Lifestyle Concept Review LS 124 233-52 Veal
Lifestyle Concept Review LS 124 233-52 Veal
Lifestyle Concept Review LS 124 233-52 Veal
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1 author:
Anthony Veal
University of Technology Sydney
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Leisure Studies
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The concept of lifestyle: a review
School of Leisure and Tourism Studies, University of Technology, Sydney, Lindfield, NSW
7070, Australia
The paper is a review of literature and an analysis of the concept of lifestyle and its relation-
ship to leisure. In the first part of the paper the review is divided into nine sections covering
Weberian, sub-cultural, psychological, market research and psychographics, leisure/
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tourism styles, spatial, socialist lifestyles, consumer culture, gender, and miscellaneous
approaches. In the second part of the paper a number of themes are identified and their
roles in defining lifestyle are discussed; these are: activities/behaviour; values and atti-
tudes; individuals versus groups; group interaction, coherence, recognisability and choice.
In conclusion, a definition of lifestyle is offered and a brief indication of a research agenda
is presented.
In an earlier paper (Veal, 1989), it was argued that the concept of lifestyle could
provide the basis for a 'pluralist' framework for the analysis of leisure, in contrast
to the fashionable neo-Marxist approaches of the 1980s. This idea was criticized
at the time from neo-Marxist and feminist standpoints (Critcher, 1989; Scraton
and Talbot, 1989), but the calls for more attention to lifestyle as an approach to
studying leisure remain. In addition to the call from Gattas et al. (1986) noted in
the earlier paper, Chaney (1987) concludes: 'If we are to get anywhere in disen-
tangling the cultural significance of different forms of l e i s u r e . . , we will have to
work on the constitution of Life-worlds and Life-styles...'. Moorhouse, criticiz-
ing neo-Marxist, feminist and 'traditional' analyses of leisure for their lack of
theoretical rigour, has suggested that concentration on the Weberian concepts of
status groups and lifestyle could provide a way forward in the social analysis of
leisure, avoiding some of the existing definitional contradictions in the literature
(Moorhouse, 1989, p. 31). In this he is given some support by Chas Critcher, who
sees 'status, lifestyle, pleasure and play' as 'middle-range concepts with the poten-
tial to link the currently disparate concerns of media studies and leisure studies'
(1992, p. 120).
Perhaps the most notable feature of the literature on lifestyle is the lack of con-
sensus on the meaning of the term, with at least 30 definitions being offered (Veal,
1991). While a number of valuable reviews of the concept of lifestyle have been
conducted in the past (Ansbacher, 1967; Bosserman, 1983; Gunter and Gunter,
1980; Horne, 1990; Mehrotra and Wells, 1977; Momaas, 1990; Sobel, 1981),
they have generally not spanned the full range of disciplinary approaches to the
subject a n d / o r have not related the concept to leisure. The intention of this paper,
therefore, is not to pursue the central argument about the role of lifestyle in leisure
research, nor to suggest ways in which research on leisure and lifestyle might be
basic character as established early in childhood which governs his reactions and
behaviour'. Georg Simmel used the term in Philosophie de Geldes, published in
German in 1900, but not available in English translation until the 1960s, and Max
Weber used the term in Economy and Society in 1922, but again this was not
available in English translation until much later. Ansbacher (1967) traces the use
of the term in French and German literature back to the eighteenth and even six-
teenth centuries. The concept of lifestyle was used extensively in American
research on suburbanization in the 1950s and 1960s (Bell, 1958, 1968; Marshall,
1973), and, while the term may not have been used explicitly, the antecedents of
the idea can certainly be seen in early community studies (e.g. Gans, 1969; Seeley
et al., 1956). The earliest users of the term in relation to the study of leisure were
Havighurst, in his research on the elderly (1959; Havighurst and Feigenbaum,
1959) and Wilensky in his studies of 'Organization Man' (1970). During the 1970s
and 1980s lifestyle, in its various forms, emerged as a major theme in a number
of areas, including market research and leisure studies.
The first part of the paper reviews a variety of research approaches to the use
of the concept of lifestyle, namely: Weberian, sub-cultural, psychological, market
research and psychographics, leisure/tourism styles, spatial, socialist lifestyles,
consumer culture, gender, and a miscellaneous group. These approaches encom-
pass a wide range of, often conflicting, theoretical and applied perspectives, arising
from a number of disciplines. No attempt is made to resolve these differences here;
rather, the aim is merely to draw together this disparate material and raise the
question as to whether the various contributions which use the same w o r d -
lifestyle - are in fact dealing with the same concept.
In the second part of the paper an analysis of the term lifestyle is presented
leading to a suggested definition. The analysis owes no allegiance to any particular
discipline or theoretical perspective, but attempts to distil the essence of the
lifestyle concept from the various contributions discussed.
In a chapter of Economy and Society, entitled 'Class, status and party', Max
Weber argued that divisions in society arise not only from class, which is based on
economic relationships, but also from status, which is based on honour. A 'status
group' is distinguished by the h o n o u r accorded to it by the rest of society, but also
The concept of lifestyle 235
by its particular style of life (Weber, 1948, p. 187). The style of life adopted by
a status group serves to mark the boundaries of the group and to reinforce the
honour system which underpins the group's status. The examples Weber gave to
illustrate the phenomenon included certain ethnic, hereditary and caste groups
which were generally somewhat exceptional groups within contemporary society
or were historically and geographically specific. Some doubt might therefore be
expressed as to whether the concept of status groups applies to contemporary
society as a whole - that is, whether everyone in contemporary western society
might be seen as being a member of a status group as well as a member of a class.
It has been argued that Weber's conception of lifestyle is not independent of class
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extensive. The interest in the idea of lifestyle among market researchers arose from
a desire for a better basis for market 'segmentation' than the socio-economic
groups or social classes, based on occupation, which had been used hitherto. It was
observed that there was as much variation in buying behaviour within social class
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groups, as there was between them and it was suspected that some distinctive con-
sumer groups might straddle traditional social class boundaries. The result was a
series of attempts to 'segment' populations on the basis of values, either instead of
or in addition to socio-economic and demographic variables. Typically respon-
dents were asked to indicate the extent of their agreement with as many as 300
value statements, and were grouped on the basis of their responses, using multi-
variate statistical analysis. Once established, the groups were examined in terms
of their distinctive behaviour patterns, particularly consumption behaviour, but
also, in some studies, leisure behaviour (Wells, 1974; Plummer, 1974).
The most well-known study resulted in the VALS (Values, Attitudes and Life
Styles) typology of nine American lifestyle groups (Mitchell, 1981). While the
system was used commercially in the market research world, it has its origins in
academic enquiry with Weberian and Adlerian antecedents. Other systems include
the Australian Age lifestyle studies (The Age, 1982), 'Outlook', a British system
(Baker and Fletcher, 1987) and PRIZM, another American system (Hawkins
et al., 1989).
In recent years the value of such lifestyle systems as market research tools has
been questioned, either because they are too general and are not capable of
assisting the marketer of an individual product (Yuspeh, 1984) or because they
turn out to be no more effective than more traditional, and more easily measured,
variables (O'Brien and Ford, 1988).
While Weber and Adler appear to offer theory without measurement, the
market research approach appears to offer the opposite: measurement without
theory. The psychographic approach could however be seen as complementary to
the psychological approaches, since both are based on personal values. If
psychographic groups could be shown to have meaning in terms of social status
(and many of the derived groups imply the importance of status aspiration, in the
use of such terms as 'achievers' or 'strugglers'), then a similar complementarity
might be established with Weberian theory.
Spatial analysis has traditionally been the province of geography, which itself is a
discipline which encompasses a wide range of research approaches from the
natural sciences to the social sciences. Sociologists have also, at various times,
taken an interest in spatial phenomena, such as migration, community and the
inner city. Spatial approaches to lifestyle have taken two forms. The first arose
238 A.J. Veal
from the post-Second World War interest in the process of suburbanization,
particularly in America. A number of researchers explored the proposition that
suburban living would give rise to a new lifestyle which was neither urban nor rural
in nature (Bell, 1958, 1968; Donaldson, 1969; Marshall, 1973; Moore, 1963). In
such studies little progress was made in refining the lifestyle concept, the studies
seeming to focus empirically on the phenomenon of 'neighbouring' - the extent of
social interaction among neighbours. Generally it was concluded that suburban
lifestyles were not new, but tended to be a reflection of the particular socio~
demographic profile of those groups who moved to suburbia. As suburbia has lost
its novelty value this research has now faded from the scene.
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duce groupings, the validity of such groupings is often suspect and their meanings
are not always clear. In particular it is not clear whether the groups are of com-
plementary activities or substitutable activities; in fact much of the leisure styles
research is unable to answer such a question because it is based on a narrow range
of activities, often outdoor recreation only. When a wider range of activities is
included, as Kelly points out, the analysis can be confounded by such 'core'
activities as watching television or socialising with friends and family, which most
people engage in, and which are therefore significantly correlated with most of the
minority activities.
A group of studies related to the idea of leisure styles deals with holiday-
makers/tourists, seeking to develop tourist 'types' on the basis of tastes and values
(e.g. Darden and Darden, 1976; Perreault et al., 1977) or illustrating how existing
lifestyle systems relate to tourist behaviour (Shih, 1986).
Despite its limitations, leisure styles research often throws up some intriguing
empirical patterns which demand explanation and which might in due course lead
to more theoretically informed and explanatory research.
Socialist lifestyles
The collapse of the socialist regimes of eastern Europe is likely to see the end
of the particular lifestyle research tradition associated with such regimes. Typical
examples of such research were contained in a special issue of the journal Leisure
and Society, published in 1972 and devoted to the 'socialist lifestyle' (Filipcova,
1972) and numerous papers have appeared since (e.g. in Filipcova et al., 1990).
In the socialist countries of the east the problem was addressed as to what forms
of lifestyle should be actively developed, as material conditions improved and
working hours were reduced. Under the communist system lifestyles would not
just 'happen', they would be planned - and the decadent tendencies of the west
would be avoided, thus demonstrating the superiority of the planned socialist
systems over market capitalism. In view of the paucity of guidance in Marxist
theory on just how life should be led under socialism or communism, the question
of what actually constitutes a socialist lifestyle and how it should be brought about
once a socialist economic system is established, was the subject of much debate,
a debate which inevitably involved the question of the role of leisure in such
lifestyles. It is ironic that the collapse of the communist regimes appears to have
been brought about as much as anything by their apparent failure to deliver to their
citizens the possibility of emulating the materialist lifestyles of the west.
240 A.J. Veal
Consumer culture
Consumer culture, and with it the idea of lifestyle, has emerged as a new focus of
attention for the critical sociologist; as Tomlinson puts it:
Debates on the exploitative dimensions of contemporary capitalism have focussed upon
the experience of work, the nature of paid labour. The political dimensions of patterns
of consumption have received little comparable sustained attention. Yet it is particular
modes of consumption upon which many major productive processes now depend (1990,
p. 3).
A number of researchers have therefore examined the significance of patterns and
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While gender has not been a major theme in lifestyle research, attention is paid to
gender differences in some studies and there is a limited amount of research focuss-
ing specifically on women. A number of psychographic studies identify separate
lifestyle categories for women (e.g. The Age, 1982; Greenberg and Frank, 1983;
The concept of lifestyle 241
Mehrotra and Wells, 1977) but many, including the most well-known VALS
typology (Mitchell, 1985), have tended to ignore gender.
A number of lifestyle studies have focussed specifically on women, for example
the study by Ginzberg et al. (1966) of American women, Douglas and Urban's
international marketing study, covering Britain, France and the United States
(1977); O'Connell's study ( 1976, 1980) of 'traditional', 'neo-traditional' and 'non-
traditional' lifestyles among American women, and Matthews and Tiederman's
(1964) study of career aspirations.
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There are some lifestyle studies which deal with particular social groups or
phenomena, while drawing on one or more of the theoretical and methodological
approaches outlined above. It is not intended to discuss such studies in detail here,
but merely to draw attention to some examples. They include studies of: the
elderly and retirement (e.g. Kelly, 1987; Havighurst and Feigenbaum, 1959;
Havighurst and de Vries, 1969; Schutz, et al., 1979; Williams and Wirths, 1965);
communes as 'alternative' lifestyles (e.g. Aidala, 1989; Cock, 1979; Rigby, 1974);
youth and youth sub-cultures (e.g. Bernard, 1984; Brettschneider, 1990; Bynner
and Ashford, 1990; Jenkins, 1982); the family (e.g. Deutsch, 1967; Hunt and
Hunt, 1987; Lee, 1976); and domestic design (e.g. Davis, 1974; Laumann and
House, 1970). A major body of literature which uses the term 'lifestyle' is clinical
research which equates lifestyle to such phenomena as smoking and drinking
habits which are seen to have a deleterious effect on health (e.g. Long et al., 1988;
Manton, 1989; Jorgensen and Newlon, 1988).
Analysing lifestyle
A number of concepts and issues arise from the review of the literature on lifestyle
and these are discussed below under the headings: activities/behaviour; values and
attitudes; groups versus individuals; group interaction; coherence; recognizability;
and choice. In discussing these themes an attempt is made to evolve a definition
of lifestyle which is precise, unique, in being distinct from any other concept, and
efficient, in including only those elements necessary for a precise definition.
There seems to be a consensus that lifestyle involves activities: including consump-
tion patterns, leisure activities and what might be called domestic practices.
The latter can include styles of cooking/eating, child-rearing practices, home
decorating/furnishing style, and activities to do with personal relationships, kin-
ship and home maintenance. But paid work or occupation should also be included
since, for example, someone who commutes to a city centre office job will
experience a very different pattern of daily activity from the individual who works
on a farm. Lifestyle can then, at this stage, be said to be characterized by the full
range of day to day activities, including consumption patterns, leisure activities,
domestic practices and paid work activity.
242 A.J. Veal
Values and attitudes
Another group of variables included in some conceptualizations of lifestyle is
values and attitudes. In the market research literature lifestyle analysis is often seen
as synonymous with psychographics, which is based primarily on the measure-
ment of values and attitudes (Wells, 1974). Such models assume a causal relation-
ship between values and attitudes on one hand and behaviour on the other.
Generally the models used explore relationships between the values and attitudes
of lifestyle groups and their purchasing/consumption behaviour, and sometimes
their leisure activities. In this conception values and attitudes are influences on
lifestyle but not necessarily part of lifestyle itself. So categories produced by
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psychographics may be said to represent groups who are likely to share similar
lifestyles because they have similar sets of values; but the shared lifestyles are not
the same as the values; they result from the values in some way. This contrasts with
the Adlerian view, that a system of values and attitudes formed early in life, is a
person's lifestyle and shapes subsequent life patterns. A further dimension, intrin-
sic to much of the 'politics of lifestyle concern' research discussed above, but
strangely absent in other lifestyle research, is the role of religion in shaping
unique in their own social circle - because they wish to be different from their
contemporaries rather than to conform - but which, as a result of their economic
and social situation and the influence of the media, in fact have sufficient
characteristics in common with others in the wider community as to form a
lifestyle group. Some members of such a group may have social contact and may
reinforce the various elements of the lifestyle in a social situation, but others may
adopt the lifestyle at a distance without any personal contact with those with the
same lifestyle.
It follows then that individuals sharing a common lifestyle do not necessarily
have any social contact, although most probably will. Where group interaction is
a fundamental feature of a particular lifestyle we could accept that that particular
group is a sub-culture. While all sub-cultural groups have a distinctive lifestyle, not
all lifestyles result from the complex processes which are intrinsic to sub-cultures
(Willis, 1978; Pearson, 1981a, 1981b; Irwin, 1973). Group interaction is not
therefore a necessary feature of lifestyle.
Does a lifestyle have to be coherent - that is consist of activities or behaviours
which 'make sense' or 'go together' or are 'compatible' or 'sympathetic'? A number
of definitions in the literature imply this. There is a certain amount of theoretical
work which suggests that it is the search for coherence and compatibility in various
aspects of their lives which is the key 'life task' for individuals. Adler's (1929) con-
ception involves individuals' 'drives, emotions, cultural experiences' being subor-
dinated to their 'organisation', which is equated with 'style of life'. The work of
Reynolds and Darden (1974) and Earl (1983), relating lifestyle to Personal Con-
struct Theory, involves individuals developing a system of 'constructions' against
which all actions are judged and evaluated and 'in which incompatibilities and
inconsistencies have been minimized'. Bell argues that culture is expressed through
'style of life' and is: 'a continual process of sustaining an identity through the
coherence gained by a consistent aesthetic point of v i e w . . . ' (p. 36). McCracken
(1988) refers to the 'Diderot Effect' - 'a force which encourages the individual to
maintain a cultural consistency in his/her complement of consumer goods'
(p. 123). Glasser (1973) and the Rapoports (1975) argued that individuals are
motivated by the search for a meaningful, coherent identity, which determines
their choice of leisure activity. The 'style' part of the word lifestyle also implies that
some sort of coherence of approach is involved (Gombrich, 1968).
Despite this range of arguments for the existence of such coherence there is
244 A.J. Veal
remarkably little discussion in the lifestyle literature of what, in theory, constitutes
coherence. There has been a great deal of empirical investigation of lifestyles and
'leisure styles' (discussed below) producing groupings of activities and attitudes but
no discussion of how or why the particular sets of activities and attitudes presented
are coherent.
In art coherence is a matter of aesthetics. Aesthetics no doubt has a part to play
in lifestyle formation insofar as it involves such factors as the way people dress or
decorate or furnish their houses (Davis, 1974; Laumann and House, 1970) and
their taste in cultural phenomena such as film, television or paintings (Bourdieu,
1984). But the salience of this to different people or groups presumably varies. In
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porate will on the consumer, and with the argument that, even if they were able
to do so, firms would be foolish to go to the effort and expense of creating new
or 'false' needs or demands when so many needs and demands patently exist
already, and so on. To argue that all the key decisions are made by unaccountable
elites and that therefore ordinary people have no scope for meaningful choice in
their lives is to underestimate the importance of the combined effects of decisions
made by millions of ordinary people - to buy this product or that, to migrate or
not, to have more or less babies, to marry younger or older or not at all, and so
on (Bell, 1968).
The argument is partly ideological and partly a reflection of the 'structure/
agency' debate in social theory - that is the extent to which human behaviour is
determined by external forces and the extent to which people are able to exercise
free will (Rojek, 1989). Clearly the consequences of the social, economic and
political structural forces in society cannot be ignored. Individuals are constrained
by these forces in a fundamental way in any society. But they are also constrained
by more personal factors, such as personal relationships, family commitments
and health, which, while not separate from the structural forces, neverthe-
less presumably have a certain dynamic of their own. However, when all these
constraining factors have been noted and taken into account most individuals
are still left with a 'space' or 'spaces' within which they make choices. The varying
size of such spaces, how 'free' the choices are and what guides and influences
them is a matter for research. These individual choices in turn impact on the
immediate personal environment and, when aggregated with the decisions of
millions of others, also impact on the broader social, economic and political
environment. The 'agency' theorists have provided perspectives on the broad
social, economic and political forces. Some sociologists, social-psychologists
and many leisure researchers have given attention to individuals in their imme-
diate social setting. And psychologists have dealt with the inner decision-making
space. Lifestyle research may be able to cut across all these levels of analysis.
A second argument advanced against accepting the 'choice' view of human
behaviour and lifestyle is that certain groups in contemporary society are excluded
from the choice process due to lack of economic resources or power. Again such
an argument does not invalidate lifestyle analysis. To argue that some groups have
less choice than others does not lead to the conclusion that the choices exercised
by the majority should not be studied, or that the effects of limited choice in con-
straining lifestyle aspirations should not be studied. In addition it is not true to say
The concept of lifestyle 247
Fig. 1. The poverty/affluence - way of life/lifestyle continuum.
Imposed way
Low of life
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Poverty 9 D Affluence
that people who have limited choice have no choice - the issue is that they would
like to have more choice.
Ruiz (1990) points out that in societies where subsistence is the main preoccupa-
tion - for example many pre-industrial and third world agrarian communities -
the idea of lifestyle arising from choice is inappropriate; even the term 'lifestyle' is
perhaps inappropriate and should be replaced by 'way of life'-basically the
members of such communities have identical ways of life imposed on them by cir-
cumstances. The poor within affluent societies could be said to exist in such a
situation and it could be said that political, economic and welfare policies are often
aimed at shifting people along the continuum illustrated in Fig. 1. There is a con-
tinuum of greater or lesser choice rather than a dichotomy.
Lack of choice may not be due only to poverty but also to lack of power. For
instance, it is argued that women lack freedom of choice because they lack power
(Rojek, 1989, p. 99). In this case, in Fig. 1, the poverty-affluence dimension
should be replaced by a powerless-powerful continuum.
It can be concluded therefore that, in western societies, lifestyle involves choice,
although the degree of freedom of choice varies from individual to individual, from
group to group and from time to time. But this issue concerns the way in which
lifestyles are formed rather than the nature of lifestyles themselves; people have
lifestyles (or ways of life) whether they have been developed in the context of wide
or limited choice.
As a result of this review of the issues surrounding the conceptualization of
lifestyle, a definition has been developed which, it is believed, gives the concept a
clear, operationalizable and theoretically useful identity:
Lifestyle is the distinctive pattern of personal and social behaviour characteristic of an
individual or a group.
'Behaviour' includes activities involved in relationships with partners, family,
relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues, consumption behaviour, leisure,
work (paid or unpaid) and civic and religious activity. Patterns of behaviour are
linked to values and to socio-demographic characteristics, may involve varying
248 A.J. Veal
This paper draws on a more extensive review and annotated bibliography
published in Veal (1991). I am grateful to the a n o n y m o u s referees for helpful com-
ments on the first draft of the paper.
Adler, A. (1929) Problems of Neurosis: A Book of Case Histories, Harper Torchbook 1964 edition,
(edited by P. Mairet), Harper & Row, New York.
Age, The (1982) The Age Lifestyle Study Jot the Eighties, D. Syme & Co., Melbourne.
Aidala, A.A. (1989) Communes and changing family norms: marriage and lifestyle choice among
former members of communal groups, Journal of Family Issues, 10, 311-38.
Ansbacher, H. (1967) Life style: a historical and systematic review, Journal of Individual
Psychology, 23, No. 2, 191-212.
Aronowitz, S. (1980) False Promises, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Baker, K. and Fletcher, R. (1987) Outlook - a generalised lifestyle system, Admap, March, 23-8.
Bell, D. (1976) The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, Heinemann, London.
Bell, W. (1958) Social choice, life styles and suburban residence, in The Suburban Community,
(edited by W. Dobriner), Putman, New York, pp. 225-47.
Bell, W. (1968) The city, the suburb and a theory of social choice, in The New Urbanization, (edited
by S. Greer et al.), St. Martins Press, New York, pp. 132-68.
Bernard, M. (1984) Leisure-rich and leisure-poor: the leisure patterns of young adults, Leisure
Studies, 3,343-61.
Bickmore, D., Shaw, M.G. and Tulloch, T. (1980) Lifestyles on maps, Geographical Magazine, 52,
No. II, 763-9.
Bosserman, P. (1983) Cultural values and new life-styles, in Problems of Culture and Cultural Values
in the Contemporary World, UNESCO, Paris, pp. 23-35.
Bourdieu, P. (1980) A diagram of social position and life-style, Media, Culture and Society, No. 2,
Bourdieu, P. (1984) Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, Routledge & Kegan
Paul, London.
The concept of lifestyle 249
Brettschneider, W.D. (1990) Adolescents, Leisure, Sport and Lifestyle, paper to the Association
International de Sport et Education Physique conference 'Moving Towards Excellence',
Loughborough University, England, July (Author: University of Paderhorn, Germany).
Burton, T.L. (1971) Experiments in Recreation Research, Allen and Unwin, London.
Bynner, J. and Ashford, S. (1990) Teenage Careers and Leisure Lives: An Analysis of Lifestyles,
paper to the International Sociological Association XIIth World Congress of Sociology, Madrid,
July (Authors: City University, UK).
Chaney, D. (1987) Review of Rojek's Capitalism & Leisure Theory and Clarke & Critcher's The
Devil Makes Work, The Sociological Review, 35, No. 1,200-2.
Clarke, J. and Critcher C. (1985) The Devil Makes Work: Leisure in Capitalist Britain, Macmillan,
Cock, P. (1979) Alternative Australia: Communities of the Future? Quartet Books, Melbourne.
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Critcher, C. (1989) A communication in response to 'Leisure and status: a pluralist framework for
analysis', Leisure Studies, 8, No. 2, 159-62.
Critcher, C. (1992) Is there anything on the box? Leisure studies and media studies, Leisure Studies,
11, No. 2, 97-122.
Darden, W.R. and Darden, D.D. (1976) A study of vacation life-styles, Proceedings of the 7th
Annual Travel Research Association Conference, Travel Research Association, Salt Lake City,
pp. 231-6.
Davis, J.A. (1955) Living Rooms as Symbols of Status: A Study in Social Judgement, PhD disserta-
tion, Harvard University.
Deutsch, D. (1967) Family therapy and family lifestyle, Journal of Individual Psychology, 23,
Donaldson, S. (1969) Life styles: conformity, neighboring and hyper-activity, Ch. 7 of The Suburban
Myth, University of Columbia Press, New York, pp. 102-16.
Douglas, S.P. and Urban, C.D. (1977) Life-style analysis to profile women in international markets,
Journal of Marketing, 41, 46-54.
Earl, P.E. (1986) Lifestyle Economics: Consumer Behaviour in a Turbulent World, Wheatsheaf,
Featherstone, M. (1987) Lifestyle and consumer culture, Theory, Culture and Society, 4, No. 1,
Featherstone, M. (1990) Perspectives on consumer culture, Sociology, 24, No. 1, 5-22.
Felson, M. (1976) The differentiation of material life styles: 1925-1966, Social Indicators Research,
Filipcova, B. (ed) (1972) Special issue on socialist life style, Society and Leisure, No. 3.
Filipcova, B., Glyptis, S. and Tokarski, W. (eds) (1990) Life Styles: Theories, Concepts, Methods
and Results of Life Style Research in International Perspective, Research Committee 13 of the
International Sociological Association, Prague: Institute for Philosophy and Sociology,
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 2 Volumes.
Gans, H.J. (1969) The Levittowners: Ways of Life and Politics in a New Suburban Community, Vin-
tage Books, New York.
Gattas, J.T. et al. (1986) Leisure and life-styles: towards a research agenda, Society and Leisure, 9,
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