Not For: Biosafety Cabinetry: Design, Construction, Performance, and Field Certification

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NSF/ANSI 49 – 2016

Annex E

Biosafety Cabinetry: Design,

Construction, Performance,
and Field Certification
Annex E
NSF International Standard/

Not American
for NationalStandard

Not for
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Annex E

Biosafety cabinet selection, installation, lifespan and decommissioning

Table Of Contents

E.1 Institutional safety consultation

E.2 Risk assessment procedure
E.3 BSC class and type selection
E.4 Site review before BSC purchase
E.5 BSC arrival inspection and certification
E.6 Cleaning and disinfection of BSC work area
E.7 BSC use practices and procedures
E.8 Moving a permanently installed BSC
E.9 BSC lifespan
E.10 BSC decommissioning Notprocess for
E.11 Definitions

E.1 Institutional safety consultation

A biosafety professional should be consulted prior to a BSC purchase. Some institutions have biosafety cabinet
purchases approved by the biosafety professional after consultation with the user, architect and engineer.
Biosafety professionals that perform this function should have training and field experience that includes

methods used to control biohazards and knowledge of the design, application, and testing of biosafety

cabinets. Issues that may be considered include:

— risk assessment;
— selecting which kind of BSC is required and if it should be exhausted; and
— assessment of the laboratory environment and the proper location of BSCs within it.

E.1.1 If there is a window in the laboratory, it should remain closed at all times. Cabinets should not be
located where room ventilation air inlets blow across the front opening or onto the exhaust filter.

E.2 Risk assessment procedure

E.2.1 Risk assessments encompass four main elements:

— hazard identification;
— exposure assessment;
— dose-response assessment; and
— risk characterization, and risk management (job analysis) 2.

1 The information contained in this annex is not part of this American National Standard (ANS) and has not been
processed in accordance with ANSI’s requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this annex may contain material that has
not been subjected to public review or a consensus process. In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary
for conformance to the Standard.
2 Risk Assessment of Biological Hazards, Fleming, D.O., p. 81-91, 2006.. In D.O. Fleming and D.L. Hunt(ed.),
Biological Safety: Principles and Practices, 4 ed. ASM Press, Washington, DC.
E.2.2 Risk assessment team members may include:

— investigator/scientist;
— laboratory staff;
— animal care staff when appropriate;
— animal veterinarian when appropriate;
— plant pathogen, or plant pest containment expert when appropriate; and
— occupational health & biosafety professionals.

E.2.3 Risk assessment hazards considered:

— animal hazards;
— agent/pathogen/recombinant hazards;
— chemical hazards; and
— radiological hazards.

E.2.4 Agent/pathogen/recombinant's Not factorsassociated for withriskofdiseaseorinjury:

— virulence;
— infectious dose;
— route of infection (portal of entry);
— toxigenicity;
— agent's host range;
— if the agent is endemic or exotic to the environment it is in;
— availability of effective preventive measures; and
— availability of effective treatment.

E.2.5 Factors associated Sale withworker'sriskofexposure:

— worker's work activity; diagnostic, research or production scale;
— worker's proficiency, attitude and safety awareness; and
— worker's age, sex, pregnancy, race, immune status and medications.

E.2.6 Risk management plan includes:

— biosafety containment level assignment to the facility and microbiological practices;

— safety equipment;
— engineering controls;
— personal protective equipment;
— work practices  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs);
— emergency procedures;
— work schedule  calendar; and
— investigation protocols that include all risk management plans.

E.2.7 Investigation protocol review includes:

— committee (IBC/IRB/IACUC) review, as appropriate;

— meetings with workers to discuss approved protocols;
— training;
— dry runs without agent/pathogen/recombinant; and
— regular audits.
E.2.8 Risk management analysis table

Risk factors Assessment level

Decrease< >Increase

Pathogen disease potential

known, classified
suspected, classified
known, unclassified >>>
unknown >>>>
Pathogen aerosol potential
tissue procedure <<<
culture procedure >>>
concentration procedure >>>>>>



animal/non-shedder <<<
animal/shedder >>>>>>
Pathogen infectious route
respiratory >>>>>>
mucous membrane >>>
parenteral <<<
other <<<
Disease severity

antivirals <<<

severe >>>
life threatening/lethal >>>>>>>>
Disease prophylaxis
none >>>>>>>>
vaccine <<
immune globulin <<<
antibiotics <<<

Other factors
livestock pathogen >>>
poultry pathogen >>>

E.3 BSC class and type selection

E.3.1 Selecting the proper BSC should be done in several stages:

— Select the proper class and type of BSC required, based on the type of protection needed.

— Establish, if possible, all of the different tasks to be done within the BSC.

— Establish, if possible, all of the different chemicals that may be used in the BSC.
— If the BSC is to be connected to an exhaust system, is it compatible with the BSC’s requirements?

— If the exhaust system malfunctions, does the user understand its impact on the BSC’s ability to
maintain personnel and environmental protection, i.e. containment?

These five stages are reviewed in the questions that follow (E.3.1.1 – E.3.1.5), and the various
configurations of Class II BSCs are shown in figures E2, E4, E5 and E7.

E.3.1.1 Question one: What needs to be protected?

— Only the material being worked on (product protection)?

— Only the technician and the laboratory (personnel and environmental protection)?
— Or to protect all three (personnel, product, and environmental protection)?
If all that is needed is product protection, then a Unidirectional Flow Clean-Air Device (Clean Air Bench) 3, which is not a BSC, may be the unit of
choice. Clean Air Devicesuse High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) or Ultra Low Penetration Air (ULPA) filter(s) to remove particulates from room air.

This filtered, particulate-free air then flows through Not anenclosedworkarea,ina horizontal for orverticaldirection.These

devices bathe the materials inside in filtered air, and then the air is typically discharged into the laboratory. While these devices protect the product from
airborne contaminants, any aerosol generated in the work area will be discharged into the laboratory. As such, they cannot be used with toxic or
biohazardous materials.

For personnel and environmental protection only, the Class I biosafety cabinet (BSC) enclosure offers a
simple and economical solution. Room air sweeps around the operator and through the work area. This
contaminated air is then HEPA or ULPA- filtered and discharged into the laboratory or exhausted outside
of the building via an external mechanical exhaust system. The Class I BSC will protect the operator and
the lab, however, because room air constantly washes over the work area, the product is exposed to
airborne contaminants.

Personnel, environmental, Sale andproductprotectionismostefficiently provided by a Class II Biosafety

Cabinet. The inflow of air around the operator provides personnel protection, HEPA or ULPA-filtered air flowing downward
through the work area provides product protection, and the discharge of exhaust HEPA or ULPA filtered air provides
environmental protection.

E.3.1.2 Question two: What are all of the different types of work to be done in a Class II BSC?

One of the most difficult tasks in selecting a BSC is trying to foresee all the different types of work that will
be taking place in it. It is critical to decide what things need protection, both now and in the future. All too
often users purchase a Clean Air Device or Class I BSC for current applications, only to find these
devices are unsuitable as their work requirements change.

E.3.1.3 Question three: What types and quantities of chemical vapors will be generated in the BSC?

As important as the preceding question, the user must also foresee the types and quantities of chemical vapors
that will be generated in the cabinet. Because chemical vapors can freely pass through HEPA or ULPA filters,
both Class I and Class II BSCs must be exhausted out of the laboratory when used with these types of
chemicals. For the Class II BSCs, Types B1 and B2 must be direct connected to an external exhaust system in
order to operate properly; Types A1, A2 and C1 can be converted to operate in either a canopy ducted or
recirculating mode, depending on the users’ requirements. The airflow patterns of Types A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1
Biosafety Cabinets are shown in figures E2, E4, E5 and E7, respectively.

3 IEST RP CC002, latest revision

Class II BSCs typically do not feature explosion-proof electrical components in their work area or
internally. Therefore, use of flammable or explosive materials in quantities above their explosive limit are
not recommended.

Types of chemicals used in cabinet should be considered as some can destroy the filter medium,
housings and gaskets causing loss of containment.

The percentage of air in the work area that is recirculated within the BSC versus exhausted varies, based
on the BSC type, subtype, and in some cases, where the chemicals are released in the work area. 4 5 6

When flammable or explosive chemicals are to be used in a BSC, it is the users’ responsibility to:

— be fully cognizant with the properties of chemical(s) and the hazards associated with them;

— calculate the highest percent of recirculation that may occur in the BSC being used;

— ensure the concentration of chemical(s) released in the work area do not exceed their explosive

— utilize the lowest Not quantitiesofthechemical(s)required for fortheprocedurebeingperformed,

and; — have appropriate spill/splash cleanup procedures in place before using the chemical(s).
E.3.1.4 Question four: If the BSC requires an exhaust system, is there an appropriate location for
the cabinet and its ductwork?

If a BSC is going to recirculate its HEPA- or ULPA-filtered air back into the laboratory, then the user has
some freedom as to where the unit can be installed, provided it is out of major traffic areas, and there are
no other air handling devices in the area, as shown in figure E1.

If a BSC must be connected Sale toanexternalmechanicalexhaustsystem, their compatibility must

be established before the BSC is selected. The exhaust system configurations of Type A, Type B, and Type C1 BSCs
are shown in figures E3, E6 and E8, respectively.
— directly ducting Types A and C1 cabinets is not permitted; they shall only be exhausted through a
properly designed and fitted canopy exhaust system.

— canopy-connected Types A and C1 require a consistent, low static pressure. While a dedicated
exhaust system is preferred, they may share a common exhaust system with other exhausted
laboratory devices, if properly balanced.

— Type B BSCs require a higher static pressure that must increase as their exhaust filters load. They
must be on a dedicated exhaust system, and not be ganged with other Type B BSCs, or other
exhausted laboratory devices requiring a lower static pressure (e.g. fume hoods, canopy-connected

4 Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice for Design. “Industrial Ventilation – Dilution Ventilation for
Health”. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc., Cincinnati, OH. 28 edition 2013 or latest
5 2007 ASHRAE Handbook: Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Applications. “Industrial Applications – Chapter
14 Laboratories”. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, GA. or
latest edition.
6ASHRAE Laboratory Design Guide: Planning and Operation of Laboratory HVAC Systems, Second Edition.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, GA. 2015 or latest edition.
— it is generally not an accepted practice to allow a BSC to positively pressurize an exhaust duct in
normal operation. In some cases, however, it may be acceptable for the Type C1 to displace its
exhaust air into a failing system for an interval of up to 5 minutes. In order to mitigate the potential
risks, before configuring such an installation:

— a risk assessment of the installation should be performed. The risk assessment should include
evaluation of any other devices that are connected to the same exhaust system, such as other
BSCs or laboratory fume hoods. Pressurizing a duct during an exhaust system failure may add
risk with any other devices using the same exhaust system.

— the duct must be verified to meet or exceed Seal Class A, as described in HVAC Air Duct
Leakage Test Procedures – 201221.

— if these criterion cannot be met, the Type C1 may be reconfigured to either shut its blowers off
within 15 seconds during exhaust system failure or the canopy may be reconfigured to direct
exhaust air back into the laboratory during exhaust system failure. Alternatively, the type C1 may
be disconnected from the exhaust system if a risk assessment allows.

— the exhaust Not ductmustbeplacedsoitcanpenetrate

ventilation or plumbing systems.
for ceilingsandfloorswithout disturbing other

— the exhaust system must minimize excessive lengths and elbows.

E.3.1.5 Question five: If the exhaust system malfunctions, does the user understand its impact on
the BSC’s ability to maintain personnel and environmental protection, i.e. containment?
For a Type A BSC fitted with a properly designed canopy connection, reduction or elimination of the exhaust air should not

significantly affect the airflow patterns within the BSC. Personnel and product protection of the BSC will remain

unchanged; however,chemicalvaporsgenerated in the BSC will be exhausted into the laboratory via the
openings or slots in the exhaust canopy.
For a Type B BSC, a significant loss of exhaust airflow will result in an alarm, turning off the cabinet
blower(s). This stops the flow of air into the front of the BSC (inflow), negating personnel protection,
potentially allowing materials in the work area of the BSC to escape into the laboratory.

Type B BSCs have operational and maintenance issues that must be considered:

— These cabinets exhaust as much as 1200 cubic feet per minute of conditioned room air making
them relatively expensive to operate.

— The higher static air pressure required to operate Type B cabinets may also result in additional
construction costs associated with heavier gauge ductwork and higher capacity exhaust fan.

For a Type C BSC fitted with a properly designed canopy connection, reduction or elimination of the
exhaust air should not significantly affect the airflow patterns within the BSC while its blowers are in
operation. Personnel and product protection of the BSC will remain unchanged, and chemical vapors
generated in the BSC will be exhausted either back into the room, or into the exhaust system, depending
on the configuration of the canopy.

If a Type C1 BSC directs its exhaust into the room during a system failure, the shutdown time of the BSC
blowers can be lengthened from 15 s to up to 5 minutes.

If a Type C1 BSC directs its exhaust into the external exhaust system during a system failure, the default
shutdown time of the BSC blowers can be lengthened from 15 s to up to 5 minutes, provided:
— A risk assessment indicates the BSC, the work being done in it, and the exhaust system it is
connected to is appropriate; and

— The BSC is connected to an exhaust duct that has been verified to meet or exceed Seal Class A,
as described in HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Procedures – 201221

Table E.1 - Characteristics of type A1 and A2 BSCs

Type A1 (figure E2) Type A2 (figure E2)

Routine microbiological work. Work Routine microbiological work. Work

with volatile organic chemicals on the with volatile organic chemicals on the
intended purpose work surface permitted as an adjunct work surface permitted as an adjunct
to microbiological research if the BSC to microbiological research if the BSC
is canopy-connected to external ex- is canopy-connected to external ex-
haust and permitted by risk analysis. haust and permitted by risk analysis.
Room air is drawn in through the sash Room air is drawn in through the sash
opening, protecting the operator. opening, protecting the operator.
HEPA- or ULPA- filtered air flows HEPA- or ULPA- filtered air flows
down through the work area, protect- down through the work area, protect-
ing the product. Both bodies of air ing the product. Both bodies of air
airflow pattern flow through a common plenum to the flow through a common plenum to the
cabinet blower(s). A portion flows out cabinet blower(s). A portion flows out
of the cabinet via an Exhaust HEPA of the cabinet via an Exhaust HEPA
Not for
orULPAfilter,andtheremainder re- orULPAfilter,andthe remainder re-
circulates through a Supply HEPA or circulates through a Supply HEPA or
ULPA filter before flowing down ULPA filter before flowing down
through the work area. through the work area.
air recirculation Varies by model Varies by model
inflow Minimum 75 ft/min (0.38 m/s) Aver- Minimum 100 ft/min (0.51 m/s) Aver-
age age
downflow Varies by model, typically 50-80 ft/min Varies by model, typically 50-80 ft/min
(0.25-0.40 m/s) average (0.25-0.40 m/s) average
biological All NSF-Listed BSCs must pass the All NSF-Listed BSCs must pass the
containment same Biological Containment Tests. same Biological Containment Tests.
exhaust system Canopy connection as needed. Canopy connection as needed.
Canopy connected Type A BSCs may Canopy connected Type A BSCs may
exhaust system type be ganged into a multiple-cabinet ex- be ganged into a multiple-cabinet ex-
haust system, if all BSCs are bal- haust system, if all BSCs are bal-
anced properly. anced properly.
exhaust system To convey the BSC exhaust air, plus To convey the BSC exhaust air, plus
an additional volume required by the an additional volume required by the
canopy through the ductwork. canopy through the ductwork.
exhaust system Greater than Type B1 Greater than Type B1
volume Less than Type B2. Less than Type B2.
exhaust system
negative static Typically 0.7 inches w.g. (170 Pa). Typically 0.7 inches w.g. (170 Pa).
pressure at BSC
exhaust system Static pressure requirements will not Static pressure requirements will not
reserve capacity change as the cabinet filters load. change as the cabinet filters load.
Table E.1 - Characteristics of type A1 and A2 BSCs

Type A1 (figure E2) Type A2 (figure E2)

Can be connected or disconnected Can be connected or disconnected

cabinet flexibility from exhaust system as needs from exhaust system as needs
change. change.
cabinet cost Less than Type B Less than Type B
Much less than Type B if recirculating; Much less than Type B if recirculating;
installation cost less than Type B if canopy-con- less than Type B if canopy-con-
nected. nected.
electrical cost Slightly more than Type B2 Slightly more than Type B2
(BSC only)
If recirculating in lab; none. If canopy- If recirculating in lab; none. If canopy-
tempered air loss connected, typically 75 CFM/foot (7 connected, typically 100 CFM/foot (9
m3/m) of BSC width or less. m3/m) of BSC width or less.

Table E.2 - Characteristics of Type B1 and Type B2 BSCs

Type B1 (figure E4) Type B2 (figure E5)

Type B1 cabinets may be used for Type B2 cabinets may be used for
routine microbiological work. Work routine microbiological work. Work
with volatile organic chemicals on the with volatile organic chemicals on the
surface permitted as an adjunct work surface permitted as an adjunct
work for
intended purpose to microbiological research if permit- to microbiological research if permit-
ted by risk analysis. A majority of the ted by risk analysis. All downflow air
downflow air is directly exhausted is directly exhausted from the work
from the rear portion of the cabinet. area with no recirculation.
Room air is drawn in through the sash
opening, protecting the operator.
HEPA- or ULPA- filtered air flows Room air is drawn in through the sash
down through the work area, protect-
opening, protecting the operator.
ing the product. The room air, and a
portion of downflow air in the front of HEPA- or ULPA-filtered room air
airflow pattern Sale flows down through the work area,
the work area is recirculated through protecting the product. Both bodies of
a supply HEPA or ULPA filter before
air are drawn out of the cabinet via an
flowing down through the work area.
Exhaust HEPA or ULPA filter.
The air in the rear of the work area
flows out of the cabinet via an Ex-
haust HEPA or ULPA filter.
air recirculation Varies by model; less than 50% None
inflow Minimum 100 ft/min (0.51 m/s) Aver- Minimum 100 ft/min (0.51 m/s) Aver-
age age
downflow Varies by model, typically 50-80 ft/min Varies by model, typically 50-80 ft/min
(0.25-0.40 m/s) average (0.25-0.40 m/s) average
biological contain- All NSF-Listed BSCs must pass the All NSF-Listed BSCs must pass the
ment same Biological Containment Tests. same Biological Containment Tests.
exhaust system Required. Required.
exhaust system type Must have dedicated ductwork and Must have dedicated ductwork and
exhaust blower for each BSC. exhaust blower for each BSC.
Not for

Table E.2 - Characteristics of Type B1 and Type B2 BSCs

(figure E4) Type B2 (figure E5)


exhaust system Must pull exhaust air through the Must pull exhaust air through the
Cabinet’s Exhaust HEPA or ULPA fil- Cabinet’s Exhaust HEPA or ULPA fil-
ter and then through ductwork. ter and then through ductwork.
exhaust system B1 is approximately 20% less than a B2 exhausts 100% or more air than
volume Type A. any other BSC Type.
exhaust system Typically 0.7 inches w.g. H2O (170 Typically 1.0 to 2.5 inches w.g. (249
negative static
Pa) minimum. to 622 Pa) H2O minimum.
pressure at bsc
Static pressure requirements may in- Static pressure requirements may in-
exhaust system crease up to 0.3 inches w.g. H2O (74 crease up to 2.5 inches w.g. (622 Pa)
reserve capacity Pa) H2O as exhaust HEPA or ULPA as exhaust HEPA or ULPA filter
filter loads. loads.
cabinet flexibility Must be permanently connected to an Must be permanently connected to an
exhaust system to function properly. exhaust system to function properly.
cabinet cost More expensive than Type A More expensive than Type A
More expensive than a canopy con- Most expensive. Higher exhaust vol-
umes require larger ductwork and
installation cost nected Type A and require a dedi-
higher capacity dedicated exhaust
cated exhaust fan.
electrical cost Slightly more than a Type B2. Typically lowest of any BSC.
(BSC only)
Equal to a canopy connected Type A. Typically 175 CFM/foot (16.3 m3/m) of
tempered air loss Typically 50-100 CFM/foot (4.6-9.3
BSC width.
m3/m) of BSC width.
Table E.3 - Characteristics of Type C1 BSCs

Type C1 (figure E6)

Type C1 cabinets may be used for routine microbiological work.

Work with volatile organic chemicals on the work surface is
intended purpose permitted as an adjunct to microbiological research if the cabinet
is connected to an exhaust system, and is acceptable after
performing a risk analysis. Typically, a majority of the downflow air
is directly exhausted from the center portion of the cabinet.
Room air is drawn in through the sash opening, protecting the
operator. HEPA- or ULPA- filtered air flows down through the work
area, protecting the product. The room air, and a portion of the
airflow pattern downflow air in the work area is recirculated through a supply
HEPA or ULPA filter before flowing down through the work area.
Typically, the air in the center of the work area flows directly out of
Not for
the cabinet via an Exhaust HEPA or ULPA filter.
air recirculation Varies by model; typically less than 50%
inflow Minimum 100 FPM (0.51m/s) Average
downflow Varies by model, typically 50-80 FPM (0.25-0.4 m/s) average
biological containment All NSF-Listed BSCs must pass the same Biological Containment
Canopy connection as needed. If BSC exhaust is to be directed
exhaust system into the exhaust duct during a system failure, the ductwork must
be sealed and tested for leakage.
exhaust system type Canopy connected Type C1 BSCs may be ganged into a multiple-
cabinet exhaust system, if all BSCs are balanced properly.
exhaust system function To convey the BSC exhaust air, plus an additional volume
required by the canopy through the ductwork.
exhaust system volume Greater than Type B1 Less than Type B2.
exhaust system negative static Typically 0.25 inches w.g. (62 Pa).
pressure at bsc
exhaust system reserve capacity Static pressure requirements will not change as the cabinet filters
cabinet flexibility Can be connected or disconnected from exhaust system as needs
cabinet cost More expensive than Type A; similar to Type B
Much less than Type B if recirculating; less than B1 if connected to
installation cost a ganged exhaust system; similar to Type B1 if connected to a
dedicated system.
electrical cost (BSC only) Similar to a Type A2.
tempered air loss If recirculating in lab; none. If canopy-connected, typically 75
CFM/foot (7 m3/m) of BSC width or less.

E.3.2 BSC width

Having decided which class and type of BSC is the best, the user should now decide on the width of the BSC.
When deciding the width, the user should mark out an area of benchtop equal to the inside (work area)
dimensions of the model they are interested in. The user(s) should perform several "dry runs" of their
procedures in this area. If the user can work in this defined space, than the cabinet is the proper width, if not,
the user may want to try working in the dimensions of the next larger model. If the user does decide on a larger
model, however, be sure that the BSC can be transported to and installed in the laboratory through the existing
freight elevators, hallways and doors. It is important to remember that BSC widths typically
refer to the internal work area. The external width of the BSC may be significantly greater than the work
area width. The BSC should be installed with at least 6 inches (150 mm) of unobstructed space on each
side. For example, a typical BSC with a 4 foot (1219 mm) workspace may have an outside width of 4.5
feet (1372 mm). When 6 inches (150 mm) of space is allowed on each side of the BSC for servicing, the
width needed to install the BSC is 5.5 feet (1676 mm).

E.3.3 BSC options

E.3.3.1 Service valves

Service valves allow inert gases, air or vacuum lines to be plumbed into the BSC. Many models allow for the
easy installation of these valves in the field, however, it is generally less expensive and easier to have the
required number of valves installed when the unit is ordered. Although many users connect natural gas to a
service valve in the cabinet, this practice should be avoided if possible, because open flames in a Class
II BSC disrupts the airflow, and there is the possibility of a buildup of flammable gas in BSCs that
recirculate their air.
E.3.3.2 Electrical outlets

Most BSCs have electrical Not outletsinstalledinthework area for asstandardequipment.Specialized

outlets, such as Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) should be installed and tested by the cabinet manufacturer.
Typically the outlets in the work area are limited in their amperage rating. This is due to the amperage
requirements of the BSC's motor, lighting, and other electrical components.

Variations in line voltage from the laboratory wall outlet may affect the cabinet airflows. A voltage regulator
may need to be installed in order to reduce the potential of variations in airflows.

E.3.3.3 Ultraviolet lighting Sale

Germicidal (or UV) Lamps are often installed as an adjunct to surface disinfection. UV lighting is not
recommended in Biosafety cabinetry. While their usefulness is a subject for debate among users and
manufacturers, they should be installed and tested by the manufacturer during assembly of the unit.

E.3.3.4 IV bar

Because intravenous (IV) bars or rods have a significant impact on the airflows in the work area, always
use the IV bar recommended by the manufacturer.

E.3.3.5 Base stands

Base Stands or supports shall be considered at the time of specification. Some models of cabinets can
weigh up to 900 pounds (408 kg). The BSC must be attached to a manufacturer recommended base
stand to support the unit's weight. All base stands have a maximum height specified by the manufacturer
to prevent overturning of the BSC; this maximum should never be exceeded.

E.3.3.6 Mobile installations

Mobile Base Stands with and without lift capability have been used when the BSC is operated in multiple
locations in the same or adjoining laboratories. Proper cabinet operation should be confirmed by airflow
smoke pattern tests at each site of use. If the cabinet is relocated to another facility, or subjected to
excessive shock and/or vibration during moving, the BSC should be recertified to ensure it is functioning
in a proper manner.
E.4 Site review before BSC purchase
E.4.1 Consultation

Investigators should consult with a biosafety professional and request a risk assessment of the proposed
investigation to ensure that an appropriate BSC is used for the work. Purchase of NSF 49 listed Class II
biosafety cabinets is recommended, but alternative containment equipment may be suggested for special

E.4.2 Site assessment

The investigator should thoroughly examine the intended installation site to ensure it will meet the
requirements for proper cabinet operation.

E.4.2.1 Location of the BSC

The cabinet should be located away from traffic patterns, doors, fans, ventilation registers, fume hoods and any other air-

Not for
handling device that could disrupt its airflow patterns. All windows in the room should be closed. Figure E1

showsthepreferredlocationforthe cabinet .TheBSCshouldbelocated at the wall furthest from

and facing the entry door. If this is not possible, the BSC should be located on the side wall perpendicular to the hinge side
of the door.
E.4.2.2 Clearances

BSCs not connected to an exhaust system should have at least [12 inches (300 mm)]clearance from the
filter face and any overhead obstructions when the cabinet is in its final operating position, to allow for
testing of the Exhaust HEPA/ULPA filter. At least 12 inches (300 mm) clearance is required if the use of a
thermal anemometer exhaust velocity measurement is needed when calculating cabinet inflow velocity.

All BSCs should be placed Sale inalaboratoryatalocationthatprovidesaminimum of:

— 6 inches (150 mm) from adjacent walls or columns.

— 6 inches (150 mm) between two BSCs.

— 6 inches (150 mm) space between both sides of the cabinet and 6 inches (150 mm) behind the
BSC to allow for service operations.

— 40 inches (1020 mm) of open space in front of the BSC

— 60 inches (1520 mm) from opposing walls, bench tops and areas of occasional traffic.

— 20 inches (510 mm) between BSC and bench tops along a perpendicular wall.

— 100 inches (2540 mm) between two BSCs facing each other.

— 60 inches (1520 mm) from behind a doorway.

— 40 inches (1020 mm) from an adjacent doorway swing side.

— 6 inches (150 mm) from an adjacent doorway hinge side.

E.4.2.3 Exhaust requirements

If the BSC is to be connected to an external mechanical exhaust system, first examine the location to ensure
that it is compatible with the cabinet’s exhaust outlet. The area directly above the cabinet’s exhaust outlet
should be clear of structural elements, water and utility lines, or other fixed obstructions. There should be
enough clearance to allow for the passage of a 10 inches (250 mm) or 12 inches (300 mm) diameter duct.
Avoid cabinet locations that require either an elbow directly on top of the cabinet’s exhaust connection or
an excessive number of elbows to clear other items.

E.4.2.4 Electrical requirements

The electrical outlet that the BSC plugs into should have a dedicated circuit breaker. This will prevent the
accidental shutdown of the cabinet, should another device overload the circuit.

Some larger cabinet models, when operated at 115 V, will require a circuit rated for 20 Amp service. As
the electrical plugs and sockets for 115 V, 15 and 20 Amp ratings are different configurations; the user
should confirm that the site outlet socket matches the BSC plug.

NOTE — Some cabinets do not operate properly when connected to a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).
Consult with the BSC manufacturer about compatibility of their model with a GFCI outlet, if one is present.

E.4.2.5 Service line requirements

All service lines to Not theBSCshouldmeetlocalbuilding codes,

easily accessible external shut-off valve, should disconnection be required.
for andbeequippedwithan

E. Connecting service valves to flammable materials

NOTE — The use of flammable gases or solvents should be avoided in a BSC. Open flames in the cabinet will
disrupt the airflow in the cabinet and may damage the HEPA/ULPA filters. Flammable gases or solvents may reach
explosive concentrations in recirculating cabinets or ductwork. If the user feels that their procedure requires the
use of an open flame or flammable materials they should contact their institution's safety office.

E. Connecting Sale servicevalvestohighpressureservice

The use of air or gases under high pressure should be avoided as they may seriously disrupt the airflow
patterns in the cabinet.

E. Connecting service valves to a central (House) vacuum

If service valves are to be connected to a central (House) vacuum source, appropriate devices, such as
disinfectant traps and/or in-line filters should be installed to prevent contamination of the vacuum system.

E.4.2.6 Roof exhaust systems

Roof exhaust systems serving biosafety cabinets should have a stack that extends straight upward at
least 10 ft (3 m) above the roof surface or have a stack with a smaller diameter trailing end to produce
higher velocity flow to avoid re- entrainment by the building, and should be increased in elevation when
necessary to avoid the influence of surrounding structures. 7 Raincaps or any other structure that deflects
the straight upward flow of the discharged air should be avoided. No precipitation can enter the stack
when air is being exhausted at normal stack velocities. To take care of precipitation during periods when
system is shut off, a 1 inch (25 mm) hole can be drilled in the lowest point of the fan casing and the water
allowed to drain onto the roof. It is recommended that roof exhaust fans be energized by direct-connected
electric motors to avoid failures caused by slipping and breaking of belts. Another advantage of direct
-connected fans is the ability to use the motor non-function to activate an alarm in the laboratory, whereas
when a malfunctioning belted fan is employed, the motor can be operating when the fan is idle. A diagram
illustrating a recommended roof exhaust facility is shown in Annex E, figure E7 High Velocity Fans. 44

E.4.3 Pre-purchase checklist

The investigator should notify building management to arrange for feasibility assessment of laboratory
alterations and BSC location. The investigator and biosafety professional should discuss the following
points about the BSC and its delivery:

— ensure all arrangements are planned in advance of the BSCs arrival;

— get a written price quote for the entire package, including the BSC Model number, optional
equipment, canopy exhaust connection, etc. Work out the details about shipping and delivery with the
manufacturer's representative at the time of purchase;

— determine the costs for shipping and delivery because there may be additional costs depending on
the location and level of difficulty of delivery;
— ensure that the sales representative clarifies in writing what is included in "shipping and delivery." Does it

includeNot deliveryoftheBSCtothereceiving dock for ofthebuildingortothelaboratory? Does it include BSC set-

up in the work area, and removal of cartoning/crating materials?

— if not covered in the purchase price, the customer will have to get facility personnel, or hire moving
contractors to uncrate and move the BSC;

— ensure the corridor pathways are clear for delivery to the laboratory;

— will the BSC fit through door jams?

— will the BSC travel Sale aroundsharp,narrowcorridorsandcorners?

— will the elevators in the building accommodate the BSC?

— does the BSC have to be brought up steps?

— the moving contractor should be advised that the BSC shall be lifted onto its stand or leg
extensions (working position) with a hydraulic lift; and

— responsibility for removal and proper disposal of all packing materials must be established.

E.5 BSC arrival and certification

E.5.1 When the BSC arrives, inspect it carefully. Compare the invoice with the delivered equipment.
Check for any damage or missing materials and report them immediately to the proper carrier and the
BSC supplier regardless of how insignificant they may first appear. Be careful of sharp crating material
and let the loading dock personnel help check for damage.

E.5.2 Arrange for certification after the BSC is installed. Building operations personnel may be needed to
connect the BSC to laboratory plumbing, electrical, and supply/exhaust air ventilation systems.

E.6 Cleaning and disinfection of BSC work area

E.6.1 Do’s and dont’s of disinfectant efficacy
— Do evaluate the cleaning processes and frequencies for ability to control organisms separately
from the disinfectant efficacy study.

— Do design a meaningful study that represents use in the facility.

— Do consider additional studies if quality metrics indicate current agents are no longer controlling
microorganisms in the area using prescribed disinfection methods.

— Don’t expect the disinfectant study to replace routine cleaning, disinfection and monitoring

— Don’t rely on disinfectant studies to establish that cleaning frequencies and processes to control
organisms are sufficient and acceptable.

— Don’t wait until there is a problem to evaluate the disinfectants being used in the facility.

E.6.3 Surface disinfectants

E.6.3.1 Halogens Not [HypochlorousAcidHOCl]–active ingredient

— chlorine bleach oxidizing disinfectant that is sporicidal.
— stainless steel is corroded by chlorine bleach. Sodium hypochlorite must be neutralized with
sodium thiosulfate or followed by use of a disinfectant or sterile water.

— 1:5 dilution of CloroxTM with water (10,000 ppm) is needed to inactivate Mycobacteria in sputum)

— 1:100 dilution with water (500 ppm) must be made fresh daily and combined with a nonionic detergent. 8

— 1:50 dilution stored at room temperature in a closed plastic container will deteriorate to the
equivalent of a 1:100 dilution after one month (Amer. J. Infect. Control 17:1, 1989).

— bleach mixed with acid cleaner produces chlorine gas - 1 ppm TLV.

— bleach mixed with ammonia-containing cleaner produces monochloramine and dichloramine


E.6.3.2 Chlorine Dioxide

— Tuberculocidal, Bactericidal, Virucidal and Fungicidal.

E.6.3.3 Quaternary ammonium salts

— Each compound exhibits its own antimicrobial characteristics

— Chemical names of quaternary ammonium compounds used in healthcare are alkyl dimethyl
benzyl ammonium chloride, alkyl didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, and dialkyl dimethyl
ammonium chloride.

8 National Institutes of Health Laboratory Safety Monograph: A Supplement to the NIH Guidelines for Recombinant
DNA Research. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of
Health, July 1978
9 E.6.3.6

— Newer quaternary ammonium compounds are referred to as twin-chain or dialkyl quaternaries (e.g.
didecyl dimethyl ammonium bromide and dioctyl dimethyl ammonium bromide)

— A quaternary detergent cleaner is used in maximum containment (BSL-4) facility showers

— Most common institutional disinfectant sold under hundreds of trade names.

— Use dilution ranges from 0.5 - 3% depending on the compound

E.6.3.4 Phenolics

— EPA registered as tuberculocidal

— Many trade names and concentrations of amylphenol and phenyl phenol

— Allergies, skin
E.6.3.5 Alcohols
Not for absorption — Phenolics are not sporicidal

— Flammable
— Alcohols are not sporicidal and must be used as a sterile solution to prevent spread of fungal
— 70% alcohol sprayed on the work surface of an operating biosafety cabinet becomes ineffective within seconds .

— Alcohol attacks acrylic, polypropylene, PVC, and polycarbonate plastics over time.

— Often used at a 0.5% concentration

— Wescodyne TM diluted 1:213 with water is an effective BSC surface disinfectant

— Non-staining, but will leave a brown residue, nontoxic

— Active against gram negative & gram positive bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, M. tuberculosis and
many bacterial and fungal spores

— Used on work surfaces, water baths, and incubators

E.6.3.7 Peroxides (stabilized) Hydrogen Peroxide 6-25%

— Often used to sanitize surfaces in the food industry

— Sporicidal agent recommended by cleanroom industry

E.6.3.8 Peracetic Acid

— Sporicidal agent recommended by cleanroom industry

E.7 BSC use practices and procedures
E.7.1 Ergonomics

E.7.1.1 Ergonomics is important for proper BSC use and user health and safety. An evaluation of normal
work practices should be performed with each user when working in a BSC.

E.7.1.2 Evaluation criteria should be at a minimum: Proper user posture; Effective work zone layout for
work practices; and Correct vision or sightlines

E.7.1.3 User accommodations include a six -way articulating chair with seat and back controls for
personalized adjustment to assure proper user posture. Feet should rest on the floor, chair foot support or
foot rest. Fully support an individual’s back is fully supported with proper chair adjustments.

E.7.1.4 Forearm/armrest supports are available on some BSC’s to provide forearm support on the work
access opening. Periodic mini-breaks during BSC work should be taken by resting your forearm to avoid
stress and fatigue.

E.7.1.5 Effective work Not arealayoutswillminimizereach to avoid for neckandshoulderstress and fatigue.
Rotating tables are available to minimize reach.

E.7.1.6 Always prepare your work procedure to eliminate glare and bright reflections on the sash window
and keep the sash sightlines clear to your work zone.

E.7.2 BSC practices

— BSC must be properly certified before use.

— BSC must be positioned in an area with no drafts or foot traffic.
— do not bypass any Sale sashclosureorpositionalarms.
— do not block or restrict any grill(s) or discharge openings.

E.7.3 Do not modify a BSC in a way that may compromise its containment unless approved by
appropriate safety personnel for the following modifications:

— installing a water faucet.

— connecting a drain to sewage system.
— installing waste cans under or in the work surface.
— installing other devices (i.e. centrifuge) into the work surface.
— positioning cables, hoses etc. through the work access opening.

E.7.4 BSC techniques

— have proper BSC training including proper aseptic technique before use.

— decontaminate BSC work surface before use.

— ensure that sash is at the proper height depending on BSC model.

— do not use an open flame.

— do not use high pressure gases.

— do not use volatile chemicals without a risk assessment by qualified chemical safety personnel
system (Refer to Section E.3.1.3).
— do not place large objects on the BSC work surface.

— do not place fan-cooled devices in the BSC work area.

— minimize room activity

— activity in the room should be held to a minimum. Unnecessary activity may create disruptive
air currents as well as interfere with BSC operation. A person walking past the front of a BSC may
cause draft velocities up to 175 fpm (89 m/s), which can disrupt the air inside the BSC.

— utilize unidirectional air flow

— keep two important facts in mind: (1) Air supplied to the work area through a supply filter from the
top, is contaminant free; and (2) Airborne contamination generated in the work area is controlled by
flow of airstreams in a top-to-bottom direction.

— a solid object Not placedinthesterileairstreamwill disrupt for theairflowandconsequently, the

capability to control lateral movement of airborne particulates. A cone of turbulence will extend below the object and
uniform flow of the air stream will not be regained until for approximately equal to three to six times the size of the
object. Within this cone of disturbed air, particles may be carried laterally by multidirectional eddy currents.

— transfer of viable materials and manipulations which may generate aerosols should not be
performed above sterile materials.

— employ Aseptic Technique

— do not assume that Sale theBSCwillpreventcontaminationwhen performing procedures. BSC’s will

control airborne contamination of viable agents (i.e., microorganisms), but the BSC will not eliminate contact
transmission of contamination. Contamination control procedures such as aseptic technique is required to obtain
maximum benefit from the BSC.

— open bottles, tubes or flasks should be kept as parallel as possible to the downflow air to minimize
capture of particulates. This precaution is merely good aseptic technique.

— equipment in direct contact with agents must remain in the cabinet until bagged or until surface-
decontaminated. Trays of discard pipettes must be covered before removal from the BSC.

— when there is a spill or splatter of agent in the work area, all surfaces and items in the BSC should
be surface-decontaminated before materials are removed.

— using natural gas to flame flask or tube necks is not recommended. A gas burner flame in BSC
also contributes significantly to the heat build-up inside the BSC and also disrupts the sterile supply
air stream. If a procedure demands use of a flame, a Bunsen burner with an on-demand ignition is
recommended. Do not use a constant flame gas burner. Bunsen burners must be placed near the
rear of the workspace where air turbulence will have a minimal effect.

— a plastic-backed absorbent paper should be placed on the work surface during mixing procedures
and replaced whenever significant spills occur and when the work is completed.

— vials should be opened with a tool specifically designed for that purpose. Vials should be vented
with a filter needle to eliminate internal pressure or vacuum.
— before opening ampoules, make sure that no liquid remains in the tip of the ampoule. A sterile
gauze pad should be wrapped around the neck of the ampoule before it is opened.

— a collection vessel should be available on the work surface for discard of solutions.

E.7.5 BSC start up procedure

— follow manufacturer’s startup procedure. If cabinet alarm condition is present, investigate root
cause before continuing.

— inspect air intake grilles for obstructions and foreign materials and remove any obstructions.
Remove all items from the work area.

— adjust view screen to proper height.

— turn on blower and allow five minutes to purge the air.

— wash hands Not andarmswithmild,non-antimicrobial

soap for for30seconds.Puton a rear-fastening, long-sleeved gown with gathered cuffs. Put on a pair

(or two pairs) of appropriate long sleeve (11 ½ - 12 inch) gloves (nitrile gloves are recommended for biological
work). Consider, when appropriate, disposable sleeve protectors and a second or third pair of appropriate gloves.
This will minimize the shedding of skin flora into the work area and also protect hands and arms from viable
microbial contamination. Before and after work in a BSC, hands and arms should be washed mild, non-antiseptic

— disinfect the interior surfaces of the BSC by wiping down with appropriate disinfectant for an appropriate contact

time. 70% alcohol is not considered an appropriate disinfectant because it has no effect on fungal spores Sale .

— place a plastic - backed pad on the work surface without covering the air intake/exhaust grills. This
will prevent spills from hitting the stainless steel surface and creating aerosols.

— put all items for the experiment in the BSC and keep clean items segregated from dirty items by 12
inches (300 mm) . Organize the material so that dirty "contaminated" items will not be passed over
(cross contaminate) clean items.

— exercise care that no items be placed over the front intake grills. Materials should be arranged so that
clean materials are separated from dirty (used) virus materials. Passage of contaminated materials over
non-inoculated cultures or clean glassware should be avoided to prevent contamination. Transfer of viable
materials should be performed as deeply into the cabinet (away from open face) as possible.

— allow air to stabilize for five minutes before starting work. This will rid the area of all "loose"
contamination that may have been introduced with the items.

— work from "clean" to "dirty" areas and work at least six inches (150 mm) back from rear of the front
air intake grill.

— move arms in and out of the work access opening perpendicular to the front of the BSC in a slow
steady motion to minimize disruption of the front air curtain.

— minimize penetration of the work opening air curtain.

— aminimum number of needed items should be placed into the BSC to prevent overloading. Work should
be planned to minimize the number of times an operator's hands and arms must enter and leave
the air curtain. Ideally, have everything needed for your procedure placed in the BSC before starting,
so that nothing needs to pass in or out through the front air curtain until the procedure is completed.
Do not raise your hands inside the BSC above the top level of the sash height. If you raise your
hands above the sash height, air may flow up your hands to elbows and possibly out of the BSC.

— know your "safe working area". BSC safe working area is the work tray or depressed area. All work
should be performed on or above the work tray. The area on or above and within 6 inches (150 mm)
from the rear of the front grill is a non-safe working area.

— this is a general operational guideline to control airborne contaminants of low to moderate risk. 9
Procedure protocols defined in terms of the barrier or control concepts unique to BSC’s must be
developed for maximum safety and protection.

— for preparation of antineoplastic drugs, the following procedures summarize the OSHA Technical
Manual TED 1-0.15A, Section VI, Chapter 2 "Controlling Occupational Exposure to Hazardous
Drugs". This document should be reviewed before preparing antineoplastic drugs in a BSC. 10

E.7.6 Terminal purging Not &wipedown for

— following completion of work, allow the BSC to run for a 5 minute period without personnel activity
to purge air in the work area.

— decontamination of the interior surfaces should be repeated after removal of all materials, cultures,
apparatus, etc. Check grills and diffuser grids for spilled or splashed materials that may support
fungus growth in the workspace.
— the interior surfaces of the workspace should next be disinfected with an appropriate disinfectant for an

appropriate contact time. Use of chlorine bleach in the BSC will damage the BSC stainless steel work surface.

Most surfacedisinfectantsrequireaspecificcontact time, depending upon the microbiological

agents used within the BSC. Consult appropriate disinfectant documents for proper application and suitability
against the material used in the BSC.
E.7.7 Use the following procedure to effectively clean or surface disinfect the BSC work zone surfaces.

— raise the sliding sash window to a full-open position.

— silence the audible alarm during the cleaning process.
— wipe all surfaces in parallel strokes from clean to dirty.

E.7.8 Paper catch prefilter

— some BSC’s have a paper catch filter installed behind the rear divider panel of the work zone.
This area forms the return air path to the motor/blower. If the airflow is blocked, performance of the
BSC can be compromised. Therefore, the paper catch should be checked and cleaned no less than
weekly or daily if paper products are used for procedures. Removed paper must be properly
discarded as contaminated hazardous waste.

9 Technical Report No. FPS 56500000001, by Dow Chemical U.S.A., National Cancer Institute, May 1,1972
E.7.9 BSC shut down

— turn off blowers and lights. Do not use cabinet as a depository for any lab equipment or materials
during periods of non-operation.

— close the sash window.

— if antineoplastic agents are prepared in the BSC, it is recommended that the BSC run 24 hours per
day. This lessens the possibility that contaminants may escape.

E.8 Moving a permanently installed BSC

E.8.1 It is a common Not practicetomovepermanentlyinstalled for BSCstootherlocationswithin a

laboratory or to other laboratories. Despite the apparent simplicity of the job, there are certain conditions that must be met
prior to moving this equipment. BSCs should not be moved without consultation with a biosafety professional.

E.8.2 Existing BSCs and ancillary equipment, such as canopy connection exhaust ducting, gas, electric
and vacuum connections, should be cleared for maintenance by a biosafety professional prior to
disassembly. Depending on circumstances of the move, (i.e., cabinet use, new location, etc.), BSCs may
be required to be space decontaminated before the move. After a BSC is moved, it should be certified

according to applicable performance standards.

E.9 BSC lifespan

The current lifespan of a Biosafety Cabinet is approximately 15 years. Use of modern day Biosafety
Cabinets (BSC's) began in the early 1970's with BSC's that were manufactured to the NIH-03- 112C
Standard and subsequently the NSF/ANSI 49. BSC's manufactured in the 70's, 80's and early 90's have
provided over 15 years of service. Several considerations should be made of BSCs in this age group.

— Will the BSC need extensive service? (i.e. HEPA/ULPA filter replacement, blower/motor
replacement, will the electrical wire harnesses need replacement? etc.)

— Can an older BSC be commissioned after it has been in storage or purchased as a resale?

— Will original test reports be available or will the BSC be commissioned to current NSF Standards?

After 15 years, replacement parts may or may not be available due to electrical or mechanical changes at
the factory or industrial part suppliers. For example, magnetic ballasts and T12 fluorescent bulbs may not
be available. In addition, today's BSCs have evolved through the years with many improvements in
containment, ergonomics, serviceability, and energy efficiency. That should be considered in a BSC repair
versus replacement decision.

E.10 Decommissioning process

E.10.1 No biosafety cabinet should be sent to a landfill or a recycling facility as a BSC, it should be
disassembled per requirements contained in this section.
E.10.4 Glass windows

E.10.5 Wiring

E.10.2 Decontamination and PPE

— after a review of the BSC hazard use, the cabinet may be considered chemically contaminated and
requiring special decontamination procedures, not the standard gaseous sterilization. Follow
paragraph E.10.2.3.

— all decommissioned BSCs used with pathogens should be space decontaminated.

— BSCs to be decommissioned that were used with chemical agents should have a hazard review
made to determine whether special decontamination practices and PPE should be followed.

— for those BSCs used with biological agents such as prions or biological toxins, that may not be
inactivated via gas decontamination, the filters should be incinerated and 10% bleach or other
appropriate disinfectant applied to all remaining contaminated surfaces. Obtain prior approval of the
Facility Safety Officer.

Not for
— PPE should be used as directed by the Facility Safety Officer or the biosafety safety professional. E.10.3

Metal parts

— all metal parts of less than 30 pounds (13 kg) per item should be removed from the lab and taken
to an appropriate metal recycling container.
— metal parts in excess of 30 pounds (13 kg), including the unit chassis, should be taken to a
designated area in the facility to be picked up by a commercial recycling vendor.

— all glass safety windowsSale andsashesshouldbetakentothedesignated glass container. Remove all parts that
are not press fit or glued to the glass edges or surfaces.

— all accessible wiring should be taken to a wiring recycling container.

E.10.6 Electrical ballasts

— all lamp ballasts should be taken to the ballast collection center at the institution.

E.10.7 Lamps

— all fluorescent lamps should be taken to the lamp container area at the institution.
— all ultraviolet lamps should be handled as mercury-containing waste.

E.10.8 Labels

— all warning, identification and certification labels should be removed and destroyed.

E.10.9 Used HEPA/ULPA filters

E.10.9.1 HEPA/ULPA filters that have been decontaminated are often burned in an incinerator. This
disposal method is also effective for HEPA/ULPA filters containing toxic chemicals. Factors to be
considered when incinerating filters include, but are not limited to, composition of the waste, feed rate,
combustion temperature and dwell time in the primary chamber.
E.11.2 airflow

E.10.9.2 HEPA/ULPA filters may be placed in heavy plastic bags, such as those used to bag -out filters from
contaminated filter housings. The bagged filters can be chemically decontaminated in situ by cutting small
holes in the bag and delivering appropriate disinfectant or neutralizing agent by inserting a garden-type spray
through the hole and spraying the filter media. The holes can be sealed with duct tape and shipped to an
incinerator or sanitary landfill. This chemical method may be appropriate for filters containing agents (i.e. toxic
chemicals) that cannot be inactivated by the usual space decontamination procedures.

E.10.9.3 Decontaminated HEPA/ULPA filters may be safety buried in a sanitary landfill because they no
longer pose a hazard.

E.11 Definitions
E.11.1 accessible: Fabricated to be exposed for cleaning and visual inspection using simple tools
(screwdriver, pliers, open-end wrench, etc. [Also see definition of "readily accessible."])

E.11.2.1 air curtain: Not

opening to create a barrier.
anartificallycreatedstreamof moving for airthatisdrawnacrossa threshold or other

E.11.2.2 downflow velocity: The velocity of HEPA - filtered air as it flows downward through the work
area, providing product and cross contamination protection. The velocity is measured in a plane 4 inches
(100 mm) above the bottom edge of the sash, when it is in its normal operating height.
E.11.2.3 downflow velocity Sale profile:Theindividualdownflowvelocities as measured and averaged, on a
predetermined grid pattern. Airflow velocities and the average of the airflow through the work area may be calculated as a
whole (Uniform) or may be separated into 2 or more adjoining areas (Zoned) with averages calculated for each zone.

E.11.2.4 inflow: The velocity or volume of air that flows from the room into the Front Access Opening,
providing an air barrier to prevent the escape of aerosols generated in the cabinet's workzone.

E.11.2.5 unidirectional airflow: Air traveling through an area in a single pass in the same direction at a
uniform speed to minimize potential cross contamination from aerosols.

E.11.2.6 non-uniform (zoned) downflow: A downflow velocity profile comprised of several contiguous
zones. The average downflow velocities vary from zone to zone.

E.11.2.7 uniform downflow: A downflow velocity profile wherein the individual point velocities are all
approximately the same.

E.11.3 biohazard: (a contraction of the words biological and hazard): Infectious agent(s), or part thereof,
presenting a real or potential risk to the well-being of man, animals, and/or plants, directly through
infection or indirectly through disruption of the environment.

E.11.4 biosafety cabinet nominal width: The interior sidewall to sidewall width. The cabinet nominal
width is expressed in 12 inches (300 mm) increments for cabinets with an interior sidewall to sidewall
width greater than 33 inches (840 mm). Cabinets with an interior sidewall to sidewall width of 33 inches
(840 mm) or less are classified to the nearest 6 inches (150 mm). This definition is provided for the
purpose of determining the required downflow velocity grid spacing requirements and personnel
protection slit sampler positioning.
E.11.5 biosafety cabinet shell penetrations/cable ports

E.11.5.1 sealed service penetration: A structure that seals an adjustment fixture and/or test connection
that passes from a contaminated area of the cabinet to the outside environment (e.g. an exhaust damper
(choke) adjustment shaft in a Type A BSC) meeting the requirements of Annex A.1. Its installation is
durable, not typically requiring service and/or replacement, and its function is to allow the certifier to make
the necessary adjustments or test measurements without releasing contaminants.

E.11.5.2 user-modified pass through: A structure that allows the user to pass wiring, cables, tubing, etc.
from the outside environment into the work area of the cabinet. Portions of this pass through structure
may be permanently attached to the work area of the cabinet, not typically requiring service and/or
replacement, but the retaining element(s) for the various cables, tubes, etc. are readily replaceable by the
user. Its functions are to retain the object(s) the user has installed in the pass through, and prevent the
escape of contaminants via the pass through. The pass through shall bear cautionary labels both interior
and exterior referencing use.
E.11.5.3 sealed service pass through: A structure that allows wiring, cables, tubing, etc. to pass from the outside

Not for
environment into a contaminated area of the cabinet (e.g. electrical wires for the fan in a Type A BSC). Its

installation isdurable,nottypicallyrequiring service and/orreplacement.Its functions are to

immobilize the items passing through it, and to provide a seal meeting the requirements of Annex A.1.
E.11.6 biosafety cabinet carcass, hull, chassis, shell, body: The outside of the cabinet exposed to the
environment after removing any decorative or dress panels, providing a barrier between the inner,
potentially contaminated areas and the environment.
E.11.7 biosafety levels: The essential elements of the four biosafety levels for activities involving infectious
microorganisms and laboratory animals are summarized in Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical
Laboratories.11 The levels are designated in ascending order, by degree of protection provided to personnel, the

environment, and the community. Standard microbiological practices are common to all laboratories. Special

microbiological practicesenhanceworkersafety, environmental protection, and address the

risk of handling agents requiring increasing levels of containment. Biosafety levels should not be considered the
same as microorganism risk groups.
E.11.7.1 biosafety level 1 (BSL-1): Basic Biosafety Level 1 laboratory is suitable for work involving well-
characterized agents not known to consistently cause disease in immunocompetent adult humans, and
present minimal potential hazard to laboratory personnel and the environment. BSL-1 laboratories are not
necessarily separated from the general traffic patterns in the building. Work is typically conducted on
open bench tops using standard microbiological practices. Special containment equipment or facility
design is not required, but may be used as determined by appropriate risk assessment. Laboratory
personnel must have specific training in the procedures conducted in the laboratory and must be
supervised by a scientist with training in microbiology or a related science.

E.11.7.2 biosafety level 2 (BSL-2): 2 Containment Biosafety Level 2 laboratory builds upon BSL-1. BSL-
is suitable for work involving agents that pose moderate hazards to personnel and the environment. It
differs from BSL-1 in that:

— laboratory personnel have specific training in handling pathogenic agents and are supervised by
scientists competent in handling infectious agents and associated procedures;

— access to the laboratory is restricted when work is being conducted; and

— all procedures in which infectious aerosols or splashes may be created are conducted in biosafety
cabinets (BSCs) or other physical containment equipment.

11 th
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), 5
Edition, December 2009 <>
E.11.7.3 biosafety level 3 (BSL-3): High Containment Biosafety Level 3 laboratory is applicable to
clinical, diagnostic, teaching, research, or production facilities where work is performed with agents that
may cause serious or potentially lethal disease through inhalation route exposure. Laboratory personnel
must receive specific training in handling pathogenic and potentially lethal agents, and must be
supervised by scientists competent in handling infectious agents and associated procedures. Secondary
barriers for this level include controlled access to the laboratory and ventilation requirements that
minimize the release of infectious aerosols from the laboratory.

E.11.7.4 biosafety level 4 (BSL-4): Maximum Containment Biosafety Level 4 laboratory is required for
work with agents that pose a high individual risk of life- threatening disease, aerosol transmission, or
related agent with unknown risk of transmission. Agents with a close or identical antigenic relationship to
agents requiring BSL-4 containment must be handled at this level until sufficient data are obtained either
to confirm continued work at this level, or re-designate the level. Laboratory staff must have specific and
thorough training in handling extremely hazardous infectious agents. Laboratory staff must understand
the primary and secondary containment functions of standard and special practices, containment
equipment, and laboratory design characteristics. All laboratory staff and supervisors must be competent
in handling agents and procedures requiring BSL-4 containment. Access to the laboratory is controlled by
the laboratory supervisor in accordance with institutional policies.

— Cabinet Laboratory Not whereallhandlingofagents must

There are two models for BSL-4 laboratories:
for beperformedinaClassIII BSC.

— Suit Laboratory where personnel must wear a positive pressure protective suit.

BSL-4 Cabinet and Suit Laboratories have special engineering and design features to prevent
microorganisms from being disseminated into the environment.
E.11.8 cabinet classification: Although this Standard covers only Class II biosafety cabinetry, Class I

and Class III cabinets are currently defined and known to be commercially available. Biosafety cabinets
can be used for work with biological agents assigned to biosafety levels 1 through 4, depending on the
facility design as described in Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories.10Special note
should be taken that BSL-4 agents should only be used in Maximum Containment Laboratories and that
Class I and Class II biosafety cabinets are only acceptable in Maximum Containment Laboratories with
positive pressure containment suits.

E.11.8.1 class I: A Class I BSC provides personnel and environmental protection without product
protection. Personnel protection is provided as a minimum velocity of 75 lfpm (0.38 m/s) 12 of unfiltered
room air is drawn through the front opening and across the work surface. The air is then passed through a
HEPA/ULPA filter in the exhaust plenum, providing environmental protection.

E.11.8.2 class II: Class II (Type A1, A2, B1 and B2) BSCs are partial barrier systems that rely on the
movement of air to provide personnel, environmental, and product protection. Personnel and product
protection is provided by the combination of inward and downward airflow captured by the front grille of
the cabinet.

Side-to-side cross-contamination of product is minimized by the internal downward flow of HEPA/ULPA-

filtered air moving towards the work surface and then drawn into the front and rear intake grills.
Environmental protection is provided when cabinet exhaust air is passed through a HEPA/ULPA filter.
When used as designed, the cabinet exhaust air may be recirculated to the laboratory (Type A1 and A2
BSCs) or discharged from the building via a canopy connection (Type A1 and A2 BSCs). Exhaust air from
Types B1 and B2 BSCs must be discharged to the outdoors via a sealed connection.

12Barbeito MS, Taylor LA. Containment of Microbial Aerosols in a Microbiological Safety Cabinet. Appl. Microbiol.
16:1255-29, 1968.
All Class II cabinets are designed for work involving procedures assigned to biosafety levels 1, 2 and 3.
Class II BSCs may be used with procedures requiring BSL-4 containment if used in a BSL-4 suit
laboratory by a worker wearing a positive pressure protective suit.

Class II BSCs provide the microbe -free work environment necessary for cell culture propagation and also
may be used for the formulation of nonvolatile antineoplastic or chemotherapeutic drugs.

E. class II type A1 cabinets (formerly designated type A): cabinets that

— maintain minimum average inflow velocity of 75 ft/min (0.38 m/s) through the work access opening;
containment may fail when people walk by the work opening.

— have HEPA/ULPA filtered downflow air that is a portion of the mixed downflow and inflow air from a
common plenum (i.e., a plenum from which a portion of the air is exhausted from the cabinet and the
remainder supplied to the work area);

— may exhaust Not HEPA/ULPAfilteredairbackinto the for laboratoryortotheenvironment through

an external exhaust system connected to the cabinet with a canopy connection; and
— have all biologically contaminated ducts and plenums under negative pressure or surrounded by
negative pressure ducts and plenums.

If working with volatile chemicals, the unit may be canopy - connected to external exhaust system if
permitted by a chemical risk assessment (Refer to Section E.3.1.3).
NOTE — Type A1 BSCs manufactured prior to 2010 are not suitable for work with volatile chemicals due to the

contaminated positive Sale pressuredplenumsthatarenotsurrounded by negative pressure plenums.

E. class II, type A2 cabinets (when exhausted to the environment were formerly designated
type B3): cabinets that

— maintain a minimum average inflow velocity of 100 ft/min (0.51 m/s) through the work access

— have HEPA/ULPA filtered downflow air that is a portion of the mixed downflow and inflow air from a
common exhaust plenum;

— may exhaust HEPA/ULPA filtered air back into the laboratory or to the environment through an
external exhaust system connected to the cabinet with a canopy connection; and

— have all biologically contaminated ducts and plenums under negative pressure or surrounded by
negative pressure ducts and plenums.

If working with volatile chemicals, the unit must be canopy-connected to external exhaust system if
permitted by a chemical risk assessment (Refer to Section E.3.1.3).

E. class II type B1 cabinets: cabinets that

— maintain a minimum average inflow velocity of 100 ft/min (0.51 m/s) through the work access

— have HEPA/ULPA filtered downflow air composed largely of uncontaminated recirculated inflow air;
— exhaust contaminated downflow air from a region of the work area via an internal dedicated
exhaust plenum and through HEPA/ULPA filter(s) to an external exhaust system with a direct
connection and exhausted to the atmosphere; and

— recirculate the balance of the downflow and inflow air through a supply HEPA/ULPA filter(s); and

— have all biologically contaminated ducts and plenums under negative pressure or surrounded by
negative pressure ducts and plenums.

Type B1 cabinets may be used for work with volatile chemicals if permitted by a chemical risk assessment
(Refer to Section E.3.1.3).

E. class II, type B2 cabinets: cabinets that

— maintain a minimum average inflow velocity of 100 ft/min (0.51 m/s) through the work access

— have HEPA/ULPA Not filtereddownflowairdrawn from the

air is not recirculated from the cabinet exhaust air);
for laboratoryortheoutside air (i.e., downflow

— exhaust all inflow and downflow air to the atmosphere through an external exhaust system
connected to the cabinet with a direct connection after filtration through a HEPA/ULPA filter without
recirculation in the cabinet or return to the laboratory; and

— have all contaminated ducts and plenums under negative pressure or surrounded by directly
exhausted (nonrecirculated through the work area) negative pressure ducts and plenums.

Type B2 cabinets may be Sale

assessment (Refer to Section E.3.1.3).
usedforworkwithvolatilechemicalsifpermitted by a chemical risk class II type C1 BSCs:

— maintain a minimum average inflow velocity of 100 ft/min (0.51 m/s) through the work access

— have HEPA/ULPA filtered downflow air composed largely of uncontaminated recirculated inflow air;

— exhaust contaminated downflow air from a region of the work area via an internal dedicated
exhaust plenum and blower, and then through HEPA/ULPA filter(s);

— recirculate the balance of the downflow and inflow air through a supply HEPA/ULPA filter(s);

— have all biologically contaminated ducts and plenums under negative pressure or surrounded by
negative pressure ducts and plenums; and

— may exhaust HEPA/ULPA filtered air either back into the laboratory or via a canopy connection to
an external system that exhausts to the atmosphere.

If working with volatile chemicals, the unit must be connected to an external exhaust system. Type C1
cabinets may be used for work with volatile chemicals if permitted by a chemical risk assessment (Refer
to Section E.3.1.3).

E.11.8.3 class III: The Class III BSC was designed for work with highly infectious microbiological agents
and other hazardous operations. It provides maximum protection for the environment and the worker. It is
a gas-tight (no leak greater than 1x10 -7 cc/s with 1% test gas at 3 in pressure water gauge 13) enclosure with a
viewing window that is secured with locks and/or requires the use of tools to open. Access for passage of
materials into the cabinet may be through any of the following: a dunk tank that is accessible through the
cabinet floor, a double-door pass-through box that can be decontaminated between uses, integrated double
door autoclaves and portable docking stations with double sealing connecting mechanisms that can be
decontaminated between uses. Reversing that process allows materials to be removed from the Class III BSC.
Both supply and exhaust air are HEPA/ULPA filtered. Exhaust air must pass through two HEPA/ULPA filters in
series, before discharge to the outdoors. Airflow is maintained by an exhaust system exterior to the cabinet,
which keeps the cabinet under negative pressure according to manufacturer design pressure criteria.
Sometimes because of laboratory conditions an optional exhaust fan may be required. This exhaust fan should
generally be kept separate from the exhaust fans of the facility ventilation system. If a cabinet exhaust system
is required it should be equipped with an appropriate alarm system which both notifies the cabinet user and
shuts down the cabinet exhaust system in the event of a facility exhaust system failure.
Rubber glove/sleeves or equivalent glove material, are sealed to ports in the cabinet and allow direct manipulation of
the materials isolated inside. The glove material shall be compatible for use with the materials being used in the
cabinet. The exhaust system for the cabinet shall provide inflow to the cabinet arm port in the event of a rubber

Not for
glove/sleeve breach. The minimum breach velocity shall be measured with a hot wire in

themiddleofthearmportandshall be no lessthan100ft/min(0.51 m/s). It is not a

requirement for the work area to be free of turbulence or cross contamination.
E.11.8 calibration: Comparison of the measurement of a standard or instrument of unknown accuracy
with another standard or instrument of known accuracy to detect, correlate, report, or eliminate by
adjustment any variation in the accuracy of the unknown standard or instrument.

E.11.10 canopy connection: A BSC exhaust connection where there are one or more openings or gaps
in the connection between the BSC and the external exhaust system.
E.11.11 certification, cabinet design: Cabinet design certification is formal validation by a qualified design testing

organization that a Sale designatedcabinetmodelmeetsalltherequirements of Annex A of this standard.

E.11.12 certification, cabinet field: Cabinet field certification is formal verification by a qualified field-
testing certifier that an installed cabinet meets all the requirements of Annex F of this standard.

E.11.13 chemical resistance: Capability of materials to maintain their original surface characteristics
under prolonged contact with cleaning compounds, decontaminating agents, and normal conditions of the
use environment.

E.11.14 closed: Fabricated with no openings exceeding 0.031 in (0.79 mm).

E.11.15 concurrent balance value: This value is determined using the duct traverse measurement
method as specified in ASHRAE 111- 2008, a minimum of 7.5 duct diameters downstream of a direct
connected BSC. Prior to determining the concurrent balance value, it shall be confirmed that the cabinet
is operating at its nominal setpoints for inflow and downflow velocity ± 3 fpm. The primary DIM method
shall be used for setting the inflow velocity. The accuracy of the DIM shall be better than or equal to ± 3%
and ± 7 cfm. The static pressure is also measured approximately two duct diameters from the cabinet
exhaust connection. Appropriate filter load and tolerance values shall be added to the base static
pressure value to accommodate filter loading: 0.3 in w.g. shall be added for Type B1 cabinets and 0.7 in
w.g. shall be added for Type B2 cabinets. The resulting values may be used for design and balance
exhaust/supply HVAC requirements.

13 National Institutes of Health, Laboratory Safety Monograph: A Supplement to the NIH Guidelines for
Recombinant DNA Research January 1979 <
E.11.16 decontamination: Inactivation or destruction of infectious agents or neutralization of toxic agents
to an acceptable level.

E.11.17 direct connection: A BSC exhaust connection where the connection between the BSC and the
external exhaust system is air tight with no designed gaps or openings.
E.11.18 direct inflow measuring device (DIM): A volumetric airflow measuring device consisting of a
capture hood with a sensing component that provides a readout as a single value for volumetric flow rate
and meets the requirements of Annex B.

E.11.19 high efficiency air filters (for use in class II biosafety cabinets):

E.11.19.1 high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter: A throwaway, extended/pleated medium, dry-
type filter with the following:

— rigid casing enclosing the full depth of the pleats;

— minimum particulate removal of 99.99% for thermally generated monodisperse dioctyphthalate (DOP) smoke

Not particlesorequivalentwithadiameter of 0 for .3µm(TypeC);

— minimum particulate removal of 99.99% and determination as the lower efficiency when tested for
particle size ranges of 0.1 to 0.2 µm or 0.2 to 0.3 µm in accordance with IEST-RP-CC007 (Type J);

— minimum particulate removal of 99.995% and determination as the lower efficiency when tested for
particle size ranges of 0.1 to 0.2 µm or 0.2 to 0.3 µm in accordance with IEST-RP-CC007 (Type K);

— maximum pressure drop of 1.0 in w.g. (250 Pa) when clean and operated at rated airflow capacity;

— no area showing Sale apenetrationexceeding0.01%whenscantested with a polydisperse aerosol

having a light scattering median size of 0.7 µm and a geometric standard deviation of 2.4.
These filters conform to all the performance and construction requirements of a Type C, a Type J, or a
Type K filter respectively, contained in IEST-RP-CC001.4. Filter media shall be tested in accordance with
the methods of IEST- RP- CC021 with performance levels to meet the minimum efficiency requirements
as specified above and the pressure drop requirements as required by the specific application.

E.11.19.2 ultra-low - penetrating air (ULPA) filter: A throw away, extended/pleated medium, dry-type
filter with the following:

— rigid frame enclosing the full depth of the pleats;

— minimum particle removal of 99.999% and determination as the lower efficiency when tested for particle
size ranges of 0.1 to 0.2 µm or 0.2 to 0.3 µm when tested in accordance with IEST-RP-CC007;

— maximum pressure drop of 1.0 in w.g. (250 Pa) when clean and operated at rated airflow capacity.
ULPA filters may have higher airflow resistance than HEPA/ULPA filters for the same rated airflow;
therefore, care shall be taken to ensure that the pressure drop is compatible with the cabinet
motor/blower capability; and

— no area showing a penetration exceeding 0.01% when scan tested with a polydisperse aerosol
having a light scattering median size of 0.7 µm and a geometric standard deviation of 2.4.

This filter conforms to all requirements of a Type F filter contained in IEST-RP-CC001.4, HEPA and ULPA

E.11.29 surfaces:

E.11.20 leak tight: Free of leaks at 2 in w.g. (500 Pa) of air pressure as described in Annex A.

E.11.21 nominal set point velocities: The cabinet downflow and inflow velocities that the manufacturer
designates as the settings at which the cabinet is intended to operate and the settings at which it passed
the tests listed in 6.7 and Annex A, section A.7.

E.11.22 polydisperse aerosol: Aerosol with a light scattering median size of 0.7 µm and a geometric
standard deviation of 2.4.

E.11.23 readily accessible: Fabricated to be exposed for cleaning and visual inspection without using

E.11.24 readily removable: Capable of being taken away from the main unit without using tools.

E.11.25 removable: Capable of being taken away from the main unit using simple tools (screwdriver,
pliers, open-end wrench, etc. [also see definition of "readily removable"]).

Not for
E.11.26 ssh: A fixed or sliding window located at the front of the biosafety cabinet, that forms a barrier between the

operator andtheworkarea. E.11.27 sealed: Fabricated with no openings that will

permit entry or leakage of air (leak - tight).
E.11.28 smooth: A surface free of pits and inclusions, with cleanability equal to or exceeding the following.

E.11.28.1 interior work surfaces and exposed interior surfaces: Number 3 (100 grit) finish on
stainless steel.
E.11.28.2 other interior surfaces and exterior surfaces: Commercial grade cold-rolled, hot-rolled, or

- rolled
Sale steelfreeofvisiblescale.

interior work surfaces: Surfaces used when performing a task, operation, or activity.

E.11.29.2 exposed interior surfaces: Exposed interior surfaces, other than work surfaces, that are
subject to splash, spillage, or airborne contamination during normal use.

E.11.29.3 other interior surfaces: Interior surfaces not exposed to splash or spillage but exposed to
vapor or volatile toxic substances or both.

E.11.29.4 exterior surfaces: All exposed surfaces not defined as interior.

E.11.30 toxic: Having an adverse physiological effect on biological systems.

E.11.31 visible medium: A visible aerosol that is sufficiently neutrally buoyant in air to see air
disturbances without influencing them. Examples include chemical ventilation tubes and thermally
generated aerosol. The delivery velocity of the visual medium should be slow enough to assure that there
is no interference to the air flow under test.

E.11.32 w.g. (water gauge): Another common name for the inch of water column. The word "gauge" after
a pressure reading indicates that the pressure stated is actually the difference between the absolute or
total pressure and the air pressure at the time of the reading.

E.11.33 work area: The horizontal plane inside the cabinet extending from sidewall to sidewall and from
back wall to the inside of the sash at a point approximately 2 inches (5 mm) above the lower level of the
Not for
E.11.34 work tray: The solid floor of the work area identified by the manufacturer as the location for the
user's activity. This is differentiated from work area.
Not for
Not for
Not for
Not for
Not for
Not for
Not for
Not for
Not for

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