Name of the Client : CHANDRASEKARAN ARIYANAYAKASUNDARAM UCC Code : CS1A188 Family Code : Branch Code :CS1
: G 2 / 4 S S N COLLAGE LABOUR Dealing Office Address :PSK Booshanam Mahal, 1st Floor, No.
127, 100 Feet Bypass Road, Velachery TEl NO. : 9791062999
Mobile No. : 9962767275
BILL NO : 201905060149
PAN of Client : AYNPA4462B CONTRACT NOTE NO : 24049
Client GSTIN :
Trade Date : 06/05/2019
Sir/Madam, Settlement No : 2019084
I/We have this day done by your order and on your account the following transactions : Settlement Date : 08/05/2019
CMBP id : IN655865 IN565857
Buy Gross Rate/ per Rate per Rate Total
Price Per unit
Order Trade Trade Security/Contract (B) / trade price Unit Unit Per (Before
Order No. Quantity (in foreign
Time No. Time Description Sell per Unit (Rs) (Rs) Unit(Rs) Levies)(Rs.)
(S) (Rs) For
NSECM N 2019084
1100000003893030 13:42:41 26684888 13:42:41 FEDERALBNK B 246 100.7500 0.0101 100.7601 -24786.98
1100000003893030 13:42:41 26684892 13:42:41 FEDERALBNK B 75 100.7500 0.0101 100.7601 -7557.01
1100000003893030 13:42:41 26684891 13:42:41 FEDERALBNK B 50 100.7500 0.0101 100.7601 -5038.00
1100000003893030 13:42:41 26684893 13:42:41 FEDERALBNK B 230 100.7500 0.0101 100.7601 -23174.82
1100000003893030 13:42:41 26684890 13:42:41 FEDERALBNK B 1 100.7500 0.0101 100.7601 -100.76
1100000003893030 13:42:41 26684889 13:42:41 FEDERALBNK B 398 100.7500 0.0101 100.7601 -40102.52
1100000005107986 15:14:57 27288155 15:14:57 FEDERALBNK S -481 100.2000 0.0100 100.1900 48191.39
1100000005107986 15:14:57 27288156 15:14:57 FEDERALBNK S -100 100.2000 0.0100 100.1900 10019.00
1100000005107986 15:14:57 27288157 15:14:57 FEDERALBNK S -36 100.2000 0.0100 100.1900 3606.84
1100000005107986 15:14:57 27288158 15:14:57 FEDERALBNK S -61 100.2000 0.0100 100.1900 6111.59
1100000005107986 15:14:57 27288159 15:14:57 FEDERALBNK S -50 100.2000 0.0100 100.1900 5009.50
1100000005107986 15:14:57 27288160 15:14:57 FEDERALBNK S -100 100.2000 0.0100 100.1900 10019.00
1100000005107986 15:14:57 27288161 15:14:57 FEDERALBNK S -36 100.2000 0.0100 100.1900 3606.84
1100000005107986 15:14:57 27288162 15:14:57 FEDERALBNK S -130 100.2000 0.0100 100.1900 13024.70
1100000005107986 15:14:57 27288163 15:14:57 FEDERALBNK S -5 100.2000 0.0100 100.1900 500.95
1100000005107986 15:14:57 27288164 15:14:57 FEDERALBNK S -1 100.2000 0.0100 100.1900 100.19
Symbol :FEDERALBNK ISIN : INE171A01029 Net FEDERALBNK -570.10
Total Buy : 1000 @ 100.7500 = 100750.00 Brk: 10.1000 Total Sell : 1000 @ 100.2000 = 100200.00 Brk 10.0000
1200000002741193 12:05:25 51176296 12:05:25 MAHABANK S -1000 15.8500 0.0300 15.8200 15820.00
1200000005241664 15:29:12 52343902 15:29:12 MAHABANK S -900 15.4000 0.0300 15.3700 13833.00
Symbol :MAHABANK ISIN : INE457A01014 Net MAHABANK -1900 15.6068 29653.00
Total Buy : Total Sell : 1900 @ 15.6368 = 29710.00 Brk 57.0000
1000000000261162 09:16:53 48080 09:16:53 B 75 80.4000 0.0667 80.4667 -6035.00
11600.0000 CE
NET 75 80.4667 -6035.00
11600.0000 CE
Total Buy : 75 @ 80.4000 = 6030.00 Brk: 5.0025 Total Sell :
1500000003039681 13:29:08 81343018 13:30:59 B 550 21.0000 0.0091 21.0091 -11555.00
1480.0000 CE
NET 550 21.0091 -11555.00
1480.0000 CE
Total Buy : 550 @ 21.0000 = 11550.00 Brk: 5.0050 Total Sell :
Buy Gross Rate/ per Rate per Rate Total
Price Per unit
Order Trade Trade Security/Contract (B) / trade price Unit Unit Per (Before
Order No. Quantity (in foreign
Time No. Time Description Sell per Unit (Rs) (Rs) Unit(Rs) Levies)(Rs.)
(S) (Rs) For
* CGST:-Central GST; SGST: - State GST; IGST:-Integrated GST; UTT: - Union Territory Tax.
*Details of trade-wise levies shall be provided on request.
Remark: Squaring of positions for non-compliance of margin norms
*Alternatively, these details may be furnished separately as Annexure to the Contract Note.
Transactions mentioned in this contract note cum bill shall be governed and subject to the Rules, Bye-laws and Regulations and Circulars of the respective Exchanges on which trades have been executed and
Securities and Exchange Board of India from time to time. The Exchanges provide Complaint Resolution, Arbitration and Appellate arbitration facilities at the Regional Arbitration Centres (RAC). The client may
approach its nearest centre, details of which are available on respective Exchange’s website. Please visit www.bseindia.com for BSE, www.msei.in for MCX-SX, www.nseindia.com for NSE and
www.useindia.com for USE.
Stamp Duty as applicable will be paid on consolidated basis at the end of the month or as may be prescribed by relevant authority from time to time