Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Vincent Y. Ma, BA, Leighton Chan, MD, MPH, Kadir J. Carruthers, BS
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Vincent Y. Ma, BA, Leighton Chan, MD, MPH, Kadir J. Carruthers, BS
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Vincent Y. Ma, BA, Leighton Chan, MD, MPH, Kadir J. Carruthers, BS
Objective: To determine the relative incidence, prevalence, costs, and impact on disability of 8 common conditions treated by rehabilitation
Data Sources: Comprehensive bibliographic searches using MEDLINE, Google Scholar, and UpToDate, (June, 2013).
Data Extraction: Two review authors independently screened the search results and performed data extraction. Eighty-two articles were identified
that had relevant data on the following conditions: Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoarthritis,
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Limb Loss, and Back Pain.
Data Synthesis: Back pain and arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis) are the most common and costly conditions we analyzed, affecting
more than 100 million individuals and costing greater than $200 billion per year. Traumatic brain injury, while less common than arthritis and
back pain, carries enormous per capita direct and indirect costs, mostly because of the young age of those involved and the severe disability that it
may cause. Finally, stroke, which is often listed as the most common cause of disability, is likely second to both arthritis and back pain in its
impact on functional limitations.
Conclusions: Of the common rehabilitation diagnoses we studied, musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain and arthritis likely have the most
impact on the health care system because of their high prevalence and impact on disability.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014;95:986-95
ª 2014 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
In 2011, an estimated 37.9 million people, 12.2% of the U.S. impact. Medical costs account for more than 60% of all personal
population, were living with a disability.1 The impact of disability bankruptcies.4,5 Government and private payments to support
is significant. Aside from the enormous direct medical costs employment-aged individuals with disabilities who do not have
related to disability,2 which were estimated at $160 billion in jobs are also estimated at $232 billion per year.6 These figures
1994,3 medical problems have considerable personal and societal may rise with the aging of the U.S. population.
With many demographic changes looming, it is important to
Supported by resources from the National Institutes of Health Intramural Research Program. understand the ongoing impact of disability. Quantifying the
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research supporting national burden of disability is integral to understanding its
this article has conferred or will confer a benefit on the authors or on any organization with which
the authors are associated.
impact on society and can help direct clinical resources. In
0003-9993/14/$36 - see front matter ª 2014 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
Incidence, prevalence, and costs of common rehabilitation conditions 987
988 V.Y. Ma et al
Fig 1 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses flow diagram.
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the impact of twice the rate of disease-free individuals.34 One study36 followed
osteoarthritis is substantial: 80% of afflicted individuals experi- up employees with early-stage rheumatoid arthritis and found a
ence some degree of movement limitation and 25% are restricted 39% prevalence of work disability after 10 years.
in major activities of daily living. In those with knee osteoarthritis The economic burden of all arthritis is significant. In 2007, the
specifically, 14% require assistance with routine needs and 11% cost attributable to arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the
with personal care.74 A study21 based on NHIS data from 2007 to United States was estimated at $128 billion ($162 billion in 2013
2009 reported that 21.1 million, or 42% of the 49.9 million adults dollars).25 This estimate, derived from national Medical Expen-
with physician-diagnosed arthritis, had arthritis-attributable ac- diture Panel Survey data, was partitioned into $80.8 billion ($115
tivity limitations. Arthritis-attributable activity limitations were billion in 2013 dollars) in direct medical expenditures and $47.0
defined as any limitations in an individual’s usual activities as a billion ($59.4 billion in 2013 dollars) in indirectly lost earnings. In
result of arthritis or joint symptoms. 2010, Kotlarz et al26 used Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data
Rheumatoid arthritis is estimated to be present in 1.3 million from the same period and estimated that the costs caused by
U.S. adults 18 years or older, representing 0.6% of the population, absenteeism from osteoarthritis alone are $10.3 billion per year
based on NHIS- and NHANES-derived analyses from the National ($11.6 billion in 2013 dollars) because of an estimated 3 lost
Arthritis Data Workgroup.29 In 2011, Jacobs et al30 reported workdays per year.
higher estimates of 2% of adults in North America. The most The functional and work limitations of persons with rheuma-
recent estimate of the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis is 41 per toid arthritis contribute to an estimated $10.9 billion ($13.0 billion
100,000 person-years based on the Rochester Epidemiology in 2013 dollars) in indirect costs from lost wages and costs to
Project.32 Rheumatoid arthritis is also associated with significant employers, based on 2005 administrative claims databases
disability. People with rheumatoid arthritis are 30% more likely to covering private and Medicare/Medicaid beneficiaries in the
need help with personal care and are limited in daily activities at United States.33 On top of this figure, the group attributed an
hemiparesis, 30% were 2000)
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued )
Annual Indirect Cost Annual Total Cost
Annual Direct Cost (2013 (2013 Values in (2013 Values in
Condition Prevalence Incidence Values in Parentheses) Parentheses) Parentheses) Activity Limitation Work Limitation
unable to walk without
assistance, 19% had
aphasia, 26% were in a
nursing home 6mo
poststroke (Kelly-
Hayes,41 2003)
TBI 3.32 million with long- 1.7 million/y $9.2 ($13.1) billion $51.2 ($63.9) billion $76.5 ($78.1) billion 43% of persons Return-to-work rates
term disability; 1.1% of resulting in (Rutland-Brown,45 (Rutland-Brown,45 (Coronado,46 2011) discharged after acute of 12%e70%
total population in 52,000 deaths, 2006) 2006) $56 ($69.9) billion TBI hospitalizations depending on the
2005 (Zaloshnja,43 275,000 (Selassie,47 2008) develop long-term population
2008) hospitalizations, $48.3 ($62.2) billion disability (Rutland- (Shames,49 2007)
and 1.365 million (Finkelstein,48 45
Brown, 2006).
emergency 2006)
department visits
(Faul,44 2010)
538.2 cases per
1,565,000 in
2003 (Rutland-
Brown,45 2006)
Amputation 1.6 million in 2005 30,000e50,000 Partial foot: $30,493 $64,000 ($75,000) $8.3 billion ($9.0 31% of patients unable to 42% unable to work
(Ziegler-Graham,50 lower limb ($45,250) per person over 3 billion) (Amputee live independently at 7y postamputation
2008) amputations per Through knee: $81,086 years (Shearer,53 Coalition,54 2013) 24mo; 49% loss of for lower extremity
year (Ziegler- ($120,320) 2003) $509,275 ($649,953) ambulation (Taylor,55 trauma
Graham,50 2008) (MacKenzie,52 2007) lifetime health care 2005) (MacKenzie,57
330/100,000 in $38,077 ($54,317) cost after lower 43%e74% 5-y mortality 2006)
people with average for diabetes- extremity after lower extremity
diabetes (CDC,51 related amputation amputation amputation (Robbins,56
2009) (Shearer,53 2003) (MacKenzie,52 2008)
Multiple 400,000 (National 10,400 cases per $16 ($18) billion $12 ($13) billion $28 ($30) billion Average time from disease Overall, 56.5%
sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis year (National (National Multiple (National Multiple (National Multiple onset to difficulty unemployment in
Society,58 2009) Multiple Sclerosis Sclerosis Society,58 Sclerosis Society,58 Sclerosis Society,58 walking is 8y; 15y for MS population.
59 58
350,000 (Frohman, Society, 2009) 2009) 2009) 2009) cane use; 30y for Ability of people
2003) 3.6/100,000 $54,244 per person wheelchair use (Fox,63 with MS to remain
V.Y. Ma et al
58e95/100,000 person-years in ($60,078) (Adelman,62 2010) in the labor force
individuals , (Noonan,60 women; 2.0/ 2013) declines 3% per
2010) 100,000 person- $39,000 per person year after
years in men (Fox,63 2010) diagnosis
(continued on next page)
Incidence, prevalence, and costs of common rehabilitation conditions 991
unemployed by 25y
gible quality-of-life deterioration as estimated by legal system
(Minden,64 2006)
were unemployed
employed people
(National Spinal
39.5% remained
Functional recovery after 81% of previously
Center,65 2013)
at 1y post-SCI;
jury awards, as well as $9.6 billion lost ($11.4 billion in 2013
Work Limitation dollars) in lifetime earnings because of early mortality. Excess
Cord Injury
health care costs, in the form of copays and medications,
amounted to $8.4 billion ($10.6 billion in 2013 dollars), for a total
indirect cost of $39.2 billion per year ($46.7 billion in
2013 dollars).
SCI depends on severity
injury (Braddom,71
and spinal level of
Activity Limitation
to 2010.37
(2013 Values in
$523,089, subsequent
estimate divided the total cost of stroke in the United States into
$500,000 to $2 million
(Berkowitz,67 1998)
$7.73 ($21.5) billion
$28.3 billion ($33.0 billion in 2013 dollars) for direct costs and
$7.1 ($10.0) billion
(Sekhon,69 2001)
(DeVivo,68 1997)
(DeVivo,70 2011)
Estimates for the total costs for strokes in the United States
range from $34.3 billion ($36.6 billion in 2013 dollars)78 to $65.5
billion ($72.7 billion in 2013 dollars).40
A 2010 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
per year
992 V.Y. Ma et al
($64.7 billion in 2013) dollars is lost through missed work and lost bills, at an average of $34,167 per person, exceeding expenditures
productivity.45 Total medical costs range from $48.3 billion to for diabetes, stroke, mental illness, and heart disease.4
$76.5 billion ($63.4e$79.1 billion in 2013 dollars).46-48
Spinal cord injury
Limb loss
Based on several regional studies, the annual incidence of spinal
The loss of a lower or upper extremity is associated with variable cord injury in the United States is estimated to be between 2489
degrees of disability, given the wide range of comorbidities and and 7766 per million people, or roughly 12,000 to 20,000 new
inciting factors leading to amputation. Approximately 185,000 cases per year.65 Motor vehicle collisions account for most cases,
amputations occur in the United States annually,85 and an esti- and 80% of affected individuals are male. It is estimated that there
mated 2 million Americans currently live with limb loss.50 The are approximately 270,000 living survivors of spinal cord injury in
most common causes of limb loss are diabetes and peripheral the United States, with a range of 238,000 to 332,000 people.65
artery disease, with an age-adjusted incidence rate of 3.1 per 1000 The limitations of a spinal cord injury on activities of daily
for people with diabetes in 2009.51 In 2006, about 65,700 non- living are largely determined by the location and completeness of
traumatic lower limb amputations were performed in people with the injury sustained.71 The higher the level of spinal cord injury,
diabetes.86 Trauma accounts for 45% of all cases, with cancer the more assistance the patient will need for activities of daily
accounting for <1% of amputations.50 living and locomotion. Although there are many exceptions, pa-
Cardiovascular disease is itself a significant cause of disability tients are generally independent in all self-care if their injury
and mortality in the United States, and when present as a comorbid occurs at spinal level T1 or below. Patients with a low cervical
condition in people with limb loss, contributes to worse disability injury (C6-8) may require additional bowel and bladder care and
and mortality outcomes. Nearly half of people who have an bathing with adaptive equipment, while patients with high cervical
amputation because of vascular disease will die within 5 years.56 injury have an increased dependency on oral functioning for hy-
In addition to serious comorbidities such as vascular disease, a giene, writing, typing, and operating a power wheelchair.71
number of risk factors have been found to be significantly asso- In 1 model system, more than half (57.1%) of all people with
ciated with poorer functional outcomes and decreased rates of spinal cord injury reported being employed before their injury, but
independent living status after amputation. These include age >60 this number fell to 11.8% 1 year later.65 With physical and
years, above-knee amputation, baseline homebound status, and occupational therapy, many patients are able to regain much of
dementia.54 However, most patients who lived independently their ability to care for themselves and reenter the workforce. By
before major lower limb amputation remained independent post- 20 years postinjury, the same cohort of patients had a 35.2%
operatively.55 In 2003, an average diabetes-related amputation employment rate.
procedure carried $38,077 ($54,317 in 2013 dollars) in associated Costs associated with spinal cord injury are greatly influenced
costs.53 In 2009, cumulative national hospital costs associated by the patient’s severity of injury and resultant degree of
with amputation amounted to more than $8.3 billion ($9.0 billion disability.65 In 2011, average per-person yearly expenses ranged
in 2013 dollars).54,86 from $334,170 in the first year and $40,589 in each subsequent
year for patients with incomplete injury, versus $1,023,924 in the
first year and $177,808 in each subsequent year for patients with
Multiple sclerosis C1-4 tetraplegia.70 The total annual cost attributed to spinal cord
injury in the United States is approximately $14.5 billion ($21.5
A recent study87 found a rate of approximately 2.0 cases of billion in 2013 dollars).67 Estimates for direct costs range from
multiple sclerosis per 100,000 person-years in men and 3.6 cases $7.73 billion ($14.0 billion in 2013 dollars)68 to $9.73 billion
per 100,000 person-years in women. In 2007, the National Mul- ($18.1 billion in 2013 dollars),67 while estimates for indirect costs
tiple Sclerosis Society estimated the prevalence at 400,000 by range from $2.59 billion ($3.83 billion in 2013 dollars)67 to $5.5
using Census 2000 data to extrapolate from earlier estimates.58 billion ($7.0 billion in 2013 dollars).65
Disability attributable to multiple sclerosis is highly variable
given its wide range of clinical presentations. The average time
between disease onset and difficulty in ambulation is 8 years. Discussion
Without disease-modifying treatment, patients require a cane, on
average, after 15 years, and are using a wheelchair, on average, Our review of the literature suggests that back pain and arthritis
after 30 years.63 During the period of decline in functional ability, are the most common and costly conditions that we examined,
there is an accompanying decline in the ability to remain in the affecting over 100 million individuals and costing more than $200
labor force, with employment rates declining an average of 3% per billion per year. Another condition to note is TBI, which, while
year after diagnosis.64 less common than arthritis and back pain, carries enormous per
Annual health care costs for patients with multiple sclerosis capita costs, mostly because of the disability that it may cause.
have been reported to be between $18,000 (National Multiple Finally, stroke, which is often listed as the most common cause of
Sclerosis Society) and $39,000 per person.63 The National Mul- disability (unpublished data from National Heart, Lung, and Blood
tiple Sclerosis Society estimates that the annual economic cost in Institute. Unpublished tabulation of the NHANES, 1971e1975,
the United States is approximately $28 billion.58 Among patients 1976e1980, 1988e1994, 1999e2004, and 2005e2008 and
with health care insurance, out-of-pocket costs are close to $2000 extrapolation to the U.S. population, 2008), is likely second to
per year. However, 25% of people pay more than this amount each both arthritis and back pain in its impact on functional limitations.
year.88 A survey of 2314 randomly selected bankruptcy filers in This is consistent with evidence from the United Kingdom.90
2007 found that out-of-pocket expenditures for neurologic dis- Back pain and arthritis make their impact by sheer numbers in
eases such as multiple sclerosis accounted for the highest medical the population. Even if affected individuals miss just a few days of
Incidence, prevalence, and costs of common rehabilitation conditions 993
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995.e1 V.Y. Ma et al
Supplemental Appendix S1 Search Strategy “traumatic brain injury”[Title] AND (cost[Title] OR disability
[Title] OR socioeconomic[Title] OR work[Title] OR impact[Title]
and Results for Study Conditions OR burden[Title] OR epidemiology[Title] OR incidence[Title]
OR prevalence[Title])
Search Terms “multiple sclerosis”[Title] AND (cost[Title] OR disability
[Title] OR socioeconomic[Title] OR work[Title] OR impact[Title]
“back pain”[Title] AND (cost[Title] OR disability[Title] OR so- OR burden[Title] OR epidemiology[Title] OR incidence[Title]
cioeconomic[Title] OR work[Title] OR impact[Title] OR burden OR prevalence[Title])
[Title] OR epidemiology[Title] OR incidence[Title] OR preva- “spinal cord injury”[Title] AND (cost[Title] OR disability
lence[Title]) [Title] OR socioeconomic[Title] OR work[Title] OR impact[Title]
(“rheumatoid arthritis”[Title] OR rheumatism[Title] OR rheu- OR burden[Title] OR epidemiology[Title] OR incidence[Title]
matic[Title]) AND (cost[Title] OR disability[Title] OR socioeco- OR prevalence[Title])
nomic[Title] OR work[Title] OR impact[Title] OR burden[Title] Article Types
OR epidemiology[Title] OR incidence[Title] OR prevalence[Title]) Clinical trial
(amputation[Title] OR amputee[Title] OR limb loss[Title]) Journal article
AND (cost[Title] OR disability[Title] OR socioeconomic[Title] Meta-analysis
OR work[Title] OR impact[Title] OR burden[Title] OR epidemi- Randomized controlled trial
ology[Title] OR incidence[Title] OR prevalence[Title]) Review
(osteoarthritis[Title] OR arthritis [Title] not rheumatoid[Title]) Systematic reviews
AND (cost[Title] OR disability[Title] OR socioeconomic[Title] Text availability
OR work[Title] OR impact[Title] OR burden[Title] OR epidemi- Abstract available
ology[Title] OR incidence[Title] OR prevalence[Title]) Publication dates
stroke[Title] AND (cost[Title] OR disability[Title] OR socio- Within 5 years
economic[Title] OR work[Title] OR impact[Title] OR burden Species
[Title] OR epidemiology[Title] OR incidence[Title] OR preva- Humans
Identified Citations Additional Records Excluded Selected Studies for Studies Included
Condition Within 5y Identified Citations Detailed Review in Analysis
Back pain 443 24 433 34 13
Rheumatoid arthritis/rheumatism/ 607 13 594 26 8
Amputation/limb loss 57 24 50 31 10
Osteoarthritis/arthritis NOT 544 14 532 26 10
Multiple sclerosis 547 8 537 18 9
Traumatic brain injury 230 6 221 15 14
Spinal cord injury 148 3 144 7 7
Stroke 1170 7 1161 16 11
Total 3746 99 3672 173 82