Electric Power Systems

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G Casa and F Veroni



The municipalities have to guarantee the Public MANAGEMENT MODALITY
Lighting service all over their territory. Public Lighting
systems must assure appropriate standard of quality, In Italy about 7 million of public lighting lamps have
availability and efficiency of the service provided, in been installed up to now, corresponding to 1200 MW
order to meet the community needs in terms of safety, and to a consumption of 4.800.000 M W y e a r .
security and quality of life in urban areas. The operation costs are, approximately, 12 Euro per
A good Public Lighting service contributes both to inhabitant /year.
reduce road accidents, criminal acts, and to brighten Public lighting service is managed by several
monuments, squares, roads and buildings of the city. organisations such as: Electrical Utilities,
The citizens consider the public lighting service to be an Municipalities, installer Associations etc.
important parameter in order to assess the importance ENEL SpA has in charge about 20% of the total
attributed by authorities to “of life quality and safety” numbers of lamps.
For these reasons, the most sensible public Public lighting
administrators are calling for more adequate solutions
concerning the control of their lighting installations. Public lighting installations are, normally, fed by a
Several factors contribute to determine quality of street dedicated Low Voltage Distribution Line linked to a
lighting service; the most important ones are: secondary substation. The installations are composed of:
0 quality of the devices and equipment used; the cabinet, which includes a circuit- breaker
0 an appropriate system architecture, followed by a controlled by a photoelectric switch,
certified installation; the distribution line (that could be three phase or
a careful wise management of the service, conceived single phase),
to guarantee in the long term all the appropriate the luminaries are connected between Neutral and
performances. one Phase. If the distribution line supplies only
Automation has been, recently, applied to the lighting public lighting, its maximum length is 400 m in
systems, determining improved functionality in the urban areas and 1000 m in rural areas.
industrial products, available on the market, and
promoting new features llke remote-control and remote- Public lighting service costs and modes
management, made possible by means of some
innovative data transmission technology. One of them The operating cost of a Public lighting system is
named PLC (Power Line Camer), makes use of the referred to the single lamp and includes all the items
Low Voltage distribution network as a bi-directional such as: preventive and repair maintenance, energy
communication channel. Being the electrical network a consumption, repair of failures. A simple contractual
widespread infrastructure which arrives at each mechanism is normally adopted, all the costs are
luminaries no extra cost is required for its installation. summarised and related to the number of the luminaries
The remote-control and remote-management is a under contract. An annual fixed amount per lamp is
powerful innovation for public lighting; they could open agreed, taking into account the type of the lamp
the future offering optimised performance, increased (mercury vapour high pressure, sodium vapour high
efficiency and reduced management costs. pressure etc.) and the power of the lamp.

Services provide to the customer

Metering and Tariffs for Energy Supply, 25-28 May 1999, Conference Publication No. 462 0 IEE 1999
Ordinary maintenance. It is a preventive maintenance Centralised operation implies a great number of
scheduled to clean and check the luminaries, repairing functions such as: remote control of the installations,
the mechanical and electrical parts, out of order. This “just in time” repair of failures, maintenance report and
maintenance includes also, following an appropriate statistics related components’ time life, medium time
program, the substitution of lamps every two years, between failure and consequently spare parts’
corresponding to a life of 8,000 working hours optimisation.

Repair maintenance. It’s to overcome the random Central Controller. This electronic device, located in
faults, repairing broken lamps and accessories, within the secondary substation, has in charge two main tasks.
one week after the communication sent by the The first one is conceived to manage either Distribution
municipality, where the fault occurred. The lighting Line or single luminaries, in this case each
identification of failures is in charge to the Public luminaries have to be equipped with a Lamp Controller.
Administration which has to use a proper staff. It’s The Lamp Controller communicates, using PLC
important to remark this aspect because: a remote technology, with the Central Controller.
control system identifies failures in real time, adding The second task is to assure the integrity of the data
new value to the service. until they are successfully transmitted, to the Remote
computer station.
Switch ON-OFF of the lamps. This operation is made
through a dedicated circuit breaker, placed in the head Lamp Controller. Electronic device installed in each
of the Line supplying the lamps. The circuit breaker is luminaries, conceived to detect which part of the
controlled by a photoelectric switch calibrated on luminaries, capacitor, ballast, lamp is broken.
defined level of environment light. In this way the Equipped with a Power Line modem tuned on B Band,
lamps are supplied 4.000 hours per year ,on average. (ASK modulation with carrier at 112kHz, transmission
speed 166,6 Baud) receives commands and transmits
PUBLIC LIGHTING AUTOMATION SYSTEMS information to the Central Controller.
Public lighting automation systems today available on
the market, using advanced and innovative An internal survey, done on public lighting automation
technologies, solutions able to comply with all the systems offered on the market, has allowed to classify
requirements coming from Public Administration. In the these systems in two groups.
near future, they will determine a great improvement in
the quality of service still reducing the costs. 1. Distribution Line automation system.
The typical general architecture of these systems is 2. Lighting automation system.
showed in figure 1. It is organised in three hierarchical
levels corresponding to: Distribution Line automation system. The systems of
this group are conceived to control the integrity of the
9 Remote computer station; lamps supplied by a dedicated Distribution Line. They
9 Central Controller; are able to detect if one or more lamps, connected to the.
9 Lamp Controller: same Distribution Line, are broken without indicating
their physical or logical position.
Remote computer station. Based on a Personal The architecture is based on a Central Controller which
Computer, it collects, via a bi-directional transfers data, via switched phone network, to a Remote
communication channel (switched phone network, computer station.
Cellular modem etc), the data stored within the Central To simplify the description Central Controller is an
Controller. The remote station can be connected to electronic device, which can be considered a Watt-
several Central Controllers and, by means of a meter, provided with a powerhl communication link,
specialised software component, can guarantee a directly connected to the output terminals of the circuit
centralised and certified management. breaker supplying the Distribution Line. The Central
An automatic polling, daily scheduled, identifies: Controller measures constantly, average on 15 minutes,
0 the faults occurred during the night, the values of electrical parameters, i.e. current, voltage,
the type of fault. power factor and active power. The values of the
The remote computer station makes use of a customised samples are stored and the increments are monitored to
software, tailored on customer needs, developed to detect when they overcome a determinate threshold of
centralise all the possible operations related public alarm. A message, indicating the lamps broken, is
lighting management,. The customised software include generated and transferred to the Remote computer
several application layers such as: data base, man station.
machine interface, automatic phone call etc.

The main advantage of this kind of systems lies in the for the assessment of the best qualitylprice ratio of each
low costs to install the devices to maintenance the component.
system and to perform the overall operation.
Lighting automation system. The Lighting automation
systems delivered today on the market represent the ENEL is interested to study the feasibility of new
state of art, able to satisfy the requirements originates technological solutions, conceived to improve public
by the municipalities involved in the survey on the lighting efficiency and quality of service, in order
subject. to promote:
Among the requirements the most significant ones were: new Value Added Services;
the possibility of switching lamp individually or in Energy and Cost Saving.
“variable group” without having to make costly and
penalising alterations to the already existing public Value Added Services. The electrical network, used as
lighting installation, communication channel (DLC technology), is an
the possibility of rotational use of each bulb and existing widespread wiring which covers all the
control of the real operating hours, thus ensuring the territory.
uniform ageing of the components. That means that an Electricity Utility could offer data
the possibility of analysing the efficiency of each transfer services based on DLC infrastructure at
luminaries in order to eliminate the causes of: minimum cost.
insulation failures, insufficient compensation of The secondary substation is the natural concentrator of
power factor, anomalous consumption in the case of all the services, based on the technology mentioned
exhausted lamps before, that an Electrical Utility could be able to
The architecture of the systems belonging to this group, provide. It’s very important, from a marketing point of
is showed in fig. 1, they allow the management and the view, to promote a large range of services, at very low
control of each lamp, without constrains in terms of incremental costs, in order to cover the heterogeneous
distance from the Remote computer station, which can needs coming from the potential customer, like
be located at the most convenient place and connected Municipalities, other not electrical Utility and so on,
to one or more Central Controller via cellular-phone or and public lighting management is one of them.
other communication media.
These goals are achieved because each luminary is Energy and Costs Saving. Today the operating costs of
provided with it own Lamp Controller. public lighting management spread over two items:
Lamp Controller has been developed to manage the energy consumption, which represent 55% of the
light flux of each lamp and to switch it on-off, in total costs;
accordance to the strategies and/or to a time-table 0 maintenance, ordinary and repair maintenance,
programmed by the system manager. The strategies are which represent 45% of the total costs.
very flexible because they exploit the use of a bi- ENEL experimentation is aimed at evaluating the
directional communication channel, based on costsibenefits ratio which can be obtained with lighting
Distribution Line Carrier technology, which is a automation systems, in order to produce new
permanent, free of charge link between the Central specifications to be adopted for the future installation.
Controller and all the lamps wired to the Distribution
Line. ENEL field trials. ENEL is partner in the ESPRIT
This system is able to detect a failure and to generate an Project ETHOS for the promotion of new Value Added
alarm automatically message, indicating which lamp is Service.
failed and which part of the luminary is broken: Under the ETHOS project three Secondary Substations
capacitor, ballast, lamp etc. have been selected and equipped with automation
A daily phone call from the Remote computer station to systems of the types mentioned before. A complete and
each Central Controller, makes possible: long lasting test, has been carried out, in order to verify
to determine faults occurred during the night; the benefits coming from the technological upgrade.
to diagnose the type of the fault and to identify the Two of these Secondary Substations have been
position of the lamp; equipped with the same type of systems (Distribution
to organise repair work, indicating not only where is Line automation system), but produced by different
located the luminary, but which spare part have to manufacturers.
be adopted; The main characteristics of the pilot trials are reported
to program the desired level of light in the various in the table 1 .
area according to time of day and period of the year. In order to have the maximum flexibility, ENEL
Finally, it was possible to compare equivalent adopted the solution to equip each Central Controller,
components, produced by different manufacturers, and with a mobile phone. In this way, through the Remote
to evaluate their real life-span and to collect elements

computer station located at the ENEL Agency, the can costlbenefit parameters and the impact of the
drive all the function of the system. automation on the existing organisation.
In the pilot trial BREMBATE di SOPRA have been Public lighting service could represent a real business
installed five new bi-power lamp controllers. opportunity for all the Electrical Utilities in the near
With the intention .of reducing the energy consumption future. In Europe there are more then 70 million
of about 40%. At the start up the lamps are full powered luminaries installed to be managed.
in order to guarantee the maximum light; then it’s
possible to reduce the light reducing the power of the
selected lamp, according to system manager strategy.
This lamp controller represent the best compromise in
reducing electricity consumption with an acceptable
lighting standard; the results are shown in the diagram

The field trials, with their results, show that the 1. Fassina E, 1996, “Innovazioni tecniche e
automation applied to public lighting improves contrattuali: vantaggi competitivi per l’offerta di
efficiency reducing management costs, at the end of the servizi nell’illuminazione pubblica”, Convegno
experiment, it will be possible to quantify better Nazionale AID1 1996

Table 1


(LINE) [ml [WI


Diagram 1

Active Light




Fig. 1 Public Lighting automation system

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