What Is A Urine Sodium Test
What Is A Urine Sodium Test
What Is A Urine Sodium Test
Urine Culture
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A urine sodium test checks the amount of sodium in a
sample of your pee to see whether it’s at a normal level.
Having too much or too little sodium can mean there’s an
issue with your kidneys or perhaps another health matter.
You may be asked to take a urine sodium test after you’ve
already taken a sodium blood test and gotten results that
are not normal.
Sodium is an important electrolyte (a mineral in
your blood and other bodily fluids) that helps your body
and cells function. It helps your body regulate how much
fluid it retains.
Sodium is in almost everything you eat -- from chips
and bread to even some medicine. When you eat too much
sodium, your kidneys have the job of clearing it from your
body. But if your kidneys are damaged, the organs can’t
remove sodium efficiently.
The urine sodium test helps to figure out whether your
kidneys are working as they should to remove sodium.
Diarrhea and fluid loss
Kidney problems
Too much hormone released by adrenal glands, which
is called hyperaldosteronism
Release of too much anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) that
causes retention of sodium and water; this happens in
heart failure and in cirrhosis (scarring of the liver).