Trends in Sausage Production

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African Journal of Food Science and Technology (ISSN: 2141-5455) Vol. 8(5) pp.

081-084, July, 2017

DOI: http:/
Available online @
Copyright ©2017 International Research Journals


Trends in Sausage Production

Akpan, I. P
Department of Animal Science, University of Uyo
Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected]


Sausage production in the olden days was a way of preserving meat but in modern days, it has
gradually reshaped into meat product with addition of ingredients other than salt. There has been
tremendous improvement in almost all aspects of Sausage production such as Shape of the product,
species of animals used, casings, ingredients, equipment and machines etc. further advances will still
be made in sausage production due to revolution of technology even in areas that have been addressed
and the ones that are yet to be researched. This paper goes forth to bring to full knowledge the trends
in sausage production.

Key words: Sausage production, meat products, processing, processed meat, comminuted meat


Sausage is derived in the latin word ‘Salsus’ meaning Most of the famous sausages made were named after
salted or preserved by salting(‘Sausage making’, 2009) the locality from which they were first made: the
or ‘Salsicia’ meaning something salted. The term was Frankfurter in Frankfurt, Germany; the bologna in
probably originally applied to cured or salted meat Bologna, Italy; the genoa salami in Genoa, Italy; Lyons
generally. In the olden days, there were no refrigerators sausage from Lyons, France and Berliner sausage from
for meat preservation and sausage making was a way to from Berlin Germany. In England, sausages became
solve this problem. Sausage has been an age long associated with the county - Berkshire, Wiltshire,
method of preservation as recorded by the primitive man, Lincolnshire, Cumberland etc. (‘Sausage’, 2008)
the ancient Egyptians and American Indians (Ikeme, Sausages are meat products that are comminuted, mixed
1990). The first recognizable mention of this meat food is with other ingredients and stuffed in a casing.
found in a greek play called ‘The Orya’ or ‘The Sausage’
written about 500 B.C. Thereafter, the word Sausage
occurs with frequency in Greek writings such as in the Classification of sausage
‘Odyssey’ written by Homer in 830 B.C.
Sausage making evolved as an effort to economize The classification method for Sausage is according to the
and preserve meat which could not be consumed methods of processing or manufacture. Sausage is
immediately after slaughter (Marchello et al., 1998). This basically classified into two broad groups: Raw and heat
practise could be traced back to the ancient Greeks and processed sausages. Raw sausages are further sub-
Romans who made sausages which were usually plain divided into two categories: fresh and fermented
and unspiced (‘Sausage’, 2008). In the middle age, sausages. Then the fermented are further sub-divided
people started developing sausages with spices which into Dry and Semi-dry. Similarly, the heat processed are
led to modern Sausage. sausages on the other hand are classified into Uncooked
Different types of sausages were created all over the smoked sausages, cooked smoked sausages and
world and each region developed their own distinctive cooked sausages.
style of sausage influenced by availability of local a. Fresh sausages are made from fresh meats which
ingredients, spices casings and climate. Regions with are as a rule, neither cured, smoked, fermented nor
distinct seasons used different techniques to preserve cooked. Fresh sausages must be kept under refrigeration
meat. In the cold seasons, fresh sausage was able to prior to eating. They are heated by the consumer before
keep for short periods of time without refrigeration. The serving e.g Fresh pork, Breakfast, sausage, Italian
smoking process was developed to preserve sausages in sausage, Fresh chorizo.
warmer seasons.
082 Afr. J. Food Sci. Technol.

b. Fermented sausages are made from cured or shapes, sizes and forms to meet the consumers’ appeal.
uncured, non- fermented and often smoked meats but Example is the Daisy-shaped slice of Deli product,
they are not heat processed in anyway. These sausages frankfurters etc.
have a distinctive tangy flavour due to the presence of 3. Casing:
lactic acid that is produced by fermentation. The meat is a. Natural casings are being preserved in packages for
stuffed into casing and allowed to ‘ferment’, the process future use (Casing expert, 2003). These natural casings
by which bacteria metabolize sugars and produce acids are preserved in salt. It must be soaked in warm water
and other compounds as by products. In meat before use.
fermentation, bacteria which produce lactic acid are b. Special grade smooth polyethene is now in use for
utilized to produce the tangy flavour of dry sausages. sausage casing as these can take print and permit an
They are sometimes referred to as ‘summer sausages’ attractive presentation (Savic, 1985), also plastic casing
and eaten cold e.g Genoa, Salami, Pepperoni, Frizzes, that can withstand the automated processes and tight
Lebanon bologna Cevelat, Thuringer, Mortadella. packaging are also available commercially.
c. Uncooked smoked sausages are mostly cured, non- c. Cellulose casing with antimicrobial system are
fermented products, their shelf-life is increased by developed for effective reduction of the risk of Listeria
heating due to partial reduction of their moisture content; monocytogenes surface contamination of hot Dogs and
they are usually finally cooked before consumption. E.g. other cooked sausage (Hasen, 2006). The invention
Kielbasas (Polish sausage), Chinese sausage, mettwurst, involves application of a natural antimicrobial system to a
teawurst, smoked country-styled pork sausage. sausage surface via the cellulose casing. After cooking
d. Cooked smoked sausages may be cured or uncured, and peeling away the casing, the resultant surface
are heat processed and sometimes smoked. They often treatment on the hot Dog or sausage demonstrates the
contain a variety meat or organ meat such as liver. As definite killing of Listeria within the first few hours of
ready to eat product, cooked sausages are usually package life, thus providing an effective safeguard in the
served cold and may be stored refrigerated for up to event of a post-processing contamination episode.
seven days after opening a package. E.g. Franfurters, d. Co-extruded casing have also been introduced which
Cotto salami, Berliner. uses collagen and Alginate as the casing materials. It
e. Cooked sausages are ready-to-serve products, allows continuous production without interruption in
basically made from previously cooked fresh or casing loading (Sam, 2006).
exceptionally cured raw materials, subjected to final e. Liquid form casing is an alginate based casing which
cooking after stuffing without additional smoking e.g applies casing in liquid form and then sets it in a second
Liverswurst, Braunschweiger, blood sausage. solution.It encases both ends of the sausage and is taste
f. Specialty sausages: this class of sausage is not and texture natural. The advantage of this casing is that it
specific about the method of processing. It is a diverse can take both taste and colour profile in the liquid state,
category that may contain cured, uncured, smoked and offering producers more several options including
non-smoked meats thatdo not readily fit into other ‘smoked’. An example of this casing is VegicaseTM
category. They are seasoned and often formed into
loaves. E.g Olive loaf, head cheese, jellied corned beef, 4. New Equipment
scrapple souse, sausage rolls a. Use of Humidity Monitoring Devices (HMD): use of
HDM as against the use of dry and wet bulb
thermometers for the purpose of measuring relative
Advances in technology of sausage production humidity in dry sausage manufacture. Humidity
monitoring devices give a direct readout of relative
Sausage production has been in existence for twenty humidity.
centuries (‘Sausage History’, 2008) and over the years, b. Automation of sausage production: machines are
there are some modifications in almost all areas of now used at each step of production as against the use
production although the principles remain the same. With of manual labour and implement. (‘Sausage
the advent of civilization and evolution of technology, Source’,2007). The Sausage industry has seen a vast
there has been improvement in the following areas: improvement in product integrity, particle definition,
1. Species of animal: The species of animal used for texture and yield due to evolution of vacuumization in
sausage production traditionally were pork, beef and veal pumps, inline grinding, automatic hanging devices,
if the cost could be procured. Recently, species of animal automated mold loading, scalding and batching systems
being used include turkey (poultry), venison, and fish. and computer controlled product flow e.g the AL series of
The most recent is the use of African Catfish (Clarias machines produced by handtmann for linking natural
gariepinus, Burchell 1822) (Oksuz, 2008) in the sausage casing to exact length and weight. Year in –
production of dry sausage. year out, new models of these machines are being
2. Shape of the product: sausages were traditionally manufactured such as grinders with different plate
formed symmetrically but today they come in different diameter and holes for desired particle size. The use of
Akpan, 083

a. mechanical stuffers have also replaced the used of cookery arts which is firmly rooted in Japan diet. The
animal horns such as cattle horns (Savic, 1985) thereby ingredients of the new pork product are 200g ham of
reducing drudgery in stuffing process. Japan-pork cut, 10g egg white powder whipped until
b. Sausage formulation software: development of foamy in 70g water, 5or 2.5g NaCl, 4g fresh ginger juice,
sausage formulation software has made the cumbersome 40g potato starch, and 190g water.
sausage formulation calculations easy and fast for the b. Meatless sausage: soy-based sausage rich in
sausage processors. An example is the SausageMania® isoflavones, which helps to prevent cancer and heart
spreadsheet. diseases have been developed by the Food and Nutrition
Research Institute of the Department of Science and
1. Ingredients Technology, Philippines, for sausage lovers who for
health reasons cannot eat meat sausage.(DOST- FNRI,
a. Introduction of Starter cultures: Starter cultures are 2008).
commercial preparation containing living or resting GRAS
(Generally Regard As Safe) micro- organisms that
develop the desired metabolic activity in the food. CONCLUSION
Traditionally, fermented sausages were made with the
aid of spontaneous micro- organisms in the environment. Although sausage making has had a long and colourful
The idea of inoculating Lactobacillus into dry fermented history, several recent developments have been possible
sausage was introduced by Jensen and Paddock in 1940 only because of the processing knowledge gained over
(Errkkila, 2001). The use of starter cultures in the the years. While some of its basic practices are as old as
manufacture of dry fermented sausage, such as civilization, the industry is constantly adopting new
pepperoni and summer sausagehas achieved controlled developments in processing in the light of later scientific
fermentation that ensures and enhances the production and technical knowledge. There is every reason to
of desired end product (Bacus, 1984; Leistner, 1992). believe that in the coming years, further advances will still
Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus acidilactici are be made in sausage production due to revolution of
used to ferment the added sugars and produce lactic technology even in areas that have been addressed and
acid, which decreases the pH of the product. This helps the ones that are yet to be researched.
to make the product shelf-stable and provides unique
flavours and textures.Commercial Starter cultures with
strains of Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactobacillus curvatus,
Staphylococcus xylosushave also been produced such Bacus J(1984). Dry and semi dry sausages. In Utilization of micro-
as the BLESSING biotech GmbH (JÖrg Groth, 2008). organisms in meat processing. The Handbook for meat plant
b. Use of acidulants: These are chemicals used in operators (pp. 15- 56). Letchworth, England, Uk: Research studies
place of starter cultures to eliminate fermentation in Casing export, (2003). Natural casing production.
fermented sausages. They are usually encapsulated Retrieved December 14, 2008.
acids or slow release Glucono-Delta- Lactone (GDL). Dhamankar N, Clarke AD(2007). Effect of Bioprotectants in Turkey
Encapsulated acids are tiny beads of acid surrounded by sausage. 60th Annual Reciprocal Meat conference. June 17-20,
o 2007. Brookings, South Dakota. Retrieved
lipid coat. They are mixed into the batter and at 135 F,
October 20, 2008.
the lipid coat melts and releases the acid. DOST- FNRI, (2008).DOST -FNRI develops new meatless sausage.
c. Use of Bioprotectants: Bioprotectants are Retrieved
microorganism which prevent growth of unwanted micro- December 14, 2008.
Erkkila S(2001). Bioprotective and probiotic meat starter culture for the
organisms by producing in addition Lactic acid other
fermentation of sausages. Academic Dissertation. Helsinki, Finland.
antimicrobial compounds. Bioprotectant products are Groth J(2008). BLESING Biotech: Starter culture for tasty food.
derived from Propionibacterium freudenrei sub sp. wissencharf/index.
shermanii. It contains organic acid diacetyl and low Hasen C(2006). About meat starter culture F- LC www.butcher- Retrieved Jan 11, 2009.
molecularweight polypeptide e.g MicrogardTM510 and
Leistner F(1992). The essentials of producing stable and safe raw
MicrogardTM 300. Bioprotectant improves the quality of fermented sausages. In F. J. M. Smulders, F. Toldra, J. Flores, & M.
sausage by controlling microbial growth during storage Prieto (Eds), News technologies for meat and meat products (pp 1-
(Dhamankar et al., 2007). 19) Utrecht, the Netherlands: ECCEAMST, Audet Tud – schreen,
Marchello M, Garden-Robinson J(1995). The Art and Practice of
2. New product development Sausage Making. NDSU Extension service. North Dakota State
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a. Pork and egg sausage: A new sausage type product Oksuz A, Akdemir E, Gulsun C, Muzaffer S, Ozeren A(2008).
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, vol 43, No1,
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