7013B-14B - Im - 23136-0110 LLZ-min PDF
7013B-14B - Im - 23136-0110 LLZ-min PDF
7013B-14B - Im - 23136-0110 LLZ-min PDF
NORMARC 7013B-7014B
Instruction Manual
Product Name NORMARC 7013B-7014B
Product Group Instrument Landing System
Manual Type Instruction Manual
Part number: 23136
Part revision: 1.10
Date: 03-Dec-07
File: 7013B-14B_im_23136-0110.pdf
* The revision status for the document front page and preface, including table of contents, is
identical to “Part revision”.
The information contained herein is the property of Park Air Systems and may not be copied, used or disclosed in whole or in part except with the
prior written permission of Park Air Systems, or if it has been furnished under a contract as expressly authorised under that contract. The copyright
and the foregoing restrictions on copyright use and disclosure extend to all media in which this information may be preserved including magnetic
storage, punched card, paper tape, computer printout, visual display, etc.
Chg. No. Date Doc.part / Chapter Rev Description Acc.
4131 19-Feb-04 Ch. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, App. 2 Changed block diagrams and BGR
A, App. C menu tree from training course,
and App. D* *5 various smaller improvements,
added declaration of conformity
4158 26-May-04 Ch.5 (Amendment 2) 3 Loop phase optimisation’s meas- BGR
urements tables are removed.
- 28-Jul-04 Ch. 2 and 8 2 and 3 ECR 1873: 2.1.3 - New Block BGR
Diagram. 2.1.3 and 8.1.1: Incor-
rect figure cross references cor-
4209 14-Jan-05 Ch. 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 3, 3, 4, New drawings and text and a BGR
3 &4 general update for the last 6
4243 24-Jun-05 Ch. 6 3* Change Dummy Load DL2 and BGR
DL4 - Parts List and Figure 6-2
4260 05-Aug-05 Ch. 2, 6, 7 and 8 4, 3*, 4 RCA 1240E/F, CAT Status Sys- BGR
and 5 tem and Fibre optic line
4287 21-Feb-06 Ch. 3, 4, 5, 7 and 3, 4, 5, Improved and corrected descrip- BGR
Appendix D 5 and 6 tions. New release of RMM Soft-
4332 17-Aug-06 DoC, Ch. 5 and 7 1.8, 6, New Declaration of Conformity BGR
6 and new drawings for RMM SW
4369, 02-Jul-07 First Aid, Ch.1, 3, 7, 8 1.9, 2, New text for First aid; 1.5.3 New BGR
4395 and Appendix B and D 4, 7, 6, table for R&TTE. New figures:
2 and 7 Fig. 3-13, 3-14 and 3-15.
Tables 7-13 and 7-14: New table
for DC-Loop alarm limits. New
text and Figure 8-8. New ch.
8.1.14 with Coaxial Connections.
Corrected Figure title B-4.
D.3.5.8: New tables for DIP
switches setting
4415 29-Nov-07 App. D (Amendment 3) 8 Added set-up information for TD- BGR
36 Modem
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Limitations of use: The use of this manual is limited to the operation and
maintenance of the system stated in the Title Page. It shall
not be used for purposes of product manufacture.
Figure 6-2 NORMARC 7013B-7014B LLZ cabinet, Rear View ................................... 6-5
Figure 6-3 NORMARC 70xxB LLZ & GP cabinet, wall mount side ............................. 6-6
Figure 7-1 NORMARC 70XXB required mounting space (top view) ........................... 7-1
Figure 7-2 NORMARC 70XXB mounted on wall with MK 1343A ................................ 7-2
Figure 7-3 Wall mount dimersions (MK 1343A)........................................................... 7-3
Figure 7-4 Moving RF connectors ............................................................................... 7-4
Figure 7-5 ILS main cabinet connection overview....................................................... 7-5
Figure 7-6 Power and Battery connection Cold Standby............................................. 7-7
Figure 7-7 Power and Battery connection Hot Standby .............................................. 7-8
Figure 7-8 RF input connections ................................................................................. 7-9
Figure 7-9 RF output connections ............................................................................... 7-10
Figure 7-10 DC loop connections .................................................................................. 7-11
Figure 7-11 Remote control connection ........................................................................ 7-12
Figure 7-12 PC and modem connections ...................................................................... 7-13
Figure 7-13 DME connections ....................................................................................... 7-14
Figure 7-14 LLZ master connections (recommended) .................................................. 7-15
Figure 7-15 LLZ master connections (alternative)......................................................... 7-16
Figure 7-16 Circuit Diagram, LLZ master ...................................................................... 7-16
Figure 7-17 DME master connections ........................................................................... 7-17
Figure 7-18 Circuit diagram, DME master ..................................................................... 7-17
Figure 7-19 Analog input connections ........................................................................... 7-18
Figure 7-20 Typical circuit diagram ............................................................................... 7-19
Figure 7-21 Digital input/output connections ................................................................. 7-20
Figure 7-22 Equivalent circuit diagrams ........................................................................ 7-21
Figure 7-23 Battery warning connections ...................................................................... 7-22
Figure 7-24 IIC extension .............................................................................................. 7-23
Figure 7-25 Remote control to ILS connection .............................................................. 7-24
Figure 7-26 Remote control power supply connections ................................................ 7-25
Figure 7-27 Automatic GP shutdown connection .......................................................... 7-26
Figure 7-28 Remote slave connection........................................................................... 7-27
Figure 7-29 Interlock switch connection ........................................................................ 7-28
Figure 7-30 Connector location, MB 1346 (Remote Control) ........................................ 7-30
Figure 7-31 Connector Location, MB 1575 (ILS Rack).................................................. 7-31
Figure 7-32 Typical circuit diagram, Remote Control End............................................. 7-32
Figure 7-33 Typical circuit diagram, ILS Rack End ....................................................... 7-32
Figure 7-34 Typical Remote Control Optocoupler output .............................................. 7-33
Figure 7-35 Transmitter Control strap platforms............................................................ 7-37
Figure 7-36 RF output level .......................................................................................... 7-41
Figure 7-37 Maintenance Measurements...................................................................... 7-41
Figure 7-38 LF phase CSB illustration........................................................................... 7-42
Figure 7-39 SDM Adjustment ........................................................................................ 7-42
Figure 7-40 DDM Adjustment ........................................................................................ 7-43
Figure 7-41 CSB/SBO Phase Adjustment (Transmitter settings) .................................. 7-44
Figure 7-42 CSB/SBO Phase Adjustment (flight check)................................................ 7-45
Figure 7-43 Course Sector Adjustment ......................................................................... 7-46
Figure 7-44 Flight Check value setting .......................................................................... 7-47
Figure 7-45 Adjustment points on Monitor Frontend MF12xx ....................................... 7-49
Figure 7-46 Alternative jumper settings of P2++ ........................................................... 7-49
Figure 8-1 MF 1211A Block Diagram (CL channel shown) ......................................... 8-4
Figure 8-2 MO 1212A Block Diagram.......................................................................... 8-8
Figure 8-3 TCA 1218 Block Diagram........................................................................... 8-17
Figure 8-4 Connection Diagram TCA 1218 ................................................................. 8-18
AC Alternating Current
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
AGC Automatic Gain Control
CL Course Line
CLR Clearance
COU Course
CPU Central Processing Unit
CS Course Sector
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DC Direct Current
DDM Difference in Depth of Modulation
DF Difference Frequency
DL Dc Loop
DS Displacement Sensitivity
DSP Digital Signal Processor
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Progammable
Read Only Memory
EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FIFO First-In-First-Out
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
GPA Glidepath Power amplifier Assembly
I/F InterFace
I²C Inter Integrated Circuit
IIC Same as I²C
ILS Instrument Landing System
LED Light Emitting Diode
LF Low Frequency
LLZ Localizer
LPA Localizer Power amplifier Assembly
LRU Line Replacable Unit
MCU Monitor Combiner Unit
NAV NAVigation signals
NF Near Field
PC Personal Computer
RAM Random Access Memory
RF Radio Frequency
RMM Remote Maintenance Monitor
Artificial respiration (mouth-to-mouth) is the recommended technique for use in any case of
electrical shock. It is comparatively simple and produces the best and quickest results when
correctly applied.
Start without delay but do not touch the victim until the circuit is broken.
1. Break the electrical circuit by switching OFF or, if not possible, PROTECT YOURSELF
with dry insulating material and pull the victim clear of the conductor.
2. Make a brief inspection of the mouth and throat and
ensure that they are clear of obvious obstruction
3. Place your hand on his forehead, and pinch his nostrils
together with the thumb and index finger of this hand.Let
this same hand exert pressure on his forehead to main-
tain the backward head tilt and maintain an open airway.
With your other hand, keep your fingertips on the bony
part of the lower jaw near the chin and lift
4. Take a deep breath and place your mouth (in an airtight
seal) around the casualty's mouth.If the injured person is
small, cover both his nose and mouth with your mouth,
sealing your lips against the skin of his face
5. After blowing, turn your head to watch for chest move-
ment, and allow him to exhale passively
6. If the chest does not rise, do the following steps below
and then attempt to ventilate again.
• Take corrective action immediately by re-establishing the airway. Make sure that
air is not leaking from around your mouth or out of the casualty's pinched nose
• Reattempt to ventilate
• If the chest still does not rise, take the necessary action to open an obstructed air-
If the initial attempt to ventilate the casualty is unsuccessful, reposition the casualty's head
and repeat rescue breathing. Improper chin and head positioning is the most common cause
of difficulty with ventilation. If the casualty cannot be ventilated after repositioning the head,
proceed with foreign-body airway obstruction manoeuvres
7. Repeat the procedure 12 to 15 times per minute, till medical aid is arranged
Do not give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation during CPR in the presence of toxins such as cya-
nide, hydrogen sulphide, corrosives and organo-phosphates. Ventilate the casualty by using
a facemask or bag/valve/mask assembly.
Beryllium Oxide is used internally in the high frequency power transistors. It is used for heat
transfer between the transistor chip and casing and is fully enclosed in the transistor case. In
this form it is harmless. However, if the transistor casing is broken, the oxide may be exposed
and represent a health hazard if touched or inhaled.
Beryllium Oxide dust presents a health hazard unless adequate safety precautions are
The material is highly dangerous in dust form when it might be inhaled or enter a cut or an
area of skin irritation.
If dust is caused by chafing, filing or breakage and is inhaled, a single exposure lasting sec-
onds or minutes can cause injury to skin or muscular membranes severe enough to endanger
life or cause permanent injury. Particles penetrating the skin through wounds or abrasions are
liable to cause chronic ulcerations.
Modules containing components with beryllium oxide are clearly marked on the outside.
These modules shall be handled as special waste when decommissioned.
Spare RF Power transistors, received in the manufacturer’s packing, are clearly identified by
attached information. They should be stored in the original packing and not mixed with other
items. The Beryllium Oxide is encapsulated and components are safe to handle for replace-
ment purposes. Care should be exercised in removing defective items to ensure that they do
not become physically damaged.
Defective modules containing components with beryllium oxide should be returned for
repair and any defective RF transistors handled as defective components described above.
Modules that are not repaired should be identified as "Module containing components with
Beryllium Oxide" and handled as special waste.
If Beryllium Oxide is believed to be on, or to have entered the skin through cuts or abrasions,
the area should be thoroughly washed and treated by normal first-aid methods followed by
subsequent medical inspection.
A doctor should treat suspected inhalation of Beryllium Oxide dust as soon as possible, pref-
erably at a hospital.
High levels of electrical energy are supplied by the AC/DC power supplies and distributed by
the 27VDC supply inside the cabinet. Be careful not to contact the connectors supplying the
27VDC, or any component connected to the 27V DC, with any metallic object while servicing
the cabinet.
Note that to fully remove 27VDC turn off both mains AC/DC power supplies/Chargers and iso-
late the standby batteries if connected.
Only authorized maintenance personnel shall be given access to and perform maintenance
on the cabinet.
This electronic equipment and its spare parts are built from semiconductor components which
are sensitive to ESD. The equipment may be damaged or suffer from reduced performance
and lifetime if improperly handled during servicing and transportation.
To retain the Park Air Systems AS warranty the following precautions must be taken:
• All semiconductor components and modules containing semiconductors shall be han-
dled and transported as ESD-sensitive
To achieve ESD-protection, the operator shall use a portable static-dissipative field kit contain-
ing dissipative mat, wrist strap and ground cord or equivalent protection connected to same
potential as the equipment, see picture.
• Connect the dissipative mat to the equipment via the
ground cord and connect the wrist strap cord to the
• The operator must wear the wrist-strap before
modules are removed or components touched
• Anytime a module must be laid down, it should be
placed only on the grounded dissipative mat
• All electronic equipment must be properly reinserted
in the rack or protected by placing in ESD-shielding
bags or boxes before the ground cord, wrist strap
cord or wrist strap are removed
Nonconductive objects such as synthetic clothing, Styrofoam coffee cups, cigarette packs,
vinyl work order envelopes or common plastics shall be removed from the work area as they
may cause damage to semiconductor components.
Electronic equipment, spare part modules or faulty modules removed from the equipment, to
be returned for repair shall be stored and transported in ESD-shielding bags or equivalent.
The electrostatic shielding package shall not be opened without the operator and work area
being properly protected as stated above.
Do not ship the rack or subrack assemblies (i.e. transmitter sections) with heavy mod-
ules inserted. All encapsulated modules must be pulled out and packed separately before
All modules must be packed in electrostatic conductive (ESD) bags or boxes before shipping.
Modules to be shipped for service must always be identified by module no. and serial
no. See section 1.4, Product Type Numbers for proper identification rules. Use the
assembly level as identifier if assembly consists of one or more modules.
Modules used in the system, which have the same type of designation, might in particular
cases have different revision numbers.
This is due to the production of modules in different batches where changes have taken place
from one batch to the next.
Please contact us if information on older revisions of modules are needed for servicing pur-
The purpose of this document is to provide the reader with sufficient information to understand
how the NORMARC 7000B-series LLZ/GP operates and is maintained when used together
with the relevant Antenna System handbook. The handbook also contains equipment specific
information for installation; general installation information is given in the Installation hand-
The handbook is written for personnel with a good prior knowledge of ILS, users should partic-
ipate in a NORMARC ILS training course to get the required training.
The handbook covers both the Cold Standby and Hot Standby version of he equipment.
Where relevant, paragraphs are marked cold standby only or hot standby only, or alternatively
by the NORMARC type number.
The corrective maintenance strategy supported is LRU (Line Replaceable Unit) replacement.
Fault isolation to LRU level is supported by the RMM system, minimizing downtime caused by
Repair of LRUs require specialized training and equipment, and should be done by
Park Air Systems or other authorized repair facilities.
This section contains a general overview of this document, a general description of the ILS
system and a description of the Product Type number system.
This section gives a functional description of how the ILS rack operates.
This section gives instructions for operating the system by the Remote and Local Controls,
and it gives an introduction to using the RMM software.
This section contains procedures for locating and replacing faulty LRUs (modules).
This section contains instructions for mechanical and electrical installation, configuration of
the equipment, and initial adjustment. The configuration and adjustment instructions can also
be used for maintenance purposes.
This section contains detailed technical description and block diagrams for all the modules in
the rack and in the tower.
Section 9 Appendixes
Appendix B: Description of the optional Far Field Monitor system (LLZ only).
This paragraph gives a description of a typical ILS installation and the NORMARC Localizer
1.3.1 Introduction
Marker Beacon
75MHz 3°
ILS Localizer
The antenna array of the ILS localizer transmitter is located on the extension of the centre line
of the instrument runway of an airfield, but is located far enough from the stop end of the run-
way to prevent it being a collision hazard. The localizer antenna radiates a field pattern
directed along the centre line of the runway towards the middle and outer markers. The
antenna also furnish information outside the front course area in the form of full fly-left or full
fly-right indications (CLEARANCE).
The localizer is designed to provide a signal at a minimum distance of 25 miles within +/- 10
degrees, and at a minimum distance of 17 nautical miles between +/- 10 and +/- 35 degrees
from the front course line. (Refer to ICAO Annex 10 Chapter
The NORMARC product numbering system is based on the following three levels:
• System
• Assembly
• Module
Systems have type numbers starting with NORMARC, for example NORMARC 7033. Sys-
tems consist of assemblies, modules and parts.
Assemblies have type numbers consisting of three letters, a three- or four- digit number and a
letter, for example RMA 1215A. RMA is an abbreviation of Remote Maintenance System
Assembly, 1215 is a running number, and the last letter is the variant designator. Assemblies
can consist of assemblies, modules and parts.
Modules have type numbers consisting of two letters, a three- or four- digit number and a let-
ter, for example MO 1212A. MO is an abbreviation of MOnitor, 1212 is a running number, and
the last letter is the variant designator. Modules consist of parts.
Frequency range 108-112 MHz
Frequency tolerance + 0.002%
Output power (CSB) 5-25 W adjustable
Harmonic radiation 2.5 uW maximum
RF difference frequency (2-freq. only) 10 kHz + 2 kHz
Spurious 25 uW maximum
Output power stability + 0.2 dB
CSB/SBO stability + 0.3 dB / +-5°
Modulation depth 90/150 Hz 20%
adjustable range 10-25%
SDM stability + 0.3% SDM
DDM stability + 0.1% DDM
Frequency tolerance 0.0
Total harmonic dist. (90/150 Hz) 1% maximum
Phase locking (90 Hz to 150 Hz) 5° maximum ref 150 Hz
SBO phase adjustment range + 180°
Identity Keyer
Modulation frequency 1020 Hz + 10 Hz
Modulation depth 5-15% adjustable
Distortion 6% Maximum
Speed of identification 7 Words/Min. approx.
Alarm Functions Range (*)
RF power reduction 1-5 dB
Change of nominal CL + 4-25 uA
Change of nominal DS from nominal value + 10-50 uA
Change of nominal CLR (2-freq only) + 10-60 uA
Change of nominal NF + 4-25 uA
Change of nominal SDM + 2-6% SDM
Difference frequency (2-freq. only) + 2-5 kHz from nominal
Total period of radiation out of tolerance 1-10 sec.
Additional NF time delay 0-20 sec.
Line break, ILS - Remote Control (disable
Identification lost or continuous (optional)
Monitor input levels:
Adjustment range, nominal level -5 to –34 dBm
AGC range for less than 1% change 5 dB
in SDM
Dimensions: (H x W x D)
ILS Rack: 1020x600x500 mm
Remote control: 129x71x170 mm
Slave panels: 129x41x170 mm
The ILS rack is wall mounted. The remote control and slave panels fit a standard 3U (132mm)
high 19" subrack.
External supply:
Input voltage: 230V +15%/-20%,45-65 Hz or120V +15%/-20%, 45-65
Output voltage: 27,6V
Output current: 25A max
ILS cabinet
Input voltage 22-28V DC
Current consumption: 8A – 22A depending on configuration
Stand-by Battery 24V DC nominal, 85 Ah-140Ah valve regulated lead-
acid battery recommended
Cold standby equipment uses a single battery
Hot Standby equipment uses dual batteries
The Service Kit Assembly SKA 1229B includes two different extension boards for mainte-
nance operations:
EB 1349A Extension Board - for use with the Power Supply PS 1227, Monitor
MO 1212A, RMS Assembly RMA 1215A, Transmitter Control Assem-
bly TCA 1218A/B and Low Frequency Generator LF 1576A plug-in
EB 1245A Extension Board with coax cables - for use with Monitor Frontend MF
1211A and Oscillator OS 1221A plug-in boards.
Two External Power Supplies, operating at 230V/120V mains input and providing 27V at 25A,
are normally supplied with the equipment. In special cases, a single external power supply is
This chapter gives a functional overview of the NORMARC 70xxB ILS systems.
1.7.1 Overview
The complete ILS electronic system is housed in a compact, wall mounted cabinet. The cabi-
net and the electronics, except for RF units, are common to the LLZ and GP systems.
input Monitor
signals Transmitter
Control NAV
sensors Changeover
RMS TX control
Data and
input Transmitter
signals Monitor
The ILS cabinets can be configured for Cat I, Cat II, or Cat III requirements with no basic
NORMARC 7012B Single frequency LLZ with hot standby monitoring (Cat III)
NORMARC 7014B Two frequency LLZ with hot standby monitoring (Cat III)
NORMARC 7032B Single frequency GP with hot standby monitoring (Cat III)
NORMARC 7034B Two frequency GP with hot standby monitoring (Cat III)
The system is based on modern technology with extensive Remote Monitoring and Mainte-
nance capabilities, and very high reliability and integrity. To meet this objective, the monitor
comparator and station control are based on digital hardware, while the RMS interface is
microprocessor based.
The electronics card cage contains the RF oscillators, the LF signal generators, the monitors,
the station control, the RMS processor, and the voltage regulators.
The transmitter / PA section contains the PA blocks including couplers etc. for each output
with the change-over relays and RF outputs mounted on top.
The cabinet is divided in two parts, with the rear part fixed to a wall, and the front part hinged
to give access to interior of the cabinet.
All external connections are made to the rear part of the cabinet.
1.7.3 Monitors
The ILS has duplicated monitors with inputs for Course Line (CL), Displacement Sensitivity
(DS), Near Field (NF), and Clearance (CLR) (Dual Freq. only). The signals are detected by
the input stage, and then digitized. In the next block they are filtered by a Fast Fourier Trans-
form performed by a signal processor. The results for each parameter is then compared with
stored limits in a digital hardware comparator.
Each of the two monitors consists of two modules. For Cat III use, Hot Standby monitoring can
be added by using one additional monitor and associated RF couplers and combiners.
The design of the monitors ensures a very high integrity due to the use of digital hardware for
the alarm comparators and a very simple Fast Fourier filtering with a signal processor. In addi-
tion, the monitor is checked by automatic self-tests.
The alarm limits are stored locally in EEPROM, and can be updated from the RMS processor,
with a separate hardware write protection to ensure that the integrity is not affected by the
RMS system.
1.7.4 Transmitters
The transmitters are duplicated, either single frequency or dual frequency. Each transmitter
consists of a RF oscillator, a LF generator, and one or two PA blocks (single or dual fre-
The RF oscillator uses a synthesizer for easy frequency changes and simple logistics. The
oscillator has two outputs for use in dual frequency systems.
The LF generator contains the circuits to generate CSB and SBO (90Hz and 150Hz) and key-
ing (1020Hz) modulating signals. It also contains the ident keyer / sequencer and interface for
DME master or slave keying. A digital signal processor generates all signals ensuring very
stable phase and amplitude relations between the modulation signals.
All modulation parameters, such as Modulation Balance, Modulation Sum, RF level, SBO
attenuation, SBO phase, Ident code and Ident modulation are controlled by this module. The
values are stored locally in EEPROM and can be updated from the RMS processor with hard-
ware write protection.
The same LF generator is used for single and dual frequency systems.
The transmitter control module controls the system dependent on alarms from the monitors
and inputs from the local control, the remote control and, optionally, the RMS. It also gener-
ates status information to the same modules. The local control and status indicators are a part
of the transmitter control module.
All functions in the transmitter control are based on digital hardware to ensure the highest
The remote control is used in the tower or in the technical control room. It has indicators for
operating status as well as detailed warnings and an aural alarm device with reset. It can con-
trol equipment on/off and change-over, and has an Access Grant-switch to allow remote con-
trol from the RMS.
The Remote Control is connected to the ILS by one telephone pair cable.
The RMS module contains the system microprocessor. It handles storage and read-out of
monitor parameters, measurements for maintenance and fault finding, and performs fault
analysis to isolate faults to line replaceable modules. It is also used to set monitor limits and
transmitter adjustments.
The RMS handles communication to local and remote RMM computers, and in addition it han-
dles a small display and keyboard for parameter setting and read-out.
The slave panel is connected to the remote control by a multipair wire. It is intended for use in
the control tower. It has indicators for normal / warning / alarm and has an aural alarm device.
in addition it can turn the equipment on and off, and has an aural alarm reset.
The NORMARC 7000B series has a built-in Remote Maintenance Monitoring system. This
system consists of the RMS, remote PC terminals with the RMM program installed, and the
local keyboard/display. Figure 1-4 illustrates the RMM/RMS systems.
Modem Modem
Modem Modem
Local Remote 1 Remote 2
data bus
RMS Maintenance
core data bus
RMS system program
The centre of the RMS is a CPU with the RMS core program. The RMS collects measure-
ments and diagnostic data, and makes them available to the user. The collected information
allows easy and cost effective maintenance, fault finding and routine reporting. In addition,
system settings are distributed and parameter readings are collected via the RMS/CPU.
External personal computers are used for a user-friendly interface to the RMM system. The
equipment has three serial output ports, typically used to connect a local PC, a PC in the air-
port technical equipment room, and a modem for connection to a central maintenance facility.
The local keyboard/display allow readings and control through an LCD display and a seven-
button keypad. This gives access to the RMM functionality without the need for a PC.
Access to the RMM system is controlled by multiple hardware and software access controls.
One password is required for each access level, i.e. one password for level 1, two for level 2
and three for level 3. Optional hardware controls may inhibit writing in the upper access levels.
The operations that are permitted to a logged on user depend on the logon access level.
Note that to logon at access level 2 or higher, more than one password must be entered. The
passwords must be separated with a single space.
To logon as MASTER, which is a special built-in administrative user, the user name "master"
and all three master passwords must be entered (logon at access levels 1 or 2 with the master
user is therefore not possible). The factory default master passwords are: MASTER1
To logon at other access levels a user account must be first be set up by the master user.
If the master user passwords have been lost, the Customer Service department can help with
resetting the master passwords.
Note that to logon at access level 2 or higher, straps on the TCA board must be set to enable
this. Refer to 9.3.3 for more information about this.
Through a menu-based interface all main commands, adjustments and monitor limits are
accessible from the front panel keypad and LCD display. In addition a quick-read function
gives read-out of all main monitor parameters at a glance.
The system contains internal measuring points and diagnostic functions to isolate faults to
failed modules. The values measured are referred to as maintenance parameters. Please
refer to Appendix A.
2.1 Introduction
The NORMARC 7000B-series Instrument Landing System is a fourth generation system fea-
turing extensive remote maintenance and monitoring features and systematic use of modern
electronic components and processors.
Careful analysis has guided the partitioning of the system into analog hardware, digital hard-
ware and software to meet the reliability and integrity objectives as well as easy maintenance
and low cost of ownership.
In the monitor, comparison between monitor measurements and stored monitor limits is per-
formed by digital hardware. Thus safety critical software is avoided in those functions. The fil-
tering functions are performed by a dedicated signal processor running a FFT algorithm, with
the signals sampled after base-band detection.
Local and remote control, and change-over and shut-down functions are performed by digital
Software is used for the remote maintenance and monitoring functions, including alarm and
parameter storage, diagnostic functions, transmitter adjustments and change of monitor limits.
Appropriate hardware protection is used to avoid that the software becomes safety critical.
Most of the modules in the NORMARC 7000-series ILS are based on surface mount compo-
nents on multi-layer boards. This reduces the number of modules, and gives very good EMC/
EMI performance. Most of the digital hardware is contained in field programmable gate arrays
(FPGA), giving very high reliability. The processors used are well proven Texas, Analog
Devices and Intel types. In the RF stages, modern RF power FET transistors are used.
Monitor 1 Transmitter 1
Data and
diagnostics RF oscillator
Monitor Transmitter
Monitor Monitor
Frontend LPA/GPA
input MO1212 LF oscillator
signals MF1211/MF1219
Monitor 2 Transmitter 2
HBK 1275-1
2.2 Monitors
The monitor section's main task is to generate alarms if a transmitter fails. The alarm signals
are interpreted by the station control section which decides whether to change transmitter or
to shut the ILS signals down. Warning information is treated by the RMS.
The input signals to the monitor are RF signals, CL, DS, NF, CLR(2 freq. only), from the
antenna system. In addition the DC loop detects failures in the antenna and an optional exter-
nal frontend may monitor alarm generating parameters from additional equipment (i.e. a far
field monitor). The outputs are alarm status to the transmitter control section, parameter val-
ues to the RMS and DC loop reference voltages to the antenna system.
The monitor chain consists of the Monitor Frontend module, MF 1211A in LLZ and MF 1219A
in GP, and the Monitor module MO 1212A. This chain is duplicated to increase reliability. In
hot standby configurations an additional chain monitors the standby transmitter. See the Fig-
ure 2-2 below.
The Monitor Frontend module is mainly an AM receiver which detects the baseband signals
and generates DC voltages proportional to the RF level. In addition a digital pulse train is gen-
erated, to tell the difference in frequency (DF) between the COU and CLR transmitters in two
frequency configurations.
The Monitor module digitizes the analog signals, filters all data by FFT and mean value calcu-
lations, and passes the parameters to the comparator. The comparator generates alarm sig-
nals if the parameters are outside the pre-programmed limits.
AM receiver NF_RF_LEVEL
External Frontend 1
NAV Mon.2
External Frontend 2 MONITOR 2
NAV Mon.St.by
DC loop
2.3 Transmitters
The transmitter section generates the ILS signal with the required RF power levels and modu-
lations levels. The section comprises two identical transmitters, TX 1 and TX 2, where one is
connected to the antenna, while the other is connected to dummy loads, acting as a back-up.
The reference signals in the transmitter section are RF signals from the oscillator OS 1221,
and LF modulation signals (90Hz and 150Hz) from the low frequency generator LF 1576. The
LF 1576 also generates the keyed 1020Hz signal for the LLZ Ident. System DC voltages
comes from the Power Supply board PS 1227.
In each transmitter, the RF oscillator has separate outputs for Course and Clearance. These
two channels are offset by 10 kHz for LLZ and 15 kHz for GP. The LF Generator also has
independent outputs for Course and Clearance.
The LPA 1580 Localizer Power Amplifier Assembly and the GPA 1581 Glidepath Course
Power Amplifier Assembly each contains two feedback controlled output amplifiers, one for
the CSB signal and one for the SBO signal. GPA 1582 contains one feedback controlled out-
put amplifier for GP clearance.
Each amplifier is controlled by a "Cartesian Loop" feedback. This employs separate I and Q
(in-phase and quadrature-phase) modulators, demodulators and integrator stages. The
demodulators are fed from a directional coupler in the amplifier output, and the I, Q feedback
loops keeps precise control of output amplitude and phase. The CSB to SBO RF phase is pre-
cisely controlled from 0-360º by the ratio between the SBO I and SBO Q modulating signals,
and the levels of the combined modulation signals accurately controls RF power, modulation
levels and CSB to SBO power ratio.
The Change Over section has relays to connect the CSB and SBO outputs from one transmit-
ter to the antenna while the other is connected to dummy loads. The relays are controlled by a
Coax-control signal.
50 OHM
50 OHM
Clearance freq. carrier CARRIER
The transmitter control section’s main purpose is to control the transmitters on/off state. This
is done based on alarm inputs from the monitors, inputs from remote control, inputs from local
keyboard (front panel for station control) and inputs from the RMM system.
The station control receives alarm information from the monitors. Based on the alarm status
and the current mode of operation, the station control decides if a changeover/shutdown
should occur. The station control unit also receives user/state inputs from remote control
(example: Interlock) and the RMM system (example: Warning lamp outputs). Configuration
selections on the TC 1216A board also affects the operation of the station control.
TX control bus
Station control CONTROL
alarm bus INTERFACE
M2 RC bus
RC i/f bus
RMS bus
Local Controls
alarm bus with/without
M1 hot standby LEDs
Terminator alarm
The transmitter control assembly, TCA 1218A/B consists of the transmitter control (TC) mod-
ule TC 1216A and the local control (LC) front panel LC 1217A/B (the B-version is a front panel
designed for hot standby configuration). See Figure 2-5.
The main functions of the TCA 1218A/B are performed by the station control (SC) part of the
transmitter control (TC). The SC takes care of the normal operating tasks like turning transmit-
ters on/off based on various inputs that may affect the transmitter status. The SC also has a
RMS interface enabling the RMM system to read the status of the SC and to illuminate warn-
ing lamps etc.
The terminator (TRM) part of the TC takes over and shuts the ILS down if the SC is not able to
operate as expected. The TRM shuts down the power to the transmitters approximately 1 sec-
ond after an alarm situation or interlock state has occurred.
The remote control interface processes serial data from/to the remote control. This unit also
detects and reports faults in data transmission with remote control. The data from the remote
control are sent to both SC and TRM.
The Transmitter control unit displays the transmitter status of the ILS. It also provides a user
interface, enabling the user to perform basic operations on the ILS.
The remote control’s main purpose is to provide an interface to the ILS from the technical
equipment room and the tower at the airport.
The remote control provides the ILS with user inputs and selections. The unit also displays the
status of the ILS using LEDs.
The remote control system consists of an UART/line interface, RC 1241, a front panel, RF
1242A/B (B is a front panel for hot standby configuration) and a slave panel.
The remote control assembly, RCA 1240C/D, consists of the remote control (RC) module RC
1241B and the remote control front panel (RF) RF 1242A/B (the B-version is a front panel
designed for hot standby configuration). See Figure 2-6.
RC 1241
Slave bus
INTERFACE AND Slave panel(s)
RF 1242
The line interface in RC 1241B converts signals between standard serial data format and tele-
phone line signals both ways using a FSK modem (compatible with CCITT V.21).
The UART /control in RC 1241B performs serial/parallel conversion. Pushbutton, switch and
operational mode (interlock) status is sent from remote control to ILS. Transmitter status and
other information is received from the ILS.
The front panel RF 1242A/B contains the pushbuttons, switches and LEDs for the user.
The slave panel is an optional control panel with a limited set of functions/LEDs, designed for
use in the airport tower.
An alternative Remote Control Assembly RCA 1240E/F can be supplied in the same loca-
tions. This is basically identical to RCA 1240C/D and is described in
An optional MP 1574A Meter Panel can be installed with the Remote Control assembly con-
taining two elapsed time counters counting the time that the LLZ and GP equipment has been
transmitting (on air/Normal).
The Remote Monitoring System consists of a CPU-board located inside the main cabinet, with
several means of collecting data from both inside and outside the equipment. The RMS also
constitutes the operator interface, offering up to three RS 232 interfaces, and the Local Key-
board/Display. The main tasks are:
• Collection of executive monitor parameters and maintenance parameters
• Generation of system warnings
• Maintaining historical storages of all data
• ‘Snap-shot’ of all monitor and maintenance data immediately before alarm occurrence
• Setting of alarm limits and tx parameters
• Fault isolation
• Controlling the Local Keyboard/Display
The RMS SW comprises a resident part located in the ILS. It communicates with the RMM PC
program via dedicated lines or a MODEM. The PC SW is the main operator interface with the
Data collection is facilitated in 3 different ways: A parallel high speed data bus offering both
read and write operations, a IIC-standard serial bus, and a set of 24 different ADC channels.
LCD / Keyboard
Dial-up Remote 2
Serial Interface
RS232 RS232
Remote 1
data bus
serial bus
Digital Analog Monitor
and Inputs Data
Analog and
Inputs System
The main operator interface is locally or remotely connected personal computers, running
dedicated SW and communicating with the main cabinet resident SW via a dedicated proto-
col. The system facilitates three channels for PC connections, two of which can be used for
remote PC via modems and leased-line or dial-up telephone lines. All three PC’s can be
logged on simultaneously, but only one of them can have write access at a given point in time.
The main operation of the RMS parallel data bus is continuously to collect data from the Mon-
itor MO 1212. Additional functions are setting of monitor alarm limits and delays on the MO
1212, setting of TX-parameters on LF-generator LF 1576, and reading of system status from
the TX Control Assembly TCA 1218. Writing of warning status to the TCA 1218 is also done
via the RMS databus.
M O 1 2 1 2 A M O 1 2 1 2 A M O 1 2 1 2 A L F 1 5 7 6 A L F 1 5 7 6 A
M O N 1 M O N 2 S T B M O N T X 1 T X 2 T C A 1 2 1 8 A /B
R M S D a ta b u s
R M A 1 2 1 5 A
H B K 1 2 7 9 -1
In order to facilitate fault isolation and presentation, several analog and digital measuring
points are distributed throughout the system. These points are primarily accessed via the IIC
serial bus. In addition, 24 ADC-channels are read directly into the RMA 1215 board.
L P A 1 5 8 0 / L P A 1 5 8 0 / L P A 1 5 8 0 / L P A 1 5 8 0 /
L F 1 5 7 6 A L F 1 5 7 6 A O S 1 2 2 1 A /B O S 1 2 2 1 A /B G P A 1 5 8 1 A G P A 1 5 8 2 A G P A 1 5 8 1 A G P A 1 5 8 2 A
T X 1 T X 2 T X 1 T X 2 T X 1 C O U T X 1 C L R T X 2 C O U T X 2 C L R
IIC s e r ia l b u s
R M S b u s
R M A 1 2 1 5 A C I 1 2 1 0 A
A D C c h a n n e ls
M F 1 2 1 1 A M F 1 2 1 1 A M F 1 2 1 1 A M O 1 2 1 2 A M O 1 2 1 2 A M O 1 2 1 2 A P S 1 2 2 7 B # 1 P S 1 2 2 7 B # 2
/M F 1 2 1 9 A /M F 1 2 1 9 A /M F 1 2 1 9 A M O N 1 M O N 2 S T B M O N
M O N 1 M O N 2 S T B M O N
H B K 1 2 8 0 -1
The IIC serial bus collects digital status information from MF 1211/19, MO 1212, LF 1576, OS
1221 and the CI 1210 connection interface card. 6 of these are user configurable inputs/out-
puts. The LF 1576 boards control one addional IIC bus each. These serial buses are used for
data collection and control of TX1 and TX2.
The ADC-channels are mainly used to measure power amplifier current consumptions, as well
as system voltages. These measurements are obtained from the Power Supply boards PS
1227. In addition system current consumption, as well as several user configurable inputs, are
measured on the CI 1210 board.
The ILS has battery backed RAM in the RMS subsystem (RMA 1215) board that is used to
store historical data. Four different types of historical data is stored:
Medium time periodic storage: One sample of all monitor and maintenance parameters stored
periodically at user specified intervals (see Medium time periodic settings). The storage con-
tains the last 96 samples.
Long time periodic storage: For every day through a 180 days period, the mean value and
standard deviation of all monitor and analogue maintenance parameters are stored.
Warning storage: One sample of all monitor and maintenance parameters at the instant when
a warning LED is activated. The 25 last warnings are stored.
Alarm storage: Samples of all monitor and maintenance parameters for a period starting from
30s before an alarm occurred and ending with the actual alarm sample. The last seven alarms
are stored in the ILS. Two alarms will be stored in the ILS for each alarm condition that results
in a transmitter changeover that is followed by a shutdown.
Event storage: Stores the last 300 major operational events, including user logins and logouts,
TX on/off operations, alarms and warnings, monitor parameter changes and changes in sys-
tem status.
The following table lists the events generated by the RMS software.
After each turn-off of the equipment when the equipment is not in manual mode, the RMS soft-
ware on the RMA 1215 performs the following integrity tests. All tests, except test 5, are per-
formed 30 seconds after the turn-off command. Test 5 is performed a configurable time after
the turn-off command (see description below).
The RMS verifies that the COU and CLR output level maintenance measurements on the OS
boards are below the warning limit.
Text in event list in case the test fails: “IntTst: OSC not off”
The RMS verifies that the 27V power supply input on each power amplifier assembly is below
2 volt.
Text in event list in case the test fails: “IntTst: 27V not off”
The RMS verifies that monitor 1 and 2 reports alarm status on the CL RF and the CLR RF
monitor parameters 30 seconds after the turn-off command.
Test 4: TXFB
The TXFB[3:0] are four internal signals on the TC board. The signals are the feedback of sig-
nals used for turning the RF oscillators on and off.
Text in event list in case the test fails: “IntTst: TXFB not 0”)
The RMS verifies that the transmitter control has detected alarm from the monitors after a
configurable time after the turn-off command.
The time is configured in the Monitor settings window, on the “Integrity test” tab:
Text in event list in case the test fails: “IntTst: Mon dly fail”
If the parameter warning LED has been configured to show Integrety Failure (ILS settings –
General Setting – System Options tab – “Signal integrety failure on Param LED”) and an “Int-
grt test FAILED” occur, the only way to reset the LED is to turn the power of the system off and
back on again.
The system uses External Power Supplies, operating at 230V/120V mains input and providing
27V at 25A each.
The cold stand-by models (NORMARC 7011B/13B/31B/33B) uses either one supply or two
supplies connected in parallel. In addition one backup battery set may be connected to ensure
no break operation in case of a mains failure.
LPA 1580/GPA 1581
V27_SBO_CLR_1 LPA 1580/GPA 1582
MF 121xA OS 1221x
DC V MO 1212A CI 1210A
CI 1210A DC V15N
RMA 1215A TCA 1218A
V LF 1576A
Battery Warning LPA 1580/GPA 1581/82
Cabinet DC
MF 121xA
V OS 1221A
AC LPA 1580/GPA 1581/82
+ DC
- V
LPA 1580/GPA 1581
LPA 1580/GPA 1582
HBK 1281-1
The hot-standby models (NORMARC 7012B/14B/32B/34B) uses two supplies, each supply-
ing power to one transmitter and one PS 1227 module. In addition two battery sets, one for
each power supply, may be connected to ensure no break operation in case of a mains failure.
LPA 1580/GPA 1581
Low Battery V27_SBO_COU_1
V27_SBO_CLR_1 LPA 1580/GPA 1582
MF 121xA OS 1221x
+ DC V MO 1212A CI 1210A
- DC V15N
RMA 1215A TCA 1218A
V LF 1576A
DC VDD LPA 1580/GPA 1581/82
Cabinet DC
A Switch V
MF 121xA
V OS 1221A
CI 1210A LPA 1580/GPA 1581/82
Battery Warning DC
+ DC V
LPA 1580/GPA 1581
LPA 1580/GPA 1582
HBK 1282-1
The 27V is regulated down to ±15V, 8.5V and 5V. The transmitter power amplifiers are fed
directly from the 27V supply, while the rest of the system uses the regulated voltages.
Current measurements are done on the power supply, the battery and each power amplifier.
Each regulated voltage is measured in the PS 1227 module. The results are presented to the
user through the RMS system.
When the ILS signals are shut down, the power supply to the power amplifiers are actually
turned off by relays. This is controlled by the terminator alarm signal from the station control
The backup battery is protected against deep discharge with a protection circuit. This circuit
disconnects the battery when the voltage drops below 22V.
A battery warning is given through the RMS system when the primary power supply (supplies)
The power ON/OFF switches are located on front of the main cabinet. Adjacent to the
switches are GND sockets for connecting wrist strap to ensure ESD-protected environment
when performing maintenance operations.
The upper switch removes power from PS1 and TX1. The lower switch removes power from PS2
and TX2. To fully remove power turn off the mains power supplies/battery chargers and isolate
the batteries.
H o t s ta n d b y m o d e ls o n ly
T X 1 T X 2
O N / C H A N G E T X 1 T X 2
H B K 5 5 2 -3
3.1.3 Glossary
Changeover The transition from a normal ILS «on» state (Tx to Air = main select
and active main transmitters on air) to a normal ILS «standby on»
state (Tx to Air not equal to main select, and standby transmitters
active on air).
Shutdown The transition from any ILS state to a normal ILS «off» state (Tx to Air
= main select and no active transmitters).
Manual When the ILS is in manual mode of operation, the ILS state will not
change if alarm(s) are detected.
Interlock When an ILS is in active interlock mode (the interlock signal is an input
to the remote control), the ILS will turn off all active transmitters and
not allow them to be turned on before the interlock condition is
removed. This signal overrides local/auto mode of operation, but not
local/manual mode of operation.
3.1.4 Pushbuttons
Used to:
• Toggle the ILS transmitters on/off ON/
Valid when:
• The LOCAL/REMOTE switch must be in LOCAL position,
• The interlock signal is not active if the ILS is configured for interlock
Valid when:
• The LOCAL/REMOTE switch is in LOCAL position, and
• The MANUAL/AUTO switch is in AUTO position, if the ILS is “ON”, or
• The MANUAL/AUTO switch is in MANUAL position, if the ILS is “OFF”
Valid when:
• The LOCAL/REMOTE switch is in LOCAL position
Valid when:
• LOCAL/REMOTE switch is in LOCAL position, and
• MANUAL/AUTO switch is in MANUAL position, and
• The interlock signal is active if the ILS is configured for interlock
CLeaRance TX1/TX2
Used to:
• Used to toggle the CLEARANCE TX1/TX2 on/off
Valid when:
• CLEARANCE transmitters are present, and
• LOCAL/REMOTE switch is in LOCAL position, and
• MANUAL/AUTO switch is in MANUAL position, and
• The interlock signal is active if the ILS is configured for interlock
3.1.5 Switches/Switchlocks
Used to:
• Select between LOCAL and REMOTE mode of operation. REMOTE
mode of operation will inhibit use of the local push-buttons (as described
above) and the use of the local serial communication port for entering
RMS access level 2 and 3. LOCAL mode of operation will inhibit use of HBK609-1
the remote control pushbuttons (ON/OFF, CHANGEOVER) and the use
of the remote serial communication ports for entering RMS access level 2 and 3. Local
mode will cause a service condition at equipment and alarm at Remote Control
Valid when:
• Always
Used to:
• Select between AUTOMATIC and MANUAL mode of operation. Setting
this switch in the manual position will cause a service condition at equip-
ment and alarm at Remote Control
Valid when:
• The LOCAL/REMOTE switch is in LOCAL position
Used to:
• Prevent changing of alarm limits and other ILS parameter adjust-
ments. Setting this switchlock in vertical/horizontal position will
prevent/not prevent entering of access level 3 PROTECT
Valid when:
• Always
Used to:
• Override the interlock input to allow testing in AUTO mode. Setting
this switchlock in vertical/horizontal position will prevent/not pre-
vent the user from using the local panel pushbuttons (ON/OFF, INTERLOCK
Valid when:
• The LOCAL/REMOTE switch is in LOCAL position, and
• The MANUAL/AUTO switch is in MANUAL position
Activated by:
Activated by:
• Indicate that the ILS has detected one or more warning condi-
Activated by:
• Hot standby configuration and alarm(s) detected on the standby transmitter
• Indicate that the ILS has detected one or more warning condi-
tions on the standby transmitter. Disabled when the ILS is not
Activated by:
• Hot standby configuration and one or more warnings detected by RMS for the standby
Activated by:
• Hot standby configuration and no alarm(s) detected on the standby transmitter
PARAMeter Warning
Used to:
• Indicate that there are one or more monitor parameter warnings present. The warnings
from the monitor 1/monitor 2 are voted before displayed
Activated by:
• One or more monitor parameters outside the warning limits
Monitor DISAGRee
Used to:
• Indicate that monitor 1 and monitor 2 disagrees on which parameters that are in alarm
Activated by:
• Difference in monitor 1/monitor 2 alarm detection
BATTery Warning
Used to:
• Indicate that the ILS is running using the 27V battery
Activated by:
• Loss of mains for charging the 27V battery
IDENT Warning
Used to:
• Indicate that the ident is faulty for LLZ
Activated by:
• Loss of ident Morse coding for LLZ
• Ident continuous for LLZ
MAINTenance Warning
Used to:
• Indicate that one or more of the maintenance parameter warnings detected
Activated by:
• One or more maintenance parameters faulty or outside limits
Used to:
• Indicate that coax position directs the standby transmitters to the antenna and the
main transmitters to the dummy load
Activated by:
• Coax position differs from transmitter main select
TX to Air TX1/TX2
Activated by:
• Coax relay position
Used to:
COUrse TX1/TX2
• Indicate the status of the TX1 and TX2 Course transmitters. If illu- CLR
Activated by:
• Transmitter «on»
CLeaRance TX1/TX2
Used to:
• Indicate the status of the TX1 and TX2 Clearance transmitters. If illuminated the trans-
mitter is on
Activated by:
• Transmitter «on»
NOTE: The TX1 and TX2 LEDs will remain on for up to 10 seconds with CAT I alarm delays. when the
ILS is turned off in AUTO mode. This is because the TX Control performs a monitor integrity
check. If the check fails the LEDs will stay on for 20-30 seconds, and an “integrity fail” event is
placed in the RMS event list. In MANUAL mode the LEDs are turned Off immediately, and no
integrity check is made.
- + READ
The front panel menu system includes a 20 x 4 character LCD and seven push-buttons. The
buttons are used for navigating in the menus displayed on the LCD and to control/adjust vari-
ous parameters.
A typical top-level LCD screen is shown in Figure 3-4. This is the screen that is displayed
when the ILS is powered on. This screen displays the following information.
NORMARC 7013B-7014B
[LLZ selected]
Line: Description:
1 NORMARC ILS type description or, optionally, a user specified station identification. The sta-
tion identification can be entered via the RMM software.
2 If the ILS is configured for interlock operation, this line shows the status of the interlock input
on the remote control unit, or “interlock override” if interlock has been overridden. The dis-
played text will be “LLZ/GP deselected” or “LLZ/GP selected depending on whether the inter-
lock input is respectively active or not.
3 Shows the status of the LOCAL/REMOTE switch and the auto/manual state of the ILS. Note
that this state not necessarily is the same as the AUTO/MANUAL switch position (the ILS
may be set in manual mode with this switch or via the RMM software by logging at access
level 2 or higher).
4 The last line shows one or two fields, the Remote Control link status (“RC OK” or “RC err”)
and “Acc. grant” if remote RMMaccess is granted from the remote control unit.
Pressing ESC when the top-level LCD screen is displayed will bring up the main menu screen,
which is described in the next section.
The menu is organized as a top-down tree-structure, where the main branches corresponds to
three access levels:
1. Level 1: Basic readout functions
2. Level 2: Test and control functions
3. Level 3: System configuration and adjustment functions (requires entering a four char-
acter password)
The menu system consists of five basic screen types; menu-screens, readout-screens, tog-
gle-screens, input/storing-screens, and the quick read screens.
The menu screen is controlled by the key-buttons: <PREV> <NEXT> <ENTER> and <ESC>.
The menu options are formatted as a long list where each option holds one character line. If a
menu screen includes more than four options, a small arrow-indicator will be displayed in the
lower-right corner. This informs the user that more than four menu options are available. The
blinking arrow cursor left to the menu-text is controlled by the <NEXT> and <PREV> keys.
The <ENTER> key activates the menu options left to the arrow-cursor.
The <ESC> key brings the user one menu-level upwards or back in the menu-tree-struc-
ture.The menu scrolls down if the user pushes the <NEXT> key when the arrow-cursor is at
the lower line and the arrow indicator is displayed in the lower-right corner. The menu will in
the same way scroll upwards by pushing the <PREV>-key in a corresponding situation.
The readout screens display the various monitor and maintenance parameter readings. The
screens are entered by stepping through the menu options. The <ESC> key brings the user
back to the last menu-screen again. The parameter readings are continuously updated.
CL readout M1 M2
DDM 0.1 0.1
Al U +1.5 +1.5
Wa U -1.5 -1.5
Figure 3-6 A typical readout screen: CL DDM
The toggle screens offer the user to choose between two or more options. The options text is
enclosed by two blinking square-brackets. The plus «+» and minus «-» keys step through the
various options. The <ENTER> key activates the chosen toggle-option. The <ESC> keys
leaves the screen without activating any of the options.
TX 1 90 Hz on/off
The user can change the various parameter alarm and warning settings in the input/storing-
screens. A virtual cursor is controlled by the <PREV> and <NEXT> keys. An input field
number will blink if the cursor is moved to the correct position. The blinking limit values can
now be changed by pushing the plus «+» and minus «-» keys. If the input field is digital, the
valid options will be «False» and «True» when the plus «+» and minus «-» keys are pushed.
When all the input numbers in the screen are changed to the preferred new values, the cursor
must be moved to the (UPD)-field in the upper left corner. When the cursor is placed at this
(UPD)-field, the brackets will start blinking. The <ENTER> key will now store the new values
on the screen in the ILS. The <ESC> key leaves the screen unchanged
CL <UPD> M1 M2
DDM 0.1 0.1
Al U +1.5 +1.5
Wa U -1.5 -1.5
Figure 3-8 A typical input/store screen: CL DDM
The quick read screens are access by pushing the <QUICK READ> key. The key toggles
between the original menu tree and the quick read screens. The <QUICK READ> button can
be pushed at all times, not changing the original menu-screens. The quick read screens
include only the basic monitor readings. The <PREV> and <NEXT> keys step through the
quick read screens.
The level 3 menu options must be entered by typing a 4 character password. The level 2
menu can be entered as an ordinary menu-option. Level 2
To enter the level 2 menu option, the LOCAL/REMOTE front panel switch must be in the
LOCAL position. The user is denied access if the switch is not correctly set.
Local switch on
Front panel in
REMOTE position
Press <ESC>
Figure 3-10 An access denial screen: Switch in REMOTE position Level 3
To enter the level 3 menu option, the LOCAL/REMOTE front panel switch must be in the
LOCAL position. In addition the WRITE PROTECT switch must be in the horizontal position.
The user must key a 4 character password to enter level 3 access. The access-screen is oper-
ated similarly to an input/store-screen. The blinking cursor is moved by the <PREV> and
<NEXT> keys. A blinking input-field is changed by the plus «+» and minus «-» keys.
When the correct password is entered, the cursor must be moved to the <level 3 access>-
field. The brackets will then start blinking. The <ENTER> key will now bring the user to the
level 3 options. The <ESC> key leaves the screen back to the main menu.
<Level 3 access>
Figure 3-11 Level 3 access screen
If the user enters level 3, an extra menu line, reading “Leave level 3”, is added in the main
menu screen. The user can enter this menu option to leave access level 3, but remain at level
Note that access level 3 is also left when the front panel switches are changed to an illegal
position. (e.g. switch in REMOTE position, or write protect in vertical position. Level 1
Selecting between %DDM and uA unit for DDM readouts and alarm limit setting. Level 2
Ident. configurations with Morse signal settings to normal, continuous, TST or off on TX1/TX2.
Local Morse speaker on/off on the transmitters.
Communications. Level 3
This menu contains the same choices as the Level 1 menu, but in addition to performing rea-
douts allows the user to configure all delays and alarm/warning limits.
The top levels of the menu tree is shown in Figure 3-13, Figure 3-14 and Figure 3-15
NORMARC 7013B-7014B
Read system para L1
L2 Page 2
specific variants of the system.
Mon. parameters
Maint. Val. Lim.
Charger meas.
System delays
Select DDM unit
Mon. 1&2 alarm par DC supplies Ok Charger meas. Mon1 delays Select DDM unit
Mon. 1&2 warn. Par TX1 COU Ok VOLT(V) CURR(A) Mon2 delays TX1 configuration
STB Mon. alarm para. TX1 CLR Ok CHRG1 26.1 5.1 STB Mon delays TX2 configuration
[ % DDM ]
STB Mon. warn. Para. TX2 COU Ok CHRG2 26.1 5.0 Maint delays
TX2 CLR Ok FFM delays
TX Control Ok
FFM 1 Ok
FFM 2 Ok Mon 1 COU RF
DS DS Monitor 1 Ok NF : 10.0 COU SBO PH
CLR CLR Monitor 2 Ok Ident : 30.0 COU DDM
EXT EXT Mon frontend 1 Ok COU 1020Hz LEVEL
Diff. Frequency Diff. Frequency Mon frontend 2 Ok CLR RF
DC-loops DC-loops STB frontend Ok CLR SBO ATT
LF generator 1 Ok CLR SBO PH
LF generator 2 Ok CLR DDM
CL DDM CL DDM Oscillator 1 Ok CLR SDM
CL SDM CL SDM Oscillator 2 Ok CLR 1020Hz LEVEL
CL RF-level CL RF-level COU DDM TEST 1
CL Ident CL Ident COU DDM TEST 2
CL Nominal CL Nominal CLR DDM TEST 1
+5.0 volt
Curr. : High
HBK 1302/1-2
Normal : High
Page 3-15
Instruction Manual
Page 3-16
Instruction Manual
LF Test Modes
Reset Hist. Storage
IDENT mode
CL TEST Ident speaker Set botrate Local
SBO 90 stub [ Ident off ] [ 9600 ]
150 Hz on/off
90 Hz on/off
NORMARC 7013B-7014B
Mon. parameters
Maint. Val. Lim.
Charger meas.
System delays
Select DDM unit
Page 3-17
Instruction Manual
Commercial - in - Confidence
HBK 567-2
3.2.2 Glossary
INTERLOCK When an ILS is in active interlock mode (the interlock signal is an input
to the remote control), the ILS will turn off all active transmitters and
not allow them to be turned on before the interlock condition is
removed. This signal overrides manual mode of operation.
3.2.3 Pushbuttons
Used to:
• Toggle the ILS on/off
Valid when:
• The LOCAL/REMOTE switch must be in REMOTE position, and
• The interlock signal is not active if the ILS is configured for interlock
Used to:
• Toggle the coax relay and transmitters between TX1/TX2 as the active transmitter(s)
Valid when:
• The LOCAL/REMOTE switch on the ILS is in REMOTE position, and
• The ILS is «on» when he MANUAL/AUTO switch is in AUTO position
Used to:
• Turn off the audio alarm on the remote control (caused by remote status change from
NORMAL to ALARM). Also used for lamp test (all lamps are illuminated when this
push-button is held down)
Valid when:
• Always
3.2.4 Switches/Switchlocks
Used to:
• Give access grant (access level 2/3) for RMS control of the ILS when the switch is in
GRANT position. NOTE! This switch may be override by configuration straps on U6 on
TC1216A (strap position 7-14). When this switch is in the DENY position no RMS
access (at access level 2/3) is allowed
Valid when:
• Always
Used to:
• Indicate that the ILS has detected an alarm condition
Activated by:
• One or more alarms present on the ILS, or
• Communication failure with ILS
Used to:
• Indicate that the ILS has detected one or more warning conditions
Activated by:
• Warning condition(s) detected by RMS
Used to:
• Indicate that no alarm conditions are detected by the ILS
• Indicate by blinking that the ILS is on when it should be interlocked off
Activated by:
• No alarms present, and
• Communication with ILS is OK
• Blinking: ILS is on when the RC interlock input is off
Used to:
• Indicate that the ILS has detected an alarm condition on the standby transmitter. Dis-
abled when the ILS is not configured for hot standby
Activated by:
• Hot standby configuration and alarm(s) detected on the standby transmitter
Used to:
• Indicate that the ILS has detected one or more warning conditions on the standby
transmitter. Disabled when the ILS is not configured for hot standby
Activated by:
• Hot standby configuration and one or more warnings detected by RMS for the standby
Used to:
• Indicate that no alarm conditions are detected by the ILS on the standby transmitter.
Disabled when the ILS is not configured for hot standby
Activated by:
• Hot standby configuration and no alarm(s) detected on the standby transmitter
PARAMeter warning
Used to:
• Indicate that there are one or more monitor parameter warnings present
Activated by:
• One or more monitor parameters outside the warning limits
monitor DISAGRee
Used to:
• Indicate that there are one or more monitor parameter warnings present. The warnings
from the monitor 1/monitor 2 are voted before displayed
Activated by:
• Difference in monitor 1/monitor 2 alarm detection
BATTery warning
Used to:
• Indicate that the ILS is running using the 27V battery
Activated by:
• Loss of mains for charging the 27V battery
IDENT warning
Used to:
• Indicate that the ident is faulty for LLZ
Activated by:
• Loss of ident Morse coding for LLZ
MAINTenance warning
Used to:
• Indicate that one or more of the maintenance parameter warnings detected
Activated by:
• One or more maintenance parameters faulty or outside limits
Used to:
• Indicate that coax position directs the standby transmitters to the antenna and the
main transmitters to the dummy load
Activated by:
• Coax position differs from transmitter main select
Alarm buzzer
Used to:
• Indicate that a transition from NORMAL to ALARM has occurred. Reset by pressing
SILENCE push-button
Activated by:
• Remote control state transition from NORMAL to ALARM
Used to:
• Indicate that access level 2/3 has been granted for RMS control
Activated by:
• Grant/Deny switchlock is in GRANT position
HBK 599-2
3.2.7 Glossary
INTERLOCK When an ILS is in active interlock mode (the interlock signal is an input
to the remote control), the ILS will turn off all active transmitters and
not allow them to be turned on before the interlock condition is
removed. This signal overrides manual mode of operation.
3.2.8 Pushbuttons
Used to:
• Toggle the ILS on/off
Valid when:
• The LOCAL/REMOTE switch must be in REMOTE position, and
• The interlock signal is not active if the ILS is configured for interlock
Used to:
• Turn off the audio alarm on the slave panel (generated by remote control). Also used
for lamp test (all lamps are illuminated when this push-button is held down)
Valid when:
• Always
Used to:
• Indicate that the ILS has detected an alarm condition
Activated by:
• One or more alarms present on the ILS, or
• Communication failure with ILS
Used to:
• Indicate that the ILS has detected one or more warning conditions
Activated by:
• Warning condition(s) detected by RMS
Used to:
• Indicate that no alarm conditions are detected by the ILS
• Indicate by blinking that the ILS is on when it should be interlocked off
Activated by:
• No alarms present, and
• Communication with ILS is OK
• Blinking: ILS is on when the RC interlock input is off
The interlock function is used when mutual exclusive operation on different ILS systems is
required. An active interlock for a station shall prevent transmission of ILS signals. The inter-
lock signal is connected to the remote control RC1241 and transmitted to the ILS through the
remote control connection.
The interlock function on the ILS is enabled/disabled from configuration settings on the
TC1216A. The rest of this chapter describes an ILS configured for interlock.
When an active ILS receives an active interlock signal, the ILS performs a shutdown. If the
interlock signal is deactivated, the ILS will automatically be turned on after a 20 second delay
For maintenance purposes, an interlock override function has been implemented. This func-
tion makes it possible to operate the ILS locally in manual mode with an active interlock sig-
nal. To activate the interlock override function the following conditions must be met:
• LOCAL/REMOTE switch must be in LOCAL position,
• AUTO/MANUAL switch must be in MANUAL position and
• INTERLOCK OVERRIDE switchlock must be set in horizontal position
The remote control will always be set in ALARM state when the interlock override function is
3.3.1 Introduction
The NORMARC 7000 RMM is a Microsoft Windows based application that provides access
to all the data and functions made available by the ILS remote monitoring subsystem.
By connecting to the ILS remote monitoring subsystem, the software lets the user do
the following:
• View the current status and measurements done by the ILS
• Configure ILS monitor and transmitter settings
• View reports that shows the current operational status and configuration of an ILS
• Download historical data from the ILS and browse through individual data sets
• Download and view events to see the operational history of the ILS
• Connect to the ILS with a null modem cable (direct), dial-up connection or leased line
The RMM software starting with version 2.0 supports both the NORMARC 70xxB series and
the NORMARC 7000 series ILS.
3.4.1 Startup
This section provides a step-by-step check list for starting the ILS from power-off and verifying
that it is in a normal operating state.
Refer to (Figure 3.1) and (Figure 3.2) for switch and indicator locations and orientation.
1) Initial Conditions
Alongside battery Battery fuses Verify OFF (none)
Below Main Cabinet AC power supplies Verify OFF Power indicator not illumi-
Main Cabinet - top Power switches Verify OFF (0) System is powered off.
Local Control Panel LOCAL/REMOTE Verify / set to (none)
switch LOCAL
2) Startup sequence
Below ILS cabinet AC power supplies Set to ON Power indicator illuminated
Alongside battery Battery fuses Set to ON (none)
Main Cabinet (top) Power switches Set to ON (1) System will power up.
Local Keyboard/Display RMS LCD screen Verify ILS is not [SELECTED]
interlocked off
NOTE: If equipment is interlocked off and it is desired to start the system, secure permission to oper-
ate the ILS before proceeding. Then, set the INTERLOCK OVERRIDE switch to the horizontal posi-
Local Control Panel ON/OFF switch Press Transmitter TX1 COURSE
and CLR lamp(s) will illumi-
3.4.2 Shutdown
1) Normal shutdown
Local Control Panel MANUAL/AUTO Set to MANUAL Service lamp on (red)
Local Control Panel ON/OFF switch Press Transmitters off; alarm and
warning lamps on.
Main cabinet top Main power Set to off (0) System will power off.
Below main cabinet AC Power Supply Switches set to OFF Power indicator off
2) Emergency shutdown
Main cabinet top Main power Set to off (0) System will power off.
Note: No harm will be done to the ILS system if the emergency shutdown procedure is used instead
of normal shutdown. It is nevertheless advisable to follow the normal shutdown procedure if
CAUTION: If the main power is turned off at the shelter circuit breaker panel, the ILS can con-
tinue to operate on battery power. The locally installed circuit breaker for battery power must
be turned OFF to disable battery operation. The main power switches at the top of the cabinet
remove both battery and AC-supplied power from the system, but do not remove the 27 VDC
from the ILS cabinet.
This section describes the performance checks that must be conducted in order to ensure a
safe operation of the ILS equipment, as well as where to find the proper adjustment proce-
NOTE: The content of and period between procedures given below are Park Air Systems recommenda-
tions under a normal operational environment. The responsible Authority may have require-
ments that replaces, modifies or comes in addition to the procedures given below.
Checks and procedures listed in Table 4-1 are required following initial installation, following
modification, or when corrective maintenance is performed, prior to returning the equipment to
service. Standards and tolerances for the procedure are listed in Table 4-1. The applicable
setup and test procedure is listed for convenient reference. Since most performance checks
in Section 6 are referenced to maintenance procedures, the section containing the mainte-
nance procedure is listed here.
Performance check and maintenance intervals may be adjusted in accordance with the user’s
Clean and inspect equipment, inspect batteries for corrosion, cracks, and other deterioration,
check and tighten RF and battery connections as required.
Check any installed environmental sensors and other equipment connected to user analog or
digital inputs for proper operation.
All module and circuit board repair is to be performed off site, at the factory or authorized
repair depot. No modules are user-serviceable.
The parameters should be recorded and compared with their nominal values only.
Over some time, the parameters may change due to natural variations. Variations of less than
50% of their alarm limits, are considered normal. If a parameter is changing more than 50% of
it's alarm limit, it is likely due to a discrepancy / degeneration of a module, cable etc. In this
case, the reason for the discrepancy should be searched for. If the result calls for changing a
module, rephasing of cables etc., a flight check is often required to verify that parameters are
inside operating tolerances.
All maintenance instruction items apply to CAT I and CAT II installations except where
(CAT III only) is denoted.
Test equipment
• ILS Field Test Set / NAV Analyzer with portable antenna
• PC with RMM software and printer
Note: For Cat III installations this routine presumes that a FFM system is installed.
On the established reference marks for Course Line (THR CL), Sector Width (THR 90)) and
(THR 150) carry out modulation measurements, record the values in Table 4-1.
Use File/View report to generate a report of all measured values and settings. Print or save as
• Tx2 to antenna. (Executed by tower personnel if ILS is not taken out of service.)
Using the Field Test Set carry out DDM measurements versus azimuth angles according to
established marks in the near field area of the antenna array.
Measure and record the course alignment structure using a vehicle equipped with the Field
Test Set and antenna from the threshold to point E.
For details including output time constants refer to Manual on Testing of Radio Navigation
Aids Volume II paragraph
Test equipment
• Oscilloscope
• Stop watch
• PC with RMM and printer
Use File/View report to generate a report of all measured values and settings. Print or save as
Can be performed from a remote location if Level 2 access is allowed from a remote RMM PC
or the remote control is configured for combined Main Select/Change-over)
Tx1 shall be selected as main and shall be radiating. The RMM shall be connected and shall
Push the On-Off button to turn off the equipment. Observe the Event List. The events "Turned
OFF" and approximately 30 sec. later "Intgrt test ok" shall occur.
If the test fails the text "Intgrt test FAILED" will occur.
Tx2 shall be selected as main and shall be radiating. Otherwise, repeat the procedure in
Use File/View Report/Event History Report to print or store the test result.
Test Equipment
• PC including NM 7000 RMM program
• ILS Field Test Set/ NAV Analyzer, including attenuator 20 dB or 30 dB
• Oscilloscope
• Frequency counter 10 Hz to 350 MHz
• RF Signal generator including calibrated ILS modulation
• Digital voltmeter
• Wattmeter with probe covering 108 - 112 MHz, 30 watts
• Stop watch
Carry out the tests outlined in paragraphs to for Cou Tx2, CLR Tx1 and
CLR Tx2. Record the results of the outlined tests in Table 4-5.
For best signal resolution on the scope, it is advisable to set the oscilloscope in double sweep
rate and FREE RUN trigger mode (“kissing pattern” mode). The two halves of the 30 Hz wave-
form will then overlap and look like one waveform when perfect power balance is achieved.
Look for the intermediate peaks of the CSB demodulated waveform. Check that the waveform
resembles the graph below (left). The intermediate waveform peaks shall have the same max-
imum and minimum level, indicating 90/150 Hz zero phase start.
Switch on Tx1.
• Connect the Field Test Set to the CSB Cou test connector on the Change Over Section
through a 20 or 30 dB attenuator
• Use a double shielded 50 ohm coaxial test cable. On the Field Test Set read DDM.
The nominal reading should be 0.0% DDM
• On the Field Test Set read SDM. The nominal reading should be 40.0%, or the same
as the previous reading/ commissioned value
Switch on Tx1.
• Connect the Field Test Set to the CSB Cou test connector on the Change Over Section
through a 20 or 30 dB attenuator
• From the local panel/display or from the RMM program set Cou Ident modulation to
• Use a double shielded 50 ohm coaxial test cable. On the Field Test Set read IDENT
MOD. The nominal reading should be 10% MOD, alternatively the same value as pre-
vious recording. (If voice modulation is applied the Ident modulation shall be 5% mod-
ulation depth.)
Switch on Tx1.
• Connect the Oscilloscope to CSB test connector on Course Tx1 Section via 50 ohm
test cable
• From the local panel/display connect the audible transducer by command “Set ident
• Listen to the voice message and check that the waveform has a peak amplitude
approximately six times the Ident waveform peak amplitude seen on the oscilloscope
b) Clearance Tx CSB. Switch off the transmitters. Select Tx1 as Main Tx.
• Insert the power meter into the Clearance CSB output path of the Cabinet. Switch on
Tx1. Read and record the Tx1 power in Table 4-8
• Change over to Tx2. Read and record the Tx2 power in Table 4-8
This procedure uses the transmitter as the signal source. The values in the "Flight check" win-
dow must have been set to values that shall give alarms previously, preferably during commis-
sioning of the equipment.
Open the "Flight check" window and select the Tx tab for the transmitter on air. Then select
the "Alarm limit check" tab. CL DDM
Connect a Portable ILS Test Instrument to the test connector "CSB COU".
Select "CL test signal 1" (90Hz dominance). Check that a CL alarm is generated, and verify
that the test instrument reading is within ±1 µA (±0.1%DDM) of the monitor reading. DS DDM
Select "DS test Narrow". Check that a DS alarm is generated, and note the monitor reading.
Disconnect the DS monitor cable from the feed-through connector in the rear cabinet, and
connect a Portable ILS Test Instrument to the DS Monitor input. Verify that the test instrument
reading is within ±2 µA (±0.2%DDM) of the monitor reading. Use the formula (DS DDM + DS
DDM nominal – CL DDM) to get the actual DDM value. Reconnect the DS monitor cable.
Select "CLR test Wide". Check that a CLR alarm is generated, and note the monitor reading.
Disconnect the CLR monitor cable from the feed-through connector in the rear cabinet, and
connect a Portable ILS Test Instrument to the CLR Monitor input. Verify that the test instru-
ment reading is within ±2 µA (±0.2%DDM) of the monitor reading. Use the formula (CLR DDM
+ CLR DDM nominal) to get the actual DDM value. Reconnect the CLR monitor cable. CL RF alarm
Select "Test RF attenuation" "COU". Check that a CL RF alarm is generated. Deselect "COU"
Select "Test RF attenuation" "CLR". Check that a CLR RF alarm is generated. Deselect "CLR"
After completion and recording of the alarm parameters into Table 4-9, compare and check
that the values are the same as in the previous records.
Apply a test signal from the RF Signal Generator to the CL input connector in the back of the
cabinet.(Disconnect first the signal cable from the Monitor network). Adjust the signal to the
same RF level and frequency as the normal signal applied to the monitor.
Verify modulation setting (DDM, SDM) by checking the test signal with the Field Test Set.
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for CL DDM.
• Change DDM from the generator slowly towards 150 Hz dominance until a point where
the letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is
shown beside the measured parameter for Monitor 1
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line a)
• Change DDM from the generator slowly towards 90 Hz dominance until a point where
the letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is
shown beside the measured parameter for Monitor 1
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line aa)
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for CL SDM
• Increase SDM from the generator slowly until a point where the letter A (indicates that
monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the measured CL RF ALARM
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for CL SDM.
• Decrease slowly RF level on the generator until a point where the letter A (indicates
that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the mea-
sured parameter for Monitor 1
• Record the RF level reading at alarm point in Table 4-9 line c)
Apply a test signal from the RF Signal Generator to the DS input connector in the back of the
cabinet.(Disconnect first the signal cable from the Monitor network). Adjust the signal to the
same RF level and frequency as the normal signal applied to the monitor.
Verify modulation setting (DDM, SDM) by checking the test signal with the Field Test Set.
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for DS DDM.
• Increase DDM from the generator slowly above nominal value until a point where the
letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown
beside the measured parameter for Monitor 1
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line d)
• Decrease DDM from the generator slowly below nominal value until a point where the
letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown
beside the measured parameter for Monitor 1
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
Apply a test signal from the RF Signal Generator to the NF input connector in the back of the
cabinet.(Disconnect first the signal cable from the Near Field Antenna). Adjust the signal to
the same RF level and frequency as the normal signal applied to the monitor.
Verify modulation setting (DDM, SDM) by checking the test signal with the Field Test Set.
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for NF DDM
• Change DDM from the generator slowly towards 150 Hz dominance until a point where
the letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is
shown beside the measured parameter for Monitor 1
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line e)
• Change DDM from the generator slowly towards 90 Hz dominance until a point where
the letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is
shown beside the measured parameter for Monitor 1
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line ee)
Apply a test signal from the RF Signal Generator to the CLR input connector in the back of the
cabinet.(Disconnect first the signal cable from the Monitor network). Adjust the signal to the
same RF level and frequency as the normal signal applied to the monitor.
Modulation shall be: Same as commissioned values DDM and SDM from CLR output of Mon-
itor network.
Verify modulation setting (DDM, SDM) by checking the test signal with the Field Test Set.
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for CLR DDM.
• Increase DDM from the generator slowly from nominal value until a point where the let-
ter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown
beside the measured parameter for Monitor 1
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for CLR SDM.
• Increase SDM from the generator slowly until a point where the letter A (indicates that
monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the measured
parameter for Monitor 1
• Check the new generator SDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line g)
• Decrease SDM from the generator slowly until a point where the letter A (indicates that
monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the measured
parameter for Monitor 1
• Check the new generator SDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line gg)
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values for
• Decrease slowly RF level on the generator until a point where the letter A (indicates
that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the mea-
sured parameter for Monitor 1
• The nominal level reduction should be 1 dB
• Record the RF reading at alarm point in Table 4-9 line h)
Apply a test signal from the RF Signal Generator to the STB CL input connector in the
change-over section. Adjust the signal to the same RF level and frequency as the normal sig-
nal applied to the monitor.
Verify modulation setting (DDM, SDM) by checking the test signal with the Field Test Set.
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
• Increase DDM from the generator slowly above nominal value until a point where the
letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown
beside the measured parameter for STB MON
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line if)
• Decrease DDM from the generator slowly below nominal value until a point where the
letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown
beside the measured parameter for STB MON
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line iiff)
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
• Increase SDM from the generator slowly until a point where the letter A (indicates that
monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the measured
parameter for STB MON
• Check the new generator SDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line jjg)
• Decrease SDM from the generator slowly until a point where the letter A (indicates that
monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the measured
parameter for STB MON
• Check the new generator SDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line jjgg)
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for STB CL RF.
• Decrease slowly RF level on the generator until a point where the letter A (indicates
that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the mea-
Apply a test signal from the RF Signal Generator to the STB DS input connector in the back of
the cabinet. Adjust the signal to the same RF level and frequency as the normal signal applied
to the monitor.
Verify modulation setting (DDM, SDM) by checking the test signal with the Field Test Set.
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for DS DDM.
• Change DDM from the generator slowly towards 150 Hz dominance until a point where
the letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is
shown beside the measured parameter for STB MON
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line lii)
• Change DDM from the generator slowly towards 90 Hz dominance until a point where
the letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is
shown beside the measured parameter for STB MON
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line llii)
Apply a test signal from the RF Signal Generator to the STB CLR input connector in the
back of the cabinet. Adjust the signal to the same RF level and frequency as the normal sig-
nal applied to the monitor.
Verify modulation setting (DDM, SDM) by checking the test signal with the Field Test Set.
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for CL DDM.
• Change DDM from the generator slowly towards 150 Hz dominance until a point where
the letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is
shown beside the measured parameter for Standby monitor
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line m)
• Change DDM from the generator slowly towards 90 Hz dominance until a point where
the letter A (indicates that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is
shown beside the measured parameter for Standby monitor
• Check the new generator DDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line mm)
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
• Increase SDM from the generator slowly until a point where the letter A (indicates that
monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the measured
parameter for Standby monitor
• Check the new generator SDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line n)
• Decrease SDM from the generator slowly until a point where the letter A (indicates that
monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the measured
parameter for Standby monitor
• Check the new generator SDM value with the Field Test Set
• Record in Table 4-9 line nn)
Use the Local Display and Keyboard or the RMM Program to display the measured values
for STB CL RF.
• Decrease slowly RF level on the generator until a point where the letter A (indicates
that monitor has an ALARM for the displayed parameter) is shown beside the mea-
sured parameter for Standby monitor
• Record the RF level reading at alarm point in Table 4-9 line o)
Make an alarm by removing the NF cable to the Cabinet. After the specified delay, the trans-
mitter shall change to Tx2, then after the same time lapse Tx2 shall shut down.
Record in Table 4-1 line a) the measured delay time from cable removal until the standby
transmitter has switched off.
After shutdown check that an immediate attempted restart of a transmitter is inhibited at least
20 seconds from the time the standby Tx is shut off.
Record in Table 4-1 line b) the measured time lapse from the standby transmitter has switched
off until the main transmitter is again radiating to the antenna.
Check with digital voltmeter that the voltage across the battery terminals is approximately 26.6
Vdc. Record in Table 4-1 line a) the measured voltage.
Switch off the mains 220 V. After approximately 10 minutes battery operation with transmitter
to air check that the voltage across the battery terminals is not less than 23 V. Record in Table
4-1 line b) the voltage.
Switch back to mains 220 V. After 24 hours check that the battery terminal voltage is again
back approximately 26.6 Vdc. Record in Table 4-1 line c) the voltage. The 26,6 V can be mon-
itored from the RMM facility.
Due to the construction principle of the LF tone generator, such checks (Annex 10 d/
e and d/e) are done as apart of the System Test in the factory, and are not required
by the equipment manufacturer as a Periodic Maintenance.
However, if such checks are required by the authority, the harmonic content is then measured
for each transmitter. A detector and a wave analyzer can be used. The detected signal is feed-
ing the wave analyzer from which a value is obtained on a root mean square (RMS) calcula-
tion basis. Other instruments as distortion factor meter or NAV Analyzer can be used.
Check that all electrical contacts and connectors are not loose.
Check that the System lamp status is NORMAL after the switches AUTO/MANUAL and
REMOTE ON/OFF are in AUTO and ON respectively.
TRH 90 Hz
TRH 150 Hz
Azimuth % DDM % DDM % DDM % DDM % DDM % DDM % DDM % DDM % DDM
Cou Tx1 Cou Tx2 CLR Tx1 CLR Tx2
a) SBO waveform check (ok) . .
b) CSB/LF phase check (ok) . .
c) DDM check Cou (%DDM) . .
d) SDM check Cou (%SDM) . .
e) Course ident mod (%) . .
Tx1 Tx2
150 Hz frequency Hz
90 Hz-Frequency Hz
Ident (1020 Hz) Fre- Hz
Mon1/Mon2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2
Text Parameter Unit
a) CL DDM Alarm 150 µA/%DDM
aa) CL DDM alarm 90 µA/%DDM
b) CL SDM alarm high %
bb) CL SDM alarm low %
c) CL RF alarm dB
d) DS DDM alarm wide µA/%DDM
dd) DS DDM alarm narrow µA/%DDM
e) NF DDM alarm 150 µA/%DDM
ee) NF DDM alarm 90 µA/%DDM
f) CLR DDM alarm 150 µA/%DDM
ff) CLR DDM alarm 90 µA/%DDM
g) CLR SDM alarm high %
gg) CLR SDM alarm low %
h) CLR RF alarm dB
if) STB CL DDM alarm 150 µA/%DDM
iiff) STB CL DDM alarm 90 µA/%DDM
jg) STB CL SDM alarm high %
jjgg) STB CL SDM alarm low %
kh) STB CL RF alarm dB
li) STB DS DDM alarm wide µA/%DDM
llii) STB DS DDM alarm narrow µA/%DDM
m) STB CLR DDM alarm 150 µA/%DDM
mm) STB CLR DDM alarm 90 µA/%DDM
n) STB CLR SDM alarm high %
nn) STB CLR SDM alarm low %
o) STB CLR RF alarm dB
a) Near Field Monitor Delay sec
b) 20 seconds inhibit sec
a) Battery terminal voltage volts
b) Battery terminal voltage volts
c) Battery terminal voltage volts
TRH 90 Hz
TRH 150 Hz
5.1 Overview
This section contains procedures for locating and replacing faulty Line Replaceable Units
If the LLZ or GP fails, the RMM software should be used to locate the faulty LRU.
The RMM software can perform two types of diagnostic tests based on the measurements
made available by the embedded RMS software in the NORMARC 7000B cabinet:
1. “Current data diagnostics”. The diagnose is here based on live data received from an
connected ILS rack or based on historical data sets (snap shots) of measurements
previously stored to disk
2. Alarm event diagnostics”. This diagnostics function attempts to report the cause of a
transmitter changeover or a changeover/shutdown situation. The diagnose is based on
a particular alarm event in the event list and the corresponding measurements in an
alarm storage that will be downloaded from the rack
The diagnostic tests are based on passive reading of various measurement points inside the
NORMARC 70XXB cabinet and the data from the executive monitors. No special signals need
to be injected for the algorithms to work (although the transmitters must be turned on).
The operator needs to be logged in at access level 1 to perform a Current data diagnostics
and an Alarm event diagnostics. Since only access level 1 is required, the diagnostics tests
can therefore be performed locally or from a remote location using a modem connection.
The Current data diagnostics is invoked by selecting the ILS | Current data diagnostics menu
item in the RMM software.
There are two typical cases in which the current data diagnostics function may be used:
1. On an operative ILS system, on which a warning situation is indicated. In this case the
current data diagnostics can be used to quickly find the cause of the warning without
taking the system out of service
2. In manual mode after a transmitter changeover or shutdown situation (monitor alarm).
The system can then be set to transmit on air, and the current data diagnostics used to
locate the module that is causing the monitor alarms
For detailed information about the algorithms used in the automatic Current data diagnostics,
refer to Section 5.4.3.
The RMS subsystem in the NORMARC 7000B cabinet continuously reads data sets from
monitor 1, 2 and the standby monitor. The last 30 seconds of data are stored in an internal ring
buffer. This buffer is partitioned in groups with different sampling periods:
• For the last 2 seconds, 10 data sets are stored each second for monitor 1 and 2.
Standby monitor data sets are stored at ¼ of this frequency
• For the last 10 seconds, one data set is stored each second
• For the last 30 seconds, monitor 1, 2, standby and maintenance data are stored every
5th second
When a changeover or shutdown alarm occurs the RMS does the following:
1. Stores the ring buffer with the last 30 seconds of monitor and maintenance data from
before the alarm in an internal alarm storage buffer. This buffer resides in non-volatile
2. Places an changeover or shutdown alarm event in the event list. This event includes
alarm state information for each monitor-channel. This information is used by the RMM
software for diagnosing the alarm event
The RMS keeps the seven most recent alarm storage buffers. A changeover-only situation fills
one alarm storage buffer, while a changeover with subsequent shutdown situation uses two
alarm storage buffers.
No alarm storage buffers will be saved if the equipment is in service mode when the alarm
occurs. (Service mode is activated by any of the following switches: Local, Manual, Write Pro-
tect disable, Interlock Override and the Access Grant enable switch on the Remote Control.)
The data in the buffers can be downloaded by the RMM software when a user initiates an
alarm event diagnostics (if the data is not already downloaded), and used in the diagnostic
algorithms described in the following sections.
The operator initiates an alarm event diagnostics by first selecting a changeover or shutdown
alarm in the Event List and then selects the “Event diagnostics” button.
Once the alarm storage has been downloaded it is also possible to display the individual sam-
ples. This method can be used, in addition to the automatic diagnostic function, to find the
cause of changeover or shutdown alarms.
For information on how to download and display historical data see Appendix D.
For detailed information about the algorithms used in the automatic Alarm event diagnostics,
refer to Section 5.4.4.
Should the automatic diagnostic functions fail or give misleading results, manual diagnosis
using external measurement equipment can be performed.
Due to the complexity of the boards and the major use of SMD components we do not recom-
mend trying to repair modules at site unless specially skilled personnel with extensive experi-
ence in repair techniques and the necessary repair equipment is present.
The ILS cabinet is modularly built up to make it possible to change smaller parts of the system
at a relatively low cost.
Power down system. Remove old unit. Check the settings of the step attenuators on the old
unit. Set the attenuators on the new board to the same settings, and place the new unit on an
extender board.
Pre-check. Check that all monitor inputs from MCU are correct. (Use field meas-
urement instrument NORMARC 3710/7710). Make a note of the val-
RF-level. . Set R338 in middle position. Set strap fields S++ on connector P2 and
adjust R338 until TP23 reads 240mV. Adjust RF potentiometer R342
on front of MF 1211 card until DS RF level reads exactly 3,0 volts.
AGC Time. Adjust AGC timing pot R49 until DC value measured at TP1 are the
same with transmitters on and off.
SDM. Adjust SDM pot R48 until the DS SDM reading is the same as the
value measured with the 3710/7710.
DDM. Check that the DS DDM reading is the same as with 3710/7710 (Nom-
inal Value may be set in RMM program to give a DDM screen read-out
of 0%).
DDM Adjustment
Note: Adjustment is only required in connection with calibration or when the MON1 DDM is different
from MON2 DDM
Adjustment Procedure:
• Power down the system, and place the MF12xx card on an extender board. Power up
the system again
• Turn on the transmitters (Course and Clearance).
• Tweak potentiometers (they are located behind the 4 holes in the protection cover
close the red locking-arm. See the picture below) until monitor reads correct DDM
• Repeat the SDM adjustment and recheck that the DDM is correct. If necessary repeat
the DDM / SDM adjustment until both parameter readings are correct
Pre-check. Check that all monitor inputs from MCU are correct. (Use field meas-
urement instrument NORMARC 3710/7710). Make a note of the val-
RF-level. Set R1338 in middle position. Set strap fields S++ on connector P1002
and adjust R1338 until TP1023 reads 240mV. Adjust RF potentiometer
R1342 on front of MF12119 card until CLR RF level reads exactly 3,0
volts. AGC.
AGC Time. Adjust AGC timing pot R1049 until DC value measured at TP 2 is the
same with transmitters on and off.
SDM. Adjust SDM pot R1048 until the CLR SDM reading is the same as the
values measured with the 3710/7710.
DDM. Check that the CLR DDM readings are the same as with 3710/7710
(Nominal Value may be set in RMM program to give a DDM screen
readout of 0%).
DDM Adjustment
Note: Adjustment is only required in connection with calibration or when the MON1 DDM is different
from MON2 DDM
Adjustment Procedure:
• Power down the system, and place the MF12xx card on an extender board. Power up
the system again
• Turn on the transmitters (Course and Clearance).
• Tweak potentiometers (they are located behind the 4 holes in the protection cover
close the red locking-arm. See the picture below) until monitor reads correct DDM
• Repeat the SDM adjustment and recheck that the DDM is correct. If necessary repeat
the DDM / SDM adjustment until both parameter readings are correct
Pre-check. Check that all monitor inputs from MCU are correct. (Use field meas-
urement instrument NORMARC 3710/7710). Make a note of the val-
RF-level. . Set R2338 in middle position. Set strap fields S++ on connector P2002
and adjust R2338 until TP2023 reads 240mV. Adjust RF potentiometer
R2342 on front of MF 1211 card until RF level reads exactly 3,0 volts.
AGC Time. Adjust AGC timing pot R2049 until DC values measured at TP 3 is the
same with transmitters on and off.
SDM. Adjust SDM pot R2048 until the CL SDM readings is the same as the
value measured with the 3710/7710.
DDM. . Check that the CL DDM readings are the same as with 3710/7710.
DDM Adjustment
Note: Adjustment is only required in connection with calibration or when the MON1 DDM is different
from MON2 DDM
Adjustment Procedure:
• Power down the system, and place the MF12xx card on an extender board. Power up
the system again
• Turn on the transmitters (Course and Clearance).
• Tweak potentiometers (they are located behind the 4 holes in the protection cover
close the red locking-arm. See the picture below) until monitor reads correct DDM
• Repeat the SDM adjustment and recheck that the DDM is correct. If necessary repeat
the DDM / SDM adjustment until both parameter readings are correct
Pre-check. Check that all monitor inputs from MCU are correct. (Use field meas-
urement instrument NORMARC 3710/7710). Make a note of the val-
RF-level. . Set R3338 in middle position. Set strap fields S++ on connector P3002
and adjust R3338 until TP3023 reads 240mV. Adjust RF potentiometer
R3342 on front of MF 1211 card until NF RF level reads exactly 3,0
AGC Time. Adjust AGC timing pot R3049 until the DC value measured at TP4 are
the same with transmitters on and off.
SDM. Adjust SDM pot R3048 until the NF SDM readings is the same as the
value measured with the 3710/7710.
DDM . Check that the NF DDM reading is the same as with 3710/7710.
DDM Adjustment
Note: Adjustment is only required in connection with calibration or when the MON1 DDM is different
from MON2 DDM
Adjustment Procedure:
• Power down the system, and place the MF12xx card on an extender board. Power up
the system again
Power down system. Remove the extension card and place the MF 1211 inside cabinet. Turn
transmitters on.
Monitor. Use RMM software to check monitor readings for all four channels. RF
level should now be 3.0V, SDM 40% and DDM 0,0%. It might be nec-
essary to make small adjustments to the RF Level with potentiometers
R342 (DS), R1342 (CLR), R2342 (CL) and R3342 (NF).
Maintenance. Use RMM software to check maintenance values for MF 1211 card.
There shall be no warnings (if the transmitters are on).
Power down system. Remove old unit and place the new unit in the vacant slot.
System: Remove the other PS 1227 unit. Power up the system. Turn transmit-
ters on and set the correct transmitter to air (Transmitter 1 to check
Powersupply 1). Check the monitor readings to verify correct transmit-
ter behaviour.
Maintenance: Power down the ILS, re-insert the other PS 1227 unit, and power up
again. Check the RMM maintenance readings of the PS 1227 system
voltages; check both power supplies.
Power down system. Remove old unit. Write down the strap settings of the old OS 1221A
(LLZ) or 1221B (GP) card and make sure the new card is identically configured. Please refer
to 9.7.1 to verify the frequency selection.
The frequency of the RF output signal is normally factory adjusted. To adjust the frequency,
power down the ILS, place the OS 1221 card on an extender board and adjust by fine-tuning
the capacitor C1. Turn off 90, 150 and 1020 Hz modulation tones from RMM software. Meas-
ure the RF frequency at the CSB outlet at the front of the ILS cabinet.
Adjust until frequency is less than 1 kHz from operating frequency. Trimmer C1 adjusts course
and clearance frequencies simultaneously.
Power down the system and place the card inside cabinet.
• Power down system. Remove old unit
• Compare the version numbers of the removable EPROM on the card. Make sure the
new unit contains the same or newer EPROM software version
• Place the new card in the vacant slot
1. Use RMM software to upload configuration to the replaced monitor board
2. Check that the CL, DS, NF and CLR measurements in the RMM software are the
same as before the replacement. Adjust the channel gains on the corresponding mon-
itor frontend board if any discrepancies are seen
Monitor. Make sure the ILS is operating in normal state (transmitters on) and
check that all parameters are normal.
Final. Make a printout of the monitor values (Print Report) and settings.
Compare with previous report taken before the board was replaced.
Check that the alarm limits and delays are the same as before.
Make sure that all configuration straps (U6 and U13) are set as on the previous module. The
best way to do this is to exchange the U6 and U13 component platforms.
Compare the version numbers of the EPROM- and FPGA units on the board. Make sure the
new unit contains the same EPROM and FPGA versions.
Start up: Check that the ILS front panel display shows the correct equipment
setting (e.g. NORMARC 7013B Two-frequency Localizer).
Maintenance: Check the maintenance parameters for the TCA 1218 unit.
Front Panel: Set the local/remote switch in local position and the auto/manual
switch in manual position. Check that it is possible to turn transmitters
on/off and perform a changeover.
Integrity test: Turn main transmitter(s) on. Set the auto/manual switch in auto posi-
tion. Use RMM software to switch off the 90 Hz tones of both main
transmitters. Observe that a changeover, and after a while a shutdown
takes place.
For more extensive integrity testing of the monitors, please refer to Section 4.
Battery replacement may lead to loss of the historical information (alarm log, medium time log,
long time log and event list) stored in the cabinet. The real time clock of the cabinet may also
be lost.
To avoid loss of any historical information download this to the computer BEFORE changing
the battery.
If the battery is changed in less than 15 sec. loss of historical information and real time clock is
normally avoided.
Download all historical information (Alarm log, medium and long time log.). The events from
the cabinet are automatically downloaded when you connect to the cabinet.
Get hold of a new battery. Power down the system. Pull out the RMA 1215 module. Change
After power up, log in as MASTER and check the real time clock of the cabinet [ILS settings –
General... – Date/time]. If necessary change the time.
Cabinet contains a Lithium Battery coin type CR2032 located on board RM 1213. Replace
only with CR2032 type battery and install with + pole facing out as marked on battery holder.
Following precautions for Safe Handling and Use of Lithium Batteries should be noted:
• Do not disassemble, crush, expose to fire or high temperatures/sunlight
• Do not short or install with incorrect polarity
• Dispose in accordance with appropriate regulations. Lithium button cell batteries such
as CR2032 contains so little lithium that it can normally be disposed of in the normal
municipal waste stream
Power down system. Remove old unit. Compare the version numbers of the removable RMS
EPROM on the board. Make sure the new unit contains the same or newer EPROM software
• Use RMM software to upload configuration to RMA 1215
• The following settings are not stored in the configuration file and must be manually
updated: ILS Date/time, Modem configuration, User configuration, Lamp mappings
and Medium storage sample interval
• If the version number of the RMS EPROM is lower than 13, it is necessary to upload
configuration to monitor 1, 2 and standby monitor if present. Note that if this is done it
is also necessary to perform a monitor limits test as described in Section 4
Monitor. Make sure the ILS is operating in normal state (transmitters on) and
check that all parameters are normal.
Maintenance. Check the maintenance parameters for the RMA 1215 unit.
Power down system. Remove old unit and place the new unit on an extender board.
Monitor. Make sure the ILS is operating in normal state (transmitters on) and
check that all parameters are normal.
Maintenance. Check the maintenance parameters for the replaced LF 1576 board.
Set the equipment in LOCAL and MANUAL. Set MAIN SELECT and TX TO AIR to TX1. Turn
on TX1 COURSE and TX1 CLEARANCE (if applicable) by the TX1 pushbuttons. Leave TX2
off. Verify that the monitor 1 and monitor 2 readings for CL, DS and CLR are normal. Turn off
the transmitters.
applicable) by the TX2 pushbuttons. Leave TX1 off. Verify that the monitor 1 and monitor 2
readings for CL, DS and CLR are normal. Turn off the transmitters. Set the equipment to
Power down system. Remove old unit and place the new unit in cabinet.
Field adjustment of the transmitter may normally only be necessary in the following situations:
• Installing a new system
• Changing channel frequency of existing system
• Replacing a faulty unit
The following procedure describes how the LPA/GPA modules should be checked/aligned if a
major discrepancy is observed. It may be necessary to carry out the procedure during the
installation phase of a new installation, if the channel frequency of the system is being
changed or when a replacement module is put into the system.
At the end of the procedure there is also a description describing how to set system parame-
ters as DDM, SDM CSB/SBO phase even if these parameter adjustment really are system
adjustments and will normally be done during antenna system alignment.
All adjustments is to be accessed via the RMM program logged in as level 3 user or higher.
The alignments are to be carried out both for CSB and for SBO. The parameters to read and
adjust for the SBO transmitter are given in brackets after the CSB parameter.
DDM-meter / PIR
RF-power meter
Provide optimal (symmetrical) operating point for the phase/amplitude feedback signal into the
Error Amplifier.
Open Transmitter settings window. Select PA Adj. tab. Select Transmitter TXx COU. Select
Loop phase tab. Click Enable test mode.
HBK 1407-1
If the angle range is outside the range, adjust the value for CSB (SBO) Loop until the angle is
within the range given in the adjustment range
For adjustment double click on CSB (SBO) Loop Phase or select the parameter by clicking on
it and then click the Edit button.
Cancel demodulator dc offsets, i.e. provide zero dc output signal with no rf input signal to the
demodulator. In the SBO transmitter set a balanced SBO signal.
Connect a LF oscilloscope to CSB BNC test connector on TXx. Observe the normal demodu-
lated CSB waveform.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Select Offset tab. Click Enable test mode. Click on I-signal radio button. Observe feedback
message: Q off.
1. Select Tx
3. Observe
2. Activate
4. Adjust
HBK 1409-1
Observe on the scope that the normal CSB waveform has changed to a lower level single
tone demodulated pattern. (Expand the scope level).
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
If the peak values levels are not equal, double click on CSB OFFSET I and adjust the value
until the peak levels are equal. Close the adjustments window.
Click on Q-signal radio button. Observe that text changes to I-Off. If the peak values levels are
not equal, double click on CSB OFFSET Q and adjust the value until the peak levels are
equal. Close the adjustments window.
Cancel demodulator dc offsets, i.e. provide zero dc output signal with no rf input signal to the
demodulator. In the SBO transmitter set a balanced SBO signal.
Move the oscilloscope to the SBO BNC test connector. Observe the normal demodulated
SBO waveform.
0 0,005 0,01 0,015 0,02 0,025 0,03 0,035
Select Offset tab. Click Enable test mode. Click on I-signal radio button. Observe feedback
message: Q off.
1. Select Tx
3. Observe
2. Activate
4. Adjust
HBK 1410-1
Observe on the scope that the SBO waveform has decreased in level.
0 0,005 0,01 0,015 0,02 0,025 0,03 0,035
0 0,005 0,01 0,015 0,02 0,025 0,03 0,035
Look for the smallest level peaks. If the peak values levels are not equal, double click on SBO
OFFSET I and adjust the value until the peak levels are equal. Close the adjustments window.
Click on Q-signal radio button. Observe that text changes to I-Off. If the peak values levels are
not equal, double click on SBO OFFSET Q and adjust the value until the peak levels are
equal. Close the adjustments window.
Connect a calibrated power meter to the CSB (SBO) output of the Cabinet. Switch on TXx to
Select Power tab. If the displayed value differs from the external power meter value, adjust
CSB forward Power (SBO forward Power) scaling factor.
1. Select Tx
2. Observe
3. Adjust
HBK 1404-1
5.4.1 Overview
The following sections begins with a description of the diagnostic solutions that may be
reported by the software, then continues with detailed descriptions of the Current data diag-
nostics and the Alarm event diagnostics function.
The following table lists and describes the diagnostic solutions that may be reported by the
diagnostic functions in the RMM software.
The following sub-sections describes the tests performed by the RMM software for current
data diagnostics. All diagnostic solutions detected are recorded and presented to the opera-
tor. If a diagnostic solution is found to be the result of more than one test, the solution that is
the result of most tests will be listed first. I2C read error on any board implies a failure on that board
If a board is reported with “ERROR” status there is probably a fault on this board. “ERROR”
indicates that the RMS does not detect valid I2C-bus acknowledge signals from the board
when attempting to read its maintenance data. All boards, except the TX Control board, in the
NORMARC 70XXB cabinet have an I2C-interface to the RMS board.
Note: If several boards are indicated with “ERROR” status, the problem may be a faulty I2C interface
on the RMS board, or any of the boards may have a “stuck-at” error on the I2C bus signals. If
both the COU and CLR transmitters are instructed with “ERROR” status, the problem may be a
faulty I2C interface or RMS bus communication with the corresponding LF generator board.
If there is a maintenance warning indication on the external power module, there is a problem
with the 27V power supply, the battery chargers or the system is on battery operation.
1. If there is a maintenance warning indication on power supply 1 and not on power sup-
ply 2, or vice versa, there is a fault on the power supply which has the warning
2. If there is a maintenance warning on both power supply boards AND not on the exter-
nal power module both power supplies are faulty
A maintenance warning on a board listed in the following table indicates that there is a fault on
that board.
LF generator 1 or 2
Oscillator 1 or 2
RMS board
Monitor 1 or 2
TX Control board
User defined inputs
The algorithm assumes that a warning indication on any of the measurements on a PA means
there is a failure on this PA, if the corresponding OS and LF have no maintenance warning
indications. (A fault on the OS and LF may cause a warning on the PA.)
Warning on monitor frontend 1 implies monitor frontend 1 failure if there is no warning on mon-
itor frontend 2 and vice versa.
The maintenance measurements from the monitor frontend boards will be affected by the
monitor input signals, i.e. the diagnostic algorithm can not use these measurements alone to
reliably diagnose fault on the monitor frontend boards. The algorithm assumes that both fron-
tends are fed the same input signals. If a maintenance warning then exists on one, but not
both of the boards, this board is assumed to be faulty. If maintenance warnings exists on both
boards no knowledge is gained about monitor frontend health status.
If there is a “RC link status” warning, there is a problem with the remote control or its data link.
A warning on the RC link status indicates that the TXC does not receive valid data from the
remote control unit.
TX control “EPROM check” or “Integrity check” warnings indicate a failure on the TXC board.
If there is a warning on the standby monitor frontend board AND there is no warning or alarm
indication on the standby monitor measurements then the standby monitor frontend board is
If there is a warning on any of the user defined inputs then “User defined input” is faulty.
Monitor self-test failure indicates an error on the monitor board that reports this failure.
If both monitor 1 AND monitor 2 reports DC-loop alarms or warnings the antenna has a broken
Figure 5-10 illustrates the tests done by the RMM software for automatically diagnosing faults
that result in monitor 1 and 2 warning indications.
Start monitor
warning tests.
CL or DS CLR warning
NF warning on DF warning on
warning on both No No on both No
both monitors? both monitors?
monitors? monitors?
Yes Yes No
Warning on NF
RF on one or No
Warning on both mon.?
active OS?
Active OS is faulty
No Active LF is faulty
Active course or
clearance PA is faulty
Monitor warning
tests done.
If one monitor indicates delayed warning, raw alarm or alarm on any parameter and the other
monitor does not, then the monitor which indicates the delayed warning, raw alarm or alarm is
probably faulty.
The flow diagram in Figure 5-11 describes the algorithm used to diagnosing a changeover
alarm that is not followed by a shutdown alarm. The RMM software uses the maximum config-
ured monitor alarm delay to determine whether a changeover alarm is followed by a shut-
down. If no shutdown alarm event occurred within the maximum configured alarm delay after
the changeover alarm event this algorithm will be used.
No maintenance
Start changeover
CL or DS Main COU TX is
Maint warn on Main OS is faulty Yes
Yes alarm? faulty
main OS?
External obstruction
NF alarm? Yes is blocking signal
Maint warn on
Yes Main LF is faulty
main LF?
Main CLR TX is
CLR alarm? Yes
Maint warn on Main COU TX is
main COU TX? faulty
Unable to diagnose
No maintenance
diagnose done
A changeover alarm event that is followed by a shutdown alarm event within the maximum
configured monitor delay will be diagnosed as described in this section. The algorithm used
depends on the voting configuration.
Figure 5-12 shows the flow diagram for diagnosing changeover/shutdown situations on sys-
tems with 2/2 voting.
The algorithm is based on the fact that a fault (in a 2/2 voting system) which causes a com-
plete shutdown, must be some point that is common for the transmitter section and the moni-
toring section.
Start changeover/
shutdown diagnose.
Is there maint.
The TXC board is
warnings on the Yes
TXC board?
Common cabling is
Changeover/ shutdown
diagnose done.
This section contains a tabulation of electrical and certain mechanical assemblies and parts;
i.e. chassis-mounted components, circuit cards assemblies, and modules of the equipment to
the lowest replaceable unit (LRU).
* RCA 1240C can in some locations be replaced by RCA 1240E (part no. 22248)
** RCA 1240D can in some locations be replaced by RCA 1240F (part no. 22249)
6.2 Figures
Figure 6-3 NORMARC 70xxB LLZ & GP cabinet, wall mount side
The NORMARC 70XXB cabinet is constructed for mounting on a wall. For easy operation, the
keyboard/display section should be in eye/shoulder height (140-160cm). The RF connectors
may be mounted either on the cabinet top or the cabinet bottom. The free space required
around the cabinet is approximately one by one meter, see Figure 7-1
If the wall is not able to carry the weight of the cabinet (see technical specifications), Park Air
Systems AS supplies a wall mounting kit, MK 1343A. This kit is dimensioned for standard 60
cm space between studs. For easy mounting, place the cabinet on the rest screws (B) before
entering the mounting screws (A). This is shown in the enlarged view in Figure 7-2
1855 - 1890
919 - 954
Adjust. screw
HBK 1260-1
If desired the RF connectors may be moved from the cabinet top to the bottom or vice versa,
as illustrated in Figure 7-3. The back section (F) of the main cabinet has similar hole patterns
in the top and bottom flange. To move the connectors, follow these steps:
Move the metal bracket with anti-turn holes from the bottom to the top while disconnecting the
grounding strap from the lower end of the L-shaped vertical rail and reconnecting at the top or
vice versa.
This paragraph describes the external electrical connections of the NORMARC 7013B-7014B
main cabinet.
The ILS main cabinet has three connector groups, illustrated in Figure 7-5
• The ILS RF signals to and from the antenna system are connected at the bottom of the
main cabinet. These connectors may be moved to the top, see Mechanical Installation
• The power supply (supplies) and the backup battery are connected to the power con-
nector rail inside the cabinet back section
• All other external connections are sited on the Connection Interface board CI 1210A
inside the cabinet back section
3 RS 232
The power supply and the backup battery are connected to the power connector rail inside the
cabinet back section as shown in Figure 7-6 and Figure 7-7 depending on configuration. The
cables used should have at least 4mm2 cross section. Circuit breakers shall be used between
the ILS Cabinet and the batteries.
A DC powered modem or other external equipment designed for 22V - 27V DC can be con-
nected to the fused terminal block marked Modem, (7011B, 13B, 31B and 33B) or to the
modem terminals on the BW 1566 (7012B, 14B, 32B and 34B). Maximum current consump-
tion should be 1 A.
7.2.3 RF Inputs
7.2.4 RF Outputs
The RF outputs are connected as illustrated in Figure 7-9. The connections are:
All applications:
• COU SBO - COUrse Tx Side Band Only
COU CSB - COUrse Tx Carrier and Side Band Two frequency applications:
• CLR SBO - CLeaRance Tx SideBand Only
• CLR CSB - CLeaRance Tx Carrier and SideBand
The DC loops are connected to the Connection Interface board CI 1210A in the cabinet back
section. Location and pin out are illustrated in Figure 7-10
• Ch X in* are the reference voltages from the main cabinet
• Ch X out* are the return voltages from the antennas
• GND is main cabinet ground
The remote control is connected to the Connection Interface board CI 1210A as illustrated in
Figure 7-11. The connection of the remote control, remote slave panel and interlock switch is
done at the remote control site and covered in Section 7.2.13 - 7.2.16
• FSK_[P,N] is the modem line pair
• GND is main cabinet ground
For normal FSK modem operation the straps S9-11 on CI 1210A should be mounted.
PC terminals and modems are connected to the standard pin out RS 232, 9 pins DSUB con-
nectors. The Remote 1 and Remote 2 connectors are located on the Connection Interface
board CI 1210A as illustrated in Figure 7-12. The Local connector is located on the front of the
When the LLZ shall be used as ident master, connect as shown in Figure 7-14 or Figure 7-15.
In the RMM program, ILS settings / Transmitter settings, DME interface tab (see Appendix D),
set LLZ as master and the DME active signal according to the DME’s manual. The IDENT
TYPE can be set to CODE or PULSE. If set to CODE, the LLZ will send the Morse code enve-
lope to the DME. If set to PULSE, the LLZ send a start pulse to the DME. When the DME is
active, the LLZ will send every forth ident word to the DME. When the DME is inactive the LLZ
will be keying four out of four words. If the LLZ shall be keying three out of four words whether
the DME is active or not, disconnect the DME ACTIVE wires and program the DME active sig-
nal to OPEN.
NM 701x LLZ
CI 1210
a 1 S1
1 2 3
b 2
1 2 3
3 S4
1 2 3
4 1 2 3
1 2 3
c 5
1 2 3
d 6
1 2 3
Figure 7-14 shows the recommended configuration for colocation with Fernau 2020 and
Thales 415 DMEs’, refer to the DME handbook for configuration of the DME.
DME CI1210
1 S1
+ 1 2 3
2 1 2 3
1 2 3
3 S4
1 2 3
4 1 2 3
1 2 3
5 15k
- S8
1 2 3
Figure 7-15 shows an alternative configuration of the keyer outputs with loop current sourced
from the outputs. This is set by S1, S2 and S3 for the DME active signal and with S7 and S8
for the Ident signal. Refer to Figure 7-16 for circuit details.
If the DME shall be used as ident master, connect as shown in Figure 7-17. In the RMM pro-
gram, ILS settings / Transmitter settings, DME interface tab (see Appendix D), set DME as
master and DME active signal to OPEN. The IDENT TYPE can be set to CODE or PULSE. If
set to CODE, the LLZ will receive the Morse code envelope from the DME. If set to PULSE,
the LLZ will radiate its own programmed Morse code when it receives a start pulse from the
DME. If the LLZ does not receive any ident signal for approximately 20 seconds, the LLZ will
start to transmit its own programmed Morse code. When the DME signal returns, the LLZ will
start to transmit the DME code instantaneously.
DME CI1210
1 S1
1 2 3
2 1 2 3
1 2 3
3 S4
1 2 3
2.7K S5
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
HBK770-2 P8
Current sourcing from the DME is shown, current can be sourced from the LLZ by moving S4,
S5 and S6 to position 1-2. Refer to Figure 7-18 for details.
The analog inputs are connected to the Connection Interface board CI 1210A as illustrated in
Figure 7-19
Max input voltage relative to GND is ±15 V (zener diodes will clamp the signal if this limit is
Theoretically, full-scale positive is achieved by applying approx. +32 V, this would give a read-
ing = 2047 when scale=1 and offset=0. Fullscale negative approx.: -32 V (gives a reading of -
2048 when scale=1 and offset=0).
However, the full resolution of the A/D converter cannot be utilized in single ended mode since
the maximum input voltage relative to GND is ±15V, limiting the readings to approx. ±1000.
Read-out value = Ax + B
A is the “scale” value configured in the RMM “Analog user parameter” setup window,
B is the “offset” value configured in the RMM “Analog user parameter” setup window,
Eight bidirectional digital channels (numbered 0-7) are located on the Connection Interface
board CI 1210A as illustrated in Figure 7-21
Note about using these channels as inputs on CI 1210A part rev. 3 or earlier:
To drive a channel configured as an input the user equipment must be able to source approx.
10 mA at +5 V for the high logic level. This can be sourced from the +27V by using a 2.7
kOhms resistor. There is no need to pull down for the low logic level.
Two inputs for main power supply failure (backup battery active) are sited on the CI 1210A
connection interface board as illustrated in Figure 7-23
The IIC extension is intended for use with future equipment connected to the ILS equipment.
The IIC SDA and IIC SCL signals are protected with automatic fuses.
The remote control is connected to the corresponding ILS by connecting the REMOTE CON-
TROL connector on Connection Interface CI 1210 to P9 on Motherboard MB 1346, as shown
in Figure 7-25.
Suitable female connectors are Weidemüller BLZ-5.08/4 or equivalent. 600 Ohms cable
should be used.
1 - GND 1 - TXOFF
J2 P9 P3
P10 5
CI 1210
TX A 10
corresponding RS 232 SLAVE RS485
ILS 2 - TxD
on 9 - TxD_Rx
(RxD loopback)
corresponding P7 25
Marker Beacon
5V 3-NORM (C) 5V
4-NORM (E)
5-WARN (C)
24V 6-WARN (E)
The power supply to the remote control is connected according to Figure 7-26. The power
supply is connected to P2 pin 1 and 3 on the MB 1347 - power supply motherboard. Optional
standby power / battery can be connected to P2 pin 2 and 4. Output connector P3 on MB
1347 is connected to input connector P4 on MB 1346 - remote control motherboard. Several
MB 1346's are serial linked by connecting P5 on one board to P4 on the next.
An optional variable power supply 0-24V can also be used to reduce the illumination of the
Normal and Warning LED's during night operation. If the V_dim voltage is used, the jumper S1
on MB 1347 must be removed. If S1 is removed without supplying an additional V_dim volt-
age, only the Alarm LED will illuminate.
MB1346 MB1346
J2 P9 P3 J2 P9 P3
J1 J1 J1
P10 5 P10 5 F1 5
TX A 10 TX A 10 10
TX B TX B P2 From
P8 P8 GND power
S1 From
P7 25 P7 25 25 Optional
P5 P4 P5 P4 P3 Battery
5V 3-NORM (C) 5V 5V 3-NORM (C) 5V 5V
4-NORM (E) 4-NORM (E)
5-WARN (C)
6-WARN (E)
24V 24V
5-WARN (C)
6-WARN (E)
24V 24V From
V_DIM V_DIM optional variable
0V-24V DC
power supply
The J2-connector provides an alternative possibility to connect to the ILS using RS-232.
Mating connector should be a 25-pin male DSUB using Pin 2 as Tx (from ILS remote control),
pin 3 as Rx (to ILS remote control) and pin 7 as GND.
If required, the GP can be configured to shut down automatically when the LLZ is off. Connect
a wire from P9 ALARM on the Motherboard MB 1346A that belongs to the LLZ to P9 TXOFF
on the MB 1346A that belongs to the GP. Refer to Figure 7-27.
MB1346 MB1346
J2 P9 P3 J2 P9 P3
J1 J1
P10 5 P10 5
TX A 10 TX A 10
15 15
P8 P8
P7 25 P7 25
The remote slave panel SF 1344 is connected to the corresponding remote control's mother-
board by connecting P3 on MB 1346 to P1 on SF 1344. P10 on MB 1346 is not used. See Fig-
ure 7-28.
Suitable connectors are standard 25 pins female DSUB (Harting 0967 025 0442 and 0967 225
4704 or equivalent), connected by a 10 wire 1:1 cable.
J2 P9 P3
To P1
P10 5
1:1 on
TX A 10
19 - ON/OFF
20 - Changeover
21 - Silence
22 - Access grant
23 - Interlock
HBK 774-2
SF1344 / P2
5 4 2 1
1 2 LLZ runway B
LLZ runway A
2 1
1 2 GP runway B
GP runway A
2 1
Note 1:
When MB 1346A is used with Remote Control Assembly RCA 1240C or D and Interlock func-
tion is not used (connected), a jumper plug must be installed in P8.
Note 2:
When the Interlock switch is used, the jumper plug normally installed in MB 1346-P8 must be
Note 3:
If the CAT Status Panel system MB 1508/CF 1510/CP 1511 is used the Interlock switch shall be
connected to MB 1509.
The Remote Control system has 3 uncommitted digital signals in each direction. These can be
used to transmit additional status and control signals between the remote control and equip-
ment rack. Please note that if the signals are connected to external equipment such as other
navaids or intrusion alarms, relays or optocouplers shall be used to provide a galvanic barrier.
For a number of purposes the NORMARC SK 1470 kit is suitable.
The signals are available on MB 1575, P15 in the ILS rack, and on MB 1346, P6 in the remote
Signal interfaces:
All inputs are TTL level with pull-up to 5VDC. Outputs are TTL buffers with a drive capability of
20mA maximum. Care must be taken to avoid overloading the outputs. This may occur if the
outputs are connected directly to external equipment without a galvanic barrier.
J2 P9 P3
P10 5
TX A 10
2 4 6 8 10 SLAVE RS485
1 3 5 7 9
P7 25
5V 3-NORM (C) 5V
4-NORM (E)
5-WARN (C)
24V 6-WARN (E)
The remote control has optocoupler outputs for the following signals:
• Normal
• Warning
• Alarm
• Standby Alarm
Connector layout:
Example: When Alarm is indicated, The Alarm optocoupler is saturated, giving a low imped-
ance connection between pin 1 and 2.
The motherboard MB 1575A has a number of configuration straps. In LLZ cabinets, they can
be used to connect various logical signals to the Remote Control Auxiliary channels:
Strap Strap/Signal name Comment Notes
S5 VOICE_ACT_1 ON No configuration
S6 VOICE_ACT_2 ON No configuration
Note 1:
The straps S7, S8, S9 and S10 are used to connect the alarm and warning outputs of the
optional Far Field Monitor controller (refer to Appendix B) to the Remote Control Auxiliary chan-
nels; refer also to 7.2.17.
Note 2:
Strap S11 can be used to transmit DME ident synchronisation via the Remote Control Auxiliary
channels. The DME interface must be set to LLZ as master and Ident type to PULSE if this
function is used, refer to, 7.2.17 and Appendix D, D.4.4.3 for details.
Follow this procedure to set the configurations in the ILS according to the desired system con-
Set the correct configuration for this ILS according to this table. The strap platforms U6 and
U13 for configuration of the Station Control and the Remote Control Interface are located on
Transmitter Control Assembly TCA 1218 (Figure 7-35).
Strap 10 is used for resetting the master Password in case this has been lost. The procedure
is as follows:
• Power rack off
• Insert a temporary link for strap 10 on the configuration-block U6 on the TCA 1218
The action following a lost contact with Remote Control is configurable with U6 and U13 in
combination according to Table 7-2 (applies from revision 3 of the TCA 1218 board).
Normally a changeover does not influence the Main/Standby transmitter selection. However
by setting straps according to Table 7-3, a Changeover from Remote Control will in addition to
changing transmitter-on-air also redefine the main and Standby transmitters (similar to press-
ing Main Select (TX1/TX2) and Changeover on Local Control Panel) (applies from revision 3
of the TCA 1218 board).
During Service mode of operation, transmitting ILS equipment is normally not shown as a
green Normal LED on the Remote Control panel, only the red Alarm LED will be lit. A special
Service Mode for the Remote Control display has been implemented for interfacing with cus-
tomized Remote Control and Monitoring Systems. In this configuration the Alarm, Warning
and Normal LED will be showing system status as during normal operation and the Remote
Control panel will indicate that the ILS equipment is in Service mode by a lit Access LED,
often relabelled as SERVICE instead of ACCESS. This mode is configured as shown in Table
7-4 (applies from revision 4 of the TCA 1218 board).
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
U13 U6 HBK592-3
The allowed access levels on REMOTE ports 1 and 2 on the RMS can be configured by set-
ting jumpers S1-S4 on the Transmitter Control Assembly TCA1218A (Figure 7-35) according
to Table 7-5.
Use the RMM Program to configure which warnings shall cause system warning, i.e. illumi-
nate the RC main warning lamp. The main warning lamp is the warning indication given on the
Slave Panel for the Air Traffic Controllers.
The transmission medium (telephone line (internal FSK modem) or RS232 (or external
modem)) to the Remote Control can be selected by plugs (see fig. 7-11) and link straps S9 –
S14 on the Connection Interface CI 1210.
NOTE: For external modem, use setting "RS-232 with CD" (Carrier Detect) or setting "RS-232 without
CD" depending on whether CD is supported by the modem or not.
The modem shall be configured as follows (refer to Westermo handbook supplied with the
• Set status DIP switch S1 bit 1 to OFF (Disabled). S1 bit 2-9 are not used
• Calculate Power budget for the installation as described and set transmitted power
DIP switch S2 bit 5 to OFF (Low) or ON (High) as required for the line loss
The modem in the ILS cabinet end is connected to DB9M connector marked RS 232 Remote
Control on the CI 1210 using a standard DB9F to DB9M modem cable. Use setting “RS-232
without CD” in Table 7-6 above.
The modem in the Remote Control end is connected to DB25F connector marked Alt. Link on
the MB 1346 using a DB25M gender changer and a standard DB25F to DB25M modem cable.
The Aural Alarm / Warning functions and transmission medium (telephone line or RS 232) in
the Remote Control can be selected by link straps: The strap links S6 to S12 will give Aural
Warning for the following warning parameters when connected:
Strap Function
S1 in Silence on Remote Control resets Remote Control buzzer only
S1 out Silence on Remote Control resets both Remote Control and Slave Panel buzzer
S5 in Silence on Slave Panel resets Slave Panel buzzer only
S5 out Silence on Slave Panel resets both Remote Control and Slave Panel buzzer
Strap Function
S4 in Buzzer connected
S4 out Buzzer disconnected
The following optional strap links S13-S15 are available only on the alternative RCA 1240E
and RCA 1240F:
Strap Function
S13 IN A Low Interlock signal turns OFF transmitter
S13 OUT A High Interlock signal turns OFF transmitter (Default)
S14 IN Low active slave output state (Default)
S14 OUT High active slave output state
S15 IN Active Interlock blank all RC LEDS apart from equip-
ment erroneously ON indication
S15 OUT Active Interlock does not blank RC LEDS (Default)
Strap 13 shall be OUT except when directly replacing RCA 1240A/B. (Note 1)
Strap 14 shall be IN for all standard slave panels. It shall be OUT when used with the NATS
RISCI system (failsafe outputs) or other special applications.
Strap 15 shall normally be OUT. When it is IN, lamps will behave as on RCA 1240C/D)
Note 1: If replacing RCA 1240A/B it is strongly recommended to change the interlock wiring to give a
high interlock signal for OFF rather than using strap 13.
The following sub paragraphs describe the System alignments. Two options are given for
each adjustment. The first "initial installation" is the one to be carried out during installation of
a new ILS. The second one "Replacement" is to be carried out if an LPA/GPA module has
been replaced.
HBK 1412-1 Replacement
HBK 1408-1
Connect oscilloscope channel A to the BNC test connector labelled CSB located on LPA/GPA
Course 1 (2). (LPA CLR1(2))
Adjust 90 Hz COU phase in the RMM program (Transmitter setting/signal adj.) observing
oscilloscope channel A until the waveform equals left hand graph in Figure 7-38.
A significant indication of correct LF phase is that the pair of the intermediate peaks are equal
in amplitude.
HBK 1414-1
Connect a calibrated DDM-meter / PIR to the relevant test BNC jack on the ventilation cover.
Adjust COU (CLR) SDM until the correct SDM measurement is achieved. Replacement
Change between the transmitter 1 and 2 and compare the SDM reading. Adjust the COU
(CLR) SDM of the new transmitter until the SDM readings are within +/- 0.02%SDM of the
other transmitter.
HBK 1411-1
Connect a calibrated DDM-meter / PIR to the relevant test BNC jack on the ventilation cover.
Adjust COU (CLR) DDM until the correct DDM measurement is achieved. Replacement
Change between the transmitter 1 and 2 and compare the SDM reading. Adjust the COU
(CLR) DDM of the new transmitter until the DDM readings are within +/- 0.5uA of the other
2. Open Flight Check window
The first is preferred for LLZ while the second must be used for GP since phasing of GP
requires inserting of 90 degree stub.
HBK 1415-1
1. Insert
90° stub
2.Observe 3. Adjust
HBK 1406-1
During antenna system adjustments the CSB/SBO phase will be adjusted. Please refer to the
antenna systems handbooks for detailed procedure.
Select the first option mentioned above for LLZ and the second option for GP. Replacement
Change between the transmitter 1 and 2 and compare the DDM reading. Adjust the SBO
phase of the new transmitter until the DDM readings are within +/- 0.5uA of the other transmit-
Connect the DDM-meter / PIR to the monitor return cable lower antenna (M1).
Open Fligh Check window, insert 90 degree stub or, alternatively, connect the 90 degree cable
stub in the SBO cable.
Change between the transmitter 1 and 2 and compare the DDM reading. Adjust the SBO
phase of the new transmitter until the DDM readings are within +/- 0.5uA of the other transmit-
HBK 1413-1
During antenna system adjustments the Course Sector will be adjusted. Please refer to the
antenna systems handbooks for detailed procedure.
Adjust COU (CLR) SBO level until the correct Course Sector is achieved. Replacement
Change between the transmitter 1 and 2 and compare the DDM reading. Adjust the COU
(CLR) SBO level of the new transmitter until the DDM readings are within +/- 0.5uA of the
other transmitter.
Check the Morse code value. If it is not correct, push the Edit button and type in the correct
Connect the Field Test Set to the CSB COU (CLR) test connector on the ventilation cover
through a 20 or 30 dB attenuator.
Open Transmitter settings window. Select Modulation tab. Set the Morse signal to Cont. (con-
Select Signal adj. tab. Select COU 1020Hz level (CLR 1020Hz level). Push Edit and adjust the
modulation level
On the Field Test Set read IDENT MOD. The nominal reading should be 10% MOD, alterna-
tively the same value as previous recording. (If voice modulation is applied the Ident modula-
tion shall be 5% modulation depth.)
The values in the Flight Check window will normally be set during the Commissioning flights to
give signal values that correspond to the alarm limits.
To set the signal values, open the Flight Check window, select the transmitter on air (Tx1|Tx2)
and Alarm limit check. Set values as required for alarm limit checks.
HBK 1405-1
After the transmitters has been aligned correctly the antenna system must be aligned. This
includes mechanical adjustments of the Antenna System, electrical adjustments (phasing)
and adjustments of the ADU and MCU.
For details, refer to the adjustment procedure for each antenna system.
7.6.1 General
Description is given only for the DS channels. R338++ means that the other channels has
numbers R1338, R2338 and R3338 for CL, CLR and NF channels.
Before any monitor adjustments are attempted, the following procedures shall be completed:
Transmitter Setup
Network alignments
It is imperative for the result that the signals from the Monitor Combining Network (MCU) are
correct. Check these signals with the ILS Field Test Set / NAV Analyzer.
These signals are used for aligning the monitors.
Adjust the jumper settings in P2++ and potentiometer R338++ until the voltage is 240mV at
Turn off the equipment and remove the extender card. Set the Monitor Frontend MF 12xx in its
correct position. Turn on the transmitters.
Adjust the RF level potentiometer on the front of Monitor Frontend MF 12xx until the monitor
gives a RF level reading of 3.0V.
Adjust the AGC TIM potentiometer on the front of Monitor Frontend MF 12xx until the AGC
voltage (TP1,2,3 or 4) is the same as with a nominal RF input.
Do this for all four monitor channels on all of the Monitor Frontend MF 12xx modules in the
Adjust the SDM potentiometer on the front of Monitor Frontend MF 12xx until the monitors
reads 40.0% (LZZ)/80.0% (GP)SDM +/- 0.1%SDM.
Measure and note down the DDM values from the MCU and NF antenna with help of the Field
Test Set.
DDM Adjustment
Note: Adjustment is only required in connection with calibration or when the MON1 DDM is different
from MON2 DDM
Adjustment Procedure:
• Power down the system, and place the MF12xx card on an extender board. Power up
the system again
• Turn on the transmitters (Course and Clearance).
• Tweak potentiometers (they are located behind the 4 holes in the protection cover
close the red locking-arm. See the picture below) until monitor reads correct DDM
• Repeat the SDM adjustment and recheck that the DDM is correct. If necessary repeat
the DDM / SDM adjustment until both parameter readings are correct
Set the Nominal values for each channel to the measured values with help of the RMM Pro-
Factory default alarm, warning-limits and nominal values are shown in Table 7-13.
DDM values are in % DDM (which is the default DDM measurement unit in the RMM soft-
Limit values are relative to the configured nominal value. The nominal values for DDM meas-
urements can be configured by the user. Other nominal values can not be modified by the
Monitor 1 and monitor 2 are always configured equally and according to Table 7-13. The
standby monitor are also configured according to this table, but with a few exceptions, see the
notes following the table.
Note that for the CL, DS, NF, CLR, and FFM channels the alarm limits are fine-tuned during
commissioning and flight tests to match each site installation.
For information on using the RMM software to set the monitor limits, see Appendix D.
Channel Signal Nom Alarm L/H Warn L/H Nom Alarm L/H Warn L/H
CL DDM 0µA ±15µA 75 % 0µA ±35µA *) Note 75 %
CL SDM 40 ±4%SDM 75 % 80 %SDM ±5%SDM 75 %
CL RF 3.0 V 1f: -1/1.5 75 % 3.0 V 1f: -1/1.5 75 %
2f: -0.35/ 2f: -0.36/0.43
NF DDM 0µA ±15µA 75 % 0µA ±45µA 75 %
NF SDM 40 ±20 %SDM 75 % 80 %SDM ±20 %SDM 75 %
NF RF 3.0 V ±1.5 75 % 3.0 V ±1.7 75 %
DS DDM 150µA ±25µA 75 % 75µA *) Note
±18µA *) Note 75 %
2 2
DS SDM 40 ±20 %SDM 75 % 80 %SDM ±20 %SDM 75 %
DS RF 3.0 V ±1.5 75 % 3.0 V ±1.7 75 %
CLR DDM *) Note 3 1f: Off 1f: 100 % *) Note 3 1f: Off 1f: 100 %
2f: ±38µA 2f: 75 % 2f: ±45µA 2f: 75 %
CLR SDM 40 1f: Off 1f: 100 % 80 %SDM 1f: Off 1f: 100 %
%SDM 2f: ±4.0 2f: 75 % 2f: ±5 2f: 75 %
CLR RF 3.0 V 1f: Off 1f: 100 % 3.0 V 1f: Off 1f: 100 %
2f: -0.37/ 2f: 75 % 2f: -0.36/0.43 2f: 75%
DF 10 kHz 1f: Off 1f: 100 % 15 kHz 1f: Off 1f: 100 %
2f: ±4 2f: 75 % 2f: ±4.5 2f: 75 %
Channel Signal Nom Alarm L/H Warn L/H Nom Alarm L/H Warn L/H
CLR ID ACT 0.0 % Off 1f: ±69 0.0 % Off ±69
2f: 2.5/20
CLR ID MOD 0.0 % Off 100 % 0.0 % Off 100 %
CL ID ACT 0.0 % Off 2.5/20 0.0 % Off ±69
CL ID MOD 0.0 % Off 100 % 0.0 % Off 100 %
Self test DDM 0µA -13µA/39µA 100 % 0µA -22µA /Off 100 %
Self test SDM 40 -8%SDM/ 100 % 40 %SDM 25%SDM/Off 100 %
%SDM Off
Self test RF 3.0 V -1.2/1.8 100 % 3.0 V -1/Off 100 %
FFM ChA 0µA ±15µA 75 % 0µA ±35µA 75 %
FFM ChA 40 ±4 %SDM 75 % 80 %SDM ±5 %SDM 75 %
FFM ChA RF 0.0 V 20/80 30/70 0.0 V 20/80 30/70
FFM ChB 0µA ±15µA 75 % 0µA Off 100 %
FFM ChB 40 ±4 %SDM 75 % 80 %SDM Off 100 %
FFM ChB RF 0.0 V 20/80 30/70 0.0 V Off ±100
FFM EXE AL 0 0/200 ±2047 0 0/200 ±2047
CL VOICE 0.0 Off -150/204 0.0 Off -150/204
*) Note 1: The value ±35µA is derived from a combined situation of wide DS alarm simultaniously with
a low GP angle alarm condition to satisfy the ICAO Annex 10 requirement of an alarm at 7.5%
change of GP angle.
*) Note 2: The alarm limit should be ±25% of the nominal value i.e. if the nominal monitor point is set to
150µA, limits should be ±37µA.
*) Note 3: The CLR nominal value should be set to whatever is measured as a DDM value on the CLR
signal in to the monitor.
• Unused DC loop channels: Set monitor alarm limits OFF and warning limits to 100%
• Unused Far Field Monitor (FFM) channels: Set monitor alarm limits to OFF and warn-
ing limits to 100% (RF warning to ±100)
• Unused VOICE channels: Set alarm limits to OFF and warning limits to ±204
• Standby monitor: Always disable alarms and warnings on the following channels: Near
Field, DC-loop, Far Field Monitor, and Voice
Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High
The FFM EXE AL (Far Field Monitor Executive Alarm) parameter is used to implement execu-
tive changeover/shutdown on FFM alarms. This measurement is zero when no alarms exists
on the FFM DDM/SDM/RF parameters. When an alarm has lasted for the time configured in
the FFM delay value, this measurement will be set to the value 101.
By setting the FFM EXE AL high alarm limit to 100, the TX Control will initiate an (executive)
changeover or shutdown on FFM parameter alarms. (Actually, any high alarm limit between 1
and 100 would work, but 100 is recommended as the default if executive FFM alarms is
For non-executive FFM alarms, set the FFM EXE AL high alarm limit to a value higher than
101 (200 is recommended as the default).
The CL ID ACT and CLR ID ACT parameters are the absolute value of the difference between
two consecutive 1020 Hz modulation measurements taken on the Course Line and Clearance
channels. This means that these parameters will have the value 0 when, for example, the
ident-keyer stops sending Morse code or if the 1020 Hz tone is continuously on (at approxi-
mately the same level). A positive non-zero value is therefore an indication of ident. modula-
tion activity.
The recommended low warning limit is 2.5. The ident. modulation levels then needs to be
large enough to periodically produce a CL or CLR ID ACT measurement that is greater than
this low limit to reset the ID ACT delay counter. All measurements that is greater than this min-
imum value should be accepted, the upper warning limit is therefore set to a large value (20 is
the recommended value).
For Cat II equipment the monitor limits are configured as for Cat I (see Table 7-13), with the
exceptions shown in Table 7-15. (Only the LLZ limits are different.)
Channel Signal Nom Ala H/L Wa H/L
CL DDM 0.µA ±10µA 75 %
NF DDM 0.µA ±10µA 75 %
For Cat III equipment the monitor limits are configured as for Cat I (see Table 7-13), with the
exceptions shown in Table 7-16. (Only the LLZ limits are different.)
Channel Signal Nom Ala H/L Wa H/L
CL DDM 0.µA ±8µA 75 %
NF DDM 0.µA ±8µA 75 %
Table 7-16 Alarm and warning limits for Cat III equipment
The factory default delay configuration for Cat I and II/III (values compliant with ICAO Annex
10) are shown in Table 7-17.
Note: That Annex 10 specifies the total changeover + shutdown delay after an alarm. The delay val-
ues used in the NORMARC 7000 RMM software are the time delay between the detection of
an alarm and the resulting changeover or shutdown. When a changeover takes place the delay
counters are reset. The values entered in the RMM software are therefore set to the Annex 10
value divided by two. The "Integrity Test - Monitor Delay Verification" delay shall be set to the
total changeover-shutdown time + 1 second (2*GEN delay + 1s).
The NF delay is used for alarms on the NF DDM, SDM and RF parameters. The IDENT delay
is used on the CL/CLR IDENT, MORSE and VOICE parameters. The FFM delay is used on all
FFM parameters including FFM EXE AL. The GEN delay is used on all remaining parameters.
See Appendix D for information on delay configuration using the RMM software.
Channel Cat I Cat II/III Cat I Cat II/III
GEN 5s 1s 3s 1s
NF 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s
IDENT *) 20 s 20 s N/A N/A
FFM 60 s 60 s 60 s 60 s
INTEGRITY TEST 11s 3s 7s 3s
*) It is recommended to use minimum 30 seconds as the delay for IDENT on the standby mon-
itor on both Cat I and II/III. This is recommended in order to ensure that the RMS detects the
toggling of the IDENT measurements from the standby monitor. Detecting the toggling is
required in order not to generate IDENT warning. Some (short) ident codes may else cause
the ILS to generate IDENT warnings on the standby monitor.
This following sub-sections describes the maintenance measurements collected by the RMS
for diagnostic purposes. Default warning limits is also defined for each measurement type.
The warning limit for digital measurement point, are set to the “normal” state of the measure-
ment point. For example, for a measurement point that is normally “HIGH”, the warning limit is
set to “HIGH”.
For analog measurement points the limits are specified as “low limit”/”high limit”.
See Appendix D for information on using the RMM software to set these limits.
The measurements listed here are displayed in the DC SUPPLIES maintenance window in
the RMM software.
The measurements listed here are displayed in the DC SUPPLIES maintenance window in
the RMM software.
Measurement Description
USER_DIG0 - 7 8 user definable digital inputs/output.
TEMP_OUTDOOR Analog input for outdoor temperature sensor.
TEMP_INDOOR Analog input for indoor temperature sensor.
AC_LEVEL Analog input AC power level measurement.
ANA_CH1 - 3 3 user definable analog inputs.
Table 7-18 lists typical values entered in the RMM software (menu item ILS | TX settings | TX
adjustments) entered in the RMM software for LLZ and GP equipment.
Note that the adjustment values incorporate both a modulation level setting and a small,
unpredictable, correction for individual variation on the low frequency generator boards
(LF1576). The correction is shown after the “±” sign in Table 7-18.
GP CLR DDM can be increasedup to 80% for only 150Hz modulation. Recommended range 40-55.
Username: MASTER
This section defines the strap settings on the OS 1221A (LLZ) and OS 1221B (GP) for the
standard ICAO Annex 10 ILS frequencies.
The strap settings for each frequency and equipment type are shown in Table 7-19 and Table
7-20. The straps are numbered from A0 to A5 and N0 to N9. A0 is the bottom strap in two
groups of straps. (when the board is held as inserted in the cabinet).
An “X” character in the table means the strap must be inserted. A blank means the strap must
be removed.
The course transmitter frequency is set with straps in the J2 strap block. The configured
course frequency is the channel frequency + 5 kHz.
Ch. freq. A A A A A A N N N N N N N N N N
(MHz) 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
108.1 X X X X X X X X
108.15 X X X X X
108.3 X X X X X X X X
108.35 X X X X X X X X
108.5 X X X X X X X X X
108.55 X X X X X X X
108.7 X X X X X X X
108.75 X X X X X X
108.9 X X X X X X X X X
108.95 X X X X X X X
109.1 X X X X X X X
109.15 X X X X X X X X
109.3 X X X X X X X X
109.35 X X X X X X
109.5 X X X X X X X X
109.55 X X X X X X X
109.7 X X X X X X X
109.75 X X X X X
109.9 X X X X X X
109.95 X X X X X X
110.1 X X X X X X X X X X
110.15 X X X X X X X X
110.3 X X X X X X X X
110.35 X X X X X X X
110.5 X X X X X X X X
110.55 X X X X X X
110.7 X X X X X X
110.75 X X X X X X X X
110.9 X X X X X X X X
110.95 X X X X X X
111.1 X X X X X X X
111.15 X X X X X X
111.3 X X X X X X
111.35 X X X
111.5 X X X X X X X
111.55 X X X X X X X
111.7 X X X X X X X X
111.75 X X X X X X
111.9 X X X X X X
111.95 X X X X X
The clearance transmitter frequency is set with straps in the J102 strap block. The configured
clearance frequency is the channel frequency - 5 kHz.
Ch. freq. A A A A A A N N N N N N N N N N
(MHz) 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
108.1 X X X X X X X X
108.15 X X X X X X X
108.3 X X X X X X X X
108.35 X X X X X X X X X
108.5 X X X X X X X X X
108.55 X X X X X X X X
108.7 X X X X X X X
108.75 X X X X X X X
108.9 X X X X X X X X X
108.95 X X X X X X X X
109.1 X X X X X X X
109.15 X X X X X X X X X
109.3 X X X X X X X X
109.35 X X X X X X X
109.5 X X X X X X X X
109.55 X X X X X X X X
109.7 X X X X X X X
109.75 X X X X X X
109.9 X X X X X X
109.95 X X X X X X X
110.1 X X X X X X X X X X
110.15 X X X X X X X X X
110.3 X X X X X X X X
110.35 X X X X X X X X
110.5 X X X X X X X X
110.55 X X X X X X X
110.7 X X X X X X
110.75 X X X X X X X X X
110.9 X X X X X X X X
110.95 X X X X X X X
111.1 X X X X X X X
111.15 X X X X X X X
111.3 X X X X X X
111.35 X X X X X
111.5 X X X X X X X
111.55 X X X X X X X X
111.7 X X X X X X X X
111.75 X X X X X X X
111.9 X X X X X X
111.95 X X X X X X
This Section gives a detailed description of the assemblies and modules in the NORMARC
7013B and 7014B.
[7:0] - Signal bus numbering system. Here, an eight bits bus, numbered from
seven down to zero.
The following paragraphs describe the electronics modules located in the main cabinet.
General Description:
The MF 1211A module comprises four identical circuits that receive RF monitoring signals
from the antenna monitoring network. The RF signals are detected and their baseband signals
(envelope of the signals) are generated. In addition the module generates DC signals propor-
tional to the input RF levels. In two-frequency systems a pulse train which frequency is identi-
cal to the difference of frequency between the CL- an CLR.signals are extracted.
The block diagram of the module is shown in Figure 8-1. The four identical channels are:
• DS (Displacement Sensitivity)
• NF (Near Field)
• CL (Course Line)
• CLR (Clearance, used by two frequency systems only)
Each channel is divided into the following blocks: XX_FILT, XX_ RFAMP, XX_LEV,
XX_BASEB, and XX_LPFI. The CL channel is described below
In addition there is a frequency mixer circuit that generates the difference in frequency
between the CL- and CLR- input signals and a maintenance monitoring section which gener-
ates a maintenance warning to the RMS via an IIC bus if low modulation depth or low RF level
should occur.
In this block the input RF signal is coarsely set to optimum performance level by combining
any of the three jumper selectable attenuators of 6dB, 12dB, and 16dB resulting in 0 to 34dB
input attenuation. Thus input levels from 0dBm to –35dBm may be accepted. The following
band pass filter rejects signals outside the ILS band to minimize out of band interference.
The signal from CL_FILT is amplified and split into two separate branches.
The RF level_RF signal is applied to the RF level detector (see next block), while the other
branch is used for baseband processing and comprises a PIN diode attenuator which is part
of the automatic gain control (AGC) system.
The RF vernier control (R 2338 for CL channel) is used to fine-tune the input level to optimum
The temperature compensated diode detector processes the baseband of the RF input. Its
output signal is amplified and then split into two branches, one is low pass filtered, buffered
and applied to the monitor module MO 1212A (see section 8.1.2). This DC signal is propor-
tional to the input level of the channel and is being used to monitor the RF level. The potenti-
ometer RF LEVEL DC OUT is used for calibration of the display reading. The other branch is
connected to the CL_BASEB block there it is used to control the AGC circuit (refer to descrip-
tion in next block).
Demodulation of the AGC controlled RF signal and generation of the AGC signal which con-
trols the gain of the PIN diode attenuator in CL_RFAMP. The diode detector is identical to that
of the CL_LEV.
After demodulation the baseband signal is amplified and the DC offset is removed before it is
applied to the LPFI block, see next block.
The AGC will keep the baseband signal at correct level, which is set by the potentiometer of
the voltage reference. This is the SDM calibration of the monitor.
To minimize settling time due to time constants of the AGC loop, a nominal AGC voltage is
inserted when no RF input signal is present. The size of this nominal voltage is adjusted with
the AGC_TIME potentiometer.
If a RF signal is detected by the RF_ LEV circuit the inserted voltage is switched off, and the
AGC loop starts operating normally from nominal operating conditions.
The active low pass filters in this block removes frequency components above the ILS base-
band. By turning the potentiometer in the filter the amplitude transfer function is affected, thus
the DDM reading is adjusted. This is a factory adjustment and will normally not be necessary
to carry out on site.
The CL- and CLR RF signals are feed to a frequency mixer, and its output is low pass filtered
and applied to a voltage comparator which generates the difference frequency in TTL format.
This block compares the level of the baseband signals and RF levels from all four channels of
the module with preset limits and reports to the RMS if a signal is outside this range.
TP 1...4
NORMARC 7013B-7014B
General Description:
The MO 1212A module digitally converts and processes NAV parameters, compares them
with programmable limits and reports alarm situations to the Station Control on TCA 1218
(Section 8.1.3) and the RMS.
Block Diagram:
Se Figure 8-2
Block Description:
The analog signals from MF 1211A Monitor Frontend are multiplexed and digitized, and the
difference frequency (DF) pulse train is counted as a 12 bits value. These digital values are
multiplexed into the FIFO along with the DC loop (DL_Detect[3:0]), External (Ext_Val[11:0])
and test channels. The FIFO is seven words deep, and the sampling frequency is 640 Hz/
channel. Much of the functionality of LF-Front is handled by a FPGA NMP101A which is
described in Section Figure
A special self-test feature has been integrated into the monitor system for continuous check-
ing of the monitor integrity. This starts in the LF_FRONT by multiplexing a degenerated CL
baseband into separate self-test channels. These signals are sampled and checked in the
same manner as the ordinary baseband signals. The test channels repeatedly switches
between normal signal values and degenerated signal values, thus toggling the status of
these channels between normal and alarm later in the monitor chain. If the CL signals in the
Station Control on TCA 1218 are normal, the test signals are checked for toggling between
normal and alarm states. If not toggling, the monitor is supposed to not being able to detect
alarms in the ordinary monitor signals, and the whole monitor is put into alarm state. Based on
the state of the other monitor, you will have an alarm changeover/shutdown or a system warn-
Performs all filtering in the Monitor. Data is read from the LF_FRONTEND FIFO, AC data are
FFT analysed and for the DC data mean values are calculated. The calculated parameters are
written to the COMPARATOR. DSP_FILTER consists of a TMS320C31 DSP, a memory block
and a reset/watchdog circuit.
Compares the parameters received from DSP_FILTER with the programmed upper and lower
alarm limits. Alarm data are passed on to the Station Control and Terminator (on TCA 1218
(Section 8.1.3) on a dedicated bus. The COMPARATOR generates both instantaneous and
delayed alarms. The delayed signal is sent only if the alarm is still present after the pro-
grammed delay period. All parameters, alarm and warning data are passed on to the RMS via
an output FIFO (warning information is treated by the RMS). The alarm and warning limits and
delays are stored in the local EEPROM. Much of the functionality of COMPARATOR is han-
dled by two FPGAs NMP102A and NMP103A described in Section
General description:
NMP101A is a FPGA in the LF-FRONT block. It serves as an interface between the (digitized)
inputs from the monitor frontend MF 1211A and the DSP_FILTER block. NMP101A is based
on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet.
Block Diagram
Block Description:
Divides the system clock (4.9152 MHz) for use in channel addressing. It also generates the
read/convert pulse to the external ADC.
Counts the pulse train that represents the frequency difference between the CL and CLR sig-
nals. It generates a 12 bits value which multiplied by 20 gives the true frequency difference.
Selects between DF, one of sixteen channels from the ADC or one of the eight external chan-
nels in a roundabout manner to the FIFO.
Is a 7x17 bits first in first out queue with interface to the TMS320C31 DSP in the DSP_FILTER
block. The five most significant bits are channel address and the 12 least significant bits are
data. FIFO reports error to the COMPARATOR and data available (DAV) status to the DSP.
General description:
NMP102A and NMP103A are two FPGA's providing most of the functionality of the COMPA-
RATOR block.
Block Diagram:
Block Description:
The block diagram shows both the NMP102A and NMP103A as a whole and blocks drawn
twice are found with the same functionality on both FPGA’s.
Controls the entire operation of reading alarm limits from the EEPROM, runs parity checks on
the alarm limit values, compares the parameter value from DSP_FILTER with upper and lower
alarm limits, reads and parity checks the alarm delay values and delays any alarms corre-
Compares the parameter value from DSP_FILTER with the alarm limits from EEPROM and
generates a raw alarm.
Delays the raw alarms corresponding to the delay values in the EEPROM.
Writes data into the FIFO when the comparator cycle is finished.
Controls the interface towards the EEPROM. EEPROM write is only allowed if RMS_LEVEL1
is a logic '0' (RMS access level3).
Is the interface to the RMS. It controls interrupt when data is ready in the FIFO and generates
addresses for EEPROM programming and status and control signals.
Checks incoming data from the EEPROM. Single bit errors are corrected, and only a parity
warning is passed to the RMS. If two bits are erroneous, all output alarms are set, and a parity
error is passed to the RMS.
The EEPROM is used to store the alarm limits. Warning limits used by the RMS are also
stored here.
The FIFO is used to streamline the data transfer to the RMS. One full set of 32 parameters is
written to the FIFO before the interrupt is activated.
4.9152 MHz
NMP 102/103A
Commercial - in - Confidence
NORMARC 7013B-7014B
General Description:
The TCA 1218A Transmitter Control Assembly consists of the transmitter control TC 1216A
and Local Control (front panel) LC 1217A. It is used in the cold standby equipment
The TCA 1218B Transmitter Control Assembly consists of the transmitter control TC 1216A
and Local Control (front panel) LC 1217B. It is used in the hot standby equipment
Block Diagram:
See Figure 8-3 and Figure 8-4 All blocks except Local Control are located on TC 1216A.
Station control alarm bus from monitor MO 1212A no.1. Consists of M1S_AL_ID[4:0],
~M1S_AL_RDY, M1S_AL, ~M1S_AL_N and M1S_AL_RAW.
Station control alarm bus from monitor MO 1212A no.2. Consists of M2S_AL_ID[4:0],
~M2S_AL_RDY, M2S_AL, ~M2S_AL_N and M2S_AL_RAW.
Station control alarm bus from standby monitor MO 1212A. Consists of ~MSTBS_AL_RDY
and MSTBS_AL. Only used for hot standby configurations.
Interface to the line interface circuits for the remote control interface on CI 1210A (Section
8.1.11). Consists of SDIN, SDOUT, ~CD.
Block Description:
Interprets the alarm bus from the monitors MO 1212A and generates alarm (and standby
alarm for hot standby configurations). These signals together with inputs from local controls
(on LC 1217), remote controls (via CI 1210A), RMS inputs and configuration setup (in EEP-
ROM and jumper settings) determine the state/state change for the NORMARC 70xxB trans-
mitter state. Status information are generated and sent to local control panel (LC 1217) and
remote control panel (via CI 1210A). The RMS can poll the state of the station control at any
time. State changes generate an interrupt signal to the RMS. STATION CONTROL can shut
off the transmitters LPA1580A by turning off the RF-oscillators OS 1221A.
Interprets the alarm bus from the monitors MO 1212A and generates alarm. This signal
together with local controls (on LC 1217), remote controls (via CI 1210A), RMS inputs and
configuration setup (in EEPROM and jumper settings) determine the state of the terminator
alarm (TRM_AL) output. TERMINATOR has an extra 1s delay, so that the STATION CON-
TROL has time to fulfil transmitter state changes before the terminator shuts the NORMARC
70xxB down. Terminator alarm shuts the NORMARC 70xxB down by disconnecting the power
supply from the output stage of the transmitters LPA 1580A.
This unit converts signals from the station control and terminator to serial messages (1 mes-
sage is 2 bytes long). This is done continuously (approximately 10 messages/s). The serial
input from the remote control is converted to parallel format. Messages from the remote con-
trol are accepted only if two equal messages are received in sequence. If no valid message is
received within 2s, the remote control interface asserts a failure signal to inform the station
control and terminator that the link to the remote control is broken. Depending on the configu-
ration setup, this will turn the NORMARC 70xxB off.
Consists of debouncing circuitry for signals from switches on LC 1217 and jumper plugs for
setting access levels for remote control.
Consist of keys, switches, switchlocks lamps and indicators located on LC 1217 used to con-
trol and indicate operational status of the NORMARC 70xxB.
General Description:
NMP104A is a FPGA within the STATION CONTROL block. It serves as a monitor alarm/error
detection and monitor alarm voting unit. NMP104A is based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For
electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet.
Block Diagram:
Block Description:
This block decodes the MON1 SC Alarm bus and generates alarm if the monitor MO 1212A
no 1 has set the alarm flag for any of the 32 parameters received in a set. Error checks
includes parameter identity sequence check, AL_N negated of AL, test channel alarm toggling
and timeout for RDY-signal. Any alarm/error will set the monitor alarm output (M1_ALARM) for
the duration of next 32 parameters, meaning that 32 parameters without alarm/error must be
received in sequence before the alarm output is reset.
Same as for MON.1 ALARM & ERROR DETECTION, but for MON2 SC alarm bus.
This block provides monitor alarm (VALARM) to the NMP105A depending on jumper configu-
ration (1 of 2 or 2 of 2 voting) in the CONFIG block and inputs from the two MO 1212A moni-
tors (not including standby monitor). When configured for 2 of 2 voting, both MO 1212A
monitors must give alarm to set the VALARM output. When configured for 1 of 2 voting, alarm
from one of the two MO 1212A monitors is sufficient to set VALARM.
Alarm flag for any parameter sets the alarm immediately. The alarm will be reset when 32
parameters are received in sequence with no alarm flag set.
To prevent locking up of push button keyboard signals, this block translates the input signals
from the switches on LC 1217 from levels (high or low) to pulse stream.
General Description:
NMP105A is a FPGA within the STATION CONTROL BLOCK. It serves as an event detection
and control unit. The NMP105A also includes the station control RMS-interface. The event
information is output to the station control state machine controller NMP106A. NMP105A is
based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet.
Block Diagram:
Block Description:
This block generates lamp status information for the LOCAL CONTROL and REMOTE CON-
TROL IF blocs.
This block decodes RMS access levels 2 and 3 using access configuration in CONFIG block,
write disable switchlock information from LOCAL CONTROL, access grant from Remote Con-
trol IF and access requests from the RMS.
The event detect unit checks for valid events (for example key press, alarm interlock etc.), and
sends valid event number to the station control state machine controller NMP106A. Events
not valid for the current mode of operation are ignored. Events are given priorities with inter-
lock as the highest priority. The alarm event has the next priority, while the other events are
polled one by one. The event detect unit also has a built in integrity check. This function works
when the ILS is in normal operational mode (automatic mode with transmitters on and no
alarm). When the ON/OFF is pressed, a FORCE_AL signal is output. This signal turns off all
transmitters (LPA1580A ) without notifying the rest of the system. The loss of transmitted sig-
nal will be detected by the monitors (MO 1212) and cause monitor alarms to the STATION
CONTROL.This alarm will result in a TX changeover initiated by STATION CONTROL, but
since STBY TX is also turned off, monitor alarm will remain and cause TX shutdown after
alarm delay. This sequence ensures that the monitoring circuits and shutdown mechanisms
operates as intended. If the integrity check function should fail, a timeout function shuts the
ILS down.
This block detects transmitter state changes and stores the event causing the change. Trans-
mitter feedback and coax relay position is also stored. An interrupt is generated to inform the
RMS that a transmitter state change has occurred.
This function ensures that no transmitters are allowed to transmit for 20 seconds after an
alarm shutdown has occurred.
This block stores the information regarding which transmitter that is selected as main transmit-
This block turns on the transmitters 20 seconds after the interlock signal from the REMOTE
CONTROL IF block has been deactivated.
General Description:
NMP106A is a FPGA within the STATION CONTROL block. It serves mainly as a state
machine controller (states are stored in an EPROM) for transmitter on/off control. NMP106A is
based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet.
Block Diagram:
Block Description:
This block generates strobes and control signals for running the state machine. New states
are triggered based on received new data from NMP105A (on the STO_BUS). This block also
generates reset to the hardware watchdog safeguarding and controlling the station control
This block checks event and main select signal received from NMP105A. Two identical event/
main select signals must be received in sequence before the event/main select is acted upon.
Delays the coax relay position feedback in state change sequences. Ensures that the coax
relay (Section 8.1.7) will not change position while the transmitters are transmitting.
This block checks the parity of each byte read from the state machine content EPROM. Parity
failure results in transmitter shutdown.
This block detects failures in the state machine sequence. It will trigger if the state machine
doesn’t become idle within a specified time. Failures results in transmitter shutdown.
This block is an address counter setting the address for the state machine EPROM during
reading through the RMS. The RMS can either reset or increment the address counter. The
feedback from these control strobes, address bit 0 and EPROM data byte are transferred to
the NMP105A for reading by the RMS.
This block controls the on/off state of the transmitters. Default is leaving the transmitters in the
state reported by their feedback signals, thereby providing no change in transmitter state.
However, if PARITY CHECK failure or event LOCKUPDETECT failure is detected, the trans-
mitters are turned off.
Local panel lamp outputs to the LOCAL CONTROL BLOCK are provided based on coax relay
position, TX main select, transmitter status and station status received from NMP105A.
This block selects EPROM addressing either for STATE MACHINE or RMS read control.
General Description:
NMP107A is a FPGA providing most of the TERMINATOR function. The terminator function is
to provide a transmitter shutoff function if the STATION CONTROL should fail to do so.
NMP107A is based on the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the
ACT1020 datasheet.
Block Diagram:
Block Description:
This block decodes RMS access levels 2 and 3 using access configuration in CONFIG block,
write disable switchlock information from LOCAL CONTROL, access grant from REMOTE
CONTROL IF and access requests from the RMS.
The event detect unit checks for valid events (for example on/off-key, alarm, interlock etc.),
and sends valid events to the terminator state check. Events not valid for the current mode of
operation are ignored.
This block acts upon events/states received from the EVENT DETECT block. Alarm/interlock
states are allowed to be active for 1 second before terminator alarm is activated. The termina-
tor alarm is then reset if an on/off-event is detected, thereby starting a new 1 second timeout.
The STATION CONTROL must now stabilise the ILS with no alarm within this 1-second period
of time if a TERMINATINATOR shutdown should be avoided. If terminator is triggered by
alarm or interlock while transmitters are transmitting, an interrupt is generated. The RMS can
then read the cause of the interrupt through the RMS BUS.
This block overrides the interlock signal in interlock override mode of operation. To enable
interlock override mode of operation the interlock override switchlock must be activated, the
local/remote switch must be in local position and the auto/manual switch must be in manual
This unit decodes the MON1 TRM ALARM BUS and generates alarm if the monitor MO
1212A no. 1 has set the alarm flag for any of the 32 parameters received in a set. Error checks
includes parameter identity sequence check, AL_N negated of AL, test channel alarm toggling
and timeout for RDY-signal. Any alarm/error will set the monitor alarm output (M1ALARM) for
the duration of the next 32 parameters, meaning that 32 parameters without alarm/error must
be received before the alarm output is reset.
General Description:
Block Diagram:
Block Description:
This block provides the standby lamp information to be sent to remote control by the TX
Converts parallel data to 2-bytes serial messages. Protocol for the serial data SDOUT (sent I
1210A) is start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, odd parity.
Converts serial data SDIN received from remote control (via CI 1210A) to parallel data (2
Messages from RX UART are accepted only if two identical messages are received in
sequence. If so, the data output latch is updated and a new-message pulse is generated.
Checks whether an OK message from MESSAGE DETECTOR and carrier detect signal from
CI 1210A is present. Missing message or no carrier detect for 2 seconds or more gives time-
out signal to DATA FILTER.
In case the NEW MESSAGE TIMER has signalled a timeout (indicating missing messages)
this block will modify the data received from the MESSAGE DETECTOR by forcing the
TX_OFF signal to on (configurable). If configuration enables interlock, the interlock signal is
also forced active.
NORMARC 7013B-7014B
Station Controller
and Lamp
Voting status
MON2 NMP104A Station Controller
Station Controller Event Detector
On / Off
Alarm-bus & Forced alarm signals
Event machine
Configuration to
Course TX1 Course TX1
Course TX2 Course TX2
NMP105A &
NMP106A Coax Control
Alarm detection
Event Detector
and Terminator Alarm
Voting On / Off signal
Status check
To CI1210A
Remote Control
RMS Data-bus
HBK 1303-1
Page 8-17
Instruction Manual
Commercial - in - Confidence
General Description
LF 1576A provides the audio signals to be modulated onto the carrier signal in the transmitter.
The levels of the 90Hz, 150Hz, RF level, ident level and ident Morse code is programmable
from the RMS.
The setup for generating the baseband output signals is stored in non-volatile memory on
board, and consists of values in numeric form for all the frequency components of the signals.
The low-frequency output signals are continuously calculated by the DSP using a formula that
takes into account modulation levels, phase and ident signalling. The user can alter the setup
when logged in with access level 3 (or higher).
Block Diagram:
See Figure 8-5. The block descriptions refer to the names on the block diagram.
Block Description:
This block is composed of all the digital parts of the design (except for the self-test function)
The I/O-system basically consists of the FPGA NMP 137, and does the following tasks:
• Generates status to the IIC INTERFACE (SELFTEST)
• Passes protocol messages between the RMS and the DSP by converting data
between the RMS bus and the DSP DATA bus
• Limits write access to the memory, so that the DSP cannot alter the sources for the
signal generation while not allowed by the system access level of the system
• Generates 30Hz test signal (controlled by the DSP)
• Converts RMS bus data to PA IIC control data (LOCAL DATA BUS on block sche-
matic) and vice versa
• Calculates Voice and DME control output
Converts LOCAL DATA BUS from the I/O SYSTEM to PA IIC BUS data, and vice versa. It also
generates 16 digital spare outputs, which again is controlled by the DSP.
This block consists of a Digital Signal Processor with supporting circuits. An oscillator at
32.768 MHz clocks the DSP.
The DSP runs the program NMS 221. The program basically generates the LF-values sent to
the two four-channel DACs in the analog part. This is done by calculating the frequency com-
ponents in real-time based on stored values in the memory system. The scaling of the fre-
quency components and the behaviour of the analog outputs can be altered by the RMS
through a dedicated RMS-DSP protocol. NMS 221 also generates the 30Hz test signal.
Is the memory in the system, and consists of a FLASH device with the DSP program NMS 221
(loaded at start up), and an EEPROM for storing non-volatile data. The EEPROM is not per-
mitted to be written to unless in access level 3 (see I/O SYSTEM).
SERIAL (optional)
This is a serial interface used for debugging the software, and is not present for ordinary pro-
duction line boards.
The internal selftest systems are an IIC device with eight inputs. Four of them are dedicated
for the status of the internal voltages (2.5V, 3.3V, 15V and -15V). The other four inputs are
dedicated for the status of the digital system (DSP alive, RMS alive, DSP Flash memory fail
and DSP EEPROM memory fail). These inputs are read by the RMS on the IIC bus.
Comprises the analog circuitry of the board (amplifiers, filters etc.) plus the DAC circuits. In
addition a high precision voltage reference is provided.
Digital to Analog Converters that converts serial data from the DSP to actual LF outputs. The
resolution of the DACs used is 14-bits.
9 ,,&
9 ,17(5)$&(
506 /2&$/
'$7$ '$7$%86
3$,,& 3$,,&%86
%86 &75/
,26<67(0 6<65(6(7 87,/,7<
103$ 3$,,&567
COU Ident
CLR Ident
'63 6(5,$/
6(5,$/'$7$ %$6(%$1'
$ ]
5() &286%2,
92,&( $&
$ ]
5() &/56%2,
& &/56%24
' 63$5($1/*
9 $1$/2*
HBK 1284-1
General Description:
The OS 1221A module generates the RF signals used for the generation of the carrier signals
in the transmitters (Section 8.1.6).
Block Diagram:
12 dB
12 dB
Block Description:
The RF signal is generated by a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) built around a Dual Gate
Mosfet Transistor, chosen because of its good noise properties, and the possibility to have an
isolated output at the drain.
A part of the signal is fed back, via a buffer for isolation, to a divide by 64, modulus 2 pres-
caler. This is connected to a MC145152-2, a phase locked loop circuit that performs the count-
ing and control of the prescaler. The total count, and thereby the frequency, is set by inserting
shunts onto an array of pins.
The internal oscillator of the Course PLL is also used to control the Clearance PLL.
A combined low-pass filter and integrator is built around an operational amplifier, that gener-
ates the control voltage for the RF oscillator. This control voltage is also fed to a window com-
parator that alarms the system via the I2C-bus if it falls outside its limits. Another control of the
PLL is via the Lock Detect output of the PLL. The Lock Detect output of the PLL circuit is fed
to a low pass filter and a transistor. This output consists of narrow negative going pulses when
the loop is locked, and wide pulses of variable width when out of lock. Therefore the transistor
will be turned off when in lock, and on when out of lock.
The output from the transistor goes to two Schmidt triggers, one latching and one unlatching.
The latching Schmidt trigger turns the signal off if the loop goes out of lock and alarms the I2C-
bus. It is reset by power on and/or a low transition of the COU_OFF signal (CLR_OFF for the
clearance channel). The other Schmidt trigger is used to inform the system of the situation
that the loop have been out of lock, but is in lock at the present time even if the signal is turned
off (this might be the situation if a short drop in the 12V supply occurs, or a change in fre-
quency setting has taken place).
The signal ON/OFF switching is done in two steps. The first is a diode switch and the next is a
Dual Gate Mosfet transistor that can be turned off by taking its control gate to a low potential.
This transistor acts as a buffer for the signal when in the on state. At the output of this transis-
tor, a second order bandpass filter follows, that serves as an output match of the transistor
and to filter out harmonics of the output voltage. The last stage is a 12dB gain block that deliv-
ers 10mW of power to the PC1225 card.
The Clearance channel is identical to the Course channel except for the crystal oscillator for
the PLL.
General Description:
The Localizer Power Amplifier Assembly LPA 1580A consists of CB 1579A and PA 1577A
mounted together as shown on Figure 8-7.
The LPA 1580A receives RF signals and LF signals from the OS 1221A Oscillator (Section
8.1.5) and LF 1576A low frequency generator (Section 8.1.4) respectively. The outputs from
the LPA 1580A are carrier sideband (CSB) signal and sideband only (SBO) signal.
Detected samples of the CSB and SBO signals are available on the BNC connectors on the
front panel. Power measurements and status signals are interfaced to the RMS.
Block Diagram:
Description of operation:
The CSB input signal is supplied to both I and Q inputs in the CSB amplifier. In the SBO ampli-
fier, separate inputs are used for I and Q to allow phase adjustment of the SBO signal.
The difference between the modulating I and Q signals and the feedback signals is amplified
through the Error amplifier. The I and Q error signals are mixed with an in-phase and a quad-
rature LO signal in the Modulator. LP filtering is applied to remove harmonic mixer products.
The resulting RF signal is then amplified to a suitable signal level for the PA input. A forward
coupled signal from the directional coupler at the PA output is BP filtered at the Demodulator
input. The RF signal is then mixed with an in-phase and a quadrature LO signal. LP filtering is
applied on the resulting I and Q baseband signals to remove residual RF. DC offset is elimi-
nated from I and Q feedback signals before they are subtracted from the I and Q input signals.
This effectively forms a control loop that tracks and eliminates amplitude and phase errors
made by the PA, although a small error will always be present. This linearisation- technique is
known as Cartesian Feedback.
Description of blocks:
1. AGC and splitter
The AGC ensures that the modulators and demodulators are supplied with a constant LO sig-
nal independent of the oscillator output level. The AGC has a dynamic range of approximately
6dB. The splitters first split the modulator and demodulator paths, and then split each in CSB
and SBO paths
2. Phase control
• Mosfet based phase compensator with 270 degrees of phase adjustment
• The phaseshift is obtained by changing the voltage across a varicap, controlled from
the IIC bus
• The phaseshifted LO signal is buffered with a second FET stage and a gainblock.
Hence the proper signal level and isolation is obtained
• The uncompensated branch is buffered with a gainblock only
• Buffering of LO signal to give sufficient LO level, and give isolation between the modu-
lator and demodulator LO inputs
3. Error amplifier
• The difference between I/Q signals and I/Q feedback signals is amplified and fed to the
I/Q modulator and to the Maint. Monitor (I-drive, Q-drive)
• Differential inputs eliminates DC offset on the baseband signal
• A precision Op Amp with sufficient bandwidth compared to required loop bandwidth
has been deployed as error amp. The op-amp operates as an integrator
• Switches are included for open-loop and unity gain settings in the alignment process,
controlled by the IIC bus
• In the CSB path I-off and Q-off signals allow adjustment of the I-path and Q-path sepa-
rately, controlled by the IIC bus
• Protection mechanism for high VSWR and high temperature power down. Attenuation
of the input signal to the error-amplifier to turn off the PA output, in case of high VSWR
or temperature
• Protection mechanism to delay the loop gain until the PA is fully powered
4. Modulator
• Direct modulation by means of Gilbert-cell mixers. Baseband and LO input, modulated
RF output
• The LO to the I and Q modulators is provided by a 90º hybrid
5. PA
• Input power: 6 dBm
• The CSB amplifier uses a driver stage with 2 RF mosfet transistors, and an output
stage with one push-pull double RF mosfet transistor. The SBO amplifier uses 2 RF
• The CSB amplifier for GP CLR uses uses 2 RF mosfets
• A hybrid coupler is located on the PA board. Forward coupled signal is attenuated and
split to a monitor output and to the feedback loop. Reverse coupled signal is detected
on the PA board. Reverse signal controls VSWR power down switches on the Error
amp board
6. Splitter/attenuators
• A resistive splitter splits the forward coupled signal in one path to the demodulator and
one path to the power measurement and test connector circuits
7. Demodulator
• Direct demodulation by means of Gilbert-cell mixers. RF and LO input, baseband out-
• The LO to the I and Q demodulators is provided by a 90º hybrid
• DC offset adjustment eliminates DC offset from the I and Q demodulator output in the
feedback loop
• Gain adjustment to set equal gain in I and Q paths
• The circuit is composed of Op-amps and digital controlled variable resistors. The vari-
able resistors are controlled through an IIC bus
• Lowpass filters on the output of the demodulator to prevent RF overload of the base-
band sections
8. Maintenance circuits
• A 8-input A/D converter measures forward and reverse power in the CSB and SBO
outputs. It also reads the I and Q drive level to the modulators (normal operation) or
the output from the demodulators (test mode)
• A temperature sensor IC provide temperature measurements, and also can provide an
over-temperature signal to the error amplifier
• The measurements are sent to the RMS system through the IIC bus
General Description:
The change-over relays are located on the top of the transmitter subrack. They connect Tx1 to
the antenna output, and Tx2 to the dummy load(s) or vice versa, controlled from the TCA
1218 module. he 2-frequency LLZ systems use 4 relays for COU CSB, COU SBO, CLR CSB
In the hot standby systems, additional directional couplers are inserted between the coaxial
relays and the dummy loads to give signals to the standby monitor.
Block Diagram:
T X 1
5 0 o h m C S B
T X 2
T X 1
5 0 o h m S B O
T X 2 H B K 1 2 8 9 -1
General description:
SC 898C combines a CSB and a SBO input into one combined CSB/SBO output for use in
standby transmitter DS simulation.
Block Diagram:
CSB 50
ohms SC898C
FROM -18dB
LLZ: +10dBm
DC420C R1 R3
GP: +15dBm
SBO 50
15-35dB att. R9
R11 R8 R7
R5 R4
System Description:
Refer to the system diagram above. CSB and SBO signals from the STB transmitter are sam-
pled through the directional couplers (DC420C) and fed to the input ports CSB and SBO
respectively on the SC898C signal combiner. The cable lengths are cut such that the input
phase difference of P2 is 180°.
Block Description:
The unit has two input ports and one output port. The assembly consists of a 18dB fixed atten-
uator, a15-35dB adjustable attenuator, and a 3 dB 0 phase signal combiner(P2).
The purpose of the unit is to combine samples of the CSB and SBO signals from the transmit-
ter and produce standard Course Sector DDM signal output.
In order to combine to a standard value DDM at the DS port the RF phases of the 90 and
150Hz sidebands from the CSB signal must be in antiphase (180°) with the SBO signal at the
input ports of the combiner P2. The DDM is then given by the equation
DDM = 2
DDM expressed in absolute value, ESBO and ECSB given in relative voltage values.
The adjustable attenuator R4 is provided for accurately setting of the DS DDM value.
General Description:
PS 1227C supplies the NORMARC 70xxB cabinet with +27V, ±15V, +8.5V and +5V, from a
+27V input.
Block Diagram:
T R M _ A L
V 2 7 P V 2 7 _ C S B _ C O U 1
I2 7 _ C S B _ C O U 1
V 2 7 _ S B O _ C O U 1
I2 7 _ S B O _ C O U 1
V 2 7 _ C S B _ C L R 1
I2 7 _ C S B _ C L R 1
V 2 7 _ S B O _ C L R 1
I2 7 _ S B O _ C L R 1
D C V 1 5 P
S Y N C D C V 1 5 P _ M E A S
V 1 5 N
V 1 5 N _ M E A S
V 9 P
V 9 P _ M E A S
H B K 1 2 9 0 -2 V D D _ M E A S
Block description:
The ±15V, +8.5V and +5V supplies are provided by integrated DC/DC converter modules.
PS 1227 can operate in redundancy with a second power supply using or'ing diodes. The out-
put voltages are measured prior to these or'ing diodes, to be able to identify a power failure.
The four 27V outputs supply the LPA 1580A power amplifiers. The current drains are con-
verted to a voltages used for current measurement. The ILS output signals may be shut down
by cutting off the 27V supplies. This is done by the TERMINATOR alarm signal (TRM_AL)
General description
The RMA 1215A is a microprocessor based assembly that contains the RMS software, and
also forms the basis for the NORMARC 7000B RMM system. The RMA 1215A consists of
KD 1214A front panel with keyboard and display, and the RM 1213A the RMS module.
Block Diagram:
RM 1213A
Jumper RESET
Interrupts Interrupt
circutry CPU Real time
CTRL port Display
Analog port
ident MUX
Block Description.
The CPU is an 80C188EB micro controller with addresses decoding unit and two UARTs. Only
one of these UARTs is utilised for serial communication. The other has been mapped as a par-
allel IO port. The operating frequency of the CPU is 20 MHz provided by an external 40 MHz
A watchdog resets the CPU at power up and if the CPU does not toggle the watchdog reset bit
within approx. 1.6 sec. intervals, or if the +5V supply voltage goes below the battery voltage.
In the latter case battery voltage will be connected to the RAM and RTC. Removal of the bat-
tery or jumper S1 will cause the RESET line to go low and inhibit any function on the module.
If a battery is not available, operation can be achieved by shortening the battery socket. The
battery can be disconnected by removing jumper S1 when the module is being stored. The
battery voltage is measured using an optocoupler switch in order not to discharge the battery.
The battery provides approximately one month of memory retention at continuous use (sys-
tem power turned off). RMS battery status is reported by the RMS system as Maintenance
Parameter RMS BATTERY.
The interrupt circuitry combines several interrupts into the 5 interrupt inputs of the CPU.
The keypad consists of seven pushbuttons, directly connected to a parallel input port.
The dual UART is a standard UART with a 16 byte bidirectional FIFO on both channels.
The RS 232 drivers are single supply RS 232 drivers. They provide the interface between the
UARTs and external PCs and modems.
The IIC controller handles the communication on the IIC bus which is the main communication
bus for maintenance data collection in the NM 70xx ILS.
The real time clock keeps track of the date and time. Date and time is used to timestamp mon-
itor and maintenance data sets. The RTC accuracy is better than 15 seconds per 24 hours.
The CTRL ports in the block diagram are parallel IO ports for the CPU.
The analogue interface block contains two analogue multiplexers and an A/D-converter. The
main function of this block is to measure analogue signals provided from several measure-
ment points in the NORMARC 70xxB equipment. The analogue multiplexers are connected to
the same address bus with separate enable bits. This allows the analogue inputs to be meas-
ured separately as single ended signals, or to be paired for differential measurements.
The Aural ident block contains an analogue MUX, an amplifier and a loudspeaker. It enables
the user to listen to the ident morse code from each of the four transmitters. The Det. ident
inputs are detected CSB signal, filtered through a 1020Hz bandpass filter.
The memory block contains RAM for data storage, EPROM for the program and EEPROM for
permanent system setup parameters. The RAM has battery backup in order to retain logging
data during a power down.
General Description:
The CI 1210A External Connection Interface board provides all the interfaces for the NOR-
MARC 70xxB equipment for external connections except from RF signals and power supply.
The module performs transient overload protection on all inputs. In addition CI 1210A contains
a battery protection circuit and a modem demodulation circuit.
Block Diagram:
Batt warning 1
Batt warning 2
Batt warning 2
Temp indoor
Temp outdoor
Temp indoor
AC level Analog Mux Analog out
Temp outdoor
Anl. In 1
AC level
Anl. In 2
Anl. In 1
Anl. In 3
Anl. In 2
Anl. In 3
Local PC RS232
Over Voltage
Remote 1 PC RS232 Remote 1 RS232
DC loop 1 ref
DC loop 1 detect
4 * DC loop detect
DC loop 2 ref
DC loop 2 detect
DC loop 3 ref
DC loop 3 detect 4 * DC loop ref
DC loop 4 ref
DC loop 4 detect
Battery Amp
HBK 1301-1
The BW 1566A is used in hot standby equipment with dual battery banks to provide the follow-
ing features:
• Battery protection for the additional battery bank
• Voltage and current measurements for the additional battery bank
• Low battery warning for both battery banks
• Modem power
The BW 1566 has the same battery protection functionality as the CI 1210 board located in
the equipment and which is monitoring the first battery/Charger bank. Circuit description is
therefore as for CI 1210 described in Section 8.1.11.
Battery Warning
Batt 1
Cabinet Pwr 1 Comparator low voltage
Batt 2
Comparator low voltage
Charger 2 current
Battery 2 current
Battery 2 Amp
HBK 1304-1
The module will disconnect the battery if the battery voltage falls below a preset voltage, nor-
mally 22VDC. The trigger voltage can be adjusted between 20V and 24V by adjusting R22.
The module contains circuits to give warnings when the battery voltages are falling below a
predetermined adjustable level, normally set to 23VDC, or optionally, if a battery is isolated by
the battery fuse (detected by the auxiliary switch connected to the battery circuit breaker).
Separate warning circuits are provided for each battery bank.
The battery low trigger voltage can be adjusted between 20V and 24V by adjusting R101 for
battery bank #1 and R1 for battery bank #2
Separate signals for Battery #1 low, Battery #1 isolated, Battery #2 low, Battery #2 isolated is
provided for connection to the Digital inputs of the RMS system in the LLZ / GP racks.
The module also provides fused power output J7 to modem or other external equipment.
Using diodes this output is supplied from both charger/Battery banks and these diodes also
prevent a reverse current from one battery bank to the other.
MB 1575A is the backplane for the 19” subrack in the NORMARC 70xxB cabinet. MB 1575A
is a passive motherboard that provides all interconnections between the printed circuit board
in this subrack and all interface for external signals except from RF (Coax) cabling.
Section # Module
Monitor 1 1 MO 1212A
1 MF 1211A
1 External Frontend 1
Monitor 2 1 MO 1212A
1 MF 1211A
1 External Frontend 2
Standby Monitor 1 MO 1212A
1 MF 1211A
Station Control 1 TCA 1218A
RMS 1 RMA 1215A
Transmitter 1 1 LF 1576A
1 OS 1221 A/B
Transmitter 2 1 LF 1576A
1 OS 1221A/B
Power Supply 2 PS 1227C
Figure 8-18 shows the coaxial cable interconnections used in Figure 8-19 shows the addi-
tional connections in the Hot Standby cabinets.
The following paragraphs describe the modules to be located in the control tower.
General Description:
The RCA 1240C Remote Control Assembly consists of the remote control RC 1241B and front
panel RF 1242A.
The RCA 1240D Remote Control Assembly consists of the remote control RC 1241B and front
panel RF 1242B.
RCA 1240C is used for cold standby equipment and RCA 1240D is used for hot standby
They provide the user’s interface to the ILS Cabinet from the control tower or technical equip-
ment room. The RCA 1240 is connected to the ILS cabinet either using ordinary telephone
lines or using the RS 232 interface selected by jumper plugs on the RC 1241B.
The telephone line interface conforms to V.21 standard (300 baud FSK) for use with ordinary
2-wire 600 ohm telephone line. The transmitter level is -10 dBm, and the receivers dynamic
range is from -10 dBm to -34 dBm.
Most of the functionality of the remote control is provided by the FPGA NMP128A described in
Block Diagram:
RC 1241B
Telephone Line
line driver/modem LED OUTPUTS RF 1242A/B
Interface Signal Front panel
RS232 select STATUS drivers LEDs
driver &
config ALARM
RF 1242A/B
Block Description:
This block interprets serial data from the ILS cabinet and generates status outputs to front
panel LEDs, slave panel outputs, opto outputs and buzzer signal based on the received sta-
tus. Failure in data from ILS results in alarm condition. Discrete inputs from the front panel
keyboard, control/AUX inputs and slave panel (Section 8.2.5) are collected and sent to the ILS
rack as serial data.
These straps select between telephone line and RS 232 for interface with the ILS cabinet. The
default setting is line interface.
This block converts logic level serial signals to and from FSK level line signals.
This block converts logic level serial signals to and from RS 232 level signals.
This block drives the front panel LEDs, opto outputs and slave panel LEDs.
This block contains the front panel LEDs used to indicate the operational status of the ILS.
This block contains the pushbuttons and switches used for operator input.
General Description:
NMP128A is a FPGA providing most of the remote control functions. NMP128A is based on
the Actel ACT1020 FPGA. For electrical specifications see the ACT1020 datasheet.
Block Diagram:
Block Description:
This block mixes the on/off and changeover commands from the different sources (remote
control front panel or slave front panel input).
Converts parallel data to 2-bytes serial messages. The protocol is start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop
bit, odd parity.
Messages are accepted only if two equal messages are received in sequence. If so, the data
output is updated and a new-message pulse is asserted.
Checks that an OK message and carrier detect is present. Missing message or no carrier
detect for 2 seconds or more gives timeout.
Data from the ILS cabinet is filtered according to the following descriptions:
• Missing data from ILS sets an alarm condition (Alarm LED on, all other off)
• Activating SILENCE-key turns on all LED’s (lamptest)
• Interlock turns off all LEDs
Buzzers are activated at transitions from normal to alarm. Lamptest always activates buzzers.
Pressing SILENCE-key deactivates the local buzzer. The remote control SILENCE-key may
deactivate the slave panel buzzer, while SILENCE from the slave panel may deactivate the
local buzzer (both separately configurable).
An alternative Remote Control Assembly RCA 1240E/F can be supplied that is providing the
same functionality as the RCA 1240C/D with a few added features:
• Enhanced comm. fail detection and reporting. At communication fail for the link (FSK
or RS 232) between the Remote Control and the connected ILS equipment all indica-
tors on the Remote Control Panel will be blanked apart from the red ALARM LED that
will be lit. A dedicated Comm. Fail output is added (P10 pin 2 on MB 1346)
• Configurable Interlock input polarity (S13)
• Configurable polarity of Slave output signals (S14)
• Configurable blanking of all LED indicators apart from the red ALARM LED at Interlock
OFF (S15)
These features are implemented on the RC 1563A board that is replacing the RC 1241B used
in the RCA 1240C/D. Configuration straps S13, 14 and 15 are added with functionality
described in 7.3.5.
P6 Aux in/out signals. May be used for FFM status, intruder alarm or other
auxiliary functions
When MB 1346A is used with RCA 1240 and Interlock function is not used (connected), a jumper
plug must be installed in P8 (or P2 on SF 1344A on Slave Panel).
PS 635B is based on a switch-mode DC/DC converter module (PKG 2611PI) that features
shutdown at low input voltage and current limiting of outputs (short circuit proof). Supply inputs
are protected by a fuses.
MB 1247A motherboard provides the interface to PS 635B power supply (Section 8.2.3)
through connectors for 24VDC input and 5VDC output.
The SF 1344A and SF 1394A slave panel provide user interfaces to the ILS from the control
tower or equipment room. The slave panels are connected to the RCA 1240 remote control
assembly (Section 8.2.1) handling the interface with the ILS cabinet. SF 1344A and SF 1394A
are identical apart from mechanical dimensions.
Pushbutton switches provide the on/off and silence (aural alarm reset) function. The silence
button is also used for lamp test.
A connector is provided for interfacing a IL 1379/IL 1380 interlock switch (Section 8.2.6).
The interlock switch is used if the runway has two ILS’s for opposite runway directions that
shall be interlocked.
The interlock switch consists of a key-operated change-over switch, and is connected to the
RCA 1240 remote control (Section 8.2.1) or SF 1344A/SF 1394A slave panels (Section 8.2.5)
of the affected localizer and glide path equipment.
IL 1379 and IL 1380 are identical modules apart from mechanical dimensions. The IL 1379 is
3 height units by 10 length units (approx. 12,8x5cm). The IL 1380 is 2 height units by 9 length
units (approx. 8,4x4,5cm).
SF1344 / P2
5 4 2 1
1 2 LLZ runway B
LLZ runway A
2 1
1 2 GP runway B
GP runway A
2 1
This section describes the system that is used to calculate the ILS category for one runway
end and to display the FFM status. This system (if installed) should be located alongside the
LLZ and GP remote controls at the airport.
MB 1509A Motherboard
The MB 1509A should be located alongside the ILS remote controls, and the CF 1510A must
be plugged in the J1 connector of the motherboard. The CP 1511A in the remote control room
must be connected to the CF 1510A via a flatcable. A CP 1511A unit may also be located in
the tower. The units in the equipment room
The following subchapters describe the different modules. For details regarding the Cat-status
calculation and the installation, please see chapters and, respectively.
The Status Panel CP 1511A consists of a front panel of size 128.4 x 50.5 mm with LEDs used
to indicate the CAT status of the equipment and the status of the FFM (Far Field Monitor).
A PCB is mounted to the front panel on spacers. This PCB consists only of the passive cir-
cuitry used to light the status LEDs.
The LEDs at the left side of the panel show the status of the Localizer Far Field Monitor
(FFM). There are three lamps: FFM Alarm, FFM Warning and FFM Normal. Only one of the
lamps FFM Alarm and FFM Normal may be lit simultaneously, while the FFM Warning lamp is
The LEDs at the right side of the panel show the ILS status for one runway end. The possible
alternatives are CAT III, CAT II, CAT I, LLZ Only and OFF. Only one of these lamps will be lit at
a time. If interlock is used, all lamps are off when the runway is deselected.
The connection to the rest of the system is done through a 25 pin PCB mounted male DSUB
connector. This must be connected either to CF 1510 (for use in equipment room) or to con-
nector P7 on MB 1509 if it is intended for use elsewhere, e.g. in the tower.
The CAT- and FFM Indicator CF 1510A is an Euro Board of size 160 x 100 mm. The unit inter-
faces the Motherboard MB 1509A through a 96-pin Euro connector.
The unit gets the alarm- and warning status from the LLZ- and GP remote controls (via moth-
erboard MB 1509A) and use this information to calculate the overall CAT-status for one run-
way end.
One 25-pin DSUB connector mounted on the PCB makes it possible to connect the unit to a
CP 1511A Cat Status Panel via a flat cable. This panel will normally be located right in front of
the CF 1510A unit.
Block Diagram:
Block Description:
LLZ Inputs:
Status signals from Localizer (LLZ) remote control. The signals enter the motherboard MB
1509A via flatcable and the CF 1510A through 96-pin euro connector J1.
GP Inputs:
Status signals from Glidepath (GP) remote control. The signals enter the motherboard MB
1509A via flatcable and the CF 1510A through 96-pin euro connector J1.
Strap Fields:
This is a set of two-way straps connected to the status signals from LLZ and GP. The jumper
settings for each of these signals determine if this shall lead to a downgrade to CAT II, CAT I
or no downgrade (when strap is not set).
This is the part of the circuit board that determines the CAT-status for the runway. The unit
uses the Interlock, Alarm and Normal status received from the remote controls to determine
whether the ILS system is “OFF”, “LLZ Only” or in one of the three categories. In the latter
case the status from the strap fields are read to determine if a the overall CAT status of the
runway. Please refer to Table 8-2
Buzzer Logic:
This is a small logical sub unit that is used to switch the buzzer on or off. The buzzing is deter-
mined by the use of silence pushbuttons on the status- and slave panels and the toggling of
the FFM Alarm signal.
Signals used to display the calculated CAT status for the runway. The signals are sent to sta-
tus panel CP 1511A located in tower and a Personal Computer via the backplane MB 1509.
The signals are also relayed to the CAT- status panel CP 1511A located in the control room in
front of the CF 1510-module via connector P2.
The Motherboard MB 1509A is of size 129.5 x 50mm and is meant for installation in a remote
control cabinet (i.e. RFA 1353). Typical mounting is alongside the backplanes for the localizer
and glide path remote controls.
The main purpose of the MB 1509A is to connect the input signals from LLZ, GP and FFM to
the CAT status system (CF 1510A/CP 1511A) and provide output connectors for the output
signals. All connectors are listed below.
Front side
J1 96-pin Euro backplane connector for CF 1510A
Rear side:
P2 25pin DSUB connector to/from LLZ Remote control.
P3 25-pin DSUB connector to/from GP Remote control..
P4 10-pin header from LLZ Remote Control. Aux in/out signals, also used for
FFM status signals.
P5 10-pin header from GP Remote Control. Aux in/out signals.
P6 4-pin Weidemüller connector (Power in)
P7 25pin DSUB connector used to connect to Status Panel (1:1 connection).
P8 10-pin header from CF 1510A. Status outputs - opto open collector.
Which one of the five lamps indicating runway status that actually are lit is determined by the
criteria shown in Table 8-2
If an interlock switch is used to deselect the runway, none of the LEDs are lit.
It is important to remember that the lamps only show the status of the ILS equipment. To oper-
ate in CAT II or III the airport and runway in question must be certified for this kind of opera-
tion. Other criteria must also be fulfilled. For details about this, please refer to your aviation
If both the Localizer and Glide Path are operating as normal (no alarms) the runway is consid-
ered to be operative. The maximum CAT status of the ILS equipment is then calculated from
the warning status of the Localizer and Glide Path.
The status indicators are field programmable by links located on the CF 1510A unit. Each link
has two positions, marked with CAT II and CAT I. A link set in CAT II position means that this
particular event/failure shall cause a runway degradation to CAT II. The same goes for CAT I.
A link not present means that the event shall not cause degradation.
The straps are OR’ed in such a way that it is sufficient if one of the criteria for a downgrade is
present to cause a runway downgrade. If, for instance, a LLZ primary warning (S7) is selected
to cause degradation to CAT I, such an event will cause the runway to be downgraded to
CAT I, regardless of the other settings.
FFM Warning and FFM Alarm are derived directly from the input signals from the Far Field
Monitor (if applicable), after being buffered at the FFM Control unit. The FFM signals are
relayed via RS232 connections from the FFM Recording Unit at one of the runway shelters.
The FFM Normal signal is just the FFM Alarm signal inverted.
On transition from FFM Normal to FFM Alarm, a control signal for an alarm buzzer is set. The
buzzer is reset by a reset signal or transition to Normal. The reset signal has a filter to prevent
short pulses generated by cable crosstalk from resetting the buzzer.
Both FFM Warning and FFM Alarm may be set to cause a downgrade of the equipment, either
to CAT II or CAT I. Installation
The installation of this system is explained briefly in the previous chapters. There are, how-
ever, some details that should be clarified.
Motherboard MB 1509A must be installed close to the Localizer and GP remote controls in the
equipment room, preferably in the same cabinet RFA 1353.
A flatcable must be used to connect the Localizer Remote Control (via connector P3 on its MB
1346A) to connector P2 on MB 1509A.
A flatcable must be used to connect the Glide Path Remote Control (via connector P3 on its
MB 1346A) to connector P3 on MB 1509A.
A flatcable must be used to connect the FFM/Aux-signals from Localizer Remote Control (via
Insert CF 1510A into MB 1509A after configuring strap fields as desired (see chapter 8.1.4).
Connect CP 1511A to CF 1510A with a flat cable for showing CAT-status in the equipment
If desired, connect to CP 1511A in tower (or elsewhere) with a 1:1 cable from connector P7 on
MB 1509A.
After doing this, the installation procedures in either Chapter or chapter
must be used, depending on the airport configuration.
If the Cat-Status system is used with an ILS that is not configured for interlock the following
must be done in order for the system to work.
Both the LLZ and GP must be configured for NOT INTERLOCK. (This is set with strap 1 on
the ILS configuration platform U6 on TCA 1218 and has most likely been done at the ILS
installation. Please refer to the relevant chapter in the Installation section) .
Strap P8 must be set for both the LLZ and GP remote Controls.
Strap P2 must be set for the CP 1511A located in the tower (if applicable).
In the rare case when there is no CP 1511A, or similar slave panel, in the tower, then the inter-
lock signal must be grounded. This may be done by grounding pin 23 on connector P7 on the
MB 1509A Motherboard, e.g. by connecting pin 23 (interlock) and pin 1 or 13 (GND) on a con-
nector mating P7 of MB 1509A.
If the Cat-Status system is used with an ILS that is configured for interlock the following must
be done in order for the s to work.
Both the LLZ and GP must be configured for INTERLOCK. (This is set with strap 1 on the ILS
configuration platform U6 on TCA 1218 and has most likely been done at the ILS installation.
Please refer to the relevant chapter in the Installation section) .
Strap P8 must NOT be set for the LLZ and GP remote Controls.
Strap P2 must NOT be set for the CP 1511A located in the tower (if applicable). The interlock
switch shall be used to select/deselect the ILS depending on which runway is in use.
Note! The interlock switch is normally connected to the Remote Control Motherboards MB 1346A for
both the LLZ and GP. In installations with the Cat-Status system the interlock switch shall
instead be connected to P2 on the CP1511A located in tower (if installed) or, alternatively, con-
nected to pin 23 (interlock) and pin 1 or 13 (GND) on P7 of MB 1509A.
General description
The MP 1574A Meter Panel contains two elapsed time counters counting the time that the
LLZ equipment and the GP equipment have been transmitting (on the air/Normal). The Meter
Panel is a 3U panel size module to be installed in the Remote Control subrack next to the
Remote Control Panels controlling the ILS equipment to be monitored.
The time counted will be used for gathering information of true operational time (and MTBO)
for the ILS equipment. Elapsed time is stored in the counters at power off and will continue
counting at power up and Normal situation.
Note: That in case the ILS equipment is configured for alternate Remote Control indication of trans-
mitter status in Service mode of operation, Table 7-4, the time counters will also count the time
the equipment is transmitting in Normal in Service mode.
Control signal (Normal signal) and power supply is taken from the MB 1346 Remote Control
Motherboards (P7 and P5). As long as the remote control is showing green Normal indication,
the counter will count the operating time. Elapsed time is stored in the counters at power off
and will continue counting at power up and Normal situation, but it is also possible to reset the
time by connecting the reset pin (pin 4) on the time counter module to +27V (i.e. pin 1 on the
module). This might be relevant if the Meter Panel is moved to a new ILS Remote Control, but
is not a feature that is normally used. Connectors Cables
Connector J1, J2 and J3 are located on individual cables to be connected directly to connec-
tors on the Remote Control panel motherboards. Installation
MP 1574 is mounted in the Remote Control subrack next to the Remote Control Panel Assem-
blies (RCA 1240) by removing of a blind front panel. Interconnection Operation
The time counted will be shown on the displays as long as +27V DC is applied to the Remote
Control Panels. An hourglass shown on the displays will be blinking indicating that time is
counted (elapsing), a steady hourglass will indicate that time counting is stopped.
These are ILS parameters measured by the monitors. An alarm on any of these parameters
can be configured to cause change-over/shut-down.
These parameters may cause maintenance warning and can be used for fault isolation pur-
This chapter only applies to Localizer installations with the Far Field Monitor option installed.
The Far Field Monitor interface for NORMARC 7000B consists of a common FFM Interface (FI
1392) and one FFM Controller (FC 1391) for each of the two main monitors. The FI 1392 is
located on the wall-mounted part of the cabinet (above connection interface CI 1210 inside
the cabinet), while the FC 1391 cards are placed next to their corresponding monitor MO
The FFM parameters integrates with the other monitor parameters for monitor data storage
General Description
The FC 1391 is a FFM controller that interacts with the connected FFM through serial mes-
sages. The FFM parameter values are extracted from the received FFM messages. The val-
ues are compared against alarm limits and the alarm status is then delayed according to the
specified FFM alarm delay. After this the parameter values and status are sent to the corre-
sponding monitor through use of the external channels on MO 1212. A common FFM alarm
status is sent as a parameter value to the MO 1212, which generates alarm to the station con-
trol on TC 1216 if the FFM is in alarm state.
Block Diagram
Signal Description
EXT channel External channel select (0-7). Used to select one of the
FFM parameter available on the external bus.
Block Description
Consists of a CPU system and controls all the functionality in the FFM controller. The CPU
SYST decodes messages from the FFM, sends parameter values etc. to the EXT IF and
(upon request) to the RMS IF. The status of the FFM controller is displayed on status LED’s
and on an optional LCD/keyboard (if connected). Alarm and warning status indications are
also sent to the remote control through the AUX channels on the remote control interface.
Under normal operation, the LCD and keyboard will not be used. The CPU system will also
generate an "alive" signal to the FFM interface FI 1392. This signal is used to determine which
of the FC 1391 that shall be allowed to send commands, when two FC 1391's are connected
to the same FFM.
Is a strap field readable by the CPU SYST for selecting the appropriate setup of the communi-
cation with the FFM.
Is the part of the NMP125A FPGA that interfaces to the external bus on the corresponding MO
1212 for this FC 1391. This function is implemented as write registers that are filled with the
appropriate FFM parameter values.
Is the part of the NMP125A FPGA that interfaces to the RMS through the IO-bus. It is imple-
mented as read/write registers with software handshaking between the RMA 1215 and the FC
Is showing the operating status of the FFM controller. The four LED's has the following func-
LED 1: On when there is no FFM alarm, off when there is one or more alarms.
LED 2: On when there is no FFM warnings, off when there is one or more
LED 4: Blinks when a message from the FFM has been received and vali-
dated, normally every second when using the NORMARC 3634 FFM
is a connector designed to connect to a KD 1214, as used in the RM 1215 assembly. This unit
is used only for debugging purposes, and will not be connected during normal operation of the
General Description
The FI 1392 is an interface card between the FFM controller FC 1391 and the connected FFM
(e.g. NORMARC 7720 or NORMARC 3634). When using the NORMARC 7720 FFM, the RS
232 interface shall be used. When using the NORMARC 3634, either of the built in modem
(CCITT V.21 standard) or the RS 232 interface shall be used.
Block Diagram
Signal Description
Line signals The physical line from the FI 1392 to the FFM.
Block Description
Generates 3.5794 MHz to feed the modem circuit, and selects between originated and answer
mode for the modem.
Is the CCITT V.21 modem with support components. Only applicable if connecting to a NOR-
MARC 3634 FFM.
Selects between modem and RS 232 connection between FC 1391 and FFM.
Selects which of the TxD signals from the two FFM controllers that shall be sent to the FFM.
Is the line transformer and overvoltage protection. Only applicable if connecting to a NOR-
MARC 3634 FFM.
General Description
The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) NMP125A interfaces the CPU system on FC
1391 to the external bus on the corresponding monitor and the RMS IO-bus.
Block Diagram
Signal Description
IOCS Card select strobe for RMS IO-bus. Used to detect present
hardware modules.
Block Description
is the part of the NMP125A that interfaces to the CPU system of FC 1391.
is the part of the NMP125A that generates and decodes the RMS IO-bus access.
is the register based part of the NMP125A that interfaces to the external bus from MO 1212.
B.2 Installation
FC 1391
Two FC 1391 cards are inserted next to the monitor1 and monitor 2 respectively.
FI 1392
The FI 1392A is located above the connection interface CI 1210 inside the cabinet (first open
the door). Two flatcables are connected from P1/P2 on FI 1392 to P9/P10 on MB 1575,
The FI 1392 has two connectors for interfacing to a FFM. The P3 is used for connecting to the
NORMARC 3634 FFM using the built-in modem (V.21). Pin 2 and 3 shall connect to the 2-wire
cable connected to the FFM. P5 is a standard 9 pins D-sub used for RS 232 interface to a
either NORMARC 7720 or NORMARC 3634. Leased line modems can be used in connection
with RS 232 interface when a 2-wire telephone line is available.
When connecting to the NORMARC 7720 FFM, the RS-232 interface shall be used. Commu-
nication can be made using external modems, fibre-optic modems, radio modems or by other
A RS-232 cable is used to connect the NORMARC 7720 and the NORMARC 7000 LLZ to
external communication equipment.
The communication equipment (external line modems, fibre-optic modems, radio modems)
must be capable of operating in transparent mode, since the equipment software will not send
any initialisation or control strings.
On the NORMARC 7720, connect the external equipment to the connector labelled AUX with
a standard modem cable. The AUX connector is located inside the FFM cabinet on the rear of
the NORMARC 7720 instrument. On the NORMARC 7000B LLZ, connect to P5 on FI 1392
with a standard modem cable.
For testing, the two units can be connected directly with a 9 pin null-modem cable.
S1 S2 S3 S4
1-2: Selects originate 3-4: Selects RS-232 3-4: Selects RS-232 3-4: Selects RS-232
mode operation operation operation
Pins 1 and 2 on S2, S3 and S4 are the pins closest to the text S2, S3 and S4. Pin 3 and 4 are
the middle rows on S2, S3 and S4.
NORMARC 7720 must be set up using the same baud rate as on the FC 1391.
The NORMARC 7720 always communicate using 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit.
B.2.3 Interfacing the NORMARC 3634 - Far Field Monitor Receiver Unit
There are two ways to interface the FFM receiver NORMARC 3634 to the NORMARC 7000
LLZ rack, either by using the built-in modems or by using RS-232 interfaces and external
modems, fibre-optic modems, radio modems or other means.
A telephone pair (2 wire) is used between the NORMARC 3634 and FI 1392 inside the NOR-
MARC 7000B LLZ rack.
On NORMARC 3634, use the connector labelled MD 661 P2 (25 pin D-SUB). On the FI 1392,
use the connector P3 (4 pin Weidmuller).
S1 S2 S3 S4
1-2: Selects originate 1-2: Selects modem 1-2: Selects modem 1-2: Selects modem
mode operation operation operation
Pins 1 and 2 on S2, S3 and S4 are the pins closest to the text S2, S3 and S4
A RS-232 cable is used to connect the NORMARC 3634 and the NORMARC 7000 LLZ to
external communication equipment.
The communication equipment (external line modems, fibre-optic modems, radio modems)
must be capable of operating in transparent mode, the equipment software will not send any
initialisation or control strings.
On the NORMARC 3634, connect the external equipment to the connector labelled RS-232
with a standard modem cable. On the NORMARC 7000B LLZ, connect to P3 on FI 1392 with
a standard modem cable.
For testing, the two units can be connected directly with a 9 pin null-modem cable.
S1 S2 S3 S4
1-2: Selects originate 3-4: Selects RS-232 3-4: Selects RS-232 3-4: Selects RS-232
mode operation operation operation
Pins 1 and 2 on S2, S3 and S4 are the pins closest to the text S2, S3 and S4. Pin 3 and 4 are
the middle rows on S2, S3 and S4.
Suppliers’ Documentation:
Issue 3
September 2002
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the
part of ELTEK ASA.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means— electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying and recording— for any purpose without the explicit written permission of
à LVD73/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive
Generic Immunity Standard
à EN50082-1 Residential, Commercial and Light Industry
à EN50082-2 Industrial Environment
Generic Emission Standard
à EN50081-1 Residential, Commercial and Light Industry
à EN50081-2 Industrial Environment
ELTEK Energy
P.O. Box 2340 Strømsø
Phone: 47 32203200
Fax: +47 32203210
E-Mail: [email protected]
1 General 5
3 System drawings 12
1 General
The Eltek range of wall mounted switch mode power supply has been specifically developed to meet the DC
power requirements for the telecommunications, industrial and marine industries
The SMPS 700 SI Wallbox has the following features:
• High efficiency
• Power Factor Correction
• Low weight and volume
• Soft Start
• 12Volt, 24Volt and 48Volt options
• Boost charging
• Output Power Limiting
• Automatic Over Temperature De-Rating
• Alarm and Control Facilities
• Compliant with International Standards including Marine Applications
The SMPS 700 SI Wallbox can be used for both portable and stationary equipment either as a power supply or a
battery charger.
This product has no user serviceable parts inside. There are Hazardous Voltages inside during operation! Do not
expose the unit to moisture, water, dust or other items that may result in short-circuits or fire. Do not block the
airflow through or around the module.
Removal of the cover should be done by authorised service personnel only. Wait for 10 minutes after
disconnection before removing the cover to ensure all high voltages have been discharged to a safe level.
⇒ The SMPS 700 Wallbox must be mounted vertically only.
1.1 Installation
Please check that the equipment is not damaged and is in accordance with your order. Compare the barcode
labels on the module and the package - they should be identical. Check both the input and output voltages
against your system voltage levels.
Remove the front plastic cover by releasing the four screws in front of SMPS700 Wallbox.
⇒ The metal cover inside the SMPS 700 Wallbox must NOT be removed!
Use «Dimension drawing»( Ref. Figure 2) as a guideline for mounting holes. The two upper fixing screws must
be mounted first. Then the SMPS700 Wallbox must be hooked on, and the two lower fixing screws must be
The SMPS 700 Wallbox is now ready for electrical connection.
Note 1: The alarm relay connections are found on J3 pins 4 to 6 which are marked “Alarm Open” and in normal
operation there is a short circuit between J3:4 and J3:6 (common) which opens in case of alarm.
J3 pin 5 is marked “Alarm Closed” there being an open circuit between J3:5 and J3:6 (common) in normal
operation which is shorted in case of alarm.
Note 2 (only when boost voltage is required): The Boost voltage connections must be done with an external
timer relay. The terminals «NO» (normally open) and «C» (common) at the external timer relay must be
connected in accordance with the connection drawing.
1.3 Operation
The SMPS 700 SI Wallbox is intended for use as a stand-alone module with an alarm contact for remote sense of
the SMPS 700 Wallbox, and visible LED’s in front.
1.3.2 Adjustments
Figure 1 Connection Drawing SMPS 700 Wallbox shows available adjustments. All potentiometers are factory
adjusted and should only be operated by qualified service personnel.
Level adjustments:
2.1 Input
• Voltage: 230VAC nominal ± 20% (total range: 185VAC - 275VAC ).
High voltage: 275 - 300 VAC for < 10 minutes (reduced power factor, increased
harmonic current).
• Within the input voltage range 100.0 - 185.0 the SMPS 700 Wallbox reduces the output
power to app. 40 - 50% of full power. For instance; the 24V-version has an output
current > 10A with nominal voltage 26.8VDC and input voltage equal to 100VAC!
• Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz nominal ±10% (total range: 45 - 66 Hz). Frequency
deviation: 35 Hz to 100 Hz for < 10 minutes (reduced powerfactor and increased
• Input current: 3.2 ARMS at 230 VAC , 4.2 ARMS maximum at 185VAC - full load.
Harmonic currents according to IEC555-2. Current THD: < 7% at full load.
• Power factor: Approx. 0.995 at full load, 230VAC +20%/–10% input
• Efficiency: >90.5% typical at 230VAC, nominal output voltage and full load. >80% at
20% load
• Input fuse: F 5.0A (H) (fast, high rupture capacity) (5*20mm) in Live input.
Disconnect mains for fuse replacement, see Connection Drawing.
• Inrush current protection: <8A followed by converter soft-start
2.2 Output
Output voltage
• Output voltage: See table 1.
• Overvoltage protection level: See table 1.
• Voltage regulation: Static: ± 0.5 % for load 100%-0% and input 185 - 275VAC
Dynamic response: ±5.0% - regulation time <10ms - load step 10-90% or opposite
• Temperature drift: ± 100 ppm / °K over temperature range
• Hold-up time: >10ms at 53.5V output, full load.
• Boost Voltage: Uboost = nominal + 1,5 ± 0,5 VDC.
Output power.
• 48V-version: Constant power from 43.0 to 58.0 VDC : 670W +20W - 40W (range:
630W - 690W) Output power at 53.5VDC : 670W ±20 (nominal output voltage).
• 24V-version: Constant power from 22.0 to 29.5 VDC : 670W +20W - 40W (range:
630W - 690W) Output power at 26.8VDC : 670W ±20W (nominal output voltage).
• 12V-version: Constant output current from 10.5 to 22.0VDC: 29.0 ± 0.3 A. Output
power at nominal output voltage: 390 ± 10 W.
Output current.
• Short-circuit behaviour: (0 VDC < VOUT < 5VDC ): Current limit.
• Ripple and noise: < 100 mV peak-to-peak, < 2-mV psophometric.
• There is an automatic circuit breaker (40A) at the output for reverse polarity protection.
• Reverse current at DC output: Max. 20 mA (from battery)
Radiated: EN 50081-1
EN 50081-2
E10 marine specification - includes: IEC
801-3 Radiated electromagnetic field
Conducted - Input: EN 50081-1
EN 50081-2
VDE 0871 grade B
Conducted - Output: EN 50081-2
VDE 0871 grade A
EN 50082-1
EN 50082-2
2.4 Safety
Design standard
• IEC 950 (EN60950) - classification of equipment:
• Protection class: 1 (permanent connection to protective earth).
• Supply connection: Permanent (may be connectable)
• Clearance and creepage class: Pollution degree 2, Material group 2 (3a for circuit
• An external primary circuit breaker must be used in the input line.
• IEC protection class: IP22. Current from AC inputs to safety earth: < 10mA at 50Hz.
Isolation voltages
• Input - earth: 1.5 kVAC (basic insulation).
• Input - output: 3.0 kVAC (reinforced insulation)
• Output - earth: 1.0 kVDC (basic insulation - SELV according to IEC950)
E10 marine specification -includes: Insulation resistance.
2.6 Environment
• Storage: 0-95% Relative Humidity non-condensing
• Operating: 10% - 85% RH non-condensing
2.6.3Acoustic noise
<40 dB (A) max (30 dB typ.) according to IEC651 at normal line and load.
• Internal protection by shutdown is provided for output overvoltage (when delivered by
the module itself), over temperature and low mains. For over -temperature, current limit
is reduced. If temperature increases further, shutdown and alarm is given.
• Module MTBF according to MIL-HDBK 217F.1 parts count: > 100 000 hours.
• Alarm contacts: 125VDC, 1A max floating. Configuration Alarm = open, Alarm =
closed and Common are available.
• Low voltage disconnect max. ratings, external relay:
3 System drawings
Phone: +4732203200
Telefax: +47 32203210
Internet: http://www.eltekenergy.com
e-mail: [email protected]
Commercial - in - Confidence
D User's guide
D.1 Overview of the NORMARC 7000 RMM
This information has been updated for version 2.3 of the software.
The NORMARC® 7000 RMM is a Microsoft Windows based program that provides access to
all the data and functions made available by the ILS remote monitoring subsystem.
By connecting to the ILS remote monitoring subsystem, the program lets the user do the
• View the current status and measurements done by the ILS
• Configure ILS monitor and transmitter settings
• View reports that shows the current operational status and configuration of an ILS
• Download historical data from the ILS and browse through individual data sets
• Download and view events to see the operational history of the ILS
• Connect to the ILS with a null modem cable (direct), dial-up connection or leased line
The figure below shows a screen dump of the main program window.
NORMARC Support can be contacted at the following addresses and telephone numbers:
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-site: www.parkairsystems.com
Tel: +47 2318 0205 (office hours)
Fax: +47 2318 0378
D.3 General
D.3.1 The station list
The RMM software maintains a list of ILS stations. The list contains information that is used
by the software to identify and to connect to an ILS.
When the menu item File | Connect to station is selected, the station list window is opened:
The user can do the following from the Station list window:
• Connect to a station
• Add a new station
• Edit a station
• Delete a station
Each of these operations is described below.
D.3.1.1 Connect to a station
To connect to a station that has been set up in the station list, the station must first be
selected and then the "Connect" button clicked. The RMM software will connect to the
station, before the user is asked to log on to the ILS.
D.3.1.2 Add a new station
This function adds a new station to the station list. The settings for the new station are
initialised with default values. The user must select "Edit station" to customize the settings for
the new station.
D.3.1.3 Edit a station
To edit a station, select the desired station and click the "Edit station" button. The following
window will appear:
The top panel of the ILS Logon window displays dialling/connection progress, and when the
connection has been established it shows which to port on the ILS the user is connected, in
addition to the RMS software version of the ILS.
To log on the user must wait until the user name and password field becomes available for
input and then enter a valid user name and one or more passwords. The user name and
password(s) are not case sensitive.
The ILS will compare the entered username and password(s) with the information stored in
the RMS subsystem in the ILS. If invalid logon information is entered the RMS subsystem in
the ILS will not allow access. A window will be opened informing about what went wrong, and
let the user perform another logon attempt. If three attempts are used without success the
ILS will disconnect and not allow more login attempts for 3 minutes (Remote Port 1 and 2
Refer to the Access levels chapter for related information.
For information about logging on the simulator see the Built-in Simulator chapter.
D.3.4 Preferences
User preferences can be selected in the File | Preferences window. These settings are stored
in the user portion of the Windows registry and will be restored each time the program is
This window lists the modems for which dial up and leased line initialisation strings have
been set up. The list will by default contain settings for a few supported modems. If the
modem that is to be used is not found in the list, the user can add a new modem to the list by
clicking the Add button. Click the Edit button to change the set up for the currently selected
modem. Selecting Add or Edit will open the window shown below.
In this window the user can type in the init strings for dialup and leased line connections
respectively. The init string is strings sent to the modem before the actual call is started.
These settings require knowledge about the AT commands that are supported by the specific
modem in question, and should only be altered by a user familiar with modems. The
technical manuals for the modems will normally contain the necessary information on how to
initialise the modem.
To delete a modem in the modem list, click the Delete button, and respond to the
confirmation dialog. Note that a modem cannot be deleted if it is selected for use by a
SW2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description
ILS and PC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PSTN, RS-232, 2-wire
SW3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description
ILS and PC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Termination disabled, use stored values for flow control
SW4: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description
ILS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 V32bis, 9600
PC 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Automatic line speed
1. Connect the modem to a PC, and use for example HyperTerminal in Windows to
send the following init string to the modem: ATS0=1E0&C1&D2&W
2. Check that the modem responds with OK to the init string.
3. Connect the modem to the cabinet as described below and power on the modem.
SW2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description
ILS 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Leased line, answering
PC 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Leased line, calling
SW3: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description
ILS and PC 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Term transceiver/receiver, RTS/CTS flow control
SW4: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description
ILS and PC 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 V32bis, 9600 bps
D. Initializing the PC modem
The PC modem must be initialized once before connecting it to the cabinet. This is done by
connecting it to a standard PC that has communication or terminal software installed (for
example HyperTerminal in Windows XP).
1. Connect the modem to a PC, and use for example HyperTerminal in Windows to
send the following init string to the modem: ATS7=40&W
2. Check that the modem responds with OK to the init string.
The individual measurements and groups are formatted with special characters and colours
according to the "measurement status" of each measurement.
Note that this window shows the defined monitor measurements for the current ILS, unless
the "Display all monitor and tx parameters independent of ILS type" option is checked in the
Preferences window.
The individual measurements and groups are formatted with special characters and colours
according to the "measurement status" of each measurement.
From this window it is also possible to toggle the state of digital user I/O ports that has been
configured as outputs. To toggle the output state double-click the text shown in the Meas
Note that this window shows the defined maintenance measurements for the current ILS,
unless the "Display all monitor and tx parameters independent of ILS type" option is checked
in the Preferences window.
The front panel shows the same information as the physical front panel on the ILS.
The user must be logged on with Access level 2 or higher to be able operate the controls in
the window.
D.4.3.1 Monitor indicators
The "monitoring related" indicators are the following:
• SERVICE: Indicates that the ILS is under service. This may be caused by any of the
switches on the ILS is in service position
• ALARM: Indicates that one or more of the monitor parameters in the ILS is in alarm state.
• WARNING: Indicates that one or more of the sub-warning LEDs at the left side of the
front panels is activated, and the sub-warning is configured for generating main
• NORMAL: Indicates that there are no alarms present among the monitor parameters in
the ILS. This indicator will always be the opposite of the ALARM indicator
Note that the ALARM, WARNING and NORMAL indicators for the STANDBY transmitter are
only visible if the ILS is configured for hot standby transmitter operation.
The sub-warning indicators are as following:
• PARAM: Indicates that one or more of the monitor parameters is in warning state. Note: If
the "Signal integrity test failure on Param LED" system option is enabled, the label for this
warning will be "INTGRT"
• DISAGR: Indicates that one of the two monitors detect an alarm while the other monitor
sees a normal signal
• BATT: Indicates that the ILS is currently operating on battery
• IDENT: Indicates that the IDENT is faulty. Valid for LLZ equipment only
• MAINT: Indicates that one or more of the maintenance parameters are in warning state.
Note: If the "Signal integrity test failure on Param LED" system option is enabled, this
warning will also be activated if a monitor parameter is in warning state
• STBY: Indicates that the ILS is currently operating on the standby transmitter
These sub-warnings may be configured to generate a main WARNING.
D.4.3.2 Transmitter indicators and controls
The "transmitter related" combined indicators and controls are the following:
• COU and CLR transmitters ON/OFF status: Shows which transmitters are currently
turned on. When the equipment is in MANUAL (and the user has access level 2 or
higher), these lamps can be clicked to turn the transmitters on or off
• TX TO AIR status: Shows the position of the coax relay
Main select: Shows the transmitter that is selected to be the main transmitter.
• NORMAL: Indicates that there are no alarms present among the monitor parameters in
the ILS. This indicator will always be the opposite of the ALARM indicator
• ON/OFF button: Clicking this will turn the transmitters on/off
• CHANGEOVER button: Clicking this performs a changeover between TX1 and TX2
• MAIN select button: Clicking this toggles between selecting TX1 and TX2 as the main
• MANUAL/AUTO switch: When the manual/auto switch on the ILS cabinet is in the AUTO
position, this switch can be clicked to set the equipment in manual mode
• INTERLOCK switch: This is an indicator showing the current state of the interlock switch
on the ILS cabinet. It can not be operated from the RMM
• LOCAL/REMOTE switch: This is an indicator showing the current state of the
local/remote switch on the ILS cabinet. It can not be operated from the RMM
• WRITE PROTECT switch: This is an indicator showing the current state of the write
protect switch on the ILS cabinet. It can not be operated from the RMM
D.4.3.3 Other indicators
The following text labels can also appear in this window:
• "INTERLOCK-DESELECTED": Indicates that the ILS is currently turned off with the
interlock switch
• "REMOTE ACCESS GRANTED": Indicates that the Remote RMM Grant/Deny switch on
the Remote Control is in the grant position
• "RMS ACCESS ACTIVE": Indicates that the RMS is operating at access level 2 or higher
This may be caused by a user logged on to a serial port at access level 2 or higher or
with the use of the LCD menu at access level 2 or higher
When the Download or Upload buttons are clicked, first a file selection window will be
shown. The user must select a filename for downloading or uploading configuration data
If Upload was clicked the user must also select which boards in the ILS configuration data
should be uploaded for. This is done in the Configuration upload window shown below. When
the OK button is clicked the upload process starts. Uploading may take several minutes.
Note: The values shown this window are arbitrary sample values. The complete list and
description of all monitors parameters can be found in Chapter 7.7 in the NORMARC 7000B
Instruction Manual.
D. Changing monitor limits
In order to change monitor limits the user must be logged on at access level 3 or as master.
In these access levels the user can click the Edit button to open the Monitor limits edit
window, which is shown below.
The title of the window shows the name of the parameter selected for editing. The window
has fields for editing the low and high alarm and warning limits and the nominal value. The
nominal value can be changed only for DDM parameters. The unit (if the parameter has a
defined measurement unit) for the limits is also shown.
The Symmetric limits button is used for enabling/disabling symmetric input mode. In
symmetric input mode the user only enters the high limits, the low limits will be automatically
set so that the limits are symmetric about the nominal value. Symmetric input mode will be
enabled by default if the currently configured limits are symmetric when the window is
The Set limits off is used for setting all limits to OFF. This fills in the special values -9999
and 9999 in the low and high limit fields, which is the same as disabling alarm and warning
generation on the parameter. -9999 or 9999 can also be entered by the user to disable a
specific limit.
Note: For parameters where the warning limits are entered as a percentage of the alarm
limits and the alarm limit is set to 9999, it is not meaningful to use a warning limit other than
The Apply to ... drop down list is used for selecting which monitor to update with the new
Note: If the nominal value has been changed the new values must be applied to both monitor
1 and 2 or to the standby monitor. The new values cannot be applied to e.g. monitor 1 and
not to monitor 2. This is because monitor 1 and 2 shares the same copy of the nominal
Clicking the OK or the Apply button will send the new values to the ILS. The OK button will
in addition close the Monitor limit edit window.
Cancel will close window without sending anything to the ILS.
D.5.2.2 Maintenance limits
The Maintenance tab in the Monitor settings window shows the warning limits for the
maintenance parameters. The parameters are organized in a tree view. The board names
are at the top level. Double click a board name to see the parameters on the board.
The figure below shows the Maintenance tab with the RMS board "expanded". The complete
list and description of all maintenance parameters can be found in Chapter 7.7 in the
NORMARC 7000B Instruction Manual.
The Limit(s) column shows the configuration of the warning limits of each parameter. The
format of the displayed limits is depending on the parameter type. For analog measurements
the limits are shown as: LL/UL. Where LL is the lower limit and UL is the high limit. A
maintenance warning is generated when the measurement falls outside this interval.
Digital measurements will normally be shown as the text: "Default". This means that the limits
are configured with the default limits. If the limits are not at the default setting, the field can
show any of the following texts:
• "Normally low" The limit has been changed from the default, which is that the
measurement is a logical high level, to a logical low level
• "Normally high" The limit has been changed from the default, which is that the
measurement is a logical low level, to a logical high level
• "OFF" The limit has been set off, i.e. the measurement will not produce a warning.
• "Invalid" The limits for the parameter has been set to illegal values
• "Fixed" The limits is fixed internally in the ILS
The Edit button is used for changing the limits. Clicking the Edit button will bring up one of
the Maintenance limit Edit window shown below. Access level 3 is required to edit
maintenance limits.
Note: In order to edit digital (non-user) maintenance parameters, the "Display all monitor and
tx parameters independent of ILS type" Preferences option must be enabled. This option
must be enabled first because the user should not normally change these limits.
D. Editing non-user maintenance parameter limits
The figure below shows the window used for entering new maintenance limits. The window
has fields for the low limit, the high limit, and the defined unit for the parameter.
Note that the limits of Digital user parameters 1 and 2 (which are counters) cannot be edited.
D.5.2.3 Delays
The Delays tab in the Monitor settings window shows the configured delays for the executive
monitors and for the maintenance parameters. The delay values are in seconds.
The Edit buttons can be clicked to open a window, as shown below, for editing the selected
delay. Editing delays requires access level 3.
Valid input range in this window is 0.4 to 102.3 seconds for executive monitors and 0 to 1023
for maintenance delays. The total changeover-shutdown delay will be two times the
executive monitor delay value. Refer to Chapter 7.7 in the NORMARC 7000B Instruction
Manual for the default values.
The Apply to ... drop down list is used for selecting which monitor to update with the new
values. This field is not shown for maintenance delays.
In this window the LF generator 90 Hz and 150 Hz signals may be switched on or off and the
Morse code settings may be changed (LLZ only).
The following table describes the effect of each Morse code setting.
Setting Transmitted ident.
Off None (silent)
Normal The configured morse code (see the Adjustments tab)
Cont. Continuous 1020 Hz tone
TST The Morse code for TST
The CLR quadrature mod. setting controls whether the Clearance LF signal is quadrature
The Signal modulation and Morse code requires access level 2, while the CLR quadrature
modulation option requires access level 3 to change the setting.
D.5.3.2 Transmitter adjustments
The following TX parameters can be changed for Course and Clearance (for two frequency
systems) for transmitter 1 and 2:
• 90Hz & 150Hz modulation balance (DDM)
• 90Hz & 150Hz modulation sum (SDM)
• RF power
• Ident modulation depth
• Runway Morse code identification (up to 4 letters)
To change TX adjustment values click the Edit button in this window. Access level 3 is
required. A dialog similar to the one below will be opened.
This window shows the configured adjustment values for TX1 and TX2. The label above
each input field also indicates whether the transmitter is "on air" or not.
To change the parameter values the user has the following options:
• Click on the up and down arrows to increment/decrement the value
• Press the up and down arrows on your keyboard to increment/decrement the value
Enter a new value in the numeric input field.
The ILS will be updated with new value(s) when the Enter key is pressed or the OK or Apply
buttons is clicked.
The TX-adjustment values are the positions of digital potentiometers used and stored in the
EEPROM on the LF generator boards. The values are unit-less integers in the range 0-4095.
Refer to the Operating Manual for a list of typical values used.
D.5.3.3 DME interface
The fields on this tab specifies the operation of the DME interface (LLZ only). Access level 3
is required to change any of these settings.
The following tables describe each selection.
Keying master selections:
LLZ LLZ is the keying master
DME DME is the keying master
The Modulation tab has controls for turning the 90 and 150 Hz signals on/off, selecting the
Morse code type, and whether the Voice shall be transmitted or muted.
The settings are read only at access level 1 and read/write at higher access levels. Default
settings will be restored when the user logs out.
Note 1: The "Morse signal" fields are visible only on LLZ equipment.
Note 2: The "Voice signal" fields are visible only when the "Voice generator installed" system
option is enabled.
D.5.4.2 Signal adjustments tab (NORMARC 7000B)
The Signal adjustments tab displays a list of the current LF generator adjustments. These
values are stored in an EEPROM on each LF generator board.
The settings are read only at access level 1 and 2 and read/write at higher access levels.
Allowable range and typical values for each adjustment value are shown in the Edit dialog for
each parameter. Some parameters do not have a specific typical range.
By enabling factory mode in the Preferences window, the following test signal parameters will
also be displayed. The recommended way of changing these values is to use the Flight
check window.
The "Offset" tab is used for adjusting digital potentiometers that controls offsets in the PA-
When "Enable test mode" is checked a test mode is activated on the LF generator and in the
PA- assembly that result in the following signals being fed to either the I-input or Q-input on
the amplifier:
• CSB: 150 Hz sinus with 1.0 V amplitude. No DC offset
• SBO: SBO signal with 1.5 V amplitude on each tone
The text "Q off" or "I off" in blue colour denotes that either the Q or I input signals is disabled
by test modes in PA-assembly.
D. Loop phase tab
The "Loop phase" tab is used for adjusting digital potentiometers that controls the I and Q
loop delays in the PA. When "Enable test mode" is checked a test mode is activated on the
LF generator that result in the following signals begin fed to the inputs on the amplifier:
• CSB: 3.5 V DC (no modulation signals)
• SBO: 1.5 V DC (no modulation signals) on the I and Q outputs
A test mode that makes the PA operate in open loop mode is activated on the selected PA
(the text "Open loop" in blue colour denotes that this mode on the PA is active).
The "Demodulator meas." frame shows the I and Q demodulator measurements converted to
polar representation. The actual I and Q voltage measurements can be displayed as pop-up
text by resting the mouse pointer over the value or angle fields.
D. Cal pwr meas tab
The "Cal power meas" tab is used for calibrating the forward power measurements. The
reverse power measurements cannot be calibrated.
There is no test mode for adjusting these potentiometers, so the "Enable test mode" and the
"I-signal" and "Q-signal" radio buttons are always disabled.
D. Overtemp. tab
The "Overtemp" tab is used for adjusting the temperature levels of the automatic shutdown
function in the PA-assemblies.
The "Overtemp. turnoff limit" sets the temperature level in degrees Celsius at which the RF
output from the PA will be turned off. The "Overtemp. reset limit" sets the temperature at
which the RF output will be enabled again after the turnoff limit has been exceeded (this
allows the hysteresis to be configured).
Recommended turnoff limit is 110 degrees Celsius. Recommended reset limit is 85 degrees
D. Gain tab (requires Factory-mode)
Note: Changing the Gain adjustments requires special measurement equipment, and must
only be done at the factory or by specially trained personnel.
The "Gain" tab is used for adjusting digital potentiometers that controls gain in the I and Q
signals path in the demodulator in PA.
When "Enable test mode" is checked a test mode is activated on the LF generator and in the
PA- assembly that result in the following signals being fed to either the I-input or Q-input on
the amplifier:
• CSB: 3.5 V DC (no modulation signals)
• SBO: 2 V DC (no modulation signals) on either the SBO I or SBO Q outputs
The text "Q off" or "I off" in blue colour denotes that either the Q or I input signals is disabled
by test modes in PA-assembly.
For setting and testing of alarm limits special controls are provided. One or more of the
different test signals can be applied simultaneously. The test signal types are described
D. CL test signals
Two test signals can be preset/adjusted. One will normally be offset to provide an alignment
alarm on 90 Hz side (GP: low angle) while the other will be offset to alignment alarm 150 Hz
side (GP: high angle). Fine-tuning of the presets can be done by pulling the sliders, clicking
on the arrows at each end of the sliders or clicking the up/down arrow to the side of the value
The visual indication in the upper half of the Flight check window will indicate the change in
CL and NF DDM readings and will also indicate how close to the alarm limits the signals are
(alarm limit is indicated by a red line in the graphical readout for each parameter).
If the alarm limit shows not to be correct when the alarm point is found, a new alarm limit for
the monitors can be set by clicking on the Set limits button between the Mon1 and Mon2
indication for the relevant parameter.
The monitored value for that parameter will then be suggested as a new alarm limit but can
of course be manually overwritten.
The "Set limits" buttons will only be shown if the option "Enable alarm limit setting in level 3
from Flight check window" under the menu option File - Preferences is activated. Note:
Activate CL test signal 1 or 2 in order to enable the Set limits buttons.
The visual indication in the upper half of the Flight check window will indicate the change in
DS DDM reading and will also indicate how close to the alarm limits the signal is (alarm limit
is indicated by a red line in the graphical readout for each parameter).
If the alarm limit shows not to be correct when the alarm point is found, a new alarm limit for
the monitors can be set by clicking on the Set limits button between the Mon1 and Mon2
indication for the relevant parameter.
The monitored value for that parameter will then be suggested as a new alarm limit, but this
value can be manually overridden.
The "Set limits" button will only be shown if the option "Enable alarm limit setting in level 3
from Flight check window" under the menu option File | Preferences is activated.
D. CLR test signals
For testing of CLR wide alarm a test setting is provided. By activating this, the CLR SBO will
be reduced. Fine-tuning of the setting can be done by clicking the up/down arrows to the side
of the value field.
Changes in the CLR DDM value can be observed in the ILS-Data | Monitor window.
If the alarm limit has to be corrected this can be done via the ILS-Settings | Monitoring
D. RF power alarm
For testing of the RF power alarm, test settings for both Course and CLR power have been
By activating the test, the output level of the selected transmitter will be reduced with the
level selected.
Changes in the RF value can be observed in the ILS-Data | Monitor window.
If the alarm limit has to be corrected this can be done via the ILS-Settings | Monitoring
The LCD MENU and MASTER users are always set up, and cannot be deleted. The LCD
MENU entry is used for setting the four-letter password required for entering access level 3
from the LCD menu on RMA1215.
• Passwords must be 6-8 characters in length (the LCD MENU must be 4 characters). Both
the username and passwords can only consist of characters in the ranges A-Z, a-z or 0-9
• The usernames for LCD MENU and MASTER cannot be changed
• For the LCD MENU user only an access level 3 password is entered
• For the MASTER user, no password field can be empty
An "X"-mark to the left of the warning type indicates that an active warning of that type will
cause the main warning lamp to be activated.
If the configuration is changed, the Apply button must be clicked to send the new settings to
the ILS.
D.5.7.5 Medium storage sample interval
The sample intervals for the medium time storage in the ILS may be selected on the Medium
storage tab in the General settings window.
Access level 3 is required for changing the sample interval.
The window displays the currently configured bit rates and init strings. Pressing the Edit
button brings up a dialog where you can change the bit rate and/or the init string for the
selected port. Note that it is no init string for the local port, since a modem is not supported
for this port.
Pressing the Init modem makes the ILS send the modem initiation at the selected port.
If the init-string is left blank or the word "default" is written, the ILS will use a default init-string
that shall work on standard Hayes compatible modems under normal conditions.
Please consult the modem manual for further information about modem commands and
D.5.7.7 Cabinet name
When the user selects "Cabinet name" in the General settings window the tab shown below
is displayed.
The cabinet is displayed in the first row of the LCD panel. It is also used in the RMM system
for identifying the ILS. The cabinet name can only be configured in ILS cabinets with RMS
software version 13 or later.
The Master access level is required for changing the cabinet name.
D.5.7.8 System options
When the user selects "System options" in the General settings window the tab shown below
is displayed.
The user must be logged on as Master to make any changes to these settings.
Note: If any of these options are changed the RMS must be restarted (power the cabinet off
and on).
Note 2: Factory mode must be selected in the File | Preferences window to enable the
hardware configuration options.
The following sections describe each option.
Enable this option on racks which have dual battery banks. When enabled the RMM and
RMS software will show the maintenance measurements done on battery 2 and power
This option is to be enabled when no NF monitor is installed on the ILS. It will hide all the NF
readings in the Monitor measurements window, hide all readings of Maintenance parameters
from monitor 1 MO and MF boards and remove the options for readout and setting of NF
alarm limits/warning limits/delay from the LCD menu.
Note: In addition to enabling this option the NF alarm/warning limits must manually be set
OFF from the RMM software in factory mode to inhibit generation of NF alarm and warnings.
Use the Preferences window to turn on factory mode.
This option is to be enabled when the tilt sensor is installed. When enabled, the RMS and
RMM software will display the tilt sensor measurements and limits. Note: This option should
only be used on GP equipment. RMS version 13.3 or later is required to use this feature.
Enable this option if COU transmitters (GPA 1581A) are used to generate CLR signals
(normally generated by GPA 1582A). Note: Using GPA 1581A transmitters this way, requires
the 27V supply line for CLR SBO to be disconnected.
This option is to be enabled in cabinets with one monitor. When enabled the RMS ignores IIC
read errors from monitor 2 and monitor 2 RF frontend and sets these measurements to N/A.
(The warning limits are ignored for any maintenance measurement that is N/A, so there is no
need to set the limits "off"). Monitor disagree warning (LED and event) is suppressed.
This option is to be enabled in cabinets with one transmitter chain. When enabled the RMS
will ignore IIC read errors from TX2: OS,LF, and LPA/GPA COU/CLR, and sets the
measurements to N/A. (The warning limits are ignored for any maintenance measurement
that is N/A, so there is no need to set the limits "off".)
When enabled, the RMS will automatically turn off the ident (and voice, if present) when the
system enters "manual" mode. The ident will also be turned off about 1 second after start up
if the system is in manual mode when powered on. Also, the ident warning LED will not be
activated while in manual mode. The ident will also be turned on when the system enters
"auto" mode.
Note: The RMS automatically sets the ident mode back to "Normal" when logging out from
access level 2 or higher. On equipment with LF 1223 boards (used in NORMARC 7000A),
the NMP110B.02 FPGA is required for setting Normal ident if the RMS looses its access as a
result of Grant/Deny switch change or Local/Remote switch change.
Enable this option to make the RMS automatically turn the transmitters off when Manual
mode is activated. After 20 seconds the RMS will turn the transmitters on again.
Enable this option to activate the Param LED if any of the integrity checks fails. When
enabled, any monitor parameter warnings will not activate this LED, instead any monitor
parameter warning will be indicated by the Maint LED. Refer to the handbooks for a
description of the integrity checks performed by the RMS.
When enabled, selects µA instead of %DDM as the DDM measurement unit on the LCD.
The ILS has battery backed RAM in the RMS subsystem (RMA1215) board that is used to
store historical data. Four different types of historical data is stored:
• Medium time periodic storage: One sample of all monitor and maintenance
parameters stored periodically at user specified intervals (see Medium time periodic
settings). The storage contains the last 96 samples
• Long time periodic storage: For every day through a 180 days period, the mean value
and standard deviation of all monitor and analog maintenance parameters are stored.
• Warning storage: One sample of all monitor and maintenance parameters at the
instant when a warning LED is activated. The 25 last warnings are stored
• Alarm storage: Samples of all monitor and maintenance parameters for a period
starting from 30s before an alarm occurred and ending with the actual alarm sample.
The last seven alarms are stored in the ILS. Two alarms will be stored in the ILS for
each alarm condition that results in a transmitter changeover, which is followed by a
In addition the ILS stores an event list in the battery backed RAM. See Viewing events for
more information about the event list.
The historical data stored in the ILS can be cleared from the LCD menu on the front of the
ILS cabinet. (This should always be done just before a system is set operative).
The RMM software allows the user to download the historical data from the ILS. The different
storage types are saved in the following ways on the PC:
• Medium time and Long time periodic data: When downloaded, this data is stored in a
database on the user's hard disk. Storing the data in a database allows the user to
browse through data measured over a longer period than is stored inside the ILS. The
data can also imported into third party software (for example Microsoft Excel) with the
use of ODBC database access (option)
• Warning and Alarm storage: When downloaded, this data is stored as files on the
users hard disk. Storing the data as files simplifies the task of moving the data from
one computer to another, sending the data as e-mail, etc.
• Event storage: The event list is downloaded and stored in the database each time a
user logs on to an ILS
The following sections describe how to download historical data and how to view the data
once it has been downloaded.
To delete historical data stored for a station in the database, requires the user to delete the
station from the station list. There is no option to delete historical data only.
Selecting the menu item File|Storage download opens the "Storage download" window
shown below. This window is used to select a historical storage and start downloading it from
the ILS.
If there is no data in a historical storage it will not be possible to select it for download.
As it can be stored historical data for up seven alarms in the ILS, the user must select which
alarms to download. The time stamps shown in the window are the time of the last data set in
each storage (this time will be the same as the time of the changeover or shutdown of the
transmitters plus a few tenths of a second).
When a warning or alarm storage data is selected for download, a window will be opened in
which the user can select a folder and filename for saving the data to. When medium time or
long time period storage data is selected the data will be stored in the database.
The menu item File | Open downloaded data is used to open and view downloaded historical
data. The window shown below is opened when this menu item is selected.
The user must select the type of historical storage to open and the station name (for medium
time and long time periodic data) or filename (for warning and alarm storage).
When the user clicks "Open" the historical data is opened. The main program window will
then change, and become similar to the window below.
There are panels placed at the top and the bottom of the program window. The top panel
shows the station name and the station type along with a "Close" button to stop viewing the
historical data. The bottom panel contains browse controls for selecting the currently
displayed data set among the data available in the storage.
The following ILS-Data menu items can be used to view data from the selected historical
• Monitor
• Maintenance
• Event list (only when viewing medium time periodic or long time periodic historical
• Diagnostics
When viewing alarm storage data, the bottom panel will also have a drop-down list for
selecting the alarm storage to be browsed. Also shown is a text field that shows the result of
the automatically performed diagnose result for the selected alarm storage.
The RMM program can be used to save the monitor and maintenance measurements that is
currently being received from an ILS directly to a file. This function is referred to as
"Continuous logging".
Continuous logging should not be confused with historical data stored in the ILS. The
following points describe the major differences:
• Data is logged real-time, i.e. only as long as the user is logged on to the ILS
• Monitor and maintenance measurements must be saved to separate files
• The user has complete control of the interval between saved data sets (specifying a
data set interval = zero seconds causes all received data to be saved)
• Data that has been saved with Continuous logging cannot be viewed from within the
RMM program. A text editor (for example Windows Notepad) or other third party
software (for example Microsoft Excel) must be used for opening and viewing the
contents Continuous log files
A typical utilization of the Continuous logging feature can be to find the cause of problems
that are not logged (or sufficiently logged) in the internal historical storages.
The RMM software has two algorithms to isolate a failure in the ILS. The algorithms are the
Current data diagnostics and the Alarm diagnostics.
Current data diagnostics is invoked by selecting the menu item ILS-Data|Diagnostics. Based
upon the currently displayed data, which can originate from a live ILS connection or from
historical data storage, the program will suggest the faulty module(s), if any.
Refer to chapter 5.4 in the NORMARC 7000B Instruction Manual for a detailed description of
the algorithm used to isolate faults.
This diagnostic function are automatically performed when an alarm storage is downloaded
from the ILS. The diagnose result is shown on the screen when historical alarm data is
Note that the alarm diagnostics algorithm works on alarms that causes a changeover to
standby transmitter. If the changeover is followed by shutdown, this information is used in the
algorithm for diagnosing the changeover alarm. It does not diagnose shutdown alarms as
standalone alarms.
Refer to chapter 5.4 in the NORMARC 7000B Instruction Manual for a detailed description of
the algorithm used to isolate faults.