Host Service GB v32
Host Service GB v32
Host Service GB v32
Host - Connections
For :
Network or RS-232
RS-232 Special
I-2 Identification
From now, the ID-Reader SA branded instrument will bear the name s. Only
the name is being changed. The instrument features still remain identical.
Whatever the term ID-Reader SA or s is used on this document designates the
same instrument.
From now, the IHMP-Reader branded instrument will bear the name x. Only
the name is being changed. The instrument features still remain identical.
Whatever the term IHMP-Reader or x is used on this document designates the
same instrument.
From now, the ID-Reader M branded instrument will bear the name b. Only
the name is being changed. The instrument features still remain identical.
Whatever the term ID-Reader M or b is used on this document designates the
same instrument.
From now, the ID-Sampler III M branded instrument will bear the name J.
Only the name is being changed. The instrument features still remain identical.
Whatever the term ID-Sampler III M or J is used on this document designates
the same instrument.
Copyright ©
The reproduction, even partially, of this document is forbidden. No part can be copied in any form, and
cannot be used, edited nor transmitted by any electronic means (photocopy, photography, magnetic
supports or other recording processes), without the written authorization of DiaMed AG. All rights and
particularly reproduction, translation, edition, distribution and also industrial property and recording are
Printed in Switzerland
Table of Contents
1 GENERAL ............................................................................................. 1 - 1
1.1 Identification ...................................................................................................... 1 - 1
1.1.1 Document ........................................................................................................ 1 - 1
1.1.2 Limited warranty .............................................................................................. 1 - 1
1.2 Chapter overview .............................................................................................. 1 - 2
1.3 Appropriate use ................................................................................................. 1 - 2
1.4 Glossary ............................................................................................................ 1 - 2
1.4.1 Persons ............................................................................................................ 1 - 2
1.4.2 Product ............................................................................................................ 1 - 2
1.5 Typographic conventions .................................................................................. 1 - 3
1.1 Identification
1.1.1 Document
DiaMed AG
If a DiaMed system is connected to a central information system (Host), the user takes on full responsibility
for ensuring correct data transmission to this system (hardware and software aspects).
1.4 Glossary
The following terms, among others, are used in this service manual.
1.4.1 Persons
The operator is the respective proprietor of the M, regardless of whether he operates it as the
owner or transfers it on to third parties.
The technician is the person who is making the connection between a DiaMed system and a host.
1.4.2 Product
Description style
This style, used in relation with a number in illustrations (figures) is preceded by the corresponding
Commands style
All software commands, buttons, function keys, windows, icons, options, tabs, check boxes, select boxes,
items, menus, tool bars, sections and fields used in this documentation will be shown with a bold italic font.
The Add one item command permits to select a field for the export.
Procedure style
The steps of a procedure to be carried out step by step by the technician are preceded with numbers
placed in brackets.
[1] Select in the available fields area the field you want to export.
[2] Click on the Add one item button to select it.
This style is used to help the technician to find other information about the current subject.
Troubleshooting style
The complete description with the problem, the possible cause and the solution will be shown like
described below:
- Possible cause
• item 1;
• item 2;
• item 3.
Note style
Used when the technician attention must be attracted about a particular operation or information.
# Note: With this type of format, the field 22 - Image Wells cannot be chosen.
Caution style
Used to prevent the technician from any danger or hazardous situation. Non-compliance with such
instructions may lead to damage parts or environment.
Warning style
Used to prevent the technician from any important danger or hazardous situation. Non-compliance with
such instructions may lead to death or serious injury.
2.1 Hardware connection
You can hook up a DiaMed system up to a “Host” via the RS232 port of the PC or via the network.
9-pin connector
25-pin connector
• RxD pin 3;
Fig. 1: RS 232 line
• TxD pin 2;
• 0V pin 7.
Fig. 2: Flow control
2.1.2 Network
It is also possible to transfer data from your DiaMed system via the network.
# Note: This solution permits to use DBASE or PARADOX output/input file type and also to transfer pictures
(see section “ DBASE” on page 2-7 and section “ DBASE” on page 2-23).
Files start with [STX] (ASCII code 2), followed by data, checksum and [ETX] (ASCII code 3).
1|1|12.04.99|0|Crossmatch: A-B-D-Enz-AHG-AHG (DiaClon)|Blood Group: compatible Crossmatch:
# Note: Each sender data stream is followed by the transfer of a confirmation message from the receiver.
To check data validity, the software computes a checksum by simply adding all the ASCII characters in the
data stream, in base 256, then converting the result into an hexadecimal code, of which the last two bytes
are taken. If the checksum computed by the receiver matches with that was originally computed by the
sender, then the data is considered valid.
P = 80 + = 43 / = 47
R = 82 I = 124 0 = 48
1 = 49 + = 43 7 = 55
3 = 51 + = 43 / = 47
C = 67 I = 124 1 = 49
I = 124 + = 43 9 = 57
4 = 52 + = 43 9 = 57
5 = 53 + = 43 9 = 57
5 = 53 I = 124 = 32
1 = 49 - = 45 1 = 49
6 = 54 I = 124 3 = 51
2 = 50 - = 45 : = 58
5 = 53 I = 124 3 = 51
6 = 54 - = 45 6 = 54
Total : 3181
2.2.3 Import
Below we outline the content of each field available for selection which corresponds to the fields of the
Patient’s database (General Settings).
06 - Sex : This field contains the sex of the patient (male/female). In the import file 1 has to be used for
female and 0 for male.
# Note: The design of the Patient’s data fields is totally free ! When using radio groups the import file has
to contain 0 to select the first item of a radio group, 1 to select the second item, etc. Procedure
You can import the work list and patient’s data from
the Host (See Fig. 4). (1) (2) (3)
[1] Select in the available fields area (1) the field you want to import (see section “ File description for
import” on page 2-5).
# Note: It is possible to select all the fields at one time with the Select All button (7).
In the selected fields area (8), the order can be changed with the arrow buttons (2 and 3), to move a
selected field up or down.
If you want to remove one field of the selected fields area (8), select the desired field and click on the
Delete button (6).
If you want to remove all the selected fields of the selected fields area (8), click on the Delete All button
[4] Click on the Input file type field (5) to choose DBASE (see section “ DBASE” on page 2-7),
DELIMITED (see section “ DELIMITED” on page 2-7), PARADOX (see section “ PARADOX”
on page 2-7) or SERIAL LINK (see section “ SERIAL LINK” on page 2-8). DBASE
You must define the path and the name of the file to
be imported in the Path and file name field (1).
Fig. 5: Import with DBASE format DELIMITED
(2) (3)
Fig. 6: Import with DELIMITED format PARADOX
Fig. 7: Import with PARADOX format
With this type of format, it is not possible to transfer pictures. You can choose the same options as for the
DELIMITED format (see section “ DELIMITED” on page 2-7). No file will be created on the hard disk
as with DELIMITED.
# Note: The following parameters have to be identical as for export if you use the same connection.
(1) COM Port : Serial port of the PC. You can select the
values COM 1, COM 2, COM 3, COM 4, COM 5 and
COM 6.
(2) Speed : Baudrate in bytes/second. You can select
the values 300, 400, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600 and 115200.
(3) Buffer size : It defines the size in bytes of the buffer
for the communication. You can select the values
1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384 and 32768.
(4) Parity :
The parity describes a bit checking scheme. When
used, all of the bits in each data byte are added
together. A final bit, called the parity bit, is added so
(12) (11) (10) (9) (8) (7)
that the sum of all bits is either odd or even,
whichever you specify. The transmitter calculates Fig. 8: Import with SERIAL LINK format
and transmits a parity bit. The receiver also
calculates a parity bit and compares it to the parity
bit received. If the bits are equal, it is assumed that the character was received without error. Otherwise, it
is assumed that there was an error during the transmission. The possible values for parity are :
• None : In this case, no flow control is used, no parity bit is added.
• Odd : The flow control is made by means of RTS and CTS streams. The M use the RTS stream
when it is able to receive and transmit when the CTS stream is activated. This flow control needs a 5
wires cable: ground; transmission; cross reception; CTS; RTS crossed. A parity bit is added so that the
bit sum is always odd.
• Even : The characters Xon (ASCII code 17) (8) and Xoff (ASCII code 19) (7) must be sent by the
receiver to the emitter to control the character emission flow. A parity bit is added so that the bit sum is
always even.
Xon : Starts data emission.
Xoff : Stops data emission.
• Mark : A parity bit of value one is always added.
• Space : A parity bit of value zero is always added.
(5) Word size : 5, 6, 7 or 8
(6) Stop bits : 1 or 2
Transmit flow control is enabled by including the hwfRequireCTS and/or hwfRequireDSR elements in the
options set. With one or both of these options enabled, the Windows communications driver doesn’t
transmit data unless the remote device is providing the corresponding modem status signal (CTS and/or
DSR). The remote must raise and lower these signals when needed to control the flow of transmitted
# Note: Flow control using RTS and CTS (11) is much more common than flow control using DTR and
DSR (12).
2.2.4 Export
Below we outline the content of each of the fields available for selection.
00 - Bar code : This field contains the barcode reference for the card used in the current test.
# Note: If you select this field and the test involves two ID cards, the M sends an additional field for
the second ID card in the same data stream.
01 - Patient’s data : This parameter contains one to x fields (depending of the database “Patient’s data”
configuration). It contains the administrative data of the patient ( for example “Date of birth”, “Sex”, etc.).
When using radio groups (like “Sex”) the export file will contain 0 when the first item is selected, 1 when
the second item is selected, etc.
02 - Sample’s last modification date : This field contains the date when the respective reading was
carried out.
04 - Donor identification (Crossmatch) : This field contains the donor name or ID (the exact form will
depend on the user).
# Note: If this field is empty, it will also be sent if the corresponding check box is selected (see section “
Check boxes :” on page 2-22).
05 - Test identification : This field contains a code identifying the test (see column Code of the
interpretation list below).
Antibody Screening
Antigen Profile
Blood Group
Blood Group + AS
MP6557 MP-Test:A-B-AB-D-ctl/A1-B-O(6557)
Reverse Group
Reverse Group + AS
06 - Card’s Results interpretation : This field contains a code identifying the interpretation of each
result segment used in the test. For valid identification tests 11 codes will be created. (see explanation
section “ Segment results codes” on page 2-25).
07 - Microtubes modified in the reading : This field contains a code identifying microtubes, whose
results were modified by the operator. The format is the same as for the field 08. For each card used in the
current test one field is created.
08 - Microtubes used in the test : This field identifies which microtube(s) of the ID card were used for
the test with the current sample. The software sends the results for all the microtubes on the ID card, even
if these are for different patients.
For example, one ID card can be used to perform the PR10 test (ABD-ABD) for samples of two patients.
Microtubes used in the test are referenced in a six-digit binary code as shown in the middle column in the
table below. In this code, the right-most digit corresponds to tube 1 and the left-most digit to tube 6. If a
digit has a value, this indicates that the corresponding microtube is assigned to the sample in question.
01 000001 1
02 000010 2
03 000011 1 and 2
04 000100 3
05 000101 1 and 3
06 000110 2 and 3
07 000111 1, 2 and 3
08 001000 4
09 001001 1 and 4
0C 001100 3 and 4
0F 001111 1, 2, 3 and 4
10 010000 5
1F 011111 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
20 100000 6
30 110000 5 and 6
38 111000 4, 5 and 6
3F 111111 all
The software sends one hexadecimal code representing this binary code (see left-hand column). For
example, if the first three microtubes are used for sample 1 and the last three for sample 2, it will send code
07 for sample 1 and code 38 for sample 2.
# Note: If you select this field and the test uses more than one ID card, the software will send an additional
field for the second ID card in the same data stream.
09 - Reading’s remarks : This field contains eventual remarks of the operator entered during validation.
10 - Operator : This field identifies the technician who performed the reading and validation.
11 - Microtubes result : This field contains the results for each of the microtubes in the current ID card.
If you select this field, the software sends six fields, one for each of the six microtubes. Empty microtubes
are tagged with “?”. If there are samples of two patients on the current card, the software sends the results
for both. To determine which microtubes were related to the test with the current sample, you must select
the Microtubes used in the test field (See field 08 on page 2-19).
# Notes :
• If you select this field using two cards for a test, the software sends six extra fields, one for each of the
microtubes for the second ID card.
• If the check box “Send * to modified ” is selected, the results which were modified by the operator will be
tagged with an asterisk (e.g.: |++++*|).
15 - Pipeting date and time : After importation of sampler data, this field contains the date of the
pipetting operation for the current ID card (format : dd/mm/ 00:00).
16 - Pipeting batch number : After importation of sampler data, this field contains the pipetting batch
number. For full details on the batch number, see the ID-Sampler manual.
• Reagent fields as much as used during pipetting with the sampler (No reagents ⇒ no field).
Example :
18 - Card Order : If one ID card is used for the current test this field is |1|. If more ID cards are used, for
each card one field is created with the card number in the test (always in correct order, e.g.:|1|2|).
19 - Number of Cards Used : This field contains the number of ID cards used for the current test. Most
tests require a single ID card, but some tests (e.g. identification) require two. Cross-referenced tests with
auto-control (AC) also require two cards if the AC is not on the same ID card as the test itself.
20 - Date of Card interpretation : This field contains the date when the first reading of the current card
was carried out, and 00:00 (in order to be compatible with previous ID-Reader M versions which exported
also the time).
21- Number of reagents Used : This field contains the number of reagents used. (See example below
for 2 reagents used). This parameter is combined with parameter 17 - Reagents.
Example :
22 - Image Wells : This parameter contains six microtubes black and white pictures for the b and six
microtubes color pictures for the s. The format used is “jpeg”.
23 - Test Name : This field contains the name of the test performed on the current ID card (see the
second column of the interpretation list on page 2-10).
24 - Text of overall interpretation result : This field contains the overall interpretation result for the
current test. This will be the same as that printed by the software (e.g.: Group: 0 Rh (D) negative).
25 - Number of Test’s Segments : Field containing the number of segments of which the test
constitutes. Procedure
(1) (2) (3)
You can export data to the Host (see Fig. 10). To
select the fields in the order you want to export to,
use the following procedure.
[1] Select in the available fields area (1) the field you
want to export (see section “ File description
for export” on page 2-10).
[2] Click on the Select (9) button.
! The field is moved to the selected fields area (8).
[3] Repeat the steps [1] and [2] until you have selected
all the fields you want to export.
If you want to remove one field of the selected fields area (8), select the desired field and click on the
Delete button (6).
If you want to remove all the selected fields of the selected fields area (8), click on the Delete All button
[4] Click on the Output file type field (5) to choose DBASE (section “ DBASE” on page 2-23),
DELIMITED (section “ DELIMITED” on page 2-23), PARADOX (section “ PARADOX” on
page 2-23) or SERIAL LINK (section “ SERIAL LINK” on page 2-24).
Check boxes :
(10) (11)
• Automatic Export (10) : To export the data
automatically after each validation.
• Export Secondary Reading (14) : To export the
selected fields 02, 06, 07, 10, 11 and 24 with the
data obtained during secondary reading at the
end of the export file. Export after “primary
reading” means creation of empty fields.
• Send * to modified microtubes (11) : To tag the
data stream with an asterisk if a result for a
microtube has been modified by the operator.
• Send the empty donor field (13) : To send every
test with a donor field, either with donor ID or
empty (for example for tests which don’t use
(14) (13) (12)
• ASTM (American Society for Testing and
Fig. 11: Export data check boxes
Materials) (14). For more information about this
standard protocol, see DBASE
You must define the path and the name of the file to
be exported in the Path and file name field (1).
Fig. 12: Export with DBASE format DELIMITED
(3) (2)
Fig. 13: Export with DELIMITED format PARADOX
Fig. 14: Export with PARADOX format
With this type of format, it is not possible to transfer pictures. You can choose the same options as for the
DELIMITED format (see section “ DELIMITED” on page 2-23). No file will be created on the hard
disk as with DELIMITED.
# Note: With this type of format, the field 22 - Image Wells cannot be chosen.
(1) COM Port: Serial port of the PC. You can select the
values COM 1, COM 2, COM 3, COM 4, COM 5, and
COM 6.
(2) Speed : Baudrate in bytes/second. You can select
the values 300, 400, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600 and 115200.
(3) Buffer size : It defines the size in bytes of the buffer
for the communication. You can select the values
1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384 and 32768.
(4) Parity :
The parity describes a bit checking scheme. When
used, all of the bits in each data byte are added
together. A final bit, called the parity bit, is added so (13) (12) (11) (10) (9) (8) (7)
that the sum of all bits is either odd or even,
Fig. 15: Export with SERIAL LINK format
whichever you specify. The transmitter calculates
and transmits a parity bit. The receiver also
calculates a parity bit and compares it to the parity
bit received. If the bits are equal, it is assumed that the character was received without error. Otherwise, it
is assumed that there was an error during the transmission. The possible values for parity are :
Transmit flow control is enabled by including the hwfRequireCTS and/or hwfRequireDSR elements in the
options set. With one or both of these options enabled, the Windows communications driver doesn’t
transmit data unless the remote device is providing the corresponding modem status signal (CTS and/or
DSR). The remote must raise and lower these signals when needed to control the flow of transmitted
# Note: Flow control using RTS and CTS (11) is much more common than flow control using DTR and
DSR (12).
Answer Time (13) : Determines how many seconds (30, 60, 90 or 120) the system waits for an answer
from the host before it gives the Time out message.
Code structures
Results are coded on four characters. If the test result includes two segments, the software sends two
Example : For a PR01 test (group A-B-AB-D-CDE-ctl), there is a blood group result and a Rh result (D).
Here, then, we have two codes. Thus, if the result text reads, Group A Rh (D) positive, we would have a
result code of “1000 1001” (”1000” indicating “group A”, and “1001” indicating “Rh (D) positive”).
# Note: If the control or auto-control is positive or non-interpretable, the M sends a single code (e.g.
|ctl| non-interpretable! result invalid |??09)
Test-type codes
The first two characters (XX) in the code represent the result and the last two represent the type of test.
The following table lists all possible test-type codes (last two characters).
XX82 Antigen Bg
XX86 Antigen Vw
XX90 IgG1
XX91 IgG3
The following tests use these codes : CH02, MO01, MO01B, MO01A, MO01C, MO02, MO10, MO10A,
MO12, PR01, PR01B, PR01C, PR10, SV06, MO11, PR11, SV03, SV04, SV05, SV08, MP6148, MP6749,
MO31, M031A, MO32, MP6040, MP6147, MP6238, MP6339, MP6437, MP6557, MP6540, MP6547,
MP6557, PR31, GE26, GE44, GE44A.
0000 Group: O
1000 Group: A
2000 Group: B
3000 Group: AB
3400 Group:A1
3500 Group: A2
The following tests use these codes : CH04, PO04, PR07, PR07A, PR07B, PR07C, PR08, SC02, PO01,
PR18, PR18A, PR18C, PR32A, PR32B.
0000 Group: O
1000 Group: A
2000 Group: B
3000 Group: AB
The following tests use these codes : MO09E, PR09E, PR09H, PR09X, CH02, MO01, MOO1B, MO01C,
MOO1D, MO02, MO10A, MO12, PR01, PR01B, PR01C, PR10, SV06, MO11, PR11, SV04, SV08,
MP6148, MP6749, MO31, MO31A, MO32, MP6040, MP6147, MP6238, MP6339, MP6437, MP6537,
MP6540, MP6547, MP6557, PR31, GE26, GE44, GE44A.
The following tests use these codes : MO09A, PR09, MP6030, PR09A, PR09B.
Explanation :
The second character is for the phenotype, and the same code is used for this list and the first phenotype
.0 =
.1 = cc. Ee
.2 = Cc..EE
.3 =
.4 = Cc..Ee
.5 = Cc..EE
.6 =
.7 = CC..Ee
.8 = CC..EE
The following tests use these codes : MO09A, MP6030, PR09, PR09A.
Codes for A1
Codes for H
0005 H: negative
1005 H: positive +
2005 H: positive ++
The following tests use these codes : CH04,CH05, CH05A, CH06, CH08, CH09, CH12, CH13, CH14,
GE01, GE15I, GE45, LUZ1, MO11, PR11, PR18A, PR21A, PR32A, PR32B, PR13C, PR13D, PR13E,
PR13G, PR13H, PR13I, PR13J, PR15A, PR15B, PR20, PR21A, PR21B, PR21C, PR21D, PR22, PR23,
PY15A, PY15B, SP04, SVO1, SV03, SV04, SV05, SVO8.
The following tests use these codes : PR13C, PR13D, PR13E, PR13G, PR13H, PR15C, PR15D, PR15E,
PR15F, PR15I, PR20A, PR20B, PR21A, PR21B, PR21C, PR21D, SP01, SV01.
The following tests use these codes : PR15G, PR15H, SPO2, SP03, PR18C.
The following tests use these codes : PR70, PR70A, PR70B, PR70C, PR70D, PR70E, PR70F, PR70H,
The following tests use these codes : PR22, MO01B, MO01C, CH03, PR16A, PR16D, PR17, PY17, PY18,
The following tests use these codes : MO81, MO82, PR80, PR80A, PR80B, PR80D, PR80E, PR80F,
PR80H, PR80I, PR81, PY80, PY80D.
Identification codes
The following tests use these codes : CH10, CH11, PR93, PR93A, PR93B, PR93C, PR94A, PR94B,
PR94C, PR94E, PR94F, PR94G, PR94H, PR94I, PR94J, PR95, PR95B, PY93, PY93A, SV02A, SV02B.
# Note: The b and the s cannot interpret double population (for security reasons). If a microtube
contains a double population, the M will register a question mark, and the user will be asked to click
on the microtube to give the result. A double population in this test will be considered as positive.
The following tests use these codes : MO44D, PR44A, PR44B, PR44C, PR44D, PR44E, PR44F, PR44G,
PR44H, PR441, PR44J, PR44K, PR44M, PR44N, PR44O, PR44P, PR44S, PR44T, PR44U, PR44V,
PR44W, PR44X, PO07, PR41A, PR42A, PR43, PR44Q, PR44R.
1080 U antigen:positive
0000 Group: O
1000 Group: A
2000 Group: B
3000 Group: AB
The following tests use these codes : CHA1, DIPH1, DSDNA, HPF4, SYPH1.
A Identification 2-16
Reverse Group 2-18
A1 2-34 Reverse Group + AS 2-18 Reverse Group 2-14, 2-18
Antibody screening 2-10, 2-36, Test-type codes 2-26 AS 2-18, 2-39
2-37, 2-38 Export 2-10 Code for 2-28
Antigen 2-12 DBASE 2-23 Rh (D) 2-21, 2-25
profile 2-13 DELIMITED 2-23 Codes for 2-30
single 2-45 PARADOX 2-23 Test-type codes 2-26
ASTM 2-22 SERIAL LINK 2-24 RS232 2-1, 2-7, 2-8, 2-23, 2-24
Auto-control 2-20, 2-25
B File structure 2-2 Saline
Blood group 2-2, 2-13, 2-14, Autocontrol 2-13
2-25, 2-26, 2-42
codes for 2-28
H Codes for antibody scree-
ning 2-38
H Sickle
C Codes for 2-35 Haemoglobinemia 2-16
Hardware connection 2-1 Software
Chagas 2-17
Communication 2-2
codes for 2-49
Test-type codes 2-26
I Product 1-2
Checksum 2-2, 2-3 Identification 2-16
ID-PaGIA Infectious disease
Coombs Card’s Results interpretation tests 2-17
Ab.screening 2-26 2-18
Test-type codes 2-26
Direct 2-26 Codes 2-43
Document 1-1
Reverse Group 2-18
Donor field 2-5 T
Copyright I-2
Number of Cards Used 2-20 Typographic conventions 1-3
Crossmatch 2-15
Sample field 2-5
Codes for cross-referenced
tests 2-42 Test field 2-5
Codes for minor crossmatch Test-type codes 2-26
2-42 Import 2-5
Donor identification 2-10 DBASE 2-7
File structure 2-2 DELIMITED 2-7
Test-type codes 2-26 PARADOX 2-7
ID-PaGIA Infectious disease Kell 2-26, 2-33
tests 2-17
Document number 1-1
E Network 2-1, 2-7, 2-23
Newborns 2-17, 2-48
Enzyme 2-10
Antibody Screening 2-10
Autocontrol 2-13
Codes for antibody scree- Phenotype 2-17, 2-26, 2-31
ning 2-37
Codes for autocontrol 2-40
Crossmatch 2-15