ATMAAC Brochure Complete 1
ATMAAC Brochure Complete 1
ATMAAC Brochure Complete 1
Firearms Investigations
• Alarm Response
• Static Guarding
• Concierge
• Crowd Control
• Close Personal Protection
• Access Control
• Armed Guards
• Monitoring Rooms
• Mobile Patrols
• Dog Handlers
• Gaming and Hospitality
• Major Events
• Vital Asset and Infrastructure Protection
• Warehousing and Distribution
• Retail
ATMAAC Passport
Further to the minimum qualifications; ATMAAC,
through its RTO and Training division, offers its
staff a variety of other internal training programmes
to enhance their professional development.
This program is called the ATMAAC Passport.
The ATMAAC Passport is designed to reward staff
loyalty and to enhance the guard’s capabilities.
Mobile Patrols
ATMAAC International has established a
mobile patrol division that is successfully
operating within all capital cities and
residential locations around Australia.
ATMAAC can provide both internal and
external patrols of your premises. We can
provide daily lock up and open up services,
let-in and let-out services, and can conduct
patrols at designated times when required.
In the event that your venue is robbed or
vandalised, an ATMAAC patrol officer will
respond to the site and remain on site to
protect your premises until a static guard and
/or locksmith can be arranged.
Alarm Response
ATMAAC International is a registered Alarm
Monitoring Bureau and we service over 500
client groups. All of our clients have come to
expect a very high level of service including
particularly quick response times, no matter
where their sites are located. Access Control
Whether you require professional staff to
Dispatch Centre manage access control at your premises;
ATMAAC International has a designated or you require advice on managing access
Dispatch Centre located in our HQ at control, or the supply and installation
Homebush Bay, Sydney. The Dispatch Centre of an access control system; ATMAAC
controls all alarm responses and mobile International can assist you. We possess
patrols on a National level. The Dispatch a wealth of knowledge and experience in
Centre operates 24/7. We utilise a highly the management of access control, borne
advanced Patrol and Response Management from our involvement in major high profile
System which allows the trained operators to events, government security, sporting
manage the response from when it is received events and concerts, aviation and port
to its completion. security and corporate security roles.
Our professional and friendly staff will be attired in ATMAAC’s management team can do a lot more
ATMAAC’s high profile, non-threatening, than merely supplying security personnel and
event-specific uniform. equipment for the event; we can manage and
provide all aspects of the event such as:
We have procured a range of portable security • Risk assessments and safety management plans
screening, monitoring and communicating devices • Ticket collectors or accreditation checkers
which can be assembled within a matter of minutes; • Ushers or hostesses
giving us the ability to offer the highest level of • An information desk
service anywhere, at any time. • Lost and found facilities
• Qualified bar staff
These services include the provision of: • First aiders and paramedics
• Qualified security screeners • Catering
• Hand held metal detectors • Cleaning services
• Portable walk through metal detectors • Entertainment
• Portable CCTV cameras • Temporary fencing
• A mobile command post/monitoring station • Temporary toilet facilities
• A qualified and experienced control room
ATMAAC International owns and operates We also offer an array of excellent other
its own Registered Training Organisation training programmes. Some of these include:
(RTO). This means that we can provide • Executive Leadership Programme
Nationally Recognised Qualifications, • Conflict Management Skills Course
Statements of Attainment and VETAB • Defensive Tactics
Accredited Training to our employees, and • Close Personal Protection Course
for our clients. • Self Defence for Women
• Armed Robbery Survival Training
ATMAAC offers a wide range of both • Security Awareness for Registered Club
accredited and non-accredited training Staff
programmes. • Risk Management for Managers and
These programmes include:
• Pre-Licensing Training We can also design and tailor training
• Certificate II in Security Operations programmes to meet the specific needs of
• Certificate III in Security Operations clients.
• Certificate III in Investigations
• Certificate IV in Security and Risk Our Instructors
Management Our instructors are the best that the
• Responsible Service of Alcohol industry has to offer. We only employ
• Responsible Conduct of Gaming personnel with genuine and valid
• First Aid operational experience in military and/or
law enforcement environments in addition
to their experience in private security.
Corporate Training
Business today confronts new technologies, new
strategies, new threats and employees who are
required to do more with less. It’s a corporate
battlefield and your company faces a multitude of
potential enemies.
Risk Management
ATMAAC can develop a corporate risk
management program for your company that
will enable you to make the most of your capital
resources (financial and human) to realise your
organisational vision.
We offer a logical, systematic method of
identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating,
monitoring and communicating the risks
associated with any business activity, function or
process. We do this in a way that enables you
to minimise losses and maximise opportunities,
while eliminating or reducing your legal and
operating risks.