Corporate Image
Corporate Image
Corporate Image
An Empirical Study of Corporate Brand Image, Customer Perceived Value and Satisfaction
on Loyalty in Shoe Industry
Abstract: A positive corporate brand image is not only increasing competition but also encourage
consumers to repurchase. With loyal customers, companies can reduce the operating cost and acquisition
expenses. This initial study was from relevant literature, then set up research structure and hypotheses.
Survey was employed, and respondents collected from the customers of ASO in Taiwan. There were 208
usable questionnaires to analyze descriptive statistics, reliability, validity, and SEM model. Based on the
research results, corporate brand image significantly affects customer perceived value, customer
satisfaction and loyalty; customer perceived value has strong impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty
for the sample; and customer satisfaction significantly affects customer loyalty. Therefore, companies
should have a positive brand image to customers, and specifically focus on those factors in order to build
a long-term and mutually profitability relationships with customers and create loyalty as competitive
advantages in the markets. The study focuses on the industry of shoes in Taiwan, and adopts only a
quantitative method. Future research could employ a different design to examine the causal relationships
posited by the theories, and extension the study to discuss mediation or moderation among dimensions.
1. Introduction
ASO, found in 1952, is one of the most popular retail elephants of shoes in Taiwan. In the earlier age, ASO,
in the minds of the older generation of consumers, represent a name of durable and comfortable shoes. As
long as ever being ASO customers, the repurchasing rate is high, and ASO builds quite successful
relationships on customer loyalty. However, for younger people, the name of the ASO sound is a local
brand, and in this area of development the young consumer groups is blank. ASO set out to change the CIS
corporate image in 2003, and ASO is as a new brand. They focus on value-added brand in order to obtain
the majority competitive strength in the shoe marketing in Taiwan. Presently, ASO has 250 distribution
channels, and annual revenue increased from US$ 40 million in 2003 to US$120 million in 2011 (ASO,
2013). Park, Jaworski and Maclnnis (1986) reported that brand could be a symbol or sign to identify the
product for customers and have better competitive advantage and increased market share. Davies, Chun,
Da Silva and Roper (2003) indicated that anything can be a brand, such as a company, corporate or name.
Roth (1994) indicated that brand image was customer reactions mixed with marketing programs by the
manufacturer. Ind (1997) reported that when consumers purchase products from a company, they not
only buy products but also receive a set of values form the company. Corporate brands are a sum of
values representing the corporate (Ind, 1997), and a positive corporate brand image is not only help
companies to increase competition but also encourage consumers to re-purchases (Porter & Claycomb,
1997). Moliner, Sanchez, Rodriguez and Callarisa (2007) defined customer perceived value is the
perceived worth in functional value of goods or service quality and price, emotional value of feeling, and
social value of social impact from self-experiences and other alternatives.
Webster (1994) reported that customers have become the most important strategic resources. Berry and
Parasuraman (1991) indicated that it will be higher cost of five to seven times for attracting a new
customer than keep an existing one. Oliver and Swan (1989) also posited that most dissatisfied customers
did not complain. Many researchers pointed out that with loyal customers, companies can increase
revenue. Loyal customers are less price sensitive, and the premiums of loyal customers increase 8 percent
annually in the personal insurance industry (Reichheld & Teal, 1996). Loyal customers are willing to
purchase frequently, try the firms’ other products or services, and bring new customers to the firms
(Reichheld & Sasser, 1990). It is important ways of maximizing retention and minimizing defections of
customer for companies to increase market share (Verhoef, 2003). Reichheld and Teal (1996) further
indicate that customer loyalty provides a foundation for a firm to examine their marketing strategy,
relationship quality improvement activities, and value creation program. Customer satisfaction has
shown as an important factor to impact tendencies of attitude and behavior toward chosen brands (Lei &
Jolibert, 2012). Morgan (2000) reported that it can increase the customer satisfaction of usage with the
good brand image, and recommend to other people. Romaniuk and Sharp (2003) also found that both
brand image and customer satisfaction have positive relationship. Customer satisfaction is an important
driver to customer loyalty and the success of businesses (Oliver, 1997). Studies have found positive
evidence on the direct relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty of repeat purchase, less
price sensitive, cross-buying behavior, and profit (Bloemer & Odekerken-Schroder, 2002; Ibrahim &
Najjar, 2008; Oliver, 1997). However, several studies (Dimitriades, 2006; Jones, 1996; Woodruff, 1997)
show that satisfied customers do defect. For example, when customers say they are satisfied, they still
purchase elsewhere (Jones, 1996). Marketing exists to deliver more value to satisfy customers as well as
build a long-term and mutually profitability relationship with customer (Kotler, 2005). Thus, the purpose
of this study is to explore the influences of corporate brand image, customer perceived value and
customer satisfaction on customer loyalty for retail stores of shoes.
2. Literature Review
Corporate brand image: Magid, Anthony and Dena (2006) reported that brand image was customer
responses to brand name, sign, or impression, and represented the product quality, too. Brand image was
a set of assets and liabilities, and it linked with brand name and sign that the assets and liabilities could
increase or reduce the value by providing products or services to customers (Magid, Anthony & Dena,
2006). Porter and Claycomb (1997) reported that brand image could be measured from two dimensions
including the symbol and function, and the items focused on the utility of the brand regarding the
function, and contained symbolic image. Keller (1993) defined brand image is a perception about a brand
held in consumer memory. Corporate brands are intangible assets for companies that are difficult to
imitate, and it is different from products brands as emphasizing the important of brand values
(De-Chernatony, 1999). Consumers more favorable the image has higher perceived in quality, value,
satisfaction and loyalty (Johnson, Andreessen, Lervik & Cha, 2001). Aaker (1996) measured brand image
through three dimensions, such as (1) brand value, (2) brand characteristics, and (3) brand associations.
Wu (2011) reported that corporate image is an important antecedent of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Selnes (1993) also confirmed that corporate brand image has the influence on brand loyalty. In contrast,
Davies and Chun (2002) found that corporate brand image had an indirect influence on brand loyalty.
Customer perceived value: Zeithaml (1988) indicated that customer perceived value is as “the
customer’s overall assessment of the utility of a product based on perceptions of what is received and
what is given” (p. 14). Customer perceived value (CPV) is identified by terms of value (Monroe, 1990;
Zeithaml, 1988) or customer value (Butz & Goodstein, 1996). Holbrook (1994) mentioned that customer
value is “the fundamental basis for all marketing activity” (p. 22). Sirdeshmukh, Singh and Sabol (2002)
reported that customer value is a super-ordinate goal as it is a behavioral intention. Sirdeshmukh et al.,
2002, also indicated that customer value regulates “behavioral intentions of loyalty toward the service
provider as long as such relational exchanges provide superior value” (p. 21). Chang and Wildt (1994)
posited that customer perceived value is a major contributor to purchase intention. Delivering value to
customers is to develop loyal customers who can increase purchase frequency, purchase quantity, and
avoid of switching behavior (Rust, Lemon & Zeithaml, 2004). Therefore, transferring customer value is
the manner to building a firm’s competitive advantage (Lee & Overby, 2004; Ulaga & Chacour, 2001;
Woodruff, 1997). Petrick (2002) posited that perceived value of service comprises five dimensions
including quality, emotional response, monetary price, behavioral price, and reputation. Zeithaml (1988)
defined that CPV is the consumer’s overall evaluation of a product based on perceptions of what is
received and what is given. Woodruff (1997) defined customer perceived value is a process from
pre-purchase, transaction, and post purchase aspect in use situations. Zeithaml (1988) mentioned that
customer perceived value is a key elementary to decide customer loyalty; affects consumer purchasing
intention (Cronin, Brady, Brand, Hightower & Shemwell, 1997); and has a positive effect on customer
satisfaction (Patterson and Spreng, 1997).
Customer satisfaction: Joewono and Kubota (2007) indicated that customer satisfaction was from the
product and service evaluations according to the customer experiences as well as the overall
measurement on the consuming experience. According to Oliver (1997), satisfaction is defined from the
mixture of both affection (emotion) and cognition approach as “the consumer’s fulfillment response.
Zeithaml and Bitner (2000) indicated that customer satisfaction was multidimensional measurements
including service quality, product quality, scenario factor, personal factor, and price factor. Satisfaction
can be separated into two approaches either as a transaction-specific satisfaction (Olsen & Johnson,
2003) or as a cumulative satisfaction/ post-consumption satisfaction (Oliver, 1997). After 1990s, many
researchers view satisfaction as customers’ cumulative, after purchase, and overall judgment about
purchasing behavior (Johnson, Anderson, & Fornell, 1995; Engel & Blackwell, 1982; Hunt, 1977; Tse &
Wilton, 1988). Ostrom and Iacobucci (1995) announced that five dimensions can measure customer
satisfaction, such as (1) price of goods, (2) service efficiency, (3) attendant attitude, (4) overall
performance of the company, and (5) the closeness to the ideal company.
Customer satisfaction is viewed as influencing repurchase intentions and behavior, which, in turn, leads
to an organization’s future revenue and profits. DeMatos and Rossi (2008) reported that satisfied
customers will provide positive word-of-mouth communications to others. In contrast, Bowen and
Shoemaker (2003) indicated that satisfied customers may not spread positive word-of-mouth
communications, because companied may does not deliver what customers need or want (Roig, Garcia,
Tena & Monzonis, 2006). Customer satisfaction is an important driver to customer loyalty and the success
of businesses (Oliver, 1997). Studies have found positive evidence on the direct relationship between
customer satisfaction and loyalty of repeat purchase, less price sensitive, cross-buying behavior, and
profit (Bloemer & Odekerken-Schroder, 2002; Ibrahim & Najjar, 2008; Oliver, 1997). However, several
studies (Dimitriades, 2006; Jones, 1996; Woodruff, 1997) show that satisfied customers do defect. For
example, when customers say they are satisfied, they still purchase elsewhere (Jones, 1996).
Customer loyalty: Oliver (1997) defined customer loyalty is as “a deeply held commitment to re-buy or
re-patronize a preferred product or service consistently in the future, despite situational influences and
marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior” (p. 392). Customer loyalty can be
classified as brand loyalty, service loyalty, and store loyalty (Dick & Basu, 1994). Customer loyalty is a
strategy that creates mutual rewards to benefit firms and customers (Reichheld & Detrick, 2003). With
loyal customers, companies can maximize their profit because loyal customers are willing to (1) purchase
more frequently; (2) spend money on trying new products or services; (3) recommend products and
services to others; and (4) give companies sincere suggestions (Reichheld & Sasser, 1990). Between the
frequency of loyalty and repurchase has been complicated by the buyer switching behavior due to the
individual level and the market level (Breivik & Thorbjornsen, 2008). Jones and Sasser (1995) indicated
that customer intention could be measured by their future intentions to repurchase product or service
again, and customer repurchase intention can be measured by making relationship with customer, and it
is a significant indicator of future behavior. Thus, loyalty links the success and profitability of a firm
(Eakuru & Mat, 2008). Customer loyalty is commonly distinguished in three approaches including
behavioral loyalty approach (Grahn, 1969); attitudinal loyalty approach (Bennett & Rundle-Thiele, 2002;
Jacoby, 1971; Jacoby & Chestnut, 1978), and integration of attitudinal and behavioral loyalty approach
(Dick & Basu, 1994; Jacoby, 1971; Jacoby & Chestnut, 1978; Oliver, 1997). Oliver (1997) reported that
there are four stages for customers to be a loyal customer: (1) a cognitive sense (belief); (2) the affective
sense (favored attitude); (3) conative stage that consumers have a behavioral intention; and (4) action.
Therefore, viewing loyalty as an attitude-behavior relationship allows integrated investigation of
antecedents and consequences of customer loyalty (Dick & Basu, 1994).
The theoretical propositions inform the development of following hypothesized model and research
H1 Perceived Value H4
Corporate H2 Customer
Brand Image Loyalty
H3 Customer H6
Research hypotheses:
H1: The corporate brand image is a direct path, and significantly affects the customer perceived value.
H2: The corporate brand image is a direct path, and significantly affects the customer loyalty.
H3: The corporate brand image is a direct path, and significantly affects the customer satisfaction.
H4: The customer perceived value is a direct path, and significantly affects the customer loyalty.
H5: The customer perceived value is a direct path, and significantly affects the customer satisfaction.
H6: The customer satisfaction is a direct path, and significantly affects the customer loyalty.
3. Methodology
A quantitative, non-experimental, and explanatory (correlational) study was conducted to assess the
relationships among corporate brand image, customer perceived value and customer satisfaction on
customer loyalty.
Instrumentation: A five-part questionnaire for the study was developed by the researchers in order to
measure the research variables. In the questionnaire, five of the items were designed to examine
corporate brand image according to the theory of Ind in 1997 and De Chertanony in 2000; five of the
items were developed to test customer perceived value according to the theory of Moliner, Sanchez,
Rodriguez and Callarisa in 2007; five of the items were designed to examine customer satisfaction
according to the theory of Oliver in 1997; and five of the items were developed to test customer loyalty
according to the theory of Reichheld and Sasser in 1990. All variables are by means of a five-point Likert
scale, and ranged from strongly agree (5) to strongly disagree (1). These socio-demographic questions
and the coding schemes used included: Gender: 1 = male; 2 = female. Age: 1 = under 25; 2 = 25–35; 3 =
36–45; and 4 = over 46. Frequency of purchase: 1 = 1 time/year or below; 2 = 2 times/year; 3 = 3
times/year; and 4 = 4 times/year or over.
Population: In this study, the survey was distributed to customers in a public area through face-to-face
invitation outside the main entrance of ASO in Taipei city and New Taipei city, which is a famous store
and focuses on products of shoes during the weekday and weekend. The systematic random sampling
plan was employed to select participants. Every fifth customer was invited. If the fifth customer is not
willing to participate, the next eligible customer was selected. When customers agreed to participate,
participants were given a survey questionnaire on a clipboard, and retrieved the questionnaire after
Methods of data analysis: Hair, Black, Babin, and Anderson (2010) indicated that structural equation
modeling (SEM) has become a popular multivariate approach because it provides a means of assessing
theories that is conceptually appealing. AMOS software (version 18.0), which includes an SEM package
with maximum likelihood estimation, was used to test both the measurement and the structural models
that related to the research hypotheses listed. The present research also made use of a number of criteria
to determine the inclusion of items and the goodness of fit of the model. Hair et al. (2010) suggested a
six-stage procedure for employing SEM, which the research also followed here.
4. Results
There were 217 questionnaires returned, but 9 questionnaires were incomplete or consistent answers.
All questionnaires were coded for statistical analysis using the SPSS 14.0. From the 208 respondents, in
total, 77 (37.0%) respondents were male and 131 (63.0%) were female. 13 (6.3%) of the respondents
were under 25 years old, 57 (27.4%) were between 25 and 35, 78 (37.5%) were between 36 and 45 and
60 (28.8%) were older than 45. In the study, 175 (84.1%) respondents had frequency of purchase one
time per year or under, 30 (14.4%) had frequency of purchase two times per year, 2 (1.0%) had
frequency of purchase three times per year, and 1 (.5%) had frequency of purchase four times per year or
The univariate normality of the skewness and kurtosis values and the multivariate normality were used
to assess the normality. The most commonly used critical values of univariate normality are ±3 and ±10
(Kline, 1998). In the study, all the values of skewness were between -.54 and .05, and the values of
peakedness lay between -.62 and .80. The observed variables all had univariate normal distributions. The
value of Mardia statistic is for multinormality measurement, and it is constructed a test based on
skewness and kurtosis. Bollen (1989) indicated that if the value of Mardia is smaller than p(p+2), p
indicating the amount of observed variables, all dimensions are multinormality. In the study, the value of
Mardia is 12.07, smaller than 20(20+2), indicating multivariate normality distribution. The validity of the
construct was measured using the convergent and discriminant validity. The convergent validity was
used to determine whether scale items converged on a single construct during measurement (Steenkamp
& Van Trijp, 1991). This was determined from the evaluation of the factor loadings (which must be at
least 0.5), composite reliability (at least 0.6) and average extracted variance (at least 0.5) in the study
(Hair et al. 2010; Fornell & Larcker, 1981). In the structural models, all the factor-loading estimates were
higher than .50, all the composite reliability (CR) values ranged from .78 to .87, and all the extracted
average values of variance lay between .41 and .57, as shown in Tables 1.
Table 1: Standardized parameter estimates, composite reliability and average variance extracted
values for the structural model
Construct Indicator Standardized Parameter Estimates AVE CR
CBI 1 .58
CBI 2 .67
CBI 3 .76 .44 .80
Brand Image
CBI 4 .78
CBI 5 .50
Customer PV 1 .56
.41 .78
Perceived Value PV 2 .58
PV 3 .71
PV 4 .70
PV 5 .65
CS 1 .69
CS 2 .75
CS 3 .79 .57 .87
CS 4 .80
CS 5 .74
CL 1 .50
CL 2 .58
CL 3 .70 .42 .78
CL 4 .75
CL 5 .69
Bagozzi and Phillips (1982) stated that metrics support discriminant validity if the upper and lower limits
of the computed confidence interval did not include the number 1. In the present research, a model was
constructed for each of the 6 paired correlations of the latent variables. Then, the correlation was set
between the two constructs to 1, and a 95 percent confidence interval was applied in order to apply a
bootstrap. As the results, all values of paired correlations of the latent variables were from .21 to .84, the
number 1 is not included with the upper and lower limits of the confidence interval, which indicates
discriminant validity among the theoretical constructs. The results of the SEM model shown in Figure 2
were obtained using AMOS 18.0, and the model fits are reported in Table 2. The overall model fit χ2 was
259.35 with 164 degrees of freedom. The p-value associated with this result was .000. The value of
RMSEA, an absolute fit index, was .05. This value is smaller than the guideline value of .08 for a model
with 20 measured variables and a sample size of 208. Therefore, RMSEA supports the model fit. The value
of GFI (.89) was slight lower than the guideline value. RMR had a value .04. SRMR (.045) was smaller than
.05. The normed χ2 was 1.58. This measure is the chi-square value divided by the number of degrees of
freedom. A number smaller than 3.0 is considered to be very good. Thus, the normed χ 2 suggests an
acceptable fit for the structural model.
In the SEM model, the CFI had a value of .94, which exceeds the CFI guidelines for a model of this
complexity and sample size. The other incremental fit indices (NFI = .85) is slight lower than the
suggested cutoff values. All the incremental fit indices presented an acceptable fit. The parsimony index of
AGFI had a value of .86 and the PNFI was .73. Both indices were considered to represent a good model fit,
given the acceptable critical value. The overall structural fit results of these analyses showed that the
model provides a reasonable fit.
Table 2: Comparisons of goodness-of-fit indices of SEM models
For H1, The value of the standardized parameter estimates was .58. The standard error was .14, and the
t-value was significant (p = 4.64***). For H2, The value of the standardized parameter estimates was .19.
The standard error was .09, and the t-value was significant (p = 1.98*). For H3, The value of the
standardized parameter estimates was .24. The standard error was .19, and the t-value was significant (p
= 2.19*). For H4, The value of the standardized parameter estimates was .51. The standard error was .11,
and the t-value was significant (p = 4.02***). For H5, The value of the standardized parameter estimates
was .25. The standard error was .17, and the t-value was significant (p = 2.30*). For H6, The value of the
standardized parameter estimates was .28. The standard error was .04, and the t-value was significant (p
= 2.82**).
Table 3: Standardized parameter estimates for the structural model
Hypotheses Estimates S. E. t-value
H1 .58 .14 4.64***
H2 .19 .09 1.98*
H3 .24 .19 2.19*
H4 .51 .11 4.02***
H5 .25 .17 2.30*
H6 .28 .04 2.82**
* p< .05. ** p< .01. *** p<.001.
Figure 2: SEM Model
.58*** Perceived Value .51***
5. Conclusion
The results show that the corporate brand image is a direct path, and significantly affects the customer
perceived value, therefore, the hypothesis 1 is supported. The result is consistent with the findings of
Huang in 2009. The corporate brand image is a direct path, and significantly affects the customer loyalty;
therefore, the hypothesis 2 is supported. The result is consistent with the findings of Davies Chun and
Roper in 2003. The corporate brand image is a direct path, and significantly affects the customer
satisfaction; therefore, the hypothesis 3 is supported. The result is consistent with the findings of Eakuru
and Mat in 2008. The customer perceived value is a direct path, and significantly affects the customer
loyalty; therefore, the hypothesis 4 is supported. The result is consistent with the findings of Johnson,
Andreessen, Lervik, and Cha in 2001. The customer perceived value is a direct path, and significantly
affects the customer satisfaction; therefore, the hypothesis 5 is supported. The result is consistent with
the findings of Johnson, Andreessen, Lervik, and Cha in 2001. The customer satisfaction is a direct path,
and significantly affects the customer loyalty; therefore, the hypothesis 6 is supported. The result is
consistent with the findings of Ogba & Tan in 2009.
Based on the research results, corporate brand image significantly affects customer perceived value,
customer satisfaction and loyalty; customer perceived value has strong impact on customer satisfaction
and loyalty for the sample; and customer satisfaction significantly affects customer loyalty. Therefore,
companies should have a positive brand image to customers, and specifically focus on those factors in
order to build a long-term and mutually profitability relationships with customers and create loyalty as
competitive advantages in the markets. The study focuses on the industry of shoes in Taiwan, and adopts
only a quantitative method. Although the SEM provides a good fit to the hypothesized model, future
research could employ a different design to examine the causal relationships posited by the theories, and
extension the study to discuss mediation or moderation among dimensions.
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