Score Sheet - Evaluations FOR THE National/Provincial/Departmental Evaluation Plan 20 - / - 20 - /20
Score Sheet - Evaluations FOR THE National/Provincial/Departmental Evaluation Plan 20 - / - 20 - /20
Score Sheet - Evaluations FOR THE National/Provincial/Departmental Evaluation Plan 20 - / - 20 - /20
This template is based on selection for National Evaluations but can be adapted for Provincial and
Departmental Evaluations.
Please do not give intermediate scores
20= Directly linked to a sub-outcome of one of the top 5 outcomes and MTSF
15= Directly linked to sub-outcome of one of the other 9 outcomes
10= Addresses a small part of one of the 14 outcomes/NDP
5= Is not part of the 14 outcomes/NDP but otherwise a priority of government
0= Is not part of the 14 outcomes or national priority
1.2 Innovative – is the intervention testing out new approaches and so learning is key? 10
10= Very innovative, or a key area in an outcome where there is confusion/lack of
clarity/ or not much is known
5= Quite innovative, or an area of an outcome where some is known but it would
benefit from an evaluation
0= Not innovative or an area where quite a lot is known
1.4 Substantial public interest (where possible drawn from analysis of the 10
Presidential Hotline)
Score Sheet for Selecting Evaluations for the National/Prov/DEP Evaluation Plan March 2017
Overall comment:
Overall comment
3.3 Availability of budget - How assured are we that there is a budget for the 10
evaluation from the department or donors?
10= Full budget available from department/donor but DPME can procure
Score Sheet for Selecting Evaluations for the National/Prov/DEP Evaluation Plan March 2017
Overall comment
Score Sheet for Selecting Evaluations for the National/Prov/DEP Evaluation Plan March 2017
(to be completed after the assessment based on overall decisions of the ETWG)
2 Not recommended for the 2017/18 national evaluation plan but a good idea,
and could be considered for national evaluation plan for 2018/19 or 2019/20
(recommend which by circling the year).
3 Not included in the plan and the department needs to strengthen certain
aspects (either to implement itself, or to resubmit next year).
Reasons and aspects to be strengthened:
Signed on
behalf of
DPME: ______________________
Dr Ian Goldman
Head: Evaluation and Research Unit, DPME