A Closer Look On The User Centred Design

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A Closer Look on the User Centred Design

Article · December 2015

DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.656


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3 authors, including:

Adriana Chammas Manuela Quaresma

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro


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Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 5397 – 5404

6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the
Affiliated Conferences, AHFE 2015

A Closer Look On The User Centred Design

Adriana Chammas*, Manuela Quaresma, Cláudia Mont’Alvão
Laboratory of Ergodesign and Usability Interfaces - LEUI - PUC-Rio University
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 – Gávea Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil - 22451-900


This paper discusses the User-Centred Design approach. It presents UCD assumptions and concepts, the benefits for users of the
products developed under it, and the complications that this practice can bring, since implies in constant iterations and user
omnipresence. As a result, we discuss a possible increment of time and budget as well as reviews on this approach front to the
market urgency of technology and innovation. It can be seen that although each situation deserves appropriate adjustments for the
profile, the best design is still the user-centred. Examples of this approach application with children enhance the discussion over
its flexibility and the gains of design projects oriented by user needs and desires.

© 2015
Elsevier B.V.
Elsevier This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of AHFE Conference.
Peer-review under responsibility of AHFE Conference

Keywords: User-Centred Design, Methodology, Children

1. Introduction

This paper explores the criticism and challenges involving the User-Centred Design approach and the events that
this practice can bring. Factors that may become obstacles facing the urgency of technology and innovation market
are cited and discussed the technical standardization criticized by Flusser [3] and Norman [9]. Designers must have
deep understanding of people for whom design and people should understand the design process [10];[11].
Technical standards governing the User-Centred Design approach will be determined by ISO (International
Organization of Standardization - ISO 9241-210 [4], and aims to provide the best user experience possible. Before

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +0-000-000-0000 ; fax: +0-000-000-0000 .

E-mail address: [email protected]

2351-9789 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of AHFE Conference
5398 Adriana Chammas et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 5397 – 5404

the ISO, Usability methods were tested and established by developers, but applied in isolation. The standardization
of these techniques changed the practice of systems development processes and became guiding tool. Maguire [6]
documents that the regulatory standards predecessors are the practical translation of user-centred approach, reviewed
through the years by escalation of technology, processes and people. Bevan [1] promotes the ISO 9241 as the best
and most concise management guide currently available for Usability. Ergonomics and Usability must be premise
for professionals involved in User-Centred Design. For Flusser [3], an authoritarian universal standard more inhibits
and disrupts the industrial process that gives you a guideline. Norman [9] also questions the ISO technical standards,
to reveal the political and economic issues involved in the midst of standardized procedures for establishing national
and international standards. Frohlic & Sarvas [5] recognize that the speed with which the technology market
requires the implementation and the consequent maintenance practices approach can encourage different views on it
and seem costly and time consuming for developers, in immediate vision. The management of a project depends on
the balance between three criteria: time, cost and quality. Frohlic & Sarvas [5] believe that the UCD problem is not
delve into the market limitations. This approach is so important that inspires many others. Placed here some
examples, is easy to see that there are critical, but also many DCU successful examples of its application. ISO 9241-
210 [4] is complementary to the existing design process, so that its parameters can benefit all parties involved
seeking the best interface design, user-centred.

2. User-Centred Design Approach

Electronic interfaces and all optimization possibilities of human everyday they bring, are possible because of
software engineering. What makes the interfaces useful, easy to use and fun is the interaction design. Interaction
Design trigger the user to incorporate the product (app, system) to your routine or use it just when necessary, to
complete their tasks or achieve their goals. Saffer [11] classifies the Interaction Design as contextual by nature and
assumes that it must solve specific problems under particular circumstances, using the available material. The author
categorizes four main approaches that have been used in the design process of successful interactive products
development. The approaches are: Activity Centred Design, System Design, Genius Design and User-Centred
Design (table 1). Developers select which one to use according to the project. The best designers are the ones who
apply more than one approach in the same project, but points out that of all, the User-Centred Design approach is the
most popular and explains that user participation in all stages the process is critical [11]. Below you can check the
four approaches:

Table 1. Comparison of four approaches suggested by Saffer [11].

Approach Overview User Designer

Activity Centred Design Focus on tasks and Activities Tools creator

activities that need to Practitioners for the actions
be fulfilled
System Design Focus on system Set of Ensure that all
components system goals parts of the
system are in
Genius Design Ability and gift of Validation Inspiration
the designer used to Source Source
make products

User-Centred Design Focus on the needs Lead Reflects the

and user goals interface needs and user
design goals

In the 80s, designers and computer scientists who braved the new field of Human-Computer Interaction began to
question the practice of design of the systems be left to the engineers, since issues such as memory, processing
speed, number of colors displayed by monitors among others, have been optimized to the extent of enabling new
Adriana Chammas et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 5397 – 5404 5399

types of interfaces. The software design movement began to be focused on users and not on computers. This
movement became known as User-Centred Design – UCD [11].
The User-Centred Design approach is based on Ergonomics and Usability knowledge to find the user's needs. It
is a project-oriented approach to interactive systems development. The technical standards of User-Centred Design
approach are determined by ANSI-ISO stands for American National Standards Institute, but properly by ISO
(International Organization of Standardization. The ISO 9241-210 [4] is intended to increase the acceptance and
productivity of interactive systems, reduce errors and hours of support and training, as well as provide the best user
experience possible. It addresses the development of interactive systems focused on users needs and interests, with
the application of ergonomic criteria and usability techniques knowledge. This approach increases the effectiveness,
improve human well-being, accessibility and sustainability and takes into account of the different effects that these
interactive systems can reflect on health, safety and user performance. The user experience is defined by ISO as
"perceptions and responses resulting from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service". Among other
feelings, User experience includes affections, emotions, beliefs, and expectations that occur before, during and after
use of the product - and is directly and closely related to the user experience, when interpreted from the perspective
of the range of user goals. From the foregoing, every effort applied to the account requirements and technical
features should have the same importance of applied in search of better user experience.
Maguire [6] states that before the ISO, usability methods have been tested and established by developers, but
were applied in isolation and without a guiding concept that orient the integration of these methods and align it to a
single process. The standardization of these techniques changed the practice of hardware and software development
processes to illustrate how different methods and techniques can be used together and became guiding tool for those
responsible for the design of processes and redesign of hardware and software. Technical standards established by
the ISO comprehend the User-Centred Design approach and the Human-System Interaction under ergonomics light.
The User-Centred Design approach enables the similar procedures use, standard design guides and prepares
documentation for future projects. Maguire [6] documents that the ISO 14598 predecessors are the practical
translation of user-centred approach and complementary to software development methods, magazines through the
ages with the escalation of technology, processes and people. Bevan [1] summarizes the ISO standards as the best
references for good practice in interface design, while putting the best definition of usability is the one dictated by
the ISO 9241, which reveals that the project should be designed for a specific user reach specific goals with
effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. Under the general heading "Ergonomic
requirements for Video Terminals (visual display terminals - VDTs)”, ISO 9241 was prepared by ISO technical
committee of the Technical Committee ISO / TC 159 - Ergonomics, subcommittee SC 4, Ergonomics of human-
system Interaction, as a technical review which cancels and replaces ISO 13407: 1999 [4]. The User-Centred Design
principles and activities related to it showed no significant change from the ISO 13407: 1999 and have been
validated in practice for more than ten years of implementation. In order to organize and conduct the practical
application of knowledge in Ergonomics and Usability, ISO 9241 incorporates requirements and recommendations
to the original ISO 13407: 1999 [4] witch also includes the following changes [4]: it clarifies the whole iterative
process, not just the evaluation; emphasizes that the methods of User-Centred Design can be used throughout the
system life cycle; explain the activities of Design; and also clarifies User-Centred Design principles. ISO 9241-210
[4] lists a number of principles that should be considered in the development of the interactive system, when the
goal is design an interactive system centred on user and their needs, also useful and easy to use.

x The project should be based on the explicit understanding of users, his tasks and environments. The design
should take into account aspects involved in the project, directly or indirectly. The context of is use crucial for
the establishment of system requirements. An interface to be used in traffic, for example, must be very different
from one to be used to schedule a social activity, even if the user is the same person;
x Users should be involved throughout the development process project; user engagement is a valuable source of
knowledge about the context of use and should be used to explore solutions. The nature and frequency of
engagement will depend on the type of project in question.
x The project should be conducted and refined through assessments focusing on the user, which minimizes the risk
of the system do not reach requirements that meet the users needs and desires - or of the others involved in the
5400 Adriana Chammas et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 5397 – 5404

project. This progressive assessment identifies important points for effective product acceptance;
x The design process should be iterative. For ISO 9241-210 [4], the iteration is the review and refinement of
design specifications, from the acquisition of new information, seeking to minimize the risks of developing a
system that does not reach the requirements and user expectations.
x The design should address the entire user experience; "The user experience is a result of the presentation,
functionality, system performance, the interaction behavior and assistive capabilities of an interactive system,
both in terms of hardware and software. The user experience is also consequent of previous user experience as
well as their attitudes, skills, habits and personality (...) the capabilities, limitations, preferences and
expectations must be taken into account in the specification that features are the user's competence and what
system of competence" [4].
x The project team should include multidisciplinary skills and perspectives. Team members should come from
different areas enough that the skills, experiences and views can be shared and benefit projects with this

According to the ISO technical committee, the approach described in ISO 9241-210 [4] complements existing
system approaches and can be incorporated into various methodologies and appropriate to particular contexts. While
not taking any particular design process or describe all the activities necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the
system design, ISO 9241-210 [4] is complementary to them, so their parameters can benefit all parties involved in
the project with the best interface design, the user-centred†. Technology should be used to reduce the user's mental
load, so their skills will not be wasted in mechanical actions [9]. The user should be able to find out which actions
are possible, and be able to represent both the result of his actions as the system state. The design should take
ownership of the user's relations with their peers and with their surrounding and result in the most natural
interaction. The interface should become imperceptible, but the system visibility must be readable and clear. The
main benefits of the adoption of the User Centred Design approach in accordance with ISO 9241-210 [4] are: 1)
Increased user productivity and operational efficiency of companies; 2) Support costs reduction and resulting
training easier and understandable products; 3) Increased range of users benefit from the products, including in
terms of accessibility, resulting in better usability and best user experience; 4) Reduction of discomfort and stress; 5)
Competitive advantage and better image of the brand; 6) Contribution to sustainable goals.

3. Discussion

The User-Centred Design approach explains, "users should be involved throughout the project development
process (ISO, 2010)." However, Marti & Bannon [7] disagree with this perspective by arguing that the participation
of users in the systems development process must fit the context and may vary significantly from the proposal by the
User Centred Design approach. Particular alert to user input stage in the process, Marti & Bannon [7] cite a case
study of a specific and special profile as areas such health and rehabilitation. The case study involves requirements
and characteristics are also specific and special: people with different levels of mental ability. The conclusions are:
There are situations in which user involvement may be difficult or even undesirable. A good example are the profile
in question - users with different levels of mental ability.
Activities involving users with different abilities can trigger potentially incorrect interpretations of the real needs
of users. It may be difficult or even inappropriate in some cases. To circumvent the limited expressiveness of this
profile, Marti & Bannon [7] advise that therapists and caregivers have a voice in the process and take the place of
stakeholders mentioned by ISO 9241-210 [4]. Recalling another example on this particular recommendation of the
regulation Marti & Bannon [7] says that in psychological experiments, users should be observed, studied and

The terms "Human-Centred Design" and "User-Centred Design" are synonymous, although the ISO 9241 preferably use the first by believing
that it impacts all the humans involved in the system, not only the end users of the product. The preference for the term "User-Centred Design" is
justified by this currently position as commonplace in the market (ISO, 2010).
Adriana Chammas et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 5397 – 5404 5401

questioned - and have performance on tasks measured. Significant problems to engage children throughout the
development process, as established in User-Centred Design were found: (a) Not all children are able to be creative
designers, or even informants; (b) Children are oriented to not talk to strangers, and it can inhibit; (c) The school
environment can be inhibitor too; (d) There may be other difficulties related to managing the process. For Marti &
Bannon [7] users, children between 6-8 years old should assume the role of informants only in three stages: at first,
to help the questioning, in the middle of the process, to test and provoke reflection about the project and finally at
the end, to evaluate prototypes in a real context.
The User-Centred Design approach encourages the use of multidisciplinary expertise in order to provide creative
and collaborative ideas between team members, benefiting the project with different perspectives and skills, but puts
the voice of the team should not replace the actual user of the product. Marti & Giusti [8] conducted a study with
children, which presented difficulties in playing alone or with other children, autistic and/or with limited mental
capabilities. They concluded that with the adoption of the User Centred Design approach, children were not just
subjects of study, but actually active agents throughout the design process. They had real impact, enabling the
reinvention of technology, new features and new possibilities. Those involved in the project (therapists, teachers,
parents) had a significant role. In the design and the experiment debriefing they discussed the methodology
proposing. Specific protocols for the conduct of the project, selected the participants (users) and were particularly
involved in the interpretation final results. In this study, children were involved very early in the process and clearly
comprehend their role. It was possible to extract from it that the User Centred Design approach was essential to link
the needs and wishes of children to the aforementioned limitations. Was also possible get from their interaction
requirements and design concepts that can be further better explored in future studies. It was concluded from the
study that user involvement should be sensitive to the work environment, age and user ability and the need of
harness these points to the stage at which the user should be inserted. It is understood for Marti & Bannon [7] that
users must be included in the process according to the case, which comes from meeting with premise of ISO 9241-
210 [4], which explains that the participation of all types of users must be active throughout the development
process, as well as user participation as co-author of the project, in some cases. Another important aspect to
remember is concerned to the multidisciplinary team. The essence of multidisciplinary required by User-Centred
Design is the variety of skills, knowledge and information that make up the team responsible for the project. Is easy
to understand that when children join the team, they bring important contribution not only on the intended uses of
the product and the user, but for the whole design process.
Work with multidisciplinary teams - one of the principles of User-Centred Design –can limit the participation in
the process [7]. According to the design team composition, inserting it may be delayed: professionals with skills in
design and/or interaction, among others, and with some experience with the user can omit the user involvement as
professionals and researchers human-computer interaction tend to insert it earlier. Norman [9] argues about the
moment of user inputs. For him it should be earlier than the beginning of a new project, and the process is linear and
inflexible: research with the users, discovery of needs and desires, all before iterations of design and coding stages.
The author aware that this position can be a throwback to the cascade methods. Lawyer of good human-computer
interaction, your opinion is that all information should be collected a step before the project development, that is, out
of the process. The user's voice is crucial to determine which design develop, but once started, it is too late to hear
him. Many projects are improvements of pre-existing others [9]. The author questions whether everything learned
was not enough, or whether there is a need to start studies with users again. Focused on dynamics of the market,
Norman [9] proposes that the on going process is restricted to the limitations of the market, so the skills of
multidisciplinary teams should be promoted and teams must speak by the user on behalf of them past experience and
the projects viability. In the same year Norman [9] wrote that humans can have are able to access conscious thoughts
and beliefs, but not the subconscious of users. Designers tend to design for themselves, as they were themselves
users. The author concludes with this thought: the professional should be able to realize that human beliefs and
behaviors are complex and the individual is not in a position to discover all the relevant facts. There is no substitute
for interaction with users of a proposed design and without research [9]. The author question the technical standards
of ISO to reveal political and economic issues involved in the midst of standardized procedures for establishing
national and international standards. In addition to political issues between the production and marketing chain, the
development of an ISO process is long, depends on complex steps, respect for hierarchies involved and it may be
5402 Adriana Chammas et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 5397 – 5404

that the resulting pattern runs as a "negotiated settlement " between competing positions. As an example the author
quotes the international voltage and frequency standards or different pin socket and the respective electrical sockets.
By its diplomatic wording, Norman [9] fears that the process of developing an ISO standard seems less political than
it actually is, "an agreement between the existing approaches is not, in general, the result of the standardization
process, but a initial goal of the developers”. Despite the marketing and international standards policies of
implementation, this paper focuses on procedural practices of system development in a macro level and believes that
this discussion is not relevant to the subject in focus. The standards established by ISO bring positive results to the
stakeholders, otherwise would not be used, even as an inspiration to other methodologies. It is noticed that the gains
reach interesting values the management, whether measurable, tangible or not, such as sedimentation and brand
positioning, gains relating to the loyalty of users, the greater possibilities of the portfolio of products, etc. In another
analysis, the cost-benefit ratio, Is easy to read that the investment must be justified by the benefits. The argument
raised here is more strategic than operational. Then it is understood that the "agreements" that may happen, are not
part of this discussion.
Frohlic & Sarvas [5] defend the User-Centred Design approach, although they also recognize that this practice
undermines the urgency of technology and innovation market with constant iterations and user omnipresence - and
the time and costs that involves. The race that the technology market imposes may question the use of User-Centred
Design approach: the implementation and subsequent maintenance of practice approach can encourage different
views on it. Promoter of processes and products more suited to their end users and therefore less costly in the long
run, although it may seem costly and time consuming for developers, in a more immediate vision. This discussion
has been recurrent when academic and market research knowledge are faced, compared theoretical experience and
practice. Gray et al. [2] label this relationship as problematic in an paper which expound on the time and energy
devoted by the Academy on behalf of best practices being ignored by practitioners, developers. However, the
authors state that the practice of these developers, and companies they represent, are a source of important research
to the gym because they can provide other points of view. As one of the User Centred Design approach strengths,
Gray et al. [2] point out that the process causes greater engagement between clients and designers, as well as other
stakeholders and ultimately facilitate communication around the design.

4. Challenges

Four experienced professionals - Beringer, Blowers, Vigneau and Wallace - exchanged experiences in the Special
Interest Group of the CHI 2003 [12] and found operational barriers that may affect the incorporation of User-
Centred Design in the real world, witch they divide in categories: acceptance, recognition and incorporation;
scarcity of resources; changes in the definition of projects; multidisciplinary team of the administration. Below are
the challenges for each item of the categories:

x Acceptance, recognition and incorporation of the User-Centred Design practice. If there is the charge of the
project support, professionals may feel they have no power. Successful companies feel they already know well
its users, maybe this brings difficulties in implementing. Late user involvement in the process: the ideal is to be
involved since the project definition phase. Field research needs not recognized as involved in the project
believe that professionals can take the user's voice. Can be extracted from the above that the solution to this
category would be to have professionals dedicated to implementation of User-Centred Design to become
partners of each other and not opponents. The most important is to show that the work of all will be much better
if grounded in user data. Present the results and show these gains (instead of only speak), results in a positive
effect, especially with developers and other key people in the company.
x Lack of resources. Tight schedules and little time for qualitative analysis; Key Professionals dedicated not only
for the project or fewer than needed; Inconsistency in the composition of the team; Limited budget. Adjust the
project to the business reality can be the solution to the problems of this important category. The issue of
planning, well established by ISO 9241-210 [4] states that "planning the content should include proper
identification of the methods and resources to the activities required by the User-Centred Design", and include
Adriana Chammas et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 5397 – 5404 5403

the definition necessary procedures to integrate these activities to the development process itself. Once structured
planning with adequate and, why not, some creativity, the challenge of limited resources tends to be bypassed.
x Changes in the projects definition, of the team or the project scope itself, the sample projects that initially would
be completely automated and finally require significant human-computer interaction. In this case it is
recommended do not underestimate the extent of user interaction, even in cases similar to the example above.
ISO 9241-210 [4] states that the "developing effective procedures should establish feedback and communication
between activities, as well as clarification of the methods and documentation". It is crucial to clarify the
maximum size of the project and surround it formally, to avoid unnecessary changes for its scope and
expectations of both the developer team and the others involved in the project are frustrated. Possible conflicts
between the objectives of the project leaders or inconsistency in team composition can alter the focus of the
project. A solution for this challenge is to encourage changes that are driven by user data, not from people’s
opinion. The clear documentation, specifications, as well as discarded ideas, are strongly recommended for the
team to maintain a user-centred approach.
x Management of multidisciplinary team. Even though they are excellent professionals affection to other areas, not
always the whole team can have plural skills in design, which can bring noise when the collective thinking is
with this focus; It is recommended that the differences between the skills of the team members are not
undeserved between team members. As with any organizational context, deploy changes involve resistance and
specificities that can become challenging, especially among the professionals. Divergent conflicts and ideas not
only can, but must exist. The identification of those responsible for User-Centred Design and the range of skills
and views that come from is of paramount importance, depend on the balance in the team choose the success of
the approach and hence the system. The mix of experiences, cultures and mental models can be especially
healthy to allow and encourage the plural of reasoning.

Finally, it is understood that the management in a macro view must be added to these categories. The
management of a project directly depends on the balance between three criteria: time, budget and quality. For the
satisfactorily fit of the methodology, it should be built with comfort to the triad of goals - necessary for planning
techniques, programming and monitoring of activities is done. The project manager is responsible for provide the
team with have the all necessary resources and time due to ensure that the user's voice is heard throughout the
development process. The fundamental conditions of the project should be realistic to avoid renegotiations. The
organizational culture should be prone to innovations that market emergency calls, including al. More than just one
approach, all company culture must be disseminated user-centric, so that those involved, from the lowest to the
highest level, will adopt it.
The multiplicity dynamic of technology and the plurality that involves the world nowadays also reflect the desire
to unify the development process. This desire encompasses both the user experience in desktop and your mobile
devices and the wide range of possibilities for each of these platforms, in terms of design. The technology is
dynamic and the processes that follow cannot get lost in time and become speech. Frohlic & Sarvas [5] state that
every innovation must be centred on the user to ensure that the benefits of end users justify the cost of the system.
The authors believe that it is impossible not to consider user participation in planning their business, since the
approach of User-Centred Design is oriented to "maximize the benefits through innovation, reducing costs and
market positioning". The problem is that the approach does not delve as much as needed in the limitations of the
market and this factor can be restrictive or even impediment to its adoption as it directly impacts the marketing of
these interactive products. It is important that user behavior be translated in the product, but this translation is
incomplete if they are not associated with it the business environment and the technology in question. For them, the
solution to the viability of the User-Centred Design approach in the long term is to keep it engaged in the innovation
process, but considers explicit and deeply the factors that affect the business. ISO 9241-210 [4] states that the
benefits must take into account the cost of the total system life cycle: design, implementation, support, use,
maintenance and disposal. Not only in financial terms but also the emotional and energy costs are bound to be
heavy. In the long term the balance will be positive, since the proper use of this approach extends the product's
chances of success. More than the Design, the attitude need to be user-centred [5]. The User-Centred Design
involves behavioural and organizational changes that are not always easy to be incorporated. Lifestyle changes
5404 Adriana Chammas et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 5397 – 5404

require an effort to rebuild, but once those perceive the gains from it involved, are absorbed, retained and become
routine and spinal cord. The lack of planning can be one of the critical triggering factors to the use of User-Centred
Design, which should be focused and integrated into all phases of the system life cycle. It is imperative to set up a
schedule that appropriately encompasses the activities of the User-Centred Design in the system development
process, including in it the iteration, use, feedback and the incorporation of possible changes resulting from them.
User-Centred Design results in better products to which they are intended. The greatest challenge of this approach is
to be a satisfactory development process in terms of design and productivity in which, fitted on project limitations,
be replicated in different technologies and different encodings and fit and in all formats of screens - minute to
unlimited proportions - and the end result provides the best possible user experience of use. ISO 9241-210 [4] is
complementary to the design process and can be incorporated into the agility required by the market. Bring this
process for the company can tow challenges, but success will only occur if they are changed people and processes.

5. Final Placings

It is understood from the issues raised in this paper that planning could also be added to the compliance of the
regulation, as it is crucial to the successful management of projective processes. All stages of the process and its
possible consequences and/or complications should be planned. Issues must be clarified as what the scope, results
and success criteria for a successful implementation is expected. The strategy should be turned into a plan of action
that will lead the team and therefore fit the limitations placed by the stakeholders. The examples placed here
illustrate the importance of the approach, but point to the need of suppleness, according to the profile and/or
application context and stresses the importance of broadly design process as a whole. It is important that those
responsible for the project have common sense to take into account that the rules should be applied, but each case is
one different case – so, they need to figure out how each application must be differentiated without the essence is


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