Deed of Trust

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This Declaration of Trust is made and executed by and between the following:

______________________, of legal age, married, Filipino citizen, with address at

_____________________________, herein after called the TRUSTEE-ASSIGNOR;

- in favor of –

____________________, of legal age, married, Filipino citizen, with address at

_____________________________, herein after called the TRUSTOR-ASSIGNEE.


1. The TRUSTEE-ASSIGNOR is a holder of ____________________ shares of

stock of ______________________________________________ (hereinafter
“CORPORATION”), a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of
the Philippines:

2. The Subject Share was subscribed to by the TRUSTEE-ASSIGNOR in his

name for and on behalf of the TRUSTOR-ASSIGNEE, who is the true and
beneficial owner thereof, the subscription in the name of the TRUSTEE-
ASSIGNOR having been made only for convenience.

ACCORDINGLY, based on the foregoing premises, the parties hereby

confirm that:

1. The said shares of stock shall remain and continue to be the property of the
TRUSTOR-ASSIGNEE and the management and/or disposition thereof shall
be under the control and supervision of the latter.

2. Subscription for said shares of stock have been paid for by the TRUSTOR-
ASSIGNEE and TRUSTEE-ASSIGNOR acknowledges that it is the
TRUSTOR-ASSIGNEE who has paid for the Subject Share, and the
TRUSTEE-ASSIGNOR has contributed no money or property whatsoever in
the purchase of such Subject Share.

3. TRUSTEE-ASSIGNOR has been receiving and will continue to receive all the
dividends, whether cash, stock, or property, rights, and other fruits or avails
accruing to or on the Subject Share.


ASSIGNOR agrees, as she hereby agrees, to transfer the Subject Share in
favor of the TRUSTOR-ASSIGNEE, or any of its designated nominees or
trustee upon the TRUSTOR-ASSIGNEE’s instruction. The TRUSTEE-
ASSIGNOR likewise agrees that she is prohibited from making any sale,
transfer, conveyance or encumbrance on the Subject Share without the
permission and written instructions of the TRUSTOR-ASSIGNEE;

IN ATTESTATION of the above, the parties have hereunto set their hands this
______________________ at ________________________.

________________________ ________________________



______________________________ ______________________________


Republic of the Philippines )

) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the above jurisdiction, on

_____________ personally appeared the following.

Name Valid ID

Known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument

and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

This instrument consists of 3 (3) pages, including this page on which the
Acknowledgment is written.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and in the place above written.

Doc. No. _____;

Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of _____.

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