Training Need Analysis: General
Training Need Analysis: General
Training Need Analysis: General
Section: ________________________________________
1. Are you a new employee or a longstanding employee of the company?
2. How long have you been in your present Job?
5B. What duties are no longer part of your job and can be deleted from your duty statement?
Job Analysis
6. Describe the tasks you regularly perform that are critical to carrying out your job
7. Describe the type of equipment you are required to use (for example, keyboard,
machinery, tools of trade, etc).
10. If you work as part of the team, do you perform the same of different work to members
of your team?
11. To what extent does your job require you to work closely with other people, such as
customers, clients or people in you organization?
12. How much autonomy is there in your job i.e. to what extent how do you decide how to
proceed with your work?
Training Needs
14. To perform your current job: What training do you still need (either on-the-job or a
formal course) to perform your current job competently (eg, Excel, bookkeeping, English as a
second language, etc)?
15. To perform other jobs in the organization: What other roles in the organization would
you be interested in doing if a vacancy became available (eg, transfer to another section,
supervisor position, etc)?
16. To perform other jobs in the organization: What training or experience would be required
(eg, machine operation, negotiation skills, Occupational Health and Safety Awareness, etc)?
18. What training or development do you need to help make this happen (eg, external degree
study, formal meeting procedures, leadership training, etc)?
Recognition of Prior Learning
19. What training have you attended with the last three years? (This will help identify if any
training sessions have been missed or if any refresher training is required.)
20. What training or skills have you acquired outside your current job that may be relevant
to the wider organization?
Action Plan
Agreed training and development to be provided over the next 12 months: (Record the
details of the training courses, on-the-job experiences, buddy systems or mentor arrangements,
and include the recommended dates the staff member can expect these to occur.)