Low-Power High-Accuracy Seizure Detection Algorithms For Neural Implantable Platforms
Low-Power High-Accuracy Seizure Detection Algorithms For Neural Implantable Platforms
Low-Power High-Accuracy Seizure Detection Algorithms For Neural Implantable Platforms
Abstract—Neural interfaces are systems operating at the in- The paper is organized as follows: the details of each feature
tersection of the nervous system and an internal or external are discussed in Section II. Section III highlights the classifiers
device. Neuro-stimulator is one of the most important neural that precede the feature extraction block. The simulation
interfaces used to help those who experience epileptic seizures.
To use this stimulator efficiently, seizure should be detected at the results are illustrated in Section IV and the proposed algorithm
right time. Seizure detection is basically founded on digital signal and the conclusions are summarized in Section V.
processing by monitoring certain features of the intracranial elec-
troencephalogram. Many of the previous researches are directed II. FEATURE EXTRACTION
to study the detection efficacies using different systems, however,
a few of them study the feasibility of implementing these systems Feature extraction employs mathematical operations on the
over a computationally limited power implantable platforms. In data recorded to differentiate them into a seizure and non-
this paper, five time-domain features and three wavelet-domain
features are investigated. Following that, a high accuracy seizure seizure states. These mathematical operations are performed
detection algorithm is presented with efficient power consumption on the data in the time domain or the wavelet domain. The
which makes it suitable for implantable neural systems. The features that comprise complex operations are excluded to
experiment results show that the presented method achieves avoid excess power consumption, then, three wavelet-domain
a sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 92.64%, 99.29%, and features and three time-domain features are selected to inves-
99.16% respectively for long-term iEEG seizure detection. The
area and power results are obtained from implementing the tigate them.
algorithms on Xilinx Spartan-6 XC6SLX45T FPGA.
Index Terms—Intracranial Electroencephalogram (iEEG), A. Time Domain Features
Seizure Detection, Feature Extraction, Time domain, Wavelet
domain, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Threshold, Matlab, 1) Accumulated Energy [2]:
I. I NTRODUCTION Eacc (k) = E(i + (k − 1)N ) (1)
N i=1
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder of the brain that more
than 50 million people globally suffer from. According to the whereE(i) = x2 (i), x(i) refers to the ith sample of data
World Health Organization (WHO), epilepsy is characterized given by the vector x, and k represents the window number
by recurrent seizures, which are physical reactions to sudden, of size N .
usually brief, excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain 2) Coastline [3]:
cells. Uncontrolled attacks result in placing patients at risk of
suffering oro-facial trauma [1].
Fig. 5. The proposed algorithm which represents time-domain features with TABLE I
multi-window event-based counting threshold without SVM block. C LASSIFICATION OF SEIZURE AND NON - SEIZURE EPOCHS IN THE