Transitional Words and Phrasesrevised815
Transitional Words and Phrasesrevised815
Transitional Words and Phrasesrevised815
acidy, acrid, antiseptic, aromatic, balmy, biting, bitter, briny, burnt, citrusy, comforting,
corky, damp, dank, distinctive, earthy, fishy, flowery, fragrant, fresh, fruity, gamy, gaseous,
heavy, lemony, medicinal, metallic, mildewed, minty, moldy, musky, musty, odorless,
peppery, perfumed, piney, pungent, putrid, reek, rose, rotten, savoury, scented, sharp,
sickly, skunky, smoky, sour, spicy, spoiled, stagnant, stench, stinking, sulphur, sweaty,
sweet, tart, tempting, vinegary, woody, yeasty.
bang, bark, beep, bellow, blare, blast, bleat, bong, boom, bray, buzz, cackle, cheep, chime,
clack, clank, clap, clatter, clink, cluck, clunk, crack, crackle, crash, creak, dingdong, drop,
drumming, fizz, glug, gnashing, gobble, grating, growl, grumble, gurgle, hiss, hoot, howl,
hum, jingle, jangle, kachink, knock, mew, moan, mod, murmur, neigh, patter, peal, peep,
pop, power, pounding, pulsing, purr, put-put, rap, rat-a-tat, rattle, ring, rippling, roar,
rumble, rushing, rustle, scream, scrunch, shriek, sizzle, slam, snap, snarl, snort, splash,
sputter, squawk, squeal, squish, stamp, swish, swoosh, tap, tattoo, tearing, throb, thud,
thump, thunder, tick, tick-tock, tinkle, toot, trill, twang, twitter, wail, wheeze, whine, whir,
whisper, yap, yelp, zap
Acidic Acrid Aged Bitter Bittersweet Bland Burnt Buttery Chalky Cheesy Chewy Chocolaty
Citrusy Cool Creamy Crispy Crumbly Crunchy Crusty Doughy Dry Earthy Eggy Fatty
Fermented Fiery Fishy Fizzy Flakey Flat Flavorful Fresh Fried Fruity Full-bodied Gamey
(refers to the flavor or strong odor of game, like Elk or Deer. Garlicky Gelatinous Gingery
Glazed Grainy Greasy Gooey Gritty Harsh Hearty Heavy Herbal Hot Icy Infused Juicy Lean
Light Lemony Malty Mashed Meaty Mellow Mild Minty Moist Mushy Nutty Oily Oniony
Overripe Pasty Peppery Pickled Plain Powdery Raw Refreshing Rich Ripe Roasted Robust
Rubbery Runny Salty Sautéed Savory Seared Seasoned Sharp Silky Slimy Smokey
Smothered Smooth Soggy Soupy Sour Spicy Spongy Stale Sticky Stale Stringy Strong Sugary
or sweet Sweet-and-sour Syrupy Tangy Tart Tasteless Tender Toasted Tough Unflavored
Unseasoned Velvety Vinegary Watery Whipped Woody Yeasty Zesty Zingy