Compute Issue 154 1993 Jul PDF
Compute Issue 154 1993 Jul PDF
Compute Issue 154 1993 Jul PDF
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We've been groping for an appropriate description of our is truly magnificent. To PC dudes and dudettes, Gateway's 4DX2-
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December 1992
May 1993 BEST VALUE. March 1993 March 1993
VOLUME 15, NO. 7, ISSUE 154 JULY 1993
By Kimberly Havlena The hottest new
Power users name their top entertainment software.
Windows applications and
tell how they use them. ENTERTAINMENT CHOICE
16 By Peter Olafson
TEST LAB Alone in the Dark from
Edited by Mike Hudnall I • Motion/Interplay.
We corral ten 66-MHz local-
bus thoroughbreds and put GAMEPLAY
them through their paces. By Paul C. Schuytema
60 A look at some game
WHERE HARDWARE MEETS programs that are off the
SOFTWARE beaten path.
By Richard C. Letnecker
How does your hardware HITTING THE LINKS
communicate with your By Paul C. Schuytema
software? When the masters tee up,
66 which ones can drive a hole
By George Campbell
Visual Basic 2.0 from REVIEWS
Microsoft. 89
Sony Desktop Library,
COLUMNS Dashboard for Windows 1.0,
4 Smith Corona Coronajet 200j,
By Clifton Karnes Cover photo by Mark Wagoner. Computer from Gateway 2000. AutoCAD Release 12,
Windows 4 and DOS 7. Gobliiins,
4O Quantum Hardcard EZ 240.
NEWS & NOTES Wyse Decision 486si.
By Jill Champion 54 70 Pacific Islands,
Top computer news. INTRODOS MULTIMEDIA PC Suncom FX 2000,
46 By Tony Roberts By David English Insight,
FEEDBACK DOS is alive and well. Encarta is tops. Grandmaster Chess,
Answers to tough questions. 56 Air Force Commander,
49 HARDWARE CLINIC ART WORKS Best Data Smart One 9624
READERSHIP SURVEY By Mark Minasi By Robert Bixby FP Traveler Fax/Modem,
Tell us what you think! Special report on Intel's new Finding that special paper. Mutanoid Math Challenge,
50 Pentium. 120 Space Ace II: Borfs
By Clifton Karnes PROGRAMMING POWER By Jill Champion Coffee Break Gambling,
Microsoft's Visual C++ sets By Tom Campbell Top stones at press time. The Operation: Fighting
a new standard. PowerBASIC is back! Tiger,
52 68 ENTERTAINMENT Practical FaxMe,
Edited by By Rosalind Resnick DISCOVERY CHOICE
Richard C. Leinecker Leasing versus buying a By David Sears ADVERTISERS INDEX
Tips from our readers. personal computer. The Animals! See page 97.
COMPUTE (ISSN 0194-357X| is published monthly in the United Slates and Canada by COMPUTE Publications International Ltd., "965 Broadway. New York. NY 10023-5965 Volume 15
Number 7, Issue 154. Copyright © 1993 by COMPUTE Publications Inte-national Ltd All rignis reserved COMPUTE is a registered trademark of COMPUTE Publications Iniernaiional Ltd
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ower users name
the top
applications and
tell how
they put them
to use.
y Kimberly Havlena
So, we added Panasonic's Quiet Technology and created the new KX-P2O23 24-pin Dot
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Circle Reader Service Number 273
Product List
Adobe Illustrator for Windows 4.0— RapidFAX for Windows—$49.00 SimCity for Windows—$59-95
ADOBE SYSTEMS 1983 Concourse Dr. 2 Theatre Sq., Ste. 230
1585 Charleston Rd., Box 7900 San Jose, CA 95131 Orinda, CA 94563-3346
Mountain View, CA 94039 (800)229-1753 (800) 336-2447
(800) 833-6687 (408)434-0145 (510)254-9700
(408) 986-6555 (overseas)
(415)961-4400 Arts & Letters Graphic Editor 3.12— Micrografx Designer—$695.00
Aldus FreeHand 3.1—$595.00 COMPUTER SUPPORT 1303 E. ArapahoRd.
Aldus PageMaker for Windows 5.0— 15926 Midway Rd. Richardson, TX 75081
$895.00 Dallas, TX 75244 (800) 733-3729
Aldus Persuasion—$495.00 (214)661-8960 (214)234-1769
Aldus PhotoStyler—$795.00
ALDUS CorelDRAW! 3.0—$595.00 Microsoft Access 1.1—$495.00
411 First Ave. S COREL Microsoft Bookshelf for Windows
Seattle, WA 98104-2871 1600 Carting Ave. 1993 Edition—$195.00
(206) 628-5739 Ottawa, ON Microsoft Excel for Windows 4.0—
Canada K1Z8R7 $495.00
Instant Database—$95.00 (800) 836-7274 Microsoft Golf 1.0—$64.95
ASYMMETRIX (613)728-8200 Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows
110 110th Ave. NE, Ste. 700 3.0—$495.00
Bellevue, WA 98004 Procomm Plus for Windows 1.01 — Microsoft Publisher for Windows
(800) 448-6543 $179.00 1.0—$199.00
(206)637-1500 DATASTORM TECHNOLOGIES Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0—
P.O. Box 1471 $495.00
Borland C++ 3.1—S495.00 Columbia, MO 65205 Multimedia Word for Windows and
Borland C++ 3.1 with Application (314)443-3282 Bookshelf 2.0 Video and Sound
Frameworks—$749.00 Edition—$595.00
Quattro Pro for Windows 1.0— MacLinkPlus/PC 7.0—$199.00 Visual Basic for Windows 2.0—
$495.00 DATAVIZ $199.00
BORLAND INTERNATIONAL 55 Corporate Dr. Visual Basic for Windows
1800 Green Hills Rd. Trumbull, CT 06611 Professional Edition 2.0—$495.00
Scotts Valley, CA 95067 (800) 733-0030 MICROSOFT
(800)331-0877 (203) 268-0030 1 Microsoft Way
(800) 461-3327 (Canada) Redmond. WA 98052-6399
(408) 438-8400 WinFax Pro—$129.00 (800) 426-9400
Arthur's Teacher Trouble—$59.95 6830 Via Del Oro, Ste. 240
Just Grandma and Me—$49.95 San Jose, CA95119 Express Publisher for Windows—
BR0DERBUND SOFTWARE (800) 268-6082 $79.95
500 Redwood Blvd. (408) 363-2345 POWER UP SOFTWARE
Novato, CA 94948-6121 2929 Campus Dr.
{800)521-6263 Fractal Design Painter 2.0—$399.00 San Mateo, CA 94403
(415)382-4400 FRACTAL DESIGN (800)851-2917
335SpreckelsDr.,Ste. F (415)345-5900
FaxMaster—$109.00 Aptos, CA 95003
OmniPage Direct 1.0—$595.00 (408) 688-8800 THE ANIMALS!—$119.95
100 Cooper Ct. ArrowSmith—$17.00 60 Leveroni Ct.
Los Gatos, CA 95030 CLIFTON KARNES Novato, CA 94949
(800)643-3915 2519OverbrookDr. (800) 234-3088
(408) 395-7000 Greensboro, NC 27408 (415)883-3000
CompuServe 75300,2103
FileMaker Pro 2.0—$399.00 WordPerfect for Windows 5.1 —
CLARIS Ami Pro 3.0—$495.00 $495.00
5201 Patrick Henry Dr., Box 58168 LOTUS DEVELOPMENT WORDPERFECT
Santa Clara, CA 95052 55 Cambridge Pkwy. 1555 N. Technology Way
(800) 544-8554 Cambridge, MA 02142 Orem, UT 84057
(408) 727-8227 (800)343-5414 {800)321-4566
(617)577-8500 (801)225-5000
using "Telnet."
DELPHI and enter the username and
Edited by Mike Hudnall row's consumer technologies, al size for these machines.
Reviews by Tom Benford and with the current dizzying All ten of the systems in this
pace of change in the computer month's Test Lab come with Win
Combine the blazing speed industry, tomorrow will probably dows 3.1 and DOS, and they're
and colossal computing pow be here sooner than you think- all, of course, 486DX2/66 sys
er of Intel's 486DX2/66 with Already, Intel has announced its tems with local-bus video.
(he latest local-bus technolo new Pentium chip, which by all ac Beyond those common elements,
gy, and you've got a computer counts significantly outperforms you'll find a variety of prices and
ready for the most demanding the 486DX2/66 but is likely to features. While most of these com
applications. Windows programs cost significantly more, and I sus puters, for example, use stan
that seem sluggish on older com pect that by the time this issue dard VESA local bus, some com
puters are downright snappy on hits the stands, most computer panies use proprietary local-bus
these systems, so you can companies will offer VESA local video. At least a few include a
spend less of your time waiting bus as a standard feature rather local-bus drive controller along
for the Windows hourglass and than as an option. with the local-bus video adapter.
more of it taking care of business. In setting up this month's And in some cases the video
Not inexpensive by any means, lineup of systems, we asked for card is accelerated for optimized
these systems nevertheless deliv Industry Standard Architecture Windows performance.
er lots of value, especially when (ISA) because it's less expensive For the specifics of configura
you consider what you couid get than Extended Industry Standard tion, expandability, and other fea
for the same price a year ago, how Architecture (EISA) and because tures, you should find the fea
much time you can save, and how most of our readers won't need EI tures grid helpful. Whether or not
expandable they are. SA's performance benefits. We you understand the differences
You may be asking yourself asked for 8MB of RAM because among local-bus video stan
whether you realfy need this many of the systems include 8MB dards, you'll appreciate the bench
much power and speed right as the standard complement and mark graphs, which provide not
now—a fair question. Here at because some of the more only Norton index data but also
COMPUTE, we see today's cut demanding applications that real-world performance data—
ting-edge technologies as tomor would benefit from the extra horse how long a particular computer re
power of 486DX2/66 chips also quired to find and replace text in
require more than 4MB. We also a word processor, index and sort
asked the manufacturers to install a database, play back video, and
whatever cache was part of the so forth. These systems were so
standard configuration, since fast that our lab had to redesign
many COMPUTE readers will opt the benchmark test suite to pro
for standard packages. Because duce more statistically significant
these high-powered computers data. In fact, we had to drop a
are likely to handle high-powered planned spreadsheet benchmark
applications and mountains of because even a Windows spread
data, we requested hard drives of sheet proved too small a chal
at least 200MB, not at all an unusu- lenge for these machines. Tom
Benford's reviews home in on sig
nificant features of these comput
ers, whether it's their strategies
for handling the heat given off by
their microprocessors, their mem
COMPUADD EXPRESS ory expansion capabilities, their
12301 Technology Blvd. case designs, their use of cach
Austin, TX 78727 ing, or their ability to accept
(800) 925-3000 upgrade chips.
Direct price: $2,595 lor review Whether you're ready to buy
configuration; $2,195 lor standard one of these systems now or just
configuration want to see the kind of system you
Warranty: one year, parts and labor; could be buying before long, Test
30-day money-back guarantee; 30- Lab has information to help you
day exchange (new system understand the technology and
components); one year free on-site make a more informed purchase.
9505 Arboretum Blvd.
466/DX2 Austin, TX 78759-7299
(800) 289-3355
The CompuAdd Express 466/DX2 (512) 338-4400
is the current top-of-the-line mod Direct price: $3,469 for standard
el in the company's series of "scal configuration
able" computer systems designed
with upgradability in mind.
Scalable is, for all intents and ic components. The CompuAdd
purposes, another word for mod folks, however, have taken some
ular in that the Express lets you serious measures to ensure that
change the configuration by sim heat won't be a problem with this
ply replacing the CPU and chang
ing the jumper switch settings.
system. A high-volume fan mount
ed at the front of the case less
The company offers six varieties than six inches from the CPU
pulls in outside air through the
of the machine, ranging from a 40-
MHz 386DXL-based system to case vents. A deeply finned heat Dell has built its reputation on
486SX models and the 466/DX2 sink and a miniature fan mounted high-quality, dependable PC sys
model reviewed here. atop the CPU itself also help; tems that are popularly priced.
You'll find many of the essen under this arrangement, the heat Maintaining that reputation, the
tial system functions integrated sink dissipates the chip's heat and Dell System 466/M proves itself to
right into the motherboard itself: the fan keeps cool air circulating be a sterling performer.
the IDE controller, the floppy over the heat sink to further aid in The baby-AT-sized desktop
drive controller, the parallel and keeping the interior case temper case provides a surprising
serial ports, the keyboard connec ature "comfortable" for the compo amount of expansion room,
tion, and local-bus video for fast nents. The design apparently thanks to large-scale integration
er video performance. works well, as I didn't experience of components on the system's
The full-profile case occupies any problems or anomalies during motherboard. Components critical
a baby-AT footprint and provides the time I spent using this system to the system, including the video
three bays accessible from the for the review. adapter, input and output ports,
front: two half-height 51/t-inch A three-button mouse supplied and disk controllers, are all integrat
bays and a vertical 31/2-inch bay. with the system has a switch that ed rather than requiring separate
A hidden 31/2-inch bay is also avail lets you select either a Microsoft expansion cards. As a result, you
able. To power any additional (two-button) mode or a Mouse Sys have five full-length 16-bit expan
drives you might install, just use tems (three-button) mode. While sion slots available for user-
the three available connectors the mouse itself resembles a Mi installed peripherals, in addition to
from the 200-watt power supply. crosoft mouse in style, feel, and a single three-quarter-length 16-
A Western Digital Caviar 2340 shape, the clicking action could bit slot for shorter boards.
(333MB formatted) hard drive pro best be described as erratic; fre Looking for room to add
vides the mass storage for the sys quently, several rapid clicks drives? The system has two avail
tem, while a combination 31/a- were required to enter a Windows able exposed half-height bays
inch/5!A-inch half-height unit command or function. and an internal 31/3-inch bay.
occupies the uppermost bay and I wasn't entirely satisfied with Dual floppy drives are provided
the keyboard (made by Lexmark as standard equipment on the sys
provides floppy disk I/O.
Because the Express inte here in the USA), either. I found the tem, but rather than being individ
grates so much into the mother action quite stiff, there was no au ual units that require separate
board, all of its full-length 16-bit dible click, and it had a straight bays, the two floppy drives are
cable (which looked very similar to integrated into one half-height
slots are available. A proprietary
RJ-14 telephone cable) rather combination drive—a nice touch
slot holds a proprietary video adapt
than the heavier, coiled cords usu that conserves space and
er card and is, apparently, the
ally found on keyboards. improves expansion capabilities.
local-bus connection; Tseng Labs
Aside from the mouse and key A 240-watt power supply pro
manufactures the video BIOS. I
board difficulties, the CompuAdd vides more than enough power
found no other local-bus slots.
The high-speed, high-pow Express 466/DX2 local-bus sys for the system and sports three "pig
tem provides good performance, tail" connectors available for pow
ered 66-MHz i486DX2 CPU gen
features, and expandability. ering any additional drive devices
erates an enormous amount of
you might install in the system.
heat, the archnemesis of electron- Circle Reader Service Number 371
■.-.-■■■■:■■ r ^CITIZEN
I 9 ■ 2 innOKmtmrnaCaaxmir. acm CoorOndmnafU. Com
120 Disk Speed
CPU Speed
\ \
tjsaisiaSm installed. You »«isr toiif a tanttbivt to *w more tSau out nansla- Copyright © 1993 I'tasons Technology, Inc. Ail rights tattvtd. Announcements h
,!JJ gfflducfl reiniire tin (fi.Vf or compatibk PC ami work wift all monitor! and ir thu'.hiuin, iiiirf .\f«nnr:oiiirf', l}tiici.Yerse and It's Legal are regatcrrd tratle-
all pnntat. MonryC»ntit\ 7.0 rraiSn SIM K-IM (640K recammnulfi). timetatimc MouseSttpMtolluIneirajNirrJ iitihkVrnr for B'indou-s
nsuirw Microsu/i* IMnAra s£C« lid* to itiMirrf oi taboMti moat i!hJ -JMfl mtiiki ofVaisons Teclmolor,; inc. All otiier tiadetnaki or scni« inur*i dcst£nat-
DOS Worlatoand iMBIait&hespm.MBitKS>imotlt4butnttrtqtdral. ed tasuth me maikt nr rtnittrtd marks ofthtb raptcthtowntrs.
AlWOunCtJtuntS for Hindus rr.jNi'r s 3IB RAM, mimiNji Mrmuofl* hud iltM HMO pa ttnsbtim bUtaltat It's Legal 3.0 aadltl H2K RAM
imok rttonmenkd), pas 2.1 \ or baa on) jjmb hard iimv tfco. Uouu "Sliippwi Chams ait- uilid tit North AntMa only. For outside Worth America,
Wlmtom UM'lirYiiiiMn i'..' " '■' ■■ ■ -M.iV.m,/im-s 4SIH lunl Jmr pleastlndwk i20 fS for shipping and handling.
(iwic ftanihttamolBt, (Jnlil.triii-*.rl(MV-»(M irrjlon) rnjurm IXti supported (■Hi >ivi ni\uitcd.
111 in hlttt, tlW RAM, Mil,'!',"(> ■''""<" fMHJmrJ ilmt (parrfvr Circle Reader Service Number 164
measuring less than four inches stall. There are no 8-bit or local-
from the top of the desk to the top bus slots provided in the system. A NOTE ON PRICES
of the case. On the front of the ma The 66-MHz 486DX2 CPU and With computer products changing
chine, you'll find recessed LEDs related performance components more rapidly than ever and with
for power, hard drive activity, and reside on a separate board options more plentiful than ever,
turbo status. The reset button and computer prices can be a tricky busi
(referred to as a CPU module in
ness, indeed.
power switches, similarly unobtru DEC's manual) attached via an
It pays to keep the following
sive, contribute to the streamlined interlocking connector to the points in mind:
appearance of the machine. main system board. This module Street and direct prices can be
A single 31/2-inch high-density permits quickly changing the sys considerably lower than list prices.
drive comes installed as standard tem's configuration, presumably Shopping around helps you find the
equipment on the DECpc 466d2 allowing upgrades. The module's best price.
LP, but there's a front-accessible vacant 238-pin socket certainly Because computer technology
5Vi-inch half-height bay available seems to support such a conclu evolves rapidly, a product may
underneath the drive for accepting have changed by the time our re
sion. The CPU itself resides in a
view sees print. A manufacturer may
another device of your choice. By press-pin socket on the module
decide to change the video card or
virtue of its dual-sized plastic bay board.
the hard drive, for example.
cover plate, this bay can also I was somewhat surprised to Because consumers are more
accommodate a 3'/2-inch drive. find that the only means of dissi sophisticated than ever about what
DEC has provided a hidden 3Vfe- pating heat generated by the they want in computer products and
inch bay inside the machine, and CPU was a deeply finned heat because manufacturers have
two power connectors are availa sink attached to the top of the responded with more options and
ble for powering any user- chip. There was no cooling fan to configurations than ever, one com
installed drives. puter model may be subject to doz
circulate air within the case inte
ens of variations, each with a slightly
DEC has integrated the paral rior which, compared with the oth
different price.
lel, serial, mouse, and keyboard er systems reviewed, was much
At COMPUTE, we make every ef
ports; the video adapter; and the less spacious. However, heat fort to verify prices and differentiate
floppy and hard drive controllers buildup didn't seem to be a prob between the price for a review con
into the motherboard itself to lem; the system performed as ex figuration and the price for a stan
keep the design compact and pected during the review period. dard configuration. It's still a good
leave as many expansion slots The system's integrated local- idea, however, to call the manufac
free as possible. An extension bus video adapter, based on the turer or vendor to make sure that the
card inserted vertically into the sys popular S3 accelerated chip set, configuration you want matches the
price you have in mind.
tem board provides three full- comes with 512K of video RAM in
length 16-bit expansion slots for stalled. Even though the review
any peripherals you choose to in unit came with an additional
512K of video RAM installed (yield
ing 1 MB total), I was unable to in
WINWORD 2.0 TEXT SEARCH & REPLACE itiate or use Windows in 1024 x
768 256-color mode. Since run
ning in 800 x 640 256-color
mode wasn't a problem, that's the
mode I used. DEC provided a Dig
ital PC7XV-DE monitor with the re
view unit, and I suspect that the
monitor, and not the video card,
prevented accessing the 1024 x
768 mode successfully.
DOS 5.0 and Windows 3,1
come supplied with the system,
as does a copy of Diagsoft's
QAPIus software.
If your expansion requirements
aren't too demanding and you
like the idea of a slimline case,
this DEC machine may be worth
a closer look.
Circle Reader Service Number 374
exclusive online
club in town.
BIK now
Internet mail
(10 million
UTidn- ftm 5 Itu S5 plan, daytme suicHa'ges (SSAh.) sppVta access Oufmg onme lime "ours The 5 lot S5 oHe is vain) to lirsi-t™ memwsts
onl/ Unused rwuis Do nol accue lo subsequBfil monttis Hie S5 cnargo is a non.rotufxMO!e «al tee am is chained rEgafO!ess o" uhj If you can hack it
Circle Reader Service Number 288
for Sound Blaster compahble cards
Operate your
From the developers of the U.S. Air Force's "Bionic Also included are DOS and Windows 3.1 record
Ear" comes VOICE BLASTER, the world's first voice ing, editing and playback programs which repre
recognition software for popular sound cards. sent leading edge PC sound technology.
The DOS and Windows 3.1 voice recognition pro Voice annotation software included brings your
grams included allow you to add voice commands to Windows 3.1 word processor to life by adding your
popular education, business and entertainment pro own recorded messages to your documents.
grams such as WordPerfect, F117A, Lotus 123, Secret The COVOX E/Q module and headset provided
Weapons of the Luftwaffe, DAC Easy, and hundreds with VOICE BLASTER will improve your sound
more. card's recording capability while giving you the
Easy to install and use, you will be up and running best voice recognition possible. VOICE BLASTER
at the speed of sound in no time! will change the way you use your computer*
120 Index
r l_ i i l i
ity assurance sticker plainly
affixed to the rear of the case, yet
I was greeted with a HDD control
ler failure message when I first
BETTER 6 turned the machine on. I decid
\\A ed to remove the system cover to
look for any obvious problems be
fore calling Insight's tech support
number, and as soon as the cov-
for $18,995.
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A luxury sedan with anti-lock brakes, cruise, power windows and locks, an air bag and more.
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i'cill O1S93 CM c'"l'-A" "X'l(s «W«i Budkfc Up,Amtrkal $19,995 M.S.R.P. Tax mat tktm&Mk Rtmcmlrr.aluays imir sr/rly Mis, nrit 1W/I1 On ni> liy.
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Cruise the forums, browse through your Information Manager for Windows.
Visit us at PC Expo, Javits Center. New York, June 28 through July 1, Boolh 4303
Circle Reader Service Number 108
Windows is t trademark of Microsoft Corporation
CompuAdd 51118 Dell UllraScan 14C CTX 156NI Digital PC7XV-de Epson 17-inch
Professional Series
Video adapter Tseng W32 integrated S3 chip set Diamond Viper integrated S3 chip set Wingine
Adapter max Nl' res/colors 1034 x 768/256 1024 x 768/32,000 1280 x 1024/16.7 million 1024 x 768.'256 1024 x 768/256
Haid drive
Make Western Digital Maxtor '.'":■':■ DiQital Quantum
Other drives
Manufacturer BCM Advanced Research Dell S&A Labs Digital Epson Portland
Standard RAM 4MB BM8 8MB 4MB 4MB
Max RAM 32MB 64MB 32MB 6-iMB 12SME
Parallel ports
Serial ports
Game port
he San Diego Zoo"1 Presents The Animals!™ was designed by Arnowitz. Inc. Programmed and produced by Amowitz, Inc.. and The Software Toolworks. Inc.
Gateway Insight Keydata Express ZEOS
Monitor CryslalScan 1572 FS ViewSonic 6FS CTX 1560 ME FM 360 ZEOS 14-inch SVGA
Video adapter AT! Graphics Ultra Pro ST8 Power Graph Genoa Windows VGA 24 ATI Graphics Ultra Diamond Viper VLB
Local Bus Local Bus
Adapter max Nl' resfcolors 1024 x 768/256 1024 x 768/16.7 million 1024 x 768/16.7 million 800 x 600/32,768 1024 x 768/16.7
Hard drive
Make Western Digital Western Digital Conner Western Digital Seagaie
Mods Caviar Caviar 22G0 30254 Caviar 2200 ST 3283AI"
Other drives
1.2MB 1 1 1 1 1
1.44MB 1 1 1 1 1
Parallel ports 1 1 1 1 2
Serial ports 2 2 2 2 1
Other software Cool Tools. PC Tools, Dr. Solomon's Choice of one. Norton Desktop NA Lotus Organizer and
QAPIus Anli-Virus, Stacker for Windows. Object Vision. one: Ami Pro or
Sidekick. Turbo C++. Paradox, Freelance
Explore the
opera's labyrinth
of catacombs!
■ .<■ :jgf,j.'-a*e,
Confront the
Phantom face-
through the wings,
and into the many
m backstage rooms
of the opera house!
For Capital Seekers screen for me?" Even three A PC version of the program
There's nothing like gridlock. decades ago, remote commu is scheduled for release later
While small businesses hold nications in sci-fi programs this year. For more informa
the greatest potential for cre and flicks involved visual as tion, contact Voyager, 1351
ating new jobs, they also well as audio contact. Pacific Coast Highway, Santa
have the hardest time obtain Now, NCR is bringing to Monica, California 94041;
ing venture capital. Add to market NCR TeleMedia Con (310) 451-1383, (310) 394-
that bleak picture, according nection. It's a combination of 2156 (fax).
to one study (by Coopers and hardware and software that
Lybrand), the fact that only 1 lets PC users communicate Decrypting the Code
in 100 business plans ever with each other through tele The Computer Museum in Bos
shows promise of being seri conferencing while they collab ton opened From Words to
ously considered because it orate on files and documents Code: How People Make Com
is concise and well written, in realtime. puters Work this April, the
and you can see that hope "NCR TeleMedia Connec first exhibit to reveal in a light-
tion will change the way we hearted, interactive way the
work," says Neil Whittington, mysterious world of program
assistant vice president of ming and how it affects daily
NCR's Multimedia Products lives.
PLANMaker business unit. Using video, computer sta
helps you The product consists of tions, and 3-D objects, the ex
put together two 16-bit ISA bus plug-in hibit takes visitors on a jour
a winning cards to support video and ney into a "land of languag
business plan. graphics on 386- and 486- es" to discover how pro
based PCs, as well as soft grams, or sets of instructions,
ware that allows users to col are all around—from recipes
laborate on Windows-based to lock combinations—and
files. It also supports an option how these sets of instructions
al video camera and audio are turned into code using pro
unit. As a result of all this tech gramming languages. Visitors
nology, a widely dispersed are even able to build their
group of people can work to own programs. The grand fina
gether as if they were in the le, a nine-foot-high 3-D tower,
fuls with poorly constructed same room. graphically illustrates the vari
plans are working against a NCR plans to introduce ety of programming languag
huge disadvantage. products utilizing TeleMedia es that have evolved since
A new software package Connection technology later the early 1950s. The exhibit is
called PLANMaker, not your or this year. For more informa on display through Septem
dinary Eill-in-the-blanks busi tion, contact NCR, 1700 ber 6, 1993. For more informa
ness program, is designed to South Patterson Boulevard, tion, contact The Computer
help overcome such odds. It Dayton, Ohio 45479; (800) Museum, 300 Congress
f«mbines all the ingredients 225-5627 or (513) 445-5000. Street, Boston, Massachu
necessary to formulate and setts 02210; (617) 426-2800,
publish a sophisticated busi Beatles Tour—30 Years Later (617) 426-2943 (fax).
ness plan—one that conforms The Beatles have begun an
to the standards now demand ambitious worldwide tour on Don't Dump That Old Laptop!
ed by bankers and investors. CD-ROM. Voyager is launch Why spend more money on a
Us suggested retail price is ing a new CD-ROM edition of new laptop when you can
$129- For more information, A Hard Day's Night, an inter have your current one upgrad
contact PowerSolutions for active program that includes ed? Laptop Solutions of Hous
Business, 1920 South Broad the complete uncut movie, ton replaces the current hard
way, St. Louis, Missouri the entire script, a book's drive with a brand-new, high
63104; (314) 421-0670, (314) worth of text about the er-speed, higher-capacity
421-0668 (fax). Beatles and the rise of rock drive. 'We have a rigorous
'n' roll, a Beatfes photo gal quality-control program,"
Future Teleconferencing lery, and profiles of the songs says Ken Duckman, presi
We all remember the classic and the film cast. dent of Laptop Solutions. "We
line from "Star Trek": "Lieuten The suggested retail price pride ourselves on our 0-per
ant, can you put that on is $39.95 for the Mac version. cent defect policy—every ma-
The best sound is not in the cards.
Perk up your compression capability with the highest quality Windows - an easy to use MultiMedia Authoring
presentations. Make sounds. Here is something else that will be music program. It is also Sound Blaster and AdLib
training more effective. to your ears. PORT-ABLE Sound Plus comes compatible.
And, put some guts complete with everything you need including a Why compromise on quality, portability,
into your gaming high fidelity speaker and built-in microphone. compatibility or affordability? When all the cards
pastimes. Anytime. There is an "Audio-in" lor a CD or tape player are on the table, PORT-ABLE Sound Plus from
Anywhere. Intact if you and a "Line-out" for external powered stereo Digispeech. Inc. is your ace in the hole.
are not a card carrying speakers. Even a built-in smart parallel port pass Suggested retail is only $198.95.
member of the computer set, you have to hear through so you can keep printing.
PORT-ABLE Sound Plus from Digispeech. You Whether you take your work across the hall
know, those real smart people who make simple or across the country, with PORT-ABLE Sound
sound solutions. Plus, you have all the cards you need to play
PORT-ABLE Sound Plus is the first portable right in your hip pocket. The hinged design lets
external sound peripheral to deliver 16 Bit CD you flip up the unit if you are short on desk space
quality music with stereo audio capabilities. or lap space. And, the power will always be with
And. since you just plug into your IBM PC or your whether you use rechargeable or non-
compatible, desktop or laptop parallel port, you rechargeable AA batteries. PORT-ABLE Sound
do not need an engineering degree or even a Plus also comes equipped with an AC/DC power
screwdriver. converter.
When you compare As a bonus, you will get
PORT-ABLE Sound Plus to all the software you need to
any other external sound communicate. Like Lotus
peripherals, you will see Sound" an OLE server for
To order or obtain more information about
why anything else is just Windows 3.1. WinReader for
PORT-ABLE Sound Plus, write or call Digispeech,
noise. PORT-ABLE Sound Windows 3.1, a handy text-
or, contact your local dealer.
Plus is based on advanced to-speech utility. Digispeech's
Digital Signal Processing DOSTalk and DOSReader Sales Office: 550 Main Street, Suite J, Placerville,
technology, so you text-to-speech applications. California 95667. Telephone: (916) 621-1787.
will enjoy the greatest Show & Tell For Kids "for Fax(916)621-2093.
■■'. u (tore
chine must go back to the cli ZEOS, Tl, Tandy, Compu- ence books from National ventional disk storage meth
ent in better condition than Add, and AT&T. Semiconductor, Intel, Motor ods again. The Disk Dis
when we received it." For more information, con ola, and other chip makers. patcher, from Select Prod
The entire process takes tact Laptop Solutions, The catalog also features ucts, organizes, indexes,
48 hours. During the sec 10700 Richmond Avenue, insightful information to and dispenses 3V'2-inch flop
ond 24 hours, after compo Suite 114. Houston, Texas make the buyer more produc py disks or Flopticals.
nents have been upgraded, 77042; (800) 683-6839. tive. Derrick Moore, director Simply list up to 20 of your
the machine is put through of engineering at JDR, most-used disks or Fiopticals
an intense "burn-in and Finding Silicon shares his development strat on the reversible index and
test" period in which the Do-it-yourselfers take note: egies in "Derrick's High- punch in your selection, and
hard disk is exercised JDR Microdevices has a Tech Corner" columns, and the patented selector-action
through a variety of software new catalog designed specif numerous "Tech Tip" col mechanism on the box instant
applications and environ ically for engineers, techni umns offer insightful tips. To ly hands you your disk.
ments. The new drive must cians, hobbyists, and hack order a free catalog, contact The Disk Dispatcher also
perform perfectly before the ers that offers the compa JDR Microdevices, 2233 Sa has the smallest operating
company will release the ma ny's largest selection ever of maritan Drive, San Jose, Cal footprint of any 20-disk hold
chine. Such meticulousness electronic components, pro ifornia 95124; (408) 559- er currently on the market,
has helped Laptop Solu totyping products, and devel 1200, (408)559-0250 (fax). so it will save desk space.
tions win licensing agree oper's tools. Featured are Its suggested retail price is
ments with Toshiba and Com components for today's ad Floppy Jukebox $21.95. For more informa
paq, but the company is al vanced designs. Readers Once you've tried the Disk tion, contact Select Products,
so skilled in upgrades of will also find Hitachi oscillo Dispatcher, a "point-and- 520 First Street, Fillmore, Cal
many other manufacturers' scopes, solder accessories, click floppy jukebox." you ifornia 93015; (805) 524-
designs, including Sanyo, and even hard-to-find refer might never go back to con 1747, (805)524-1767 (fax).
"SPA Award"
Best Sports
Program 1993
—Software Publishers association
product in America."
—PC Research (0ct.'92)
1 -800-800-4880 FOR QUESTIONS OR ORDERING . 4910 W. Amelia Earhart Dr., SLC, UT 84116
Circle Reader Service Number 169
read flight manual to give you a select your own departure an
FLIGHT ASSIGNMENT: A TP great flying experience. destination airports. ATP
A grea t flyihg situ ula tion for a provides inflight Air Traffic
While you're getting comfortable Control guidance and a postflight
Frustration-free aviation
at the controls, let ATP's auto- performance evaluation.
flight mode give you a relaxed
introduction to commercial
aircraft flight and navigation. Sit SCENERY COLLECTIONS
For fifteen years our flight back and follow the maps while Constant flowing scenery for
simulations have won acclaim for "Jack" the autopilot and "Roger" easy visual navigation
their dazzling displays of techni the Air Traffic Controller (spoken
cal wizardry. Now we're using ATC messages with optional
the computer medium to provide SoundBlaster card) fly and guide Essential for a truly gratifying
a satisfying introduction to the the aircraft from takeoff to flight experience is the ability to
world of aviation. You might say
touchdown. navigate successfully "from point
that Flight Assignment: ATP
A to point B." Our new Scenery
revision D represents the current
ATP contains visual scenery, over Collections provide a continuous
state of the art with a user- 350 airports and the radio naviga flow of super-detailed scenery
friendly twist. tion aids you need to fly jet routes that's ideal for visual navigation,
between all major U.S. cities. Fly and include comprehensive color
predefined flight assignments or maps and plotter.
Keyed Up swered quite a few questions ed guns. They're all too easi
Some lime ago, you showed for me, but can you answer ly put to use. Viruses, like
how to set or reset the Caps these? guns, will not disappear un
Lock key and other control Is it theoretically possible der stricter controls, but by re
keys. But what about ordinary for a compiler, if infected with stricting their availability, few
keys? Is there a way to tell any of the viruses the article er people will suffer.
which key has been described, to generate an in JOSEPH LEWIS LOUTZENHISER
pressed? fected EXE file? ASHLAND. OR
by Charles Anton
o you ever get frus The affordable don't waste time calcu
trated trying to locate alternative. Per lating them later. It helps you bill
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nameof a client? Forget which too expensive tousejust sation for your time.
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down on? Well if you are like But that's what most compa
ture- Axxess allows you to set a security code.
most people, your business nies are using them for. The This keeps everything confidential, limiting
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important phone numbers, Scientific can store over 1,000
business records, including On the go? Axxess goes where
appointment schedules or
names, companies, phone . iu gi With the rechargeable
other messages that could
and fax numbers, addresses internal battery (includeti)youcan
make a difference in gelling
and two-line memos. Just have up to 3.5 hours of continuous
that "big job." With Axxess,
touch a number and it's di portable use. A detachable cover
the contact management so
aled for you. It's great for protects the touch screen when in transit.
lution from Oregon Scientific,
you can immediately put an small business owners who Try it risk free.
end to all these problems. can't afford a secretary but Axxess is backed up
Four ways you can start
saving time and money
still need an extra hand. Plus, by our "No Ques
Touch screen. Just by every day with Ax xess...
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touching a word or letter on
or more Axxess units can back guarantee. If
the screen, Axxess displays
share information! you're not com
or speed scrolls to find the
Just a touch away. Sim pletely satisfied for
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ply touch the screen to access any reason, just re
Help yourself remember the
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records of time spent on spe within 30daysfora
that plays a key role in your
cific tasks... Speed search full refund.
business. Since all
theinformationis through the listings you
Factory direct
Features: Want... Print this information
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facts to retrieve days, weeks or months in ad
• Auto search screen technology,
the desired infor vance and let your alarm re
you can be twice as
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Axxess to your I'C printer database for a fraction of the cost ofa personal
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Unmatched capabilities. No other legal directly link to, like pay phones. Simply touch Your order will be processed in 72 hours and shipped
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For fastest service toll-free 24 hours a day.
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built-in alarm reminds you of every
No thick manuals. With Axxess, there are no To onit-T by [nail semi check or money order for the
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thick manuals to read. It's completely menu- total purchase or enclose you credit card number and
time/date display to help you
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keep on schedule as you work,
Just touch the screen to indicate what type of
increasing your productivity.
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use the built-in rechargeable Nicad battery pack. Axxess tracks your hours as you go, so you Midlothian. Virginia 23113
Circle Reader Service Number 206
Edlior Ciiltan Karnes
Art Director Robin C. Case
Managing Editor David Englisi
Features Editor Robert BixDy
Reviews Editor Mike HudnaP
Editor, Gazette Tom Nelsel
Editor. Amiga Resource Donny Atkin
Senior Copy Editor Karen Huffman
Copy Editor Margate! Ramsey
Editorial Assistant Pally Cillparr
Contributing Editors Sylvia Graham. Eddie Huffman.
Tony Roberts, Karen Siepak
Intern Kim Havlena
Good point. Theres a bit of Intellectual (Delrina Technology. 6830 Via Dei Oro, ART
Assislant Art Director Kenneth A Hardy
challenge in writing a virus virulent Suite 240, San Jose, California 95119) Designer Katie Murdock
enough to plant itself unknown in heav will import and print gray-scale PCX Copy Production Manager lerryCash
ily defended computers. If that were all files and print text and fills in color. Production Manager De Potter
that viruses did, no one would care Traffic Manager Barbara A. Williams
about them. Unfortunately, most virus Drafted into Service PROGRAMMING & ONLINE SERVICES
Manager Troy Tucker
writers go that extra mile to make their I'm a deputy sheriff and editor of a Programmers Bruce M Bowden
creations destructive, or at least trouble small journal for an organization of traf Sieve Draper
Bradley M Small
some. Recall that some say Nero s pur fic crash reconstructionists. We've ADMINISTRATION
pose in torching Rome was to receive found that MacDraft is a great program. President. COO Katiiy Keeton
Executive Vice President, William Tynan
the inspiration for a poem. Should we But because most sheriffs' departments Operations
forget the damage that resulted from have PCs rather than Macintoshes, I'm Editorial Director Keith Ferrell
Operations Manager David Hensley Jr.
his flight of fancy simply because he looking for a PC product that's as good Office Manager Sybil Agee
was seeking an intellectual challenge? as MacDraft on the Mac for drawing Sr. Administrative Assistant Julia Fleming
Administrative Assistant Lisa G. Casinget
In retrospect, we probably should crash sites for courtroom presentations. Receptionist LeWanda Fox
TSRs into high memory? fornia 94520: (510) 680-6818. 933-8302 (FAX). Midwest—Full-Page and Standard Display
Ads—Starr Lane. Nalioral Accounts Manager: 111 East Wack-
JOSHUA NEWMAN er Dr.. Suite 508. Chicago. IL 60601: (312) S19-0900 (312) 819-
COOPER, TX Looking for Trouble 08T3 (FAX). Nor ih west—Jerry Thompson, Jules E Thompson
Co. 1290 Howard Ave.. Suila 303, Burlmgams, CA 94010. (415)
I wanted to alert your readers to the 348-8222 Lucille Dennis, (707)451-8209 Southwest—Ian Ling-
wooo. 6728 Eton Ave.. Canoga Park. CA 91303. (818) 992-
We get a lot of letters about this. DOS fact that you can often detect viruses 4777. Product Man Ads—Luc^He Dennis J-j.zs E Thompson
programs (particularly games) have be that infect EXE and COM files because Co . 1290 Howard Ave.. Suite 303. Burlingame, CA 94010; (707)
45--S209 U.K & Europe—Beverly Wardale. Fiat 2. 10 Stafford
come so memory hungry that you they change the size of the infected Terrace. London W87 BH. England: 011-4711-937-1517. Ja
need every byte of conventional mem files. Also, there's a simple test for cer pan—InterQroup Communications. Ltd.. Semba. Resident.
3F Tiger Bldg 5-22 Shiba-koon, 3-Chome. Minato ku. Tokyo
ory you can get your hands on. tain viruses, particularly Stoned and 105, Japan1 03-13-1-2607 Classified Ads—Maria Manasen. 1
You can save significant amounts of Michelangelo. These viruses decrease Woods Ct. Huntingdon. NY 11743; (TEL/FAX) (516) 757-9562
conventional memory by loading your the amount of base memory DOS THE CORPORATION
Boo Guccione (chairman and CEO)
TSRs high. You do this with Loadhigh. thinks it has. If you run Chkdsk, you Kathy Keeton (vice-chairman)
If you have a TSR called Nicholas, in should see 655360 total bytes of mem DauiO J Myerson (president and CEO)
Wil ian-. F Marlieb (president, marketing, sales and Circulation)
stead of simply putting its name on a ory. If you see a value less than that, Patrick J Gavin (senior vice president and CFO)
Rictiara Cohen (executive vice president and treasurer)
line by itself in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, your computer may have an infection. Al Jefi Winston (executive vice president, corporate services)
put Loadhigh Nicholas. so, if you think you have an infection, Hal Halpnet (vice president, director of manufacturing)
William Tynan (vice president, technology and information
A couple of other ways to save mem you should turn your computer off imme services)
ory are to use DOS=HIGH and to use diately and seek professional help. ADVERTISING AND MARKETING
Devicehigh for the drivers in your CON There's a chance that the virus can be Sr VP/Corp D.r New Business Development: Beverly
Wardale, VP/Dir. Group Advertising Sales1 Nancy Kesienbaum;
FIG.SYS file (as in DEVICEHIGH=SET- stopped before it does serious harm to Sr VP/Southern and Midwest Advertising Dir.: Peter Goldsmith
VER.EXE). Make sure DE- your computer. Otf.ces: New York 1965 Broadway. New York, NY 10023-5965,
Tel (212) 496-6100, Telex 237128 Midwest: ill East Wacker
ViCE=HIMEM.SYS comes first in your MARK ANDERSON. Dr.. Suite 508, Chicago IL 60601: (312) 819-0900. (312) 819-
08^3 (FAX) South 1725 K St NW. Suite 903. Washington. DC
CONFIG.SYS file. You can't load DEL NORTE, CA
20006. Tel (202) 728-0320, West Coast: 6723 Eton Ave.. Can
HIMEM.SYS high. oga Park. CA 91303. Tel (B18) 992-4777. UK and Europe: Flat
2. lOStaiford Terrace, London W87 BH, England: Tel. 011-4711-
937-1517 Japan Intergroup Jiro Semba, Telex
Color Forms Readers whose letters appear in 'Feed J25469IGLTYO. Fax 434-5970 Korea. Kaya Advisng . Inc.. Rm.
■:02 Kur.^Mn An'iti B;D rfi'.t Dor*wa Dong Mapo-Ku, Seoul,
Are there any form programs that can back" will receive a free COMPUTES Korea (121), Tel. 719-6906 To-e« K32!4<!Kayaaa
use PCX graphics and make color PC clock radio while supplies last. Do ADMINISTRATION
Sr. VP. CFO. Patrick J. Gavin; EVP/Corporate Services Jeri Win
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Today's computers think faster than possible for virtually anyone to build a
mere mortals can comprehend. Power-On Self Test PC. The three major companies that
But without software—the instruc specialize in development and sales
tions the processor performs—a com Here's the sequence of tasks your of compatible BIOS products are AMI
puter is just a pile of scrap iron, wire, computer performs when it starts (American Megatrends, Incorporated),
and silicon. up. Award Software, and Phoenix
Application software has to run on 1. The microprocessor begins Technologies. Each one licenses its
virtually an infinite variety of hardware execution at address FFFFiOOOO, BIOS to hardware manufacturers.
configurations. That's why each IBM- an area almost at the end of the Selecting a BIOS for motherboards
compatible computer has a liaison ROM BIOS area. isn't easy. A list of questions has to be
layer that acts as a compatibility- 2. The microprocessor is tested, addressed in order to choose a BIOS
assurance arbitrator between the usually with a self-test mode that's that's already been designed or to
application software and the hard built into the microprocessor. custom-develop a BIOS.
ware. This layer is called the BIOS The system board, the system The AM! BIOS has a built-in setup
(Basic Input/Output System). It usually buses, and the system memory program activated by pressing the
resides in two ROM chips on a com containing the POST code are Delete key in the first few seconds
puter's motherboard. tested, too. after the boot procedure begins. In
Imagine the difficulty software 3. The system timers are tested. addition to the setup program, the
developers would face if they had to 4. The video display system is AMI BIOS features a built-in, menu-
worry about whether their products tested, usually the video memory driven diagnostics package.
were saving data to a 20MB or a and the signals that drive the dis The Award BIOS has a built-in
200MB hard drive. They'd need to play. ■ setup program activated by pressing
treat each variation as a different 5. All memory is tested. Ctrl-Alt-Esc. Award is unique among
case. Or worse yet, what if they had 6. The keyboard is tested. BIOS manufacturers in that it provides
the additional difficulty of providing 7. The disk drives are tested for its code to hardware manufacturers
separate routines to deal with each their status. and allows them to customize the
drive type, whether it was an IDE, BIOS themselves. Because of this
MFM, SCSI, or RLL drive? If not for the customization, the hardware compa
BIOS, applications would be many it involves checking the microproces nies can fine-tune the BIOS to work
times larger than they are. The BIOS sor, memory, video system, and other best with their computers.
shields developers from these internals. Not all installed options are The Phoenix BIOS has been the
headaches by providing a standard tested. For example, printers and standard by which others are judged.
way of talking to hard drives and other modems are not tested. It was the first third-party BIOS on the
hardware. The more comprehensive the market. One area of particular
There's a standard way of dealing POST, the better your computer can strength for the Phoenix is its POST.
with all peripherals, including floppy diagnose itseif and alert you to prob The BIOS outputs an extensive set of
and hard drives, modems and serial lems. And the more memory you have beep codes that help diagnose prob
ports, printers, video systems, and installed, the longer the tests take to lems on the motherboard. It can even
keyboards. DOS {the Disk Operating verify it all. isolate a memory failure to an individ
System) builds its own routines ual chip. This simplifies identifying
around the BIOS routines. That's why BIOSs Aren't Created Equal system problems for the owner or the
different versions of DOS run on all IBM was the creator of the first BIOS repairperson.
IBM-compatible systems. used in a PC, but it was the develop If you have a modem, you can get
Some peripherals, like video cards, ment of third-party BIOSs that made it support from these BIOS manufactur
have their own embedded BIOS. In ers (or their distributors) or from their
most cases the specialty BIOSs add BBSs (see the "Support Reference"
functions that extend the original Support Reference sidebar). All of these BIOSs have
BIOS. A good example is a VESA- been on the market for years.
compatible (Video Electronics Although they offer different kinds of
Distributed by Washburn &
Standards Association) Super VGA diagnostics, all are extremely reliable
card. At runtime the video card patch and have proved themselves over
3800 Monroe Ave.
es the base BIOS so that new routines time. But since they have to be updat
Pittsford, NY 14534
are available to application software. ed every time a new piece of hard
This is necessary because video stan ware is introduced, a few bugs have
(404) 246-5825 (BBS)
dards change rapidly and many peo cropped up from time to time.
ple upgrade their video systems many Award Software
times before replacing their comput 130 KnowlesDr. BIOS Bugs
ers. The motherboard manufacturer Los Gatos. CA 95030 Like all software, the ROM BIOS is not
couldn't possibly anticipate which of (408) 370-7979 immune to bugs. If your BIOS is from
the hundreds of types of video boards (408) 370-3139 (BBS) one of the major manufacturers, you're
users will install. probably safe. But even then, don't
In addition to allowing the operating Phoenix Technologies forget that BIOS manufacturers have
system to communicate with the hard Distributed by Micro Firmware had some minor problems.
ware, the system BIOS also contains 1430 W. LindseySt. How can you protect yourself from
diagnostic programs that check out Norman, OK 73069 problems when you're buying new
the computer each time it's turned on. (405)321-8333 and used equipment? If you're consid
This series of diagnostic tests is called (405) 321-3553 (BBS) ering the purchase of used equip
the POST, or Power-On Self Test, and ment, you should install the applica-
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Circle Reader Service Number 300
It's pretty easy to distinguish the nent is carefully checked by the sys
real McCoy from a fake. Take a look tem manufacturer for correct opera
at the ROM BIOS chips on the moth tion, and it almost always is. But as a
erboard. You should clearly see the system ages and newer peripherals
name of the manufacturer, along with become available, you need to be
a serial number, usually on a label. If thinking about a BIOS upgrade to Is there a feature topic
you buy a new system with a fake, support newer hardware. Generally, a
BIOS upgrade is a step involved in
you'd like to see covered in
report the supplier to the manufactur
er of the BIOS cloned on the fake some other kind of major equipment COMPUTE? Let us know by
chips, and return the system for a full upgrade. If you install the hardware calling (900) 884-8681, ext.
refund. If you're looking at a used sys correctly and it still won't work, your 7010101. The call will cost
tem with a copied BIOS, tell the seller BIOS automatically becomes the
95 cents per minute, you
you're not interested. Even if you buy prime suspect.
it at a bargain price, you're in for trou The guidelines I've presented must be 18 or older, and you
ble in the future. should help you make your purchase must use a touch-tone
and upgrade decisions now and in the phone. Sponsored by Pure
Into the Sunset future. If you have any questions,
Most people never consider the BIOS though, a reputable technician will
version and manufacturer when pur help you out. And if you're adventurous P.O. Box 186, Hollywood,
chasing a computer. We take it for and want to upgrade, order the chips California 90078.
granted that such an integral compo yourself and have at it. Za
The improvements to this development system
keep it the preferred choice for Windows programmers
who value ease of use and extendible power.
George Campbell
deal? Not really. example, you can pay off the
In preparing this story, I computer more quickly. If
S i oftyr#u I99St MdfcmlS>fa«re
©("Kjmijjfu 1993, Awniiua SmOikcons, Inc.
Circle Reader Service Number 280
David English
You push a button. You open a door. Leave the life of paperwork and laundry, of squalling kids and car trouble.
Enter new worlds. Of adventure. Horror. Magic. Love. Death. Solve a mystery. Save a kingdom. Live by your wits, cap
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See strange and exotic creatures
from around the world when you visit the San
Diego Zoo—in your own living room.
David Sears
See lions and tigers and
bears and more when you vis
it the world-famous San Die
go Zoo. Don't think you can af
ford the plane fare and hotel
accomodations (not to men
tion the time off from work)? If
you own a CD-ROM drive,
you can send your favorite
youngsters all the way to San
Diego without their having to
leave your home—for a very
reasonable fee. The Animals!,
a true multimedia tour de
force featuring the San Diego Montane, Tundra, Desert, is
Zoo, makes this trip possible, land, Grassland, Savanna, you selected, and summon ex
and it's more than worth its Temperate Forest, Taiga—all tensive online help related to
price of admission. the earth's biomes. The Ani your situation. A Copy to Disk
The Software Toolworks mals!, like the San Diego Zoo, option allows you to fifi the Win
took advantage of the vast displays its animals in sur dows Clipboard with text or
world available on a CD-ROM roundings that approximate graphics data from The Ani
drive and made The Animals! their natural habitats. The mals!. If you ever seem lost,
almost as much fun and as map also includes the Center it's very easy to retrace your
easy to explore as the real for the Reproduction of Endan footsteps: You simply click on
zoo. After loading the pro gered Species (CRES), a the Go Back icon (which dis
gram but before you even Kids section, a Storybook The plays a list of all the places
reach the Main menu, you ater, a Nursery, and a Tours you've visited so far).
have the option to browse booth, among other things. At You may also locate ani
through exhibits by looking the CRES, you can learn mals by searching for key
up animals by name. You sim what the zoo does to repopu- words such as bird or tiger.
ply click on the appropriate late dwindling species. At the Clicking on the Media Library
icon on the title screen, and a Storybook Theater, you can icon presents you with a list
windowful of animal names, watch films about the zoo and of all the pictures, video
all alphabetically listed, ap its inhabitants. The Kids sec clips, and sounds found on
pears. Click on the name of tion even contains a few quiz the disc.
any animal, and you'll see the zes. There are hours of fun When you discover an inter
animal beautifully and very and learning to be spent esting animal, you may read
sharply digitized before you. here. about it in the text window or
The Animals! creators did a Navigating The Animals! view the snapshots and vide
fantastic job both collecting does not consume much of os of it in the picture window.
and transferring the visual da your time—it's faster than walk Just click on the necessary
ta to disk. From the title ing to exhibits at the actual icons, and in a second or
screen, you can also click on San Diego Zoo. At the top of two, the show begins. Other
the Sky Tram icon for an over the Main Menu, you'll find the icons include the Information
view of the zoo's exhibits, or Navigation Palette, which Profile, which offers a summa
you can click on the Main holds a band of command but ry of the exhibit; a Kid's Plan
Menu icon, which opens the tons that allow you to travel et, which features a simplified
Main Menu map. On to the quickly to any point in the overview for younger zoogo-
zoo! zoo. These are simple ers; an Endangered Species
The Main Menu is essential enough to operate, and you section; and more.
ly a large map divided into can move forward or back Before any of this matters,
sections. These sections in ward one exhibit, jump to any though, you have to choose a
clude Tropical Rain Forest, exhibit within the biome that section of the zoo to visit. To
do this, examine the Main pled sound in the A/V Links Certainly the extensive on
Menu map, choose a biome, menu. The meerkats did get line bibliography will aid any
and click on it. The Animals! to star in their own short vid one who is interested in re
transports you to the first ex eo, however, and their exhibit searching meerkats or other Windows version: IBM
hibit in that particular section. sported four additional snap of the less-famous zoo ani PC or compatible
Now, the fun really begins. shots besides. mals, but much more informa (80386 compatible),
The San Diego Zoo is home The playback panel for the tion could've gone onto this 2MB RAM, SVGA,
to more than just lions and el video clips appears after you CD-ROM program than the Windows 3.1, CD-ROM
ephants, and finding these click on a video clip's icon. It amount that goes onto the ex drive, MPC-
more unusual creatures can offers Play, Pause, Frame Ad hibit placards at the actual compatible sound
prove enlightening as well as vance, Frame Rewind, Re zoo in San Diego. card, mouse—$119.95
entertaining as you use the wind, and Fast Forward but Don't think The Animals! is OQS version: IBM PC
Text and Audio/Visual options tons—and all work exactly as run-of-the-mill, would-be mul or compatible (16-
to explore links between one you'd expect, though the timedia PC (MPC) fare, MHz 80286 or faster),
animal and another. Frame Forward and Frame Re though: The Software 1MB RAM or higher
For instance, while I was vis wind do cause the otherwise Toolworks did an outstanding with extended
iting the grasslands, I came smooth playback to jar and
across the greater prairie display some disorganized pix
chicken exhibit. This less pop els for a moment.
ular animal had only a single Also, the playback can be
color snapshot and a single viewed in any of three
sound on disc. The text win modes: 160 x 120, 320 x
dow did little to liven up the 240. or full screen. The larger
display with its brief summary, the display area, the blockier
but it did mention that the prai the images become. If you
rie chicken and the blue pea want the finest resolution, you
cock are related. So, I ex should select the smallest dis
plored the text-media link by play area option on the Cus
first clicking on the A/V Links tomization menu. But if you
icon; this led me to the Califor want to view a reasonably
nia quail. I went to the top of sized movie, you should go
the screen to click on the with the 320 x 240 display
Next Exhibit icon, passed by mode. The fantastic, high-qual
a number of exhibits that wer ity sounds remain synchro
en't particularly interesting to nized with the images, no mat
me—all still in the grasslands, ter what image size you've job of packaging more than memory. VGA card
of course—and stopped to selected. 82 short films on a single CD- with 256K, hard drive
stare at a peculiar bunch of an The meerkat exhibit aiso ROM, along with 1300 256- with 2MB free, CD-
imals, the meerkats. contains a Kid's World icon la color pictures, 2500 pages of ROM drive with 135-
Cute and ferretlike, they war beled Crazy Ways. I clicked text, and 2V6 hours of sound Kbs transfer rate,
ranted a few minutes study on this and read some of the data. The DOS (non-CD) ver Microsoft Extensions
and observation time. I click more amusing and peculiar de sion offers fewer options but re for CD-ROM 2.1 or
ed on the Facts and Figures tails of meerkat life. The text tains all the educational val higher—SH9.95
icon to quickly read up on the seems considerate of young ue. But the real deal is the CD-
little creatures. It turns out readers and contains as ROM version. Its incredible im THE SOFTWARE
that they're related to the slen much information as kids prob ages, animation, and sound TOOLWORKS
der-tailed mongoose; are na ably could retain from a visit will motivate you to learn GO Leveroni Ct.
tive to Angola, Namibia, to the zoo. This is, alas, also about all the animals in the Novato, CA 94949
Botswana, and South Africa; the major weakness of The An San Diego Zoo. (800) 234-3088
and love to eat eggs. imals!: It provides as much in If The Animals! is any indi
The Animals! let me down formation as a trip to the zoo cation of the next wave of
a bit at this point, however. and can show you pictures of MPC products, an upgrade to
The meerkats' "chitchat," the animals there, but it often CD-ROM would make a most
which is mentioned in the doesn't include an overwhelm worthy investment. n
text, wasn't used as a sam ing amount of factual detail. Circle Reader Service Number 392
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I sense that some line has
been crossed; I can't leave
now—even if I wish to. Even
the most innocent volume on
[he bookshelf fills me with dis
quiet. A rocking horse seems
to move on its own, and I
don't like the look of that
I finally spot the piano in a
distant, shadowed corner of
the attic and am on my way to
ward it when I notice a sugges
tion of movement outside the tween horror and terror: One Cthulhu Mythos, which postu
window: something tattered is as easy as turning your eye lates an ancient monstrous
and ungainly fluttering in the lids inside out; the other is the race of creatures lying in
air. A wrecked flag, perhaps, art of setting you on pins and wait, creatures who can be
I imagine, though I recall no needles. The Elvira games gated into this world, invaria
flagpole. I look more closely. may make you recoil at their bly with disastrous conse
It's not a Nag. The fluttering carnage, but they aren't gen quences for the gate opener.
form looks back at me. It has uinely scary. As Alone opens, the gate
teeth—many teeth. It's almost Alone is genuinely frighten is wide open and swinging.
at the window. Help! The ing without ever being grisly. You're cast as either Edward
stairs! The stairs! When you run from its horrible Carnby, who is a private detec
I wish a thousand bless creatures, you'll do so in shud tive, or Emily Hartwood, who
ings upon anyone trapped in dering terror. The first time is the niece of the last ten
the wonderful, terrifying you open a door and find ant—who killed himself. You'll
place that is Alone in the something unspeakable wait quickly find that the vague
Dark. This three-dimensional ing for you on the other side, agendas found in the docu
adventure game from the something which proceeds to mentation have little bearing
French company I " Motion is advance on you with arms out on the task at hand. In no
the first computer game I've stretched, you'll feel a genu time you'll be exploring, fight
seen that has fear running ine shock. ing for your life, solving puz
through it like an electric cur The game blurs the line be zles, reading books, and enjoy
rent. Raw emotion is a rare tween actually being there ing a good deal of stimulating
enough quality in real life, and and being at home, safely in action-adventuring.
its appearance in this virtual front of a computer. Play it in You get to explore the
world definitely defines Alone the dark for maximum effect. three-story house and its un
as a breakthrough product. Even writing about it two derpinnings, and they are a
A line has indeed been weeks after playing gives me delightful hybrid of filled poly
crossed: Alone is the first of a the creeps. It's that good. gons and bitmaps. They're as
raft of fright bytes that were to The adventure is based on solid and real a place as
hit the market in the first half the works of the author H. P. we've visited this side of Ulti
of 1993. But it isn't the first of Lovecraft, who penned won ma Underworld. Actually, it is
the breed, of course. We derful horror and fantasy sto not all that dark in this world,
have Accolade's now-niter-en ries back in the early part of and you're hardly alone. The
crusted role-playing game the century. They aren't the house comes fully equipped
Don't Go Alone, and Horror- best stories ever written, but with a staff of splendid terrors
soft's two Elviras and the qua they are responsible for cre ranging from the mundane
si Elvira, Waxworks. But ating the foundation for a won (like spiders and rats) to the
there's a delicate line be derful cosmology called completely outrageous (such
as a rabbit with a ferocious rent mode (Fight, Open/ the adventure, when you
Tyrannosaurus rex head). Search, Close, or Push), and have to explore a decent-
When you begin your adven hit Enter to change it or in sized maze, the game sudden
ture, you're armed with noth spect your inventory. The com ly abandons its multiple cam
ing more than your wits and a mands available are keyed to era angles and adopts an over
passing knowledge of karate. the designated object, and head perspective similar to IBM PC or
But if you're nosy enough, it's easy to change gears on that used in games like Lu- compatible (80286
you'll eventually come across the fly. casArts' Indiana Jones and compatible, 80386
more conventional weapons. You'll quickly acquire a thor the Last Crusade. It's a bit jar recommended),
Combat is fun even when ough sense of being a real ring, and it's unnecessary; the B40K RAM, MCGA
your weapon of choice character inhabiting a real designers at I * Motion might or 256-color VGA,
doesn't quite do what you place. It's a quality that have had a bit more respect hard disk with
had hoped. The aiming is fun, seeps into the opening copy for the purity of their other 5MB tree; supports
and the enemy's recoil and protection (picking the wise impeccable creation. Sound Blaster,
the fine mist of blood are game's 3-D objects from a But these complaints are a Covox Sound
nice rewards when you do book) and is sustained into
make contact. And your op the save-game mechanism
ponent's collapse and disinte (each save is accompanied
gration into a hail of polygon by miniature screen cap
circles—to the distant crackle tures).
of thunder—are truly satisfy Alone is very much of a
ing. {I prefer to play the piece; it even possesses a
game with the theme music properly apocalyptic, roof-com
turned off, but the sound ef ing-down Lovecraftian end
fects and spot musical effects ing. And when the game's
are quite superb.) over, delightfully, it's not
Quite different from that of quite over. You'll still need to
any other game, the perspec make your way back up to
tive in Alone is as if you're more civilized surroundings
watching your character from and out the front door. Since
a trapdoor just above and to all the unearthly critters have
the side. What's especially been pacified, this is a per
nice is that the view shifts, fect opportunity for unbridled
sometimes a number of exploration. As you play,
times, depending on where you'll discover lots of books small exception rather than Master 2+, Ad Lib,
you're standing. Finding the and documents that are use the rule. and Disney Sound
different views is fun and ful but not exactly essential in I truly had a fantastic time Source—$59.95
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Ifgoifers and caddies be not better neighbours
Than abbots and soldiers, with crosses and sabres,
Let such fancies remain with the fool who so thinks,
While we toast old St. Andrews, its Golfers, and Links.
—Andrew Carnegie, from a toast delivered in Chicago in 1874
Golf is a game with a long, rich heritage. objects, but the level of realism is
Golf enjoys such popularity as to have quite acceptable. The natural scenery
become a staple of our popular culture surrounding the course is a little on
and iconography. It's no wonder, then, the sparse side, but there are enough
that golf simulators have been chipping trees to get in the way of nearly every
around computer screens as long as golfer. The game features four cours
there have been CRTs. es: PGA West, Sterling Shores, the
In the early days, aspiring comput Tournament Player's Club at Avenel,
er golfers had to work with blocky, and the Tournament Player's Club at
unrealistic graphics and limited play Sawgrass.
options. As computer technology This game's hallmarks are its
evolved, so did golf simulations. Now, speed, its challenge, and its playabili-
players enjoy stunningly realistic PGA Tour Golf: fast and fun ty. The courses may look easier than
scenes, compensate for wind and the those in games with more visually
slope of the green, and choose from a complicated graphics, but the play is
variety of options. They can play extremely demanding. One thing lack
against PGA pros in a tournament, ing, though, is the sense of rolling ter
play against other computer golfers rain: The fairways are flat and expan
over the phone, play a skins game for sive, without either visual or play-
a million-dollar purse, shoot for par in affecting slope.
Hawaii, or even design a golf course. This changes when you reach the
Indeed, the modern computer golfer green, however. A window appears
can play under the blustery, overcast that models the green in 3-D with an
skies of Scotland without even leaving imposed grid. You can rotate the pic
home. ture to judge the break and adjust
In addition, golf simulators have your aim accordingly. The view then
reached the level where they can Links 386 Pro: many views shifts back to the playing screen to
actually assist players in their real- allow you to attempt the putt.
world golf games. Players who had 1(4)
Far and away the most notable fea
never before picked up a real club ■ ■ ToFlaj : 267 Yards ture of PGA Tour Golf is the PGA tour
Club: 2 Wood 4
are now hitting the links after discov Ainu 579 Yards nament. The game proceeds in tele
ering the fun of golf via a computer vised fashion, with an announcer com
simulator, and computer users who "Mk menting on each shot and giving
don't play ordinary computer games reports from other holes. It's very tough
discover that computer golf offers to beat the pros, but it's extremely sat
something different from the run of the isfying when you start to win.
mill and become hooked on the virtual Electronic Arts also sells a DOS
country club on their hard disk. version of PGA Tour Golf, which dif
fers from the Windows version only in
Different Strokes David Leadbetter's Greens: dynamic that it doesn't require Windows. PGA
There are a wide variety of golf simu Tour Golf Limited Edition is a special
lations, each with a different spin on packaging of the DOS version of PGA
the game. Links 386 Pro strives for the ance can lead to a hook or a slice. Tour Golf that includes the tournament
ultimate in visual realism, while PGA You may enjoy having such control course disk (normally sold separate
Tour Golf lets players play in a PGA over your strokes. Or you may prefer ly), plus a VHS tape containing a doc
tournament and go head to head spending your time designing the per umentary history of PGA tour golf,
against the tour's best players. The fect course or playing against the including interviews with players.
Jack Nicklaus Signature Edition masters. Whatever simulation you
allows players to design a fantasy choose, the addiction level is bound Links 386 Pro
course and share it with people to be high. Each of the games dis The Links simulation has been with us
around the world. David Leadbetter's cussed here will lead you to many for a while, but only recently has 386
Greens is an expert-level tutorial that late-night playing sessions and to true Pro, the flagship of the Access
features dynamic camera tracking, bragging rights for that one-in-a-mil- Software line, made an appearance.
which makes the experience seem lion shot. A visually stunning achievement, 386
more like televised coverage than a Pro requires Super VGA, at least an
computer game. PGA Tour Golf 80386 processor, and a whole lot of
Most of the games employ some Electronic Arts' entry in the golfing RAM (Access suggests 8MB, but
type of power meter to judge the shot competition, PGA Tour Golf for 4MB seems to work just fine). With all
and generally require three actions Windows, satisfies that deep need to of that computing power behind the
from the player. In a drive, you might go up against really expert competi game, the results are incredible.
tap the space bar once to begin the tors—the best the sport has to offer— The play window, a view from
swing. The power meter then moves and to beat them at their own game. behind the golfer, approaches photo
to reflect your backswing. Then, you In this simulation, the only PGA- realism, with varying textures in the
tap again at the power point—the top licensed product, the pros are the real grass, subtly rolling hills, and gently
of the stroke—and the power meter McCoy: Their abilities are modeled on shaded sand bunkers. Access allows
begins to recede. You must time your PGA players' actual performances. you to set up many viewing options,
third tap to fall at a precise moment to PGA Tour Golf uses stylized ren from a full-screen window of the
strike the ball straight on; any vari- derings of the players, courses, and course to a split screen featuring a
front view and a view from the pin. Greens is the view. There are a number Golf for Windows 1.0 is a true
Other windows include a top view, a of different camera angles, and if you Windows program and takes full
slope window, a stance window, and select the intelligent camera, a shot is advantage of the operating system.
a scorecard. visualized more like television footage Windows can be dragged and
To aim your shot, you use a unique than a static view: The camera cuts, resized, and the game can wait in the
"barber pole" that you move around pans, and follows the ball in 12-frame- background while you switch to a
the course with the mouse. When the per-second animation. As a result, the spreadsheet when your supervisor
shot is set, you use the mouse to con quality of the graphics is a far cry from walks in.
trol your swing. As in the other two that of those in Links 386 Pro, but the Microsoft Golf also borrowed the
Links products, the power bar is way MicroProse executes the cuts golfer animation from Links 386 Pro,
curved to simulate the arc of the golf makes up for the lack of resolution. giving the swing animation greater
swing, and there's a realistic time-lag Greens also features an amazing depth than that of Links. All original
from the moment you attempt to stop amount of player control over the Links courses are fully compatibfe
the swing until the club reacts. This shots. Golfers can experiment with with Microsoft Golf- The game can
takes getting used to, but it accurately handle eight players simultaneously,
reflects an actual swing. but there are no options for tourna
There are no tournaments in 386 ment play or any of the other varia
Pro, but you can play against several tions (such as a skins game, a record
friends or a recorded player shot for ed player, or an Al opponent).
shot for some heated competition. As in the original Links and Links
If there are any weaknesses in 386 386 Pro, you have complete control
Pro, the foremost would be its speed. over your golfer's stance, swing
The game really needs an 80486 to plane, and ball position. As in Links
play as fast as the other games. With 386 Pro, you have the option to step
an 80386SX, the redraw time can take back from the ball and swing the club
quite a while. The other weaknesses a few times before addressing the ball
are poor-quality sounds and no golfer fora solid hit.
animation when the shot is viewed Microsoft Go!': Links for Windows
The game plays very smoothly, but
from the green in reverse angle. It's a aiming the ball is a little awkward,
little odd to just see the ball leap from since your golfer disappears when the
the fairway with no golfer in sight. barber pole appears. Occasionally,
There's no course-design feature the windows seem to get in the way of
in 386 Pro, but Access is providing an each other, and you have to make
ever-increasing array of courses, and sure that the swing window is active
original Links courses can be convert before attempting a swing; otherwise,
ed for play with 386 Pro (the resolu the delay as the window pops to the
tion isn't as good as that of the 386 forefront will play havoc with any
Pro courses, but the quality is still attempts at timing.
high). I had the opportunity to play Microsoft Golf, like Links and Links
golf in Hawaii (via the computer, of 386 Pro, enables you to print out a
course} using the Mauna Kea course scorecard (which must be signed and
disk. The Championship disk contains Jack Nicklaus Signature Edition: solid attested to be valid, of course).
files to play this course with Links 386
Pro, Links, or Microsoft Golf for stance and tee placement beyond the Links
Windows 1.0—and it's a gorgeous usual club selection. The power meter The most venerable of all the versions
course. Playing the third hole in 386 in Greens is also different: As you mentioned, the original Links is still a
Pro, a par-three iron shot over a vol twist into a backswing, the "sweet solid game that can be played ade
canic Pacific inlet, is arguably reason spot" where you must hit the ball quately on an 80286, and up until the
enough to go out and buy a PC. shrinks, which corresponds with the recent explosion of quality golf
increasing difficulty of hitting a power games, it was the king of the heap.
David Leadbetter's Greens shot accurately. Links and Microsoft Golf have a
Greens takes two different approach On the green, Greens allows a library of over eight courses to choose
es to simulating golf: it strives for real- golfer-to-hole view, a hole-to-ball from, including Troon North, set in the
world instruction, and it uses dynamic view, and a perpendicular view. Using deserts of Arizona, and the Dorado
views of play. these different angles gives you a Beach East Course in the heart of the
The game is endorsed and heavily wealth of information about the lay of Caribbean.
influenced by David Leadbetter, the green.
arguably the preeminent professional Greens features tournament and Jack Nicklaus Signature
golfing instructor. The manual includ skins game options as well as modem Edition
ed with Greens consists of a richly or direct-connect play, allowing two The Signature Edition is a significant
detailed instructional course, featuring players to battle against each other in rewrite of Accolade's Jack Nicklaus
everything from club selection to realtime via phone. Ultimate Golf and is a youthful
stance and play strategies. Micro- descendent of the old Mean 18 golf
Prose sets up the game as a vehicle Microsoft Golf for Windows 1.0 simulation.
for players to learn more and improve Microsoft, in an arrangement with Signature Edition is an extremely
their regular game of golf, as well as Access, ported the original Links solid program and features 256-color
for entertainment. game to the Windows environment. graphics; while the resolution doesn't
The second unique aspect of More than just a quick fit, Microsoft approach that of 386 Pro, the sense of
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Tom Netsel
month? If you hap changed. In large measure,
pened to visit a news each Gazette editor has re
stand, you may have picked lied on 64 and 128 owners
up a new magazine called who are willing to share
64/128 VIEW G-1
their knowledge with our
I was working at the Uni readers. From that first issue Gazette marks a milestone with this issue—ten years
versity of Central Florida in through the one you read to of serving the 8-bit Commodore market.
Orlando, and I had just day, we've encouraged you By Tom Netsel.
bought a 64. I was wonder to submit articles and pro
ing what to do with it when I grams for publication. That 11 YEARS IN 8-BIT HEAVEN G-3
spotted a Gazette at my lo need is just as strong today In 1982, dozens of home computers were struggling
cal grocery store. I'll have to as it was a decade ago. to pull ahead of the pack—then, along came the
confess that I missed the Some things don't change. Commodore 64.
first issue. I didn't see Ga Change is inevitable, how By Larry Cotton.
zette until the second issue ever, and you'll see it in this
hit the newsstand, but I've issue with the addition of a REVIEWS G-8
been hooked ever since. new column. Over the years
Jara-Tava, Math booster, and Flyer.
Gazette was billed original we've published original pro
ly as being "for owners and grams and reviewed com
users of Commodore VIC-20 mercial software, but we've
and 64 personal comput seldom covered public do
Questions, answers, and comments.
ers." As time passed and main programs and share
Commodore introduced the ware—until now. GEOS col PD PICKS G-16
Plus/4, the 16, and the 128, umnist Steve Vander Ark ex This new column focuses on the best of public
Gazette's coverage expand amines this vast source of domain and shareware programs.
ed to those machines. But programs in his new col By Steve Vander Ark.
when the smoke finally set umn, "PD Picks."
tled over the personal com The programs Steve will re MACHINE LANGUAGE G-18
puter battlefield, the 64 and view and recommend can To read a file successfully, you must know how it ( mds.
128 emerged as the survi be found on bulletin By Jim Butterfield.
vors, and Gazette narrowed boards, commercial online
its editorial focus to those services, user group librar PROGRAMMER'S PAGE G-20
Commodore veterans. ies, and elsewhere. If you
More great programming tips from readers.
Speaking of veterans, as can't locate a convenient
By Randy Thompson.
! browse through the mast source for these programs,
head of that first issue, I see look for them on our month
the names of four people ly Gazette Disks. These pro
who are still associated with grams—unlike the Gazette Here's how to activate your user port.
the magazine. Regular read type-ins—are not copyright By Larry Cotton.
ers will recognize colum ed, and you may distribute
nists Jim Butterfield and them freely. All we ask is DIVERSIONS G-24
Fred D'lgnazio, but two oth that you honor the fee re The 64 can be a toddler's ideal first computer.
er veterans may not be as quests of shareware authors By Fred D'lgnazio.
familiar. Terry Cash is now if you use their programs.
copy production manager, In closing, I'd like to PROGRAMS
and De Potter is production thank all of you devoted Ultimate ML Monitor (64) G-25
manager. Without their val Commodore users for your G-31
Rascals (64)
ued assistance, there support over the past ten
Scud (64) G-33
wouldn't be any magazine. years. Without your help, Ga G-36
Cryptarithm Solver (64)
Editorial's staff has zette would have folded G-37
Flasher 64
changed frequently, but Ga years ago. But with it, look G-39
Type-Sim (64/128)
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readers with the best of Com years to come. □
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Circle Reader Service Number 197
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zles, word searches, drawing activities,
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Sierra Club, Dept. AR ed. As an added bonus, Satchel has
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own classrooms.
If we allowed drilling in the (415) 776-2211
All in all, Jara-Tava is an outstanding
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Circle Header Service Number 260
ucates them. That's not a bad return pick up speed- Control is rather limited clear the bed, and then swish! Back to
for such a modest investment. with this flyer, but you can lose altitude the beginning.
MART! PAULIN quickly by pulling back on the stick. Flyer's graphics are pretty simple:
As in any house, furniture is a major Everything's in black, white, and gray.
Satchel Software obstacle for paper airplanes. Beds, The rooms fill only a narrow portion of
Distributed by Free Spirit Software lamps, stereos, and bookcases seem the 64's monitor. Each one is only
720 Sycamore St.
to suck the planes into them. When about two inches high. That's why you
Columbus, IN 47201
(812)376-9964 you crash, you start again in the first have to be careful about not flying into
$39.95 room which is filled with nothing but air the ceiling. I think a little more creativi
Circle Reader Service Number 415 vents and rollers. Since I crash so fre ty could have been shown here to ex
quently. I'm glad that author Cameron pand the playing screen, and the gray
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I'd gain a little altitude, pick up some S9.95
the room. When you fly through one,
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Character ROM Chip both the 64 and 128. there's no such thing as a
Can you possibly tell me square root of a negative num
where I can get the 9011225- Math Errors ber, at least among the real
01 chip for my 64? I have When using my 64 for math numbers. Mathematicians use
been looking since 1991 but homework, I keep running in imaginary numbers to handle
haven't been able to locate to some problems. If I raise a square roots of negative num
one in my country. variable containing a negative bers, but your 64 isn't built to
DAVID SANIEL SUAREZ LOPEZ number to a fractional expo handle imaginary numbers.
VERACRUZ. VER. nent, the computer returns an
It doesn't happen with con I would like to thank Gazette
The chip you want is the Char stants. For example, if I have for providing me with a
acter ROM chip, and you can the computer print -8 to the source of programs that I
order it from The Grapevine power of .5, it works fine. But have incorporated into an in
Group, 3 Chestnut Street, if I make X equal -8 and then tegrated computer-use pack
Suffern, New York 10901. The try to print X to the power of age for the teachers of my
latest price is $9.50 plus .5, it doesn't. Why is this? school board. Our education
$8.50 shipping costs to Mexi TARO WILLIAMS al system, like many, is facing
co. Ask for part number LAKE GENEVA, Wl
financial cutbacks, with little
Where to find chips C1225. You can order the
or no money available for com
chip by mail or by calling Computers follow a rule
and whether puters or software. Your pro
(914) 357-2424. Readers in called order of operations or grams filled that need. We
excessive poking can the U.S. can order by calling operator precedence, which have numerous 64s in our sys
(800) 292-7445. Ask for the tells them which functions or
be hazardous tem, and now we are able to
free catalogue of Commodore operations to perform before make much greater use of
to their health. and Amiga chips, too. others. For example, PRINT 3 them.
+ 2 ' 7 will give you a result of I selected programs from
Poked to Death? 17, not 35, because multiplica Gazette that provided word
Question: After about a year tion has a higher precedence processing, spreadsheet, da
of sustained use, the SID than addition. The result of 2 tabase, graphics, and key-
(Sound Interface Device) ' 7 is calculated before the 3 boarding skills. Other pro
chip in my Commodore 64 is added in. grams supplied language
has stopped functioning. Can The up-arrow (power) func arts, programming sugges
this be caused by misusing tion has a higher precedence tions, science, social studies,
the chip? For instance, is than the negation (-) function, and telecommunications re
there such a thing as exces as you'll see if you PRINT-4 f sources.
sive poking? 2. The 64 prints -16 as the an With the current wave of up
DONALD DRAPER swer. But squaring -4 should grading, many educators felt
result in a positive 16. not a neg that the 64 had nothing to of
ative one. What happens is fer. In fact, it has much to of
The SID chip is designed to that the result of 4 to the pow fer if it is utilized to the fullest
be poked. Such activity is con er of 2 is calculated; then the possible extent. The comput
sidered normal use and will minus sign is appended. ers are already in the system,
not damage it. In general, noth Although PRINT -8 1 .5 and the Gazette and well-writ
ing any program does will seems to work, you'll get an er ten public domain programs of
ever damage any of a com ror message if you try PRINT fer a viable way to provide for
puter's internal hardware. (-8) T .5. So It's not a matter integrated programming for
Like all other electronic com of variables versus constants; our students. Thank you.
ponents, SID chips occasion it's strictly a problem with rais CAROL A NAUSS
ally fail. The only cure is to ing a negative number to a CHESTER, NS
replace the chip. Replacing fractional power. CANADA
issue price. Clip or photocopy and mail completed
coupon today.
Individual issues of the disk are available for
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Why does this happen? It's file, we may use a subroutine BP 220 POKE J,X
AE 2 30 HEXT J
a conflict of two system rules. call to either $FFCF (INPUT) XS 240 IF TO301O THEN STOP
Rule 1: The INPUT# com or $FFE4 (GET). The result is XF 303 INPUT "NAME OF FILE";FS
JQ 310 OPEH 15,8,L5
mand always reads to the the same either way. FJ 129 OPEN 1,8,2,PS
dler is asked to deliver data A. We may test for end-of-file (SPACE}PRINT"FILE DOES
beyond the end of the file, it by looking at our system stat TURN>.": END
will supply a Return charac us variable ST That variable SE 3BH IF PEEK(8448>on THEN
ter. Combine these rules, and is located at hex address 90. [SPACEJWITH A SINGLE <R
you'll see that if the last line of In Commodore machines pri ETURN>.": END
a file is blank, the !NPUT# or to the VIC-20, it's located LTIPLE <RETURN> CHARS."
statement will continue to at address $96.
The Gazette
Harness the productivity
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friendly spreadsheet with all PRODUCTIVITY
the features you'd expect
in an expensive commercial package MANAGER
(separate 64 and 128 versions are included). TODAY!
Most commands can be performed with a single keypress!
your program recognizes. For
PP 200 DftTA 1,136,152,32,219,1
example, I recently wrote a 92,160,0,177,253,240,4
Readers have come through control menu. From that BK 220 DATA 0,239,22,24,173,23
again with some great tips. menu, I can press L to load a GB 230 DATA 56,165,253,233,5,1
gram that searches an area To simplify the selection of PA 263 DATA 191,192,32,204,192
of memory for text messages. the game-save option, I pro AH 270 DATA 133,254,104,133,25
Use these the area of ROM that contains key while the game is run 9,192,24,165,253,109,23
BASIC keywords and error ning, the character codes for
readers' tips to
GF 320 DATA 13 3,253,165,254,10
messages. You might try the G, S, and Y keys are put 5,0,133,254,396,0,0,0,3
read your searching the area of memo into the keyboard buffer and
64's memory, ry that contains BASIC pro read by the game's GET state Besides making a program
grams: 2049-40959. To do ment. This calls up the game- smaller, removing REM state
remove REM this, in line 10 make S equal control menu, selects the ments can make a program
statements, and to 2049 and E equal to save-game option, and an run faster because the comput
40959. I find this program use swers Y in response to the er no longer has to skip over
ful in searching for and read Are you sure (Y/N)? prompt. those descriptive but nonfunc
ing E-mail that I have neglect This gives me three keypress tional lines of code.
ed to read completely before es in one! At first glance, line 100
logging off QuantumLink. RICHARD R. HARVEL may appear to be missing a
You can make the text eas REM statement before the pro
ier to read as it prints to the REMover gram's name. Of course,
screen by pressing Return. when the program runs, BA
The following program re
This forces the program to SIC will interpret the first
moves all REM statements
print a carriage return. To three letters of the word as
from 64 BASIC programs. To
stop the program before it fin REM and pass on to the next
use this handy utility, load
ishes searching memory,
and run the program shown
line. This means you can test
press the back arrow key. the program on itself.
below. Then load the BASIC
BRIAN KISSINGER Be careful not to run this util
program containing the un
EVANSVILLE, IN ity on programs that have
wanted REM statements, and
GOTO or GOSUB commands
type SYS 49152.
Function Keys 128 that jump to iines that begin
When programming in BASIC SH 100 REMOVER
with a remark. Those tines
AJ 110 FOR 1=49152 TO 49392:RE
on the 128, the GET state ad D:POKE I,D:C=C+D:HEX will also be deleted.
ment doesn't return the Com T I VINCE TAGLE
modore 64 character codes {SPACE)"ERROR IN DATA S
for function keys (133-140) un TATEMENTS"
CA 130 DATA 24,165,43,105,2,13
less you execute a POKE 3,253,155,44,105,0,133
828,183 first, thus disabling JP 140 DATA 254,32,234,192,176 "Programmer's Page" is inter
the keys' preprogrammed def MK 150 DATA 133,253,165,254,10 ested in your programming
initions. (POKE 828,173 re 5,0,133,254,160,0,143,2 tips and tricks. Send all sub
turns the 128's function keys XK 160 DATA 240,9,201,143,240, missions to Programmer's
to normal.) 37,200,76,33,192 Page, COMPUTE'S Gazette,
FX 173 DATA 152,24,1B5,3,32,21
Rather than disabling the 9,192,32,204,192,176,13 324 West Wendover Avenue,
128's function key definitions, GS 130 DATA 24,165,253,105,2,1 Suite 200, Greensboro, North
you can use them to simulate 3
Carolina 27408. We pay $25-
a string of keypresses that GD 190 DATA 254,160,9,76,33,19 $50 for each tip we use. O
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Y, and status [flag] registers). runs the monitored program in full ing to try to stop it by hand at the right
To the left of PC is the space for the speed (real execution). Ultimate may spot. This mode can be canceled at an
full-speed Kernal routine indicator, an be corrupted if set at a bad address. ytime by pressing the @ (At) key.
asterisk (*). More about that later. This key is good for running through a
The most important feature of the stat large piece of code to get to a particu
us line is the command display field. lar point. It also sets up the Restore Use the J key to run through a subrou
This contains the opcode mnemonic of key to go to single-step mode. tine in slow motion until the correspond
the current instruction and the operand ing RTS is encountered. This means
field. The operand field can be toggled Restore that all nested subroutines will be exe
between two different types of displays Restore triggers Ultimate from full- cuted and normally the program will dis
for some commands. The secondary speed mode, breaks into the program, play the RTS command when it returns
mode is like a standard disassembler and enters single-step mode at the cur to single-step mode. Since this com
listing of the command. rent command. mand triggers off the emulated stack
The main display mode is what level, the program could also drop
gives Ultimate its powerful debugging back into single-step mode if two val
features. It has the ability to convert the The asterisk toggles the operand field ues are pulled from the stack or the
addressing mode into the actual mem display between disassembly mode stack pointer is incremented by 2 be
ory location used by the CPU and to dis and address-calculation mode. fore an RTS is encountered. This is use
play it on the status line. For example, ful in allowing you to see if the routine
if locations OE = 75, OF = 10, and f1 pulls its return address off the stack so
Y = AF, then the command above This function key toggles the status it can jump somewhere else. It's safe
would display as LDA $1124. You can line on and off without running the pro to enter J-mode anytime after a JSR. If
toggle between these two modes at an gram. It's used to view the current vid it's used outside of a subroutine, it may
ytime with the asterisk key, even view eo display area under the status line. never drop back into single-step
the two modes of the same command Single step (f7) and slow motion (S) mode on its own, but you can exit at an
without stepping. There are some com are the only valid keys while the status ytime with the @ (At) key.
mands that will show an address line is off.
(branches, RTS, JSR, and so on) that
look identical. The command field also H P sets the emulated PC to a new ad
indicates the address of the destina Hunt allows you to enter an address dress; the beginning of a program; or
tion if a branch is taken. An RTS will dis that is the actual computed address op the end of a loop, subroutine, or wher
play the actual address of the com erand of a command. The program ever. The new address is entered in
mand after the JSR, not the address 1 runs in slow motion until it finds a com the PC space on the status line. After
that it pulls off the stack. There are mand that uses that address. This is the address has been entered, the val
some other features used in the status useful for seeing when a particular mem ue will reverse to show that you have to
display, but these will be discussed in ory location is accessed in a program. make a decision. You must either
the appropriate key description below. If the hunt is successful and the status press Return or f3. Return resets the em
line displays the command line and ulated stack pointer to the top of the
Key Functions PC, you can toggle the display mode stack, $FF. This is useful when restart
A single keystroke activates many of Ul- (*) or look at the source code listing. ing the monitored program so that
timate's key features. Hunt can also be exited at anytime stack doesn't wrap around. Pressing f3
with the @ (At) key. will not change the current stack point
F7 er. This is useful for going to the begin
Pressing f7 executes the next program R ning of a loop or jumping over some
instruction and displays the results on The R key will let the program run until code where you may need the values
the status line. an address is reached. Enter the PC of that are on the program's stack. Noth
any command in the code and then ing changes but the location of where
the program will run in slow motion un the monitor reads the next command.
Press S to enter slow motion program til the command is ready to be execut
emulation from single-step mode. The ed. This means that when the single- D
approximate execution speed of this step mode display comes on, the com Dump has the same usage as Hunt ex
mode varies greatly, but generally mand before the one you selected will cept that all occurrences of the desired
takes about 150 times longer than real be on the display line. That is because address usage (PC) are sent to the
execution speed. If there are a lot of when a command is shown, it has al printer. This will not stop until the @ (At)
Kernal routines, the Kernal mode can ready been executed and the new PC key is pressed to cancel the mode.
speed up the program considerably. has been calculated. This is useful to
get the program to the beginning of a K
specific subroutine or section of code This key toggles Kernal mode, the de
The back arrow exits the monitor and that you are interested in without hav sired execution mode of calls to Kernal
subroutines listed in the Kernal jump ta you loaded the monitor to at the begin modes. You may find it useful to turn
ble ($FF81-$FFF3). The default mode ning of the session. If you do this, you off multicolor mode to read the status
is step-by-step emulation (in single- must change it back before you contin line clearly and then turn it back on.
step or slow mode). The special mode ue, or the monitored program may
is full-speed execution, which is desig crash.
nated by an asterisk to the left of PC G toggles hi-res display between text
on the status line. A, X, orY mode and hi-res mode. This is for see
This mode is useful for speeding up Enter a new value into a CPU register. ing the status line should the display
programs with heavy Kernal usage After a value is entered, it will reverse mode change while single stepping
where you are only concerned with the to show that you have to make a deci (like W key). Note that the proper
routine's net effect on the program. It al sion. Return will modify the emulated mode will be selected automatically
so allows serial bus I/O routines such status register like an LDA command, when changing between single-step,
as disk access even in single-step while 13 will leave the flags unchanged. slow, and full-speed modes.
mode. Most Kernal routines that use These features may be useful for alter
the serial bus cannot be successfully ing loop indexes or putting a keycode Del
single stepped. Note that if the Kernal into A to be checked when letting the The Delete key has two functions. It re
LOAD is used, the monitor program program go to the routine that handles prints the current status line with the
could be corrupted because the self- the key. command after using M or F keys, and
protection feature is temporarily disa cancels data-entry modes of any keys
bled. W requiring hex input, such as H or P.
If the Kernal mode is off, single- W redisplays the status line in the cur
step mode will still let you choose how rent screen configuration. This is use
to execute each Kernal call. When you ful in single-step mode when stepping The @ (At) key cancels any slow-mo
get to a Kernal call, the address of the through code that alters VIC parame tion mode (from S, J, R, H, or D) back
routine will reverse. Return will execute ters and the screen changes so you to single-step mode.
the routine in full speed, and f3 will can't see the status line anymore. Press
take it out of reverse mode and allow ing W will recover it without stepping. Operational Notes
you to continue to single step through Not only are the regular 56 commands
the routine. of the 6502 interpreted, but also the 14
If you press Return, the routine will ex C cycles the color of the status line quasi-opcodes as defined by Raeto Col-
ecute, and the next command shown text for text mode and hi-res mode stat lin West in "Programming the 64" by
will be the RTS of the routine. Also, the us line displays independently. All 16 COMPUTE books. Most of these op
PC will show the address of the routine colors are available. A separate color codes have reproducible results, al
itself and will be reversed to show that can be locked in for each mode and though many don't seem to lend them
you just executed that Kernal routine. will stay the same even if you toggle be selves to most programming tasks.
The RTS shows where the program is tween monitor and full-speed modes. The new mnemonics that you may en
returning to. If Kernal mode is on, then You won't have to change it after switch counter while experimenting are ASO,
all Kernal routines will be executed in ing modes. RLA, LSE, RRA, AXS, LAX, DCMh INS,
full speed with results as mentioned In hi-res mode, the foreground and ALR, ARR, OAL, SAX, SKB, and SKW.
above. background colors are changed. Whiie there isn't enough space to dis
Since the background color changes cuss quasi-ops at length, most of
only after all 16 foreground colors them essentially decode in a way that
Fill lets you change the contents of any have changed, it may take a while to is similar to the LDA-type commands.
memory location. Note that the monitor get the desired color combination. If SKB branches over (skips) one byte,
will not protect itself, so use caution you know the color codes that you and SKW skips two.
when altering any monitor parameters want for the foreground and back These codes are included here
given in the article. ground, you can put the proper value when most other monitors ignore them
into START + S052D. (See F key because some software may use them
M above.) The value should be in the fol to hide codes.
Memory will let you examine the con lowing format: High nybble equals back Another debugging feature is that Ul
tents of a memory location. For areas ground; low nybble equals foreground. timate stops automatically at a BRK or
that have layers of memory such as See any 64 reference book for more de any invalid commands. BRK com
SD000 (character ROM and I/O device tails. To actually implement the color af mands can be continued normally, but
RAM), the memory configuration used ter changing the memory value, hit f1 invalid opcodes will display three
by the monitored program determines twice. back arrows (*~«~*~) and the hex value
where the value comes from. To view a of the invalid opcode that has been en
different area, alter the offset value, V countered. At this point, reset the PC
START + $0055, with the Fill com V toggles multicolor mode. This key to a new piece of code to continue.
mand. START is equal to the address will have effects in both text and hi-res Ultimate executes quasi-ops like it ex-
8228:4C 31 82 EE EF 84 AD EF BB 8458:A2 0E D0 DD A2 0C A0 24 D3
8000:EA EA EA A5 03 48 20 B9 1C 8230:84 8D 62 85 20 63 85 4C 65 8460:A9 00 30 4B F0 27 4A B0 62
8008:E3 BA CA 9A 68 85 03 18 24 8238:C8 80 C9 25 D0 16 AD EE 76 8468:0B 4A B0 32 20 81 84 AD 80
8010:69 0D 48 A9 43 48 60 20 C8 8240:89 49 01 8D EE 89 4A 90 18 8470:D7 82 D0 07 88 20 81 34 DC
8018:2F 83 29 EF 8D 49 8D BA ID 8248:03 A9 2A 2C A9 20 8D 9F C9 8478:AD 3F 84 20 BE 84 4C 93 EE
8020:8E B2 82 20 3E 83 A9 C0 7B 8250:8A 4C C2 80 C9 12 D0 32 78 8480:84 A9 20 20 21 87 D0 13 18
802a:8D 18 03 A9 82 8D 19 03 70 8258:20 D9 86 A9 80 8D 67 83 DB 8488:A2 09 20 90 84 20 93 34 82
8030:A9 81 8D 71 86 A2 00 BD AB 8260IA9 04 20 Bl FF 20 BE ED 46 8490:20 99 84 20 99 84 20 99 SB
8038:00 01 9D 4A 8D E8 D0 F7 7B 8268:A0 00 20 84 82 AD DD 82 13 8498:84 A9 20 4C 21 87 20 81 FF
8040:8E 73 86 CA 9A A9 7B 8D E2 8270:20 BE 84 AD DC 82 20 BE 90 84A0:84 AD 02 82 20 BE 84 AD 8C
8048:E0 83 20 34 8A 20 13 83 60 8278:84 C8 20 84 82 4C EC 80 DD 84A8:D1 82 20 BE 84 D0 EA 20 88
8050:20 Cl 82 78 A9 00 85 01 03 8280:20 A8 FF C8 B9 C7 8A 10 5E 84B0:81 84 AD D9 82 20 BE 84 85
8058:A0 00 8C 61 84 8C 03 86 34 8288:F7 60 C9 39 D0 A9 20 92 6E 84B8:AD D8 82 4C AA 84 48 4A 26
8060:8C 96 83 8C BB 83 8C D9 65 8290:86 AD 55 80 85 01 A2 00 6C 84C0:4A 4A 4A 20 C9 34 68 29 27
8068:82 8C 49 84 23 D0 82 A8 31 8298:BD 4A 3D 9D 00 01 E8 D0 41 84C8:0F 78 F8 18 69 90 2C 67 65
8070:BE ED 8A 8E E0 83 BC EF 05 82A0:F7 A9 17 8D 18 03 8D 16 C5 84D0:83 30 05 90 03 69 00 2C 3B
8078:8B B9 C8 8C 8D 86 80 B9 DO 82A8:03 A9 80 8D 19 03 8D 17 89 84D8:69 40 08 58 2C 67 83 10 5D
8(J80:C9 BC 80 87 80 20 FF FF 38 82B0:03 A2 00 9A AD D2 82 48 BF 84E0I03 4C A8 FF 90 9F 8A E8 FC
8088:20 3E 83 A9 00 F0 33 58 B6 82B8:AD Dl 82 48 20 20 83 08 6E 84E8:60 A9 DB 8D 67 85 A9 01 86
8090:10 08 AD B2 82 CD DC 82 04 82C0:49 20 E9 84 A9 00 8D 8C 68 84F9:8D 62 85 A9 FF 8D E8 8C 39
8O98:B0 25 A9 DF 8D 00 DC AD 42 82C8:80 8D 86 85 8D 67 83 60 0C 84F8:8D E9 8C AD 11 D0 29 20 ED
80A0:01 DC C9 BF F0 11 A9 00 AD 82D0:BD FF FF 99 D7 82 60 EA C0 8500:F0 3C 20 6C 85 8D 67 85 14
80A8:F0 05 CE A7 80 F0 05 20 A9 82D8:EA EA 60 EA EA EA 63 A9 35 8508:29 C0 8D S9 8C AD 18 00 44
80B0:55 83 F0 0B 4C 53 80 A9 66 S2E0:40 8D 61 84 20 Cl 82 F0 DB 8510:29 08 0A 0A 0D E9 8C 09 C5
80B8:0D 20 A8 FF 20 AE FF 20 39 S2E8:08 A9 03 2C A9 02 2C A9 D6 8518:1E 8D E9 8C 80 Dl 86 AA 07
80C0:C1 82 20 CE 83 20 85 85 61 82F0:01 8D F9 82 18 20 13 83 2C 8520:E8 8E EB 8C A9 00 8D E8 DA
80C8:20 36 87 F0 F5 C9 03 F0 35 82F8:69 00 8D Dl 82 AD D2 82 74 8528:8C 8D D0 36 A9 10 8D 62 6A
80D0:3D C9 04 D0 13 AD 86 85 52 8300:69 00 8D D2 82 60 AD D2 5E 8530:85 A9 9A 8D D3 36 A9 8E 2F
80D8:49 01 8D 86 85 F0 B0 20 AA 8308:82 8D D9 82 AD Dl 82 8D 5E 8538:8D D4 86 20 C2 86 20 6C
1081: 7D 7D 7D 7E 7C 00 IF 23 9C ing each attack. If you shoot down all FM 150 FOR 1=1 TO 35
KC 160 X=INT(RND(.)*35)+l
1089: 7D 7D 7D 7E 7C 00 D9 CF C6 three, you will have saved the city.
1091: D5 A0 C4 C9 C5 C4 AE A0 39 FC 170 FOR CK=1 TO35:IF X=Y(CK
1099: D0 CC Cl D9 A0 Cl C7 Cl 88 )THEN160
10A1: C9 CE BF A0 D9 AF CE 00 87
Modifications SM 180 NEXTCK:¥(I)=X
10A9: D9 CF D5 A0 D7 CF CE Al AC
Scud was written to help teach the BD 190 C0S(X)=QSU) :CA$(X)=A$(
10BI: Al 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 names and capitals of the countries of I):NEXTI
the Americas. Since Scud is written en GS 200 SC=0:FORI=1TO4:POKEV+I,
T L_t £>£< + > <7>":FORDE = 1T
(RVS} {OFFHN>BP{@}NP" DG 770 POKE2040,197:POKEV+39,1 +31,0:GOTO200
CR 450 PRINT" {3 SPACESTtBL^To 1:POKEV,255:POKEV+1,220 PC 970 POKEV+21,0
ll:POKEV+40,6 BM 800 IF (PEEK(V+31)AND1)=1 T AM 990 PRINT" HAVE{4 SPACESjSA
Typing It In
CRYPTARITHM SOLVER Cryptarithm Solver is written in BASIC,
tions, be sure to enter an asterisk for
By David Pankhurst but it pokes machine language rou Cryptarithm Solver works at ML
When I first bought my Commodore, I tines into memory to speed calcula speeds, but even that isn't fast enough
used it often to solve math problems. I tions. To help avoid typing errors, en for instantaneous results. Depending
liked the brute-force approach the com ter the program with The Automatic on the formula, the program can per
puter allowed. I'd just have a series of Proofreader; see "Typing Aids" else form as many as 60 tests a second, so
FOR-NEXT loops go through the possible where in this section. Be sure to save it would still take half a day to solve
answers until a solution would appear. a copy of the program before you try to some puzzles.
That was fine most of the time, but even run it.
tually I came across a type of math prob Even Faster
lem the computer couldn't help me with, Solving Equations One way to shorten the time is to put
the cryptarithm. You've no doubt seen When you run Cryptarithm Solver, the the result first on the line. As an exam
this type of problem before. program will prompt you for a puzzle. ple, look at MONEY=SEND+MORE.
To solve the above problem, enter it in Cryptarithm Solver starts by assigning
HELP the following format. (You may use low 1 to M; usually, that is the correct digit
+ THE ercase letters.) for the first place in the sum. So, you
can save testing for the other eight dig
YOUNG HELP+THE=YOUNG its, and this can mean solving most puz
zles in less than an hour. The exam
Each letter represents a different digit, After you press Return, the program ples here ranged from 40 seconds to
0-9. In this example, there are ten dif displays a constantly changing sum in three hours, using these tips.
ferent tetters, so all ten digits are the bottom of the screen. This is a win
used. The words HELP and THE each dow into the processing of the pro Other Languages
make numbers that, when added to gram. The display is the test result pro Cryptarithm Solver is not restricted to
gether, match the result in YOUNG. duced by each combination. Usually, English. It also works in French.
There are no restrictions, except that 0 the result is wrong, and the next com
can't be the first digit in any number. bination is then tried. However, when ELEVE+LECON=DEVOlR
Clearly, this isn't a simple loop prob the result is true, the solution is dis
lem. Let's say the H above was as played, along with the time it took to This translates loosely to become STU
signed 1; the E, 2; the L, 3; and so on find. Processing then continues with DENT+LE$SONS=HOMEWORK, If we
throughout the puzzle. A sample addi the next combination. entered the words into Cryptarithm
tion could then be tried, and the result Solver as ELEVE+LECON=DEVOIR,
checked. No Key Words the D (which logically is 1), would be as
So how many times does this need You need to watch out for one thing signed 7, and it would have to go
to be done? To completely check the when you're preparing input for Cryp through the whole cycle to solve. By re
puzzle. H has to be tried out for each tarithm Solver. If you typed SEND + versing the order, D is assigned 1 im
of the 9 digits (leaving out 0), E by MORE = MONEY, the program would mediately, and the solution is that
each of the remaining 9, the L by the display an error message informing much quicker. It took me 64 minutes.
remaining 8, and so on. This gives ap you that the words contained an em (I'll give you this one. The answer is
proximately 9x9x8x7x6x5x bedded BASIC function or command. 69656 + 96078 = 165734.)
4x3x2x1 choices, or 3,265,920 dif This is because the BASIC commands When the program finds a solution,
ferent combinations. That's a lot of END, OR, and ON are embedded in leave it running to search for other an
loops in BASIC! If the 64 managed one the formula, and the computer tries to swers. When all reasonable solutions
calculation per second, it would take encode these as commands. To avoid have been tried, however, you'll want
more than 35 days to complete. this problem, insert spaces between to stop it. To quit, hold down the Q
the letters. SEND + MORE = MO key. You'll be asked if you wish to con
To the Rescue N E /would work fine. tinue. Press Y to continue or N to stop.
Enter machine language. Cryptarithm Cryptarithm Solver works well with all To slow the action, hold down the Ctrl
Solver brings ML brute force to these sorts of mathematical operations, not key. But be warned; the solutions take
puzzles. In a matter of hours, it can just addition. One example is the follow much longer.
solve most cryptarithms. A puzzle is ing multiplication. I hope you enjoy Cryptarithm
first broken up into combinations, and Solver, yet one more way the brute-
the computer tries different substitu ABCDE*9=FGHIJ force methods of computing can yield
tions for each letter. practical results and eliminate all that
If the result is correct (totals on both Entering it this way fixes the 9; only let difficult thinking for us humans. To end,
sides of the equal sign match) the puz ters are changed in the puzzle. By the here are two more puzzles:
zle is solved. The program then goes way, there are two solutions to this puz
on to see if there are other solutions. zle. As with other computer math opera PETER+PETER+PETER+PETER=REPEAT
MARS+VENUS+SATURN+URANUS=NEPTUNE $="Y"THEN270 D5 640 DATA 255,162,255,202,20
T"INT(Tl/6)/10 "SECONDS KC 650 DATA 208,248,170,202,13
":END 8,208,241
PH 100 REM COPYRIGHT 1993 - CO DD 350 TIS="000000":DS=1984:IF XM 660 DATA 174,{2 SPACES}0,19
VED RC 360 DX=50432:NX=DX+1:MX=NX+ HQ 673 DATA 140,(2 SPACES}1,19
RH 105 POKE 53280,0:POKE 53281 l:X=MX+l:T=X+80:CM=T+8fl 7,174,163,197,169
,0:PRINT"{CLR}{YEL}{H} :C=CM+1:PC=C+30:P=PC+1: AD 680 DATA{3 SPACES}0,157, 83
{N}" R=P+80 ,197,202, 16,250
ITHMS{2 SPACES }S_OLVER RS 400 RESTORErFOR 1=0 TO-1 ST 7,169,255,202, 48
AQ 120 PRINT"{11 SPACES}BY D.P EP-l:REAn Y$:I»VAL(YS)= AX 700 DATA(3 SPACES}9,188,
ANKHURST -1:NEXT:X= 49152:DATA - [2 SPACES}3,197,153, 83
BX 130 PRINT 1 ,197
JM DATA 202, 16,247,173,
XB 150 DIM L(20):L=0:GOSUB350: KE X,Y:X=X+1:GOTO 410 {2 SPACES}1,197,205
PP=P:YS="1023456789" KA 420 RETURN HB 720 DATA 163,197,240,
EM 160 FOR 1=1 TO LEN(YS):POKE HP 430 DATA{2 SPACES}24,144, 3 (2 SPACES}2,176, 48,172
C-1+I,ASC(MID$(Y$,I,1) 0, 76,{2 SPACES}9,192, KQ 730 DATA{3 SPACES}1,197,185
):NEXT:POKE CM,LEN(YS)- {SPACEJ56 , 83,197,208, 12
1 AQ 440 DATA 176, 24,165,122, 7 RP 740 DATA 174,{2 SPACES}0,19
AR 170 FOR 1 = 1 TO LEtJ (X$) :POKE 2,165,123 7,173,{2 SPACESjl,197,1
511+1,ASC(MIDS(XS,1,1) PC 450 DATA{2 SPACES}72,169, 57
):NEXT:POKE I,0:SYS 491 {2 SPACES}2,133,123,169 QQ 750 DATA{3 SPACES}3,197, 76
55 ,{2 SPACES}0 ,235,192,238,(2 SPACES}
SD 174 FOR J=l TO I-llIF PEEK( SH 460 DATA 133,122, 32,124,16 1
51X+J)THEN 178 5,104,133 RX 760 DATA 197, 76,199,192,17
AM 176 PRINT"{RVS} EMBEDDED Bfl SE 470 DATA 123,104,133,122, 9 3,{2 SPACES}0,197
{OFF}":END FK 480 DATA 197,141,(2 SPACES} 7,208 ,{2 SPACES}3, 76,
GE 178 NEXT:Y=1 0,197,165,122, 72 {SPACE}63
JX 180 IF PEEK{511+Y)<>0 THEN XH 490 DATA 165,123, 72,176, RF 780 DATA 192, 238,{2 SPACES}
{SPACE}Y=Y+1:GOTO 180 {2 SPACES}6, 32, 63 0,197 ,169 ,{2 SPACES}0,1
QQ 190 FOR K=l TO Y-1:C=PEEK(5 KR 500 DATA 192, 76, 56,192, 3 41
11+K):CS=CHRS(C):IF CS< 2,137,192 HM 790 DATA{3 SPACES}1,197, 76
"A" OR CS>"Z" THEN250 ER 510 DATA 104,133,123,104,13 ,171, 192, 206,{2 SPACES}
PX 200 IF L=0 THEN230 3,122, 96 \J
CR 210 Y=-1:FOR 1=0 TO L-1:IF FB 520 DATA 174,244,197,142, 6 EM 800 DATA 197, 16,155,162,25
{SPACE}L(I)=C THEN Y=I 9,198,206 5, 96
CG 220 NEXT:IF YO-1 THEN240 JD 530 DATA{2 SPACES}69,198,17 XK 810 DATA -2
PA 230 L(L)=C:Y=L:L«L+1 4, 69,198,188,245
SA 240 POKE PP,K:POKE PP+1,Y:P KM 540 DATA 197,190,(2 SPACES}
P=PP+2 3,197,189,164,197
David Pankhurst, the author of the
HC 250 NEXT:POKE PC,PP-P:FOR I JE 550 DATA 206, 69,198,174, 6 Calc II spreadsheet, lives in Montreal,
=0 TO L-1:POKE X+I,I:NE 9,198, 48 Quebec, Canada.
XT:POKE MX,L-1 PA 560 DATA{2 SPACES}15,188,24
DC 260 PRINT"{CLR}";:F=0 5,197,153,192,
XS;:SYS 49152 HP 570 DATA 153,255,(2 SPACES}
By Henry Sopko
MS 280 POKE 198,0:Y=PEEK(781) 1,174, 69,198, 76
EB 290 IF Y=255 AND F=0 THEN P DATA{2 SPACES}69,192,16 Focus attention to where you want it on
SC 580
RINT:PRINT"{UP}{RVS} SO 9,255,162,(2 SPACES}1,1 screen with Flasher 64. You can make
RRY-NO MATCH {OFF}":GOT 33 words or graphic characters flash, scroll
0340 HB 590 DATA 122,134,123, 32,11 the screen while they flash, and have as
SC 300 IF Y = 255 THEN PRINT:PRI 5,(2 SPACES}0, 32 many characters flashing as you want.
NT"{UP}{RVS} END OF LIS RS 600 DATA 158,173,165, 97,24
Flasher 64 is a short machine lan
TS (OFF}":GOTO340 0,(2 SPACES}3,162
guage program. To enter it, use MLX, our
PP 310 IF YO1 THEN330 HQ 610 DATA{3 SPACESU* 96,165
F=F+1:PRINT"{2 SPACES}" ,197,201, 62,208
machine language entry program. See
DK 320
INT(T1/6)/10"SECONDS";: JJ 620 DATA{3 SPACES}3,162, "Typing Aids" elsewhere in this section.
PRINT:PRINT" "X$;:SYS 4 (2 SPACESJ0, 96,173,141 When MLX prompts, respond with the fol
9158:GOTO280 , (2 SPACES}2 lowing addresses.
QH 330 IF Y=0 THEN PRINT" HD 630 DATA 201,{2 SPACES}4,20
{2 SPACES}CONTINUB?";:W 8, 17,169,[2 SPACES}5,1 Starting address: CCOO
AIT 198,255:GET Y$:IF Y 60
Ending address: CDF7
Be sure to save a copy of the program the commands CHR$(15) and CC8 0 :CC 85 D2 A9 04 8D SB 02 40
before you exit MLX. CHR$(143) to turn on and off the flash CC8S :A9 00 BD 95 CC AD 91 CC 0F
With just two commands, you can ing sequence. CC90 :60 00 00 00 00 00 8E 91 09
CC98 :CC 8C 92 CC A2 00 A9 FF 43
make a word or a graphic character For example, after you've entered
CCA0 :A2 00 AS C8 86 FB 84 FC 56
flash anywhere on the screen. As with the SYS command, enter the following
CCA8 ;A0 00 91 FB C8 C0 00 D0 9E
the 128 in 80 columns, you can use line in immediate mode. CCB0 :F9 E8 E0 04 F0 05 E6 FC 44
the command CHR${15) to turn on the CCB8 :4C AA CC A9 FE 8D E8 CB 23
flashing and use CHR$(143) to turn it PRINTCHH$(15)"FLASH 0N"CHR$(143) CCC0 :A9 93 AE 91 CC 60 08 48 43
CCC8 ;8A 48 98 48 E6 02 A6 02 DF
off. All characters can be made to 11 FLASH OFF"
CCD0 :E0 14 F0 03 4C 21 CD A2 53
flash with the exception of characters CCD8 :00 86 02 A2 00 A0 C8 86 19
254 and 255. These two characters are It's also possible to turn off all or CCE0 :FB 84 FC A2 00 A0 04 86 74
used in a special way in the program. just part of a flashing word. Simply CCE8 :FD 84 FE Afl 00 Bl FB C9 15
However, they can be used in the non- send the character 255 to the second CCF0 :FE F0 28 C9 FF D0 08 CB 04
cel the printing of the character(s) to you've studied the demo, you should CDB8 :84 02 A2 A0 84 FB 86 FC 93
CDC0 :A2 00 Bl FB 91 FB C8 D0 82
the second screen and resume print easily be able to use Flasher 64 in
CDC8 :F9 E8 E0 20 F0 05 E6 FC 20
ing them to the main screen. While your own programs.
CDD0 :4C C2 CD E6 02 A5 02 C9 DF
this is happening, the IRQ routine is Some cartridges may interfere with CDD8 :G2 F0 07 A2 E0 86 FC 4C 24
scanning for characters on the second Flasher 64. To use the program with Su CDE0 :C0 CD A2 9A A0 CD 8E 0F B6
screen. Any character other than 255 per Snapshot v5, use the cartridge's CDE8 :E9 8C 10 E9 A2 A9 A0 CD 08
CDF0 :8E 14 E9 8C 15 E9 60 00 EF
will be printed to the main screen locat >Q command to quit the wedge since
ed at $0400 (1024). Flasher 64 changes the IBSOUT vec
Two phases are required to make tors to point to its own routine. This prob
characters flash. The first phase puts lem occurs only in the direct mode.
the characters on the screen, while the GHTS RESERVED
second fills them with blank spaces giv FLASHER 64 DR 10 REM FLASHER 64 DEMO
ing the effect of flashing characters. KG 20 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0
CC00:20 B6 CD A2 75 86 01 20 23
Also, it was necessary to copy the CC08:96 CC A9 20 78 A2 C6 A0 D3 KQ 30 IFL=0THENL=1:LOAD"FLASHE
BASIC ROM and the Kernal ROM to R 64.ML",8,1
CC10:CC 8E 14 03 8C 15 03 58 7D
the underlying RAM to support the CC18:A2 00 86 92 A2 26 A0 CC B8
CC20:8E 26 03 8C 27 03 8E 94 AA SHER 64
scrolling of the flashing characters. A EH 50 :
CC28-.CC AE 95 CC F0 06 20 7B AE
few changes were made to the Kernal CD 60 PRINTCHR${147);:REM CLEA
CC30:CC 20 60 CC C9 93 F0 22 Bl
so that the two screens would be in CC38:C9 0F D0 03 20 60 CC C9 AA RS SCREENS
sync with each other when the screen CC40:8F D0 03 20 7B CC C9 E7
is scrolled. CC48:D0 0A AE 88 02 E0 08 90 5F {YELjDEMO OF FLASHER 64"
CC50:03 20 7B CC AE 94 CC 4C 50 FM 80 PRINT
To use Flasher 64 in your program,
CC58:CA Fl 20 96 CC 4C 38 CC 16 KC 90 PRINT"{WHT}USE THE COMMA
you must first execute the program
CC60;8D 91 CC A5 D2 8D 92 CC D7 ND: {RED}PRINTCHRS(15)
with SYS 52224. Do this only at the be CC68:18 69 C4 85 D2 A9 C8 8D B5 {2 SPACESjTO TURN ON FLA
ginning of your program. After you CC70:88 02 A9 01 8D 95 CC AD IE SHING"
have issued this SYS command, use CC78:91 CC 60 8D 91 CC AD 92 A0 KR 100 PRINT"{RVS}{CYN)EG:
{OFF}{2 SPACES}PRINTCHR TS ALL FOLKS!{OFF} "CHR Option 3 is where you enter your
5(15)"CHRS(34)"FLASHER $(143)"{WHT}***********
text. Before you start, however, you
PR 110 must indicate the left or right margin set
OW ON":REM COMMAND TO T ting from which your entries will print.
URN ON FLASHING Henry Sopko lives in Hamilton, Ontar The program will pack data to the
KB 120 FORD=lTO6000:NEXT io. Canada. right of a left margin or immediately to
QA 130 PRINT:PRINT"{WHT}USE TH the left of a right margin.
After you've entered the margin set
for this particular entry and
By Donald G. Klich pressed Return, you'll be prompted to
{OFF}{2 SPACES}PRINTCHR This program was designed to lei you enter the phrase or line of text to be
S(15)"CHR$(34)"FLASH ON use your 64 or 128 as a typewriter for fill printed. Press Return to print. If you
"CHRS(34)"CHRS (143)"CHR ing in the blanks on preprinted forms, ad need linefeeds to move the print
9(34); dressing envelopes, typing labels, and head, you'll have that option after you
BS 150 PRINT" FLASH OFF"CHR$(3 other such tasks. Preprinted forms are print each entry. To return to the menu,
usually designed with vertical spacing of press the up-arrow (T) key.
six lines to the inch, the same as most Option 4 permits you to select any
KS 170 FORD=1TO6000:NEXT:REM D printers. Therefore Type-Sim allows you additional linefeeds you may require to
ELAY LOOP to set your printer on the first entry line move down the form.
KB 180 PRINT:PRINT"{WHT}USE TH and move down the form as necessary. Option 5 exits the program.
E COMMAND: {RED}PRINTCH With Type-Sim you can set a left or right
R$(15)"CHR$(34)"{RVS} margin to orient your entries. TYPE-SIM
CP 200 PRINT:PRINT"{RVS}{CYN}E The program is written in BASIC 2.0
G:{OPF}{2 SPACES}PRINTC and will run on either the 64 or 128.
GB 30 POKE53281,0:POKE53283,0:
HR$(15)"CHR$(34)"FLASH Use The Automatic Proofreader to OPEN1,4:PRINT"{CLR}"SPC(
{SPACE}OM"CHRS(34):PRIN avoid typing errors. See "Typing Aids" 8)"{2 DOWN}{BLU}UCCCCCCC
elsewhere in this section. Be sure to CCCCCCCCCCCCCI"
save your program before using it. To XH 40 PRINT"{BLU}{8 SPACES}^
take advantage of Type-Sim's upper- {1JTYPEWRITER SIMULATOR
CM 230 PRINT:PRINT"{CYN}(RVS}E and lowercase printing, be sure your
G:{OFF}{2 SPACES}PRINTC printer is in the ASCII conversion
HR$(15)"CHRS(34)"{RVS} mode or an equivalent mode. {10 SPACES}MENU OF OPERA
{7 B}"CHR$(34); TIONS:"
When you run Type-Sim, you'll see a {RVS}{YEL}1{OFF}{WHT} SE
menu that offers four data-entry oper T UP FORM IN PRINTER"
ations (options) and an exit option. Op RB 70 PRINT"{7 SPACES}{RVS}
EK 260 REM IF PEEK(146)=1 THEN tion 1 allows you to set up a form in the
CHARACTERS ARE ON SCRE printer so that your text will print in the DA 80 PRINT"{7 SPACES}{RVS}
EN desired location. You must first supply {YEL}3{OFF}{WHT} INPUT T
EK 270 REM IF PEEK(146)=0 THEN a column position, perhaps along the YPING ROUTINE"
edge of the form, where you can test- RR 90 PRINT"{7 SPACES}{RVS}
print an X. When the Xprints, the com (YEL}4{OFF){WHT} EXTRA L
BD 280
CG 290 IFPEEK(146)O1THEN250:R puter sends a backspace and a re
EM | verse linefeed. You should adjust the
BE 300 PRINT"{4 UP}";:REM MOVE form to make sure the printing is in the ROGRAM"
UP TO WORD desired location. You can repeat the op FP 110 GOSUB440:ONVAL(A$)GOTO1
MH 310 PRINTCHRS (15) "{RVS} tion by pressing the space bar. When 20,190,250,410,430:GOTO
{8 B>"
the form is correctly positioned, press 110
Return to go back to the menu. SA 120 PRINT"{3 DOWN}{GRN}TO A
QX 330 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT Option 2 allows you to select wheth
CG 340 PRINT"SCROLL FLASHING C er the following entries will be left (L) or
HARACTERS OFF SCREEN" right (R) justified. For instance, a busi PEATED <1>X{GRN} CAN BE
HK 350 FORX=1T024:FORD=1T025:N ness address would be left oriented PRINTED"
EXTD:PRINT:NEXTX while entries on an income tax form SC 140 PRINT"{DOWN}USE SPACE T
GF 360 PRINT"{WHT}***********"
would be right oriented. See the next 0 REPEAT THE <1>X{GRN}
option for setting margin settings. {SPACE}AND RETURN TO EX
#1,CHRS(27);CHRS(106);C {CLR}"CHRS(142):GOTO50
EH 170 GOSUB440:IFA$=CHR$(32)T
In addition to the type-in programs
HQ 400 GOTO250
HEN160 PD 410 PRINT"{GRN}{2 DOWN} found in each issue of the magazine,
CX 180 IFA$=CHRS(13)THEN50 {5 SPACES}ENTER NUMBER Gazette Disk offers bonus programs.
FG 190 PRINT"{2 DOWN}{GRNjENTE {SPACE}OF LINE FEEDS";: Here's a special program that you'll
R AN {YEL}L{GRN} IF YOU INPUTAS:IFVAL(A$)=0THEN find only on this month's disk.
By Robert Quinn
{GRN} IF YOU ARE PLANHI RJ 440 A$="":GETA$:IFA$=""THEN Kooringall, Waga Waga
NG TO" 440 NSW, Australia
ES TO THE RIGHT":PRINT" This month's bonus program is a
L/R?{2 SPACES}";:GOSUB4 tough, thinking-person's game for
40:M$=-A$ Donald Klich is a frequent contributor.
the 64 that can be played from the
CQ 230 PRINTMS:IFM$O"L"ANDMS< His most recent program, CrossRef
keyboard or joystick. The game be
>"R"THEN190 128, appeared in the May 1993 issue.
GD 240 GOTO50 gins with a playing field that's filled
He lives in Mount Prospect, illinois. O
PA 250 PRINTCHRS(14) with single-digit numbers, random
GP 260 IFM$O"L"ANDM$O"R"THEN boxes, squares, and open spaces.
PRINT"{2 DOWN}<1} The object of Mergee is to move
{4 SPACES}L OR R LOCATO the numbers around so that they
R ?":PRINTCHRS(142):GOT merge with other numbers and disap
MLX, our machine language entry pear from play. Only like digits can
program for the 64 and 128, and merge, however, and when ali of the
AN UP ARROW ({YELT} numbers are gone, the game is
The Automatic Proofreader are util
{GRN}) TO QUIT" over. The rules are simple, but there
ities that help you type in Gazette
EK 280 LOS="LEFT":IFM$="R"THEN are a few surprises waiting for you
programs without making mis
LOS="RIGHT" that'll make Mergee almost as frus
SA 290 A$="":PRINT"{GRN} ENTER takes. To make room for more pro
trating to play as it is entertaining.
THE PRINT POSITION FOR grams, we no longer include
YOUR ";LOS;:INPUT" MAR these labor-saving utilities in eve Public Domain Programs
GIN";A$ ry issue, but they can be found on
each Gazette Disk and are printed Don't forget that Gazette Disk now
QG 310 IFVAL(AS)>80ORAS=""THEN in all issues of Gazette through contains the best of public domain
250 June 1990. programs and shareware. For a com
PM 320 P=VAL(A$):A$="":PRINT" If you don't have access to a plete rundown of the programs on
{5 SPACES }E_NTER PHRASE this disk, see Steve Vander Ark's
back issue or to one of our disks,
{SPftCE}TO BE PRINTED "Share This" column, which makes
{WHT}":INPUTA$ write to us, and we'll send you
free printed copies of both of its debut in this issue of Gazette.
(CLR}"CHRS(142):GOTO50 these handy programs for you to
XK 340 IFM$="L"THENN=P:IFN+LEN You can have these programs and
type in. We'll also include instruc
(AS)>80THENPRINT"NO all of the type-in programs found in
tions on how to type in Gazette pro
{SHIFT-SPACE}ROOM this issue—ready to load and run—
{SHIFT-SPACE}TO grams. Please enclose a self-ad by ordering the July Gazette Disk.
{SHI FT-S PACE}PRINT":GOT dressed, stamped envelope. Send The price is $9.95 plus $2.00 ship
0290 a self-addressed disk mailer with ping and handling. Send your order
DM 350 IFM$="R"THEHN=P-LEN(A$) appropriate postage to receive to Gazette Disk, COMPUTE Publica
these programs on disk. tions, 324 West Wendover Avenue,
{SHIFT-SPACE}TO Write to Typing Aids, COM- Suite 200, Greensboro, North Caro
{SHIFT-S PACE}PRINT":GOT PUTE's Gazette, 324 West Wen- lina 27408. You can order by credit
0290 dover Avenue, Suite 200, Greens card by calling (919) 275-9809, ex
boro, North Carolina 27408. tension 283.
Here's your chance to enter (800) 352-7669
$1,069.95 (external package)
the world of multimedia.
Circle Reader Service Number 434
With the Sony Desktop Li
brary, you get everything
you need: a CD-ROM drive,
a sound card, and a collec DASHBOARD FOR
tion of real multimedia soft
ware. This next-generation WINDOWS 1.0
product goes beyond early It's compact, neat, conven
CD-ROM products, giving ient, and fast. In fact, I like
consumers more of what Dashboard so well that I reg
they want and need: plenty ularly use it in place of Win
of software and an easy-to- With the Sony Desktop Library you get all sorts of stuff, including a dows' own standard Pro
use front end to the CD- CD-ROM drive. CD-ROM titles, and speakers. gram Manager.
ROM titles and hardware. Like the dashboard in to
My evaluation package day's high-tech cars, this
'GummuS Y«l • *
had an external drive. Two Windows utility presents an
other packages are availa ^ ■•- \ *~ Pofl ra !- impressive collection of high
ble (at a reduced price, too) ly visible gauges and easily
with internal drives. The da accessible controls. The re
ta-retrieval speed of 150K With Dashboard for Windows 1.0. a new Windows utility from Hewlett- source gauge, for example,
per second was right in line Packard, you can drive your computer more effectively. resembles an analog fuel
with multimedia standards. gauge and allows you to
Right now these multime cal environment. Many of children, the accompanying monitor your Windows sys
dia products ship with a the GeoWorks niceties that software will provide enter tem resources. The memory
Spectrum 16 sound card. make DOS easier are there tainment and edification for meter below it looks like an
It's Ad Lib, Sound Blaster, as a bonus. them as well. odometer and lets you mon
and Real Sound compati You can create icons for Some of the programs itor available system memo
ble. Software that supports other CD-ROM titles as your did the unthinkable and cop ry. If you run too low on re
the card in native mode library grows. That way, ied a large portion of them sources or memory, a gas-
sounds superb, even better you'll always have the same selves to my hard drive. pump icon blinks to alert
than Sound Blaster emula easy interface when you ac Thinking I had plenty of avail you.
tion. A nice set of desktop cess your CD-ROM titles. able space, I tried installing In Dashboard's printer
speakers provides an alterna I wasn't sure I could run an application and was tak manager, you choose from
tive to running wires to your CD-ROM programs from en aback when I discovered available printers by clicking
stereo. DOS until I called Sony. I the intrusion. on a printer's icon button; a
Six full-blown multimedia didn't find any mention of run The GeoWorks installation light at the bottom of the but
software titles will get you ning from DOS in the Sony lit was a two-stage process re ton shows the default printer
started. There's so much ma erature, but I'm not a good quiring a Ctrl-Alt-Delete or, if you have a fax board,
terial, it'll take several manual reader, so I could boot between stages. I wish the fax software to which
weeks before you'll have have missed it. After talking it had done what many oth you "print." To print or fax a
enough time for more than a to the company, I was able er installations do and reboot file with ease, just drag and
brief sampling. to install an icon and a ed itself, followed by auto drop it from Windows' File
In addition to solid, relia group in Windows. I ended matic spawning of the sec Manager to the appropriate
ble hardware, the Sony Desk up spending more time run ond half of the procedure. icon.
top Library includes the ning GeoWorks from Win In spite of several small Forget double-clicking
GeoWorks CD-ROM Manag dows than DOS and had no complaints, I think highly of when you use the Quick
er as part of the package. problems. the package. If you're seri Launch buttons. A single
The bundled software var ously thinking about getting click launches your most-
It's a front end to all of the
CD-ROM software that's in ied in quality, but my two fa a CD-ROM drive, take a used apps, identified by
vorites were Where in the good took at this package. icons and, with enough
cluded. All you do to run a
program is click on its icon. World Is Carmen Sandiego? It may be just what you room, the names of the pro
The package includes even and The New Grolier Multime need. And Sony, one of the grams. To launch less-used
more than front-end soft dia Encyclopedia. My kids leaders in CD-ROM technol apps, click on one of the
ware, though—it's a graphi- loved them, too. If you have ogy, will probably be in the group buttons in the Pro-
cards. The 200j prints in portrait and
landscape modes, and its easily in
stalled ink-jet cartridge is replaceable.
gram menu bar; when the group win Smith Corona claims laser-resolution-
dow pops up, click on the app you quality printing—300 x 300 dpi for
want. text and graphics—and my experi
You also have buttons for the Sys ence confirms the claim. Everything I
tem menu (like the one in Windows), printed was crisp and dark—I just had
the Task menu (to switch, run, and to be careful not to smear freshly print
close programs), and the Layout menu ed pages by touching them before
(to create, edit, or load Dashboard lay
outs). The Dashboard panel also has a
help button, a customize button, a min
imize button, a maximize button, and a
The screen saver for button that lets you hide or show the
Program menu.
Available at a software retailer near CORONAJET 200J To be honest, after I inserted the
200j's print cartridge, ! barely glanced
With laser-quality output, 20 resident at the manuals unless it was to consult
you or call 1-800-245-4525 (or
fonts, and a compact form factor only the troubleshooting section. It's easy
MC/Visa/Discover orders.
slightly larger than a loaf of bread, the enough simply to open the box, con
Smith Corona Coronajet 200j ink-jet nect the printer to your computer, set
printer is going to be as popular your software to the common HP
as ... well, sliced bread. DeskJet Plus emulation, and go to
If you add its optional automatic work. To install the 70-sheet-capacity
sheet feeder, the 200j takes up only feeder, you simply push the 200j on
about as much desktop space as a top of it until it locks into place.
loaf of bread spread crossways on an The 200j doesn't present you with a
average-sized manila folder. This host of LEDs and switches to set,
should be welcome news to people though its front panel does conceal
who would want to use it at home or in more than 50 easily accessible switch
a small business (the target market for es to make adjustments for different
this printer), who often need all the ex fonts, manual or automatic paper load
tra space they can get. ing, and other commands. The graphs
n, he COCN ml V*g CxnrcnW <n nv«J uWfa d CSGN You can make each of the 20 resi that show how to set the switches
"Aj Lb. Scuii Bbi» a Kami MT 32/UK-1 a 1331 dent fonts bold, italic, or underlined, proved somewhat confusing, so I was
ranaii, rajm: fc> mat "kniits ha A'niw be ortgjrl » 25tndn ma .+
including Courier, Times Nordic, and relieved that the only change I needed
Circle Reader Service Number 163 Letter Gothic. For even more variety, to make came when I added the au
you can use the 14 optional font tomatic sheet feeder. The 200j's pow-
er switch is on the back of the printer, I ran a variety of applications to
a location I found mildly inconvenient
Besides its size, printing quality, and
check the system's compatibility, includ
ing Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Looking For Fun
ease of use, the 200j also impressed for Windows, Picture Wizard, the Win
me with its quiet operation. If my dot- dows and DOS versions of Express Pub
matrix printer provides no smearing lisher, a couple of DOS shareware pro
problems, it does provide plenty of grams, and several other commercial
noise pollution. Compared to it, the programs. I found no incompatibilities.
200j—rated at less than 45 dB—was vir To remove the system cover, I had
tually inaudible, even in my cramped to unlock the safety lock on the back of
10- x 10-foot home office. I can't imag the unit with the key provided. The cov
ine anyone being bothered by its er is easy to remove. I found it hard to
noise level. reach the system battery, but it seldom
The only real problems I encoun needs replacement, fortunately.
tered using the 200j involved loading This 33-MHz system includes a DEC
paper. It wouldn't accept envelopes two-button mouse, one parallel and
loaded longways, a necessity for the two serial ports, two floppy and two
HP DeskJet Plus emulation in Nvelope hard drive controllers, a Super VGA vid Play your old favorites like Bridge and Chess
Plus. It also gave trouble when I tried eo adapter integrated with the system plus, exciting news ones like Boogersl"
loading it with recycled office paper— board, and three open expansion
the backs of old press releases, errant slots.
printouts, and the like—sometimes feed Vents along one side of the unit
ing two sheets at once at odd intervals. should be adequate to keep the sys
Using fresh paper, though, I had no tem's power supply from overheating.
trouble using the 200j. You'll probably find the fan noise bare
At worst, the problems I had using ly noticeable.
the Smith Corona Coronajet 200j were Easy access to reset and on/off but
minor quirks. Anything this small that tons is essential. You can find both of
prints this well without making any ap these buttons on the front of the DEC
preciable noise deserves an unre 433DX.
served recommendation. You can get a 66-MHz upgrade for
EDDIE HUFFMAN the DEC 433DX, and it's easily in Like to Draw? Well, we\-e got a game called
stalled thanks to DEC'S ZIF (Zero In Graffiti'* that you're gonna love!
Smiih Corona sertion Force) slot. The 486DX includes
(800)448-1018 a coprocessor in the CPU chip, but
DEC accommodates a separate
Coronajet 200j—$499
Optional sheet feeder—S89 coprocessor to aid the computer in
Circle Reader Service Number 436
CAD-CAM operations.
It's easy to access the unit's 4MB of
SIMM RAM chips. The standard
amount of DRAM can be increased to
64MB using the four SIMM sockets.
Deciding which computer system to The DEC 433DX requires SIMMs with
buy can be difficult. In most cases, an access time of 70 ns or faster.
once a business commits itself to a spe The price of the DEC 433DX
cific product, it must stick with it. doesn't include a monitor. Several are Alone or with friends, MiniGolf" is a
That's one reason DEC (Digital Equip available, including monochrome or col whimsical collection oftraps and greens.
ment Corporation) has targeted business or VGA ranging from the basic 640 x
es for its new family of PCs. The upgrada 480 to a multisync 1024 x 768 nonin
HaveWe Got
ble DEC 433DX LP, based on Intel's 33- terlaced model.
MHz 486DX processor, can be used for No surprises come with the DEC
demanding desktop business as well as 433DX keyboard. It features a stan
for technical applications.
How difficult is it to set up the DEC
dard layout with soft-click keys and func
tion keys along the top.
433DX? The system comes with DOS The one-year on-site warranty is com
5.0 and Windows installed. First, I parable to those found with a lot of oth
checked the user's guide for anything
unusual. Then, I plugged in the appro
er systems and is better than some.
The company offers a toll-free custom
See OurAd On
priate cables and power cord and
turned on the system.
er and technical support hot line and a
consulting center. The Back Cover.
The easy-to-understand Getting Start I found the DEC 433DX to be a sol
ed handbook provides all the neces id, dependable, easy-to-use system.
sary information, as well as helpful illus Businesses looking for an upgradable,
trations for inexperienced users. You modular {80 percent of the compo
also get the DEC 300/400 LP Series Us nents are common to the other DEC
er's Guide, the MS-DOS 5.0 User's PC family members), and net
Guide and Reference, and an opera work-ready system would be advised
tions manual for QAPIus, an advanced to check this one out. TM designates a trademark of Tfce Sierra Network 01993 Tie Sierra Network
system diagnostics software package. JOYCE SIDES Offer «1O
Programmable dialog boxes consti
tute a veritable revolution for AutoCAD
Need a network at home?
users, allowing a new dialog box to be
See page 91 defined by the programmer rather
DEC than by the limitations of the program.
Want to speed up Windows? (800) DIG-ITAL The Dialog Control Language (DCL) is
incorporated with LISP.
See page 55 Circle Reader Service Number 437
Release 12 brings plotting into the
nineties. The plot dialog box allows
Don't like mice?
See page 251 AUTOCAD RELEASE 12 multiple plotter configurations for both
new organizing tools. A means of cre Pierre Gifhodes created the game's dis KT-Wl>
ating a "tree structure," oct-tree spatial tinctive look, from the lush 256-color IIIIIIMI 111 llll Idll'llll -| 1 * fosts
index divides drawing entities into log backdrops to the title characters' often sMoti sonr
eration for faster entity selection and re screen, interactive puzzles strung to Talk with other wizards and warriors
draws (spatial index) through the new gether in storybook fashion. The tale in at The Tavern in MedievaLand™
variables of Treedepth and Treestat. volves a king who's suddenly gone
Treedepth fine-tunes the oct-tree in stark, raving mad—the victim of an evil
dex. Treestat files report values in wizard's voodoo doll. To the rescue
both the model and paper space come Hooter, Dwayne, and BoBo,
branches of the spatial index. three well-meaning goblins with only
The AutoCAD Sequel Extension half a brain among them. You provide
(ASE) enables operators to pass infor the missing link, directing the goblins
mation directly from AutoCAD to a da on their perilous journey to find a cure
tabase system without requiring for the ailing king.
shells. Since nongraphical information Because each goblin performs only
can be stored outside the drawing and one special task, they must work togeth
linked with entities inside a drawing, er to solve puzzles. Hooter, the magi
you can reduce a drawing's size with cian, casts spells on objects, often Meet the most interesting people in
out losing useful data. with unpredictable results. Dwayne is a safe, Cyberspace environment.
New conversion functions convert the technician, able to pick up and use
text strings into decimal values, and a one object at a time. BoBo is the war
HaveWe Got
geometry calculator allows you to cal rior, whose only talents are the abilities
culate geometry using command line ex to climb and punch things. Use the key
pression and interaction with existing board or mouse to select the goblin
AutoCAD entities. {For instant insider ac
cess to undocumented advantages,
you wish to control.
Game mechanics are kept simple, fo
you may want to check out the new Re cusing attention on your powers of
lease 12 edition of 1,000 AutoCAD observation and deductive reasoning.
Tips and Tricks, a book I edited pub
lished by Ventana Press.)
To advance through a screen, you
must find and manipulate a series of
See OurAd On
I don't have enough space to in
clude all 174 enhancements in the new
items, often in a specific sequence, util
izing each of the goblins. The ultimate The Back Cover.
AutoCAD Release 12, but you obvious goal of one puzzle might be to secure
ly get your money's worth when you an object to be used in the next, more.
upgrade to this version. difficult screen. Experimenting is an es
BRIAN MATTHEWS sential and entertaining aspect of the
game, yet you should be careful not to
dally with the wrong items. Negative ac
(800) 964-6432 tions such as falls, frights, or losing im
$37.50 portant items result in the loss of en TM designates a trademark of The Sierra Mew.ork eiB3TheS*ffaNetv«rfc
Circle Reader Service Number 438 ergy. Although no time limits are im- Offer #310
ience of a hard drive on a card. Av
PENTHOUSE ONLINE™ posed, when all energy has been de EZ 127, and 16 ms for the EZ 240.
pleted, the game ends. Energy power- That's in line with the faster internal
• State-of-the-Art
ups are available midway through your hard drives. The Hardcard prices are
quest; passwords are also awarded up also in line with those of standard
2400/9600 bps Service! on completion of each screen. hard drives: S269 for the EZ 42, $319
• Near real-time picture The game's few faults are only minor for the EZ 85, $419 for the EZ 127.
display quibbles. Although many puzzle solu and $689 for the EZ 240.
• Photo E-Mail tions require multiple-character input,
• National Discount only one goblin can be active at once.
Shopping Services A multitasking feature for assignments
• No 9600 baud would speed up many tedious chores
and lend the game a welcome sense
of urgency. Another possibility might
• PetPoints™ Awards
be puzzies solved only through simulta
neous character actions. Harsh, sporad
• Low monthly and
ic sound effects belie the game's
connect fees! warm and fuzzy demeanor. More ex
Exciting news! Penthouse introduces an pressive voice samples and back
online service that's easier—and more ground effects are needed to fully con It's easier to install the Quantum Hardcard
fun—to use. Called PENTHOUSE vey goblin gibberish. Finally, unlike the EZ 240 than a conventional hard drive.
ONLINE, this new service features 9600 clever introductory screen, the game's
bps capability and "real-time" graphics—
victory screen is quite anticlimactic. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use
almost instantaneous online viewing of
Most puzzles are surprisingly intri the EZ 240 with an older ZEOS 386
photos and E-Mail with picture-attach
capability. Send a message...and a
cate and might prove too difficult for computer. The manual explains that the same time! younger players. Unlike the ones in Si the Hardcard EZ drives may not work
Log on and access Chat, E-Mail, erra's similar Castle of Dr. Brain, the in systems with older SCSI adapter
Penthouse Letters, Penthouse puzzles here rely less on logic than on boards (in many cases, you can re special Navigation and arbitrary cause and effect. A multitude solve the problem by changing the
Help areas. New areas are being added of red herrings ensures plenty of SCSI adapter's memory address),
continuously. Navigate anywhere using a wrong guesses, often with hilarious, some 16-bit VGA adapters (you may
mouse or Tab key.
game-ending outcomes. The trick is to have to switch from 16-bit to 8-bit trans
The Penthouse photos you'll find on
think with slightly bent logic, placing fers), and NEC's version of DOS 3.3
high quality seen every month in yourself in the goofy shoes of these (Quantum includes a work-around).
Penthouse. Our unique speed-view three little knuckleheads. The ZEOS's early SCSI adapter, it
system lets you browse in 256-color Brainteasing fun with a sly comic turns out, is incompatible with the EZ
VGA, then download the photos you flare, Gobliiins could be one of the 240 (that's where Quantum's money-
wish to keep. That's right. View BEFORE year's sleeper hits. back guarantee would have come in
you download. SCOTT A. MAY handy), but the Hardcard worked fine
There's more! Keep up to date on
in the two other systems I tried.
national and world events, the financial
Sierra On-Llne The Hardcard EZs from Quantum
markets, entertainment news and (800) 326-6654
more....Thinking about travel? See our are fast, inexpensive, easy to install,
DISCOUNT TRAVEL SERVICE and guaranteed to work. With their
Circle Reader Service Number 439
area...And don't miss our DISCOUNT field-tested life of 250.000 hours be
MERCHANDISE MART! Thousands of fore failure, you'd be hard-pressed to
nationally advertised products—all at find a better hard drive.
discounts, all with a "double the price- QUANTUM HARDCARD DAVID ENGLISH
difference" guarantee.
All this for just $5.95 a month basic fee, EZ240 Quantum
plus 20 cents a minute for most areas.
Need more hard drive space? Got an (800) 624-5545
As a member of PENTHOUSE ONLINE,
extra slot in your PC? Don't want to get
Circle Reader Service Number 440
you receive valuable PetPoints for every involved in major PC surgery? If you an
dollar you spend. Redeem PetPoints for swered yes to all these questions,
Penthouse ball caps, T-shirts, can you're in luck.
coolers, key rings , and more. Or use Quantum offers a quick and easy WYSE DECISION 486SI
them to purchase sought-after Penthouse way to add 42MB, 85MB, 127MB, or Wyse Technology knows how to make
books and videos. Or trade points for free even 240MB to your PC. All you need a quality product. The company's de
online time. It's your choice!
is a Hardcard EZ 42, Hardcard EZ 85, signers take the time, and spare little ex
Plus, we've arranged with a major
Hardcard EZ 127, or Hardcard EZ 240. pense, to add conveniences and fea
modem manufacturer, USRobotics, to
offer a deluxe, 9600 bps data/fax Each is essentially a hard drive on a tures not often found on other systems.
modem, with custom Penthouse Key PC card, so installation should take ten But these extras and conveniences
insignia, for under $300. minutes or less. And Quantum guaran come with a price—namely, a higher
To order your membership kit tees that any Hardcard EZ will work price tag for Wyse computers.
call 1-800-289-7368 or circle the with your 286, 386, or 486 system, or I tried a Wyse Decision .486si,
reader service number below. you'll receive a full refund. which includes an Intel 486DX/33 CPU
These days, you don't have to pay a with 4MB of RAM, a 200MB IDE hard
Circle Reader Service Number 103
performance penalty for the conven drive, and a VGA color monitor. The sys-
Looking For Stiff
tem I tried, which costs about $2,159,
Wyse Technology
also came with two floppy drives and (800) 43B-9973
256K of external cache and a local- $2,159
bus video with 1MB RAM. Wyse de Circle Reader Service Number 441
graphics workstation, since its video is
much faster than standard VGA and
it's easily upgradable. War gamers who like to get their
Using its own local-bus video, Hyper hands dirty on the front line rather
16 VGA, Wyse can boast the fastest than view a battlefield as icons scat-
high-resolution graphics performance
available, with more than 300-percent
improvement over conventional VGA sys
tems. And indeed, I did find the graph
ics to be fast and of high quality.
The CPU in this system is Intel's lat
est 80486, the easily upgradable
486si. In addition, the memory is ex For strategy, there's no game like Bridge, and
pandable to 64MB. And since many of we have players from master level to beginner.
the system's features are integrated on
the motherboard, all six ISA bus slots
In Pacific Islands, the makers of Team
are available. The system includes up
Yankee offer more excitement.
to five mass-storage bays that support
both 5'/4- and 31/2-inch floppy drives. tered around a strategic map will get a
Other conveniences include the real bang out of Pacific Islands. It's a
placement of the on-off switch on the tactical level tank simulation from the
front of the system, as well as a front- makers of the popular Team Yankee.
panel door that covers all the floppy In Pacific Islands, you control up to 16
disk drive bays. This door helps keep tanks as you try to retake the islands of
dust out of the drives, as well as giving the Yama Yama atoll. The action is hot,
a sleeker appearance to the unit. The realistic, and as addictive as a war
keyboard is a 102-key enhanced PC- game can get. Fly an aerial ballet in the famous WWI
style keyboard, and its quality is high You start your campaign by buying flight simulation, Red Baroiu
er than that of many keyboards I've the tanks and equipment you need for
seen. your mission. Four types of tanks are
Setup of the system is simple and available: the M1 Abrams, the M113,
fast. Everything you need is included, the M2 Bradley, and the ITV. To arm
and all the ports are clearly marked. these iron-clad vehicles, you can
The setup manual is one of the best choose from heat shells, SABOT
I've seen. Its illustrations and explana shells, TOW missiles, and smoke
tions are easy to follow. The only DOS shells. If you like to get into the action
manual included is The MS-DOS Ver fast, though, you can skip over all of tou lovno 1) 90*4 Mtti »M ain.ed et
tipwitnc* pen'!!
sion 5.0 User's Guide and Reference, the purchasing screens, and choose routnuunitr e inoi. 1 di
1 5 it lie ttW-
IMrtuM aiuds C iws WWCUij *
Concise Edition. And, although it the default setup, which instantly sup mp boom iwm lew aau«« ina
gives an excellent introduction to com plies you with vehicles and equipment,
puters and MS-DOS, it's not a com subtracting the cost from your cash. Join others on a quest through a live
plete DOS manual. It would've been bet Once equipped, it's off to the brief volcano in The Shadow ofYserbiusl"
ter for Wyse to have included the full ing room, where a map of the battle ar
MS-DOS manual, too. The system also ea and an accompanying notebook ap
with Windows 3.1 and a praise you of your mission's details.
The notebook outlines your objectives, HaveWe Got
I put the system through its paces us while their approximate locations are
ing Windows 3.1 and running Word for
Windows, Quattro Pro (or Windows,
marked on the map. Occasionally, mil
itary intelligence has helpful clues
and PageMaker 4 employing the stan about what surprises might greet you
See OurAd On
dard VGA display. In addition, I tried in the pending confrontation. In addi
some graphic-adventure games and tion, before entering the fray, you can
flight simulation programs. I was satis request artillery support and smoke
fied with the Decision 486si's perform
ance and was especially impressed
bombing for specific locations at given
The Back Cover.
with the general quality of the system. When the battle commences, you
But, as mentioned above, this quali control four platoons of four tanks
ty comes with a higher price tag. If each. ReadySoft recommends using a
you're willing to pay for it, you'll probably mouse to play. Although you have 16
be quite happy with this system. If you vehicles under your control, each pla
need a high-performance, top-of-the- toon receives commands as a group,
line graphics workstation, I can certainly so you don't have to command each
recommend the Wyse Decision 486si. tank individually. Plus, you can select TM designates a trademark of The Sierra Netvrtjcfc 01993 The Sierra Ne
Offer #310
STEPHEN LEVY several screen views for each platoon,
the most important of which lows identical handling and of this arrangement de
are the 3-D view, which of (416)731-4175 performance capabilities for pends on surface texture,
fers a first-person perspec $49.95 both left- and right-handed cup moisture, and how vigor
tive from the tank, and the Circle Reader Service Number 442 players. controls— ously the device is handled.
map view, which shows an front trigger finger and fop- If the seal is too dry, the rub
mounted thumb button- ber cups will not maintain
overhead shot of the area.
You can zoom in and out in SUNCOM FX 2000 can be manually switched the suction. The little-known
either view, which is especial Ergonomics and aesthetics between A and B settings. Murphy's Law of Joystick
ly helpful on the map can make strange bedfel as designated by the soft Suction dictates that if a
screen. Using the zoom, lows, especially when ap- ware. The V-shaped top but- seal can break, it will, and at
you can look at the entire the worst possible moment.
map, focus on individual ve Few things are more frustrat
hicles, or view the area at ing than having the front
several different intermedi end of the stick pop off the
ate magnifications. desk in the midst of an in
You also can have all tense aerial battle. Try using
four platoon views onscreen a small, damp sponge to
simultaneously, each pla lightly moisten the cups be
toon showing a different fore securing them to the ta
map or area of the battle ble, and pause the simula
field. Or if you'd like, a sin tion and reapply pressure to
gle platoon's screen quad the base before the action
rant can be magnified to full heats up.
screen size, a view from If you prefer to hold the
which tank controls are stick, you're in for a pleas
more accessible. These con ant surprise. Unlike square-
trols include a weapons fir based controllers, the FX
ing panel, turret-rotation com 2000 features smooth, round
pass, laser range finder, in ed curves, molded on the
frared view, zoom, and top and bottom to fit your
more. grip. Another unique feature
On the map screen, you is the ability to lift and lock
can access even more tank the joystick handle at a 45-
and screen controls. You degree angle to the left or
can set a platoon's forma right. In theory, this dramat
tion, speed, and direction; ic shift creates a more natu
and you can zoom in or out ral line between your wrist
on the map display. Target You'lt want the solid Suncom FX 2000 handy when you're playing and forearm. The results
ing enemy units on this map games, though you may want it hidden otherwise. are less fatigue and poten
is a breeze: You just mark tial pain, allowing you to
the unit with the map cross plied to joysticks. What's ton is particularly well suit play longer and, hopefully,
hairs and then return to the 3- pleasing to the touch is of ed for ambidextrous play. score higher. Although awk
D view, where the compass ten peculiar to the eye, and Both buttons can be set to ward at first, prolonged
icon will swivel your turret to vice versa. Suncom's FX autofire by controls con tests in both positions fa
ward the marked target. You 2000 is one such duck, a cealed in the base or to fire vored this new twist on an
also use the map cursor to flight control stick resem on demand with a top-mount old technology.
set your platoon's next desti bling an errant prop from a ed switch. Sliding x- and y- The controller tested well
nation by clicking on the Roger Corman sci-fi (lick. axis trimmers are located in such diverse and demand
map. You can set your tar First impressions, however, on the bottom, recessed to ing environments as Aces of
gets and mark your destina can be deceiving. Despite prevent accidental adjust the Pacific, Chuck Yeager's
tions at any zoom setting. its odd, anamorphic shape, ments. Finally, a throttle Air Combat, Wing Command
All in all, with its well-ren Suncom's latest offering is a wheel is located .at the front er, and Falcon 3.0. The pistol
dered 3-D graphics, realis marvel of user-friendly, func of the unit—a handy option grip's short-throw and stiff, tac
tic battle scenarios, easy-to- tional design. utilized by a growing num tile feel account for its quick
master controls, and blister The pistol-grip controller ber of flight simulators. and steady response—a
ing hot action, Pacific Is is 8 inches high and 4'/2 inch The stick performs best pleasant change from com
lands is a delight. I highly es wide at the base, with a when firmly anchored, via monly loose and sloppy ana
recommend it. cord that's 5 feet, 9 inches built-in suction cups, to a ta log sticks. Primarily intended
CLAYTON WALNUM long. Symmetrical design al- ble or desktop. The stability for flight simulations, the
Advertisers Index
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157 AMTEX Software Corp 77 231 Jackson Marking Producls Co.. Inc 112 109 Smart Luck Software 116
244 Anligrav Toolkit G-21 140 JemmaSolt 115 196 SMC Software Publishers A-19
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166 Citizen American Corp 19 174 MicroProse 39 147 Thrustmaster 115
139 CMD/Creative Micro Designs G-17 289 MicroStorm Software G-19 202 TLAS A-23
Coiumb'a House 11 249 MSI/Micro Systems International A-7 242 Tycom G-10
128 ComPro Software Systems 109 191 Needhams Eleclronics, Inc 110 301 US Robotics IDC
150 CompSull 114 124 Neuralink A-19 122 Virgin 71
108 CompuServe 33 135 New Horizions Software G-21 132 Virgin 86,87
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115 Free Spirit Software 99 257 Ranco Computer Supplies 109 SharePak Disk Subscription 59
Gateway 2000 IFC.1 Sa'e Computers . 116
Cover: photo by Mark Wagoner, computer COMPUTE DISK
from Gateway 2000; page 4: Juan Alvarez/ SUBSCRIBERS
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COMPUTE offers two different disk products for
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PC readers; the SharePak disk and PC Disk.
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ing; pages 66-67: Mark Wagoner; page 72:
zine. PC Disk appears in odd-numbered
courtesy of Paper Direct; pages 74-75: months and has a subscription price of $49.95,
Mark Wagoner; pages 78-79: Mark Wagon which includes a subscription to the PC edition
er; page 83: Uniphoto/Pictor. of COMPUTE. You can subscribe to either disk
or to both, but a subscription to one does not
include a subscription to the other.
stick also performs reasona Taibi Kahler in the mid swers each. You can looks helpful but not really
bly well with driving, sports, 1970s. The package and choose up to five answers surprising. If you'd like
and arcade games. Its only documentation include en that fit you, ranking them in more, well, insight into your
drawback is its size, which dorsements from busi- order of importance. A short own personality, however, or
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er hands. country as well as from Dr. ideas, values, fun things, ex tions on improving your life
Though not the ultimate Terence McGuire, a long citement, privacy." It takes at home or at work, Insight
flight control stick, as tout time psychiatric consultant 15-30 minutes to complete wouldn't be a bad place to
ed by Suncom, the FX 2000 for NASA who has used the the inventory, after which start. It comes with good cre
succeeds on three key KPM in selecting astronauts. the program issues a copy dentials, it thoroughly ex
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move." I found the speech feature lit
adequate for teaching the game. Includ tle more than annoying.
ed with the documentation is a brief fli The program does have several
er, published by the United States strong, unique features. Its options but
Chess Federation (USCF), that ex tons make play fast and easy. It's very
We at compute
plains the rules of chess. But nothing nice to be able to turn the computer's
within the program teaches the begin opening book on or off, as well as to
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strive to provide you with the latest
The program plays chess well at a vari
and most useful home, business ety of levels, and it's particularly nice for
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and entertainment computer news
Grandmaster Chess would make a
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but I'd advise waiting until a Windows
opening the COMPUTE EDITOR version becomes available.
LINE-a direct link to our editorial JIM SMITH
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er than participating in a realistic simula
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ever having to pick up the instructions, though without and when you're viewing a gies built into the 9624 FP. It
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The 9624 FP takes up on kind of literary spark that you've received, it offers no MNP 2-5 technologies,
ly about as much space as can make phrases like re helpful onscreen guidelines which are imposing-looking
a walkabout cassette player tractable locking screws telling you how to move monikers for the intelligence
trailing a cord or three. You come alive. around the page or pages. I that makes the modem fast
hook it up to your computer The software accompany used both programs for suc and its transmissions clean.
directly through a 25-pin ing the 9624 FP—WinFax Li cessful fax communications, Using data compression,
port or via cable through a 9- te and Quick Link II— however, and their inclusion V.42bis allows for a transmis
pin port and then plug in a makes communications an with a portable modem that sion throughput up to four
phone line and a power times the bps rate of the mo
cord (or, if you prefer, you dem itself, which allows the
can power up the 9624 FP 2400-bps 9624 FP to send
with a nine-volt battery). Red in your lunch order at 9600
indicator lights tell you wheth bps. (V.42covers the error
er the battery's low, if the mo correction, while bis covers
dem's operating at 2400 the data compression.)
bps or faster, whether a con MNP 2-5 is a subset of
nection has been estab V.42, and, in a nutshell, it
lished, and if the modem is means the 9624 FP can com
ready for communications to municate with other MNP mo
begin. Unlike some porta dems, a standard protocol.
ble fax/data modems, the If you're simply looking
9624 FP connects directly to for a way to get that memo
the phone line rather than you needed yesterday here
strapping onto the receiver, today, at least, don't let all
so don't buy it expecting to those weird letter and num
use it easily from public ber combinations confuse
phones or in office buildings you. The Best Data Smart
with odd-sized plugs for One 9624 FP Traveler Fax/
their phone systems. Also, Modem packs a lot of pow
the modem has a slightly er into a small package, ful
clunky feel because of filling your fax needs without
loose nuts and a power- crowding you at all.
cord receptacle that gives EDDIE HUFFMAN
A Train 39 E) Rsh 35 Leather God Phb 2 24 Print Shop. New 36 Studyware Biology, Manhole 49
Construction Set 22 Empire Deluxe 35 Legacy Necromancrl^' Graphics (ea) 22 Calc.,Chem..Econ Magazine Hack 45
Aces Over Europe 4416 Entr Pak Win (ea) 28 Legend of Kyrandia 35 Print Sp Companion 31 Physics, Statistic 25 Aesops Fades 33 Mantis 45* Ad Lib MicroChannel 69
Aces of me Pacific 39" Eric the Unready 35" Legends ol valour 38 Privateer 47" Studyware LSAT 37 Aircraft Encydopda 45 Marketing Master 39 Ad Ub Gold 1000 179
Mission Disk 25 Eye of Beholder 20" Legion's of Kreila 37 Pro League Baseball 3 5 Stunt Island 37 Aloha Hawaii 45 Mavis Beacon 39 ATI Stereo F/X 109
AD&D Collect Ed 2 42" Eye of Beholder 2 3B Leisur Sui! Larry 5 39" Prophecy* 22 Summer Challenge 34 Amer Bus. Phnbfc. 39 Mixed Up Mothr Gse37 VGA StreoF/X 1MB369
AD&D Starter Kit 42" Eye of Beholder 3 42 Lemmings 29 Prophecy of Shadow 38 Super Tetris 31 Amer Bert Pka Diet 75 Monarch Notes CovoxSnd Mster 11145
AD&D Unlimitsd 31" F 15 III 44 Oh No Mora Addon 22 Protostar 39" Take a break X-Word29 Arthur Teacher TrW 41 Monkey Island 39 Grayis Ultra Sound 129
Adbou&JuniorVoll 34" F 15 III Limited 49" Lemm.-Oh No More 31 Pun Putt Parade 32 Pinball * 28" Audubon Mammals 37 M S DOS Archives 35 Logitech Soundmn179
Air Bucks 34" F117a Stealth Rght 41 Lemmings 2 35" Putt Putt Fun Pack 26 Task Force 1942 37" Autodesk Explorer 119 MM Music: Mozart 33
Air Duel 33" Facts in Acton 31 Liberty or Death 35 Quest for Glory 1 22 T.M.N.Turtle Arcade 25 Barney Bear Goes MM Muskr Vrvaldi 33
Air Warrior SVGA 35" Falcon 3.0 45 Life and Death 2 32 Quest for Glory 3 39 T.M.N.Turtle Advntr 32 North Amer Fax Bk 55 CDPC/XL 1199"
to School
Alge3laster Plus 30 Oper Fight Tiger 25 Line in the Sand 25 Rags to fliches 35" Tengens Arcade Hit 25 North Amer Indians 57 Pro Audio Spec + 139
Algebra Made Easy 25 Family Tree Maker 42 Links 25 Rai;road Tycoon 19" Terminator 2029 39" into Space Officers Bookcase 50 M.M. Upgrade Kit 765
Aliens Ate Babysitter32 Farm Creativity Kit 18 Batik Designs Pro Audio Spec 16 194
Links 386 Pro 39 ReacfiForTne Skies19" Trmntr 2 Cybrchess 35 Our Solar System 29
Alone in The Dark 35" Fatty Bear Birthday31" Course Disk ea 16 Battiechess "ra 16 Multimedia
Reader Rabbit 35" Tetris Classic 31 PC Game Room 49
Alphabet Blocks 29" Femme Falale 26 386 Courses ea 19 Reader Rabbit 2 35" Tetris Trio 30 Beauty & Beast Peter & Wolf 45 Upgrade Kit 955
Beethoven Ninth Thunderboard 95
Amazon 38" F. F. Data Disk 21 Lord ol Rings 2 37 Ready for Letters 35n The Legacy 33" Pool Shark 19"
Berlin Think & Talk
Ambush 37" Reids a Glory 33" Lost Fi!eSF,ertckH4l" Read 'n Roll VGA 31 The Los! Vikings 29" French Strt Geo 105 Thunder & Ughtng 229
American Civil Wax 25 Right Simul A.T.P. 37 Lost Treas Infocom 42 Reading Adv in Oz 36 Time Riders America35 Programmers ROM 59 Sound Blaster 99
Ancient Art War Sky 35 Right Simul (M.S.) 41 Lost Treasures 2 29 Red Baron 39 Time Treks 36 Spanish Publish it! 69 Snd Blast Pro MCA 259
Ancient Empires 30 Air Trie Cntrlr 34M Time Quest 37 Bible Library Reference Library 59 Sound Blaster Pro 189
Lest Tribe 25 Mission Disk 17
Animation Studio 75 Arcft/Scen Dsgn 28 Bibles & Re-Jgon ~ B Pro 16 239
Lost Vikings 29M Realms 19** Tom Landry Football 30 Hotor/Airball/Time
Tony LaHussa Base. 17 Bookshelf San Diego zoo B Multimedia Kit 560
Armored Fist 37" Aircraft Adv Faary25 Lure of Temptress 32 Return 0 the Phntm33"
Ashes of Empire 45" # 685 17 Britanica Famity Chc75 Secret Weapons B MM Starter Kit 459
Magic Candle 3 37" Rex Nebular 37 Tony LaHussa II 37"
Business Master 32 Seventh Guest B COHOM Intml 360
A.T.A.C. 35 * 701 17 Mantis 39 Riders of Hohan 31 Expansion Disk 15
Automap 44 Airport Facty Loc 17 Mario is Missing 35" Ring World 34" Top Class Sieries ea 16 Buzz Aldrin Race 59 Sherlock Holme Jound Machine Ind.
Automap Windows 57 California 37 Missing City Disk 17 Traders 19** Carmen World Dlxe 65 Shert Holmes 2 S0FSpeaker Joystick 95
Risk for Windows 29"
Career Opportunilies42 Sleeping Beauty loland SCC-1 GS 375
Automap Europe 74 F S Pro 24 Mario Teacnes Type 25 Risky Woods Treasure Cove
25 35
B-17 Flying Fortres 39 Great Britian 37 Math Blaster Mystry29" Road & Track Pres ' Treasure Math Storm35
35 Cautious Condor 45 Sound Works Sound Canvas 559
Bane Cosmic Forge 36 Hawaii 19 Math Blaster Plus 29" Road to Final Four 37
Treasure Mountain 35 C D Game Pack 55 Space Quest 4 Roland MA.12CeaiO5
Barbie Design 16 Instant Fadt Loc 19 C D Speedway 57 Space Series-Apollo 49 SPEAKERS Shielded23
Math Blaster Wind 36 Robosports Wind 34" Treehouse 35
Challenge 5 Realms Spirit ol Excalibur 37 w/3 band Equiiizer45
Barbie Fashion 25 Instrumnt Pilot Seen Math Copter 25 Rodney Fun Screen 31 Tristan Pinball 32
Barbie Adventure 25 Japan Scenery 19" Math Rabbit 25 Rock i Bach Studio 35 Trolls 25" Christmas Card 33 Stellar 7 37 Altec Lansing ZOO 219
Trump Castle 3 CIA World Fad 39 Strange Bedfellows 39 ACS 300 w/subwof 299
Baiflechess4OCCVGA30 Pilots Pwer Tls 24" Math Zone 31 Romance 3 King 2 39 25"
Mavis Beacon Type2905 Rome Turbo Science CIA World Fact M/M 42 Star Child 33
Banlechess 4000 SVG A3£ East/West U.S.ea59 29" 30
Clipart Goliath 30 Star Trek Enhanced 49
Battlefield 37* Rescue Air 911 17 Mavis Beacon Wind35" Rule Engagment 2 3B Turtle Tools 69
Conan Cimerion 36
Battle Toads 24' Scenery St A or B 37 McGee 3 Pack 32 Sargon v 36 Ultima 7 47" Street Atlas 99 Midiator 101 Serial 95
Forge of Virtue 17 Corel Draw Upgd 139 Talking Classic Tale 75 PC Midi Card 79
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Birds of Pray ■nl Sound Source 40 Mickey ABC's, Second Front 20" Part 2 47"
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U S Atlas 42
Band in a Box 69
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Elctm TravelenCalf 33 Cadenza 129
Bridqemaster 30 G-Force 19" Mickey Word Advent25 Sesame St. Publish 25 Utopia 29" US History 39
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European Monarchs49
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ampaign 34" Games:Summer Chig35 Microleague FB Dlx 32 Shadow President 39" VeJ of Darkness 37" Family Doctor USA Wars:Crvi/ Wax 49
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apitalist Pig 38" Games:Winter Chlg 35 Microleague Soccer 25 Shadow Prophecy 30 Virtual Realty St 2 59" USA Wars:Korea 49 Piano Works 95
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Wayne GreQky 3 35 Front Page News Voyage Planet l-3ea.69
arriers at War 37" Global Conquest 35 Might and Magic 3 38 Shanghai II 31
G Force Midisoft Studio 159
astle 2 35" Gobblins 1 or 2" 22 Might & Magic 4 40 Sieqe 38 Western Front 22" White Horse Child 33
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astle of Dr. Grain 30 Gods 25 Mike Dilka Olliml FB 37 Dogs at War 2O'! When2Worlds War 35" Who Killed Sam Rup25
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vlusic Mentor 79
easar 35" Grand Slam Brdge 1131 Millie Math House 31 Sierra Action Five 25 What's My Angle 30 Music Printer Plus 419
Gettysburg:MM Hist 43 Win CD 32
hallnge 5 Realms 33" Grandmaster Chess 36 Mixed-Up Fairy Tale 30 Sierra Award Winner47 Wheel Fortune Vana 25 WusiC Time 169
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paced action, and out-of- Parents, teachers, or kids mouse support. turning anyone into a help
this-world cast will keep new themselves can customize Legacy's arcade-game ap less infant with a single
comers to math engrossed levels of difficulty to make proach to instruction, com blast. The big, blue fiend
in the computative environ the game easier, eliminating plete with sound and anima had hoped to turn the Earth
mental challenge the game multiplication tables, divi tion, brings routine drill-and- into one big day care cen
presents. sion, or cube equations. practice exercises alive. Mu ter. But Space Ace turned
After loading the pro Kids select their Mutanoid tanoid Math Challenge will the tables and saved the
gram, kids enter the year challengers from a cast of entertain any kid who plays day, zapping Borf into a
2020, when Earth has ex ooky-looking characters it individually, but its contest harmless peewee.
hausted its landfills and be with appropriately juvenile approach to teaching As the new game begins,
gun to send its solid waste in Borf's tenacious Goon
to outer space. Smart- par 425i squad has restored its pint-
mouthed aliens who don't sized leader to his larger-
want the useless junk threat than-life evilness. An en
en revenge by dumping raged Borf then kidnaps
glop on the planet. Prime Ace's girlfriend, Kimberly,
minister Monitron, a kind of and attempts a getaway.
Sudsy has IB Elvis records
futuristic Monty Hall, per You must race to her de
in his collection. He has 3
suades the aliens to settle more than Cameron, How fense, battling a relentless se
their dispute in a contest of many Elvis records does ries of monsters, robots,
math abilities. The games Cameron have? CD©®!©© and other deadly threats.
take place in the Cubix Can- The game's look and feel
tina, which Legacy calls is inspired by Don Bluth, a
"the restaurant of choice for former Disney animator who
solar slimeballs." pioneered the first laser
The program features a disc coin-op game, Drag
single-page quick-start on's Lair. The theater-quality
guide that lets kids or teach cartoon graphics and digit
ers get into the game imme ized sound are nearly seam
Mutanoid Math Challenge makes learning math concepts fun, and
diately. The 58-page play less on a hard drive. This
it's ideal for use either at home or in the classroom.
er's guide is imaginatively type of game begs for a CD-
illustrated, and notes on in ROM treatment.
stallation, instruction, game names like Barbie Q.. I.M. makes it perfect for groups. Though beautifully drawn
tips, and troubleshooting Tall, and Lotta B. Hinds. The Kids love competition, and and smoothly animated, the
are presented in a story game board presents prob this game's support for mul design suffers from serious
telling fashion that sticks lems in crossword-style tiple players makes it one of structural flaws. Simply put,
with the theme of the game grids, where players fill in el those educational games the story doesn't flow, it lung
and won't turn off those kids ements of the equations, that can turn a computer in es forward at breakneck
who take the time to read and as word problems. Kids to an activity center in a speed. Transitions between
them. Legacy recently add enter the answers by select classroom or family den. scenes are usually clipped,
ed support for sound ing numbers on an on CAROL ELLISON and often missing entirely.
boards, and the new musi screen calculator pad. The results are disjointed
cal accompaniment greatly From time to time, green mu Legacy Software and confusing, with no
enhances the PC speaker tant "gelatoid" creatures zip (800) LEARN-92
sense of plot progression.
sound found in the previous across the screen, and a Another problem is a com
Circle Reader Service Number 448
version. player who can direct them plete iack of strategy. Player
The game is copy-protect to diamond squares earns ex input is limited to simple
ed by documentation. To tra points. Scores are kept SPACE ACE II: knee-jerk reactions—press
get past Vectra, the securi in a Hall of Fame, so kids
ty guard, players must can check to see how their BORF'S REVENGE ing one of five keys in re
sponse to the onscreen ac
match a number Vectra scores compare with those Step into the world of Satur tion. The game's linear story
gives them to a planet of the Mutanoid (the comput day-morning superheroes line allows absolutely no di
name printed on the corre er) or other players. with Space Ace II: Borf's Re gression from the pre
sponding page in the man The game employs some venge, a nonstop arcade bat scribed course of action.
ual. Up to 40 players can what unconventional key as tle of good versus evil. False moves are rewarded
play, and multiplayer com signments: To quit, you hit In the previous episode, not with an alternate direc
petitions make it ideal for F8 instead of Esc, for exam the villainous Borf un tion, but with instant death.
classroom activities as well ple. But kids don't seem to leashed the terrible Infanto Even the fastest, cruelest ar
as group play at home. mind. The game does have Ray—a weapon capable of cade games offer more
and in the number of years we can stay healthy, active, and HKGR2
young. Even more exciting is the fact that it's never too late (or- General Media International, P.O. Box 3226, Harian, IA 51593
too early!) to begin. Longevity magazine will show you how.
of video poker, the condensed version
contains only Jacks or Better, by far
ing up in public shouldn't be such a sur
prise. But we wouldn't settle for it in any
other type of consumer product, and ! Means never having to use a typewriter to fill out a form...
don't see why we should here. (Other
developers—notably Sir-Tech with Cru
saders of the Dark Savant—have opted
to keep long-awaited games under
wraps until they were ready.)
I don't mean to minimize the achieve Means never having to look for the same information over and over again.
ment here, however. This is a brilliant
piece of work, and I can't imagine any
devoted Falcon 3.0 flyer not loving it.
Some things are worth waiting for.
This is one of them.
PETER OLAFSON Means never having to cringe when another form comes in.
Spectrum HoloByle
(800) 695-GAME
Forms, forms, and more forms, coming from insurance companies, hospitals,
First, there was Long Distance Xerog
schools and universities, escrow companies, banks... coming in the mail and
raphy; then came the first desktop fax,
through your fax. Are you still using typewriters to fill them out,
the Telecopier I. Soon after, improve or worse, filling them out by hand? Well, NO MORE!
ments in fax technology developed to
the point where today we have auto INTRODUCING FORMBUSTER.
matic, plain-paper fax machines and If you have a fax board for your PC it's a simple three-step process:
computer software and hardware that I ■ Fax any form into FormBuster on your PC
can turn your system into a fax ma 2* Using FormBuster's built-in database, click and paste your information into the form.
chine. Recently, Practical Peripherals in 3* Fax back your completed form.
troduced the new Practical FaxMe car
It's that easy... really! Available
tridge. This device turns any Hewlett- at your local
Packard LaserJet series II or III printer
Retail 1-800-829-VRLI reseller or at
with at least 1MB of expansion memory For information call 805/545-8515 or FAX 805/781-2259 Egghead and
into a plain-paper fax machine for re Price
2341 Ganador Ct., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
ceiving faxes. $49.95 Data Ranch is a division of Virtual Reality ixiboraioneS; Inc.
Unlike adding a fax board to a com
puter, the FaxMe is easy to install. You Circle Reader Service Number 155
be just what you need. You fame), and Cinderella. less intuitive keyboard com looks like a pleasant enough
also might find the built-in All is not well in Book- mand; you really need a place to run out the clock, al
battery an important option wyrm's fairy tale sphere, mouse). Whether you're look though visually it leaves a
to consider. Once you've though. An aptly named lit ing at an object, moving to few things to be desired. I
set the cartridge, you don't tle hairball called Bookend a new screen, or talking to a played the 256-coior VGA
have to keep resetting it. has—you guessed it- fairy-tale character, manipu version, which features a
The FaxMe operates as mixed up all the fairy tales. lating your character quick nice array of backdrops but
advertised and comes with It's the child's job to put ly becomes second nature. rather choppy characters.
a lifetime limited warranty. them together again. If the classical music nev The land bears an unsurpris
But it's not for everyone. Thanks to the well-de er sounds quite as good as ing resemblance to Sierra's
Those who need to both re signed, mouse-oriented inter in the concert hall—at best companion game, Mixed-
ceive and send faxes might face of Mixed-Up Fairy it's a synthesized approxima Up Mother Goose.
want to consider another op Tales, doing so becomes an tion, at worst a bad imitation As with Mixed-Up Mother
tion. But if you oniy intend to entertaining, educational of Euneral-home organ mu Goose, most of the action in
receive faxes or if you're con challenge loaded with sic—Mixed-Up Fairy Tales Mixed-Up Fairy Tales takes
sidering replacing your fax enough difficulties to be inter comes with a better-than-av- place at a gentle pace, but
machine because you're esting but not enough to be erage soundtrack and a there are a couple of mo
tired of rolled-up faxes, you come frustrating. good mix of sound effects. ments of high drama. At one
might consider the Practical The package comes with You can hear water stream point you get to chase Book-
FaxMe cartridge as an effec a concise, helpful manual; a ing down a waterfall and lis end cross-country to re
tive alternative. book with bowdlerized ver ten to Cinderella disappear trieve an object, and anoth
STEPHEN LEVY sions of the real fairy tales; in her pumpkin coach in a er time you get to watch the
and a Mixed-Up Fairy Tales dizzying flourish, although a giant crash to the ground
Praclical Peripherals coloring book complete frog's hops sound more like from Jack's beanstalk, leav
(800) 442-4774 with crayons. The disks a series of barely audible vi ing a giant-shaped hole in
come with a self-explanato olin squawks. The better the ground.
Circle Reader Service Number 452
ry installation program, your sound capabilities, the Don't worry about a child
which takes even novice better the sound, of course. disappearing into the
computer users by the After a brief introduction game, though: It's actually a
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The Right Stuff tact Binary Zoo, P.O. Box B Lyckan Parkway, Durham,
Product design gave Micro 3210, Champlain, New York North Carolina 27707; 919-
soft's Ballpoint mouse the 12919; (514)846-4059. 490-1277, 919-490-6672 fax).
edge when it was chosen for Along with the price slash, Da-
NASA's shuttle mission last Game Modem tawatch also offers free up
April. The BallPoint mouse Best Data Products and The grades via BBS.
was launched with the Discov Sierra Network (TSN) recently
ery crew, attached to the Pay- announced a new bundled Display Your Best
load and General Support product, Game Modem, that in Dust off that screen saver
Computer that ran the shut cludes TSN's multiplayer you've been working on.
tle's primary scientific project, game software and Best Data Berkeley Systems announced
the Atmospheric Laboratory Products' internal 2400-bps its After Dark Display Contest
for Science and Applications modem. for 1993. This year's contest in
(ATLAS 2). "Our goal is to work with cludes categories for both Win
Historically, NASA has en TSN to position the modem dows and Macintosh environ
countered problems working as a standard game-playing ments and a category for com
with computer mice in space, peripheral, just like a joystick puter artists.
as zero gravity tends to send or sound card," says Tony A $10,000 grand prize will
the user floating in the oppo Esfandiari, Best Data Prod be awarded for Best Entry
Bringing ethics site direction of the mouse. ucts' executive vice president Overall. Other prizes include
Microsoft's BallPoint of strategic alliance. "At less a Fujitsu 2.0 GB M2652SA
to Justice, sending
mouse design, particularly its than $50 for the modem and hard drive, a Compaq Contu-
mice into breakaway mounting, made it more than seven megabytes ra 3/25c Model 84 PC, and
space, packaging acceptable to the crew and of game software in the pack an Epson ES800C color scan
safe for other equipment. age, Game Modem is already ner with interface kit.
TSN for the "However," said Patrick O. competitive with other prod Winning displays may be in
masses, winning big Wilson, project engineer at ucts on the computer game cluded in future releases of Af
Johnson Space Center, "the shelf priced $10 to $15 ter Dark products, and ali win
money with
main advantage was that we more." Plus, the TSN Member ners will receive an engraved
software, and more didn't need to modify the ship Kit that's included gives Flying Toaster trophy.
mouse to keep the trackball members three free hours of The deadline for submis
from floating in zero-g," evening or weekend access sions is midnight, July 15,
to the entire interactive net 1993. To obtain entry forms,
Score Your Own Video work and a $30 credit toward contact Berkeley Systems at
Binary Zoo, a Broderbund af TSN membership and usage. (510) 540-5535, (510) 540-
filiate, is sponsoring a Rock The Sierra Network is al 5115 (fax).
and Bach Studio Best Video ready low-priced at its flat-
Contest, in which contestants rate fee of $12.95 per month. You Can't Cheat on This One
create their own music videos Look for Game Modem in Legend Entertainment, known
using Binary Zoo's new Rock the games software section of for its sci-fi and adventure
and Bach Studio software pro your favorite retailer. games, has a contract to de
gram. Entries must be submit velop an interactive ethics-
ted on PC disks, and all en Inoculate Your PC training program for Justice
tries must be created using Avoid viral infection for less. Department employees.
Rock and Bach Studio tools. Virex for the PC, the popular In the game, Justice Depart
The Best Video Production antivirus software, is now avail ment employees will learn to
winner will receive $100 in able in a newly released ver do well by doing good. They
Broderbund software, the sion and at a newly suggest will choose career goals and
Best Music winner will receive ed retail price that's been cut then make choices that will
$200 in software, and the in half. Version 2.7 will retail bring them "career, happi
Best Overall Video winner will for around $49.95; previous ness, and ethics points—or
receive $300 in products. versions sold for $99.95. land them in trouble," accord
Each winner will also receive "The price reduction re ing to Legend's president,
his or her choice of a Binary flects Datawatch's commit Bob Bates.
Zoo product. ment to be the industry lead The worst that can happen
The deadline for entries is er in antiviral solutions," says to employees who mess up?
September 30, 1993. If you Andrew W. Mathews, general Jail time or (most reformative
would like to have further infor manager of Datawatch's Trian of all) having their unethical be
mation about the contest, con gle Software Division, (3700- havior exposed on TV. O
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