Just in Ti
Just in Ti
Just in Ti
Just-in-Time (JIT) is one of the most sophisticated techniques which has wide reach¬
ing applications. This technique is widely implemented in various organisations
abroad. Until now the JIT ideal was just limited to the Western advanced coun¬
tries and Japan. But due to technical advancement and globalisation, today India
is also implementing this concept in various industries moving gradually from the
traditional inventory methods.
The word Just-in-Time (JIT) is synonymous with Toyota Production System
(TPS). After the successful implementation of JIT at Toyota, other industries in
the Western World implemented the concept of JIT. The onslought was more in the
automobile industries.
The case studies of the industries that have completely implemented JIT concepts
and those who have used some features of JIT to reduce the overall cost have been
presented in this chapter. A tabular form below represents brief summary of some
efforts made by some industries1.
‘Source “Business Today The fortnightly magazine on c- business Seventh Anniversary Issue,
The Theory and Practice of Total Cost Management
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No. Name of the Implementation Scheme Achievements
2. Asliok This is another leading automo¬ The ultimate result of
Leyland bile company of India. The com- adopting JIT was high
pany towered inventories help- productivity arid a lean
lessly which led to a setback in supply chain. The com¬
profit making. Then, Ashok Ley- pany thus saves Rs.8.50
land applied the concept of Just- crores per year.
in-i ime (JIT) on its shop floor
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No. Name of the Implementation Scheme Achievements
4. Escort I ’he company went in for Business Prior to reengineering
Tractors Process Reengineering (BPR). there were 21 workers in
The Farm Trac Division of Escorts any shift and had a lead
created four individual profit cen¬ time of 19 days. To-
tres and located them in each of day, the process requires
the buildings, instead of dispers- on ly 12 workers per shift
mg subassemblies across available and lead time has fallen
area. They extended their efforts down to 8 hours.
to Supply Chain Management and
in turn, reduced the number of
5. W i pro Wipro Corporation implemented The company’s invento¬
Corporation the JIT technique to its firm. Jt ries shrunk from 15 days
cut its vendor base from 140 to 70 in 1992 to 3 days in
and concentrated on single sources 1998.
of supply. It developed its suppli¬
ers within a radius of 50 km.
6. Sundaram SBL concentrated on vendor- SBL ordered asbestos
B rake Linings buyer relationship- They deveb on a need-
(SBL) oped a structured sourcing system determined basis, cut
with John Manville Co. (JMC) ting costs significantly,
of Canada, Thus, both SBL and
JMC follow JIT schedule.
7. Hewlett Hewlett-Packard (HP) In- Hewlett Packard has
Packard (HP) dia wanted to reach its customers one of the most effi¬
India much faster than it could have cient procurement sys-
otherwise. It utilises warehouse terns which caters very
facilities of Airfreight Ltd. (AFL) good services to its
in different parts of the country. customers,
The warehouses (in Bangalore and
Mumbai) are connected also by V-
Sat to HP’sDelhi and Singapore
offices. Once an order is placed.
it immediately notifies the ware¬
house nearest to the customer,
which assembles the machine and
delivers it.
- i
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No. Name of the Implementation Scheme Achievements
8. Blue Star Their refrigeration manufacturer This yielded better re-
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build inventories in inverse proportion to the average cost of each genere. Thus inven¬
tories for ‘A ‘-class items are never more than for one shift. Even then the company
did not run out of stock. This was only because of JIT. The orders were placed every
week and the daily deliveries were made. In order to ensure that the inventory-level is
kept at minimum, Bajaj Auto got rid of quality inspection of these products. Instead
it became mandatory for vendors to conform to its self-certification programme under
which they guarantee the quality of their output and feed their supplies directly to
the production line. 174 out of 1000 of its vendors fell in this category. Bajaj saved
on inventory pile-ups and quality based rejection. For B ’-class items, the ordering
frequency was once a fortnight, and the inventory-ceiling,. one week. For class
items, the ordering cycle was monthly, but the actual delivery was controlled by the
Kanban process. Under the Kanban system, the requirements for the production line
for a particular component are indicated visually through cards which the suppliers
use to deliver exactly as much as is required.
This was not enough just to cut down the costs. This would result in forcing the
suppliers to hold more inventories. Thus the vendors push away from the company.
Bajan Auto, hence communicates its tentative production-plan 3-mont.hs ahead ol
schedule, the semi-final is relayed to them 45-days ahead, and the final production
scheduel is frozen to 30 days in advance.
The overall impact of these strategies was that the average inventories had fallen
from 30 days in 1994 to 12 days today.
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Under the Project Oscar, the 5000-and-odd components which the company used
were categorised into ‘A!, ‘B’ and ‘C!. A items amounted to 75 percent of the total
cost of components, ‘B! items, 18 percent and ‘C’ items, 7 percent. Based on this
the company devised different delivery systems for each category, aimed at cutting
inventory holdings. For the supply of ‘ A class items, a JIT system was utilized. Under
this the plant sent a JIT card, specifying the part number, quantity and the unloading
location to the supplier, who promptly despatched the required consignment directly
to the assembly line. Project OSCAll devised a funnel-planning system, covering ()
weeks of requirements. The broadest part- stands for the tentative requirement of the 1
last two weeks out of the six (6). The middle part of the semifrozen requirement for
the middle 2 weeks and the narrowest, part and the frozen requirement for the first two
weeks. So the vendor knows roughly when to expect the JIT card. Simultaneously,
Project OSCARs started a pull-based system on Ashok Ley I and shopfloor, where
each stage produces only as much as the next stage needs. The ultimate result of
adopting JIT was high productivity and a lean supply chain. The company thus save
Rs.8.50 crores a year. There are many more companies which used JIT and other
related techniques like Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) to achieve the major
targets like elimination of waste, reduction in lead time, high level of flexibility etc.
Also one of the major factors that make JIT superior to the traditional techniques is
the geographical proximity of the single source of supply which is utilized by many
The case studies of some of the industries that implemented JIT and other related
ideals partially, in order to achieve the above mentioned factors are discussed below:
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Similarly, Wipro Corporation also achieved remarkable results by implementing JIT,
firstly, the dot-matrix printer division reduced its procurement costs by 50% by
curtailing its vendor base from 140 to TO and focussing on single source of supply as
much as possible. Also the unit developed its suppliers within a 50 km radius. Hence
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the inventory turnover for llano's raw materia 1 lias gone up by 30 percent and the
raw material inventory has come down to 5 days from 7 days in 1996.
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system covers the entire order-to-deliver spectrum. This has resulted in a significant
reduction in cycle time to 10 days,
Source: The 7th Business Today Anniversary Issue - "The Theory and Practice of Total Cost
Management'1 dated Jan, 7, 1999.
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