Maquina de Vapor Ingles

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Universidad tecnológica internacional

Student: Valeria Haydee gonzález flores

“steam engines”

Teacher: victoria Lugo Beltrán

Matter: English III


History of steam engines

Steam machine, mechanical device that converts the energy of water vapor into
mechanical energy and has several applications in propulsion and generation of
electricity. The basic principle of the steam engine is the transformation of the heat
energy of water vapor into mechanical energy, causing the steam to expand and cool in a
cylinder equipped with a moving piston. The steam used in power generation or heating
is usually produced inside a boiler. The simplest boiler is a closed tank that contains water
and is heated with a flame until the water becomes saturated steam. Domestic heating
systems have a boiler of this type, but power generation plants use more complex design
systems that have several auxiliary devices. The efficiency of steam engines is generally
low, which means that in most power generation applications, steam turbines are used
instead of steam engines.

The first steam engine was the Eolípila created by Herón of Alexandria.

On the steam engine there is based the First Industrial Revolution that, from ends(purposes)
of the 18th century in England and until almost middle of the 19th century, accelerated
marvellously the economic development of many(many people) of the principal countries
of the Western Europe and of the United States. Only in the interface that happened
between(among) 1890 and 1930 the machine to steam stimulated by coal left place to other
internal combustion engines: those stimulated by hydrocarbons derived from the oil.

Many people have been the authors who have tried to determine the date of the invention
of the steam engine. From Herón's summary up to James Watt's sophisticated machine,
they are a multitude the improvements that in England and specially in the context of an
incipient Industrial Revolution in the XVIIth and XVIIIth century they led without solution of
continuity from the first rudimentary devices without practical application to the invention
of the universal engine that managed to be implanted(implemented) in all the industries
and to be in use in the transport, displacing the traditional engines, as the animal of shot,
the mill or the own(proper) force of the man. Jerónimo de Ayanz and Beaumont, military
man, painter, cosmographer and musician, but, especially, Spanish inventor registered in
1606 the first patent of a modern steam engine, for what it is possible to attribute the
invention of the steam engine to him(her). The fact that the knowledge of this patent is
recent enough it(he,she) does that this information it does not know the great majority of
the people.

Machine of expansion

Animation of the functioning of Newcomen's machine.

Supported by Joseph Black occupied in the investigations(researches) that would lead him
to the discovery of the latent heat, James Watt it(he,she) proposed to improve Newcomen's
machine, discovering in the course(year) of his(her,your) experiments that the steam was a
much more vast than heat reservation(reserve) the water and understanding(including)
that it was necessary to limit all the losses of heat that were taking place(produced) in
Newcomen's handcrafted machine to diminish the consumption of combustible, principal
disadvantage of these machines. Analyzing the problem he(she) identified the losses due to
the own(proper) cylinder, to the practice of cooling the steam to achieve the necessary
emptiness to move the machine and to the residual pressure of the steam. In his(her,your)
later(posterior) experiments, real scientific works, it(he,she) came to the conclusion from
that the cylinder had to be kept to the same temperature.

According to his(her,your) words, while it(he,she) was giving a walk on a splendid Friday
evening and was pondering on the machine, an idea him(her) came to the head: " as the
steam it is an elastic body he(she) will rush in the emptiness, and, if one was communicating
the cylinder with an exhausted warehouse(deposit), he(she) would rush in his(her,your)
interior where it(he,she) might become condensed without cooling the cylinder ".
Nevertheless, the development and development of the separated condenser left Watt in
the ruin and in 1765 one saw obliged to look for employment and to leave his(her,your)
work up to(even)

Los avances tecnológicos e innovadores que se dieron en la revolución industrial, llevaron
millas de años. La relación entre hombre el-estafan manejo el-de la energía térmica,
también. Si bien se tiene como inventor principal James Watt, sabemos que párrafo llegar
un la instancias de la creación de la máquina de vapor, hubo ciertos procesos que formaron
parte de una historia previa. Fue un radical de cambio en la técnica lo que llevó un innovar
los inventores los de la época y además la búsqueda de ampliar los horizontes de la
comunicación y transporte el-(ferrocarril), la economía (industria textil), la aparición de la
técnica empírica (ciencia = ensayo y error) y la instalación del capitalismo, como modelo

Así, como hacia depura(multa) del siglo XVlll la industria textil del algodón fue el motor el-
del desarrollo gracias un la maquina un vapor, hacia mediados del siglo XlX, lo fueron las
industrias pesadas, debido un la utilización de nuevas fuentes de energía como petróleo el-
y la electricidad.

La aparición del petróleo como nueva fuente de energía, llevó un que la Revolución
Industrial, el No sólo fue un período de alcalde esplendor tecnológico, producido por la
modificación de las técnicas, también sino producido por la innovación de los productos ya
existentes. Esto facilitó la adaptación del motor un explosión como mecanismo innovador
de la época. La máquina un vapor tuvo también importantes mejoras aplicadas
principalmente transporte Al-marítimo. Tendido el-ferroviario y los avances transporte en
el-marítimo fue lo que permitió acortar distancias entre las ciudades, desarrolló y el-
contacto comercial económico entre los países del mundo. La Revolución de las
comunicaciones permitió reducir distancia y crear la idea de que mundo el-se achicaba.

Estos avances técnicos permitieron que Capitalismo el-penetrara en todas las regiones del
planeta y transformara la vida de todos los hombres del siglo XIX, generando modificaciones
en las costumbres laborales, culturales y productivas, que cambiaron cualitativa y
cuantitativamente un las sociedades.

 García Tapia, N. y Carrillo Castillo, J. Tecnología e Imperio. Ed. Nivola, Madrid 2002,
p. 144.

 «University of Rochester, NY, The growth of the steam engine online history
resource, chapter one». Consultado el 27 de agosto de 2018.

 "Power plant engineering". P. K. Nag (2002). Tata McGraw-Hill. p.432. ISBN 0-07-

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