Volcanic Plumes PDF
Volcanic Plumes PDF
Volcanic Plumes PDF
Volcanic Plumes
Volcanic Plumes
Impacts on the Atmosphere and Insights into
Volcanic Processes
Andrew McGonigle
Department of Geography, University of Sheffield
Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel, Switzerland
This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal
Geosciences (ISSN 2076-3263) from 2017 to 2018 (available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/
geosciences/special issues/volcanic processes)
For citation purposes, cite each article independently as indicated on the article page online and as
indicated below:
LastName, A.A.; LastName, B.B.; LastName, C.C. Article Title. Journal Name Year, Article Number,
Page Range.
Credit: Mt Etna eruption on 8th of September 2011 from the town of Fleri(east flank of Mt. Etna).
Boris Behncke, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo.
c 2019 by the authors. Articles in this book are Open Access and distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon
published articles, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum
dissemination and a wider impact of our publications.
The book as a whole is distributed by MDPI under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
license CC BY-NC-ND.
Preface to ”Volcanic Plumes: Impacts on the Atmosphere and Insights into Volcanic Processes” ix
Erwan Martin
Volcanic Plume Impact on the Atmosphere and Climate: O- and S-Isotope Insight into Sulfate
Aerosol Formation
Reprinted from: Geosciences 2018, 8, 198, doi:10.3390/geosciences8060198 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Stefano Corradini, Lorenzo Guerrieri, Valerio Lombardo, Luca Merucci,
Massimo Musacchio, Michele Prestifilippo, Simona Scollo, Malvina Silvestri, Gaetano Spata
and Dario Stelitano
Proximal Monitoring of the 2011–2015 Etna Lava Fountains Using MSG-SEVIRI Data
Reprinted from: Geosciences 2018, 8, 140, doi:10.3390/geosciences8040140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Tjarda J. Roberts
Ozone Depletion in Tropospheric Volcanic Plumes: From Halogen-Poor to
Halogen-Rich Emissions
Reprinted from: Geosciences 2018, 8, 68, doi:10.3390/geosciences8020068 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Jonas Gliß, Kerstin Stebel, Arve Kylling, Anna Solvejg Dinger, Holger Sihler and
Aasmund Subø
Pyplis—A Python Software Toolbox for the Analysis of SO2 Camera Images for Emission Rate
Retrievals from Point Sources
Reprinted from: Geosciences 2017, 7, 134, doi:10.3390/geosciences7040134 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Simone Santoro, Stefano Parracino, Luca Fiorani, Roberto D’Aleo, Enzo Di Ferdinando,
Gaetano Giudice, Giovanni Maio, Marcello Nuvoli and Alessandro Aiuppa
Volcanic Plume CO2 Flux Measurements at Mount Etna by Mobile Differential Absorption Lidar
Reprinted from: Geosciences 2017, 7, 9, doi:10.3390/geosciences7010009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
About the Special Issue Editors
Pasquale Sellitto is an Associate Professor at Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes
Atmospheriques, Université Paris-Est, France. Formed as a physicist, he received his PhD in
Geo-Information and Remote Sensing at Tor Vergata University, Rome. He was Visiting Scientist
at NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, USA, and worked as an Assistant Professor at Ecole Normale
Supérieure, Paris, France, and as an Atmospheric Scientist at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
Chilton-Oxford, UK. He is an expert in atmospheric spectroscopy and radiative transfer, remote
sensing and modelling of the atmosphere and climate forcing, with applications to boundary
layer to upper-tropospheric–lower-stratospheric sources, like volcanic activity and Monsoon
transport of Asian pollution. He has published over 30 papers. He won “La Recherche” prize 2014
(section: “Environment”), awarded by “La Recherche” magazine, and the “Italian Physical
Society–Associazione Geofisica Italiana 2006” prize. He is Principal Investigator and co-Principal
Investigator of several national (French) and international projects. He is Principal Investigator of
the Etna Plume Lab research cluster.
Giuseppe Salerno is researcher at INGV Catania, PhD in Volcanlogy at the University of Cambridge
(UK). His research focus on volcanic degassing and integration of geophysical data for exploring
eruptive mechanism process and the time scales over which these processes occur. He is responsible
person of the gas geochemistry team of INGV Catania, and he has been very closely involved in the
monitoring and emergency response to Etnean and Stromboli and El Salvador eruptions. He has also
carried out several international research campaigns in North, Central, and South America, Iceland,
USA and Antartica. Dr Salerno has published 51 ISI publications and 4 book chapters.
Preface to ”Volcanic Plumes: Impacts on the
Atmosphere and Insights into Volcanic Processes”
Volcanoes release a mixture of gas and particles into the atmosphere. These ejecta not only
have fundamental implications on the style and timing of eruptions but may also have significant
effects on the global climate and environment. Volcanic gases and particles may alter the chemical
composition of the tropo-stratosphere, perturbing the Earth’s radiation budget and climate system
over a range of temporal and spatial scales. Furthermore, volcanic plumes can affect the air quality,
pose hazards to aviation and human health, and damage ecosystems. The chemical compositions
and emission rates of volcanic plumes can be observed via a range of direct sampling and remote
sensing instrumentation in order to gain insights into subterranean processes and to monitor plume
cloud dispersion in the atmosphere. Over the last decades, thanks to technological advances, major
progress has been made in the understanding of volcanic plumes. New instruments have enabled the
widening of the global volcanic gas inventory, and novel data analytic procedures have advanced the
understanding of eruptive mechanisms and the impact of gas in atmospheric chemistry and physics
as well as allowing the refinement and tuning of models.
Hence, it is an appropriate time to produce a book of recent research in volcanic plumes by
world-class scientists in the fields of the Geosciences. Though several excellent texts exist that cover
some of the subjects tackled in this book, none explore volcanic plumes in a synoptic approach from
volcanology to atmospheric sciences and from observation to modeling. The content of the book
includes selected chapters covering four main sections of research. The first two explore the controls
of volcanic degassing process and ash emissions in eruptive mechanisms together with modelling of
physical dispersal and chemical and microphysical evolution of plumes in the atmosphere. Sections
three and four pave the way for exciting developments in volcano monitoring instrumentation from
both ground- and space-based platforms and improved data analytic procedures.
Our goal for this book was to produce a concise, well oriented book for both undergraduate
students and researchers in Geosciences who wish to gain further insight into the subject. We hope
that the wide scientific coverage of the book will provide the reader with a good overview of the
state-of-the-art research across the breadth of this field. The contributing authors and reviewers
are sincerely acknowledged by the editors, as well as the effort by MDPI staff for their technical
coordination in producing this book.
Volcanic Plumes: Impacts on the Atmosphere and
Insights into Volcanic Processes
Andrew J. S. McGonigle 1,2,3, *, Pasquale Sellitto 4,5 and Giuseppe G. Salerno 6
1 Department of Geography, University of Sheffield, Winter Street, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
2 School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney NSW2006, Australia
3 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Palermo, Via Ugo La Malfa 153,
90146 Palermo, Italy
4 Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, École Normale Supérieure, PSL
Research University, École Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay, Sorbonne Université, UPMC Université
Paris 6, CNRS, 75005 Paris, France; [email protected]
5 Remote Sensing Group, UK Research and Innovation, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, Oxford OX11 0QX, UK
6 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo, I95123 Catania, Italy;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: a.mcgonigle@sheffield.ac.uk; Tel.: +44-114-222-7961
Keywords: volcanic plumes; volcanic gases; volcanic geochemistry; atmospheric remote sensing;
radiative forcing; atmospheric chemistry
Here we introduce a Special Issue of Geosciences focused on the scientific research field of
‘Volcanic Plumes: Impacts on the atmosphere and insights into volcanic processes’. We would like
to firstly thank those who have participated in this endeavour, in particular the authors who have
chosen to submit their research outputs to this collection of articles, as well as the reviewers who
have devoted their time, in a manner which has been invaluable in improving all the papers that
appear here. This research theme provides a truly inter-system perspective on the dynamics of planet
Earth, spanning the geosphere and the atmosphere and covering processes, which occur over a wide
variety of timescales, and have significant impacts on human beings and the biosphere, not least via
volcanogenic climate change. The title was deliberately chosen to encompass to the wide variety of
scientific research occurring within this field and we are very pleased to see that the range of articles
appearing here does span that of current enquiry regarding volcanic plumes.
Firstly, there are articles focused on the impacts on the atmosphere of volcanic plumes.
In particular, Roberts [1] outlines an intriguing study into the rather recently discovered ozone
destroying chemical processes, which occur within tropospheric volcanic plumes. By presenting
results from measurements of ozone in the plume of a low halogen emitting volcano (Kı̄lauea),
and combining these data with those from higher halogen emitters (Etna and Mt. Redoubt), as well as
model simulations, new insights are offered into the role of halogen species in driving these chemical
processes. On this theme, sun photometric observations of aerosol optical depth are also reported by
Sellitto et al. [2], concerning the plume released from Pacaya volcano, Guatemala. Constraining the
microphysics of aerosol particles in volcanic plumes is important to enable better understanding of the
radiative properties of these emissions, and hence their potential role in modulation of radiative transfer
and climatic dynamics. Another work, which is focused on measuring from the ground the properties
of volcanic gas plumes is that of Pfeiffer et al. [3], who deployed a variety of spectroscopic and in-situ
sampling tools, under challenging environmental conditions, to constrain the gas chemistry, emission
rate and aerosol properties of the plume arising from the Bárðarbunga fissure eruption in Iceland.
This eruption was the greatest in Iceland in the last 200 years and one of the most polluting volcanic
events in centuries. Capture of data such as these is very important in terms of parameterising plume
dispersal models, with a view to better mitigating the impacts on human beings of eruption clouds.
The second major focus of the volume title is on the use of plume data to inform our understanding
of the subterranean processes, which drive volcanic activity at the surface. Here two articles appeared,
the first of which was by Terray et al. [4]. In this paper, the authors report on the disequilibria between
the radioactive species: 210 Pb, 210 Bi and 210 Po in the plume of Mt. Etna. Such data have been used
for some decades in attempts to constrain underground magma dynamics and degassing kinetics.
Here a novel basaltic degassing model is put forward, based on a Monte-Carlo simulation, which the
authors argue delivers a better fit to the observed data than those adopted previously. Linkage between
models and observed gas data is also the theme of the next article, concerning magmatic-degassing
dynamics, by Pering and McGonigle [5]. Here the authors use high time resolution remotely sensed
degassing data (from ultraviolet cameras; see below) in tandem with mathematical models to provide
an overarching model classification for puffing and strombolian degassing modes in basaltic volcanism
for the first time.
Beyond the above topics, there were a number of articles, which focused on the development of
hardware and software/algorithmic protocols for remotely sensing the properties of volcanic plumes.
Within this realm there were three pieces focused on aerial/satellite observation platforms, and a
further four concerning ground based configurations. In terms of the first approach, which is relevant
for aviation in the event of large eruptions, or constraining the climatic impacts of eruptions, there
was a contribution from Guermazi et al. [6] regarding thermal infrared methodologies. In particular,
the authors focus on better constraining the concurrent impact of both sulphur dioxide and secondary
sulphate aerosols on the signals received in the sensors’ measurement bands. This radiative interference
between sulphur dioxide and secondary sulfate aerosols has not been investigated before, hence
this study paves the way towards more precise quantitative observation of these components of
volcanic plumes. In addition, Licciardi et al. [7] report on a study concerning hyperspectral imaging
in volcanology, aimed at unmixing the relative spectral effects of the ground covering and plume
composition on the radiation signal received by the sensor. Here a nonlinear approach, based on
machine learning, is adopted, which is in contrast to the linear techniques applied hitherto with a view
to better resolving these relative effects, and it hence informs a more robust model interpretation of
captured volcano-hyperspectral data. Furthermore, Corradini et al. [8] attempted a down-scaling of
satellite-based observations to characterise proximal parameters of the volcanic activity, such as the
start date and duration of eruptions, plume discharge rates and plume heights. This is of particular
relevance to the anticipated increased future use of space-based platforms in volcanic monitoring.
Finally, there are a number of pieces focused on the ground based remote sensing techniques
applied to volcanic plume sensing, an approach of particular importance in volcano monitoring,
where high time resolution is helpful and the pre-eruptive plumes are often rather too weak to
be resolved from space. An excellent overview of this domain is provided by Platt et al. [9], who
review the significant development of this field in recent decades, which has led to a large number
of volcanoes, spanning the globe, now being the focus of routine remotely sensed gas observations,
enabling the observer to remain stationed at a safe distance from the source. This article provides
an overview of a range of imaging and spectroscopic approaches, which have been applied in this
arena. McGonigle et al. [10] focus on a particular modality within this genre: ultraviolet imaging
of volcanic plumes, which has emerged over the last decade to provide plume emission rate data
with unprecedented time resolutions of order 1 s. The associated hardware and software protocols
are covered as well as the significant novel scientific possibilities that this approach now enables,
in particular the capacity to relate high time resolution gas flux data with volcano geophysical data for
the first time to bridge between two previously rather separate branches of volcanology.
Gliß et al. [11] push the theme of UV imaging further by reporting on open access Python
code aimed at handling all the processing steps, which are required to generate volcanic sulphur
dioxide gas fluxes from raw acquired camera data. In particular, this provides calibration, plume
Geosciences 2018, 8, 158
speed determination and light dilution correction functionality, with the aim of expediting the wider
uptake of this methodology amongst the international volcanology community. The final article,
by Santoro et al. [12] concerns active remote sensing of carbon dioxide emissions from Mt. Etna using
a LiDAR based system. Increases in the emission of this species can be a signature of forthcoming
volcanic eruptions, hence this approach has very great potential in hazard assessment. The technique
can also be applied at considerable distances from the source, providing significant safety benefits
relative to the traditionally applied proximal measurements of this species at/near active vents.
It seems an apposite moment to publish this Special Issue, given the very significant developments,
which have occurred in the area of volcanic plumes in the last decade or so. It is also hoped that the
wide scientific coverage of the articles presented here will provide the reader with a good overview
of the state of the art across the breadth of this field. These articles additionally pave the way for
the exciting developments that are likely to follow in the following decade based on anticipated
improvements in volcano monitoring instrumentation, deployed from both ground and space based
platforms, in addition to improved data analytic procedures. With additional improvements in models
concerning both underground gas behaviour as well as the physical dispersal and chemical and
microphysical evolution of plumes in the atmosphere, we look forward to the further development of
this field in the decade to come.
Author Contributions: The authors contributed equally to the writing of this Editorial.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
1. Roberts, T.J. Ozone Depletion in Tropospheric Volcanic Plumes: From Halogen-Poor to Halogen-Rich
Emissions. Geosciences 2018, 8, 68. [CrossRef]
2. Sellitto, P.; Spampinato, L.; Salerno, G.G.; La Spina, A. Aerosol Optical Properties of Pacaya Volcano Plume
Measured with a Portable Sun-Photometer. Geosciences 2018, 8, 36. [CrossRef]
3. Pfeffer, M.A.; Bergsson, B.; Barsotti, S.; Stefánsdóttir, G.; Galle, B.; Arellano, S.; Conde, V.; Donovan, A.;
Ilyinskaya, E.; Burton, M.; et al. Ground-Based Measurements of the 2014–2015 Holuhraun Volcanic Cloud
(Iceland). Geosciences 2018, 8, 29. [CrossRef]
4. Terray, L.; Gauthier, P.-J.; Salerno, G.; Caltabiano, T.; La Spina, A.; Sellitto, P.; Briole, P. A New Degassing
Model to Infer Magma Dynamics from Radioactive Disequilibria in Volcanic Plumes. Geosciences 2018, 8, 27.
5. Pering, T.D.; McGonigle, A.J.S. Combining Spherical-Cap and Taylor Bubble Fluid Dynamics with Plume
Measurements to Characterize Basaltic Degassing. Geosciences 2018, 8, 42. [CrossRef]
6. Guermazi, H.; Sellitto, P.; Serbaji, M.M.; Legras, B.; Rekhiss, F. Assessment of the Combined Sensitivity of
Nadir TIR Satellite Observations to Volcanic SO2 and Sulphate Aerosols after a Moderate Stratospheric
Eruption. Geosciences 2017, 7, 84. [CrossRef]
7. Licciardi, G.A.; Sellitto, P.; Piscini, A.; Chanussot, J. Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing for the Characterisation
of Volcanic Surface Deposit and Airborne Plumes from Remote Sensing Imagery. Geosciences 2017, 7, 46.
8. Corradini, S.; Guerrieri, L.; Lombardo, V.; Merucci, L.; Musacchio, M.; Prestifilippo, M.; Scollo, S.; Silvestri, M.;
Spata, G.; Stelitano, D. Proximal Monitoring of the 2011–2015 Etna Lava Fountains Using MSG-SEVIRI Data.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140. [CrossRef]
9. Platt, U.; Bobrowski, N.; Butz, A. Ground-Based Remote Sensing and Imaging of Volcanic Gases and
Quantitative Determination of Multi-Species Emission Fluxes. Geosciences 2018, 8, 44. [CrossRef]
10. McGonigle, A.J.S.; Pering, T.D.; Wilkes, T.C.; Tamburello, G.; D’Aleo, R.; Bitetto, M.; Aiuppa, A.; Willmott, J.R.
Ultraviolet Imaging of Volcanic Plumes: A New Paradigm in Volcanology. Geosciences 2017, 7, 68. [CrossRef]
Geosciences 2018, 8, 158
11. Gliß, J.; Stebel, K.; Kylling, A.; Dinger, A.S.; Sihler, H.; Sudbø, A. Pyplis-A Python Software Toolbox for the
Analysis of SO2 Camera Images for Emission Rate Retrievals from Point Sources. Geosciences 2017, 7, 134.
12. Santoro, S.; Parracino, S.; Fiorani, L.; D’Aleo, R.; Di Ferdinando, E.; Giudice, G.; Maio, G.; Nuvoli, M.;
Aiuppa, A. Volcanic Plume CO2 Flux Measurements at Mount Etna by Mobile Differential Absorption Lidar.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 9. [CrossRef]
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Ultraviolet Imaging of Volcanic Plumes: A New
Paradigm in Volcanology
Andrew J. S. McGonigle 1,2,3, *, Tom D. Pering 1 ID , Thomas C. Wilkes 1 , Giancarlo Tamburello 4 ,
Roberto D’Aleo 5 , Marcello Bitetto 5 , Alessandro Aiuppa 2,5 and Jon R. Willmott 6
1 Department of Geography, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK; t.pering@sheffield.ac.uk (T.D.P.);
tcwilkes1@sheffield.ac.uk (T.C.W.)
2 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Palermo, Via Ugo La Malfa 153, 90146 Palermo,
Italy; [email protected]
3 School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
4 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Bologna, Via Donato Creti, 12, 40100 Bologna, Italy;
[email protected]
5 DiSTeM, Università di Palermo, via Archirafi, 22, 90123 Palermo, Italy; [email protected] (R.D.);
[email protected] (M.B.)
6 Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 4DE, UK;
* Correspondence: a.mcgonigle@sheffield.ac.uk; Tel.: +44-114-222-7961
Academic Editors: Pasquale Sellitto, Giuseppe Salerno and Jesús Martínez Frías
Received: 1 April 2017; Accepted: 1 August 2017; Published: 8 August 2017
Abstract: Ultraviolet imaging has been applied in volcanology over the last ten years or so.
This provides considerably higher temporal and spatial resolution volcanic gas emission rate data
than available previously, enabling the volcanology community to investigate a range of far faster
plume degassing processes than achievable hitherto. To date, this has covered rapid oscillations in
passive degassing through conduits and lava lakes, as well as puffing and explosions, facilitating
exciting connections to be made for the first time between previously rather separate sub-disciplines
of volcanology. Firstly, there has been corroboration between geophysical and degassing datasets
at ≈1 Hz, expediting more holistic investigations of volcanic source-process behaviour. Secondly,
there has been the combination of surface observations of gas release with fluid dynamic models
(numerical, mathematical, and laboratory) for gas flow in conduits, in attempts to link subterranean
driving flow processes to surface activity types. There has also been considerable research and
development concerning the technique itself, covering error analysis and most recently the adaptation
of smartphone sensors for this application, to deliver gas fluxes at a significantly lower instrumental
price point than possible previously. At this decadal juncture in the application of UV imaging in
volcanology, this article provides an overview of what has been achieved to date as well as a forward
look to possible future research directions.
1. Introduction
Volcanic activity is observed in a number of primary ways: firstly, by measurements of geophysical
signatures, e.g., seismic, thermal, and acoustic; and secondly, through observations of gases released
from summit craters, flanks, or fumaroles [1]; petrology also plays a key role here in respect of magma
geochemistry. However, historically, the degassing data have been considered somewhat secondary
to those from geophysics, in particular seismic data, largely because of limitations in the applied
instrumentation. However, during the last two decades, there has been a major renaissance in volcanic
gas monitoring, arising from the implementation of exciting new ground-based technologies for
measuring the gases released in volcanic plumes. These approaches have been of utility in increasing
our understanding of the underground processes that drive surface activity, as well as in routine
volcano monitoring operations.
These recently applied techniques fall into two categories: firstly, those that concern the
chemical composition of the gases, e.g., Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy [2] and
MultiGAS units [3]; and secondly, those that capture emission rates or fluxes, for example correlation
spectrometers (COSPECs), differential optical absorption spectrometers (DOAS units), and ultraviolet
(UV) cameras. The emission rate data have been largely focused on sulphur dioxide (SO2 ), which
is straightforward to remotely sense in volcanic plumes due to its strong UV absorption bands and
low ambient concentrations. There have also been exciting recent developments concerning laser
LIght Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) remote sensing of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions, (e.g., [4,5])
from volcanoes.
UV remote sensing of SO2 emissions has been conducted since the 1970s, initially with COSPEC
units developed for monitoring smokestack emissions from coal burning power stations, leading to the
generation of a number of valuable long-term datasets [6,7]. Since the turn of the century, these units
have been replaced with low cost USB-coupled linear array spectrometers, costing only a few thousand
dollars, an order of magnitude less than COSPEC [8,9]. Data analysis to deliver SO2 column amounts
is achieved using DOAS routines, and the units have been applied from mobile platforms, e.g., on cars
and airplanes, whilst traversing beneath a plume, as well as in fixed position deployments involving
scanning optics [10,11]. These scanning spectrometers are now in routine operation on numerous
volcanoes worldwide [12,13].
Notwithstanding the benefits of the above technology, and its service within the volcanology
community, the flux data are limited in time resolution to a datum every 100 s or so, due to the
requirement to physically scan or traverse the plume, which effectively provides time-integrated
assessments of emissions on this timescale. This is too slow to resolve many rapid gas-driven volcanic
processes, e.g., puffing and strombolian explosions, such that the acquired data cannot be used to
investigate the driving underground fluid dynamics in these cases. Indeed, the only way to scrutinise
these more rapid phenomena was via geophysical data, which are acquired at frequencies of at least
1 Hz, leading to potentially a somewhat indirect proxy understanding. This prompted several research
groups (e.g., [14,15]) to pioneer UV imaging approaches, which provide image snapshots of the plume
gas column amounts every second or so, from which gas fluxes can be generated at the same time
resolution. In this article, we cover the technological aspects of the application of UV imagery within
volcanology, followed by an overview of the present and potential future scientific possibilities that
this approach brings to the field.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 68
Following Beer’s law, these images are processed to provide the uncalibrated apparent absorption,
AA, for each pixel via the following relationship:
AA = − log10 / . (1)
Here, IP is the intensity whilst viewing the plume, IB is the background sky intensity, and
ID is the dark intensity for the pixel in question, where the subscripts pertain to the camera filter
wavelengths where there is (A) and is not (NA) absorption from the SO2 , e.g., in the region of 310 nm
and 330 nm, respectively. Following the determination of the apparent absorption images, calibration
is required. This can be achieved with quartz cells containing known column amounts of SO2 . In this
case, AA values are determined for each cell and averaged over a section in the centre of the image.
These data are plotted on a scatter plot of axes: cell column amount vs. apparent absorption. The slope
of the best-fit line is then extracted, acting as the calibration factor, which all volcanic plume image
pixel AA values are then multiplied by. An alternative approach to calibration is to use a co-aligned
spectrometer to determine a column amount value corresponding to a small section of the image
to enable scaling to calibrated concentration values across the whole image. Once the calibrated
images are generated, a cross-section line through the plume is defined, and all column amounts are
integrated along this to determine the so-called integrated column amount. The plume speed is then
found, often by determining an integrated column amount time series from cross-sections drawn
through the plume at two different distances above the crater. These series are then cross-correlated
to determine the temporal lag between them, from which the transit speed can be found [17,18].
Alternately, more sophisticated motion-tracking algorithms have also been applied [19], as has the
correlation of temporally successive spatial series/longitudinal profiles of the plume to better exploit
the available two-dimensional (2D) information in determining plume velocities [20]. Multiplication
of the transport speed by one of the integrated column amount time series then leads to the generation
of the flux time series.
Errors in flux computations are thought to be in the region of 20–30% [21] for individual camera
measurements. Furthermore, in a detailed inter-comparison of the performance characteristics of
multiple camera units in establishing SO2 emissions, a one standard deviation precision of 20% was
established for the ensemble of tested units [22]. Errors arise from the scattering of radiation between
the sensor and the plume, e.g., light dilution, as well as scattering within the plume itself [23,24].
There are also uncertainties arising from cell calibration [25], as well as from light transit through the
filters at different incident angles [26], which can cause the peak transmission wavelength to alter
across the image. A further point relates to the requirement to image the plume at two wavelengths.
Where this involves a single camera and a filter wheel, there will be a short time delay between the
filter acquisitions. This will result in slight offsets between the plume locations in each case, due
to the advection of the gases in the atmosphere, which can create issues in the retrieval. The use of
dual cameras may also be problematic, as the retrieval is predicated on pixel-to-pixel correspondence
between the imagery in both bands. In practice, this can be complicated by parallax effects: for
deployments close to the plume, these are thermal and vibrational effects causing misalignments,
as well as slight imperfections in the applied lenses, and non-identical optical settings for the cameras,
e.g., in terms of the different applied filters. For this reason, the images can be shifted relative to one
another in software in order to achieve the best possible spatial matching.
One approach that could mitigate against radiative transfer-related errors is a Fabry–Perot
configuration [27,28]. Such optical devices allow light transmission at regularly spaced wavelengths,
blocking the intervening radiation. In the context of volcanic SO2 measurements, the devices are tuned
such that the interval between the peaks of this transmission spectrum corresponds to that between the
peaks in the comb-like absorption spectrum of sulphur dioxide around 310 nm. The devices can be set
to sample radiation at these maxima in absorption, as well as the radiance in intervening wavelengths,
and by comparing the two outputs, gas column amounts can be derived. To date, most of the UV
Geosciences 2017, 7, 68
imaging systems applied in volcanic SO2 measurements have been based on commercially available
UV cameras, with price points of thousands of USD. Recently, however, low-cost sensors, designed
primarily for the smartphone market, have been adapted for this application, such that a usable UV
sensitivity of these units has been demonstrated [29], as well as adequate signal-to-noise characteristics
for the SO2 monitoring application [30] (Figure 1).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 68
lenses and quasi-horizontal fields of view [41,42]. Based on observations on Mt. Etna, Mayon
(Philippines), and Erebus (Antarctica), using contemporaneous Multi-GAS observations and/or
ancillary visible/near-infrared (IR) cameras, these fluctuations appear to also be manifested in the
degassing of CO2 and water vapour emissions e.g., [43,44]. This behaviour has been observed in
both conduit degassing scenarios (e.g., Mt. Etna) as well as from lava lakes. In terms of conduit
degassing, arguments have been put forward that this behaviour arises from the arrangement of
rising bubbles into layers of elevated gas concentrations, leading to periodic enhancements in passive
non-overpressurised bubble bursting at the surface [40].
The situation with lava lakes is intriguing, in that rather different degassing trends have been
observed from each of the volcanoes targeted to date with high time resolution gas flux observations,
e.g., Villarrica, Chile [45], Kı̄lauea [46], and Erebus [42]. This potentially points to a wide variety
of gas flow processes occurring across these systems, which range significantly, both in magmatic
viscosities as well as in gas flux magnitudes. In particular, ‘gas pistoning’ is evident in the Kı̄lauea data,
involving pronounced spikes in degassing, followed by a gradual waning in emissions, on timescales
of tens of minutes, potentially caused by a gas accumulation and release mechanism. In contrast, the
Erebus volcano demonstrates stable periodic degassing behaviour, present in both the acquired gas
flux and gas composition time series [42], which is thought to arise from a stable bidirectional flow
in the conduit, such that gas rich magma batches periodically rise, degas, then sink down again into
the conduit. In Villarrica, gas flux time series data revealed no stable periodicity in degassing. This is
thought to be precluded by turbulent mixing in the lava lake arising from continuous inflow of magma
from the conduit [45].
One major application of the UV cameras has been to measure gas masses released during discrete
explosions. Whilst this has been achieved spectroscopically with high temporal resolution differential
optical absorption spectroscopy observations [41], and even with a correlation spectrometer [47], it is
far easier to resolve these emissions with the cameras’ imaging capacity. The eruptions where SO2
masses have been constrained with UV imagery have been ash-poor, strombolian, or weakly vulcanian
events. Whilst the UV imaging of ash rich plumes has been acheived, yielding interesting insights into
ash phase plume dynamics [48], the reduction in optical thickness caused by ash in these cases rules
out the retrieval of SO2 emissions. Interestingly, these explosive UV camera studies typically point
toward the non-explosive release of gas as being the dominant means by which these volcanoes release
volatiles to the atmosphere [21,49–54], especially for basaltic open conduit cases, such as Etna and
Stromboli in Italy, where gas bubbles are free to move through the melt. Indeed, in the Stromboli case,
degassing was partitioned as 77% passive gas release (e.g., from spherical bubbles), 16% from puffing,
e.g., from cap bubbles, and with only 7% from explosions, e.g., from gas slugs (Taylor bubbles) [49].
This study, incidentally, also constituted the first direct measurement of puffing gas masses from a
volcano, pointing to the real benefits of the camera technology in terms of its high spatial resolution
and sufficiently good sensitivity to capture these subtle degassing features.
In these reports, the subdivision of fluxing between the degassing classes appears to
be most strongly tipped towards explosive release (although it is still often dominated by
passive degassing) in the scenarios where eruptions are more vulcanian in nature [21,52–54],
e.g., the Santiaguito (Guatemala), Asama (Japan), Semeru (Indonesia), and Fuego volcanoes.
In particular, Smekens et al. [52] suggest, in respect of the Semeru observations, that accumulation
and pressurisation beneath a viscous plug are in operation before breach and explosive release.
This assertion is intuitive and follows on from that put forth following pioneering observations on the
Karymsky volcano (Russia) by Fischer et al. [47], where a predominantly explosive gas release was
reported based on correlation spectrometer observations made long before the advent of UV imaging.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 68
Figure 2. Computational fluid dynamic modeling of rising gas slugs on Stromboli, illustrating the
fissuring of daughter bubbles from the slug base. This has been linked to codas in UV camera gas flux
time series following strombolian explosions, illustrating the potential of combining models with high
time resolution field degassing data to unravel the subterranean drivers of surface activity; (a) shows
simulations for a range of fluid dynamical conditions e.g., in terms of liquid viscosity and inverse
viscosity number, and (b) shows a zoom of behaviour for one such parameterisation; see main text
and [36] for more detail.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 68
Another important benefit of the UV camera data is that the high time resolution gas fluxes
can be compared with contemporaneous geophysical data, with far less aliasing than necessary
previously; e.g., the latter data are acquired at frequencies ≥1 Hz. This is highly significant in that
many geophysical manifestations on volcanoes arise from gas-based processes, e.g., seismic signals are
caused by the ascent of gas slugs in conduits, and thermal and infrasonic signatures are generated from
the surficial bursting of these bubbles. Until now, we have had to rely purely on geophysical means
to understand the rapid degassing processes on volcanoes, e.g., strombolian explosions and puffing.
Not only do the UV camera data provide a more direct means of understanding these phenomena,
but they also enable the possibility of making a far more direct comparison with geophysical series,
which could lead the way towards a better interpretation of geophysical observations on volcanoes,
and a more holistic understanding of volcanic behaviour.
The first report of high time resolution (≈1 Hz) degassing data being corroborated with
geophysical data concerned explosions on the Stromboli volcano [41]. This study was performed using
spectroscopy, rather than UV imaging, but, in common with a more recent UV camera study on this
target [49], it revealed linear correlations between the magnitudes of the recorded degassing, thermal,
and very long period (VLP) seismic signatures for the events. This fits with the conventionally held,
although previously rather hypothetical, view that VLP signals on Stromboli arise from volumetric
changes associated with the ascent of gas masses, e.g., slugs in the conduit, such that the larger the
rising gas mass, the greater the VLP signal. Further related investigations have been performed on
the Asama [53] and Fuego [54] volcanoes, where proportionality between VLP signals and released
SO2 masses was also observed. The relative scaling of seismic moment with released SO2 mass,
however, does not equate for all targets, which may be related to an absence of gas ratio information,
e.g., the total released gas masses are not being considered. However, it is also highly likely that
volcano-specific features, e.g., the conduit geometry, magma rheology, and the precise mechanism
of VLP generation, which is likely to vary between the targets, will affect the degree to which the
degassing processes are coupled into seismic energy in each case.
Ultraviolet imaging degassing fluxes have also been linked to tremor, a class of seismicity
associated with pressure fluctuations in degassing magmas. Here, a number of studies have noted
a relationship between these time series for the Etna, Fuego, and Kı̄lauea volcanoes, including
conduit and lava lake degassing scenarios [20,40,44,46]. In one case, this has involved novel signal
processing techniques based on wavelet analysis to isolate commonality in periodicity in pairs of
geophysical datastreams [57]. These experimental outcomes are as would be expected, given that
tremor is anticipated to increase with elevated bubble concentrations in magmas, or the more rapid
flow of bubbles in the conduit, scenarios which would both correspond to periods of elevated gas
release. In two of the studies, intriguing lag relationships were identified [20,44]. In particular,
in Nadeau et al. [20], a trend of increasing temporal lags between the seismic and gas flux time
series was observed in the period following explosions, implying perhaps that the source of seismic
energy was becoming progressively deeper within the conduit due to the rheological stiffening of
the magma downwards from the top of the column. In Pering et al. [44], bursts in CO2 outgassing
were reported (derived from the UV cameras in tandem with Multi-GAS [3] units) which preceded
spikes in seismicity, raising intriguing questions regarding the causal processes that might link these
phenomena in this case.
Thermal observations have also been correlated with UV camera data, with the most detailed
study to date in this area concerning explosions on Stromboli [49], which builds on an earlier more
limited treatment on this target [41]. Both resulting articles demonstrated a linear relationship between
these two parameters, although in the more recent one, two populations arose, corresponding to events,
which were ash-free/with ash, respectively. This is as would be expected, e.g., the ashier eruptions will
be thermally brighter due to the larger quantity of radiating solid ejecta. In addition, UV camera/high
time resolution spectroscopic instrumentation-based attempts have been made to compare SO2 fluxes
with acoustic data in respect of explosive activity, resulting in reports of either no [41] or somewhat
Geosciences 2017, 7, 68
limited [58] correlations being apparent between these time series. A significant breakthrough in this
regard has come with the application of linear acoustic processing of the acquired infrasonic signals to
infer gas masses. This methodology, which involves consideration of the entire waveform, and not
merely the initial pressure conditions, led to 1:1 linear correlations with contemporaneously acquired
UV camera-derived gas masses [35].
5. Future Directions
Ultraviolet camera technology provides an unprecedented opportunity to investigate volcanic
degassing behaviour with far better spatial and temporal resolution than possible previously. This has
expedited the linkage of gas fluxes with geophysical data and conduit fluid dynamic models in ways
that were impossible previously, opening the path to a number of potentially very fruitful future
research directions.
In particular, the comparison of high time resolution UV camera gas fluxes with modeled emission
rates from laboratory and computational fluid dynamics is an area of study in its absolute infancy.
By simulating degassing behaviour from a series of underground gas flow mechanisms, and comparing
the results against field data to determine best matches, e.g., using correlative approaches, new avenues
will be opened in terms of being able to understand how subterranean processes drive volcanism.
We recently combined these approaches for the first time [38], illustrating the exciting scientific potential
contained therein, in a study of strombolian activity on the Strombolian volcano. There is now much
work remaining to be done in expanding this methodology to unravel degassing dynamics across a
wide spectrum of activity styles and volcanic targets. This will encourage further developments in the
models themselves, which have been somewhat focused on slug dynamics to date (e.g., [55]), to give
greater attention to other potential fluid processes in volcanoes, e.g., bubbly, cap, annular, and churn
flow mechanisms.
The linking of UV camera degassing data to geophysical data on timescales of ≈1 Hz has led to
the establishment of correlations between degassing data and volcano-seismic and acoustic signals.
This could enable the calibration of acquired acoustic and seismic signals to infer gas masses, thereby
helping to overcome one of the key limitations of the UV camera approach, namely inoperability at
night-time and when the plume cannot be imaged due to cloud cover [35,53]. Hence, whilst the UV
cameras deliver the most direct estimates of the degassing output from volcanoes, these calibrated
geophysical proxies could be used to straddle windows where the cameras cannot be used, enabling
continuous monitoring to take place. Another dimension of corroboration between the geophysical
and UV camera degassing signals will be to better understand how underground degassing processes
are responsible for generating geophysical manifestations on volcanoes. A key aim here would be
to attempt to identify ≈1 Hz multi-parametric (e.g., geophysical and degassing) signatures, which
precede eruptions, to establish precursory templates. This will build on pioneering studies, which
have already illustrated the profound scientific insights achievable by blending these disparate data,
albeit on the basis of previously available coarse time resolution gas flux data (e.g., [59]). This linkage
of ground based gas fluxes, models, and geophysical data will also mirror similar integrated initiatives
to combine these approaches on the basis of satellite observations, which are enabling significant
breakthroughs in volcanology [60].
Notwithstanding the capacity of camera observations to advance science, the uptake of this
technology in routine monitoring, as opposed to discrete field campaign operation, has been somewhat
limited in comparison with spectrometers employing DOAS retrieval algorithms. There are a number
of reasons for this; for example, the requirement to image the plume does exclude observations
under conditions where cloud obscures the gases. The lack of hyper-spectral data, unless the units
are spectroscopically, rather than cell, calibrated, also provides less opportunity to mitigate against
radiative transfer errors. One factor which might assist the further dissemination of the camera
technology is the recent demonstration that order of magnitude cheaper smartphone sensor-based
systems can be used in volcanic SO2 monitoring [29,30] (Figure 3). These units are so light that
Geosciences 2017, 7, 68
they could also be straightforwardly mounted on inexpensive drones available in the consumer
electronics market for aerial observations to broaden the prior reach of drone-based volcanic gas
surveillance [61,62]. There is, furthermore, the prospect of augmenting UV SO2 imaging with thermal
IR camera systems, which are capable of measuring SO2 (and ash) release by day and night, hence
overcoming the limitation of the former spectral region in being reliant upon solar radiation [63].
Recently, we have briefly investigated the possible use of multi-band imaging to study plume gas
ratios. This work was performed on the Stromboli volcano during 22–24 July 2015. Here, conventional
UV SO2 observations were made in tandem with near-IR (≈900 nm) imaging, in the latter case
following the technique of Girona et al. [43], who posited that visible pixel brightness is quantitatively
related to plume H2 O abundance due to plume scattering from water-rich aerosol droplets. We thereby
obtained uncalibrated H2 O/SO2 ratio images, demonstrating higher ratios for the fumarolic discharges
vs. crater degassing, as would be expected. We furthermore measured the ratios associated with
twenty explosions, and found that the H2 O/SO2 values were reduced systematically by some 50%
relative to those during passive degassing, which follows the ratio decrease during such events noted
in a prior Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-based study on this volcano [64]. These results
are very tentative, and in particular do not consider environmental effects which will significantly
change the partitioning of the water between vapour and aerosol phases, with implications for the
H2 O retrievals, particularly when plume temperature changes, e.g., during explosions. Nevertheless,
one can ascertain clear differences between fumarolic vs. crater degassing and the explosive vs. passive
gas discharge signature in this case. Considerably more follow-on work would be required in order to
establish whether calibrated and therefore quantitatively meaningful outputs could be achieved from
this measurement approach.
Figure 3. Smartphone sensor (e.g., Rasperry Pi camera)-based UV imaging deployments on the Masaya
volcano, Nicaragua, during June 2017. Measurement of the plume taken from outside the crater (left);
measurements looking down at the lava lake surface (right).
A further possible research focus relates to the capacity of the cameras to image rates of volcanic
gas–ambient air mixing, which are known to exert a key control on plume bromine monoxide (BrO)
chemistry [65,66]. To date, the atmospheric chemistry modeling approaches applied to investigate
this phenomenon have been based on assumed Gaussian-type plume dispersion scenarios. Here,
the capacity of the cameras to empirically capture the heterogeneity in plume dilution in the ‘real
world’ could be of utility in helping to advance this area of science. This could, for example, build
on prior work using imaging DOAS instrumentation to provide profile information of the SO2 and
BrO column amounts in volcanic plumes [67]. The advantage of the cameras, however, in this case
would be the ability to capture data faster than these alternate devices, as there is no requirement for
the scanning of the spectrometer field of view across the image scene.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 68
Finally, there are fresh emerging strands in respect of attempting to better constrain and reduce
errors associated with the measurements. In particular, recent work has been invested in better
determining the plume transport direction in order to decrease uncertainty [68]. This is related to the
fact that when viewing plumes obliquely, the overestimate in the associated integrated column amount
is only offset by the underestimation in apparent plume speed in the case of slightly non-parallel views;
for more extreme viewing scenarios appreciable error can result.
6. Conclusions
Ultraviolet imaging has been applied in volcanology over the last ten years or so, leading to
step change improvements in our ability to resolve volcanic gas emissions, both in the temporal
and spatial domain, with a user-friendly single point measurement configuration. This has led, in
particular, to the capture of rapid gas flux trends associated with explosions, puffing, and passive
degassing in a way that would have been simply impossible in the past. A number of groups
have now developed UV camera instrumentation [22,69] and operating software [70], leading to
constraints on gas release budgets and studies into a variety of degassing-driven processes on a wide
range of volcanoes, worldwide. In addition, the cameras have the potential to lead to significant
scientific breakthroughs by combining the acquired high temporal resolution degassing data with
contemporaneous geophysical datasteams and models for underground gas flows. In recent years,
we have seen the first steps towards realising these objectives, and evidence of the significant scientific
value of these blended approaches. This article looks back at what has been achieved to date, and the
considerable promise of UV plume imaging in volcanology going forward.
Acknowledgments: A.J.S.M. acknowledges a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship (RF-2016-580), the Rolex
Awards for Enterprise and a Google Faculty Research Award (r/136958-11-1). T.D.P. acknowledges the support
of a NERC studentship (NE/K500914/1), the University of Sheffield, and ESRC Impact Acceleration funding.
T.C.W. acknowledges scholarship funding from the University of Sheffield. A.A., M.B., R.D. and G.T. acknowledge
support from the European Research Council starting independent research grant (agreement 305377). We are
most grateful to anonymous reviewers for the time they have taken to provide thoughtful and meaningful
comments on an earlier version of this article.
Author Contributions: A.J.S.M., T.D.P. and T.C.W. wrote the paper. A.J.S.M., T.D.P., T.C.W., G.T., M.B., R.D., A.A.
and J.R.W. were involved in designing the instrumentation, and performing the fieldwork and data analysis
reported on here.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the
decision to publish the results.
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Volcanic Plume Impact on the Atmosphere and
Climate: O- and S-Isotope Insight into Sulfate
Aerosol Formation
Erwan Martin
Sorbonne Université, CNRS-INSU, Institut des Sciences de la Terre Paris, ISTeP UMR 7193, F-75005 Paris, France;
[email protected]; Tel.: +33-144-274-181
Abstract: The impact of volcanic eruptions on the climate has been studied over the last decades
and the role played by sulfate aerosols appears to be major. S-bearing volcanic gases are oxidized in
the atmosphere into sulfate aerosols that disturb the radiative balance on earth at regional to global
scales. This paper discusses the use of the oxygen and sulfur multi-isotope systematics on volcanic
sulfates to understand their formation and fate in more or less diluted volcanic plumes. The study of
volcanic aerosols collected from air sampling and ash deposits at different distances from the volcanic
systems (from volcanic vents to the Earth poles) is discussed. It appears possible to distinguish
between the different S-bearing oxidation pathways to generate volcanic sulfate aerosols whether the
oxidation occurs in magmatic, tropospheric, or stratospheric conditions. This multi-isotopic approach
represents an additional constraint on atmospheric and climatic models and it shows how sulfates
from volcanic deposits could represent a large and under-exploited archive that, over time, have
recorded atmospheric conditions on human to geological timescales.
Keywords: volcanic sulfate aerosols; oxygen and sulfur multi-isotopes; atmospheric chemistry
1. Introduction
Globally on Earth, each year, volcanoes release an average of 10–20 Mt of sulfur-bearing gases, and
occasionally much more during super eruptions (e.g., [1,2]). Atmospheric sulfur plays a paramount
role in the terrestrial radiative balance. Consequently, determining its source and understanding its
physico-chemical transformations and fate in the atmosphere appear crucial in predicting its impact on
the atmosphere and climate. Indeed, when released into the atmosphere S-bearing gases (mainly SO2 :
≤25%; H2 S: ≤10%; and COS and CS2: ≤0.01% of the volume of the emitted gases; [3–5] and references
therein) are oxidized, being thus transformed into sulfate aerosols that directly and indirectly lead
to a negative radiative forcing. First, sulfate aerosols directly reflect part of the solar radiations, thus
decreasing the amount of sun energy reaching the Earth’s surface. On the other hand, sulfate aerosols
absorb part of the incoming solar radiation in the IR wavelengths and this results in a warming
of the aerosol-bearing atmospheric layer associated to a temperature decrease between it and the
Earth’s surface. Additionally, volcanic aerosols play the role of cloud nucleation leading to more cloud
formation, which reinforces the albedo and therefore causes the Earth’s surface to cool (e.g., [6,7]).
Such “volcanic winters”, that can be more or less severe and global depending on the strength and
location of the eruption, have been observed after several major eruptions such as those at Mt Agung
in 1963, El Chichón in 1983, and Pinatubo in 1991 (e.g., [8–11]).
Atmospheric modeling aims at predicting climate evolution on Earth. However, including the
sulfur volcanic aerosol formation processes would increase the models’ accuracy regarding the volcanic
forcing climate. This paper discusses the use of oxygen and sulfur multi-isotopes in improving our
understanding of sulfate aerosol formation, fate, and sources. The 18 O/16 O and 17 O/16 O as well as
and 36 S/32 S are measured and expressed as δ18 O and δ17 O as well as δ34 S, δ33 S and,
34 S/32 S, 33 S/32 S,
δ36 S respectively (Equation (1)). During any process, the isotopes fractionate, changing the isotopic
ratios, depending on the mass differences between heavy and light isotopes. For instance, the mass
difference between 18 O and 16 O is twice as much as between 17 O and 16 O, leading to the relation
17 O/16 O ~0.5 * 18 O/16 O, commonly expressed as δ17 O = (δ18 O + 1)0.524 − 1. This very widespread rule
suffers some exceptions, where isotopic fractionation does not depend on the mass differences between
isotopes, it is referred to as Mass Independent Fractionation (MIF) (e.g., [12–15]). The difference to the
isotopic mass dependent fractionation relation is quantified by Δ17 O, Δ33 S and Δ36 S (Equations (2)–(4)).
Therefore, isotopic mass dependent fractionation results in a Δ = 0‰ whilst MIF has Δ = 0‰.
δA = (RA /Rst ) − 1; for instance δ18 O = (18 O/16 O(sample) /18 O/16 O(standard) ) − 1 (1)
Δ S = δ S − [(δ S + 1)
33 33 34 0.515
− 1] (3)
Δ S = δ S − [(δ S + 1)
36 36 34 1.89
− 1] (4)
considering that: δA: isotopic composition of a sample (e.g., δ18 O); RA : isotope ratio of the measured sample
(e.g., 18 O/16 O); Rst: isotope ratio of a standard. The mass dependent coefficients 0.524, 0.515, and 1.89 are from
references [16,17].
In the atmosphere, sulfate aerosols are generated by oxidation of S-bearing gases through different
possible reactions or channels (Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, and Ch4; e.g., [18]). The multi O-isotopic composition of
the different atmospheric oxidants is relatively well-known such that the resulting sulfate composition can
be estimated for each oxidation channel (Figure 1). Therefore, coupling O- and S-isotopic composition
with atmospheric chemistry allows the oxidation channel(s) from which they formed to be retraced.
This not only helps to elucidate the sulfate aerosol formation in the atmosphere but also permits us to
probe into the composition of the atmosphere and more specifically its oxidant capacity during specific
volcanic eruptions.
SO + OH + M → HOSO + M
2 2
Ch1: HOSO2 + O2 → SO3 + HO2
SO3 + H2 O + M → H2 SO4 + M
Ch2: SO2(aq) + H2 O2 → H+ + SO24− + H2 O
Ch3: SO2(aq) + O3 → H+ + SO24− + O2
SO2(aq) + 21 O2 → SO24−
where M: any inert molecule that removes excess energy without participating in the reaction; TMI: transition
metal ion; for (Ch4); SO2(aq) is in aqueous phase and can be present as SO2 · H2 O, HSO3− , or SO23− (for pH
from 2 to 7, which is most likely the case in volcanic plumes, HSO3− dominates). Ch1, Ch2, Ch3 and Ch4 are the
same as in Figure 1.
This isotopic approach opens new perspectives when considering volcanic deposits formed by
different eruptions all around the world during the whole history of Earth. As volcanic activity has
always been present, sulfates from volcanic deposits represent an underexploited archive that, over
time, has recorded atmospheric conditions on human to geological timescales.
This paper reviews the different methods used for sulfate aerosol sampling, as well as for O- and
S-isotopic measurements, the final purpose being a discussion of the mechanisms of formation of
the volcanic sulfate during the different kind of volcanic eruptions, from passive degassing to large
caldera-forming eruptions (super-eruptions).
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
Figure 1. Volcanic SO2 main oxidation channels in the troposphere and stratosphere (gas phase
reactions in red and aqueous reactions in blue). X can be two monovalents or one bivalent cation
(e.g., H+ , K+ , Na+ , or Ca2+ ). The average isotopic values of volcanic SO2 , atmospheric oxidants and
expected sulfates are indicated in grey values for Δ17 O and purple for Δ33 S and Δ36 S. The detailed
oxidation reactions are discussed in the text (Ch1, Ch2, Ch3 and Ch4). Note that sulfate oxygen atoms
come partially from the atmospheric oxidants, at 25% from OH in Ch1, 50% from H2 O2 in Ch2, 25%
from O3 in for Ch3, and 25-50% from O2 in Ch4 [19]. Using these proportions makes a theoretical
estimation of sulfate Δ17 O [20] possible. Δ33 S and Δ36 S = 0 are generated mainly by SO2 photolysis and
photoexcitation by UV radiation [12,21,22], process that can most likely take place in the stratosphere
above the O3 layer, where UV radiations are not filtered. Note that in the troposphere Δ33 S and Δ36 S = 0
is expected but some mass dependent processes can generate small isotopic anomalies as discussed in
the text (Section 3.2) and in Figure 3.
2. Methods
Several laboratories use a variety of methods to extract sulfate from natural samples and to
analyze their isotopic composition. Some methods are still in development, nonetheless the present
paper describes the methods classically used nowadays.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
close the volcanic vents [27]. This method permits the volcanic gases to be collected over a longer
period of time, allowing a better estimation of the average volcanic gas fluxes, but it does not allow
the separation of different gases (SO2 vs. H2 S for instance). Furthermore, during the absorption of
S-bearing gases, some isotopic fractionation may occur, which may lead to a significant bias for isotopic
studies [28]. Finally, filters soaked in alkaline solution are also used, but no separation of SO2 and H2 S
is possible either and some isotopic fraction occurs when the SO2 flux is too high [29,30].
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
of the plume and its mixing with air, can be hydrated and generate gypsum as observed in volcanic
ash deposits. However, in their experiments, K-Na-sulfates are not generated at high temperature by
diffusion-driven mechanism. Therefore, this mechanism does not seem to explain the dominance of
alkali-sulfate at volcanic vents.
In order to be able to measure the multi-isotopic composition of the collected sulfates, the latter is
reacted with salts, which results in precipitates such as BaSO4 , Ag2 SO4 , or Ag2 S.
- BaSO4 : For about 30 years (e.g., [36,45]) sulfates were transformed into highly insoluble BaSO4
by adding BaCl2 in the leachate obtained from different kind of samples such as ash or filters.
However, when precipitated from a multi-anion solution, barite (BaSO4 ) can occlude impurities
such as nitrate, which can introduce an analytical bias in the measurement of O-isotopes [46].
For this reason, it is of paramount importance to purify the collected sulfate and make sure
that no nitrate remains in the leachate. In order to purify barite, Bao et al. [47] developed the
DDARP (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid dissolution and re-precipitation) method, while
more recently, Le Gendre et al. [48] worked out a Resin Method for Sulfate Extraction and
Purification (RMSEP), that passes the leachate solution through an anionic exchange resin,
allowing the purification and concentration of sulfate. Then, by adding BaCl2, pure BaSO4
is precipitated.
- Ag2 SO4 : Via anionic exchange resins, sulfate from the leachate is converted into Na2 SO4 . Then
Ag2 SO4 is produced by passing the Na2 SO4 through another resin conditioned into Ag+ [49].
- Ag2 S: Sulfate from leachate or BaSO4 or Na2 SO4 is converted into H2 S (gas) via acid attack [50]
in order to react with AgNO3 to finally precipitate and the sulfur as Ag2 S [51].
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
0.1 μmol of SF6 . Overall, the method uncertainties (sulfate transformation into Ag2 S + SF6 extraction
line + mass spectrometer) are: δ34 S ± 0.2‰; Δ33 S ± 0.02‰ Δ36 S ± 0.09‰ (2σ).
Figure 2. Cont.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
Figure 2. Multi O- and S-isotopic composition measured in volcanic sulfates. Red symbols represent
primary sulfate samples collected at volcanic vents (aerosols or sulfate extracted from ashes). Blue
symbols are sulfate samples extracted from volcanic deposits from tropospheric eruptions gathered
at distances up to 100 km from the vent. Green symbols represent volcanic sulfates collected in
deposits of super-eruptions at distances between 500 km and 5000 km from the volcanic systems. Pale
green symbols correspond to Δ33 S and Δ36 S recalculated from the values represented by the dark
green symbols, assuming dilution by non-volcanic sulfates [33]. Purple symbols represent sulfate
samples from Antarctica ice cores. Mass dependent (non-MIF) compositions are emphasized by grey
areas (taking into account the analytical uncertainties in 2σ) and bulk magmatic S-bearing gases
composition by orange areas or dotted lines (see the Section 3.1 isotopic composition of S-bearing gases
for further discussion). The theoretical δ18 O and Δ17 O composition of secondary sulfate generated in
the atmosphere by different oxidation pathways are reported in grey areas. The different oxidation
pathways via OH, H2 O2 , O3 , and O2 -TMI are detailed in the introduction of this paper and in Figure 1.
The effect of UV photolysis and photoexcitation of SO2 on the sulfate Δ33 S and Δ36 S are shown by grey
arrows. References of the figure: sulfate aerosols (1): [31]; (2): [30]; (3): [25] and references therein; sulfate
extracted from volcanic ash (4): [30]; (5): [20]; (6): [35]; (7): [75]; (8): [76]; (9): [32]; (10): [77]; (11): [34];
(12): [33]; (13): [35]; (14): Unpublished data; (15): [78]; (16): [79–81]; (17): [82]. For the (16) and (17)
dataset and due to significant background corrections, only samples with high volcanic fraction (>65%)
are considered here (see [82] for further discussion); (18): [83]. Note that for stratospheric aerosols
collected in ice cores, even if only high volcanic fraction samples are considered, the uncertainties are
typically of about: Δ17 O ± 0.5‰, Δ33 S ± 0.1‰ and Δ36 S ± 0.8‰ (in 2σ; see Figure 3).
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
very close to 0‰ or slightly positive (from 0.01 to 0.14‰) and Δ36 S significantly negative values from
−0.5 to −0.9‰.
Overall, the aerosols δ34 S tend to be higher than the bulk S-bearing gases, and when measured
simultaneously the δ34 S of bulk S-bearing gases is systematically a few permil lower than in sulfate [26],
in agreement with the expected isotopic fractionation [84]. The Δ33 S of ~0‰ is consistent with a direct
oxidation of S-bearing gases at high temperature where, like in magmatic conditions, a mass dependent
isotopic fractionation is expected (e.g., [85]). In contrast, the negative Δ36 S values are consistent with
non-MIF processes as small non-zero Δ33 S (between 0 and 0.14‰; Figure 2) and Δ36 S (between −0.5
and −0.9; Figure 2) can be generated by mass dependent processes. The observed Δ33 S/Δ36 S ratio of
about −8 is indeed in the same range as the mass dependent fractionation line that has a Δ33 S/Δ36 S
ratio between −5 and −10 [51,86,87] (Figure 3).
The measured δ18 O values are systematically above the magmatic composition, which can be
interpreted in terms of isotopic fractionation during distillation/condensation processes in the volcanic
conduit and/or to sulfur oxidants that have systematically higher δ18 O than the magma. Such oxidants
could be atmospheric oxidants like O2 or H2 O2 , which could be responsible for these high δ18 O
as they can have δ18 O higher than 20‰ (e.g., [20] and references therein; Figure 2). However,
it is noteworthy that when sulfate aerosols are collected on filters, their δ18 O seems to increase
with the sulfate concentration [30,31]. This seems to show that some isotopic fractionation may
occur on the filter during the sampling. In locations where such measurements have been done
(Stromboli), LeGendre [30] also analyzed sulfate collected on volcanic ash and the δ18 O is much
more reproducible and corresponds to the lowest range of what was measured on filters (around
10‰; Figure 2). These values are closer than the magmatic values, but still slightly higher (Figure 2);
therefore, we cannot rule out that atmospheric oxidants play a significant role in the high temperature
chemistry at volcanic vents and therefore on the primary volcanic sulfate formation.
The Δ17 O values are all very close to zero, indicating that the S-bearing gases oxidant is mass
dependent, which is consistent with magmatic conditions, where all the compounds (volcanic gases,
silicates minerals and glass) are mass dependent. If, as suggested above, some atmospheric oxidants
play a significant role in the formation of the primary sulfate, these oxidants should have a Δ17 O close
to 0‰, which is only consistent with O2 (Δ17 O = −0.33‰) and not H2 O2 . Indeed, even if Δ17 O of
atmospheric O2 is significantly negative, when combined with magmatic oxygen atoms in the resulting
sulfate, the overall Δ17 O should be very close to 0 ± 0.1‰ (Figure 1). Overall, we could expect sulfate
δ18 O to be magmatic-like or slightly higher if atmospheric O2 played a significant role and did not
isotopically exchange with magmatic compounds.
It is very challenging to assess processes that occur at high temperatures, but some studies try
to do that via equilibrium thermodynamic models [88–91]. They show that, considering volcanic
gas mixtures with atmospheric air during the plume cooling, SO3 can be generated from S-bearing
gases and subsequently form H2 SO4 by co-condensation along with water. Combustion experiment
studies also demonstrate that ash particles and their iron oxides are excellent catalyzers to the SO2 to
SO3 conversion and that the resulting sulfate is isotopically mass dependent [92,93]. The models also
predict the formation of H, OH, and OH2 radicals that are initially coming from thermal dissociation of
H2 O, which produces H and OH radicals reacting with atmospheric O2 to generate OH and OH2 [88].
The incorporation of atmospheric OH is also possible, but probably quickly depleted in the high
temperature plume as the highly concentrated SO2 oxidation (via OH) would rapidly consume it.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
the world show compositions ranging from 0 to 15‰ for both δ18 O and δ34 S; their Δ17 O, Δ33 S and
Δ36 S values are very homogeneous and very close to 0‰ as well (Figure 2). In detail, Δ36 S/Δ33 S of
about −9.4 is similar to what is observed close to volcanic vents and close to the mass dependent
fractionation line (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Δ33 S versus Δ36 S relationship for volcanic sulfates collected close the vents (in red), from
volcanic deposits of tropospheric eruptions (in blue), super-eruptions (in green), and from ice cores
recording stratospheric eruptions (in purple). All the dataset is the same as in the Figure 2. MDL:
mass dependent fractionation line which has a slope between −10.0 and −5.0 (−6.58 in average) and
Archean (yellow zone), corresponds to reference array defined by Archean rock samples, and have
a slope between −1.5 and −0.9. For more details, the reader is invited to read the recent review on
the subject by Ono [94]. Despite the analytical uncertainties, specifically on Δ36 S from ice core sulfates
samples (see the error bars in 2σ), which induce possible large uncertainties on the Δ33 S/Δ36 S ratios
(lines) defined by volcanic samples, some general conclusion can still be addressed. Volcanic sulfates
produced in volcanic vent at high temperatures and in the troposphere define a line with a slope of
about −8.0 (R2 = 0.61), which is comparable to the MDL. However, volcanic sulfate from stratospheric
and super-eruptions define a line with a slope of about −1.7 (R2 = 0.65), which is clearly not comparable
to the MDL but very close to the Archean array.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
agreement with observations made at Kilauea (Hawaii) where diurnal variations in the sulfate fraction
([SO24− ]/([SO24− ] + [SO2 ])) have been observed in the volcanic plume, indicating that photochemically
produced oxidants play a major role in the SO2 oxidation [101]. OH and H2 O2 are photochemically
produced oxidants but, as discussed above, oxidation via H2 O2 cannot explain the non-MIF isotopic
composition of volcanic sulfate produced in the troposphere. Therefore, oxidation via OH seems to
play the main role in relatively dry condition plumes.
Finally, collecting tropospheric secondary sulfates from volcanic ashes could be biased by the
fact that primary sulfates adsorbed on ash particles are still present, which dilutes the secondary
sulfate isotopic signature. Unfortunately, based only on petrographic observations and on O-isotopic
signatures of these sulfates, distinguishing a primary vs. secondary origin (Figure 2) is a strenuous task.
However, as measured at volcanic vents, the sulfate/SO2 ratio is usually <1% [25,58,59], indicating
that further away from the vent, after oxidation of some SO2 in the volcanic plume, secondary sulfate
should rapidly (in a few hours) dominate the primary ones. Therefore, in ash deposit collected at
more than ~30–50 km from the volcanic vent, secondary sulfate should dominate. However, secondary
sulfate could also be generated in volcanic plumes by other processes such as S-bearing gases oxidation
by OH radicals produced on ash particles (e.g., [60,102–105]). Additionally, another way of producing
secondary sulfate in the volcanic plume can be the SO2 reaction with halogen species (HOBr or HOCl)
dissolved in the aqueous phase [106,107]. Unfortunately, yet very little is known on the conditions
prevailing inside the dense and hot volcanic plumes. For instance, in such an environment, the halogen
chemical behaviors are poorly constrained so it is difficult to estimate the role played in volcanic
plumes by these oxidation channels.
In a tropospheric volcanic plume, the estimation of the conversion of SO2 into sulfate aerosols is a
key parameter in order to have accurate volcanic S-spices fluxes, which is crucial in volcano monitoring
(see [5] for a review). The SO2 oxidation rate depends on the oxidation pathways, which as discussed
above, depend on the SO2 concentration, the relative humidity, the time of the day and the season
of the year. In tropospheric volcanic plumes, the estimations of SO2 oxidation rates usually range
from ~10−7 s−1 to ~10−4 s−1 ([101] and references therein). It is noteworthy that these estimations can
be biased by the content of primary sulfate, loss of SO2 by non-oxidative processes, and the presence
of aerosols other than sulfates. These parameters are not easy to quantify and are often not taken
into account, leading to large uncertainties on the SO2 oxidation rate. Kroll et al. [101] measured in
real-time the SO2 and sulfate concentrations in the Kilauea volcanic plume and inferred SO2 oxidation
rates up to 2.5 × 10−6 s−1 at noon and an average over 24 h of 5.3 × 10−7 s−1 , which is in the lower
range of all the previous estimations. Values of about 10−7 s−1 are also inferred from atmospheric
chemistry models that do not include halogen chemistry, which is comparable to the Kilauea case,
where halogen emissions are rather low (Galeazzo, personal communication).
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
In Antarctica, O- and S-isotope compositions of these sulfates have been studied [78–81]. It is
noteworthy that background correction is necessary as concentration up to 100 ppb of mostly biogenic
sulfate can be present. There, δ18 O ranges from −5‰ to +25‰, and δ34 S: from −5‰ to +20‰
(Figure 2). Furthermore, S- and O-MIF signatures (−0.8‰ < Δ33 S < 2.2‰; −2.7‰ < Δ36 S < 2.8‰ and
Δ17 O up 6.5‰; Figure 2) were recorded in the sulfates from more than ten stratospheric eruptions
(e.g., Pinatubo, Agung, Krakatoa, Kuwae and different unknown eruptions). Note that the average
Δ33 S/Δ36 S ratio from this dataset is about −1.7, which is clearly different from the mass dependent
fractionation line ratio (−5 to −10; see [94] for a review; Figure 3).
The most accepted process for generating such S-MIF signatures consists of the photolysis and
photoexcitation of SO2 by UV radiations, in an oxygen-poor atmosphere ([12,21,22,114–116] and [94] for
a review). On the early Earth, before the great oxidation event (2.4–2.2 Ga), there was no atmospheric
oxygen and consequently, no ozone layer. So, due to the lack of this shield, UV radiation reached the
surface of the Earth, such that sulfur photolysis and photoexcitation could take place through the
whole atmospheric column, resulting in possibly large S-MIF. Since then, the ozone layer has partially
protected the Earth’s surface from UV radiation. Consequently, the only place where such processes
can take place (and generate large S-MIF signatures) is in the stratosphere above or in the upper part
of the ozone layer (≥25 km). Volcanic sulfate aerosols generated in the stratosphere are thus expected
to have S-MIF signatures [114,117]. Therefore, volcanic sulfate aerosols having large S-MIF signatures
clearly testify to their stratospheric origin.
In ice-cores, an evolution of Δ33 S from negative to positive and Δ36 S from positive to negative is
recorded during a single volcanic event [80,82]. This can be explained by formation in the stratosphere
of 33 S enriched and 36 S depleted sulfate aerosols at first and then, by mass balance, the resulting SO2
pool generates sulfates that are 33 S depleted and 36 S enriched [82]. However, in the stratosphere, the
S-bearing gases oxidation after an eruption takes a few months, while the ice volcanic sulfate records
are on a timescale of years. This requires a physical separation in space and time of the SO2 and
generated sulfates right from the beginning of the SO2 oxidation in the stratosphere and maintained
separated for a few years while traveling in the stratosphere and while depositing in formation-time
order in the ice.
The large O-MIF signature (Δ17 O up to 6.5‰) observed in the same stratospheric sulfates [78,79]
can only be explained by the oxidation of S-bearing gases by OH radicals that have high Δ17 O. Indeed,
as OH results from O3 photo-dissociation, they carry the same isotopic anomaly as O3 (Figure 1).
Due to isotopic exchange with non-MIF water, tropospheric OH is O-mass dependent (Δ17 O = 0‰;
Figure 1). The “cold trap” effect played by the tropopause prevents significant water transfers between
troposphere and stratosphere. This lack of exchanges results in the low water content in the stratosphere
(2–6 ppmv which is 3–4 orders of magnitude lower than in the troposphere) [118]. These relatively
anhydrous stratospheric conditions favor homogeneous (gas phase) oxidation of SO2 ; in that case, the
main oxidant of volcanic sulfur is OH (Figure 1). It is noteworthy that during major eruptions, the
water-rich volcanic plumes reach the stratosphere where they could provide significant amounts of
water (at least locally), such that heterogeneous gas phase oxidation by O3 could potentially play a
significant role as well. Unfortunately, taken alone, O-isotopes do not allow precise quantification of
the relative role played by O3 or OH in the stratospheric oxidation of sulfur. If the ozone plays a role in
such diluted stratospheric volcanic plumes, it means that the conditions are rather basic and not acidic
as in denser plumes. In the case where acidic conditions are still preserved, then the SO2 oxidation via
O2 -TMI should prevail, which should lead to a decrease of the sulfate Δ17 O. This could explain the fact
that some sulfates generated during large eruptions and collected in ice-core do not have high Δ17 O
signatures [78]. However, these low values seem to correlate with very large eruptions that inject more
than 100 Mt of SO2 into the stratosphere. Savarino et al. [78] proposed that in such conditions, OH
radicals could be rapidly exhausted and that oxidation via O(3 P), which quickly reacts with O2 that
has a Δ17 O very close to 0‰, could be the main mechanism taking place in the stratosphere during
these exceptional volcanic eruptions.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
Geosciences 2018, 8, 198
thus facilitating chemical fluxes (O3 and H2 O for instance) between the troposphere and stratosphere.
Even if the impact was global, the apogee of such an effect could have been restricted to a few hundreds
to thousands of kilometers in the atmospheric column located above the volcanic systems.
Acknowledgments: The author expresses his sincere thanks the “Emergence program” from the city of Paris, the
Agence National de la recherche (ANR) via the contracts 14-CE33-0009-02-FOFAMIFS and 16-CE31-0010-PaleOX,
the Sorbonne Universités and the KIC-Climate PhD programs for their support. He is also grateful to E. LeGendre,
H. Martin, S. Bekki, I. Bindeman, T. Galeazzo, A. Aroskay, E. Gautier and L. Whiteley for their informal reviews,
discussions and proof-reading of the manuscript. The author thanks the anonymous reviewers for their comments
that certainly improved the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
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Aerosol Optical Properties of Pacaya Volcano Plume
Measured with a Portable Sun-Photometer
Pasquale Sellitto 1, *, Letizia Spampinato 2 , Giuseppe G. Salerno 2 and Alessandro La Spina 2
1 Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, École Normale Supérieure,
PSL Research University, École Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay, Sorbonne Université,
UPMC Université Paris 6, CNRS, 75005 Paris, France
2 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo, I95123 Catania, Italy;
[email protected] (L.S.); [email protected] (G.G.S.); [email protected] (A.L.S.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +33-1-4432-2731
Abstract: In this paper, Sun-photometer multichannel measurements of aerosol optical depths (AODs)
in the visible and near-infrared spectral ranges, and Ångström parameters of the plume issued from
the Pacaya volcano, Guatemala, are presented for the first time. These observations, made during
a short-term campaign carried out on 29 and 30 January 2011, indicate a diluted (AODs lower than 0.1)
volcanic plume composed of small particles (Ångström exponent ∼1.0 on 29 January and ∼1.4 on
30 January). Results are consistent with an ash-free plume. Finally, the impact of the choice of
different wavelength pairs for the calculation of the Ångström parameters from the spectral AOD
observations is tested and critically discussed.
1. Introduction
Volcanic emissions have important impacts on the atmospheric composition (e.g., [1,2]), cloud
distribution (e.g., [3]) and regional (e.g., [4]) to global climate (e.g., [5]). The direct climate forcing
of volcanic plumes critically depends on the optical and micro-physical properties of the volcanic
aerosols, that in turn depend on the evolution processes of the effluents in the atmosphere [6]. Despite
sulphur dioxide (SO2) being only the third most abundant gas species in the volcanic gas mixture (after
water vapour and carbon dioxide), it may strongly perturb the atmospheric composition due to its
conversion to sub-micron-sized secondary sulphate aerosols (SSA) (e.g., [7]). Over their atmospheric
lifetime, SSA particles can undergo condensation, growth and chemical and micro-physical processes
when interacting with volcanic ash. All these processes, that are generally scarcely characterised,
contribute to determining the radiative properties of volcanic aerosols and hence the direct radiative
forcing of volcanic emissions. The micro-physical properties of volcanic aerosols may also play a role
in a number of other atmospheric processes, including their interaction with cloud fields (aerosol
indirect climatic effect). The net indirect effect of volcanic aerosols is debated [8].
In many cases, micro-physical properties of aerosols are not directly accessible by observations or
modelling. Optical proxies of these aerosol properties, for example the aerosol optical depth (AOD) or
Ångström exponent (α), are, on the contrary, commonly observed both by satellite and ground-based
photometers and spectrophotometers. Therefore, observing the optical properties of volcanic aerosols
is crucial to assess their direct and indirect forcing on the atmospheric radiative balance at a number of
spatial and temporal scales.
The optical properties of volcanic aerosols can be measured in the near-field, i.e., in proximity and/or
in the surrounding area or emitting vents, using portable Sun-photometers such as the Microtops-II. Thanks
to their small size and weight, these hand-held instruments are very well suited to field measurement
of volcanic plumes near the source, in difficult access areas. In the past, Microtops-II “Sun Photometer”
systems (hereafter referred to as MIISP), have been used to characterise the optical properties of plumes,
i.e., to observe the spectral AOD in the visible and near infrared (NIR) spectral ranges, and to derive the
Ångström coefficients α and β, from volcanoes such as Mount Etna [9,10], Kilauea [11], Masaya [12], Lascar
and Villarica [13,14] and Eyjafjallajökull [15]. Recently, ultraviolet (UV) AOD and UV-to-NIR Ångström
coefficient observations have been derived at Mount Etna by means of a Microtops-II “Ozone Monitor”
system (hereafter referred to as MIIOM) [16]. These optical properties can be used to gather optical
information on the burden and typology (AOD, β) and mean size (α) of the volcanic aerosols and can be
used as inputs for dispersion and evolution models that could bridge the near-source characterisation of
the plume to the downwind impacts at larger scales (e.g., at the regional scale).
In this paper, near-source observations of the optical properties of the plume of Pacaya volcano
(Guatemala) are presented for the first time. Remote MIISP measurements were carried out on 29 and
30 January 2011, during a non-eruptive passive degassing phase. The paper is organised as follows: the
MIISP and the methods used in this work to retrieve the optical properties of the plume are introduced
in Section 2; the volcanology and visual observations during the campaign are described in Section 3;
results are shown and discussed in Section 4; finally, conclusions are given in Section 5.
Practically, we have performed one preliminary background observation session, each day
before the in-plume session, and calculated AODb . Background atmosphere and in-plume conditions
were identified by visual inspection and this identification is subsequently confirmed by the smaller
AOD values and variability of the background. We assume that the atmosphere remains relatively
homogeneous between background and plume observations and that the clear atmosphere aerosol
optical depth in the volume occupied by the plume is negligible with respect to AODb .
The uncertainty of individual AOD retrievals with a MIISP, in the atmospheric window channels,
has previously been estimated at 0.02, e.g., [19]. Uncertainties in the retrieved AODs mainly arise
Geosciences 2018, 8, 36
from manual Sun-pointing and internal calibration errors. Higher values are expected in spectral
regions affected by the absorption of atmospheric gases, such as Ch.4 (sensitive to water vapour
absorption) [16]. The standard deviation of the in-plume AOD σAODp is:
σAODi b 2
σAODp (λ) = σAOD
2 + (2)
with n the number of individual background measurements AODi b made to compute the average
background. As n is in the order of tens to hundreds, the uncertainty content of AODp is approximately
σAOD , and then 0.02, as well.
The plume-isolated AOD spectral variability can be modelled using the empirical Ångström law,
using the α and β parameters [20]:
AODp (λ) = β p λ−αp (3)
The α parameter is the negative spectral slope of the optical depth in log-log scale and is an optical
proxy for the mean size of the sampled aerosol particles. Small or negative α values are typical of
bigger particles, and bigger values, from about 1.0 to approximately 2.5, are typical of smaller particles.
The β parameter is the modelled AOD value at 1.0 μm and is related to the amount and chemical
composition of the aerosol particles. Using Equation (3), the Ångström parameters for each in-plume
MIISP acquisition are derived, in this work, using selected wavelength pairs, in the following way:
AODp (λ1 )
ln AODp (λ2 )
αp = − (4)
ln λ2
β p = AODp (λ1 ) · λ1 (5)
σ 2 σ 2
λ AODp (λ1 ) AODp (λ2 )
σαp = 1/ ln 1 + (6)
λ2 AODp (λ1 ) AODp (λ2 )
σβp = λ1α σAOD
2 + AODp (λ1 ) · ln λ1 σα2p (7)
p ( λ1 )
Considering the moderate values of the observed plume-isolated AODs during our campaign
(typically 0.1 at 440 nm and 0.05 at longer wavelengths) and the mentioned uncertainties of about 0.02
for the AOD, using wavelength couples of 440/870 nm and 440/1020 nm, the uncertainties σαp and
σβp are estimated at about 0.50 to 0.65 (α) and 0.02 to 0.04 (β).
3. Campaign Conditions
Remote photometric observations of the bulk plume’s aerosols from Pacaya volcano (geographical
position in Figure 1a) were made on 29 and 30 January 2011. Data were collected from two different
sites on the WNW flank of the volcano at a mean altitude of 1700 m a.s.l. and 3.5 Km far from the vent
(Figure 1b; 14◦ 23’52.80” N–90◦ 37
W, 14◦ 23
N–90◦ 38
Geosciences 2018, 8, 36
Figure 1. (a) Map of the Central American volcanic front [23] showing the location of the volcanoes along
the front (black triangles), Pacaya is located in southeastern Guatemala (gray triangle). (b) Satellite images
of Pacaya showing the direction of plume transport issued by McKenney Cone (reddish area; approximate
locations), and the sampling locations from which aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements were
taken on 29 and 30 January 2011 (blue and yellow squares, respectively; Google Earth image CNES 2017).
(c) View of Pacaya volcano from the western flank of the volcano showing the diluted, roughly vertical
plume emitted on 30 January 2011 morning from the volcano summit crater (yellow square in (b)). The
area of the plume captured by the instrument is also displayed, considering the distance of 3500 m
between the sampling site and the summit of Pacaya. The calculated radius of the circular observed area
is 150 m above the volcano. The dimension of the plume captured in the photo was scaled considering
the altitude of the sampling site and that of Pacaya (1700 and 2550 m, respectively).
Geosciences 2018, 8, 36
Table 1. Dates and time intervals for the background and in-plume observation sessions. All times
are UTC.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 36
using the wavelength pairs 440/1020 nm and 440/870 nm, are shown in Figure 4. The average values
of α p and β p for both 29 and 30 January are reported in Table 2. The individual α p estimations vary
between about −0.5 and about 2.0, thus indicating the significant inhomogeneity of the plume, with
the prevalence of alternatively very big and very small particles. An increase/decrease of over 100%
can be observed in extremely short time intervals (e.g., of the order of a few minutes). As an example
of this short-term variability, five cases of the occurrence of simultaneous extremely low values of α p
(lower than 0.5) and high values of β (bigger than 0.15) are indicated in Figure 4a. These cases are
associated to extreme values of the AOD: 0.20, 0.40, 0.25, 0.50 and 0.20, at 320 nm, and 0.20, 0.45, 0.20,
0.55 and 0.20, at 1020 nm, for the five cases. The simultaneous low values of α and high values of AOD
indicate the transitory perturbation of relevant burdens of bigger particles, like for small ash puffs.
In any case, mean values of 1.4 ± 0.7 (440/1020 nm) and 1.5 ± 0.9 (440/870 nm), for 29 January, and
1.0 ± 0.5 (440/1020 nm) and 0.8 ± 0.4 (440/870 nm), for 30 January, indicate prevalently small to very
small particles, with a significant short-term variability. Similar α mean values have been associated
to ash-free plumes in the past, at Mount Etna [9,10,16] and Lascar and Villarica volcanoes [13,14].
The individual β p estimations vary between near zero to over 0.1. These estimations are inversely
correlated with simultaneous α p estimations. Observations of bigger β and smaller α can be associated
with short-term overpasses of ash-bearing plume sections [10,13]. Our results, 0.05 ± 0.07 (440/1020
nm) and 0.05 ± 0.07 (440/870 nm), for 29 January, and 0.03 ± 0.04 (440/1020 nm) and 0.04 ± 0.05
(440/870 nm), for 30 January, denote prevalently ash-free plumes. Nevertheless, it must be mentioned
that smaller values of β (0.001 to 0.007) have been observed at Lascar and Villarica volcanoes, while
our estimations are more in line with ash-free plumes at, e.g., Mount Etna [9,10].
Figure 2. MIISP AOD observations at 440, 870 and 1020 nm on 29 (a) and 30 January 2011 (b) at
Pacaya volcano. Average background (dotted lines) and in-plume AODs (solid lines) are also shown.
Background and in-plume measurements are taken during the time intervals of Table 1 (see text for
details). All times are UTC.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 36
Figure 3. Spectral average MIISP AODs for background (blue symbols and lines) and total atmosphere
(violet symbols and lines), and isolated volcanic plume (red symbols and lines), for 29 January (dotted
lines) and 30 January (solid lines).
!" !
!" !
Figure 4. Volcanic plume α p and β p observations for 29 January (a) and 30 January 2011 (b).
Determinations with different wavelength pairs are shown, 440/1020 nm (α p : blue, β p : red) and
440/870 nm (α p : sky blue, β p : pink).
Geosciences 2018, 8, 36
Table 2. Average Ångström coefficients α p and β p for the two days of MIISP acquisitions.
Average values obtained using different wavelength pairs (440/1020 and 440/870 nm) are reported.
Day Alpha (440–1020 nm) Alpha (440–870 nm) Beta (440–1020 nm) Beta (440–870 nm)
29 January 1.4 ± 0.7 1.5 ± 0.9 0.05 ± 0.07 0.05 ± 0.07
30 January 1.0 ± 0.5 0.8 ± 0.4 0.03 ± 0.04 0.04 ± 0.05
In the range of our observations, the choice of the wavelength pairs seems not to be a crucial
factor in the determination of the mean values of α p and β p . The mean values of both parameters,
calculated using AODs at 440–1020 nm and 440–870 nm, are well enveloped into each other’s statistical
uncertainty (measured as 1 standard deviation of the mean, Table 2). In order to obtain more insight
into the retrieved data, scatter plots of the individual α p and β p measurements, obtained with different
wavelength pairs, are shown in Figure 5. In addition, Table 3 shows the Pearson coefficient, root
mean square error (RMSE) and mean bias for the four scatter plots. These results reveal that, though
a general agreement exists between the mean values of Table 2, the individual observations of α p can
be significantly over/underestimated when using different wavelength pairs. This is the case of of
30 January, with an RMSE of nearly 50%. The β p determinations, using different wavelength pairs, are
more consistent.
Figure 5. Scatter plots of α p and β p measurements with different wavelength pairs, for 29 January
(top panels) and 30 January (bottom panels).
Table 3. Statistical parameters for the comparison of α and β with different wavelength pairs
(440/1020 nm with respect to 440/870 nm).
R2 RMSE Bias
α—29 January 0.73 28.2% +14.7%
α—30 January 0.49 47.8% −17.9%
β—29 January 0.97 25.7% +6.9%
β—30 January 0.97 22.2% −2.7%
Geosciences 2018, 8, 36
5. Conclusions
In this paper, the optical characterisation of the volcanic aerosol of Pacaya volcano has been
presented. Observations were taken during a field campaign, carried out on 29 and 30 January 2011,
using a hand-held MIISP sun-photometer. The volcanic plume was characterised in terms of its spectral
AOD in the visible and NIR spectral ranges, and of the subsequently derived Ångström parameters
α and β. Overall, moderate plume-isolated AOD values were found. The plume-isolated AOD at
440 nm did not exceed 0.1 during the observation sessions of this campaign. The average α p (β p )
values of the two measurement sessions are relatively big (small), consistent with an ash-free plume,
theoretically composed of a mixture of small secondary aerosols. A potential influence of both marine
and anthropogenic aerosol on the aerosol signature of Pacaya region could not be excluded. The
use of different wavelength pairs (440–1020 and 440–870 nm) was tested in Ångström parameters
retrieval. While the choice of wavelength pairs has a negligible impact on the daily averaged α p and
β p , individual determinations of these two parameters can be strongly affected by this choice.
Acknowledgments: Letizia Spampinato, Alessandro La Spina, Giuseppe G. Salerno, and Pasquale Sellitto
acknowledge the INSIVUMEH director Eddy Sánchez and Gustavo Chigna for scientific collaboration and
logistic support, A.J.L. Harris, R.E. Wolf, K. Brill for logistic suggestions, and V. Tsanev for his scientific support.
The Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) is acknowledged for providing the Microtops II Sun
photometer. This study was supported by grants from the INGV Osservatorio Etneo, Fondi Studi e Ricerche.
Author Contributions: Letizia Spampinato, Alessandro La Spina and Giuseppe G. Salerno conceived, designed
and performed the experiments; Pasquale Sellitto analyzed the data; all authors wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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c 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Ground-Based Measurements of the 2014–2015
Holuhraun Volcanic Cloud (Iceland)
Melissa A. Pfeffer 1, *, Baldur Bergsson 1 , Sara Barsotti 1 , Gerður Stefánsdóttir 1 , Bo Galle 2 ,
Santiago Arellano 2 , Vladimir Conde 2 , Amy Donovan 3 , Evgenia Ilyinskaya 4 , Mike Burton 5 ,
Alessandro Aiuppa 6 , Rachel C. W. Whitty 4 , Isla C. Simmons 7 , Þórður Arason 1 ,
Elín B. Jónasdóttir 1 , Nicole S. Keller 8 , Richard F. Yeo 9 , Hermann Arngrímsson 1 ,
Þorsteinn Jóhannsson 8 , Mary K. Butwin 1,10 , Robert A. Askew 10 , Stéphanie Dumont 10,11 ,
Sibylle von Löwis 1 , Þorgils Ingvarsson 1 , Alessandro La Spina 12 , Helen Thomas 13 , Fred Prata 14 ,
Fausto Grassa 15 , Gaetano Giudice 15 , Andri Stefánsson 10 , Frank Marzano 16 , Mario Montopoli 17
and Luigi Mereu 16
1 Icelandic Meteorological Office, Bústaðavegur 7-9, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland; [email protected] (B.B.);
[email protected] (S.B.); [email protected] (G.S.); [email protected] (Þ.A.); [email protected] (E.B.J.);
[email protected] (H.A.); [email protected] (M.K.B.); [email protected] (S.v.L.); [email protected] (Þ.I.)
2 Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg,
Sweden; [email protected] (B.G.); [email protected] (S.A.);
[email protected] (V.C.)
3 Department of Geography, King’s College London, WC2R 2LS London, UK; [email protected]
4 School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT Leeds, UK; [email protected] (E.I.);
[email protected] (R.C.W.W.)
5 School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, M13 9P Manchester, UK;
[email protected]
6 Dipartimento DiSTeM, University of Palermo, Via Archirafi 36, 90123 Palermo, Italy;
[email protected]
7 School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, EH8 9XP Edinburgh, UK; [email protected]
8 Environment Agency of Iceland, Suðurlandsbraut 24, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland;
nicole.keller@umhverfisstofnun.is (N.S.K.); thorsteinnj@umhverfisstofnun.is (Þ.J.)
9 AUV Consultants, 52Vesturás, Reykjavík 101, Iceland; [email protected]
10 Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Sæmundargata 2, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland;
[email protected] (R.A.A.); ; [email protected] (S.D.); [email protected] (A.S.)
11 Instituto Dom Luiz, University of Beira Interior, Rua Marques d´Avila e Boloma, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal
12 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia- Sezione di Catania, 95125 Catania, Italy;
[email protected]
13 School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, BS8 1TH Bristol, UK; [email protected]
14 AIRES Pty Ltd, PO Box 156, Mt Eliza, Victoria 3930, Australia; [email protected]
15 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia- Sezione di Palermo, Via Ugo la Malfa 153, 90146 Palermo,
Italy; [email protected] (F.G.); [email protected] (G.G.)
16 Sapienza, University of Rome, 00184 Rome, Italy; [email protected] (F.M.);
[email protected] (L.M.)
17 National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate,
Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Rome, Italy; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +354-893-5157
Abstract: The 2014–2015 Bárðarbunga fissure eruption at Holuhraun in central Iceland was
distinguished by the high emission of gases, in total 9.6 Mt SO2 , with almost no tephra. This work
collates all ground-based measurements of this extraordinary eruption cloud made under particularly
challenging conditions: remote location, optically dense cloud with high SO2 column amounts,
low UV intensity, frequent clouds and precipitation, an extensive and hot lava field, developing
ramparts, and high-latitude winter conditions. Semi-continuous measurements of SO2 flux with
three scanning DOAS instruments were augmented by car traverses along the ring-road and along
the lava. The ratios of other gases/SO2 were measured by OP-FTIR, MultiGAS, and filter packs.
Ratios of SO2 /HCl = 30–110 and SO2 /HF = 30–130 show a halogen-poor eruption cloud. Scientists
on-site reported extremely minor tephra production during the eruption. OPC and filter packs
showed low particle concentrations similar to non-eruption cloud conditions. Three weather radars
detected a droplet-rich eruption cloud. Top of eruption cloud heights of 0.3–5.5 km agl were measured
with ground- and aircraft-based visual observations, web camera and NicAIR II infrared images,
triangulation of scanning DOAS instruments, and the location of SO2 peaks measured by DOAS
traverses. Cloud height and emission rate measurements were critical for initializing gas dispersal
simulations for hazard forecasting.
Keywords: Holuhraun; Bárðarbunga; gas; SO2 ; cloud height; eruption monitoring; fissure eruption
1. Introduction
The 2014–2015 fissure eruption of Bárðarbunga (also known as Veiðivötn) lasted six months,
from 31 August 2014–27 February 2015. This was the largest Icelandic eruption in over 200 years:
1.6 ± 0.3 km3 of lava and prodigious amounts of gases were released [1]. The Bárðarbunga volcanic
system includes a central volcano capped by the Vatnajökull glacier in the highlands of central Iceland,
and also includes a 190 km long fissure swarm extending to the northeast and southwest from the
central volcano. Bárðarbunga erupts frequently, with an average of two eruptions per century over the
last 11 centuries [2]. The greatest amount of lava known to have been produced during a Bárðarbunga
eruption is >20 km3 , so while the 2014–2015 eruption was extraordinary in recent times, it is well
within the known behavior of this volcanic system.
The eruption was preceded by seven years of increased seismicity within the volcanic system,
which escalated for two months, followed by two weeks of migration of seismic swarms and associated
ground deformation manifesting as a rifting event, finally culminating in a small, few-hours long lava
effusion on 29 August. Two days later, on 31 August, the six-month long Holuhraun eruption started.
The geophysical changes were closely monitored in real-time as potential precursors to an eruption.
A segmented dyke intrusion originated at the Bárðarbunga central volcano that propagated laterally
over 45 km. This intrusion culminated in an effusive fissure eruption at the end of the dyke [3], a few
km north of the Vatnajökull glacier, where a lava field of the same name, Holuhraun, had erupted
previously in 1862–1864, also originating from Bárðarbunga [4].
This eruption was one of the most polluting volcanic eruptions in centuries. The remote location
and winter-season timing of the eruption, however, reduced its potential impact on people and the
environment in Iceland [1]. The prodigious emissions of gases and the sulfate aerosol formed as the
eruption cloud aged impacted the air quality in populated areas of Iceland significantly throughout
the course of the eruption [5]. The remote location, however, meant that the concentrations of gases
were diluted before reaching population centers. The dry atmosphere and weak winter sunlight
conditions during most of the eruption slowed down the formation of sulfate aerosol, which, despite
these dampening effects, exceeded Icelandic health standards far above legal limits [1,5]. If the dyke
had breached the surface beneath the glacier as opposed to north of it, ash and floods would likely
have been produced [6].
The anticipatory period allowed for the continued development of gas and particle monitoring
instrumentation and techniques suitable for Icelandic conditions, benefiting from the EU-FP7
FUTUREVOLC project. This project fostered instrumentation development, deployment strategies,
data processing techniques, and strengthened relationships between Icelandic and foreign collaborators
for a better response during volcanic eruptions, and therefore contributed to the success of the eruption
cloud monitoring.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
The eruption occurred in a remote, very difficult to access location, so in spite of the instrumental
improvements made prior to the eruption, there were serious challenges for acquiring data and
maintaining the instruments. The nearest farm and municipality are each about 100 km away.
The eruption site is located within Dyngjusandur, the most extensive dust source area in Iceland [7],
an active sandy desert where dust storms are very common. Tremendous efforts were made to
install continuous monitoring instrumentation; however, because of these harsh field conditions,
there are many temporal gaps in the data. Field campaigns for non-continuous instrumentation
overcame many difficulties, mainly pertaining to weather and the high concentration of gas near the
eruption vent. Traveling to the field and maintaining instrumentation was a major undertaking during
winter conditions.
The aim of this paper is to bring together all of the ground-based measurements of the volcanic
cloud. We report on the results and discuss what the combined data sets tell us about this extraordinary
event and how to optimize the monitoring of volcanic clouds from future fissure eruptions in Iceland
and elsewhere.
2.1. DOAS
The primary monitoring tool for this long-lasting, gas-rich volcanic cloud was Differential Optical
Absorption Spectrometry (DOAS) [8]. Ultraviolet light from the sun, scattered from aerosols and
molecules in the atmosphere, is collected by a telescope. Light is transferred from the telescope to the
grating spectrometer by a quartz optical fiber. In-cloud spectra are analyzed against clear-sky and dark
spectra and the differential slant column of various gases, primarily SO2 , is derived.
2.1.1. ScanDOAS
Through the support of the FUTUREVOLC project, a version of the NOVAC ScanDOAS
instrument [9,10] was developed that is adapted to high latitudes with low UV radiation and severe
meteorological conditions. Two major developments were made: the standard Ocean Optics SD2000
spectrometer was replaced by the more UV-sensitive Ocean Optics Maya2000 Pro spectrometer, and
the scanning device was modified to avoid external moving parts to make it more robust in freezing
conditions (Figure 1). The scanning device was modified by replacing the rotating hood with a quartz
window with a closed scanner with a cylindrical quartz tube, and a cylindrical lens was included in
the optical system. This changed the field of view (FOV) of the instrument to be rectangular instead of
circular, covering the full 7.2◦ angle used as the scan interval. A fixed exposure time of 200 ms was
used. Co-adding 15 spectra resulted in a total time of 2 min for one scan to be completed.
At the onset of the fissure eruption at Holuhraun, a ScanDOAS instrument, DOAS 25, was
prepared at the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) and installed at the eruption site on the second
day of the eruption (Figure 2). In the first week of September, a second ScanDOAS instrument,
DOAS 27, was installed, which was made available through cooperation with Prof. Konradin Weber at
Fachhochschule Düsseldorf. Data transfer and real-time evaluation was fully implemented at IMO
within the first couple of days of the eruption. After about two weeks, DOAS 27 was surrounded by
active lava flows and eventually stopped transmitting data in the absence of sufficient power. During
and after the remaining six months of the eruption, one or two ScanDOAS instruments, DOAS 25
and DOAS 26, were operational. DOAS 26 was moved around the eruption site in response to the
advancement of the lava. Its final location is shown in Figure 2.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
Figure 1. OPC, ScanDOAS, and NicAIR II at Þorvaldshraun, 10 km northeast of the main eruption vent.
The OPC and NicAIR II were moved from this site to their final locations (Möðrudalur and Vaðalda,
respectively) due to problems operating them at this site. The visibility is poor because of a dust storm,
which are common here.
Figure 2. Map of Iceland showing the locations of the ground-based volcanic cloud monitoring
instruments. An inset of the area around the eruption site is enlarged. The DOAS instruments are
identified by number as described in the main text of this section. The ring-road DOAS traverses are
marked at the location with the maximum SO2 column amount. The near DOAS traverses are marked
at the midpoint of the traverse.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
To calculate emission rates from the ScanDOAS data, wind speed, wind direction, and cloud
height must be known. Wind direction and wind speed at the eruption cloud height were obtained
from the HARMONIE numerical weather prediction model utilized by IMO [11]. HARMONIE runs
on a regional scale over Iceland with a horizontal resolution of 2.5 km and an hourly forecast provided
every six hours. Atmospheric parameters calculated by the model at an altitude of 850 hPa (the model
level closest to 1387 m elevation, explanation below) were used as representative of the conditions at
the eruption cloud height for processing the ScanDOAS data.
When two ScanDOAS instruments simultaneously measured the eruption cloud, cloud height
was derived by triangulation. After about two weeks, the second ScanDOAS instrument was trapped
by an active lava flow and alternative methods were necessary to determine the cloud height. Direct
observations from the field, observations from air craft, and web cam images were used during the
eruption to estimate cloud heights. These showed a high temporal variance and disagreement between
techniques. As a result, the average cloud height of 1387 m measured while the two ScanDOAS
instruments were both operating, which is within the 1–3 km frequently reported by the various other
cloud height observation methods listed above, was used for the processing of the DOAS data for the
duration of the eruption.
Because of the extremely high emissions of SO2 from the fissure eruption at Holuhraun, in
combination with severe atmospheric scattering [12], it was not possible to apply standard evaluation
procedures for processing the ScanDOAS data. The spectral evaluation window was changed to
319–325 nm, where the absorption by SO2 is weaker, light intensity is stronger, and atmospheric
scattering reduced, compared with the usual 310–325 nm interval. This did not remove all the effects of
atmospheric scattering, so further data filtering was required to select data least affected by scattering.
Figure 3 analyzes the bias in SO2 flux caused by wind direction and wind speed based on all data
collected during the eruption by DOAS 25. Wind direction produced the strongest bias in the data
(Figure 3a). The greater the angle of the wind from line-of-sight from the main vent to the DOAS,
the greater the amount of intervening atmosphere is included between the eruption cloud and the
instrument, and the biggest impact from the so-called dilution of the absorption signal from scattering
was found. This bias was removed by restricting the acceptable wind direction to +/−15◦ from
the line-of-sight from the main vent to the instrument and filtering out data collected at other wind
directions (Figure 3b). Work is on-going to develop an algorithm for the spectral data to make a first
order compensation for the scattering effect of clean atmosphere outside of the eruption cloud [9],
which could, in the future, make this filtering of the data for non-optimal wind directions unnecessary.
Sensitivity analysis of the error in flux related to the scanning geometry shows that for conical scanning,
uncertainties in wind direction of up to 40% produce errors in flux <5%, not considering scattering
effects [13]. Figure 3c shows the bias from wind speed. At low wind speeds, <7.5 m/s, calculated
fluxes increase as the wind speed increases. Restricting the wind speed to ≥7.5 m/s removes this bias
(Figure 3d). Days with fewer than three acceptable scans at an individual ScanDOAS were removed.
The ScanDOAS data was further used to detect SO2 emitted by the cooling lava field, as distinct
from the emissions from the main vent. SO2 emissions from a lava field will typically form a broadly
dispersed low-level haze [14]. The optical path through a uniform haze, and hence the SO2 column
density, will be greater at low elevation angles compared with high elevation angles with a shorter
path through the haze. The distribution of column densities of SO2 in all DOAS scans collected during
and after the eruption were visually inspected to identify the characteristic symmetrical trough-shape
anticipated for a measurement through a uniform haze. Only scans with sufficient symmetry to
indicate the presence of a uniform haze were used to calculate the SO2 flux from the lava field. These
data were filtered for wind direction (±20◦ from line-of-sight from the lava field to the instrument),
and the SO2 flux was calculated assuming the width of the haze was equal to the width of the lava field
as viewed from the ScanDOAS instrument. The uncertainty of these measurements is estimated to be
45%. The daily average value of SO2 flux from the lava field was assessed for the months following
the end of the eruption. The lava field emission rate data has been previously published in [14].
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
Figure 3. (a) Impact of wind direction on SO2 flux. The vertical black line shows the direct line of
sight from the main eruption vent to the instrument. The vertical gray lines show the direct line of
sight ±15◦ ; (b) SO2 flux filtered for wind direction; (c) Impact of wind speed on SO2 flux; (d) SO2
flux filtered for wind direction and wind speed. The measurements in gray were made at weak wind
speeds and have been filtered out.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
retrieved using DOASIS software and scripts available from [17]. A near-lava field scan was made on
21 January 2015 using the Avoscan system to drive the spectrometer [18].
The emission rate of SO2 was successfully measured by DOAS on 33 days during the 181 days of
the eruption. The ScanDOAS installations, ring-road MobileDOAS traverses, and near-source traverses
measured the flux on 23, seven, and five days, respectively. On the two days when SO2 flux was
measured by more than one DOAS method, all flux measurements were averaged.
The uncertainty in the SO2 flux measurement by the ScanDOAS method has been given to be
54% for “fair” conditions, meaning situations where spectroscopic errors, atmospheric scattering,
uncertainties in wind, and measurement geometry are not ideal, but it is not raining or snowing and
the cloud is not strongly meandering [10]. This estimation pertains to measurements with the standard
instrument deployed in the NOVAC network. For the instruments used in this work, the spectroscopic
error (including spectrometer noise, errors in reference cross sections, changes of instrument line-shape,
and fitting errors) is considered to be similar to the standard one and less than 15%. While the signal to
noise of a Maya2000 Pro is better than for a SD2000 spectrometer, the temperature sensitivity is larger.
The measurement geometry error is kept low (estimated to be less than 10%) in our measurements since
the data is carefully selected to minimize sampling errors. The cloud speed error is unknown, but good
correspondence between forecasted and observed gas transport suggests that this uncertainty may
be less than 15%. The cloud height error can be considered to be less than 20%. The most important
source of uncertainty is the effect from atmospheric scattering. UV DOAS measurements of an optically
thick cloud surrounded by a hazy environment are affected by dilution of the absorption signal caused
by scattering of light before it reaches the cloud, leading to an underestimation of the flux, and by
multiple-scattering within the cloud, leading to an overestimation of the flux [19]. In addition to
these complexities, strong absorption by SO2 causes a suppression of large optical paths, resulting in
an underestimation of the flux. The bias from wind direction (Figure 3) suggests that the scattering
effect of dilution of the absorption signal prior to reaching the cloud was significant and probably
the dominant source of uncertainty for our measurements. This follows from the environment where
the eruption took place being so dusty. The data filtering removes the ScanDOAS measurements
most affected by atmospheric scattering. From analysis of the ring-road traverse measurements [9],
an underestimation due to dilution of up to 40% was found in the distant cloud. For the near-vent
measurements, the distance to the cloud was shorter, but the atmosphere was hazier and the cloud
was more concentrated. We think these effects together result in a net underestimation of the flux
that increases with increasing distance from the cloud and attribute a value of at least −40% to +10%.
The total flux uncertainty in our scanning and near and far traverse DOAS measurements is estimated
to be −50% to +30%.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
Monitoring data from the automatic stations were used for validating the SO2 dispersal forecasts
provided by IMO using the CALPUFF model [1].
2.4. MultiGAS
The Multi-component Gas Analysis system (MultiGAS) instrument was developed by the
University of Palermo and INGV-Palermo and modified for use in Iceland [26–28]. It measures
in situ (at 0.1 Hz rate) the concentrations of major volcanic gas species (H2 O, CO2 , SO2 , H2 S) in
the atmosphere, by integrating (i) an infrared spectrometer for CO2 (Gascard II, calibration range
0–10,000 ppmv (0–1%); accuracy ±2%, resolution, 3 ppmv); (ii) two specific electrochemical sensors for
the measurement of SO2 (CityTechnology, sensor type 3ST/F, calibration range, 0–50 ppmv, accuracy,
±5%, resolution, 0.1 ppmv) and H2 S (CityTechnology, sensor type 2E, calibration range, 0–50 ppmv,
accuracy, ±5%, resolution, 0.1 ppmv); and (iii) temperature, pressure, and relative humidity (Galltec
sensor, measuring range, 0–100% Rh, accuracy, ±2%) sensors for the calculation of H2 O concentrations.
Gas ratios measured with the MultiGAS are calculated using the Ratiocalc software [29]. The collected
data are de-trended to adjust the baselines to zero to correct for instrument drift (largely due to
increasing temperature in the instrument as it operates), and then ratios between species are calculated.
Acceptable ratios were measured for at least five minutes when the gas concentration was at least
0.8 ppm and have an R2 value greater than 0.5.
During the Holuhraun eruption, one MultiGAS measurement was made inside the active crater
on the day between the first minor lava effusion and the main eruption (Figure 2). Measurements
were made on the edge of the advancing lava field on four days during the eruption. In January 2015,
a continuous monitoring MultiGAS was installed at Þorvaldshraun, 10 km from the main eruption
vent, and measurements were obtained of the aged, dilute cloud on eight days until the end of the
eruption. A subset of this data has been previously published in [1] and model calculations based on
a subset of the MultiGAS data have been previously published in [25].
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
for anion concentration using ion chromatography. All samples were blank corrected by treating filters
in the same way as for samples followed by chemical analysis. The measurements included here are
those where the F measured on the base-impregnated filter was ≥5 μg/m3 ; two previously-published
samples are excluded due to the too low concentration of F collected. The filter pack samples collected
by [5] also included a PM filter (Millipore, 47 mm, AAWP, pore size 0.8 μm) in series before the gas
filters. The mass of the PM was calculated by extracting elements from the PM using sequential
leaching. The sum of the mass of all analyzed elements is calculated to represent the mass of the PM.
2.6. OPC
An Optical Particle Counter/Sizer (OPC/OPS) (OPS 3330, TSI Inc.) was installed at Möðrudalur,
72 km from the main eruption vent, from October 2014 until after the end of the eruption (Figure 2).
Particle counts in 16 size bins from 0.3 to 10 μm provided a sum every five minutes, and can be used to
provide different temporal means or maxima. The OPC was deployed to monitor the concentration and
size distribution of any ash or other particulate matter produced by the eruption, with the maximum
detectable particles being 10 m, so coarser ash would not be measured by this instrument.
A research campaign, independent from the official monitoring of the eruption, launched a balloon
9 km from the main crater to fly through the Holuhraun eruption cloud carrying a Light Optical
Aerosol Counter (LOAC) [32].
2.9. NicAIR II
A NicAIR II multi spectral infrared imaging camera was installed at Vaðalda, approximately
20 km from the main eruption vent, from 20 November 2014 until the end of the eruption (Figure 2).
Gases and particles emit and absorb thermal radiation, which is detected by a microbolometer array
fitted in the NicAIR infrared camera [34,35]. Radiation counts are then converted to radiance, and
then to brightness temperatures (Kelvin) through a pre-determined instrument calibration scheme [34].
The NicAIR II camera operates in the 8–13 μm region of the infrared spectrum. A filter wheel contains
one broadband (8–13 μm) and three narrow band filters centered at 8.62 μm, 10.0 μm, and 10.87 μm,
selected to be sensitive to specific signatures in the cloud. Approximately one composite data image
was recorded per minute due to the number of filters in use. The 8.62 and 10.87 μm channels were
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
processed to retrieve SO2 and the 10.0 μm channel was used to determine the cloud temperature [35].
Similar instruments have been used previously on eruption clouds at Karymsky and Stromboli
volcanoes to monitor SO2 and ash [36,37]. Good quality data was obtained on seven days in November
and December 2014, as other days were hindered due to hardware problems and meteorological
challenges (e.g., clouds obscuring the view, icing on the camera window).
Brightness temperature data were post-processed into SO2 -sensitive images, including static and
dynamic parameters. Dynamic parameters were assessed at least every 10 min. The cloud temperature
was obtained from the 10.0 μm wavelength image, extracted using Fits Liberator software in an opaque
section of the cloud. The ground level of the image was identified and all horizontal rows of data
below this level were set to SO2 = null to remove noise and interference coming from the lava field with
its high brightness temperatures. Background infrared radiation levels were determined by taking
vertical profiles where the sky was clear, i.e., there was no coverage of the sky by the volcanic cloud or
meteorological clouds. Whenever there was no suitable clear section, if low-lying background clouds
were responsible, the horizontal rows including the low-lying clouds were set to SO2 = null, allowing
processing of the image, otherwise the image was excluded. Parameters which remained constant
include the distance from the camera to the main eruption vent and the angle of the camera above the
horizontal. These two static parameters were used to calculate the dimensions of the NicAIR field of
view (FOV).
Both cloud height and SO2 amount were calculated from the good quality images; however, the
SO2 retrieval was severely impacted by the high concentrations of H2 O in the eruption cloud. This
caused the region closest to the eruption vent, where SO2 concentrations are expected to be greatest,
to be opaque. SO2 retrievals were therefore significant underestimations and are not reported here,
but can be found in [38]. Cloud heights were calculated following a revised methodology from [39]
and [40]. The 10.0 μm channel data was processed with pixel heights as defined by the camera
geometry and distance from the camera to eruption vent. The apparent cloud top height in each image
was then identified by the thermal contrast at the cloud’s leading edge (Figure 4). Only data where the
thermal contrast of the cloud’s leading edge was clearly visible were used to estimate the apparent
cloud heights. The recorded apparent cloud top height was taken at the edge of the FOV, at which
point the cloud was furthest from the vent and at the maximum height recorded by the NicAIR camera.
Due to large variations in cloud heights, an average hourly apparent cloud height was calculated for
each hour of suitable data.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
The apparent cloud height derived from the NicAIR image is not equivalent to the actual cloud
top altitude. Due to the viewing geometry, the actual top of the cloud was hidden from the camera’s
view and the apparent cloud top often appeared flat in morphology as a result of this (Figure 5).
In addition, wind transports the cloud away from the eruption vent and the altitude scale at the vent is
not equivalent to the altitude scale at the cloud´s location of maximum height. In order to calculate the
actual altitude of the cloud top, the location of the cloud in relation to the camera was required so that
a new altitude scale derived from the camera geometry and the distance between the camera and the
cloud location could be calculated.
Figure 5. Actual cloud height derived from apparent cloud height and cloud location. (a) Schematic
field of view from the perspective of the camera showing apparent plume height and (b) schematic
side-view illustrating the effect of transport towards the camera on actual versus apparent plume height.
In order to determine the location of the cloud in relation to the camera, wind dispersal of the
cloud was analyzed from meteorological data. Meteorological conditions at the approximate height of
the eruption cloud above sea level at the eruption site were extracted from the HARMONIE model
and radiosonde data. The HARMONIE meteorological model predicted weather conditions for the
eruption site every hour, providing detailed modeled data. Radiosonde data from the Egilsstaðir
weather station (located ~120 km east north east of the eruption site) provided measurements but at
a low temporal resolution (measurements once every 24 h). Wind directions from both were used,
depending on the visual analysis of the cloud distribution in the NicAIR data.
For each hour of averaged apparent cloud height, the wind direction was mapped out in relation
to the bearing of the camera line of sight to the vent, and the angle between the two directions was
calculated. The NicAIR camera FOV was considered as a cone, where the cloud at the edge of the FOV
may be considered as being located somewhere along the edge of the FOV cone. By combining the
wind direction and the bearing of the camera line of sight, the approximate location of the apparent
cloud height was estimated. The distance between the camera and the apparent cloud height location
was then determined and new pixel heights were calculated using this new distance. The new pixel
heights were combined with the average hourly apparent cloud height to give the actual cloud height
as recorded by the NicAIR camera (Figure 5b).
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
3. Results
3.1.1. Gases
The average daily value of SO2 flux measured by DOAS is in Table 1, and the time series of the
measurements throughout the eruption, linearly interpolated between measurement dates, is shown in
Figure 6. The total over the duration of the eruption is calculated to be 9.6 Mt SO2 with an uncertainty
of −50–+30%, or 6.7–14.3 Mt SO2 . The average emission rate during the eruption is 610 kg/s, with
an uncertainty of 430–920 kg/s. The maximum daily average emission rate during the eruption was
in excess of 2100 kg/s and the maximum high-quality scan included in the data set was in excess
of 5500 kg/s. The overall trend of the eruption was a decrease in emissions of SO2 as the eruption
progressed (September 2014–February 2015), with the exception of November 2014, when higher
emission rates alternated with lower ones. The total of the emissions over the duration of the eruption
is less than, but within the uncertainty of, the 11.8 ± 4 Mt previously published in [1]. This previous
publication only included the ring-road traverses (marked as Ring in Table 1).
The post-eruptive outgassing of the lava field remained above detection limits by the ScanDOAS
instruments for three months following the end of the eruption. During these three months, the
average post-eruption outgassing of SO2 was 3 ± 1.9 kg/s. The post-eruptive degassing, interpolated
for the three months, equals 24 kt SO2 [14], which is less than 1% of the degassing during the eruption.
Table 1. Daily average DOAS measurements of SO2 flux, distinguished by measurement technique
and if the measurement occurred during or after the eruption.
SO2 Flux (kg/s) Technique Syn- or Post-Eruption
02/09/2014 520 ± 100 Scan Syn
08/09/2014 1330 ± 440 Scan Syn
10/09/2014 1050 ± 370 Scan Syn
11/09/2014 1140 ± 230 Scan Syn
12/09/2014 1290 ± 290 Scan Syn
13/09/2014 1120 ± 220 Scan Syn
14/09/2014 610 ± 180 Scan Syn
18/09/2014 820 ± 310 Near Syn
19/09/2014 250 ± 100 Near Syn
20/09/2014 680 ± 260 Near Syn
21/09/2014 2170 ± 1720 Near; Ring Syn
22/09/2014 1130 ± 490 Scan Syn
24/09/2014 710 ± 210 Scan Syn
25/09/2014 960 ± 320 Scan Syn
30/09/2014 1200 ± 230 Scan Syn
01/10/2014 1180 ± 240 Scan Syn
02/10/2014 840 ± 460 Scan Syn
06/10/2014 890 ± 340 Ring Syn
05/11/2014 1450 ± 550 Ring Syn
18/11/2014 220 ± 30 Scan Syn
21/11/2014 1070 ± 410 Ring Syn
25/11/2014 250 ± 50 Scan Syn
26/11/2014 990 ± 1810 Scan Syn
02/12/2014 300 ± 110 Scan Syn
21/01/2015 250 ± 50 Scan; Near Syn
22/01/2015 410 ± 70 Scan Syn
25/01/2015 520 ± 120 Scan Syn
27/01/2015 320 ± 100 Scan Syn
30/01/2015 40 ± 20 Ring Syn
31/01/2015 410 ± 160 Ring Syn
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
Table 1. Cont.
SO2 Flux (kg/s) Technique Syn- or Post-Eruption
04/02/2015 240 ± 90 Ring Syn
06/02/2015 220 ± 30 Scan Syn
16/02/2015 90 ± 30 Scan Syn
07/03/2015 2 ± 0.5 Scan Post
13/03/2015 1 ± 0.2 Scan Post
21/03/2015 2 ± 0.5 Scan Post
22/03/2015 2 ± 0.5 Scan Post
26/03/2015 2 ± 0.5 Scan Post
27/03/2015 2 ± 0.5 Scan Post
28/03/2015 3 ± 0.7 Scan Post
15/04/2015 4±1 Scan Post
22/05/2015 4±1 Scan Post
23/05/2015 4±1 Scan Post
24/05/2015 5±1 Scan Post
Scan = ScanDOAS; Near = near-lava traverses and near-lava scan; Ring = ring-road traverses.
Figure 6. Time series of the daily average SO2 flux measured by DOAS connected with a solid black
line showing the linear interpolation of the data between measurement dates. The gray vertical bars
show the uncertainty for each day.
The SO2 peaks measured down-wind by the car-mounted in situ instrument and the atmospheric
column amount measured by the MobileDOAS were sometimes concurrent and sometimes shifted
from one another (Figure 7). These measurements are shown as raw data, where the baseline of the
measurements has not been shifted to zero. Sometimes the traverses needed to be extremely long,
up to two hours driving time, to obtain a measurement of background clean air (undetectable SO2 )
before and after both instruments detected SO2. Due to the short daylight in winter, only three hours
of daylight on the shortest day of the year in the north of Iceland, some attempted traverses were
not completed.
The changes in the gas ratios measured by OP-FTIR, MultiGAS, and filter pack over the duration
of the eruption are seen in Figure 8. Exponential trends are only seen for CO2 /SO2 (R2 = 0.43),
H2 O/CO2 (R2 = 0.47), and SO2 /H2 S (R2 = 0.78). For CO2 we utilize this trend to calculate the emission
of CO2 relative to SO2 . Using the exponential change for the SO2 /H2 S ratio is not appropriate, because
while there is an excellent fit, this fit is based on only four measurements which were all made
at the beginning of the eruption. The extrapolation to the rest of the eruption is not grounded in
measurements. In the absence of a trend, but with the high variance observed in the gas ratios, for
H2 O, HCl, and HF, as well as for H2 S, we calculate the gas ratios using the 25–75% percentiles of the
data (Table 2). We then calculate the emissions over the duration of the eruption of the non-SO2 gases
based on this range of ratios and the emission rate of SO2 extrapolated from the DOAS measurements
(Table 2).
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
Figure 7. Examples of ring-road traverses with concurrent MobileDOAS SO2 column and in situ SO2
measurements. (a) 31/01/15 with peaks corresponding very closely and (b) 05/11/14 with incongruent peaks.
Figure 8. The time series of daily averaged gas ratios (a) H2 O/CO2 ; (b) H2 O/SO2 ; (c) CO2 /SO2 ;
(d) SO2 /H2 S; (e) SO2 /HCl; (f) SO2 /HF. Measurements made by OP-FTIR, MultiGAS, and Filter Pack
are shown as circles, triangles, and squares, respectively. Vertical gray bars indicate uncertainty.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
Table 2. Representative gas ratios over the duration of the eruption and the calculated emission of each
gas relative to SO2 based on the DOAS flux rate of 9.6 Mt SO2 and in parentheses with the uncertainty
range of 6.7–14.3 Mt SO2 .
3.1.2. Particles
Minor tephra production and fall out, including Pele´s hair, was reported by scientists in the field
during the first week of the eruption.
The monthly mean OPC particle count measurements during the Holuhraun eruption, October
2014–February 2015, ranged from 6.12 × 104 –1.17 × 105 cm−3 (14–69 μg/m3 ), with the greatest
measured in December 2014 and the least in October 2014. The maximum instantaneous concentration
was recorded in December 2014 with 4.52 × 106 cm−3 (162 μg/m3 ). The highest concentrations were
relatively short lived and daily averages remained quite consistent. In the five months following the
eruption, March–July 2015, the monthly means were very similar to the values measured during the
eruption (4.81 × 104 –7.86 × 104 cm−3 ). Comparing the measurements made during and after the
eruption, there was no increase in the strength of individual maxima or the frequency of maxima.
All filter pack samples except one were collected on the ground. The filter pack samples showed
very low masses of particles, except for the airborne sample collected in the eruption cloud. With
the exception of this one sample, the mass of particles remained relatively constant (57–191 μg/m3 ),
regardless of the mass of SO2 (5–4300 μg/m3 ) collected on the gas filters. The particle concentrations
collected on the ground-based filter packs were slightly enhanced relative to the particle concentrations
measured by the continuous OPC both during and after the eruption. For the airborne sample, the
mass ratio of SO2 /particles was 2.
The radar network intermittently detected the eruption cloud. This manifested in the radar
data as a cloud with increased values of reflectivity (displayed as maximum dBZ) up to 30 dBZ
that persisted close to the eruption site (Figure 9). Meteorological clouds were also detected by the
radar during the eruption period as clusters of higher reflectivity that were dynamically transported
by winds. An increase in reflectivity can be due to droplets, such as are found in meteorological
clouds or eruption-induced droplets [41], and particles, such as ice, volcanic ash [42,43], or suspended
dust [44]. The radar-detected eruption cloud was often enhanced by precipitation, and sometimes
formed a precipitating cloud in the absence of other weather clouds in the region. When the eruption
cloud was enhanced by transitory precipitating clouds, these clouds would move above the eruption
site and a cloud would develop over the eruption site, and this cloud would continue to be visible
after the meteorological clouds had moved past. The eruption cloud was most consistently observed
by the C-band radar at Fljótsdalsheiði. This often showed the cloud in the layer of the atmosphere
closest to the ground, which at the distance from the radar to the eruption site, means within the
lowest 1 km of the atmosphere. The cloud was most frequently observed during low wind speeds and
when there was a change in wind direction, and often in the morning. A persistent cloud above the
eruption site remained detectable by the radar after the end of the eruption (Figure 9d,e), when the
lava field continued to give off heat and to outgas. The reflectivity of the radar-detectable eruption
cloud was greatest at the start of the eruption, and became weaker later in the eruption and in the
post-eruptive period.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
Figure 9. The radar-detectable cloud above the eruption site (indicated in red) detected by the C-band
radar at Fljótsdalsheiði. (a) 04/09/14; (b) 13/10/14; (c) 01/02/15; (d) 22/03/15; (e) 01/05/15.
Table 3. Observations of height of eruption cloud made by ground- and aircraft-based observations,
web camera, ScanDOAS, MobileDOAS, and NICAIR II IR camera.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
Table 3. Cont.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
4. Discussion
The SO2 flux from Holuhraun was enormous at the start of the eruption (an average during
September 2014 of 1007 kg/s) and diminished over the course of the eruption as shown by our
ground-based measurements. An exponential decay curve fit to the SO2 flux measurements gives an
R2 = 0.38, as there are days with high emissions that do not follow a simple decay. An exponential
decay has been identified as characterizing the rate of change of the Bárðarbunga caldera volume,
which was directly associated with the mass eruption rate at Holuhraun during the six months of the
eruption [25]. The rate of lava effusion, based on the thermal emissivity of the lava field, similarly
exponentially decayed like the caldera volume change, until a rapid cessation during the last month of
the eruption [46].
The gas flux can deviate from the eruption vigor (such as lava effusion rate) if there is a change in
the physical processes responsible for releasing SO2 into the atmosphere and/or if there is a change in
the composition of the magma. Few of the atmospheric measurements of SO2 ratio relative to other
gas species have a statistically significant trend over the course of the eruption, although the CO2 /SO2
ratio does exponentially decay in a coherent, albeit statistically weak, fashion. As there is no systematic
change in melt inclusion compositions measured over the course of the eruption [47], physical processes
related to SO2 degassing are therefore considered a likely contributor to the discrepancy between the
SO2 flux rate and other qualities of the eruption such as the lava effusion rate and thermal emissivity.
SO2 measured in the cloud was released from magma as it rose through the conduit and erupted
at the vent; from non-erupted magma; and from the lava flow during and after emplacement [14].
The degassing of the erupted magma is expected to follow the same curve as the lava effusion rate; gas
emitted from non-erupted magma and the lava flow would contribute to deviations from this trend.
Fracturing and cracking of the lava facilitates gas release, and can increase outgassing from the
lava flow [14]. The lava outgassing can persist for months after the lava is emplaced, and outgassing
from lava can be episodic, affected by variable rates of lava fractionation. In the first phase of the
eruption, 31 August–12 October, 2014, the lava dynamically changed between ‘a’ā and slabby and
rubbly pāhoehoe lava types [48]. These continuous changes in lava texture, with the more fractured
lava facilitating the release of gases, are potentially responsible for some of the high variance in the
SO2 flux data set. The second phase of the eruption, 12 October–30 November, 2014, was distinguished
by the presence of a continually replenished lava lake, which is considered to be the supply for the
lava flow [48]. There are six measurements in November and early December, alternating with high
emissions of SO2 (average 1169 kg/s on 5, 21, and 26 November) and low emissions (average 254 kg/s
on 18, 25 November and 2 December), when there was no corresponding changes in the lava effusion
rate or eruption intensity. The high values could be due to the contribution of outgassing from the
lava lake overprinting the decay of emissions originating from the erupted magma. The SO2 fluxes are
therefore not reflecting solely the deep magmatic system: they also are affected by surface processes.
The total amount of SO2 emitted by the eruption reported here is 9.6 Mt, which is less than,
but within the uncertainty, of the 11.8 ± 4 Mt previously reported [1]. The very few measurements
made in winter make the interpolated sum of emissions over the entire eruption very sensitive to two
measurement days. The very low value of the last measurement day in December 2014 connected
with the very low value of the first measurement day at the end of January makes the sum over the
six months significantly lower than it would be if these had been higher values. The ScanDOAS
measurements and near-lava traverses were often saturated and there were significant impacts, which
also affected the long-distance traverses, from the scattering of light within and outside of the eruption
cloud [9]. The daily-average fluxes, and therefore the sum over the eruption, should be interpreted as
under-detections, with the near-source scans and traverses under-detecting the most. The ring-road
traverses measured a more dilute cloud, however they were too infrequent to capture the true variance
in emissions during the eruption. There were huge variations in SO2 flux throughout each day
and between different days. A traverse is a snapshot measurement and therefore not necessarily
representative of the average for a longer time range. We therefore consider the full data set, with its
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
far greater number of flux measurements, to provide a more accurate basis for calculating the sum of
emissions over the duration of the six-month long eruption, rather than relying on a smaller subset of
data including only the ring-road traverses. Near-lava traverse measurements were made when the
meteorological conditions were optimal. Labor-intensive data processing was, however, necessary to
account for the optical-thickness and scattering. The improved automation of DOAS in Iceland during
the dark winter months, so as to minimize the time when UV measurements are impossible, requires
the development of improved data processing techniques.
During the first months of the eruption, the emissions rates were greatest, the eruption cloud
was highest in elevation, and satellite-borne instruments were most sensitive to the emissions. We
therefore use measurements from this time to compare the ground-based DOAS measurements
with satellite-derived SO2 fluxes. Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) and Ozone
Monitoring Instrument (OMI) SO2 mass burdens were integrated with simulations made with the
Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion Modeling Environment (NAME) in [49]. This approach provides
a total emission during September of 2.0 ± 0.6 Mt SO2 , while our ground-based measurements, linearly
interpolated between days without measurements, find a total emission of 2.5 (1.8–3.8) Mt SO2 during
September. Thermal infrared (TIR) data from MSG-SEVIRI is used in [31] to calculate a time-averaged
SO2 mass flux. They report a total emission for 01 September–25 November of 8.9 ± 0.3 Mt SO2 ,
while our ground-based measurement approach finds 7.3 (5.1–11.0) Mt SO2 over this same time
period. Both the satellite and ground-based approaches have explanations for why the measurements
should be viewed as minimum values, and all agree within the uncertainty of each approach. Only
the ground-based DOAS instruments were able to make measurements of SO2 flux throughout the
eruption and in the post-eruptive outgassing period.
The ground-based measurements of the SO2 flux, despite the significant temporal gaps, were
important for the initialization of the gas dispersion model used for real-time forecasts and warnings
during the eruption. As we improve our measurement and data processing techniques, this data will
be used ever more reliably for this important mitigation tool.
The 9.6 Mt of SO2 emitted during six months of eruption are extraordinary. Since 1978,
UV satellites have been used to quantify SO2 emissions from volcanic eruptions [50]. Only the
explosive dacitic eruption of Pinatubo in 1991 released more SO2 than this eruption on an annual
basis. The Holuhraun eruption is the effusive eruption with the highest emissions of SO2 in this
annually-based record. Hawaii Island’s Kilauea Volcano has erupted continuously since January
1983, with sporadic eruptive behavior preceding this. USGS measurements show a sum over the
period 1979–1997 of 9.45–9.93 Mt SO2 [51], approximately what Holuhraun emitted in six months.
The Kilauea eruption has emitted more SO2 than the Holuhraun eruption over a much longer time.
Within Iceland, a total of 0.06 Mt of anthropogenic SO2 was emitted in 2015 [52]. The emissions of CO2
from Holuhraun are also substantial. A total of 5.1 Mt CO2 is calculated to have been emitted during
the eruption, while within Iceland in 2015, a total of 3 Mt of anthropogenic CO2 was emitted [52].
The SO2 /HF molar ratio measured in the Holuhraun eruption cloud was 109–392. This is quite
high: most SO2 /HF ratios measured at volcanoes around the world exhibit much lower ratios (i.e., are
richer in HF). Many papers, including [53–62], report values significantly less than those measured
during the Holuhraun eruption with the exception of Kilauea Pu’O with an SO2 /HF molar ratio of 108
and Poás volcano with 190–greater than 200 (important to note that Poás is in a very different setting
than Bárðarbunga). Despite the prolific gas-rich nature of the eruption, precipitation samples collected
around the country show that the majority of the Cl in the samples came from sea spray as opposed to
the volcanic eruption cloud [30]. This was a gas-rich but halogen-poor eruption.
The H2 O/CO2 and H2 O/SO2 ratios tend to show higher H2 O content in the MultiGAS
measurements compared with the OP-FTIR measurements. There are too few measurements to
study this closely, but it is possible that there is additional meteoric water in the grounded eruption
cloud measured by the MultiGAS compared with the younger plume measured by the OP-FTIR using
the lava as the IR source.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
The SO2 column amounts measured by the MobileDOAS system during the ring-road traverses
and the in situ SO2 measurements were sometimes congruent and sometimes not (Figure 7). We
identified two factors that had the largest impact on this congruence: (1) the surface concentration
of gases, as measured with the in situ instrument, was not always reflecting the current state of the
transporting eruption cloud. SO2 was sometimes observed by the car-mounted in situ SO2 instrument
and by the hand-held personal sensors carried by local police to accumulate in valleys, particularly
overnight, and particularly when winds were weak. It sometimes took hours of stronger winds to
flush the older gases out of a region, meaning that the air quality was not always reflective of the
location of the young eruption cloud; (2) The two kinds of measurements were most congruent when
the elevated eruption cloud had smaller SO2 column amounts and the surface SO2 concentrations were
strong. Weaker emissions were likely lofted to lower elevations than stronger emissions (the cloud
height data is insufficiently resolved to definitively answer this). The surface measurements and the
remotely detected column concentrations measured by DOAS were most likely measuring the same,
coherent low-level eruption cloud. The DOAS measurements made under these conditions would
have been impacted the least from atmospheric dilution.
The balloon-borne LOAC reported in [32] did not start collecting data until the instrument
had reached about 1.7 km elevation. They found that in clean air, beneath and above the eruption
cloud, the background number of particles was 5–10 cm−3 , and that this was enhanced by a factor
of 10–100 for a particle count of 100–500 cm−3 within the eruption cloud. The values are not directly
comparable with the ground-based OPC measurements as the flow rate (2 L/min vs 1 L/min) and
sampling interval (10 s versus 5 min) are different for the LOAC and OPC, respectively. When these
differences are accounted for, the converted monthly averages measured by the OPC (4080–7800 cm−3 )
are 10–80 times greater than the number of particles measured in the eruption cloud by the LOAC.
The two instruments were not co-located; the OPC was installed at Möðrudalur, 72 km from the main
eruption vent; where the background conditions and the concentration of particles within the eruption
cloud could be expected to be different. An important difference between the two is that the launched
instrument did not count the particles at the surface of the earth. The background dusty conditions
on the surface in this area produce such high particle counts that the additional particles within the
eruption cloud have a very small impact on the total number of particles. This is why we find very
little difference in the particle counts by the OPC during and after the eruption.
The passing over of meteorological clouds triggered the development of a radar-detectable
eruption cloud. The conditions when the eruption cloud was most frequently observed by the radar
are the same conditions that allow for the pooling of gases as measured by the in situ SO2 sensor,
specifically during low wind speeds and when there was a change in wind direction, and often in the
morning. The timing, environmental conditions, and behavior of the radar-detectable cloud all suggest
that the cloud above the eruption site detected by the radar mostly consisted of droplets, with some
particles, and it was coupled in behavior with the behavior of the gas cloud. The droplet-rich nature
of the eruption cloud is supported by the balloon-launch described in [32]. They found that most of
the particles measured in the eruption cloud were consistent with the typology of droplets and also
found evidence for increased humidity and the slowing down of the balloon due to condensation on
the balloon as it traveled through the eruption cloud.
The particles within the eruption cloud likely included the minor ash produced by the eruption
and dust lofted by the strong thermal gradients induced by the lava field. Particles from the eruption
likely served as seeds for cloud droplets in conditions conducive to cloud formation, such as when
passing rain storms induced the formation of a persistent cloud over the eruption site. The water
vapor and other volcanic gases injected in the atmosphere by the eruption became detectable droplets
due to condensation above the eruption site. The radar reflectivity, which is sensitive to droplets and
particles, but not gases, was indirectly monitoring the gases in this gas-rich, particle-poor eruption
cloud. In the future, this might allow for the development of radar algorithms suitable for initializing
gas dispersion models and for plume rise speed quantification.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
Acknowledgments: Konradin Weber loaned a DOAS essential to the work. Bogi Brynjar Björnsson helped
by making maps. Guðrún Nína Petersen helped by discussing results. Nial Peters helped collect DOAS and
FTIR data. Clive Oppenheimer helped process FTIR data. Nahum Clements helped collect MultiGAS data.
Þorstein Jónsson and Sveinbjörn Steinþórsson helped with installing and maintaining instruments. Simon Carn
helped with putting the eruption into a global context. Tamar Elias helped with contrasting the eruption with
Kilauea´s eruption. This work was greatly supported by the FUTUREVOLC project funded by the European
Union’s Seventh Program for research, technological development, and demonstration under grant agreement
No 308377. BG and SA acknowledge a grant from the Swedish Research Council FORMAS. EI acknowledges
NERC urgency grant NE/M021130/1. Thank you to three anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions
and comments.
Author Contributions: Melissa A. Pfeffer contributed to all parts of the paper. Baldur Bergsson installed and
maintained instruments, and collected and processed MultiGAS and FTIR data. Sara Barsotti coordinated
field work, installed and maintained instruments, ran simulations, interpreted data, and wrote sections.
Gerður Stefánsdóttir processed and interpreted DOAS data and collected and processed FTIR data. Bo Galle and
Vladimir Conde installed ScanDOAS with IMO. Bo Galle, Santiago Arellano, and Vladimir Conde performed
and processed MobileDOAS measurements. Bo Galle and Santiago Arellano analyzed DOAS data and wrote
sections. Amy Donovan collected and processed DOAS and FTIR data and interpreted data. Evgenia Ilyinskaya
collected and processed FTIR and filter pack data, interpreted data, and revised the paper. Mike Burton collected
and processed FTIR data and interpreted data. Alessandro Aiuppa processed MultiGAS data and interpreted
data. Rachel C. W. Whitty processed NicAIR II data, interpreted data, and wrote sections. Isla C. Simmons
processed DOAS data, interpreted data, and wrote sections. Þórður Arason processed webcam data, interpreted
data, and generated figures. Elín B. Jónasdóttir coordinated overflight data and interpreted data. Nicole S. Keller
collected and processed FTIR and filter pack data. Richard F. Yeo and Hermann Arngrímsson installed and
maintained instruments and collected and processed radar data. Þorsteinn Jóhannsson coordinated the Icelandic
Environmental Agency network and interpreted data. Mary K. Butwin processed and interpreted OPC data.
Robert A. Askew collected and processed FTIR data. Stéphanie Dumont interpreted data and analyzed the time
series. Stéphanie Dumont installed the OPC and interpreted data. Þorgils Ingvarsson installed and maintained
instruments. Alessandro La Spina collected and processed FTIR data. Helen Thomas and Fred Prata developed the
NicAIR II and processed and interpreted IR camera data. Fausto Grassa analyzed direct samples. Gaetano Giudice
developed the MultiGAS and interpreted data. Andri Stefánsson analyzed and interpreted filter pack samples.
Frank Marzano, Mario Montopoli, and Luigi Mereu processed radar data and interpreted radar data.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 29
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the
decision to publish the results.
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A New Degassing Model to Infer Magma Dynamics
from Radioactive Disequilibria in Volcanic Plumes
Luca Terray 1,2, *, Pierre-J. Gauthier 1 , Giuseppe Salerno 3 ID , Tommaso Caltabiano 3 ID
Alessandro La Spina 3 , Pasquale Sellitto 4 and Pierre Briole 5
1 Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, CNRS, IRD, OPGC, Université Clermont Auvergne,
F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France; [email protected]
2 Département de Géosciences, École Normale Supérieure, PSL Research University, 75005 Paris, France
3 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Catania, Osservatorio Etneo, 95125 Catania, Italy;
[email protected] (G.S.); [email protected] (T.C.); [email protected] (A.L.S.)
4 Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, CNRS-UMR8539, École Normale Supérieure, PSL Research
University, 75005 Paris, France; [email protected]
5 Laboratoire de Géologie, CNRS-UMR8538, École Normale Supérieure, PSL Research University,
75005 Paris, France; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] or [email protected]
Abstract: Mount Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy) is the place where short-lived radioactive disequilibrium
measurements in volcanic gases were initiated more than 40 years ago. Almost two decades after the
last measurements in Mount Etna plume, we carried out in 2015 a new survey of 210Pb- 210Bi- 210Po
radioactive disequilibria in gaseous emanations from the volcano. These new results [( 210Po/ 210Pb) =
42 and ( 210Bi/ 210Pb) = 7.5] are in fair agreement with those previously reported. Previously
published degassing models fail to explain satisfactorily measured activity ratios. We present here
a new degassing model, which accounts for 222Rn enrichment in volcanic gases and its subsequent
decay into 210Pb within gas bubbles en route to the surface. Theoretical short-lived radioactive
disequilibria in volcanic gases predicted by this new model differ from those produced by the former
models and better match the values we measured in the plume during the 2015 campaign. A Monte
Carlo-like simulation based on variable parameters characterising the degassing process (magma
residence time in the degassing reservoir, gas transfer time, Rn-Pb-Bi-Po volatilities, magma volatile
content) suggests that short-lived disequilibria in volcanic gases may be of use to infer both magma
dynamics and degassing kinetics beneath Mount Etna, and in general at basaltic volcanoes. However,
this simulation emphasizes the need for accurately determined input parameters in order to produce
unambiguous results, allowing sharp characterisation of degassing processes.
Keywords: radioactive disequilibria 210Pb- 210Bi- 210Po; volcanic gases; degassing processes; geochemical
modelling; Mount Etna
1. Introduction
Many active basaltic open-conduit volcanoes emit a persistent gas plume, even during quiescence
stages without eruptive activity at the surface. This behaviour provides evidence for ongoing magma
degassing beneath volcanic centers. Degassing budgets at such active volcanoes may be inferred from
both long time-series of SO2 flux measurements [1] and analysis of the sulfur content preserved in
melt inclusions [2]. At subduction-zone-related volcanoes, the amount of degassing magma usually
exceeds by one or several orders of magnitude the volume of lava actually erupting during the same
period [3], which is notably the case of Mount Etna [4]. Moreover, the budget of magma entering
the Mount Etna plumbing system, inferred from gravity changes and deformation data, matches the
volume of degassing magma and exceeds by far the erupted lava volume [5]. It thus emphasizes
the fact that degassing and actually erupted volumes of magma can be significantly unbalanced,
a feature that is not observed at non-subduction-related volcanoes [3,6]. This feature also appears
to depend on the eruptive style over a given temporal window [7]. At a volcano like Mount Etna
(subduction-zone-related stratovolcano fed with volatile-rich-alkali basalts, e.g., [8]), it could be
explained by a dynamic regime of magma redistribution beneath the volcano during which degassed
magma is continuously removed by convection from the degassing reservoir and replaced by fresh
undegassed magma [9–11].
This observation raises questions about the geometry and dynamic properties of degassing magma
reservoirs, which remains poorly known and might have a strong control on eruptive activity [12,13].
For instance, high gas fluxes could be explained by the degassing of either large volumes of deep
stagnant magma (>1 km3 stored at a few kilometres depth) or else small batches (105 –106 m3 ) of quickly
overturned magma brought at shallow levels (hundreds of meter). It is thus of primary importance to
set constraints on the characteristic timescales of both magma degassing and gas phase transfer from
the degassing reservoir to the surface active craters.
The study of radioactive disequilibria in volcanic gases has proved relevant in constraining
magmatic degassing dynamics [14,15]. This method focuses on the three last radionuclides of
the 238U decay chain: 210Pb, 210Bi and 210Po (see Figure 1). Because they all have short half-lives
(22 years, 5 days and 138 days, respectively), these isotopes are suitable to study recent fractionations
(younger than two years based on 210Po half-life, the longest-lived 210Pb decay product) associated
with pre-eruptive and syn-eruptive magmatic processes. Furthermore, lead, bismuth and polonium
are strongly fractionated upon degassing (polonium being more volatile than bismuth, which is in turn
more volatile than lead), which gives birth to large radioactive disequilibria between 210Pb- 210Bi- 210Po
in the gas phase [14,16,17]. These properties have enabled radioactive disequilibrium measurements in
volcanic plumes to be linked to degassing activity through the use of two models. Lambert et al. [14]
first developed a static degassing model for which radionuclide exsolution takes place in a degassing
cell containing a proportion μ of deep undegassed magma in radioactive equilibrium. They also
considered the transfer time of radionuclides between the time of exsolution from the magma and
the time of emission at the surface, as 210Bi (five days half-life) is short-lived enough to significantly
decay during gas transfer towards the surface. This approach has been extensively used to characterise
gaseous emissions at Mount Etna [14,18,19]. More recently, Gauthier et al. [15] proposed a dynamic
degassing model for which radioactive disequilibria in the gas phase also depend on the magma
residence time in the degassing reservoir because of continuous regeneration of highly volatile 210Po
by decay of its less volatile parent ( 210Bi) within the reservoir. This latter model has been successfully
applied to persistently degassing, open-conduit, basaltic volcanoes like Stromboli [15] or Ambrym [20].
At these two volcanoes, both the magma residence time in the degassing reservoir and the transfer
time of the gas phase towards the surface were estimated and were shown to vary according to
eruptive activity.
Almost two decades after the last radioactivity survey in Mount Etna gaseous emissions [19],
we went back to Mount Etna in 2015 in order to investigate radioactive disequilibria in the plume.
The new measurements presented in this paper have benefited from recent methodological and
analytical improvements [21], and they are in fair agreement with previously published data ([19],
and references therein). Based on the concept of the previous dynamic degassing model [15], a new
theoretical framework for the degassing of radionuclides is presented here. We show that the very
short-lived radon isotope 222Rn can be significantly enriched in the gas phase when magma residence
time in the degassing reservoir increases. Although it has been neglected so far, mostly because of
its short half-life of 3.8 days, we show that 222Rn plays a major role in controlling the magnitude of
Pb- 210Bi- 210Po disequilibria by producing, through its radioactive decay, a new generation of 210Pb
atoms within gas bubbles. By using a dataset of previously published values describing both trace
element volatilities and volatile content in magmas from Etna, we present a Monte Carlo-like simulation
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
that explains radioactive disequilibria measured in 2015 in Mount Etna gases well. Implications for
the retrieval of quantitative information on degassing dynamics from radioactive disequilibria in a
volcanic plume are presented at the end of the paper.
Figure 1. 238U decay chain. Half-lives are indicated beneath the symbol of the element. Minor
embranchments are not reproduced.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
collected at these locations were mostly from the main ash-rich gas plume emitted by the NSEC
summit, although a minor contribution of the small gas plume released from the eruptive fissure
cannot be ruled out.
Figure 2. Map of Mount Etna summital zone in 2012 (aerial photography from Italian Geoportal). CC
stands for Central Craters (Voragine and Bocca Nuova), NEC for northeast Crater and NSEC for new
southeast Crater. Sampling sites (TDF1, TDF2-3, TDF4 and TDF5-6, where TDF stands for Torre del
Filosofo) are pointed on the map.
The three investigated radionuclides are engaged in chemical compounds (mostly halides and
sulfates) that are gaseous at magma temperature but are quenched into solid particles once in the
cold atmosphere. They are consequently born in the aerosol fraction of the gas plume and can be
easily sampled by filtration of the diluted plume through a membrane. For this study, we used high
flowrate pumps (110 L/min) fed by a 12V-35Ah battery and connected to a home-designed polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) filter-holder (exposition diameter of 50 mm) containing a single cellulose acetate filter
(Poelmann–Schneider blue type, 0.2 μm mean porosity). Sampling times ranged between 15 min
and 1 h (corresponding to a volume of filtrated air in the range 1.7–6.6 m3 , Table 1) to ensure that
enough diluted plume passed through the filters so that radionuclide activities on filter samples can
be analysed.
Table 1. 210Pb- 210Bi- 210Po radioactivity in Mount Etna plume. Sample names correspond to sampling
sites as described in Figure 2. Activities are reported in mBq/m3 with 1-σ uncertainties. “bdl” stands
for below detection limit. Sampling starting time is expressed in local time.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
collection. Untreated filters were analysed with a low-background noise alpha-beta counting unit
(IN20 Canberra) following the procedure described in Gauthier et al. [21]. Repeated measurements
were carried on over a month after collection in the field, each analytical cycle lasting 48 h (one cycle
comprises eight 6-hour-long counting blocks that are ultimately averaged, the mean activity being
considered as the “instantaneous” activity at the time ti + 24 h, where ti is the starting date and time of
a given cycle). Both alpha and beta activities were simultaneously determined on filter samples. Alpha
counts provide a direct measure of 210Po activity while beta counts correspond to the detection of 210Bi
beta decay particles. Beta emissions of 210Pb cannot be directly measured because of their energies that
are too low, so that 210Pb is measured via 210Bi one month after sampling when both isotopes have
reached radioactive equilibrium [21]. Radionuclide activities on filter samples were determined by
subtracting the detector background (electronic noise and some unblocked cosmic rays) and by taking
into account the detector efficiency and an attenuation factor for alpha particles [25]. Initial activities
at the time of sampling were then retrieved by fitting radioactive decay trend during the one-month
period of analysis by using classical radioactivity laws.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
70 400
Measured points (1s) Measured points (1s)
210Bi/210Pb=7.5+-0.4 210Po/210Pb=42+-6
Po activity (mBq/m 3 )
Bi activity (mBq/m 3 )
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
210 3 210
Pb activity (mBq/m ) Pb activity (mBq/m 3 )
Figure 3. Volumic activities in the plume. Bars represent one sigma errors and are derived from the
uncertainty of radioactivity analysis. Full lines represent the linear regression between the points and
the origin, and dotted lines represent two sigma standard error on the slope of the regression trend.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
higher in calk-alkaline systems than in other geodynamical settings [21]. At Mount Etna, like at other
arc-related basaltic volcanoes, it has a value of approximately 1.0 ± 0.5% [14,17,31,32]. Therefore, the
minimum value for ( 210Po/ 210Pb) activity ratios in Mount Etna gases should be around 100, which
has never been measured, excepted at the beginning of the 1992 eruption [19]. In particular, the ratio
of 42 ± 6 we find in the May 2015 plume is far below this minimum theoretical value and cannot be
explained by using the dynamic degassing model with realistic parameters for metal volatility [15].
In order to reproduce our observations, the degassing model would indeed require either polonium
emanation coefficients lower than 50%, which is in strong disagreement with analyses of freshly
erupted lavas at Mount Etna [22], or else lead emanation coefficients up to 3% or even more, which
has never been reported.
3.1. Rn Enrichments in Volcanic Gases: Towards a New Degassing Model for Short-Lived Radionuclides
Recent studies have suggested that magmas having accumulated an 222Rn-rich gas phase may
present significant 210Pb excesses over 226Ra [29,33–36]. Volcanic gases are also characterised, in some
cases, by 210Pb/Pb ratios significantly higher than those measured in lavas [23]. Although the origin
of these 210Pb enrichments in volcanic gases has not been fully understood, we tentatively assume that
Pb excesses could result from radioactive decay of 222Rn atoms in the gas phase.
It is worth noting that, in the previously published degassing models [14,15], the radioactive
decay of 222Rn was not taken into account. We present therefore a new degassing model that accounts
for it. The conceptual framework of this new model matches that of Gauthier et al. [15]. Accordingly,
we consider that volatile exsolution takes place in an open degassing reservoir, which has reached a
dynamical and chemical steady-state. Dynamical steady-state implies that the degassing reservoir has
a constant mass M (or volume V) through time. It means that any input flux φ0 of deep undegassed
magma (in radioactive equilibrium for 222Rn and its daughters) has to be balanced by a flux of gas φG
and a flux of lava φL leaving the reservoir. Let α be the fraction of volatiles initially dissolved in the
deep magma and ultimately released, the fluxes φG and φL can be written:
φG = αφ0 ,
φL = (1 − α)φ0 .
In such a steady-state reservoir, the replenishment rate is given by φ0 /M. Its reciprocal, M/φ0 ,
defines the magma residence time τ in the degassing reservoir. In such reservoir, the number of atoms
Nk,L of each radioactive isotope Ik (either 222Rn, 210Pb, 210Bi, 210Po, k depending on the position along
the decay chain) in the degassing magma varies according to:
= λk−1 Nk−1,L − λk Nk,L + φ0 Ck,0 − φL Ck,L − φG Ck,G , (2)
where Ck stands for the mass concentration of Ik either in the undegassed magma (index 0),
the degassed lava (index L) or the gas phase (index G), and where λk stands for the radioactive
decay constant of Ik . From left to right, the right terms of Equation (2) correspond to the production of
Ik by Ik – 1 decay, the loss of Ik according to its own decay, the input of Ik from the undegassed magma
entering the reservoir, the output of Ik by magma withdrawal and finally the output of Ik by degassing.
This equation can be expressed in terms of activity per unit of mass by multiplying each member
by λk /M:
∂ (Ik ) L φ φ φ
= λ k (Ik −1 ) L − λ k (Ik ) L + 0 (Ik )0 − (1 − α ) 0 (Ik ) L − α 0 (Ik ) G , (3)
∂t M M M
where parentheses denote activity per unit of mass, and φL and φG have been replaced by their
expression in Equation (1). With the assumption that the reservoir has also reached a chemical
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
steady-state, which is justified for short-lived volatile isotopes [15], Equation (2) is equal to 0.
By introducing a liquid gas partitioning coefficient DIk such as:
(Ik ) G
DIk = , (4)
(Ik ) L
the activity of any radionuclide Ik in the gas phase may be obtained from Equation (3) such as:
(Ik )0
λ k (Ik −1 ) L + τ
(Ik ) G = λk
, (5)
1− α 1
DIk + (α + DIk ) τ
Note that both liquid–gas partitioning coefficients D and emanation coefficients are linked
through the following relationship [15]:
I k = 1+ , (6)
3.2.1. Specific Case of Rn Exsolution
As shown by Equation (5), the activity of a radionuclide Ik in the gas phase depends on the activity
of its precursor in the decay chain, which means that a precursor for 210Pb has to be taken into account
so as to compute all other activities. All four radionuclides between 222Rn and 210Pb ( 218Po, 214Pb, 214Bi
and 214Po) have half-lives of a few minutes at most (Figure 1), which appears very short compared to
the expected residence time of the magma in the degassing reservoir. They can thus be neglected in
the model and we consider here, mathematically speaking, that 210Pb is directly regenerated by 222Rn
decay. In order to quantify 222Rn degassing efficiency Gauthier and Condomines [37] introduced a
parameter f , ranging between 0 (no radon degassed) and 1 (total degassing of radon), and used this
previous parameter to calculate 222Rn activity in the degassing melt at steady-state:
( 226Ra)0
( 226Ra) L = , (8)
since radium forms no volatile compounds in basaltic magmas [14]. Applying Equation (3) to the case
of 222Rn, replacing ( 222Rn) L and ( 226Ra) L by their expression in Equations (7) and (8), respectively,
and φ0 /M by 1/τ, we obtain:
f τλRn
( 222Rn)G = ( 226Ra)0 1+ , (9)
α 1−α
Note that, in order to clarify notations, λ 222Rn is written λRn , and other radioactivity constants are
noted similarly. This relation suggests that significant excesses of 222Rn can be produced in the gas
phase for long residence times. Providing that the escape time of gases is long enough (see Section 3.3),
Rn atoms could then decay and act as a significant additional source of 210Pb in the gas phase.
3.2.2. Rn- 210Pb- 210Bi- 210Po Fractionation upon Exsolution
Pb, 210Bi, 210Po activities in the gas phase after exsolution can now be derived iteratively using
Equation (5). Because short-lived 226Ra daughters are thought to be in radioactive equilibrium in
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
deep magmas prior to degassing [37], the application of Equation (5) to Pb, taking into account the
expression of ( 222Rn) L given by Equations (7) and (8) leads to:
1− f
λPb 1−α + 1
( 210Pb)G = A0 λPb
, (10)
1− α 1
DPb + (α + DPb ) τ
where F is a function of τ, α, f and DPb , DBi and DPo . Therefore, radioactive disequilibria
( 222Rn/ 210Pb), ( 210Bi/ 210Pb) and ( 210Po/ 210Pb) do not depend on the magma initial activity but
only on these six parameters.
For instance, dividing Equation (9) by Equation (10), ( 222Rn/ 210Pb)G may be expressed:
⎛ ⎞ −1
1− f
Rn f τλRn λPb 1−α + 1
= 1+ ⎝ ⎠ , (12)
210 α 1−α λPb
+ (α + 1− α 1
DPb ) τ
Pb G DPb
( 210Bi/ 210Pb)G and ( 210Po/ 210Pb)G are given by Equations (6) and (9) in Gauthier et al. [15].
3.3. Gas Phase Transfer towards the Surface: Radioactive Decay within Gas Bubbles
Activities of each radionuclide in the gas phase after a transfer time θ are noted (Ik )θG . Assuming
that the gas phase behaves as a closed system as far as radionuclides are concerned, the activities after
a transfer time θ can be obtained by solving the following system of coupled equations:
⎪ ∂( 222Rn)θG /∂θ = −λRn ( 222Rn)θG ,
⎪ θ
⎨ ∂( Pb)G /∂θ
= λPb ( 222Rn)θG − λPb ( 210Pb)θG ,
⎪ ∂( 210Bi)θG /∂θ = λBi ( 210Pb)θG − λBi ( 210Bi)θG ,
∂( 210Po)θG /∂θ = λPo ( 210Bi)θG − λPo ( 210Po)θG ,
with initial conditions (Ik )θG=0 = (Ik )G , where (Ik )G are the expressions established above.
This system has been solved by Bateman [38] in its generalized formulation. The solution has
also been formalized in an algebraic way e.g., [39]. This approach is more suitable for a numerical
implementation and is thus chosen:
⎛ ⎞θ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ 222 ⎞ θ =0
( 222Rn)G e−λRn θ 0 0 0 ( Rn)G
⎜ ( 210Pb) ⎟ ⎜ 0 e−λPb θ ⎟ ⎜ ( 210Pb) ⎟
⎜ G⎟ ⎜ 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ G⎟
⎜ 210 ⎟ = M×⎜ ⎟ × M−1 × ⎜ 210 ⎟ , (14)
⎝ ( Bi)G ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 e−λBi θ 0 ⎠ ⎝ ( Bi)G ⎠
( 210Po)G 0 0 0 e − λ Po θ ( Po)G
where M and M−1 are matrices for which coefficients are only a function of radioactive constants
λk and are reproduced in Appendix B (Equations (A3) and (A4)). Because initial conditions have
the form described by Equation (11), the solution described by Equation (14) also has the same form.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
Therefore, radioactive disequilibria in the gas phase after a given transfer time do not depend on the
initial activity of Ik in the magma. Their expression are not reproduced here, but they can be explicited
replacing M, M−1 , ( 222Rn)G , ( 210Pb)G , ( 210Bi)G and ( 210Po)G by their expressions provided before or
in the appendix.
θ =0
35 1 hour
1 hour
1 day
( 210 Bi/ 210 Pb) G
20 5 days
15 1 day
5 5 days
30 days
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Magma residence time in the degassing reservoir (days)
400 0
θ= r
1 da
( 210 Po/ 210 Pb) G
200 1 hour
100 1 day
50 30 days
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Magma residence time in the degassing reservoir (days)
Figure 4. Radioactive disequilibria (a) ( Bi/ Pb) and (b) ( 210Po/ 210Pb) in the gas phase versus
210 210
magma residence time in the degassing reservoir according to the new model (plain lines) and according
the model of Gauthier et al. [15] (dashed lines). Curves for several values of transfer time θ (0, 1 h, 1,
5 and 30 days) are drawn. Fixed parameters of the model are α = 5wt.%, f = 1, Pb = 1.5%, Bi = 36%
et Po = 100%.
Radioactive disequilibrium ( 222Rn/ 210Pb) in the gas phase (not shown in Figure 4) upon exsolution
(θ = 0) dramatically increases with the residence time and can reach values as high as 1000 for residence
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
times up to 100 days. Therefore, huge 222Rn enrichments can be generated because of the difference of
gas-melt partitioning coefficients between 222Rn and its non-volatile precursor 226Ra. This prediction
confirms the potential for important 210Pb ingrowth in the gas phase during its transfer.
Radioactive disequilibria ( 210Bi/ 210Pb) and ( 210Po/ 210Pb) (Figure 4) in the gas phase at the time
of exsolution (θ = 0) are identical between the two models, which was expected since 222Rn has no
time to decay within gas bubbles. The observed trends have been explained by Gauthier et al. [15]:
( 210Po/ 210Pb)G significantly increases with the residence time τ, as a result of 210Po regeneration in
the liquid phase of the degassing reservoir; ( 210Bi/ 210Pb)G also increases with τ but at a slower rate.
This is because the regeneration of 210Bi by 210Pb decay in the liquid phase is not as important, which
is due to the smaller difference of volatility between Pb and Bi than between Pb and Po.
In contrast, when the escape time of gases is not negligible (θ > 0), our model predicts significantly
lower (by a factor 2 or more) values than those derived from Gauthier et al. [15]. ( 210Bi/ 210Pb) activity
ratio in the gas phase, as computed with the former model ([15], dashed lines in Figure 4a), decreases
with increasing values of θ from 0 to 30 days owing to the short half-life of 210Bi. In about one month
(6 times 210Bi half-life of 5.01 days), 210Bi is back to equilibrium with its parent 210Pb, leading to an
activity ratio of 1. Our model suggests, however, that low values of ( 210Bi/ 210Pb)G can be produced
for gas transfer time θ as short as a few days (solid lines, Figure 4a). This feature is explained by both
the radioactive decay of 210Bi according to its own half-life and the radioactive decay of 222Rn within
gas bubbles, which produces new 210Pb atoms. Accordingly, ( 210Bi)θG decreases for increasing values
of θ while ( 210Pb)θG increases, leading to a faster decrease in the ( 210Bi/ 210Pb)G activity ratio. However,
for longer transfer times (e.g., θ = 30 days), the two models produce again similar values close to
the equilibrium ratio of 1, as expected since both 222Rn and 210Bi have similar half-lives (3.82 days
and 5.01 days, respectively). In other words, the most important difference between the two models
happens for magma residence times τ higher than a few hundred days (significant regeneration of
Rn from 226Ra in the degassing melt and subsequent radon enrichments in the gas phase) and gas
transfer times θ shorter than a few days (significant 222Rn-driven production of novel atoms of 210Pb
within gas bubbles with limited return of 210Bi to radioactive equilibrium).
The same conclusion can be drawn regarding ( 210Po/ 210Pb)G activity ratios (Figure 4b). The effect
of 222Rn decay is even more pronounced since the decrease in ( 210Po)θG according to the half-life of
Po (138.4 days) is rather limited for short transfer times θ. The radioactive decay of 222Rn thus
strongly controls the magnitude of 210Pb- 210Po radioactive disequilibria. For instance, for values of τ
higher than 150 days, it can be seen that our degassing model produces ( 210Po/ 210Pb)G activity ratios
at θ = 1 h lower than those derived from Gauthier et al. [15] for θ = 30 days.
These results highlight the need for taking 222Rn into account in dynamic degassing models.
They also suggest that activity ratios in the gas phase as low as those measured in the plume of Mount
Etna could be explained and modelled within this novel theoretical framework.
4. Model Application
It can be seen from Equations (11) and (14) that the model relies on two variables (i.e., the magma
residence time τ and the gas transfer time θ) as well as on five parameters:
Provided that the five parameters α, f , Pb , Bi , and Po can be estimated independently and the
two ( 210Po/ 210Pb)G and ( 210Bi/ 210Pb)G activity ratios in the gas phase can be measured precisely,
both τ and θ values can then be accurately determined from the model. However, these conditions
are not necessarily met due to large analytical uncertainties on activity ratios and a broad range of
values for emanation coefficients. Therefore, the mathematical system appears underdetermined.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
To overcome this difficulty, we choose to use a range of likely values for the five input parameters
and the two variables, based on previous results for Mount Etna and other basaltic systems. Then, we
perform a Monte Carlo type simulation (see Section 4.2 for more details on the methodology) in order
to determine which τ and θ values (or ranges of values) can explain activity ratios measured in the
volcanic plume.
4.1.3. Volatilities of Lead, Bismuth and Polonium (Emanation Coefficients and Gas-Melt Partitioning
Coefficients D)
The volatility of lead and bismuth is not so easy to assess since both elements are much less volatile
than radon. Lead and bismuth, as many other heavy metals, are not volatile in their pure metallic form
but are rather engaged in chemical compounds (halides or sulfates) that can be degassed at magma
temperature. However, near-equilibrium values of ( 226Ra/ 210Pb) in erupted basaltic lavas ([35], and
references therein) including Etnean basalts [45] suggest a minimal loss of 210Pb upon degassing and
hence an emanation coefficient of lead of a few percents at most (1.5% according to [14]). Mather [26]
computed a “volatility coefficient” (equivalent to a gas-melt partitioning coefficient) for lead using
gas and lava data from Mount Etna, which is as low as 0.13. Using Equation (6) with α = 5 wt.%,
it corresponds to an emanation coefficient of 0.7%. Therefore, we take Pb between 0.7 and 1.5%
(corresponding to DPb values in the range 0.13–0.37).
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
When the emanation coefficient of lead is known, Pennisi et al. [17] suggested to obtain Bi by
scaling bismuth to lead with the ratio of their common stable isotopes according to:
1 − Pb [Pb]G [Bi] L
Bi = 1+ , (15)
Pb [Pb] L [Bi]G
where [X] represents concentration in lava (subscript L) and volcanic plume (subscript G). Using trace
element analyses in both Etnean gas and erupted lava from Aiuppa et al. [32], we estimate Bi = 36%.
This value is in fair agreement with other estimates found in the literature in the case of Mount Etna:
45% in Lambert et al. [14]; 20% in Pennisi et al. [17]. A large range of variation of Bi (20–45%) is thus
chosen according to these few estimates. It corresponds to partitioning coefficients DBi in the range
Almost nothing is known on the geochemical behaviour of polonium, apart from its affinity for the
vapour phase. Because polonium has no stable isotope, its emanation coefficient cannot be calculated
in the same way as bismuth. The value of Po must therefore be determined from analyses of freshly
erupted basaltic lavas e.g., [27–30]. All these studies show that erupting lavas are almost entirely
Po-depleted and concur to a value of Po close to 100%. At Etna, a similar method [22] suggested more
incomplete polonium degassing, leading to an emanation coefficient as low as 80%. We thus use a
range of Po between 80% and 100%, which is DPo > 100.
4.2.1. Methodology
In order to assess whether the presented model can explain the measured values in the plume of
Mount Etna, the following system of two equations has to be solved for τ and θ:
⎪ 210Bi τ,θ
⎨ 210 = 7.5 ± 0.4,
210Pb τ,θ
G (16)
⎩ 210 Po
= 42 ± 6.
Pb G
We prefer not to solve this system of theoretical equations for τ and θ since this would imply
to know precisely each of the five parameters of the model (α, f , and emanation coefficients) while
they are not so well constrained. Instead, we prefer a Monte Carlo type simulation according to the
following procedure:
• each parameter (see Table 2) is chosen randomly in its range of variation according to an
uniform law.
• the residence time τ and the transfer time θ are also chosen randomly (between 0 and 5000 days
for τ, and between 0 and 15 days for θ). The upper limit for τ is in agreement with the order of
magnitude of Mount Etna magma residence time in shallow reservoirs: a few tens of years in
Condomines et al. [45], one year in Armienti et al. [46]. The upper limit for θ is coherent with
maximum estimates of the gas phase transfer time at Mount Etna [14].
• radioactive disequilibria in the gas phase are computed according to the model equations.
• if the computed values match the measured ones, then the set of parameters and the dynamic
variables (τ and θ) are stored in a database.
• these operations are repeated until a statistically relevant database (here 10,000 elements) is built.
If enough combinations of parameters are simulated, the parameter space is sampled without any
important gap.
The database is finally analysed using histograms or scatter plots (Figures 5–7).
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
4.2.2. Discussion of Results and Implications for Magma Dynamics at Mount Etna
The model can explain the radioactive disequilibria measured in Mount Etna plume for many
combinations of parameters. Regarding input parameters (Figure 5), flat distributions observed for
α and f means that, in the frame of our model, all values tested are equally compatible with the
measured disequilibria. It thus appears that these two parameters have a rather limited influence on
the mathematical modelling when they vary across the assigned range of values. The same conclusion
holds true for Pb although a significantly higher frequency is observed towards the highest values
(1.1% < Pb < 1.5%). In contrast, non-flat distributions indicate that the capability of the model to
reproduce measured disequilibria is very sensitive to both Bi and Po values, which are not constrained
precisely enough. There is no satisfactory combination of parameters for Bi < 34% and Po > 88%.
It suggests that (i) Bi might be as high as values reported by Lambert et al. [14] (45%); (ii) polonium
degassing efficiency might be as low as reported by Le Cloarec et al. [22] (80%).
Figure 5. Histograms of the model parameters (α, f , Pb , Bi , Po ) for which the model can explain
the measurements. The horizontal bar represents the uniform law used to generate random values.
This line corresponds to the theoretical histogram that would be obtained for a parameter having no
influence on the production of simulated results matching measured activity ratios. Its frequency is not
relevant in itself and is merely equal to the reciprocal of the number of bars in the histogram.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
Figure 6. Histograms of the dynamic parameters (τ and θ) for which the model can explain the
measurements. The horizontal bar represents the uniform law used to generate random values. See the
caption of Figure 5 for further details.
Transfer time (days)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Residence time (days)
Figure 7. Scatter plot of the dynamic parameters (τ versus θ) for which the model can explain the measurements.
The histogram of the residence time values peaks between 500 and 1000 days but also extends
to the maximum value of 5000 days (Figure 6). The histogram of the transfer time also peaks at
low values (between 1 and 3 days) but shows instead that the computation produces no satisfactory
results for θ > 12 days. From a statistical perspective, it is thus most likely that measured radioactive
disequilibria in the gas plume of Mount Etna are best explained by dynamical parameters in the range
500–1000 days and 1–3 days for τ and θ, respectively. Nevertheless, all satisfactory dynamic parameters
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
align roughly on an hyperbole (Figure 7), which is logical since residence time and transfer time tend
to act on disequilibria in opposed ways (disequilibria increasing with τ and decreasing with θ).
These two end-members have different geological implications. Because magma residence time
is given by the relation τ = M/φ0 , higher residence times are associated with larger degassing
reservoirs. At open conduit volcanoes, the transfer time of gas is likely dependent on the depth
where gas exsolution takes places. Thus, longer transfer times likely correspond to deeper degassing
reservoirs. The first above-mentioned end-member (high τ and low θ) is therefore associated with
a large degassing reservoir stored at shallow depth. Such scenario appears unlikely since large
magma bodies (>1 km3 ) at very shallow depth (<1 km) would tend to erupt immediately. The second
end-member (low τ and high θ) is instead associated with a smaller magma reservoir seated at a
greater depth. Again, this appears unlikely as small volumes (<106 m3 ) of magma stored at several
kilometres depth would not be able to drive the present-day eruptive activity of Mount Etna.
An estimate of the magma flux entering the degassing reservoir φ0 can be calculated from the
mean SO2 flux measured during the field campaign and the eruptive stage from 12 May to 16 May
(5200 t/d). Scaled to the sulfur content of Etnean basalts (0.3 wt.% in [42]), considering complete
SO2 degassing and a magma density of 2700 kg/m3 , we find φ0 = 8.7 × 108 kg/d = 3.2 × 105 m3 /d.
Owing to the definition of the magma residence time, the volume of the degassing reservoir is merely
given by V = φ0 τ. Our estimate of φ0 thus yields a volume of 0.15–0.30 km3 for a degassing reservoir
having a residence time of 500–1000 days (peak values in Figure 6). A residence time of 5000 days
(highest value tested in our simulation; Figure 6) would correspond to a reservoir volume of 1.5 km3 .
These estimates can be compared to the erupted volumes of lava during recent major eruptive
events at Mount Etna. From 1995 to 2005, a cumulative volume of ca. 230 × 106 m3 (dense-rock
equivalent magma) has been erupted during major lava flow events [47]. These events are thought
to be responsible for the complete discharge of the shallow (and degassing) plumbing system of
the volcano [47] whose maximum storage capacity is thus 0.23 km3 . This value compares well with
previous estimates of the shallow plumbing system of Etna derived from degassing budgets during the
previous eruptive cycle (0.3–0.6 km3 , [4]) or geochemical considerations (0.5 km3 , [45]). The 0.15–0.30
km3 estimate derived from radioactive disequilibria in volcanic gases for τ = 500–1000 days thus
appears more realistic than the 1.5 km3 end-member obtained for longer residence times.
The transfer time of gases produced by the simulation falls in the range 1–12 days. Considering
a likely value of τ between 500 and 1000 days, the range for θ is reduced to 2–7 days (Figure 7).
These values of a few days are in good agreement with previous determinations made for Etna [14],
but they are significantly higher than those determined for the shallow (<100 m) degassing system
of Stromboli where gases escape the magmatic system in one hour or less [15]. Such gas transfer
time cannot be easily quantified as a depth of degassing since the bubble ascent rate through the
whole feeding system of Etna is mostly unknown. However, by analogy with Stromboli volcano
which produces slightly more differentiated basaltic magmas, a transfer time of a few days could be
tentatively related to an exsolution depth of a few kilometres at most. The bottom of the feeding system
of Etna is often envisaged at a depth of about 5 km below sea level [47]. It thus appears that effective
degassing-driven radionuclide fractionation takes place within the upper part of the magmatic system.
5. Conclusions
We carried out in 2015 a new survey of 210Pb- 210Bi- 210Po radioactive disequilibria in the plume of
Mount Etna. Measured activity ratios in the gas phase are in good agreement with values previously
reported in the literature for the volcano. However, they can not be explained by existing theoretical
models accounting for radionuclide degassing.
The presence of 222Rn, ignored in previous models, in the exsolved magmatic gas phase is thought
to play a major role on the 210Pb- 210Bi- 210Po systematics by producing 210Pb excesses in the gas phase
during its transfer towards the surface. Here, this contribution has been modelled theoretically and it
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
appears to produce radioactive disequilibria that can be twice as low as those predicted by the former
degassing model of Gauthier et al. [15].
When applied to the case of Mount Etna, this novel degassing model can reproduce measured
activity ratios. It strengthens the validity of our approach by underscoring the importance of 222Rn
enrichments in producing 210Pb excesses in the gas phase. Precise quantification of magma dynamics
(i.e., magma residence time τ and gas transfer time θ) beneath active volcanoes through the use of our
degassing model necessitates a sharp characterisation of the different input parameters, especially
radionuclide emanation coefficients . Nevertheless, using a range of published estimates for values,
we found that measured activity ratios in the plume of Mount Etna are most likely explained by a
magma residence time in the degassing reservoir of 500–1000 days and a transfer time no longer than
seven days. These figures correspond to a volume of degassing magma of about 0.15 km3 with an
exsolution depth of no more than 5 km bsl. This volume of magma and its location in the shallowest
part of the volcanic edifice suggests that most of the degassing process takes place within the shallow
feeding system of Etna whose dynamics controls eruptive activity at the summit craters.
Further studies should now be devoted to direct measurements of 222Rn activity in diluted
volcanic plumes in order to provide evidence of radon enrichments. It will have further implications,
notably in better deciphering 210Pb- 210Bi- 210Po desequilibria in volcanic gases, including at basaltic
volcanoes from other geodynamical settings.
Acknowledgments: This work was initiated in the frame of the MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes (MED-SUV)
project (funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) under Grant agreement No.
308665). It was also part of EtnaPlumeLab-Radioactive Aerosols (EPL-RADIO) project funded by ENVRIplus
project (EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 498, grant agreement No. 654182). Département
de Géosciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (through the ANR DegazMag)
and Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand provided additional funding and support and
are all acknowledged. This paper benefitted from comments from two anonymous reviewers who are greatly
acknowledged. This is ClerVolc contribution No. 282.
Author Contributions: All authors equally contributed to data acquisition in the field either through direct
sampling of volcanic aerosols, remote-sensing measurements, or logistic support. Luca Terray and Pierre-J.
Gauthier conceived the study and designed the degassing model; sample analyses were carried out by Pierre-J.
Gauthier and numerical simulations were ran by Luca Terray Furthermore, Luca Terray wrote the paper with the
contribution of all authors.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Activities of 210Bi and 210Po in the gas phase are determined by following the procedure described
in Section 3.2.2. Corresponding expressions are reproduced hereafter:
⎡ ⎤
1− f
λPb 1 − α + τ1
( 210
Bi)G = ⎣ λBi ×
( A )0 + ( A )0 ⎦ (A1)
DPb λPb
α + 1D−α τ1 τ
DPb + Pb
λBi 1−α 1
× + α+ ,
DBi DBi τ
⎡ 1 −f ⎤
λBi λPb 1 − α + τ1
⎢λ DPb × λPb
1− α 1
( A )0 + τ ( A )0
⎢ Po DPb + α+ D τ 1 ⎥
( 210Po)G = ⎢ Pb + ( A )0 ⎥ (A2)
⎣ DBi λBi
+ α+ 1− α 1 τ ⎦
DBi DBi τ
λPo 1−α 1
× + α+ .
DPo DPo τ
Geosciences 2018, 8, 27
Appendix B
The system of equations describing the evolution in time of the activities in a decay chain is
often referred to as Bateman equations. The solution of Bateman equations can be written using
matrices [39]. This compact formalism is much more convenient to implement in a numeric code.
Bateman equations solution is given by Equation (14). Two matrices (M and its inverse matrix M−1 )
appear in the equation. These matrices are equal to:
⎛ ⎞
1 0 0 0
⎜ λRn ⎟
⎜ λPb −λRn 1 0 0⎟
⎟, (A3)
λPb λRn
λBi −λRn λPb −λRn
λBi −λPb 1 0⎟⎠
λBi λPb λRn λBi λPb λBi
λPo −λRn λBi −λRn λPb −λRn λPo −λPb λBi −λPb λPo −λBi 1
⎛ ⎞
1 0 0 0
⎜ λRn ⎟
⎜ λRn −λPb 1 0 0⎟
M −1 =⎜
⎟, (A4)
λRn λPb
λRn −λBi λPb −λBi
λPb −λBi 1 0⎟⎠
λRn λPb λBi λPb λBi λBi
λRn −λPo λPb −λPo λBi −λPo λPb −λPo λBi −λPo λBi −λPo 1
222 210 210
where λRn , λPb , λBi and λPo are the radioactive decay constants of Rn, Pb, Bi and
Po, respectively.
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c 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Combining Spherical-Cap and Taylor Bubble Fluid
Dynamics with Plume Measurements to Characterize
Basaltic Degassing
Tom D. Pering 1, * and Andrew J. S. McGonigle 1,2,3
1 Department of Geography, University of Sheffield, Winter Street, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK;
2 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Palermo, Via Ugo La Malfa, 90146 Palermo, Italy
3 School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
* Correspondence: t.pering@sheffield.ac.uk; Tel.: +44-1142-227961
Abstract: Basaltic activity is the most common class of volcanism on Earth, characterized by
magmas of sufficiently low viscosities such that bubbles can move independently of the melt.
Following exsolution, spherical bubbles can then expand and/or coalesce to generate larger bubbles
of spherical-cap or Taylor bubble (slug) morphologies. Puffing and strombolian explosive activity are
driven by the bursting of these larger bubbles at the surface. Here, we present the first combined
model classification of spherical-cap and Taylor bubble driven puffing and strombolian activity
modes on volcanoes. Furthermore, we incorporate the possibility that neighboring bubbles might
coalesce, leading to elevated strombolian explosivity. The model categorizes the behavior in terms
of the temporal separation between the arrival of successive bubbles at the surface and bubble
gas volume or length, with the output presented on visually-intuitive two-dimensional plots.
The categorized behavior is grouped into the following regimes: puffing from (a) cap bubbles;
and (b) non-overpressurized Taylor bubbles; and (c) Taylor bubble driven strombolian explosions.
Each of these regimes is further subdivided into scenarios whereby inter-bubble interaction does/does
not occur. The model performance is corroborated using field data from Stromboli (Aeolian Islands,
Italy), Etna (Sicily, Italy), and Yasur (Vanuatu), representing one of the very first studies, focused on
combining high temporal resolution degassing data with fluid dynamics as a means of deepening
our understanding of the processes which drive basaltic volcanism.
Keywords: strombolian; puffing; Taylor bubble; gas slug; spherical-cap bubble; basaltic volcanism
1. Introduction
Basaltic volcanism is characterized by magmas of low viscosity, ranging from 101 –104 Pa·s [1],
which enable the free flow of gas bubbles within the melt, in contrast to the behavior of more viscous
silicic systems [2]. In basaltic magmas spherical bubbles are generated following exsolution of gas
from the melt [3]. These bubbles grow via diffusion, decompression-based expansion, or coalesce
to form non-spherical bubbles, e.g., of spherical-cap morphology [4–6], which can transition into
Taylor bubbles (also called gas slugs), which nearly span the conduit width, and are of a length
greater than, or equal to, the conduit diameter (see Figure 1 for further details on the morphological
characteristics of spherical-cap and Taylor bubbles) [4,7,8]. These distinct bubble morphologies give
rise to a variety of potential classes of surface degassing activity, specifically, passive degassing
of spherical bubbles [2]; puffing, from bursting of non-spherical bubbles or non-over-pressurized
Taylor bubbles [9–11]; and explosions from over-pressurized Taylor bubbles [12–14]. The latter scenario
is associated with strombolian volcanism, as manifested on the eponymous Stromboli volcano,
e.g., [9,15], where the activity has been well characterized through measurements of the erupted
gas masses, e.g., [11,16–18], and studies into the explosive dynamics, e.g., [19–21].
A number of other targets worldwide also exhibit strombolian volcanism, e.g., Yasur [22],
Villarica [23], Etna [24], and Pacaya [25]. Similarly, puffing activity on volcanoes has been well
studied using video, thermal imagery, and gas measurement approaches, particularly on Stromboli,
e.g., [10,11,26,27].
Figure 1. An illustration of (a) spherical-cap and (b) Taylor bubble morphologies including the bubble
features relevant to the model described here. Any bubble falling within the wake length of the
bubble ahead of it is considered liable for imminent coalescence. Any bubble beyond the interaction
length would be considered to flow independently (e.g., in the single regions of the model outputs
shown in Figures 2 and 3). Bubbles within the interaction length are affected by the leading bubble
(e.g., falling within the rapid regions of Figures 2 and 3).
Hitherto, considerable attention has been devoted to the fluid dynamics of discrete aspects of slug
flow in volcanoes, via mathematical, numerical, and laboratory modelling approaches. In particular,
James et al. [13] investigated the evolution of Taylor bubble pressure and length during the ascent
process. Furthermore, James et al. [28] developed a criterion to quantify the transition between puffing
and explosive bursting, and Del Bello et al. [14] developed a static-pressure model for bursting
Taylor bubbles. However, to date, there has been very little consideration of the fluid dynamics of
spherical-cap bubbles in a volcanic scenario, bar the work of Bouche et al. [29]. Spherical-cap bubbles
can be considered a transitionary morphology with characteristic shape (see Figure 1), prior to the
formation of Taylor bubbles. These bubbles are characterized by a quasi-hemispherical nose and
horizontal base and, unlike slugs, have lengths less than, or equal to, the conduit width, and have
yet to develop a full falling film, as is the case with Taylor bubbles. There has also been very little
Geosciences 2018, 8, 42
attention devoted to resolving the implications of inter-bubble interactions within these volcanic
bubble flow regimes. Recently, we have highlighted the importance of coalescence between multiple
rising Taylor bubbles, in modulating the timing and intensity of high temporal resolution strombolian
explosions, based on field observations on Mt. Etna [24], and laboratory experiments [30]; the potential
importance of this phenomenon has also been highlighted by Gaudin et al. [26,27].
Here we present, for the first time, a combined model description of the fluid dynamics of puffing
and strombolian volcanism driven by spherical-cap and Taylor bubbles. This has been achieved
by: (a) bringing together prior model treatments of individual aspects of Taylor bubble flow from
the volcanic and fluid dynamics literature; (b) considering, for the first time, spherical-cap bubbles
in a volcanic scenario; and (c) including the previously little-considered (with notable exceptions,
including [31,32]) possibility that bubbles might interact with one another to coalesce and generate
larger, e.g., more explosive, masses. The model is also compared against degassing field data from
Stromboli [11,17,18], Etna [24], and Yasur [33] volcanoes. This is one of the very first attempts to
study volcanic degassing dynamics using a combination of modelling and gas flux time series [18],
expedited by the advent of ≈1 Hz time resolution UV imaging of volcanic SO2 fluxes, which enables the
capture of rapid degassing phenomena in unprecedented detail [34–36]. This work is also one of only
a few in recent years, focused on defining transitions between basaltic degassing modes, building on
pioneering work performed in this area a number of decades ago, e.g., [37], that of Palma et al. [38] who
identified the relationship between bubble bursting strength and the duration of the styles of basaltic
volcanic activity relevant to this study, and the more recent work of Gaudin et al. [26], who categorized
explosions based on bubble sizes and eruptive properties.
2. Modelling Transitions between Spherical, Non-Spherical and Taylor Bubble Flow Regimes
The model classifies strombolian and puffing degassing regimes as distinct areas on plots of
inter-bubble burst spacing vs. bubble volume; this is illustrated schematically in Figure 2. In particular,
the activity is categorized within the following classes: puffing from spherical-cap bubbles; and
puffing from Taylor bubbles; and Taylor bubble-driven strombolian explosions. There is also a further
subdivision of these classes into scenarios whereby the bubbles can/cannot interact with one another,
i.e., “single” and “rapid” bursting regimes, and a region where bubble coalescence would inhibit
the presence of independent bubbles. The model (available as an Excel spreadsheet) is contained
within the supplementary material, with the underlying mathematics detailed below. In this section,
transitions between bubble morphologies will be considered, i.e., the zonation with respect to bubble
volume and length. In the following sections, the categorization in terms of inter-bubble spacing will
be covered, specifically in terms of when inter-bubble interactions may occur.
Firstly, the degassing regimes are classified according to bubble volume (note that volume and length
here are interchangeable using the formula for the volume of a cylinder, assuming a quasi-cylindrical
geometry, and that data on bubble volume are often more readily acquirable than bubble lengths).
Bubbles in basalts cease to act as spherical bubbles (e.g., following Stokes law) at low Reynolds numbers
(Reb ), <0.3 [39], such that:
ρm usb l
Reb = (1)
where ρm is the melt density, μ the melt viscosity, l the bubble length, and usb is the spherical bubble
rise speed, from Stokes law:
2 ρm − ρ g g 2l
usb = (2)
where ρ g is the density of the gas phase and g gravitational acceleration. The l at which a bubble ceases
to be spherical can, therefore, be defined, enabling demarcation of the length (i.e., bubble volume)
at which non-spherical bubbles form in Figure 2. Any bubbles smaller than this size would lead to
passive degassing and effusive activity, for example from lava flows [40–42].
Geosciences 2018, 8, 42
Figure 2. Left—an illustrative example of the zonation between activity classes associated with
the model, plotted on arbitrary inter-bubble repose time vs. bubble volume axes. Within area
(a) are spherical-cap bubbles, which produce passive activity or light puffing, (b,c) are Taylor
bubble flow scenarios resulting in non-explosive and explosively-bursting scenarios, respectively.
Area (d) represents cases where bubbles rise in sufficient proximity to one another to affect one
another’s fluid dynamics, while (e) corresponds to a region in which independent bubble bursting
is unlikely due to coalescence between neighboring bubbles. Right—a further illustrative example
with only defining lines between sections of the model. Important equations and bubble features are
highlighted. Please see the text for full details on these.
The non-spherical bubble regime is dominated by spherical-cap and Taylor bubbles, particularly
at targets such as Stromboli; therefore, our attention here will be focused on these bubble classes [5].
Spherical-cap bubbles burst passively at the magma surface or, as observed on Stromboli, can generate
puffing, e.g., [10,11,19,26,27]. At larger bubble dimensions, spherical-cap bubbles transition into
Taylor bubbles, when the bubble length exceeds that of the conduit diameter, e.g., [7]. Hence,
areas are defined to the right of Figure 2 relating to Taylor bubble-driven activity involving puffing
or strombolian explosions, depending on whether overpressure develops at the nose, e.g., [13].
This boundary has been defined by James et al. [28], who used the term, Pslim ∗ , which characterizes
burst vigor, and is ≥1 for explosive gas release. Here, we adopt Equation (13) from [28] to define this
transition, for a Taylor bubble reaching the magma surface at a pressure equal to surface atmospheric
pressure, Psur f , giving:
ρm gA
lPsur f
Pslim = (3)
Psur f
where: 2
r TB
= 1 − (4)
such that: r TB is the Taylor bubble radius, which is the conduit radius, e.g., rc minus λ
, where λ
the thickness of falling film surrounding the Taylor bubble. The falling film thickness is found, as per
Llewellin et al. [43], from:
= 0.204 + 0.123tanh(2.66 − 1.15 log10 N f ) (5)
Hence, following Equation (3), the length, (and volume) at which slugs transition to explosive
activity can be determined. The second element of the model is to consider the significance of
inter-bubble spacing, in terms of determining whether bubbles rise independently of one another
Geosciences 2018, 8, 42
or whether interaction, which might lead to coalescence, could occur. This is considered in the
following sections.
This speed is taken to be the average bulk rise velocity of a Taylor bubble [44] during ascent in
a volcanic conduit, as expansion, which causes acceleration of the nose, occurs closer to the surface [13].
Other properties of Taylor bubbles are also important here, in particular, the wake length lwake ,
and the wake interaction length lmin . The wake and wake interaction lengths are key features of
a bubble during the coalescence process. Bubbles will begin to coalesce on meeting certain separation
criteria. The wake length, which is typically around four times shorter than the wake interaction
length, defines an area within which any trailing bubble will undergo near-instantaneous coalescence
with the leading Taylor bubble, i.e., a rapid acceleration of the trailing bubble into the leading bubble
as per [45]:
lwake = 2rc 0.30 + 1.22 × 10−3 N f (9)
The wake interaction length defines an area of fluidic disturbance beneath the Taylor bubble,
within which any following bubble will be affected by the leading Taylor bubble through an increase
in velocity, such that the trailing bubble will no longer act independently [46]:
lmin = 2rc 1.46 + 4.75 × 10−3 N f (10)
ρm de u
Re = (12)
For u we use the ascent velocity of the Taylor bubble base (e.g., u TB , to estimate the Re
characteristics of the system using a known velocity including effects of pipe diameter). The bubble
drag coefficient (Cd ) is then calculated following [46]:
16 0.9
Cd = 2.67 0.9
+ (13)
This relationship is applicable for regimes with Morton numbers >4 × 10−3 , a condition satisfied
in volcanic scenarios, e.g., [14]. The spherical-cap bubble rise velocity (uCB ) can then be calculated
using the following relationship, rearranged from Joseph [47], Equation (2.1):
Geosciences 2018, 8, 42
u2CB = (14)
Coalescence between two spherical-cap bubbles occurs in the same manner as for Taylor
bubbles [6,48]. To consider this, de is firstly converted to bubble diameter (db ) using the constant
0.57 [4], which accounts for the non-spherical morphology of these bubbles:
db = (15)
The wake length of spherical-cap bubbles, cwake , applicable for Re < 200 (e.g., appropriate to
basaltic systems) is then determined as per Komasawa et al. [48]. Firstly, using bubble volume, Vb ,
we can calculate the volume of the wake [48]:
Vw = Vb Re0.66 (16)
which is then used to determine the wake length, cwake from the following relationship:
Vw = × (cwake − lCB ) (17)
where dw is the maximum wake diameter, which is taken as db , and lCB is the length of the cap
bubble (taken as db /2) [48]. For spherical-cap interaction length (cmin ), there is no available prior
modelling literature to refer to here, hence, we take this to be four times greater than cwake , as this
is the approximate scaling between the wake and wake interaction lengths in the Taylor bubble
case, although, as spherical-cap bubble volume decreases, the influence of the interaction length will
also decrease.
This, therefore, defines a region on Figure 2e where bubble bursts are significantly less likely to
occur, i.e., within this region, all trailing bubbles are likely to undergo near-instantaneous coalescence
with the leading bubble. This area is termed the “repose gap” region, following the terminology of
Pering et al. [24], who, in a study of rapid bursting events on Mt. Etna, noted an absence of large mass,
low repose time events, hypothesizing that this behavior was due to coalescence; this region is also
discussed in a modelling framework in Pering et al. [30].
Geosciences 2018, 8, 42
We can also define the time, ttransition , below which adjacent rising bubbles cannot be considered to
behave independently (e.g., bubbles are located within the wake areas of those ahead of them), such that:
These durations correspond to the time taken for a Taylor or spherical-cap bubble to rise through
a column of melt of height equal to that of the drained film plus the wake interaction length, lmin or cmin ,
of the leading bubble (Figure 2), and are based on the lengths or volumes of bubble in question. Hence,
this line subdivides the non-spherical bubble degassing classes in Figure 2, into categories where the
bubbles can/cannot be considered as rising independently of one another, respectively. Note that
a single area is used to denote non-independent (i.e., rapidly-bursting) Taylor and spherical-cap
bubbles (Figure 2d), without segregation between explosive and non-explosive cases for Taylor bubbles,
as complexities associated with pressure differences in this regime could lead to cases where the Pslim∗
Figure 3. Outputs from the model run with input conduit and fluid dynamic parameters appropriate
to: (a) Mt. Etna; (b) Stromboli; and (c) and Yasur volcanoes. Overlain on the plots are data points
derived from field measurements on these targets, for Etna from Pering et al. [24], and Yasur from
Kremers et al. [33]. In the Stromboli case, a number of literature sources are referred to, as detailed
above. In each case a single repose interval is applied, which is a minimum for the observed activity.
Figure 3b also just shows the maximum, mean, and minimum burst volumes from each of the Stromboli
papers to simplify the graphic.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 42
The schematic representation of the model in Figure 2 necessarily applies sharp definitions to the
boundaries between defined degassing areas. In reality, there will be a degree of fuzziness around these,
as the model provides a mathematical simplification of the ‘real world’ conditions in volcanic conduits.
Firstly, we considered the case of Mt. Etna (Figure 3a). Here we took UV camera field data from
Pering et al. [24], captured during a period of very rapid bubble-bursting activity (modal inter-burst
period ≈ 4 s) observed at the Bocca Nuova crater. Here, observed masses were converted to in-conduit
volumes, using a pressure value of ≈65 kPa (i.e., for Mt. Etna’s summit craters’ altitude ≈3300 m)
within the Del Bello et al. [14] model. The parameters applied within our model were: magma density
of 2600 kg·m−3 , viscosity of 2000 Pa·s, and conduit radius of 1.5 m, e.g., [49]. In general, the field
data clearly fall above the repose gap area, affirming the model suggestion from Pering et al. [24]
that independently-bursting, large-volume, low repose time events would be improbable, due to
inter-bubble coalescence in the conduit. The majority of bursts (62%) fall within the rapid bursting
Taylor and spherical-cap bubble area, with 15% contained in the single Taylor bubble explosive area,
12% in the single Taylor bubble puffing area, and most of the remainder in the single puffing area,
indicative of activity spanning the strombolian explosive-puffing spectrum. In the case of this rapid
bursting scenario, the model points towards bubble interaction playing a key role in the fluid dynamics,
as previously suggested by Pering et al. [24].
Secondly, for Stromboli (Figure 3b), we ran the model with density, viscosity, and conduit radius
values of 2700 kg·m−3 [50,51], 300 Pa·s [52], and 1.5 m, respectively [53,54]. Figure 3b also includes
a range of field data points, based on literature-derived main vent burst volumes [11,17,18]. These data
generally fall within the single explosive Taylor bubble region, in line with the classical strombolian
activity associated with this target. However, the very smallest bursts from the Tamburello et al. [11]
dataset fall within the single Taylor bubble puffing region, capturing the spectrum of activity exhibited
at the volcano. For the specifically-described ‘puffing’ events from Tamburello et al. [11], all the
data points are located away from the rapid Taylor bubble bursting area. Note that in all the above
cases, minimum repose times from the literature have been assigned, e.g., 50 s from Ripepe et al. [10]
for puffing. Hence, even for these rather extreme prescriptions of inter-burst temporal resolution,
the model points towards clearly independent bubble flow behavior.
In addition, Pering et al. [18] reported on non-explosive puffing events, from a hornito adjacent to
the southeast crater, with a minimum repose interval of 30 s. These data fall within the single puffing
areas for Taylor and spherical-cap bubbles. Even smaller decimeter-sized bubbles have also been
associated with puffing activity from smaller vent openings at Stromboli with repose intervals of
≈0.5–2 s [9,10]. When plotted on Figure 3b, these events mostly lie in the rapid puffing area of the
model, in view of their rather smaller inter-event durations than those puffing events reported in
Pering et al. [18].
Thirdly, the model was run for the Yasur volcano (Figure 3c). Here, Kremers et al. [33] reported
on infrasonic observations of Taylor bubble bursting, quoting slug lengths and inter-event intervals
for a number of events. Here, we applied magma density and viscosity values of 2600 kg·m−3 and
1000 Pa·s, with a conduit radius of 1.5 m [22] within the model. In particular, we converted the
Kremers et al. [33] data to the volume (see Table 1) using the formula for the volume of a cylinder
(the infrasound derived length data in Kremers et al. [33] already account for pressure and viscous
effects), and plot against repose time in Figure 3c. In this case all data fall within the single explosive
Taylor bubble region, in line with the existent strombolian activity, and indicating independent bubble
flow, well outside the repose gap region.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 42
Table 1. Slug length and repose time data associated with rapid strombolian activity in the Yasur
volcano (Kremers et al. [33] Table 2, note, only bursts with defined repose times are taken and this is
then taken as the time between bursts) in addition to calculated explosive gas volumes.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 42
trailing bubbles, e.g., [13]. Both of these effects will act to lower the cmin , cwake , lmin , and lwake traces
in Figures 2 and 3, plausibly also accounting for the very few data points that fell within the repose
areas of the Etna and Stromboli plots. Future model development could take into consideration these
effects, in addition to inclusion of more complex and realistic conduit conditions, e.g., [12], such as
inclination [58,59] and formation of viscous caps at the top of the conduit [26,60], both of which are
possibilities on Stromboli.
5. Conclusions
Here, we present the first unified model treatment of cap bubble and slug-based puffing and
strombolian explosive degassing behavior in volcanoes. This model illustrates the exciting new
scientific frontiers expedited by the recent advent of high speed imaging of volcanic gas plumes,
such that models for subterranean fluid dynamics can be corroborated with surface degassing
observations [61] in far more detail than previously possible with then-available temporally-coarser
degassing data. Indeed, this work is one of the very first to exploit this opportunity, following from
Pering et al. [18,24]. In particular, this framework offers the possibility of diagnosing underground fluid
dynamic, conduit, or magmatic conditions, based on surface observations of burst masses and timings.
Future work could focus on augmenting this combined UV camera to model a development framework
with contemporaneous in situ gas composition data [62,63], and infrasound measurements [25].
In addition, future work will focus on validating the model using numerical and laboratory models,
building on the recent work of Pering et al. [30].
This work is also focused on defining fluid dynamic transitions between disparate basaltic
degassing classes, highlighting the key role played by inter-bubble separation and coalescence during
such activity. There has been very little work in this area since seminal research, e.g., [37] a number
of decades ago. This new capacity to develop models, informed by high time resolution UV camera
observations offers exciting promise to provide step change advances in this field, extending to
a wider range of basaltic styles, e.g., covering Hawaiian activity. In particular, at basaltic volcanoes
such as Mt. Etna, where activity styles can transition rapidly between puffing and passive degassing
through single strombolian explosions to more rapid bursting events and, finally, to Hawaiian lava
fountaining [64,65], the model could be of utility in eruption forecasting.
Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at www.mdpi.com/xxx/s1, Table S1: Basaltic
degassing model.
Acknowledgments: Andrew J. S. McGonigle acknowledges a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship (RF-2016-580),
funding from the Rolex Institute, EPSRC GCRF institutional quick spend funds, a Google Faculty Research Award and
NERC grant (NE/M021084/1). Tom D. Pering acknowledges the support of a NERC studentship (NE/K500914/1),
the Royal Society (RG170226), the University of Sheffield, and ESRC Impact Acceleration funding. We thank three
anonymous reviewers for their comments, which have improved the quality of the manuscript.
Author Contributions: Tom D. Pering designed and implemented the described model. Tom D. Pering and
Andrew J. S. McGonigle wrote the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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(CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Assessment of the Combined Sensitivity of Nadir TIR
Satellite Observations to Volcanic SO2 and Sulphate
Aerosols after a Moderate Stratospheric Eruption
Henda Guermazi 1,2, *, Pasquale Sellitto 2 , Mohamed Moncef Serbaji 1 , Bernard Legras 2 and
Farhat Rekhiss 1
1 National School of Engineers of Sfax, Water, Energy and Environment Laboratory L3E, University of Sfax,
B.P 1173, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia; [email protected] (M.M.S.); [email protected] (F.R.)
2 Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Ecole Normale Supérieure,
PSL Research University, Ecole Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay, Sorbonne Universités,
UPMC Université Paris 6, CNRS, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France; [email protected] (P.S.);
[email protected] (B.L.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +216-5258-4050
Abstract: Monitoring gaseous and particulate volcanic emissions with remote observations is of
particular importance for climate studies, air quality and natural risk assessment. The concurrent
impact of the simultaneous presence of sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions and the subsequently
formed secondary sulphate aerosols (SSA) on the thermal infraRed (TIR) satellite observations is
not yet well quantified. In this paper, we present the first assessment of the combined sensitivity
of pseudo-observations from three TIR satellite instruments (the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding
Interferometer (IASI), the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectro radiometer (MODIS) and the
Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI)) to these two volcanic effluents, following
an idealized moderate stratospheric eruption. Direct radiative transfer calculations have been
performed using the 4A (Automatized Atmospheric Absorption Atlas) radiative transfer model
during short-term atmospheric sulphur cycle evolution. The results show that the mutual effect of
the volcanic SO2 and SSA on the TIR outgoing radiation is obvious after three to five days from the
eruption. Therefore, retrieval efforts of SO2 concentration should consider the progressively formed
SSA and vice-versa. This result is also confirmed by estimating the information content of the TIR
pseudo-observations to the bi-dimensional retrieved vector formed by the total masses of sulphur
dioxide and sulphate aerosols. We find that it is important to be careful when attempting to quantify
SO2 burdens in aged volcanic plumes using broad-band instruments like SEVIRI and MODIS as these
retrievals present high uncertainties. For IASI, the total errors are smaller and the two parameters
can be retrieved as independent quantities.
Keywords: satellite remote sensing; volcanic emissions; SO2; SSA; radiative transfer
1. Introduction
Volcanic eruptions are a major natural source of various trace gases and aerosols types that
can perturb the atmospheric composition (e.g., [1,2]) and the Earth’s radiative budget (e.g., [3]).
These effluents, injected into the stratosphere, can produce atmospheric impacts on a relatively long
time-scale [4]. About 7.5–10.0 Tg·S·year −1 of sulphur dioxide (SO2) of volcanic origin are globally
released to the atmosphere [5]. This contributes the third most abundant gas releases from volcanic
activity, after water vapour and carbon dioxide. Sulphur dioxide is a precursor of secondary sulphate
aerosol (SSA). These particles are efficient scatterers for short wave (solar) radiation, which can result
in a global cooling of the climate system following massive [3] to moderate stratospheric eruptions [6].
In addition, SSA can absorb long wave radiation, which can result in a local warming [7]. Secondary
sulphate aerosols can also promote the destruction of the stratospheric ozone by heterogeneous
chemistry [8] and modify the occurrence and optical properties of clouds systems [9].
Once SO2 is released to the atmosphere, its evolution to form aerosols particles follows two
mechanisms [10]. The first mechanism represents the aqueous oxidation of SO2 to sulphuric acid
H2SO4( aq) in a dilute water droplet, according to the following series of equations:
A is the equilibrium of SO2 between the gas and aqueous phase. The aqueous phase oxidation
occurs mostly in the troposphere where 60% to 80% of the tropospheric SO2 are removed by this process
[11]. The second mechanism is the gas phase oxidation taking place in both the troposphere and the
stratosphere and involves three steps: SO2 reacts rapidly with OH to form HSO3, which reacts with O2
to form SO3. The latter reacts with H2O to form sulfuric acid H2SO4 with bimolecular rate constant of
9 × 10−13 cm3 ·molecules−1 · s−1 [12] represented by the third equation in the following series:
SO2 + OH + M HSO3 + M,
HSO3 + O2 SO3 + HO2,
SO3 + H2O + M H2SO4 + M.
M represents an inert species N2 or O2 necessary for the energetic of the reaction. The lifetime of
SO2 depends on the plume altitude. It is longer in the stratosphere where the concentration of hydroxyl
is relatively small [13]. It also depends on different physical processes, like the dry deposition, and the
scavenging by cloud or rainwater droplets [14]. Starting from the gaseous H2SO4 formed with this
mechanism, SSA are formed by homogeneous nucleation [15]. In the stratosphere, they are generally
formed of about 75% H2SO4 and 25% H2O [4] and have small deposition rates ensuring long lifetimes
(of the order of months to years [16]). Sulphate aerosols formed in the troposphere are depleted by
precipitation and have, therefore, shorter life times, varying from days to weeks [17]. Sulphate aerosols
can also be directly emitted from the volcanic vents [18], in which case they are called primary sulphate
aerosols. The average conversion rate of SO2 to stratospheric aerosols represents an e-folding time of
30 to 40 days [16,19]. It is generally assumed that all the SO2 emissions are converted to SSA and other
sink processes are negligible.
Satellite measurements are well established tools to detect volcanic eruption and characterize
the emissions, specifically for volcanoes that are not monitored by ground measurements. Their
contribution is crucial, e.g., for aviation hazard mitigation. Both InfraRed (IR) and UltraViolet (UV)
sensors provide near-real time measurements of SO2 (see a review of the capabilities of the satellite
instruments available at present in [20]). Aerosol remote sensing in the IR channels has received more
and more attention in recent years. The imaginary part of the refractive indices of many aerosols
compositions has a strong spectral variability in this domain, thus giving access to specific information
on both their distribution and their composition [21,22]. Sulphur dioxide and SSA have spectral
signatures in the same infrared window between 700 and 1400 cm−1 . This region includes two
absorption bands of SO2 centered at about 1150 and 1370 cm−1 [23] and also two distinctive SSA
absorption features localized at 905 and 1170 cm−1 [24].
Monitoring the aforementioned atmospheric sulphur cycles using remote sensing is essential in
order to better understand the inherent processes, and to estimate the SSA impact on the radiative
transfer. In addition, usual methods to derive information on volcanic SO2 emissions neglect the
impact of subsequently formed SSA on SO2 retrievals. This is particularly critical when using satellite
data in the infrared spectral region, as both SO2 and SSA have spectral signatures in the same band,
namely between 700 and 1400 cm−1 [22,25,26]. In this paper, we present the first sensitivity analysis of
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
the SO2 and SSA mutual interference on pseudo-observations of three Thermal InfraRed (TIR) satellites
instruments, the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), the MODerate resolution
Imaging Spectro radiometer (MODIS) and the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI)
, after an idealized moderate stratospheric volcanic eruption. We also assess the information content of
these pseudo-observations to SO2 and SSA total masses.
The paper is structured as follows: in Section 2, we present the data and methods used for this
study. The results are presented and discussed in Section 3. Finally, we summarize our findings
in Section 4.
Table 1. MODIS and SEVIRI TIR bands in the spectral range 700–1400 cm−1 and their spectral
characteristics. (* = not used in this work because of the interaction with the strong ozone absorption
band at 9.7 μm (e.g., [26])).
2.1.1. IASI
The Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) is on-board MetOp-A and MetOp-B,
polar orbiting meteorological satellites launched by EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the
Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) in October 2006 and September 2012, respectively. These
sun-synchronous satellites perform measurements at an altitude of around 817 km and crosses the
equator twice daily at 9:30 a.m. and at 9:30 p.m. local time in a descending and an ascending node,
respectively. The characteristics of the IASI instrument are detailed by Clerbaux et al. [27]. The IASI
instrument is a Fourier Transform Spectrometer that measures the infrared radiation emitted from
the Earth in the range of 3.4–15.5 μm corresponding to 645–2760 cm−1 . This important spectral
coverage allows the retrieval of temperature and water vapour profiles, and contains absorption
bands of many atmospheric gases, like carbon dioxide, ozone, methane and others. The spectral
resolution, in our spectral region of interest, is 0.5 cm−1 , after apodisation. IASI observations have
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
been extensively used to monitor volcanic SO2 amounts (e.g., [23,28]). Volcanic SSA have been also
recently studied (e.g., [22,25]).
2.1.2. MODIS
The MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is part of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) Earth Observing System (EOS). It provides long-term global
observation of the Earth’s land, ocean and atmospheric properties. The MODIS instrument is designed
to achieve a trade-off of relatively high spectral, spatial and temporal resolution, with a priority on
spatial resolution and imaging capabilities. MODIS observes the Earth with a 2330 km swath, from a
polar orbit approximately 700 km above the surface and ±55° views scan. MODIS is flying on two
NASA satellites, Terra and Aqua, which are polar-orbiting sun-synchronous platforms. Terra and
Aqua were launched on 18 December 1999 and 4 May 2002, respectively. The Terra orbit passes from
North to South and crosses the equator at about 10:30 a.m., while Aqua has an ascending orbit and
crosses the equator at about 1:30 p.m. This instrument acquires data at 36 spectral bands (0.4–14.4 μm),
with 29 spectral bands (bands 8–36) are located in the middle and long wave TIR spectral regions.
In these bands, the spatial resolution is 1 km. MODIS observations have been extensively used to
monitor volcanic SO2 and ash amounts (e.g., [24,29,30]), but no SSA inversion algorithm is available at
present, to our knowledge.
2.1.3. SEVIRI
The Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), the main sensor of the Meteosat
Second Generation (MSG) geostationary satellite, orbits the Earth at an approximate altitude of
36,000 km with a period of 24 h and a nadir point of approximately 3◦ W, over the equator.
The instrument is a line-by-line scanning radiometer, which provides image data in four Visible
and Near-InfraRed (VNIR) channels and eight IR channels. The spatial resolution of IR channels
is 3 km. The key feature of this imaging instrument is the repeat cycle of 15 min. Despite their
limited spectral resolution, SEVIRI measurements have been used to quantifying volcanic SO2 [31]
and detecting subsequent SSA formation [26].
The oxidised SO2 forms gaseous sulphuric acid (H2SO4). Starting from the amount of gaseous
H2SO4 at time t obtained with Equation (1), the micro-physical processes leading to the formation of
SSA are represented with Equation (2). In this equation, MSSA (t) is the time-resolved SSA effective
mass volume concentration and b is the e-folding time of gaseous to particulate H2SO4 conversion (the
other quantities have been introduced before). The factor b describes different processes going from
nucleation, condensation to coagulation and is assumed here as relative to a lifetime of approximately
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
three months, which is typical of stratospheric volcanic sulphur cycle [32]. In the present study, the
loss rate of SSA (different physical processes, like gravitational settling, evaporation and wet removal)
are not taken into account, having an e-folding time of the order of one year in the stratosphere
(e.g., [32,34]). Our study is targeted on a short-term evolution (the first few days after the eruptive
event). We suppose the formed SSA particles as binary solution systems formed of 75% H2SO4
and 25% H2O. The increase in mass for this binary-solution transformation (oxidation and then
nucleation/hydration) is 2.04 [32]. Thus, the initial mass of SO2 is approximately doubled upon the
aerosol formation:
MSSA (t) = πρ(c)re3 Ne. (3)
In our subsequent radiative simulations, we considered an initial mass volume concentration of
SO2 injected in the stratosphere at three different plume altitudes: 18.5, 20.0 and 21.3 km. We sample
four different time intervals during evolution since the eruption: 1, 3, 5 and 10 days. The evolution
over time of SO2 and SSA masses, as well as of SSA number concentration, as a function of the injection
height, are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. SO2 mass concentration, secondary sulphate aerosols (SSA) mass concentration and particle
distribution properties for the investigated time intervals and injection altitudes.
Altitude (km) Time (days) MSO2 (g/m3 ) MSSA (g/m3 ) N 0 (particles cm−3 ) rm (μm) H2SO4 Mixing Ratio (%)
0 1.91 × 10−4
1 1.85 × 10−4 4.98 × 10−8 0.21
18.5 3 1.76 × 10−4 4.37 × 10−7 1.88
0.2 75
5 1.67 × 10−4 1.18 × 10−6 5.11
10 1.47 × 10−4 4.48 × 10−6 19.28
0 1.91 × 10−4
1 1.85 × 10−4 5.74 × 10−8 0.25
20.0 3 1.76 × 10−4 5.05 × 10−7 2.17
0.2 75
5 1.67 × 10−4 1.37 × 10−6 5.89
10 1.47 × 10−4 5.17 × 10−6 22.24
0 1.91 × 10−4
1 1.85 × 10−4 6.22 × 10−8 0.26
21.3 3 1.76 × 10−4 5.47 × 10−7 2.35
0.2 75
5 1.67 × 10−4 1.48 × 10−6 6.39
10 1.47 × 10−4 5.60 × 10−6 24.10
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
fast forward radiative transfer calculations in the IR spectral region, using optical thickness databases,
called Atlases. Spectra are computed at high resolution and can be convolved with various types
of instrument Relative Spectral Response (RSR) functions. We simulate radiances in the range
of 700–1400 cm−1 , with zero viewing zenith angle and with spectral resolution of 0.50 cm−1 ,
in order to fit IASI high-spectral resolution observations. The TIR calculations are subsequently
convolved with MODIS and SEVIRI RSRs, to produce corresponding pseudo-observations. We consider
as input for the radiative transfer calculation a typical tropical atmosphere in terms of temperature,
pressure and trace gases profiles. Following the considerations of Section 2.2, a fixed SO2 amount of
10 Dobson Units (DU) is injected at different altitudes (18.5, 20.0 and 21.3 km) to test the impact of
volcanic effluents injections at different lower-stratospheric altitudes. The amount of 10 DU has been
selected to simulate a moderate stratospheric eruption, like the recent Nabro, Sarichev or Kasatochi
eruptions (see, e.g., [6]). The SO2 mass concentration has been re-calculated for each injection altitude,
due to the slightly different layer thicknesses in 4A (ranging between 1.3 and 1.5 km, in this altitude
range). No vertical diffusion or vertical plume structure has been simulated and the SO2 perturbation
has been produced at one single layer each time. During the first day of the volcanic eruption (t = 0),
only SO2 perturbations are present. Subsequent SSA formation (and SO2 loss) were considered at t = 1,
t = 3, t = 5 and t = 10. The aerosol optical parameters (extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo
and asymmetry parameters) described above for each layer are required as inputs, when aerosols are
considered. These parameters are calculated using a Mie code, using the time- and altitude-dependent
particle size distribution introduced in Section 2.2 and the H2SO4 mixing ratio-dependent refractive
index of Bierman et al. [38], taken from the GEISA (Gestion et Etude des Information Spectroscopiques)
spectroscopic database. The real and imaginary part of the refractive indices have been taken for a
reference temperature of 215 K and for H2SO4 mixing ratio of 75%. The Mie scattering routines are
obtained from the Earth Observation Data Group of the Department of Physics of Oxford University
and they are run in IDL (Interactive Data Language). In order to solve the Radiative Transfer Equation
(RTE) for the scattering aerosol contribution, we use the DIScrete ORdinaTe (DISORT) algorithm [39].
A baseline run is performed for a clear atmosphere (in the absence of both volcanic SO2 and SSA),
to compare with the time-dependent volcanically-perturbed simulations.
3.1. The SSA Spectral Extinction Coefficient Variability during Short-Term Plume Evolution
We first analyse the variability of the spectral extinction coefficient of SSA layers during the
plume evolution, following the chemical/micro-physical model of Section 2.2. The evolution of the
spectral extinction coefficient is illustrated in Figure 1, between 600 and 1400 cm−1 , for an initial
volcanic injection at 20.0 km. For each time interval, the aerosol extinction generally increases with
the wavenumber, as discussed by Sellitto and Legras [22]. A minimum extinction between 650 and
800 cm−1 and a maximum extinction at about 1170 cm−1 are found. A secondary maximum is also
found around 905 cm−1 . This behaviour is principally attributed to the absorption features of the
undissociated H2SO4 in the aerosol droplets ([22] and references therein). The extinction of the SSA
layer starts to be particularly important (higher than 0.001 km−1 at 1170 cm−1 ) after about five days.
The extinction at 10 days is about 40 times larger than at one day after the eruption, due to the steep
increase of particles number concentration from volcanic SO2 conversion. According to Table 2, our
chemical/micro-physical model generates SSA number concentrations of 0.2 and 22.2 particles cm−3 ,
at 1 and 10 days, respectively.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
Figure 1. SSA spectral extinction coefficients variability for the investigated time intervals since
eruption (one day: sky blue; three days: dark blue; five days: light red; ten days: dark red).
The considered SO2 injection altitude is 20.0 km
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
that the residual signature of SSA in IASI-like instruments becomes more and more important as SO2
converts to SSAs, and the effect of SO2 is overestimated due to the formation of these particles. As a
matter of fact, starting from day 5, the SSA extinction is dominant with respect to SO2 absorption.
Figure 2. Plume residual IASI pseudo-observations at four different time intervals (one day: sky
blue; three days: dark blue; five days: light red; ten days: dark red) since eruption (reference
pseudo-observation at the eruption in light blue). An injection altitude of 20.0 km is considered here.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
Figure 3. (a) SEVIRI; (b) MODIS and (c) IASI BT residual pseudo-observations at four different time
intervals (one day: sky blue; three days: dark blue; five days: light red; ten days: dark red) and for
three plume altitudes (18.5 km: solid lines; 20.0 km: dotted lines; 21.3 km: dot-dashed lines).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
For the analysed case, the atmospheric sulphur cycle evolution has an important and complex
impact on the TIR pseudo-observation. The effect induced by SO2 is enhanced by the presence of
sulphate aerosols. Retrieval efforts of SO2 concentrations should consider the interference with surely
coexisting SSAs and vice-versa.
K(t) contains two lines that represent the weighting functions with respect to the two parameters
MSO2 and MSSA . The weighting functions of IASI, MODIS and SEVIRI pseudo-observations, as well
as their temporal variability, are shown in Figure 4. Only time intervals t = 1 day and t = 10 days
are shown, for a plume altitude of 20.0 km. The two time intervals represent the two extremes and
so intermediate time intervals have, correspondingly, an intermediate behaviour between these two
extremes. The sensitivity of TIR pseudo-observations to SSA, in terms of the weighting function, is
about one order of magnitude higher that the sensitivity to SO2. Values as high as 0.50 K·μg−1 ·m−3
are found for SSA in the range of maximum sensitivity (1100–1200 cm−1 ) for the three instruments.
Approximately in the same spectral region, the weighting function values for SO2 are about ten times
smaller (about 0.05 K·μg−1 ·m−3 ). This is a strong indication that the SSA layer, even after a few days
from the eruption, when the conversion of SO2 has generated only a small amount of SSA in terms of
its mass, is significantly more active from a radiative point of view than SO2. From another perspective,
the sensitivity of TIR observations to SO2 can be dramatically hampered by SSA formation, even
after a few days from the eruption event. Another spectral region with strong sensitivity to SSA is
found around 900 cm−1 (IASI) and band 31 (MODIS), due to the secondary absorption feature of
undissociated H2SO4 in SSA droplets. The MODIS band 31 is very well adapted to catch this feature,
being nicely centred around the peak at 905 cm−1 (please refer to Figure 1 to identify this peak). On the
contrary, no similar band is available for SEVIRI, which hampers the exploitation of this information.
As discussed before, we avoid in the following the region with ozone absorption interference, identified
in Figure 4 by white crosshatches.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
Figure 4. Jacobian matrices for SEVIRI, MODIS and IASI pseudo-observations, at time intervals
(a) t = 1 day and (b) t = 10 days. In the figure, the two line Jacobian matrix lines (the weighting
functions), for each instrument and time interval, are ordered as follows: line 1 is the weighting
function with respect to MSSA and line 2 is the weighting function with respect to MSO2 . The ozone
absorption region is identified by white crosshatches and excluded.
We further characterize the information content of the synthetic observations, with the averaging
kernel matrix A (Equation (5)), which represents the sensitivity of the retrieved state to the true state.
In Equation (5), S and S a represent, respectively, the measurement error covariance matrix and the a
priori covariance matrix. The measurement error covariance matrix S , representing the radiometric
noise, is assumed diagonal with each diagonal element representing the Noise Equivalent Brightness
Temperature (NEBT) in each spectral band, for each instrument. For IASI, the NEBT is taken as equal
to 0.2 K for all wavenumbers. For MODIS, the NEBT is taken equal to 0.05 K for channels 29, 31, 32, to
0.25 K for channels 33, 34 and 35 and to 0.35 K for channel 36 [41]. For SEVIRI, NEBT values of 0.80,
0.94, 0.93 and 0.74 K are taken for channels IR8.7, IR10.8, IR12.0 and IR13.4 [42]. For our case study, we
consider an a priori covariance matrix with two diagonal elements equal to 50% of the modelled SO2
mass and 100% of the modelled SSA mass, at each time interval t. This reflects the fact that a priori SSA
information is hardly available, from both satellite and ground-based observations, and atmospheric
chemical/micro-physical modelling. On the contrary, constraints on SO2 mixing ratios, e.g., at the
time of eruption, can be derived from satellite (e.g., [23,29]) or, in the case of well instrumented
volcanoes, from ground-based observations (e.g., [43]). We also added an additional water vapour
uncertainty Si , due to the known interference with spectrally-ubiquitous water vapour absorption
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
lines. These uncertainties are smaller than 0.2 K in our spectral region of interest [22,44]. Consequently,
this value has been chosen as a conservation water vapour-related error in the subsequent calculations.
A = KT S−1 K + S−
KT S − 1
K. (5)
Starting from the averaging kernel matrix, two important diagnostics of the sensitivity of the
retrieval can be derived: the number of degrees of freedom (DOF) and total error. The DOF is the
trace of A and quantifies the number of independent parameters that can be retrieved from the
measurements. In Table 3, the DOFs for our simulated retrieval, for all the investigated time intervals
and the three instrument configurations, are summarized. In our case, 2 being the dimensionality
of the retrieved state vector ([MSO2 , MSSA ]), the DOFs can take values between 0.0 (no retrievable
independent parameters) and 2.0 (two perfectly independent retrievable parameters). The DOF
for IASI pseudo-observations is about 2.0, which points at the fact that the two parameters can be
retrieved independently. For MODIS and SEVIRI, the DOF values are around 1.0 (between 0.99 and
1.09 for MODIS and between 0.88 and 0.92 for SEVIRI). This confirms that SO2 and SSA are strongly
inter-dependent and to discriminate the individual radiative contributions of the two effluents is
virtually impossible without high-spectral resolution observations.
Table 3. DOFs of SEVIRI, MODIS and IASI pseudo-observations to the retrieval of the state vector
[MSO2 , MSSA ], at different time intervals since the eruption event.
Time (days) 1 3 5 10
SEVIRI 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.94
MODIS 1.05 1.09 0.99 1.05
IASI 1.99 1.99 1.98 1.99
The theoretical estimation of the total uncertainties, using the Rodgers theory, is also very
important to assess the expected quality of the retrievals. The total error covariance matrix
S x (see Equation (6)) is generally expressed in terms of the smoothing error Ssm and the
radiometric noise Sm [40]. As mentioned before, we consider an additional error component Si that
takes into account the interference of water vapour absorption:
S x = Ssm + Sm + S g + Si = (A − I )S a (A − I )T +
(KT S−1 K + S− 1 −1 T −1 T −1
a ) K S K(K S K + S a ) +
−1 −1 (6)
(KT Si−1 K + S−a
1 ) −1 K T S −1 K ( KT S −1 K + S −1 ) −1 .
i i a
The total error estimations for the two retrieved quantities (the diagonal elements of S x ) are
summarized in Table 4. For MODIS and SEVIRI, SO2 retrieval uncertainties are found around 50%.
On the contrary, SO2 retrieval uncertainties with IASI observations are smaller than 7.0%. As for
the SSA, uncertainties of SEVIRI observations reach values as high as about 25% to 35%. MODIS
shows lower uncertainties, smaller than 10%. This is mostly due to the smaller radiometric noise
and the contribution of band 31, centred around the distinct and peculiar absorption peak of SSAs
around 900 cm−1 . Theoretical uncertainties are definitely smaller for IASI observations, smaller
than 1%. To summarize, broad-band instruments like SEVIRI and MODIS cannot gain quantitative
observations of both SO2 and SSA mass burden as independent informations. After just one day from
the eruption event, the SO2 can only be observed with significant (around 50%) uncertainties, while
the radiatively predominant SSAs, even if in small amounts, can be quantified in terms of their mass,
with reasonable uncertainties. These results thus suggest that care must be taken when attempting
to quantitatively observe SO2 burdens from volcanic eruptions with broad-band instruments. These
observations are accurate only under a few hours from the eruptive event and aged plumes, containing
a mixture of SO2 and SSAs (and possibly other gaseous and particulate volcanic effluents) are difficult
to characterize in terms of SO2-only information. This is mainly due to the concurrent spectral
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
features of these two effluents, basically in the same band, centred around 1200 cm−1 . As for IASI-like
high-spectral-resolution sounders, the two effluents are in principle independently retrievable with
limited uncertainties on both.
Table 4. Total error (%) of SEVIRI, MODIS and IASI pseudo-observations to the retrieval of the state
vector [MSO2 , MSSA ], at different time intervals since the eruption event.
Time (Days)
Instrument Parameters
1 3 5 10
SSA 28.67 27.55 34.70 24.16
SO2 49.98 49.98 49.99 49.99
SSA 7.94 7.95 8.76 7.61
SO2 48.57 47.57 49.93 48.56
SSA 0.28 0.27 0.56 0.23
SO2 3.51 2.64 6.88 3.41
4. Conclusions
The present study gives a detailed analysis of IASI, MODIS and SEVIRI TIR pseudo-observations
and their information content on SO2 and SSA, at different time intervals and altitudes following
an ideal moderate stratospheric eruption (injection of 10 DU of SO2 around 20 km of altitude, in a
tropical atmosphere). The mutual interference of SSA and SO2 on the outgoing TIR radiation and
then on the observed BT signal observed by satellite instruments has never been studied in these
terms, to our knowledge. Our analyses demonstrate that, despite the relatively small amount of SSA
formed (in terms of their total mass), the combined effect of the volcanic SO2 and SSA on the TIR
pseudo-observations is apparent after 3 to 5 days from the eruption and is very important after 10 days.
In effect, the maximum spectral signature of the two volcanic effluents locate approximately in the same
region (about 1100–1200 cm−1 , linked to a vibrational mode of both SO2 and the undissociated H2SO4
present in SSA droplets). These results are quantitatively confirmed by assessing the information
content of the TIR pseudo-observations to a test bi-dimensional state vector of retrieved parameters,
constituted by the SO2 and SSA masses. The sensitivity of TIR pseudo-observations to SSA, in
terms of the Jacobian matrix, is about one order magnitude bigger than the sensitivity to SO2
(0.50 versus 0.05 K·μg−1 ·m−3 in the range of maximum sensitivity around 1100–1200 cm−1 , for
the three instruments). For the broad-band instruments like MODIS or SEVIRI, the information
content of TIR pseudo-observations to SO2 and SSA mass burdens are strongly inter-dependent
(DOF around 1.0) and to discriminate the individual radiative contributions of the two effluents is
virtually impossible without the high spectral resolution of IASI-like instruments (DOF of about 2.0).
The theoretical uncertainties for MODIS and SEVIRI are about 50% for the SO2, 10% (SEVIRI) and 25%
to 35% (MODIS) for the SSA. IASI- related uncertainties are, on the contrary, smaller than 7.0%, for the
SO2, and lower than 1%, for the SSA. This demonstrates that the high-spectral-resolution observations
of IASI-like instruments allows, in principle, to quantitatively observe these two volcanic effluents as
independent, and low-uncertainties parameters are found, through the analysed 10-days short-term
evolution. On the contrary, broad-band instruments like SEVIRI and MODIS cannot gain quantitative
observations of both SO2 and SSA mass burden as independent pieces of information.
Further analyses using new generation TIR instruments such as Himawari, Visible Infrared
Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) and IASI-NG (New Generation) are needed to characterize future
possibilities in complex volcanic plume combined monitoring. In addition, studies regarding the case
of tropospheric eruptions, where atmospheric processes are potentially more complex, are still ongoing.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 84
by the EU 7th Framework Program under Grant No. 603557 (StratoClim). The two anonymous reviewers are
gratefully acknowledged.
Author Contributions: Henda Guermazi and Pasquale Sellitto conceived this study and wrote the paper.
Henda Guermazi performed the simulation. Pasquale Sellitto supervised all activities. All authors revised
and approved the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
BT Brightness Temperature
CNES Centre National D’études Spatiales
DISORT DIScrete ORdinaTe algorithm
DOF Degrees of Freedom
DU Dobson Unit
EOS Earth Observing System
EUMETSAT EUropean organisation for the exploitation of METeorological SATellite
H2SO4 Sulphuric acid
IASI Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer
IR InfraRed
IDL Interactive Data Language
GEISA GEstion des Informations Spectroscopiques Atmosphériques
MetOP METeorological OPerational
MODIS MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
MSG Meteosat Second Generation
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NEBT Noise Equivalent Brightness Temperature
OH Hydroxyl
O2 Oxygen
RSR Relative Spectral Response
RTM Radiative Transfer Model
SEVIRI Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager
SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
SSA Secondary Sulphate Aerosol
TIR Thermal InfraRed
UTLS Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere
UV UltraViolet
VIIRS visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite
VNIR Visible Near InfraRed
4A Automatized Atmospheric Absorption Atlas
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Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing for the Characterisation
of Volcanic Surface Deposit and Airborne Plumes
from Remote Sensing Imagery
Giorgio A. Licciardi 1,2, *, Pasquale Sellitto 3 , Alessandro Piscini 4 and Jocelyn Chanussot 2,5
1 Research Consortium Hypatia, 00133 Rome, Italy
2 GIPSA-Lab, Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, 38000 Grenoble, France;
[email protected]
3 Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, École Normale Supérieure,
75231 Paris, France; [email protected]
4 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, 00143 Rome, Italy; [email protected]
5 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iceland, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-06-8567696
Abstract: In image processing, it is commonly assumed that the model ruling spectral mixture in
a given hyperspectral pixel is linear. However, in many real life cases, the different objects and
materials determining the observed spectral signatures overlap in the same scene, resulting in
nonlinear mixture. This is particularly evident in volcanoes-related imagery, where both airborne
plumes of effluents and surface deposit of volcanic ejecta can be mixed in the same observation line
of sight. To tackle this intrinsic complexity, in this paper, we perform a pilot test using Nonlinear
Principal Component Analysis (NLPCA) as a nonlinear transformation, that projects a hyperspectral
image onto a reduced-dimensionality feature space. The use of NLPCA is twofold: (1) it is used
to reduce the dimensionality of the original spectral data and (2) it performs a linearization of the
information, thus allowing the effective use of successive linear approaches for spectral unmixing.
The proposed method has been tested on two different hyperspectral datasets, dealing with active
volcanoes at the time of the observation. The dimensionality of the spectroscopic problem is reduced
of up to 95% (ratio of the elements of compressed nonlinear vectors and initial spectral inputs),
by the use of NLPCA. The selective use of an atmospheric correction pre-processing is applied,
demonstrating how individual plume and volcanic surface deposit components can be discriminated,
paving the way to future application of this method.
Keywords: nonlinear spectral unmixing; nonlinear PCA; volcanic plumes; hyperspectral remote sensing
1. Introduction
Volcanoes can inject a great amount of gaseous and particulate effluents to the atmosphere, like
water vapour, sulphur dioxide and ash, both at background degassing conditions and during explosive
eruptions [1]. Depending on the volcanic activity and the emission fluxes, these effluents can organize
as volcanic clouds, which interact with solar and terrestrial radiation, thus affecting the observed
spectra in the remotely observed images. The main types of volcanic aerosols are mineral ash, directly
emitted by the eruption and secondary sulphate aerosols (SSA), which are produced in-plume by
oxidation and hydration of SO2 emission. Ash can be detected by thermal infrared (TIR) observations
using absorption signatures between 8 and 12 μm (1250 and 833 cm−1 ), typically centred around
10 μm (1000 cm−1 ) (e.g., [2,3]). Sulphur dioxide emissions are measured both with TIR (e.g., [4–6])
and ultraviolet/visible (UV/VIS) satellite instruments [7]. Recently, targeted sensitivity analyses have
shown that also SSA have a typical spectral signature in the TIR spectral range that can be used to
detect and characterise this volcanic particulate product [8,9].
Apart from quantitative and semi-quantitative observation of these emitted species using high
spectral resolution (sounder) instruments, the interaction of the radiation with the volcanic plumes
allow the detection and tracking of the volcanic plume and the identification of the species therein,
by multi- and hyper-spectral (imaging) observations (e.g., [10–14]). Recently, neural network (NN)
approaches have been tried in order to quantify volcanic ash and SO2 using both multi-spectral
and hyper-spectral data [15–17]. In such cases, unmixing the volcanic cloud spectral signature from
other spectral features, as those arising from other atmospheric components in the line of sight of the
instruments or from the surface, is vital to rule out these different contributions [3,18].
Hyper-spectral imaging sensors normally record scenes in which numerous interacting objects and
material substances, both at the surface and in the overlying atmosphere, contribute to the spectrum
measured from a single pixel, by their interaction with the atmospheric radiation recorded by the
sensor. Given such mixed pixels, the process of identification of the individual constituent materials in
the mixture (endmembers), as well as the proportions in which they appear (abundances), is commonly
referred to as spectral unmixing. In remote sensing images, usually the endmembers correspond
to the spectral response of macroscopic materials present in the scene, such as surface water, soil,
human structures (like buildings) and dominating atmospheric features (like thick meteorological or
aerosols clouds) [19].
In recent literature, unmixing techniques are characterized as linear or nonlinear processes [20].
Linear mixtures are dominant when the incident light interacts with objects composed of one
individual material before reaching the sensor (different physical/micro-physical properties but the
same chemical/mineralogical composition). Thus, light reflected from different materials are mixed
in the sensor itself, with minimal interference [21–23]. On the other hand, nonlinear mixing occurs
as the result of physical interactions between light scattered from multiple materials, with different
chemical/mineralogical composition. These interactions can be sub-divided into multi-layered and
microscopic interactions. Multi-layered interactions occur when light, reflected from one individual
material, interacts with other individual and distinct objects before reaching the sensor. Microscopic
mixing occurs when two or more materials are physically mixed and this mixture interacts with
radiation. In the case of the multi-layered mixing, the first order terms are sufficient to describe
the mixture leading to the bilinear model [24,25]. On the other hand, microscopic interactions
require an extremely complex physical modelling of the mixture and the interaction with radiation.
For these reasons, only approximation are presently proposed in literature [26,27]. However, techniques
developed for the processing of internal mixtures are inefficient in the multiple interaction scenario
(and vice versa). Moreover, these models are based on the assumption that the mixtures are produced
by different materials having Lambertian surfaces. In many real cases, the light that interacts with
different materials does not produce in an isotropically distributed radiance. All these effects result in
nonlinear mixing.
A more flexible solution can be achieved by using machine learning approaches, such as NN [28–30].
These algorithms can learn nonlinear correlations in a supervised fashion based on a collection of
examples (training dataset). However, the universal approximation properties of NN [31] assumes
that the training dataset covers all the possible physical scenarios and interactions between radiation
and fixed materials. Practically, a very large training dataset is necessary to approach the convergence
of NN properties in several possible scenarios, given the problem under investigation. This large
training dataset is not always available. A possible alternative is to project the hyper-spectral image
into a linearised feature space by means of a nonlinear transformation. In this way, any kind of linear
unmixing method can be effectively applied to these linear features. Based on this idea, in this paper,
we propose the use of the nonlinear Principal Component Analysis (NLPCA) for the projection of the
hyper-spectral image into a feature space [32]. The obtained features are then used as input to a linear
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
unmixing algorithm for the identification of the endmembers. Finally, the abundance estimation is
performed solving the constrained least square problem.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the the proposed approach is
introduced, while in Section 3, experimental methodology as well as an in-deep analysis of the results
are provided. Finally, Section 4 gives some conclusion remarks.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram describing the complete processing for hyperspectral unmixing.
As for step 1 (dimensionality reduction), since hyperspectral images are composed by hundreds
of extremely correlated bands, it is possible, and indeed beneficial, to reduce the effective dimension
of the input data by use of decorrelation approaches. This processing step projects the image into
a reduced dimensionality feature space. The algorithm performance in terms of computation time,
complexity and performances are, then, generally improved [33]. However, a careful selection of the
dimensionality of the feature space is essential because this choice limits the number of possible final
endmembers. As for step 2 (endmembers identification), there exist several approaches to rule out
endmembers in a given image scene, which fall into three main groups. Geometrical approaches
are based on the hypothesis that linearly mixed vectors are in a simplex set. Statistical approaches
use parameter estimation techniques to determine the endmember. Sparse regression approaches
formulate unmixing as a linear sparse regression problem. As for step 3 (abundances estimation),
given the hyperspectral image and the endmembers identified in the previous step, the abundance
of each endmember is quantified solving a constrained optimization problem, which minimizes the
residual between the observed spectral vectors and the linear space spanned by the inferred spectral
signatures. Usually, in linear unmixing, the fractional abundances are constrained to be nonnegative
and to sum to one. While atmospheric correction and dimensionality reduction are optional, the
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
endmembers’ determination and abundances’ estimation steps are central to any unmixing approaches.
Often, steps 2 and 3 are implemented simultaneously [34]. In the case of nonlinear mixtures, the use
of linear approaches may result in the false identification of non-physical endmembers and in most
cases cannot detect the whole of endmembers actually present in the scene. In the specific case of
nonlinear approaches, the endmembers’ determination and abundances’ estimation steps require
a prior detailed knowledge of the possible physical interactions between materials, which is not
always available. In order to override this limitation, in this paper, we propose a novel approach
that, instead of deriving an extremely complex nonlinear model, linearizes the input data by means
of a preliminary nonlinear transformation. In particular, we propose to use the NLPCA to project
the original hyperspectral image into a linearized feature space. The advantage of the use of NLPCA
is twofold. On the one hand, it performs a linearization of the original information. On the other
hand, it reduces the data dimensionality. The NLPCA, thanks to its nonlinear functions basis, permits
obtaining a set of features that do not present nonlinear correlations, thus allowing the subsequent use
of linear approaches for the endmember determination and inversion phases. As for the endmember
identification, we proposed the use of the N-FINDR algorithm [35]. This choice is based on the
main advantage of the N-FINDR, which is able to automatically detect endmembers without a priori
information. This characteristic is extremely valuable in the case of NLPCA, where the obtained
features may not always have a physical interpretation. The abundance estimation step will be then
carried out by using the SUnSAL algorithm [36] for the solution of the constrained least square problem.
In the following, a detailed description of the NLPCA approach, as well as the N-FINDR and SUnSAL
algorithms are reported.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
Figure 2. General structure of the Autoassociative Neural Network (AANN). The AANN can be seen
as a concatenation of two simple networks. The first network project the original data Y into a lower
dimensionality subspace T by means of the transformation function G. The second network reproject
the compressed data T back into the original space by means of the transformation function H.
T = G (Y), (1)
which projects the original m-dimensional data X onto a lower dimensional subspace defined by the
activations of the units in the central hidden layer (bottleneck), producing a smaller-dimensionality
(say n-dimensional) vector T by means of the mapping F. Similarly, the second sub-network defines
an arbitrary functional mapping:
= H ( T ) , (2)
which projects from the smaller-dimensionality feature space back onto the original m-dimensional
space, by means of the mapping funtion H. The ability of any NN to fit arbitrary nonlinear functions
depends on the presence of a hidden layer with nonlinear nodes. In [31], it was shown that any
nonlinear function can be approximated by a superposition of a set of σ ( x ) transformations that
are continuous, bounded and monotonically increasing functions, with σ( x ) → 1 as x → +∞ and
σ ( x ) → 0 as x → −∞. This property is often called universal fitting [38], and is a generalisation of
the Weierstrass theorem (which applies to polynomial functions). Thus, a network lacking a hidden
layer is only capable of producing linear combinations of the inputs, given linear nodes in the output
layer. In the same way, a network lacking a hidden layer but including nonlinear activation functions
in the output layer is only capable of approximating multi-variable sigmoidal functions. Similarly,
a NN with linear nodes in the hidden layer will return linear combinations of the inputs. From these
considerations, it can be affirmed that the NLPCA can be implemented by two NNs approximating
the nonlinear functions G and H. The NN producing the G mapping has as an input layer of m nodes
followed by the hidden layer (often called mapping layer) with m1 > n nodes and sigmoidal transfer
functions (to assure the universal fitting property of NNs). The output layer of this subnet contains
n < m nodes and for this reason it is often called bottleneck. The second NN (also called decoding subnet)
producing the H mapping, has an input layer with n nodes, followed by the hidden layer (often called
demapping layer) with m2 > n nodes and sigmoidal transfer functions. The output layer yields the
reconstructed data and thus contains m nodes.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
In order to correctly define the two mapping functions G and H, a supervised training of the two
NNs is required. This needs, in principle, a complete knowledge of the relations between the input and
output spaces, which is only an ideal case. From a practical point of view, this means that while the
inputs of the coding subnet is known, the output is unknown. Conversely, the input of the decoding
layer is unknown while its output is known (i.e., the input, as the coding+decoding NN are aimed at
approximating an identity mapping). Therefore, a direct supervised training of the two sub-networks
is not feasible. However, one can observe that combining in series the two ANNs is equivalent to
define a composite function Y
= H ( G (Y )) that links the original data Y with its reconstruction version
. Thus, practically, the combined network is trained to produce the identity mapping. This means
that the parameters of the network representing Y
are optimized so that the reconstructed outputs
match the inputs as closely as possible. The training aimed at learning the identity mapping has
been called self-supervised backpropagation or autoassociation, leading to the definition of these NNs as
AutoAssociative NNs (AANNs).
For AANNs, the training phase is an iterative process and is completed when the following sum
of squared errors is minimized:
n m
E= ∑ ∑ (y#i − yi ) p 2 . (3)
p =1 i =1
In Equation (3), y#i and yi are the calculated and target output vectors of the AANN, for a training
set of p examples.
Once the AANN is trained, it is possible to use extract the coding sub-network only, to project the
original data into a lower dimensional space given by the bottleneck layer. Thus, the f NLPCA can be
obtained from the bottleneck. From a topological point of view, it can be noted that, while the number
of nodes in the bottleneck layer defines the features subspace, the nodes in the coding and decoding
layers are related to the complexity of the mapping and demapping functions. As it can be seen in
Figure 3, the NLPCA defines a set of nonlinear functions able to describe the nonlinear correlations
between input variables. The result is a linearised feature space. However, one of the main difficulties
in designing the AANN relies in the selection of the correct number of nodes in the three hidden layers,
since the mapping functions as well as the subspace dimension strongly depend on them.
Figure 3. Example of a nonlinear dataset being mapped into feature space by means of linear and
nonlinear PCA.
The best NN topology can be retrieved by using a simple heuristic grid search algorithm that
varies recursively the number of nodes of the hidden layers and evaluated the value of the Means
Square Error (MSE) error [39]. Then, the topology presenting the smallest error is selected. However,
without starting assumptions, this approach can be extremely time consuming and different optimal
solutions should be found. Starting from p that represents the number of samples in the training set,
a separate constraint is imposed by each output node, so that the total number of the possible adjustable
parameters (weights and biases for all network connections and nodes, respectively) must be less than
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
p × m. Moreover, m, M1 , M2 and n being the number of nodes of input/output, coding, decoding and
bottleneck layers, and analysing the structure of the AANN used here, it can be found that the number
of adjustable parameters is ( M1 + M2 )(m + n + 1) + m + n that implies the following inequality:
m ( n − 1) − n
M1 + M2 . (4)
The aim of a dimensionality reduction method is to reduce the original spectral dimension into
a lower dimensional space. This can be translated into the AANN structure as a condition on n, i.e.,
n m, p. Then, Equation (4) becomes:
M1 + M2 n. (5)
Assuming a balanced structure of the AANN, M1 and M2 should have the same dimensions
(M1 ∼ M2 = M), we have:
2M n. (6)
It is worth noting that Equation (6) is effective only if the number of mapping/demapping nodes
M is greater then the number of nodes in the bottleneck layer n. Otherwise, there will not be enough
data to effectively extract n NLPCs. It is also worth underlining that, since the output has to simply
replicate the input, there is no need to have a specific a priori knowledge for the learning phase
implementation. This implies that the AANN training can be performed in a fully automatic way and
that all pixels in the image can be used as training samples for this task. Practically, this has actually
been the technique adopted in this paper.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
Since in the proposed approach the input data corresponds to the features derived by the NLPCA,
the obtained endmembers are represented in the feature space. In order to obtain the equivalent
endmembers in the spectral domain, the decoding sub-network of the NLPCA is used.
Once the endmembers are obtained, the fractional abundances estimated by minimizing the total
squared error, under the constraints of non-negativity and/or the sum to one:
& &2
1 & &
min x 2 &Ea − S & ,
x ≥ 0, (9)
1T x = 1,
where E ∈ q denote the matrix containing the q endmembers, a ∈ k the fractional abundance
vector, and S ∈ k the observed mixed pixel. In order to solve the optimization problems, we used the
SUnSAL algorithm, which is an instance of the Constrained Split Augmented Lagrangian Shrinkage
Algorithm (C-SALSA) methodology to effectively solve a large number of constrained least-squares
problems sharing the same matrix system in [36]. Figure 4 depicts the complete schematic of the
proposed approach.
Figure 4. Schematic diagram describing the proposed processing for hyperspectral unmixing.
3. Experimental Results
In this section, two real measurements datasets have been considered to test the proposed
technique. Both radiance and reflectance data, i.e., without and with atmospheric correction, are
used in order to analyze the effect of these two options in our approach. Differently from simulated
data, real images are, generally, strongly conditioned by a great deal of additional circumstances,
such as differences in illumination through the scene, angle of view as well as multiple scattering
effects. These factors have been reported to influence the endmember selection in linear unmixing
approaches [34]. As for the assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed technique, a qualitative
analysis has been carried out by considering comparisons with ground truth fractional abundance maps
and spectral library. In the case of abundance maps’ ground truth, the effectiveness of the technique can
be assessed by estimating the abundances of the endmembers in the scene and comparing the obtained
values with reference fractions. In using ground truth spectral library, the quality of the endmembers
is evaluated by comparing them with some reference spectral signatures using spectral similarity
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
criteria. In order to further appreciate the effectiveness of the proposed method in handling nonlinear
mixtures, the obtained results have been compared with those obtained applying the endmembers
extraction and abundance estimation phases, directly to the hyperspectral image and to the linear
features obtained through the use of standard PCA.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
Figure 6. Hyperion image: fractional abundances obtained from the NLPCA derived data
corresponding to the obtained endmembers (EM1, EM2,...,EM10).
Figure 7. Spectral signatures of the endmembers obtained with the proposed method for the
Hyperion image.
From the obtained endmembers, it can noted that EM1, EM6 and EM8 present similar spectral
signatures, which, according to the available ground truth, represent different extents of man-made
structures. Then, a new endmember representing man-made structures is obtained by summing up
these three endmembers (Figure 8). In a similar way, both EM4 and EM10 could be associated to
different types of vegetations. Finally, EM2 and EM5 clearly refer to water and bare soil, respectively.
The remaining three endmembers EM3, EM7 and EM9 are the most interesting from a volcanic
products deposit detection point of view. Proximal volcanic material is collectively identified by EM3
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
and 7, while distal material, in the coastline area and more northwestwards, by EM9. The spectral
signatures of EM3, 7 and 9, while each one different with respect to the others, present a similar lower
reflectance (higher absorption) in the range between about 950 nm and 1000 nm. This identifies similar
material, while in morphological (surface structure, rugosity, macroscopic properties of the deposit)
and, probably, detailed mineralogical composition. Further studies are ongoing, starting with this pilot
analysis, to detect the precise composition of the structures identified with these endmembers, using
their retrieved spectral signatures.
Figure 8. EM1, EM6 and EM8 combined to form a new endmember representing manmade surfaces.
For sake of comparison, the endmember extraction (N-FINDR) and abundance estimation (SUnSAL)
phases have been applied also to the original image and the low-dimensionality image obtained through
the use of linear PCA, respectively. In particular, for the PCA, there have been selected nine linear principal
components in order to have a comparison with the NLPCA. The obtained abundance maps are reported
in Figures 9 and 10. In a first analysis, it can be noted that, in both cases, the noise have a strong impact
on the abundance maps. As for the abundance maps obtained with the original image, EM1, EM4
and EM7 can be associated to manmade surfaces. EM3 seems to be associated to water surfaces while
EM2 can be associated to low reflective surfaces. EM5 and EM6 are related to vegetation while EM9
could be associated to bare soil. EM8 is associated to both volcanic deposits and also dense vegetation.
Finally, EM10 is strongly influenced by noise and cannot be associated to any material. On a more
deep analysis, it can be noted that volcanic products deposit cannot be identified in one endmember
but are present in both EM7 and EM8. A similar result can be obtained analyzing the abundances
derived from the nine linear PCs. However, the amount of noise affecting the abundance maps is
higher. In both cases, the volcanic products deposit are not completely identified.
The main result of this first experiment is that, using an atmospheric correction routine,
the volcanic plume features have been apparently removed and the characterisation of the surface
volcanic material deposit is then possible as a lesser complex spectroscopic interpretation problem,
and with a limited output space dimensionality.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
Figure 10. Hyperion image: fractional abundances obtained from the PCA derived image.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
Figure 11. Color and false color representations of the AVIRIS image.
Figure 12. Abundance maps obtained from the AVIRIS image using the NLPCA approach.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
Figure 13. Spectral signatures of the endmembers obtained with the proposed method for the
AVIRIS image.
Surface features have been identified, as for the previous case. Thanks to comparison with
ground truth, endmembers EM2 and 6 are associated with different types of vegetation and EM4
is associated to bare soil, i.e., basalt. Surface volcanic deposit are also identified, as for EM3 that
is associated with tephra deposits. Differently with respect to the CF case, volcanic plume features
here are also identified, as they are not screened out by the atmospheric correction carried out for the
previous case. Endmember EM1 can be associated with water vapour emissions and the subsequent
condensation to liquid clouds of volcanic origin. It tracks very well the plume geometry, as water
vapour is a major volcanic effluent and is very apparent in the extracted image using only EM1.
Looking at the spectral signature of this endmember, the rapid decrease of the reflectivity between
the visible range (maximum at about 500 nm) and the near infrared, point at scattering processes by
relatively small particles, as freshly nucleated water droplets following the emission by the volcano.
Endmember EM5, while presenting several surface structures, including volcanic deposit, as for EM3,
still holds a certain representativity of the plume object, in particular in the near range, as visible
from Figure 12. The spectral signature of EM5 has a larger spectral structure than EM1, in the visible
range, and so it can be argued that it carries information about larger ash particles. This hypothesis is
supported, in conjunction with these spectroscopic/scattering considerations on the spectral signature
of this endmember, by the fact that: (a) the plume identification of EM5 is confined to the near-crater
area, thus suggesting coarse particles with quick sedimentation, and (b) the simultaneous identification of
surface volcanic deposit features, probably with mineralogical composition consistent with the plume-ash
discussed here. Further studies are required to attempt finer attribution of these mixed plume/surface
endmembers’ identification to specific volcanic products, even if these first results are encouraging
towards the application of the methodology. Finally, EM7 is associated to the different illumination paths
(shadows), and then carry very limited information on atmospheric or surface features.
Similarly to the previous experiment, a comparison with the results of the spectral unmixing
(N-FINDR + SUnSAL), applied to the original and the PCA derived images, respectively, has been
carried out. According to the abundance maps reported in Figures 14 and 15, it can be noted that,
similarly to the NLPCA case, in both cases, there are endmembers related to different vegetation
surfaces, bare soil and water vapour. However, the main difference relies in the way the volcanic
materials are detected. In particular, with linear approaches, it is not possible to detect all the volcanic
materials present in the scene, as it was possible with the NLPCA approach.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
Figure 14. Abundance maps obtained from the original AVIRIS image.
Figure 15. AVIRIS image: abundance maps obtained from seven linear PCs.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 46
4. Conclusions
In this paper, a nonlinear spectral unmixing procedure is tested, using AANN, to separate the various
components of remote sensing imagery of volcanoes and their products. The problem of separating
background, surface deposits of volcanic ejecta and airborne plumes of volcanic effluents, basing on their
individual spectral signatures, from a given remote sensing image, is tackled. The method is tested on two
different cases: (1) Campi Flegrei area (deposits and fumaroles) and (2) Kilauea volcano (deposits and
plume for a moderate eruption). The dimensionality of the spectroscopic problem is reduced of up to
95%, using narrow-bottleneck AANNs, thus removing the redundancies of the hyperspectral input
data. An atmospheric correction procedure is applied to the first case but not to the second. The Campi
Flegrei case-study is very suitable to try the complete removal of the plume interference, due to the
limited effluents concentration for this case. The atmospheric correction has enabled the access to the
identification of volcanic and background features for this case. On the contrary, the thicker plume for
the Kilauea case-study made this case very well adapted to investigate both plume and surface volcanic
products. Then, an atmospheric correction is not performed to retain the airborne plume information
for the subsequent analyses. For Kilauea, the method allows the identification partial separation of
different plume (e.g., water vapour/condensed droplets, ash) and surface tephra deposits. While more
analyses and validation efforts, using ground truth or complementary remote observations, are needed,
this pilot study demonstrate the potential of this methodology to tackle different unmixing problems
linked to the identification of volcanic products from remote-sensing imagery. This is also confirmed
by comparing the results obtained with the proposed method with those obtained using classical linear
approaches. However, it is important to state that the obtained endmembers are extreme points only in
the feature space but they might not be in the original observation space. For this reason, the obtained
abundances may not lead to objective quantification of the endmembers. Finally, if not correctly
designed, the dimensionality reduction using the NLPCA approach, may lead to endmembers that
have physical meaning but do not exist in the real world. This is the case of features representing the
illumination or in some cases sensor artifacts.
Acknowledgments: The work of Pasquale Sellitto has been partially funded by the FP7 Med-SuV and the INGV
SMED projects. The work of Giorgio Licciardi and Jocelyn Chanussot has been funded by the ANR ASTRID
(project APHYPIS) under grant ANR-16-ASTR-0027-01.
Author Contributions: G.A.L. conceived the experiments; G.A.L., A.P., P.S. and J.C. analysed the data and
discussed the results; G.A.L. and P.S. wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Proximal Monitoring of the 2011–2015 Etna Lava
Fountains Using MSG-SEVIRI Data
Stefano Corradini 1, *, Lorenzo Guerrieri 2 , Valerio Lombardo 1 , Luca Merucci 1 ,
Massimo Musacchio 1 , Michele Prestifilippo 3 , Simona Scollo 3 , Malvina Silvestri 1 ,
Gaetano Spata 3 and Dario Stelitano 1
1 Centro Nazionale Terremoti (CNT)-Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), 00143 Rome, Italy;
[email protected] (V.L.); [email protected] (L.M.); [email protected] (M.M.);
[email protected] (M.S.); [email protected] (D.S.)
2 Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima (ISAC)-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR),
40129 Bologna, Italy; [email protected]
3 Osservatorio Etneo, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), 95123 Catania, Italy;
michele.prestifi[email protected] (M.P.); [email protected] (S.S.); [email protected] (G.S.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-06-51860621
Abstract: From 2011 to 2015, 49 lava fountains occurred at Etna volcano. In this work, the
measurements carried out from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI)
instrument, on board the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary satellite, are processed
to realize a proximal monitoring of the eruptive activity for each event. The SEVIRI measurements
are managed to provide the time series of start and duration of eruption and fountains, Time
Averaged Discharge Rate (TADR) and Volcanic Plume Top Height (VPTH). Due to its temperature
responsivity, the eruptions start and duration, fountains start and duration and TADR are realized
by exploiting the SEVIRI 3.9 μm channel, while the VPTH is carried out by applying a simplified
procedure based on the SEVIRI 10.8 μm brightness temperature computation. For each event, the
start, duration and TADR have been compared with ground-based observations. The VPTH time
series is compared with the results obtained from a procedures-based on the volcanic cloud center
of mass tracking in combination with the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory
(HYSPLIT) back-trajectories. The results indicate that SEVIRI is generally able to detect the start of
the lava emission few hours before the ground measurements. A good agreement is found for both
the start and the duration of the fountains and the VPTH with mean differences of about 1 h, 50 min
and 1 km respectively.
Keywords: Etna volcano; 2011–2015 Etna lava fountains; remote sensing; SEVIRI data; eruption start
and duration; volcanic plume top height; time averaged discharge rate
1. Introduction
In 2011–2015, the eruptive style of Mt. Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy) showed an intense explosive
activity. Strombolian events became more frequent, often associated to magnificent episodes of lava
fountains. The most intense phase of these eruptions, commonly indicated as “paroxysmal” episodes,
can be very short (from minutes to hours). The low frequency of polar-orbiting satellite observations
is often inadequate to detect these paroxysmal episodes. Therefore, the Spinning Enhanced Visible
and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI), the primary instrument aboard Meteosat Second Generation (MSG)
geostationary platforms, with its high temporal resolution (15 min for the Earth full disk and 5 min
for the rapid scan mode over Europe and Northern Africa) has become an important tool for volcano
observation in spite of its coarse spatial resolution [1,2]. SEVIRI has 12 spectral channels from visible
(VIS) to Thermal InfraRed (TIR) with a nadir spatial resolution of 3 km (1 km for the high resolution
High Resolution Visible-HRV channel). Measurements from SEVIRI allow the monitoring of the whole
evolution of both the proximal volcanic activity and the ash and gas emissions into the atmosphere
generated by explosive events, from the near-source plume column to the distal volcanic clouds
transported by the winds [1]. Several physical parameters estimated from each SEVIRI image provide
a quantitative characterization of the volcanic clouds in terms of ash mass burden, effective radius,
aerosol optical depth and SO2 mass [3–5]. The space-based observations covering an entire eruptive
event allow the description of the evolution of these volcanic cloud parameters, and the detection of
the horizontal and vertical extent of the atmospheric volume affected by the ash cloud [1]. Moreover,
they provide a record of the proximal thermal history of the event [6–8] and a precise timing of the
early phase of the eruption [9]. All these space-based parameters enable continuous monitoring
of the volcanic activity which can be complemented and validated by the available ground-based
observations [1].
In this work a review of the lava fountaining events that occurred at Etna volcano from the
beginning of 2011 to the end of 2015 is presented with a focus on the induced proximal activity analyzed
by using SEVIRI data. Here both the SEVIRI instruments aboard MSG platforms positioned at 0 and
9.5◦ E, with a repeat cycle of 15 min (Earth full disk) and 5 min (rapid scan mode) are considered.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 outlines and references the Etna 2011–2015
lava fountains, and Section 3 describes the methods used to retrieve the eruptions and fountains
beginning and duration, the Time Averaged Discharge Rate (TADR) and the Volcanic Plume Top
Height (VPTH) from SEVIRI data. In Section 4 the results of these analyses are reported, while in
Section 5 they are validated by exploiting the comparison with ground-based data, or by applying
different and independent retrieval methods based on satellite measurements and model simulations.
Final conclusions are drawn in Section 6.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
Figure 1. On the left: Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) image at 3.9 μm and
zoom on Etna area. On the right: details of the pixels centered on Etna craters (red) and the surrounding
5 × 5 pixels (blue) considered for the start and duration eruption computation.
In this space and time domain an “historical” threshold called “Dynamic Threshold” (DT) is defined:
where Upper_Limit is the maximum radiance values for the pixel centered on Etna craters defined as:
With Ltk (x∗ , y∗ ) is the radiance at 3.9 μm of the pixel centered on Etna craters at time tk ;
T = {t0 , t1 , . . . , tm } with m = 365 days × 5 years.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
The Lower_Limit(t) is the maximum of the mean value computed in a region of 5 × 5 pixels
around the pixel centered on Etna:
' (
[∑ni,j=1 Ltk (xi , yj )] − Ltk (x∗ , y∗ )
Lower_Limit(t) = max (3)
n2 − 1
tk ∈ T
with n = 5.
DT(t) is then compared with the “Difference of Radiances” (DR(t)) defined as DT(t), but, instead
of the maximum historical values, the real time radiance values are considered.
Finally, by making the difference DT(t)–DR(t), two solutions are possible:
Figure 2 shows two examples of no eruption (17 April 2013, upper plot) and eruption (5 January
2012, lower plot) test cases respectively. In these plots, DT(t), the radiance measured at 3.9 μm for the
central pixel (L(x∗ , y∗ )) and DR(t) are represented by the dashed, solid and dotted lines respectively.
As the upper plate of Figure 2 shows, the dotted line is always below the dashed line, therefore no
eruption was detected. On the contrary, the lower plate of Figure 2 shows an abrupt increase of
the 3.9 μm radiance until the saturation value (2.37 W/m2 /sr/μm). The beginning of the eruption
is identified at 01:10 UTC when DR(t) became greater than DT(t), while the end of the eruption is
detected at 20:15 UTC, when DR drops back to values lower than DT(t). The trend of DR(t) and L(x*,y*)
identifies also minor oscillations due to fluctuations of the volcanic activity, and a deep absorption
between 5:50 to 6:55 UTC that indicate the start and the end of the fountaining with the formation
of an eruptive plume. In fact, the volcanic plume, absorbing the underlying radiation, produce the
decrease of the radiance measured from the satellite.
Figure 2. Cont.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
Figure 2. Data for 17 April 2013 (a) and 5 January 2012 (b) test cases. In these plots, the dashed, solid
and dotted lines represent the Dynamic Threshold (DT(t)), the radiance at 3.9 μm of the pixel centered
on Etna summit craters, and the Differences of Radiance (DR(t)) respectively.
in which A is the area of active lava flow derived from the satellite image, and m and c are coefficients
set on a case-by-case basis [26]. Following Gouhier et al. [23], A is estimated from radiant pixels
containing lava from:
L(x∗ , y∗ ) − L(Ta )
A= Apix , (7)
L(Tc ) − L(Ta )
where Apix is the pixel area, L(Ta ) and L(Tc ) are the 3.9 μm radiances at ambient (Ta ) and lava (Tc )
temperature respectively. Ta is computed from adjacent lava-free pixels using the TIR channels.
Because of the small fraction of the SEVIRI pixel occupied by lava and considering that the radiant
peak of energy is centered at MIR wavelengths, there is no anomaly in the TIR. Therefore, Tc is set
by considering a suitable range of values [27] that lead to a solution spanning over a wide range of
TADR values. Uncertainties in TADR estimates can be reduced using data from higher spatial and
spectral resolution sensors such as the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) or
the Advanced very-high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) [28–30], for which the pixel size of about 1
km2 is generally sufficient to detect anomalies also in the TIR.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
temperature best matches the plume-top temperature [31,32]. For each SEVIRI image, the VPTH is
estimated by computing the minimum Tb,10.8 value in an area of 9 × 9 pixels centered over the volcanic
vents. This procedure, labelled in the following Dark Pixel (DP), is very simply to apply despite it works
reliably only when the cloud behaves as a black-body and the atmospheric profile is representative.
The highest uncertainties occur for plume heights near the tropopause where the temperature variation
as a function of height is small. In this work, the atmospheric temperature profiles used for the VPTH
estimation are those derived from the mesoscale model of the hydrometeorological service of Agenzia
Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale (ARPA) Emilia Romagna named ARPA-SIM. An hourly model
output from 72-h weather forecast provided every 12 h is considered. The ARPA-SIM grid spans from
12.5◦ to 18.5◦ E and from 34.5◦ to 40.5◦ N and has 22 isobaric levels. Data are provided as GRIB of
101 × 101 points stepped by 0.0625◦ .
Figure 3 shows an example of the VPTH retrieval obtained from the SEVIRI image collected the
23 November 2013 at 10:00 UTC and the corresponding ARPASIM temperature profile. In this case,
the brightness temperature of the most opaque pixels is −53 ◦ C and yields to an altitude of 11.1 km.
The VPTH uncertainty is obtained by computing the altitudes for Tb,10.8 +/− 2 K (dashed gray lines), in
which 2 K take into account the statistical variability of the most opaque pixels of the cloud. This leads
to a final result of 11.1 +/− 0.7 km.
Figure 3. Atmospheric temperature profile derived from the ARPA-SIM model at 10:00 UTC the
23 November 2013. The dashed vertical line represents the Tb,10.8 of the most opaque pixels obtained
from the SEVIRI image collected at 10:00 UTC (−53 ◦ C). The horizontal dashed line represents the
estimated VPTH (11.1 km). The vertical and horizontal dotted gray lines represent the uncertainty on
Tb,10.8 and VPTH respectively.
4. Results
Figure 4 shows the time series of DT(t), L(x∗ , y∗ ) and DR(t) for the 2–5 December 2015 events.
In the figure the start and end of eruptions, the 3.9 μm signal saturation, the presence of volcanic
plumes (lava fountains) and the meteorological clouds over the vents are emphasized. The SEVIRI
images on the top highlight the different plot signatures. In particular, in the first image on the left, the
3.9 μm channel shows the high. The other RGB composite images (R: Tb,12 –Tb,10.8 ; G: Tb,10.8 –Tb,8.6 ; B:
Tb,10.8 ) emphasize the presence of the volcanic and/or meteorological clouds in the area of interest.
Figure 4 clarifies possibilities and limits of the SEVIRI 3.9 μm channel analysis. For the 2–3
December event, the eruption start, end and volcanic cloud presence are clearly detected, while for the
4–5 December events the situation is much more critic due to the presence of a wide meteorological
cloud system in the area. In this latter case, it is not possible to identify the end of the 4 December and
the start of the 5 December events: from the 3.9 μm analysis these two events are merged into one.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
Figure 4. The 3.9 μm radiance from 2 to 5 December 2015. Different characteristics of the eruption
are shown: start, end, saturation, presence of volcanic plume and meteorological clouds. The satellite
images displayed on the top highlight the different plot signatures.
Table 1 (formatted in agreement with Behncke et al. [10] and De Beni et al. [33]) summarizes
the timing and duration of the different phases identified for all the 2011–2015 events with the
MS2RWS procedure applied to the 3.9 μm SEVIRI measurements. As the table shows, in some cases
the estimations are impossible because of the presence of meteorological clouds over the volcanic
area that covers completely the eruption signal (gray rows). As an example, the MS2RWS approach
cannot discriminate the start and the end of all the events from 19 to 23 February 2013 and from 4 to 5
December 2015 because of the cloudy scenarios. The table shows also that several start/end fountains
cannot be detected. The reason of that can be threefold: the presence of meteorological clouds over the
plume that mask completely the ash signal, a plume too thin to sufficiently darken the 3.9 μm signal,
and a plume too quickly transported out from the volcano area due to the high wind speed.
The last column of Table 1 shows the VPTHs estimated with the DP technique and the associated
errors. It indicates that more than the 60% of the VPTHs are between 8 and 12 km a.s.l. and that the
mean uncertainty is about 0.5 km.
Figure 5 shows the unconstrained TADR obtained for all the Etna lava fountains in which Tc
has been set in the range 100–600 ◦ C. As the figure shows the big uncertainty on Tc values lead to
big uncertainties on the TADR, ranging from 3 to 35 m3 /s. Moreover, TADR estimates suffer from
radiance saturation of the SEVIRI 3.9 μm channel and therefore TADR values result underestimated.
Figure indicate also the occurrence of many short-term but quite intense fire fountains and a significant
event from 6 to 8 December 2015 (bottom plot) not considered in Table 1. The reason is that this event
produced lava flow emission without the formation of stable lava fountain. In Section 5.2 the AVHRR
higher spatial resolution measurements will be used to reduce the SEVIRI TADR uncertainty.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
Table 1. Timing of the different phases and duration recognized for all the 2011–2015 events for
both the eruption and lava fountains derived from the MS2RWS procedure applied to the 3.9 μm
SEVIRI measurements. The last column indicates the Volcanic Plume Top Height (VPTH) estimated by
considering the DP approach. In grey the date with a complete meteorological cloud cover. All start
and end times are in UTC.
Reference Episode Start Start End End Duration VPTH
Date Number Eruption Fountaining Fountaining Eruption Fountaining [Km]
12/01/2011 12/01/2011 12/01/2011 13/01/2011
12/01/2011 1 7:30 00:30 9.0 +/− 0.4
19:30 22:00 22:30 03:00
18/02/2011 2 / / / / / /
09/04/2011 10/04/2011 10/04/2011 11/04/2011
10/04/2011 3 52:50 04:40 6.7 +/− 0.3
19:00 11:00 15:40 23:50
11/05/2011 12/05/2011
12/05/2011 4 / / 29:15 / 5.2 +/− 0.3
18:35 23:50
09/07/2011 09/07/2011 09/07/2011 10/07/2011
09/07/2011 5 26:00 00:20 9.6 +/− 0.3
09:25 14:40 15:00 11:25
18/07/2011 20/07/2011
19/07/2011 6 / / 31:15 / /
20:45 04:00
24/07/2011 26/07/2011
25/07/2011 7 / / 29:55 / 5.2 +/− 0.3
20:50 02:45
30/07/2011 31/07/2011
30/07/2011 8 / / 27:15 / /
07.25 10:40
05/08/2011 06/08/2011 13.1 +/−
05/08/2011 9 / / 14:50 /
19:45 10:35 1.0
12/08/2011 13/08/2011
12/08/2011 10 / / 26:30 / 8.2 +/− 0.3
05:50 08:20
20/08/2011 20/08/2011 20/08/2011 21/08/2011 11.2 +/−
20/08/2011 11 25:55 00:40
03:40 07:10 07:50 05:35 0.3
28/08/2011 29/08/2011
29/08/2011 12 / / 16:55 / 9.6 +/− 0.3
23:25 16:20
08/09/2011 09/09/2011 11.0 +/−
08/09/2011 13 / / 27:00 /
06:15 09:15 0.3
19/09/2011 14 / / / / / / /
28/09/2011 15 / / / / / / /
08/10/2011 08/10/2011 08/10/2011 09/10/2011
08/10/2011 16 15:15 01:25 /
12:25 13:25 14:50 03:40
23/10/2011 24/10/2011
23/10/2011 17 / / 10:50 / 5.5 +/− 0.3
17:40 04:30
15/11/2011 15/11/2011
15/11/2011 18 / / 10:30 / 9.9 +/− 0.4
10:15 20:45
05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 16.2 +/−
05/01/2012 19 19:05 01:05
01:10 05:50 06:55 20:15 1.7
08/02/2012 09/02/2012 09/02/2012 09/02/2012
09/02/2012 20 11:15 03:30 8.8 +/− 0.6
19:00 03:15 06:45 06:15
04/03/2012 21 / / / / / / /
18/03/2012 19/03/2012 11.0 +/−
18/03/2012 22 / / 23:25 /
04:50 04:15 0.4
31/03/2012 02/04/2012 10.8 +/−
01/04/2012 23 / / 26:55 /
22:40 01:35 0.4
12/04/2012 12/04/2012
12/04/2012 24 / / 11:45 / /
11:45 23:30
23/04/2012 24/04/2012 10.7 +/−
24/04/2012 25 / / 33:20 /
03:30 12:50 0.2
19/02/2013 26 / / / / / 7.8 +/− 0.3
20/02/2013 27 / / / / / / /
20/02/2013 28 / / / / / / /
21/02/2013 21/02/2013
21/02/2013 29 / / / 02:00 /
04:00 06:00
23/02/2013 23/02/2013 23/02/2013
23/02/2013 30 / / 01:15 6.7 +/− 0.3
19:00 20:15 18:45
28/02/2013 28/02/2013
28/02/2013 31 / / 13:45 / 9.3 +/− 0.9
08:45 23:30
05/03/2013 05/03/2013 05/03/2013 07/03/2013
05/03/2013 32 31:05 00:20 /
20:00 23:00 23:20 03:05
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
Table 1. Cont.
Reference Episode Start Start End End Duration VPTH
Date Number Eruption Fountaining Fountaining Eruption Fountaining [Km]
16/03/2013 17/03/2013
16/03/2013 33 / / 17:25 / /
11:20 04:45
03/04/2013 04/04/2013
03/04/2013 34 / / 17:59 / 5.8 +/− 0.3
10:40 04:40
11/04/2013 13/04/2013
12/04/2013 35 / / 40:45 / 7.3 +/− 0.3
11:15 04:00
18/04/2013 18/04/2013 18/04/2013 19/04/2013
18/04/2013 36 21:05 00:30 6.6 +/− 0.3
07:25 11:35 12:05 04:30
19/04/2013 21/04/2013 11.7 +/−
20/04/2013 37 / / 28:05 /
23:00 03:05 0.4
27/04/2013 28/04/2013
27/04/2013 38 / / 17:55 / 5.2 +/− 0.4
13:35 07:30
25/10/2013 27/10/2013
26/10/2013 39 / / 50:30 / 8.1 +/− 0.3
19:20 21:50
11/11/2013 11/11/2013 11/11/2013 12/11/2013
11/11/2013 40 20:40 06:25
08:00 01:05 0 7:30 04:40
16/11/2013 18/11/2013 10.5 +/−
17/11/2013 41 / / 36:05 /
15:15 03:20 0.8
23/11/2013 24/11/2013 11.1 +/−
23/11/2013 42 / / 19:45 /
05:15 01:00 0.7
28/11/2013 29/11/2013
28/11/2013 43 / / 17:40 / /
16:50 10:30
02/12/2013 02/12/2013 02/12/2013 03/12/2013
02/12/2013 44 24:05 01:00 /
17:00 19:20 20:20 17:05
28/12/2014 28/12/2014 28/12/2014 29/12/2014
28/12/2014 45 22:05 01:00 /
18:15 20:50 21:50 16:20
02/02/2015 03/12/2015 03/12/2015 03/12/2015 12.5 +/−
03/12/2015 46 17:20 00:45
16:40 02:55 03:40 09:55 0.3
04/12/2015 04/12/2015 04/12/2015 17.6 +/−
04/12/2015 47 / / 01:50
07:55 09:20 11:10 1.1
04/12/2015 04/12/2015 16.1 +/−
04/12/2015 48 / / / 00:15
20:55 21:10 0.8
05/12/2015 05/12/2015 08/02/2015 14.1 +/−
05/12/2015 49 / / 01:35
15:10 16:45 18:05 2.0
It is important to note that the duration of the 3 December 2015 eruption measured from SEVIRI
data (bottom plot of Figure 5) is longer than the duration derived from ground observations [16].
This can be explained by the presence of volcanic products that are still hot after the end of the eruption.
Sensors measure the thermal emission from fallout deposits and effusive materials even if the activity
has been over for days. As a result, the application of Equation (6) can yield to false TADR.
Figure 5. Cont.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
Figure 5. Time Averaged Discharge Rate (TADR) time series derived from SEVIRI 3.9 μm images
during 2011–2015 Etna’s lava fountains. Blue and red values are maximum and minimum derived
TADR respectively.
5. Validation
The start of the eruption and the start and duration of the lava fountains are compared with
ground-based measurements, while the VPTH with estimations obtained merging procedures based
on tracking the volcanic cloud center of mass and on HYSPLIT backwards trajectories.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
Figure 6. Time differences between the eruption start retrieved from SEVIRI (ES) data and the lava
emission start time as derived from ground-based observations (SL). The blue and red bars represent
the time differences (SL-ES) and (ES-SL) respectively.
Figure 7. Fountaining starts retrieved from SEVIRI (red bars) and from ground-based observations (blue bars).
Figure 8. Lava fountains durations retrieved from SEVIRI (red bars) and from ground-based visible
(VIS) to Thermal InfraRed (TIR) (VIS/TIR) observations (blue bars).
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
each new AVHRR acquisition (green stars) as in the real-time case. Minimum values are not shown in
the graph for clarity. Figure 9 shows that, even if only five cloud-free AVHRR images are available in
this time frame, the TADR derived from AVHRR allows to reduce uncertainties in SEVIRI estimates by
40%. Constrained SEVIRI time series show a mean TADR of 12 m3 /s that is in good agreement with
the effusion rates of 10–15 m3 /s measured by Corsaro et al. [16] from field data.
Figure 9. TADR estimated from 5 advanced very-high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) images collected
from 6 to 8 December 2015 (yellow and black values are maximum and minimum TADR respectively).
The green line shows the maximum SEVIRI derived TADR constrained using the maximum AVHRR
derived TADR.
5.3. VPTH by Using the Tracking of the Ash Cloud Center of Mass and HYSPLIT Backtrajectories
The high data frequency of the SEVIRI images (every 15 or 5 min) can be exploited to retrieve
wind speed and direction of the volcanic clouds for each event [34]. These terms were derived by
applying the following steps:
• retrieval of the ash abundance map from a given SEVIRI image [34];
• identification of the ash cloud centre of mass;
• computation of the ash centre of mass distance from the top of the volcano and the angle relative
to the North.
The previous three steps are repeated for some subsequent SEVIRI images (at least 2–3 h from
the start of the eruption). Using a linear fit, the speed (from distance and image time acquisition) and
direction (from angle) of the volcanic cloud were obtained.
Basic assumption of this method is that the estimated peak speed is assumed to be the whole
plume speed, which is the true wind speed at cloud altitude. Then, by comparing the wind speed
and direction with the wind speed and direction of an atmospheric profile collected in the same time
and position, the volcanic cloud altitude can be derived. For this purpose the National Centers for
Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) reanalysis
profiles [35] (resolution 2.5◦ × 2.5◦ ) centered near the Etna volcano (37.5◦ N, 15.0◦ E) and collected
close in time with the eruption start (time resolution 6 h) have been considered.
Due to the characteristics of the atmospheric wind speed and direction profiles, more than a
single intersection with the wind speed and direction computed from the volcanic ash center of mass,
can be found. For this reason, a procedure [36] based on HYSPLIT backtrajectories has been also
considered [37–39]. By plotting several backtrajectories at different altitudes starting from a volcanic
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
cloud detected several hours after the eruption, the correct volcanic cloud top height has been identified
as the one corresponding to the trajectory that intersects Etna at the time of the eruption start.
Figure 10 shows an example of the volcanic cloud height estimation obtained by combining of the
described methods (labelled in the following CM-HYSPLIT). The not univocal results obtained from
wind speed (from 4.3 to 5.7 km and 16 km) and direction (4.3 and 16.5 km) are constrained by using
the HYSPLIT backward trajectories obtaining for the plume height a final result of 4.3 km.
Figure 10. Example of the CM and HYSPLIT procedures combination for the 25 July 2011 event.
(a): distance (yellow) and direction (magenta) of the cloud center of mass referring to the Etna position.
(b): comparison between the volcanic cloud speed (yellow vertical line) and direction (magenta vertical
line) with the wind speed (orange profile) and direction (red profile) extracted from NCEP. (c): HYSPLIT
backtrajectories for different altitudes (the yellow star indicates the Etna position).
Figure 11 shows the comparison between the results obtained from the DP and the CM-HYSPLIT
procedures. The figure shows a general good agreement, except for few dates (episode numbers:
9 and 19, respectively 5 August 2011 and 5 January 2012) and for the events of December 2015.
These significant discrepancies can be due to an inertial overshoot of the plume and a consequent
settling at the level of neutral buoyancy. Another reason can be that the volcanic cloud reaches the
tropopause where the temperature profile is almost constant. This leads to big uncertainties on the
VPTH estimation obtained with the DP procedure. For the December 2015 events, also the estimation
made by a ground-based radar system collocated at Catania airport have been plotted [15]. As the
figure shows, these measurements lie in between the DP and CM-HYSPLIT retrievals.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
Figure 11. Comparison between the VPTH estimated from DP and CM-HYSPLIT procedures. Also,
the ground based radar VPTH estimation, for the December 2015 events, have been considered.
6. Conclusions
In this work the MSG-SEVIRI space-based measurements have been used for a proximal
monitoring of the Etna lava fountain events occurred from 2011 to 2015.
Results show that the SEVIRI 3.9 μm radiance measurements can be exploited to estimate eruption
start and duration and the volcanic cloud presence. In particular, the ash plume presence (recognized
by the drop of the 3.9 μm signal) can be used to estimate the start and end of the lava fountains.
The procedure considered is based on the comparison between the SEVIRI measurements with an
historical threshold computed from the analysis of 5 years of satellite data.
The VPTHs, estimated by a simplified procedure based on the brightness temperature at 10.8 μm,
indicates that more than the 60% of the VPTH’s are between 8 and 12 km with a height mean error of
about 0.5 km.
The TADR results show the big uncertainties due to the unknown lava temperature and confirm
the short-term but quite intense events occurred from 2011 to 2015. SEVIRI TADR estimates have
been improved using the higher resolution AVHRR data, considering five cloud-free images collected
during the 6–8 December 2015 event. The AVHRR TADR retrieved reduces the uncertainties in SEVIRI
estimates by 40% with a mean value of 12 m3 /s which is in good agreement with the effusion rates
measured by Corsaro et al. [16].
As expected, the main limitation for all the procedures is due to the presence of the meteorological
clouds over the volcanic area that can partially or completely mask the eruption signal.
The start and duration of eruption and fountaining activities have been compared with
ground-based observations. The results indicate that, for the most of the eruption, SEVIRI is able to
detect the start of the lava emission about 3 h before the ground measurements, while there is a good
agreement for both the start and duration of the lava fountains with a mean difference of about 1 h
and 50 min respectively.
VPTH has been compared with the results obtained with a procedure based on the combination
of an algorithm based on the volcanic cloud center of mass tracking and the HYSPLIT back-trajectories.
The results indicate a general good agreement with a mean difference of about 1 km. For the 2015
December events, the differences are greater because the volcanic plume reached the tropopause where
the temperature profile is almost constant.
Acknowledgments: The work was part of the Conv. Allegato B2 INGV-DPC 2017 funded by the Italian Civil
Protection. The authors gratefully acknowledge the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) for the provision
of the HYSPLIT transport and dispersion model and/or READY website (http://www.ready.noaa.gov) used in
this publication.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 140
Author Contributions: Stefano Corradini conceived and coordinated the work; Lorenzo Guerrieri analyzed
the SEVIRI data for the computation of the volcanic cloud top height using CM-HYSPLIT procedures;
Valerio Lombardo processed the SEVIRI 3.9 μm data for the TADR estimations; Luca Merucci and Dario Stelitano
took part in the discussion of the presented work and prepared the SEVIRI data needed for the different processing;
Massimo Musacchio and Malvina Silvestri processed the SEVIRI 3.9 μm data for the estimation of start/end of the
eruptions and lava fountains; Michele Prestifilippo, Simona Scollo and Gaetano Spata processed the SEVIRI 10.8
μm data for the volcanic plume top height estimation using DP procedure.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Ground-Based Remote Sensing and Imaging of
Volcanic Gases and Quantitative Determination of
Multi-Species Emission Fluxes
Ulrich Platt 1,2, *, Nicole Bobrowski 1,2 and Andre Butz 3,4
1 Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany;
[email protected]
2 Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, D-55128 Mainz, Germany
3 Meteorologisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, D-80 539 Munich, Germany;
[email protected]
4 Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e. V.,
D-82 234 Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The physical and chemical structure and the spatial evolution of volcanic plumes are of
great interest since they influence the Earth’s atmospheric composition and the climate. Equally
important is the monitoring of the abundance and emission patterns of volcanic gases, which gives
insight into processes in the Earth’s interior that are difficult to access otherwise. Here, we review
spectroscopic approaches (from ultra-violet to thermal infra-red) to determine multi-species emissions
and to quantify gas fluxes. Particular attention is given to the emerging field of plume imaging and
quantitative image interpretation. Here UV SO2 cameras paved the way but several other promising
techniques are under study and development. We also give a brief summary of a series of initial
applications of fast imaging techniques for volcanological research.
1. Introduction
The physical and chemical structure and the spatial evolution of volcanic plumes is of great
interest for a number of reasons beyond scientific curiosity:
(A) Volcanic gas emissions influence the atmosphere and therefore also the climate and other Earth
system parameters in a number of ways and on different temporal and spatial scales (e.g., [1–3]).
Investigations of plume chemistry and plume dispersal will help constrain these influences
(see e.g., [4,5]).
(B) The composition and emission rate of volcanic gases are linked to processes occurring in the
Earth’s interior, therefore measuring volcanic gases provides insights into these otherwise largely
inaccessible processes. For instance, already Noguchi and Kamiya [6] showed that eruptions of
Mt. Asama (Japan) could be forecast with some degree of accuracy by measuring the variable
partitioning of sulphur species, chlorine species, and carbon dioxide in the emissions from the
active crater. Malinconico [7] showed first that also the amount of gas, in particular the amount
of emitted SO2 varies when the volcanic activity changes. Several authors (e.g., [8,9]) used the
measured SO2 emission also to calculate the amount of magma involved in the simultaneously
observed volcanic activity.
These remote sensing techniques have a number of decisive advantages over in-situ observations:
The largest being that under most conditions the total amount of gas in the plume can be determined,
rather than the gas concentration at the plume edge (usually probed by ground-based in-situ
instruments). Since measurements can be made from distances of typically a few kilometres remote
sensing is also much safer than in-situ sampling. Moreover, the technology allows easy automation
and thus continuous measurements in real time are readily possible, even during periods of explosive
activity. In fact continuous measurements of SO2 and BrO fluxes are realised by the global Network of
Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change (NOVAC) [10–12].
Recent advances in technology, in particular for spectroscopic techniques, allow remote analysis
of many species in volcanic plumes. Specifically, the two-dimensional or even three-dimensional
distribution of gases within volcanic plumes and their temporal evolution can now be determined
in real time. In other words, recent technology allows “imaging” of trace gas distributions and
their motion in plumes. Compared to earlier techniques, which were only capable of measuring the
total column density of a particular gas along a single line of sight within the plume (e.g., [13–15]),
new imaging techniques (see e.g., [5,16]) give much better insight into transport and mixing processes,
as well as into chemical transformations within plumes. Moreover, much more accurate, quantitative
determinations of trace gas fluxes are now possible in most cases. If the imaging is performed
at adequate time resolution, the plume speed can be derived directly from image series, either
by correlation techniques (e.g., [13,17–19]) or by more advanced image processing techniques
(e.g., [20–22]).
The most abundant volcanic gases, i.e., H2 O, CO2 , SO2 , HCl, HF, H2 S and many other trace
species like BrO, ClO, OClO, NO2 CO, COS, SiF4 , can be measured either by UV/vis spectroscopy
(i.e., H2 O, SO2 , BrO, ClO, OClO, NO2 are readily measured by DOAS) or IR spectroscopy (e.g., H2 O,
CO2 , SO2 , HCl, HF, H2 S, CO, COS, SiF4 ). Note, however, that the two species, which are usually
most abundant in volcanic plumes (i.e., H2 O and CO2 ) also occur in high concentrations in the
atmosphere surrounding the plume. Therefore it is frequently difficult to determine these gases by
passive spectroscopy (see Section 2.3.3), since the contrast between the background atmospheric signal
and background atmosphere plus plume is very small (sometimes in the 10−3 range or below).
In the following we give an overview of the principles of optical remote sensing and of plume
imaging techniques. These techniques can be applied from the ground, from (manned or unmanned)
aircraft (e.g., [23]), or from satellite platforms. Although satellite imaging constitutes an interesting and
important branch of these techniques (e.g., [24–26]) we restrict ourselves to the first type of application.
At present ground-based remote sensing techniques are in various stages of development,
ranging from methods that are already routinely being applied to study volcanic degassing, to those
which are so new that only first field test have been done. In addition we discuss applications to
flux measurements.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
Figure 1. Overview of the different plume sensing schemes: (A) Thermal emission is recorded by
passive spectroscopy in the thermal infra-red; (B) Direct light absorption spectroscopy in the UV,
visible, or near IR; (C) Scattered sunlight spectroscopy in the UV or visible spectral ranges; (D) Active
absorption spectroscopy in the UV, visible, or near IR.
In the following we give an overview of the principles of optical remote sensing and of plume
imaging techniques. We limit ourselves to showcasing ground-based techniques that are regularly used
for volcanic plume remote sensing. We recapitulate the basic aspects of absorption (Section 2.1) and
thermal emission (Section 2.2) spectroscopic techniques and highlight some applications (Section 2.3).
Imaging techniques are discussed in Section 3, below.
dI (λ, x )
= −k a (λ, x ) I (λ, x ) (1)
with wavelength λ and absorption coefficient k a (λ, x ). For a gaseous medium, the latter is given by
where ni ( x ) is the number density of absorbing gas species i (of which there might be multiple),
and σi (λ, p( x ), T ( x ), . . .) is the respective absorption cross section that generally depends on the path
via ambient pressure p, temperature T, or other variables like water vapour that causes spectroscopic
effects such as foreign line broadening.
Assuming that the light source emits a background spectrum I (λ, 0) = I0 (λ) at location x = 0,
integration of Equation (1) yields the radiance spectrum at the location x = L of the remote
sensing observer,
I (λ, L) = I0 (λ) exp(−τ (λ, 0, L)) (3)
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
If the absorption cross sections can be assumed independent of ambient conditions along the path
( p( x ), T ( x ), ... = const.), the absorption optical density is approximately given by
) L
τ (λ, 0, L) ≈ ∑ σi (λ) 0
ni ( x ) dx = ∑ σi (λ) Si (5)
i i
where Si denotes the slant column density of trace gas species i defined as the concentration integrated
along the light path. For atmospheric remote sensing, this assumption typically holds for absorption
cross sections in the UV and visible spectral range and thus, the Differential Optical Absorption
Spectroscopy (DOAS) technique described in Section 2.3.1 adopts Equation (5). In the infra-red,
the assumption is not generally applicable and absorption spectroscopic techniques need to start out
from Equation (4) (Section 2.3.2), unless the absorbing gases can be safely assumed to only exist in a
single plume layer with homogeneous pressure, temperature etc.
Assuming that Equation (5) holds and that there is only a single absorbing gas in the volcanic
plume, the respective gas slant column density S can, in principle, be determined by ratioing a
background spectrum I0 (λ) by the plume spectrum I (λ) according to,
τ (λ) 1 I0 (λ)
S= = ln (6)
σ(λ) σ(λ) I (λ)
from which the plume average absorber concentration n is straightforward to calculate through
n= (7)
if the species only exists inside the plume (and not in the background atmosphere) and if the geometric
path length L p through the plume can be estimated e.g., using the geometric plume extent. In practice,
various complications render this approach too simplistic and real-world solutions need to be found
(Section 2.3).
Figure 2. Schematic illustration of the classic absorption experiment with a light source at a distance L
from the observer and the absorbing volcano plume in-between.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
where k a (λ, x ) is the absorption coefficient defined in Equation (2) and B(λ, T ( x )) is Planck’s thermal
emission spectrum
2 h c5
B(λ, T ( x )) = h c λ (9)
e λkT(x) − 1
(c = speed of light, h = Planck constant, k = Boltzmann constant, T = temperature). Solving
Schwarzschild’s equation for an observer at location x = L pointing toward a cold background
at location = 0 ( I (λ, 0) = 0), with the volcanic plume in-between, yields the observed radiance
) L
I (λ, L) = k a (λ, x ) B(λ, T ( x )) exp(−τ (λ, x, L)) dx (10)
with τ (λ, x, L) the absorption optical density defined in Equation (5). Equation (10) essentially tells that
thermal radiation accumulates along the path toward the observer taking into account that radiation
emitted at location x gets reabsorbed along the rest of the way to the observer
Dividing the light path into N homogeneous layers k at constant temperature Tk with layer
boundaries xk and xk+1 , Equation (10) becomes
N ) x
k +1
I (λ, L) = ∑ B(λ, Tk ) xk
k a (λ, x ) exp(−τ (λ, x, L)) dx (11)
k =1
I (λ, L) = ∑ B(λ, Tk )(1 − exp(−τ (λ, xk , xk+1 )) exp(−τ (λ, xk+1 , x N +1 ))) (12)
k =1
A common view on Equation (13) for volcanic applications is the one shown in Figure 3.
The emission along the line-of-sight is assumed to consist of three contributions, the atmospheric
background radiance Ibehind (λ) entering the plume from behind, thermal emission by the plume
layer (2), and thermal emission by the layer (3) in front of the plume which hosts the observer.
Then, Equation (13) simplifies to
Equation (14) carries the target gas concentrations in the plume transmittance t2 , and thus can be
used to setup plume remote sensing experiments (Section 2.3.3).
For further conceptual insight, we assume that a spectral range can be found where the target
gas is the only absorber and that the target gas only exists in the volcanic plume. Then, all layer
transmittances except t2 become unity and the background radiance Ibehind (λ) vanishes, reducing
Equation (14) to
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
Following the discussion of Equation (5), for a homogeneous plume layer ( p( x ), T ( x ), ... = const),
the optical density can be approximated by τ (λ) = σ(λ) × S. Then, Equation (15) readily yields the
slant column density S of the target gas via
τ (λ) 1 I (λ, L)
S= =− ln 1 − (16)
σ(λ) σ(λ) B(λ, T2 )
from which the plume average concentration n calculates through Equation (7). Thus, under the above
approximations, measuring a thermal emission spectrum I (λ, L) and measuring (or knowing from
external sources) the plume layer temperature T2 would allow for estimating the gas concentrations.
In practice, infra-red spectral windows are typically packed with overlapping absorption of various
background and plume gases and thus, Equation (16) is too simplistic.
Figure 3. Schematic illustration of thermal emission sounding for a simplified 3-layer atmosphere
consisting of a layer behind the volcanic plume, the plume-layer itself, and the layer between the plume
and the observer.
• Active or passive spectroscopy (i.e., will there be an artificial light source or a natural one)
• Arrangement of light path (source-detector, topographic reflector, artificial reflector, backscattered
(artificial) light, scattered (sun) light)
• Path integrated column measurement or range resolved detection
• Dispersive or non-dispersive detection
- For dispersive detection: Type of wavelength analysis (grating spectrometer,
- Fourier transform interferometer, Fabry Pérot interferometer, tunable light source, ...)
- For non-dispersive detection: Filter, narrow band emitting light source (e.g., laser, LED)
• One dimensional (single column) or two-dimensional (imaging) measurement (see Section 4)
While there is a large number of possible combinations of the above approaches only several
of the techniques have actually been used for remote sensing in volcanological environments and
therefore became popular, we describe these in the following:
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
proportional to λ−1.3 ). A great advantage of using scattered solar light is its universal applicability with
observation from only one point, which greatly simplifies the logistics. Dispersive or non-dispersive
detectors can be used, up to now the former are employed for one dimensional work and the latter for
imaging applications.
Figure 5. Schematic illustration of scattered skylight DOAS measurements with the sun as a light source.
Thus, conceptually, DOAS is fit to use Equations (6) and (7) to infer gas concentrations in volcanic
plumes. As illustrated by Figure 5, the plume spectra I (λ) in Equation (6) are the measurements
for which the lines-of-sight cross the volcanic plume. The background spectra I0 (λ) are obtained
by adjusting the observing geometry such that lines-of-sight avoid the volcanic plume or, if such an
adjustment is not possible, by resorting to external sources such as solar spectral atlases [29]. In practice,
this simple approach faces various complications which need to be overcome.
First and foremost, the absorption optical densities of the target species are typically small
(τ(λ) = 10−4 10−1 ) in the UV/visible spectral range and the target absorption usually interferes with
strong Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum and with absorption by other gases. As explained
above, DOAS relies on fingerprinting the target absorption by measuring contiguous spectral ranges
covering a sufficient number of differential absorption structures of the target gas. For accessing the
minute target absorption with high accuracy, however, it is further crucial to exclude systematic errors
originating from uncertainties in the Fraunhofer spectrum or in the absorption cross sections causing
spurious effects on the subjacent gas signature. Therefore, DOAS prefers using background spectra
(and, if possible, absorption cross sections) that are measured by the actual remote sensing instrument.
Then, the aforementioned error sources efficiently cancel, making minute absorption signals accessible.
Strictly, however, Equation (6), assumes the spectra I0 (λ) and I (λ) to be available at an ‘infinite’
spectral resolution i.e., at a spectral resolution much better than the width of the atmospheric spectral
features. This is generally not the case when using remote sensing measurements conducted by a field
spectrometer. The instrument spectral response function (ISRF) smoothes the atmospheric spectra
according to )
I ∗ (λ) = F λ
I λ − λ
= F (λ) ⊗ I (λ) (17)
where the symbol ⊗ indicates the convolution operation and F (λ) is the ISRF that characterizes
the observing instrument. The ISRF can be measured in the laboratory or calculated based on the
instrument’s optical and detector properties. Laser based approaches typically have spectrally narrow
ISRF and thus, Equation (17) can indeed be dropped. For DOAS applications, replacing I, I0 , and σ
in Equation (6) by the measured (or ISRF convolved) quantities I ∗ , I0∗ and σ∗ holds approximately
in optically thin conditions. The approximation is applicable for most UV/visible absorbing gases
and work-around’s can be found for moderately thick absorption optical densities such that DOAS is
widely applicable to trace gas remote sensing in this spectral range.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
In practice, DOAS is applied to the retrieval of UV/visible absorbing gases such as H2 O, SO2 ,
BrO, OClO, NO2 and O3 using scattered sunlight as a light source or by directly pointing toward the
sun or artificial light sources. In the latter case a broad-band (relative to the absorption band or line)
artificial light source, typically in a search light arrangement, supplies a light beam with intensity I0 (λ),
which traverses the plume. At the other side of the plume the light is collected and the column density
is calculated form the absorption spectrum. Frequently a variant of this set-up is used, where light
source and detector are at one end of the light path, while at the other end there is only a reflector
(typically a retro-reflector). This arrangement has two advantages: First, the light beam crosses the
plume twice, thus doubling the sensitivity and second (and usually more important), all parts of the
instrument, which require power are at one end of the light path, while only a passive reflector is at
far end. Prerequisite for this approach is the availability of suitable sites on either side of the plume
(e.g., two points at the crater rim) for mounting light source and detector or reflector (see e.g., [30,31]).
In addition, the technique largely avoids the problems of the large background column density of e.g.,
H2 O. In principle dispersive or non-dispersive detectors could be used, however, up to now in all
applications only the former type is employed.
If the gas under investigation only exists inside the plume and not in the background atmosphere
and if scattering effects are not too severe, estimating n from S can be as simple as Equation (7) i.e.,
dividing the slant column by the length of the line-of-sight transect through the plume. In practice,
for measurements using scattered sunlight estimating the intra-plume concentrations from the slant
columns S might be complicated due to several effects: (1) the intra-plume average light path has
contributions from multiple scattering inside the plume due to large abundances of plume condensate
or aerosols, (2) the overall average light path has contributions from photons that do not transect the
plume at all and thus, they do not see any target gas absorption (commonly termed light dilution),
(3) the target gas has non-negligible abundances in the background atmosphere and thus, background
removal is required, or (4) the absorption optical density is not thin and the average scattering light path
x cannot be assumed independent of wavelength and the convolution operation does not commute
with the exponential in Beer-Lambert-Bouguer’s law.
Following the early introduction of COSPEC (COrrelation SPECtrometer, e.g., [28]), today’s
instruments are based on the DOAS technique (e.g., [27]), which can be performed with miniaturized
spectrometers. There are also variants with simplified spectral evaluation e.g., Flyspec (e.g., [32]).
In principle reflection of sunlight on topographic objects or by clouds could be used, but this has not
been attempted yet.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
As described in Section 2.3.1 direct-light techniques have the great advantage that the light path
is well-defined. As long as the light source is sufficiently bright to exclude contributions from light
scattering and thermal emission along the atmospheric path, the light path computes easily from the
positions of the source and the observer and, if necessary, from the atmosphere’s refractive properties.
The major disadvantage of direct-light techniques (as in the case of active UV/vis spectroscopy) is that
one has little flexibility in choosing the observing geometry. The line-of-sight is strictly defined by the
position of the light source and the receiving system, which have to be arranged such that the volcanic
plume is in-between.
IR spectroscopy is implemented in four popular variants:
(a) With broad-band, thermal light sources, e.g., globars in combination with dispersive detection
systems, typically Fourier-Transform interferometers of the Michelson type ([33–35]). At volcanoes
hot lava can be used as source of radiation (e.g., [36], see below), which—according to our
definition—would be classified as passive absorption spectroscopy.
(b) Tunable Diode laser spectroscopy (TDLS), which (e.g., [37–39]) is a variety of dispersive
spectroscopy where a narrow-band emitting light source (i.e., a semiconductor laser) is rapidly
wavelength modulated in order to sweep across an absorption line of the gas to be measured.
The original, rather unreliable lead salt diodes are now replaced by much more stable (though still
expensive) quantum cascade laser diodes [40,41]. Since the light source is wavelength modulated
there is no need for dispersive detection.
All variants of the technique share the prerequisites (suitable sites) and advantages (low
background) with the active UV/vis spectroscopy. Also the options for the arrangement of light
paths (single path, retro reflector) are similar, in addition ‘topographic targets’ i.e., back-reflection of
the transmitted radiation at terrain surfaces (see below) are in use.
Future developments for active IR spectroscopy could use Dual frequency comb spectroscopy
(e.g., [42]), which—although it works differently—has some similarities to a combination of TDLS plus
FT spectrometer.
(c) Passive IR spectroscopy using the sun (or the moon) as a direct light source is commonly referred
to as the solar (or lunar) occultation technique which has been used for remote sensing of volcanic
gases such as SO2 , HF, HCl, and SiF4 , e.g., [43–45]. The technique simplifies substantially if the
target gas only exists (at relevant amounts) in the volcanic plume and not in the background
atmosphere which is, however, not the case for the major volcanic plume constituents CO2 and
H2 O. Due to the rapid downwind dispersion of the volcanic plume, the volcanic enhancements
(on top of the large background) become small and thus, increasingly difficult to measure
the farther downwind the plume is sampled. Only recently, Butz et al. [46], demonstrated
safe-distance remote sensing of volcanic CO2 in Mt. Etna’s plume during passive degassing
conditions. They operated a sun-viewing, portable Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTIR) on a
truck in stop-and-go patterns underneath Mt. Etna’s plume such that the lines-of-sight to the
sun sampled the plume in 5–10 km distance from the crater. Co-measuring O2 columns helped
calibrating spurious variations in the targeted CO2 columns which were merely due changes
in observer position. Sequentially measuring intra-plume and extra-plume spectra and using
co-measured HF, HCl and SO2 as intra-plume tracers helped removing the atmospheric CO2
background. These current generation instruments were able to discriminate the volcanic CO2
signal out of a 300-1000 times larger atmospheric background path.
(d) Hot volcanic material such as lava or volcanic rocks have been used heavily in open-path
spectroscopic techniques, e.g., [33,35,36,43,47–51] Naughton et al. 1969, Mori et al. 1993,
Notsu et al. 1993, Mori et al. 1995, Francis et al. 1998, Mori and Notsu, 1997, Burton et al. 2000,
Gerlach et al. 2002, Allard et al. 2005] targeting volcanic SO2 , HF, HCl, SiF4 , CO, CO2 , COS.
Generally, the technique requires that the hot material or the lamp locates behind the plume
and that it can be sighted by the observer. For many volcanoes, this requirement implies
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
deploying instrumentation in the proximity of the crater or at the crater rim which spoils the
general remote sensing advantage of avoiding hazards and hostile environments to operators
and instrumentation. Recently, laser-based techniques for CO2 have been developed using
topographic reflection targets, e.g., [52,53], promising greater deployment flexibility but still
requiring plume sampling close to the source where CO2 enhancements are large compared to
the atmospheric background.
Figure 6. Schematic illustration of thermal emission techniques exploiting the difference between
lines-of-sight pointing through the volcanic plume and those pointing into the background sky.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
3. Imaging of Plumes
Many of the developments for volcanic plume remote sensing have started with collecting a
series of individual plume (column density) measurements in order to sample one-dimensional plume
cross sections. Modern technology allows to ‘image’ plumes, i.e., to provide two-dimensional arrays
of optical densities (or ‘images’) of a scene containing volcanic gases. This approach offers many
advantages over the simpler one-dimensional plume scanning:
• Complex situations (multiple plumes, change of wind direction, etc.) can be recognised and
analyzed (e.g., [68])
• Advanced techniques of image analysis (e.g., segmentation and optical flow analysis) can be
applied, thus enabling more precise flux determination (e.g., [22,69,70]), see also Section 4, below.
• Redundant measurements can be made by e.g., making trace gas flux determinations at several
planes along the plume propagation direction allowing e.g., internal consistency checks (see
e.g., [22])
• Redundant flux measurements can be used to determine the exact plume propagation direction
(see [22])
• Last not least: the human visual system has powerful analysis capacities which can be used once
images are available (‘seeing is believing’)
For these (and more) reasons a series of imaging systems for volcanic plumes have been developed
and applied (see e.g., [5,16]). In this context the requirements for plume imaging instruments include:
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
• Sufficient time resolution (typically of the order of seconds) of the measurement is further required
to be able to resolve the motion of the plume and variations in the volcanic source strength
Some of these requirements are in conflict with each other. For example enhanced specificity
may be achieved by recording of the intensity at several wavelengths, since this typically can only be
done sequentially the time resolution will be reduced. Likewise, lower detection limits (i.e., higher
sensitivity) are achieved by collecting a larger number of photons per pixel, which comes at the expense
of time resolution (or, alternatively, spatial resolution). In particular, the number of gases which can be
detected by imaging instruments is limited in comparison to one dimensional instruments.
It should be noted that there is a connection between spatial and temporal resolution in that a
given spatial resolution requires sufficient temporal resolution to be useful. The motion of the plume
Δx = v·Δt within the acquisition time Δt of an image (v = wind speed) should be at least of the order
of the size of one picture element in the plane of the plume. In other words, high spatial resolution
makes sense only if the technique also offers sufficient temporal resolution (for a given wind speed).
Note that the opposite is not necessarily true: A temporal resolution exceeding the above limit would
still result in useful (though partly oversampled) data.
As described in Section 2 several remote sensing techniques for the imaging of plumes have been
developed during recent years. As described in Sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 the various techniques can be
grouped into active and passive as well as in dispersive and non-dispersive approaches. For dispersive
approaches several scanning schemes are possible as detailed in Section 3.1, below.
The characteristics of dispersive techniques is the determination of a spectrum (i.e., a series of
intensities as function of wavelength) for each pixel of the image. The trace gas column density for
each pixel is then derived from the measured spectrum using the algorithms described in Section 2,
above. Non-dispersive approaches, on the other hand, derive the column density from the ratio
of just a few (typically two) intensity measurements integrated over suitable (narrow) wavelength
intervals. Frequently, a reference intensity ratio is recorded with the instrument pointed away from the
plume. The trace gas column densities are then derived from the ratio of the sample and reference
intensity ratios.
Dispersive approaches include variations of Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS,
see Section 2.3.1, above, and e.g., [27]) and Fourier-Transform Infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy (e.g., [47])
adapted to allow two-dimensional measurements.
Dispersive approaches are typically more complex and since usually scanning is required slower
than non-dispersive techniques. However, they have the advantage of being less vulnerable to
spectroscopic interferences and to be able to also measure minor constituents like BrO due to higher
spectral resolution enabling higher specificity for gas detection. Furthermore, analysis using traceable,
well quantified absorption cross-sections increases the rigour of the technique. Many gas absorption
features are naturally narrow (of the order of 1–2 nm), particularly for small molecules, and this limits
the effectiveness (i.e., the sensitivity as well as the capability to specifically detect a particular species)
of non-dispersive techniques.
Note that any combination of dispersive/non-dispersive techniques is in principle possible and
several combinations have been realized, such as the combined use of a dispersive UV spectrometer
alongside a non-dispersive UV imaging system (see e.g., [71]). In fact, an important aim of present
research is the development of techniques combining the speed of non-dispersive techniques with
the rigor of dispersive techniques. Overall, despite impressive accomplishments, techniques for
quantitative imaging of volcanic plumes are still in an early stage of development and much progress
can be expected in the near future.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
(1) Pixel at a time scanning (“whiskbroom” imaging, see Figure 7A): In this approach all pixels
of an image scene are scanned sequentially according to a particular scheme (e.g., line by line
as in early TV cameras), for each pixel a spectrum is determined. In this approach all (of e.g.,
105 pixels) have to be scanned individually, such that it is potentially a rather slow approach.
Michelson interferometers have been combined with whisk-broom scanners to obtain 2-D images
(e.g., [34,55,72]).
(2) Column (or row) at a time scanning (“push-broom” imaging, see Figure 7B): Here all pixels of an
image column are scanned simultaneously while the image columns are scanned sequentially.
Because each column of the image is recorded at once, only of the order of several hundred
columns have to be measured sequentially. Since only one scan-dimension is required the
scanning mechanisms can become simpler though it is not necessarily faster. In fact, as will
be explained below the amount of radiation collected by the entrance optics has to be split
between all pixels of a column, thus, when the time to acquire an image is determined by
the available number of photons the technique will not generally be faster than whiskbroom
imaging. Push broom scanners have been realized with DOAS instruments as e.g., described
by Lohberger et al. [73], Bobrowski et al. [74], Louban et al. [75] and Lee et al. [76], see
Section 3.3, below. Michelson interferometers have also been combined with push-broom scanners
(i.e., moving platform) to obtain 2-D images (e.g., [77]). A recent development based on a
special type of interferometer (Sagnac interferometer) is the Thermal Hyperspectral Imager,
which produces a spatial interferogram across the field of view, which is scanned across
the image. After Fourier transformation a high resolution spectrum for each image pixel is
obtained [57] (Gabrieli et al. 2016), which can be analysed for spectral signatures of volcanic
gases. Gabrieli et al. [57,78] used such a device to produce images of the SO2 distribution derived
from spectra around 8.6 μm at a spectral resolution of about 0.25 μm. Explorative measurements
were made at Kilauea Halema’uma’u crater (Hawaii) with a scan duration of 1 s.
(3) Frame at a time scanning (“full frame” imaging, see Figure 7C): Here the entire frame is
recorded at once (or in a sequence of steps in time). While in principle there could be large
arrays of spectrometers determining the spectrum of each pixel (and in the future arrays of
integrated micro-spectrometers could become viable), in practice the spectral information is
usually determined by collecting sequential images with different wavelength selective elements
(e.g., suitable filters, see Figure 8) in front of the camera sensors.
Current research also aims to employ an array of detectors for two-dimensional Michelson
interferometers, where each pixel can effectively be thought of having its own interferometer.
An example is GLORIA (e.g., [60]), which uses a 256 × 256 element Mercury Cadmium Telluride focal
plane array (FPA) cooled to 60 K. The spectral coverage of the instrument is from 7.1 μm to 12.8 μm.
Figure 7. Image scanning schemes (A) Pixel at a time (“whiskbroom imaging”); (B) Column at a time
(“push-broom imaging”); (C) Frame at a time.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
Figure 8. Trace gas camera schemes: The basic set-up consists of a (UV) lens, aperture, wavelength
selective element (WSE) and suitable 2-D detector. The WSE can either be mounted in front of the lens
(dotted box) or between lens and detector (dashed box), the relative merits of the two approaches are
discussed by Kern et al. [82]. The different approaches are distinguished by their WSE, which can be one
of the following: (a) two narrow band filters alternatingly being brought into the beam; (b) a Fabry-Pérot
interferometer with adjustable transmission wavelength; (c) a narrow-band interference filter, which
can be rotated; (d) a cell (cuvette) containing the gas to be measured, periodically introduced into the
light beam.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
(1) IR-cameras with two or more filters similar to the SO2 camera principle (e.g., Prata and Bernardo
2009) have been developed for SO2 retrieval and ash detection ([56,85]). A four filter IR
camera was actually used by Lopez et al. [86] to simultaneously determine plume the SO2
SCD, temperature, and ash content of the plume of Stromboli (Italy), Karymsky (Russia), and
Láscar (Chile) volcanoes.
(2) Gas-correlation spectroscopy has also been applied in the IR for real time imaging of ammonia
and ethylene (e.g., [87,88]).
In the following we give a brief description of an IR-camera system already in use for volcanic
imaging. The absorption spectrum in the thermal infra-red region (7–13 μm) exhibits many features
attributable to gases present in volcanic emissions, including SO2 , CO2 , H2 O, HCl among others.
Of these gases SO2 is the easiest to detect because of its generally low background concentration and
broad absorption peaks at 7.3 μm and 8.6 μm. Atmospheric volcanic ash also absorbs and scatters
infra-red radiation in this region of the electromagnetic spectrum and its characteristic features have
been exploited by using infra-red satellite measurements for many years (e.g., [89]). There are some
important differences when sensing gas and ash clouds from the ground compared to measurements
from space. The most important of these is the thermal contrast between target (gas or ash cloud)
and background, for example the warm surface below the plume in the case of satellite sensing, and
the cold clear sky behind the plume in the case of ground-based sensing. A typical infra-red camera
system consists of a cooled or uncooled detector array, focusing optics, infra-red interference filters
and data recording electronics. For instance, Prata and Bernardo [56] describe the development of an
uncooled multispectral imaging camera system based on a 320 by 240 bolometric detector and F/1
Germanium (Ge) optics. The system incorporates four narrowband interference filters with selectable
central wavelengths and ~1 μm bandwidths. The usual configuration is to use 8.6 μm for SO2 ; 10, 11
and or 12 μm for ash detection and quantification; and a broadband channel (8–12 μm) for plume and
background scene temperature measurements.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
are Fabry-Pérot Interferometers and gas correlation sensors. Both show much superior discrimination
power than simple filter cameras while being rather simple and fast devices. In particular both
approaches allow high-speed (seconds) two-dimensional imaging of trace gas distributions.
Fabry-Pérot Interferometers can be seen as filters with a periodic transmission pattern, i.e.,
transmission maxima are regularly spaced at given wavelength intervals Δλ, while the width of each
transmission maximum is δλ (with δλ < Δλ). By manufacturing a Fabry-Pérot interferometer the
quantities Δλ and δλ can be tailored within rather wide limits, in particular the can be chosen such as
to match the periodic structure of the absorption cross section of many trace gases. Thus, such a device
(see Figure 8, case b) is most sensitive for a gas with a given separation between the maxima of the
absorption cross section. This is described in detail by Kuhn et al. [79]. A demonstration of an actual
device built on this principle is reported by Kuhn et al. [80], the same authors describe an extension of
the principle for the detection of BrO (and other gases) in volcanic plumes.
A similar general idea is behind the gas correlation sensor (see e.g., [93]), which consists of a
cuvette containing the gas to be measured (e.g., SO2 ) mounted within a camera (see Figure 8, case d).
The cell can be moved in and out the optics and the intensity ratio of two images recorded with the
cell in the camera and the cell removed contains the trace gas signal. The principle relies on the fact
that, while the intensity is always reduced when the cell is moved in, the intensity reduction is smaller
when the gas is present in the observed scene. This is due to the fact that the intensity I(λ) reaching the
camera is already attenuated at certain wavelengths (i.e., where the gas has its absorption maxima) and
thus cannot be attenuated much more by the gas in the cuvette. Although the technique is essentially
limited to gases that are sufficiently stable to be sealed into the absorption cuvette, which is part of
the instrument, it is technically simple, and lends itself to imaging applications. Imaging by the gas
correlation method applied in the IR are reported e.g., by Sandsten et al. [88].
From the quantity Q the emission rate J can be readily determined by multiplication with the
plume speed vP .
While determining the position y across the plume is no problem when traversing under the
plume (e.g., with a spectrometer mounted on a car) for instruments scanning the plume from a fixed
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
point (e.g., all NOVAC stations work like this, see [10]) only the observation angle is known. In this
case an estimate of the distance LP to the plume is required and the perpendicular position y can be
derived from geometrical considerations (in the simplest case as Δy = LP ·Δγ, where Δγ is the change
in scan angle).
The plume speed (i.e., wind speed vP at the position of the plume) and the wind direction can be
determined in a number of ways:
Approaches (1) and (2) suffer from various shortcomings: Local wind speed measurements at
the crater rim are usually not available and wind speed measurements further away are frequently
disturbed by orographic influences. Wind speeds from large scale wind fields usually are on a very
coarse grid (e.g., 1◦ by 1◦ ), while they are typically less affected by local orography these data may just
not be representative for the site of the volcano. In contrast to that approach (3) is based on the fact that
the gas (e.g., SO2 ) emission strength from a volcano usually varies considerably (typically several 10%)
with time on time scales of seconds to minutes as sketched in Figure 11. Thus, the column densities
S1 (t) and S2 (t) are measured at two points within the plume which are located at different distances d1
and d2 downwind from the volcanic source (i.e., usually the crater). From the two time series the time
lag ΔtP for maximum correlation between the two time series (which typically may encompass a time
period of several minutes) is calculated. From ΔtP and the difference d2 –d1 in downwind distance of
the two measurement points the plume speed is given by:
d2 − d1
vP = (19)
For the above reasons approach (3) is the preferred method of determining the wind speed in the
plume within the NOVAC network.
Imaging techniques, however, have the advantage that they already record two spatial dimensions.
Therefore, scanning is only required if the imaging technique itself is based on scanning technology
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
(e.g., Imaging DOAS, see Section 3). Trace gas cameras (e.g., SO2 cameras described above and in
Section 3) based on band-pass filters do not require scanning. Instead, the number of SO2 molecules
Q in the plume cross-section can be derived by spatially integrating the recorded column images
across the plume width w, perpendicular to the plume direction (see Figure 10). In case the plume
cross-section is not taken perpendicular to its propagation direction a trigonometric correction has to be
applied as described by several authors (e.g., [10,82,88]) and is discussed in detail in Section 4.2 below.
In this case the plume speed can be determined directly from the camera data through analysis of
sequentially recorded images (e.g., [68,69,84,96]), providing a significant advantage over non-imaging
techniques, which typically employ independent measurements of the wind speed at the appropriate
plume height. Special software packages were developed e.g., by Valade et al. [97] and a direct
validation of thus derived SO2 emissions were reported by Smekens et al. [84].
Figure 11. Sketch of the determination the wind speed vP inside a plume. Left panel: Two time series
(continuous red and black lines) are recorded at two different positions (difference d2 − d1 ≈ 900 m)
downwind the plume of Mt. Etna. The dotted red lines indicate the shifting time series 2 versus
series 1. In the graph, both series are low-pass filtered, to make the relevant structures clearly visible.
Right panel: Correlation coefficient between the two time series as a function of time lag. The highest
correlation is found for a time shift of Δt = 59 ± 6.5 s resulting in a wind speed of 15.2 ± 1.6 m/s.
Adapted from [98].
(1) Light dilution may affect the accuracy of the column density retrieval
(2) Multiple scattering inside the plume can also affect the column density retrieval
(3) The effect of the plume propagation direction being non-perpendicular to the viewing direction
must be corrected
The first two effects are discussed in several publications, e.g., [30,82,83,92,99,100] with the bottom
line being that corrections are possible on the basis of a detailed analysis of the recorded trace gas
(e.g., SO2 ) spectra. Correction of the third effect is addressed in the following. The problem lies in
the correct determination of the plume propagation direction. While this is usually not a problem
when the trace gas column density is determined by a zenith looking instrument during traverses,
since in these cases the position of the source (e.g., the crater) and the position of the measurement
are usually well known. Consequently the angle α between the plume propagation direction (i.e., the
wind direction) and the direction of the traverse is also known with high precision.
However, if measurements are made from a fixed point, either by a scanning system or a two
dimensional trace gas camera (e.g., a SO2 Camera), then the angle α between the plume propagation
direction and the scanning direction or the image plane of the camera are not a priori known.
As sketched in Figure 12 there are several effects if the plume propagation direction is not
perpendicular to the scanning direction or not in the image plane, respectively.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
Following the discussion in Klein et al. [22], we consider data derived by a plume imaging system.
For simplicity we initially also assume a cylindrical plume (i.e., a plume where the cross section does
not change with distance from the origin and with time). Later we will generalize for an arbitrary
plume cross section and its evolution. As can be seen in Figure 12 top view (lower left panel) in the
centre of the image plane the determined flux will be independent of the “tilt” angle α between image
plane and plume propagation direction. This is due to the fact that two effects cancel (as noted e.g.,
by Mori and Burton [96]):
(1) The length of the light path through the plume increases as 1/cos(α).
(2) The determined apparent wind speed is reduced by the factor cos(α) since the determined d2 –d1
appears shorter by this factor (see bottom right panel of Figure 12) while the determined time lag
ΔtP stays the same.
However, this only holds for one point (e.g., the centre) within the field of view. Across the field
of view there are two effects:
(1) Still the light path through the plume is larger towards the edges of the image, while the
determined velocity vP stays the same. Thus the flux appears to increase somewhat towards the
edges of the image compared to the centre.
(2) A further effect of at “tilt” is due to geometry in that the closer part of the plume appears larger
than the part which is further away from the camera (see top right panel of Figure 12) thus the
integral (Equation (18)) will extend over a larger extent and thus be larger.
When image series (“movies”) of the plume are available these effects can be fortunately not only
corrected, but rather the data can be used to determine the “tilt” angle α of the plume. This is done
by (1) determining the flux in each image column of the image (where the plume is covered) and (2)
making use of the usually well justified assumption that the amount of trace gas (e.g., SO2 ) within the
plume is conserved over a time period of a few minutes. Therefore the flux must be the same across
the entire field of view (once the effect of the centre to edge enhancement (see above) is corrected for).
If the thus corrected flux is not constant under the initial assumption of α = 0 then α is varied until the
flux is constant across the field of view (see Figure 13).
Figure 12. Schematics of flux determination from a plume scan. See Section 4.2 for details.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
Figure 13. Sample application of the plume “tilt” correction on a set taken at Mount Etna on the 9th of
July 2014. Top panel: Deviations of the apparent SO2 fluxes in three different vertical cross sections
through the plume. These apparent deviations are caused by wrongly assuming an inclination (“tilt”) of
the plume with respect to the image plane of α = 0. Using the conservative flux condition an inclination
angle of α = 38◦ was determined. Figure from [22].
5. Sample Applications
Technical advances in remote sensing and volcanic gas imaging have led to high temporal and
spatial resolution data, which now allow the investigation of volcanic source behaviour taking place
below the Earth surface by combining the surface observation of gas release with geophysical data
and fluid dynamic models for melt and atmosphere including numerical models and laboratory data.
Apart from the volcanological application also the volcanic plume chemistry and therefore the impact
on the atmosphere can be investigated in more detail for instance by studying the heterogeneity of
volcanic plumes and also by visualizing their mixing with the atmosphere. However, to our knowledge
this possible application has not been realised so far. In the following section we will illustrate the new
possibilities for volcanological investigations using some recent example studies.
5.1. UV Spectroscopy
Measurements of gases emitted from volcanoes, in particular the amount of SO2 , have traditionally
taken place using UV-light applications, starting with COSPEC [28] in the 70s and after 2002
measurements were more widely undertaken by applying DOAS technique. However, both approaches
were rarely used for two-dimensional imaging and SO2 fluxes were determined with a time resolution
of >5 min. An exception are the wide field of view UV spectrometer applications [101,102]. Highly
improved time resolution and reduced error for plume velocities are possible since the onset of the SO2
camera application [82,96]. Using an SO2 camera leads to the determination of SO2 emissions with
time resolution of the order of a second and therefore it opens the possibility to correlate gas emission
measurements directly with geophysical signals (tremor, very long period events etc.) and thus adding
information to test current models of physical processes below the Earth surface.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
A recent example is the work of Moussallam et al. [103], describing different degassing patterns
of lava lakes in relation with their underlying conduit flow processes (See Figure 14). The authors
point out that there is no similarity between gas emissions of three out of four volcanoes (Erebus,
Ambrym, Kilauea, Villarica) containing lava lakes, which were all studied with a comparable time
resolution. The reason proposed are differences in magma viscosity and conduit geometry, which cause
the different character of emission flux behaviour. No regular periodicity of gas fluxes as well as
composition could be determined in data of Villarica volcano, Chile. Those surficial gas measurements,
which were combined with thermal infra-red data, point to flow instabilities inside the conduit and
a turbulent mixing between the ascending gas rich and the descending gas poor magma. Part of
the observed high frequency variability of the emission strength of Villarica volcano is suggested to
originate from atmospheric transport processes. Instead, periodic oscillations of flux and composition
were found at Erebus and Ambrym (e.g., [101,104]) indicating, combined with geophysical data,
a bidirectional magma flow, whereas at Kilauea [105], oscillation of degassing amounts has been
interpreted as shallow degassing patterns due to gas percolation.
Figure 14. Three suggested degassing mechanisms (Kilauea, Villarica, and Erebus) with different
conduit dynamics caused by the difference in magma input and viscosity. After [103], Figure 7.
However, not only has lava lake degassing been investigated so far, high time resolution
SO2 camera measurements were also done to investigate puffing and strombolian explosions at
various volcanoes, showing similarly large differences in degassing characteristics of different
volcanoes [19,106,107], came to the conclusion that explosions are only second order degassing
processes compared with quiescent degassing. Those studies were undertaken at Stromboli and
Assama volcano, respectively, showing that less than 16% of the gas amount is emitted by explosions.
In contrast studies at Fuego volcano by Waite et al. [108] suggest that 95% of the total degassing
amount is contributed by explosions.
Table 2 is an expanded overview of the one of Burton et al. [109]. Summarizing comparison
studies between SO2 camera-derived SO2 fluxes and some geophysical parameters.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
Table 2. Comparison studies between SO2 camera-derived SO2 fluxes and geophysical parameters.
5.2. IR Spectroscopy
Although IR techniques have complex analytical requirements and still need relatively bulky and
cost intensive instruments, IR techniques are highly desirable to investigate volcanic gas compositions,
because nearly all major volcanic gas compounds show characteristic absorption bands in the infra-red.
Unfortunately, the two main volcanic gases, water vapour and CO2 , although they have
strong absorption features in the near IR are quite challenging to detect, mainly due to their high
atmospheric background and its spatial variation. Nevertheless, the value of such information
has been already demonstrated by using light path arrangements which avoid large atmospheric
distances, i.e., light paths close to the source and using either artificial lamps or hot ground surfaces
(e.g., lava lakes). For instance, at Erebus (e.g., [117]), Etna (e.g., [36,118,119]), Ambrym ([104]),
and Stromboli (e.g., [120,121]), high frequency variations of major plume composition could be
successfully determined over time frames of hours to months. Further, progress has been done
during the last few years (e.g., [46,53]) and even from space volcanic CO2 emissions of at Yasur (on
Tanna Island, Vanuatu), Aoba and Ambrym volcanoes (Vanuatu) have been detected by OCO-2 [122].
Although these last examples are far from routinely usable measurements they show new technical
developments for future research.
An interesting example for the advanced understanding of physical processes inside the feeding
system of a volcano is the work by La Spina et al. [121]. Only with spatial and high time resolved
investigations by FT-IR spectroscopy the authors could show that the previously proposed explanation
of CO2 flushing, a commonly proposed process, is unlikely in the case of Stromboli. The authors could
come to this conclusion by observing the differences in the composition of the three investigated craters
at Stromboli (CC, NEC, SWC) and the high H2 O/CO2 ratios. They therefore suggested an alternative
model (see Figure 15) to explain the enhanced CO2 /SO2 ratios weeks before major explosions and
the decreasing CO2 /SO2 ratios during the hours just before this activity (without the need of CO2
flushing) and also give an alternative explanation how a crystal pure magma may be transformed
into a crystal rich one. This later fact could be explained by H2 O exsolution and crystallization driven
by depressurization when magma rises to the surface. La Spina et al. [121] assume that the increase
of the CO2 /SO2 ratio is caused by more magma input into the shallow system. This should lead
to a drop of permeability in the deep system which then causes the decrease of CO2 /SO2 ratios as
the mixture of deep degassing and shallow degassing is shifted to a larger percentage of shallow
degassing. According to the calculation of the authors this seems far more realistic than the incredible
large amounts of CO2 needed to produce significant isobaric dehydration to reproduce the measured
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
H2 O/CO2 values. Further, La Spina et al. [121] utilize the observed spatial and temporal heterogeneity
to produce a new model describing the geometrical structure of the shallow plumbing system of
Stromboli (see Figure 15).
Figure 15. Illustrating a schematic model of the steady-state degassing system on Stromboli (described
in the text). Bottom of figure: Point of transition to open system degassing, the gas exsolution is colour
coded as explained in the box. The SWC crater (top left of figure) carries the largest contribution
of gas produced in closed system degassing, and is therefore richest in CO2 , while the NEC crater
has the weakest connection to the closed-system gas source, and is therefore relatively poor in CO2 .
The branching depth of 30–40 MPa is the minimum depth for which such an CO2 /SO2 fractionation
could occur between the SWC and other craters. The final gas observed from each crater is therefore the
superposition of different relative amounts of the three gas sources: CO2 -rich gas from depth, H2 O-SO2
rich gas released from the ascending magma in the conduit and H2 O-rich gas released from the shallow
accumulation zone. Adapted from Figure 6 of [121].
In contrast to the observation of [121] at Stromboli, in another study of Oppenheimer et al. [123]
did not find a significant variation of the CO2 /SO2 ratio at Yasur volcano between explosive and
passive degassing activity. However, large variations (more than a magnitude) are observed in the
HCl/SO2 ratio with a ratio of about two during quiescent degassing and about 30 during explosions.
These results are explained with gas accumulation below the HCl exsolution.
In addition, less abundant gases (e.g., SiF4 ) where recently successfully studied using FTIR.
After the first measurements of SiF4 in a volcanic plume by Francis et al. [124], two dimensional SiF4
distributions have been presented by [45] using thermal emission spectroscopy. Taquet et al. [125]
also used thermal emission based spectroscopy to study the SiF4 /SO2 ratio over a period of 6 month
during dome growth at Popocateptl. The authors found high variability of this ratio in coincidence
with seismic data. SiF4 is a secondary gas formed due to the interaction of HF with rocks or ash.
Nevertheless, there is a high potential to study certain types of activity (e.g., dome growth) and
eventually using this approach for monitoring in the future. In the article by Taquet et al. [125] the
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
variation of the SiF4 , SO2 and the ratio SiF4 /SO2 helped to decipher the different processes related to
the dome permeability.
(1) The relatively crude spectroscopic approach, basically just ratioing the intensities in two
wavelength intervals leads to interferences by aerosol, (stratospheric) ozone, and possibly other
species. Moreover, radiation transport issues may also influence the accuracy of the technique
(see e.g., [71,82,129]).
(2) UV cameras rely on sunlight and can thus only operate during daylight hours.
There are techniques under development (or being adapted for the purpose of volcanic
observations) which promise to overcome these weaknesses. These include gas correlation
spectroscopy (see Section 3.4), titled filter imaging, and Fabry Pérot imaging (see [79,80]), which
both make better use of the spectral finger print of the target gas than the classic UV camera, thus
reducing interferences and potentially improving the accuracy of the measurement (see also [5]).
Infra-red thermal emission spectroscopy is independent of daylight and may be the technology
of the future in either scanning or imaging applications. At present cost and logistic requirements
(cooling of the IR detector, use of interferometers with moving parts) are still high. Here technological
development aimed at lowering complexity and cost of the instruments would be very welcome.
At present, imaging Michelson interferometers exist and are used for certain purposes, but the
instruments are still extremely expensive. Alternatively, the UV-camera approach can be extended
to the thermal IR region (see e.g., [56]), while this approach suffers from similar problems as the UV
camera (see above) the rapidly falling prices of thermal IR cameras may make this approach feasible
for volcanological applications.
With all spectroscopic techniques radiation transport issues are important and may be limiting the
achievable accuracy (see Section 2). Here, better radiation transport models and new approaches like
using polarisation of the radiation and ratioing techniques based on the absorption due to “known”
absorbers like O2 or O4 (oxygen dimers, see e.g., [130,131]) will be helpful.
Overall, it becomes clear that spectroscopic plume analysis is just at the beginning of its
development and it constitutes a new and rapidly evolving technique to analyze magmatic degassing,
which is (coupled with viscosity and crystallisation) the main driver of volcanic processes.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 44
Acknowledgments: The authors like to thank two anonymous reviewers for very helpful comments and corrections.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Ozone Depletion in Tropospheric Volcanic Plumes:
From Halogen-Poor to Halogen-Rich Emissions
Tjarda J. Roberts
LPC2E Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l’Environnement et de l’Espace, UMR 7328 CNRS and Université
d’Orléans, 3 Avenue de la Recherche Scientifique, 45071 Orléans, France; [email protected];
Tel.: +33-238-255-282
Abstract: Volcanic halogen emissions to the troposphere undergo a rapid plume chemistry that
destroys ozone. Quantifying the impact of volcanic halogens on tropospheric ozone is challenging,
only a few observations exist. This study presents measurements of ozone in volcanic plumes
from Kı̄lauea (HI, USA), a low halogen emitter. The results are combined with published data
from high halogen emitters (Mt Etna, Italy; Mt Redoubt, AK, USA) to identify controls on plume
processes. Ozone was measured during periods of relatively sustained Kı̄lauea plume exposure,
using an Aeroqual instrument deployed alongside Multi-Gas SO2 and H2 S sensors. Interferences
were accounted for in data post-processing. The volcanic H2 S/SO2 molar ratio was quantified as 0.03.
At Halema‘uma‘u crater-rim, ozone was close to ambient in the emission plume (at 10 ppmv SO2 ).
Measurements in grounding plume (at 5 ppmv SO2 ) about 10 km downwind of Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō showed just
slight ozone depletion. These Kı̄lauea observations contrast with substantial ozone depletion reported
at Mt Etna and Mt Redoubt. Analysis of the combined data from these three volcanoes identifies the
emitted Br/S as a strong but non-linear control on the rate of ozone depletion. Model simulations of
the volcanic plume chemistry highlight that the proportion of HBr converted into reactive bromine is
a key control on the efficiency of ozone depletion. This underlines the importance of chemistry in the
very near-source plume on the fate and atmospheric impacts of volcanic emissions to the troposphere.
1. Introduction
Volcanoes release large quantities of gases and aerosols to the atmosphere. Very large explosive
eruptions inject gases directly to the stratosphere, but a significant number of smaller eruptions and
continuously passive degassing volcanoes release their emissions to the troposphere; the total global
SO2 flux from passive degassing over 2004–2016 was recently estimated as 23 Tg/yr on average,
exceeding volcanic eruptive emissions by about one order of magnitude [1]. To date, studies of
the atmospheric chemistry and climate impacts of volcanic emissions have mostly focused on SO2
and its oxidation to sulfate particles in both the stratosphere (e.g., [2]) and troposphere (e.g., [3]).
Volcanic sulfates also catalyse gas-aerosol reactions leading to reductions in stratospheric ozone
levels, e.g., [4,5]. However, the volcanic release contains a number of other gases and particles,
including notably the emission of volcanic halogens such as HBr and HCl (e.g., [6]). These were initially
assumed to be simply washed out of the plume in the troposphere and deposited. Volcanic halogens can
occasionally be injected into the stratosphere as evidenced by recent observations of HCl, OClO, BrO,
and IO by satellite [7–10] and of HCl and HF by an instrumented aircraft that transected a high-altitude
volcanic cloud [11]. Volcanic halogens that reach high altitudes may cause reductions in stratospheric
ozone levels. This has been both observed [11] and simulated by numerical models (e.g., [12,13]) using
atmospheric chemistry schemes that were originally developed to study impacts from anthropogenic
sources of halogens (chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs) on stratospheric ozone.
The discovery of BrO in a volcanic plume in the troposphere through ground-based remote
sensing by Borowski et al. [14] showed that volcanic HBr emissions can become transformed into
reactive bromine over very short time-scales (minutes). Volcanic BrO has subsequently been observed
in many tropospheric volcano plumes globally, e.g., [15,16] and references therein. A global analysis of
satellite observations of volcanic BrO is provided by Hörmann et al. [17]. Volcanic OClO has also been
reported in some tropospheric plumes [18–21]. The mechanism for reactive halogen formation in the
troposphere at such very fast rates was not well understood. It was proposed that the formation of
BrO in volcanic plumes could occur via a volcanic version of the autocatalytic “bromine explosion”
(similar to that first identified in the polar boundary layer) [14,22]. This mechanism would lead to
depletion of tropospheric ozone immediately downwind from the volcano, as has been confirmed by
observations [23,24]. To better understand the fate of volcanic halogen emissions in the troposphere
and their atmospheric chemistry impacts, two 1D or box models of the volcanic plume halogen
chemistry were developed, [18,25,26], and the plume halogen chemistry was recently incorporated
into a regional model [27]. The tropospheric chemistry model mechanisms are briefly outlined below.
Bromine is the main halogen species responsible for ozone depletion in volcanic plumes in
the troposphere. Volcanic HBr emissions are converted into reactive bromine via an autocatalytic
“bromine explosion” mechanism, involving gas-phase, photolytic, and heterogeneous (gas-aerosol)
reactions; for a review, see Von Glasow et al. [28]. Cycles involving the formation and reactive
uptake of HOBr and BrONO2 act to convert volcanic HBr into the reactive form Br2 that photolyses
and can then deplete ozone via the reaction of Br with O3 . A rapid interconversion cycle between
BrO (self-reaction) and Br (that reacts with ozone to reform BrO) is suggested to be a major cause
of ozone loss at high halogen concentrations (e.g., in the near-source plume). Upon depletion of
plume HBr the reactive uptake of HOBr can form BrCl, promoting the formation of reactive chlorine
through a non-autocatalytic cycle that can also contribute to ozone loss. Key controls on the plume
chemistry are described by Roberts et al. [29] and include the following: the halogen emission flux,
the primary volcanic aerosol emission that catalyses key heterogeneous (gas-aerosol) reactions of
reactive halogens, and the rate of plume-air mixing that entrains oxidants including ozone into
the plume. A high-temperature near-vent chemistry generates radicals that act to “kick-start” the
downwind plume chemistry, thereby accelerating the (low-temperature) formation of BrO.
Comparison of the box/1D model simulations to plume observations enables testing of the
underlying model mechanisms and is an important first step towards assessing regional-to-global-scale
tropospheric impacts from volcanic halogen emissions. In such comparisons, the data is typically scaled
to SO2 that acts as a quasi-plume-tracer over short time-scales. This enables to distinguish between
plume chemistry and dilution effects. The model simulations were able to reproduce the observed
magnitude and trends in volcanic BrO/SO2 downwind from Mt Etna [25,26,29], and to broadly capture
the magnitude of reported OClO/SO2 [30]. Recent studies have also demonstrated a modelling
capability to reproduce ozone depletion observed in the Mt Redoubt (AK, USA) plume [23] and at
Mt Etna (Italy) [24]. Other model-predicted impacts of volcanic plume reactive halogen chemistry
in the troposphere include depletion of HOx and NOx (the latter converted into nitric acid) [25]
and conversion of inert mercury to a more reactive and easily deposited form [26]. A regional
modelling study by Jourdain et al. [27] also highlighted the potential for volcanic plume reactive
halogens to undergo secondary transport to the stratosphere (e.g., via convective events) for further
impacts. However, uncertainties remain in our understanding of the very complex volcanic plume
chemistry given the model parameter-space is vast and is constrained by rather few observations,
particularly regarding the impacts of volcanic plume halogens on tropospheric ozone. This study
presents field-measurements of ozone in the Halema‘uma‘u and Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō plumes of Kı̄lauea (HI,
USA) on 3 September 2007 and 19 July 2008, respectively, and compares them to reported observations
at Mt Etna and Mt Redoubt. As a low halogen emitter, Kı̄lauea provides a useful “end-member” to
complement the existing case-studies of the higher halogen emitters Mt Etna and Mt Redoubt, [23,24].
Geosciences 2018, 8, 68
The goals of this study are: (i) to quantify the H2 S emission alongside SO2 (i.e., H2 S/SO2 ratio)
enabling the prediction of cross-sensitivity on the Aeroqual ozone measurement; (ii) to measure ozone
in the crater-rim plume; (iii) to measure ozone in the chemically more evolved downwind plume;
and (iv) to interpret the ozone observations in the context of volcanic plume halogen chemistry and
tropospheric ozone depletion reported in volcanic plumes globally.
Section 2 below outlines the challenges to measuring ozone in volcanic plumes; Section 3 describes
the instruments and field-deployment; Section 4 presents the ozone measurements made at Kı̄lauea;
and Section 5 discusses these observations in a wider volcanic plume chemistry context.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 68
Test Gas Mixing Ratio (ppmv) Sensor Reading (ppmv) Sensitivity (%)
Ammonia (NH3 ) 25 −0.02 −0.08
Butane 1000 0 0
Carbon monoxide (CO) 100 0 0
Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) 1000 0 0
Chlorine (Cl2 ) 0.5 0.2 −40
Ethanol 20 −0.02 −0.1
Ethyl acetate 100 −0.02 −0.02
Heptane 100 0 0
Hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) 4 −0.1 −2.5
Isopropanol 20 0 0
Methane (CH4 ) 5000 0 0
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) 0.5 0.1 20
Ozone (O3 ) 0.3 0.3 100
Perchloroethylene 50 0 0
Propane 5000 0 0
Sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) 10 0 0
Toluene 50 0 0
Geosciences 2018, 8, 68
analyzed to derive a gas ratio, e.g., H2 S/SO2 . However, the response times of Multi-Gas and other
sensors are not all identical, which can introduce uncertainty in the volcanic gas measurement [42].
Rapid variations in gas concentrations are also a challenge to the Aeroqual instrument that makes
measurements of ozone at one-minute resolution. As mentioned in Section 2.1 above, the instrument
sensor is sensitive to other gases, including (volcanic) H2 S. These cross-sensitivities have been
individually quantified by Aeroqual in laboratory experiments at constant gas abundance, Table 1.
However, field-deployment of the Aeroqual instrument at volcanoes can expose it to time-varying
abundances of volcanic gases. Very large and rapid temporal variations in interfering gas abundances
may lead to anomalous values in the ozone measurement that are difficult to correct in data
post-processing (see Section 3, Materials and Methods). A potential solution is to attempt to perform
measurements under conditions of more sustained exposure to the volcanic plume. Such conditions
are rather uncommon due to the local wind-field conditions near-to-source and because buoyant
volcanic plumes tend to become elevated above ground. Here, we present in-situ observations of SO2 ,
H2 S, and ozone in the near-source and near-downwind Kı̄lauea (Halema‘uma‘u and Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō, HI,
USA) plumes obtained during two rare periods of relatively sustained plume exposure (>10 min at
“plume strengths” of 5–10 ppmv SO2 ) on 3 September 2007 and 19 July 2008.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 68
4. Results
4.1. Volcanic SO2 , H2 S, and Ozone Measured in the Halema‘uma‘u Crater Rim Emission Plume
Time-series of volcanic SO2 and H2 S gas abundances measured at Halema‘uma‘u crater-rim are
well-correlated (p-value < 0.05 and R-squared = 0.52), and linear-regression finds a H2 S/SO2 molar
ratio of 0.030, see Figure 1. This result confirms the low H2 S content of the Kı̄lauea plume, although the
H2 S/SO2 molar ratio is somewhat higher than has been reported previously [39]. This might reflect
changing magmatic conditions over time. The scatter in the data is most likely due to instrument
response times [41]. Nevertheless, a H2 S measurement is still possible, due to the relatively sustained
exposure (e.g., around 10 ppmv SO2 for tens of minutes). The statistical uncertainty in the gas ratio is
very low (<10−3 ) due to the very large number of data points. The actual measurement uncertainty is
probably somewhat higher as discussed in Section 4.2.
Figure 1. Volcanic plume SO2 and H2 S abundances measured at 1 Hz resolution in the crater-rim
emissions from Halema‘uma‘u on 3 September 2007. These two volcanic gas time-series are
well-correlated; a scatter plot with linear regression yields the H2 S/SO2 molar ratio of 0.030 mol/mol.
p-value < 0.05 and R-squared = 0.52.
The volcanic SO2 time-series was filtered to make one-minute averaged data and these are
compared to the ozone time-series (1 min resolution) in Figure 2. The measured ozone abundance
fluctuates around 20 to 40 ppbv with a few (anomalous) zero data points. No clear trend is
visible in the time-series although a scatter plot of the SO2 , and ozone data show a weak
anti-correlation (p-value < 0.05 and R-squared = 0.13). The gradient of the linear regression is
−0.72 (± 0.13) × 10−3 mol/mol. This measured ΔO3 /ΔSO2 closely matches the predicted Aeroqual
instrument response to a 2.5% H2 S interference for volcanic plume with H2 S/SO2 = 0.03 mol/mol
(−2.5/100 × 0.03 = −0.75 × 10−3 mol/mol). Accounting for the H2 S interference leads to the deduction
in that actual in-plume ozone concentrations were very close to ambient levels in the emission plume
at Halema‘uma‘u crater rim.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 68
Figure 2. Volcanic plume SO2 and ozone abundances measured at 1 min resolution in the crater-rim
emissions from Halema‘uma‘u on 3 September 2007. The data show a degree of scatter (with some zero
ozone observations that are likely instrument anomalies) and weak anti-correlation between measured
ozone and SO2 . The linear regression has gradient ΔO3 /ΔSO2 = −0.72 (±0.13) × 10−3 mol/mol
with intercept corresponding to 35 nmol/mol ambient ozone. p-value < 0.05 and R-squared = 0.13.
Dashed lines denote regression trend with coefficients ±2 × standard error (95% CI).
4.2. Volcanic SO2 , H2 S, and Ozone Measured in the Near-Downwind Plume from Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō
Time-series of volcanic SO2 and H2 S gas abundances measured in the plume ~10 km downwind
from Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō are also well-correlated (p-value < 0.05 and R-squared = 0.50), and linear-regression
finds a H2 S/SO2 molar ratio of 0.034, Figure 3. Visually, the data appear less scattered compared
to those in Figure 1, reflecting improved instrument performance when exposed to more slowly
fluctuating gas concentrations. However, instrument noise becomes important at these low H2 S
abundances in relatively dilute plume, leading to similar R2 as for Figure 1. The gas ratio is slightly
higher than found for the crater-rim emissions from the Halema‘uma‘u (H2 S/SO2 = 0.030 mol/mol)
which could be due to (i) slight differences in the H2 S/SO2 emitted from Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō and Halema‘uma‘u
despite their common magma source; (ii) partial atmospheric oxidation of SO2 in the Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō plume
by up to 14% (this would indicate a relatively fast in-plume SO2 oxidation); or (iii) uncertainty in the
Multi-Gas measurement.
Figure 3. Volcanic plume SO2 and H2 S abundances measured at 1 Hz resolution in the grounding plume
~10 km from the Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō emission source on 19 July 2008. These two volcanic gas time-series are
well-correlated; a scatter plot with linear regression yields an H2 S/SO2 molar ratio of 0.0335 mol/mol.
p-value < 0.05 and R-squared = 0.50.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 68
The one-minute averaged SO2 time-series is compared to the ozone measurement (at 1 min
resolution) in Figure 4. The measured ozone abundance fluctuates between 30 and 50 ppbv. The last
20 min of the time-series appear mostly plume-free (low SO2 ) so show the natural variability in ozone
abundance. There were no (anomalous) zero data points. A clear tendency (seen particularly in the first
50 min) is that ozone decreases in conjunction with maximum peaks in SO2 . A scatter plot of the SO2
and ozone data confirms this anti-correlation (p-value < 0.05 and R-squared = 0.30). The R2 is higher
than found at the crater-rim (Figure 2), i.e., the anti-correlation of ozone to SO2 explains a greater ratio
of the variation in ozone compared to total variation for the Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō downwind plume measurements
than for that of the Halema‘uma‘u crater-rim measurements. The gradient of the linear regression is
−1.15 (±0.18) × 10−3 mol/mol. This measured ΔO3 /ΔSO2 exceeds the Aeroqual instrument response
to volcanic H2 S calculated as −0.84 × 10−3 mol/mol for a plume with H2 S/SO2 molar ratio of 0.034.
Accounting for the negative H2 S interference on measured ozone at H2 S/SO2 = 0.034 suggests an
actual in-plume ΔO3 /ΔSO2 of −0.31 (±0.18) × 10−3 mol/mol.
Figure 4. Volcanic plume SO2 and ozone abundances measured at 1 min resolution in grounding plume
on a chain of craters road on 19 July 2008. This location is approximately 10 km downwind of the
Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō volcanic emission source. Peak maxima in the volcanic SO2 time-series correspond to clearly
defined minima in the ozone time-series. The anti-correlation between ozone and SO2 is confirmed
by scatter-plot; the linear regression has gradient ΔO3 /ΔSO2 = −1.15 (±0.18) × 10−3 mol/mol with
intercept corresponding to 43 nmol/mol ambient ozone. Dashed lines denote regression trend with
coefficients ±2 × standard error (95% CI). p-value < 0.05 and R-squared = 0.30. This measured
ΔO3 /ΔSO2 exceeds the Aeroqual instrument response to volcanic H2 S, therefore, it indicates an
ozone depletion. See text for further details and quantification.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 68
exposure (as 1 min measurements can be affected by rapid changes in gas concentration), and also
illustrates natural variability in background ozone that can act to mask an observable ozone depletion
signature. Nevertheless, the Aeroqual measurements provide a useful constraint on the magnitude
of ozone depletion in the Kı̄lauea volcanic plumes at short distances from the source. In particular,
the observations provide a valuable end-member example that quantifies ozone in the plume of a low
halogen emitter. This contrasts to studies to date that mostly focused on volcanic plumes with higher
halogen contents. To interpret the field-data, ozone depletion is scaled relative to co-measured SO2 in
order to distinguish between chemistry and plume dilution effects, and it is interpreted in terms of
distance or travel time downwind and the bromine emission.
For the Kı̄lauea plumes, ozone was shown to be close to ambient levels during plume exposures
of up to 10 ppmv SO2 at the Halema‘uma‘u crater-rim, and they were only slightly depleted in the
grounding plume at around 10 km downwind from Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō (e.g., by up to 2 ppbv measured at
5–8 ppmv SO2 ). The measurements indicate that the volcano emission has only a limited impact on
tropospheric ozone, as might be expected for a low halogen emitter. This contrasts with findings for
higher halogen emitters. A study of Mt Etna plume ozone by Surl et al. [24], for example, found 11 ppbv
ozone depletion measured in plume exposure of 9 ppmv SO2 at just 300 m downwind. Surl et al. [24]
also suggest that ozone in the Mt Etna crater-rim plume was depleted below background, finding from
their near-source field-campaign that ΔO3 /ΔSO2 = (−1.02 ± 0.07) × 10−5 s−1 with an intercept of
(−6.2 ± 0.05) × 10−4 mol/mol. A much greater depletion of tropospheric ozone (tens of ppbv ozone
loss in plume of 1 ppmv SO2 ) was observed by Kelly et al. [23] through spatial mapping of the Mt
Redoubt 2009 eruption plume. The ΔO3 /ΔSO2 data from Kelly et al. [23] is shown in Figure 5 as a
function of distance downwind for two flight campaigns. A smaller ozone depletion was observed in
August compared to June 2009. We focus our comparison on the June 2009 data for which the volcanic
halogen emission was also quantified (just one day prior to the aircraft campaign) that yields a linear
regression in ΔO3 /ΔSO2 of (−7.2 ± 1.3) × 10−3 mol/mol km−1 , with intercept close to zero (within
statistical uncertainty). Table 2 summarizes these field measurements and interconverts ΔO3 /ΔSO2
per unit travel time or per distance downwind using available or estimated wind-speeds. Not shown
in Table 2 are aircraft studies of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption plume over Europe [36,37] that found
large ozone depletions in the far-field dispersed plume but which are difficult to interpret because
the halogen emission was poorly constrained and the assumption of SO2 as a quasi-plume-tracer (in
ΔO3 /ΔSO2 ) may not be valid.
Figure 5. Ozone depletion (scaled to co-measured SO2 ) in the Mt Redoubt 2009 eruption plume
as a function of distance downwind during the aircraft campaigns on 21 June (black triangles) and
19 August (grey triangles) 2009. Data from Kelly et al. [23]. The gradient of the linear regression for
21 June is (−7.2 ± 1.3) × 10−3 mol/mol km−1 .
Geosciences 2018, 8, 68
Table 2. Studies of ozone depletion in volcanic plumes where the halogen emission was also reported:
Br/S in the emission and ΔOzone/ΔSO2 per km downwind or per second of travel time.
Figure 6 presents the ΔO3 /ΔSO2 scaled to distance or travel time downwind (i.e., rate of ozone
depletion) as a function of Br/S in the volcano emission for the three case studies of Table 2 (Kı̄lauea,
Mt Etna, and Mt Redoubt). The data show that ozone depletion is a non-linear function of the bromine
emission; greater ozone loss occurs for a higher Br/S emission, as expected. However, the rate of
ozone depletion for the volcano with the highest Br/S emission (Mt Redoubt) is disproportionately
slow, i.e., the Mt Redoubt plume is found to be less efficient at destroying tropospheric ozone than
would be expected. This non-linearity is initially a surprising result given the role of volcanic bromine
in the depletion of tropospheric ozone through a “bromine explosion” that is autocatalytic (i.e.,
self-enhancing). A potential reason could be the complete titration of plume ozone (thereby preventing
any further ozone depletion), but this is ruled out based on the measurements of Kelly et al. [23];
ozone in the Mt Redoubt plume was reduced to less than ambient levels but was not fully depleted.
Instead, an explanation is provided by atmospheric box modelling of the near-source plume chemistry.
Model studies point to non-linearities in the conversion of emitted HBr into reactive bromine species,
depending on the bromine content of the emissions [24,29]. For high Br/S emissions, not all of the
emitted HBr may become converted into reactive bromine. This was shown in a model sensitivity
study by Roberts et al. [29] for Mt Etna that predicts HBr is rapidly and fully converted into reactive
forms over tens of minutes for an emission with HBr/SO2 molar ratio of 7.4 × 10−4 , but HBr is more
slowly and only partially (~50% after one hour) converted into reactive bromine for an emission with
a higher HBr/SO2 molar ratio of 2.4 × 10−3 . Furthermore, the model simulation of the Mt Redoubt
2009 eruption plume by Kelly et al. [23] predicts that only 30% of emitted HBr was converted into
reactive forms, for an emission with even higher HBr/SO2 molar ratio of 4.1 × 10−3 . However,
another difference between the plumes is the emission flux, with 4.3 kg/s SO2 flux for Mt Redoubt
and ~20 kg/s SO2 flux for the Mt Etna simulation. The net conversion of emitted volcanic HBr into
reactive bromine reflects the balance of plume chemistry processes (that form reactive halogens from
HBr and that can re-form HBr from reactive halogens) as a function of plume properties such as gas
flux, aerosol, plume-air mixing, etc., and is also a function of time. For plumes younger than one
minute, recent observations by Rüdiger et al. [45] suggest reactive bromine accounts for less than
44% of total bromine, consistent with the models. The modeled plume Br-speciation predicted by
Roberts et al. [23] and [29] are shown in Figure 7, illustrating the proportion of emitted HBr converted
into reactive bromine during the first hours of plume chemical evolution. These model outputs are
used to re-evaluate the non-linear trend in Figure 6. When the Br/S content of the emissions is adjusted
to reflect the modeled plume “reactive bromine”/S (e.g., reduced to 30% of the total emitted Br/S for
Mt Redoubt: open triangle, Figure 6), there is more linearity (broadly proportional trend) between
the volcanic (reactive) bromine/S and the rate of plume ozone depletion. It is nevertheless expected
Geosciences 2018, 8, 68
that other variables, e.g., aerosol and plume-air mixing rate, may affect ΔO3 /ΔSO2 depending on the
volcanic-meteorological setting.
Figure 6. Depletion in ozone scaled to volcanic SO2 (as a quasi-plume-tracer) and scaled with (i) km
distance downwind or (ii) seconds travel time downwind, plotted as a function of the bromine/SO2
molar ratio in the emission. Data are available for three volcanic systems: Kı̄lauea (red circle, this study),
Mt Etna (purple square, [24]), and Mt Redoubt (black triangle, [23]), in ascending order of Br/S in their
emissions. Arrow and open triangle denote adjustments in the Br/S content that accounts for partial
rather than full conversion of emitted HBr into reactive bromine. See text for details.
Figure 7. Model simulated reactive bromine speciation in the plumes of Mt Etna and Mt Redoubt,
from Roberts et al. [29], and Kelly et al. [23] illustrating varying degrees (complete, partial) of
conversion of HBr into reactive bromine. Reproduced with permission from Kelly et al. [23], JVGR;
published by Elsevier.
Geosciences 2018, 8, 68
Acknowledgments: This work was funded by the Orleans Labex VOLTAIRE (VOLatils-Terre Atmosphère
Interactions—Ressources et Environnement) ANR-10-LABX-100-01, and a UK NERC studentship,
and acknowledges MDPI for the invitation to cover publication fees. I would like to thank the following people
for very useful discussions on volcano science, sensors, and ozone observations: Clive Oppenheimer, Rod Jones,
John Saffell (Alphasense Ltd., Essex, UK), Peter Kelly, Luke Surl; field-collaborators Tamsin Mather and Mel Witt;
and the Hawai‘i Volcano Observatory. I also thank the editor P. Sellitto and two anonymous reviewers.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the
decision to publish the results.
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© 2018 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Pyplis—A Python Software Toolbox for the Analysis
of SO2 Camera Images for Emission Rate Retrievals
from Point Sources
Jonas Gliß 1,2,3, *, Kerstin Stebel 1 , Arve Kylling 1 , Anna Solvejg Dinger 1,4 , Holger Sihler 5
and Aasmund Sudbø 3
1 NILU—Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NO-2007 Kjeller, Norway; [email protected] (K.S.);
[email protected] (A.K.); [email protected] (A.S.D.)
2 Department of Physics, University of Oslo (UiO), NO-0371 Oslo, Norway
3 Department of Technology Systems, University of Oslo (UiO), NO-2007 Kjeller, Norway;
[email protected]
4 Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), University of Heidelberg, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
5 Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC), D-55128 Mainz, Germany; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +47-94885617
Abstract: Ultraviolet (UV) SO2 cameras have become a common tool to measure and
monitor SO2 emission rates, mostly from volcanoes but also from anthropogenic sources
(e.g., power plants or ships). Over the past decade, the analysis of UV SO2 camera data has seen
many improvements. As a result, for many of the required analysis steps, several alternatives
exist today (e.g., cell vs. DOAS based camera calibration; optical flow vs. cross-correlation based
gas-velocity retrieval). This inspired the development of Pyplis (Python plume imaging software),
an open-source software toolbox written in Python 2.7, which unifies the most prevalent methods
from literature within a single, cross-platform analysis framework. Pyplis comprises a vast collection
of algorithms relevant for the analysis of UV SO2 camera data. These include several routines to
retrieve plume background radiances as well as routines for cell and DOAS based camera calibration.
The latter includes two independent methods to identify the DOAS field-of-view (FOV) within the
camera images (based on (1) Pearson correlation and (2) IFR inversion method). Plume velocities can
be retrieved using an optical flow algorithm as well as signal cross-correlation. Furthermore, Pyplis
includes a routine to perform a first order correction of the signal dilution effect (also referred to as
light dilution). All required geometrical calculations are performed within a 3D model environment
allowing for distance retrievals to plume and local terrain features on a pixel basis. SO2 emission
rates can be retrieved simultaneously for an arbitrary number of plume intersections. Hence, Pyplis
provides a state-of-the-art framework for more efficient and flexible analyses of UV SO2 camera
data and, therefore, marks an important step forward towards more transparency, reliability and
inter-comparability of the results. Pyplis has been extensively and successfully tested using data from
several field campaigns. Here, the main features are introduced using a dataset obtained at Mt. Etna,
Italy on 16 September 2015.
Keywords: volcanic gases; SO2 ; remote sensing; UV cameras; image processing; analysis software;
Python 2.7
1. Introduction
Sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) is a toxic gas emitted by anthropogenic and natural sources (e.g., power
plants, ships, volcanoes). The pollutant has impacts on the atmosphere both on local and global
scales (e.g., particle formation, radiation budget, e.g., [1,2]). Furthermore, the monitoring of SO2
emissions from active volcanoes can provide insight into the magmatic degassing behaviour and
hence plays an important role for the development of new risk assessment approaches (e.g., [3–6],
and references therein).
The gas composition of the emission plumes can, for instance, be studied using ground-based
passive remote sensing techniques. The column-densities (CDs) of the gases in the plumes are
quantified based on the absorption signature carried by scattered sunlight that has penetrated the
plume. SO2 -CDs, for instance, can be retrieved at ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths (i.e., around 310 nm)
where it exhibits distinct absorption bands. Prominent examples for passive remote sensing
instrumentation are the correlation spectrometer (COSPEC, [7]), or instruments based on the technique
of Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS, [8], e.g., [9,10]). Over the past decade,
the comparatively young technique of UV SO2 cameras has gained in importance, since it enables
the study of volcanic SO2 emissions at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution (e.g., [11–15]).
This is particularly helpful to study multiple sources independently (e.g., [16]) or to investigate
volcanic degassing characteristics by studying periodicities in the SO2 emission rates (e.g., [17–19] and
references therein). The technique of UV SO2 cameras has seen remarkable improvements over the
past decade (e.g., [20–24]) and can now be considered one of the standard methods for ground-based
remote sensing of SO2 plumes. A drawback, however, is the low spectral resolution, restricting the
technique to a single species and furthermore requiring external calibration.
The retrieval of SO2 emission rates from plume imagery comprises several analysis steps that are
summarised in Table 1 and are illustrated in the flowchart shown in Appendix Figure A1. Thanks to
ongoing developments, today, researchers can choose between several methods for nearly all of the
required steps (e.g., cell vs. DOAS calibration, velocity retrieval using optical flow vs. cross-correlation
Available software solutions include Vulcamera [25], the IDL R
source code provided by [22] and
Plumetrack [26]. The first two programs include routines for cell calibration and cross-correlation
based plume velocity retrievals. The IDL R
program also includes a routine to perform a first order
correction for the signal dilution effect (commonly referred to as light dilution, e.g., [22]). The software
Plumetrack provides an interface to calculate gas velocities using an optical flow algorithm and can be
applied to pre-calibrated SO2 -CD images in order to retrieve SO2 emission rates.
Table 1. Analysis blocks for emission rate retrievals (for details see Section 2).
Pyplis ([27,28]) is a cross-platform, open-source software toolbox for the analysis of UV SO2
camera data. The code is written in Python 2.7 and emerged from the idea of a common software
platform incorporating the most relevant analysis methods, including recent developments. The most
important features of Pyplis 1.0.0 are (details follow in Section 3):
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
Pyplis comes with numerous example scripts providing an easy and comprehensive introduction
into the software. The following Section 2 introduces the technique of UV SO2 cameras and the
required analysis steps for SO2 emission rate retrievals. The implementation of the individual analysis
methods is discussed in Section 3.
2. Methodology
where I and I0 denote the plume and plume background radiances, respectively, in both channels
(on, off). Note that the method requires all additional optical densities in the on and off-band regime
to be of broadband nature.
denotes the SO2 -CD in the viewing direction Cij of the image pixel i, j. c( x, y,"z) is the concentration
distribution of SO2 in real world coordinates x, y, z (cf. Figure 1a) and ds = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 is the
integration differential.
Figure 1. Measurement geometry-sketched (a) in three dimensions and (b) as the camera sees it.
The emission plume is indicated in yellow colours, gas velocities in red. The orientation of the plume
cross-section (PCS) A (green colours) is aligned with the camera optical axis k.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
The camera calibration (i.e., the conversion of AA values into SO2 -CDs) can be performed either
using gas cells (e.g., [11]) or a co-located DOAS spectrometer (e.g., [21]). The latter is more accurate in
case aerosols are present in the plume [21,29]. The position and shape of the DOAS FOV within the
camera images are required in order to perform the DOAS calibration. The DOAS FOV can either be
measured experimentally (e.g., in the lab) or can be retrieved directly from the field data [21,30].
The camera calibration curve depends on the pixel-position in the images (e.g., [21]). This is due
to shifts in the filter transmission curves for non-perpendicular illumination (i.e., off-axis image pixels),
resulting in an increased SO2 sensitivity towards the image edges (e.g., [31]). A first order correction
for this effect can be performed using a normalised sensitivity correction mask retrieved from cell
calibration data, as described in [21]. The impact of this effect can be dramatically reduced by placing
the transmission filters between lens and detector rather than in front of the lens [31]. Please note
that this effect of an increased SO2 sensitivity towards the image edges is not to be confused with
lens-vignetting effects, as discussed by [31].
Φ() = f −1 ∑ SSO2 (m) · v̄(m) · n̂(m) · dpl (m) · Δs(m) (3)
m =1
corresponds to the SO2 emission rate through , where m denotes one of a total of M sample positions
along in the image plane and Δs is the integration step length, measured in physical distances on the
detector. f is the focal length of the camera, dpl is the distance between camera and plume and n̂ is the
normal of . v̄ is a 2-vector containing projected plume velocities averaged in the viewing direction.
The plume distances dpl can be estimated from the measurement geometry and require
information about the camera position and viewing direction as well as the source position and
the meteorological wind direction. The gas velocities are usually retrieved from the images directly
either using cross-correlation based methods (e.g., [32]) or optical flow algorithms (e.g., [23]).
Equation (3) is equivalent to commonly used retrieval methods (e.g., [11,29]) and is based on
the assumption that over or underestimations of the measured quantities SSO2 and v̄ (e.g., due
to non-perpendicular plume transects) cancel out in the emission rate retrieval. This is a valid
approximation for typical measurement conditions (i.e., plume nearly perpendicular to the optical axis,
and plume extent small compared to plume distance). However, care has to be taken for unfavourable
geometries (e.g., tilted or overhead plume; retrieval close to the image edges), which may require
additional corrections (e.g., [33]). The software Plumetrack [26] includes an alternative “2D” method
to compute the emission rates, which considers all image pixels that are crossing the PCS line between
consecutive frames. This method is not included in the current version of Pyplis but may be a valuable
extension in a future release of the software.
If a locally uniform gas velocity can be assumed (i.e., v̄(i, j) → v̄) and a planar PCS is
used for the retrieval (i.e., n̂(i, j) → n̂), then, Equation (3) can be further approximated as
Φ() ≈ v̄ · n̂ · χ(), where
χ() = f −1 ∑ SSO2 (m) · dpl (m) · Δs(m) (4)
m =1
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
3. Implementation
In the following, the main features and modules of Pyplis are presented. The application
programming interface (API) is designed to be modular using an object oriented architecture. It can
therefore be used in parts or as a whole. Figure 2 illustrates the Pyplis API for SO2 emission rate
retrievals (see also Appendix E). Pyplis includes 19 example scripts, which provide an introduction
to the main features of the software (summarised in Table A2). The scripts are based on an example
dataset recorded at Mt. Etna in Italy on 16 September 2015 between 6:40 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. UTC. These
data are freely available and can be downloaded from the website (for details, see Appendix F.1).
Figure 2. Pyplis API flowchart illustrating the central analysis steps and the corresponding classes
of the Pyplis API for SO2 emission rate retrievals. Italic denotations correspond to class names in
Pyplis. Optional/alternative analysis procedures are indicated by dashed boxes. Setup classes (red)
include relevant meta information and can be used to create Dataset objects (blue). The latter perform
file separation by image type and create ImgList objects (green) for each type (e.g., on, off, dark).
Further analysis classes are indicated in yellow. Note that the routine for signal dilution correction is
not shown here (cf. Figure A1).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
Figure 3. Measurement geometry 2D overview map of the measurement setup at Mt. Etna from the
Pyplis example data. The map includes plume orientation (dark green line), camera azimuth retrieved
using a compass (dashed light green line), the corrected camera azimuth (light green line) and the
corresponding FOV (semi-transparent green), retrieved automatically using the pixel-position i, j of
the Etna south-east crater within the images and the corresponding coordinates of the crater (longitude,
latitude, altitude). The map was generated using an instance of the MeasGeometry class (see Section 3.1).
Further features of the MeasGeometry class include a routine to retrieve the camera viewing direction
based on the position of distinct objects in the images (e.g., summit of volcano, cf. Figure 3), or
the calculation of distances to topographic features in the images (cf. Figure 10). The MeasGeometry
class makes use of the Geonum library [37], which is briefly introduced in Appendix A, and which
provides automatic online access to topographic data from the NASA shuttle radar topography
mission (SRTM, [38]) and also supports the ETOPO1 dataset [39]. Furthermore, 2D and 3D topographic
overview maps of the measurement setup can be created automatically (as shown in Figure 3, see also
Figure 10c).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
correction can be performed as described in Appendix C. Img objects can be saved as FITS files at any
stage of the analysis (e.g., dark corrected image, τAA image, calibrated SO2 -CD image).
Table 2. Available plume background modelling methods of the PlumeBackgroundModel class (cf. names
of sky reference areas in Figure 4).
Method I0 -img
Scaling Vertical Horizontal
Scaling in
1 yes None None
Linear correction using scale_rect and
2 yes See 1 None
Curvature correction by fitting
polynomial of n-th order using
3 yes See 1 sky reference pixels along vertical None
profile line (default: n = 2, i.e.,
quadratic polynomial)
Linear correction using scale_rect and
4 yes See 1 Linear correction (see 2)
5 yes See 1 Curvature correction (see 3) Linear correction (see 4)
Curvature correction by fitting
polynomial of n-th order using
6 yes See 1 Curvature correction (see 3) sky reference pixels along
horizontal profile line (default:
n = 2, i.e., quadratic polynomial)
0 no Masked 2D polynomial surface fit
99 yes None (use I0 -img as is)
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
Figure 4. Plume background modelling. Four examples of on-band OD images (τon ) determined
using background modelling methods 0 (polynomial surface fit) and 1, 4 and 6 (based on I0 -image,
cf. Table 2). Horizontal and vertical profiles are plotted on the top and on the right, respectively. The
top-left plot (Method 0) further includes the mask specifying sky-reference pixels (green area) that
was used for the polynomial surface fit. The plume and background images used for the displayed
examples were recorded at 7:06 a.m. UTC and at 7:02 a.m. UTC, respectively.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
Figure 5. Cell calibration — (a) shows the output of the automatic cell search routine (included in the
CellCalibEngine class); (b) shows example calibration curves for τon , τoff and τAA images for the image
center pixel from the dataset shown in (a). The error bars in (b) correspond to uncertainties in the cell
SO2 -CDs from the DOAS analysis (y-axis errors) and the x-errorbars correspond to the min / max-range
of the corresponding τ-values over the entire image (arising from effects due to non-perpendicular
illumination, see Section 2.2 for details).
Cell OD images in both channels (τon , τoff ) can be determined using a suitable background image.
Care has to be taken for measurements performed at large solar zenith angles (early morning, late
afternoon) due to rapid changes of the ambient sky intensity (cf. Figure 5a). In this case, the background
image needs to be scaled to the sky intensity present at the acquisition time of each cell in order to
calculate the OD images. This correction was performed for the data shown in Figure 5a (i.e., dashed
line “Fitted BG polynomial”). It requires at least two background images, one recorded before, and a
second one after the cells were put in front of the lens.
The calibration results (e.g., one AA image for each cell) are stored within CellCalibData objects
together with the corresponding cell SO2 -CDs (which need to be provided by the user). Calibration
curves can then be retrieved per image pixel or within a certain pixel neighbourhood. Figure 5b shows
example calibration curves for τon , τoff and τAA images.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
cannot perform the DOAS analysis. Thus, the SO2 -CDs need to be retrieved using a suitable 3rd party
software (e.g., DOASIS, [40]).
Figure 6. DOAS calibration curves. Plot showing example DOAS calibration data corresponding to
the two different FOV parametrisations shown in Figure 7. The fit was performed using a first-order
weighted polynomial fit. The weights were calculated using the relative errors ΔSSO2 / SSO2 of the
DOAS SO2 -CDs. The y-axis offset is likely due to uncertainties in the DOAS retrieval (e.g., due to O3
interference) and is compensated by the calibration.
1. Pearson routine: this method loops over all image pixels in the AA stack and determines the
Pearson correlation coefficient between the corresponding AA time-series (τAA (t)) and the DOAS
SO2 -CD vector (SSO2 (t)). The method yields a correlation image as shown in Figure 7a, from which
the pixel coordinate with highest correlation (i0 , j0 ) is extracted (see also [21]). Assuming a circular
FOV shape, the pixel extent of the FOV is estimated around i0 , j0 , by iteratively searching the disk
radius with highest correlation between the AA and the DOAS time-series.
2. In-operation field-of-view retrieval (IFR) routine: this method is based on [30] and uses an
inversion algorithm to retrieve the FOV. Position and shape of the FOV is parametrised by fitting
a 2D Super-Gaussian to the retrieved FOV distribution (shown in Figure 7b, see Appendix D.2
for details).
The retrieved FOV information (position, shape, convolution mask) is represented by the DoasFOV
class and can be stored as a FITS file.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
Figure 7. DOAS FOV search. DOAS FOV search results using (a), the Pearson and (b), the IFR method.
The Pearson method (a) yields an FOV centered at i = 159, j = 124 and a disk radius of four pixels.
For the IFR retrieval (b), a tolerance factor of λ = 2 × 10−3 was chosen and a Super-Gaussian (without
tilt) was fitted to the correlation image yielding an FOV centered at i = 159.3, j = 123.8, σ = 7.1,
asymmetry parameter a = 1.9 and a shape parameter of b = 0.3 (for details see Equation (A2)).
The retrieved FOV positions show good agreement. Note that the FOV was retrieved from downscaled
images (Gauss pyramid level 2).
Figure 8. Plume velocity retrieval using the cross-correlation method applied to a time-series of on-band
OD (τOn ) images. Left: example plume image including the two used PCS lines. Right: Time-series
of the integrated optical densities along both lines (orange dashed and cyan line) in addition to the
PCS signal shifted using the retrieved correlation lag of 22.1 s (orange profile). The analysis yields an
average gas velocity of 3.5 m/s.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
Figure 9. Plume velocity optical flow. Left: example optical flow vector field (blue lines with red dots
depicting the movement direction) calculated using the Farnebäck algorithm. Middle, right: histograms
of the flow vector orientation angles ϕ and magnitudes |f|, respectively, corresponding to the ROI
shown in the left image (semi-transparent rectangular area around the displayed PCS line). From the
latter, a plume velocity of 4.2 (±0.4) m/s and a predominant movement direction of θ = −65 (±14) ◦
was retrieved using first and second moments of the displayed histogram distributions.
to retrieve atmospheric extinction coefficients in the on and off-band regime. Here, λ denotes the
wavelength, Imeas are measured intensities of dark terrain features within the images, d is the distance
to these features and I0 their initial intensity. The ambient intensity I A can be approximated using
gas free sky areas in the plume images [22]. For the retrieval, a set of measured intensities Imeas is
extracted from vignetting corrected plume images using suitable terrain features (e.g., pixels along a
volcanic flank). These intensities are fitted to Equation (5) (as a function of their distance d) in order to
retrieve the extinction coefficients in both wavelength regimes. The required distances d to the features
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
can be retrieved automatically, based on intersections of individual pixel viewing directions with the
local topography (using the Geonum library; for details, see Appendix A).
The plume images can then be corrected for the signal dilution effect using the retrieved extinction
coefficients (see Equation (4) in [22]). The correction is only applied to plume pixels (e.g., using a τAA
threshold mask). The required plume distances can be retrieved from the measurement geometry (for
details, see Section 3.1).
Figure 10 shows results of an example dilution correction using an on and off-band image from the
Etna example data, recorded at 6:45 a.m. UTC. Extinction coefficients of on = 0.0743 km−1 (Figure 10a)
and off = 0.0654 km−1 (Figure 10b) were retrieved using the two topographic profile lines shown
in Figure 10c,d. The correction yields an emission rate of 4.8 (±1.2) kg/s using the PCS line shown
in Figure 10d. The emission rate of the uncorrected image is 1.6 (±0.8) kg/s, corresponding to an
underestimation of approximately 67 % at an average plume distance of 10.4 (±0.1) km.
Figure 10. Signal dilution correction. (a) and (b) show the fit results of an example dilution analysis for
the on and off-band regime, respectively; (c) shows a 3D map of the camera scene and (d) a dilution
corrected SO2 -CD image. The terrain features used for the dilution analysis are indicated in (c) and
(d) (blue and lime coloured lines); (d) further includes the image region used to estimate the ambient
intensity I A (blue rectangle) and an example PCS line used to compare emission rates before and after
the correction.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
1. flow_raw → the raw output of the Farnebäck algorithm is used. This should only be done if it can
be assured that the algorithm yields reliable output in the considered plume area (i.e., ROI around
the PCS line) and for all images of the time-series.
2. flow_histo → performs the histogram post-analysis proposed by [43] (cf. Section 3.5.2). The retrieved
local average velocity vector for each PCS line is then used as a velocity estimate for the
corresponding retrieval line.
3. flow_hybrid → reliable motion vectors from the flow field are used while unreliable ones are
identified and replaced based on the histogram post-analysis (see previous point).
Figure 11 shows results from an emission rate analysis for the Etna test data (upper panel)
including plume velocities retrieved using the flow_hybrid method (lower panel). The AA images
were calculated from dilution corrected on and off-band plume images using background modelling
method 6 (cf. Section 3.3) and were corrected for cross-detector sensitivity variations using a mask
retrieved from cell “a53" (cf. Figure 5a). The AA images were calibrated using the Pearson DOAS
calibration curve shown in Figure 6.
Figure 11. Emission rate retrieval. Emission rates (top) and plume velocities (bottom) of the Etna
example dataset on 16 September 2015 between 7:06 a.m. and 7:22 a.m. UTC using the retrieval
line “PCS” shown in Figure 8. The analysis was performed using (1) a global velocity of 3.5 m/s
(cyan, from cross-correlation analysis); (2) the raw output of the Farnebäck algorithm (thin orange);
(3) using the flow_histo method (thin dashed brown) and (4) using the flow_hybrid method (bold orange).
The retrieved effective velocities are plotted in the lower panel and correspond to the average velocities
along the PCS line using the flow_hybrid method. Uncertainties are displayed as shaded areas.
Remark on Performance
The emission rate analysis (cf. Figure 11) was performed using a Gaussian pyramid level of
1 (i.e., reduction of image size by a factor of 2). For these settings, the typical computation time to
calculate a calibrated SO2 -CD image from the raw data amounts to approximately 0.2 s using an
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU (2.50 GHz, 8 GB RAM) (Santa Clara, CA, USA). Approximately the
same time of 0.2 s is required to compute the optical flow between two frames at this pyramid level
(cf. Appendix Table A1). For the discussed dataset of 209 on-band plume images, this results in a
total computation time of about two minutes, including the four different velocity retrieval methods
introduced above and shown in Figure 11. Note that the latter does not include the time to compute
the DOAS FOV and calibration data, nor the time required for the cross-correlation velocity retrieval,
since these analyses were performed beforehand (for details, see Appendix B and example script 12).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
4. Conclusions
In this paper, the software package Pyplis was introduced. Pyplis contains an extensive collection
of relevant algorithms for the analysis of UV SO2 camera data, particularly for the retrieval of emission
rates from SO2 -emitters (e.g., volcanoes, power plants, ships).
Apart from established analysis methods, such as cross-correlation based velocity retrievals
(e.g., [32]) or cell and DOAS calibration (e.g., [21]), Pyplis incorporates more recent developments.
These include an implementation of the DOAS FOV retrieval algorithm proposed by [30], a routine to
correct for the signal dilution effect based on [22], or pixel based gas velocity retrievals using an optical
flow algorithm (e.g., [23]). The latter incorporates a method to detect and correct for ill constrained
optical flow motion-vectors based on [43]. Furthermore, Pyplis includes a framework to perform a
detailed 3D-analysis of the observed camera scene including automatic online access to high resolution
topography data from the SRTM dataset. This enables, for example, to retrieve the camera viewing
direction based on distinct topographic features in the images (e.g., volcano summit), or to calculate
distances between the camera and the local topography at a pixel-level. The latter is of particular
relevance for the image based correction of the signal dilution effect.
Due to this extensive collection of algorithms, Pyplis provides flexibility with regard to the analysis
strategy and is highly adaptable to different data situations. The object oriented architecture of the
API gives intuitive access to the main features and makes it easy to compare individual methods
(e.g., different plume velocity retrievals, as illustrated in this paper). Pyplis is open-source and can be
operated both on Windows and Unix machines. Thus, it is well suited for inter-comparison studies,
the exchange of analysis results or for the development and verification of new methods.
The Pyplis installation includes numerous example scripts that were used in this paper to introduce
the main features of the software. The examples are based on a 15 min dataset recorded at Mt. Etna,
Italy in September 2015, which is freely available and can be downloaded from the website.
Finally, the authors wish to point out that Pyplis may also be used for other applications based on
the same measurement principle (e.g., NO2 cameras) and that parts of it can also be useful for other
remote sensing applications (e.g., the engine for geometrical calculations). The Pyplis software is hosted
on GitHub ([27,28]). The code documentation and further information (e.g., installation instructions)
can be found on the documentation website (see [27,28]).
Acknowledgments: The authors like to thank the Atmosphere and Remote Sensing group from the Institute of
Environmental Physics in Heidelberg, Germany for providing image data for test purposes and for collaboration
during the Etna field campaign in 2015. The work of K.S., A.K. and A.S.D. was supported by the European
Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement No 670462 (COMTESSA). J.G. wishes to thank Torbjørn Skauli, Matthias Vogt, and Axel Donath
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
for helpful discussions related to the development of the software and the drafting of the manuscript. Furthermore,
the authors wish to thank the Editor Cecile Zheng for support during the review process and four anonymous
referees for very helpful comments and suggestions.
Author Contributions: J.G. designed, developed and tested the software including the example scripts and
wrote the manuscript. K.S., A.S.D., A.K., H.S. and A.S. contributed to the API design (selection of implemented
methods/algorithms) and helped with testing and debugging the code. H.S. provided the IFR algorithm and
wrote the corresponding part in the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
UV Ultraviolet
CD Column density
DOAS Differential optical absorption spectroscopy
FOV Field of view
OD Optical density
AA SO2 apparent absorbance
PCS Plume cross section
ICA Integrated column amount
API Application programming interface
IFR In-operation field-of-view retrieval
1. Image import and dark and offset correction (on and off-band).
2. Further image preparation operations (e.g., noise reduction using Gaussian blurring filter, size
reduction using Gaussian pyramid).
3. Plume background modelling (on, off) and calculation of τAA -image.
4. Image calibration (i.e., requires availability of calibration curve).
5. Optional: computation of optical flow field.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
Table A1 summarises typical computation times for these steps that are performed for each image
during the emission rate analysis. Further settings for this performance analysis (e.g., background
modelling method) correspond to the settings provided in Section 3.7. Note that here we omit the discussion
of potential additional analysis procedures that may be required and that are typically performed prior
to the emission rate analysis (e.g., dilution correction, DOAS and / or cell calibration, cross-correlation
velocity retrieval, cf. Figure 2). These highly depend on the chosen settings and often include looping
over a number of images and pre-computation of OD images (e.g., DOAS FOV search, cross-correlation
velocity analysis) and we encourage the reader to use the corresponding example scripts for individualised
performance tests of these additional analysis procedures.
Table A1. Performance analysis of the five image preparation steps listed above, dependent on
Gaussian pyramid level (pyrlevel) and Gaussian blurring (blur) including the relative percentage impact
of the optical flow computation.
The detector dark current depends on the temperature. In case of temperature variations, it is
therefore recommended to use dark images recorded close in time to a given plume image.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
where C is a constant offset, A the amplitude, im and jm define the centre position, σ measures the
width in i-direction, the asymmetry parameter a measures the ratio of the semi-axes (e.g., a = 1 yields
a circular FOV), and b is the shape parameter of the Super Gaussian (e.g., b = 1 yields a Gaussian FOV,
b = 10 approximates a flat-disk FOV).
If an additional tilt of the FOV is required in case of an elliptical FOV, the above fit may be
performed in a transformed coordinate system and
cos θ − sin θ i − im
= (A3)
sin θ cos θ j − jm
g = C + A exp ⎣− + ⎦. (A4)
σ σ
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
Figure A1. Main analysis steps. Flowchart showing the main analysis steps for emission rate retrievals
(cf. Table 1). The colours indicate geometrical calculations (yellow), background modelling (light gray),
camera calibration (light blue), plume velocity retrieval (light purple) and the central processing steps
for the emission rate retrieval (light green). Shaded and dashed symbols indicate optional or alternative
analysis methods. Note that the colour scheme is not related to the scheme used in Figure 2.
The Pyplis code hierarchy for the emission rate analysis is shown in Figure 2. The structure is
based on the work flow shown in Figure A1 and includes most of the relevant classes required for the
emission rate analysis.
• Setup classes (e.g., Camera, Source, MeasSetup), which can be used to specify all relevant
meta information.
• Dataset classes (Dataset, CellCalibEngine), which can be used for automatic image separation,
for instance by image type (e.g., on, off, dark, offset) or acquisition time.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
• darkcorr_mode → images are automatically corrected for dark and offset and requires a dark
image (or an ImgList containing dark images) to be available in the list. For dark correction mode
1 (see appendix C), an offset image (or list) must also be available.
• tau_mode → if active, images are converted into τ images on image load (using the
PlumeBackgroundModel class to retrieve the plume background intensities) and requires availability
of a sky reference image in the list (only for background modelling methods 1–6, see Section 3.3).
• aa_mode → if active, images are converted into τAA images on image load and requires an
off-band image list to be linked to the list and availability of a sky reference image in both lists
(only for background modelling methods 1–6, see Section 3.3).
• dilcorr_mode → if active, images are loaded as dilution corrected images (cf. Section 3.6) and
requires extinction coefficients to be available in the list (list attribute ext_coeffs, cf. example script
11). Furthermore, availability of plume distances (list attribute plume_dists) and pre-computation
of a τ-image (see two points above) is required to retrieve a boolean mask specifying plume-pixels
(identified from the τ-image using a provided τ threshold).
• sensitivity_corr_mode → if active, images will be corrected for sensitivity variations due to shifts
in the filter transmission windows (see Section 2.2) and requires a corresponding correction mask
to be available in the list. The latter can, for instance, be retrieved from cell calibration data
(see Section 3.4.1).
• calib_mode → if active, images are loaded as calibrated SO2 -CD images and requires the list to be
in aa_mode and calibration data to be available in the list. The latter can be of type CellCalibData or
DoasCalibData (see Figure 2), and warns if sensitivity_corr_mode is inactive.
• optflow_mode → if active, the Farnebäck optical flow will be calculated between current and the
next list image (using the OptflowFarneback class, see Section 3.5.2).
• vigncorr_mode → if active, images will be corrected for vignetting and requires availability of a
vignetting mask in the list or a sky reference image from which the mask is determined.
All active image preparation options are applied on image load (i.e., whenever the current image
is changed in the ImgList).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
Table A2. Pyplis example scripts, sub-categorised into introductory scripts (0.1–0.7) and scripts related
to the emission rate analysis of the Etna test data (1–12).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 134
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Geophys. Data Center PANGAEA 2009, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.769615.
40. Kraus, S. DOASIS: A framework design for DOAS. Ph.D. Thesis, Universitat Mannheim, Mannheim,
Germany, 2006.
41. Farnebäck, G., Two-Frame Motion Estimation Based on Polynomial Expansion. In Proceedings of the 13th
Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, (SCIA 2003), Halmstad, Sweden, 29 June–2 July 2003; Springer:
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42. Bradski, G. The OpenCV Library. Dr. Dobb’s J. Softw. Tools 2000, 25, 120–123.
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Sample Availability: The Pyplis software is freely available, including the example data and scripts. For more
information see http://pyplis.readthedocs.io.
c 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Volcanic Plume CO2 Flux Measurements at Mount
Etna by Mobile Differential Absorption Lidar
Simone Santoro 1,2 , Stefano Parracino 2,3 , Luca Fiorani 2 , Roberto D’Aleo 1 , Enzo Di Ferdinando 2 ,
Gaetano Giudice 4 , Giovanni Maio 5,† , Marcello Nuvoli 2 and Alessandro Aiuppa 1,4, *
1 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare, Università di Palermo, 90123 Palermo, Italy;
[email protected] (S.S.); [email protected] (R.D.)
2 Nuclear Fusion and Safety Technologies Department, ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies,
Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), 00044 Frascati, Italy; [email protected] (S.P.);
luca.fi[email protected] (L.F.); [email protected] (E.D.F.); [email protected] (M.N.)
3 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 00173 Rome, Italy
4 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, 90146 Palermo, Italy; [email protected]
5 ARES Consortium, 00100 Rome, Italy; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
† Current address: Vitrociset SpA, 00156 Rome, Italy.
Abstract: Volcanic eruptions are often preceded by precursory increases in the volcanic carbon dioxide
(CO2 ) flux. Unfortunately, the traditional techniques used to measure volcanic CO2 require near-vent,
in situ plume measurements that are potentially hazardous for operators and expose instruments to
extreme conditions. To overcome these limitations, the project BRIDGE (BRIDging the gap between
Gas Emissions and geophysical observations at active volcanoes) received funding from the European
Research Council, with the objective to develop a new generation of volcanic gas sensing instruments,
including a novel DIAL-Lidar (Differential Absorption Light Detection and Ranging) for remote
(e.g., distal) CO2 observations. Here we report on the results of a field campaign carried out at Mt.
Etna from 28 July 2016 to 1 August 2016, during which we used this novel DIAL-Lidar to retrieve
spatially and temporally resolved profiles of excess CO2 concentrations inside the volcanic plume.
By vertically scanning the volcanic plume at different elevation angles and distances, an excess CO2
concentration of tens of ppm (up to 30% above the atmospheric background of 400 ppm) was resolved
from up to a 4 km distance from the plume itself. From this, the first remotely sensed volcanic CO2
flux estimation from Etna’s northeast crater was derived at ≈2850–3900 tons/day. This Lidar-based
CO2 flux is in fair agreement with that (≈2750 tons/day) obtained using conventional techniques
requiring the in situ measurement of volcanic gas composition.
Keywords: volcanic plumes; volcanic CO2 flux; remote sensing; Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL)
1. Introduction
In the last two decades, there have been major advances in the instrumental monitoring of
volcanic gas plume composition and fluxes [1]. These have included the first instrumental networks
of scanning Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometers (DOAS) for volcanic SO2 flux monitoring,
the implementation of satellite-based volcanic gas observations, and the advent of sensor units for
in situ gas monitoring [1–6]. Owing to this technical progress, volcanic gas plume composition and
fluxes have increasingly been used to extract information on degassing mechanisms/processes [4],
and to derive constraints on shallow volcano plumbing systems [5]. However, work still needs to be
done to increase the number of volcanic gas species that can be detected in plumes, which remain few
if compared to the countless number of chemicals quantified from fumarole direct sampling [1].
Studying volcanic gas plumes has additionally contributed to monitoring, and eventually allowed
the prediction of volcano behavior [6]. In particular, it has been shown that, at open-vent persistently
degassing volcanoes, volcanic eruptions are often preceded by anomalous increases of the volcanic CO2
flux [7]. These initial observations have motivated attempts to systematically monitor the volcanic CO2
flux, and to identify novel measurement strategies [8]. Until recently, however, attempts to remotely
sense the volcanic CO2 flux from distal locations have been limited in number [9,10], while the majority
of the observations have involved in situ measurements in the proximity of hazardous active volcanic
vents [3]. On Mt. Etna, for example, one of the largest volcanic CO2 point sources on Earth [11],
the volcanic CO2 flux has systematically been measured since the mid-2000s by combining in situ
measurement of the volcanic CO2 /SO2 ratio (with portable or permanent Multi-Component Gas
Analyzer Systems, Multi-GAS; [12–15]) with remotely sensed SO2 fluxes [16–18]. No successful report
exists, at least to the best of our knowledge, of spectroscopy-based detection of Etna’s volcanic CO2
flux from a remote (distal) location.
Within the context of the ERC (European Research Council) starting the grant project BRIDGE
(BRIDging the gap between Gas Emissions and geophysical observations at active volcanoes),
we designed a new DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) [19], with the specific objective to remotely
sense the volcanic CO2 flux. Lidars have only recently been introduced in volcanic gas studies. A CO2
laser–based lidar was used at Mt. Etna in 2008 [20] and at Stromboli Volcano in 2009 [21] to measure
the volcanic plume water vapor flux. More recently, lidars were first been used to target volcanic
CO2 [9,10,22–24]. Our lidar BILLI (BrIdge voLcanic LIdar) [22], for example, has recently been used
to successfully retrieve three-dimensional tomographies of volcanic CO2 in the plumes of Pozzuoli,
Solfatara in 2014 [9] and Stromboli volcano in 2015 [23,24]. As such, although gas-sensing lidars
remain far less exploited in volcanology than those targeting volcanic ash/particles [25,26], this novel
application field may expand rapidly in the near future.
Here, we report on the first successful use of BILLI at Mt. Etna. We show that, in our July–August
2016 Etna experiment, the lidar successfully resolved a volcanic CO2 signal of a few tens of ppm (in excess
to the background air) from more than 4 km of distance, and with good spatial (5 m) and temporal (10 s)
resolution. These results are used to derive the first “remote” assessment of Etna’s volcanic CO2 flux.
Our observations open new perspectives for routine volcanic CO2 flux monitoring via lidars.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 9
Figure 1. (a) The BILLI DIAL (BrIdge voLcanic Lidar, Differential Absorption Lidar) system mounted in
a trailer (white) loaded on a truck (orange) at the INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia)
observatory “Pizzi Deneri” (the volcanic plume of Mt. Etna is clearly visible); (b) Location of Mt. Etna
in Sicily, southern Italy (left inset); the truck was parked at the INGV observatory “Pizzi Deneri”
(right inset); the laser was fired at constant azimuth and different elevations. The volcanic plume of
the northeast crater has been crossed by the laser beam. From 7◦ to 9◦ of elevation, rock faces were
encountered; (c) A map of the summit area showing the active craters and the UV camera site (UV4).
NEC: northeast crater; VOR: Voragine; BN: Bocca Nuova (VOR and BN are part of the Etna’s central
craters); SEC: southeast crater; NSEC: new southeast crater.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 9
Figure 2. (A) Lidar return at 7.25◦ of elevation: two narrow and defined peaks due to beam
backscattering from rock faces are clearly visible (beyond 3000 m only noise was recorded and the
corresponding signal is not shown); (B) lidar return at 8◦ of elevation: a wide and jagged peak from the
volcanic plume and a narrow and defined peak from a rock face are clearly visible; the CO2 profile
inside the volcanic plume is shown in (B’); (C) lidar return at 9.25◦ of elevation: a wide and jagged peak
from the volcanic plume is clearly visible; the CO2 profile inside the volcanic plume is shown in (C’)
(beyond 3000 m only noise was recorded and the corresponding signal is not shown); (D) lidar return
at 12◦ of elevation: two wide and jagged peaks from the volcanic plume are clearly visible; the CO2
profiles inside the volcanic plume are shown in (D’,D”).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 9
2.2. DIAL
The main components of a lidar are the transmitter (laser) and the receiver (telescope). A lidar is
merely an optical radar [19]: a laser pulse is transmitted to the atmosphere, and some of its photons
are backscattered to the telescope by air molecules and aerosols (droplets, particles etc.). The optical
power corresponding to this photon flux is transformed into an electronic signal by photodetector and
preamplifier, and converted in digital signal by an ADC (analog-to-digital converter).
The chemico-physical properties of the atmosphere along the laser beam, at distance R (range)
from the lidar, can be inferred from analysis of the detected signal as a function of t, the time interval
between emission and detection. R and t are linked by the relation R = ct/2, where c is the speed of
light. The returned signal to the lidars’ telescope, as a function of R (or t), then yields an atmospheric
profile (Figure 2). In other words, an atmospheric profile is a range-resolved characterization of the
lidar returned signal, which allows studying the air/plume optical properties along the light trajectory.
Air attenuates the laser pulse due to molecules and aerosol scattering and to the specific absorption
of gases: if the laser wavelength coincides with absorption lines of a target gas, the attenuation will be
stronger. A DIAL takes advantage of this effect: unlike a usual lidar, two wavelengths, ON and OFF,
are transmitted, with only the former being absorbed by the target gas (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Carbon dioxide and water vapor absorption coefficients (from [27]) around the ON and OFF
wavelengths (indicated in green).
If the absorption line is narrow, and ON and OFF wavelengths are close enough, the target gas
concentration along the lidar optical path can be derived from the ratio between the OFF and ON
signals. In this application, we selected the following wavelengths (Figure 3): ON, 2009.537 nm; OFF,
2008.484 nm. This selection was motivated by: (i) the CO2 absorption is relatively low, thus allowing
the system to probe far ranges (beyond 4 km). If a stronger line had been used, the ON laser pulse
would have extinguished before; (ii) the beam energy (depending mainly on the dye efficiency curve)
and the detector responsivity are near their maximum; and (iii) the H2 O absorption is very low
(Figure 3). Moreover, ON and OFF have been chosen so that the differential absorption of H2 O is
approximately zero (within the uncertainty of the spectroscopic data), thus minimizing the interference
of water vapor to the carbon dioxide measurement.
In our case, the transmitter and the receiver are coaxial, and the lidar field-of-view can be aimed in
the whole atmosphere thanks to a system made of two large elliptical mirrors [22]. This configuration
allows the experimenters to scan the plume in both horizontal and vertical planes, thus measuring CO2
concentrations both outside and inside the volcanic plume [9]. From this, by scanning the volcanic
gas plume from different angles and viewing directions, the CO2 distribution in a cross-section of the
Geosciences 2017, 7, 9
volcanic plume can be retrieved. This, combined with independent knowledge of plume speed and
altitude, allows the CO2 flux to be retrieved.
The reader is referred to previous work [9,22–24] for details on instrumental setup and data
processing. The systematic error associated with the derived CO2 concentrations is dominated by
imprecision in wavelength setting [22]. This leads to inaccuracy in the differential absorption cross
section, and thus in gas concentration. Thanks to a photo-acoustic cell filled with pure CO2 at
atmospheric pressure and temperature, the ON and OFF wavelengths were set before each atmospheric
scan. The residual imprecision [23] of ±0.02 cm−1 (half laser linewidth: half width at half maximum of
the energy transmitted by the laser system (J) vs the wavenumber (cm−1 )) implies a systematic error
on CO2 concentrations of 5.5% [24]. The statistical error of CO2 measurement has been calculated by
usual error propagation techniques from the standard deviation of the lidar signal. At 2.5 km, a mean
range, it is about 2%, while it can exceed 5% at 4.2 km. Table 1 compares the instrumental set-up
during the Mt. Etna field campaign, with those used at Solfatara [9,22], and Stromboli [23,24].
Table 1. Summary of field operational conditions at Pozzuoli Solfatara, Stromboli, and Mt. Etna
(this study).
N 38◦ 48
N 37◦ 45
Longitude 14◦ 08
E 15◦ 14
E 15◦ 00
Period 13–17 October 2014 24–29 June 2015 28 July–1 August 2016
Azimuth scan 196◦ –234◦ 235.3◦ –253.6◦ 230◦
Elevation scan 0◦ –18◦ 15.2◦ –27.4◦ 7◦ –14◦
3. Results
Figure 2 shows examples of lidar returns obtained during our Etna campaign. Results are
illustrated for four atmospheric profiles taken on 31 July (the best measurement day) at four distinct
elevations, and are shown in the form of range vs. RCS (range corrected signal) scatter plots.
During its atmospheric propagation, the laser beam intensity approximately decreased:
For these reasons, it is a common practice in lidar science to express results using a RCS, this being
the logarithm of the product of the signal times the square of the range. To improve the SNR
(signal-to-noise ratio), the RCS was obtained by averaging 50 laser shots for each lidar return, and a
13-point Savitzky-Golay filter was applied [28].
During a vertical scan, the measured range-resolved RCS profiles varied as the laser elevation was
sequentially increased. Below 7.25◦ elevation, the laser beam hit a first rock surface at about a 1.6 km
distance. Laser beam retro-reflection at this rock surface produced, in the lidar return signal, a strong,
narrow RCS peak at R = 1.6 km. At 7.25◦ elevation (Figure 2a), only part of the beam was intercepted
by the R = 1.6 km rock surface, while the remaining part impinged on the rock surface at R = 2.1 km,
producing a second narrow RCS peak. For geometrical reasons, an elevation increase corresponded to
an increase in the range at which the rock surfaces were encountered, e.g., the second rock surface
was encountered at R = 2.1 at 7.25◦ elevation, shown in Figure 2a, and at R = 2.3 km at 8◦ elevation,
shown in Figure 2b. No rock surface was hit by the laser beam at elevations >9◦ , e.g., note the absence
of narrow RCS peaks in Figure 2c,d.
Back-scattering of the laser beam by the volcanic plume produced wide and jagged RCS peaks,
therefore very distinct from the narrow and defined peaks produced by beam retro-reflection at rock
surfaces (compare the two peak shapes in Figure 2b).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 9
The volcanic plume was detected at range distances in between the two rock surfaces up to a 9◦
elevation (e.g., Figure 2b), or beyond them at a 9◦ to 14◦ elevation (Figure 2c,d). A broad, irregular
RCS peak in the lidar returns, corresponding to the volcanic plume, was resolved up to a maximum
measurement range of 4.2 km (Figure 2d).
We used the procedure detailed in References [9,24] to convert the RCS profiles into range-resolved
profiles of in-plume excess CO2 concentrations (see Figure 2b’,c’,d’,d”). This procedure involves
calculating the excess CO2 concentration corresponding to each i-th ADC channel of the lidar
profile from:
CCO2,i = k RCSi (1)
ΔC (R1 − R2 )
k= (2)
where ΔR and RCSi are, respectively, the range interval and range corrected signal corresponding
to each ADC channel; R1 and R2 are the range distances of the two above rock surfaces; and ΔC is
the average excess CO2 concentration in the air/plume parcel between them (this is obtained from
the intensity contrast of lidar returns produced by the two rock surfaces). The term “excess” implies
that the reported CO2 concentrations are after subtraction of the ambient atmospheric background,
and therefore correspond to the “volcanic” CO2 levels in the plume. The ambient atmospheric CO2
background was obtained from the processing of lidar returns in the 0–1.6 km range distance, where
no plume signal was detected (see Reference [9] for details of calculations).
At an 8◦ elevation, shown in Figure 2b’, the volcanic plume was evidenced by a band of excess
CO2 concentrations of ≤125 ppm. These excess CO2 concentrations agree well with those derived
by in situ in-plume measurements with conventional techniques (e.g., the Multi-GAS), from which
in-plume CO2 concentrations of tens to hundreds of ppm above ambient air are typically obtained [12].
The plume appears to be about 300 m thick; this relatively narrow plume’s cross-section was probably
justified by the fact that, at such an 8◦ elevation, the laser beam intercepted the volcanic plume at below
the summit crater’s rim altitude. Due to its close proximity to the crater slopes, the volcanic plume
was, at least partly, protected from the local wind field, a fact that reduced its atmospheric dispersion.
The volcanic plume was still relatively narrow at a ~9◦ elevation (Figure 2c’), where the laser beam
pointed just above the summit crater’s rim. At even higher elevations, the volcanic plume was wider
and scattered by the wind, and the returned RCS often presented multiple peaks (Figure 2d,d’).
As explained before (Section 2), a sequence of atmospheric profiles was acquired as the lidar
vertically scanned the horizon, from a 7◦ to 14◦ (max) elevation. All CO2 profiles (e.g., Figure 2), taken
at different elevations during a single lidar rotation sequence, were combined and integrated to obtain
a CO2 scan, examples of which are illustrated in Figure 4. On 31 July 2016, the most fruitful day,
19 scans were obtained. Each scan consisted of 24 profiles, all at a 230◦ azimuth. These profiles covered
the elevation angle interval (between 7◦ and 13◦ ) with an angular resolution of about 0.25◦ .
The results are illustrated in the form of contour maps of excess CO2 concentrations, plotted
as a function of the range and elevation. The colored spots correspond to areas of high excess CO2
(the natural background is dark blue), and therefore illustrate the spatial distribution and temporal
evolution of the volcanic plume (the yellow lines delimit the positions of the laser beam reflections
off the rock surfaces). In all the maps we obtained (see examples in Figure 4), the structure of the
plume was well resolved. The plume was tracked as a cluster of high CO2 concentration spots,
trending from about a 9◦ elevation and R = 2.4 km (the vent rim) to a 13◦ elevation and R = 2.5–2.9 km.
As such, our CO2 concentration maps were consistent with a gently lofting volcanic plume (Figure 4),
with vertical and horizontal movements driven by thermal buoyancy and by the local wind field
pattern. The maps indicate the plume was being dispersed away from the lidar during our observations,
since the range of volcanic plume detection increased with the elevation in all the maps.
Geosciences 2017, 7, 9
Figure 4. Vertical scans (fixed azimuth: 230◦ ) of the volcanic plume (CO2 excess) acquired on 31 July
2016; (A) from 12:14 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.; (B) from 12:30 p.m. to 12:46 p.m.; (C) from 12:47 p.m. to
1:03 p.m. and (D) from 1:03 p.m. to 1:18 p.m. (local civil time). At this azimuth, in the elevation interval
between 7◦ and 9◦ , the laser beam is back-scattered by rock faces, thus causing signal peaks not due to
the volcanic plume (rock faces are sorted out from real CO2 by the correspondence of narrow peaks
with certain range values).
The maps of Figure 4 set the basis for the calculation of the volcanic CO2 flux. In analogy with
previous work [9], we obtained the volcanic CO2 flux by integrating the background-corrected (excess)
CO2 concentrations over a plume cross-section (from the maps of Figure 4), which allowed us to derive
the plume CO2 molecular density. This was then multiplied by the plume transport speed to obtain
the CO2 flux (ΦCO2 , in Kg·s−1 ), as:
ΦCO2 = vp · ·N (3)
103 NA molCO2−total
where vp is the plume transport speed (in m/s); NmolCO2−total is the total-plume CO2 molecular
density (expressed in molecules·m−1 ); and PMCO2 and NA are, respectively, the CO2 molecular weight
and Avogadro’s constant. The term NmolCO2−total was obtained by integrating the effective average
excess CO2 concentrations (Cexc,i [ppm]) over the entire plume cross-section, according to:
where Nh is the atmospheric number density (molecules·m−3 ) at the crater’s summit height, and Ai
represents the i-th effective plume area.
The plume transport speed was inferred at 9.7 ± 0.8 m/s from the processing of plume images
taken on the same day by the permanent UV camera system (UV4) in use at the Pizzi Deneri
observatory since 2014; see Reference [29] for details on the instrument. The UV camera images were
processed using an optical flow sub-routine using the Lukas/Kanade algorithm [30,31], integrated in
the Vulcamera software [32] (same methodology as described in [29]).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 9
Our derived CO2 fluxes are illustrated in Figure 5. The CO2 flux varied from 1235 to 8050 tons/day
during the measurement interval, and averaged at 2850 ± 1800 tons/day.
Figure 5. CO2 flux from the northeast crater retrieved on 31 July 2016 from 12:22 p.m. to 6:08 p.m.
(local civil time). The error bars indicate the inferred CO2 flux error (±33%), as based upon the error
propagation of the plume speed an in-plume integrated CO2 amounts (procedure detailed in [24]).
4. Discussion
As long-term volcanic gas records have increased in number and quality over the last few
decades [33], full empirical evidence has emerged for precursory increases of the volcanic CO2
flux emissions prior to eruption of mafic to intermediate volcanoes [7]. However, remote direct
measurements of the volcanic CO2 flux, which are intrinsically safer for operators and more prone to
provide continuous, long-term observations, have remained impossible until recently [9,10].
Our results here support the ability of the DIAL-Lidar BILLI to profile atmospheric CO2
concentrations over large optical paths (Figures 2 and 4), and to remotely sense the CO2 flux from
distal (up to 4 km distant) sources (Figure 5). This instrument thus promises a real step ahead in the
remote observation of volcanic gas emissions. Improved CO2 flux measurements are not only vital for
better gas-based volcano monitoring, but are also needed to better constrain the global volcanic CO2
budget, which is still inaccurately known [8].
The volcanic CO2 flux from Mt. Etna has been assessed in the past by either in-plume airborne
CO2 profiling [11], or by indirect methods involving in situ measurements of plume CO2 /SO2 ratios,
via either the Multi-GAS [3,12–15] or Fourier Transform InfraRed Spectrometers (FTIR; [16]). To the
best of our knowledge, our results are the first to report a direct, remote quantification of Etna’s
CO2 flux.
Our lidar results show that, in the circa 5-h-long observational widow, the CO2 flux from Etna’s
northeast crater varied from 1235 to 8050 tons/day (Figure 5). The CO2 flux was somewhat higher,
typically >4000 tons/day and up to 8050 tons/day, after 3 p.m. local time, relative to the 12–3 p.m.
period (<4000 tons/day) (Figure 5). No change in activity was yet observed at the northeast crater,
which continued to exhibit quiescent degassing over the entire measurement interval. We therefore
consider the observed variation as part of the normal fluctuations in degassing activity that occur
at Etna, likely in response to temporal variations in the magma/gas transport rate in the volcano’s
feeding conduits [15–18]. By taking the arithmetic mean of the individual CO2 flux measurements
in Figure 5, we would obtain a time-averaged CO2 flux of 2850 ± 1800 tons/day for 31 July 2016.
In view of the non-stationary CO2 emission behavior captured by our high-temporal resolution
measurement (Figure 5), we also perform an independent exercise in which we calculated the total
CO2 output from the northeast crater by integrating (in the time domain) the available CO2 flux
measurements, each representative of 13–18 min of observation (the mean duration of scans was
Geosciences 2017, 7, 9
15 min). From this, we obtained that ≈796 tons of CO2 were cumulatively released during 5 h of
observations, implying a time-averaged CO2 flux of 3900 tons/day. This is about 30% higher than,
but within one standard deviation of, the CO2 flux obtained above from a simple arithmetic mean
approach (2850 ± 1800 tons/day).
In the attempt to add confidence to our results, we compared our lidar-based CO2 flux with
independent estimates based upon a more conventional technique that involves a combination of SO2
fluxes and plume CO2 /SO2 ratios (Figure 6). Our permanent UV camera system (UV4) at Pizzi Deneri
indicated, for the morning of the same 31 July, a time-averaged SO2 flux of 645 ± 125 tons/day. This is
the mean (±1 standard deviation) of 4 h of observations at a 0.5 Hz rate (Figure 6; same methodology
as in [29]). Our inferred northeast crater’s SO2 flux (645 ± 125 tons/day) corresponded to about
30% of the total volcano’s SO2 emissions (≈2200 tons/day). These latter emissions were inferred
using the same UV camera system, and were thus primarily determined by the central craters (not
targeted by our DIAL-Lidar). The northeast crater’s volcanic plume was in situ measured by a portable
Multi-GAS instrument (the same as in [12,13]) two days later. These in situ observations yielded a (molar)
CO2 /SO2 ratio of ≈6, demonstrating the usual [12,16] CO2 -poor composition of the northeast crater
(the simultaneously observed CO2 /SO2 ratio of the central crater’s plume was ≈16). We consider our
Multi-GAS–derived composition on 2 August as still representative of the northeast crater’s emissions on
31 July, since volcanic activity at that crater did not exhibit any substantial change in between the two days.
By combining the two sets of data together, we converted the SO2 flux time-series into a 4-h-long CO2
flux time-series (Figure 6), from which an averaged (arithmetic mean) UV-Camera + MultiGAS CO2 flux
of ≈2750 tons/day was obtained. This is close to our lidar-based estimates above (≈2850–3900 tons/day).
We caution that the two independent CO2 flux time-series (from lidar and UV-Camera + MultiGAS)
are not temporally overlapping, since the UV camera system ran only in the morning, when sunlight
conditions were optimal [29], while our successful CO2 flux measurement with the lidar started a few
hours later in the afternoon. In addition, the UV-Camera + MultiGAS used a constant CO2 /SO2 ratio
(of six) throughout the entire UV camera temporal window, while it is valid only as a first approximation.
However, the close CO2 flux values inferred from lidar and UV-Camera + MultiGAS provide mutual
validation for the two independent techniques.
5000 25
CO2 and SO2 flux [t d-1]
4000 20
Plume speed [m s-1]
3000 15
2000 10
1000 5
0 0
Figure 6. Time-series of CO2 flux emissions from the northeast crater (in red) obtained from the
UV-Camera + Multi-Gas technique. These were calculated by converting the SO2 flux time-series
(in black) obtained by the UV4 permanent UV camera system on 31 July 2016 (from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.,
local civil time) using a CO2 /SO2 ratio (molar) of six. The plume speed time-series calculated from the
UV camera on the same 31 July is also shown (blue trend).
Geosciences 2017, 7, 9
5. Conclusions
We have shown for the first time that the volcanic CO2 flux can be detected with lidar from up
to a 4 km distance. During our Mt. Etna field campaign, our DIAL-Lidar BILLI vertically scanned
the volcanic plume while profiling CO2 concentrations every 10 s, with a spatial resolution of 5 m.
With this configuration, we successfully detected an excess volcanic CO2 signal of a few tens of ppm,
with relatively low systematic and statistical errors (5.5% and 2%, respectively). By integrating the
results of the atmospheric profile taken at different heading angles, and covering a full scan of the
plume, the volcanic CO2 flux was derived (after integration, and in combination with the plume
transport speed) at ≈2850–3900 tons/day. This lidar-based flux is close to that independently obtained
by in situ observations of the volcanic plume (≈2750 tons/day), which combined Multi-GAS in situ
sensing of the plume composition and remotely sensed (UV camera) SO2 fluxes.
Clearly, additional field tests are required to validate our novel technique even further. Still,
our results suggest BILLI is a major advance in ground-based observations of volcanic plumes.
The instrument allows the remote measurements of volcanic CO2 (and particles, if desired) from
distal (safe) areas, and with unprecedented temporal resolution and high spatial coverage. Further
development is now required to make this technology an operational tool for routine volcanic gas
observations. Efforts are currently being undertaken to reduce the weight and power requirements
(the current prototype is ~1100 kg and requires 6.5 kW), and to implement more user-friendly
operational routines and software. These implementations are required to widen the application
range of the lidar, and to allow its use in remote/harsh volcanic environments.
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to ENEA, in general, and Aldo Pizzuto, Roberta Fantoni and Antonio
Palucci, in particular, for constant encouragement. They thank the staff of INGV-OE, and especially the Director
Eugenio Privitera and Salvatore Consoli, for logistical support and for granting access to the INGV observatory
“Pizzi Deneri”. The support from the ERC project BRIDGE, n. 305377, is gratefully acknowledged. This work
benefitted from the insightful comments of two anonymous reviewers.
Author Contributions: S.S., L.F and A.A. conceived and designed the experiments; S.S., L.F, R.D., E.D.F., M.N.,
G.G., and A.A performed the experiments; S.P., G.M., and R.D. analyzed the data; A.A. L.F. and S.S. wrote the
paper with contributions from all co-authors.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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