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Outer boundary conditions: where:

● For an infinite aquifer: t = time, days
p = pi at r = ∞ k = permeability of the aquifer, md
φ = porosity of the aquifer
● For a bounded aquifer µw = viscosity of water in the aquifer, cp
∂p ra = radius of the aquifer, ft
= 0 at r = ra
∂r re = radius of the reservoir, ft
Van Everdingen and Hurst assumed that the aquifer is cw = compressibility of the water, psi−1
characterized by: cf = compressibility of the aquifer formation, psi−1
ct = total compressibility coefficient, psi−1
● uniform thickness;
● constant permeability; The water influx is then given by:
● uniform porosity;
● constant rock compressibility; We = B1pWeD [2.3.18]
● constant water compressibility. with:
The authors expressed their mathematical relationship for B = 1. 119φct re2 h [2.3.19]
calculating the water influx in the form of a dimensionless where:
parameter called dimensionless water influx WeD . They also
expressed the dimensionless water influx as a function of We = cumulative water influx, bbl
the dimensionless time tD and dimensionless radius rD ; thus B = water influx constant, bbl/psi
they made the solution to the diffusivity equation general- 1p = pressure drop at the boundary, psi
ized and it can be applied to any aquifer where the flow of WeD = dimensionless water influx
water into the reservoir is essentially radial. The solutions
were derived for the cases of bounded aquifers and aquifers Equation 2.3.19 assumes that the water is encroaching in a
of infinite extent. The authors presented their solution in tab- radial form. Quit often water does not encroach on all sides
ulated and graphical forms as reproduced here in Figures 2.8 of the reservoir, or the reservoir is not circular in nature.
through 2.11 and Tables 2.1 and 2.2. The two dimensionless In these cases, some modifications must be made in Equa-
parameters tD and rD are given by: tion 2.3.19 to properly describe the flow mechanism. One of
kt the simplest modifications is to introduce the encroachment
tD = 6. 328 × 10−3 [2.3.15] angle, as a dimensionally parameter f , to the water influx
φµw ct re2 constant B, as follows:
ra θ
rD = [2.3.16] f = [2.3.20]
re 360
ct = cw + cf [2.3.17] B = 1. 119φct re2 hf [2.3.21]

re/rw = ∞ re/rw = 4.0

6 re/rw = 3.5
Fluid Influx, WeD

re/rw = 3.0

re/rw = 2.5

re/rw = 2.0

0.1 1 10 100
Dimensionless Time, tD

Figure 2.8 Dimensionless water influx WeD for several values of re /rR , i.e., ra /re ( Van Everdingen and Hurst WeD .
Permission to publish by the SPE).


re/rR = ∞


re/rR = 10
Fluid Influx, WeD

re/rR = 9

re/rR = 8
re/rR = 7

20 re/rR = 6

re/rR = 5

1 10 100 1000
Dimensionless Time, tD

Figure 2.9 Dimensionless water influx WeD for several values of re /rR , i.e., ra /re ( van Everdingen and Hurst WeD
values. Permission to publish by the SPE).

101 102 103 104



Fluid Influx, WeD




10−2 10−1 100 101

Dimensionless Time, tD

Figure 2.10 Dimensionless water influx WeD for infinite aquifer ( van Everdingen and Hurst WeD values. Permission to
publish by the SPE).


107 108 109 1010


Fluid Influx, WeD



104 105 106 107

Dimensionless Time, tD

Figure 2.11 Dimensionless water influx WeD for infinite aquifer ( van Everdingen and Hurst WeD values. Permission to
publish by the SPE).

Table 2.1 Dimensionless Water Influx WeD for Infinite Aquifer ( van Everdingen and Hurst WeD . Permission to publish
by the SPE).
Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid
sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx
time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD
tD tD tD tD tD tD
0.00 0.000 79 35.697 455 150.249 1190 340.843 3250 816.090 35.000 6780.247
0.01 0.112 80 36.058 460 151.640 1200 343.308 3300 827.088 40.000 7650.096
0.05 0.278 81 36.418 465 153.029 1210 345.770 3350 838.067 50.000 9363.099
0.10 0.404 82 36.777 470 154.416 1220 348.230 3400 849.028 60.000 11 047.299
0.15 0.520 83 37.136 475 155.801 1225 349.460 3450 859.974 70.000 12 708.358
0.20 0.606 84 37.494 480 157.184 1230 350.688 3500 870.903 75.000 13 531.457
0.25 0.689 85 37.851 485 158.565 1240 353.144 3550 881.816 80.000 14 350.121
0.30 0.758 86 38.207 490 159.945 1250 355.597 3600 892.712 90.000 15 975.389
0.40 0.898 87 38.563 495 161.322 1260 358.048 3650 903.594 100.000 17 586.284
0.50 1.020 88 38.919 500 162.698 1270 360.496 3700 914.459 125.000 21 560.732
0.60 1.140 89 39.272 510 165.444 1275 361.720 3750 925.309 1.5(10)5 2.538(10)4
0.70 1.251 90 39.626 520 168.183 1280 362.942 3800 936.144 2. 0" 3. 308"
0.80 1.359 91 39.979 525 169.549 1290 365.386 3850 946.966 2. 5" 4. 066"
0.90 1.469 92 40.331 530 170.914 1300 367.828 3900 957.773 3. 0" 4. 817"
1 1.569 93 40.684 540 173.639 1310 370.267 3950 968.566 4. 0" 6. 267"
2 2.447 94 41.034 550 176.357 1320 372.704 4000 979.344 5. 0" 7. 699"
3 3.202 95 41.385 560 179.069 1325 373.922 4050 990.108 6. 0" 9. 113"
4 3.893 96 41.735 570 181.774 1330 375.139 4100 1000.858 7. 0" 1. 051(10)5
5 4.539 97 42.084 575 183.124 1340 377.572 4150 1011.595 8. 0" 1. 189"
6 5.153 98 42.433 580 184.473 1350 380.003 4200 1022.318 9. 0" 1. 326"
7 5.743 99 42.781 590 187.166 1360 382.432 4250 1033.028 1. 0(10)6′ 1. 462"
8 6.314 100 43.129 600 189.852 1370 384.859 4300 1043.724 1. 5" 2. 126"
9 6.869 105 44.858 610 192.533 1375 386.070 4350 1054.409 2. 0" 2. 781"
10 7.411 110 46.574 620 195.208 1380 387.283 4400 1065.082 2.5" 3.427"
11 7.940 115 48.277 625 196.544 1390 389.705 4450 1075.743 3.0" 4.064"
12 8.457 120 49.968 630 197.878 1400 392.125 4500 1086.390 4.0" 5.313"
13 8.964 125 51.648 640 200.542 1410 394.543 4550 1097.024 5.0" 6.544"
14 9.461 130 53.317 650 203.201 1420 396.959 4600 1107.646 6.0" 7.761"
15 9.949 135 54.976 660 205.854 1425 398.167 4650 1118.257 7.0" 8.965"
16 10.434 140 56.625 670 208.502 1430 399.373 4700 1128.854 8.0" 1.016(10)6


Table 2.1 Dimensionless Water Influx WeD for Infinite Aquifer (van Everdingen and Hurst WeD . Permission to publish
by the SPE).
Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid
sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx
time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD
tD tD tD tD tD tD
17 10.913 145 58.265 675 209.825 1440 401.786 4750 1139.439 9.0" 1.134"
18 11.386 150 59.895 680 211.145 1450 404.197 4800 1150.012 1.0(10)7 1.252"
19 11.855 155 61.517 690 213.784 1460 406.606 4850 1160.574 1.5" 1.828"
20 12.319 160 63.131 700 216.417 1470 409.013 4900 1171.125 2.0" 2.398"
21 12.778 165 64.737 710 219.046 1475 410.214 4950 1181.666 2.5" 2.961"
22 13.233 170 66.336 720 221.670 1480 411.418 5000 1192.198 3.0" 3.517"
23 13.684 175 67.928 725 222.980 1490 413.820 5100 1213.222 4.0" 4.610"
24 14.131 180 69.512 730 224.289 1500 416.220 5200 1234.203 5.0" 5.689"
25 14.573 185 71.090 740 226.904 1525 422.214 5300 1255.141 6.0" 6.758"
26 15.013 190 72.661 750 229.514 1550 428.196 5400 1276.037 7.0" 7.816"
27 15.450 195 74.226 760 232.120 1575 434.168 5500 1296.893 8.0" 8.866"
28 15.883 200 75.785 770 234.721 1600 440.128 5600 1317.709 9.0" 9.911"
29 16.313 205 77.338 775 236.020 1625 446.077 5700 1338.486 1.0(10)8 1.095(10)7
30 16.742 210 78.886 780 237.318 1650 452.016 5800 1359.225 1.5" 1.604"
31 17.167 215 80.428 790 239.912 1675 457.945 5900 1379.927 2.0" 2.108"
32 17.590 220 81.965 800 242.501 1700 463.863 6000 1400.593 2.5" 2.607"
33 18.011 225 83.497 810 245.086 1725 469.771 6100 1421.224 3.0" 3.100"
34 18.429 230 85.023 820 247.668 1750 475.669 6200 1441.820 4.0" 4.071"
35 18.845 235 86.545 825 248.957 1775 481.558 6300 1462.383 5.0" 5.032"
36 19.259 240 88.062 830 250.245 1800 487.437 6400 1482.912 6.0" 5.984"
37 19.671 245 89.575 840 252.819 1825 493.307 6500 1503.408 7.0" 6.928"
38 20.080 250 91.084 850 255.388 1850 499.167 6600 1523.872 8.0" 7.865"
39 20.488 255 92.589 860 257.953 1875 505.019 6700 1544.305 9.0" 8.797"
40 20.894 260 94.090 870 260.515 1900 510.861 6800 1564.706 1.0(10)9 9.725"
41 21.298 265 95.588 875 261.795 1925 516.695 6900 1585.077 1.5" 1.429(10)8
42 21.701 270 97.081 880 263.073 1950 522.520 7000 1605.418 2.0" 1.880"
43 22.101 275 98.571 890 265.629 1975 528.337 7100 1625.729 2.5" 2.328"
44 22.500 280 100.057 900 268.181 2000 534.145 7200 1646.011 3.0" 2.771"
45 22.897 285 101.540 910 270.729 2025 539.945 7300 1666.265 4.0" 3.645"
46 23.291 290 103.019 920 273.274 2050 545.737 7400 1686.490 5.0" 4.510"
47 23.684 295 104.495 925 274.545 2075 551.522 7500 1706.688 6.0" 5.368"
48 24.076 300 105.968 930 275.815 2100 557.299 7600 1726.859 7.0" 6.220"
49 24.466 305 107.437 940 278.353 2125 563.068 7700 1747.002 8.0" 7.066"
50 24.855 310 108.904 950 280.888 2150 568.830 7800 1767.120 9.0" 7.909"
51 25.244 315 110.367 960 283.420 2175 574.585 7900 1787.212 1.0(10)10 8.747"
52 25.633 320 111.827 970 285.948 2200 580.332 8000 1807.278 1.5" 1.288"(10)9
53 26.020 325 113.284 975 287.211 2225 586.072 8100 1827.319 2.0" 1.697"
54 26.406 330 114.738 980 288.473 2250 591.806 8200 1847.336 2.5" 2.103"
55 26.791 335 116.189 990 290.995 2275 597.532 8300 1867.329 3.0" 2.505"
56 27.174 340 117.638 1000 293.514 2300 603.252 8400 1887.298 4.0" 3.299"
57 27.555 345 119.083 1010 296.030 2325 608.965 8500 1907.243 5.0" 4.087"
58 27.935 350 120.526 1020 298.543 2350 614.672 8600 1927.166 6.0" 4.868"
59 28.314 355 121.966 1025 299.799 2375 620.372 8700 1947.065 7.0" 5.643"
60 28.691 360 123.403 1030 301.053 2400 626.066 8800 1966.942 8.0" 6.414"
61 29.068 365 124.838 1040 303.560 2425 631.755 8900 1986.796 9.0" 7.183"
62 29.443 370 126.720 1050 306.065 2450 637.437 9000 2006.628 1.0(10)11 7.948"
63 29.818 375 127.699 1060 308.567 2475 643.113 9100 2026.438 1.5" 1.17(10)10
64 30.192 380 129.126 1070 311.066 2500 648.781 9200 2046.227 2.0" 1.55"
65 30.565 385 130.550 1075 312.314 2550 660.093 9300 2065.996 2.5" 1.92"
66 30.937 390 131.972 1080 313.562 2600 671.379 9400 2085.744 3.0" 2.29"
67 31.308 395 133.391 1090 316.055 2650 682.640 9500 2105.473 4.0" 3.02"
68 31.679 400 134.808 1100 318.545 2700 693.877 9600 2125.184 5.0" 3.75"
69 32.048 405 136.223 1110 321.032 2750 705.090 9700 2144.878 6.0" 4.47"
70 32.417 410 137.635 1120 323.517 2800 716.280 9800 2164.555 7.0" 5.19"
71 32.785 415 139.045 1125 324.760 2850 727.449 9900 2184.216 8.0" 5.89"
72 33.151 420 140.453 1130 326.000 2900 738.598 10 000 2203.861 9. 0" 6.58"
73 33.517 425 141.859 1140 328.480 2950 749.725 12 500 2688.967 1.0(10)12 7.28"
74 33.883 430 143.262 1150 330.958 3000 760.833 15 000 3164.780 1.5" 1.08(10)11
75 34.247 435 144.664 1160 333.433 3050 771.922 17 500 3633.368 2.0" 1.42"
76 34.611 440 146.064 1170 335.906 3100 782.992 20 000 4095.800
77 34.974 445 147.461 1175 337.142 3150 794.042 25 000 5005.726
78 35.336 450 148.856 1180 338.376 3200 805.075 30 000 5899.508


Table 2.2 Dimensionless Water Influx WeD for Several Values of re /rR , i.e., ra /re (Van Everdingen and Hurst WeD .
Permission to publish by the SPE).
re /rR = 1. 5 re /rR = 2. 0 re /rR = 2. 5 re /rR = 3. 0 re /rR = 3. 5 re /rR = 4. 0 re /rR = 4. 5
Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid
sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx
time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD
tD tD tD tD tD tD tD
5.0(10)−2 0.276 5.0(10)−2 0.278 1.0(10)−1 0.408 3.0(10)−1 0.755 1.00 1.571 2.00 2.442 2.5 2.835
6.0" 0.304 7.5" 0.345 1.5" 0.509 4.0" 0.895 1.20 1.761 2.20 2.598 3.0 3.196
7.0" 0.330 1.0(10)−1 0.404 2.0" 0.599 5.0" 1.023 1.40 1.940 2.40 2.748 3.5 3.537
8.0" 0.354 1.25" 0.458 2.5" 0.681 6.0" 1.143 1.60 2.111 2.60 2.893 4.0 3.859
9.0" 0.375 1.50" 0.507 3.0" 0.758 7.0" 1.256 1.80 2.273 2.80 3.034 4.5 4.165
1.0(10)−1 0.395 1.75" 0.553 3.5" 0.829 8.0" 1.363 2.00 2.427 3.00 3.170 5.0 4.454
1.1" 0.414 2.00" 0.597 4.0" 0.897 9.0" 1.465 2.20 2.574 3.25 3.334 5.5 4.727
1.2" 0.431 2.25" 0.638 4.5" 0.962 1.00 1.563 2.40 2.715 3.50 3.493 6.0 4.986
1.3" 0.446 2.50" 0.678 5.0" 1.024 1.25 1.791 2.60 2.849 3.75 3.645 6.5 5.231
1.4" 0.461 2.75" 0.715 5.5" 1.083 1.50 1.997 2.80 2.976 4.00 3.792 7.0 5.464
1.5" 0.474 3.00" 0.751 6.0" 1.140 1.75 2.184 3.00 3.098 4.25 3.932 7.5 5.684
1.6" 0.486 3.25" 0.785 6.5" 1.195 2.00 2.353 3.25 3.242 4.50 4.068 8.0 5.892
1.7" 0.497 3.50" 0.817 7.0" 1.248 2.25 2.507 3.50 3.379 4.75 4.198 8.5 6.089
1.8" 0.507 3.75" 0.848 7.5" 1.299 2.50 2.646 3.75 3.507 5.00 4.323 9.0 6.276
1.9" 0.517 4.00" 0.877 8.0" 1.348 2.75 2.772 4.00 3.628 5.50 4.560 9.5 6.453
2.0" 0.525 4.25" 0.905 8.5" 1.395 3.00 2.886 4.25 3.742 6.00 4.779 10 6.621
2.1" 0.533 4.50" 0.932 9.0" 2.440 3.25 2.990 4.50 3.850 6.50 4.982 11 6.930
2.2" 0.541 4.75" 0.958 9.5" 1.484 3.50 3.084 4.75 3.951 7.00 5.169 12 7.208
2.3" 0.548 5.00" 0.993 1.0 1.526 3.75 3.170 5.00 4.047 7.50 5.343 13 7.457
2.4" 0.554 5.50" 1.028 1.1 1.605 4.00 3.247 5.50 4.222 8.00 5.504 14 7.680
2.5" 0.559 6.00" 1.070 1.2 1.679 4.25 3.317 6.00 4.378 8.50 5.653 15 7.880
2.6" 0.565 6.50" 1.108 1.3 1.747 4.50 3.381 6.50 4.516 9.00 5.790 16 8.060
2.8" 0.574 7.00" 1.143 1.4 1.811 4.75 3.439 7.00 4.639 9.50 5.917 18 8.365
3.0" 0.582 7.50" 1.174 1.5 1.870 5.00 3.491 7.50 4.749 10 6.035 20 8.611
3.2" 0.588 8.00" 1.203 1.6 1.924 5.50 3.581 8.00 4.846 11 6.246 22 8.809
3.4" 0.594 9.00" 1.253 1.7 1.975 6.00 3.656 8.50 4.932 12 6.425 24 8.968
3.6" 0.599 1.00" 1.295 1.8 2.022 6.50 3.717 9.00 5.009 13 6.580 26 9.097
3.8" 0.603 1.1 1.330 2.0 2.106 7.00 3.767 9.50 5.078 14 6.712 28 9.200
4.0" 0.606 1.2 1.358 2.2 2.178 7.50 3.809 10.00 5.138 15 6.825 30 9.283
4.5" 0.613 1.3 1.382 2.4 2.241 8.00 3.843 11 5.241 16 6.922 34 9.404
5.0" 0.617 1.4 1.402 2.6 2.294 9.00 3.894 12 5.321 17 7.004 38 9.481
6.0" 0.621 1.6 1.432 2.8 2.340 10.00 3.928 13 5.385 18 7.076 42 9.532
7.0" 0.623 1.7 1.444 3.0 2.380 11.00 3.951 14 5.435 20 7.189 46 9.565
8.0" 0.624 1.8 1.453 3.4 2.444 12.00 3.967 15 5.476 22 7.272 50 9.586
2.0 1.468 3.8 2.491 14.00 3.985 16 5.506 24 7.332 60 9.612
2.5 1.487 4.2 2.525 16.00 3.993 17 5.531 26 7.377 70 9.621
3.0 1.495 4.6 2.551 18.00 3.997 18 5.551 30 7.434 80 9.623
4.0 1.499 5.0 2.570 20.00 3.999 20 5.579 34 7.464 90 9.624
5.0 1.500 6.0 2.599 22.00 3.999 25 5.611 38 7.481 100 9.625
7.0 2.613 24.00 4.000 30 5.621 42 7.490
8.0 2.619 35 5.624 46 7.494
9.0 2.622 40 5.625 50 7.499
10.0 2.624

re /rR = 5. 0 re /rR = 6. 0 re /rR = 7. 0 re /rR = 8. 0 re /rR = 9. 0 re /rR = 10. 0

Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid
sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx
time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD
tD tD tD tD tD tD
3.0 3.195 6.0 5.148 9.0 6.861 9 6.861 10 7.417 15 9.96
3.5 3.542 6.5 5.440 9.50 7.127 10 7.398 15 9.945 20 12.32
4.0 3.875 7.0 5.724 10 7.389 11 7.920 20 12.26 22 13.22
4.5 4.193 7.5 6.002 11 7.902 12 8.431 22 13.13 24 14.95
5.0 4.499 8.0 6.273 12 8.397 13 8.930 24 13.98 26 14.95
5.5 4.792 8.5 6.537 13 8.876 14 9.418 26 14.79 28 15.78
6.0 5.074 9.0 6.795 14 9.341 15 9.895 26 15.59 30 16.59
6.5 5.345 9.5 7.047 15 9.791 16 10.361 30 16.35 32 17.38
7.0 5.605 10.0 7.293 16 10.23 17 10.82 32 17.10 34 18.16
7.5 5.854 10.5 7.533 17 10.65 18 11.26 34 17.82 36 18.91


Table 2.2 Dimensionless Water Influx WeD for Several Values of re /rR , i.e., ra /re (Van Everdingen and Hurst WeD .
Permission to publish by the SPE) (continued)
re /rR = 5. 0 re /rR = 6. 0 re /rR = 7. 0 re /rR = 8. 0 re /rR = 9. 0 re /rR = 10. 0
Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid Dimen- Fluid
sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx sionless influx
time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD time WeD
tD tD tD tD tD tD
8.0 6.094 11 7.767 18 11.06 19 11.70 36 18.52 38 19.65
8.5 6.325 12 8.220 19 11.46 20 12.13 38 19.19 40 20.37
9.0 6.547 13 8.651 20 11.85 22 12.95 40 19.85 42 21.07
9.5 6.760 14 9.063 22 12.58 24 13.74 42 20.48 44 21.76
10 6.965 15 9.456 24 13.27 26 14.50 44 21.09 46 22.42
11 7.350 16 9.829 26 13.92 28 15.23 46 21.69 48 23.07
12 7.706 17 10.19 28 14.53 30 15.92 48 22.26 50 23.71
13 8.035 18 10.53 30 15.11 34 17.22 50 22.82 52 24.33
14 8.339 19 10.85 35 16.39 38 18.41 52 23.36 54 24.94
15 8.620 20 11.16 40 17.49 40 18.97 54 23.89 56 25.53
16 8.879 22 11.74 45 18.43 45 20.26 56 24.39 58 26.11
18 9.338 24 12.26 50 19.24 50 21.42 58 24.88 60 26.67
20 9.731 25 12.50 60 20.51 55 22.46 60 25.36 65 28.02
22 10.07 31 13.74 70 21.45 60 23.40 65 26.48 70 29.29
24 10.35 35 14.40 80 22.13 70 24.98 70 27.52 75 30.49
26 10.59 39 14.93 90 22.63 80 26.26 75 28.48 80 31.61
28 10.80 51 16.05 100 23.00 90 27.28 80 29.36 85 32.67
30 10.98 60 16.56 120 23.47 100 28.11 85 30.18 90 33.66
34 11.26 70 16.91 140 23.71 120 29.31 90 30.93 95 34.60
38 11.46 80 17.14 160 23.85 140 30.08 95 31.63 100 35.48
42 11.61 90 17.27 180 23.92 160 30.58 100 32.27 120 38.51
46 11.71 100 17.36 200 23.96 180 30.91 120 34.39 140 40.89
50 11.79 110 17.41 500 24.00 200 31.12 140 35.92 160 42.75
60 11.91 120 17.45 240 31.34 160 37.04 180 44.21
70 11.96 130 17.46 280 31.43 180 37.85 200 45.36
80 11.98 140 17.48 320 31.47 200 38.44 240 46.95
90 11.99 150 17.49 360 31.49 240 39.17 280 47.94
100 12.00 160 17.49 400 31.50 280 39.56 320 48.54
120 12.00 180 17.50 500 31.50 320 39.77 360 48.91
200 17.50 360 39.88 400 49.14
220 17.50 400 39.94 440 49.28
440 39.97 480 49.36
480 39.98

θ is the angle subtended by the reservoir circumference,

i.e., for a full circle θ = 360◦ and for a semicircular reservoir
against a fault θ = 180◦ , as shown in Figure 2.12.

Example 2.6 a Calculate the water influx at the end of Fa


1, 2, and 5 years into a circular reservoir with an aquifer of t

infinite extent, i.e., reD = ∞. The initial and current reservoir Oil Reservoir ul R
r Fa
pressures are 2500 and 2490 psi, respectively. The reservoir- uife Oil Reservoir
aquifer system has the following properties. Aq

Reservoir Aquifer f = 0.5
f = 0.25
radius, ft 2000 ∞
h, ft 20 22.7 Figure 2.12 Gas cap drive reservoir (After Cole, F.,
k, md 50 100 Reservoir Engineering Manual, Gulf Publishing Company,
φ, % 15 20 1969).
µw , cp 0.5 0.8
cw , psi−1 1 × 10−6 0. 7 × 10−6 Solution
cf , psi−1 2 × 10−6 0. 3 × 10−6
Step 1. Calculate the aquifer total compressibility coefficient
ct from Equation 2.3.17:
ct = cw + cf
a Data for this example was reported by Cole, Frank Reservoir
Engineering Manual, Gulf Publishing Company, 1969. = 0. 7(10−6 ) + 0. 3(10−6 ) = 1 × 10−6 psi−1


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