Matrix Acidizing With Gelled Acid

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Matrix Acidizing with Gelled Acid

Article  in  Jurnal Teknologi · January 2012

DOI: 10.11113/jt.v38.505


0 658

2 authors, including:

Issham Ismail
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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Jurnal Teknologi, 38(F) Jun. 2003: 13–24

© Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Abstract. A laboratory investigation was conducted to compare the efficiency of gelled acid with
conventional/plain mud acid in removing the formation damage induced by water-based mud. An
acidizing system was developed to study the effect of flow/injection rate and gel viscosity on Berea
sandstone. The main equi pments used in this research study were stainless steel core holder, mud cells,
valves, and 3 mm tubing. The treatment fluids used were mud acid (3% HF–12% HCl), hydrochloric
acid, and polymer gel (xanthan gum). The experimental results revealed that polymer gel with
viscosity lower than 73 cP gave better performance as compared to polymer gel with viscosity greater
than 73 cP. At gel viscosity of 73 cP, the permeability ratio was 3.5 compared to 1.5 only at viscosity
of 126 cP. This was due to the permanent plugging by the high viscosity polymer gel in the core after
the injection. Gelled acid has shown tremendous improvement in removing formation damage, where
polymer gel with viscosity of 73 cP was found to give better treatment at flow rate of 0.28 ml/s as
compared to lower flow rates.

Key words:: Diversion technique, gelled acid, acidizing, polymer gel

Abstrak. Suatu uji kaji makmal telah dilakukan untuk membandingkan kecekapan asid gel dan
asid lumpur konvensional dalam merawat kerosakan formasi yang disebabkan oleh lumpur dasar air.
Suatu sistem pengasidan telah dibina untuk mengkaji kesan kadar alir dan kelikatan asid gel terhadap
batu pasir Berea. Peralatan utama yang membentuk sistem pengasidan ialah pemegang teras, sel
lumpur, injap, dan tiub 3 mm. Semua komponen ini diperbuat daripada keluli kalis karat. Bendalir
perawat yang digunakan dalam uji kaji terdiri daripada asid lumpur (3% HF–12% HCl), asid hidroklorik,
dan gel polimer (gam xanthan). Keputusan uji kaji menunjukkan bahawa polimer dengan kelikatan
kurang daripada 73 cP memberikan kecekapan yang lebih baik berbanding kelikatan yang melebihi
73 cP. Ini terbukti apabila nisbah kebolehtelapan mencapai 3.5 pada kelikatan gel 73 cP berbanding
1.5 sahaja pada kelikatan 126 cP. Perbezaan nisbah kebolehtelapan yang ketara berlaku kerana polimer
yang terlalu likat cenderung untuk memalam liang secara kekal. Asid gel berjaya merawat kerosakan
formasi dengan lebih berkesan berbanding asid lumpur, terutama apabila gel polimer berkelikatan 73
cP dialirkan pada kadar alir 0.28 ml/saat, berbanding kadar alir yang lebih rendah.

Kata kunci: Teknik lencongan, asid gel, pengasidan, gel polimer

Matrix acidizing has proven to be a cost-effective procedure for removing the causes
of well impairment, thereby increasing the production potential of many new and

Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310
Skudai, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia.

JT38F[2B].pmd 13 02/16/2007, 22:00


existing wells. The efficient placement of acid in the impaired zones is critical because
inefficient placement of acid tends to preferentially treat the high-injectivity zones,
resulting in a poor response to the treatment [1].
The available choice of selective placement techniques are coiled tubing and diversion
technique such as ball sealers, particulates, and viscosified fluids (gels or foams). The
application of these techniques is depend on the types of completion and formation
properties. Coiled tubing is used to spot treatment fluids in the required zone. By
moving the coiled tubing during the treatment, it can be used to further improve
coverage over the treatment interval. Alternatively, acidified fluids or inert fluids can
be simultaneously bullheaded along the coiled tubing and coiled tubing /tubing
annulus [2]. Coiled tubing can also be used in conjunction with most other diversion
techniques. Both heavy and buoyant ball sealers have been widely used to shut off
perforations. Conventional low-rate matrix treatments require buoyant ball sealers,
that only work well in vertical wells and require ball catchers when back-producing
the wel1. To overcome the limitations, high-rate matrix injection treatments have been
promoted [3,4]. The theoretical background behind the encouraging results quoted
for this method is unclear. Conventional theories of sandstone acidizing predict no
improvement in required volumes for such high-rate treatments [5], although these
theories neglect any physical effects, such as increased abrasion caused by the increased
shear-rate in the formation or at the wellbore wall.
The use of chemical diversion systems has received serious attention. Initially, the
industry concentrated on particulate systems, which have been widely used in the
vertical perforated wells [2,6]. The success of particulate treatments, however,
requires a detailed knowledge of the downhole configuration and the particle size
distribution; the latter is not always simple [7]. Particulate (oil-soluble resin and benzoic
acid) often exhibits less than ideal clean-up behavior, particularly in the presence of
polymers that inhibit the dissolution of the particulate in oil or water. For those reasons,
the industry has looked to foam technology and new polymers as a means for gelled
Gelled acid is probably applicable to all completion types and it is particularly
beneficial in horizontal, openhole, and gravel-packed wells, where many other diversion
and selective placement techniques cannot be applied. The viscous fluid can be placed
efficiently along the treatment interval because it can first limit fluid loss into the
formation and then divert mud acid to the damaged zones. Gelled acid with a viscosity
of about 70 cP at 100 sec–1 has been compared to conventional low-viscosity acids.
The results showed that when there is a high permeable zone at the heel of the well,
the use of gelled acids can significantly improve placement [3].
In this research study, an acidizing rig was developed in order to compare the
efficiency of gelled acid with conventional mud acid. The same rig was also used to
study the effects of gel viscosity and flow/injection rate of the gelled acid on permeability
ratio of the Berea sandstone core samples.

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This section was discussed under two subtopics, namely materials and systems.

2.1 Materials
Hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid were used in this research study to recover
the damaged permeability. The mutual solvent, Ethylene Glycol MonoButyl Ether
(EGMBE) was supplied by Halliburton Energy Services. The gelling agent, xanthan
gum, and mud additives were supplied by Kota Mineral and Chemicals Sdn. Bhd.
Solvent, gelling agent, and nonsolvent used were of reagent grade and used as received.
The water-based mud used in this study was prepared as recommended by the API
RP 13I [8].
The Berea sandstone cores with dimensions of 5.08 cm in diameter and 5.08 cm in
length, were used to evaluate the damage induced by the water-based mud and
improvement in permeability ratio after the matrix acidizing process.

2.2 Systems
This research study comprised two processes:
(1) induce damage to the core samples using water-based mud, and
(2) treatment of the damaged core samples using gelled acid.

2.2.1 Process of Damaging the Core Samples

Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the formation damage system. The system
comprised a nitrogen gas line to displace the respective fluids, mud cell, valves, 3 mm
stainless-steel tubing, core holder, and pressure gauges for measuring the pressure of
various streams.
The flow system was operated in a counter-current flow mode. The injected fluid
was introduced on shell side and the permeating stream (or filtrate) was collected at
the bore side of the core holder. The ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) was injected into
the core and it was considered as production mode. The filtrate of NH4Cl was collected
using measuring cylinder 1, and was recorded against time. It was then used to calculate
the initial permeability (ki) of the core sample using the Darcy equation [1].
kA dP
Q=− (1)
m dl
When in production mode, valves C to F were opened and valves A and B were
closed. C and D were 3-way valves and could be used to switch the flow direction to
the production mode. 15 PV of water-based mud was injected into the core samples
from opposite direction by switching the valves C and D to injection mode, with

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Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the formation damage system

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valves A and B opened, while valves E and F closed. The mud filtrate was collected
using the measuring cylinder 2 in order to measure the volume of injected mud.
In order to calculate the damaged permeability, the NH4Cl was injected into the
core sample until the flow rate stabilized. The filtrate of NH4Cl was collected using
the measuring cylinder 1 and was recorded against time. The damaged permeability
(kd) was calculated using Equation (1).

2.3 Process of Acidizing

Figure 2 shows the schematic diagram of the acidizing system. The system comprised
a nitrogen gas line to displace the respective fluids, mud cell, valves, 3 mm stainless-
steel tubing, core holder, and pressure gauges for measuring the pressure of various
The flow system was a counter-current flow mode. The injected fluid was introduced
on the shell side and the permeating stream was collected at the bore side of the core
holder. The flow direction of NH4Cl was considered as production mode and the
direction of treatment fluids such as hydrochloric acid, mud acid, and xanthan gum
were considered as injection mode. When in production mode, valves L to O were
opened, while valves A to K were closed. N and O were 3-way valves and they could
be used to switch the flow directions. The valves N and O were switched to production
direction when in production mode. When the process was in injection mode, valves
A to K and valves N and O were opened, and the valves L and M were closed. At this
moment, the valves N and O were switched to injection direction.
The gelled acidizing process was initiated by injecting the treatment fluids such as
hydrochloric acid, mud acid, and xanthan gum into the core samples separately in the
injection mode. The preflush fluid, hydrochloric acid, was injected into the core to
displace NH4Cl and also to remove traces of carbonate materials from the Berea
sandstone. Then, polymer gel followed by mud acid were injected into the core to
remove the damage. The hydrochloric acid was injected into the core again to displace
some of the unused acid. The filtrate of every stream was collected using the measuring
cylinder 2 to measure the volume of every fluid injected. In order to calculate the
permeability after acidizing, the NH4Cl was injected into the core again in production
mode. The filtrate was collected using the measuring cylinder 1 and was recorded
against time. This process continued until a constant flow rate was achieved. The
recovered permeability (kr) was then calculated using Equation (1).
The conventional acidizing process was conducted the same way as the gelled
acidizing process except there was no xanthan gum injected into the core samples.


The experimental results were discussed under three subtopics, namely the effect of
concentration of xanthan gum on viscosity of polymer gel, comparison between acid

JT38F[2B].pmd 17 02/16/2007, 22:00


Nitrogen gas


2 1


Valve Core holder

Core treatment Core sleeve

fluid cell
Pressure Spacer
Measuring Measuring
cylinder 1 cylinder 2
1 2

Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the acidizing system

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systems, and the effect of flowrates on permeability ratio. All experimental data used
to generate the results were collected at room temperature of 27oC.

3.1 Effect of Concentration of Xanthan Gum on Viscosity of

Polymer Gel
Jones et al. had compared the polymer gel with viscosity of about 70 cP at shear rate of
100 sec–1 with the conventional mud acid, and they found that gelled acid improved
the placement of the mud acid [9]. Thus, it was vital to determine the optimum
concentration of the xanthan gum to be used in the research study before experimental
works were carried out on the effects of flow rate and viscosity of the gel on the
permeability ratio.
The experimental results for the effect of concentration of the xanthan gum on the
viscosity of polymer gel was shown in Figure 3. The figure clearly shows that the
viscosity of the polymer gel increased with the concentration of xanthan gum. The
viscosity increased from 41 cP at 8000 ppm to 126 cP at 12 000 ppm. Generally, this
relationship can be understood as the concentration of the xanthan gum increases, the
percentage of the solid content in the gel increases as well [10]. Thus, the gel becomes
more viscous and requires higher force to flow.



iscosity,, cp
V iscosity



00 200
200 400
400 600
600 800
800 1000
1000 1200
– -1
Shear rate, secsec
Shear rate,
ppm 8000
8000 ppm
ppm 9000
ppm 10000
10000 ppm 11000
11000 ppm
ppm 12000
12000 ppm

Figure 3 The effect of xanthan gum concentration on gel viscosity at various shear rates

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Figure 3 shows that at 10 000 ppm, the viscosity of polymer gel was 73 cP at shear
rate of 100 sec–1. This result satisfied the value recommended by Jones et al. where
the viscosity of the polymer gel should be about 70 cP at shear rate of 100 sec–1.
Therefore, polymer gel with 10 000 ppm of xanthan gum was used in order to study
the effect of flow rate on the permeability ratio.

3.2 Comparison between Acid Systems

As highlighted earlier, the experimental works conducted were focused on the
performance of the gelled acid as compared to conventional mud acid in removing
formation damage induced by water-based mud. However, it would be a great
disadvantage if the EGMBE was not taken into consideration, as it is widely used in
the field to remove hydrocarbon from the surface of the formation [11]. Thus, EGMBE
was added into the conventional/plain mud acid and gelled acid in order to evaluate
its effectiveness when coupled with the respective acids in removing damage from the
Berea sandstone.
With EGMBE, four types of acid systems were studied in order to evaluate their
efficiencies in removing the damage caused by water-based mud. Those acid systems

• Conventional mud acid (3% HF – 12% HCl).

• Mud acid with 10% (v/v) of EGMBE.
• Gelled acid.
• Gelled acid with 10% (v/v) of EGMBE.

The experimental results were shown in Figure 4. When comparing the conventional
mud acid and gelled acid, the gelled acid system was found to give higher permeability
ratio than the conventional mud acid. The permeability ratios for the conventional
mud acid and gelled acid were 1.81 and 2.94, respectively. In other words, the
conventional mud acid was capable of recovering 181% of the damaged permeability
but the gelled acid could recover up to 294% of the damaged permeability. This means
that the gelled acid could improve the efficiency of matrix acidizing.
Generally, the injected polymer gel can partially block the highly permeable area
and divert the subsequent injected mud acid to the damaged area. If only mud acid is
injected, the mud acid tends to flow to area with high permeability and leaves the
damaged area untreated.
The mutual solvent, EGMBE, was added in the preflush fluid. The mutual solvent
is used to stri p away hydrocarbon from the surface of the formation. The study
conducted on the gelled acid and gelled acid with EGMBE revealed that the
permeability ratios for both systems were 2.94 and 3.02, respectively. It showed that
the EGMBE gave no relative effect on the gelled acid system. This was due to the fact
that EGMBE was designed to change oil-wet system to water-wet system and thus, it

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Gelled acid+
10% (v/v) EGMBE Gelled acid
Permeability ratio, k r /k d

Mud acid+
2.50 10% (v/v) EGMBE

2.00 Mud acid




Figure 4 Permeability ratio for different acid systems

was redundant in this case as water-based mud was used in this study. Therefore, the
recommended acid system to be used in this study was gelled acid system without

3.3 The Effect of Flow/Injection Rates on Permeability Ratio

In matrix acidizing, the placement of the acid is very important in order to minimize
the volume of acid used in the operation. In other words, it can save the operating
costs. The placement efficiency can be increased by decreasing the gelled acid
degradation rate such as by pre-cooling the well or by tailoring the type and
concentration of both polymer and acid. Alternatively, the treatment duration could
be reduced by increasing the pump rate, thereby reducing the time during which
gelled acid stability was required [9].
In this study, the polymer gel with viscosity of 73 cP was used. Figure 5 shows the
experimental results where the permeability ratio increased significantly with flow/
injection rates from 1.5 at 0.16 ml/s to 3.5 at 0.28 ml/s. Generally, at low injection rate,
the polymer tends to stay longer in the cores. Xanthan gum was the polymer gel used
in this case, and it is a biopolymer that degrades with time.
At low rate of 0.16 ml/s, the polymer would stay longer in the core before the
injection of mud acid. During this period, the polymer gel would degrade in the core
and became less viscous. When the mud acid was injected into the core, the less
viscous polymer gel would be displaced by the mud acid and was unable to divert
the mud acid to the damaged area. For flow rate of 0.28 ml/s or higher, the permeability
ratios were relatively unchanged. At this moment, the optimum flow rate was found to
be 0.28 ml/s. This can be understood that the polymer degradation could be reduced
due to the shorter period of placement. In practice, the determination of the optimum
flow rate depends on the tubing size, depth, and length of the treatment interval [9].

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Permeability ratio, k r /k d

Permeability ratio, kr/kd






0.00 0.05
0.05 0.10
0.10 0.15
0.15 0.20
0.20 0.25
0.25 0.30
0.30 0.35
0.35 0.40
0.40 0.45
Injection rate rate ( ml/second )

Figure 5 Effect of injection rate on the permeability ratio

3.4 The Effects of Viscosity on Permeability Ratio

The effect of viscosity on permeability ratio was studied in this experiment. The results
are shown in Figure 6, where the permeability ratio increased significantly from 1.5 to
3.5 as the viscosity of the polymer gel increased sharply from 41 cP to 73 cP. The
polymer gel used in this experiment was of optimum viscosity that capable of diverting
the mud acid to the damaged area. Beyond the optimum viscosity of 73 cP, such as at


Permeability ratio, k r /k d







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Gel viscosity
viscosity,, cp

Figure 6 Effect of gel viscosity on the permeability ratio

JT38F[2B].pmd 22 02/16/2007, 22:00


103 cP and 126 cP, the permeability ratio dropped to 3.2 and 2.2, respectively. The
results revealed that at viscosity higher than 73 cP, the polymer gel would permanently
plug the formation and caused secondary formation damage. The subsequent injected
mud acid would not be able to treat this formation damage caused by polymer
plugging. Although the injected mud acid could treat the formation damage induced
by the drilling fluid but the polymer plugging was still left behind. Therefore, gelled
acid system with viscosity higher than 73 cP should be avoided as it could cause
secondary formation damage by plugging the formation.

The following conclusions were derived from this research study:

(1) Gelled acid system was found to be effective for matrix acidization of
heterogeneous formation as compared to the conventional mud acid. The
optimum viscosity of the system could improve wellbore coverage and divert
fluid to the low permeability and/or damaged sections of the well. In this study,
the optimum viscosity was found to be 73 cP at shear rate of 100 sec–1.
(2) The mutual solvent, EGMBE, was found to give no relative effect on the gelled
acid system due to the absence of hydrocarbon in the Berea sandstone.
(3) It is recommended that the gel viscosity should be lower than 73 cP to avoid
secondary formation damage and the effect of flow rate should be studied prior
to conducting a field operation.
(4) The gelled acid system with viscosity of 73 cP was found to be capable of achieving
maximum permeability ratio of 3.5, at an optimum flow rate of 0.28 ml/s.

EGMBE – Ethylene Glycol MonoButyl Ether
NH4Cl – Ammonium chloride
PPM – Parts per million
PV – Pore volume
A – Cross-sectional area of the core sample, cm2
dP/dL – Pressure gradient along the core sample, atm/cm
k – Permeability, Darcy
ki – Initial permeability, Darcy
kd – Damaged permeability, Darcy
kr – Recovered permeability, Darcy
kr/kd – Permeability ratio, dimensionless
µ – Fluid viscosity, cP
Q – Volume of flow, cm3/s

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The authors would like to thank the Malaysian Government for sponsoring this project
via the IRPA grant (Vot 72232).

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cP × 1.0 E – 03 = Pa.s
(oC × 1.8) + 32 = oF
1 rpm = 1.7034 sec–1

JT38F[2B].pmd 24 02/16/2007, 22:00

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