Updating NCSB Policies and Procedures - Best Practice Guide and Process Flow Chart
Updating NCSB Policies and Procedures - Best Practice Guide and Process Flow Chart
Updating NCSB Policies and Procedures - Best Practice Guide and Process Flow Chart
The below aims to provide practitioners and agencies with guidance and a checklist on the process to be followed
when updating NSCB policies and procedures.
All updates will be co-ordinated through the NSCB Business Office who can be contacted on 01604 364036 or
[email protected]
Partners should review existing polices from other LSCB’s to see if any good practice can be gained from
other areas including neighbouring authorities and statistical neighbours. If required the Business Office
can also request a template policy from tri-x.
Partners should ensure that any changes in legislation are reflected in the policy.
Partners should consider the impact on other policies and procedures any changes will have and notify the
Business Office to ensure these can be reviewed at the same time.
Partners should consider if any existing policies can be merged or should be separated to make
understanding easier for practitioners.
Any partner that feels there is a gap in the NSCB procedures manual should notify the Business Office who will
establish if a policy is needed for Northamptonshire, request template procedure from tri-x and identify and
appropriate partner agency / practitioners to lead on the review and implementation of the new policy.