Ssec - Tip - 56 Cambered Steel Beams PDF

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Economical Use of Cambered Steel Beams

Accommodating Dead Load Deflections: Cost Savings By Cambering:
here are four methods of accommodating beam For the same typical 30'x30' bay example, camber-
dead load deflections during concrete place- ing would cost $0.13/SF. It would eliminate the need for
ment and creating an acceptably level floor slab: additional concrete to obtain a level floor; and therefore,
1) Let beams deflect and pour a varying thick-
ness slab; 2) Overdesign beams to minimize deflections;
3) Camber beams to compensate for anticipated deflec-
tions; 4) Shore beams prior to concrete placement. When it comes to cam-
Example: An eco- bering beams, more is not
W16 x 26 (20)
nomic analysis is A572-50
helpful in selecting better.
the best approach. As
an example, consider mY -do-

a 30'x30' bay in a typ- would save $0.06/SF. Plus, the cost of cambering can be
ical office building. accurately determined with no additional hidden costs.
If beams are .• As bay sizes increase and deflections become
• k -do-
allowed to sag, the ,+
larger, the savings potential of cambering becomes more
cost of additional con- dramatic.
crete to produce a For shoring to be economical its cost would have to
level slab would be be less than the cambering cost of $0.13/SF, including
$0.19/SF, assuming crack control slab reinforcement over girders. In addition,
$60/cu yd for the concrete. there is the added expense caused by the shoring's inter-
Increasing the size of the steel beams in order to ference with subsequent operations such as fire protec-
tion and mechanical systems installation.

............• _ . {i?:'_"':";':':"?':":'E:""'"""' ' ';::[ Guidelines for Specifying Camber:

Specifying camber properly is crucial to obtaining an
economical, level floor with the proper slab thickness.

DUETOWEIGHTOFDECK Several factors that influence camber are identified
Calculated Dead Load Deflections - Ideally, for most

buildings, the finished floor slab should be both level and

reduce their deflections, and thus the excess concrete of constant thickness. Thus the beam must be level after
requirement, would not produce a more economical solu- the concrete is placed. Only the weight of the beams,
tion. The increase in cost for the heavier steel beams metal deck, and wet concrete should be included in the
would exceed the cost of concrete and shear studs dead load deflection calculations. Additional items, such
saved. as partitions, mechanicals, ceiling and any live load
should be excluded.
Connection End Restraint • Connections on the desired slab thickness. It is usually easier and more eco-
beams provide some degree of end restraint. Therefore, nomical to accommodate under-cambered than over-
the full calculated dead load deflection will probably not cambered beams.
occur. The amount of camber specified can be reduced
to minimize the effect of connection end restraint. Many Mill C a m b e rL i m i t s :
engineers reportedly specify camber amounts in the
range of 2/3 to 3/4 of the calculated simple span dead Shapes to be cambered are cold-worked to produce
desired curves subject to limitations shown below.
load deflection to acount for this effect.
Cambering other than wide flange or standard beams is
Mill Tolerances and Camber Losses • The tolerance
subject to inquiry.
for mill camber of members 50 ft or less is minus 0" and
Cambers less than minimums outlined can be fur-
plus 1/2". Over 50 ft, the plus tolerance increases 1/8" for
nished, but no guarantee can be given with respect to
each 10 ft in excessd of 50 ft. There will be additional
their permanency.
camber induced at the mill to assure that it is within toler-
Order must specify a single minimum value within
the ranges shown below for the length ordered.
Camber will approximate a simple regular curve
The minimum amount nearly the full length of the beam, or between any two
points as specified. Reverse or other compound curves
are available but subject to negotiation and customer
of camber is dependent on approval before shipment. Camber shall be specified by
the ordinate at mid length of the portion of the beam to be
both physical and economic curved. Ordinates at other points can be specified but
require negotiation.
* Inquire All Sections 300 lb per ft
* For grades other than A36 or lengths 60 ft 0 in., and
However, the camber induced at the mill may not
longer maximuns are available on inquiry for the follow-
necessarily be present in the same amount when
ing sections:
received. The AISC states that "In general, 75% of the
specified camber is likely to remain." But, there is no
W24 x 62 W21 x57 W18 x46 W16 x 31 W14 x 26
guarantee that some mill camber will be "lost" during 55 50 40 26 22
shipment, fabrication, and erection. 44 35
The effects of mill tolerances and camber losses
tend to offset each other; although, the net effect may be
W12x22 W l O x 19 W8x15 W6x16
slightly more actual camber than specified. 19 17 13 12
"The More is Better Syndrome• m When it comes to
16 15 10 9
cambering beams, "more is not better." Excess camber
14 12
can result in difficulties in achieving level floors with the

Minimum and Maximum Camber Inches

Depth Over 20 to 30 Over 30 to 40 Over 40 to 52 Over 52 to 65 Over 65 to 85 Over 85 to100
(Inches) incl incl incl incl incl incl

24 and over* Inquire 1/2 to 1-1/2 incl 1/2 to 2-1/2 incl 1 to 4 incl 1 to 5 incl 1 to 6 incl

14 to 21 incl* Inquire 1/2 to 2 incl 1/2 to 3 incl 1 to 4 incl 1 to 5 incl Inquire

4 to 13 incl* Inquire 1/2 to 2 incl 1/2 to 3 incl Inquire Inquire Inquire

The preceding table provides reasonable guidelines affected by the actual elevation of the erected steel and
for minimum and maximum induced cambers. Obtaining are more seriously affected by high points in the steel
larger cambers on lighter weight beams with shorter than by Iow ones.
lengths, particularly for grades other than A36, is more In the constant thickness method, the finished floor
difficult. Therefore, it is prudent to consult the producer follows the steel below. High points in the steel cause
prior to specifying cambers near these extremes, high points in the finished slab, which may hinder the
installation of interior finishes.
In the constant elevation method, the finished floor is
The maximum amount set using a level. High points in the steel can result in
inadequate slab thickness.
of Cambe r t h a t Ca n be p u t Therefore, prior to placing concrete slabs, beam ele-
vations should be verified. Then, if the expected floor
into a member is limite¢• and profile is not satisfactory, the finishing approach can be
is dependent on its cross sec-
tion, le' h and material Cambering is often the most economical method of
handling dead load deflections in beams. It saves money
graue, by reducing the excess concrete that may be required.
The cost of cambering can be accurately determined with
no additional hidden costs to consider.
The minimum amount of camber is dependent on
The amount of camber should be specified only after
both physical and economic considerations. Cambers of considering the following items:
1/2' or less should probably be avoided. At 1/2' the cost 1. Calculated dead load deflection.
of cambering usually exceeds the potential savings in
2. Connection end restraint.
concrete, especially since natural mill camber will proba- 3. Mill tolerances and camber losses.
bly be present. Also, below 1/2' the permanency may not
be assured. 4. The "More is Better" Syndrome.
5. Camber limits.
The maximum amount of camber that can be put into
member is limited, and is dependent on its cross section, • f
length and material grade. Cambering is often the
Cambering is available from the producing mills and
most economical method of
generally adds onlytwo weeks to the delivery of material, handling dead load de•ec-
Many fabricators also have the capability and expertise
to offer cambering, tions in beams.
Most mills published price book offers cambering for Reference:
$0.03/Ib on beams up to 50 lbs/fi, and $0.02/Ib for beams
over 50 lbs/ff. "Economical Use of Cambered Steel Beams," by J.W.
Larson and R.K. Huzzard, Bethlehem Steel Corporation,
E f f e c t of Construction Methods: presented at the AISC National Steel Construction
Conference, March 1990.
Both methods used in the finishing of concrete slabs,
constant thickness and constant elevation, are greatly

This TIPS is reprinted from a Bethlehem Steel Corp. Technical Bulletin titled
"Economical Use of Cambered Steel Beams."
470 Fernwood Drive
Moraga, CA 94556
(510) 631-9570


Adams & Smith Mid West Steel Erection

Allied Steel Co., Inc. Nelson Stud Welding Co.

Bannister Steel, Inc. Oregon Steel Mills

Bethlehem Steel Corporation Palm Iron & Bridge Works

C.A. Buchen Corporation PDM Strocal, Inc.

Butler Manufacturing Co. Reno Iron Works

G.M. Iron Works Co. H.H. Robertson Co.

The Herrick Corporation Schrader Iron Works, Inc.

Hoertig Iron Works Southland Iron Works

Hogan Mfg., Inc. Stockton Steel

Junior Steel Co. Stott, Inc.

Lee & Daniel U.S. Steel Corporation

McLean Steel, Inc. Verco Manufacturing, Inc.

Martin Iron Works, Inc. Vulcraft Sales Corp.

The local s{ructural steel industry (above sponsors) stands ready to assist you in
determining the most economical solution for your products. Our assistance can
range from budget prices and estimated tonnage to cost comparisons, fabrication
details and delivery schedules.

Funding for this publication provided by the California Field Iron Workers Administrative Trust.

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