Location Analysis: Fixed Assets
Location Analysis: Fixed Assets
Location Analysis: Fixed Assets
Cash 4,054,056
Notes / Accounts Recievable 1,423,583
Inventory 598,483
Total current assets . 6,076,122
Fixed Assets
equipment and construction in progress, net 945,000
building 234,978
License 1,000,000
depreciation 63,666
Net Fixed Assets 942,032
Application system 2,700,000
Suppliers 480,236
Accounts payable 310,048
Total Current Liabilities 790,284
Location Analysis
According to our analysis we found that starting up our company would be better if it was in Shehab
rather than any other place from the other 2 alternatives. In the second year we will rent the land in
Mohey el deen and on the third year we will own the Land in Shehab and on the fifth year we will rent in
Gamet el dwl so that we would be covered all traffic spaces in el Mohndseen