Robot Milling

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Introduction to PowerMill Robot in Subtractive

Tatenda Mushonga

Learning Objectives
• Setting up a robot cell and positioning a part in the cell
• Creating basic toolpaths in PowerMill
• Simulating toolpaths and checking for collisions in the robot cell
• Optimizing robot joint movements and external axes by applying constraints
• Posting code

We typically see robotic arms being used in welding or pick and place applications on
production lines. This class will cover some lesser known uses which are becoming more
relevant in manufacturing with a focus on subtractive machining. Though robots are not as
precise as traditional CNC machine tools, they offer versatility by allowing attachment of various
end effectors such as CNC tool spindles, additive extruders and even grinders or polishers.
They can thus be used as subtractive, additive and post processing machines. The PowerMill
Robot plugin takes advantage of PowerMill’s industry leading 3- and 5-axis toolpaths and the
toolpath editing features to apply them to a wide range of supported robots. We will primarily
cover subtractive manufacturing in both industrial and artistic settings. You will learn the
workflow from setting up a robot, calculating toolpaths and optimizing robot motion for efficiency
and safety.

Tatenda has been a Technical Consultant with Autodesk for the past two years after graduating
with a Master’s degree in Robotics from the University of Pennsylvania. A manufacturing and
automation enthusiast, he has experience designing and manufacturing parts for robotic
systems both for fun and for research purposes. As part of Autodesk, he has trained and
supported customers to manufacture parts better and faster using CAM packages such as
FeatureCAM and PowerMIll. In addition to his role at Autodesk, he enjoys using his technical
knowledge for social and environmental good such as developing prosthetics and building
robots that assist with physical rehabilitation.

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PowerMill Robot is a plugin in PowerMill that generates robot joint movements from toolpaths
calculated using PowerMill’s various strategies and toolpath editing tools. It also enables you to
optimize the moves for both efficiency and safety. In addition, it allows you to create custom
robot cells with multiple configurations depending on your application.

The Robot plugin is available in the premium and ultimate versions of PowerMill. Recommended
system requirements are a Windows (7 or higher) 64-bit computer with a multi-core CPU and
16GB of RAM. A discrete Nvidia graphics card with 2GB RAM is also highly recommended.

Why use Robots in manufacturing?

Industrial robots are not yet capable of replacing traditional machine tools in most subtractive
manufacturing settings. However, they offer several advantages over machine tools such as:

1. Machining Workspace:
Robots are generally not constrained within a machine housing and therefore can reach
as far as their arms can extend. This allows them to machine large parts such as clay
models of automobiles which would otherwise not fit on a machine tool’s table.

2. Cost:
Most robotic arms have six joints. With these degrees of freedom, they can tackle 5-axis
simultaneous toolpaths out of the box. Compared to 5-axis machine tools, their cost is
very low for the kinematics they can achieve.

3. Versatility:
You can attach a variety of tools to a robot’s end effector such as endmills, grinders and
polishers. This allows you integrate multiple stages in the manufacturing process in one
cell and control them with the same software.

4. Collaboration
Multiple robots can be used in the same cell to collaborate on tasks. For example, one
robot can be used for an additive process to extrude material while the other follows to
apply a subtractive finishing pass on the deposited material.

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Setting up the PowerMill Robot Plugin
To enable the plugin:
1. Click File from the main menu.
2. Select Options.
3. Click Manage Installed Plugins.
4. Select the latest Robot plugin and click Enable.

The PowerMill Robot Interface will be displayed in a vertical window to the right of the graphical
area. If the vertical window is turned off, you can display it by clicking View > User Interface >
Vertical Plugin Window:

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User Interface Layout

1. Explorer
The explorer lists entities of the project such as toolpaths, boundaries, tools and

2. Graphical Window
This is where everything within the project such as the robot, model, toolpaths, etc can
be visualized.

3. PowerMill Robot Plugin

The plugin area has four tabs arranged in the typical order you would follow in the
workflow. Each tab will be explained in greater detail at each stage of the process.

4. PowerMill Robot Simulation Toolbar

The simulation toolbar provides controls for playing back saved simulation files. It also
displays issues with the toolpath along the timeline such as collisions, axis limits and

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Calculate toolpath Select Robot

Choose Cell

Align Part In Cell

Set Initial Joint

Angles And Tool
Axis Constraints

Simulate Toolpath

Re-calculate Or No
Is Simulation
Edit Toolpath Optimized?


Generate Program

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Loading a Robot Cell
You can choose a robot cell from the ones available in the default library. These can be found
under the Robot Library tab. Each robot model will have different configurations and kinematics
it supports. For example, the same robot can machine a part on a table or it can hold the part on
the end effector. You can also create and customize your own cell if your robot is not among the
default models.

Loading a Default Robot Cell

To load a robot from the default list, simply double click on it from the list in the Robot Library
tab. For this demo, choose “R2-6X-Spindle0+StaticTable” under Autodesk. The setup of this
cell is the simplest kinematic in PowerMill Robot where there is one robot and no external axes
being controlled. There are six joints: A1, B2, C3, F4, E5 and F6 from the robot’s base to the
end effector respectively.

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Creating and Customizing Your Own Robot Cell

Not all models from each manufacturer are present in the default library; therefore, there will be
situations where you need to add your robot to the library and customize the cell.

The robot can be defined in a similar way to a machine tool using a Machine Tool Definition
(.mtd) file. The .mtd file is an XML style format with definitions of each robot/machine
component, position, axis limits, file location etc. CAD models of the robot can be obtained from
the manufacturer’s website or from your reseller. The model has to be split into its individual
components and each component saved in a Delcam Machining Triangles (.dmt) format. Tools
such as Autodesk Powershape or the Autodesk Manufacturing Data Exchange Utility can
be used to convert the models to this format. The .mtd file will then define how each of the .dmt
files behaves and specify its axis limits.

.dmt files of all robot cell


.mtd files defining each cell configuration/kinematics

Sample file arrangement of robot components and .mtd file.

You will also need the datasheet of the robot from the manufacturer or reseller. The datasheet
will have specifications of dimensions between the joints, their limits, the home position, etc.
These parameters will be needed for the .mtd file. It can be created/edited using a text editor of
your choice. It is recommended to use an editor with syntax highlighting like Notepad++ or
Sublime Text to visualize the tags easily.

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Axis limits, home position, location and orientation of Axis 3

Paths to CAD models of

Example section of .mtd file showing definition of a robot axis

As shown in the section of the .mtd above, the robot can be defined simply by specifying each
component’s position from the robot base and pointing to the file location of its CAD models.
You can use any of the .mtd files of the default robots as a template to define your own robot.
They can be found in the help folder: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk PowerMill
Robot Plugin 2019\Library\Robots. The datasheet will include information such as
dimensions shown below to fully define your robot.

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In addition to defining the robot axes and their limits, you will also need to define the head
attach point and the table attach point. The head attach point is where the endmill or whichever
tool being used attaches to the spindle. The table attach point defines where the base of the
robot attaches to the table/floor.

Once you have defined the .mtd file, you can then add the robot to the library by clicking the
Add a robot to library icon and specifying the path where the .mtd file resides:

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Creating Toolpaths
We will use the projects from the PowerMill Robot help folder for the demo. Open the
DemoToolControl6DWithFixture project from C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk
PowerMill Robot Plugin 2019\Library\Projects. You will notice that the project has
three toolpaths already calculated. Simulate these toolpaths and observe their behavior. We will
re-create them and then apply one of them to a robot. We will emphasize the simulation and
optimization on the outside profile toolpath.

To calculate the toolpath:

1. Expand the Levels, Sets and Clamps in the explorer.
2. Right-click the “Surfaces” level and click Select Surfaces to highlight the part surfaces.
3. Click on the Toolpaths icon from the Home tab.
4. Choose Profile Finishing.
5. In the toolpath form, set the tolerance to 0.25mm, Axial offset to -2mm, Drive curve to
Outside edge and Tool Axis to Lead/Lean.
6. Click Calculate and you will get a toolpath called “1” that includes the outer profile and
the pockets.
We will now separate the toolpath into individual segments. First, we must visualize how long
each segment is by clicking on Reorder from the Toolpath Edit tab. The segments are
407.53mm, 381.57mm and 1752.67mm respectively.

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1. From the Toolpath Edit tab click Divide.
2. Under the Length tab we can enter any value less than the smallest segment length
(381.57) to keep all segments and split them.
3. Click Apply and then close the dialog.
4. 3 separate toolpaths will be created. Activate the one that machines the outer profile and
then rename it to “Outer Profile”.
Next, we will position the part in a robot cell and then simulate the toolpath on a robot.

Positioning The Part In A Cell

Once you have the toolpath, it can be applied to any robot in your library.
Load the Autodesk R2-6X-Spindle0+StaticTable from the Robot Library tab. Once loaded, the
robot base will be positioned at the same location as the part, triggering a collision. The part
must be moved to a location on the table to be within the robot’s accessible workspace.

Create a workplane at the corner of the table by choosing Workplane at Point from the Home
tab. Use the Workplane Editor to change the location in the global transform to X 1000, Y -
1000, Z 530. Change the name to “Table”.

Create a workplane called “Fixture” at the top of the fixture by snapping onto the vertex shown
Note: It might be useful to hide the robot in order to see the part easily by clicking the
Display/Hide Robot icon from the Robot Library tab:

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To set the part on the table using the created workplanes, we will use the Robot Cell Tab.
1. Click the Part Positioning icon from the Robot Cell tab.
2. In the Part Positioning form, set the Reference Workplane to “Table”.
3. Set the Measured Workplane to “Fixture.”
4. Set the position coordinates to X 250, Y 800, Z 125.
5. Click Set New Origin.

The part is now positioned, and we are ready to simulate the toolpath. The part and the robot
should be aligned as shown below:

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Simulating the Toolpath and Checking for Collisions
Unlike machine tools that require cartesian coordinates for NC code, robots require angular
values for each robot joint through every move of the toolpath. In order to get these values,
inverse kinematics have to be applied for each single point of the toolpath. Therefore, it is
required to simulate the entire toolpath from start to finish to get a solution to post to the robot.

In PowerMill Robot, the initial position of the robot in simulation is crucial because it will affect all
subsequent orientations of the robot. As a result, this will also affect the safety and efficiency of
the toolpath. In addition to setting the initial position, the Robot Control tab has several tools
that can be used to restrict both the robot axes and the tool axis to make the toolpath safe and
efficient. The key functions are highligted below:

Before starting the simulation, turn collision checking on from PowerMill’s Simulation tab to
detect gouges and collisions.

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Recording the simulation:
1. Activate the “Outer Profile” toolpath.
2. Click the Attach Tool To Start icon.
3. Click the Play Simulation icon.
• The speed of the simulation can be adjusted with the regular PowerMill
simulation speed controls.
4. Save the simulation and name it “Outer Profile Free”.
This simulation is free of any constraints as the tool and robot axes were not limited to
any orientations or priorities respectively. However, some collisions and axis limits were
detected as shown below:

Axis 5 collided with the table and it also reached its limit in the area highlighted in red on
the simulation status bar. Why does the robot choose this orientation when there are
other safer and more efficient ways?

The inverse kinematics solver finds the “easiest” solution for a given toolpath point. This
solution is not always the most optimal, therefore we must use various constraints to
narrow down the solutions to safe and efficient ones. These constraints can be either on
the robot axes or the tool axes.

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Optimizing The Robot’s Motion For Safety and Efficiency
Avoiding collisions by adjusting initial position
In the previous instance, the robot tried to swing axis 5 in order to access the part but ended up
overcorrecting in the process. We will try to set the initial position of the robot in such a way that
the 5th axis is slightly rotated to avoid the overcorrection.

1. Attach the tool to the start of the toolpath.

2. Use the Moves area of the Robot Control tab to adjust the initial position of Axis 5 to
something close to what’s shown below (approx. -90 degrees). Use the RZ+ and RZ-
tools to jog the robot into this orientation:

3. Attach the tool to start again.

4. Record the simulation and save it as “Outer Profile Initial Position”.

The toolpath is now free of collisions, but it is very inefficient. Notice how Axes 4 and 5 move
drastically throughout the toolpath. They do this especially in the corners when the tool axis has
to change direction. For example, In the section to the right(-Y) of the non-circular pocket, Axis 4
swings from over 100 degrees to less than -35 degrees in a few toolpath moves. The toolpath
can be posted to the robot in this state, but it would not be ideal for the longevity of the robot’s
motors and gears. A smoother transition in the corners can be achieved by locking the tool axis
in a specific direction, which in turn restricts the robot axes to a narrower range. In general, the
less the robot has to significantly re-adjust, the better.

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Using vector constraints to lock the tool axis

1. Return the robot to its home position by clicking the Go To Home icon in the
Robot Control tab.
2. Attach the tool to start such that the X axis of the tool is pointing in the direction
shown above.
3. Use the Tool Control panel to lock the X axis of the tool in the current direction
by clicking the Vector tool control icon (3rd icon from the right) highlighted above.
4. Re-attach the tool to start.
5. Record and save the simulation as “Outer Profile Vector Control.”

This time the toolpath was smoother in the corner transitions. However, it reached axis
limits in the same area as the first simulation with free constraints:

The next step in controlling the tool axis is applying orientation vectors within a region of the
toolpath. This allows us to isolate the area where axis limits are being reached from the
constraint applied to the rest of the toolpath.

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Constraining the toolpath locally with orientation vectors

1. Move the robot to its home position.

2. In the Tools panel, click the Edit Orientation Vectors icon.
3. In the graphics window, drag select the entire toolpath.
4. Click Apply Orientation Vectors. This will constrain the tool axis globally in the same
manner as the previous method.
5. Attach the tool to start.
6. Record and save the simulation (the same axis limit error as before will be reported but
ignore it).
7. Use the simulation toolbar at the bottom to move the play-head to the point just before
when axis limits are reached.
8. Re-position the robot to the pose shown below by using the Moves panel. This will be
the orientation used by the robot within the region we will specify.

9. In the Tools panel, click the Edit Orientation Vectors icon:

10. In the dialog box, choose Local Point.
11. Set the Blend Distance Before to 250mm and the Blend Distance After to 500mm.
This will allow the robot to smoothly transition into this pose 250mm prior to reaching this
point and 500mm after so that the transition is not abrupt.

12. Click Apply Orientation Vectors and close the dialog box.
13. Re-attach the tool to start.
14. Record the simulation and save it as “Outer Profile Local Control”.
After having applied tool axis constraints and locally applying orientation vectors, the toolpath is
now both free of collisions and more efficient. The final step is posting the code.

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Posting Code
Code for robots is very different from machine tools in that it doesn’t output toolpath points, but
joint angles for the robot. It is therefore not universal and varies from one manufacturer to the

Loading the Post-Processor

Each of the default robots in the library has a post-processor. However, if you have a different
robot, the post-processor has to be customized for that robot. The default posts can be found in
this location: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk PowerMill Robot Plugin
2019\Library\PostProcessors. Follow these steps to load the post-processor:
1. Expand the Robot Cell tab and click Robot Configuration.
2. In the dialog box, click on Postprocessor.
3. Choose the post from the ones available in the drop-down.

Writing the Robot NC Program

The NC program is generated from the Robot Program tab as follows:

1. In the Program Name field, enter “Outer Profile Optimized.” The program name has to
be different from that of the toolpath being written.
2. Leave the output workplane blank so that the workplane we measured to position the
part is used. The code will be posted with respect to the chosen workplane. If a rotary
external axis is involved, the workplane at the center of the axis is usually used.
PowerMill Robot will output this location in the NC code so that it is clear for the robot
where the values are being measured from:

3. Right-click anywhere in the white space in the Robot Program tab and select Add a
4. Under All Simulations choose “Outer Profile Local Control”.
5. Click Write Robot NC Program.
The file location where the program is saved will automatically be presented and two files will be
generated; one with the output workplane information and one with the actual code.

The program can then be loaded onto the robot. This example had only one toolpath, but there
are situations where there are multiple toolpaths and safe transitions between the end and start
of each toolpath are required.

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Transitioning Safely Between Toolpaths
• Close the current project and open the AutodeskEvoCar from C:\Program
Files\Autodesk\Autodesk PowerMill Robot Plugin 2019\Library\Projects\
AutodeskEvoCar. This project is a model of a car and therefore bigger than the normal
workspace of a single robot. It will require a robot on a linear track to expand this
workspace so that all toolpaths can be machined in the same cell in a single setup.

• Load the ABB IRB6640 + Linear Track robot from the library. The robot will position
itself on the part since that’s where the world origin is. To position the part, go to the
Robot Cell tab and choose the “Center Right (Rail)” workplane.

• Simulate the “RearNumberPlate” and “SideWindow” toolpaths from the Robot Control
tab in that order and save them.

• Create a robot program with both toolpaths then simulate both of them in sequence.

During the simulation, a collision will occur as the robot moves from the rear of the car to the
side window. A safe transition between the toolpaths must be added to ensure the collision
doesn’t occur.

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How to add a transition:

1. Right-click anywhere in the Robot Program tab and select Add A Transition
2. Select Virtual Teach Pendant. This will display the teach pendant so that the robot’s
transition motion can be recorded “manually” by jogging the axes.
3. In the virtual teach pendant, click the New icon to begin the recording. The axis control
tools can be used to move each robot axis or the tool axis in discrete movements and
the resulting position added to the transition using the Add icon.

4. Move the simulation slider to the end of the RearNumberPlate toolpath and add the
position to the recording. This is a safe location as the robot is off the part.
5. Switch the coordinate system to the robot axis and jog axis A3 such that the arm is
above the height of the car and add this position to the transition.
6. Now that the robot is clear of the part, use the Robot Control tab to move it to the home
position and add the position to the transition.
7. Switch the coordinate system to the external axis (rail) and move the robot such that the
base is past the front of the car. Add this position to the transition as well.
8. Finally, activate the SideWindow toolpath and attach the tool to start. Add this final point
to the transition.
9. Click the save icon in the teach pendant and name the transition “T1”.
10. Right-click anywhere in the Robot Program tab and select Add A Transition.
11. Choose the T1 transition you just saved and it will be added to the bottom of the
12. Drag the transition and place it in-between the toolpaths. Re-run the simulation and it will
now be free of the collision.

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