Alis: An E Fficient Method To Compute High Spectral Resolution Polarized Solar Radiances Using The Monte Carlo Approach
Alis: An E Fficient Method To Compute High Spectral Resolution Polarized Solar Radiances Using The Monte Carlo Approach
Alis: An E Fficient Method To Compute High Spectral Resolution Polarized Solar Radiances Using The Monte Carlo Approach
arXiv:1901.01842v1 [astro-ph.EP] 7 Jan 2019
An efficient method to compute accurate polarized solar radiance spectra using the (three-dimensional) Monte Carlo
model MYSTIC has been developed. Such high resolution spectra are measured by various satellite instruments for
remote sensing of atmospheric trace gases. ALIS (Absorption Lines Importance Sampling) allows the calculation
of spectra by tracing photons at only one wavelength: In order to take into account the spectral dependence of the
absorption coefficient a spectral absorption weight is calculated for each photon path. At each scattering event the
local estimate method is combined with an importance sampling method to take into account the spectral dependence
of the scattering coefficient. Since each wavelength grid point is computed based on the same set of random photon
paths, the statistical error is the almost same for all wavelengths and hence the simulated spectrum is not noisy. The
statistical error mainly results in a small relative deviation which is independent of wavelength and can be neglected
for those remote sensing applications where differential absorption features are of interest.
Two example applications are presented: The simulation of shortwave-infrared polarized spectra as measured by
GOSAT from which CO2 is retrieved, and the simulation of the differential optical thickness in the visible spectral
range which is derived from SCIAMACHY measurements to retrieve NO2 . The computational speed of ALIS (for
one- or three-dimensional atmospheres) is of the order of or even faster than that of one-dimensional discrete ordinate
methods, in particular when polarization is considered.
Keywords: radiative transfer, Monte Carlo method, polarization, trace gas remote sensing, high spectral resolution
Here ds0 is a path element of the photon path and βabs = series which is a solution of the integral form of the ra-
i=1 βabs,i is the total absorption coefficient which is the
diative transfer equation (see e.g. Marshak and Davis
sum of the N individual absorption coefficients βabs,i [12]).
of molecules, aerosols, water droplets, and ice crystals. Additional weights are required to take into account
The integration is performed over the full photon path. polarization (Emde et al. [21]) and variance reduction
The free path of a photon until a scattering interac- techniques (Buras and Mayer [23]).
tion takes place is sampled according to the probability After tracing N p photons the radiance is given by the
density function (PDF): average contribution of all photons:
Z s ! PN p
P(s) = βsca (s) exp − βsca (s )ds
0 0
(2) I= 1 (6)
0 Np
1e+00 0.002
1e-03 765.0 765.5 766.0 766.5 767.0 767.5 768.0
765.0 765.5 766.0 766.5 767.0 767.5 768.0
0.0243 0.0
0.0241 -1.5
0.0238 -3.5
765.0 765.5 766.0 766.5 767.0 767.5 768.0
wavelength [nm]
765.0 765.5 766.0 766.5 767.0 767.5 768.0
wavelength [nm]
Figure 2: Radiance spectra calculated with MYSTIC in comparison
to DISORT calculations. The top panel shows the transmittance (ra-
Figure 1: Integrated vertical optical thickness of molecular absorption
diance normalized to extraterrestrial irradiance) spectra of two inde-
(top) and molecular scattering (bottom).
pendent MYSTIC runs (grey lines) and the DISORT result (black line)
and the bottom panel shows the relative differences between the MYS-
TIC runs and DISORT in percent.
while the photon moves through the layers/boxes of the
discretized model atmosphere (see Mayer [18]):
viewing angle of 60◦ . We did not include any sensor
τabs (λ) = βabs (λ, p)∆s p (8)
p response function. The upper panel shows the transmit-
tance spectra (radiance divided by extraterrestrial irra-
Here the p denotes the step index along the photon path, diance) and the lower panel shows the relative differ-
and ∆s p is the pathlength of step p. We also include ence to the DISORT solver operated with 32 streams.
the spectrally dependent absorption coefficient βabs (λ) The MYSTIC calculations with 106 photons took 13 s
in the local estimate weight wle,is (λ). Thus we only need on a single processor with 2 GHz CPU (all computa-
to trace the photons for one wavelength, calculate the tional times in the following refer to this machine), the
spectral absorption weights and get the full radiances DISORT calculation took 25 s. The relative difference
spectrum with high spectral resolution. For each photon between MYSTIC and DISORT is less than about 2%
we get (compare Eq. 5): with some exceptions where the transmittance is almost
zero. The spectral features in the MYSTIC calcula-
X tions are well resolved. The two MYSTIC runs used
Ii (λ) = wabs,is (λ)wle,is (λ) (9)
exactly the same setup but the results show a deviation
between each other and with respect to the DISORT re-
Fig. 2 shows two spectral calculations using this sult. This deviation is due to the statistical error of the
method. Here we assumed that the sun is in the zenith Monte Carlo calculation, with 106 photons the standard
and the sensor is on the ground and measures with a deviation is 0.66%. Hence the deviation can be reduced
by running more photons. Since the same photon paths Also, as long as we neglect the wavelength depen-
are used to compute all wavelengths the deviation is the dence of the Rayleigh depolarization factor (see e.g.
same at all spectral data points and the spectra are not Hansen and Travis [29]) the Rayleigh phase function is
noisy. However the deviation shows a spectral depen- wavelength-independent and wsca2,is (λ) = 1.
dence which is not a statistical error but can be attributed The final result for the contribution of a photon in-
to the spectral dependence of Rayleigh scattering which cluding the spectral dependence of absorption and scat-
has been neglected so far. In the calculation βsca was set tering to the spectral radiance is:
to a constant value corresponding to βsca at 766.5 nm.
In the next section we will describe how to include the
Ii (λ) = (14)
spectral dependence of the scattering coefficient.
2.3. Importance sampling for molecular scattering wabs,is (λ) wsca1,is0 (λ, s0 )wsca2,is0 (λ, s0 ) wle,is (λ)
Eq. 2 is the PDF which we use for sampling the free is=1 is0 =1
0.5 0.05
0.0 0.00
−0.5 −0.05
−1.0 −0.10
765.0 765.5 766.0 766.5 767.0 767.5 768.0 765.0 765.5 766.0 766.5 767.0 767.5 768.0
0.05 0.05
0.00 0.00
−0.05 −0.05
−0.10 −0.10
765.0 765.5 766.0 766.5 767.0 767.5 768.0 765.0 765.5 766.0 766.5 767.0 767.5 768.0
wavelength [nm] wavelength [nm]
Figure 3: Relative differences of various model setups with respect to a DISORT calculation with 64 streams. The left panels show MYSTIC
calculations with 106 and 109 photons respectively. The right panels show DISORT calculations with 16 and 32 streams respectively.
of course that it is easy to take into account horizontal 0.03
inhomogeneities of clouds, aerosols, and molecules.
In the following we show an example simulation 0.02
where we selected a spectral window of band 3 from
4815–4819 cm−1 (corresponding to ≈2.075–2.077 µm)
in the near infrared. The radiance simulation is per-
formed with a spectral resolution of 0.01 cm−1 . The at- 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819
Retrievals of the tropospheric NO2 column from where VNO2 ,true and VNO2 ,ret are the true and the retrieved
SCIAMACHY data are based on the differential optical tropospheric NO2 columns, respectively.
absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) method (Richter and Our new method allows efficient computations of
Burrows [36], Richter et al. [37]). For this method the D(λ). As an example Fig. 5 shows spectra for three
ference is less than 0.1% and shows the typical Monte
0.002 Carlo noise.
The bottom left panel shows the differential optical
differential optical depth
-2.0 -0.2
2.0e-03 1.0e-03
1.5e-03 4.0e-05
differential optical depth
absolute difference
absolute difference
0.0e+00 0.0e+00
-1.5e-03 -5.0e-04
-2.0e-03 -4.0e-05
-2.5e-03 -1.0e-03
400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470
wavelength [nm] wavelength [nm] wavelength [nm]
Figure 6: Simulations for NO2 profile corresponding to medium polluted conditions. The top left panel shows the reflectance and the bottom left
panel the differential optical thickness. The black lines correspond to Monte Carlo simulations using the ALIS method with different number of
photons (103 , 105 , and 107 ), the grey line shows a Monte Carlo simulation without ALIS (all wavelengths are calculated independently). The
middle panels show differences w.r.t. DISORT for the ALIS simulations and the right plots show differences w.r.t. DISORT for the MYSTIC
calculation without using ALIS.
the effective radius is 30 µm where the parameterization calculation, because photons which are scattered out of
by Baum et al. [41, 42] was used for the cirrus optical the clouds on the sides have a higher probability of be-
properties. The solar zenith angle is 30◦ and the wave- ing transmitted to the surface.
length range is 400 nm to 470 nm. We performed 3D The bottom panel of Fig. 7 shows the differential op-
calculation and also used the independent pixel approx- tical thickness. The difference between IPA and 3D is in
imation (IPA) for comparison. All simulations shown in this case about 10% which will cause an error of some
Fig. 7 were calculated using MYSTIC with ALIS. The per cent in the tropospheric NO2 retrievals. Note that
reflectance for the IPA simulation is calculated as the this calculation is only an example to demonstrate the
sum of the reflectance of the clear-sky part Rclear and the new algorithm to calculate high spectral resolution spec-
reflectance of the cloudy part Rcloud weighted with the tra using the Monte Carlo method. With different setups
cloud fraction: the error on the retrieval can be completely different.
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