Chodges@westga - Edu Chodges@gsu - Edu Course Syllabus
Chodges@westga - Edu Chodges@gsu - Edu Course Syllabus
Chodges@westga - Edu Chodges@gsu - Edu Course Syllabus
MBA 8135 – Corporate Finance - Syllabus Supplement, Instructor: Dr. Charles Hodges
Class Hours: Online Office: Richards College of Business, Room 18, UWG
Class Room: Online and TBA Phone: (678)839-4816 (office) or (770)301-8648 (cell)
Class Webpages: WEBCT VISTA and
E-mail: WEBCT Vista (Preferred) or [email protected] or [email protected] Office Hours: by appointment
See the course syllabus and video introduction for MBA 8135 course policies on attendance, prerequisites, rescheduling
of exams, academic honesty, etc.
Required Textbook: The textbook is a McGraw Hill Primis Online custom published book, MBA 8135 - Corporate
Finance. A hard copy of the book can be purchased from the GSU bookstore or you can order the text an eBook from Primis
Online. The custom book includes selected chapters from the following two textbooks: Fundamental of Corporate Finance,
Eighth Edition, by Ross, Westerfield and Jordan (McGraw Hill) and Corporate Finance, Eighth Edition, by Ross, Westerfield
and Jaffe (McGraw Hill). The ISBN of the bookstore textbook is 978-0-390-80084-8. To order an eBook, go to, click NEXT, and then browse for USA, Georgia, Georgia
State University, MBA 8135. Once you locate the book, follow the purchase instructions. Note, the ebook has a lower initial
cost than the hardcopy, but a survey of students revealed a clear preference for the hardcopy.
Grading: In accordance with Departmental policy, for masters level courses (MBA and FI prefixed), it is expected that
no more than 35 percent of the students in a given class section will receive a grade of A. The majority of the remaining
students are expected to receive grades of B. Those students demonstrating significantly lagging performance shall earn
grades of C or lower as appropriate. The finance department employs the +/- grading system. A C- is considered a
passing grade for this course and a C- is considered passing for prerequisite purposes for this course as well as for all
finance electives.
Grade Weights: One-hour exams and Written Assignment (3 exams at 15% each) 45%
Quizzes (top 9 of 10) 18%
Two-Minute Feedback 2%
Final exam 35%
Important links: Online Course Webpage Windows Media Player A Ullearn login page
Dates of Quizzes and Assignments are generally given according to the above schedule.
I will announce changes at least one week in advance.