Sourcebook Pi

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The Life of π

Chris Rycroft
SPAMS, Fall 2005
•  “The Joy of Pi”, Blatner, Penguin 1997
•  “Pi: A Source Book”, Berggren,
Borwein, and Borwein, Springer 2004
•  “A History of Pi”, Beckmann, Golem
•  “Pi: A Biography of the World’s Most
Mysterious Number”, Posamentier
and Lehmann, Prometheus 2004

Ancient values for π
•  Babylonians: π=3 1/8

•  “And he made the molten sea

of ten cubits from brim to
brim, round in compass, and
the height thereof was five
cubits; and a line of thirty
cubits did compass it round
about” – 1 Kings 7:23
•  Implies π=3.
Rhind Papyrus
•  Purchused by Henry
Rhind in 1858, in
Luxor, Egypt
•  Scribed in 1650BC, and
copied from an earlier
work from ~2000BC
•  One of the oldest
mathematical texts in
•  Gives a value for π
Problem number 24
“A heap and its 1/7 part become 19. What
is the heap?”
Then 1 heap is 7.
And 1/7 of the heap is 1.
Making a total of 8.
But this is not the right answer, and therefore we must
rescale 7 by the proportion of 19/8 to give
Problem number 50
•  A circular field with
diameter 9 units has
the same area as a 8
square with side
eight units

Octagon method?
•  Egyptians made
use of square nets
•  Cover circle in
3x3 grid
•  Area of octagon is
63, which gives

Archimedes (287BC-212BC)
•  Brilliant physicist,
•  Links circumference
relation and area
relation; shows π=π’
in C=2π’r and A=πr2
•  Sandwiches circle
between inscribed and
superscribed polygons
Archimedes’ Method
•  Let bn and an be the
circumferences of inscribed
and superscribed polygons
of 3.2n-1 sides
•  For k sides,


Archimedes uses n=6 (96 sides) to find !

The Dark Ages
•  Religious persecution of
science brings study of π to a
halt in Europe
•  Most developments in Asia
•  Decimal notation
•  Zu Chongzhi (429-500) uses
a polygon with 3×214 sides;
obtains π=3.1415926…
•  Also finds ratio π≈355/113
•  Best result for a millennium!
(Zu Chongzhi postage stamp)
European Middle Ages
•  Figures of 3 1/8, 22/7 and (16/9)2 still
in use
•  Decimal notation gradually introduced
•  Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci) uses
Archimedes’ method, but more
accurately; obtains
François Viète (1540-1603)
(r=1) •  Finds the first
infinite sequence
•  Let A(n) be the area
of the n-sided
inscribed polygon
For the diagram, so

Using and ,
James Gregory (1638-1675)
•  Discovers the arctangent

•  Putting gives

•  Extremely slow convergence

Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
•  Discovers related series

•  Putting x=1/2 gives

•  Converges much faster

•  Newton calculates 15 digits,
but is “embarrassed”
John Machin (1680-1752)
•  If

•  This is very close to one, and we see

•  From this, we obtain

Alternative derivation
•  Many arctangent formulae can be derived
•  Can also be found using complex numbers –

•  Since the arguments of complex numbers

add, we know that
William Jones (1675-1749):
the first use of “π”
William Jones (1675-1749):
the first use of “π”
Euler (1707-1783)
“He calculated just as men breathe, as eagles
sustain themselves in the air” – François Arago

•  Adopted π symbol
•  Derived many series, such as

•  Calculated 20 digits in an hour using

The arctangent digit hunters
•  1706: John Machin, 100 digits
•  1719: Thomas de Lagny, 112 digits
•  1739: Matsunaga Ryohitsu, 50 digits
•  1794: Georg von Vega, 140 digits
•  1844: Zacharias Dase, 200 digits
•  1847: Thomas Clausen, 248 digits
•  1853: William Rutherford, 440 digits
•  1876: William Shanks, 707 digits
(incorrect after 527 digits!)
A short poem to Shanks

Seven hundred seven

Shanks did state
Digits of π he would calculate
And none can deny
It was a good try
But he erred in five twenty eight!
•  1767: Lambert proves π is irrational
•  1794: Legendre proves π and π2
irrational: they can’t be written as p/q
•  1882: Lindemann proves π is
transcendental – π can’t be expressed
as the solution to an algebraic equation
You can’t square a circle
•  Given a rectangle, you can
construct a square of equal
area with just geometry
•  What about for a circle? If
you could do it, you could
geometrically find π
•  But geometry will never give
you a transcendental
number, so it’s impossible How to square a rectangle

•  Lots of people tried anyway

The circle-squarers
•  “With the straight ruler I set to make the circle four-cornered.”
– Aristophanes, The Birds, 414BC

•  “I have found, by the operation of figures, that this proportion

is as 6 to 19. I am asked what evidence I have to prove that the
proportion the diameter of a circle has to its circumference is as
6 to 19? I answer, there is no other way to prove that an apple
is sour, and why it is so, than by common consent.” – John
Davis, The Measure of the Circle, 1854

•  “It is utterly impossible for one to accomplish the work in a

physical way; it must be done metaphysically and
geometrically, not mathematically.” – A. S. Raleigh, Occult
Geometry, 1932
Carl Theodore Heisel
•  In his 1931 book, he squares
the circle, rejects decimal
notation, and disproves the
Pythagorean theorem
•  Finds π=256/81, and verifies
it by checking for circles with
radius 1,2,…,9 “thereby
furnishing incontrovertible
evidence of the exact truth”
•  There’s a copy in the Harvard

Title page from Heisel’s book

Edwin J. Goodwin,
•  “Squares the circle” in 1888; introduced
to Indiana house in 1897
•  “A bill for an act introducing a new
mathematical truth and offered as a
contribution to education to be used
only by the state of Indiana free of cost
by paying any royalties whatever on
the same, provided it is accepted and
adopted by the official action of the
legislature of 1897”
•  Passed unanimously by the house 67-0,
without fully understanding the content
of the bill
Edwin J. Goodwin,
•  “It has been found that a circular area
is to the square on a line equal to the
quadrant of the circumference, as the
area of an equilateral rectangle is to the
square on one side”
•  Six different values of π!
•  Prof C. A. Waldo (Purdue) visiting at the
time, and is shocked that the billed
•  Persuades Senate to indefinitely
postpone action on it
Ramanujan (1887-1920)
•  Born to a family without wealth in
Southern India
•  Math prodigy, but failed college entrance exams
•  Went to Cambridge to work with G. H. Hardy in 1913
•  Work formed the basis of many modern π formulae
•  Became chronically ill during WWI
•  Returned to India in 1919; died a year later


every 95 years

1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Machine calculators
•  1947: Ferguson uses
mechanical calculator to
compute 710 digits
•  1949: ENIAC calculates
2037 digits in 70 hours
– the first automatic
calculation of π
•  Used the Machin
•  Built robustness into ENIAC statistics: 10 feet tall, 1800ft2
floor area, 30 tons, 18000 vacuum
code tubes, 10000 capacitors, 5000
operations a second
Shanks and Wrench:
100,000 decimals (1961)
“I feel the need, the need for speed!”
– Maverick and Goose

•  Used the arctangent formula

(IBM 7090)

•  Factor of 1/8 becomes a shift in binary

•  Calculate two terms at a time to halve the number of

•  Calculated in 8h43m; verified with a second arctangent

Faster algorithms (1)
•  Arctangent formulae give a fixed number of digits per
•  1976: Brent and Salamin find quadratically
convergent algorithm
•  1985: Borwein and Borwein find quartically
convergent algorithm:
Faster algorithms (2)
•  Rapid convergence comes with a drawback
•  Methods require high-precision division, and
high-precision square root both
computationally expensive
•  Multiplication rapid using FFT technique
•  To divide x by a, use the quadratically
convergent scheme
Digit extraction formulae
•  Bailey, Borwein, and Plouffe (1996)

•  Can extract a hexadecimal digit without

computing the previous ones in O(n)
time and O(log(n)) space
•  No such expression for a decimal base
Hardcore digit hunters
•  Chudnovsky brothers
(USA) and Kanada
(Japan) swap digit
record throughout
•  Chudnovsky formula

•  15 digits per term





Number of digits




Doubles every
1000 13 months

Doubles every
30 months
1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Current record –
1,241,100,000,000 digits
•  Computed in December 2002 by Kanada et
•  Hitachi SR8000: 64 nodes, 14.4GFlops/node
•  Used two different arctangent formulae
•  Takes 601 hours, including the time to move
400Tb of data from memory to disk
Last 500 digits
(3) 500 digits ending 1,241,100,000,000-th
(1,241,099,999,501 - 1,241,100,000,000)

3716787169 6567692125 2797286901 8503557537 6530193499

3533850167 1616469990 5984454421 7623131551 5483436562
7806800557 0748706663 5108659327 6579461496 7987525534
7689068277 7037671632 7753867760 1776471900 9279382597
6527339324 6948904759 2872702485 4618972965 3547547082
4504016840 2350653293 6254205392 4502959326 3809170954
8310279798 7965959470 8455199922 4435552002 5054585883
0997016164 9607402417 5296690907 5622217705 1785600450
0707455198 1744551596 6313820124 4825046054 2311034186
5591198918 2262704528 2696896699 2856706487 3410311045

(passes all tests for randomness)

Frequency analysis for the
first 1.2×10 digits

0 : 119999636735 1 : 120000035569
2 : 120000620567 3 : 119999716885
4 : 120000114112 5 : 119999710206
6 : 119999941333 7 : 119999740505
8 : 120000830484 9 : 119999653604

(Acceptable χ2 value)
Interesting sequences
012345678910 : from 1,198,842,766,717-th of pi
432109876543 : from 149,589,314,822-th of pi
543210987654 : from 197,954,994,289-th of pi
7654321098765 : from 403,076,867,519-th of pi
567890123456 : from 1,046,043,923,886-th of pi
4567890123456 : from 1,156,515,220,577-th of pi
777777777777 : from 368,299,898,266-th of pi
999999999999 : from 897,831,316,556-th of pi
111111111111 : from 1,041,032,609,981-th of pi
888888888888 : from 1,141,385,905,180-th of pi
666666666666 : from 1,221,587,715,177-th of pi
271828182845 : from 1,016,065,419,627-th of pi
314159265358 : from 1,142,905,318,634-th of pi
π curiosities

This agrees with π to forty

decimal places, except for the
four places shown

•  The sequence 999999 occurs in the first 1000 digits

•  The probability any ten digit block contains one of
each number is ~1/40000. Interestingly, this happens
in the seventh block (digits 61-70).
π Memorizing
•  A very cool party trick
•  1970’s: world record held
by Simon Plouffe (4096
•  1983: Rajan Mahadevan
sets record with 31811
•  1995: Hiroyuki Goto sets
record with 42000 digits!
(Simon Plouffe)
Pi Mnemonics
•  “See, I have a rhyme assisting my feeble
brain, it’s tasks oft-times resisting.”

•  “How I wish I could remember pi.”

•  “How I want a drink, alcoholic of course,

after the heavy lectures involving quantum
Pi Mnemonics
Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling
In mystic force and magic spelling
Celestial sprites elucidate
All my own striving can’t relate
Or locate they who can cogitate
And so finally terminate. Finis.

π problem
•  Show that there exists exactly one
solution for such that

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