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Diagram Parallel Flange Channels to IS 808: 1989 (Reaffirmed 1999) Edition 4.1 (1992-07)
Mass Depth Width Thickness Radius Flange Depth Shear centre Second Moment Radius Elastic Elastic Plastic Plastic Buckling Torsional Warping Torsional
Section per of of of of Taper between Position from of Area of Gyration Modulus Neutral Modulus Neutral Parameter Index Constant Constant
Designation Metre Section section Web Flange Root Toe in fillets web cg Axis x-xAxis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-yAxis x-xAxis y-y Axis Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis Inertia
M h b s t r1 r2 α d eo Cs Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Cy Sx Sy Ceq u x H J
4 4 3 3 cm 3 3 cm 6 4
Home kg/m mm mm mm mm mm mm degrees mm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm dm cm
1 ISMCP 75 #### 75 40 4.8 7.5 8.5 4.5 0 43 1.58 2.72 78.9 13.7 2.94 1.23 21 5.24 1.38 25.2 9.53 0.926 0.926 8.22 0.00012 1
2 ISMCP 100 #### 100 50 5 7.7 9 4.5 0 66.6 1.96 3.36 194 29.4 3.99 1.55 38.7 8.78 1.65 45.5 16 1 0.93 11 0.00047 2
3 ISMCP 125 #### 125 65 5.3 8.1 9.5 5 0 89.8 2.59 4.46 424 69.3 5.06 2.04 67.9 15.9 2.13 78.7 28.9 1.32 0.93 13.2 0.00175 3
4 ISMCP 125* #### 125 66 6 8.1 9.5 5 0 89.8 2.56 4.37 438 74.2 5 2.06 70 16.5 2.11 81.7 30.2 1.15 0.922 12.8 0.00186 3
5 ISMCP 150 #### 150 75 5.7 9 10 5 0 112 2.99 5.16 794 120 6.1 2.37 106 23.8 2.45 122 43.2 1.51 0.934 14.5 0.00437 5
6 ISMCP 150* #### 150 76 6.5 9 10 5 0 112 2.95 5.03 818 128 6.02 2.38 109 24.7 2.41 127 45.1 1.28 0.926 14.1 0.00463 5
7 ISMCP 175 #### 175 75 6 10.2 10.5 6 0 133.6 2.94 5.03 1242 138 7.06 2.36 142 27 2.39 164 49.5 1.33 0.94 15.4 0.00686 7
8 ISMCP 175* #### 175 77 7.5 10.2 10.5 6 0 133.6 2.87 4.82 1316 155 6.9 2.37 150 28.9 2.32 177 53.1 0.959 0.925 14.7 0.00766 8
9 ISMCP 200 #### 200 75 6.2 11.4 11 6 0 155.2 2.90 4.94 1836 157 8.03 2.35 184 30.5 2.35 213 55.9 1.21 0.943 16.2 0.0102 9
10 ISMCP 200* #### 200 76 7.5 11.4 11 6.5 0 155.2 2.81 4.69 1914 168 7.86 2.33 191 31.5 2.26 225 58 0.876 0.93 15.7 0.0109 10
11 ISMCP 225 #### 225 80 6.5 12.4 12 6.5 0 176.2 3.09 5.25 2719 209 9.04 2.51 242 37.9 2.49 280 69.5 1.24 0.944 17 0.0172 12
12 ISMCP 225* #### 225 83 9 12.4 12 7 0 176.2 2.96 4.88 2967 245 8.72 2.51 264 41.3 2.37 313 75.6 0.867 0.921 15.9 0.0201 16
13 ISMCP 250 #### 250 80 7.2 14.1 12 7 0 197.8 3.03 5.1 3843 240 9.93 2.48 307 43.2 2.44 359 79.4 1.08 0.943 16.9 0.0242 18
14 ISMCP 250* #### 250 82 9 14.1 12 7 0 197.8 2.93 4.84 4085 268 9.69 2.48 327 45.9 2.36 388 83.9 0.87 0.927 16.3 0.0269 21
15 ISMCP 250* #### 250 84 11 14.1 12 7 0 197.8 2.82 4.58 4345 295 9.47 2.47 348 48.5 2.31 419 88.3 0.97 0.912 15.3 0.0296 27
16 ISMCP 300 #### 300 90 7.8 13.6 13 7 0 246.8 3.27 5.41 6433 352 11.8 2.76 429 54.5 2.54 502 99.5 0.771 0.931 21 0.0522 20
17 ISMCP 300* #### 300 92 10 13.6 13 7 0 246.8 3.10 5.02 6916 390 11.4 2.72 461 57.5 2.42 551 104 0.88 0.912 19.8 0.058 26
18 ISMCP 300* #### 300 94 12 13.6 13 7 0 246.8 2.98 4.74 7366 424 11.2 2.69 491 60.3 2.36 596 110 0.98 0.897 18.3 0.0634 34
19 ISMCP 350 #### 350 100 8.3 13.5 14 8 0 295 3.52 5.76 10116 498 13.6 3.02 578 67.7 2.66 680 123 0.777 0.921 24.7 0.103 24
20 ISMCP 400 #### 400 100 8.8 15.3 15 8 0 339.4 3.45 5.61 15246 573 15.5 3 762 77.4 2.6 901 140 0.797 0.919 25.8 0.154 33
* The heavier section in each size are intended for use in the wagon industry.
SteelIS20070710 Note: Value Colours: Blue=Basic dimensions; Black=Calculated values Compiled & calculated by Techno Consultants Ltd, April 200

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