Automotive Consulting Solution: Warranty Management - Fast Start For Automotive Suppliers
Automotive Consulting Solution: Warranty Management - Fast Start For Automotive Suppliers
Automotive Consulting Solution: Warranty Management - Fast Start For Automotive Suppliers
▪ Proven solutions/services of SAP Automotive Consulting
▪ Solutions already running productive at several customers
▪ Solutions and documentation are available in German and English
▪ Exact calculation of implementation cost. Implementation for fixed price
▪ 6 months of free follow up care operations for bug corrections starting at the date of installation within
the development landscape. Afterwards chargeable consulting support starts
▪ No additional ongoing costs (i.e. maintenance cost)
▪ Prompt implementation possible
▪ Defined timeframe for implementation
0-KM Goodwill Service contracts
0-KM Goodwill Service contracts
Check report /
Financial debit KTL/BVA (Excel file)
Parts shipment
0-KM Goodwill Service contracts
Check report /
Financial debit KTL/BVA (Excel file)
Parts shipment
Quality processes in
Open item in FI Excel processing
Missing integration
0-KM Goodwill Service contracts
Check report /
Financial debit KTL/BVA (Excel file)
Parts shipment
The missing link
Use the WTY Fast Start for Automotive Supplier and rise to the challenges of this business
1. Challenge:
Processing Excel data from the customer
2. Challenge:
Integration of technical (QM) and monetary (WTY) checks
3. Challenge:
Assigning customer collective debits (FI) to single damage
cases (WTY, QM)
• Fast Start for Automotive Suppliers consolidates and harmonizes data for a transparent
commercial processing.
▪ Simultaneous creation
▪ If no other tool is used for notification creation, you can create both claim and notification directly
through the Upload. Both documents will be linked 1:1.
▪ Notification / part first
▪ Notification is created manually. The Upload creates the claim, notification is found through check
report number and material number, document flow is established between both documents .
▪ Excel / Claim first
▪ The claim is created using Upload. When the notification is created manually, the system find the
claim using check report number and material number and proposes to create the document
flow link.
KTL/BVA (Excel file)
Excel Upload
Fehlende Integration
Configurable Mapping
Folgebeleg Folgebeleg
Q-Notifications Folgebeleg
1 notif per damage 1 claim per damage
KTL/BVA (Excel file)
Excel Upload
Folgebeleg Folgebeleg
Q-Notifications Folgebeleg
1 Notif per damage 1 Claim per damage
KTL/BVA (Excel file)
Commercial processes:
Warranty check, plausibility, prices, etc.
Folgebeleg Folgebeleg
Q-Notifications Folgebeleg
1 Notif per damage 1 Claim per damage
Summarizing all related The single claims related to the debit are collected in a collective
claims in one collective document
document This collective document is also a “claim” document and used for
collective FI posting
By posting the collective document against the customer account, the open
item in FI is closed
Closing the open item in FI
Full integration into SAP account determination and CO objects
Possible integration with SAP Dispute Management
KTL/BVA (Excel file)
Excel Upload Open item in FI
Collective Claim
1 collector per dispute / debit
Folgebeleg Folgebeleg
Q Notifications Folgebeleg
1 Notif per damage 1 Claim per damage
The ACS Fast Start for Automotive Supplier contains and combines the scope of several
ACS solutions
▪ The following consulting solutions are also available as separate ACS and are part of the Fast
Start for Automotive Suppliers:
▪ Warranty Management Fast Start
▪ Claim Upload standalone
▪ Warranty/QM integration
▪ Warranty Workbench
▪ Financial integration with OEMs
▪ Collective postings
▪ Automation using VSR
▪ More information on available solutions on :
Prices, Messages,
Warranty Workbench WTY process Project and tools
Speed of processing Contains among others Best Practices are Complete support
increased: these process steps: delivered in many areas
Free criteria claim Plausibility checks Prices and taxes Complete user
search Warranty term checks FI account determination documentation
Mass-perform claim Assignment of posting CO objects Customizing
action directly in the list competency documentation and
Messages and forms
Ad-hoc reporting handover to your IT
Release messages to
partners (initial reject, Tools that simplify
claim letter) ongoing process
Reject claims
Tools for master data
migration and
Die ACS Fast Start for Automotive Suppliers delivers a complete implementation of best
practice solutions in your system.
Using ACS Fast Start for Automotive Suppliers, you projects are faster, safer and cheaper.
▪ Integration of customer fields to standard structures is prepared. Many BAdIs allow you to adapt
the ACS based process to you requirements
▪ Customizing tools and implementation facilitators
Tools to analyze you process model, for changing claims in mass processing, for helping you
define regular jobs and for accelerating your projects
▪ Implementation guide
▪ Naming conversions, development guidelines and checklists let you profit of more than 15 years
of experience in Warranty Management
Kunden Kunden
SAP data (“Internal data”)
Managing additional
▪ VIN decoding
▪ Etc.
Data quality is a key to a good warranty process. Therefore, Fast Start contains formal and plausibility
checks that help you to increase the quality of data and decisions
Checking for validity for warranty terms is the heart of the warranty process.
▪ Several types of warranty terms (normal, extended warranty, goodwill, …) can be checked in one
▪ Checks are integrated into the action matrix
▪ All types of counters (time, operating hours, km, …) can be used
▪ Integration into the action matrix. Complete with error handling and reversal
Process ▪ Possibility to post initial debits, but also adjustment postings
integration ▪ Mass processing, collective posting
▪ Transparency is kept even after several adjustments (versioning concept)
Flexible settings
Claim selection
3. Distribute tax
Posting happens
on a claim’s IC
version. This links
the payment to a
damage case (via
QM notification)
▪ Claims use the same action for single claim posting and collective posting. The rest is
done by the system
▪ The direct FI posting of a single claim is replaced by adding it to a collective document
the contains single claims as items.
▪ Before posting a claim, the system check the status of the linked QM notification
SAP Warranty Management uses the standard SAP message determination that many other
processes in ERP use.
▪ Message determination and release are fully integrated into the process and happen
▪ Message form and content are delivered and can be adapted according to your requirements
(customer fields, logos etc.)
▪ The framework makes it easy to integrate additional messages into the process
▪ Messages are setup so that they are sent as attachment to an email recipient
Fast Start is all about integration – with standard process, with your developments and with
other ACS:
▪ We use BAdI and Enhancement Spot technology to integrate different layers of software
▪ Common naming conventions for all development objects are used.
▪ Naming conversion for customizing – especially the action matrix – are introduced
▪ This includes standard actions, our ACS actions and your own actions
▪ Reusable coding snippets are available for your use.
Many small and big features have proven their value in many customer projects:
▪ Integrating SAP standard catalogs for damage codes, labor values, external costs
▪ 1-Click access buttons for the most important actions in a claim
▪ Synchronizing partners on header and version level
▪ Automatic item type determination from material number and vice versa
▪ Integration of IDocs and notifications into the document flow
▪ Org data on header and version level
▪ Layouts for item table and navigation tree
▪ …
Fast Start is more than a technical matter. We support you in adapting IT to your business
requirements and use the Best Practice of SAP Consulting.
Successful quality and claim processing doesn’t end with implementing SAP – that is where it
▪ Fast Start contains all necessary documentation, how-tos and the support that you need to make
full use of your SAP Warranty Management system.
▪ Key User documentation
▪ Technical implementation
▪ Customizing documentation
▪ Functional handover to Key Users
▪ Support – Free error correction for 6 months after the implementation
All new functions are easily accessible using Easy Access Menus and
a customizing tree
Delivery in Z-namespace
▪ Internet
Overview-, Detail- and Customer presentations
▪ OSS-System
Notes (Search term: Automotive Consulting Solutions)
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ACS 124