The Development of Microalgal Biotechnology in The Czech Republic
The Development of Microalgal Biotechnology in The Czech Republic
The Development of Microalgal Biotechnology in The Czech Republic
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2 authors, including:
Ondrej Prasil
The Czech Academy of Sciences
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1308 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 37:1307–1317
Table 1 Biotechnological
Microalga Status Product and application
applications of the most
exploited microalgae Arthrospira (Spirulina) Established Health food, food and feed supplement
Chlorella Established Health food, food and feed supplement
Dunaliella Established b-Carotene
Haematococcus Established Astaxanthin
Nannochloropsis, Isochrysis, Pavlova, Established Source of lipids, fatty acids, and
Tetraselmis, Monodus polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs);
aquaculture feed, biofuels
Microalgal biomass in general Rising Biofuels—biodiesel, bio-oil, bioethanol, etc
systems with sufficient nutrition and gas exchange, which between open and closed photobioreactors, and conse-
are completely different from optically thin natural phy- quently the growth physiology of the microalgae is dif-
toplankton populations with low biomass density, often ferent between the two systems. Several factors governing
limited by nutrient and carbon supply. growth can, within certain boundaries, be manipulated.
Natural sources of microalgae readily available for Crucial variables are the optical depth, turbulence, light-
humans are scarce. The cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spi- acclimated state of the organism, nutrient availability, and
rulina) was collected by the ancient Aztecs in Mexico as a metabolite accumulation. Each system needs to be opti-
food additive. In some regions (e.g., Chad in Africa or mized for its specific purpose; there is no universal,
Myanmar in Asia) smaller amounts are still harvested from all-purpose photobioreactor [26, 63]. The choice of a
natural populations in alkaline subtropical lakes. At pres- suitable cultivation system and the adjustment of the cul-
ent, the bulk of microalgal biomass—about 8,000 metric tivation regime must be worked out for each individual
tons used for biotechnological purposes annually—is pro- production strain.
duced extensively in cultivation units, where cultures are Thousands of microalgal strains have been isolated from
exposed to light with sufficient mixing and gas exchange natural habitats and are kept in numerous culture collec-
(autotrophically), or alternatively grown on organic sub- tions around the world. However, only a few strains,
strates as a source of carbon and energy (mixotrophic or mostly of aquatic origin, have been cultivated in large-
heterotrophic cultivation). scale production systems of hundreds to thousands of liters.
Numerous cultivation systems have been designed for A list of strains and their use is shown in Table 1.
growth of microalgae since the 1940s. In general, they are Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis is a planktonic fila-
optimized to suit a certain strain, purpose or product. mentous cyanobacterium composed of individual cells
Basically, two approaches to mass culturing of microalgae (about 8 lm in diameter) that grows in subtropical alkaline
for the purpose of biomass production exist: the first lakes with a temperature optimum of about 35°C. In pro-
applies to cultivation in large-area open reservoirs (ponds ductive cultures, Arthrospira is cultivated in shallow mixed
and raceways), while the second represents closed vessels, ponds or semiclosed tubular photobioreactors in inorganic
i.e., photobioreactors2 or fermentors; for review, see [61, salts with high concentration of bicarbonate, keeping pH
78]. The first type—open cultivation systems—is repre- above 9. Its biomass is widely used as a health food and
sented by natural or artificial ponds, raceways (ponds akin feed supplement containing proteins, fatty acids, phyco-
to racetracks), and cascades (i.e., inclined-surface systems). biliproteins, carotenoids, polysaccharides, vitamins, and
The second type—photobioreactors (closed or semiclosed minerals.
systems with natural or artificial illumination)—consist of The microalga Chlorella (green algae Chlorophyta) is a
glass or transparent plastic tubes, or panels, positioned cosmopolitan genus with small globular cells (3–8 lm in
horizontally or vertically, arranged as serpentine loops, diameter), including strains with a broad range of tem-
flexible coils, manifold rows, or ‘‘fences,’’ in which the perature tolerance between 15°C and 40°C. Chlorella
microalgal suspension is continuously circulated [51]. grows autotrophically in an inorganic medium, as well as
Until recently, most large-scale commercial microalgal in mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions (for example,
production systems employed open systems. However, with addition of acetic acid and glucose). At present,
several large-scale closed systems have been built recently autotrophic production of Chlorella is carried out in open
and, for the first time, comparisons of their performance ponds, semiclosed tubular photobioreactors, or inclined
can be made. There are major operational differences cascades, since its fast growth prevents contamination by
other microalgae. Chlorella is the most cultivated eukary-
In this article, the term ‘‘photobioreactor’’ is used for closed or otic alga, since it is widely used as a health food and feed
semiclosed systems using natural or artificial illumination. supplement, as well as in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 37:1307–1317 1309
industries. It contains proteins, carotenoids, some immu- with continuous circulation of the culture by a pump and
nostimulators, polysaccharides, vitamins, and minerals. supply of CO2 to promote growth. The highest biomass
The bulk of the microalgal biomass market is represented concentration achieved was 1.5 g DW l-1. In Israel, a
by Chlorella and Arthrospira, with annual production of small-scale pilot plant to produce biomass of Chlorella or
3,000 and 4,000 t, respectively. Scenedesmus as green fodder for cattle was set up as a
Hypersaline strains of the genus Dunaliella have cells closed, mixed reservoir of 120 l mounted in a greenhouse
about 10 lm in diameter. This microalga produces b-car- and taking advantage of climatic conditions with year-
otene in large amounts, and it is a natural source of round sunlight availability [23]. In Germany, Gummert and
carotenoids for some shrimps. The high content of b-car- coworkers experimented with large-scale cultures of
otene makes Dunaliella attractive to biotechnologists for Chlorella grown in deep shallow concrete trenches (res-
large-scale production in shallow, open ponds under high ervoirs) with plastic lining [27]. These experiments were
solar radiation. aimed at evaluating the possibility of utilizing carbon
Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyta) is a freshwater, dioxide from waste gases in the industrial district of the
unicellular alga with a rather complex lifecycle. A two- Ruhr. The cultures were bubbled with a mixture of air and
stage process is employed for biomass production. Under 1% commercial or ‘‘waste’’ CO2, which was sufficient to
stress conditions (nutrient deficiency, salinity, high tem- supply carbon and maintain growth as well as to mix the
peratures in combination with high irradiance), it produces cultures turbulently.
an orange–red pigment, astaxanthin, the important natural In Japan, at the Tokugawa Institute of Biological
colorant for salmonid fish, shrimp, lobster, and crayfish and Research, an early attempt was made to design a relatively
for the health food market. well-controlled outdoor closed system: a tubular photobi-
oreactor to study the growth kinetics of Chlorella [75]. The
Initial period of microalgal mass culture 40-l system consisted of a horizontal loop of glass tubes
(diameter 3 cm, length 33 m) and was submerged in a
Mass cultivation of microalgae was pioneered by the water bath to prevent overheating. The culture was circu-
Carnegie Institution in the 1940s, and particular attention lated by a pump and aerated by CO2-enriched air, and the
was paid to the unicellular green microalga Chlorella produced oxygen was released in a gas exchange tower.
pyrenoidosa (Chlorophyta) because of the broad range of The Chlorella culture was grown in batch or semibatch
environmental conditions under which it can grow, and regimes with daily harvest of biomass. In the same labo-
also because this organism was then extensively used as a ratory, a ‘‘partially enclosed atmosphere system’’ was
model organism for basic photosynthetic research (see constructed using shallow troughs covered with plastic
pioneering works by Bessel Kok, Melvin Calvin, Robert sheets [55]. The advantage of this system was its relatively
Emerson, and others). The main aim was to obtain high- small depth (2–15 cm) with high linear velocity of
protein biomass and to study its possible uses. During suspension flow (6–45 cm s-1), which guaranteed high
World War II, the experience gained in the cultivation of turbulence of the culture. From the point of view of
Chlorella was applied, namely in the search for an anti- hydraulics, this system did not differ from the open sys-
bacterial substance that might be isolated from the culture tems, since the microalgal culture absorbed sunlight and
of Chlorella [1]. In 1947–1948, the possibility of growing exchanged gases with the atmosphere through its surface.
Chlorella on a large scale for food was seriously consid- In addition, the cultures were supplemented by overhead
ered [10]. The primary cultivation studies of several artificial illumination. Soon after, the technology of Chlo-
research groups were summarized in the ‘‘bible’’ of early rella cultivation for food and feed was worked out in more
algal biotechnology, edited by John S. Burlew of the detail [74].
Carnegie Institution in Washington, DC [9]. The first
attempts at large-scale microalgal cultivation and design of Microalgal biotechnology in Czechoslovakia
early pilot plants focused on closed systems in order to
isolate cultures from the natural environment. This was a By the mid 1950s it was proven that open outdoor cultures
logical consequence of the requirement for controlled were feasible and that they would probably not suffer from
growth conditions and to prevent contamination of cultures contamination more than any large-scale closed culture
by other microorganisms. One of the first productive pilot system if fast-growing strains (e.g., Chlorella or Scene-
plants for mass cultivation of Chlorella was devised and desmus) were cultivated. This is understandable if one
tested at Arthur D. Little, Inc. in Cambridge, MA in col- realizes that it is practically impossible to keep large
laboration with the Carnegie Institution in 1951 [3]. The installations under sterile conditions. Once the feasibility of
cultivation unit (*4,000 l) was constructed from thin- open cultures was confirmed, the concept of outdoor mic-
walled plastic tube to form a flat channel of 7–8 cm depth roalgal culture was substantiated. This is without doubt due
1310 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 37:1307–1317
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However, the plant and the institute never materialized, and circulated by paddlewheels with a culture layer twice as deep
even the existing pilot units were dismantled after only a few (17.2 g DW m-2 day-1) when working with the green
years of operation. Following the initial enthusiasm, a cer- microalga Scenedesmus obliquus [4]. Due to the different
tain stagnation in algal research followed, and skepticism culture concentration, areal densities in terms of algal
about the economical potential of algal mass production biomass per unit surface were equivalent, but the greater
took over. In fact, several pilot plants that started operation turbulence and better temperature regime of the cascades led
in the 1960s and 1970s failed to confirm the hopeful pros- to their higher productivity as compared with the raceways.
pects derived from the earlier laboratory work of the pre- At the beginning of the 1990s, a third generation of out-
vious decades. Most of the large-scale tests were abandoned door cascade units for microalgal cultivation was built in
after a few months of operation with the conclusion that, for Třeboň. Compared with the cascades used in the 1960s, the
the time being, large-scale culture could not be economi- microalgal suspension in the new cascade units was much
cally feasible. The curious thing about this situation is that in thinner—only about 10 mm thick. Instead of densely spaced
no case was a reasonable explanation given for the diver- baffles as described previously [71], plastic rods of 13 mm
gence between the conclusions drawn from basic research diameter were placed 1.5 meters apart, and thus the flow
and the results obtained with pilot-plant equipment. The velocity could be increased to 0.5 m s-1 [17, 18]. Later, it
only explanation which seemed reasonable was imperfec- was realized that the inclined-surface system works best if
tions of the technical equipment and technology; in fact, as operated as a smooth inclined surface without any baffles
was often stated, the conditions obtained for growth of where the layer of microalgae is only about 6 mm [44]. This
microalgae were rather distant from the optimal ones [73]. allows achievement of high growth rate up to biomass
However, the main reason for dismantling the pilot concentration of 40–50 g DW l-1. Also, cleaning and main-
production plant in Třeboň was that, after the political tenance were much simpler compared with the baffled
turmoil in 1968, Professor Málek was removed from office system. A 50 m2 pilot system was tested in the Mediterranean
as a ‘‘revisionist,’’ and every activity, even scientific, that climate where summer productivities were as high as
he had supported was intentionally suppressed. Partial 32 g DW m-2 day-1, as compared with Central Europe with
resurrection of microalgal biotechnology in Třeboň came productivity maximum of about 23 g DW m-2 day-1 [16].
only at the end of the 1970s, owing to the role of Ivan Important issues relating to construction design, variation
Šetlı́k and his collaborators in the space program ‘‘Inter- of cultivation regimes, and biomass productivity studies
cosmos,’’ in which they prepared experiments for a Czech were addressed by measurements of pCO2 and pO2 profiles
astronaut on board the Salyut 6 spacecraft that orbited in in outdoor cascade units carried out by Karel Lı́vanský and
1978. The novel experiments were successful and proved co-workers [38, 45]. In some experiments, natural gas from
that unicellular Chlorella can grow and divide under an underground source was used for cultivation [44, 45].
microgravity conditions of space shuttles [36]. These measurements provided detailed results on CO2/O2
exchange to optimize the supply of CO2 for microalgal mass
cultures and its utilization in thin-layer open units with long
Microalgal photosynthesis and biotechnology after 1989 cultivation tracks [37, 39–41, 43]. About 64% of supplied
CO2 was utilized by the microalgal culture, the rest being
After the return of democracy in 1989 any direct political lost as a result of incomplete absorption in the process of
influence on Czech science was removed. In the two dec- saturation or escape from the suspension into the atmo-
ades which followed, enormous development in the field of sphere. About 2.73 kg CO2 was needed for production of
algal biotechnology occurred. In September 1993, the 6th 1 kg Chlorella biomass. Per 1 g evolved O2, 1.12 g CO2
International Conference on Applied Algology was held at was consumed by the microalgae [42].
Třeboň [2]. It opened new topics and renewed collabora- Based on fundamental research into the structure and
tions broken at the end of the 1960s. At this time, a great function of photosynthetic membranes carried out at the
renaissance of microalgal biotechnology also occurred Laboratory of Photosynthesis in Třeboň in the 1980s and
worldwide. New applications were discussed and new 1990s [56, 57], microalgal biotechnology moved from a semi-
approaches were designed. empirical to molecular level. New methodology of photo-
biophysical and biochemical measurements was employed.
Before the turn of the millennium Laboratory cultures of cyanobacteria and microalgae were
examined to define the role of photosystem II (PSII) complex
In the 1980s, it was proven experimentally that cascades in response to environmental stresses [30, 32, 33].
(inclined baffled surface with about 3 cm culture layer) cir- Since the early attempts in the 1930s, it has been clear
culated by a pump could achieve significantly higher pro- that intermittent (pulsed) light is the most important factor
ductivity (24.8 g DW m-2 day-1) than horizontal raceways for microalgae growth. The amount of photon energy
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 37:1307–1317 1313
received by each cell is a combination of several factors: or higher depression of photochemical yields indicates low-
irradiance intensity, cell population density, length of light-acclimated or photoinhibited cultures, respectively.
optical path (thickness of culture layer), spectral quality, These results are important from a biotechnological point of
light absorption, and rate of mixing [63]. Turbulent regime view in order to optimize the growth of outdoor microalgal
in mass microalgal cultures is essential, since light/dark mass cultures under varying climatic conditions.
cycles determine culture productivity. Short pulses of high The so-called xanthophyll cycle (light-dependent con-
light intensity can be used with high efficiency if separated version of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin), was shown to serve as
by sufficiently long dark periods [22]. Maximal quantum a major, short-term light-acclimation mechanism in higher
yields were found for light/dark ratios of about 1:10 [31]. plants. The role of xanthophylls in thermal dissipation of
In pulsed (intermittent) light regimes, a microalgal culture surplus excitation energy was deduced from the linear
can utilize a larger fraction of the sunlight reaching a given relationship between zeaxanthin formation and the magni-
area. In the 1990s, the introduction of high-intensity light- tude of nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching. Unlike
emitting diodes (LEDs) for scientific use made it possible in higher plants, the role of the xanthophyll cycle in green
to measure the effect of intermittent illumination more microalgae (Chlorophyta) is ambiguous, since its contribu-
preciously in the microsecond range. It was proved that tion to energy dissipation can vary significantly among
photosynthetic rates could be further enhanced if the fre- species [48, 52]. It was found that the xanthophyll cycle
quency of intense light pulses was increased from units to operates in all tested strains (e.g., Chlorella, Scenedesmus,
thousands of Hz [26, 54, 58]. Lately, a hydrodynamic Haematococcus, Chlorococcum, Spongiochloris); however,
model of culture in thin-layer cascade units has demon- its contribution to nonphotochemical quenching was not as
strated highly turbulent flow allowing rapid light/dark significant as in higher plants. It seems that microalgae rely
cycles (with frequency of 0.5 s-1) [51]. on this dissipative mechanism only at low biomass density.
Following the application of chlorophyll (chl) variable Another new line of research was focused on microalgal
fluorescence measurements in field crops with the aim of secondary metabolites. The search was for potential pro-
correlating changes of photobiochemical activities with ducers of secondary carotenoids, extracellular polysaccha-
productivity (e.g., [13]), chl fluorescence was applied to rides, mycosporine-like amino acids, and polyunsaturated
monitor microalgal mass cultures in situ. This novel fatty acids. Beside isolation and characterization of these
approach was qualitatively different from previously used compounds, research also aimed to optimize parameters
physiological methods, and the photosynthetic and bio- important for the design and construction of suitable labo-
technology groups from Třeboň played a substantial role in ratory photobioreactors that would be suitable for overpro-
its development. The pilot experiments, carried out in cas- duction of these bioactive compounds on the scale of
cades and closed photobioreactor systems in the Czech hundreds of liters [29, 34, 35, 65, 86].
Republic, Italy, and Israel, mostly applied the method of chl Because phototrophic microalgae can be cultivated
fluorescence quenching to examine effects of environmental under strictly controlled conditions, they are the ideal
stresses—high irradiance, temperature extremes, high dis- choice to incorporate stable isotopes from inorganic C, H,
solved oxygen concentration, and their synergism on algal and N sources. Various biochemicals labeled by stable
productivity [76, 81]. Online chl fluorescence measure- isotopes are used for scientific purposes (molecular struc-
ments indicated that changes of daily integrated values of ture or physiological investigations), as well as for clinical
relative PSII electron transport could be correlated well with purposes (gastrointestinal or breath diagnosis tests) [15].
analogous changes in daily productivity of cultures grown
under different conditions [52, 53, 77]. The relative electron Microalgal biotechnology in the third millennium:
transport rate proved to be a simple and reliable parameter future prospects
for use in estimating the photosynthetic performance of
outdoor cultures of microalgae. Thus, in situ chl fluores- Since 2000, close collaboration with the Academic and
cence monitoring has proven to be a suitable technique for University Center in Nové Hrady resulted in the construction
measuring photochemical performance, being fast, nonin- of a brand new type of closed tubular photobioreactor which
vasive, and easy to measure. However, although the theory was based on solar concentrators (linear Fresnel lenses)
is well described at present [66, 70, 82, 83], the interpreta- mounted in a climate-controlled greenhouse on top of the
tion of fluorescence signals may not be straightforward, laboratory complex, combining features of indoor and out-
particularly when dealing with microalgae [11, 67, 69]. door cultivation units [49, 50]. The dual-purpose system was
Experiments in closed photobioreactors as well as open designed for algal biomass production in temperate climate
cascade units showed that a midday depression of PSII zone under well-controlled cultivation conditions and with
photochemical yields of 20–30% of maximal morning values surplus solar energy being used for heating service water. It
is essential for well-performing cultures [49–51, 63]. Lower was used to study the strategy of microalgal acclimation to
1314 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 37:1307–1317
supra-high solar irradiance, with values as much as 3.5 times Particularly, the search for novel anti-inflammatory
the ambient value. In model cultivations, cultures of the substances, able to downregulate increased endothelial
cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) were cultivated at chemokine production and adhesion molecule expression as
about three times higher solar irradiances (as high as 6 mmol well as tissue damage, holds therapeutic promise [46]. In
photon m-2 s-1) than those usually recorded outdoors in close collaboration with Austrian partners (IMC Krems),
summer, indicating that this organism is tolerant to pho- two cell lines were used for detection of anti-inflammatory
toinhibition under sufficient turbulence and biomass density. and wound-healing metabolites from microalgae [85]. The
A two-stage cultivation process of the green microalga use of new in vitro assays resulted in detection of several
Haematococcus pluvialis was investigated with respect to compounds with unique structures and potential as novel
correlations between photochemical activities and asta- therapeutics. The search for new acetylcholine esterase
xanthin production. First, the culture was grown in low- inhibitors was successful using primary screening of more
irradiance units, and then exposed to supra-high irradiance than 200 microalgal strains from different habitats during
when the rate of astaxanthin production was 30–50% this period of time [89]. Compounds isolated from the
higher than in the culture exposed to ambient irradiance. cyanobacterium Nostoc spp. were structurally characterized
Carotenoid-rich microalgae biomass can be used as a col- [14, 90]. In the field of antioxidant activity a new rapid-
orant, for example, in ornamental fish aquaculture [88]. resolution separation method was developed [59]. The
The light captured by photosynthetic pigments is roughly method was optimized for determination and identification
ten times higher under full sunlight (2,000 lmol photon of antioxidants (phenolic compounds and isoflavones) in
m-2 s-1) than that required to saturate growth. In other fmol quantities and submicroliter sample volumes; for
words, as much as 90% of the photons captured by chl example, p-hydroxybenzoic, protocatechic, vanillic, syrin-
antennae are dissipated as heat and fluorescence. Uncritical gic, caffeic, and chlorogenic acids, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde,
acceptance of photosynthetic efficiencies of about 10% or and 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde were identified in extracts
even higher [60] inevitably leads to exaggerated estimates from microalgae strains (i.e., Spirulina platensis, Anabaena
of present and future biomass productivity. We can estimate doliolum, Nostoc spp., and Cylindrospermum spp.) which
a more realistic figure for maximum photosynthetic effi- contain phenolic acids or aldehydes at ppt levels.
ciency (photon energy converted into biomass energy) of Another promising field in current microalgae research
about 4.5% for C3 plants or microalgae by using educated is the quest for biofuels. As the rate of fossil-fuel con-
guesswork and detailed consideration of the partial reac- sumption increases to unsustainable levels and accumula-
tions involved (e.g., [7, 8, 84, 91]). tion of greenhouse gases in the environment quickly
A new type of microalgal bioreactor with precise control approaches ‘‘dangerously high’’ concentrations, a new
of process parameters (temperature, irradiance, gas com- bonanza for microalgal biotechnology has started with the
position) and online measurement of photosynthetic per- goal of economical biofuel production from microalgae. A
formance based on chl fluorescence was designed [12] and brief overview of second-generation biodiesel production
are now produced commercially ( In parallel systems using microalgae has been compiled [64]. To
with the design of the new generation of photobioreactors, achieve environmental and economic sustainability, fuel
the study of bioactive compounds in microalgal cultures production processes are required that are not only
with potential as pharmacological drug leads has been renewable but also capable of sequestering atmospheric
initiated. The natural product chemistry is extraordinarily CO2. Biodiesel is currently produced from oil synthesized
diverse, reflecting the exceptional biosynthetic capacities from conventional fuel crops that harvest the Sun’s energy
of microalgae. The molecular targets relevant for drug and store it as chemical energy. This presents a route for
discovery have been generated by nature for millennia, but renewable and carbon-neutral fuel production. However,
the technical knowhow to isolate and characterize bioactive increasing biofuel production on arable land could have
compounds has only been available recently [68]. Micro- severe consequences for global food supply. Second-gen-
algae represent a large, unexplored source of a variety of eration biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol, and biomethane)
chemical structures. Routine methods for evaluation of produced from microalgae, plant, and forest plantations on
biological activity in extracts from microalgal biomass as vast land areas will have the advantage that they do not
well as culture media have been applied. Lately, new test compete with food crops. However, current supplies from
systems to identify drug candidates were applied for cell- oil crops and animal fats account for only approximately
based primary screening of several hundred microalgae 0.3% of current demand for transport fuels. In contrast to
strains for antibacterial, antioxidant, fungicidal, allelo- fuel crops, producing biodiesel from algae is widely
pathic, antitumoral, wound-healing, and anti-inflammatory regarded as one of the most efficient ways of generating
compounds as well as enzyme (proteases, acetylcholine biofuels and also appears to represent the only current
esterase) activity inhibitors [21, 28, 46, 59, 80, 85, 89, 90]. renewable source of oil that could meet global demand for
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 37:1307–1317 1315
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ported this work through the Institutional Research Concept Thin-layer high density microalgal culture system: productivity
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project GACR 521/09/0656. on applied algology, Třeboň, Czech Republic, p 40
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