ED Module 5
ED Module 5
ED Module 5
Ships without a doctor on board may seek medical advice from a shore
station, which is either a port health station or a hospital. The department,
since 1980, has provided such a radio-medical service. In 1985, a telex
service with facilities for transmission via a satellite communications system
(INMARSAT - International Maritime Satellite) was introduced for this service.
Singapore's strategic location makes it accessible to maritime communication
traffic in two ocean regions, viz., the Indian and Pacific Oceans covering a
total ocean area of 253 million sq. km. We handle about 150 radio-medical
calls annually covering both major and minor illnesses.
The police sometimes refer persons arrested for drunken driving or drunken
behaviour and request for a medical examination to exclude alcoholic
intoxication. In all instances, the following will need to be recorded: -
c) Pupil size.
d) Heart rate.
e) Facial flushing.
f) Coherence of speech.
Blood for alcohol levels are to be taken only for drunken driving (even if no
clinical evidence exists), and only when requested by police. This is because
there is currently a legal limit of 80 mm/dl for blood alcohol. There is no legal
limit for alcohol for partygoers or for those who fight. However, at least verbal
consent is required from the arrestee for the blood to be taken for alcohol
assay. The name of the Staff Nurse assisting in the taking of blood has to be
recorded in the A&E Case Record for medico-legal purposes. The blood
sample and toxicology must then be sealed and signed by the doctor
immediately. The nurse will then arrange to despatch the sample to the
Toxicology Laboratory. The doctor should advise drunken drivers who are
arrested by the police and who refused consent for blood sample for alcohol
that such refusal could be held against them in a court of law.
Frequently the Police and Social Welfare Department refer cases of sexual
abuse and child abuse to the department for medical assessment or
treatment. In addition during the course of attending to patients, we
occasionally pick out instances of probably child abuse, sexual assault,
spouse abuse and even elderly abuse/neglect.
(b) Attire
- Name tag to be clearly displayed as for
males above.
vi) Check your mail daily and answer queries and medical reports
Protocol for Domestic Violence Victims: recognition of victims
1) Recognition of DV
b) Characteristics of DV victims:
2) Action by doctors:
3) Attending skills:
Eye contact
Attentive body language
Accurate listening
Assure confidentiality
Encourage DV victims to talk and share their feelings
Express concern for their safety
Be understanding and non-blaming
Talk in private (do not use patient’s family or friends to interprete)
Be proactive in giving help
Make appropriate referrals
Downplay danger
Judge or criticise
Attempt to mediate
Lose patience
Appendix 1
2. Use MSW form for referring/reporting to MSW. Indicate whether or not the case
was referred to the Police. Enter details about the abuse in the remarks column
of the MSW form and send the referral form with a photocopy of the emergency
case record.
i) Direct patient to MSW office with MSW referral form and photocopy of
emergency case record to receive counselling.
ii) Patients who present to ED when there is long waiting time or who are
triaged close to the end of office hours (after 4pm) should be referred to
the MSW immediately after triage by the triage nurse without waiting for
consultation. These patients should be assessed by the MSW at the ED
(either in the family room or consultation room at green area) after which
they will be seen by the doctors.
Note: triage nurse should note that the person accompanying the
victim may be the perpetrator and may turn aggressive if he/she
finds out that the victim is seeing the MSW first instead of the
doctor, so any referral to the MSW should be done discreetly.
iii) The pamphlet “STOP FAMILY VIOLENCE” will be given to abuse cases.
i) Patients who are seen after office hours can be given appointment to
see the MSW the next working day. However, if the patient is perceived
to be at risk of further violence if he/she returns home, he/she should
be kept under observation in the ED till the next day when the MSW is
available. If the patient comes on a weekend where the MSW is not
available the next day, he/she should be referred to a crisis shelter.
The nurse will assist by calling the shelter on the patient’s behalf. If
there is difficulty in getting a shelter for the patient or if advice is
required, the MSW in charge of DV, Ms Crystal Lim (pg 95349267) and
Ms Esther Lim (pg 95349260) can be activated.
ii) The pamphlet “STOP FAMILY VIOLENCE” will be given to abuse cases.
4. For drug overdose cases associated with child, women or elderly abuse, admit
major cases according to clinical evaluation and ward doctor will refer to MSW
who will identify whether there is any abuse.
Types of Abuse
Physical Psychological/Emotional Neglect/Abandonment/Financial Sexual
Elderly abuse shall mean an Infliction of physical pain or Verbal Deliberate refusal to meet basic needs Any form of sexual
act or omission which results in injury/physical confinement. aggression/intimidation/humiilia i.e. failure to provide food, shelter, assault/abuse.
harm or threatened harm to the ting behaviour/unreasonable clothing and medical care.
health or welfare of an elderly Includes direct, aggressive demands/deliberate ignoring.
person. behaviour such as bodily Deliberate attempt to desert e.g.
assault, sexual abuse, physical Includes actions that cause fear abandoning the elderly person in the
Abuse includes intentional restraint, torture or of violence, isolation or streets, in hospitals, etc.
Elderly Abuse infliction of physical or mental imprisonment. deprivation, feelings of shame,
injury, sexual abuse or harrassment, threat and insults. This includes actions of misuse of
withholding of necessary food, property or financial resources. It
clothing and medical care to involves misappropriation of money,
meet the physical and mental valuables or property.
needs of an elderly person by
one having the care, custody or
responsibility of an elderly
Orientation Module 5
3) What should you do when an unpleasant public relation situation occurs despite
your efforts at maintaining good PR?
Abdominal Pain Flowchart
Yes Note 1 No
Admit ? Surgical abdomen Dehydrated
No Note 2 Yes
Note 3
Blood investigations
Symptomatic medication:
? FBC, UEC, sugar, amylase
Antacid (e.g. Mist Polysillic 50ml) if no diarrhoea
Antispasmodic (e.g. i/m or i/v hyoscine butylbromide 20-40mg) Urinalysis (UC9 & HCG)
Antiemetic (e.g. i/m prochlorperazine 12.5mg, i/m or i/v metoclopramide
10mg) CXR, AXR
Activated charcoal tablets
Clear fluids – either intravenous or oral (ad lib)
Intravenous drip
Observation for up to 12H (vital signs q2H)
Note 4
Normal Abnormal
Home with ? Need for admission Admit
abdominal advice, No
dietary advice
+/- referral Add medication
Observe 3H more
Observation Ward Protocol for Abdominal Pain (APP)
Note 1
Indication for observation:
1. Abdomen should be soft. There should be no guarding or rebound tenderness. Bowel sounds
should be present.
Exclusion criteria:
3. Patients who are hemodynamically unstable. (For these patients, the ED senior physician on
duty should first be consulted, and pending approval, the surgical registrar on call should be
informed and the patient should be admitted to the general surgical dept. All unstable patients
should be admitted to the HD or ICA.)
4. Patients who have non-abdominal causes of pain eg AMI, pneumonia, DKA etc.
Elderly patients with IHD, AF, hypertension, DM, hyperlipidemia may be at risk for ischaemic
bowel. They may present with severe abdominal pain and tenderness with minimal signs or a soft
and unguarded abdomen. Consult the senior ED physician on duty in all these instances.
Note 2
1. All patients should be observed for a minimum of 3 hours and a maximum of 12 hours, with 3
hourly reviews.
2. FBC, U/E/Cr/S, seAmylase, urine dipstick, urine HCG, KUB, erect CXR, erect or lateral
decubitus AXR may be performed if clinically indicated, e.g. check FBC if appendicitis or
intestinal infection is suspected, seAmylase if pancreatitis is suspected, U/E/C/S if patient is
dehydrated, urine HCG in young woman with lower abdominal pain, ECG in patients older than
35 years old with epigastric pain, erect CXR if abdomen is guarded, erect AXR if intestinal
obstruction is suspected.
3. Vital signs should be monitored every 2 hourly. The I/O chart should be put up.
4. For patients who have severe diarrhoea or dehydration, iv hydration should be started. In fit
and young adults, at least 2 litres of normal saline should be given over 4 to 6 hours. Patients
with co-morbidities eg IHD, CCF should in general be admitted for rehydration.
Note 3
1. Patients who have pain from intestinal colic should be given im buscopan 40 mg.
2. Patients who are vomiting may be given im or iv stemetil 12.5 mg or maxolon 10 mg.
(Intestinal obstruction and other non-abdominal causes of vomiting eg raised ICP must be
excluded first).
3. Patients with renal or ureteric colic may be given im voltaren 50 – 75 mg or im pethidine 50-
75 mg in addition to im buscopan 40 mg.
4. Patients with acute gastritis may be given a combination of im buscopan 40mg and mist
polysillic antacid 50 ml – 60 ml, which may be repeated after two hours.
Note 4
1. At the end of 3 hours if the patient’s abdominal pain has not improved, he should be re-
examined and the disposition will depend on the examination findings.
2. If there is leukocytosis or there are signs of peritonitis, the patient should be admitted to
general surgery or the appropriate surgical department (eg colorectal surgery) after
consultation with the senior ED physician on duty.
3. If he has renal colic, which does not respond completely to adequate treatment in the
Emergency Department, he should be admitted to urology.
4. If the abdomen is soft, non-guarded, the patient is not toxic or unstable hemodynamically, he
should continue to be observed for a further 3 hours till his symptoms and signs have
completely subsided. Any patient who is observed for more than 3 hours must be made
known to the senior doctor on shift.
5. At the end of 6 hours of observation, if the patient feels well and there is no abdominal
tenderness or guarding at all, he may be discharged with the appropriate medication and
abdominal pain advice. If there is still minimal tenderness, the patient should be observed for
another 3 hours to ensure that the pain does not recur or has completely subsided. If the pain
is severe, he should be admitted.
6. At the end of 9 hours, if the patient is well and there is no abdominal pain, the patient may be
discharged with medication and abdominal pain advice. Patients whose pain improved only
slightly or have recurrence of pain should be admitted to the appropriate department after
consultation with the senior Emergency Physician on duty.
7. If the symptoms do not improve, and a surgical cause is not considered likely, the patient
should be re-evaluated by the senior ED physician on duty for possible admission to
Department of Gastroenterology.
Asthma Flowchart
Note 1
Is observation
Note 2 Yes
Note 3
Review at 3H Yes
? Symptom resolution Discharge with
? Normal examination asthma advice
Outpatient appointment
Salbutamol nebulisation
Observe 3 H more
Review at 6H Discharge with
? Symptom resolution asthma advice
? Normal examination Outpatient appointment
Observation Ward Protocol for Asthma (ASP)
Note 1
Indication for observation:
Exclusion criteria:
Note 2
Observation intervention
Note 3
1. Patients can be discharged after 3 hours if they have acceptable vital signs, there is
resolution of breathlessness, bronchospasm and accessory muscle usage, PEFR >
75% predicted and SaO2 > 95% on room air. They should be discharged with
medication and advised to see their family practitioners within 72 hours.
2. Patients who do not satisfy these criteria at 3 hours should be treated and observed
at the observation ward for another 3 hours.
3. Patients who have unstable vital signs or whose condition deteriorates should be
4. At the end of 6 hours, patients whose PEFR < 75%, RR > 35, or SaO2 < 95% on
room air should be admitted.
Head Injury Protocol Flowchart
Stable Head Injury
Note 1
Is observation indicated?
Note 2
Deterioration of
Consciousness level & vital consciousness level at
signs hourly x2, then 2 any time
hourly CT head
Review by doctor 3 hourly Admit
Note 3
? Normal serial
Review at 6H No No
? Symptomatic neurological
examination CT head
Yes Yes
Observe 3H more
Observe 3H more
Observation Ward Protocol for Head Injury (HIP)
Note 1
Indication for observation:
Exclusion criteria:
Note 2
Observation intervention
Note 3
1. Patients can be discharged at the end of 6 hours if their vital signs are acceptable and serial
neurologic examinations are normal
2. Patients whose GCS deteriorates during observation should have urgent CT scan of the head
and admitted to hospital.
Giddiness Flowchart
History, examination
Note 1
Antiemetic Note 2
Appropriate intravenous hydration
Diet of choice
Fluids ad lib
Review at 3H
Note 3 Normal examination
Yes Acceptable vital signs
Symptomatic relief Normal laboratory results (if done)
No Able to ambulate and care for self
Partial relief
Able to take oral medication Yes
Normal examination
Acceptable vital signs
No Yes
Alternative antiemetic
Observe 3H more
Review at 6H Discharge
Symptomatic relief Admit
Observation Ward Protocol for Giddiness
Note 1
Indication for Observation
Note 2
Observation intervention
1. Antiemetic e.g. i/m stemetil 12.5mg, i/v or i/m metoclopramide 10mg, i/m promethazine
2. All patients should be observed for a minimum of 3 hours and a maximum of 6 hours
3. Vital signs should be monitored every 2 hourly
Note 3
Musculo – Skeletal Pain
Note 1
Note 3
Not relieved
Parenteral opiates
Note 5
Review at 6H Discharged
Not relieved
Admit Note 6
Observation Ward Protocol for Musculo-Skeletal Pain (MSP)
Note 1
Indication for observation:
Note 2
Note 3
Observation intervention
1. All patients should be observed for a minimum of 3 hours and a maximum of 6 hours
2. Vital signs should be monitored every 2 hourly
Note 4
Note 5
Note 6
1. If the patients are still symptomatic at the end of period of observation, they
should be re-examinaed. Fractures and compartment syndrome should be
excluded. They may need to be admitted for further treatment. They should be
referred to orthopaedics doctors for assessment.
2. Patients can be discharged at the end of 6 hours if their vital signs are acceptable
and their symptoms are relieved. Patients should be able to tolerate pain on oral
medication, ambulate and care for self at home. Discharge the patients with RICE
(Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) advice. Patients can be referred for outpatient
Observation Ward Protocol for Hyperglycemia
Exclusion criteria
1) DKA
15-17 mmol/dl: 8u
17.1-19 mmol/dl: 10u
19.1-21 mmol/dl: 12u
21.1-23 mmol/dl: 14u
23.1-25 mmol/dl: 16u
• to give less (half of dose by above regime) for patients who have renal
1) Discharge if:
If for discharge,
2) Admit if:
a) Worsening symptoms
b) Unstable vital signs
c) BSL uncontrolled, labile, remains > 15mmol/dl
d) Development of DKA
e) Unable to tolerate oral fluid
f) Dehydrated.