Privileged Access Workstation: Credential Hygiene and PAW
Privileged Access Workstation: Credential Hygiene and PAW
Privileged Access Workstation: Credential Hygiene and PAW
Help prevent the compromise of Overview
privileged account credentials from
cyber-attacks Cyber-attacks continue to increase in persistence and sophistication.
Attackers use a variety of techniques to steal credentials, constantly seeking
Potential Benefits: administrative access to fully control corporate and government computing
environments. Loss of privileged user accounts results in attackers having access
• Promotes highly secured and
to most or all of an organization’s electronic documents, presentations,
usable workstations to safeguard
all types of admin accounts applications, databases, and other intellectual property.
• Dedicated domain accounts for Additionally, attackers can implant back doors on any system, which can often
admins which are restricted to evade antimalware and intrusion detection systems. Organizations should seek to
high-trust clients to avoid protect admin accounts as one of their most valuable assets. The only safe
accidental credential exposure
recovery from an admin compromise is building a brand new environment, which
• Built in a secure lab with known-
good media, and easily deployed can be extremely difficult, slow, and expensive.
using Microsoft Deployment
Toolkit Credential Hygiene and PAW
• Automated creation of Active
Directory structures and policies Credential hygiene is the recommended practice for verifying that privileged user
that harden and help protect the
accounts only log on to workstations and servers that are sufficiently trusted and are
PAWs and admin accounts
• Increased security by preventing not used to perform high-risk activities such as Internet browsing. This is critical
vulnerable applications in software because an administrator who uses a low-trust workstation might unwittingly access
from being successfully exploited attacker-controlled malware that might be used to steal the administrator’s
by attackers credentials.
• Can restrict Internet browsing and
Privileged Access Workstation (PAW) enforces credential hygiene by separating
other high-risk activities of
administrative accounts from normal user accounts (such as those for email and
administrative account users
web browsing) and compartmentalizing log on access for each type of administrative
Duration: account.
Starting at 3 weeks Microsoft Services provides multi-week engagement to assist you in creating a PAW
and supporting Active Directory configurations as described at:
Cost: We provide you a hardened, standardized administrative
Starting at 188 hours image, and assistance with deployment to a pilot group of administrators.
© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This description is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES,
EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Microsoft is either a registered trademark or trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.
PAW Solution Details
Auditing and Monitoring
For attack detection and system health purposes, the solution implements auditing
and monitoring of the PAW using Microsoft Operations Management Suite. The agent
is included in the installation automation to simplify deployment and to enable rapid
data collection.