs of oxidation,
Co nanoparticles with an average diameter of ∼50 suggesting that the SiO2 matrix protects the embed-
nm. The silica matrix appeared to stabilize the Co ded particles.
particles against oxidation. Corrias et al. have reported FeCo-SiO2 composites
Zhang et al. have adapted this technique to the prepared in a similar manner.318,319 Interestingly, the
synthesis of luminescent Si-SiO2 nanocomposites.307 nature of the counterion in the metal salts was
The Si nanoparticles were stabilized with amino acids observed to influence the structure of the resulting
3918 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 Cushing et al.
Figure 21. (A) TEM images of 15 nm Au particles coated with thin silica layers: (top) 18 h after addition of active silica;
(center) 42 h after addition; (bottom) 5 days after addition. (B) The silica shell keeps growing, but eventually small SiO2
particles nucleate from solution. (Reprinted with permission from ref 309. Copyright 1996 American Chemical Society.)
nanocomposite, in that metal nitrates favored the complexes are reduced to form metal nanoparticles
formation of low-density aerogels via a ferrihydrite prior to hydrolysis/condensation of the sol, Bharathi
+ Co3O4 intermediate,320 whereas metal acetates prepared Au-SiO2 by complexing an amino-function-
favored higher-density xerogels via a CoFe2O4 inter- alized silane to HAuCl4, inducing gelation, and re-
mediate.321 ducing the metal cations with sodium borohydride.327
The technique of precipitating a metal in a prehy- By binding to the gold surfaces, the aminosilane
drolyzed silica sol has also recently been employed groups ensured good homogeneity of the Au particles.
by Wu et al. for the preparation of Ag-SiO2 nano- Subsequent hydrolysis and condensation of the si-
composites.322 Aqueous AgNO3 solutions were added lanes resulted in the formation of the Si-O-Si
to prehydrolyzed TMOS sols prior to gelation. When network in which the Au particles were dispersed.
the condensation reaction was catalyzed by HCl, The resulting gels could be dried into monoliths or
reduction of Ag+ occurred via the photodecomposition deposited as thin films. An interesting variation of
of an AgCl intermediate. When catalyzed by HNO3, this experiment involves initiating hydrolysis/con-
the Ag+ reduction was explained as the likely result densation of the silane prior to reduction of the metal,
of photodecomposition of a complex formed between which yields 4-6 nm Au-SiO2, Pt-SiO2, or Pd-SiO2,
Ag+ and methanol radicals resulting from TMOS but 2-20 nm Ag-SiO2 particles.328
hydrolysis. Morley et al. have prepared similar Ag- Kobayashi et al. took a somewhat different ap-
SiO2 nanocomposites by thermal decomposition of proach to the synthesis of Au-SiO2 composites by
Ag+ complexes in silica sols in scCO2.323 first preparing Au@SiO2 core-shell particles and
Casas et al. have precipitated iron oxides in silica subsequently imbedding them in an amorphous SiO2
sols by combining Fe(NO3)3‚9H2O with TEOS in matrix.329 The Au@SiO2 was prepared by addition of
ethanol.324 The hydrated iron salt provided sufficient an aminosilane and sodium silicate to colloidal Au
water to induce hydrolysis of the orthosilicate. When prepared by the Turkevich method, resulting in Au
dried supercritically, their method resulted in ∼5 nm nanoparticles with 5-7 nm thick SiO2 shells in a
particles of Fe5HO8‚4H2O imbedded in a porous silica stable dispersion.309 The Au@SiO2 particles were
matrix. No phase change was observed when the imbedded in a SiO2 matrix by adding sodium silicate
samples were calcined. When prepared as a xerogel, or TMOS to the Au@SiO2 dispersion, lowering the
however, the iron nanoparticles were amorphous and pH, and inducing hydrolysis/condensation of the Si-
crystallized as a mixed γ/R-Fe2O3 phase when cal- O-Si network. As such, the possibility of the colloidal
cined at 400 °C or pure R-Fe2O3 when calcined at 600 particles agglomerating prior to gel formation was
°C. Others have prepared NiO-SiO2 and Ni-SiO2 greatly diminished and the Au@SiO2 exhibited excel-
nanocomposites by similar methods.325,326 lent dispersion in the silica matrix.
With respect to the third approach of preparing Nanocomposites formed by sol-gel processing are
metal-silica nanocomposites, where metal-silane not limited to metal nanoparticles or to silica ma-
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3919
H3BO3 + CO(NH2)2 f BN + H2O + COv (63) 3.3.1. Chelate Selection and Complex Formation
The literature contains numerous variations of the
and the resulting gels were calcined at 200-700 °C Pechini method, most involving alternative chelating
after drying. The products consisted of 10 nm agents. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is
ZnO or 17 nm TiO2 encapsulated in concentric BN occasionally substituted for citric acid.340,341 EDTA is
sheets. widely used as a complexing agent for quantitative
complexometric titrations due to its ability to bind
almost any cation. The four carboxylate groups allow
3.3. The Pechini Method the molecule to behave as either a bi-, tri-, tetra-,
penta-, or hexadendate ligand, depending on the pH
In 1967, Pechini developed a modified sol-gel
of its solution. Although EDTA’s binding ability tends
process for metals that are not suitable for traditional
to increase with increasing pH, the polyesterification
sol-gel type reactions due to their unfavorable hy-
reaction between carboxylic acids and polyalcohols
drolysis equilibria.334 Although Pechini’s original
that is necessary for gelation is acid catalyzed.
method was developed specifically for the preparation
Fortunately, due to its zwitterionic character, EDTA
of thin films, it was later adapted to the synthesis of
will still bind many metals as a bidentate ligand,
powdered products.
even under highly acidic (pH < 4) conditions.
The Pechini method, as it is now referred to, relies Oxalic acid and polymeric alcohols such as poly-
on the formation of complexes of alkali metals, (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) have also been used as chelating
alkaline earths, transition metals, or even nonmetals agents for Pechini type syntheses.342,343 In the case
with bi- and tridendate organic chelating agents such of polymer alcohols, given the 3-D network provided
as citric acid. A polyalcohol such as ethylene glycol by the polymer, addition of a polyol and subsequent
is added to establish linkages between the chelates esterification are not necessary. The polymer is sim-
by a polyesterification reaction, resulting in gelation ply combined with the metal cations in solution to
of the reaction mixture. This process is represented form a precursor that is subsequently calcined to py-
schematically in Figure 22. 13C and 87Sr NMR studies rolyze the organic species. These reactions are some-
of some gelled precursors have recently been pub- times referred to as polymer combustion syntheses.
lished.335-337 After drying, the gel is heated to initiate There are a number of syntheses reported in the
pyrolysis of the organic species, resulting in ag- literature that, while similar to the Pechini method
glomerated submicron oxide particles. in their use of carboxylic acid-based chelating agents
The advantage of the Pechini method lies in the and pyrolysis of the resulting precursors, forego the
elimination of the requirement that the metals use of a polyol or similar reagent to induce polym-
involved form suitable hydroxo complexes. Chelating erization.344,345 As such, it is unclear whether these
agents tend to form stable complexes with a variety solutions are in fact forming gels or simply contain
of metals over fairly wide pH ranges, allowing for the precipitated metal-citrate complexes. We have noted
relatively easy synthesis of oxides of considerable that the products of such reactions tend to exhibit
complexity. Review articles covering the Pechini relatively large crystallite sizes with irregular mor-
process are available, although rare.338,339 phologies.346,347
3920 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 Cushing et al.
3.3.2. Limitations of the Pechini Method sintered into dense ceramic pellets. This is particu-
larly useful for materials used as electrodes in devices
The primary disadvantage of the Pechini method such as the solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC), where the
lies in the lack of control over particle size, shape, electrodes must be sufficiently dense as to not allow
and morphology. Unlike traditional sol-gel processes, permeation of gases through cracks or pores.
where the metal itself becomes an integral part of
the gel network, the gel network in the Pechini 3.3.3. Oxide Syntheses with the Pechini Method
method is formed by the esterification of the chelating The number of oxides prepared by the Pechini
agent and polyalcohol. The metal ions are essentially method now stretches into the hundreds. A repre-
trapped in the organic matrix, to which they are sentative sampling demonstrating the flexibility of
weakly bound. As such, the Pechini method cannot the method is given in Table 5. The discussion here
easily produce specific structural moieties such as should be considered an overview of recent develop-
2-D chains and ribbons. The particles obtained after ments and representative examples.
calcination are virtually always spherical or nearly Most syntheses involving the Pechini method still
spherical, and at least some aggregation from sin- use citric acid as the metal chelating agent and
tering should be expected. ethylene glycol as the polyol. Among the more recent
The Pechini method does afford some control over oxides prepared this way are 25 nm Y2O3,360 500 nm
particle size, but this is primarily achieved by varia- Bi2Ru2O7,361 sub-100 nm lanthanide-doped Y3Al5O12
tion of the calcination temperatures. If a pure product (YAG),362 LiMn2O4,363 BaFe12O19,364 and numerous
(free of organic contaminants) is to be obtained, perovskite-structured materials, such as LaCoO3365
calcination temperatures of at least 300 °C are and Ba(In0.67Mo0.33)O3.366
usually necessary, and some chelating agents require Oxides prepared using EDTA as chelating agent
substantially higher decomposition temperatures. include Ba2Ti9O20. The substitution of EDTA for citric
Furthermore, although the Pechini method could, in acid substantially reduced the amount of time the
theory, be adapted to the synthesis of sulfides, sample had to be calcined at 1200 °C in order to
carbides, or nitrides, to our knowledge, no such obtain a single-phase product.341 Similarly, Sen and
synthesis has ever been reported. The method should Pramanik prepared a series of nanocrystalline mo-
therefore be considered limited to the synthesis of lybdates by complexing the ions with EDTA in the
oxides. presence of PVA and sucrose and heat-treating the
Given the above limitations, it is not surprising precursor at 500 °C.367
that the Pechini method is frequently used to prepare Among the oxides prepared using oxalic acid as a
fine particles that are subsequently compacted and chelating agent are two (Tl0.6Pb0.2Bi0.2)Sr4-xCaxCu3Oy
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3921
3Vs 3Vwω0
RM ) + (69)
where n ≈ 10. Reviews detailing the phase behav- Σs Σs
iors of numerous nonionic surfactants are avail-
able.413,414 Experimentally, RM has been shown to vary lin-
early with water content in various AOT and CTAB
4.1.2. Reverse Micelle Formation and Phase Equilibria reverse micellar systems above a critical ω0 of about
10, below which Vs, Vw, and Σs also increase with
The spherical aggregates described by Schulman increasing ω0.391,392 As such, the size of the water pool
and represented in Figure 25 are commonly referred at the reverse micelle core can be carefully controlled
to as reverse micelles and are generally characterized by adjusting the [H2O]/[S] ratio, provided ω0 g 10.
by ω0, the molar ratio of water to surfactant, S: However, controlling the size of the reverse micelles
does not address the issue of micelle formation. As a
ω0 ) [H2O]/[S] (65) four-component mixture of oil-water-surfactant-
cosurfactant, the phase equilibria of reverse micelle
To establish the relationship between ω0 and the systems are inherently complex.415,416 Friberg noted
micellar radius, RM, we first consider the micellar early on that microemulsions tend to form over fairly
molar volume, VM, given by limited oil/water/surfactant ratios.374 Such phase
relationships are normally depicted with Gibbs tri-
4πRM3 angles; a representative example is given in Figure
VM ) ) nsVs + nwVw (66) 27, where Om (oil-continuous micelle phase) repre-
sents the region of interest.393 Note that solutions
where ns and nw are the moles of surfactant and containing low volume fractions of oil form liquid
water per micelle, respectively, and Vw is the volume crystalline (LC) phases and that solutions containing
of water in the micelle.380 Assuming that the surface more than 50% H2O versus AOT tend to contain both
area of a micelle, ΣM, is determined solely by the an Om and a water phase.
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3923
Figure 28. Schematic of a collision between two reverse 4.1.4. Factors Influencing Surfactant Selection
micelles with dissimilar cores. The micelles form a short-
lived dimer, as some surfactant molecules are released into Careful consideration of a number of factors is
the oil phase and the contents of the micellar cores are advisable when selecting a suitable surfactant, start-
exchanged. ing with the reactants and reaction conditions. The
surfactant should be chemically inert with respect
4.1.3. Reaction Dynamics in Reverse Micelles to all other components of the microemulsion. This
The small size of reverse micelles subjects them to is particularly relevant when the system contains
continuous Brownian motion, even at room temper- oxidizing or reducing agents. On this matter, both
ature. Collisions between micelles are frequent, and CTAB and AOT are stable against mild oxidizers, like
approximately one collision in every thousand results dilute H2O2, and mild reducing agents, such as
in the formation of a short-lived dimer, formed by the hydrazine. However, stronger reducing agents such
expulsion of some surfactant molecules into the bulk as borohydride ions can be problematic.421
oil phase (Figure 28).400,417 During the ∼100 ns The possible interference of the counterions of ionic
lifetime of the dimer, two reverse micelles will surfactants should likewise be carefully considered.
exchange the contents of their aqueous cores before In a reaction involving Ag+, for instance, the dissoci-
decoalescing, resulting in the eventual equilibrium ated Br- ions of CTAB would cause immediate
distribution of all contents.396 precipitation of AgBr. The Na+ ions of AOT could
Given the above model of reverse micelle interac- similarly interfere with an intended precipitation
tion, the suitability of reverse micelles as nanoreac- reaction, that is, resulting in NaMnF3 instead of
tors becomes evident. Since the size of the water pools KMnF3.422 Fortunately, at least in the case of AOT,
in reverse micelles can be controlled by adjusting ω0, Na+ can be exchanged for ions more compatible with
and the Brownian motion of the particles allows the the synthesis prior to incorporation into reverse
distribution of reactants, then not only can reactions micelles.423
be performed inside the micellar cores, but also the
products will have nearly uniform size and shape. 4.2. Microemulsion Synthetic Methods
The earliest reports of syntheses inside reverse 4.2.1. Synthesis of Metals by Reduction
micelle cores involved the preparation of colloidal
metals in the early 1980s,50 although the reaction When a reverse micelle solution contains a dis-
dynamics of microemulsions were still not fully solved metal salt and a second reverse micelle solu-
understood at the time. tion containing a suitable reducing agent is added,
The complexity of reverse micelle systems should the metal cations can be reduced to the metallic state.
not be underestimated, especially after ionic salts Such reactions are, for all practical purposes, identi-
have been dissociated in the aqueous cores. Equilib- cal to those discussed in section 2.1 for the precipita-
rium constants and reaction rates frequently vary by tion of metals from aqueous solutions. Although the
more than an order of magnitude compared to the number of metals that can be prepared this way is
cases of similar systems in bulk aqueous solution.407 somewhat limited by the aqueous nature of the
Solvated ions tend to affect both the stability of reactions, this approach has garnered much attention
reverse micelles and the phase equilibria.401,418 In due to the potential application of the products as
particular, solvated ions in reverse micelles formed catalysts.50 Table 6 provides a partial list of the
from ionic surfactants cause a contraction of RM, due metals prepared by this method.
to interactions with the charged surfactant heads, The reducing agent must be stable in an aqueous
and tend to make the micelles more spherical.399 environment and not react with the other compo-
Moreover, the influence of solvated ions on RM nents of the reverse micelle system. This immediately
tends to increase with increasing concentration and excludes all nonaqueous reducing agents, such as
charge.394 Predictably, interactions with the surfac- those discussed in section 2.2.2. Since bubbled H2 gas
tant also change the physicochemical properties of results in slow reduction kinetics for many metals,
the solvated ions.408,419 particularly at room temperature,50 sodium borohy-
3924 Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 Cushing et al.
Figure 29. Absorption spectra, size-distribution histograms, and TEM images of Cu nanoparticles reduced with NaBH4
at various ω ) [H2O]/[AOT] ratios. (Reprinted with permission from ref 425. Copyright 1993 American Chemical Society.)
dride and hydrazine (usually in the form of water- 2PtCl42- + N2H5+ / Pt + N2v + 5H+ + 8Cl- (71)
soluble N2H4‚2HCl or N2H4‚H2O) are most commonly
employed in such reactions. This reaction, performed in a PEGDE-hexane-
The reduction of most metals is straightforward. water microemulsion, resulted in stable suspensions
One of the earliest reported reduction reactions in of 3 nm Pt particles.
reverse micelles was that of H2PtCl6 with hydrazine Lisiecki and Pileni adapted the technique to the
via a PtCl42- intermediate:50 reduction of Cu2+ with hydrazine and NaBH4, but
they started from a Cu(AOT)2 precursor:425,426
2PtCl62- + N2H5+ /
2- + -
Cu(NO3)2 + 2Na+AOT / Cu(AOT)2 + 2NaNO3
4PtCl4 + N2v + 5H + 4Cl (70) (72)
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3925
This technique is advantageous in that the NO3- are presented in Figure 30 and are typical for
counterions can be removed from the precursor, products of these types of reactions.
thereby avoiding any potential interferences, as
discussed in section 4.1.3. Using hydrazine as the 4.2.2. Synthesis of Alloys by Reduction
reducing agent, Lisiecki and Pileni obtained 2-10 nm Substitutional alloys can similarly be prepared if
Cu particles, whereas borohydride resulted in par- salts of different metals are dissolved in the reverse
ticles of 20-28 nm (Figure 29). micelle solution prior to reduction, provided the two
The reduction of oxo ions is somewhat more com- metals are miscible in the metallic state. Reverse
plicated and provides an example of where the control micelle solutions containing both Fe2+ and Pt2+, for
of pH is particularly important. In the case of example, have been reported as being simultaneously
H2SeO3, for example:427 reduced with BH4-.429 Variation of the Fe/Pt ratio
resulted in FePt, Fe2Pt, disordered FePt3, or ordered
4.2.3. Synthesis of Metal Oxides
The synthesis of oxides from reverse micelles relies
Both BH4- and N2H4‚H2O would have failed in the on the coprecipitation of one or more metal ions and
above example barring the addition of acid, since the is similar in most respects to the precipitation of
presence of H+ is required to initiate the reduction oxides from aqueous solutions (section 2.2.5). Typi-
process. cally, precipitation of hydroxides is induced by addi-
The dispersities and size distributions of metal tion of a reverse micelle solution containing dilute
nanoparticles precipitated in microemulsions are NH4OH to a reverse micelle solution containing
typically very good. The TEM image and size distri- aqueous metal ions at the micellar cores. Alterna-
bution chart for Ni nanoparticles precipitated from tively, dilute NH4OH can simply be added directly
a water-CTAB-n-hexanol system by Chen et al.370 to a micelle solution of the metal ions. The precipita-
tion of the metal hydroxides is typically followed by
centrifugation and heating to remove water and/or
improve crystallinity. This technique has proven par-
ticularly useful in preparing mixed-metal ferrites:431
∆, O2
M2+ + 2Fe2+ + OH- (excess) 98
MFe2O4 + xH2Ov (74)
Figure 31. TEM images of Fe2O3 (hematite) particles prepared in an AOT microemulsion: (A) as-prepared (bar ) 100
nm), (B) calcined at 450 °C (bar ) 50 nm); (C) calcined at 600 °C (bar ) 50 nm). The evolution of the crystalline hematite
phase can be traced by powder X-ray diffraction (D). (Reprinted from ref 435 with permission from American Ceramic
Society, www.ceramics.org. Copyright 1999. All rights reserved.)
prepared a series of mixed-metal ferrites by precipi- by similar processes. The BaFe12O19 prepared in this
tating the precursors in a H2O-AOT-isooctane way is noteworthy in that it exhibits a higher
system and calcining the products at 300-600 °C; the coercivity and saturation magnetization than samples
TEM images and powder X-ray patterns of one of prepared by a traditional coprecipitation route.442 A
their samples are reproduced in Figure 31.435 Kumar representative sampling of various oxides pre-
et al. prepared 10 nm particles of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ pared by coprecipitation in microemulsions is given
superconductor by combining a micellar solution of in Table 7.
Y3+, Ba2+, and Cu2+ prepared in an Igepal CO-430-
cyclohexane system with a second micellar solution 4.2.4. Syntheses of Other Inorganics
containing oxalic acid in the aqueous cores.436 The
precipitate was collected by centrifugation and cal- Many of the earliest microemulsion-based synthe-
cined at 800 °C to decompose the oxalate precursors. ses reported in the literature involved the coprecipi-
Nanoparticulate Al2O3,437 LaMnO3,438 BaFe12O19,439 tation of transition-metal halides or sulfides. Similar
Cu2L2O5 (L ) Ho, Er),440 and LiNi0.8Co0.2O2441 are to the precipitation of hydroxides, two micelle solu-
among the oxides that have recently been prepared tions containing the desired ions are prepared sepa-
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3927
5.2. Hydrothermal and Solvothermal Methods Figure 37. (top) TEM image of CeO2 nanoparticles coated
with turbostratic boron nitride and (bottom) the size
5.2.1. Solvothermal Processing of Nanocrystalline Oxides distribution of the sample. (Reprinted with permission from
The synthesis of nanocrystalline TiO2, which is an ref 481. Copyright 2003 Royal Society of Chemistry.)
important photocatalyst for the decomposition of toxic
Inoue et al. were able to reduce the particle size of
chemicals, is one of the more thoroughly investigated
hydrothermally prepared colloidal CeO2 to 2 nm by
solvothermal/hydrothermal reactions. Oguri et al.
autoclaving a mixture of cerium metal and 2-meth-
reported in 1988 the preparation of anatase by
oxyethanol at 250 °C.482 In this case, the autoclave
hydrothermally processing hydrous titania prepared
was purged with nitrogen prior to heating and the
by the controlled hydrolysis of Ti(OEt)4 in ethanol.475
colloidal particles were coagulated after heating with
The reaction conditions leading to monodispersed
methanol and ammonia. The authors noted that
anatase nanoparticles by this approach were eluci-
higher reaction temperatures tended to increase
dated by others.476 The extension of the method to
particle size.
the preparation of lanthanide-doped titania particles
The solvothermal syntheses of some transition
has also been reported.477
metal oxides can be achieved by the decomposition
More recently, Cheng et al. developed a method for of metal-Cupferron complexes, MxCupx (Cup )
preparing nanoparticulate, phase-pure rutile and C6H5N(NO)O-), based on the method of Rockenberger
anatase from aqueous TiCl4 by a hydrothermal et al.184 discussed in section 2.2.9. Thimmaiah et al.
process.478 They found that acidic conditions favored were able to replace the amine-based solvents used
rutile while basic conditions favored anatase. Inter- by Rockenberger with toluene and prepared ∼10 nm
estingly, they discovered that higher temperatures diameter γ-Fe2O3 and ∼7 nm CoFe2O4 by hydrother-
favor more highly dispersed products and that min- mal heating of the reaction mixtures.483 The authors
eralizers such as SnCl4 and NaCl tended to reduce noted, however, that the presence of at least trace
the average grain size, while NH4Cl led to ag- quantities of a strongly coordinating amine was
glomeration. necessary to act as a capping agent and prevent
Research on the synthesis of nanophase TiO2 still aggregation and that longer-chain amines tended to
continues. Expanding the work of Cheng et al., others reduce the average particle size of γ-Fe2O3. The same
have determined that the phase purity of the prod- group has reported the synthesis of nanoparticulate
ucts from hydrothermally processed aqueous TiCl4 ZnFe2O4 by an identical method.472
depends primarily on concentration, with higher con- In many cases, anhydrous metal oxides have been
centrations of TiCl4 favoring the rutile phase, while prepared by solvothermal treatments of sol-gel or
particle size depends primarily on reaction time.479 microemulsion-based precursors. Wu et al. prepared
Yin et al. modified the process to produce 2-10 nm anatase and rutile TiO2 by hydrothermal treatment
crystallites of monodispersed, phase-pure anatase by of acidified Ti(OBu)4 in a Triton X-100-n-hexanol-
adding citric acid to stabilize the TiO2 nanoparticles cyclohexane microemulsion.484 The microemulsion
and hydrothermally heating the precursors in the was heated to 120-200 °C in a stainless steel
presence of KCl or NaCl mineralizers.480 autoclave. Microemulsions acidified with HNO3 pro-
The hydrothermal synthesis of nanocrystalline, duced monodispersed anatase nanoparticles while
monodispersed CeO2 with a very narrow size distri- those acidified with HCl produced rutile nanorods.
bution was recently reported by Masui et al.481 The Rutile-structured TiO2 prepared this way has been
authors combined CeCl3‚6H2O and aqueous ammonia shown to be active toward the photocatalytic oxida-
with a citric acid stabilizer and heated the solution tion of phenol.485
in a sealed Teflon container at 80 °C. The CeO2 nano-
particles exhibited a 3.1 nm average diameter. The 5.2.2. Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Nitrides and
ceria particles were subsequently coated with BN by Chalcogenides
combining them with a mixture of boric acid and 2,2′- Yang et al. prepared a series of MSe2 (M ) Ni, Co,
iminodiethanol, evaporating the solvent, and heating Fe) nanoparticles by a solvothermal reduction pro-
at 800 °C under flowing ammonia (Figure 37). cess.486 The starting materials in this case were the
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3931
7. Biomimetic Syntheses
Interest in biotemplated nanoparticle syntheses
was spurred dramatically when Meldrum et al.
reported the synthesis of nanometric iron sulfide and
amorphous manganese and uranyl oxides within
protein cages.574 The ferritin-containing protein cages
Figure 43. Scanning force microscopy (SFM) images of
were, in effect, serving as nanoreactors to constrain the different routes of cluster synthesis in the presence of
particle growth. Douglas and Young later reported DNA: (a) DNA was added 5 min after clusters were
the similar host-guest encapsulation of paratung- prepared; (b) clusters were prepared in the presence of
state and decavanadate inside the protein cage of a nonactivated native DNAsthat is, the reducing agent and
virus.575 Research along these lines continues, now DNA were added to the [PtCl4]2- solution at the same time;
involving the protein engineering of viral cages as and (c) clusters were prepared in the presence of activated
tailored nanoreactors.576 DNA. (Reprinted with permission from ref 585. Copyright
2002 Wiley Europe.)
Much of the recent interest in biological nano-
particle syntheses is based on the molecular self- methylammine borane as a reducing agent. The DNA
assembly of nanoparticles. Most of this work stems molecules effectively served as a heterogeneous nucle-
from the 1996 report by Mirkin et al., who demon- ating agent and template for the formation of nano-
strated that functionalized DNA is capable of direct- particulate Pt chains. Through an impressive appli-
ing the self-assembly of Au nanostructures into cation of scanning force microscopy (SFM), the
regularly spaced 2-D arrays.577 This line of research researchers were able to observe the formation of the
continues at a rapid pace,578-581 and review articles Pt particles on the biomolecules in situ (Figure 43).
appear frequently.582-584 Similarly, Dujardin et al. used the tobacco mosaic
Seidel et al. were recently able to induce the virus as a template for the growth of <10 nm Pt, Au,
nucleation and growth of Pt nanoparticles at single and Ag nanoparticles into cylindrical aggregates.586
DNA molecules.585 In this case, λ-DNA was aged in At the cutting edge of these types of syntheses,
a K2PtCl4 solution, followed by the addition of di- nanoparticles have recently been encapsulated in
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3935
Table 10. Nanoparticles Stabilized with Lipophilic Capping Ligands with O-Donor Atoms
nanocrystalline core core size (nm) capping ligand ref
TiO2 5.5-10 trioctylphosphine oxide 614
MnFe2O4 5.3, 6.6 oleic acid, myristic acid 182
FePt 3, ..., 10 oleic acid 91
Fe-Co oleic acid 183
Fe-FeOx oleic acid 183
Fe2O3 5-16 octylphosphonic acid 615
11-undecenoic acid
dodecylphosphonic acid
γ-Fe2O3 4, ..., 16 oleic acid 616
γ-Fe2O3 4 caprylic acid 617
γ-Fe2O3 10 (1) 2-bromo-2-methylpropionic acid; (2) styrene; 618
(3) polymerization
γ-Fe2O3 4-10 dodecanol, 619
Fe3O4 4, 8-16 oleic acid 181
Fe3O4 6, 12 oleic acid 620
Fe3O4 4.2, 6.6 oleic acid, myristic acid 182
Co 3-13 oleic acid 89, 91
Co 2.2-6.4 oleic acid 129
Co 4 × (25-75) disks oleic acid 126, 108
8 (spheres)
CoFe2O4 3.3, 4.2 oleic acid, myristic acid 182
Co-Ni oleic acid 183
CoPt 1.9 oleic acid 129
CoPt3 1.8 oleic acid 129
Ni oleic acid 183
NiFe2O4 3.6, 5.1 oleic acid, myristic acid 182
ZnO octadecylphosphonic acid 621
ZnFe2O4 5.1, 5.6 oleic acid, myristic acid 182
CdS 1.2, ..., 11.5 trioctylphosphine oxide 197, 199
CdS various sizes hexylphosphonic, tetradecylphosphonic acid 208
CdSe 1.5, ..., 10 trioctylphosphine oxide 203
CdSe 1.5, ..., 10 tributylphosphine oxide 199
CdSe various sizes and shapes hexylphosphonic acid 206, 207
CdSe various sizes hexylphosphonic, tetradecylphosphonic acid 208
CdSe 1.5, ..., 10 hexadecyl phosphate 199
CdSe 1.5, ..., 25 stearic acid or dodecylamine 209, 622
CdSe 4 penta(3-hexylthiophene) phosphonic acid, 623
tri(3-hexylthiophene) phosphonic acid
CdSe‚ZnS ZnS shell various sizes trioctylphosphine oxide + trioctylphosphine + 204
CdTe various sizes hexylphosphonic, tetradecylphosphonic acid 208
CdTe 1.2, ..., 11.5 trioctylphosphine oxide 197, 199
InP 20-50 trioctylphosphine oxide 202
BaTiO3 4-12 oleic acid 606
Pb1-xMnxSe 10.5 oleic acid 212
PbSe 3.5, ..., 15 oleic acid 210
Eu2O3 2-40 trioctylphosphine oxide 624
Gd2O3 lauric acid-liposome 625
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3937
Table 11. Nanoparticles Stabilized with Lipophilic Capping Ligands with C-Donor Atoms
nanocrystalline core core size (nm) capping ligand ref
Co@Pt core-shell 6.27 dodecylisocyanide 129
Table 12. Nanoparticles Stabilized with Lipophilic Capping Ligands with N-Donor Atoms
nanocrystalline core core size (nm) capping ligand ref
Mn3O4 trioctylamine 184
γ-Fe2O3 trioctylamine 184
γ-Fe2O3 5 octylamine 626
γ-Fe2O3 7.2, 10.4 octylamine, dodecylamine 483
CoFe2O4 7.3 octylamine, dodecylamine 483
Ni 3.7 hexadecylamine 80
Cu2O 4-10 hexadecylamine 184
Ru 2-3 rnh2 (r ) octyl, dodecyl, hexadecyl) 146
CdS 1.2, ..., 11.5 pyridine 197
CdSe 1.2, ..., 11.5 pyridine 197
CdSe various sizes hexadecylamine (trioctylphosphine + trioctylphosphine oxide) 204
CdSe@ZnS (core-shell) various sizes hexadecylamine (trioctylphosphine + trioctylphosphine oxide) 204
CdTe 1.2, ..., 11.5 pyridine 197
In2O3 4, 6, 8 oleylamine 627
Table 13. Nanoparticles Stabilized with Lipophilic Capping Ligands with S-Donor Atoms
nanocrystalline core core size (nm) capping ligand ref
ZnO octanethiol, dodecanethiol 621
Ru 2-3 RSH (R ) octyl, dodecyl, hexadecyl) 146
Ru 1.6, ..., 6 dodecanethiol 78
Pd 1-5 hexanethiol 628
Pd 1.8, ..., 6.0 RSH (R ) C4-C16 n-alkyls) 629
Cd32S14(SC6H5)36(DMF)4 thiophenol 630
Au 2 RSH (R ) butyl, decyl, dodecyl, octadecyl) 631, 632
Au 1-3 dodecanethiol 57
Au@Ag RSH (R ) butyl, decyl, dodecyl, octadecyl) 631, 632
Au@Pt 3.5 RSH (R ) butyl, decyl, dodecyl, octadecyl) 631, 632
toward the modification of the nanoparticles’ sur- the polar group (“head”) of these compounds adsorbs
faces, such as depositing a layer of another inorganic on the surfaces of nanocrystals and the organic
substance (inorganic core-inorganic shell compos- nonpolar “tail” faces the peripherals of the resulting
ites), attaching certain organic capping ligands (in- assembly, thereby providing steric repulsion. In the
organic core-organic shell composites), depositing/ case of quarternary ammonium halides (CTAB,
assembling the surfactant-free nanoparticles on the DDAB, DPB, TOAB, etc.), halide anions surround the
preferred substrate, covalent binding to the desired nanoparticle surface while their bulky cationic part-
(bio)molecular systems, and so forth. The most recent ners form the external protecting shell. The nano-
developments that utilize colloidal inorganic nano- particle-surfactant assemblies can be viewed as
particles stabilized by solvated ions are summarized water-free surfactant micelles bodied with the nano-
in Table 8. crystals. Details of the application of surfactant-
According to an alternative method, van der Waals stabilized microemulsions for the synthesis of nano-
interparticle attractions that lead to agglomeration crystalline materials are described in section 4.1 of
are compensated by surrounding the nanocrystals this review.
with bulky organic shells that help keep them apart The term “capping ligand” is used for organic
from each other. This organic interface possessing molecules that contain a donor group with substit-
either hydrophilic or lipophilic properties efficiently uents of varying steric bulk. The main distinction
stabilizes colloids in aqueous or nonpolar solvent between capping ligands and surfactants lies in the
media. There are different types of substances used differences of the strength of their binding to metal
as components of organic shells, the most common atoms at the nanocrystal surface, which is greater
being ionic surfactants, coordinating polymers, and in the case of capping ligands. These molecules
capping ligands. All these compounds possess polar usually closely relate to complexing agents, whose
groups that can be attached to the nanoparticle binding to metal atoms or ions has a pronounced
surface and a bulky component within the molecule covalent character. Generally, colloids containing
that provides spatial isolation of the nanocrystal from surfactants have only limited stability, while nano-
the environment and provides the solubility proper- crystals surrounded by capping ligands are similar
ties. to giant metal-cluster complexes that are described
The term “surfactant” is used here for the sub- as individual substances. To reach the same stability,
stances commonly used for preparation of water-oil a smaller mass of capping ligand per unit mass of
microemulsions, such as AOT, sodium dodecyl sul- nanocrystals is required than if surfactant (or poly-
fate, CTAB, DDAB, DPB, and TOAB, and for other meric) stabilizer is used. In many cases a monolayer
similar compounds with amphiphilic properties. The of the molecules of capping ligand around the nano-
AOT and sodium dodecyl sulfate surfactants have an crystal is sufficient to attain stability against ag-
anionic sulfate ester group with a bulky lipophilic glomeration with the possibility of isolating and
substituent. Stabilization of colloids is achieved when redissolving the solute. The borderline between cap-
Liquid-Phase Syntheses of Inorganic Nanoparticles Chemical Reviews, 2004, Vol. 104, No. 9 3939
Table 17. Nanoparticles Stabilized with Hydrophilic Capping Ligands with O-Donor Atoms
nanocryst core core size (nm) capping ligand ref
FeOx 5 phosphorylcholine 657, 658
FeOx bis- and trisphosphonates, carboxylates, sulfonates 658
γ-Fe2O3 4 betaine chloride, 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid 659
Fe3O4 8.5-11 carboxylated poly(aminoamide) dendrimer 660
Table 18. Nanoparticles Stabilized with Functionalized and Hydrophilic S-Donor Capping Ligands
nanocrystalline core core size (nm) capping ligand ref
Cd17S4(SCH2CH2OH)26 mercaptoethanol 661
Cd32S14(SCH2CH(OH)CH3)36‚4H2O mercapto-2-propanol 662
CdSe 1-mercapto-2,3-propanediol, 610
CdSe@CdS 1-mercapto-2,3-propanediol, 610
CdTe nanocrystals, nanowires mercaptoacetic acid 663
Pt 1.2 1,3-propanedithiol, 1,8-octanedithiol, 147
p-hydroxythiophenol, p-aminothiophenol,
p-mercaptobenzoic acid
Au 4.6 nm; 30 nm spherical mercaptoacetic acid 664
Au 2.8 ( 1 mercaptopoly(ethylene glycol) 665
Au 1.8 HS(CH2CH2O)xCH3; x ) 2, 3, 4 666
Au 5 4-mercaptophenol 667
Au 1.02, 1.08, 1.28, 1.94, 3.36 mercaptosuccinic acid 74
Au ∼145 atoms 3-Br(CH2)3SH, 8-Br(CH2)8SH, 12-Br(CH2)12SH 668
ping ligands and surfactants, however, is not always O- and S-donor type carboxylates, phosphonates,
clearly defined. sulfonates, alkoxides, and thiolates. Among common
In some methods of synthesizing nanoparticles, the neutral ligands are amines (aliphatic and aromatic),
passivating agents are introduced into the reaction phosphines, phosphine oxides, alcohols, amides, ethers,
solution at the initial step. If capping ligands are and sulfides. The nature of the substituents in
used, they interact with metal ions in solution and capping ligands is variable, depending on the specific
therefore affect the reaction equilibrium and the application of the nanocomposite. Hydrocarbon chains
rates of crystal nucleation and growth, thus influenc- are used for oil-soluble particles, but polar functional
ing the entire course of the precipitation reaction. groups are preferred when an application requires
Adjustment of the complexing properties of reaction solubility in water or other polar solvents and a
solutions allows tuning not only of the nanocrystal certain reactivity is required for obtaining more
size but also of the shapesfrom spheres to polygons, complex molecular assemblies. The classification of
rods, and wires (see sections 2.2.5 and 2.2.8 of this the recently studied systems on the basis of type of
review). donor groups and type of substituent (determining
The importance of capping ligands is not only in hydrophilic or lipophilic properties) is given in Tables
providing suitable synthesis conditions and the abil- 10-18.
ity to tune the nanocrystals’ sizes and shapes. Due
to differences in electronic and binding properties,
capping ligands influence the optoelectronic and 9. Acknowledgments
magnetic properties of functional nanocrystalline
inorganic materials. For this reason, it seems useful We wish to extend our thanks to those authors
to classify capping ligands on the basis of their donor cited in this work who graciously provided us with
group. This general classification is shown in Table TEM, SEM, and AFM images and so forth. Financial
9. support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Typical capping ligands can be classified as anionic Agency (Grant No. MDA972-03-C-0100) is also grate-
and neutral. The most common anionic ligands are fully acknowledged.
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