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The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 1

-by Sister Naomi Curtin, SSND, Calvary, Wisconsin
TAKE A DEEP BREATH, EXHALE AND RELAX Sister Naomi is a member of the School Sisters of Notre Dame,
-by Dr. George DeSau, York, Pennsylvania a Roman Catholic order of educators. She organized the Guam
Dr. DeSau is a regular contributor to this newsletter. He has Educational Projects in which the Silva Method was taught to
been a global presenter of the Silva Method for more than 30 all students in three Catholic Schools on Guam. She earned
years and has made significant contribution to early research. her PhD in Education at the University of Oregon, then moved
As a psychologist, his background includes work in the fields of to Minnesota where she has taught the Basic Seminar in Min-
Education, Management Training, and Private Practice. His nesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin. Sister Naomi Curtin has
tapes, CHANGING LIMITING BELIEFS, WELLNESS AND taught the Silva Method for more than 25 years and although
RECOVERY, GOING WITHIN and POWER OF CHANGE she has moved to the SSND retirement place, she has no inten-
are available for sale from the Silva Method home office or click tions of retiring. She plans to present the Basic in Wisconsin.
the link: SHOP SILVA on the web site. For her schedule call her at:
Email: [email protected] (920) 753-2131 ext#2036 (9am to 9pm)
Email: [email protected]
-by Hilda Silva Rubio Laredo, Texas THE IMPORTANCE OF GRADUATE SUPPORT
Hilda, daughter of Jose Silva, is the creative Chairman of the - by Jennifer DeSau Barber
Board of Silva Method Inc. She is an artist, author (look for Jennifer DeSau Barber is a CSMI teaching in Central Pennsyl-
her book on growing up with the Silva Method). Hilda writes vania and Northern Maryland. She is the granddaughter of Dr.
a newsletter for instructors which may be read on the web site. George T. DeSau. Having been raised with The Silva Method,
She recently launched a site for Habit Control on the web site she knows how wonderful life can be using these techniques
MESSAGE BOARD. The following article is the one she wrote and enjoys sharing that information with others. She can be
to introduce the subject. reached at 717-757-1704, Toll Free 877-757-1704 or Email
Email: [email protected] [email protected].

TECHNIQUE -by Kain Samiya, Plano, Texas
-by Dr. Laszlo Domjan, MD. PhD, Hungary Kaykhosrow (Kain) Samiya holds a Bachelor of Science in
Dr. Laszlo Domjan is one of the most amazing individual Silva Computer Science and Mathematics and MS in Computer
instructors. He is a medical doctor; he translated the Silva Engineering from Iowa State University. He is currently
Mind Control Method by Jose Silva into the Hungarian lan- employed as Vice President of one of the top 10 Fortune 500
guage; a very effective lecturer (he has around 700 new people Companies. Kain excels in several sports such as scuba diving,
in each of his classes) and he presents the Ultra Seminar world skiing, weight lifting and running. Before Kain decided to teach
wide. He will be in Miami for the Silva Master Conference held the Silva Method he launched the Graduate Support Meetings
in conjunction with the Silva Convention. On your calendar, in Dallas. He now is certified to present the Silva Basic, Gradu-
mark August 2004 for that. Call him in Budapest, Hungary at ate, Ultra and The Self Healing Seminar, which he has created.
(361) 275-3842 and Email: [email protected] His Basic Seminars are held in Dallas almost every month. For
information call: (972) 618-7905 or Email:[email protected]
-by Margaret Lowen, St.Albans, West Virginia EXPANDING A SILVA TECHNIQUE, THREE
Margaret Lowen has co-taught with Becky Hickman for sev- FINGERS TECHNIQUE
eral years in Charleston, West Virginia and now teaches solo -by Dr. Lee Pascoe, Paris, France
since Becky has moved. Margaret brings to the Silva Basic Lee Pascoe has taught the Silva Method since 1988, has trained
Seminar a rich background in education. Her sense of humor 17 new instructors in French, assisted Jose Silva in the Lecturer
is evident in her email address. She also teaches the Graduate Development Seminar, launched Morocco, Guadalupe, Mar-
Seminar. For information call her at: (304)727-9646 or Email: tinique, New Caledonia, Luxemburg and re-launched Belgium.
[email protected]. Call Becky at (717) 530-8068, Mail to: She now is the Director for Paris and Luxemburg and travels to
[email protected] present the Graduate, Total Learning, Charisma and a seminar
on Hypnosis. She is a certified instructor and Board Certified
Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 2

Hypnotherapist of the National Guild of Hypnosis. Lee will be the dynamics and constant nature of change is critical to
presenting a seminar on Hypnosis at the Silva Masters Confer- understanding the present human condition. Change or the
ence which is scheduled in August, 2004 following the conven- “threat” of change is the greatest factor in producing anxiety,
tion. Her book, THE MAGIC OF MAKE-BELIEVE will be fear, hatred or disease. The awareness of change is so vital it is
published in French and be available April 2004. built into our neural sensory system. We look, listen, feel, and
Phone in France: (33) 2 32 34 45 42 even taste, constantly on guard for any newness (strangeness or
Email: [email protected] threat) in our environment. Unless we are comfortable enough
Website: to see change as having potential for positive experiences
and know we can be powerful participants in directing the
change, we often are conditioned to respond with some form of
indecision, anxiety, fear, hate or disease.
“TAKE A DEEP BREATH, Some may be inclined to pass over the strength that resides in
EXHALE AND RELAX” the ability to relax and control the physical and mental in such a
Dr. George T. DeSau
way that we not only tolerate change but are able to personally
become strong participants in the change process. To have the
In the arena of human behavior, there is no more destructive
ability “to take a deep breath, exhale and relax” A is the key that
force than mis- directed energy that manifests under the verbal
opens the door into all the potential we can indeed imagine.
magic names of indecision, anxiety, fear, hate or disease. Such
Once entered, a program such as the Silva Method gives us, as
a perception is true not only for today’s living. It also allows
individuals, techniques and understanding to powerfully shape
for an understanding of history with its tragic and destructive
our lives. Indeed, most of the responsibility for development
conflicts of individuals and nations. Unless a change takes place
and implementation is placed with the individual who can
that allows individuals to become responsible for directing
make their own choices.
their energies in a more positive, loving and humanistic way,
unlearned lessons from the past present us with the blueprints
Over the years, experiences in instructing the Basic Lecture
for a predictable and horrendous future.
Series and the Graduate Lecture Series has brought me into
situations where graduates were doing things by the “sweat of
It seems almost disrespectful to suggest that the direction
their brow.” When suggested that they could use one of the
mankind will take depends not upon decisions by world and
appropriate techniques learned in the Basic Lecture Series,
local leaders (whose promises far outstrip their performances),
there is usually a look of puzzlement, some confusion and a
economics or scientific advances but upon an individual’s
response with an underlying sense that they had gotten away
ability to “take a deep breath, exhale and relax” A and enter
from using the techniques. Wrapped in this response is much
that area of internal creative self control. Simplistic? Perhaps
of the secret of individual development. Used correctly it leads
B but do recall that all our complexity and division has not
to individual delight and excitement of living. Non-use may
relieved us of our present condition of increasing personal and
lead to regression and a sensing of being helpless and living in
international tensions, hostility and inhumanity.
states of fear, anxiety, or disease. The paradox is that we have
not used the Silva Method because it does not work B we fail to
The ability to “take a deep breath, exhale and relax” can be
use it because we know that IT DOES WORK.
the entre to first directing a harmonious relationship within
in terms of body, emotions and spirit. When this self control
To use what we know will CHANGE our conditions. No longer
condition exists, then it becomes meaningful to believe and
dependent on others telling us what to do or believe. Personal
seek harmonious relationships between individuals, groups
experiences as well as experiences of other graduates tell us
and nations. It needs be emphasized that in this state of self
this is so. It is the intent of this article and those that follow
control, we are less prone to being manipulated by fear. Fear is a
to explore with you the human condition and the human
condition which is becoming pandemic.
potential. In this respect self control and change will be ever
present themes.
In this respect, with more than 6,000,000 graduates world wide,
there is tremendous potential for the Silva Method to have
Your personal challenge is to think about, feel and look at
an international impact to CHANGE and better the human
what you have been doing since you first encountered the Silva
Method. To change, develop, dream and cause your dreams to
become real does take courage. Support and aid can be found
To state that the only constant is change, is perhaps stating
with others who share your knowledge. Certainly pointing
the obvious. Yet, the recognition and understanding of
Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 3

to the value of repeating the Basic Lecture Series, attending me sat a gentleman with the largest piece of heaven covered with
Graduate Meetings or the Graduate Lecture Series. However, bright red cherries and a mountain of whipped cream! The largest
in the last analysis, it takes the personal courage to “take a deep slice of cheesecake that I had ever seen!
breath, exhale and relax.”
I had been on my diet for 2 weeks and had reduced 3 pounds.
I felt like a spoiled child, pouting and miserable. I wanted that
cheesecake. Betty asked me what I was going to eat and I said,
“I want all that the menu has to offer.” “But Hilda, what about
HABIT CONTROL your diet?” Betty asked. Then I began to think: It’s Sunday and
-by Hilda Silva Rubio you know how when, you are on a diet and you have done
great with it, Sunday comes around and you reward yourself by
I was listening to Dr. Phil, on the Today Show, this morning but eating a little of everything that your mouth desires and your
I only got the end of the program. He was talking about weight mind says “alright it’s Sunday.” Then Monday, Tuesday and
control and of how we think can affect our bodies. This is what Wednesday come around and you don’t see a weight gain in
Bruce Lipton has spoken of also. Dr. Bruce Lipton speaks often those days that followed. This I used to my advantage. I was
about how our thoughts dictate our lives. This we have known at that time 263 pounds and five foot two inches in height and
for eons and yet we continue with negative programming. By I decided to make everyday my Sunday.I ordered all that I
this I mean, what is the one main thing that we say when we see wanted including the cheesecake but before I ate I closed my
a big, luscious piece of creamy cheesecake dripping with your eyes, took a deep cleansing breath and said the following: “This
favorite topping? food will help me reduce in weight for better health and my
mind and body will be satisfied.”
Do you say, “If I eat all of that giant piece of mouth watering
pie conceived by a heavenly beings, I will stay at the weight I am That night before going to bed I went to level and used the
at?” NO! We are in the habit of saying, mirror of the mind technique. In the blue frame I saw myself
“If I even look at that cheese cake I will gain weight instantly!” standing on a scale and it read 263. I saw a big belly with “wide
Why do we do this to ourselves? load” hips and I saw the size label of my blouse, which read
SimpleY Life long programming has been that if anything 4x and the size label of my pants that read 26W. I had a sad
tastes good it must be bad for you. It doesn’t have to be unhappy face. I then moved over to the white frame and saw
that way. I know a simple affirmation to conquer this self- myself standing on the scale and it read 220! The labels on my
destructive habit, just say “Cancel, Cancel” to erase the negative blouse, were now 2x and my pants were 20W! I was smiling.
programming from our life. The next night I put all my energy on only the white frame.
This too can work with dieting. Like I said earlier, the way REACH THIS FIRST SHORT TERM GOAL. I continued to
we think can and does affect our everyday living. Dr. Lipton say this affirmation with everything that I ate and drank. After
states that our thoughts affect us all the way to our genes. He 2 months I had not gained weight and I then began to shed the
has written several books “The Biology of Perception / The pounds the day after the second month was completed.
Psychology of Change” and “The Biology of Belief: How your
Thoughts Affect Your Genes,” that explain it in great detail. When I reached the weight of 220 pounds I went to level again
My father, Jose Silva, had the same beliefs since 1966 when he and used the blue frame in which I weighted in on the scale at
presented the first BLS Class. 220 pounds, saw the label and my smiling. I then went to the
white frame and saw myself at 190 pounds and the labels of
I am going to put Dr. Lipton’s books in a condensed form so my blouse now read 20-22 and my pant size an 18. DO NOT
that everyone can understand. “You are how you think.” If USE THE BLUE FRAME AGAIN TILL YOU REACH THE
you go around saying, “I am so fat and ugly”, then guess what? SECOND SHORT TERM GOAL.
Eventually the mirror won’t lie! Just like if one goes around
saying, “I am such a piggy,” then your body will begin to round I then added another phrase to my affirmation. “This food
out in the shape of a pig, minus the nose and curly tail but the will help me reduce in weight for better health and my mind,
body will round OUT like a pig’s. my body and my mouth will be satisfied.” This I added
simply because my appetite was huge and I wanted a faster yet
I began a new lifestyle in January 2001. Houston, Texas, Instructor permanent reduction and I didn’t like the look of shock that I
Training, with presenters Betty Perry and Mandy Bass. We were got from all those who saw me eat!
standing in line to order food at a local Smoke House when I
turned around and saw a most wonderful sight: Directly behind

Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 4

I have gone from a size 4x blouse to an 18-20 and from a size 26

pant to a 14 in a little over two years! Yes the reduction is slow
compared to other diets but it has stayed off. It is less of a shock MIRROR OF THE MIND
to the system, it is easy and I feel great! TECHNIQUE EFFECTIVELY
- by Laszlo Domjan MD, Ph.D. (Hungary)
How can, this work? Well, let me explain it to you. The sub-
conscious or what I like to call, my mind’s mind, does not 1. Writing your goal down in positively phrased, present tense,
know when you are telling it a truth or lie. Just like when you declaratory or affirmation format is useful. For example: “I
tell a small child not to jump on the bed, that child or any child keep my back straight.” “I am easygoing and confident.” “I take
overhearing the order, will most defiantly jump on the bed. relaxed, precision foul shots on the basketball court.” “I earn
You did not explain them the reasons why not to jump so the YYYYY $ per month.” “I am perfectly healthy.” “My cousin has
order becomes a picture in their mind as to how high they can found her ideal partner.” “I’ve sold my car for the XXX price I
jump. When you go on to explain that you don’t want them to wanted to get”
jump on the bed because you love them, don’t want them to fall
and get hurt, then it becomes a picture in their mind as to what 2. If the thought of truly achieving the end goal is too
dangers can happen. unbelievable, break the process up into believable steps. Only
program for that which you can at least partly believe to be
The sub-conscious can and does create images and has a nasty achievable.
habit of eaves dropping into all conversations and believing
them all. Get your sub-conscious to listen to what you are 3. If, during programming, you become anxious or tense about
saying about the food. Never allow your mind’s mind to hear the goal because it is so important, then take a deep breath and
you say or think, “I can’t eat that because it will go right to my relax your body again. You achieve the greatest and fastest
hips.” Or “ If I eat that I will gain weight.” Change your way results by staying relaxed while really “pre-living” the outcome
of thinking. You don’t even have to believe in what you are you desire.
saying, your mind’s mind will and eventually you will too. Like
with any diet or life changing eating program, there will come a 4. During each programming session, staying on a particular
time when your weight will slow down or stop. This is called a goal until you do truly feel intense desire and strong belief is
“Plateau.” Despair not, this happens when the body takes time most beneficial. If this feeling wells up quickly, then feel free to
to shrink, eventually the weight will begin to drop again. move on to your next goal. If this feeling develops only slowly,
I would like to hear from everyone who uses this eating change. then spend more time programming for it.
If you feel that you will do better with a low fat, or low sodium
or in combination of any other food regiment then incorporate 5. Feel free to deliberately pick and choose which “mental
it by all means. The main concept here is to CHANGE THE pictures” you want to focus on. Freely choose various aspects
WAY YOU THINK. or scenes connected to your realized goal to make your
programming colorful or entertaining C to keep your attention
Remember that there is no such thing as failure, just another focused on your goal.
chance to begin again the following day. My aim is to reach 160
pounds within the next 6 months. If you would like to join me 6. Imagine only your end goal or objective and feel the
on this new life changing adventure let me know. We will keep happiness of having achieved it! You need not concern yourself
track and support each other on our quest for a healthier active with how the goal will be achieved.
lifestyle. Let me know how you do. I am very interested in your
progress. 7. If you are uncertain whether you should program for a goal
or if it is worthwhile, then ask your subconscious through one
of the three answer giving techniques (dream-controll, glass
of water technique, counselors). (You can also use a simple
mental technique like telling yourself at level, before going to
sleep, “When I awaken in the morning, the first thought that
comes to me will tell me whether I should program for YYY..
goal or not.” Then turn in and go to sleep. After awakening in
the morning, a rather strong thought answer can be expected.)

Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 5

8. Ending your programming with the - “May the best happen programmed to find a satisfying job. The day I met my new
for all involved!” - approach inherently serves to allow only boyfriend was the same day I had an exciting job interview as
such programming to manifest which is truly useful, positive well. It felt fantastic finding out that I had been chosen from 40
and beneficial to all involved or affected by it. applicants.I feel my life to be flowing much more dynamically
since taking the course. I am full of life, full of energy and
9. If possible, you should make your programming charged charged by the desire to live happily and to help others be
with emotion. Be happy to have achieved your goal, but stay happy as well.” -N.N.
relaxed at level. (If you do get emotionally tense or wound up
during programming, repeat a process for relaxing your body.) “I traveled from Germany to Hungary to take the course. I had
a cyst on my left side and the doctors wanted to operate. I used
10. You need not necessarily “see” your goal! You can imagine the mirror of the mind technique. I decorated my white framed
what you will hear and feel when your goal is fulfilled and mirror with red roses because they are my favorite flower.
emotionally identify with it like your goal was already achieved. Every day I imagined the cyst getting smaller and smaller. One
The more senses you include in your programming, the week later, the scheduled operation day arrived. After doing an
stronger the programming. ultrasound examination, my doctor said he couldn’t even find
where the cyst had been. With experimental curiosity I started
11. You can picture your goal in a movie like, video “format”. sending mental messages to my husband. He is a German man
However, if you prefer using one mental still picture that vividly and a lumberjack by trade. Where we live in the countryside
represents your goal, and repeatedly projecting it with feeling, men do not usually help with housework. At alpha several times
that can be equally effective. I pictured my 100 kg. “forest bear” husband lwashing the dishes
dishes.Three days later he murmured, “You look so tired dear.
12. Never go back to repeat the dark framed problem image Today, I’ll wash the dishes.” We have been married for eight
because doing so would give it mental energy. years and this was the first time(Hopefully not the last) when I
saw my husband diligently scrubbing away.” -Erika S.
13. When your goal comes to mind during the day, you can
speed it along further by picturing the white framed image
while turning your eyes slightly upward. (Remember, you do
also program your mental computer while at the beta level
during the day B only the effect is less than when at alpha.)
14. Keep programming your goal until you achieve it, or until HICKMAN
you feel you had better focus on something else. You can even - by Margaret Lowen
think of each session in which you program for your goal like Hats off. We are doffing our hats and
you are making a deposit in the bank each time. When your bowing to Rebekah Hickman, better
account has accumulated enough money you can “buy” your known as Becky. Her warm smile,
goal. cheerful words, and fun- loving ways
are fixtures in the Silvalized world.
15. Thought is energy. Keep thinking of what you do want and
to keep your mind off of what you do not want! In 1998, she made a presentation at
the Silva Convention about growing
16. Make sure you have at least a basic level of desire and belief old with the Silva Method. Many
in connection with achieving the goal. thought it should have been growing
young with the Silva Method. That
17. Collect your goals and desires, and write down your goals was five years ago and she is still as enthusiastic as she was then.
on paper or in your Silva method journal. Rank and prioritize She just puts her three fingers together and goes on and on. At
them. Decide what you want to achieve within a month, within that time we told the story of her philosophy of life.
a year and within ten years.
The story takes place on a cruise ship. She was late getting to the
FINALLY SOME INSPIRING, HUNGARIAN Shore Excursion Desk. The rest of the party was already there
trying to decide on a trip that would suit everybody. When
“I programmed to meet the man of my dreams. We did
Becky came in someone mentioned a trip on the Martha Brae...
meet and we feel that we were created for each other, and that
Becky’s words were, “That sounds like fun. What is it?” That
neither of us had been this happy with anyone before.I also
Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 6

happened to be a raft trip down a river named the Martha Brae. great when our thoughts are positive, but what happens when
Becky was ready to go! What a wonderful approach to life! we fall into negative thinking? Negative thoughts also affect the
Becky’s philosophy: Look for the fun. Look for the joy. Look for molecular structure of our own bodies as well as those around
the good, and you will stay young! us, but in a negative unhealthy way.

Now Becky has cleared out her big house in West Virginian To better understand what happens at the molecular level,
and is now living with her daughter, Cindy, in Pennsylvania. let’s take a look at the beautiful book, Messages from Water
Becky is now traveling between Pennsylvania and her son, by Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher who has done some
Roy’s home in Georgia and son, Sam’s home in West Virginia. very creative and astounding work with the molecular structure
Her generous spirit, ready-for-anything attitude, and pleasant of water. Water easily adapts to its environment ... to steam,
personality make everyone want her around. frost and ice. And water also comprises over seventy percent of
an adult body as well as seventy percent of our planet. Ninety
While she may be the oldest active Silva instructor, we will not seven percent of the earth water is salt water. Of the remaining
go into age here. Suffice it to say that she is probably one of the three percent, only one percent is available for people, plants
youngest at heart. She has so many interests that keep her mind and animals. The other two percent is frozen in the polar ice
active and her body busy. She is taking up her art again, going caps and glaciers around the world.
to classes and polishing her skills. We hear that she is going to
do some chain-saw sculpture this fall. How is that for a change Mr. Emoto discovered that by freezing droplets of water and
of pace? When she moved, she found paintings in the attic, examining them under a dark field microscope with photo-
under the bed, and in various other places. Many of her friends graphic capabilities, he was getting a highly diversified molecu-
now have original “Becky Hickmans.” on their walls. lar structure, including the effects that humans and the different
environments had on the water. Water from pristine mountain
Besides art, she has other interests. She loves to go to grandson, streams and springs showed the beautifully formed geometric
Levi’s soccer games where she is known as chief fan. She loves designs in their crystal patterns; water from extremely polluted
talking with friends; pretty clothes (a little on the exotic side); areas did not form crystals.
collecting hats; cruising and teaching Silva.
Emoto’s book is illustrated with awesome photographs of beau-
She attends all the annual Silva conventions, goes on all the tiful crystals from spring water in Saijo, Japan and ice crystals
Silva cruises. She was organizer and hostess for the cruises for from the Antarctic estimated to be 370,000 years old, as well
several years. as water from areas. I was especially impressed with the pho-
tograph of the crystals from the fountain of Lourdes in France
A couple of broken bones and several falls have slowed down where each year over a million people from around the world
the dynamo but they haven’t stopped her. Her steps may be a take their fears and heartaches and replace them with feelings
little slower and she does not take as many of them as she once of peace and love. The crystal gives a sense of almost mystical
did, but every step she takes is an inspiration to those who glory.
know and love her. One of her recent Basic Seminar students
said, “She is an amazing instructor. I learned so much from her Polluted and toxic water from industrial and populated areas,
and she is now my role model.” and stagnant water from water pipes and storage dams, showed
distorted and randomly formed structures. The photograph
that really astounded me is from the Fujiwara Dam. The water
was stagnant and the droplet malformed, but after the Japanese
Book Review: Messages from Water priest, Reverend Kato, prayed for one hour beside this dam,
a beautiful crystal was formed from the water droplet. These
Author: Masaru Emoto
Reviewed by Sister Naomi Curtin, SSND frozen water crystals illustrate how our thoughts, words and
actions affect the molecular structure of everything within and
When we first heard the theme of our 2003 Silva International around us. The more positive our thoughts are, the more beau-
Convention, “Programming Peace at the Molecular Level,” tiful and healthy the results at the molecular level.
many of us wondered what it was really going to be about. - -
how would we program for world peace at the molecular level. In his book, Mr. Emoto shows us the power of our words and
thoughts on the molecular structure of water. He shows photo-
As long as we can remember, we’ve been told to be careful of graphs of water that has reacted to negative energy and expres-
what we think about because it may become a reality. This is sions and words such as “You make me sick. I will kill you.”

Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 7

Positive words such as “Love, Appreciation and Thank you” A great source of support is your local Graduate Group. If there
result in beautiful crystals. Even names affect the water. Mother isn’t one start one. Not many graduates in your area…share
Teresa of Calcutta’s name taped on a container overnight re- with friends and family the wonders that Jose Silva graciously
sulted in a beautiful crystal. Adolph Hitler’s name produced an shared with you. If there isn’t an instructor in your area, many
ugly picture. Another experiment was made with music. Heavy are willing to travel to teach the Basic Course – all you need to
metal music resulted in a distorted structure, while the classical do is ask. If it’s important, there is a way!
music resulted in beautiful crystals. This is the power our minds
have in affecting ourselves, all humans and all living organisms Because for every person who does better and better for
at the molecular level. themselves, it is better and better for all of humanity.

This book, Messages from Water, reinforces what we Silva

Graduates know about the power of the mind. The result we
get from our Glass of Water Technique is an excellent example.
This amazing and beautiful book may be ordered from the Silva POETRY USING THE THREE
Method Web Site at: Shop Silva. FINGERS TECHNIQUE
by Kaykhosrow (Kain) Samiya

After taking the BLS course in 1991, I set out a course of action
THE IMPORTANCE OF to explore various ways to use the Silva Method Three Fingers
GRADUATE SUPPORT Technique. In the training the only uses of the Three Fingers
by Jennifer DeSau Barber Technique were in reading a book, listening to lectures and in
test taking. Although others uses were hinted such as tapping
I was sitting, thinking about writing an article for the newsletter alpha at will. I really desired to write poetry in the style of an
when Intelligence recalled and incident a couple of days before ancient Persian poet, named Ferdowsi. Ferdowsi dates back to
the Miami Convention. about 1,000 years ago and his greatest contribution to the Per-
sian world is that he enlivened the Farsi language by writing the
I was on my way to LDS training at the resort when I saw Mac Book of Epics, which is 100,000 verses of pure Persian poetry
and Guillermo looking very frustrated at two large doors with about the ancient fables. It took Ferdowsi some 30 years of
a heavy chain wrapped around the handles. It was held firmly research and gathering of data before the Shah-Nameh (Book
in place by a large lock. This stood between them and what of Kings) manifested. I programmed my Three Fingers to act
they needed. All the materials to get ready for the convention, as a channel to write poetry with. I should mention that prior to
Security had not come to let them in and Max and Guillermo this moment I was very challenged in writing poetry, especially
had a lot of work to do. in coming up with words and phrases that rhymed.

I off-handedly said to Max, “You should be able to use your In a course of about one hour after programming my three
mind to get past those chains.” Max looked at me and a fingers, I channeled some 200 verses of poetry that came to me
calmness came over his face. He looked at the door, reached out after opening my eyes. All I could do during this one hour of
and started unscrewing the door handle. A couple of seconds time was barely keeping up with the stream of poetry that came
later they were in their storage room and back to work creating to me. It was sort of like automatic writing, where I pretty much
a fantastic convention for all of us to enjoy. lost control of the pen and the verses wrote themselves. At the
time of writing I could not comprehend what was being writ-
I believe the reason this incident was recalled by Intelligence ten, nor how much information was going to come to me. At
was this. Even though we have these wonderful Silva “tools” the end of the hour everything halted. I took a deep breath and
to help us, we all get caught up in the drama of our life. started to glance back at the poetry. In total disbelief the poetry
Sometimes, we need someone to say, “You can do this” started just as Ferdowsi would start all his stories. Every verse
(whatever this is). That is the importance of surrounding had perfect rhythm and rhymed well. What was so neat about
ourselves with people who understand we are all geniuses and the poetry is that there were many prophesies told that all mani-
are capable of great things. We just need to be reminded to step fested within a year.
back from the drama.

Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 8

Since the poetry is in Farsi language, I did not translate them let us know.
because it would lose all its rhythm and rhum. Instead I will
share another poem that came to me not too long ago. It was The Three Fingers Technique, of all the Silva Techniques, is the
June 20, 2003 and I was flying to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to easiest and simplest to apply. Once it has been programmed in
teach Silva’s Ultra and Self-Healing. While at about 40,000 feet the B.L.S. it is instantly and permanently available. There is no
of altitude, I happened to glimpse outside the window and saw need to memorize a formula or establish a deep level; you need
an image of our mother earth, with a halo of sunrise peaking only to remember that it’s there to use. And the beauty is, that it
just at the horizon. In that moment of glorious images and never wears out! Rather than saving it for special occasions, the
lights, the following poem came to me that I would like to share. more you use it, the better it works.

As I float between earth and heavens, 220 USES FOR THE THREE FINGER TECHNIQUE
I see a world that is lovin’ and forgivin’.
We are guided by the light, •To avoid stumbling in the dark
But we are free to roam about. •When walking in a muddy patch, or anything slippery, to keep
balance and avoid slipping
In a world that is light and dark, •To relax so you can walk safely on ice
We are allowed to be bold and stark. •To instantly combat fear
•To centre yourself when your mind is all over the place
I see a world that is land and water, •To remind yourself, “I’m in a class of my own.”
Governed by a love from Higher Power. •When stumbling over a word, or having difficulty pronouncing
•When singing karaoke, to synchronize the words better with the
There are highs, lows, and in between, music
Made for us, by us, to dive in. •For finding lost objects
•For finding misplaced papers
A world that is made of contrast and duality, •Dowsing” to find hidden objects (See story)
So we can choose our experience and its quality. •Holding awkward keys to function right and slip easily into the
Yet above it all is Oneness, •To help take the lid off jars
Love, passion, and calmness. •To be able to hold off going to the toilet until there is one available
•To instantly boost confidence
A universe of beautiful sounds, and color, •To strengthen willpower
So we can hear, see, and holler. •To help find an item in the supermarket
•To help resist buying an unwanted item
It is a joy to be alive, Lord I have arrived. •To be attracted to the right shop that will have just what you want
•To connect with nature
•While looking at a beautiful view, enhance feeling and to “lock it in”
•To better communicate with plants - green thumb
THE AMAZING SILVA METHOD •For communicating with an animal
•To calm your pet at the vet’s
THREE FINGERS TECHNIQUE •To encourage your cat to go to the loo (john) before a car journey
by Lee Pascoe •To coax pigeons to stay away from your balcony
•To connect with God and be open to divine guidance
The idea for this article was born during a long journey with •To protect yourself from danger (See Newsletters)
four creative Silva graduates finding ways to utilize the hours in •To put on “Lancelot’s Armour” an image to shield you from
a constructive manner. In the car were myself, Lee Pascoe, my negativity)
husband, Michael Dodson, and our American friends, Nelda •To be on guard and safe on a dark lonely street
Sheets, doyenne of Silva lecturers, and Clara Webb, a fellow •To clear negative energy, connect with the divine and radiate
protective energy (around your house, for example)
artist. We were comparing the dozens of different ways we used
•To attract a salesperson’s attention
the Three Fingers Technique when it became obvious that, in
•In front of the drinks machine, when the coins aren’t accepted
print, this could inspire and help other Silva graduates. Several •To untangle the vacuum cord when it’s stuck, putting your foot on
brainstorming sessions with graduates followed to put together the pedal calmly with just the right amount of pressure
this final collection. Many thanks to Nelda and her American •To have more strength and energy when you carry heavy bulky
graduates for a huge list of suggestions. The list is by no means things
exhaustive. If you have any other ideas for applications, please •To find a porter or assistant to help when you have lots of luggage

Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 9

•To attract a waiter’s attention •To remember the punch line of a joke
•To find a good table in a restaurant •To ask yourself, “What did I come into this room for?”
•To handle chopsticks easily
•To resist chocolates, cream cakes and other “sinful” goodies PROFESSIONAL/ART
•To warm yourself up when you are cold •For fear of speaking in public
•To take aim when swatting a fly •When giving a lecture, to be aware of audience needs and response,
•“Dowsing” a map to detect the presence of something - fugitives, to say the right thing at the right time
missing persons, drilling sites •When giving a lecture, to keep on time
•To get a refund on the wrong size clothes, when you’ve lost your •To find just the right answer to a difficult, or “trick” question
receipt •For artists, to re-experience impressions and while painting canvas
•To find the right TV channel or radio station •For actors, to “turn on” to their role
•To gesture “O.K.” •To clear stage fright and re-establish confidence
•When you forget a line on stage, without a prompter
STRESS/RELAXATION/HEALTH •For musicians, to tune in and harmonize mentally before a
•To clear your mind of confusing or worrying thoughts performance
•To recall your ideal place of relaxation •Three fingers around the microphone when singing
•To refocus yourself when you are late for an appointment •In a recording studio, to adjust the feedback and the microphone
•When you’re in a hurry with too many things to do and need to volume
calm down •For simultaneous translation, to immediately find the correct and
•To remain calm in stressful situations appropriate expression
•To maintain inner quiet in a noisy environment (airport, •For Customs Officers, to decide which bags to open (See
hairdresser, schoolyard)› Anecdotes)
•When you feel a “Hissy fit” coming (English: temper tantrum) •For nurses and doctors, to stay awake and concentrated for long
•To replace “counting to ten” hours
•For pre-menstrual tension •For doctors, to help make a correct diagnosis
•To recharge energy •To focus your thoughts for a sales presentation
•To bring blood pressure back to normal •To reinforce confidence for an interview or presentation
•To make heartbeat normal •In a selling situation, to tune in to customer’s interests and needs
•To calm yourself at the onset of an asthmatic attack •To remain open, pleasant and harmonious with a client
•To avoid dizziness in a staircase by keeping calm and balanced •To fix an appointment by telephone with a prospective client
•To find a bookkeeping problem (See Anecdotes)
LEARNING/MEMORY/EDUCATION •Checking through, or scanning, documents to locate errors
•To increase concentration, pay better attention •To recall the right spelling
•To memorise a text •To concentrate better when typing, to be faster and more accurate
•To read a lesson with greater comprehension and retention •To know instinctively what to do when your computer
•To listen to a speech with greater comprehension and retention malfunctions
•For test taking (See THE OFFICIAL APPLICATIONS, for a full •To open up, or “turn on” creativity
description of the above) •For creative new ideas when writing publicity
•To choose the right answer in multiple choice test questions •For inspiration when writing a difficult report
•To “click” on the mental mouse for your bio-computer •To increase confidence when asking for a raise
•To put your virtual teacher on the screen •When electronic equipment breaks down or malfunctions, to
•To keep yourself motivated and enthusiastic throughout a course remain calm and do the right thing
•To calm yourself in class (for teacher and student) •To come up with the right information during a tax investigation
•To remember where you put your keys (The following are from Chapter 10 of “Getting Help from your
•To remember where you left your car in the parking lot Other Side”)
•As a reminder to do something, like post a letter •Looking for the source of an insidious quality slip-up
•To recall what you were going to say when you lose your train of •Deciding to whom to delegate certain responsibilities
thought •Proofreading a report for typos
•To recall someone’s name •Involved in a sudden emergency where quick mental action is
•To recall a word that’s “on the tip of your tongue” needed
•To recall the title of a song or piece of music
•To recall where you read something TRAVEL/TRAFFIC
•To recall the name of an author •To find a parking place, of course! (Anyone NOT know this one?)
•For help in solving a crossword puzzle •To park your car in a small space without denting it or surrounding
•To remember a past event clearly cars
•At a lecture, to send the speaker a subjective message to call a break •To arrive on time when traffic is difficult
•While listening to a joke, to recall and recount later •To arrive, if not on time, at just the right moment!
Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 10

•To drive in the flow, at the right speed in tune with traffic lights, to don’t like
arrive when they are green •To remain in control
•To drive safely and be aware of hazards •To teach children to be in control
•To keep to the legal speed •To find just the right words when writing a letter
•In general, to be automatically aware of danger or emergency and •To listen on the phone with a sympathetic or empathic ear
react in the appropriate manner (See stories) •To heighten sensibility to other’s needs
•To protect your car from parking tickets •To choose what to say and how to act when comforting a bereaved
•To stay calm and serene in traffic jams or difficult situations person
•To decide which lane to take in congested traffic •As above, when visiting a sick person
•To stop road rage (self and others) •To attune yourself to the person who is talking
•To determine which route to take when driving, or exploring •To choose the right word at the right time
•To find your way in a strange place •To protect yourself from psychic “vampires”
•As a pedestrian, to find a gap in the traffic to cross the street safely •To be especially sensitive on social occasions, e.g. when the boss is
•On a moving staircase (escalator), laden with cases and shopping, to coming to dinner
land safely without falling •When organizing a dinner so that the right people sit next to each
•To hail a taxi. (This is sometimes contested. Some say you tune in to other and enjoy each other’s company
a driver looking for a passenger) •To resist a powerful persuasive influence
•To combat claustrophobia in an elevator •When making a difficult telephone call
•When running to catch a bus, to make it on time •To get through when the line is engaged - “psychic call waiting”!
•To get to the railway station in time for the train •To stop yourself swearing
•To avoid hassles at the airport •For help in bluffing
•To sail past customs without being stopped •To heighten love-making
•To get a ticket refund when faced with a difficult bureaucrat •To identify yourself as a Silva graduate or to recognize another
•To get a window seat when “There are no more available, sir.” graduate - the “Silva salute”
•To recharge energy and power
DECISIONS/INTUITION •To instantly recall previous successes and the accompanying feeling
•For any instant decision of confidence and enthusiasm
•To spark off a flash of intuition, or inspiration •While playing, to recall mental rehearsal
•To pick out the best produce at the market •With a deep breath, to put yourself into the “state” or “in the
•To make up your mind at the ice-cream counter zone” before a game, in tennis, for example, to quickly reinforce all
•To pick out the best paint colour for walls programming before a shot
•To decide which car to buy •In cricket, basketball or baseball, to attune yourself to the ball
•To choose the best wine on the wine list •To keep your ski group in view
•To select an item from the menu that is tasty but won’t wreck your •To improve your dart aim
diet! •To heighten awareness in chess games
•To help choose a suitable present •When riding, to put yourself in tune with the horse
•To help choose an appropriate greeting card
•To find the ideal apartment when scanning the Real Estate ads SILVA TECHNIQUES
•To choose the fastest moving queue at the supermarket, postoffice, •To go to level faster and easier
bank •To get back to the right level after an interruption
•To choose the winning horse at the races •To help go to sleep easily
•To choose the right colour and number in the casino •To remember dreams
•To pick lottery numbers •To eliminate negative expressions (Mental Housecleaning)
(Obviously, these last three are not guaranteed, as there are far more •To recharge headache control while keeping your eyes open
Silva graduates than there are big winners!) •To remember the Memory Pegs
•To remind and reinforce habit control programming
RELATIONSHIPS/ SOCIAL LIFE •To stop the desire to smoke
•Instead of an obscene or insulting gesture, giving a positive three- •To eliminate the desire to snack between meals
finger sign •To reinforce “Negative thoughts and negative suggestions have no
•To remind yourself to smile influence over me at any level of mind”, especially when surrounded
•To change the expression, or produce a smile, on someone’s face by negative people
•To control your temper, calm anger •To programme yourself to do something as an automatic reflex
•To stay calm when listening to an angry person who is yelling or •To send healing thoughts to someone in the environment
insulting you •For sending a mental message
•To stop yourself reacting angrily to a child’s behavior •For visualising or imagining with eyes open
•To encourage a baby who is refusing to eat •To reinforce the white-framed Mirror of the Mind at beta level
•To stop a negative reaction when some one does something you •For “broadcasting” while keeping your eyes open
Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 11

•For working a case with your eyes open your mental screen and ask for the answer. Then clear your
•To control pain at the dentist mind, and start thinking again to figure the answer. The answer
•During childbirth, to recall and reinforce pain control programming that comes is your professor’s. Write it down. Do not turn in a
blank paper.
CONDITIONING CYCLE: There have been some excellent articles on the Three Fingers in
THE THREE FINGERS TECHNIQUE AND THREE past Newsletters. A travel through the Archives came up with
APPLICATIONS YOU CAN USE: the following, which I have summarised and/or quoted:
A. For easier recall of information read.
B. For easier recall of information heard. STUDENT SUCCESS STORY
C. And for achieving higher grades in test taking. From The Silva Method Newsletter, Vol.21, 1990.
A university research study by George Maycock at Appalachian
By bringing together the tips of the first two fingers and thumb State University, Boone, NC. demonstrated that even a very
of either hand, your mind adjusts to a deeper level of awareness brief exposure to the Three Fingers Technique (15 minutes
for stronger programming. Stronger programming of explanation and 15 minutes relaxation exercise) helped college
information results in easier recall, producing a better memory. students in preparing for and taking exams.
To read a lesson, enter level 1 with the use of the 3-to-1 method.
Tell yourself mentally that you are going to count from 1 to RESEARCH PROJECT PASSES TEST
3 and at the count of 3 you will open your eyes and read the From The Silva Method Newsletter, Vol.19, No.3, 1988
lesson. Mention the lesson title, and subject. Add: “Noises will In a research project conducted at the University of Tasmania
not distract me, but will help me in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, students raised their test scores
to concentrate. I will have superior concentration and by one letter grade when they used the Silva Method’s Three
understanding.” Count from 1 to 3, Fingers Technique. “From the results of this study,” Dr. Harry
open your eyes and read the lesson. When you have read E. Stanton said, “it would seem reasonable to conclude that
the lesson, once again enter level 1 with the 3 to 1 method. the Three Fingers Technique is able to facilitate short-term
Tell yourself mentally, “I will recall the lesson I have just read improvement in second year high school students’ examination
(mention title and subject) anytime in the future with the use of performance.”
the Three Fingers Technique.
Those who had learned the Three Fingers Technique improved
To hear a lecture, enter level 1 with the 3 to 1 method, and nine percentage points, while the control group actually
tell yourself mentally that you are going to hear a lecture and dropped one point. To put it another way, the
mention the title, subject and lecturer’s name. Tell yourself experimental group improved their scores 17 percent over
that you are going to use the Three Fingers Technique. Keep their previous average when they used the Three Fingers
your eyes open during the lecture. Tell yourself that noises Technique. “The technique is a very simple one which students
will not distract you, but will help you to concentrate; that you have no trouble in learning,” Dr. Stanton wrote in a report
will have superior concentration and understanding; and that published in the Journal of the Society of Accelerative Learning
you will recall the lecture (mention title, subject, and lecturer’s and Teaching. “Initially, their curiosity is piqued; later their
name) anytime in the future with the use of the Three Fingers interest is maintained as they find it becoming easier for them
Technique. For test taking with the Three Fingers Technique, to remember the material they read and hear about in the
follow the 3-cycle method. classroom,” he continued. “This technique is one which has
wide applicability to everyday life,” Dr. Stanton said. “Silva
First: Read your test questions the way you always do, but do suggests its use as a trigger for better mobilization of the
not stay too long on any of them. If you have a ready answer put mental faculties in virtually every situation where thinking is
it down; if not, skip that question and move to the next one. required. He described the technique as “a simple conditioned
trigger which we can use to focus our faculties. By doing the
Second: Use the Three Fingers Technique, and do as in the first conditioning while in the relaxed state, our suggestions become
cycle, but stay a little longer on the unanswered question. When more powerful. Thus, when we invoke the signal at a later date,
an answer comes, put it down; if not, skip that question and it is likely to be successful in achieving the result we
move to the next one. desire.”

Third: use the Three Fingers Technique, read the unanswered

question and if still no answer comes, close your eyes, turn
them slightly upward, visualize or imagine your professor on
Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Silva Method Newsletter

Issue 3, Nov 10, 2003 – Page 12

SUGGESTIONS OFFERED FOR USING SILVA dowsing rods, etc. Using only his three fingers, he won the
From The Silva Method Newsletter, Vol.20, No.11, 1989 The Three Fingers Technique, like all the others, has
“What is the best way to protect yourself from danger?” I asked applications far beyond the examples given in the Silva Basic
Mr. Silva. “Program yourself to sense any dangerous situations Seminar Series.
and to make the correct decision about what to do,” Mr. Silva
“You mean the way you programmed your son Tony and the
other young men when they were sent to Vietnam?” I asked.
“Something like that,” he agreed. He programmed them that
whenever they placed By Nelda Sheets
the little finger of either hand into the palm of that hand, they CORRECTION
would be more intuitive to danger. They brought back many For the previous issue (#2) , I wrote an article, TOOLS OF
stories about trusting their intuition and taking a different path THE CREATIVE DIMENSION. In the section on the coun-
than that they had originally planned, then learning later that selors in paragraph 3, I made a error when I retyped it for the
there was an ambush on the original path. newsletter. I left out two very important words and a comma.
(This modification of the Three Fingers Technique was to It should read: “The concept of Guardian Angels appears in
allow the soldiers to keep both their hands on their rifles ready most religions. Angels are mentioned frequently in the Chris-
for action, while remaining alert for any hidden dangers, such tian New Testament and are mentioned in the Hindu Veda,
as snipers or mines. Tony Silva’s assignment was to be “point Moslem Koran.” It regrettably reads: “Hindu Koran.” I
man”, the one out in front. Before he left on his mission he apologize.
programmed every day for two weeks in preparation. The
result was that his intuition was exceptionally keenly developed.
On one occasion, he had an impulse to jump to one side, just as
a bullet whizzed past his head. On another, he threw a boulder
ahead of him to where he “knew there would be a mine, and it
was exploded safely. His reputation for being “lucky” was such
that other soldiers would want to work close to him.)

“Doing bookkeeping, when I discovered that my figures did
not balance, I programmed that when my three fingers were
together they would turn warm when run over
the error.” Nelda SHEETS

Finding a parking place is so successful and hence, so well-

known, amongst thousands of graduates worldwide, that many
are convinced that this is an “official” use of the Three Fingers
Technique. Jose SILVA continues to find this very amusing, but
as he says, “If it works, use it!”

A Customs Officer in El Paso, who is a Silva graduate, uses the

Three Fingers Technique to help him detect possible smugglers
and decide whose bag to open. Thus he was able to discover an
exotic bird hidden in the bag of a sweet little old grey-haired

The president of an association of Dowsers had just completed

the basic Silva course. He entered the annual competition
to find the highest number of buried objects in a field. Each
competitor used his preferred working instrument, pendulum,

Copyright © 2003 Silva International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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