SOCL MA Program of Study Guide 03 26 19 33Pts

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Department of Education Policy and Social Analysis

Teachers College, Columbia University

Sociology & Education Program

Program Study Guide

Teachers College Major Code: SOCL

Degree and minimum point requirements: M.A. (33 points)

The sociological inquiry of education began at Teachers College in the first decade of the twentieth century.
Sociology was established as the first social science discipline providing a basic framework for the study of
education, complementing the long-established reliance on psychology. Over this century-long period, the
Sociology and Education program has applied research findings to education and has examined basic issues
in education from a sociological perspective. Although the program’s theory and research have emphasized
schools and colleges, attention always has been given to education in other contexts.

The program staff for Sociology and Education includes sociologists from other programs at the College,
and the Department of Sociology of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Staff strengths are in
sociology of education generally, but also in organizational studies, the sociology of teachers and teaching,
stratification, racial inequality, and urban sociology. The program provides training and hands-on
experience in evaluation methods and both quantitative and qualitative methods.

The curriculum of the Sociology and Education program emphasizes issues in urban education, including
the social organization of urban schools and school systems, and the success or failure of urban schools in
meeting the educational needs of the diverse populations they serve. The program faculty are actively
engaged in the analysis and evaluation of educational policies and programs designed to serve educationally
disadvantaged populations.

The program in Sociology and Education also offers a specialization in Educational Policy for students in
the M.A. and Ed.M. programs. Two versions of the M.A. in Sociology and Education are available. The
first is the M.A. in Sociology and Education without a concentration in Educational Policy. The second is
the M.A. in Sociology and Education with a concentration in Educational Policy.

Both versions of the M.A. degree have a common structure: (a) core coursework in sociology of education
(a minimum of 14 points); (b) research methods (a minimum of 9 points); (c) elective coursework; and (d) a
culminating experience (0 or 3 points, depending on the option selected). A minimum of 33 points is
required for the M.A. degree in Sociology and Education.

All students are assigned an academic advisor upon entry into the program. Decisions about the course of
study for the degree are made in consultation with your advisor. If an advisor is unavailable due to leave of
absence or sabbatical, another faculty member will serve as the temporary academic advisor. If you are not
sure who your academic advisor is, consult the Program Manager.

The period of candidacy for the degrees of Master of Arts is limited to five years. Every candidate for the
Master of Arts must complete at least 16 points through Teachers College during the final five-year period
prior to the award of the degree so as to meet recency requirements. A candidate may petition the Registrar
for an extension of time for adequate reasons if the student has been in attendance in the degree program
within the last five years. In such cases, an extension must be recommended by the major advisor and
approved by the Registrar. Upon approval, all current degree requirements including the departmental
integrative project and at least 16 points to satisfy the recency requirement must be completed. Petitions for
extension may be obtained through the Office of the Registrar.

At least 20 points of the minimum of 33 points required for the M.A. degree must be earned in Teachers
College courses. The remaining coursework, through Teachers College registration, may be completed in
Teachers College or other graduate divisions of the University, but no more than 12 points of graduate
credit from other faculties of the University will be credited toward the minimum point requirement.
Graduate level courses in the University are numbered from 4000 and above.

Transfer Credit

No transfer credit is granted towards the M.A. degree for work completed at other universities. With
appropriate documentation (e.g., transcript and syllabus), graduate coursework completed at other
universities may, at the discretion of the advisor, satisfy a curricular requirement. For example,
documentation of successful completion of a graduate-level statistics or policy course might satisfy the
coursework requirements for probability and statistics or education policy. But coursework taken at another
institution does not reduce the minimum of 33 points required for the M.A. degree.

Breadth Requirement

In order to broaden the student’s background in education, three Teachers College courses outside the
Teachers College major program (in this case, a course is defined as one for which at least 2 points are
earned) must be completed. EPSA courses which do not have an EDPS prefix count as out-of-department
courses. Core courses offered through other departments (e.g. ITSF 5023) also count as out-of-department
courses, even if they are listed as core courses in a program plan of study. Courses taken in other Faculties
of Columbia University do not count towards the breadth requirement.

Continuous Enrollment

Beginning in the Fall 2018 term, all students who enroll in a degree program must register for courses
beginning with their initial term of entry and continuing each fall/spring term until their degree
requirements have been met. For more information, please read here

Culminating Experience

Option 1: Comprehensive examination. The comprehensive examination for the M.A. degree in Sociology
and Education is designed to give students an opportunity to reflect on what they have learned during the
master’s program. The exam is a take-home exam, administered on an individual basis. It has two parts.

Part A will be based on the student’s particular interests. The student will draft 4-6 essay questions related
to areas of sociology of education, as well as education policy, that you have become most interested in
during your time at TC. The questions should not be too broad in scope and should be answerable in 4-5
double-spaced pages.

For each essay question the student drafts for Part A, he or she will also develop a short bibliography of
approximately 6-8 relevant readings that they foresee using to answer each of the essay questions. These
mini-bibliographies should include books, journal articles, and policy reports drawn from readings in
courses they have taken that are of special interest to them and that will enable them to formulate their
answer to each question they submit.

Both the bibliography and the sample questions should be submitted to the student’s advisor for initial
approval at least six weeks before the student wants to start writing the exam. Submitted questions and
bibliographies may go through two or three revisions based on the advisor’s review. From this list of
questions, the program faculty will then select two questions for the student to answer as part of their take
home exam.

Part B of the exam will be a set of questions, developed by the faculty, that cover core themes in the
sociology of education, including: foundations of sociology and education, education policy, stratification
and inequality, and the sociology of organizations in education.

To prepare for this part of the exam, students should develop a 20-30 citation bibliography that includes
books and journal articles drawn from courses they have taken in their core Sociology and Education
Program courses that represent major themes in the field. Some overlap between this bibliography and the
shorter bibliographies developed for each individual question submitted for Part A is natural and expected.
For Part B of the exam, students will be given two possible faculty-written questions and will be asked to
respond to one question of their choice. All questions should be answered in 4 to 5 double-spaced page

The student and advisor will agree on a start date for the take-home exam period, which lasts two weeks.
On that date, before 5 pm, students will be e-mailed their exam, which will consist of two questions selected
for Part A and the set of possible questions for Part B. During the two-week (14 day) exam period, students
may make use of any academic resources they deem appropriate as they write their responses. Students may
also consult with other students taking the exam, but each answer should be written by the student and
should be original and unique.

Students will submit the completed examination by e-mail to their advisor, copied to the Sociology and
Education Program Manager, at the end of the two-week period. A return email from any of these
individuals serves as confirmation that the exam has been submitted.

All examinations are graded on a Pass/Fail basis; they are assessed on whether the responses fully answer
the questions asked; utilize central ideas and evidence from readings and courses to make a coherent
argument; and are written in a clear and compelling manner. If a student should fail one or more questions,
he or she will have an opportunity to retake that portion of the exam. Only one retake is permitted.

Note: Students may complete the culminating exam during a semester in which they are not registered for
classes, but they must still follow the policy for continuous enrollment and register as a Master's candidate,
which requires paying the College fee.

Timeline for the Master’s Exam:

1. Contact your advisor no less than two months before you plan to take the exam to go over the
requirements and timeframe
2. Turn in your first draft of sample questions and bibliography to your advisor for approval no less than 6
weeks before the exam
3. Schedule the start date for your exam with your advisor and the Program Manager at least two weeks
before taking the exam
4. Make sure to pay attention to the graduation deadlines to determine when the exam needs to be
completed and graded – e.g., early January for February graduation and end of April for May
graduation. The exam period must end in time for your advisor to grade it before the grade is due to the
TC Registrar for the graduation deadline for that particular term. The exact dates and deadlines for
master’s degree completion are published for each fall and spring semester in the TC Academic
Calendar. The necessary duration of the grading period is determined by your advisor’s schedule at the
end of the semester. Please discuss this with your advisor when scheduling your exam.

Sample Questions from Prior Exams:

1. Many racial and ethnic minority students do not succeed in school. Consider the some of the
most compelling explanations for this vexing problem within the sociology of education
literature. Based on your analysis of this literature, what school reform strategies would you
propose to improve the academic achievement of minority students?

2. What forces increase or reduce the likelihood that a social/educational concern will be elevated
to a policy problem?

3. David Labaree has described three major goals of American education. Do these three
educational goals—democratic equality, social efficiency, and social mobility—take on
different meanings for different groups? If so, in what ways, and why?

4. Discuss the various ways of defining and measuring equality of educational opportunity. In
your view, which of these approaches is most compelling and why?

5. Does school choice contradict or support the concept of meritocracy within schools? Why or
why not?

6. Forms of capital – human, economic, social, and cultural – have received much recent attention
in research and theorizing about the determinants of educational success. Define cultural
capital, and consider how it may contribute to our understanding of the schooling experiences
of a particular group, such as African-Americans.

Option 2: Master’s integrative project. With special permission, students in the M.A. program in
Sociology and Education may satisfy the culminating experience requirement by preparing a master’s
integrative project. Master’s students who opt to complete the integrative project are required to enroll in
EDPS 6021 Master’s Integrative Project in Sociology and Education for 1 point in the Fall and 2 points in
the Spring semester of the year in which they plan to graduate. The class meets every other week in the Fall
semester and more frequently in the Spring semester until the middle of April.

This 8-month class is specifically designed for second- or third-year master’s students who want to graduate
in May. First-year Master’s students are not eligible. Students who do not participate in the class during Fall
semester will not be allowed to enroll in the Spring semester.
Master’s Integrative Project Requirements:
The Master’s Integrative Project can range in size and scope from a full-blown thesis to a research paper
that is equivalent to two term papers. Average length of the project will be 40-70 pages plus references.

Integrative Projects will either entail original data collection and analysis, a new analysis of an existing data
base, or a sophisticated and theoretical review of existing research. The first two options are considered
“empirical integrative projects” and the third option is considered a “theoretical integrative projects.”

Empirical integrative projects will include several chapters/sections, including an introduction that frames
the project and speaks to its significance, a review of relevant literature and a conceptual framework, an
explanation of methodology, discussion of the findings and analysis, and implications and
recommendations for policy, practice and/or further research. You can employ either quantitative or
qualitative methods, but you need to make sure your methods are appropriate given the research question
you are trying to answer. Similarly, you can collect your own data or analyze an existing data base. If you
are collecting your own data, you need to be realistic in terms of the scope of the study and your timeframe.

Theoretical integrative projects will include more extensive reviews of literature on a particular topic or
issue. They should also include an introduction that frames the project and its contribution and several
chapters or sections framed around different areas of the literature. These projects should have solid
conceptual framework that tells the reader something new and important about this body of literature – e.g.
what is missing from that literature? What new insights can we glean from this literature? Why is this
particular body of literature important?

Timeline for the Master’s Integrative Project:

Students must enroll in EDPS 6021 for 1 point in the Fall semester
Reviews of literature and methodology sections of the integrative projects are drafted by early December
Data collection occurs from late November/early December through January or early February

Final Drafts of entire integrative projects are due in mid- to late-March

Final Integrative Projects are due the third week of April for May graduation

If a student’s master’s integrative project is judged unsatisfactory by the instructor of EDPS 6021 and/or his
or her advisor, the student will be required to take the M.A. comprehensive examination under the terms
described in Option 1 above.

Satisfactory Progress Statement

Students are expected to make satisfactory progress toward the completion of degree requirements.
Program faculty will annually review each student’s progress. Where there are concerns about satisfactory
progress, students will be informed by the program faculty. If a student is performing below expectations
he/she may be required to complete additional coursework. The program will provide a plan and timeline
for remediation so students know the expectation for them to continue in the program. If satisfactory
progress is not maintained, a student may be dismissed from the program.

Any student receiving eight or more points in grades of C- or lower is not permitted to continue registration
at the College in any capacity and may not receive a degree or diploma. Petitions for exception to this
policy are to be submitted, in writing, to the Registrar with a written recommendation from the department
in which last enrolled.

For more information please contact the Department of Education Policy & Social Analysis. 212-678-

Program Requirements
Master of Arts Degree in the Program in Sociology and Education – minimum of 33 points

Requirements for the M.A. program without the educational policy option:

I. Core Courses (Minimum of 15 points)

A. Foundational Coursework in Social Analysis of Education (6 points)

EDPS 4021 Sociology of Education (3) (Required)
EDPS 4620 Introductory Colloquium in Sociology and Education (3)
EDPS 4199 Classical Social Theory (3)

B. Education and Social Inequality (minimum 3 points)

EDPS 4022 Sociology of Urban Education (3)
EDPP 5045 Race, Ethnicity and US Educational Policy (3)
EDPS 4024 Social Stratification and Education (3)
EDPS 4032 Gender, Difference and Curriculum (3)
C&T 4032 Gender, Difference and Curriculum (3)
EDPS 4199 Race, Gender, and Education
EDPS 4199 Race, Culture, and Educational Inequality
ITSF 4060 Latinos in Urban Schools
EDP 4023 Reimagining Education (may be used either for Education and Social Inequality or
Education and Social Change, but not both)

C. Education and Social Organization (minimum 3 points)

EDPS 4029 Sociology of Schools (3)
EDPS 4030 Sociology of Organizations (3)
EDPS 5022 Sociology of Education Systems (3)
EDPS 4199 Organizing Schools for Diversity
EDPA 6030 Institutional Theory: Sociological Perspectives on Inst Change (3)
EDPS (5199) Sociology of Teaching and Leadership in Education (3)
ITSF 5023 Family as Educator (3)
ITSF 5026 Family and Television (3)
ITSF 5120 Education in Community Settings (3)
HUDK 4031 Sociology of Evaluation (3)
ITSF 5035 Social Analysis of International Large-Scale Assessments

D. Education and Social Change (minimum 3 points)

EDPS 4000 Education and Public Policy (3)
EDPS 4028 Sociology of the Life Course (3)
EDPS 5050 Sociology of Knowledge (3)
HUDK 4011 Sociology of Online Learning (3)
HUDK 5621 Technology and Society (3)
EDPA 4199 Higher Education and Social Change
ITSF 5031 Education and Sustainable Development
EDP 4023 Reimagining Education (may be used either for Education and Social Inequality or
Education and Social Change, but not both)

II. Research Methods (9 points)

A. Quantitative Research Methods (3 points)

EDPA 4002 Data Analysis for Policy & Decision Making I (3), or
HUDM 4122 Probability and Statistical Inference (3)

B. Qualitative Research Methods (3 points)

EDPS 5057 Qualitative Methods for Education Policy & Social Analysis (3), or
ITSF 5000 Methods of Inquiry: Ethnography & Participant Observation (3), or
C&T 5502 Introduction to Qualitative Research in Curriculum & Teaching (3)
ITSF 4092 Qualitative Research and Evaluation in International Education
ITSF 5001 Ethnography and Participant Observation

C. Advanced Research Methods (3 points)

EDPA 5002 Data Analysis for Policy & Decision Making II (3)
HUDM 5122 Applied Regression Analysis (3)
EDPA 4050 Logic & Design of Research in Education Policy & Social Analysis (3)
EDPS 5646 Evaluation of Educational and Social Programs (3)
ORL 5522 Evaluation Methods I (3)
HBSS 6100 Program Evaluation (3)
CUSSW T6416 Program Evaluation in Social Services (3)
EDPS 5020 Survey Research Methods (3)
EDPE 5199 Econometric Methods for Policy Research and Program Evaluation
EDPA 6002 Quantitative Methods for Evaluating Education Policies and Programs
A&HL 4014 Discourse Analysis
ITSF 5040 Mixed Methods for Disciplined Inquiry

III. Electives/Concentration (6-9 points)

IV. Culminating Experience (0-3 points)

Master’s comprehensive examination (0), or
Master’s integrative project and EDPS 6021 Master’s Integrative Project in Sociology and Education (1
point in the fall and 2 points in the spring, for a total of 3 points)

Additional requirements for the M.A. program with the policy concentration:

Choose one course from each of the following four categories:

I. Foundational Studies in Education Policy

EDPS 4000 Education and Public Policy
AH&H 5063 Seminar: U.S. Education Policy in Historic Perspective

II. Policy Analysis

EDPA 5645 Craft of Policy Analysis
EDPA 4047 Politics and Public Policy
EDPA 4048 Education Policy Analysis/Implementation

III. Program Evaluation

EDPS 5646 Evaluation of Educational and Social Programs
ORL 5522 Evaluation Methods I
HBSS 6100 Program Evaluation
CUSSW T6416 Program Evaluation in Social Services
EDPE 5199 Econometric Methods for Policy Research and Program Evaluation
EDPA 6002 Quantitative Methods for Evaluating Education Policies and Programs

IV. Topics in Education and Social Policy

EDPA 4013 Education Policy and the Management of Instruction
EDPA 4017 Topics in Higher Education Law
EDPA 4025 Higher Education Policy
EDPA 4033 Comprehensive Educational Opportunity
EDPA 4046 School Finance Policy and Practice
EDPA 4086 Law and Education: Regulation, Religion, Free Speech & Safety
EDPA 4899 Federal Policy Institute
EDPA 5016 Educational Equality: The Rule of Law
EDPA 5023 Policymaking for Effective High School to College Transition
EDPA 5086 Educational Policymaking and the Courts
EDPA 5880 School Law Institute
EDPA 6013 Early Childhood Development and Education
EDPA 6027 International Perspectives on Early Childhood Policy
EDPE 4058 Economics of Higher Education
EDPE 4155 Evaluating Educational Privatization and School Choice
EDPP 5041 Politics of Centralization and Decentralization
EDPP 5045 Race, Ethnicity and US Educational Policy
C&T 4615 Young Children, Families and Social Policy
C&T 5050 Education Policy: Prologue to the Future
C&T 5074 Curriculum and Teaching Policy
HBSS 4112 Social Policy and Prevention
ITSF 4060 Latinos in Urban Schools
ITSF 4098 Education Development Policies in China
ITSF 4160 Human Rights Education in Africa: Politics, Policies & Pedagogies
ITSF 5006 International Education Policy Studies
EDP 5001 and EDP 5031 CPRL Seminar and Practicum in Public Sector Structural Improvement
EDPE 4051 Education and Economic Development
EDPA 4199 Schools, Courts, and Civic Participation
EDPA 4199 Higher Education and Social Change
EDP 4023 Reimagining Education
ITSF 5031 Education and Sustainable Development
EDPE 4051 Education and Economic Development

Services for Students with Disabilities: The College will make reasonable accommodations for persons
with documented disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Access and Services for
Individuals with Disabilities for information about registration (166 Thorndike Hall). Services are available
only to students who are registered and submit appropriate documentation.

Statement on Academic Conduct: A Teachers College student is expected to refrain from any conduct,
including cheating, plagiarizing, or purchasing documents submitted for academic evaluation, that calls into
question his/her academic and/or professional probity. Decisions regarding academic evaluation in all
aspects of students’ work at the college, including course work, certification examinations, clinical or field
experiences, and preparation of dissertations, are within the sole jurisdiction of the faculty concerned,
including as appropriate, the department or program staff members. Disciplinary actions (e.g., reprimand,
suspension, or dismissal) in cases of academic misconduct can be imposed by the Vice Provost or the
Committee on Student Conduct. For more information, please view here.

Resolution of Student Academic Program Concerns: Any student who has a concern regarding an
academic matter may seek assistance. The procedure for resolving academic program concerns (see note of
grade correction process below) begins with either the faculty member (if the concern is related to a course)
or the student’s advisor. If the student is not satisfied with the response or resolution achieved at this first
level, or if speaking with the faculty member presents a conflict of interest for the student, the student
should proceed to speak with the Program Coordinator in the area in which the academic concern resides.
If the student is not satisfied with the response or resolution achieved through the Program Coordinator, the
student should proceed to speak with the Chair of the academic department in which the academic concern
resides. If the student is still not satisfied with the response or resolution achieved through the Department
Chair, or if speaking with the Department Chair presents a conflict of interest for the student, the next step
is to contact the Office of the Vice Provost. At any stage of the process, students are welcome to seek the
advice and guidance of the Ombudsman, who is charged with attempting to informally resolve student
dissatisfaction of an academic nature on a completely confidential basis.

Grade Correction Procedure: The instructor for a course has the responsibility for setting the requirements
for a course and making an evaluation of students’ work. Once a grade has been given, the instructor is not
free to change the grade unless the instructor indicates to the Registrar that an error was made in the original
grade transmitted. If a student believes that an error has been made, he/she must take the initiative in
bringing about the necessary correction prior to the conclusion of the semester immediately following the
semester in which the course was taken. The normal procedure for effecting a correction would be through
direct discussion between the student and the instructor. If redress cannot be attained through such
discussions, the student may next appeal to the department chairperson of the department offering the
course. If resolution cannot be attained through appeal, the student may next appeal to the Dean. In
situations where the student feels that such an appeal process might not be in the student’s interest, counsel
and assistance can be sought from the Office of the College Ombudsman and the Office of the Vice

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