Sample Project Method Statement Rev 0 04/04/2016: Installation of Windows, Doors, Curtain Wall and Terracotta Rainscreen

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Sample project

Installation of windows, doors, curtain
wall and terracotta rainscreen
Sample project
Method Statement

Revision Schedule
Rev Date Revision comment Numbers

0 04/04/2016 For general information N/A

Approval and Sign-Off

Name Position Signature Date

Davis Eniks Project Director 04/04/2016

Rev 0 -2- 04/04/2016

Sample project
Method Statement

Table of Contents

Project Details .................................................................................................................................................... - 4 -

Resources and Competency ........................................................................................................................... - 5 -
Plant, equipment and materials ................................................................................................................... - 6 -
Access and egress............................................................................................................................................... - 7 -
Control measures ............................................................................................................................................... - 7 -
Personal protective equipment requirements ....................................................................................... - 7 -
Emergency arrangements .............................................................................................................................. - 8 -
First Aid ................................................................................................................................................................. - 9 -
To whom the information has been / will be submitted .................................................................. - 10 -
Lone working ..................................................................................................................................................... - 10 -
Non English speaking personell ................................................................................................................. - 11 -
Tool box talks .................................................................................................................................................... - 11 -
Communication of the Safety Task and Risk Reduction Talk (STARRT) process ................... - 11 -
Monitoring and compliance ......................................................................................................................... - 12 -
Sequence of Works .......................................................................................................................................... - 13 -
15.1 Delivery and distribution ................................................................................................................................................................. - 13 -
15.2 Hand pallet truck opration .............................................................................................................................................................. - 14 -
15.3 Glass delivery/moving ...................................................................................................................................................................... - 15 -
15.4 Curtain wall and wintergarden installation ............................................................................................................................ - 18 -
15.5 Aluminium window and door frame installation .................................................................................................................. - 19 -
15.6 Glazing ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 19 -
15.7 Sealing/insulation ............................................................................................................................................................................... - 20 -
15.8 Terracotta backing system and tile installation .................................................................................................................... - 21 -
15.9 Copings and parapets ........................................................................................................................................................................ - 22 -
15.10 Canopy ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... - 23 -
15.11 Curtain wall and window cleaning .............................................................................................................................................. - 24 -
15.12 Windows and curtain wall snaging and repairs .................................................................................................................... - 25 -
15.13 Pull Out Tests ........................................................................................................................................................................................ - 25 -
15.14 Glass Polishing ...................................................................................................................................................................................... - 25 -
Special procedures .......................................................................................................................................... - 25 -
16.1 Working from aluminium mobile access towers .................................................................................................................. - 25 -
16.2 Lifting operations ................................................................................................................................................................................ - 26 -
16.3 Moving a glass stillage using a crane. ......................................................................................................................................... - 27 -
16.4 Moving a glass stillage using a forklift or tele-handler. ...................................................................................................... - 29 -
16.5 Working from MEWP (cherry picker) ........................................................................................................................................ - 30 -
Waste Management ......................................................................................................................................... - 31 -
Method Statement briefing Register ........................................................................................................ - 32 -

Rev 0 -3- 04/04/2016

Sample project
Method Statement

Project Details

Sample project
Skonto Enterprises UK Ltd
Docklands Business Centre
10-16 Tiller road
Docklands E14 8PX
Tel.: +440207345 5051
Fax: +440207345 5001
Scope of works:
Design, manufacturing, delivery and installation of:
 Aluminium windows;
 Aluminium doors;
 Aluminium curtain walls;
 Terracotta rainscreen;
 Aluminium copings.
Start of works
Duration of works
Completion of works
Hours of Work:
Monday to Friday: 07:30 a.m. to 18:30 p.m.
Saturday: 08:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. (by permission of Client)
Sunday: By arrangement with Client

Rev 0 -4- 04/04/2016

Sample project
Method Statement

Resources and Competency

Project organogram:

Position Name Telephone E-Mail
CEO Raimonds Freimanis Mob:+371 26465419 [email protected]
Project Director Davis Eniks Mob: 07943 076257 [email protected]
Project Manager TBC Mob: -
Site Manager TBC Mob: -
H&S Advisor Steve Cole Mob: 07554 762850 [email protected]

Position Name Competence Requirement
Project Manager Uģis Reiters SMSTS
Senior Site Manager Janis Grands SMSTS
Site Manager TBC SMSTS & First aider
Site supervisor TBC SSSTS & First aider
H&S Advisor Gez Coudy NEBOSH or equivalent

All Operatives (Fitters/Installers) will be in possesion of or working towards a CSCS Green card
(Construction Site Operative). Mobile plant Operators will be in possesion of valid CPCS or an
equipment specific competence card (IPAF,NPORS, ALLMI and RTITB or similair).

Rev 0 -5- 04/04/2016

Sample project
Method Statement

Plant, equipment and materials

The below mentioned plant and equipment will be used to carry out the works:
Scaffold and stairs – provided, maintained, adapted and adjusted as required by Employer.
Vacuum hand-suckers - Bohlen or similar for glazing purposes.
Vacuum lifting equipment - These are dual or quad core systems and provide audible failure
warnings giving time to make safe. They will come with test certificate. Lifting carried out using
vacuum lifting equipment will accord with the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
Regulations 1998 (LOLER). Vacuum equipment generally to be checked visually prior to each use.
To be checked for suction grip prior to each use (all equipment used will fail to safety). To be
checked mechanically prior to each day’s use. Daily results to be recorded.
Electrical hand tools – All electrical tools will be 110 volt or battery equipped and comply with the
latest British Safety PAT tested standards. All tools will be checked prior to use to ensure
serviceability and are in date. The cabling and plugs will be visually inspected daily to ensure no
chafing has taken place and that no wear and tear is taking place at the tool/cable or plug/cable.
Defected tools to be removed from site.
Hop-ups, podium steps and aluminium towers – All temporary equipment for work at height will
be signed off on the Scafftag by a PASMA qualified person.
MEWP’s, Cherry Pickers, Mobile crane – This plant can be used in cases where access from scaffold
and stairs is not available.
The below mentioned materials will be used to carry out the works:
- Aluminium window and door frames
- Aluminium profiles – Façade systems
- Insulated Glass – Double glazed units
- Synthetic rubber gaskets
- Silicon – Sealing material
- Steel and/or aluminium - supporting angles, brackets
- Terracotta tiles
- Helping hand systems
- Insulation, fire barriers, Rockwool
- EPDM vapour/waterproofing barriers
- Aluminium flashings and copings
- Protection materials

Rev 0 -6- 04/04/2016

Sample project
Method Statement

Access and egress

Access/egress for personnel will be either via the main entrance and staircases within the
building, haki stairs to the floor levels for the building-side operatives or by means of scaffold for
the façade site operatives. Some sections of scaffold will have additional horizontal rails to reflect
the working position. The floor will be close boarded and placed as close to the building as
possible. The working and access decks will be kept clear of clutter. Make sure there is a clear lift
between you at all time

Control measures

Permits – before performing of any hot works, permit for hot works to be obtained from the
Permits – before performing works in heights with harnesses, permit for works to be obtained
from the Employer. Form of the permit of works in heights to be agreed.
Security – no special security measures beyond those generally required by the Employer.
Inclement weather / extreme weather – This can include high winds, heavy rain, snow or
exceptionally cold weather [less than 0 degrees C]. High temperatures and intense sunlight may
also be regarded as extreme. The senior Skonto person on site, in consultation with Client and the
working team will make a judgement call about how the weather may affect the work and is
empowered to stop, delay or postpone the work and make safe the area. The site team will
subscribe to one of the severe weather warning Apps or services.

Personal protective equipment requirements

The following personal protective equipment shall be worn at all times:

1. Safety helmets [chin strap or lanyard when working at height or near leading edge]. No
hoodies or think clothing under helmet.
2. Safety boots (BS EN 345)
3. High visibility jackets/vests (BS EN 471)
4. Protective gloves (BS EN 388) – For most operations, light gloves may be used but when
handling sharp material such as glass or metals with sharp or rough edges, it is essential
that cut resisting gloves [Cat 3 or above] are worn and assessed in the Risk Assessment.
Chemical resistant gloves will be worn when using certain chemicals for cleaning.
5. Safety goggles (BS EN 166)
Depending on the work carried out, the following personal protective equipment may be required:
1. Dust masks. P3. These are used in addition to engineering controls and good hygiene
practices to reduce exposure to nuisance dust in the workplace [wood, floor sweepings or

Rev 0 -7- 04/04/2016

Sample project
Method Statement

light sanding]. The team will be instructed on how to select, use, store and dispose of these
basic masks. This will include the risks, the limitations and how to report problems. No
beards or stubble, adjust the nose clip and elasticated bands, keep in a clean bag, replace at
intervals. Team are encouraged to blow nose into a clean tissue. Any unexpected dark
material will show that the dust is still getting into the airway and needs to be reported.
Any more sophisticated respiratory equipment will be covered under a specific RAMS if
2. Safety harnesses and fall restraint equipment Safety harnesses are required for prevention
of falls from MEWPS/Balconies and other working areas, all operatives will be trained in
work at height and use of harnesses which has to conform to PPE at Work Regulations
1992, WAH regulations 2005 and BS EN 365:2004.
For clarity we will use in order of priority:
1) Work Restraint – This stops a person from falling in the first place, by preventing a situation
where a person gets in to a position where a fall can occur. Work restraint is sometimes
incorrectly called fall restraint or referred to as work positioning.
2) Fall arrest – This stops a person after they have fallen
3) Fall protection (harness) individual competence will be checked during the Induction

Emergency arrangements

Working at Height - Skonto will use various techniques to complete the project. They will abide by
the Working at Height Regulations and demonstrate compliance with the hierarchy: Avoid
working at Height; Prevent falls of People or Materials using a safe workplace or the correct type
of equipment.
There is an extensive network of scaffold platforms that provide a safe pace of work. Occasionally
a MEWP or Scaffold Tower would be needed. All these systems have a top rail, mid rail and a toe
board. It is impossible to fall from these safe places of work.
As a general principal, the following will apply to all working at heights:
1) Operatives will work in pairs so that the alarm can be raised.
2) Work is in close proximity to certificated attachment points so that work restraint lanyards
can be used as priority, to prevent falling.
Fire or site emergency. The Skonto team are briefed to Stop work, Make safe and Evacuate to a
safe place and ultimately the assembly point if they hear an alarm or are directed by others. This
would include switching off any plant and equipment and replacing any significant edge
protection. At the muster point the supervisor will confirm attendance in accordance with

Rev 0 -8- 04/04/2016

Sample project
Method Statement

Other emergencies – Skonto will respect any advice / requirements given by the Employer in
relation to: terror threat; explosion; building collapse; railway incident etc.

First Aid

It shall be our intent to ensure our operations are supported by a sufficient amount of trained first
aiders. These will augment the Employer’s first aid controls and resources.
First Aider: A person who has attended a HSE approved 3-day first aid at work course and has a
current certificate.
Appointed Person: A person who has attended a HSE approved appointed person emergency
first aid course and has a current certificate.
An adequate number of first aiders and appointed people are to be in place to provide first aid
cover at all times including during periods of absence and annual leave.
There are no specific rules on the number of first aid personnel required, it depends on the
circumstances in each workplace however a risk assessed approach will be taken with
consideration of the following points:
- Distribution of employees in the workplace;
- Nature of work;
- Size and location of the site;
- Distance from medical services;
- Total number of staff deployed.
The table below will be taken into consideration to help evaluate the number of First Aiders and
Appointed Persons required.
Guidance on First Aid Personnel Required
Category of Risk No Employed No of First Aid Personnel
LOW RISK Fewer than 50 At least 1 Appointed Person
Shops, offices & libraries 50-100 At least 1 First Aider
1 additional First Aider for every 100
More than 100
MEDIUM RISK Fewer than 20 At least 1 first Aider
Light engineering and assembly At least 1 First Aider for every 50
work, food processing, 20-100 employed (or part thereof)
1 additional First Aider for every 100
More than 100

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Sample project
Method Statement

HIGH RISK Fewer than 5 At least 1 first Aider

Most construction, 5-50 At least 1 First Aider
slaughterhouses, chemical
manufacture, extensive work with 1 additional First Aider for every 50
dangerous machinery or sharp More than 50 employed

To whom the information has been / will be submitted

This information will be submitted to the following:

1) Employer/Construction Manager
2) All operatives
If circumstances or a review of procedures require any alteration in the method statement, the
Employer/Construction Manager will be notified and a revised version prepared for approval.
Operatives are inducted at the start of project. Toolbox talks are conducted on a weekly basis to
discuss specific topics connected with the work including highlighting particular aspects of the
Method Statement.
No operative to commence work until they have read and fully understood their RAMS and have
had the Employer full induction.
All operatives will receive a Daily Activity Briefing prior to starting work. This briefing will convey
information regarding the specific tasks they will be undertaking on that day.
At least one nominated supervisor/manager will attend Logistics/Coordination meeting. This is
to ensure that there is clear understanding between Skonto and the Logistics team regarding
deliveries and crane and forklift requirements. It is also to ensure that Skonto works are safely
coordinated with those of other contractors.

Lone working

It is our intent to minimise the need for lone working Site Managers shall, in the event of requiring
any person under their control to work alone, assess the risk and determine if any special
precautions or arrangements are needed. The Site Manager shall discuss with the individual
concerned the nature of the work, the risks he has identified and the precautions or controls
deemed appropriate prior to such employment commencing. As part of the risk assessment we
will consider:
1) Does the workplace present a special risk to the lone workers?
2) Can the work be carried out safely by one person working alone?
Control measures may include:

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Sample project
Method Statement

1) Supervisors / colleagues should know the whereabouts of lone workers at all times and
make arrangements for checking their well-being;
2) Regular contact between the lone worker and a manned office using either telephone or
3) Supervisor’s periodically visiting and observing people working alone.

Non English speaking personell

For employees with little or no understanding of English, or for those who cannot read English,
we will need to make special arrangements. These shall include providing translation using
interpreters or replacing written notices with clearly understood symbols or diagrams.
Interpreters will clearly be identified (Interpreter badge worn on helmets) and will be introduced
to the individual(s) directly after the induction process.
We will reserve the right to deploy an Individual into a working team based on his language skills,
if the team has another member who can translate or provide an interpreter service. The Site
Manager or his deputy should decide whether or not such a proposal is acceptable (In some high
risk situations it may be impracticable to utilise an Interpreter).

Tool box talks

Site Managers will undertake a regular programme of Tool Box Talks (TBTs). Where possible the
TBT will match the current work programme activity or be selected from the standard TBT book.
Each talk should identify the major safety issues associated with the topic, what the operatives
need to be aware of and what actions should be taken, some have worker engagement questions
to verify that the recipients have understood the talk and subject. You can vary the questions to
Where? - The talk should be held somewhere familiar to the recipients; a good location would be
the induction training room or perhaps a site location. Whatever the location, everyone should
feel comfortable and relaxed; the person giving the talk should be familiar to the recipients. A talk
given by site management in the main contractor’s conference room could make the recipients
feel ill at ease and therefore less likely to ask questions.
Why? - A toolbox talk is given as a Worker Engagement continual awareness briefing and
information tool. It is often useful to start the talk by relating to something that has gone wrong
or failed in the past, either in the workplace, or elsewhere.
A record of attendance must be taken.

Communication of the Safety Task and Risk Reduction Talk (STARRT)


Rev 0 - 11 - 04/04/2016
Sample project
Method Statement

The delivery of the STARRT process provides a focused approach to the commencement of the
work cycle; (Daily works, shift or package) it should be used as an engagement tool with time
allowed for sufficient work force involvement and participation.
The delivery of the STARRT briefing should be by the Site Manager or supervisor or more generally
by the person who will be ‘setting the men to work’ and who has a direct responsibility for their
Health and Safety, productivity, and standards of workmanship.
To assist in this process, we have developed a standard form which assists in providing a
consistent approach to the delivery of this process. Contained within the form there are ‘12 keys’
to safety, these are typical construction activities that will need control measures to be discussed
and implemented. Site Managers will be encouraged to add to these and make bespoke to their
task or work activity. Completed signed forms are to be retained.
If an Incident, accident or unsafe act or condition occurs within the workplace this process will be
reviewed, enhanced and improved where necessary. Individuals will be required to participate in
a new exercise.

Monitoring and compliance

As well as a continuing programme of surveillance, formal hazard and risk reviews are undertaken
on a regular basis to ensure that Skonto Enterprises UK Ltd personnel are adhering to the rules
and that the site in general is being maintained in a safe and efficient condition.
The Site Manager will carry out checks/inspections regularly in the workplace and ensure that
operators also carry out carryout their user checks on all equipment before use. The Site Manager
will ensure that a program for regular maintenance and inspections of all equipment and lifting
equipment and accessories are inspected and maintained by a competent person and records are
The H&S Advisor will make a formal audit tour of the workplace using a safety inspection form.
The Site Manager shall correct each safety defect on the spot. Operations that could cause serious
injury or harm will be stopped immediately. Defects that cannot be corrected on the spot will be
listed on a safety inspection report form with the appropriate timescales for rectification.

Rev 0 - 12 - 04/04/2016
Sample project
Method Statement

Sequence of Works

15.1 Delivery and distribution

Skonto deliveries will consist of: simple pallets [banded and shrink wrapped]; large stacked pallets
[secured with screwed wooden rails and cross members, banded and shrink wrapped]; or on a
certified and tested A frame stillages [banded and ratchet straps].
The contents are fixed in place. The overall weight is written on the frame / delivery documents
and the centre of gravity is easy to assess for an experience slinger. Skonto are expecting
predictable regular cubes or rectangular cuboids. The size may differ but they can be considered
as simple lifts. Any item that is “unorthodox” in shape will be assessed individually using the
Skonto “Simple Lifting Plan” form in consultation with the slinger.
Note – Skonto have commissioned an engineer’s report from PTA [Consulting Structural and Civil
Engineers] to certify that three types of wooden crate are fit for the intended purpose.
Image - Stacked pallets including aluminium curtain wall frames and window/door frames.

Images – Sample pallets

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Sample project
Method Statement

Images – A-Frame stillage

Window frames can be craned one by one from the delivery truck to the designated unloading
area. Window frame will be wrapped by strap at the top transom, which strength is enough to bear
the load of the entire frame.
Materials loaded on Scaffold platforms (Employer to advise the safe load weight on each platform
to be 2000kg unless a sign indicates a different weight) to be lifted to work place at each floor level
and moved through platform entrance gate to temporary storage for easy material access and
handling during installation at relevant time. Temporary storage place to be agreed with
Most of the large tools equipment and materials will be delivered to the workplace using
mechanical means [pallet trucks, mobile trollies]. The team may have to transport smaller tools
and materials to the work location via the stairs and walkways. They are encouraged to keep the
weigh to a minimum and keep a hand free by using a bag or lifting aid. This is considered a low
risk activity.
Received materials shall be checked visually to prevent installation of damaged or defective
constructions. Any damages shall be reported to the factory where subsequent refabricating will
The marking and labelling shall also be checked – all materials are identified and marked in the
factory to speed up the installation process.

15.2 Hand pallet truck opration

Site manager or supervisor will always instruct in daily task briefing if hand pallet truck needs to
be used to do the task
Do not operate a hand pallet truck until you have checked its condition. Give special attention to
wheels, handle, forks, lift and lever controls, and brakes (if so equipped). Do not operate damaged
or faulty trucks. Do not attempt repairs unless you are trained and authorised to do so.
Operate hand pallet trucks only from the designated operating position. Never place any part of
your body in the lifting mechanism or under the forks or load. Do not carry passengers.
Do not overload the truck. Check capacity plate for carrying capacity information. Overloading
may cause truck to perform incorrectly. Make sure that length of forks suits the length of the pallet.

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Sample project
Method Statement

Do not handle unstable or loosely stacked loads. Use special care when handling long, high or wide
loads to avoid losing the load, striking bystanders, or tipping the truck.
Pallet trucks must have valid inspection certificate.
Tool Chest – Any large tough type tool chest that has a heavy lid must be fitted with a hydraulic or
pneumatic strut to prevent the lid from falling without control. Any fault will be reported
immediately and the toolbox taken out of service till repaired.

15.3 Glass delivery/moving

All deliveries will be checked by the supervisor prior to offloading. Deliveries arriving to site in an
unacceptable condition will be rejected and returned.
Glass deliveries for distribution by tower crane must arrive on suitable, certified stillage’s.
Thorough examination certificates must be provided at time of delivery.
All stillage’s are to be evenly loaded on both sides and the units must fit comfortably onto the base
of the stillage’s. There should be a minimum of a 150mm clearance from the outermost glass unit
to the front edge of the stillage. Stillage’s should be loaded with the larger glass units towards the
centre of the stillage and the smaller units to the front.
Glass units will be secured to the stillage by banding and ratchet-tensioned straps. Each side of the
stillage should be independently strapped and banded to the centre framing of the stillage. During
loading at factory, intermediate banding should be installed at appropriate stages (maximum
spacing – 5 units) between glass panels to ensure that inner units are secured to frame during the
removal of outer units. Care should be taken to ensure that all units are adequately restrained
particularly in cases where there are units of varying sizes. Once all units have been placed, a
minimum of two ratchet-tensioned straps should be used on each side of the stillage and
proprietary corner protectors should be used at all locations where banding and straps wrap
around the edges of glass units. Ratchet tensioning mechanisms should be positioned at the end
of the stillage to facilitate releasing without the need for operatives to stand in front of the units.
Do Not stand in front of the load.
In the event that the unloading of a stillage is not completed in a single operation, or when units
have to be reorganised on stillage’s to retrieve certain glass units, a spare empty stillage needs to
be utilised for the transfer of outer glass units in a sequential manner. At no time should outer
units be leaned out and temporarily supported in order to reach an inner unit. Ratchet tensioned
strapping should be installed on all stillage’s as soon as is practical after the glass retrieval or
reorganisation has been completed in the same manner as outlined in Item d above. Once opened,
a stillage should not be repackaged on site for further transporting by tower-crane until
completely empty.
After stillages with glazing are unloaded and placed at suitable location on site, they must be
covered to protect glass from dust and debris

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Method Statement

Delivered glass or double-pane units, unpacked. If glass is to be stored, it shall be placed on shelves
or pyramids, perpendicular to their base. The base of the shelf or the pyramid shall be lined using
felt or rubber and assure a slope of 5o to 15o against the horizontal line. Cork spacers shall be used
between the glass panes. Glass of similar dimensions and types should be stored on a shelf or
pyramid and secured with ratchet straps.
If the place of glass storage is not roofed, the glass or double-pane units shall be covered to assure
their protection against dust, construction debris, and direct sunlight. Direct impacts of weather
conditions on stored double-pane units is not admissible. Thermal energy from the sun heats up
the double-pane unit layer and may cause the glass to break, whereas UV irradiation destroys the
double-pane unit’s secondary sealant polyurethane and polysulphide, but not the structural
Storage in boxes is allowed if the packaging or support materials have not been subjected to
moisture during transportation or storage. Boxes must be secured to the rigid support to
guarantee them not to fall over.
It is allowed to use metal stillages for storing/sorting material. These stilages can’t be moved or
used for tranporting goods on site. Such stillages will be marked “storage stillage”. All units will
be secured with retached strappe.
When unpacking glass or double-glazed units from the transportation tare, direct contact between
the panes or leaning them against other objects shall not be admitted during further storage.
Cleaning of glass using fabric that contains abrasive particles is inadmissible. Impacts from the
end of the double-pane unit are not allowed.
Glass or double-pane units shall be carried vertically, preferably by hand glass vacuum lifters or
using a short strop under the lower edge protecting the corners and edges from impacts. Double-
pane units shall not be leaned against any corners or onto a solid surface. Manufacturing data [size
and weight] is printed on small stickers placed on the glass. This allows the team to assess weight
and how many people are needed for any manual handling. A generic manual handling assessment
is available but a more specific one may be required if the load, task workplace or individuals vary
too much.
During construction operations, glass and double-pane units shall be protected and covered to
protect them against building mortar or welding sparkles.

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Method Statement

Figure 1 – Loaded Stillage – equally loaded and independent restraints for each side

Figure 2 – Ratchet Mechanism on end & intermediate strapping

Figures 3-5 – Glass and frame Storage – Secured to a fixed structure

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Method Statement

15.4 Curtain wall and wintergarden installation

Prior to installation substructure shall be checked – whether the upstands are built according to
the project requirements and agreed tolerances. Any discrepancies/ deviations shall be reported
to the Employer and eliminated. QA records to be taken at all stages of the installation and kept in
the site file and copies given to Employer. Gridlines and datums marked out where necessary using
gridlines and datums supplied by the Employer.
Mullions will be sorted out according to the marked up installation details and laided out as
required. Bottom fixing angle brackets will be checked for internal/external fixing and altered as
required (in general angle brackets to be to the inside except at column postions and any place
where internal fixing is not practicable).
The first few mullions will be stood into approximate postion and transoms will be placed in
postion and be loosley fixed through into mullion, this is repeated untill a section of frame is built
up and secured with rope or a ratchet strap. Frame section will be tied round or ratchet strapped
to pull all joints in tight, all fixings through transoms will be tightened up fully. Frame section will
be adjusted for postion.
Once frame section is set to right position then fixing holes will be drilled through the brackets
into the structure and anchour bolts inserted at upstand level, bracket will be packed as required
and bolts tightened up.
Mounting of the brackets shall be performed from floor slab, inspected scaffold or appropriate
lifting device. Anchor bolts are set to required torque and spray painted red to indicated torque is
correct. An additional check is carried out after at least 24 hours to confirm torque setting this is
then sprayed blue.
Frames section is checked for postion, line, level and plumb, adjusted if necessary then top fixings
are drilled through and anchor bolts inserted and tightened up. Brackets to be fixed to the
reinforced concrete slabs with anchor bolts. If the brackets are to be fixed to the steel substructure
– bolts or welding shall be used (If welding is to be used this will be subject to a separate RAMS).
Brackets to be checked and mounted according to the heights shown in the project. Mounting of
the brackets shall be performed from floor slab, inspected scaffold or appropriate access
Anchor bolts are set to required torque and spray painted red to indicated torque is correct. An
additional check is carried out after at least 24 hours to confirm torque setting this is then sprayed
Process is repetated untill all framework is installed.
Proof Load testing of 5% of all façade anchors shall be carried out according to the testing
procedure. Proof Load testing will be done by using Hydrajaws 2000 equipment. Proficient Skonto
worker will perform pull-out tests and submit results to client.

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Method Statement

QA records to be taken at all stages of the installation and kept in the site file and copies given to

15.5 Aluminium window and door frame installation

Prior to installation substructure shall be checked – whether openings are built according to the
project requirements and agreed tolerances. Any discrepancies/ deviations shall be reported to
the Employer and eliminated. QA records to be taken at all stages of the installation and kept in
the site file and copies given to Employer.
Installation of window frames could be done from the inside, but with adequate safety means and
access from the outside – from scaffolding or appropriate access equipment (scissor lift, MEWP).
Operative must use the fixed safety barrier in front of unglazed void. Lift the platform to in position
prior to installation. Frames to be tethered until fixed. Prior to fixing Site manager or Site
Supervisor must check the area for unsafe conditions in order to prevent falling through openings.
Window openings in Metsec will be protected from the outside with scaffold barrier. Window will
be lifted into position from inside and fixed from the outside. Bottom support brackets are
installed. If there is a danger of falling from height, operatives must use safety harness and fall
arrest equipment.
Windows shall be levelled according to the project documentation (vertically and horizontally) –
appropriate PVC/HDMP or metal packers shall be used for levelling purpose.
Windows shall be fixed into SFS frame with special specified lugs – on the top, bottom and sides.
Windows shall be hold in position by hand while levelling. These lugs shall be placed 150 - 200
mm from the corners, interval shall not exceed 700 mm. Lugs shall be fixed to SFS framing system
with two fixings.
QA records to be taken at all stages of the installation and kept in the site file and copies given to

15.6 Glazing

Prior to internal glazing or glass replacement works the Site manager or Site Supervisor must
check the area for unsafe conditions in order to prevent falling through openings. If there is a
danger of falling from height, one of the following measures must be taken:
Operative must use safety harness and fall restraint equipment.
Operatives shall check hand vacuum lifter before each use for safe operation. Each will be checked
for suction grip prior to each use (all equipment used will fail to safety). To be checked
mechanically prior to each day’s use. Daily results to be recorded. All glass will be handled in areas
where no one will be working below, a physical check of exclusion zones will be undertaken.
Operatives must check glass label (label is on each glass pane) to see total weight of the glass.

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Method Statement

During the glazing, areas externally below and internally above to be made as exclusion zones to
prevent anyone working below and overhead whilst the glazing works are being carried out. Do
not attempt to lit glass in heavy rain. Dry out glass with towel before any lifting.
Curtain wall areas where there is spandrel glass (identified from elevation drawings and where
the single glazed rebate profile is in place) will have an angle rebate profile fitted to the mullions
and transoms, this is site drilled and fixed with screws. A WBP ply sheet is then screw fixed into
the angle rebate. A mastic seal is the applied around the ply.
For all glazing whether for single spandrel glass or double glazed units the gaskets are first
checked for damage and replaced if necessary. Glass support angles are hooked in place nom
100mm from ends and plastic setting blocks are placed on them.
The glass is identified from the appropriate drawing and sorted out and with the use of hand glass
vacuum lifters the glass will be taken to the area to be glazed, the glass is placed on the setting
blocks and guided back into the frame rebate, install temporary stitch plates to hold the glass in
The insert windows are glazed in a similar way only instead of stitch plates knock in beads are
used, the beads are clipped in at the front edge and knocked back into position, and temporary
packers then shall be put in to hold the glass in place. A wedge gasket is then cut to suit the bead
with (with an allowance for shrinkage) the packer is removed and the wedge gasket installed.
Glazing could be done from the inside (window frames and doors) or outside (curtain walls) –
glass units will be moved from storage rack to the position and lifted by hand glass vacuum lifters.
Operatives shall check hand vacuum lifter before each use for safe working conditions.
The adjustments of window/door leafs shall be done after the installation of the glass units if
necessary. After the installation of glass, the visual quality of the glass unit shall be checked. Visual
criteria of the glass to be checked for conformity and evaluated according to CWCT guidelines of
glazing quality.
Visual criteria of the glass to be checked for conformity and evaluated according to CWCT
guidelines of glazing quality.
QA records to be taken at all stages of the installation and kept in the site file and copies given to

15.7 Sealing/insulation

After installation of the construction and mounting of glass units, EPDM tape to be installed on
whole internal perimeter of the structure. Additional EPDM tape shall be installed on outside on
the bottom detail to provide additional water tightness and drainage for the constructions. Mastic
joints shall be done on the outside of the construction as a primary seal – sides and top shall be
sealed mastic. Bottom detail to be installed according to the project – pre-manufactured
aluminium sills. After performing these works, the bonding quality of EPDM, visual quality of
mastic joints shall be evaluated.

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Method Statement

All sealing agents are to be used in accordance with the COSHH assessments and MSDS provided
by manufacturers or suppliers , supervisor to remind operatives of the COSHH symbols on
containers used, such as irritants,corrosive or harmful products. Installing mastic is very messy
and the mastic team are encouraged to wear disposable rubber gloves. Good hygine standards are
required and workers should remove gross contamination from their clothing or skin
immediately. Use the site welare facilities.
QA records to be taken at all stages of the installation and kept in the site file and copies given to
Employer. Skonto will protect finished works with Corex ( or similar), tape and plywood
dependent on the location.

15.8 Terracotta backing system and tile installation

Terracotta tile installation shall be carried out in the following sequence:

1. Tyvek breather membrane:
needs to be stuck to cement-board using evenly placed double-sided sticky tape behind the face of
a sheet so tape would hold the whole sheet. One-sided tape needs to be stuck on sides of the Tyvek
sheet. All cement-board places need to be covered with Tyvek.
2. Backing system – Brackets:
Preparations - Thermo-pads are attached to the back of a bracket, Metsec needs to be located
behind cement-board, vertical rails attached to brackets need to have a movement joint in
accordance with drawings approved drawings.
Installation - Brackets are installed using JT3-3-6.3x50 S16 screws which go through Tyvek,
cement-board and metsec that is placed behind the cement-board. Big bracket is used as top
brackets for vertical rails; small brackets are middle and bottom brackets
3. Vertical rails:
All verticals must be levelled so they would make one single plane. Vertical rails are “dead fixed”
to big brackets with rivets and rails must be fixed to small brackets, so that rivet would be in the
middle of a slot.
4. Horizontal rails:
Horizontal rails must be cut to needed length in a specially designated area. Horizontal rail is fixed
to vertical rails with rivets. In place where horizontal rail goes over vertical firestops, this firestop
must be cut deep enough so horizontal rail would not push vertical firestop. If there is a corner, it
must be strengthened by extra angle, fixed to both horizontals.
5. Flashings and cills:
If brackets happen to be on the way of angles, angles must be cut at places where brackets are, so
that angle goes around brackets. Angles are installed with screws along with window or curtain

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Method Statement

Cills are installed above and below windows. After top-sill is positioned, gap between cement
board and back of the sill must be filled with silicone. After silicone is dry, this area must be
covered with Tyvek.
6. Firestops and Insulation:
Vertical firestops must be continuous and uninterrupted. Horizontal firestops installed across slab
on each floor. Firestops are fixed with 2 brackets, which are 90 degrees bent and attached to wall
using screws. All joints to be covered with foil tape. Foil tape must not prevent the expansion
element of horizontal firestop. On places where horizontal firestop meets vertical rail, expansion
element must overlap vertical rail and it needs to be fixed to the rail with a rivet or a screw.
Rockwool is installed using screws and special washers that go in to the middle of Rockwool piece
and on its joints. Rockwool is installed with hard side out. A type P3 nuisance dust mask must be
worn while cutting and installing rockwool.
7. Terracotta tiles:
Before the installation of tiles, operatives must make sure that the backing system has been
installed appropriately and that it is stable and capable of receiving the tiles. QA checks for the
designated tile installation area must be done prior to the instalment of tiles.
Tiles must be installed in a certain sequence – moving from bottom of the elevation to the top,
therefore ensuring that none of the tiles is moved out of its intended place in order to install the
tile above. Tiles must be secured in place by using special tile clips which prevent them from
segregating from the backing structure. Tiles must be installed one at a time ensuring that the
appropriate tile clips have been installed prior to placing the tile in place. Tiles must be held in
place at all times until all of the tile clips have been installed to prevent them falling off the
elevation and endangering other workers. Hence tile installation will be performed by two
workers at all times.
Tiles will be cut using a wet tile cutting saw. Set the size and angle of cut, secure the tile, switch on
the water and start. Guards must be adjusted to cover the saw blade to its max extent and to
control the spray, Corex sheeting may help with the overspray. The machine should be cleaned on
a regular basis and the damp slurry can be disposed of as domestic waste. Very wet slurry should
be containerised and disposed of to a specialist waste contractor. Hearing protection and a visor
/ goggles must be worn while the machine is running. Set up an exclusion zone to keep others

15.9 Copings and parapets

In prior to installation substructure shall be checked and remeasured – whether uptstand is built
according to the project requirements and agreed tolerances. Any discrepancies/ deviations shall
be reported to the Employer and eliminated.
Installation of coping brackets could be done from roof slab (then harness systems to be used
fastened to appropriate anchor points supplied by Employer), scaffolding, scaffold tower or

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Method Statement

appropriate access equipment (scissor lift, MEWP). Any podium or tower is to be transported to
the balcony or terrace in sections and assembled in site. Each component should be tethered until
it becomes part of the structure. Do not transport or assemble in high winds. The balconies are
quite narrow so the podiums will be parallel to the façade which is ideal for climbing the stairs.
The brakes must be applied and all the components used. The tower is to be signed off on the
Scafftag by a PASMA qualified person.
The number of panels taken to the balcony will be limited to one shift and removed at the end of
the shift or physically secured to a fixed structure.
Parapet panels and copings will be sorted out according to the marked up installation details and
laid out as required. Initially parapet panel’s angle brackets shall be fixed with anchor bolts,
horizontal and vertical levels will be checked with a laser level. Anchor bolts are set to required
torque and spray painted red to the indicated torque is correct. An additional check to be carried
out after at least 24 hours to confirm torque setting this is then sprayed blue.
Brackets section is checked for postion, line and level, adjusted if necessary. When bracket are
ready it shall be sealed with EPDM.
After parapet panels brackets installation slab to be insulated (material according to specification)
and sealed with EPDM (according to drawings), parapet panels to be fixed to the brackets with
designed materials blind rivets or self drilling screws.
Coping brackets installation shall be carried out. Coping brackets to be fixed with screws or anchor
bolts. Anchor bolts are set to required torque and spray painted red to the indicated torque is
correct. An additional check to be carried out after at least 24 hours to confirm torque setting this
is then sprayed blue.The bracket section is checked for position, lined and leveled, adjusted if
necessary and sealed with EPDM. After coping bracket installation it shall be insulated (material
according to specification) and sealed with EPDM (according to drawings). Parapet panels to be
fixed to the brackets with designed materials blind rivets or self drilling screws.
QA records to be taken at all stages of the installation and kept in the site file and copies given to

15.10 Canopy

Prior to installation of canopy structures an exlusion zone with crowd bariers and warning sign
must be set up. Check installation substructure to confirm that it is within tollerance. Report any
discrepancies/ deviations to the Employer. Set out gridlines and datums using information
supplied by the Employer.
Installation of canopy construction, frameless glass and silicon joints can be done from scaffold
tower, podium tower or scissor lift.
Fix top brackets for canopy beam shall to the reinforced concrete slab with designed anchor bolts.
Torque to correct setting and spray paint red when this is confirmed. Check torque again in 24
hours then sprayed blue. Brackets will be lifted and held in position manually.

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Method Statement

Proof Load testing of 5% of all anchors shall be carried out according to the testing procedure
using a calibrated Hydrajaws 2000 equipment. Proficient Skonto worker will perform pull-out
tests and submit results to client. Canopy beams will be sorted out according to the marked up
installation details and laided out as required.
Primary beam will be fixed to the brackets and leveled as required. Beam shall be lifted into place
by crane and fixed from scaffold tower or scissor lift. Secondary canopy glass beams shall be lifted
into place by forklift and fixed from scaffold tower or scissor lift The weight will be supported by
the MEWP or scaffold tower. The leading hand will direct the final positioning and securing of the
beam. Lifting plan including sketch and visual task will be completed to ensure that the operation
does not compromise any of the access equipment. The plan will allow each team member to
understand the sequence, minimise the risk of injury and cover the use of the Spider Crane / lifting
Connect the canopy ribs and spider routels. The frameless glass units will be moved from storage
rack to the work position using a spider crane with a glass sucker matched to the weight of the
largest pane. The spider crane will be operated by a qualified and certified person. The glass
sucker can swivel glass from vertical to horizontal. Tag lines will be tied to hand vacume lifters
secured to the glass so that the lifting operation can be controlled. During lifting and placement of
the glass, the team will ensure that nobody walks under the glass. The scaffold tower / MEWP will
be pushed close to outer edge of the glass where the fixer will attatch soft jaw clamps then insert
and loosely secure two fixings. The glass lifter will be left in place until all of the fixings have been
inserted and tightened. Installation of frameless glass and silicon joints shall be carried out from
the scaffold tower or scissor lift. Do not attempt to lit glass in heavy rain. Dry out glass with towel
before any lifting.
QA records to be taken at all stages of the installation and kept in the site file and copies given to

15.11 Curtain wall and window cleaning

External and internal aluminium frames, panels and glazing cleaning shall be carried out before
the snagging. Cleaning of apartments and lobby areas is to consist of washing down curtain wall,
windows and doors and removing unwanted items which shall be collected in trash bags and
moved to the appropriate bins.
All cleaning agents are to be used in accordance with the COSHH assessments and MSDS provided
by manufacturers or suppliers , supervisor to remind operatives of the COSHH symbols on
containers used, such as irritants,corrosive or harmful products .
Hop-ups shall be used for access in the event if operative cannot reach the top of the glass of the
window or extension pole shall be used if possible (to avoid work at height) except on balconies
or terraces. Inspected podium towers shall be used for access on balconies and terraces.

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Method Statement

Remember the edge protection must extend 970 mm above the deck where the worker is standing.
Windows shall not be opened or left open during cleaning processes.

15.12 Windows and curtain wall snaging and repairs

Windows and curtain walls snagging and repair works will take place on one level at one go. Before
snagging takes place all structure will be cleaned to allow accurate snagging of all possible defects.
Snagging will be performed by Contractors specific supervisor. All defects will be marked on
surface with piece of tape and on the plan drawings for future reference.
Snagging is carried out from inside (from each room) and from outside (from scaffolding or

15.13 Pull Out Tests

As part of quality and safety assurance, 2.5 percent of all the anchor points will be tested with a
pull out test kit. A full RAMS has been compiled to document this activity. The equipment is
calibrated and the operators are trained. The risks are fairly low and limited to basic nips, cuts and
abrasions, manual handling and flying fragments if the concrete or metal snap suddenly. Basic site
PPE is required. The anchors could be anywhere on the building so it may be tricky to get access
to the test point. The Working at Height hierarchy will be observed with scaffold, podiums and
towers being preferred to ladders.

15.14 Glass Polishing

This is a fairly low risk operation but the risk will increase dependent on the location of the glass
and the access arrangements. The Working at Height hierarchy will be observed with scaffold,
podiums and towers being preferred to ladders. Various 110V powered polishing disks are used
to remove the scratch with fairly inert polishing compounds. Waste will be bagged up and
disposed of as domestic waste.

Special procedures

16.1 Working from aluminium mobile access towers

This is a two-man team working task when using a mobile access tower. Exclusion zone shall be
created if necessary for the working area to protect other workers and members of the public.
Agree an area for assembling the tower.
Mobile access tower to be erected in accordance with training and manufacturer instruction
manual. If an advanced guard rail system is not installed, the tower should be assembled using the
3T ‘through the trap’ method.

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Towers will be erected by PASMA certified people. Ensure the mobile tower scaffold is resting on
firm, level ground with the castors or base plates properly supported. Stablisers or outriggers to
be installed when necessary. If not possible tower shall be fixed to anchor points or tested
abseiling points. Stabalising feet must not project into traffic routes. Never erect a mobile tower
scaffold above the manufacturers recommended height.
The tower is to be inspected by a competent person before use and the results recorded. The
mobile tower scaffold should not be used in strong winds, loaded with heavy equipment or used
to hoist tools, equipment or debris as this will affect stability. Never stand or work from an
unguarded platform. Always ensure that all toe boards, edge protection and guard rails are in place
before going up the mobile access tower. Guard rails should be at least 950mm high and an
intermediate guard rail should be provided so the unprotected gap does not exceed 470mm.
When moving a tower reduce the height to a maximum of 4 meters, check for overhead
obstructions and push using manual effort from the base only – never move the tower while there
are people or materials on the tower or “ride the tower – pull yourself along”.
Do not attach safety harness lanyards to mobile access towers. Climbing up the outside of the
tower is expressly forbidden. Avoid over reaching or over stretching to gain additional height –
only use additional components to increase platform height.
On completion of work dismantle and remove the mobile access tower and safety barriers. Where
a tower is left incomplete, a warning notice “Tower Incomplete – Do not Use” should be fixed to
the tower. Dismantle the tower using the 3T method, after removing the toe boards, the operator
disengages the guard rail hooks furthest from the trap. Never stand on an unprotected platform.
The competent person (tower erection) will carry out daily and weekly checks using tower “tag”
Fallen tools can inflict harm to people, damage to machinery or cause loss of production time. We
understand that the likely-hood of injury or death from falling objects, relative to the mass and
height from which a fall takes place, as in some circumstances even a light-weight object dropped
from height may be fatal.

16.2 Lifting operations

Skonto deliveries will consist of: simple pallets [banded and shrink wrapped]; large stacked pallets
[secured with screwed wooden rails and cross members, banded and shrink wrapped]; or on a
certified and tested A frame stillages [contents banded and ratchet strapped]. The contents are
fixed in place. The overall weight is written on the frame / delivery documents and the centre of
gravity is easy to assess for an experience slinger. Skonto are expecting predictable regular cubes
or rectangular cuboids. The size and weight may differ but they can be considered as simple lifts.
Any item that is “unorthodox” in shape will be assessed individually using the Skonto “Sample
Lifting Plan” form in consultation with the Appointed Person, the slinger and if necessary the crane

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Method Statement

The packages are inspected for damage, security of individual components and stability of the
overall structure. The slinger will rig the lifting accessories and attach to the crane hook using a
scaffold tower or footed ladder if necessary. Skonto do not supply any lifting equipment and will
depend on the equipment belonging to the Employer to be of the correct type, length, rating [SWL],
be in good condition and within its statutory inspection regime. Any person involved with the lift
is empowered and encourage to speak out if they have any concerns.
The Skonto team may assist by: setting up and policing the exculsion zone; clearing a space for the
landing; errecting and inspecting a scaffold tower if required; looking out for hazards. As a
minimum they would expect to see: the use of tag lines; a test lift of 150mm; a whistle or warning
that the lift is about to commence.
The item will be installed and leveled according to the project documentation (height and
sidewise) – designed packers shall be used for leveling purpose. After construction is succesfully
16.3 Moving a glass stillage using a crane.

Images - Lifting Point for chains. (Minimum of 4.25t chain sling attached to 2nr lifting points at
the top of the stillage. Do not use webbing slings stropped through lifting point)

Images - Ratchet strap and restraint post hook to be engaged at the top of the stillage in a reverse
position as identified.

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Method Statement

Restraint post to be engaged into the slotted lugs at the Bottom of the stillage as identified.
Restraint post to be positioned centrally on any given bay of glass to be lifted. All glass to be
stacked in rows and not staggered.

Each bay of glass should be secured horizontally with a ratchet strap prior to lifting.
Restraint post strap to be checked to ensure it is tight prior to lifting.

Final check before lifting of for the Slinger / Signaller to check to ensure the Stillage inspection
date is within 3months of the dates it is being lifted on

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Method Statement

16.4 Moving a glass stillage using a forklift or tele-handler.

Yellow arrows identify the designated forklift lifting points at the base of the Stillage.

Forklift operator to ensure the forks are fully engaged with the base of the stillage resting against
the vertical part of the lifting attachment.

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Method Statement

16.5 Working from MEWP (cherry picker)

All works from Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPS) shall be performed with prior consent.
All works from MEWPS will be set up in a special designated exculsion zone. MEWP
operator/driver’s CSCS/CPCS competencies and IPAF certificates will be checked, copied and
handed to Employer. The MEWP Operator/driver will be Inducted and will have received a brefing
on the Safe System of Work (SSOW). The Operator must be FULLY conversant with the
Manufacturer’s safe work instructions and SWL for the specific MEWP. Operator must be FULLY
conversant with the safety devices present on the MEWP, including the selection, use and fit of fall
restraint devices The equipments operation and use will be in strict compliance to the
manufacturers instructions.
The Operator will Inspect before use. Additional members of the team will be instructed how to
operate the equiment from the lower “overide” control system should the operator be unable to
use the upper controls.
The following must be ensured prior to using MEWP’s:
1) Equipment, including labelled controls and safety devices, present and working;
2) Complete Operator maintenance daily /weekly checks;
3) SWL is displayed;
4) Tyre pressure is adequate.
These environmental conditions must be taken into consideration prior to using MEWP’s:
1) Ground level obstructions ,changes in height (made up ground,manholes,drain covers etc);
2) Low visibility;
3) Overhead obstructions (such as ceilings);
4) Hazardous atmospheric contaminants;
5) Confined spaces (carbon monoxide build-up);
6) Heavy rain high winds.
Note: Work should not proceed in winds in excess of 12.5 metres per second (or as specified by
Ensure ground is not slippery, uneven, or sloped. Out-oflevel limiting switches or alarms should
be fitted –The Operator is to pre-position traffic cones on ground level obstructions
Ensure when operating the MEWP cradle is is clear of obstructions and has guards in place and
working correctly.
Ensure suitable fall restraint device is available and properly attached to designated platform
anchor points
Ensure outriggers/stabiliser are placed as per manufacturers instructions. Ensure ground
conditions are stable and there will be no risk of any subsidence. Ensure that legs will not be
positioned onto drains or manhole covers.

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Loads must never exceed the SWL. Note: Be aware of pressures created when using tools and
storage of equipment in the cradle that may exceed the SWL.
All occupants must wear approved fall restraint device properly attached to designated platform
anchorage points. Do not exceed working height of the unit.
Ensure that there are no obstructions (power lines, scaffolding, pipes, etc) and clear visibility in
all directions.
The following is forbidden when working on MEWP’s:
1) Standing on handrails;
2) Leaning/reaching of out cradle;
3) Using ladders in cradle;
4) Using MEWP on scaffolds etc;
5) Exiting cradle once elevated.
Ensure all tools & equipment cannot be dropped over the side. Use lanyards and tie down straps
as approprate.
The following actions are not allowed:
1) Anchor or attach MEWP to a permanent structure while working at height
2) Use MEWP to push or pull other objects.
3) Use damaged or malfunctioning equipment
4) Use as a crane or lifting device
5) Modify a MEWP
6) Enter the elevating assembly when the MEWP is elevated
7) If platform fails to lower never climb down elevating assembly.
8) No ground-operated controls shall be engaged without permission of elevate operator
worker except in an emergency.
When completing works on MEWPS’s, lower platform, isolate controls and position in secure
All work operation to be supervised by Skonto Enterprices UK LTD supervisor. After all works are
complete, Skonto will clean the area.

Waste Management

Skonto Enterprises UK LTD operations do not create large amounts of waste, all A-frames and
stillage’s are returnable. Wooden pallets will be cut up on site and deposited in the skips provided.
Wrapping materials are to be deposited in the skips provided by Employer.
All waste produced will be deposited in the skips provided by Employer.

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Method Statement

Method Statement briefing Register

Project: Sample project

Method Statement Title: Installation of windows, doors, curtain wall, frameless glass and
Register of persons attending Method Statement briefing
By signing Method Statement operative confirms that have read and fully understand the
method statement and have carried out a full Client Site induction.
No works to commence until Register has been signed.
Name of
No Name (Print) Signature Company Date

Rev 0 - 32 - 04/04/2016

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