Asia Internationa Auctioneers Vs CIR
Asia Internationa Auctioneers Vs CIR
Asia Internationa Auctioneers Vs CIR
AIA is a duly organized corporation operating within the Subic Special Economic
Zone. It is engaged in the importation of used motor vehicles and heavy equipment
which it sells to the public through auction. AIA received from the CIR a Formal Letter of
Demand, dated July 9, 2004, containing an assessment for deficiency value added tax
(VAT) and excise tax. AIA claimed it filed a protest and the CIR failed to act on the
protest, prompting AIA to file a petition before the CTA. The CIR filed a motion to
dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction citing the alleged failure of AIA to timely file
its protest which thereby rendered the assessment final and executory. The CTA
rendered decision in favor of CIR stating that AIA faulted for failing to present the
registry return card of the subject protest letter. During the petition, AIA filed a
Manifestation and Motion with Leave of the Honorable Court to Defer or Suspend
Further Proceedings on the ground that it availed of the Tax Amnesty Program under
Republic Act 9480(RA 9480), otherwise known as the Tax Amnesty Act of 2007. The
CIR contends that AIA is disqualified under Section 8(a) of RA 9480 from availing itself
of the Tax Amnesty Program because it is "deemed" a withholding agent for the
deficiency taxes.
In this case, the CIR did not assess AIA as a withholding agent that failed to
withhold or remit the deficiency VAT and excise tax to the BIR under relevant provisions
of the Tax Code. Hence, the argument that AIA is "deemed" a withholding agent for
these deficiency taxes is fallacious. Indirect taxes, like VAT and excise tax, are different
from withholding taxes. To distinguish, in indirect taxes, the incidence of taxation falls on
one person but the burden thereof can be shifted or passed on to another person, such
as when the tax is imposed upon goods before reaching the consumer who ultimately
pays for it. On the other hand, in case of withholding taxes, the incidence and burden of
taxation fall on the same entity, the statutory taxpayer. The burden of taxation is not
shifted to the withholding agent who merely collects, by withholding, the tax due from
income payments to entities arising from certain transactions and remits the same to the
government. Due to this difference, the deficiency VAT and excise tax cannot be
"deemed" as withholding taxes merely because they constitute indirect taxes. Moreover,
records support the conclusion that AIA was assessed not as a withholding agent but,
as the one directly liable for the said deficiency taxes.
The petition is DENIED for being MOOT and ACADEMIC in view of Asia
International Auctioneers, Inc.'s (AlA) availment of the Tax Amnesty Program under RA
9480. Accordingly, the outstanding deficiency taxes of AlA are deemed fully settled.