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Shabbaton - 18 May

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18 May 2019 – 13 Iyar 5779

Parshat Emor

Kabbalat Shabbat: 7.20pm Shabbat Ends: 9.49pm

Mazel tov to Jacqui & Michael Shavuot - All donations, large

Morris on the engagement of their or small, to our Shavuot Flower
son, Daniel to Sophie, daughter of Appeal are appreciated.
Ronit & Bentsion Dansky. Please contact the shul office to
Engagement party will be held in make your donations or drop it
Manchester on Sunday 2 June into the Shavuot Flower Appeal
tzedakah box. We thank you in
from 5pm-7pm. Jacqui & Michael
advance for your support.
would be delighted to see
members of the Barnet
community at the party. If you
would like to attend, please phone
Michael on 07719 700252.

Welcome to our guests from

Mizrachi: Rabbi Yehoshua
Grunstein who will be delivering
the sermon and Rabbi Andrew
Shaw, who will be giving a shiur at
Sunday: CLOSED – If urgent, call
This week’s kiddush is kindly Barry Flack on 07768 555880
sponsored by Alan Tamman in Monday: 9.30am – 1.30pm
Tuesday: 11.30am – 3pm
memory of Rabbi David Kamhi.
Wednesday: 9.30am – 1.30pm
Thursday: CLOSED
Friday: 8.30am – 11.30am
Dvar Torah by
Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt

In this week's portion, we find the commandment to sanctify God's name -

Kiddush Hashem. In essence, this entails living in such a way that others
recognize Godliness in our actions and feel drawn to act similarly.

Specifically, Maimonides talks about someone who is scrupulously honest in his

business dealings, speaks softly and kindly with people, greets people with a
smile, and honours even those who put him down. These are just examples.
The principle of Kiddush Hashem is that of wishing to set an example that
others might follow.

And it is the essence of what Judaism is about. Sanctifying God's name is one
of the rare commands that one is required to give one's life for (in extreme
circumstances). God talks about the idea with Abraham. At Mount Sinai, God
tells the Jewish people that it is their national purpose. It is discussed all
through the prophets. It is the end goal of all of Judaism - that its adherents
should act in such a way that others understand the concepts of ethical
monotheism simply by being around them.

Both Christianity and Islam converted by the sword. And in an age where that is
no longer acceptable, active missionizing is still part and parcel of their world

But Judaism believes differently. A religion must speak its truth only through the
actions of those who live by it. If our example alone does not inspire others,
then our religion is not worth sharing.

It seems to me that the emphasis of Judaism has shifted away from this in
recent times. If Judaism is to attract a generation of disaffiliated young Jews, it
must return to its roots. If those who kept Judaism were clearly Godly, spiritual,
enlightened, honest and decent human beings, I believe that people would
come flocking to find out what they were doing right. This is the mitzvah of
Kiddush Hashem, and Judaism is very much in need of its practitioners.
Blessed is The True Judge

The Memorial Stone Consecration takes place in loving memory of:

Monty Portman, husband of Regina Portman, Sunday 26 May, 2.30pm at
Waltham Abbey Cemetery.

Reginald Davis, father of Marilyn Warren, Sunday 2 June, 1.30pm at Bushey

Old Cemetery.

Diane & Malcolm Domb, mother & father of Steven Domb, Sunday 16 June,
10.30am at Bushey Old Cemetery.

Arnold Gilbert, husband of Elaine Gilbert, Sunday 16 June, 2.30pm, Waltham

Abbey Cemetery.

We wish a long life to the following members who have yahrzeit

today and in the upcoming week:
Jacqueline Carlowe (Mother); David Collins (Mother); Shirley Conway (Mother);
Saul Rachel, Mark Creeger, Miriam Hayes and Naomi Rosenhead (Mother &
Stepmother); Michael Daniels (Mother); Laura Fletcher and Elaine Gilbert
(Mother and Sister); Melvyn Harris (Mother); Jessie Jessel (Mother); Simon
Landau (Father); John Lehmann (Mother); Louis Markham (Brother); Martin Miller
(Father); Michelle Mitchell (Mother); Karen Small (Mother); Lawrence Sternberg
(Father); Jennifer Ward (Father); Barry Young (Father).


Hertz Cohen ArtScroll

Kedoshim 513 740 672
Haftorah 528 761 1176

‫שבת שלום‬

Mincha (followed by Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv) 7.20pm

Daf Yomi 8.25am
Shacharit 9.15am
Children & youth services 10.45am
Daf Yomi 7.35pm
Mincha (followed by Seudah Shlishit) 8.25pm
Maariv when Shabbat ends 9.49pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 6.40pm

Sunday 8.15am
Monday & Thursday 6.45am
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 7.00am


Sunday 7.30pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 7.30pm
Friday (followed by Kabbalat Shabbat) 7.20pm

Next week: Parshat Behar

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