DN em Trigger Points No Abdomem
DN em Trigger Points No Abdomem
DN em Trigger Points No Abdomem
consider using transcutaneous nerve stimulation, heat Trials) extension for pragmatic clinical trials.17 The
and yoga for the managment of primary dysmenor- protocol was approved by the Local Ethical Committee
rhoea.10 It seems that numerous treatment approaches of Universidad de Alcalá, Spain (CEIM/HU/2015/22)
could be used to manage this condition. An interven- and it was conducted according to the Declaration
tion commonly used in clinical practice, which has not of Helsinki. The trial was prospectively registered
been examined in primary dysmenorrhoea, is trigger in the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry
point dry needling (TrP-DN). Trigger points (TrPs) (ACTRN12616000170426) on 10th February 2016.
are defined as hypersensitive spots within taut bands
of skeletal muscle that are painful to palpation and Participants
usually elicit referred pain.11 TrPs are classified clini- Females with dysmenorrhoea attending different
cally as active or latent. If they are active, TrPs cause healthcare centres in Madrid (Spain) were recruited
spontaneous pain and the elicited referred pain repro- from February to April 2016 for this randomised
duces the patient’s symptoms. If they are latent, TrPs clinical trial. To be included, females had to be diag-
do not reproduce any of the patient’s symptoms.11 nosed with primary dysmenorrhoea by their gynaecol-
TrPs have been found to be involved in chronic pelvic ogist, be between 18 and 25 years of age, and have
pain syndrome including endometriosis.12 TrP-DN is pain >30 mm on a 100 mm VAS. In addition, females
widely used for a variety of musculoskeletal chronic also had to exhibit active TrPs in the rectus abdom-
pain conditions13 and it has been shown to be effec- inis reproducing their pain symptoms. They were
tive for neck-shoulder pain14 and low back pain,15 but excluded if they suffered from secondary dysmenor-
limited evidence exists to support its use for primary rhoea or any other conditions of the reproductive and
dysmenorrhea. Huang and Liu examined the effects urinary systems—for example, endometriosis. Addi-
of lidocaine injections for the treatment of primary tionally, females with children (previous pregnancy) or
dysmenorrhoea.16 In their study, patients received wet previous experiences of abortion were also excluded.
needling to TrPs in the abdominal muscles as well as Participants were counselled and signed an informed
stretching exercises, which were performed at home. consent form before their inclusion in the study.
This study reported that 63% of patients experi-
enced clinically meaningful improvements following Randomisation and masking
just one session of wet needling at 1 year follow-up. Females were randomly assigned to dry needling,
However, no control group was included and therefore placebo-needling or an untreated control group.
cause and effect relationships cannot be inferred.16 To Concealed allocation was conducted using a comput-
our knowledge, no study to date has investigated the er-generated randomised table of numbers created by
impact of TrP-DN of abdominal TrPs on symptoms an external statistician. Individual and sequentially
associated with primary dysmenorrhoea. The purpose numbered index cards with the random assignment
of the current randomised clinical trial was to compare were prepared. The index cards were folded and
the effects of TrP-DN versus a placebo needling placed in sealed opaque envelopes. Another researcher
procedure, relative to an untreated control group, opened the envelope and proceeded with allocation.
on pain in females with primary dysmenorrhoea. We Treatment allocation was revealed to the partici-
hypothesised that females in the TrP-DN group would pants after collection of baseline outcomes. Clinicians
experience greater improvements in their symp- collecting outcomes were blind to group assignment.
toms than those assigned to the placebo needling or
untreated control groups. Interventions
The day of the intervention was scheduled 2 weeks
before the females began their menstrual period. All
Methods treatments were applied by two experienced physical
Study design therapists with more than 2 years of clinical experience
This randomised, parallel-group controlled clinical in the treatment of myofascial pain and the use of dry
trial compared the application of TrP-DN for primary needling for patients with primary dysmenorrhoea.
dysmenorrhoea to a placebo needling technique and Females allocated to the TrP-DN group received a
additionally included an untreated control group. The single session of dry needling into active TrPs of the
primary end point was the change in the intensity of rectus abdominis muscle. TrPs were diagnosed when
pain as assessed by a visual analogue scale (VAS) after 2 there was a palpable taut band, local pain on palpa-
months. Secondary outcomes included health-related tion of the spot and referred pain reproducing the
quality of life (SF-36 questionnaire), use of non-ste- symptoms of the patient (pain recognition).18Patients
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to miti- received TrP-DN using disposable stainless needles
gate symptoms, the number of days with pain, and (0.25 mm×40 mm, Agupunt, Barcelona, Spain) that
self-perceived improvement with a 4-point Global were inserted into the skin over the TrP. In this study, the
Rate of Change (GROC). The current trial follows fast-in and fast-out technique described by Hong19 was
the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting applied. Once the active TrP was located, the overlying
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version
21.0 (Chicago, IL, USA) and it was conducted
according to the intention-to-treat principle with all
participants analysed in the group to which they were
originally allocated. When any data were missing, the
multiple imputation method was used.33 Mean, SD
Figure 3 Stretching exercise of the rectus abdominis and oblique
and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calcu-
lated for each variable. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test revealed a normal distribution of the quantitative
variables (P>0.05). Baseline demographic and clinical
assessing the intensity of pain in females with endome-
variables were compared among the groups using a
triosis.25 The MCID of the VAS for endometriosis has
one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for continuous
been found to be 10 mm.26 A recent study suggested
data and χ2 tests of independence for categorical data.
that in females with endometriosis who exhibit pain of
Our evaluation included several 3×3 mixed-model
at least 50 mm on a VAS scale at baseline, the suggested
repeated measured analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
MCID should be a 50% decrease.27
with Time (baseline, 1 month and 2 months after) as
Secondary outcomes included health-related
the within-subjects factor, and Group (dry needling,
quality of life (SF-36 questionnaire), use of NSAIDs
placebo needling or control) as the between-subjects
to mitigate pain symptoms, the number of days with
factor, adjusted for baseline data to evaluate between-
menstrual pain, and self-perceived improvement
group differences in the outcomes. We used χ2 tests
with a 4-point Global Rate of Change (GROC). The
to compare self-perceived improvement at 2 months
Spanish version of the SF-36 questionnaire was used
between all groups. The hypothesis of interest was the
to determine changes in health-related quality of life.28
Group*Time interaction with a Bonferroni-corrected
This questionnaire includes eight domains evaluating
α level of 0.017 (three time points). To enable compar-
the repercussion of pain on quality of life. Scores
ison of between-group effect sizes, standardised mean
range from 0 (the lowest quality of life) to 100 (the
score differences (SMDs) were also calculated by
highest quality of life).29 In the current study, domains
dividing mean score differences by the pooled SD.
were combined into physical component scores (PCS)
and mental component scores (MCS).29 There are no
specific data on the MCID for the PCS and MCS of
Between February and April 2016, 80 consecutive
the SF-36 questionnaire, but changes between 3 and 5
females with menstrual pain were screened for eligi-
points are accepted as clinically relevant30 31
bility. Fifty-six (70%) females satisfied all the eligibility
The number of NSAID tablets (ibuprofen 600 mg)
criteria, agreed to participate, and were randomly allo-
and the number of days with menstrual pain were
cated into the dry needling group (n=19), the placebo
monitored using a diary for the duration of the study.
needling group (n=18) or the control group (n=19).
Finally, at the 2-month follow-up stage, participants
Randomisation resulted in similar baseline features
were asked to rate their self-perceived improvement
(table 1). Four females were lost to follow-up at the
on a 4-point GROC scale with the following possible
end of the study. The reasons for ineligibility are found
answers: worse, equal, better, or much better.
in figure 4, which provides a flow diagram of patient
recruitment and retention. Five females assigned to
Treatment side effects the TrP-DN group (27%) experienced muscle sore-
Females were asked to report any adverse events they ness after dry needling, which resolved spontaneously
had experienced during the study. In the current study, within 24–36 hours. No other adverse event was
adverse events were defined as sequelae of 1 week’s reported by any participant during the study. The
duration with any symptom perceived as distressing percentage of adherence to the stretching exercise was
and unacceptable to the patient and requiring further 97% during the trial.
treatment.32 Particular attention was given to the pres- Adjusting for baseline outcomes, the mixed-model
ence of post-dry needling soreness within the group ANCOVA found significant Group*Time interactions
receiving TrP-DN. for the mean intensity of menstrual pain (F=8.162;
P<0.001) and the number of NSAIDs (F=6.269; in the number of NSAIDs taken than those in the
P=0.004). Females receiving TrP-DN exhibited placebo group (1 month: Δ −2.3 (-4.3 to −0.3);
a greater decrease in pain intensity than those receiving 2 months: Δ −2.5 (-4.3 to −0.7), P<0.001) or the
placebo needling (1 month: Δ −19.8 mm (−25.9 to control group (1 month: Δ −2.3 (-4.1 to −0.5); 2
−13.7); 2 months: Δ −26.0 mm (−33.1 to −18.9), months: Δ −2.5 (-3.7 to −1.3), P<0.001). Between-
P<0.001) or only stretching (1 month: Δ −26.0 mm groups effect sizes were large at all stages of follow-up
(−32.5 to −19.5); 2 months: Δ −20.1 mm (−26.4 (1.3>SMD>1.8) in favour of the TrP-DN group.
to −13.8), P<0.001, figure 5). Similarly females in The ANCOVA did not reveal significant Group*-
the dry needling group exhibited a greater decrease Time interaction for the number of days with
Figure 4 Flow diagram of patients throughout the course of the study. NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; TrP, trigger point.
Figure 5 Evolution of the intensity of menstrual pain intensity throughout the course of the study stratified by randomised treatment assignment. Data
are presented as mean (SE). VAS, visual analoque scale. ** indicates significant differences between groups (ANOVA, P<0.001).
menstrual pain (F=1.306, P=0.280), PCS (F=2.184; and their 95% CIs surpassed the MCID of 10 mm
P=0.124) and MCS (F=0.158; P=0.855). No signif- for the VAS26 in favour of the TrP-DN, supporting a
icant changes were observed at any stage of follow-up clinically relevant effect of this intervention. In addi-
in either group (P>0.32) (table 2). tion, within-group score changes of the TrP-DN group
No change was found in the distribution of females also surpassed the restrictive MCID of 50% of reduc-
using NSAIDs at any stage of follow-up (P>0.215). tion of baseline scores.27 Our results are similar to
A greater number of females receiving dry needling those previously reported by Huang and Liu, in their
described a self-reported improvement categorised as quasi-experimental study, who also demonstrated that
better (n=10, 55%) or much better (n=6, 33%) TrP injection of abdominal muscles was effective at
compared with those receiving placebo needling reducing menstrual pain.16
(better: n=2, 14%) or control (better: n=3, 16%) as Current literature supports the use of NSAIDs as
assessed by the GROC (χ2=28.277; P<0.001). first-line therapy, or oral contraceptive pills as second-
line, for pain relief in primary dysmenorrhoea.34 We
Discussion did not find changes in the number of females taking
This randomised clinical trial found that a single NSAIDs for pain relief; however, those females
session of dry needling directed at active TrPs of the receiving TrP-DN reduced the number of tablets
rectus abdominis muscle combined with a stretching taken for management of their pain. This would be
exercise was more effective than placebo needling expected since a reduction in pain intensity during
and stretching alone at reducing pain intensity and their menstrual cycles might lead to the need for fewer
the number of NSAID tablets used in females with NSAID tablets. Females receiving placebo needling or
primary dysmenorrhoea. No significant differences in stretching only did not experience significant change
health-related quality of life were observed. in the number of tablets. It should also be noted that
Current evidence suggests the use of medication, 30% of our females were taking contraceptive pills
acupuncture, acupressure, heat or nerve stimulation by medical prescription, and, obviously, no change in
for the management of females with primary dysmen- this proportion was observed after treatment. There
orrhoea.7–9 Previous trials have not identified TrP-DN were no differences in results in this small subgroup of
as a potentially effective intervention, not because females (data not shown).
there is scientific evidence against this approach but To determine the mechanisms of TrP treatment in
rather because there is a lack of studies investigating order to explain the results of this trial is beyond the
the effectiveness of this intervention in this population. scope of this paper; however, some hypotheses can be
To our knowledge, the current controlled trial is the proposed. Simons et al suggested that rectus abdom-
first to combine Tr-DN and stretching in females with inis muscle TrPs could refer pain to the hypogastrium,
primary dysmenorrhoea. We observed that females mimicking menstrual pain symptoms.11 We selected a
receiving TrP-DN exhibited better outcomes in terms sample of females with primary dysmenorrhoea where
of pain than those who received placebo needling or the referred pain elicited by active TrPs in the rectus
stretching only. In fact, between-group change scores abdominis reproduced their symptoms. The current
Table 2 Primary and secondary outcomes at baseline, 1 month and 2 months after as well as within-group mean scores by randomised
treatment assignment
Timeline scores and within-group change scores: mean±SD (95% CI)
Outcomes Dry needling Placebo needling Control
Mean intensity of menstrual pain (VAS, 0–100)*
Baseline 65.4±19.4 (57.9 to 72.9) 65.5±13.1 (57.2 to 73.8) 62.1±14.3 (54.5 to 69.7)
One month after 28.8±21.9 (18.1 to 39.5 48.7±26.5 (37.1 to 60.3) 51.5±19.5 (40.8 to 62.2)
Change baseline → 1 month −36.6±20.1 (-47.1 to 26.1) −16.8±22.3 (-29.1 to 4.4) −10.6±16.0 (−18.6 to –2.6)
Two months after 29.4±22.5 (18.4 to 40.4) 55.5±22.6 (43.5 to 67.5) 46.2±24.1 (35.3 to 56.9)
Change baseline → 2 months −36.0±14.2 (-43.2 to 28.8) −10.0±22.1 (-22.3 to 2.3) −15.9±22.1 (−26.9 to–4.9)
Number of days with menstrual pain
Baseline 2.3±1.1 (1.7 to 2.9) 2.3±1.5 (1.7 to 2.9) 2.5±0.8 (2.0 to 3.0)
One month after 1.8±0.7 (1.4 to 2.2) 2.0±3.0 (1.4 to 2.6) 2.2±0.9 (1.8 to 2.6)
Change baseline → 1 month −0.5±0.7 (−0.7 to 0.3) −0.3±1.5 (-1.1 to 0.5) −0.3±0.8 (-0.6 to 0.0)
Two months after 1.8±1.1 (1.2 to 2.4) 2.0±1.5 (1.6 to 2.4) 2.4±0.8 (1.8 to 3.0)
Change baseline → 2 months −0.5±1.0 (−0.8 to 0.2) −0.3±0.9 (−0.9, 0.3) −0.1±0.7 (−0.2 to 0.0)
Number of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs*
Baseline 4.7±3.9 (3.0 to 6.5) 4.1±2.9 (2.6 to 5.6) 4.2±2.6 (3.1 to 5.1)
One month after 1.4±1.8 (0.4 to 2.4) 3.1±1.8 (2.0 to 4.2) 3.2±3.3 (1.9 to 4.5)
Change baseline → 1 month −3.3±1.5 (−4.1 to 2.5) −1.0±2.3 (−2.3 to 0.3) −1.0±2.0 (−2.5 to 0.5)
Two months after 1.1±1.5 (0.2 to 2.0) 3.0±3.1 (1.5 to 4.5) 3.1±3.3 (1.8 to 4.4)
Change baseline → 2 months −3.6±2.1 (−4.7 to 2.5) −1.1±1.5 (−2.5 to 0.3) −1.1±2.0 (−2.6 to 0.4)
Physical Component Score SF-36 (0–100)
Baseline 50.7±6.9 (47.7 to 53.7) 52.0±4.5 (48.7 to 55.3) 51.5±6.2 (48.6 to 54.4)
One month after 53.7±5.4 (51.0 to 56.4) 51.8±7.3 (48.8 to 54.8) 53.7±4.1 (51.1 to 56.3)
Change baseline → 1 month 3.0±6.3 (−0.2 to 6.2) −0.2±5.2 (-3.3 to 2.9) 2.2±5.9 (−0.7 to 5,1)
Two months after 54.9±4.6 (52.3 to 57.5) 51.5±8.2 (48.5 to 54.5) 54.6±2.6 (52.0 to 57.2)
Change baseline → 2 months 4.2±5.8 (1.2 to 7.2) −0.5±5.2 (−3.6 to 2.6) 3.1±7.4 (−0.5 to 6.7)
Mental Component Score SF-36 (0–100)
Baseline 51.5±6.0 (48.3 to 54.7) 53.3±4.1 (49.6 to 57.0) 48.1±8.3 (44.9 to 51.3)
One month after 49.6±7.4 (46.0 to 53.2) 54.3±3.0 (50.2 to 58.4) 47.8±9.4 (44.3 to 51.3)
Change baseline → 1 month −1.9±6.0 (−4.9 to 1.1) 1.0±4.0 (-1.3 to 3.3) −0.3±10.6 (−5.4 to 5.0)
Two months after 51.1±7.6 (47.6 to 54.6) 54.2±4.6 (50.3 to 58.1) 47.8±7.8 (44.5 to 51.1)
Change baseline → 2 months −0.4±7.1 (−4.0 to 3.2) 0.9±6.5 (−3.0 to 4.8) −0.3±6.5 (−3.6 to 3.0)
*Statistically significant differences among the groups (ANCOVA, P<0.001).
results are similar to those previously reported for might have increased symptoms; however, we do
females with chronic pelvic pain where active TrPs in not currently know what would happen if TrP-DN
the rectus abdominis muscle were the most prevalent.35 was performed at another time during the menstrual
It is interesting to note that, in females with primary cycle. Finally, it is also possible that needling thera-
dysmenorrhoea, pain appears only for a few days per pies—for example, acupuncture or dry needling—
month, usually the menstrual days, which does not regulate nitric oxide levels,36 which are elevated in
seem commensurate with TrP normal behaviour.11 females with primary dysmenorrhoea.37
Increased uterine prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) produc- Another potential explanation could be related
tion in the weeks before menstruation could be trans- to somatovisceral convergence between the rectus
ported in the blood and settle in rectus abdominis abdominis muscle and the uterus. It seems that lamina
muscle taut bands, leading to irritation and activation, I of the spinal cord is the first site in the central
as Huang and Liu also suggested.16 After menstrua- nervous system where somatic and visceral pathways
tion, with the falling concentration of prostaglandins, converge onto individual projection and local circuit
the TrP could return to latency (asymptomatic), and neurons.38 Therefore, nociceptive stimulation of one
the symptoms may therefore decrease or disappear for structure, for example, somatic tissue, could refer to
a period of time. This is the reason why TrP-DN was the other, that is, the viscera, and vice versa. In such
conducted 2 weeks before menstruation in the current a way, the area of pain could be amplified by these
study. We believe that if dry needling was carried out mechanisms of convergence, overlapping visceral
during menstruation, post-needling induced soreness and somatic stimuli. Since the uterus and the rectus
abdominis muscle share common pain fibre pathways and stretching alone at reducing pain intensity and
and are both innervated by the lower thoracic nerves the number of NSAIDs used in females with primary
(T10 to T12), a nociceptive stimuli in either structure dysmenorrhoea. No changes in health-related quality
can stimulate the other. By reducing muscle nocicep- of life were observed in either group.
tion from active TrPs in the rectus abdominis with
TrP-DN, we may have been able to reduce nociceptive Author affiliations
Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Alcalá de Henares, Spain
thresholds from the uterus, explaining our results. In 2
Cátedra de Investigación y Docencia en Fisioterapia: Terapia Manual y Punción
such a scenario, TrP-DN could act as a counter-irritant Seca, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorcon, Spain
somatic stimulus to reduce visceral pain.38 3
Department of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and
It is also important to consider that all the groups Physical Medicine, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorcón, Spain
Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain
also received a stretching exercise of the rectus abdom- 5
Department of Physical Therapy, Franklin Pierce University, Manchester, New
inis muscle as described by Huang and Liu.16 In fact, Hampshire, USA
all the groups exhibited some decrease in the inten- 6
Physical Therapist, Rehabilitation Servicesv, Concord Hospital, Concord, New
sity of menstrual pain, probably associated with the Hampshire, USA
Faculty, Manual Therapy Fellowship Program, Regis University, Denver,
stretching of the rectus abdominis. These findings
Colorado, USA
are similar to Ortiz et al, who found that a general
stretching programme was effective at decreasing Contributors All authors contributed to the study concept and
menstrual pain.39 It is possible that part of the decrease design. AGG, CFdlP and JLAB did the main statistical analysis.
in pain observed in our study could be related to the JRMT, JMSR and ACP contributed to the literature review and
interpretation of the data. CFdlP and JAC contributed to the
effects of the stretching exercise. We do not currently
drafting of the report. JAC and JAB provided administrative,
know the potential effects of the application of technical and material support. JAC and JLAB supervised the
TrP-DN combined with a general stretching and/or study. All authors revised the text for intellectual content, and
strengthening exercise programme. Future studies read and approved the final version of the manuscript accepted
should investigate which combination of therapeutic for publication.
programmes provides the best pain relief in females Funding This research received no specific grant from any
funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit
with primary dysmenorrhoea. sectors.
The results of this randomised controlled trial
Competing interests None declared.
should be considered in light of some potential limita-
tions. First, we cannot be confident that our placebo Ethics approval Universidad de Alcalá, Spain (CEIM/
needling was truly inert, since the mechanical feeling
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally
of the needle entering into the tissue could also exert peer reviewed.
an analgesic effect. Second, only the rectus abdominis
© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise
muscle was needled; however, the referred pain elic- stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved.
ited by TrPs in other musculature could also be related No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly
to symptoms in primary dysmenorrhoea. Third, granted.
we only included a follow-up period of two menstrual
cycles, so we are unable to comment on the longer-
term effects of treatment or the natural history of the
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