Curriculum Vitae: Educational Background

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Full name : Erlina Sagita

Place & Date of Birth : Garut, March 23, 1998
Gender : Female
Religion : Moslem
Heigh : 155 Cm
Weight : 41 Kg
Address : Pedurenan Masjid IV St, Kuningan, South Jakarta
Phone Number : 08970616879
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indonesia
E-mail : [email protected]

Educational Background :
1. SD Muhammadiyah 4 Garut (Primary School), 2004-2010
2. SMP Negeri 5 Garut (Junior High School), 2010-2013
3. SMK Asy-Syuhada Garut (Senior High School) – Majority of Hotel Management, 2013-2016

Working Experienced :
1. Danau Dariza Resort-Garut As aServer & Cashier
2. Mutiara Hotel Garut As a Server
3. Store Fashion Top Garut As a Shopkeeper & Cashier
4. AGG Restaurant Garut As a Server
5. Braga Permai Restaurant Bandung As a Runner,Cashier & Waitress
6. Indischetafel Restaurant Bandung As a Cashier
7. Lulu Kayla Cakes As An Administration

Skills :
1. Custumer Service Oriented
2. Communication & Presentation
3. Photography
4. Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Power Point)
5. Internet & Social Media
6. Multi tasking
7. Fast In Learning

Organization Experience :
1. BNN Counselling
2. Internet Positif by Telkom Indonesia
3. Training Motivation and Workshop Enterpreneur
4. Enterpreneurship Workshop

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