Value Are A Basics
Value Are A Basics
Value Are A Basics
Scenario 1
When the market opens above the value
area and is able to hold the value area
high on subsequent tests, it is a strong VALUE AREA
“One of the best
bullish signal. If the market begins to trade
things [MarketDelta] within the value area and volume picks
offers ... is the ability up it would be recommended to exit long
to readily see what positions. TIME
©2008 MarketDelta
kind of market we’re
in via the volume bell Scenario 2
curve. When a market opens above the value OPEN ABOVE
something I had area, there is a strong tendency to rotate all
struggled with in the the way through the value area and test the
©2008 MarketDelta
Scenario 4
When the market opens below the value
are and is able to hold the value area low
on subsequent tests, it is a strong bearish VALUE AREA
positions. TIME
©2008 MarketDelta
Scenario 5
When the market opens within the value
area it is showing signs of a balanced
market. Trading from a responsive versus
initiative mind frame would be preferred. OPEN WITHIN
“This seems to be
what I have been Once the core concepts of Market Profile®
looking for as a final are digested and you have a good TIME
confirmation tool. understanding of some basic Market ©2008 MarketDelta
structure. It helped shows traders are “initiating” trading above known value and higher
prices are expected. IF opening below the value area it signifies
me avoid two trades
traders are “initiating” trading below known value and lower prices
and see when to take
are expected.
two other trades.”
– Blair C., British Columbia Initiative Buying - When the market opens and stays above the value
area it should be viewed as a strong bullish signal and moves higher
should NOT be faded. Many times this type of trading activity is a
result of longer time frame traders and institutions who have lots
of buying to do and are able to support prices for the trading day.
Fighting this type of move can be grueling and very unprofitable.
Initiative Buying
Above Value Area “The trend is your friend” is very true when initiative buying is
present. Knowing and understanding the value area can really help
keep you on the right side of the market and from getting run over by
a strong bull market. The best strategy for a day exhibiting initiative
©2008 MarketDelta
“MarketDelta is Initiative Selling - When the market opens and stays below the value
area it should be viewed as a strong bearish signal and moves lower
just about the most
should NOT be faded. Many times this type of trading activity is a
amazing tool I have result of longer time frame traders and institutions who have lots
ever used. of selling to do and will be pressuring prices for the trading day.
Fighting this type of move can be grueling and very unprofitable.
As a former floor Identifying initiative selling by realizing where the current market is
trader, I was used trading in relation to the value area can really help keep you on the
right side of the market and from getting run over by a strong bear
to gauging the
market. The best strategy on a day exhibiting initiative selling is to sell
speed and direction bounces until proven wrong. Sustained probes back into the value
of a price move by area should be viewed cautiously as the market may be showing
observing volume. signs of strengthening.
CBOT Building into play. Refer to Value Area 80% Rule document on
141 W. Jackson Blvd the website for more information on this strategy.
Suite 3706
Chicago, IL. 60604
Responsive Selling – There are a couple of scenarios that could be
Phone 1.312.922.7800 classified as responsive selling.
Fax 1.312.922.7801