Final Project Pitch

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Final Project pitch:

For my final project I decided to do a music video to the song “say” by Ruel, it is quite a slow
song and therefore goes well for a storyline. My theme is based on taking chances and not
knowing whether to take the chance. The story will consist of two friends that have grown
up together and throughout you will see the story of one starting to like the other but not
wanting to tell her. To show the theme chance you will see him wanting to take a chance
the whole way through and then at the end she finds a letter that explains how he likes her.

Story and Characters:

After looking at many different music videos I have found they are more successful when
they have a music video to go with them than without, my song of choice also fits better
with a storyline, so for this reason I have chosen a story to tell. The beginning will show two
friends as kids and then I have a transition idea to show they’ve grown up. Once you’ve seen
they’ve grown up together and understand the connection you will see different types of
ways where the boy tries to tell her he likes her. For example, one way is where he goes up
to tell her but suddenly finds out she has got into a relationship. As a result of everything
always getting in the way he doesn’t think he should tell her and starts to write letters for
his feelings instead. At the end of the music video they get into a fight and she goes up to
his room, there she finds the letter / letters he wrote. It then ends there, this is done so the
audience can interpret their own ending of what they want to happen.

Why / The aims:

I think my video will be relatable because you don’t always feel you can tell others how you
feel incase they don’t feel the same, this video can show that it is always worth taking the
risk and help people to understand that it isn’t always the end of the world if it doesn’t go
your way. Throughout the video when he wants to tell her something always happens to
make sure it isn’t the “right time” and this outs him off telling her.

Although my idea is very popular and is similar to short videos that have been done many
times before I am going to try and make mine unique by having an open ending. Most films/
videos that consist of a love story have an ending where you know what happens and you
know if the boy fell for her or not, however at the end of mine she finds the letters and it
ends, this means it can be left to your own interpretation whether you want them to get
together or not. I am also going to aim for good camera work and spend a lot of time editing
to get the best end piece. We have recently learnt a lot of effects in class which have been
done in After Effects that I might think about using.

Target Audience:
My target audience will be aimed at 16-19 year olds, it will be aimed at both genders
however will be more for girls as that is more of the artist’s fanbase. To make it appeal more
I will do it in a similar style as his other videos so it doesn’t vary too much, I will also use
both male and female characters.
To get a wider audience I will do some questionnaires and surveys to give to people around
this age to find out what they want included. This will give me a better idea as to how I can
make it more successful. As well as seeing which is Ruel’s most popular video and seeing
some aspects included in that.

At the beginning of the music video they are children and you see they have grown up
together and are great friends, this is important for context because it shows how risky the
chance is. They have been friends so long that it could ruin their whole friendship and
everything they have built throughout the years.
This could also relate to people who have had friends over the years and they would know
the feeling where you don’t want to say the wrong thing and ruin everything.

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