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Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000
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Procedia CIRP 79 (2019) 107–112

12th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing
Gulf of Naples, Italy Engineering, CIRP ICME '18
Incremental Manufacturing:
28th CIRP Design Model-based
Conference, Maypart2018,design and process planning
Nantes, France
Incremental Manufacturing: Model-based part design and process planning
for Hybrid Manufacturing of multi-material parts
A new methodology
for Hybrid to analyze the functional
Manufacturing and physical
of multi-material architecture of
Ann-Kathrin products for an assembly oriented product family identification
a, *, Roman Gerbersa, Paul Falkenbergb, Eiko Türkb, Franz Dietricha, Thomas Vietor b,
Ann-Kathrin Reichler *, Roman Gerbers , Paul
a, a Falkenberg
Klaus Drödera, Eiko Türk , Franz Dietrich , Thomas Vietor ,
b b a b
a Paul Stief *, Jean-YvesKlaus Dröder
Dantan, Alain Etienne, Ali Siadat
Institute of Machine Tools and Production Technology, Langer Kamp 19 b, Braunschweig, 38106, Germany
ofInstitut for Tools
Engineering Design, Langer Kamp Langer
8, 38106, Braunschweig,
4 Rue38106, Germany
École Nationale Institute
Supérieure Machine
d’Arts and Production
et Métiers, Arts Technology,
et Métiers ParisTech, LCFCKamp
EA 19 b, Braunschweig,
4495, Augustin 38106, Germany
Fresnel, Metz 57078, France
Institut for Engineering Design, Langer Kamp 8, 38106, Braunschweig, 38106, Germany
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-531-391-7691; fax: +49-531-391-7691. E-mail address: [email protected]
+49-531-391-7691; fax: +49-531-391-7691.
3 87 37 54 30; E-mail E-mail address: [email protected]
address: [email protected]

Incremental Manufacturing is a hybrid-manufacturing concept where standardized base workpieces are made in large volume
In Manufacturing
today’s business and finalized
environment, isthe
a hybrid-manufacturing
by additive
trend manufacturing.
towards more productconcept where
The concept
variety standardized
reduces theis base
and customization need workpieces are development,
for product-specific
unbroken. Due to this mademolds
in large andvolume
the tools,
need of
agile first and finalized
a multi-scale
and reconfigurable production
production bysystems
additive manufacturing.
- the flexibility
emerged to to
cope withThe
scale concept
various reduces
products and the need
and product for as
well Toproduction molds This
design andvolume.
optimize and tools,
systems awell
approach toproduction
as to choose reduce the- arising
the optimal the flexibility
product to scale
matches, fromproduct
product the new
methods are sizes
freedom as Indeed,
needed. well asmost
Incremental volume.
of the known This
methods paper
analyze an design
a product or one to reduce
product themanufacturing,
this arising
on complexity
the physical level. fromand
material theproduct
Different new design
process models freedom
families, will beofmerged
however, Incremental
may Manufacturing
to largely
differ support in the of the in an early
terms number and
nature designprocess
of components. phase. For impedes
This during
fact this
design ofmaterial
phase comparison
an efficient and
and process
multi-material partsofmodels
choice for will be
appropriate merged to support
product family the multi-dimensional
combinations for the production
© 2018AThe
system. Authors.
new process during
methodology the design
by Elsevier
is proposed B.V.phase
to analyze of multi-material
existing products in viewparts for Incremental
of their Manufacturing.
functional and physical architecture. The aim is to cluster
© products
© 2018
2019 The under responsibility
in new
The Authors.
Authors. assembly
Published of Elsevier
by the scientific
Publishedoriented product
Elsevier committee
B.V. of the
for the 12th CIRPof
optimization Conference on Intelligent
existing assembly Computation
lines and in of
the creation Manufacturing
future reconfigurable
assembly under
systems. responsibility
Based on of
Datum the
Chain, committee
the physicalof the 12th
structure CIRP
of the Conference
products is on Intelligent
analyzed. Computation
Functional in Manufacturing
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 12th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing are identified, and
functional analysis is performed. Moreover, a hybrid functional and physical architecture graph (HyFPAG) is the output which depicts the
similarity Additive
between manufacturing;
product Hybrid
families by machining;
providing designComputer automated
support to process planning
both, production system planners and product designers. An illustrative
example of aAdditive manufacturing;
nail-clipper Hybridthe
is used to explain machining;
proposed Computer automated
methodology. processcase
An industrial planning
study on two product families of steering columns of
thyssenkrupp Presta France is then carried out to give a first industrial evaluation of the proposed approach.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP Design Conference 2018.
1. Introduction concepts should lead to a significant reduction in variant-
1. Introduction
Keywords: Assembly; Design method; Family identification concepts should lead
specific expenses to a significant
compared reduction
to traditional in variant-
1.1 Initial position specific expenses compared to traditional
processes while maintaining sufficient production capacity. form-bounded
1.1 Initial position processes
To tackle while maintaining
this problem sufficient
the authors production
propose capacity.
the production
An economic variation of products is a necessity, which is To tackle this problem the authors propose
concept called “Incremental Manufacturing”, which faces the the production
An economic
from thevariation
costs-, ofmaterial-
products or is agenerally
which is of the product
cost-efficient range
“Incremental Manufacturing”,
variant flexible manufactured
parts and/or
[1, 2]. the
derived from the costs-, material- or
efficient implementation of the product and value-addedgenerally resource- assembled in this
cost-efficient system. of
production In variant
this context,
2]. in
Due toimplementation
diversity the fastby development
demanded of the
the product
market. in
The the
and domain
drivers are theof modelling and analysis
1.2 Incremental Manufacturing is now not only to cope with single
diversity and
demanded an
by ongoing
the trend
technical-functional differentiation of products and of
The digitization
drivers are and
the products, a limited
1.2 Incremental product range or existing product families,
fulfillment ofmanufacturing
technical-functional enterprises
customer-specific of are facing
requirements. important
and the
Form-bound but In
to be able to
to enableanalyze and to compare
a multi-scale products with
production to definethe
fulfillment in
of today’s market
customer-specific environments:
processes such as injection molding or aluminum die-cast are a continuing
Form-bound new Inproduct
order families.
to enable It can
a be observed
flexibility to scale product variants and that classical
production existing
volume, thea
used for towards
processes such asreduction
cost-efficient of product
large development
aluminum die-cast times
The and
rising product
concept families
flexibility areproduct
to scale
called regrouped
“Incremental in function
variants of clients
and production
Manufacturing” (IM) isorvolume,
used for product lifecycles.
cost-efficient largeIn addition,
series there
customer demand for individualization and technical is an increasing
The rising However,
which combines additive manufacturing processes withto other
concept assembly
called oriented
“Incremental product families
Manufacturing” are
is find.
customer of customization,
differentiation leads toforan being
demand at thenumber
increasing same time and in technical
a global
of variants per On
which the product
combines family
additive level, products
manufacturing differ mainly
production technologies. In such a production concept, base within two
part. This reduces the batch-size per product variant andtrend,
differentiationwith competitors
leads to an all over
increasing the
number world.of This
variants per
thus main characteristics:
production (i)
technologies. the
parts are produced in large volumeInnumber
such a of components
production and
concept, (ii) the
first and then
part. is inducing
increases reduces
production thebatch-size
the development
costs. Inperorderfromto macro
product variant
the type
parts of components
are produced (e.g.
in mechanical,
large volume electrical,
finalized by combining additive manufacturing with milling, electronical).
first and then
increases results in
production diminished
costs. lot
In sizes
order due
increasing pressure to individualize production fundamental to augmenting
overcome the Classical
handling, by
assembly additiveconsidering
processes. Thismainly
with products
product varieties
new production (high-volume
pressure areto low-volume
to individualize
concepts production
required. production)
Such fundamental
production[1]. or solitary,andalready
handling, assemblyexisting product
processes. Thisfamilies
process analyze
combination the
newcope with this augmenting
production concepts are variety as wellSuch
required. as to production
be able to product structure on a physical level (components level) which
identify possible optimization potentials in the existing causes difficulties regarding an efficient definition and
2212-8271 © system,
2017 The it is important
Authors. Publishedtobyhave a precise
Elsevier B.V. knowledge comparison of different product families. Addressing this
2212-8271 ©under
The Authors. of the scientific
Published committee
by Elsevier B.V.of the 11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering.
2212-8271 2019The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V. B.V.
Peer-review underresponsibility
of of
thethe scientific
scientific committee
committee of the
of the 28th12th
CIRPCIRP Conference
Design on 2018.
Conference Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering.
108 Ann-Kathrin Reichler et al. / Procedia CIRP 79 (2019) 107–112
A. Reichler et al. / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000

allows scalability towards series production of customized current methods and approaches can be used as a basis to
multi-material products. further develop a design and process planning method for IM.
This production concept offers a high degree of freedom in
the domains of product design, production sequence as well as 2.1. Design and product architecture for additive/ hybrid
the interaction and influence of different incremental additive manufacturing
production steps. Figure 1 shows a comparison of a standard
hinged pillar (aluminum die-casting) and an IM design The aforementioned increase in complexity in the design
variant. IM allows, for example, a flexible combination of freedom of incrementally manufactured parts can partly be
material and manufacturing technologies so that the number of countered by familiar methodological approaches such as
possible production variants increases enormously. This high Design for Additive Manufacturing (DFAM) [3, 4] or
degree of freedom must be handled by interlinking the various topology optimization. The topology optimization of
dimensions of product design and production in an early components uses the potential of additive manufacturing to
design phase in order to implement the concept of IM develop structures with minimum weight and simultaneous
efficiently. For this reason, the two domains design maximum mechanical rigidity [5].
technology and manufacturing process technology have to be It should be noted that segmentation will play an important
integrated. This integration leads to a product design that is on role in the design of parts for IM because the production
the one hand optimized in terms of e.g. weight and functional concept offers the possibility to combine an unlimited number
integration and on the other hand optimized for cost-efficient of potential processes. Ponche developed a holistic approach
manufacturability of components with many variants. The for the DFAM, where not only the costs and weight of the
integral consideration of these two domains is, therefore, a products are considered, but also the design and
crucial requirement for IM. manufacturing requirements [6]. Ranja et al. developed an
approach for design guidelines that addressed the
manufacturability of the components. The designer receives
information about disturbing geometries that influence the
manufacturability of the component at the same time, an
attempt is being made to reduce the cost of the component [7].
The description forms and the methods for evaluation of
manufacturability from the state of the art, can be used as
basis to develop a design and product architecture for IM.
However, current approaches are focused on monolithic
materials and must therefore be adapted and extended for
example by aspects of semi-finished products.
In order to increase the flexibility of the current
monolithic process design for additive manufacturing, the
design must include a corresponding freedom in process
planning. Kerbrat presents such a design for manufacturing
(DFM) approach, in which feature recognition is used to
automatically subdivides a component geometry into
component regions to be produced by additive or subtractive
manufacturing [8]. Homar proposes a processing time- and
cost-oriented algorithm to reduce the portion of the
Fig. 1. Hinged pillar conventional manufacturing (left) and different component that has to be manufactured additively in order to
incremental manufacturing variants (right)
increase the productivity [9]. Joshi presents a similar approach
where a complexity number is used to divide the component
This paper presents a theoretical approach for an integrated
into additive, subtractive and hybrid areas [10]. For IM such
part design during the product design phase to cope with the
approaches have to be extended in such a way, that semi-
high degree of freedom rising from the new production
finished parts can be considered.
concept of IM during the product design phase. The
It can be concluded from the state of the art in design
theoretical functionality of the method is demonstrated in a
methodology that there are already methods available to
case study for a hinged pillar, the results are discussed,
design additive manufactured components with monolithic
lessons learned are stated and an outlook for future research is
material designs and to design simple additive-subtractive
production routes. In summary, the following research
demand has to be addressed to develop methods for Design
2. Literature Review of Design methods and Process
for IM.
planning tools for incremental manufacturing
• First, further description forms and design methods are
This section presents a literature review of current research on
necessary for production-oriented and load-path adapted
design and process planning methods in the context of
integration of semi-finished products into the product
additive and hybrid additive manufacturing. Since IM is an
enlargement of the hybrid additive manufacturing concepts
Ann-Kathrin Reichler et al. / Procedia CIRP 79 (2019) 107–112 109
A. Reichler et al. / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000

design, which will make the monolithic material • First, existing planning approaches for determining the
composition more flexible. production sequence must be supplemented by taking into
• Second, methods for assigning suitable production routes account the influence of the downstream production step.
(sequence of production processes) are required that can • Second, the description of the component segments must
ideally identify production routes that can be processed be extended to store manufacturing knowledge so that this
automatically in a future production system. can be used during sequence planning.
An integrated methodology that incorporates these two • Third, the results from the production route planning must
research demands is proposed in this paper. be used as feedback for the design phase in order to adapt
the design of the components in such a way that shorter
2.2. Process planning for additive & hybrid additive assembly times or lower costs of the end product result.
These research demands have to be addressed for the future
In the field of additive manufacturing, the term production establishment of IM.
planning refers to the definition of component alignment, the
arrangement of support structures, the slicing of components 3. Actual problems/action requirements
and the generation of tool paths [11, 12]. In addition, the
integration of measurement technology and the acquisition of The combination of additive manufacturing steps with
current process values are considered as relevant areas of prefabricated semi-finished parts increases the decision-
activity for processes planning [13]. In case of additive making freedom in component design and production
manufacturing production planning can be reduced to a pure planning. However, the component design specifications have
technological production planning which is carried out a more restrictive effect on the production route than
isolated for each of the individual steps (additive production, established component concepts. This means that the
post-processing). Some of these methods can be adapted for incremental production route must be included early and even
IM, for example slicing and tool path generation, but the more informatively in the component design definition. This
aspect of using semi-finished products as a base part is not combinatorial complexity is addressed in this paper in order to
mentioned yet. contribute to the methodical design control of IM.
For hybrid additive manufacturing the influences of The need for research includes the combination of
processes on subsequent processes are also taken into account. manufacturing and design methods and the integration of pre-
This results in an extension of the process planning method, products into an optimized production chain consisting of a
which also includes the determination of the additive- combination of different additive and subtractive production
subtractive process sequence in hybrid additive manufacturing as well as joining/ assembly steps.
[14]. A proposal for the process combination of fused
deposition modelling (FDM), machining post-processing and 4. Proposal approach for Design and Process planning for
measuring steps is made in the method "iAtractiv". The Incremental Manufacturing
method is based on a computer algorithm to determine the
sequence of the individual processing steps [15]. Production 4.1. Research objective
sequence planning is important for hybrid additive
manufacturing but for IM it plays an even greater role due to The objective of this paper is the development of a method
the variety of materials and production processes that can be that enables an integrated design of parts and variant-flexible
used and the higher number potential production increments. planning of production routes according to the basic
The planning of production routes for hybrid additive principles of IM. The method is derived from the ambition to
manufacturing must also consider geometric decomposition control the high degree of freedom that results from the
and the kinematic accessibility. The work in the field of the combination of additive manufacturing processes with semi-
additive laser application process can be used to break down a finished product-oriented part concept of IM.
part into sub-parts followed by determination of the assembly
sequence to guarantee the manufacturability of the sub-parts 4.2. Approach for Design and Processes planning
[16, 17]. Also Kao's work shows that the decomposition of a
component into manufactural subassemblies is an essential The proposed method is based on a combined segmented
part of process planning for hybrid additive manufacturing approach, where the part is first dived in monolithic segments,
[18, 19]. These approaches can be adapted for IM by and then the segments are optimized and evaluated based on
integrating further production processes. functional and constructive aspects. Based on the
Beyond the geometric disassembly, the use of an existing segmentation and a step-by-step concretization, a tree-like
component plays an important role to build up a new part by structure is created. The approach is based on a prioritization
combining additive and subtractive technologies [20]. This and an early elimination of variants by plausibility rules and
decision to use an existing structure comparable to a semi- model-based function and production parameters. Figure 2
finished product is also made within the scope of process shows a proposed procedure model for an integrated part
planning and can be transferred to the concept of IM. design for IM.
From the state of research, the following research demand
for IM arises.
110 Ann-Kathrin Reichler et al. / Procedia CIRP 79 (2019) 107–112
A. Reichler et al. / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000

Fig. 3. System- and access architecture

manufacturing model”. This combined data storage of design

and production data. These procedure is expected to simplify
consistency checks and, even more importantly, ensure equal
architectural rights for design and production aspects. Another
important feature of this architecture is the interface-based
expandability with proprietary design tools (CAD, FEM) and
production planning tools (slicer, toolpath generation).

Fig. 2. Procedure model for the integrated component design for IM 5. Case study

The procedure is divided into two main steps “combined The following section is concerned with a case study
generation of a part topology” and “combined generation of a which demonstrates the integrated design and production
production sequence and multi criteria evaluation”. These two approach. An intuitive solution for the two main steps of the
steps are executed alternatingly and the results are used as presented approach is applied for a demonstrator part (hinged
feedback for the next iteration. pillar) to illustrate the general concept of the method.
The first step includes the segmentation of an already Furthermore, feasible strategies and methods for automating
existing part into sub parts called part segments. The the approach of an integrated part design and process planning
segments are assigned to materials and processes and are proposed
afterwards the segments are dimensioned and function
optimized. This results in the "list of priorities 5.1. Combined generation of a part topology (Step 1)
(functionality)", which lists the combinatorial component
candidates according to functional aspects. These prioritized This step begins with a predecessor part shown in figure 4.
segments are then transferred to the second step “combined The part is separated into part segments, which is currently
generation of a production sequence and multi-criteria done manually based on experiences of the designer.
evaluation”. Based on the combinatorial freedom different However, the aim is to develop an automated segmentation
production routes are generated for the component candidates. based on a pattern recognition. As next step, all part segments
For each of these candidates, the complexity is evaluated and are assigned to a material (steel, plastic, aluminum etc.) and to
the "list of priorities (production technology)" is drawn up a manufacturing increment (pre-produced part, additive,
according to production-technical aspects. These results are subtractive etc.), whereby the classification is based on the
used as feedback for the first step for refinement and re- geometry, mechanical load and the connection to other
execution. segments (joints). By assigning different properties to the
A system and access architecture has to be build up to respective segments, different component variants can then be
realize the proposed model for integrated component design derived. This assignment leads to a tree like structure. The
for IM (see figure 3). The initial point is the central sequence automated derivation of component variants can be
control, which calls up the functionalities and manages the implemented, on the one hand, based on rules using similarity
data and communication channels that arise. This proposed indicators and fuzzy logic, and on the other hand, by using
architecture enables, on the one hand, a separate storage and probabilistic methods (e.g. genetic algorithm) to increase the
management of the relevant construction and production variety of possible solutions.
functionalities and on the other hand, it is possible to realize a
close linking via the commonly used data structure “part and
Ann-Kathrin Reichler et al. / Procedia CIRP 79 (2019) 107–112 111
A. Reichler et al. / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000

the production route in the manner of a directed graph. For

simple parts with only a few part segments (< 20 part
segments) every potential production route is generated by
permutation. For complex parts (> 20 part segments) with
many part segments it is not efficient to generate all
production routes. One possibility to reduce the number of
production routes in an early stage of the graph creation is the
application of prioritization algorithms for example “Branch
and bound” to prioritize the “fittest” production routes.
The generated production routes must be prioritized and
optimized based on production knowledge. This knowledge
can be generated with the application of different process
models. Currently, the right process model for each part
segment has to be chosen and started manually. For an
automated prioritization, an interface has to be developed to
connect external software products or self-developed
production models (see figure 3). By linking production
models to the production route, it is possible to generate
performance indicators for each production route. Important
performance indicators for IM can be time, quality and costs.
The result of step 2 is therefore a priority list based on
production and technical assessment criteria.
In the end, the generated production knowledge is used as
Fig. 4. Combined generation of a part topology (step1)
feedback for the first step for a further concretization and
elimination of part variants. For example, the overall
Afterwards the generated part geometry has to be
production time for the hinged pillar is reduced from 120 min
optimized and the part behavior has to be simulated. It is
to 5 min using a pre-produced production increment instead of
intended to use topology optimization for additive and
an additive increment as shown in figure 5.
subtractive increments and shape dimensioning and
The last decision about which part variant is the “best part
optimization for pre-produced increments. It is necessary to
variant” will be a compromise between part functionality
develop algorithms for an automated generation of finite
(priority list of functionality) and manufacturability (priority
element models for the shape optimization as well as
list of production technology).
installation design space models for the topology optimization
in order to automate the simulation and optimization process.
Furthermore, an interface is required to link CAD and FEM
programs with the geometry part models to enable an
automated data exchange. The results of the simulation and
optimization procedure can be used to decrease the number of
potential part candidates by eliminating unfavorable variants.
At the end of step 1 a priority list based on the functionality of
the variants is generated.

5.2. Combined generation of a production sequence and

multi-criteria evaluation (Step 2)

During the second step, the functional and geometrically

parameterized part models are supplemented by
manufacturing properties. Due to the combinatorial variety of
sequence candidates, it is desirable to reduce the amount of
combinations for less computational effort. Therefore, the
sequence planning is divided into alternating steps for
(partial) generation of sequence candidates and steps for
prioritizing or excluding these candidates. This procedure is
explained in more detail below.
First, all feasible production routes are generated.
Currently, this is done manually by connecting production
sequences based on human intuition and knowledge about the
process to production routes (see figure 5). For further Fig 5. Combined generation of a production sequence and multi-criteria
evaluation (step 2)
automation, the production routes can be generated by
incrementally adding one process sequence after the other to
112 Ann-Kathrin Reichler et al. / Procedia CIRP 79 (2019) 107–112
A. Reichler et al. / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000

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establishment of design tools for the elimination of part
The further work of the authors will concentrate on the
implementation and evaluation of the listed functionalities for
an automated and integrated design and process planning

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