PV Panel Cleaning Robotic Solutions For Maximum Energy Production

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PV Panel Cleaning Robotic Solutions

For Maximum Energy Production
For Rooftop Plants, And Utility Scale Land Based Plants
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About Us
Indisolar is in the business of maximizing energy production from PV panels. We design
and manufacture automatic, self powered, water less Solar PV cleaner robots for
decentralized, rooftop, and utility scale solar power plants.
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Our Vision
Enabling greater energy production and lower operating costs to solar PV plant owners.

Our Technology Automatic And Customized

Water Less Solutions
PV panels produce less than
optimal power when not clean. Indisolar cleaner Robots are self- The cleaner robots can be
Water based manual cleaning is powered, and automatic. AT preset retro tted to suit existing or
expensive, incurs recurring cost times, the cleaner robot traverses custom designed for new layouts.
and environmentally NOT friendly. length wise on a rail tube till very We work with our customers and
Apart from posing an electrical end of the panel row and returns to partners from the very beginning
hazard, water based cleaning home docking position, completing of the project life cycle to provide
leaves residues, and causes one cycle. Cleaning is done using the most cost e ective solution for
scratches due to scrubbing of specially designed brushes cleaning and O&M.
panels. With manual cleaning, rotating at high speed, lifting the
there is a risk of damaging the AR dust away from the panels.
coating on the panels. Our
cleaners employ soft nylon
bristled brushes causing no
damage to the panels during
cleaning operation. NO weight or
stress is exerted on the main

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Meet The Team

Indisolar's management team comprises of professionals with vast experience in the

solar industry with technical expertise in Photo Voltaic system development.

Sunder Raj Nyayapathi Raj Nyayapathi

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Chairman & Managing Director Director

An IIT Kharagpur alumnus, has 30 years of business Raj has a B.S. in Finance and Entrepreneurship from
and technical experience and founded successful Kelley School of Business, Indiana University,
companies in the past. Sunder manages the product Bloomington. He heads day to day operations at
development and business strategy and key Indisolar. Raj nurtures special interest in stock markets
administrative functions at Indisolar. and has a CMT Level 1 certi cation.

Indisolar has a panel of solar energy, mechanical and
electronic design engineering professionals, who
engage in product develpoment as per customer

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needs. We employ experienced installation and

customization technicans.

Our Pro le

Our Sample porfolio of cleaner robot installations include

Cleaning robotic system on a rooftop plant for a reputed automobile manufacturing company
Cleaning robotic system on ground mount PV plant for a major RESCO in India
Cleaning robotic system on rooftop PV plant for one of the largest IPP players in India
We work with multiple customers both on rooftop, ground mount and elevated rooftop plants, all over

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Power generation from PV panels is adversely a ected with soiling and dust. Research suggests that more than 30%
of power is lost if the PV panels are not cleaned regularly. Our cleaner’s unique design ensures that the panels
produce optimum power every day. We deliver higher energy production at lower operating costs for PV plant
owners, with maximized ROI.
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Our patent pending automatic cleaner robotic system is suitable for PV plants ranging from a few hundred KW
onward to MW scale. Our cleaners deliver assured improvement in power production from solar panels. Modular in
design to suit various cleaning widths as per your eld layout. Designed for on-the- eld and easy maintenance.

Waterless Automatic Cleaning Scratch Free

Water based cleaning can be Completely automatic in operation The cleaner uses high speed, soft,
hazardous and can result in salt and starts one cycle at the set time helically wound nylon brushes to
deposition on the panels, if the every day or on certain days in a swiftly push away the dust from
water is not treated using an RO week. One cycle of cleaning the panels and is 100 % scratch
plant. Scrubbing or wiping can comprises of one forward and a free. The dust is driven away
cause abrasion, leaving scratches reverse traversal of the cleaner between inter-panel gaps and to
and even develop micro-cracks on robot. The Robot can be operated the sides of the panels.
the panel surface. Chances of for ad hoc cleaning, through
electrical hazard issues and manual mode as well.
physical damage are eliminated
with our cleaners.

Installation Zero Maintenance Cost E ective

Indisolar's products are designed Our cleaners are designed to be ROI is less than 3 Years in
for easy eld installation with best- robust and withstand required comparison with water based
in-class engineering practices. environmental conditions. Certain manual cleaning and other
consumables like brushes, friction automatic cleaners. The extra
belts, batteries may need amount of energy produced due to
replacement after prolonged use. daily cleaning ensures maximum
Replacement of consumables can energy conversion for your PV
be done on the eld with minimal plant. The cleaner also features
e ort and time. remotely operated ad hoc cleaning
that may be needed in desert/very
dusty conditions requiring more
than one cycle of cleaning per day.

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Water-less, automatic, daily cleaning
Can clean PV arrays with 2 to 6 Meter cleaning widths
Does not exert any mechanical stress on the panel surface
Maximum power generation with zero soiling losses
Unifrom cleaning of every panel
Remote operated on-demand cleaning
Cleans dried particles and also dew condensation
Water-less, automatic, daily cleaning
Powered by Rechargeable Li Ion batteries charged by its own PV panels
Exerts no mechanical stress/load on the panels
Eliminates plumbing and recurring water related costs
Has the same life time as that of the plant with maintenance and replacement of certain components
Fixed operational costs for the lifetime of PV plant
Covered by Standard product Warranty and AMC contracts after warranty period
Driven by high torque DC Motor
Docked at home position extending beyond the panels, thus not casting shadow on the main panels
High speed helical rotary brush
Non- abrasive and electrically safe compared to manual and water based cleaning
Can be con gured to suit tracking or xed arrays
Power optimized electronic controller with SCADA and reporting capability
PC/laptop based application software for SCADA
Operates using radio frequency for operation and control of individual robots in the solar farm
Cloud storage and dashboard presentation capability

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Regd.O ce: Indisolar

Products Pvt. Ltd, 16-2-
Tirumala Hills,

Works: Near Aware

Global Hospital,
Hyderabad, 500036,

© Copyright 2018 - Indisolar Products Private Limited

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