Bank Management System
Bank Management System
Bank Management System
1. Objective
2. Introduction
This software will be provided as a tool to the HSBC BANK. TheBANK has been working
for Accounts information, Withdrawal(through Cash/Cheque). Deposit amount. In this
Software you cankeep record for daily Banking transactions.THE OBJECTIVE is to prepare
a software or application, whichcould maintain data & provide a user friendly interface
forretrieving customer related details just in few seconds, with 100%accuracy. Software is
completely computerized, so it is not timeconsuming process. No paper work required & can
beimplemented further.The application should also facilitate the addition of new
CustomerA/c, deletion of A/c& modification of existing customer A/C. ToSearch for every
individual accounts for a particular customer,show all transaction & any account should be
opened withminimum Rest. 500 etc
3. Project Requirements
4. References
The objective & goals of the proposed system are:-To allow only authorized user to access
various functions andprocessed available in the system.Locate any A/C wanted by the
user.Reduced clerical work as most of the work done by computer.Provide greater speed &
reduced time consumption.To increase the number of A/C and customer.This will reduced the
manual workload and give informationinstantly. The software will maintain the list of A/C
and customerrecord and balance status.The software will be user friendly so that even a
beginner canoperate the package and thus maintain the status of A/C andbalance status
easily.The Project Banking system has been made to automate theBanking system being
followed by a banking company that dealsin current account with or without check facility.
The User Administrator can check A/C’s with a login & password & canwork out with A/C
holders of the bank can withdraw/depositcash/cheque/DD to/from their accounts. To enable
fastertransactions likeNew account creation.Withdrawal of cashDeposits of cash or
chequeChecking of Account balances by account holders by adminTransaction records in the
form of reports.The project makes a sincere effort to provide all the above-mentioned features
to meet the requirements of the bank.The Project category is Visual Basic with RDBMS
(Access) &Management information System
This software will be provided as a tool to the HSBC BANK. TheBANK has been working
for Accounts information, Withdrawal(through Cash/Cheque). Deposit amount. In this
Software you cankeep record for daily Banking transactions.THE OBJECTIVE is to prepare
a software or application, whichcould maintain data & provide a user friendly interface
forretrieving customer related details just in few seconds, with 100%accuracy. Software is
completely computerized, so it is not timeconsuming process. No paper work required & can
beimplemented further.The application should also facilitate the addition of new
CustomerA/c, deletion of A/c& modification of existing customer A/C. ToSearch for every
individual accounts for a particular customer,show all transaction & any account should be
opened withminimum Rest. 500 etc
Requirements are prone to issues of ambiguity, incompleteness, and inconsistency.
Techniques such as rigorous inspection have been shown to help deal with these issues.
Ambiguities, incompleteness, and inconsistencies that can be resolved in the requirements
phase typically cost orders of magnitude less to correct than when these same issues are
found in later stages of product development. Requirements analysis strives to address these
Take a long time to produce
Begin to limit the implementation option available
Are costly to produce
Requirements for both the system and the software are documented and reviewed with the customer.