Refrigeration Manual: Part 1 - Fundamentals of Refrigeration
Refrigeration Manual: Part 1 - Fundamentals of Refrigeration
Refrigeration Manual: Part 1 - Fundamentals of Refrigeration
The practice of refrigeration undoubtedly goes back as far as the history of mankind, but
for thousands of years the only cooling mediums were water and ice. Today refrigeration in
the home, in the supermarket, and in commercial and industrial usage is so closely woven
into our everyday existence it is difficult to imagine life without it. But because of this rapid
growth, countless people who must use and work with refrigeration equipment do not fully
understand the basic fundamentals of refrigeration system operation.
This manual is designed to fill a need which exists for a concise, elementary text to aid
servicemen, salesman, students, and others interested in refrigeration. It is intended to
cover only the fundamentals of refrigeration theory and practice. Detailed information as to
specific products is available from manufacturers of complete units and accessories. Used
to supplement such literature—and to improve general knowledge of refrigeration—this
manual should prove to be very helpful.
Most users of refrigeration products normally associate zero Celsius. By comparison with this standard, the
refrigeration or air conditioning with cold and cooling, coldest weather we might ever experience on Earth is
yet the practice of refrigeration engineering deals almost much warmer.
entirely with the transfer of heat. This seeming contradic-
tion is one of the most fundamental concepts that must TEMPERATURE
be grasped to understand the workings of a refrigeration
or air conditioning system. Cold is really only the ab- Temperature is the scale used to measure the intensity
sence of heat, just as darkness is the absence of light, of heat, the indicator that determines which way the
and dryness is the absence of moisture. heat energy will move. In the United States, tempera-
ture is normally measured in degrees Fahrenheit. The
THERMODYNAMICS Celsius scale (previously termed Centigrade) is widely
used in most other parts of the world. Both scales have
Thermodynamics is that branch of science dealing several basic points in common, (See Figure 1-1) the
with the mechanical action of heat. There are certain freezing point of water, and the boiling point of water at
fundamental principles of nature, often called laws of sea level. At sea level, water freezes at 32°F (0°C) and
thermodynamics, which govern our existence here on water boils at 212°F (100°C). On the Fahrenheit scale,
Earth. Several of these laws are basic to the study of the temperature difference between these two points is
refrigeration. divided into 180 equal increments or degrees F, while on
the Celsius scale the temperature difference is divided
The first and most important of these laws is the fact into 100 equal increments or degrees C. The relation
that energy can neither be created or destroyed. It can between Fahrenheit and Celsius scales can always be
only be converted from one type to another. A study established by the following formulas:
of thermodynamic theory is beyond the scope of this
manual, but the examples that follow will illustrate the Fahrenheit = 9/5 Celsius + 32°
practical application of the energy law. Celsius = 5/9 (Fahrenheit -32°)
Heat is a form of energy, primarily created by the trans-
formation of other types of energy into heat energy. For
example, mechanical energy turning a wheel causes
friction and is transformed into heat energy. When a
vapor such as air or refrigerant is compressed, the
compression process is transformed into heat energy
and heat is added to the air or refrigerant.
Heat is often defined as energy in motion, for it is never
content to stand still. It is always moving from a warm
body to a colder body. Much of the heat on the Earth is
derived from radiation from the sun. The heat is being
transferred from the hot sun to the colder earth. A spoon COMPARISON OF TEMPERATURE SCALES
in ice water loses its heat to the water and becomes Figure 1-1
cold. Heat is transferred from the hot spoon to the colder
ice water. A spoon in hot coffee absorbs heat from the Further observing the two scales, note that at -40°,
coffee and becomes warm. The hot coffee transfers both the Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers are at
heat to the colder spoon. The terms warmer and colder the same point. This is the only point where the two
are only comparative. Heat exists at any temperature scales are identical. Using this information, the follow-
above absolute zero even though it may be in extremely ing formulas can be used to determine the equivalent
small quantities. Fahrenheit or Celsius values.
Absolute zero is the term used by scientists to de- Fahrenheit = ((Celsius + 40) x 9/5) - 40
scribe the lowest theoretical temperature possible, the Celsius = ((Fahrenheit + 40) x 5/9) - 40
temperature at which no heat exists. This occurs at
approximately 460° below zero Fahrenheit, 273° below
Figure 1-2
Assume that two steel balls are side by side in a perfectly
insulated box. One ball weighs one pound and has a
temperature of 400°F, while the second ball weighs
1,000 pounds and has a temperature of 390°F. The
heat content of the larger ball is much greater than the
small one, but because of the temperature difference,
heat will travel from the small ball to the large one (See
Figure 1-2) until the temperatures equalize. Heat can Figure 1-4
Figure 2-1
Figure 2-3
R‑401A is a mixture of R‑22, R‑152a, and R‑124 which
closely approximates the vapor pressure and perfor-
mance of R‑12. (R‑401A is considered to be a Near
Figure 2-2
Azeotropic mixture.)
R‑502, an azeotrope of 48.8% R‑22 and 51.2% R‑115
at +66°F, has lower discharge temperatures than does A Near-ARM is a zeotropic fluid whose composition is
R‑22 for high compression ratio applications. such that it exhibits a “small” amount of glide. Thus,
“near-azeotropic” is a relative term. (See Figure 2-4.)
R‑500, an azeotrope of 73.8% R‑12 and 26.2% R‑152a Some researchers use a maximum glide temperature
at +32°F, has approximately 15% more capacity than value of 10°F to distinguish Near-ARMs from zeo-
pure R‑12 and was used to compensate for the capac- tropes.
ity reduction arising from using a 60 Hz. R‑12 system
on 50 Hz. R‑404A is a ternary mixture which closely approximates
the vapor pressure and performance characteristics of
R‑507, a non-ozone depleting azeotrope at -40°F is R‑502. R‑402A is a mixture of R‑22, R‑125, and R‑290
50% R‑125 and 50% R‑143a. It is an HFC replacement (propane) which closely approximates the vapor pres-
for R‑502. sure and performance characteristics of R‑502.
A zeotrope is a working fluid with two or more com- HOW ARE COMPONENTS CHOSEN?
ponents of different vapor pressure and boiling points
whose liquid and vapor components have different com- Components are primarily chosen based on the final
characteristics desired in the mixture. These character-
Table 2-1
Comparative Properties of Several Refrigerants
R-12 R-401A R-401B R-409A R-134a R-22 R-407C R-410A R-502 R-402A R-408A R-404A R-507
Saturation Pressure,
psig at 70°F 70.2 85.8* 91.9* 106.1* 71.2 121.4 114.9* 200.6* 137.6 160.4* 135.1* 147.5* 153.6
Solubility of Water,
PPM at 100°F 165 NA NA 1600 1900 1800 NA 2850 740 NA 900 970 970
Solubility of Water,
PPM at -40°F 1.7 NA NA 190 NA 120 NA 90 12 NA 100 100 100
NA - Not Available * Dew Point Pressure ** Bubble Point Temperatures
R-12 R-401A R-401B R-409A R-134a R-22 R-407C R-410A R-502 R-402A R-408A R-404A R-507
Evaporating Pressure,
psig 0.6 2.9 *0.8 *1.9 *3.7 10.2 6.2 26.3 15.5 18.1 13.4 16.3 17.8
Condensing Pressure
psig 136 166.1 176.3 140.6 146.5 226 256.6 365.4 246 289.3 252.1 270.3 280.6
Compression Ratio 9.9 10.3 13.4 11.3 12.5 9.7 13 9.3 8.6 9.3 9.5 9.2 9.1
Specific Volume of
Return Gas, ft3/lb 3.03 3.7 4.2 4.1 5.7 2.53 1.6 1.5 1.66 1.4 2.1 1.79 1.69
Refrigeration Effect
BTU/lb 53.7 71.7 72.1 68.6 69.5 73.03 70.7 77.3 48.72 51 62 51.8 53.7
* In/Hg
(Data shown at -20°F evaporating temperature, 110°F condensing temperature, 0°F liquid subcooling, 65°F return gas temperature.)
Not all of the refrigerants are recommended at this conditions.
and the -40°F point to be saturated refrigerant in the Each refrigerant has different suction and discharge
evaporator. The concern of the technician should be how pressures for the same operating conditions. This
much water can the refrigerant hold before it becomes should be expected in that each refrigerant is made up
free water and causes problems. Ideally there should not of different chemicals. It is interesting however that the
be any moisture in the refrigerant in the system. Proper compression ratio for the refrigerants is not that dis-
installation and service techniques should assure that similar. The highest is R‑401B, 13.4:1, and the lowest
the system is clean and dry. This includes the proper is R‑502, 8.6:1.
use of a vacuum pump and micron gage.
The Specific Volume (ft3/lb.) of the return gas varies
The table lists the solubility in PPM (parts per million significantly, with the medium pressure refrigerants
by weight). PPM may be a meaningless number to the having the largest Specific Volume, the lowest Density.
average technician and installer so let’s equate it to This equates to a fewer number of pounds of refrigerant
something more understandable. Filter dryers are rated being circulated through the compressor per revolution
in drops of water before they become saturated and of the compressor motor. The Refrigeration Effect is the
can no longer hold any additional water. ARI (The Air pounds of refrigerant in circulation times the refrigerants
Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute) standard is that Enthalpy.
20 drops of water equals 1 cc or 1 gram by weight.
Table 2-1 lists R‑22 at 100°F having a solubility of 1800 Table 2-3
PPM. This simply means that R‑22 liquid at 100°F can Refrigerant/Lubricant Chart
hold up to 11 drops of water per pound before there Conventional Service Blends (HCFC) Non-Ozone
is free water. In an Air Conditioning system, when the Refrigerants Depleting (HFC)
refrigerants temperature is lowered to +40°F, the solu-
bility drops to 690 PPM (Not shown in Table 2-1.). This
equates to 6 drops of water before there is free water. In CFC R-12 R-401A R-134a
an Air Conditioning system, the free water will not freeze R-401B
but may cause other chemical reaction damage.
CFC R-502 R-402A R-404A
When the refrigerant goes through the TEV and its R-048A R-507A
temperature is lowered to -40°F, the solubility drops to HCFC R-22 R-407C
120 PPM. This now equates to one drop of water per R-410A
pound of refrigerant. Once there is more than one drop
of water per pound at -40°F, there is free water in the
system and the TEV will freeze closed. MO AB POE
Comparative Refrigeration Effect POE/MO*
Table 2-2 lists comparative data for different refrigerants. *AB or POE must be at least 50% of the system lubricant.
Alkyl Benzene (AB) lubricant is a synthetic hydrocar- To accurately determine the operating performance of a
bon. Its composition is more polar than mineral oil. This refrigeration system, precise and accurate information
polar property makes the HCFC service blends more is required. This includes various properties of refriger-
soluble/miscible in the AB lubricant. Like POE, specific ants at any temperature and pressure to be considered.
AB and Alkyl Benzene Mineral Oil (ABMO) blends have Refrigerant manufacturers have calculated and com-
been approved by Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. piled this data in the form of tables of thermodynamic
after extensive laboratory and field testing. properties. These tables are made available to design
and application engineers and others who have a need
90 119.138 0.0136 0.3999 73.54 2.5009 41.6 73.6 115.2 0.0855 0.2194 90
91 121.024 0.0136 0.3935 73.40 2.5416 41.9 73.4 115.3 0.0861 0.2194 91
92 122.930 0.0137 0.3872 73.26 2.5829 42.3 73.1 115.4 0.0868 0.2193 92
93 124.858 0.0137 0.3810 73.12 2.6247 42.6 72.9 115.5 0.0874 0.2193 93
94 126.809 0.0137 0.3749 72.98 2.6672 43.0 72.7 115.7 0.0880 0.2193 94
95 128.782 0.0137 0.3690 72.84 2.7102 43.4 72.4 115.8 0.0886 0.2192 95
96 130.778 0.0138 0.3631 72.70 2.7539 43.7 72.2 115.9 0.0893 0.2192 96
97 132.798 0.0138 0.3574 72.56 2.7981 44.1 71.9 116.0 0.0899 0.2191 97
98 134.840 0.0138 0.3517 72.42 2.8430 44.4 71.7 116.1 0.0905 0.2191 98
99 136.906 0.0138 0.3462 72.27 2.8885 44.8 71.4 116.2 0.0912 0.2190 99
100 138.996 0.0139 0.3408 72.13 2.9347 45.1 71.2 116.3 0.0918 0.2190 100
101 141.109 0.0139 0.3354 71.99 2.9815 45.5 70.9 116.4 0.0924 0.2190 101
102 143.247 0.0139 0.3302 71.84 3.0289 45.8 70.7 116.5 0.0930 0.2189 102
103 145.408 0.0139 0.3250 71.70 3.0771 46.2 70.4 116.6 0.0937 0.2189 103
104 147.594 0.0140 0.3199 71.55 3.1259 46.6 70.2 116.7 0.0943 0.2188 104
105 149.804 0.0140 0.3149 71.40 3.1754 46.9 69.9 116.9 0.0949 0.2188 105
106 152.039 0.0140 0.3100 71.25 3.2256 47.3 69.7 117.0 0.0955 0.2187 106
107 154.298 0.0141 0.3052 71.11 3.2765 47.6 69.4 117.1 0.0962 0.2187 107
108 156.583 0.0141 0.3005 70.96 3.3282 48.0 69.2 117.2 0.0968 0.2186 108
109 158.893 0.0141 0.2958 70.81 3.3806 48.4 68.9 117.3 0.0974 0.2186 109
110 161.227 0.0142 0.2912 70.66 3.4337 48.7 68.6 117.4 0.0981 0.2185 110
111 163.588 0.0142 0.2867 70.51 3.4876 49.1 68.4 117.5 0.0987 0.2185 111
112 165.974 0.0142 0.2823 70.35 3.5423 49.5 68.1 117.6 0.0993 0.2185 112
113 168.393 0.0142 0.2780 70.20 3.5977 49.8 67.8 117.7 0.0999 0.2184 113
114 170.833 0.0143 0.2737 70.05 3.6539 50.2 67.6 117.8 0.1006 0.2184 114
115 173.298 0.0143 0.2695 69.89 3.7110 50.5 67.3 117.9 0.1012 0.2183 115
116 175.790 0.0143 0.2653 69.74 3.7689 50.9 67.0 117.9 0.1018 0.2183 116
117 178.297 0.0144 0.2613 69.58 3.8276 51.3 66.8 118.0 0.1024 0.2182 117
118 180.846 0.0144 0.2573 69.42 3.8872 51.7 66.5 118.1 0.1031 0.2182 118
119 183.421 0.0144 0.2533 69.26 3.9476 52.0 66.2 118.2 0.1037 0.2181 119
120 186.023 0.0145 0.2494 69.10 4.0089 52.4 65.9 118.3 0.1043 0.2181 120
121 188.652 0.0145 0.2456 68.94 4.0712 52.8 65.6 118.4 0.1050 0.2180 121
122 191.308 0.0145 0.2419 68.78 4.1343 53.1 65.4 118.5 0.1056 0.2180 122
123 193.992 0.0146 0.2382 68.62 4.1984 53.5 65.1 118.6 0.1062 0.2179 123
124 196.703 0.0146 0.2346 68.46 4.2634 53.9 64.8 118.7 0.1068 0.2178 124
125 199.443 0.0146 0.2310 68.29 4.3294 54.3 64.5 118.8 0.1075 0.2178 125
126 202.211 0.0147 0.2275 68.13 4.3964 54.6 64.2 118.8 0.1081 0.2177 126
127 205.008 0.0147 0.2240 67.96 4.4644 55.0 63.9 118.9 0.1087 0.2177 127
128 207.834 0.0147 0.2206 67.80 4.5334 55.4 63.6 119.0 0.1094 0.2176 128
129 210.688 0.0148 0.2172 67.63 4.6034 55.8 63.3 119.1 0.1100 0.2176 129
130 213.572 0.0148 0.2139 67.46 4.6745 56.2 63.0 119.2 0.1106 0.2175 130
131 216.485 0.0149 0.2107 67.29 4.7467 56.5 62.7 119.2 0.1113 0.2174 131
132 219.429 0.0149 0.2075 67.12 4.8200 56.9 62.4 119.3 0.1119 0.2174 132
133 222.402 0.0149 0.2043 66.95 4.8945 57.3 62.1 119.4 0.1125 0.2173 133
134 225.405 0.0150 0.2012 66.77 4.9700 57.7 61.8 119.5 0.1132 0.2173 134
135 228.438 0.0150 0.1981 66.60 5.0468 58.1 61.5 119.6 0.1138 0.2172 135
136 231.502 0.0151 0.1951 66.42 5.1248 58.5 61.2 119.6 0.1144 0.2171 136
137 234.597 0.0151 0.1922 66.24 5.2040 58.8 60.8 119.7 0.1151 0.2171 137
138 237.723 0.0151 0.1892 66.06 5.2844 59.2 60.5 119.8 0.1157 0.2170 138
139 240.880 0.0152 0.1864 65.88 5.3661 59.6 60.2 119.8 0.1163 0.2169 139
140 244.068 0.0152 0.1835 65.70 5.4491 60.0 59.9 119.9 0.1170 0.2168 140
141 247.288 0.0153 0.1807 65.52 5.5335 60.4 59.6 120.0 0.1176 0.2168 141
142 250.540 0.0153 0.1780 65.34 5.6192 60.8 59.2 120.0 0.1183 0.2167 142
143 253.824 0.0153 0.1752 65.15 5.7064 61.2 58.9 120.1 0.1189 0.2166 143
144 257.140 0.0154 0.1726 64.96 5.7949 61.6 58.6 120.1 0.1195 0.2165 144
145 260.489 0.0154 0.1699 64.78 5.8849 62.0 58.2 120.2 0.1202 0.2165 145
146 263.871 0.0155 0.1673 64.59 5.9765 62.4 57.9 120.3 0.1208 0.2164 146
147 267.270 0.0155 0.1648 64.39 6.0695 62.8 57.5 120.3 0.1215 0.2163 147
148 270.721 0.0156 0.1622 64.20 6.1642 63.2 57.2 120.4 0.1221 0.2162 148
149 274.204 0.0156 0.1597 64.01 6.2604 63.6 56.8 120.4 0.1228 0.2161 149
Reprinted with permission from E.I. DuPont
10 47.464 32.768 0.012088 1.1290 82.724 0.88571 13.104 92.338 105.442 0.02932 0.22592 10
11 48.423 33.727 0.012105 1.1077 82.612 0.90275 13.376 92.162 105.538 0.02990 0.22570 11
12 49.396 34.700 0.012121 1.0869 82.501 0.92005 13.648 91.986 105.633 0.03047 0.22548 12
13 50.384 35.688 0.012138 1.0665 82.389 0.93761 13.920 91.808 105.728 0.03104 0.22527 13
14 51.387 36.691 0.012154 1.0466 82.276 0.95544 14.193 91.630 105.823 0.03161 0.22505 14
15 52.405 37.709 0.012171 1.0272 82.164 0.97352 14.466 91.451 105.917 0.03218 0.22484 15
16 53.438 38.742 0.012188 1.0082 82.051 0.99188 14.739 91.272 106.011 0.03275 0.22463 16
17 54.487 39.791 0.012204 0.98961 81.938 1.0105 15.013 91.091 106.105 0.03332 0.22442 17
18 55.551 40.855 0.012221 0.97144 81.825 1.0294 15.288 90.910 106.198 0.03389 0.22421 18
19 56.631 41.935 0.012238 0.95368 81.711 1.0486 15.562 90.728 106.290 0.03446 0.22400 19
20 57.727 43.031 0.012255 0.93631 81.597 1.0680 15.837 90.545 106.383 0.03503 0.22379 20
21 58.839 44.143 0.012273 0.91932 81.483 1.0878 16.113 90.362 106.475 0.03560 0.22358 21
22 59.967 45.271 0.012290 0.90270 81.368 1.1078 16.389 90.178 106.566 0.03617 0.22338 22
23 61.111 46.415 0.012307 0.88645 81.253 1.1281 16.665 89.993 106.657 0.03674 0.22318 23
24 62.272 47.576 0.012325 0.87055 81.138 1.1487 16.942 89.807 106.748 0.03730 0.22297 24
25 63.450 48.754 0.012342 0.85500 81.023 1.1696 17.219 89.620 106.839 0.03787 0.22277 25
26 64.644 49.948 0.012360 0.83978 80.907 1.1908 17.496 89.433 106.928 0.03844 0.22257 26
27 65.855 51.159 0.012378 0.82488 80.791 1.2123 17.774 89.244 107.018 0.03900 0.22237 27
28 67.083 52.387 0.012395 0.81031 80.675 1.2341 18.052 89.055 107.107 0.03958 0.22217 28
29 68.328 53.632 0.012413 0.79604 80.558 1.2562 18.330 88.865 107.196 0.04013 0.22198 29
30 69.591 54.895 0.012431 0.78208 80.441 1.2786 18.609 88.674 107.284 0.04070 0.22178 30
31 70.871 56.175 0.012450 0.76842 80.324 1.3014 18.889 88.483 107.372 0.04126 0.22158 31
32 72.169 57.473 0.012468 0.75503 80.207 1.3244 19.169 88.290 107.459 0.04182 0.22139 32
33 73.485 58.789 0.012486 0.74194 80.089 1.3478 19.449 88.097 107.546 0.04239 0.22119 33
34 74.818 60.122 0.012505 0.72911 79.971 1.3715 19.729 87.903 107.632 0.04295 0.22100 34
35 76.170 61.474 0.012523 0.71655 79.852 1.3956 20.010 87.708 107.719 0.04351 0.22081 35
36 77.540 62.844 0.012542 0.70425 79.733 1.4199 20.292 87.512 107.804 0.04407 0.22062 36
37 78.929 64.233 0.012561 0.69221 79.614 1.4447 20.574 87.316 107.889 0.04464 0.22043 37
38 80.336 65.640 0.012579 0.68041 79.495 1.4697 20.856 87.118 107.974 0.04520 0.22024 38
39 81.761 67.065 0.012598 0.66885 79.375 1.4951 21.138 86.920 108.058 0.04576 0.22005 39
40 83.206 68.510 0.012618 0.65753 79.255 1.5208 21.422 86.720 108.142 0.04632 0.21986 40
41 84.670 69.974 0.012637 0.64643 79.134 1.5469 21.705 86.520 108.225 0.04688 0.21968 41
42 86.153 71.457 0.012656 0.63557 79.013 1.5734 21.989 86.319 108.308 0.04744 0.21949 42
43 87.655 72.959 0.012676 0.62492 78.892 1.6002 22.273 86.117 108.390 0.04800 0.21931 43
44 89.177 74.481 0.012695 0.61448 78.770 1.6274 22.558 85.914 108.472 0.04855 0.21912 44
45 90.719 76.023 0.012715 0.60425 78.648 1.6549 22.843 85.710 108.553 0.04911 0.21894 45
46 92.280 77.584 0.012735 0.59422 78.526 1.6829 23.129 85.506 108.634 0.04967 0.21876 46
47 93.861 79.165 0.012755 0.58440 78.403 1.7112 23.415 85.300 108.715 0.05023 0.21858 47
48 95.463 80.767 0.012775 0.57476 78.280 1.7398 23.701 85.094 108.795 0.05079 0.21839 48
49 97.085 82.389 0.012795 0.56532 78.157 1.7689 23.988 84.886 108.874 0.05134 0.21821 49
50 98.727 84.031 0.012815 0.55606 78.033 1.7984 24.275 84.678 108.953 0.05190 0.21803 50
51 100.39 85.69 0.012836 0.54698 77.909 1.8282 24.563 84.468 109.031 0.05245 0.21785 51
52 102.07 87.38 0.012856 0.53808 77.784 1.8585 24.851 84.258 109.109 0.05301 0.21768 52
53 103.78 89.08 0.012877 0.52934 77.659 1.8891 25.139 84.047 109.186 0.05357 0.21750 53
54 105.50 90.81 0.012898 0.52078 77.534 1.9202 25.429 83.834 109.263 0.05412 0.21732 54
55 107.25 92.56 0.012919 0.51238 77.408 1.9517 25.718 83.621 109.339 0.05468 0.21714 55
56 109.02 94.32 0.012940 0.50414 77.282 1.9836 26.008 83.407 109.415 0.05523 0.21697 56
57 110.81 96.11 0.012961 0.49606 77.155 2.0159 26.298 83.191 109.490 0.05579 0.21679 57
58 112.62 97.93 0.012982 0.48813 77.028 2.0486 26.589 82.975 109.564 0.05634 0.21662 58
59 114.46 99.76 0.013004 0.48035 76.900 2.0818 26.880 82.758 109.638 0.05689 0.21644 59
60 116.31 101.62 0.013025 0.47272 76.773 2.1154 27.172 82.540 109.712 0.05745 0.21627 60
61 118.19 103.49 0.013047 0.46523 76.644 2.1495 27.464 82.320 109.785 0.05800 0.21610 61
62 120.09 105.39 0.013069 0.45788 76.515 2.1840 27.757 82.100 109.857 0.05855 0.21592 62
63 122.01 107.32 0.013091 0.45066 76.386 2.2190 28.050 81.878 109.929 0.05910 0.21575 63
64 123.96 109.26 0.013114 0.44358 76.257 2.2544 28.344 81.656 110.000 0.05966 0.21558 64
Reprinted with permission from E.I. DuPont
Continuous refrigeration can be accomplished by sev- it is rejected. The heat rejected may be given off to the
eral different processes. In the great majority of applica- ambient air, or in a water cooled system, to the cooling
tions, and almost exclusively in the smaller horsepower water. A change of state from liquid to vapor and back
range, the vapor compression system is used for the to liquid allows the refrigerant to absorb and reject large
refrigeration process. However, absorption systems are quantities of heat efficiently and repeatedly.
being successfully used in many applications. In larger
equipment, centrifugal systems are used which basically The basic cycle operates as follows:
is an adaptation of the compression cycle.
High pressure liquid refrigerant is fed from the receiver
Copeland® brand compressors, as their name implies, or condenser through the liquid line, and through the
are designed for use with the compression cycle. This filter-drier to the metering device. It is at this point that
section of this manual will cover only that form of re- the high pressure side of the system is separated from
frigeration. the low pressure side. Various types of control devices
may be used, but for purposes of this illustration, only
SIMPLE COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION CYCLE the thermostatic expansion valve (TEV) will be con-
There are two pressures existing in a compression
system, the evaporating or low pressure, and the con- The TEV controls the quantity of liquid refrigerant be-
densing or high pressure. ing fed into the evaporator. The TEV’s internal orifice
causes the pressure of the refrigerant to the evaporat-
The refrigerant acts as a transportation medium to move ing or low side pressure to be reduced. This reduction
heat absorbed in the evaporator to the condenser where of the refrigerant pressure, therefore its boiling point,
Filter Dryer Receiver
Compressor Condenser
Typical low
Discus® compressor
Evap .
Cascade System
Figure 3-9
© 1967 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Section 9. MOTORS Motor Protection................................................ 10-8
Internal Inherent Line Break Protector.............. 10-8
Motor Temperature............................................ 9-1 External Inherent Protector............................... 10-9
Open Type Motors and Belt Drives.................... 9-1 Internal Thermostats.......................................... 10-9
Hermetic Motors................................................ 9-2 External Thermostats........................................ 10-9
Nameplate Amperage........................................ 9-2 Current Sensitive Protectors............................. 10-9
Voltage and Frequency..................................... 9-3 Thermotector..................................................... 10-9
Three Phase Motors.......................................... 9-3 Solid State Protectors........................................ 10-9
Single Phase Motors......................................... 9-3 Fuses and Circuit Breakers............................... 10-9
Split Phase Motors............................................ 9-3 Effect of Unbalanced Voltage and Current
Capacitor Start-Induction Run Motors on Three Phase Motor Protection.............. 10-10
(CSIR)........................................................ 9-4
Capacitor Start-Capacitor Run Motors Section 11. ACCESSORIES
(CSR)......................................................... 9-4
Permanent Split Capacitor Motors (PSC).......... 9-5 Receivers.......................................................... 11-1
Dual Voltage Motors.......................................... 9-5 Heat Exchangers............................................... 11-1
Two Phase Motors............................................. 9-6 Suction Accumulators........................................ 11-1
Oil Separators................................................... 11-2
Section 10. STARTING EQUIPMENT AND MOTOR Dehydrators....................................................... 11-2
PROTECTORS Suction Line Filters............................................ 11-2
Vibration Eliminators.......................................... 11-2
Contactors and Starters.................................... 10-1 Strainers............................................................ 11-3
Capacitors......................................................... 10-1 Sight Glass and Moisture Indicators.................. 11-3
Start Capacitors................................................. 10-2 Discharge Mufflers............................................ 11-3
Run Capacitors.................................................. 10-2 Crankcase Heaters............................................ 11-3
Reduced Voltage Starting.................................. 10-3 Refrigeration Gauges........................................ 11-4
Early models of refrigeration compressors were of the In an effort to further decrease size and cost, the welded
so-called open type, with the pistons and cylinders sealed hermetic motor-compressor has been developed, and
within a crankcase, and a crankshaft extending through is widely used in small horsepower unitary equipment.
the body for an external power source. A shaft seal As in the case of the accessible-hermetic motor-
around the crankshaft prevented the loss of refrigerant compressor an electric motor is mounted directly on the
and oil from the body. compressor crankshaft, but the body is a formed metal
shell hermetically sealed by welding. No internal field
Although at one time open type compressors were widely repairs can be performed on this type of compressor
used, they have many inherent disadvantages such as since the only means of access is by cutting open the
greater weight, higher cost, larger size, vulnerability to compressor shell.
seal failures, difficult shaft alignment, excessive noise,
and short life of belts or direct drive components. As
a result, the open type compressor has been largely
replaced with the accessible-hermetic and hermetic
type motor-compressor in most applications, and the
use of open type compressors continues to decline
except for specialized applications such as automobile
air conditioning.
(continued on p. 4-4)
Since the oil pump intake is connected directly to the During a rapid pull-down of the refrigerant evaporating
compressor crankcase, the oil pump inlet pressure temperature, the amount of refrigerant in solution in the
will always be crankcase pressure, and the oil pump crankcase oil will be reduced, and may cause flash gas at
outlet pressure will be the sum of crankcase pressure the oil pump. During this period the oil pump must pump
plus oil pump pressure. Therefore, the net oil pump both the flash gas and oil, and as a result the oil pressure
pressure is always the pump outlet pressure minus the may decrease temporarily. This will merely cause the oil
crankcase pressure. When the compressor is operating pump to bypass less oil, and so long as the oil pressure
with the suction pressure in a vacuum, the crankcase remains above 9 psi, adequate lubrication
pressure is negative and must be added to the pump
outlet pressure to determine the net oil pump pressure.
DRY AIR HOLDING CHARGE Two stage compressors are divided internally into low
(or first) and high (or second) stages. On Copelametic®
All Copeland® brand compressors are thoroughly two stage compressors now in production, the ratio of
dehydrated at the factory, and are shipped with a dry air low stage to high stage displacement is 2 to 1. The three
holding charge. The pressure inside a factory processed cylinder models have two cylinders on the low stage and
compressor is a guarantee that the compressor is leak one on the high, while the six cylinder models have four
tight, and the interior is absolutely dry. When installed, cylinders on the low and two on the high.
the compressor must be evacuated to remove the air
from the system.
COMPRESSOR CAPACITY The suction gas enters the low stage cylinders directly
from the suction line, and is discharged into the interstage
Capacity data is available from the manufacturer on manifold at interstage pressure. Since the interstage
each model of compressor for the refrigerants with which discharge vapor has a relatively high temperature,
the compressor can be used. This data may be in the liquid refrigerant must be metered into the interstage
form of curves or in tabular form, and lists the BTU/hr. manifold by the desuperheating expansion valve to
capacity at various saturated suction and discharge provide adequate motor cooling and prevent excessive
temperatures. temperatures during second stage compression. The
discharge of the low stage enters the motor chamber
It is difficult to estimate compressor capacities accurately and crankcase, so the crankcase is at interstage
on the basis of displacement and compression ratio pressure.
because of design differences between different models,
but occasionally these factors can be valuable in Desuperheated refrigerant vapor at interstage pressure
estimating the comparative performance of compressors enters the suction ports of the high stage cylinders, and
on the same application. is then discharged to the condenser at the condensing
See Figures 6 and 7 on pages 3-6 and 3-7 of Part I
Because of the high compression ratios encountered for typical two stage systems.
in ultra-low temperature applications, two stage
In order to provide a means of changing compressor It is often desirable to interconnect two compressors on a
capacity under fluctuating load conditions, larger single refrigeration system as a means of varying capacity
compressors are frequently equipped with unloaders. according to the system requirement. This immediately
Unloaders on reciprocating compressors are of two introduces lubrication problems, for unless the pressures
general types. In the first, suction valves on one or more in the two crankcases are equalized, the oil will leave
cylinders are held open by some mechanical means in the crankcase having the highest pressure.
response to a pressure control device. With the suction
valves open, refrigerant vapor is forced back into the In order to solve the troublesome problems of oil
suction chamber during the compression stroke, and equalization and vibration of connecting oil lines while
the cylinder performs no pumping action. obtaining the advantage of interconnected compressors,
the tandem compressor was developed.
A second means of unloading is to bypass a portion of
the discharge gas into the compressor suction chamber. Basically this consists of two individual compressors
Care must be taken to avoid excessive discharge with an interconnecting housing replacing the individual
temperatures when this is done. stator covers. Since each compressor may be operated
individually, the tandem provides simple, foolproof
Copelametic® compressors with unloaders have a capacity reduction with maximum power savings, and
bypass valve so arranged that discharge gas from an greatly simplifies system control.
unloaded cylinder is returned to the suction chamber.
During the unloaded operation, the unloaded cylinder The tandem offers a much greater factor of safety than
is sealed from the discharge pressure created by the a single compressor, and allows staggered starting to
loaded cylinders. Since both suction and discharge reduce inrush current requirements. In the event of
pressures on the unloaded cylinder are approximately failure of one of the compressors, emergency operation
the same, the piston and cylinder do no work other of the remaining compressor may be continued until
than pumping vapor through the bypass circuit, and replacement of the inoperative motor-compressor. In
the problem of cylinder overheating while unloaded is order to provide maximum protection for the system in
practically eliminated. Because of the decreased volume the event of the failure of one compressor, a suction line
of suction vapor returning to the compressor from the filter should always be provided in the suction line of
system and available for motor cooling, the operating a tandem compressor, and an adequately sized liquid
range of unloaded compressors must be restricted, line filter-drier should be provided in the liquid line.
and operation beyond established limits can cause
compressor overheating.
The condenser is basically a heat exchanger where the surface is amply sized, air cooled condensers can be
heat absorbed by the refrigerant during the evaporating used satisfactorily in all climatic regions. They have been
process is given off to the condensing medium. As used very successfully for many years in hot and dry
mentioned previously, the heat given off by the condenser areas where water is scarce. Because of the increasing
is always greater than the heat absorbed during the scarcity of water in densely populated areas, the use
evaporating process because of the heat of compression. of air cooled condensers will undoubtedly increase in
As heat is given off by the high temperature high the future.
pressure vapor, its temperature falls to the saturation
point and the vapor condenses to a liquid, hence the When space permits, condensers may be made with a
name condenser. single row of tubing, but in order to achieve compact size,
condensers are normally constructed with a relatively
AIR COOLED CONDENSERS small face area and several rows of tubing in depth. As
the air is forced through the condenser, it absorbs heat
The most commonly used condenser is of tube and and the air temperature rises. Therefore, the efficiency
external fin construction, which dissipates heat to of each succeeding row in the coil decreases, although
the ambient air. Except for very small domestic units, coils up to eight rows in depth are frequently used.
which depend on gravity air circulation, heat transfer is
efficiently accomplished by forcing large quantities of Draw-through fans, which pull the air through the
air through a compact condenser assembly. A typical condenser, result in a more uniform air flow through
refrigeration condensing unit equipped with an air cooled the condenser than the blow-through type. Since even
condenser is shown in Figure 16. air distribution will increase the condenser efficiency,
draw-through type fans are normally preferred.
Air cooled condensers are easy to install, inexpensive Several proprietary systems are available employing
to maintain, require no water, and there is no danger of the principle of partially flooding the condenser with
freezing in cold weather. However, an adequate supply liquid refrigerant to reduce condensing capacity. Some
of fresh air is necessary, and the fan may create noise of these systems result in very stable condensing
problems in large installations. In very hot regions, the pressures, but usually they require a large increase
relatively high temperature of the ambient air may result in the refrigerant charge which may cause problems
in high condensing pressures, but if the condenser in system performance. Controlling the condenser air
Figure No.19 illustrates a condenser with parallel circuits connected to a motor-compressor with a straight-through circuit. This
type of circuiting is frequently used when the condensing water is cooled by a water tower . The straight-through compressor
circuit would be used when connecting a motor-compressor wrapped with an external water coil.
In order to maintain water velocities at an acceptable discharge connection with a high vertical drop could
level, parallel circuiting of the condenser may be result in cavitation in a manner similar to a pump on
necessary when high water flow is required. the outlet of the condenser.
Cavitation is basically a condition where a fluctuating Water which is exposed to air flow in a spray chamber
combination of pressure and temperature can cause will evaporate rapidly. Latent heat required for the
instantaneous boiling or flashing of water into vapor, with evaporating process is obtained by a reduction in sensible
the subsequent collapse of the bubbles as the conditions heat and, therefore, a reduction in the temperature of
vary. This can result in very rapid erosion and destruction the water remaining. An evaporative spray chamber
of the water tube. Maintaining a positive pressure in the can reduce the water temperature to a point closely
condenser will prevent this condition. approaching the wet bulb temperature of the air.
3. If the condenser is installed more than 5 feet higher Wet bulb temperature is a term used in air conditioning to
than the outlet drain point of the condenser, a vacuum describe the lowest temperature that can be obtained by
breaker or open vent line should be provided to prevent the evaporating process. The term wet bulb temperature
the discharge line from creating a partial vacuum is derived from the fact that a common mercury bulb
condition in the condenser water system. An unvented thermometer exposed to the ambient air
The evaporator is that part of the low pressure side of In other types of systems, secondary refrigerants such
the refrigeration system in which the liquid refrigerant as chilled water or brine may be used for the actual
boils or evaporates, absorbing heat as it changes into a space or product refrigeration while the evaporator is the
vapor. It accomplishes the actual purpose of the system, water or brine chiller. A complete packaged water chiller,
refrigeration. designed to furnish chilled water for air conditioning or
other cooling applications is shown in Figure 22.
Since the heat transfer efficiency of the coil increases 6. The bond between the fins and tubing is quite
with an increase in the mass flow of air passing through important. Without a tight bond, heat transfer will be
it, high velocities are desirable. However at face velocities greatly decreased.
greater than 500 to 600 FPM, water collecting on the coil
from condensation will be blown off into the air stream, 7. Accumulation of frost on evaporator fins. Operation
and except for specialized applications, these velocities at temperatures below freezing with blower coils will
are seldom exceeded. cause the formation of ice and frost on the tubes
and fins. This can both reduce the air flow over the
PRESSURE DROP AND OTHER FACTORS IN evaporator and reduce the heat transfer rate.
8. Type of medium to be cooled. Heat flows almost five
As mentioned previously, pressure drop occurring in the times more effectively from a liquid to the evaporator
evaporator results in a loss of system capacity due to than from air .
the lower pressure at the outlet of the evaporator coil.
With a reduction in suction pressure, the specific volume 9. Dewpoint of the entering air. If the evaporator
of the gas returning to the compressor increases, and temperature is below the dewpoint of the entering
the weight of the refrigerant pumped by the compressor air, latent as well as sensible cooling will occur.
However there are other factors which must also be DEHUMIDIFICATION
considered in evaporator design. If the evaporator tubing
is too large, refrigerant gas velocities may become so Since for a given installation, the physical characteristics
low that oil will accumulate in the tubing and will not be are fixed, the primary variable as in the case of the
returned to the compressor. The only means of assuring condenser, is the temperature difference between the
satisfactory oil circulation is by maintaining adequate gas evaporating refrigerant and the medium being cooled,
velocities. The heat transfer ability of the tubing may also commonly called the TD. For a blower coil, the colder
be greatly decreased if velocities are not sufficient to the refrigerant with respect to the temperature of the air
scrub the interior tubing wall, and keep it clear of an oil entering the evaporator, the greater will be the capacity
film. The goals of low pressure drop and high velocities of the coil.
are directly opposed, so the final evaporator design must
be a compromise. Temperature differences of 5° F. to 20° F. are commonly
used. Usually for best economy, the TD should be kept
Pressure drops through the evaporator of approximately as low as possible, since operation of the compressor
1 to 2 psi are acceptable on most medium and high will be more efficient at higher suction pressures.
temperature applications, and 1/2 to 1 psi are common
in low temperature evaporators. The amount of moisture condensed out of the air is
in direct relation to the temperature of the coil, and a
EVAPORATOR CAPACITY coil operating with too great a differential between the
evaporating temperature and the entering air temperature
The factors affecting evaporator capacity are quite similar will tend to produce a low humidity condition in the
to those affecting condenser capacity. refrigerated space. In the storage of leafy vegetables,
meats, fruits, and other similar perishable items, low
1. Surface area or size of the evaporator . humidity will result in excessive dehydration and damage
to the product. For perishable commodities requiring a
2. Temperature difference between the evaporating very high relative humidity (approximately 90%) a TD
refrigerant and the medium being cooled. from 8° F. to 12° F. is recommended, and for relative
humidities slightly lower (approximately 80%) a TD from
3. Velocity of gas in the evaporator tubes. In the normal 12° F. to 16° F. is normally adequate.
Mechanical limiting valves are available, usually with Without the distributor, the flow would separate into
a spring loaded double diaphragm type construction. separate gas and liquid layers, resulting in the starving
If the evaporator reaches a preset pressure, the of some evaporator circuits. To avoid variations in circuit
diaphragm collapses, and the valve feed is restricted feed, extreme care must be taken to insure that tubing
until the pressure decreases sufficiently for the spring lengths are equal, so equal resistance is offered by
tension to restore the diaphragm to its normal operating each circuit.
There are two different approaches in the design of a
In order to achieve closer control for varying applications, distributor. A high-pressure drop distributor depends
expansion valves are available with different types on the turbulence created by an orifice to achieve
of charge in the thermal bulb, each having different good distribution. A low-pressure drop distributor
operating characteristics. The superheat spring is also depends on a contour flow pattern with high velocity in
normally equipped with an external adjusting screw so the distributor throat to give proper distribution of the
that it can be set for the desired superheat on a given refrigerant flow. Both types of distributor give satisfactory
application. Before adjusting any expansion valve, the performance when properly applied in accordance with
exact characteristics of the valve should be thoroughly the manufacturer’s instructions.
understood. The manufacturer’s catalog data must be
consulted for detailed information on a given valve. CAPILLARY TUBES
OTHER TYPES OF EXPANSION VALVES On small unitary equipment such as package air
conditioners, domestic refrigeration equipment, and
The automatic expansion valve is really better described self-contained commercial refrigeration cases, capillary
as a constant pressure expansion valve, since it tubes are widely used for liquid refrigerant control. A
modulates its feed to maintain a constant preset pressure capillary tube is a length of tubing of small diameter with
in the evaporator. The automatic expansion valve was the internal diameter held to extremely close tolerances.
widely used at one time, but because of its tendency It is used as a fixed orifice to perform the same function
(continued on p. 7-8)
A major advantage of the capillary tube in some systems The valve consists of a body, a plunger with an iron
is the fact that refrigerant continues to flow into the core which seats in the valve orifice, and an electrical
evaporator after the compressor stops operation, thus solenoid coil. A normally closed solenoid valve is closed
equalizing pressures on the high and low sides of when the coil is deenergized and the plunger is seated.
the system. This allows the use of low starting torque When the solenoid coil is energized, the magnetic effect
motors. of the coil lifts the plunger and opens the valve. Normally
open valves with a reverse type action are made, but
The refrigerant charge is critical in capillary tube are rarely used.
systems since normally there is no receiver to store
excess refrigerant. Too much refrigerant will cause Solenoid valves are commonly used in refrigerant
high discharge pressures and motor overloading, and liquid and hot gas lines to stop refrigerant flow when
possible liquid floodback to the compressor during the not desired, or to isolate individual evaporators when
off cycle; too little will allow vapor to enter the capillary
tube causing a loss in system capacity.
Both electrical and pneumatic controls are widely used voltage to the control circuit voltage, usually 24 volts.
for air conditioning and refrigeration system control.
Pneumatic controls are primarily used on large central LOW PRESSURE AND HIGH PRESSURE
systems, while electric controls are used on applications CONTROLS
of all sizes. Since electric controls are used almost
exclusively in the commercial refrigeration field, this A low pressure control is actuated by the refrigerant
manual will cover only electric controls. suction pressure, and normally is used to cycle the
compressor for capacity control purposes, or as a low
CONTROL DIFFERENTIAL limit control. The low pressure control often is used as
the only control on small systems which can tolerate
The basic function of most electrical control devices is some fluctuations in the temperature to be maintained.
to make or break an electric circuit which in turn controls The standard low pressure control makes on a rise in
a contactor, a solenoid coil, or some other functioning pressure, and breaks on a fall in pressure.
part of the system. Controls are available which may
make or break a circuit on either a rise or fall in pressure
or temperature. The type of action required depends
on the function of the control and the medium being
This type of relay may be required for part winding start A control circuit transformer will not overheat, nor will its
motors; in circuits to prevent short cycling, or for other secondary output voltage drop below 95% of its rated
specialized applications. voltage if:
Note: The VA and watts of magnetic devices will vary A. Continuous VA requirement
with each manufacturer, so it is necessary to obtain Contactor 25 VA
exact information on the components to be used. Fan Starter 8 VA
Since not all of the inrush data is included in catalogs, Total 33 VA
it will be necessary to contact representatives of
component manufacturers for information when Any transformer with a rating of 33 VA or more would
designing control circuits. handle the continuous load, so the 60 VA transformer
is satisfactory.
2. The continuous VA requirement is determined by
combining the sealed VA of all components in the B. Inrush VA Requirement
circuit which can be energized at one time. VA Watts
Contactor 165 124
3. The inrush VA capacity of a transformer is determined Fan Starter 58 12
by two factors — the VA inrush and the inrush Oil Pressure
load power factor. Each transformer manufacturer Safety Switch 25 25
publishes rating charts showing the inrush capacity Total 248VA 161 Watts
of each size transformer in terms of the per cent of 161 Watts
rated load at varying secondary output voltages and Power factor equals 248 VA or .65
varying power factors. Since output voltages lower
than 95% are not acceptable, the only variable to Although the continuous VA requirement could be met
be determined is the power factor. with the 60 VA transformer shown on Figure 44 it would
require the 140 VA transformer to satisfy the inrush VA
The maximum VA inrush is found by combining the requirement, and the larger size must be used.
inrush VA that can occur with the maximum sealed
VA that can occur simultaneously. To determine the Example No.2
inrush load power factor, divide the maximum inrush
watts by the maximum inrush VA. Assume the same conditions as in Example No.1 except
that the compressor has two 60 amp contactors for
Examples Of Transformer Selection across the line operation.
The 60 VA transformer in Figure 44 is adequate for the Transformer manufacturers use a standard 20% power
continuous load. factor in their catalog literature for determining the
maximum inrush VA rating of a transformer. Since the
B. Inrush VA requirement inrush power factor of contactor coils may be much
VA Watts higher than 20%, and since the resistive load of the oil
2 Contactors 330 VA 248 Watts pressure safety switch will increase the overall power
Fan Starter 58 VA 12 Watts factor, a typical compressor control circuit may have an
Oil Pressure inrush power factor greatly in excess of 20%.
Safety Switch 25 VA 25 Watts
Total 413 VA 285 Watts The allowable inrush VA load on a transformer decreases
with an increase in the power factor (see Figure 44) and
285 Watts the use of an incorrect power factor may result in an
Power factor equals 413 VA or .69 undersized transformer. To properly size a transformer,
the power factor must be calculated for the components
to be used.
Referring to Figure 44 the 140 VA transformer does not
have enough capacity for the inrush VA requirement,
and the 200 VA transformer must be used.
Electric motors are used as the power source on the great OPEN TYPE MOTORS AND BELT DRIVES
majority of refrigeration compressors, and practically all
are now alternating current (A. C.) motors. The following Open type motors may be used for compressor drive with
discussion is limited to those motors of interest for driving either a belt drive or a direct drive arrangement, but with
refrigeration compressors. the continued development of hermetic and accessible-
hermetic motor-compressor design, the use of open
Nearly all motors used for refrigeration applications are type motors has declined rapidly. Open type motors for
induction motors, the name coming from the fact that the compressor drives should be selected conservatively
current in the moving part of the motor is induced, the since open type motors do not have the generous
moving component having no connection to the source overloading safety factor found in most motors used in
of current. The stationary part of an induction motor is hermetic and accessible hermetic compressors.
called the stator, and the moving part the rotor. The stator
windings are connected to the power source, while the V-belts are made in several different industry
rotor is mounted on the motor shaft, the rotation of the classifications, which have been standardized for
rotor providing the motor driving power source. interchangeability. For refrigeration use, fractional
horsepower industrial belts and conventional industrial
MOTOR TEMPERATURE belts are the two types commonly used. The fractional
horsepower belts are more flexible and are well adapted
The first law of thermodynamics stated that energy cannot to small radius drives in the smaller horsepower
be either created or destroyed, but may be converted range.
from one form into another. The motor receives electrical
energy from the power source, but because of friction The conventional industrial belts have a higher
and efficiency losses, only a part of this input energy can horsepower rating for heavier loads. Fractional
be turned into mechanical output energy. The balance horsepower “4L” and conventional “A” belts have a
of the input energy is converted to heat energy, and comparable cross section and may be used on the
unless this heat is dissipated, the temperature within the same size pulley, while fractional horsepower “5L” and
motor windings will rise until the insulation is destroyed. conventional “B” belts are similarly interchangeable.
If a motor is kept free from contamination and physical
damage, heat is practically the only enemy that can For belt driven compressors, the compressor speed is
damage the windings. determined by the size of the motor pulley, since the
compressor pulley (flywheel) is normally fixed. The
The amount of heat produced in the motor depends relative speeds of the motor and compressor are in
both on the load and on motor efficiency. As the load direct relation to the diameter of the motor pulley and
is increased, the electrical energy input to the motor the compressor flywheel, but for accurate calculation,
increases. The percentage of the power input converted the pitch diameter of the pulley must be used rather
to heat in the motor depends on motor efficiency, than the outside pulley diameter (O. D.). The pitch
decreasing with an increase in efficiency, and increasing diameter makes allowance for the fact that the V-belt
as efficiency decreases. rides partially inside the pulley O. D. For drives using “A”
and “4L” section belts, the pitch diameter may be taken
The temperature level, which a motor can tolerate, as pulley O. D. less 1/4”, and for “B” and “5L” section
depends largely on the type of motor insulation and the belt drives, pulley O. D. less 3/8”.
basic motor design, but the actual motor life is determined
by the operating conditions to which it is subjected during
use. If operated in a proper environment, at loads within
its design capabilities, a well designed motor should
have an indefinite life. Continuous overloading of a motor
resulting in consistently high operating temperatures will
materially shorten its life.
For example, to find the motor pulley diameter required when a 1750 RPM motor is to be used to drive a compressor
having an 8” pitch diameter compressor pulley, when the desired compressor speed is 500 RPM, proceed as
= 500 x 8
1750 = Approximately 2 1/4 inches P. D.
For an “A” belt drive
Motor Pulley O. D. = 2 1/4 inches P.D. + 1/4 inch = 2 1/2 inches O.D.
Most motors may be operated at the voltage on the If the start winding remains in the circuit during operation
motor nameplate, plus or minus 10% without danger it would be damaged by excessive heat. Therefore, the
of overheating, but in order to allow more flexibility of starting winding is removed from the circuit as the motor
operation, extended voltage range motors are now being approaches rated speed by either a potential relay, a
developed where the usage warrants this action. For current relay, or a centrifugal switch.
example, a three phase motor nameplated 208/240 volts
is satisfactory for operation from 187 volts to 264 volts, A current relay is normally open when de-energized,
and a three phase motor nameplated 440/480 volts may and the coil is wound so that the contacts will close
be operated from 396 volts to 528 volts. when starting current is being drawn by the motor, but
will drop out when the current approaches normal full
In many parts of the world, the electrical power supply load conditions. Therefore, the current relay is closed
is 50 cycle rather that 60 cycle. If both voltage and only during the starting cycle.
frequency supplied to a motor vary at the same rate,
operation of a given motor at the lower frequency A potential relay is normally closed when de-energized,
condition within narrow limits is satisfactory in some and the coil is designed to open the contacts only when
cases. For example, a 440 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle motor sufficient voltage is generated by the start winding. Since
will operate satisfactorily on 380 volt, 3 phase, 50 cycle the voltage or back-EMF generated by the start winding is
power supply. proportional to the motor speed, the relay will open only
when the motor has started and is approaching normal
However, in some 50 cycle applications, the relationship running speed. The illustrations show the schematic
between voltage and frequency is such that standard wiring with the motor in operation so the potential relay
60 cycle motors cannot be used unless the motor is in the energized position.
characteristics are suitable for 50 cycle operation, and
this can be determined only by test. On most single SPLIT PHASE MOTORS
phase 50 cycle applications, specially wound 50 cycle
motors are required. On a split phase motor, the running winding and start
winding are in parallel, and are spaced 90° apart. The
the low power factor of this type motor, its use is usually
limited to fractional horsepower applications.
low. As a result, this type of motor is generally limited to
capillary tube systems in small fractional HP sizes. CAPACITOR START - CAPACITOR RUN MOTORS
(CSIR) By connecting a running capacitor in parallel with the
starting capacitor (R to S terminals) as shown in
This motor is similar to the split phase motor in Figure 47 the motor is strengthened because the start
construction except for the method used to obtain the winding is loaded in phase with the main winding after
phase displacement necessary for starting. In the split the start capacitor is disconnected, which permits the
phase motor, the phase displacement is due to a higher starting winding to carry part of the running load. The
resistance in the start winding. In the capacitor start running capacitor strengthens the motor, improves
motor, the necessary phase displacement is achieved the power factor, reduces motor current, increases
through the use of a capacitor connected in series with the efficiency, and decreases the temperature of the
the starting winding. A capacitor start-induction run motor under design conditions. However, the motor
schematic electric diagram is shown in Figure 46. must be designed for operation with a run capacitor,
and a capacitor start-induction run motor usually is not
The starting winding is removed from the circuit after the suitable for conversion to capacitor start-capacitor run
motor is started by the potential relay or current relay operation.
as before. This type motor has a high starting torque,
and therefore is suitable for applications where unequal Normally current relays are not recommended for use
pressures may be encountered on start up. Because of with capacitor start-capacitor run motors because of
the danger of the running capacitor discharging to the
PERMANENT SPLIT CAPACITOR MOTORS (PSC) These models have two parallel windings with nine leads
which must be connected correctly for the voltage of
For some applications not requiring high starting torque, the power supply. If the windings are connected out of
a motor with only a running capacitor is desirable. phase, or if the jumper bars are not positioned correctly,
Because of the elimination of the start capacitor and motor overheating and possible failure can occur.
Since hermetic motors must operate under a wide range Overheating of the contacts may cause sticking and
of operating conditions, and vary in size from fractional single phasing, and can cause a motor failure even
horsepower to 35 HP and larger, a wide variety of starting though the motor overload protectors trip and open the
equipment is used. control circuit.
For motor-compressors whose power requirements The amount of electrical energy a capacitor will hold
are such that contactors are required, it is essential depends on the voltage applied. If the voltage is
that the contactors used are adequately sized for the increased, the amount of electrical energy stored in the
attached load. The rating of the contactor for both full capacitor is increased. The capacity of a capacitor is
load amperes and locked rotor amperes must be greater expressed in microfarads (MFD) and is dependent on
than the nameplate rating of the motor-compressor plus the size and construction of the capacitor.
the nameplate rating of any fans or other accessories
also operated through the contactor . The voltage rating of a capacitor indicates the nominal
voltage at which it is designed to operate. Use of a
NEMA general purpose type contactors are built for the capacitor at voltages below its rating will do no harm. Run
most severe industrial usage, and are designed for a capacitors must not be subjected to voltages exceeding
minimum life of 2,000,000 cycles. Because they must 110% of the nominal rating, and start capacitors must not
be adaptable to any usage, general purpose contactors be subjected to voltages exceeding 130% of the nominal
have a large safety factor, and as a result are both rating. The voltage to which a capacitor is subjected is not
large and costly. For refrigeration and air conditioning line voltage, but is a much higher potential (often called
applications, a life of 250,000 cycles is entirely adequate, electromotive force or back EMF) which is generated
so the physical construction can be lighter, and the cost in the start winding. On a typical 230 volt motor, the
of the contactor correspondingly less. generated voltage may be as high as 450 volts, and
is determined by the start winding characteristics, the
To meet the specific needs of the refrigeration and air compressor speed, and the applied voltage.
conditioning industry, electrical equipment manufacturers
have developed definite purpose contactors. These Capacitors, either start or run, can be connected either
contactors are rated in amperes, and when selected in series or parallel to provide the desired characteristics
properly for the load, are smaller and more economical if the voltage and MFD are properly selected. When two
than the general purpose contactor. Since compressor capacitors having the same MFD rating are connected
contactors are frequently subjected to quick recycling, in series, the resulting total capacitance will be one half
the contacts must be large enough for satisfactory heat the rated capacitance of a single capacitor. The formula
dissipation in order to prevent contactor overheating. for determining capacitance (MFD) when capacitors are
connected in series is as follows:
1 1 1
MFDt = MFDl + MFD2
1 1 1
MFDt = 20 + 30
1 5 1
MFDt = 60 = 12
MFDt = 12 MFD
It is possible to use any combination of single, series, If sticking contacts are encountered on any starting relay
or parallel starting capacitors, with single or parallel the first item to check is the starting capacitor resistors.
running capacitors (running capacitors are seldom If damaged, or not provided, install new resistors, and
used in series). clean the relay contacts or replace the relay.
START CAPACITORS Suitable resistors can be obtained from any radio parts
Start capacitors are designed for intermittent service only,
and have a high MFD rating. Their construction is of the RUN CAPACITORS
electrolytic type in order to obtain the high capacity.
Run capacitors are continuously in the operating circuit,
All standard Copeland® brand starting-capacitors are and are normally of the oil filled type. The run capacitor
supplied with bleed-resistors securely attached and capacitance rating is much lower than a start capacitor.
soldered to their terminals as shown in Fig. 51. Because of the voltage generated in the motor start
winding, the run capacitor has a voltage across its
The use of capacitors without these resistors probably terminals greater than line voltage.
will result in sticking relay contacts and/or erratic relay
operation – especially where short cycling is likely to The starting winding of a motor can be damaged by a
occur. shorted and grounded running capacitor. This damage
usually can be avoided by proper connection of the
This is due to the starting capacitor discharging through running capacitor terminals.
the relay contacts as they close, following a very short
running cycle. The resistor will permit the capacitor The terminal connected to the outer foil (nearest the
charge to bleed down at a much faster rate, preventing can) is the one most likely to short to the can and be
arcing and overheating of the relay contacts. grounded in the event of a capacitor breakdown. It is
This is not a true reduced voltage start, but it accomplishes On part winding start applications, occasionally an
the same job - limiting inrush current - by utilizing only electrical starting noise or “growl” of short duration
part of the motor windings. Since it uses both the start may be noticed. This occurs when the first half winding
and run contactors to carry the motor current during starts the motor, but is unable to accelerate it beyond
operation, it costs less than the other types. a few hundred rpm. As soon as the second winding is
energized, the motor instantly accelerates, and the noise
To utilize part winding start, the motor must have a dual disappears. Since the time delay between windings is
winding. Copeland® brand 208/220/440 volt, 3 phase no greater than one second, the noise duration is very
motors are wound with two identical stator windings short.
which are connected in parallel on 208 or 220 volt
operation. For part winding start, the first step utilizes The noise will vary with voltage, speed, pressure
only one winding or 1/2 of the stator, and these motors differential, motor horsepower, and will vary slightly
may be used whenever part winding start is required from compressor to compressor. In addition, motors
on 208 or 220 volt power. Part winding start cannot be supplied by different sources may have slight differences
used on these motors when used on 440 volts, since in motor characteristics, and the resulting sound may
the entire winding must be connected in series for 440 be slightly different.
volt power .
Occasionally service personnel mistake the starting noise
Copelametic® model 4R and 6R compressors are for bearing drag. The starting noise is quite normal, will
currently available with dual wound motors, and some be more pronounced on larger motors, and does not
4R and 6R models are available with specially wound harm the compressor In any way.
motors for part winding start on 550 volts.
2. Star-Delta Starting
Basically all that is required for part winding start are
two contactors, each capable of carrying the winding’s For star-delta starting (also referred to as wye-delta)
full load and locked rotor current requirement, with a a specially wound motor is required with both ends of
time delay between the contactors. When the starter each phase winding brought out to terminals. By means
is energized, the first magnetic contactor closes and of contactors a motor designed for normal operation in
puts half of the motor winding across the line. A preset delta is first connected in star, and after a predetermined
time delay relay is energized at the same time, and at time delay, the star connection is changed to delta. This
the completion of the timing cycle, the second magnetic starting arrangement is relatively simple and inexpensive,
contactor closes and puts the second half of the motor and is widely used in Europe.
winding in parallel with the first.
Recently three phase, 50 cycle motors have been
The normal Copeland® brand compressor motor developed for most Copeland® brand compressors 7½
protectors must be used. Where current sensing HP and larger specially wound for star-delta starting.
protectors are required, they must be installed in at Leads were brought out from both ends of each phase
least two phases of each contactor. Motors equipped so that the motors could be connected in either star or
with a Thermotector need no other external protection. delta. Motors are available for star-delta start connections
To prevent tripping of the protectors during starting, the on either 380 volt, 50 cycle, 3 phase or 220 volt, 50
time delay between the first and second contactor must cycle, 3 phase circuits.
be well within the protector’s tolerance for locked rotor
conditions, and a time delay device having a time cycle When a motor designed for delta operation is connected
setting of one second ± 10% is required. in star, the voltage across each phase is reduced to 58%
of normal, and the motor develops 1/3 of the normal
The exact current and torque characteristics of a motor starting torque. The inrush current in star is 1/3 of normal
will vary with design. For Copeland® brand motor- inrush current in delta.
compressors starting on one winding, the motor will
draw approximately 65% of the normal across-the-line Star-delta starting is suitable for low torque starting duty
starting current, and produce approximately 45% of the only. To insure starting on the star connection, some
normal starting torque. Under heavily loaded conditions, means of pressure equalization across the compressor
(continued on p. 10-7)
3. Autotransformer Starters
The reduced voltage accessory panel was developed Motor protection may be either of the line break or
primarily as a low cost, special purpose auxiliary to solve pilot circuit type. A line break protector incorporates
the problem of light flicker caused by air conditioners contacts which actually open the line directly when the
of 3 HP and larger on single phase power lines. The protector trips. A pilot circuit protector takes the motor
cost of special transformers and additional equipment off the line indirectly by opening the holding coil circuit
for the power companies made some type of voltage of the contactor, but the compressor protection is still
limitation device essential if service was to be continued dependent on the contactor, since the compressor may
to the large single phase loads. Basically the reduced be subject to damage in case the contacts of a contactor
voltage step starting accessory operates on the same or starter have stuck or welded, despite the fact that the
principle as the primary resistor starter, but it is moderate pilot circuit protector may open.
in cost, is used in conjunction with the regular contactor,
and is designed for consumer applications rather than INTERNAL INHERENT LINE BREAK PROTECTOR
industrial use.
An internal inherent line break protector is a device
The accessory inserts a resistance in series with the carrying full load current, responsive both to current
motor for approximately two seconds, after which a timing and/or temperature, which breaks line current if safe
relay energizes a contactor and shorts the resistors out limits are exceeded.
of the circuit. The resulting torque is low, and the motor
quite possibly will not start with the resistance in the For three phase motors, the internal inherent protector
circuit, but the result is to break the inrush current into is connected in the center of a wye wound motor. It is
To avoid nuisance tripping, Emerson Climate modern motors are normally so small that the effect on
Technologies, Inc. recommends that air conditioners amperage draw is negligible. Under an ideal condition,
with PSC motors be installed with branch circuit fuses or if the phase voltages were always equal, a single motor
circuit breakers sized as closely as possible to the 225% protector in just one line would adequately protect the
maximum limitation, the fuse or circuit breaker to be of motor against damage due to excessive amperage
the time delay type with a capability of withstanding motor draw. As a practical matter, balanced supply voltages
locked rotor current for a minimum of 17 seconds. are not always maintained, so the three line currents
will not always be equal.
CURRENT ON THREE PHASE MOTOR Inherent line break motor protectors mounted at the
PROTECTION center of the wye on wye wound motors provide protection
against all forms of voltage variation. However, on larger
When external current sensing motor protectors are motors the size of the protector makes inherent protectors
used to protect a three phase motor-compressor against impractical, and many larger models of Copeland®
excessive current draw and resulting motor overheating, brand compressors have a combination pilot circuit
unbalanced motor currents can seriously affect the protection system, consisting of internal thermostats and
motor protection system. While it is generally recognized external current sensing protectors. Because internal
that a break in one phase of a three phase distribution thermostats are somewhat slow in reaction, and lag
system can result in excessive amperage draw because behind the actual motor temperature in the event of a
of the resulting single phasing condition, another and fast temperature rise, locked rotor protection is provided
equally serious hazard is the effect on amperage of an by the external protector. Since in most cases adequate
unbalanced voltage in the power supply. protection can be provided by two leg current sensing
protection, and because of the size and cost of external
If single phasing occurs, the motor may stall unless lightly protectors, the majority of compressors are installed with
loaded, and once stopped, it will not start, resulting in two leg protection, although the third protector can be
locked rotor amperage draw. Under unbalanced voltage supplied if desired. In order to determine if the motor
conditions, however, the motor will continue to operate, will be adequately protected under various abnormal
and motor protection may be dependent on the ability conditions, an understanding of the inter-relation of
of the protectors to sense the abnormally high running current and unbalanced voltage is essential.
current or the increase in the motor temperature.
When line voltages applied to a three phase induction
A properly wound three phase motor connected to a motor are not the same, unbalanced currents will flow in
supply source in which the voltages in each phase the stator windings. The effect of unbalanced voltages
are balanced at all times will have identical currents in is equivalent to the introduction of a “negative sequence
all three phases. The differences in motor windings in voltage” which is exerting a force opposite to that created
Average Voltage =
216 + 220 + 230
3 = 222 Volts
100 X 8
% Voltage Unbalance = 222 = 3.6%
the highest amperage draw.
As a result of the voltage unbalance, the locked rotor
current will be unbalanced to the same degree. However, A common source of unbalanced voltage on a three
the unbalance in load currents at normal operating phase circuit is the presence of a single phase load
speed may be from 4 to 10 times the voltage unbalance, between two of the three phases. (See Figure 58).
depending on the load. With the 3.6% voltage unbalance
in the previous example, load current in one phase might A large unbalanced single phase load, for example a
be as much as 30% greater than the average line current lighting circuit, can easily cause sufficient variations in
being drawn by the other two phases. motor currents to endanger the motor. If at all possible,
this condition should be corrected by shifting the single
The NEMA Motors and Generators Standards Publication phase load as necessary. Supply voltages should
states that the percentage increase in temperature rise be evenly balanced as closely as can be read on a
in a phase winding resulting from voltage unbalance will commercial voltmeter.
be approximately two times the square of the voltage
unbalance. A recent national survey by U.L. indicated that 36 out of
83 utilities surveyed, or 43%, allowed voltage unbalance
% Increase in Temperature = in excess of 3%, and 30% allowed voltage unbalance
2 (Voltage Unbalance %)² of 5% or higher.
Using the voltage unbalance from the previous example, In the event of a supply voltage unbalance, the power
the % increase in temperature can be estimated as company should be notified of such unbalance to
follows: determine if the situation can be corrected.
% Increase in Temperature = 2(3.6 x 3.6) = 25.9% Unless the unbalance can be corrected, the only way
to insure motor safety is to be sure the protectors are
As a result of this condition, it is possible that one phase mounted in the high current phases when using two leg
winding in a motor may be overheated while the other protection, or to use protectors in all three legs.
two have temperatures within normal limits. If only two
motor protectors are being used, and the high current A simple single phase condition in the load circuit will
winding is not protected, ultimate motor failure may cause the current in two of the three phases to increase,
occur even though the protectors do not trip. Therefore, while there will be no current in the open phase.
when installing external motor protectors for a motor in
which only two of the three phases are to be protected, A motor can be protected against this type of failure
be sure the protectors are mounted in the phases with with only two protectors, since there will always be at
least one protector in a line carrying the high single
phase current.
But in wye-delta or delta-wye connected power Most of the three phase protections systems used
transformers, an open circuit or single phase on the by Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. will protect
primary side of the transformer will result in a high current
in only one phase of the motor with low currents in the
other two phases.
A number of accessory items are used in refrigeration gas flows through the large center tube, while liquid is
circuits for specific purposes, and their requirement in piped through the smaller tube wrapped around the
a particular system depends on the application. suction tubing. The cold suction vapor absorbs heat
from the warm, high pressure liquid through the tube
RECEIVERS to tube metal contact. Internal fins are often provided
The practice of refrigeration undoubtedly goes back as far as the history of mankind, but
for thousands of years the only cooling mediums were water and ice. Today refrigeration in
the home, in the supermarket, and in commercial and industrial usage is so closely woven
into our everyday existence it is difficult to imagine life without it. But because of this rapid
growth, countless people who must use and work with refrigeration equipment do not fully
understand the basic fundamentals of refrigeration system operation.
This manual is designed to fill a need which exists for a concise, elementary text to aid
servicemen, salesman, students, and others interested in refrigeration. It is intended to
cover only the fundamentals of refrigeration theory and practice. Detailed information as to
specific products is available from manufacturers of complete units and accessories. Used
to supplement such literature—and to improve general knowledge of refrigeration—this
manual should prove to be very helpful.
Transmission Heat Load — Q........................... 12-1 Tables of Specific Product Data........................ 14-1
Thermal Conductivity — k................................. 12-1 Heat of Respiration............................................ 14-1
Thermal Resistivity — r..................................... 12-1 Sensible Heat Above Freezing.......................... 14-7
Conductance — C............................................. 12-1 Latent Heat of Freezing..................................... 14-8
Thermal Resistance — R.................................. 12-1 Sensible Heat Below Freezing.......................... 14-8
Surface File Resistance.................................... 12-1 Total Product Load............................................ 14-8
Overall Coefficient of Heat Transfer — U.......... 12-1 Storage Data..................................................... 14-8
Transmission Heat Load.................................... 12-2
Values of Thermal Conductivity for Section 15. SUPPLEMENTARY LOAD
Building Materials....................................... 12-3
Outdoor Design Data......................................... 12-3 Electric Lights and Heaters............................... 15-1
Allowance for Radiation from the Sun............... 12-8 Electric Motors................................................... 15-1
Recommended Insulation Thickness................. 12-8 Human Heat Load............................................. 15-1
Quick Calculation Table for Walk-in Coolers..... 12-9 Total Supplementary Load................................. 15-1
The heat gain through walls, floors and ceilings will vary the thermal conductivity factor should be as small as
with the type of construction, the area exposed to a dif- possible, and the material as thick as possible.
ferent temperature, the type of insulation, the thickness
of insulation, and the temperature difference between THERMAL RESISTIVITY — r
the refrigerated space and the ambient air.
Thermal resistivity is defined as the reciprocal of thermal
In catalog and technical literature pertaining to heat conductivity of 1/k. “r” is of importance because resis-
transfer, certain letter symbols are commonly used to tance values can be added numerically.
denote the heat transfer factors, and a working knowl-
edge of these symbols is frequently necessary to easily R total = r1 + r2 + r3
interpret catalog data.
Where r1, r2, and r3 are individual resistances. This
TRANSMISSION HEAT LOAD — Q makes the use of r convenient in calculating overall
heat transfer coefficients.
The basic formula for heat transfer through some heat
transfer barrier is: CONDUCTANCE — C
The basic relation between the U factor and the various TRANSMISSION HEAT LOAD
conductivity factors is as follows:
Once the U factor is known, the heat gain by transmis-
1 X1 X2 sion through a given wall can be calculated by the basic
R Total = C + k1 + k2 heat transfer equation.
The primary radiation factor involved in the refrigeration As the desired storage temperature decreases, the
load is heat gain from the sun’s rays. If the walls of the refrigeration load increases, and as the evaporating
refrigerated space are exposed to the sun, additional temperature decreases, the compressor efficiency
heat will be added to the heat load. For ease in calcu- decreases. Therefore, from a practical and economic
lation, an allowance can be made for the sun load in standpoint, the insulation thickness must be increased
refrigeration calculations by increasing the temperature as the storage temperature decreases.
differential by the factors listed in Table 6.
Table 7 lists recommended insulation thickness from the
This table is usable for refrigeration loads only, and is 1981 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. The recom-
not accurate for air conditioning estimates. mendations are based on expanded polyurethane which
has a conductivity factor of .16. If other insulations are
used, the recommended thickness should be adjusted
base on relative k factors.
AIR CHANGE ESTIMATING METHOD If the average time the door is opened each hour can
be determined, the average hourly infiltration can be
The traffic in and out of a refrigerator usually varies with calculated, and the heat gain can be determined as
its size or volume. Therefore the number of times doors before.
are opened will be related to the volume rather than the
number of doors.
The product load is composed of any heat gain occur- HEAT OF RESPIRATION
ring due to the product in the refrigerated space. The
load may arise from a product placed in the refrigerator Fruits and vegetables, even though they have been
at a temperature higher than the storage temperature, removed from the vine or tree on which they grew, are
from a chilling or freezing process, or from the heat of still living organisms. Their life processes continue for
respiration of perishable products. The total product load some time after being harvested, and as a result they
is the sum of the various types of product load which give off heat. Certain other food products also undergo
may apply to the particular application. continuing chemical reactions which produce heat.
Meats and fish have no further life processes and do
TABLES OF SPECIFIC PRODUCT DATA not generate any heat.
The following tables list data on specific products that The amount of heat given off is dependent on the
is essential in calculating the refrigeration product load. specific product and its storage temperature. Table 10
Table 10 covers food products, Table 11 solids, and lists various food products with pertinent storage data.
Table 12 liquids. Note that the heat of respiration varies with the storage
(continued on p. 14-7)
63% x 144 BTU/lb. = 91 BTU/lb. From the foregoing example, if 1,000 pounds of veal is
to be cooled from 42°F. to 0°F., the total would be:
The heat to be removed from a product for the latent
heat of freezing may be calculated as follows: Sensible Heat above Freezing 9,230 BTU
Latent Heat of Freezing 91,000 BTU
Q = W x hif Sensible Heat Below Freezing 11,310 BTU
Total Product Load 111,540 BTU
Q = BTU to be removed
W = Weight of product in pounds If several different commodities or crates, baskets, etc.
hif = latent heat of fusion, BTU/lb. are to be considered, then a separate calculation must
be made for each item for an accurate estimate of the
The latent heat of freezing of 1000 pounds of veal at product load.
29°F. is:
Q = W x hif
= 1000 lbs. x 91 BTU/lb. Most commodities have conditions of temperature and
= 91,000 BTU relative humidity at which their quality is best preserved
and their storage life is a maximum. Recommended stor-
SENSIBLE HEAT BELOW FREEZING age conditions for various perishable products are listed
in Table 13 and recommended storage conditions for cut
Once the water content of a product has been frozen, flowers and nursery stock are listed in Table 14.
sensible cooling again can occur in the same manner
as that above freezing, with the exception that the ice in Data on various types of storage containers is listed
the product causes the specific heat to change. Note in in Table 15.
Table 10 the specific heat of veal above freezing is .71,
while the specific heat below freezing is .39,
Q = W x ci x (Tf - T3)
In addition to the heat transmitted into the refrigerated TOTAL SUPPLEMENTARY LOAD
space through the walls, air infiltration, and product load,
any heat gain from other sources must be included in The total supplementary load is the sum of the individual
the total cooling load estimate. factors contributing to it. For example, the total supple-
mentary load in a refrigerated storeroom maintained at
ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND HEATERS 0°F. in which there are 300 watts of electric lights, a 3
HP motor driving a fan, and 2 people working continu-
Any electric energy directly dissipated in the refrigerated ously would be as follows:
space such as lights, heaters, etc. is converted to heat
and must be included in the heat load. One watt hour 300 Watts x 3.41 BTU/hr. 1,023 BTU/hr.
equals 3.41 BTU, and this conversion ratio is accurate 3 HP motor x 2,950 BTU/hr. 8,850 BTU/hr.
for any amount of electric power. 2 people x 1300 BTU/hr. 2,600 BTU/hr.
Total Supplementary Load 12,473 BTU/hr.
Once the refrigeration load is determined, together with able, but in general the fact that the compressor is sized
the required evaporating temperature and the expected on the basis of 16 to 18 hour operation in itself provides
condensing temperature, a compressor can be intel- a sizable safety factor. The load should be calculated
ligently selected for a given application. on the basis of the peak demand at design conditions,
and normally the design conditions are selected on the
For refrigerated fixtures or prefabricated coolers and basis that they will occur no more that 1% of the hours
cold storage boxes to be produced in quantity, the during the summer months. If the load calculations are
load is normally determined by test. If the load must made reasonably accurately, and the equipment sized
be estimated, the expected load should be calculated properly, an additional safety factor may actually result
by determining the heat gain due to each of the factors in the equipment being oversized during light load condi-
contributing to the total load. Many short methods of tions, and can result in operating difficulties.
estimating are commonly used for small refrigerated
walk-in storage boxes with varying degrees of accuracy.
A great deal of judgment must be used in the application SAMPLE LOAD CALCULATION
of any method.
The most accurate means of estimating a refrigeration
HOURLY LOAD load is by considering each factor separately. The follow-
ing example will illustrate a typical selection procedure,
Refrigeration equipment is designed to function continu- although the load has been chosen to demonstrate the
ously, and normally the compressor operating time is de- calculations required and does not represent a normal
termined by the requirements of the defrost system. The loading.
load is calculated on a 24 hour basis, and the required
hourly compressor capacity is determined by dividing Walk-in cooler with 4 inches of glass fiber insulation,
the 24 hour load by the desired hours of compressor located in the shade.
operation during the 24 hour period. A reasonable safety
factor must be provided to enable the unit to recover Outside Dimensions, Height 8 ft., Width 10 ft.,
rapidly after a temperature rise, and to allow for loading Length 40 ft., inside volume 3,000 cu. ft.
heavier than the original estimate.
Floor area (outside dimensions) 400 sq. ft. on insulated
When the refrigerant evaporating temperature will not be slab in contact with ground.
below 30°F., frost will not accumulate on the evaporator,
and no defrost period is necessary. It is general practice Ambient temperature 100°F., 50% relative humidity
to choose the compressor for such applications on the
basis of 18 to 20 hour operation. Ground temperature 55°F.
For applications with storage temperatures of 35°F. Refrigerator temperature 40°F.
or higher, and refrigerant temperatures low enough to
cause frosting, it is common practice to defrost by stop- 1/2 HP fan motor running continuously
ping the compressor and allowing the return air to melt
the ice from the coil. Compressors for such applications Two 100 watt lights, in use 12 hours per day.
should be selected for 16 to 18 hour operation.
Occupancy, 2 men for 2 hours per day.
On low temperature applications, some positive means
of defrost must be provided. With normal defrost peri- In storage: 500 pounds of bacon at 50°F.
ods, 18 hour compressor operation is usually accept- 1000 pounds of string beans
able, although some systems are designed for continu-
ous operation except during the defrost period. Entering product:
500 pounds of bacon at 50°F.
An additional 5% to 10% safety factor is often added to 15,000 pounds of beer at 80°F.
load calculations as a conservative measure to be sure To be reduced to storage temperature
the equipment will not be undersized. If data concerning in 24 hours.
the refrigeration load is very uncertain, this may be desir-
Heavy door usage.
The tentative evaporator coil selected was rated by THE EFFECT OF CHANGE IN COMPRESSOR
the manufacturer only in terms of BTU/hr per degree ONLY ON SYSTEM BALANCE
temperature difference between the entering dry bulb
temperature and the refrigerant evaporating tempera- Occasionally the exact replacement compressor may
ture, and have a capacity of 4,590 BTU/hr/°TD. In Figure not be available, and the question arises as to whether
73 evaporator capacity curves have been plotted and an alternate compressor with either more or less ca-
superimposed on the compressor capacity curves and pacity might provide satisfactory performance. The
the condenser-compressor balance lines. An evaporator graphical balance chart provides a convenient means
capacity curve for each entering air temperature can be of forecasting system performance.
constructed by plotting any two points.
Figure 74 is a revised balance chart for a system utilizing
Point A represents the evaporator capacity at 14°TD the same evaporator and condenser as in the previous
which for an entering air temperature of 40°F. would example, but with a compressor having only 5/6 of the
require a refrigerant evaporating temperature of 26°F. previous capacity. New compressor capacity curves for
However, an allowance must be made for line friction the smaller compressor have been plotted on the same
losses since the pressure in the evaporator will always capacity chart used previously. Since there is no change
be higher than the suction pressure at the compressor in the basic capacity of the condenser or evaporator,
because of pressure drop in the suction line. Allowing the condenser capacity and evaporator capacity curves
2°F. as an estimated allowance for line pressure drop, are unchanged.
an evaporating temperature of 26°F. would result in a
pressure at the compressor equivalent to a saturated However, a new compressor-condenser balance line
evaporating temperature of 24°F. Therefore the capac- must be plotted, and to avoid excessive detail in the il-
ity of the evaporator for a 14° TD and 40°F. entering lustration, a balance line for 100° ambient temperature
air would be plotted at the corresponding compressor only has been shown.
capacity at 24°F.
A comparison can now be made between the system
Point B represents the evaporator capacity at 10° with the original compressor, Figure 73, and the system
TD, which for 40°F. entering air temperature requires with the smaller compressor, Figure 74.
a refrigerant evaporating temperature of 30°F., and
after allowing for suction line losses, a corresponding Original Revised
compressor capacity at 28°F. A line can then be drawn System System
through these two points, representing all possible Ambient Temperature 100°F. 100°F.
capacities of the evaporator with 40°F. entering air Air Entering Evaporator 40°F. 40°F.
and varying refrigerant evaporating temperatures. In a Refrigerant Evaporating
similar fashion, capacity curves can be constructed for Temp. 26°F. 27°F.
other entering air temperatures. Condensing Temperature 120°F. 115°F.
Capacity at 100°F. Ambient
The system performance can now be forecast for any and 40°F. Entering Air,
condition of evaporator entering air temperature and BTU/hr. 59,000 53,000
(continued on p. 16-11)
Table 19
The application and design recommendations are intended only as a general guide. The
exact requirements of a given installation can only be determined after the specific design
criteria and desired operating conditions are known.
© 1969 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Section 21. CAPACITY CONTROL Liquid Refrigerant Flooding............................22-2
Liquid Refrigerant Slugging............................22-2
Internal Capacity Control Valves....................21-1 Tripping of Oil Pressure Safety Control..........22-2
External Capacity Control Valves...................21-1 Recommended Corrective Action...................22-2
Hot Gas Bypass.............................................21-1
Bypass into Evaporator Inlet..........................21-3 Section 23. ELECTRICAL CONTROL CIRCUITS
Bypass into Suction Line................................21-3
Solenoid Valves for Positive Shut-off Typical Lockout Control Circuit.......................23-1
and Pumpdown Cycle....................................21-5 Control Circuit for Compressor
Desuperheating Expansion Valve...................21-5 Protection Against Liquid
Typical Multiple-Evaporator Refrigerant Flooding................................23-3
Control System........................................21-5 Control Circuits to Prevent Short Cycling.......22-3
Power Consumption with Control Circuits for Compressors with
Hot Gas Bypass......................................21-6 Capacity Control Valves..........................23- 5
Refrigerant-Oil Relationship...........................22-1
Refrigerant Migration......................................22-1
Table 20A Ventilation Air Requirements for Machine Rooms CFM/1000 BTU/HR at
10° F. Air Temperature Rise.............................................................................................. 17-3
Table 21 Recommended Minimum Low Pressure Control Setting......................................................... 17-9
Table 22 Dimensions and Properties of Copper Tube............................................................................ 18-3
Table 23 Weight of Refrigerant in Copper Lines.................................................................................... 18-4
Table 24 Equivalent Length in Feet of Straight Pipe For Valves and Fittings......................................... 18-5
Table 25 Pressure Drop Equivalent for 2° F. Change in Saturation Temperature at
Various Evaporating Temperatures.................................................................................. 18-15
Table 26 Maximum Recommended Spacing Between Pipe Supports for Copper Tubing..................... 18-26
Table 27 Recommended Liquid Line Sizes............................................................................................ 18-27
Table 28 Recommended Discharge Lines Sizes.................................................................................... 18-28
Table 29 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-12, 40° F...................................................................... 18-29
Table 30 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-12, 25° F...................................................................... 18-30
Table 31 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-12, 15° F...................................................................... 18-31
Table 32 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-12, –20° F.................................................................... 18-31
Table 33 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-12, –40° F.................................................................... 18-32
Table 34 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-22, 40° F...................................................................... 18-32
Table 35 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-22, 25°F....................................................................... 18-33
Table 36 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-22, 15° F...................................................................... 18-34
Table 37 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-22, –20° F.................................................................... 18-35
Table 38 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-502, 25° F.................................................................... 18-35
Table 39 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-502, 15° F.................................................................... 18-36
Table 40 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-502, –20° F.................................................................. 18-37
Table 41 Recommended Suction Line Sizes, R-502, –40° F.................................................................. 18-38
Table 42 Efficiency Comparison of Single Stage vs. Two Stage Compression Typical
Air Cooled Application with Refrigerant R-502................................................................. 19-6
Table 43 Recommended Discharge Line Sizes for Two Stage Compressors........................................ 19-10
Table 44 Recommended Liquid Line Sizes for Two Stage Compressors.............................................. 19-10
Table 45 Recommended Suction Line Sizes for Two Stage Compressors, –60° F................................ 19-11
Table 46 Recommended Suction Line Sizes for Two Stage Compressors, –60° F................................ 19-11
Table 47 Recommended Suction Line Sizes for Two Stage Compressors, –80° F................................ 19-12
Table 48 Recommended Suction Line Sizes for Two Stage Compressors, –80° F................................ 19-12
Compressors leaving the factory are charged with An oil pressure safety control with a time delay of 120
naphthenic refrigerant oils. A complete list of acceptable seconds is a mandatory requirement of the Emerson
refrigerants and lubricants are listed on form #93-11. Climate Technologies, Inc. warranty on all Copelametic®
The use of any other oil must be specifically cleared compressors having an oil pump. The control oper-
A trip of the oil pressure safety switch is a warning that Oil separators should be considered as a system aid
the system has been without proper lubrication for a but not a cure-all or a substitute for good system de-
period of two minutes. Repeated trips of the oil pressure sign. They are never 100% efficient, and in fact may
safety control are a clear indication that something in the have efficiencies as low as 50% depending on system
system design or operation requires immediate remedial operating conditions. On systems where piping design
action. On a well designed system, there should be no encourages oil logging in the evaporator, an oil separa-
trips of the oil pressure safety control, and repeated tor can compensate for system oil return deficiencies
trips should never be accepted as a normal part of the only on a temporary basis, and may only serve to delay
system operation. lubrication difficulties.
The oil pressure safety control will not protect against If a system is equipped with a suction accumulator, it
all lubrication problems. It cannot detect whether the is recommended that the oil return from the separa-
compressor is pumping oil or a combination of refriger- tor be connected to the suction line just ahead of the
ant and oil. If bearing trouble is encountered on systems accumulator. This will provide maximum protection
where the oil pressure safety control has not tripped, against returning liquid refrigerant to the crankcase. If
even though inspection proves it to be properly wired, the system is not equipped with a suction accumulator,
with the proper pressure setting, and in good operating the oil return line on suction cooled compressors may
condition, marginal lubrication is occurring which prob- be connected to the suction line if more convenient
ably is due to liquid refrigerant floodback. than the crankcase, but on air cooled compressors, oil
return must be made directly to the crankcase to avoid
OIL SEPARATORS damage to the compressor valves.
Proper refrigerant piping design and operation of the If the separator is exposed to outside ambient tem-
system within its design limits so that adequate refriger- peratures, it must be insulated to prevent refrigerant
ant velocities can be maintained are the only cure for oil condensation during off periods, resulting in return of
logging problems, but an oil separator may be a definite liquid to the compressor crankcase. Small low wattage
aid in maintaining lubrication where oil return problems strap-on heaters are available for oil separators, and if
are particularly acute. any problem from liquid condensation in the separator
is anticipated, a continuously energized heater is highly
For example, consider a compressor having an oil recommended.
charge of 150 ounces, with the normal oil circulation
rate being 2 ounces per minute. This means that on a SUCTION LINE ACCUMULATORS
normal system with proper oil return at stabilized condi-
tions, two ounces of oil leave the compressor through If liquid refrigerant is allowed to flood through a refrigera-
the discharge line every minute, and two ounces return tion or air conditioning system and return to the compres-
through the suction line. If a minimum of 30 ounces of sor before being evaporated, it may cause damage to
oil in the crankcase is necessary to properly lubricate the compressor due to liquid slugging, loss of oil from
the compressor, and for some reason oil logged in the crankcase, or bearing washout. To protect against
the system and failed to return to the compressor, the this condition on systems vulnerable to liquid damage
compressor would run out of oil in 60 minutes. Under a suction accumulator may be necessary.
the same conditions with an oil separator having an
efficiency of 80%, the compressor could operate 300 The accumulator’s function is to intercept liquid re-
minute or 5 hours before running out of oil. frigerant before it can reach the compressor valves or
crankcase. It should be located in the suction line near
As a practical matter, there seldom are conditions in a the compressor, and if a reversing valve is used in the
system when no oil will be returned to the compressor, system, the accumulator must be located between the
and even with low gas velocities, some fraction of the reversing valve and the compressor. Provisions for posi-
oil leaving the compressor will be returned. If there are tive oil return to the crankcase must be provided, but a
regular intervals of full load conditions or defrost periods direct gravity flow which will allow liquid refrigerant to
when oil can be returned normally, an oil separator can drain to the crankcase during shut-down periods must
help to bridge long operating periods at light load con- be avoided. The liquid refrigerant must be metered back
On systems with a large refrigerant charge, or on any A pumpdown cycle is highly recommended whenever
system where liquid floodback is likely to occur, a suc- it can be used. If a non-recycling pumpdown circuit is
tion line accumulator is strongly recommended. On heat required, then consideration should be given to the use
pumps, truck applications, and on any system where of a crankcase heater in addition to the pumpdown for
liquid slugging can occur during operation, a suction line more dependable compressor protection.
accumulator is mandatory for compressor protection
unless otherwise approved by the Emerson Climate CRANKCASE HEATERS
Technologies, Inc. Application Engineering Department.
The actual refrigerant holding capacity needed for a On some systems operating requirements, noise consid-
given accumulator is governed by the requirements of erations, or customer preference may make the use of a
the particular application, and the accumulator should pumpdown system undesirable, and crankcase heaters
be selected to hold the maximum liquid floodback an- are frequently used to control migration.
By warming the oil, the absorption of refrigerant by the
PUMPDOWN SYSTEM CONTROL oil is minimized, and under mild weather conditions,
any liquid refrigerant in the crankcase can be vaporized
Refrigerant vapor will always migrate to the coldest and forced out of the compressor. For effective protec-
part of the system, and if the compressor crankcase tion, heaters must be energized several hours before
can become colder than other parts of the system, starting the compressor. It is recommended that they
refrigerant in the condenser, receiver, and evaporator be energized continuously, independent of compressor
will vaporize, travel through the system, and condense operation. Improperly sized heaters can overheat the
in the compressor crankcase. oil, and heaters used on Copeland® brand compres-
sors must be specifically approved by the Emerson
Because of the difference in vapor pressures of oil and Climate Technologies, Inc. Application Engineering
refrigerant, refrigerant vapor is attracted to refrigera- Department.
tion oil, and even though no pressure or temperature
difference exists to cause a flow, refrigerant vapor will It would be a mistake to assume that crankcase heaters
migrate through the system and condense in the oil until are a dependable cure for all migration problems. As the
the oil is saturated. During off cycles extending several ambient conditions contributing to migration worsen, the
hours or more, it is possible for liquid refrigerant to al- ability of the crankcase heater to keep refrigerant out
In order to limit the power requirement of the compressor Several proprietary control systems are available for low
to the allowable operating limit, a crankcase pressure ambient operation, most of which maintain head pres-
regulating valve may be necessary. This most frequently sure above a preset minimum by partially flooding the
occurs on low temperature compressors where the power condenser and thus reducing the effective surface area.
requirement during pulldown periods or after defrost Methods of this type can control pressures effectively, but
may be greatly in excess of the compressor motor’s do require a considerable increase in refrigerant charge
capabilities. Copeland® brand compressors should and adequate receiver capacity must be provided.
not be operated at suction pressures in excess of the
published limits on compressor specification sheets Air volume dampers on the condenser operated from
without approval of the Emerson Climate Technologies, refrigerant discharge pressure provide a simple, eco-
Inc. Application Engineering Department. nomical, and effective means of control which is widely
Since any pressure drop in the compressor suction line
lowers the system capacity, the CPR valve should be Adequate protection at lowest cost can often be pro-
sized for a minimum pressure drop. In order to restrict vided by a reverse acting high pressure control which
pull down capacity as little as possible, the valve set- senses discharge pressure, and acts to disconnect the
ting should be as high as the motor power requirement condenser fan circuit when the head pressure falls below
will allow. the control’s minimum setting. The proper adjustment
of the off-on differential is particularly important to avoid
Thermal expansion valves of the pressure limiting type excessive fan motor cycling, and the resulting fluctua-
are not recommended when a CPR valve is used, par- tions in discharge pressure may contribute to uneven
ticularly if the pressure settings are fairly close, because expansion valve feeding. In cold ambient temperatures
of the possibility of the action of the two valves coming the condenser must be shielded from the wind.
in conflict in their response to system pressures.
A liquid line filter-drier must be used on all field installed
Within the operating limitations of the system, it is desir- systems, and on all systems opened in the field for
able to take advantage of lower condensing tempera- service. Filter-driers are highly recommended for all sys-
tures whenever possible for increased capacity, lower tems, but are not mandatory on factory assembled and
discharge temperatures, and lower power requirements. charged units where careful dehydration and evacuation
However, too low a discharge pressure can produce is possible during manufacture. Precharged systems with
serious malfunctions. Since the capacity of capillary quick connect fittings having a rupture disc are considered
to be the equivalent of factory charged systems.
Probably the first skill that any refrigeration apprentice In general, pressure drop in refrigerant lines tends to
mechanic learns is to make a soldered joint, and run- decrease capacity and increase power requirements, and
ning piping is so common a task that often its critical excessive pressure drops should be avoided. The mag-
importance in the proper performance of a system is nitude of the pressure drop allowable varies depending
overlooked. It would seem elementary in any piping on the particular segment of piping involved, and each
system that what goes in one end of a pipe must come part of the system must be considered separately. There
out the other, but on a system with improper piping, it are probably more tables and charts available covering
is not uncommon for a serviceman to add gallons of oil line pressure drop and refrigerant line capacities at a
to a system, and it may seemingly disappear without a given pressure drop than on any other single subject in
trace. It is of course lying on the bottom of the tubing the field of refrigeration.
in the system, usually in the evaporator or suction line.
When the piping or operating condition is corrected, It is most important, however, that the piping designer
the oil will return and those same gallons of oil must realize that pressure drop is not the only criteria that
be removed. must be considered in sizing refrigerant lines, and that
often refrigerant velocities rather than pressure drop
Refrigeration piping involves extremely complex relation- must be the determining factor in system design. In
ships in the flow of refrigerant and oil. Fluid flow is the addition to the critical nature of oil return, there is no
name given in mechanical engineering to the study of better invitation to system difficulties than an exces-
the flow of any fluid, whether it might be a gas or a liquid, sive refrigerant charge. A reasonable pressure drop
and the inter-relationship of velocity, pressure, friction, is far more preferable than over-sized lines which can
density, viscosity, and the work required to cause the contain refrigerant far in excess of the system’s needs.
flow. These relationships evolve into long mathematical An excessive refrigerant charge can result in serious
equations which form the basis for the fan laws which problems of liquid refrigerant control, and the flywheel
govern fan performance, and the pressure drop tables effect of large quantities of liquid refrigerant in the low
for flow through piping. But 99% of the theories in fluid pressure side of the system can result in erratic opera-
flow textbooks deal with the flow of one homogenous tion of the refrigerant control devices.
fluid, and there is seldom even a mention of a combi-
nation flow of liquid, gas, and oil such as occurs in any The size of the service valve supplied on a compressor,
refrigeration system. Because of its changing nature, or the size of the connection on a condenser, evapora-
such flow is just too complex to be governed by a simple tor, accumulator, or other accessory does not determine
mathematical equation, and practically the entire working the size of line to be used. Manufacturers select a valve
knowledge of refrigeration piping is based on practical size or connection fitting on the basis of its application
experience and test data. As a result, the general type to an average system, and such factors as the type of
of gas and liquid flow that must be maintained to avoid application, length of connecting lines, type of system
problems is known, but seldom is there one exact an- control, variation in load, and other factors can be major
swer to any problem. factors in determining the proper line size. It is quite
possible the required line size may be either smaller or
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF REFRIGERATION PIPING larger than the fittings on various system components.
DESIGN In such cases, reducing fittings must be used.
The design of refrigeration piping systems is a continuous Since oil must pass through the compressor cylinders
series of compromises. It is desirable to have maximum to provide lubrication, a small amount of oil is always
capacity, minimum cost, proper oil return, minimum circulating with the refrigerant. Refrigeration oils are
power consumption, minimum refrigerant charge, low soluble in liquid refrigerant, and at normal room tem-
noise level, proper liquid refrigerant control, and perfect peratures they will mix completely. Oil and refrigerant
flexibility of system operation from 0 to 100% of system vapor, however, do not mix readily, and the oil can be
capacity without lubrication problems. Obviously all of properly circulated through the system only if the mass
these goals cannot be satisfied, since some are in direct velocity of the refrigerant vapor is great enough to sweep
conflict. In order to make an intelligent decision as to the oil along. To assure proper oil circulation, adequate
just what type of compromise is desirable, it is essential refrigerant velocities must be maintained not only in
that the piping designer clearly understand the basic the suction and discharge lines, but in the evaporator
effects on system performance of the piping design in circuits as well.
the different parts of the system.
Oil logging can be minimized with adequate velocities For brazed or soldered joints, the required elbows, tees,
and properly designed evaporators even at extremely low couplings, reducers, or other miscellaneous fittings may
evaporating temperatures, but normally oil separators be either forged brass or wrought copper. Cast fittings
are necessary for operation at evaporating temperatures are not satisfactory since they may be porous and often
below -50°F. in order to minimize the amount of the oil lack sufficient strength.
in circulation.
Each valve, fitting, and bend in a refrigerant line con-
For installations using R-12, R-22, and R-502, copper tributes to the friction pressure drop because of its
tubing is almost universally used for refrigerant piping. interruption or restriction of smooth flow. Because of the
Commercial copper tubing dimensions have been stan- detail and complexity of computing the pressure drop
dardized and classified as follows: of each individual fitting, normal practice is to establish
an equivalent length of straight tubing for each fitting.
Type K Heavy Wall This allows the consideration of the entire length of line,
Type L Medium Wall including fittings, as an equivalent length of straight
Type M Light Wall pipe. Pressure drop and line sizing tables and charts
are normally set up on the basis of a pressure drop per
100 feet of straight pipe, so the use of equivalent lengths
allows the data to be used directly.
(continued on p. 18-5)
Actually a reasonable pressure drop in the discharge For example, consider an air conditioning system using
line is often desirable to dampen compressor pulsation, R-12 having a maximum design capacity of 300,000
and thereby reduce noise and vibration. Some discharge BTU/hr with steps of capacity reduction up to 66%.
line mufflers actually derive much of their efficiency from Although the 300,000 BTU/hr condition could return oil
pressure drop through the muffler. up a 3 1/8” O.D. riser, at light load conditions the system
would have only 100,000 BTU/hr capacity, so a 2 1/8”
Discharge lines on factory built condensing units usually O.D. riser must be used. In checking the pressure drop
are not a field problem, but on systems installed in the chart, Figure 76, at maximum load conditions, a 2 1/8”
field with remote condensers, line sizes must be selected O.D. pipe will have a pressure drop of approximately 3 psi
to provide proper system performance. per 100 feet at a condensing temperature of 120°F.
Because of the high temperatures existing in the dis- One other limiting factor in discharge line sizing is
charge line, oil flows freely, and oil circulation through excessive velocity which can cause noise problems.
both horizontal and vertical lines can be maintained Velocities of 3,000 FPM or more may result in high noise
satisfactorily with reasonably low velocities. Since oil levels, and it is recommended that maximum velocities
traveling up a riser usually creeps up the inner surface be kept well below this level. Figures 81 and 82 give
of the pipe, oil travel in vertical risers is dependent on equivalent discharge line gas velocities for varying
the velocity of the gas at the tubing wall. The larger the capacities and line sizes over the normal refrigeration
pipe diameter, the greater will be the required velocity and air conditioning range.
at the center of the pipe to maintain a given velocity at
the wall surface. Figures 79 and 80 list the maximum Because of the flexibility in line sizing that the allowable
recommended discharge line riser sizes for proper oil pressure drop makes possible, discharge lines can al-
return for varying capacities. The variation at different most always be sized satisfactorily without the necessity
condensing temperatures is not great, so the line sizes of double risers. If modifications are made to an existing
shown are acceptable on both water cooled and air cooled system which result in the existing discharge line being
applications. oversized at light load conditions, the addition of an oil
separator to minimize oil circulation will normally solve
If horizontal lines are run with a pitch in the direction the problem.
of flow of at least ½” in 10 feet, there is normally little
problem with oil circulation at lower velocities in horizontal To summarize, in sizing discharge lines, it is recom-
lines. However, because of the relatively low velocities mended that a tentative selection of line size be made
required in vertical discharge lines, it is recommended on the basis of a total pressure drop of approximately
wherever possible that both horizontal and vertical dis- 5 psi plus or minus 50%, the actual design pressure
charge lines be sized on the same basis. drop to a considerable degree being a matter of the
designer’s judgment. Check Figure 79 or 80 to be sure
To illustrate the use of the chart, assume a system that velocities at minimum load conditions are adequate
operating with R-22 at 40°F. evaporating temperature to carry oil up vertical risers, and adjust vertical riser size
has a capacity of 100,000 BTU/hr. The intersection if necessary. Check Figure 81 or 82 to be sure velocities
of the capacity and evaporating temperature lines at maximum load are not excessive.
at point X on Figure 80 indicate the design condi-
tion. Since this is below the 2 1/8” O.D. line, the Recommended discharge line sizes for varying capaci-
maximum size that can be used to insure oil return ties and equivalent lengths of line are given in Table
up a vertical riser is 1 5/8” O.D. 28.
(continued on p. 18-14)
In order to minimize the refrigerant charge, liquid Evaporating Pressure Drop, PSI
lines should be kept as small as practical, and exces- Temperature R-12 R-022 R-502
sively low pressure drops should be avoided. On most 45ºF 2.0 3.0 3.3
systems, a reasonable design criteria is to size liquid 20ºF 1.35 2.2 2.4
lines on the basis of a pressure drop equivalent to 2°F. 0ºF 1.0 1.65 1.85
subcooling. -20ºF .75 1.15 1.35
-40ºF .5 .8 1.0
A limitation on liquid line velocity is possible damage
to the piping from pressure surges or liquid hammer Of equal importance in sizing suction lines is the ne-
caused by the rapid closing of liquid line solenoid valves, cessity of maintaining adequate velocities to properly
and velocities above 300 FPM should be avoided when return oil to the compressor. Studies have shown that
they are used. If liquid line solenoids are not used, then oil is most viscous in a system after the suction vapor
higher velocities can be employed. Figure 83 gives liquid has warmed up a few degrees from the evaporating
line velocities corresponding to various pressure drops temperature, so that the oil is no longer saturated with
and line sizes. refrigerant, and this condition occurs in the suction line
after the refrigerant vapor has left the evaporator. Move-
To summarize, in sizing liquid lines, it is recommended ment of oil through suction lines is dependent on both
that the selection of line size be made on the basis of a the mass and velocity of the suction vapor. As the mass
total friction pressure drop equivalent to 2°F. subcool- or density decreases, higher velocities are required to
ing. If vertical lifts or valves with large pressure drops force the oil along.
are involved, then the designer must make certain that
sufficient subcooling is available to allow the necessary Nominal minimum velocities of 700 FPM in horizontal
pressure drop without approaching a saturation condi- suction lines and 1500 FPM in vertical suction lines
tion at which gas flashing could occur. Check Figure 83 have been recommended and used successfully for
to be sure velocities do not exceed 300 FPM if a liquid many years as suction line sizing design standards.
line solenoid is used. Use of the one nominal velocity provided a simple and
convenient means of checking velocities. However,
Recommended liquid line sizes for varying capacities tests have shown that in vertical risers the oil tends to
and equivalent lengths of line are given in Table 27. crawl up the inner surface of the tubing, and the larger
the tubing, the greater velocity required in the center of
SIZING SUCTION LINES the tubing to maintain tube surface velocities which will
carry the oil. The exact velocity required in vertical lines
Suction line sizing is the most critical from a design and is dependent on both the evaporating temperature and
system standpoint. Any pressure drop occurring due to the line size, and under varying conditions, the specific
frictional resistance to flow results in a decrease in the velocity required might be either greater or less than
pressure at the compressor suction valve, compared 1500 FPM.
with the pressure at the evaporator outlet. As the suc-
tion pressure is decreased, each pound of refrigerant For better accuracy in line sizing, revised maximum
returning to the compressor occupies a greater volume, recommended vertical suction line sizes based on the
and the weight of the weight of the refrigerant pumped minimum gas velocities shown in the 1980 ASHRAE
by the compressor decreases. For example, a typical Handbook have been calculated and are plotted in
low temperature R-502 compressor at -40°F. evaporating chart form for easy usage in Figures 84 and 86. These
temperature will lose almost 6% of its rated capacity for revised recommendations superseded previous vertical
each 1 psi suction line pressure drop. suction riser recommendations. No change has been
made in the 700 FPM minimum velocity recommenda-
Normally accepted design practice is to use as a design tion for horizontal suction lines, and Figures 85 and 87
criteria a suction line pressure drop equivalent to a 2°F. cover maximum recommended horizontal line sizes for
change in saturation temperature. Equivalent pressure proper oil return.
(continued on p. 18-21)
At the minimum load condition of 50,000 BTU/hr., the In all cases, the operation of the system under all pos-
1 5/8” O.D. line will have a pressure drop of approxi- sible combinations of heavy load, light load, defrost, and
mately .5 psi, and will have acceptable velocities, so a compressor capacity must be studied carefully to be
combination of 2 5/8” O.D. and 1 5/8” O.D. tubing should certain that operating conditions will be satisfactory.
be used for the double riser.
Close attention must be paid to piping design on mul-
In a similar fashion, double risers can be calculated for tiplex systems to avoid oil return problems. Lines must
any set of maximum and minimum capacities where be properly sized so that the minimum velocities neces-
single risers may not be satisfactory. sary to return oil are maintained in both horizontal and
SINGLE STAGE LOW TEMPERATURE SYSTEMS Either the evaporator must be properly designed, or
a pressure limiting device such as a pressure limiting
Low temperature single stage systems become increas- expansion valve or crankcase pressure regulating valve
ingly critical from a design and application standpoint must be provided to prevent motor overloading during
as the desired evaporating temperature is decreased. pulldown periods, or after defrost.
The combination of high compression ratios, low oper-
ating temperatures, and rarefied return gas can cause Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. now recommends
lubrication and overheating problems, and make the R-502 for all single stage low temperature applications
compressor more vulnerable to damage from moisture where evaporating temperatures of -20°F. and below may
and contaminants in the system. be encountered. Now that R-502 is readily available, R-
22 should not be used in single stage low temperature
The compressor selection, suction temperature, and compressors, 5 H.P. and larger. The lower discharge
application must be such that the temperature of the temperatures of R-502 have resulted in much more
discharge line measured within 1” to 6” of the discharge trouble-free operation.
service valve does not exceed 230°F. for Refrigerants
12, 22, and 502. Under these conditions, the estimated An adequate supply of oil must be maintained in the
average temperature at the discharge port (measured at crankcase at all times to insure continuous lubrication.
the valve retainer on the valve plate) will be approximately If the refrigerant velocity in the system is so low that
310°F. for R-12 and R-502, and 320°F. for R-22. rapid return of the oil is not assured, an adequate oil
separator must be used. The normal oil level should be
The compressor displacement, pressure limiting devices, maintained at or slightly above the center of the sight
and quantity of cooling air or water must be selected glass. An excessive amount of refrigerant or oil must not
to prevent the motor temperature from exceeding the be allowed in the system as it may result in excessive
limits stated below: liquid slugging and damage to the compressor valves,
pistons, or cylinders.
A. 210°F. when protected by inherent
protectors affected by line current and The formation or make up of the lines must be so de-
motor temperature. signed that oil trapping will not exist. The highest velocity
possible without encountering excessive pressure drop
B. 190°F. when protected by motor starters. is recommended.
The temperature of the motor should be determined by Care must be taken to prevent the evaporating
the resistance method and should be determined when temperature from dropping so far below the normal
the compressor is tested in the highest ambient in which system operating point that the refrigerant veloc-
it is expected to operate, at 90 per cent of rated voltage, ity becomes too low to return oil to the compressor.
with 90°F. return suction gas temperature. For longer The low pressure control cut-out setting should not
motor life, operating temperatures of 170°F. to 190°F. be below the lowest published rating point for the
are highly recommended. compressor, without prior approval of the Emerson
Climate Technologies, Inc. Application Engineering
In order to prevent the discharge and motor tempera- Department.
tures from exceeding recommended limits, it is very
desirable, and in some instances absolutely necessary, The smallest practical size tubing should be used in
to insulate the suction lines and return the suction gas condensers and evaporators in order to hold the system
to the compressor at a lower than normal tempera- charge to a minimum. When large refrigerant charges
ture. This is particularly important with suction-cooled are unavoidable, recycling pumpdown control should
compressors when R-22 is used. (Approximately 30°F. be used.
superheat suggested.)
If air cooled condensing units are required to operate
Suction cooled compressors require auxiliary cooling by in low ambient temperatures, the use of some means
means of an air blast on the compressor for operation of head pressure control to prevent the condensing
below 0°F evaporator temperature. pressure from falling too low is highly recommended to
maintain normal refrigerant velocities. Several commonly
used types of control are described in Section 17.
A combination liquid sight glass and moisture indicator Figure 92 illustrates a typical single stage volumetric
should be installed for easy field maintenance. efficiency curve. Note that as the compression ratio
increase, the volumetric efficiency decreases.
After complete assembly, all systems should be thor-
oughly evacuated with a high grade vacuum pump and Two factors cause a loss of efficiency with an increase
dehydrated to assure that no air or moisture remains in in compression ratio. The density of the residual gas
the system. The compressor motor must not be operated remaining in the cylinder clearance space after the
while the high vacuum pump is in operation, otherwise compression stroke is determined by the discharge pres-
motor damage is very likely to occur. sure—the greater the discharge pressure the greater
the density. Since this gas does not leave the cylinder
The system should be charged with clean dry refrigerant on the discharge stroke, it re-expands on the suction
only through a dehydrator. Other substances such as stroke, thus preventing the intake of a full cylinder of
liquid dehydrants or alcohol must not be used. vapor from the suction line. As the compression ratio
increases, the more space in the cylinder on the intake
TWO STAGE LOW TEMPERATURE SYSTEMS stroke is filled by the residual gas.
Two stage systems because of their basic design and The second factor in the loss of efficiency is the high
operation are inherently more efficient and encounter temperature of the cylinder walls resulting from the heat
fewer operating hazards at low operating temperatures of compression. As the compression ratio increases, the
than single stage equipment. The two stage compressor heat of compression increases, and the cylinders and
has its limitations. At evaporating temperatures below head of the compressor become very hot. Suction gas
-80°F. it loses efficiency and motor heating becomes entering the cylinder on the intake stroke is heated by
an increasing problem. The lowest approved operating the cylinder walls and expands, resulting in a reduced
range is -80°F. and at lower evaporating temperatures a weight of gas entering the compressor.
cascade system is recommended. But for applications
with evaporating temperatures in the -20°F. to -80°F. Obviously, a single stage compressor has its limita-
range, the two stage compressor efficiency is high, the tions as compression ratios increase. The effective
discharge temperatures are low, and field experience low limit of even the most efficient single stage system
with properly applied two stage compressors has been is approximately -40°F. evaporating temperature. At
excellent. lower evaporating temperatures, the compression ratio
becomes so high that capacity falls rapidly, the com-
The two stage system is somewhat more complex and pressor may no longer be handling a sufficient weight
sophisticated than a simple single stage system, and of return gas for proper motor cooling, and because of
many of the operating problems encountered on two decreased gas density, oil may no longer be properly
stage systems stem from the fact that too often they circulated through the system.
have been applied without sufficient appreciation of the
safeguards which must be taken in system design. TWO STAGE COMPRESSION AND COMPRESSOR
In order to increase operating efficiency at low evapo-
Three definitions given previously are of importance in rating temperatures, the compression can be done in
analyzing two stage systems. two steps or stages. For two stage operation, the total
compression ratio is the product of the compression ratio
The compression ratio is the ratio of the absolute dis- of each stage. In other words, for a total compression
(continued on p. 19-4)
Truck and trailer refrigeration is an increasingly impor- cooled by air pulled through a compartment in which the
tant segment of the refrigeration industry. Despite the compressor is located. If the compressor is not located
fact that transport applications face many operating in the condenser discharge air stream, adequate air
problems peculiar to their usage, there exists very little circulation must be provided by an auxiliary fan.
application data pertaining to this field.
Many compressor failures in transport refrigeration usage
are the result of system malfunction rather than the result Open type compressors operating from a truck engine by
of mechanical wear. It is clear that substantial savings means of a power take-off or by a belt drive are subject
in operating cost, and tremendous improvements in unit to extreme speed ranges. A typical truck engine may idle
performance and life would be possible if the causes at 500 RPM to 700 RPM, run at 1,800 RPM at 30 MPH,
of compressor failure could be removed. Primarily the and run at 3,600 RPM to 4,000 RPM over the highway at
problem boils down to one of making sure that the com- high speeds. Whatever the power take-off or belt ratio,
pressor has adequate lubrication at all times. this means the compressor must operate through a speed
ratio range of 6 to 1 or greater unless it is disconnected
Part of the problem of identifying the cause of failure from the power source by some means.
stems from the fact that far too few users realize that
ultimate failure of a compressor resulting from lack of The compressor speed must be kept within safe limits
lubrication frequently takes place at a time when there is to avoid loss of lubrication and physical damage. Op-
an adequate supply of oil in the crankcase. This is due eration within the physical limitations of the compressor
to continued deterioration of the moving parts resulting may be possible, for example from 400 RPM to 2,400
from the original or repeated damage in the past. It is RPM. It may be possible to use a cut-out switch to
not uncommon for a damaged compressor to operate disconnect the compressor from the power source at a
satisfactorily all winter and then fail in the spring when given speed. The compressor manufacturer should be
subjected to heavier loads. contacted for minimum and maximum speeds of specific
Another source of field problems is the fact that many
units are installed by personnel who may not have ad- If the compressor is of the accessible-hermetic type,
equate training, equipment, or experience. Often units, there is no problem concerning speed so long as the
particularly those in common carrier service, may be electrical source is operating at the voltage and frequency
serviced in emergencies by servicemen not familiar for which the motor was designed. If the speed of the
with the unit, or indeed, with transport refrigeration generator is varied in order to obtain variable speed
generally. operation, the voltage and frequency on the normal al-
ternating current generator will vary proportionally. Since
Because of the installation and service hazards, it is the compressor speed and motor load will vary directly
extremely important that the unit be properly designed with the frequency, it is often possible to operate over
and applied to minimize, and if possible, prevent service a wide speed range with satisfactory results.
However, it should be born in mind that increasing the
COMPRESSOR COOLING frequency and voltage of the generator above the level
for which the compressor motor was designed will in-
Air-cooled motor-compressors must have a sufficient crease the load on the compressor, may overload the
quantity of air passing over the compressor body for motor, and can result in bearing or other compressor
motor cooling. Refrigerant-cooled motor-compres- damage. Operation at speeds too low to provide ad-
sors are cooled adequately by the refrigerant vapor at equate compressor lubrication must also be avoided,
evaporating temperatures above 0°F. saturation, but at although normally lubrication can be maintained on
evaporating temperatures below 0°F. additional motor Copelametic® compressors down to 600 RPM and
cooling by means of air flow is necessary. possibly lower speeds.
Normally the condenser fan if located so that it discharges Each new application involving operation of the com-
on the compressor will provide satisfactory cooling. For pressor at a voltage and frequency differing from its
proper cooling, the fan must discharge air directly against nameplate rating should be submitted to the Emerson
the compressor. The compressor cannot be adequately
OIL CHARGE The oil separator traps a major part of the oil leaving the
compressor, and since the oil is returned directly to the
Compressors leaving the factory are charged crankcase by means of a float valve, oil circulation in
with naphthenic 150 viscosity refrigeration oil. A the system is minimized. On low temperature systems,
complete list of acceptable refrigerants and oils is oil separators may be of value in holding the amount of
available on form #93-11. The naphthenic oil has oil in circulation to a level which can be adequately re-
definite advantages over paraffinic oils because of turned to the compressor by the refrigerant in the system.
less tendency to separate from the refrigerant at However, on systems where piping design encourages
reduced temperatures. oil logging in the evaporator circuit, an oil separator may
only serve to delay lubrication difficulties.
Compressors are shipped with a generous supply of oil.
However, the system may require additional oil depend- The oil separator should be insulated to prevent refriger-
ing on the refrigerant charge and system design. After the ant condensation and return of liquid to the compressor
unit stabilizes at its normal operating conditions on the crankcase. A convenient means of returning oil to the
initial run-in, additional oil should be added if necessary compressor, and still providing maximum protection
to maintain the oil level at the ¾ full level of the sight against liquid return is to connect the oil return line to
glass in the compressor crankcase. The high oil level the suction line just before the suction accumulator.
will provide a reserve for periods of erratic oil return.
In order to limit the load on the compressor, a crankcase
A major percentage of all compressor failures are pressure regulating valve may be necessary. During
caused by lack of proper lubrication. Only rarely is the periods when the valve is throttling, it acts as a restrictor,
lack of lubrication actually due to a shortage of oil in and on start-up or during a hot gas defrost cycle, it acts
the system or failure of the oiling system. More often as an expansion valve in the line. The preferred location
the source of the lubrication failure may be refrigerant for the CPR valve is ahead of the suction line accumula-
floodback, oil trapping in the coils, or excessive slug- tor. The accumulator will trap liquid refrigerant feeding
ging on start up. back and allow it to boil off or feed the compressor at a
metered rate to avoid compressor damage. However,
To prevent failures from all these causes, the Emerson location of the accumulator ahead of the CPR valve is
Climate Technologies, Inc. warranty requires that an ap- acceptable if the accumulator has adequate capacity to
The CPR valve should be sized for a minimum pres- Because of field installation and repair, all units should
sure drop to avoid loss of capacity, and should never be equipped either with a receiver or an adequately
be set above the published operating range of the sized condenser so that the refrigerant charge is not
compressor. critical. Valves should be provided so that the system
can be pumped down. A positive liquid level indicator
CONDENSER on the receiver will aid in preventing over-charging, and
high and low test cocks have been used satisfactorily
Condenser construction must be rigid and rugged, for this purpose. The size of the receiver should be held
and the fin surface should be treated for corrosion to the minimum required for safe pump down.
resistance unless the metal is corrosion resistant. The
area in which the condenser is mounted affects its It is recommended that a charging valve be provided in
design. Condensers mounted on the skirt of a truck or the liquid line. While not essential, it is a fact that most
beneath a trailer receive a great deal of road splash, servicemen will charge liquid rather than vapor into a
while those mounted high on the nose of a truck or trailer system, and a charging valve makes this possible without
are in somewhat cleaner atmosphere. If the condenser damage to the compressor.
is mounted beneath a trailer facing in the direction of
travel, a mud guard should be provided. The type of tube On units in operation over-the-road, powered either from
and fin construction affects the allowable fin spacing, the truck engine or a separate engine power source, the
but in general, fin spacing of no more than 8 fins to the receiver may be subjected to temperatures higher than
inch is recommended, although some manufacturers are the condensing temperature because of the heat given
now using fin spacing as high as 10 and 12 per inch. off by the engine. This can result in abnormally high
condensing pressures because of liquid refrigerant being
Since the unit will operate for extended periods when forced back into the condenser, excessive refrigerant
the vehicle is parked, ram air from the movement of the charge requirements, and flashing of liquid refrigerant
vehicle cannot be considered in designing for adequate in the liquid line. If excessive heating of the receiver can
air flow, but the condenser fan should be located so that occur, provisions should be made for ventilation of the
the ram air affect aids rather than opposes condenser receiver compartment with ambient air, or the receiver
air flow. It also should be born in mind that often many should be insulated.
trucks or trailers will be operating side by side at a load-
ing dock, and the air flow pattern should be such that PURGING AIR IN A SYSTEM
one unit will not discharge hot air directly into the intake
of the unit on the next vehicle. Occasionally due to improper installation or maintenance
procedures, a unit will not be completely evacuated,
Since the space available for condenser face area is or air will be allowed to enter the system after evacu-
limited in transport refrigeration applications, the con- ation. The noncondensable gases will exert their own
denser tube circuiting should be designed for maximum pressures in addition to refrigerant pressure, and will
efficiency. result in head pressures considerably above the normal
condensing pressure.
Low head pressure during cold weather can result in
lubrication failure of compressors. With trucks operating Aside from the loss of capacity resulting from the higher
or parked outside or in unheated garages in the winter head pressure, the presence of air in the system will
months, this condition can frequently occur. A decreased greatly increase the rate of corrosion and can lead to
pressure differential across the expansion valve will possible carbon formation, copper plating, and/or mo-
reduce the refrigerant flow, resulting in decreased tor failure.
refrigerant velocity and lower evaporator pressures,
permitting oil to trap in the evaporator. Frequently the If it is discovered that air has been allowed to contami-
feed will be decreased to the point that short-cycling nate the system, the refrigerant should be removed, and
of the compressor results. The use of a reverse acting the entire unit completely evacuated with an efficient
pressure control for cycling the condenser fan, or some vacuum pump.
other type of pressure stabilizing device to maintain
reasonable head pressure is highly recommended. LIQUID LINE FILTER-DRIER
Provisions for positive oil return to the crankcase must Delivered air velocity should be adequate to insure
be provided, but a direct gravity flow is not acceptable good air circulation in the vehicle. Noise level is not a
since this would allow liquid refrigerant to drain to the design limitation in a van, so velocities up to 1,500 FPM
crankcase during shutdown periods. Capacity of the or higher can be used.
A liquid charged type valve is essential to retain control, Drain pan heaters are required on low temperature instal-
since the head may frequently be colder than the sens- lations to prevent the build up of ice in the drain pan. To
ing bulb. Vapor charged expansion valves should not prevent the defrost heat from entering the cargo space,
be used on transport refrigeration systems. the evaporator fan should be stopped during defrost, or
a damper installed in the air outlet.
Valve superheat should be preset by the valve manu-
facturer and field adjustment should be discouraged. Automatic start of the defrost cycle is recommended to
However, valves in need of adjustment should be set avoid excessive accumulation of frost on the evaporator,
to provide 5°F. to 10°F. superheat at the evaporator. and automatic termination should be provided to avoid
Too high a superheat setting will result in starving the returning overheated gas to the compressor. Since vibra-
evaporator and poor oil return. Too low a superheat set- tion will cause maintenance problems on time clocks, a
ting will permit liquid floodback to the compressor. control responsive to fan air pressure is frequently used
for defrost initiation, and a temperature responsive con-
Pressure limiting type valves are sometimes used to trol for defrost termination. Another method of automatic
limit the compressor load according to the allowable defrost control that has been used satisfactorily is a two
suction pressure. Since oil return to the compressor is element control sensing return air and coil tempera-
extremely slow during the pulldown period due to the tures, and operating on the differential between the two
throttling action of this type of valve, MOP valves are temperatures.
generally not recommended for transport applications,
and a crankcase pressure regulating valve is recom- A suction accumulator is considered mandatory with any
mended if the compressor load must be limited. system using a hot gas or reverse cycle defrost system.
The use of steam or hot water for cleaning or defrost
It should be born in mind that the pressure across the
valve affects its maximum capacity and its rate of feed.
When used for low temperature unit operational control, 7/8” O.D. 35 sq. ft. 50 sq. ft. 40 sq. ft. 50 sq. ft.
the low pressure control should be provided with a low
differential for accurate control. For accuracy, refrigera-
tion gauges must be used in setting cut-in and cut-out Basically the circuiting and valving of a truck plate
points, since the indicator on the face of the control is system should be designed so that velocities in each
not sufficiently accurate for control purposes. refrigeration circuit will be above a given minimum (for
adequate oil return) and below a given maximum (for a
Motor-compressors with single phase motors having pressure drop that does not cause excessive capacity
inherent protection, 2 HP and smaller, can be operated penalty). It is recommended that circuits approaching
directly on a pressure control, but larger HP compres- the maximum should be used whenever possible.
sors usually require a contactor since oil pressure safety
controls require a pilot circuit, as they cannot carry the For example, if in a given truck for low temperature
running current. use, plates with below 0°F. eutectic solution were used,
circuits might be selected as follows:
Eutectic plate applications are subject to both oil logging 2 - 24” x 120” plates @ 20 sq. ft. each
in the evaporator and liquid floodback to the compressor 2 - 24” x 60” plates @ 10 sq. ft. each
on start-up unless care is taken in system layout and 1 - 30” x 60” plate @ 12.5 sq. ft.
installation. Since either of these conditions can result
in compressor failure, adequate steps must be taken 5/8” O.D. Tubing
to protect the compressor.
In order to avoid trapping oil, high refrigerant velocity A 1 - 24” x 120” plate 20 sq. ft.
must be maintained through the evaporator tubing. Since
the velocity is dependent on the volume of refrigerant B 1 - 24” x 120” plate 20 sq. ft.
in circulation, plates should be connected in series as
required to provide an adequate refrigeration load for C-Series (1 - 30” x 60” plate 12.5 sq. ft.
each expansion valve circuit. ( 2 - 24” x 60” plates 20 sq. ft.
A-Series ( 1 - 30” x 60” plate 12.5 sq. ft. A similar misconception is that the use of larger O.D.
( 2 - 24” x 60” plates 20 sq. ft. tubing in plates will result in a lower pressure drop and
therefore increase capacity. As in the case of expan-
B-Series 2 - 24” x 120” plates 40 sq. ft. sion valves, the use of smaller tubing, although possibly
resulting in a slightly higher pressure drop, will greatly
Normally the eutectic plates are selected by the system increase refrigerant velocity, increase the heat transfer
designer for the particular truck and application require- rate as a result, and again our experience indicates on
ment. In order to keep the refrigerant charge within ac- low temperature plates that capacity may actually be
ceptable limits, it is important that both the total number increased because of the smaller tubing. The smaller tub-
of plates and the plate internal refrigerant volume be ing requires a smaller refrigerant charge, and therefore
kept to a absolute minimum required to accomplish the also decreases the problem of refrigerant migration.
desired refrigeration.
Expansion valves on plate circuits should be no larger
Because of the large refrigerant charge required for than 1 ton size, and ½ ton valves will give better control
plates, and the variable nature of the load imposed on the on smaller circuits in the medium temperature range. The
compressor, plate circuits are subject to extreme varia- piping and thermal sensing bulbs should be located so
tions in refrigerant velocity. It has been our experience that each valve operates independently and is not influ-
that proper velocities are of much greater importance enced by the return line controlled by another valve.
than low pressure drop in determining the heat transfer
rate between the refrigerant and the eutectic solution. Field experience indicates that due to the throttling action
Many users, following normal commercial refrigeration of an MOP valve after shut-down or defrost periods, oil
practice where it is assumed that refrigerant charges may not be returned to the crankcase at a fast enough
are low and velocities are consistently high, have placed rate to maintain compressor lubrication in the event oil
an undue importance on low pressure drop in selecting is lost from the compressor on start-up due to liquid re-
and circuiting plates, and as a result have unknowingly frigerant foaming in the crankcase. Therefore, pressure
created lubrication problems in their systems while gain- limiting type expansion valves are not recommended
ing little or nothing in capacity performance. In many for plate circuits.
instances capacity has actually been reduced due to
loss of proper refrigerant control. Because of the amount of oil trapped in the plates dur-
ing operation, additional oil normally must be added
A common misconception is that the use of separate to the compressor during the initial pulldown cycle, or
expansion valves on each plate will give increased ca- after the unit reaches its normal operating conditions.
pacity and more rapid pulldown. This is not necessarily Sufficient oil should be added to maintain the oil level
so. The use of more expansion valves will result in a at approximately the ¾ full level of the compressor oil
lower pressure drop through the refrigerant circuit which sight glass.
might aid capacity slightly, but in most cases the resulting
improper control actually decreases capacity. As the eutectic solution becomes frozen, the boiling
action of the refrigerant slows, and a higher percentage
On two plates, for example, the use of two expansion of liquid refrigerant lies in the bottom of the evapora-
valves would result in two sections of tubing being used tor tubing. When the unit cycles off, or the power is
as drier area in order to obtain the necessary superheat disconnected, the plates may be partially filled with
for proper operation of the expansion valves. If only one liquid refrigerant and oil. At some later time when the
expansion valve were used, only one length of tubing compressor is again started, the liquid will flood back
to the compressor.
2. Be sure that structural or reinforced members are 11. Check the voltage at the compressor terminals, start
provided to mount the units. the unit, check the amperage draw of the compres-
sor, and the rotation of the fans to be sure the unit
3. Thoroughly clean all copper lines before assembling. is phased properly.
Do not use steel wool for cleaning since the metal
slivers may cause electrical problems in the com- 12. Observe the discharge and suction pressures. If an
pressor. If the tubing is not precleaned and capped, abnormal pressure develops, stop the unit immedi-
pull a rag saturated with refrigerant oil through the ately and check to see what is causing the difficulty.
tube and blow out with nitrogen prior to connecting Take corrective action if required.
lines to the evaporator and condenser.
13. Observe the refrigerant oil level and check the oil
4. Use only a suitable silver solder alloy or 95/5 solder pressure, if the compressor is equipped with a posi-
in making soldered joints. tive displacement oil pump. If the oil level becomes
dangerously low during the pulldown period, add oil
5. When brazing lines, circulate inert gas such as dry to the compressor. After the unit reaches normal
nitrogen through the line to prevent oxidation. operating conditions, add oil if necessary to bring the
level to a point ¾ full in the crankcase sight glass.
6. Install piping in the wall or floor of the vehicle, or
provide an adequate guard. 14. Check all manual and automatic controls.
7. After the lines are installed, pressurize to 150 psig, 15. After a minimum of two hours of operation, make
and leak test. The use of an electronic leak detector another leak test.
is recommended for greater sensitivity. As a final
check, the system should be sealed for 12 hours 16. After the unit has reached the proper operating
after pulling a deep vacuum. If the vacuum will not conditions, and all controls have been checked,
hold, the system should be rechecked for leaks, run the unit overnight on automatic control to be
Expansion valves should be no larger than 1 ton 8. Oil Pressure Safety Control
capacity in size, liquid or cross charged, and inter-
nally equalized. On all compressors having positive displacement
type oil pumps, an oil pressure safety control is
3. Refrigerant Charge required.
On many refrigeration and air conditioning systems, EXTERNAL CAPACITY CONTROL VALVES
the refrigeration load will vary over a wide range. This
many be due to differences in product load, ambient For Copeland® brand three cylinder compressors, a
temperature, usage, occupancy, or other factors. In solenoid operated external bypass valve is used for
such cases compressor capacity control is a necessity unloading, as shown in Figure 101.
for satisfactory system performance.
Copelametic® compressors with external capacity con-
The simplest form of capacity control is “on-off” opera- trol have a bypass valve so arranged that the unloaded
tion of the compressor. This works acceptably with small cylinder is isolated from the discharge pressure created
compressors, but for larger compressors, it is seldom by the unloaded cylinders. The bypass valve connects
satisfactory, because of fluctuations in the controlled the discharge ports of the unloaded cylinder to the com-
temperature. Under light load conditions it can result in pressor suction chamber. Since the piston and cylinder
compressor short cycling. On refrigeration applications do not work other than pumping vapor through the by-
where ice formation is not a problem, users frequently pass circuit, and handle only suction vapor, the problem
reduce the low pressure cut-out setting to a point beyond of cylinder overheating while unloaded is practically
the design limits of the system in order to prevent short eliminated. At the same time, the power consumption
cycling. As a result, the compressor may operate for of the compressor motor is greatly reduced because of
long periods at extremely low evaporating temperatures. the reduction in work performed.
Both of these conditions can cause compressor damage
and ultimate failure. Because of the decreased volume of suction vapor
returning to the compressor from the system and avail-
Two different types of unloading are used on Copeland® able for motor cooling, the operating range of unloaded
brand compressors, internal and external. compressors must be restricted. In general, Copeland®
brand compressors with capacity control are recom-
INTERNAL CAPACITY CONTROL VALVES mended only for high temperature applications, but in
some instances they can be satisfactorily applied in the
A schematic illustration of the Copeland® brand internal medium temperature range. Because of the danger of
unloading valve is shown in Figure 101. overheating the compressor motor on low temperature
systems, either cycling the compressor or hot gas bypass
In the normal operating position with the solenoid valve is recommended.
de-energized, the needle valve is seated on the lower
port, and the unloading plunger chamber is exposed HOT GAS BYPASS
to suction pressure through the suction pressure port.
Since the face of the plunger is open to the suction Compressor capacity modulation by means of hot gas
chamber, the gas pressures across the plunger are bypass is recommended where normal compressor
equalized, and the plunger is held in the open position cycling or the use of unloaders may not be satisfactory.
by the spring. Basically this is a system of bypassing the condenser with
compressor discharge gas to prevent the compressor
When the solenoid valve is energized, the needle valve suction pressure from falling below a desired setting.
is seated on the upper port, and the unloading plunger
chamber is exposed to discharge pressure through All hot gas bypass valves operate on a similar principle.
the discharge pressure port. The differential between They open in response to a decrease in downstream
discharge and suction pressure forces the plunger pressure, and modulate from fully open to fully closed
down, sealing the suction port in the valve plate, thus over a given range. Introduction of the hot, high pres-
preventing the entrance of suction vapor into the un- sure gas into the low pressure side of the system at a
loaded cylinders. metered rate prevents the compressor from lowering
the suction pressure further.
With the suction port sealed, the cylinder pumps down
into a vacuum until it reaches a point where no pump- The control setting of the valve can be varied over a
ing action occurs. wide range by means of an adjusting screw. Because of
the reduced power consumption at lower suction pres-
sures, the hot gas valve should be adjusted to bypass at
(continued on p. 21-3)
One of the major causes of compressor failure is dam- attracted by oil and will vaporize and migrate through
age caused by liquid refrigerant entering the compressor the system to the compressor crankcase even though
crankcase in excessive quantities. Since improper control no pressure difference exists to cause the movement.
of liquid refrigerant can often cause a loss of lubrication On reaching the crankcase the refrigerant will condense
in the compressor, most such compressor failures have into a liquid, and this migration will continue until the
been classified as lubrication failures, and many people oil is saturated with liquid refrigerant. The amount of
fail to realize that the problem actually originates with refrigerant that the oil will attract is primarily dependent
the refrigerant. on pressure and temperature, increasing rapidly as the
pressure increases and approaching a maximum at
A well designed, efficient compressor for refrigeration, saturated pressures and temperatures in the normal
air conditioning and heat pump duty is primarily a va- room temperature range.
por pump designed to handle a reasonable quantity of
liquid refrigerant and oil. To design and build a pump to When the pressure on a saturated mixture of refrigerant
handle more liquid would require a serious compromise and oil is suddenly reduced, as happens in the compres-
in one or more of the following: size, weight, capacity, sor crankcase on start-up, the amount of liquid refrigerant
efficiency, noise, and cost. required to saturate the oil is drastically reduced, and
the remainder of the liquid refrigerant flashes into vapor,
Regardless of design there are limits to the amount of causing violent boiling of the refrigerant and oil mixture.
liquid a compressor can handle, and these limits depend This causes the typical foaming often observed in the
on factors such as internal volume of the crankcase, oil compressor crankcase at start-up, which can drive all of
charge, type of system and controls, and normal operat- the oil out of the crankcase in less than a minute. (Not
ing conditions. Proper control of liquid refrigerant is an all foaming is the result of refrigerant in the crankcase
application problem, and is largely beyond the control - agitation of the oil will also cause some foaming.)
of the compressor manufacturer.
One condition that is somewhat surprising when first
The potential hazard increases with the size of the re- encountered by field personnel is the fact that the intro-
frigerant charge and usually the cause of damage can duction of excessive liquid refrigerant into the compressor
be traced to one or more of the following: crankcase can cause a loss of oil pressure and a trip of
the oil pressure safety control even though the level of
1. Excessive refrigerant charge. the refrigerant and oil mixture may be observed high in
the compressor crankcase sight glass. The high percent-
2. Frosted evaporator. age of liquid refrigerant entering the crankcase not only
reduces the lubricating quality of the oil, but on entering
3. Dirty or plugged evaporator filters. the oil pump intake may flash into vapor, blocking the
entrance of adequate oil to maintain oil pump pressure,
4. Failure of evaporator fan or fan motor. and this condition can continue until the percentage of
refrigerant in the crankcase is reduced to a level which
5. Incorrect capillary tubes. can be tolerated by the oil pump.
6. Incorrect selection or adjustment of expansion Liquid refrigerant problems can take several different
valves. forms, each having its own distinct characteristics.
REFRIGERANT - OIL RELATIONSHIP Refrigerant migration is the term used to describe the
accumulation of liquid refrigerant in the compressor
In order to correctly analyze system malfunctions, crankcase during periods when the compressor is
and to determine if a system is properly protected, a not operating. It can occur whenever the compressor
clear understanding of the refrigerant-oil relationship is becomes colder than the evaporator, since a pressure
essential. differential then exists to force refrigerant flow to the
colder area. Although this type of migration is most
One of the basic characteristics of a refrigerant and oil pronounced in colder weather, it can also exist even at
mixture in a sealed system is the fact that refrigerant is relatively high ambient temperatures with remote type
condensing units for air conditioning and heat pump
Electrical control circuits may be quite simple or extremely TYPICAL LOCKOUT CONTROL CIRCUIT
complicated, depending on the control requirements of
the particular system. Most wiring diagrams furnished A typical wiring diagram of a compressor control circuit
with refrigeration equipment are of the pictorial type, and with part winding motor start, and a 10 minute lockout
show the wiring as nearly as possible in the manner in circuit in the event of a compressor protector trip is
which it is installed. Normally the different components shown in Figure 106. The pictorial diagram is shown
are shown, together with terminal designations and wire in the upper half of the illustration, while the schematic
colors. The pictorial diagram is essential as a guide to diagram is shown at the bottom.
proper wiring.
In this circuit, which is designed for fully automatic op-
Schematic wiring diagrams are useful in analyzing and eration, fast cycling of the compressor from the opera-
explaining the performance of a control circuit, since tion of the motor protectors is eliminated by the use of
the schematic diagram shows the various parts of the a 10 minute time delay in conjunction with double pole
circuit in a functional manner only, thus reducing the impedance relay.
diagram to its simplest form.
Basically an impedance relay is similar to a normal relay
Both types of diagram may be used to describe the except that the coil has been wound so as to create a
same control circuit.
(continued on p. 23-3)
On systems with large refrigerant charges, compressor Short cycling often occurs on air conditioning and re-
damage can occasionally be caused by liquid refrigerant frigeration equipment due to a shortage of refrigerant,
flooding the compressor crankcase should the compres- leaking solenoid valves, incorrect pressure control set-
sor be non-operative due to a trip of a safety device. tings, thermostat chatter, or other causes. Short cycling
This can occur even if the control circuit provides for a causes overheating of the compressor and contactor,
continuous pumpdown cycle. may cause nuisance tripping of the motor protectors,
and in some cases has resulted in welded contactor
Typically this can happen if the compressor trips either points and motor failure.
on the motor overload protectors or on the oil pressure
safety control. The compressor would then be non- Figure 108 shows a control circuit similar to the lockout
operative, but if the thermostat or other control device circuit discussed previously, with the addition of a pump-
is calling for cooling, the liquid line solenoid valve will down control circuit with a 45 second time delay to delay
be open and liquid refrigerant will continue to feed into starting after closing of the dual pressure control. When
the evaporator, eventually flooding through to the com- the operational control is closed, the normally closed
(continued on p. 23-5)